#theres one where he is playing with an orchestra and it is so beautiful
hellogoodbyegirl · 5 months
I love watching live performances of Hide In Your Shell by Supertramp just to see THE Roger Hodgson sing and play his little keyboard so passionately.
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Okay... Slow dancing with Dokja scenario plz... I will cry so hard when this comes out 🤧
you guys im getting writers block and i dont feel as enthusiastic to write but oh well 🧍‍♀️
how do people dance and not step on other people's feet
also, this is in an alternate universe where TWSA doesnt exist and kdj isnt depressed and suicidal
kdj x fem reader--"memories"
One two three four one two three four-you counted the beats as dokja's hand was resting well on your waist, other hand intertwined with yours. It was hard to look into his eyes without getting nervous or flustered, everytime you finally had the courage to gaze into his beautiful dark brown-black eyes, he'd give you a warm smile that would make you feel so fuzzy inside, a feeling of comfort.
"Theres no need to be nervous [name]," he whispered into your ear. "there are other people dancing too." he gave a slight chuckle, very well audible by you as his head was still positioned next to your ear. "But you're watching me." you say, still a bit nervous. "I don't care about what others think about me except you, dokja." He smiled softly at your complement. "Then let me tell you, you mean the world to me, i'd do anything for you, okay?"
"mhm" you nod, smiling at him as he twirls you around the ball room.
It was truly a sight to behold, seeing kim dokja in a lovely suit which matched your dress. "So, prince charming, would you like to get a glass of champagne afterwards?" you gaze at him in a love struck manner. "I'm not quite sure your majesty, I'm satisfied with whatever you'd like to do." He replied back, mirroring your playful attitude. As you both dance together, you both giggle quietly, making sure the orchestra is still audible and everyone around can still hear the music.
Many years have passed by since then. the two of you have been so occupied with work you both have forgotten to take care of yourselves and each other. Perhaps a late Friday night, gazing up at the stars in your penthouse will do the trick.
You place a vinyl onto your record player and gently place the head onto the record as it starts playing slow music. At the sound of the music starting, kim dokja comes out of the bedroom. "this sounds familiar...i just cant put my finger on it." You laugh, "I'll help you remember." You place his hand on your waist and take his other hand as you guys start to dance, kim dokja's movements start to sync with yours. "Ahh... this song. You really love this one don't you" You shake your head as you rest it onto his chest. "no, its you i like to dance with to this song." You smile as you close your eyes, his head resting on yours as you both dance together until midnight.
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strangelockd · 2 years
I'll Give You The Moon And Stars
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Tumblr somehow deleted this story so I had to repost it.....So here I am once again. (Don't let this flop lol)
Pairing: Sinister!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: It finally here! Your wedding day to Sinister Strange. But he has a few surprises up his sleeve to make your best day ever even better than you could dream.
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: None really just tooth rotting fluff, Mutual pining
A/N: This story is somewhat of a self indulgent piece. It came to me one night bc I have always wanted to Waltz, let alone with Mr.Sinister.
Theres references to The Phantom of the Opera & Outlander!!!!
I have a strong headcannon that he is very light on his feet. Plus I can’t help but think of Sinister without Once Upon A Dream playing in my mind.
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Steadily pacing around the grand room back and forth with the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, you kept wiping your outstretched hands on your legs because your palms wouldn’t stop sweating. Eyeballing the long A-line black and purple ombre dress hanging off the four-poster bed. Gathering your courage to shuffle towards it, lifting it gently off the plush hanger. The soft taffeta texture along with the outer tulle feeling soft against your skin; fingers gently dancing over the moonstone beads. The constellation patterns embellished on the waistline giving off a shimmer in the light. Tears welling in your eyes, for it was finally your wedding day. 
Sure, it wasn’t the ceremony you first envisioned since you were a little girl. The typical tradition of a Church and a huge gathering never resonated with you anyway. But Sinister latched onto your heart and swept you off your feet. He was without question the love of your life. Ever since you arrived in his world you slowly began to change him. His heart thawing like Spring warning away the frosty ice of Winter. You couldn’t wait to become his wife. 
Wiping away the gentle tears cascading down your cheeks to slide off the silken nightgown from your shoulders, tossing it to the side. Sliding into the gown gently right foot first, then the left. Zipping up the side of it, the corset snugging all the right places. Taking the extra time to adjust the black lingerie stockings giving them a light snap against your thigh. Tussling your hair slowly walking towards the embellished mirror you couldn’t believe how gorgeous you looked. You really did feel like a true Disney princess. That is, if princesses were into gothic attire.
Strapping on the black wedges to stand upright, making your way back to the four-poster bed reaching for the blood red rose bouquet that was decorated with purple lace. Peaks of white babies’ breath sticking out between them. Grabbing the perfume bottle off the vanity to generously sprits yourself with ‘Into the Night’ perfume. Its delicate amber scent danced around your senses. It was your signature scent and Sinister adored it. His heart always skipping a beat when walking into a room and knowing you where just there from the smell alone. The sheer intoxication of it all leaving an imprint on his mind and his senses. 
Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, fingers wrapped around the silver door latch finally making your exit to the grand sanctum. This is it……The next time you returned would not be (Y/L/N), but Mrs.Strange. The thought of it making your heart flutter faster. 
Shoes quietly stepping on the floor to turn the corner slowly; finally arriving in the main room. There by the glowing window of the seal of Vishanti was your fiancé and soon to be husband, Sinister Strange. His tall lean frame silhouetted forming his hands behind his back facing outside the giant window. Safe assumption that he was in deep thought. 
Stepping out of the dark hallway looking up to him swallowing back tears you beckoned playfully, “Hello handsome.” His head perked to turn, slowly shifting completely around finding himself almost falling over if he wasn’t struck dead in his tracks. 
Eyes wide scanning up and down your gorgeous frame, his admiring gaze never wavering. A look full of pure uninhibited love. You looked like an angel. My angel of music. His sea glass eyes blown wide; mouth slightly open. She is absolutely beautiful. Just keep composure…and don’t cry. Its not everyday the worlds most powerful sorcerer is rendered speechless.
Face beaming, finding yourself in awe at how handsome he looked as well. He always took your breath away. Instead of his usual tunic he opted for a black victorian jacquard swallowtail frock coat with a matching vest. Completing the look with a dark purple ascot necktie. His Pressed black trousers accompanied by the solid black wingtip oxford shoes. The usual disheveled silken hair swept back neatly with a pomade. Of course, except for a few strands cascading down his forehead, slightly veiling his chiseled cheeks. The uniformed look of his silver strands on his temples giving off a soft glow from the light. He truly looked superbly divine and delectable. The things I would do to him tonight……
With an endearing grin he extended his left hand outward, the baritone in his voice dropping an octave that always drove you crazy sending an electric shock up your spine, “Darling……come here”
A wide smile spreading across your face emitting a giggle from you. Your smile always to sent a flood of warmth through his chest every time he saw it. Stepping closer grasping his hand bringing it up to his velvet lips, eyes never breaking contact with yours to slowly place a soft kiss on your fingers. Blue eyes shimmering like two glowing pools causing the heat to rise from your chest up to your cheeks.
Clearing his throat Sinister couldn’t help but to speak above a whisper; gently turning your hand over. Lips caressing your delicate palm to steal more kisses from your open hand between pauses, “You look…absolutely divine my love…so breathtaking. My angel.”
Smiling back sheepishly, “You’re not so bad yourself Stephen, you cleanup nice. Always such a gentleman to me.” Stroking his goatee giving it a light tug winking at him, noticing the tips of his ears turning pink with his cheeks.
Returning to stand upright never releasing your hand Sinister slowly guided you to the center of the Sanctum Hall, his oxford heels echoing off the wooden floor. Surrounded by snuffed out candles and musical instruments he waved his free hand to illuminate the candles surrounding you. Filling the hall with soft glowing warmth. The elegant glow dancing off your faces, accentuating his defined face and cheekbones, it felt like a living fairytale. 
Giving a heartfelt sigh, “You never cease to impress me Stephen, I always love when you use magic,” giving his hand a light squeeze.
“My bride deserves the best. This is the start of the rest of our lives, and I want to give you the moon and the stars. I love you with my whole heart (y/n),” guiding your hand bringing it up to his chest.
Being how it was just the two of you in this fractured world together you mutually agreed to exchange vows and rings with each other. Over the course of a year the two of you noticed this world slowly beginning to rebuild itself. Plants where sprouting, and you even pointed out some baby doves outside nesting on the library window. A normal explanation couldn’t be placed as to why, but Sinister deeply believed that it was your love and inner magic that was helping to sew this universe back together. He convinced himself he would be destined to wander it alone. For years his heart pined for companionship, but loneliness along with time began to calcify his heart due to the shame of his past. But you came into his life and repaired a broken man who believed in love all over again. A debt he could never fully repay. The closest he could muster was to ask for your hand and become his for eternity.
A loving smile formed on your lips, “I love you to Stephen…so much”
Feeling his rapid heartbeat through his vest you brought your palm up to cup his face, he leaned into it grabbing urgently with both hands. Like you were a dream, and he was afraid he would wake up from it.  After some time you spoke gently, “I would like to begin my love, for I can not wait any longer for you to be my wife (Y/N)”
Smiling at his eagerness you nodded, his stance erect he pulls out a folded parchment. Hands shaking a bit more then usual as his slender fingers unfolded the weathered paper. A clear sign he has taken many a time to write it out. Reaching for his hand once again for support feeling it get tighter as he read, “I Stephen Vincent Strange, take you to be my loving wife. To have, to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you with every fiber of my soul till death we do part, and this is my solemn vow. Today I promise to respect you always. I will share the good times and bad times with you, be a support and guide. I promise to worship you at your feet for all eternity. You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me…...You are my best friend and one true love. Above all, I will love you from now until our day’s end.” 
 Suddenly breaking eye contact he gazed down away from you, hearing a sniffle to notice a single tear stream down his cheek. Bringing your soft hand up brushing it away with your thumb. A small smile on your lips you gently guided his head steadily upwards with your thumb and index finger, “That was perfect my love. I couldn’t have put it better myself.” Sinister couldn’t help but chuckle sheepishly at your affection. 
It left you speechless with your stomach doing somersaults. Fighting back your own tears your heart felt like it was going to burst. It was your turn to speak your heartfelt vow. Opting to not write anything you always spoke from the heart. But suddenly your brain was like a deer caught in the headlights.
 In a moment that felt like an eternity Sinister gave a chuckle to mouth the words, “you can do it my love,” squeezing your hands reassuringly. Giving a somber smile returning your hands downward gazing at Sinister straight into his blue eyes boldly professing, “I (Y/N), pledge to you Steven Vincent Strange, to always catch you before you stumble, and lift you over every threshold. I will always be by your side not only as your lover, but as your best friend. I promise to love you every day that I’m breathing. This is my solemn vow. You have the core of my heart beating for you, a love beyond what a metaphor can ever express.”
Closing his eyes releasing a heartfelt sigh that seemed like he was breathing in your words; he brought your hands to his lips. Waving his hand summoning light purple magic, a small ring box floated into his palm. The slender scarred digits slowly fishing out two matching wedding bands that were black with silver lining. Your ring accompanied by a small white diamond embedded into the jet black metal. 
Taking a band in each of your hands sliding them onto each others left ring finger. A symbol of undying love to your heart-lines. Holding Sinister’s fingers in the delicacy of yours rubbing your thumb over the band. His slender fingers even more beautiful than before. 
Together you had one last step in the ceremony to perform. Taking the purple lace from your bouquet to wrap your hands in unison. Sinister’s palm resting above yours, snugged between the soft fabric. Creating a bind symbolizing the bonding of both your lives. Reciting the planned vows, eyes never leaving each other in perfect unison to recite.
“You are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give you my Body, that we Two might be One.  I give you my Spirit, ’til our Life shall be Done”
Sinister unraveled the purple fabric to magic it back onto your bouquet. Both releasing a joyous sigh, returning your hands back together. His thumb rubbing across your ring finger. With slightly choked up tempo you said, “I now pronounce us husband…...and wife.” Slightly bouncing up and down hardly containing your excitement, a huge smile beamed across your face.
Sinister wasted no time gently grabbing by both sides of your face. His large hands cradling you like precious porcelain. Pulling you in eagerly for a deep passionate kiss; lips melting together his mouth giving promises of love and protection. It felt like eternal bliss. Surrounded by the flicker of candlelight and for a moment forgetting the world around both of you existing. Pulling away glacially to look up at Sinister smiling down at you. 
“I love you; I love you with all my soul (Y/N Strange).” Rubbing a thumb gently across your cheek you blushed at the sentiment of using your newly claimed last name.
“I love you too Stephen Strange”
“I believe your husband owes you a first dance”
Your ears perked up at the sudden thought. You have always wanted to dance. It’s something you missed greatly. 
“That sounds incredible Stephen, yes please let’s do it.” Trying to contain your excitement, your hands still clasped together. Releasing from your grasp Sinister once again made a gesture with his hands; purple glowing magic emanating and surrounding all around you both. With wide eyes you saw the candles begin to hover and the instruments began to play. Finishing it off with a giant glowing chandelier up above. Hearing the familiar tempo of the music travel in your ears, tears formed in your eyes. Noticing the sound of the familiar score of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty Waltz.
“Stephen…but how did you know”
Hands behind his back he paced slightly in front of you. “I know you more then anyone my love. You spoke about how you wanted to be a Disney princess. I felt this score fit perfectly. What kind of a husband would I be if I did not fulfill your every dream”
 Heart beating faster in your chest, feeling like you were on cloud nine. The familiar mm-bap-bap of the score leading the opening musical bar, Sinister taking a bow before you returning upright. His hand extended outward for you.
His baritone voice speaking gently, “May I have this dance my princess”
“I’d be honored”
Setting the bouquet on the grand piano to take his hand in yours, grabbing you by the small of your waist. Slowly at first guiding you across the sanctum floor with upmost grace. Not surprised that he was very experienced with waltzing. His steps ever fluid with the ¾ time, keeping up the pace with ease. No partner you’ve ever had could hold a candle to his dancing skills. The tail of his coat lifting with every gentle hop. His movement’s sweeping like a ghost across the dance floor. 
The score began to swell louder while keeping your pace together in perfect unison. Gliding across ever faster on the floor; your wedding dress swishing majestically like a work of moving art. Sinister couldn’t take his cerulean eyes from you. For all he cared the world would be burning and he would die a happy man.
“Ive said this a thousand times and I’ll keep saying it till my last breath, but you are beautiful. You are the sexiest thing in the world, never forget that” he breathed against your ear. 
“And I’ll never get tired of your sweet side Stephen”
 As the music began to die down so did your pace. Spinning around slower and slower until you fell into a deep embrace. His arms felt like home, the candles twinkling like lights from fairies. Sinister drew you closer to wear you were a breath away from each other. Noses nuzzling pulling you in for another kiss. Softly at first his mouth brushed against your lower lip. The beard tickling your soft skin. Melding together finally to tilt your head up deepening the kiss. Releasing a soft moan in sweet unison you lunged forward deeper on your tiptoes to get the most of his mouth. Tightening his grip around your waistline, he dipped you back to steal another kiss. This time his velvet tongue penetrating your lips, claiming access to your warm silken mouth. You welcomed it greatly never wanting to let go.
Releasing to catch your breaths Sinister leaned his forehead against yours, a huge smile radiating off of your faces. Gently rising you back up to kiss your forehead softly. Clutching each other with a loving embrace. Your cheek resting on his firm chest feeling it rise and fall. 
 “So…,” he trailed off. “What shall we do next?”
A smirk forming on the corner of your lip you knew exactly what he was hinting at. Placing your palms to his strong chest, leaning up with just a whisper of distance to form the most seductive voice cocking an eyebrow, “If I’m not mistaken, this is where we go upstairs and make our marriage official”
A growl emitting from his chest, eyes forming with lust he didn’t miss a beat and swooped you up bridal style to briskly carry you upstairs towards your shared chamber.
“Say no more, as the saying goes happy wife…...happy life,” he winked at you with that sideways smirk you loved so much.
Exclaiming boldly, you realized, “But wait! What about the candles?!” 
Biting your earlobe gently he growled into your ear.
“Those can wait, for I have more important things to tend too. For I’ve got an appointment with heaven and an angel needs tending to.” Giggling into his steady frame your cheeks flushing the deepest red. It was the best day if your life. 
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fuckinhotsauce · 2 years
mcr secret santa for @hidingmontreal
TW: cussing, NSFW
disclaimer: this is my first fanfiction so it might not be the best
Frank was practicing for his big Christmas special in the New York Philharmonic group, where he played violin, first chair. He practiced going over the many different songs he would play, and when he finished he flopped down onto the couch and started scrolling through Twitter, checking out some of his old bandmates' tweets. He scrolled through his feed and saw Gerard's remark about maybe dropping in on the concert Frank was going to play in a few days. Frank pulled at his collar and started shifting around, he wanted to see Gee, sure, but they hadn't talked in over three months and Gerard didn't even know that Frank could play the violin!
Gerard was scrolling through his feed while making dinner. He noticed that one of Frank's band members, Evan, had tweeted that he was going to the New York Philharmonic concert and it was in his general area. Gee logged off and started to eat his delicious hot pocket and frozen pizza. 
Frank had been preparing for this day for months, but now, Gerard Way, the brother of Mikey Fuckin Way, The lead singer of his old band My Chemical Romance, his goddamn former lover! He would go on stage in 5 minutes, start playing in 10, everyone would be watching, Gerard would be watching. Thankfully, Gee didn't know he was playing yet. Hopefully. 
The 5 minutes were up in a blink of an eye, and Frank was rushed out by a stagehand to his seat in the front row. His violin was already tuned, his bow already had plenty of rosin on it, he was ready... If only he didn't feel so nervous.
Gerard had just finished putting on his suit to go to a Christmas party and started taking some selfies in the mirror because he looked damn good when he got a notification from one of his friends. It said simply, "partys canceled but theres a xmas concert in a bit. wanna go?" Gerard shot back a "sure", and 20 minutes later he was being picked up and taken to the concert venue. He went to his seat and after a few minutes, the musicians started playing.
The lights dimmed, the crowd quieted, and Frank's breathing grew shakey as he readied himself to start the first song. The conductor readied his baton and the music started. Frank's violin harmonized with the other instruments as his fingers flew over the strings and it sounded beautiful enough to bring tears to his eyes. As soon as they started playing, all the nervousness that Frank previously had was washed out of his body as he bathed in the angelic sounds he was helping to create. 
As soon as the music started, Gerard was held captivated by the sound, especially of one violinist, first chair, whom the music seemed to flow through. Gerard didn't know what it was that he felt for that violinist, but it was certainly close to love. He recognized that face too... that was Frank! Gerard had been inside of him, and remembering that made him want to do that again. He bit his lower lip thinking about what he wanted to do to Frank, and as the music rose to a crescendo, he moaned through his teeth.
A tear slipped from Frank's eye as he played the last note, he sighed as the lights rose on the stage and as the audience gave them a standing ovation. Frank's eyes scanned the crowd and he came across Gerard's face. They made eye contact and Gee licked his lips. Frank had almost forgotten how sexy he was; he would certainly try to find him after they left the stage. Once the audience had dissipated, and the orchestra had exited to backstage, Frank rushed outside. It was snowing and dark out and there was an afterparty going on inside, but he needed to find Gerard, needed to kiss him, touch him. 
After the crowd had been mostly funneled outside, Gerard hurried outside, hoping to catch Frank before he left for home. As soon as he left the doors, he saw Frank, looking cute as ever in his fancy suit and holding his violin. The snowflakes got stuck in his hair and eyelashes, making his hazel eyes stand out beautifully. Gerard and Frank rushed toward each other and their lips met in a perfect movie kiss. Gerard realized he had left his friends inside but didn't care, Frank was all he needed. He flagged down a taxi and they could barely keep their hands off each other during the ride to Gerard's house. 
Frank was dying to be enveloped. He just had to hold that desire in until they got to his lover's house. Once they arrived, they slammed open the car door, Gerard tossing the driver a $50, and they barely made it to the door before Gerard was all over Frank. He pushed him against the wall next to the stairs and held Frank's face still while they furiously entwined their tongues. They hurried up the stairs, throwing off all the clothing so their bodies could glide and meld together without any interference. Frank was being guided into Gee's bedroom, unable to resist checking Gerard out while he was pushed backwards onto the bed. Gerard shut the door behind them and then commenced the rest of a night that Frank would never forget.
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okay so i had an orchestra performance on saturday and played Marche Slav, which was composed by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and arranged by Carrie Lane Grusell. here’s the link:
anyways, when i play, i try to relate the music to a fictional character. this russian piece reminded me a shit ton of bucky barnes, so here’s my analysis of it:
0:00-1:04 is sorta soothing. the bass and cello at the beginning with the steady, low a’s and the violins and violas with the slower, legato melody remind me of when bucky’s in ww2. theres a beautiful melody of steve being strong, being healthy, but the consistency of the cello and bass show how the war is always there, lying directly under the joy.
1:05-1:24 is like when bucky and steve are doing missions with the howling commandos. they all have a sense of purpose in the war. although they’re, y’know, in a war, they can work together in hopes of defeat hydra.
1:25-1:33 is bucky falling off the train. it’s this sudden change that leads into something far worse for him.
1:33-2:04 is when bucky’s captured by hydra. he’s being turned into this perfect killing machine and forming into hydras plan more and more.
2:04-2:26 is when bucky firsts starts his missions for hydra. it’s this persistent plucking that leaves the audience feeling suspenseful.
2:26-3:19 is bucky being hydras killer until 2014. the piece has a very russian nationalist feeling here and shows his loyalty to hydra.
3:19-3:55 is captain america: the winter soldier. it’s slightly more frantic to when it was played before and shows bucky’s turmoil throughout the movie.
3:55-4:41 is the switch from a minor to a major. the violists, cellists, and bassists, however, don’t actually have any notes within that key signature. there’s one point where those three sections hold on a g natural, which sounds almost free in comparison. this section makes me think of how bucky is finally free from hydra, but right at the end, it picks up speed again and is energetic, only to end on three dramatic ass notes. this last section reminds me of bucky being freed but still having to fight and come to terms with himself during falcon and the winter soldier. also, i don’t know about you guys, but the ending leaves me wanting more. i don’t want it to end, i want to see what happens next, which reminds me of where falcon and the winter soldier picks up.
anyways, there’s my analysis of how this piece relates to bucky barnes. once im done with classes today i’ll put out my analysis of how another piece i played connects to sam wilson, but i hope any of you that read this enjoyed it!
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persephones-bde · 4 years
I Saw Hadestown Contd.
This is all about Act II! It was the actors fund performance and guys. WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS
-Persephone. That is all.
-She does the step in my office and is just gyrating for a while but then she gestured really bluntly down and started hip thrusting. It went on for literally 15 seconds straight
-Persephone was having a GOOD TIME.
-Hermes walks away from her pulling the sides of his coat to his chest, as if hiding the contents inside from her. She makes a pouty face behind his back, and he kind of just rolls his eyes and keeps walking slowly. It’s clearly not the first time.
-“I don’t know about you BOYSSS” was so loud I jumped. It is way more aggressive live than in the album
-she did her little dance thing where it’s like whats my name? I’ll tell you my name! Persephone!” And Oh My God. I don’t know what happened but it was like her voice just stopped working and it came out a squeak and I put it on tumblr because it was so like????
-And she does a little dance segment. I thought she generally took a deep breath/panted but she like gagged/hiccuped?? It was an interesting choice of action but it just showed how absolutely trashed she was and I just. Ugh. Amber Gray. Fuck me up.
-Theres a part where Persephone moves from center stage to ds right. She didn’t walk there though. No. She hip thrusted all the way over there. Like leaps and mud air hip thrusts. The. Whole. Way.
-Ambers vocals also sent me
-When they give names of the musicians, everyone on stage pretends to play said instrument with 100000% enthusiasm
-Not plot but: Im not sure if it costume or not but Timothy totally had a tattoo or something?? I saw HA in super small letters but the rest was covered by the strap of his overalls. Anyone know anything about this??
-Eurydice looked so happy/hopeful and like held her hand out to shake to the workers before the fates said they weren’t listening
-Jewelles voice? I was close to the stage and her voice is so powerful. I could listen to the fates all day tbh
-During flowers, Persephone just sits the piano and rests her head in her hands.
-Everyone is kind of in the dark and it’s just such a beautiful song guys
-Eurydice beams when she sees Orpheus and asks if he heard her. When he said it didn’t, Andre turns around and looks at the audience like he’s in the office, but also raises his arms in a very clear ‘dude why would you even-‘ fashion
-PAPERS. Y’all. There was more Persephone shit than I imagined.
-Hades said the “no respect for property!” And on property, all of the workers and the fates whip around to look at Orpheus at the exact same time.
-Hades laughs and theres a moment where Persephone looks genuinely afraid, arguably moreso than even Eurydice
-All of the workers are circling and the beat is kind of on a cycle. Persephone is standing off orchestra right. Each time the cycle ended the workers would crouch/prepare to attack him. Each time, Persephone raises her hands up (kind of like Hélène did with Pierre) as if you protect herself. She’s afraid. That shit hit me hard.
-the fates strut over to v injured Orpheus with utmost smugness and seeming very satisfied with the results. Yvette looks like she’s about to laugh. God, they are totally the antagonists of this show
-afra and johns workers seem like they’re supposed to be together. Once they see each other again their eyes lit up and they do not let each other’s hands go. It was so cute. It melted my heart.
-people found the ‘have another drink’ line during how long funny, which I had never seen it as such but eh you know
-The way Hades says the girl means nothing to me is like kind of dismissive, but also almost painful for him to say: he rushes it out but it ended with almost childlike indignance. He won’t look at her.
-Both of their voices sounded like they were so close to breaking, but so, so fed up.
-Theres a moment in chant II where Orpheus is directly behind Hades on the outer turntable, and Hades says something, and Persephone points in their general direction. But then Reeve moves and she jerks her hand down and quickly turns and walks the other way
-Once Orpheus realizes others are beginning to stand up with him, he gets this like awkward smile and tries to look all macho by puffing out his chest and continuing his failing buff facade by like waddling around for a moment.
-Y’all I was orchestra left like second row. I could hear the stool slam and through the speakers. He does it so aggressive goddamn.
-Patrick’s eyes looked like they were sparkling as the tears welled up. He was fighting the urge to cry. That acting tho. By the time he and amber began to dance, their faces were entirely wet with tears.
-People gasped when they began to dance and there were sniffles
-Their embrace was so cute. They like high key blocked all of the stage from my view and I was not mad.
-His kiss the riot was basically spoke to our section. I thought I was gonna die. My heart began vibrating.
-Worker Afra and John didn’t stop holding hands the whole time.
-I don’t remember when this happened but Reeve sort of holds out his hands as if to shield her, and she just grabs them and pulls his arms into her.
-Im not going into Doubt comes in because I can’t even express emotions for how much anxiety and how much that song makes me literally shake any time I hear it. The lighting gets foggy and so frikin eerie
-There was some sort of technical difficulty on the platform because Hermes looked down first. The song started, and they had to repeat this line like a few times, and the music kind of just kept going but Persephone still hadn’t come back up yet. Like there were moments just Eurydice was singing because Amber wasn’t up yet.
-Bows were cute. Jewelle looked directly at me and I thought I was going to die
-During the Actors Fund speech the band was supposed to be like playing a tune and the band didn’t do it until like halfway through
-He proceeded to address the audience with “Can I get an Amen? Can I get a WoMen? Can I get a non-binary, gender fluid...men?’” and it was entirely both unexpected and welcome
-then one of them starts and he turns to look at them and goes ‘finALLY’
-Andre told a story of his former boyfriend who passed away. Amber is full on BAWLING. like she turned side profile and just was sobbing. You can tell how deep and meaningful this was for him to share
-Amber, Reeve, Eva, Patrick, and the Fates were going off stage and had an impromptu like 20 second dance sesh as they were leaving. Such pure babies. May the theatre gods protect them.
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fandomsoverlife · 5 years
A lot to unpack (Vanya Hargreeves x reader)
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I strayed a little from the original ask (Hey, could you write something for fem!reader x vanya? Reader meets the rest of the fam and she’s super nervous but ends up with having a lot of fun? Thank you!) by making Vanya the nervous one.
Anyway, word count: 1562. Summary, fem!reader (lesbian/bi/pan, it’s not precisely mentioned) meets the umbrella academy while her GF Vanya is out of the house. Theres mild fluff and the reader being a protective girlfriend. Warnings: mentions of the word homophobia, nervousness, and an excessive love of Hozier.
It all started quite a few months ago with a weird man and a cute girl, and you of course.
You couldn’t exactly recall what had happened, but you ended up with a cute girlfriend and a happier existence.
Somehow though, you had managed to not meet most of her family. You had met Klaus and Diego, and the little one who acted much older than he looked had made himself comfortable in your shared home one time but quickly left when you arrived so you had no clue what his name even was (you had a thought perhaps it was Fred? Phil? Something that started with an F, you knew that much), and you had had conversations about Allison but you had yet to meet her. And you hadn’t met the other one (she didn’t like talking about him so you didn’t push it - you were not going to make her uncomfortable because you knew her childhood was fucked up).
Vanya was out, doing something regarding violins or sheet music, you couldn’t quite remember. You were busy spring cleaning and working your ass off to make your new apartment shine, which included unpacking everything you owned.
That is, until you heard a knock on your door.
And you weren’t expecting anyone, at least to your knowledge.
So when you opened your door to see several people standing in the hall waiting to be let in you could’ve passed out from shock.
“Hey Y/N, we’re here for house warming!” That was a voice you recognized, it was Klaus. You loved Klaus, and he loved you right back. “Sorry for coming without warning, none of them are patient enough to call you or Vanya.”
“I’m sorry, what’s going on?”
“Where’s Vanya?”
Now that, that right there was a voice you didn’t recognize and it made you uncomfortable. “Who are you?”
“Oh, that’s just Luther, sweets. Don’t sweat it.”
You stood to the side to let the horde of people through, only recognizing two of them (aside from Klaus and Diego). The little one and Allison. The giant man, on the other hand, was a complete and utter mystery to you. That must be the one who Vanya wasn’t comfortable talking about.
“So where is Vanya, I thought this was her apartment.” That was the little one, Frank? Was that his name?
“Five, be polite. Vanya and Y/N live together.” Diego said, giving you a side hug as he saw the look of mild panic and confusion on your face as everyone tried to get comfortable in your apartment. “Is that the Hozier guy?’
Diego was of course referring to the music playing from your record player in the kitchen. And it was Hozier, he was right.
“Oh yeah, lesbians love Hozier.” Klaus laughed as he found one of the cats (he had found Turtle, and was busy giving her tummy rubs).
You turned to look at the three people you didn’t know, eyebrows raised - just waiting for some homophobic response or for a gross one, you weren’t sure what to expect. “What’s wrong with lesbians?”
“I love lesbians, or bisexuals, or pansexuals - especially the one who saved our sister from causing the apocalypse!” Klaus held Turtle in one arm and wrapped the other arm around your shoulder as you stood facing the mystery people in your living room. “Now, I thought our dear dead father taught you guys manners! Introduce yourselves! Or I’ll do it for you.”
Klaus raised his eyebrows expectantly. “And I’ll share embarrassing stories about you as I do it. For example, Luth-“
“Shut up Klaus.” It was the little one again, walking up to you and holding his hand out. “Five.”
“Y/N.” You shook his hand, thinking to yourself about how strange that name was.
“I’m Allison, sorry we barged in on your peaceful Saturday morning. That’s Luther, over there, sitting like he’s in shock.” The woman you recognized, walking up to you to shake hands with you.
“You’re fine, I just wasn’t expecting any of you. Obviously.” You motioned to the clothes you had on, which was one of Vanya’s many button up shirts and spandex shorts. “So, you’re all of her siblings, right? I know that she has six, but I just wanna know if there are more people that will be coming to our place.”
“Well you know Ben is here in spirit, as per usual. Where is our sister, though?” Klaus asked, looking out one of the windows in your living room.
“She went to uh, do something involving the orchestra. I don’t exactly remember what. Its been a long morning.” You grumbled, returning to trying to unpack books. “I think she was picking up sheet music for a concert or for a student, I have no clue anymore.”
“How do you not know where she is?” There’s that voice again, the one you didn’t recognize.
“She’s my girlfriend, not my prey. I don’t need to know where she is at all times, that’s kinda unhealthy.”
“She could be dangerous, you know?”
You turned to face him. “Okay, sweetie I am gonna stop you right there. She went through something, that I know. But I know that she would never hurt someone on purpose and actually mean to do it. And from what your brothers have told me, you could be dangerous too. So I don’t wanna hear it. Now, we are going to start over. Hi, I’m Y/N and I’m very happily in a relationship with your sweet, angel of a sister. What’s your name?”
He looked at you in shock, and so did the people around you (excluding Diego, he knew you could get like this - he’d seen you defend Klaus from assholes in a Waffle House one time). “Uh, I am, uh, my name is Luther. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too! Now I’m very grateful to meet you all but let me just say this; if any of you say anything bad about Vanya ever, and I mean ever - if you even look at her wrong - you will not be permitted in this apartment!” You smiled brightly, looking at everyone. “Now that that’s out of the way, does anyone want any coffee?”
When Vanya got back she had brought your favorite coffee with her, ready for snuggles and kisses from her favorite girl. Needless to say, she was very caught off guard by the sight of her family helping you unpack the kitchen. Luther had a heavy duty mixer in on arm and a food processor in the other, kindly asking you where you wanted them. Allison was organizing books by author, scratching one of your cats behind the ears (that one was Bagel, and Klaus still had Turtle in his arms as danced around the apartment to Hozier’s smooth voice and beautiful acoustics) while Five and Diego put plates and silverware away.
“What’s going on?” She asked, walking up beside you and handing you the coffee she had brought for you.
“Well it seems like everyone heard you moved and wanted to see what the place looked like.” You looked over at her, smiling. “I roped them into unpacking things with me.”
“I’m guessing you met the rest of the family then?” She looked nervous, which confused you. “I wasn’t expecting this.”
You turned to face her, rubbing your thumbs along her cheeks and smiling. “Don’t worry, baby, I still like you the most.”
You winked at her, playfully, pressing a kiss to her cheek before taking her hand and leading her to a different room. “I didn’t know where you wanted your violin stuff so I have it sitting in the office, with your box of sheet music and a new bow.”
“A new bow?” She asked, an excitement lighting up her eyes. “Did you?”
“Luther did.” You whispered, rubbing her arm comfortingly. “He said he wants to make up for what happened before we got together.”
Vanya took a deep, shaky breath. “I don’t, y/n I don’t know how to react to any of this.”
“I know this is a lot. And it’s overwhelming. And I know I certainly wasn’t expecting it either. And you didn’t want me to meet them this way, but I think maybe this is better than it could’ve gone if it was planned.”
“Why do you say that?” She asked, intertwining her fingers with yours.
“I’m not sure, but it feels right. Besides, who doesn’t love surprises?” You smile, pulling her close.
“Neither of us like surprises, it’s one of the reasons we work so well together.”
“And because I love you.” You slide your arms around her waist and pout. “Kiss?”
She smiled, that sweet soft smile that could make flowers grow and make joint pain fade, before planting a careful kiss onto your mouth. “Kiss.”
“Do you wanna go back out there? Or should I kick them out?”
She pursed her lips, her fingers tightening around yours quickly before letting out a long breath. “I think we can let them stay. Besides, they’re helping us unpack.”
“It’s less work for us, so that’s gonna make it easy to settle in faster. And the cats love the extra attention.”
Vanya smiled, looking at you with a softness in her gaze that made your heart flutter. “I love you, ya know.”
“Don’t I know it.”
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Stuff that went down when I saw Newsies
he Oki doki so I saw the newsies arena stage production and hOLY SHIT I LOVED IT. So before this I’m just gonna say that I’ve actually performed at Arena Stage. I’d really encourage people to watch the shows there because they put a lot of effort into making them happen. Sid note: I still remember where my old dressing room was.
When we got to DC
-first of all we (my mom and dad) got there like an hour before the show started so we hung out at the harbor
-i got ice cream that i thought was pistachio but it was ginger so ew
-so my mom took me to get better ice cream (wowie thanks mom)
-sadly we couldn’t eat the really good crabs and crawfish they sell there :’( bc my mom didn’t want us to smell like fish
When we actually got into the theater
-I was really excited and I blabbed about the show to my dad
-I went to the bathroom and then my dad went to the bathroom and he claimed he saw one of the actors in there
-Before the show when we got into the theater (there’s three theaters at arena stage) there was a really big line and I basically gushed to one of the older ushers about newsies and she was really nice
-Going into the theater there were clothes hanging around to create an atmosphere and I didn’t know whether I should’ve touched them so i awkwardly stepped around them
When the show started
-It started a few minutes late but like it was worth it
-The set was pushed on stage and like it was really good
-Fun fact the actor who plays crutchie (joe montoya) is the first male actor to play eponine
-Jack whipped on the palamino line and i was trying not to laugh
-The orchestra was hidden under the stage
-Also Les was adorable
-So during carrying the banner I saw Chaz and made like three second eye contact and grinned and i was just trying not to scream my ass off
-Everything went on as it usually would in a newsies production
-so are finch’s 
-morris actually looked older than oscar for once
-thats rich was amazing
-but the bowery beauties were quiet and i think something went wrong with the mic
-Jack was like a sassy and dorky prince charming and i loVED IT
-Kathrine was sassy back and the chemistry was amazing
-i actually though they should’ve ended up together in that one
-there was a ‘new’ newsie
-like one that i didnt know about
-her actor was very yes
-in king of new york elmer had this adorable tap solo
-and i loved him
-in sieze the day crutchie actually kinda joined in
-he also whacked morris with his crutch
-i love joe montoya i stan so hard
-he might actually be my favorite crutchie tbh
-during world will know les was basiclaly screaming and i loved it
-brooklyns here was surprisingly different
-instead of red they work a dark blue and i thought it was kinda cool
-the guy playing romeo played spot conlon
-oh and once and for all
-they rained down newspapers from the childrens crusade and just,,,
-something to believe in actually felt right for once
-ig theres just always this problem i had with something to believe in idk why but this time it felt really right
-and yeah that was my newsies experience
-also if you saw the production,,,
-if you don’t mind,,,
-could you maybe share your experience???
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daydreamdearest · 5 years
a very biased review of “revolver”
hello! my name is dream. i have a lot of opinions and today im gonna review the album revolver by the beatles
*this review is VERY opinionated. all of these songs are amazing and much better than anything i will ever make. take this review with a grain of salt, as i am not a musical expert nor am i smart. i just like being a bitch
and without further ado,
Taxman: 7/10
- Fun and interesting percussions sounds
- Not a huge fan of the harmonies
- AMAZING guitar from george, big love
- slightly repetitive chorus
- cant say much on this one its not my favorite song but it has a thumbs up from me
Eleanor Rigby; 9/10
- BEAUTIFUL orchestra, i have a soft spot for violins
- Amazing lyrics,, the really make you think and get emotional
- great vocals from paul, we stan heavily appreciate
- quite a short song, i wish there was more. the story i still conveyed through the time but its only 2 minutes
- a hard bop, its popular for a good reason
Im Only Sleeping: 8/10
- Johns voice sounds kind of weird in this song ngl but i love it,, it works
- sometimes youll hear random twanges on the guitar and thats some GROOVY SHIT YALL
- i love the fake out ending and the true ending of the song, especially that sharp note john hits like i just fall apart,, and the distorted guitar MM
Love You To: 6/10
- not a huge sitar fan especially since it drags on in the beginning
- george harrison sings this one and its choice
- at the chorus the instruments can get so intense that you cant hear the lyrics clearly at some points
- that being said this instrumental is HOT AS FUCK, especially when theres sitar, bongos and electric guitar,, its sick as fuck
- the lyrics are kind of weak and george’s singing is a bit bland especially since i know he can HIT some notes and sound good
- this sort of just sounds like sitar eargsmic shit for george
- the tempo change towards the end is a lil funky at first but it works
Here, There and Everywhere: 9/10
- just so we’re clear, paul wrote this in bed with john while john was still sleeping so i dont wanna be biased that being said
- i love the lullaby sound of this song
- pauls vocals are doing it for me
- these lyrics are really cute its so nice
- the snapping is sort of weird and sometimes blips in and out but its still a nice touch
- i just,,, it makes me sob
Yellow Submarine: 5/10
- this song is overhyped
- i love ringo’s vocals and i dont think anyone else couldve done this song as well as he did, but that being said, i still dont like this song as much
- i love the drums, theyre lovely, as they always are
- the random sound effects fuck me up. the weird bells and clinking and just. ??? sounds. like a telephone and random screams ?
- the chorus is nice, even though its repetive
- at a random point in the song, somEboDy screams “HOT POTATO” and that really takes me out of the mood
- when ringo is singing someone is just SCREAMING THE LYRICS right after he does at a certain point
- this song had potential to be amazing but certain parts really fuck with it
She Said She Said: 6/10
- i like the instrumentals but theres a strange, loud bell song in the right headphone that really hurts me while i listen
- i like the lyrics. theyre good
- more vocals from john, we always love that
- certain parts can be a bit w a c k y but in general its a good song. not much to say on it
Good Day Sunshine: 9/10
- paul is singing and its wonderful
- ringos drumming is real good in this one
- i love the lyrics i just imagine paul skipping down the road singing this to whoever he passes by
- again,, a real short but good song
And Your Bird Can Sing; 7/10
- very moptop reminant song with a few hints of their experimentation
- its nice, i dont hAte it
- i love the guitar in this one, its very nice and reminds me of roll over beethoven
- the lyrics are good. just whatever, yknow
For No One: 7/10
- its a paul song i so automatically love it
- fr though his younger voice is so unique and pretty i love it
- the lyrics are lukewarm, they arent really standing out to me
- the brass in this song is really nice, i love brass instruments in songs
- the instrumental is nice, sometimes the key shift can sound vv nice
- put this one in your granny music playlist
Doctor Robert; 6/10
- ngl when i first heard this song i skipped it
- johns voice is nice but sometimes it goes up weirdly and is,,, mm not great
- lyrics are lukewarm, i dont mind
- paul comes in the chorus and does his “OhhH yEaHh” voice and thats always a positive
- its got a funky instrumental
- its a short song but its low so i dont really mind lmAo
I Want To Tell You: 6/10
- i like the instrumental, although it can sound a bit plain
- lyrics are, again, lukewarm.
- it has a nice beat, i can see why someone would like this song
- i dont have much to say on this song, not much really stood out to me except the contrast in the bridge. potatoe potæto.
Got To Get You Into My Life: 7/10
- this is the kind of song that when it starts playing i get up and dance, the beat is very contagious
- a paul song where im not that crazy about the singing EXCEPT FOR THE CHORUS !! HE DOES THE “oHh yEaHh” voiCe its wonderful
- drumming is wonderful, love u ringo <3
-lukewarm lyrics,, its fine. listen to it and dancr around to it bc its catchy
Tomorrow Never Knows; 5/10
- more fuckin sitar eargasmic noises from george
- you know this was a george song bc of the indian instruments. they sound fiNe its just a bit strange juxtaposition after a song like got to get you into my life
- johns voice is fine in this one, i do harp on him for being nasally even though my voice sounds like i have a cold
- i feel like someone had a whole gallon of pot before they decided to mix this song
Average Score: 7/10
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logicalyfun · 5 years
May we play
Musician au
Characters: Patton, Logan, Roman, Virgil
This is the first LAMP ive ever made, have mercy on me :)
Sorry for bad grammar :)))
Thanks to @stop-it-anxiety for beta reading
This is a concept and idea ive had in mind for sometime now. Wanted to do this and see how it would turn out, hope you enjoy it :)
Logan chanted on him mind as he played the violin piece infront of him. So lost in the music, the feeling of the strings under his finger tips. It was a slow piece he was playin, obviously classical although he sometimes didn't like classical that much. But his mom made him play classical music from Paganini to Mozart to Chopin and so much more.He smiles as he played the last note of the paper. He had to practice more if he really wanted to be a good musician. A yes being in an orchestra, in the violin section, now that-.His thought were interrupted by one of his roommates, Patton. That bubbly saxophonist didn't even play classical, he just played whatever they gave him but most likely jazz, which in a way made his curious of that music style."Hey Logan what you up to""Just practicing some classical pieces, the usual".
"Boring, come on you know theres more to play, how about un poco de salsa o plena" said his other roommate called Roman. He was hispanic which you dont see around these areas sometimes. Hes pretty dramatic, is in a drama club and also plays the trumpet. They match, they are both pretty loud and both together pretty amazing.
Logan titled his head in confusion. "What is all that, some classical music I've never heard of" Logan said still confused
Patton and Roman eyes widen, "wait you dont know what those genre is" Roman said with a surprise voice. Logan shrugged and said no.
"Well you only know classical, how about we show you the rest" Patton said.
"I can't I need to practice, i dont have time for silly games"
"But you have time for word association game don't you" Patton said.
"Dont you dare mess with my favorite game"
Roman meanwhile had an idea. "Say Logan how about we take you to the music room and there we can show you what do yo-"" Roman i told you i dont have tim-""But you can practice there too" Logan stopped and thought about it. He did want to learn more about music and he had to admit that it was getting kinda boring just playing classical so..
"Alright ill go, just lets do this quick" Logan said grabbing the violin suitcase and following to Patton and Roman who was talking to someone via phone call.
As they opened the music room, Logan saw some big and small cases, some drums and percussion around and a piano. He had been here but only for a short amount of time.
"Roman took you long enough to get here" and there appeared Logan third roommate, Virgil. Virgil was pretty dark and had his ways but also very dedicated to his instruments. He played guitar, drums and some wind instruments.
"Virge, its an emergency! Specs here doesn't know any other genre other than classical, and we are here to show him some songs" Roman said taking his trumpet out.
"Well i have some suggestion, may i go first" Patton said with his alto saxophone in his hands. Roman and Virgil nod and sit down on some chairs.
"Okay Logan im gonna play a song, if you want you can join or any of you can join" and there he started, going slowly and having a bit of a sway to it. Play every dinamic and note making it sound beautiful. Logan got his violin out and listen closely to Patton and he started playing with him
"Oh i love this song,
"Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on
Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me"
Patton and Logan playing together with Roman singing and Virgil adding a bit of percussion. They were magnificent, Logan couldn't believe what he heard, he actually enjoyed playing it.
"In other words, please be true
In other words
I love you"
"I must say that was... good, pretty average" Logan said "and Pat i didn't know you played Jazz so good"
"Well yea, Jazz music is one of the biggest reasons I play the saxophone, it my favorite genre" he said smiling at Logan.
"I see that what Jazz music sounds like, I like it"
"Oh and we are just starting, te tocare una bolero, it one of my favorite, Virgil.."
Strumming, slow and gentle playing just before the trumpet started playing play. A slow melody not to loud or low just perfect. He swayed with the rhythm of the song.
besame mucho
Como si fuera esta noche
la ultima vez,"
Romans voice, so soft and slow made Logan start swaying at the rhythm of the music.
"Wanna dance" Patton extended his hand which Logan accepted.
Swaying together with the trumpet and guitar in the background. He was starting to enjoy more and more all that he was doing.
"Besame, besame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después"
"So what ya think, still prefer common classical" Patton said still dancing with him.
"I mean classical is what i live for, but this is something new in a way, but I won't let classical go that fast" he said smiling and giving Patton a spin. Patton giggled and continued dancing.
And as they stopped dancing, Roman played the last note that concluded the song.
"I am very impressed Roman"Logan said. "Well it nothin-"" I cant believe you dont always play forte, I mean i am impressed" Logan said smiling at a annoyed Roman.
"Okay okay my turn, im gonna play more of a latin pop as you could say song" Virgil said connecting his guitar.
Latin pop? Logan though, now that was something he had barely heard of. And it was starting with a rapid pace, moving his fingers so quickly and yet made an astonish rhythm.
"Para bailar La Bamba
Para bailar La Bamba
Se necessita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia"
Virgil and Patton sang in unison.
Such genre, was so different and made you body just fill with adrenalin, an amazing feeling he had never felt before.
"I see someone is enjoy""well actually yes, this is turning out better than i expected, Roman i wasnt sure what type of music i was gonna hear today, i wasnt even that exited" Logan said looking at Roman.
"Well, I can't blame ya, i used to only play the same stuff over and over again, it was nice i guess but I didnt feel like i enjoyed it as much. When u found out about this genre, sin mentirte me encanto, i love it and decide from now on to keep discovering new music" Roman said.
"Remember Lo, don't stay in the same place forever, embrace yourself, open youre wing and find new thing that are awaiting you" Virgil said. Logan never notice when they stopped playin but he still had the rhythm of the song in repeat.
"But I don't have wings. I dont know where to start" Logan said.
"Hey Logie, remember one step at a time and everything will be okay. Plus will be here with you if you need us" Patton said smiling and hugging him.
"Say i do have one last song called Conga, would be pretty cool to play" Roman said looking at Virgil and Patton.
For Logan it seemed like they had talk telepathically because they all just grabbed their instrument and some papers.
"A one, two and one two.."
"PA DA DAM" was the first thing Logan heard coming from his rommates. Blasting like rhythm that was sure to make you move and dance. He wondered what this genre was called. He wanted to join the rhythm so bad but didnt known it on vio-
And thats when he saw it, the piano and there he had an idea. It was worth trying but he wanted to. He sat down in the piano and listen to the rhythm and notes they were playing. Breath in and breath out...
He began playing matching the speed and the song. His finger going fast, feeling the keys under his finger trying not to play them that hard.
"Well ill say.." Patton said looking in awe at Logan as he played.
"Well why stop, come on" Logan said as he kept playing, hearing Roman, Patton and Virgil join.
Logan was enjoy the moment, he never thought he would enjoy doing this and not actually practicing. He loved it actually, the rhythm, the velocity and everything from every song. Logan smiled as he looked at his roommate, who finally open his eyes to new music.
And Logan finally understood what the others meant.
"So Logan we were talking and we wanted to ask, would you like to koin are little band as we call it" Virgil said.
"Why not, I'd love too" Logan said being attacked by hugs from his .. friends, being attacked by his new friends.
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All the TOP 10 OF THE DECADE posts made me want to make one of my own, so here’s my 10 fave games this decade:
Yakuza 0  Shovel Knight  Nier Automata  Metal Gear Rising  Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX Final Fantasy XV   Scott pilgrim vs the world the game Undertale Persona 5  Doom
Danganronpa 2, New Vegas, Touhou Luna Nights, Katana Zero and Mario Odyssey all only barely missed out, and it was a tough decision not to include them. I loved the shit out of those games but thinking it through I decided they were just slightly less loved by me than the above.
Below the cut are some extended thoughts (of varying length) on the games included:
Just CTRL F if you wanna find a specific one
Yakuza 0
Every Yakuza game is delightful and this is definitely the best one, in my opinion. The Yakuza games appeal to me for a lot of reasons: the combat, the story, the variety of activities, the look of it all and the music. I feel like its a very unique game experience with its blend of weird in-depth side activities, serious crime drama, manly man masculine combat friendship melodrama, metal gear-esque convoluted conspiracies and a surprisingly compassionate view of the world it takes place in. 
The combat is what drew me in initially because it just feels good, the feedback of stomping on a dudes face in yakuza is delivered perfectly, and the attacks are brutal, hard and flashy. Its a very solid and satisfying combat system and in 0 its the best it has ever been. The ability to switch between 3 different and equally fun fighting styles on the fly really lets you mix things up and adapt your approach, every style feels fun and useful. If i had to pick a favorite it would be slugger, but its a tough choice, and they are all very viable and FUN.
Yakuza 0 also gets big points for having the best story in the series. The protagonists feel much more interesting in this era, the fights feel more earned in this game than others, the relationships are incredibly touching (I’m almost mad majima didnt stay with makoto) and the substories (and some parts of the main story) are the funniest they’ve ever been. Stuff like the quasi-stealth mission where you have to make sure women don’t see you buying a porn magazine for a child, and the extended scene of kiryu trying to guess the right business manners for a meeting had me laughing so much i was i was almost in physical pain.
The extensive business and host club substories get you tons of extra game content and are good enough to almost be there own game. The other games in the series have extended side activites of varying quality, but i think 0 had a rare case of all of these being, basically, perfect. The team obviously agrees since host club management came back repeatedly, but never as good as it was here.
Being set in the 80s elevates almost everything in the game because of the outfits, money flying out of every enemy you attack, the classic sega games you can play at the arcade (Outrun is so much fun and I’d have never have given it a proper go otherwise) and the disco minigame everyones made a meme out of (that music is so catchy).
As a final note this game has the best boss fights and music in the series, which is a very high standard to surpass when you look at the rest of the series. The dual final boss fights, the recurring boss for kiryu and almost every majima fight are highlights of the entire series for me. 
0 is going to end up being one of the few games I’ll never sell my copy of because i want it available for me to play forever, its a complete delight.
Shovel Knight
This game has been analysed to hell and back, so i wont have much original to say i suppose. Admittedly i did enjoy the first campaign but it didnt completely win me over, plague knights campaign and beyond was what really made this an all time greats for me. It’s one of very few games that gets the NES+SNES platforming appeal 100% right and essentially surpasses most games of the day, with almost perfect pacing, challenge and level design. IT helps that the whole world and story and look is charming as all hell. It’s an easy game to love and the more you play it the more that feels justified. Being PACKED with great content is also a plus. If you liked the first campaign you can just keep going through a set of campaigns about as good that only really rehash some level assets. I would say its one of the best 2D platformers ever for me, if not quite my true number 1.
Since i have little else to add to the shovel knight discussion, here’s my ranking/thoughts on each campaign
Plague of shadows. BEST storyline, great levels with a really cool gameplay gimmick, the characters are all cute and the ending really makes me feel for him. both sorry for him at first and then a very real AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW for LOVE
King of cards. king knight is just fun as hell to play as, he doesnt have that many tools but his movement is just crazy fun and i love the flair in all his animations. also has that rad final boss. joustus is ok i guess.
Shovel of hope. uuuuuuh what can i even say about this. its good, and the melancholy dream bits add a lot to the mood of the story. we’ve already analysed this campaign within an inch of its life i dont think i can say anything new. wish we could fight the battletoads on pc.
Specter of torment. still fun and i appreciate the tone change, but i didnt care as much for the characters and the mega man-esque level select doesnt suit shovel knight imo. specter knight has a lot of fun movement options though. mainly i just love GRINDING and the diagonal slash. i dont give a fuck about reize
Nier Automata
I feel a tiny bit ashamed i have so little to say about this considering it is one of the most emotional experiences i have ever had with a story. If i lsten to the final version of weight of the world i still cry just from remembering this game and how it made me feel. i think its one of the greatest narratives of the century but i can barely get across the appeal to anyone who hasnt already played it. its a story about hope, despair and the nature of the human race that never feels like its preachy or pretensious or taking on more than it can handle. it made me feel all kinds of emotions deeply and intensely, it genuinely made me burst into tears about 10 times, maybe more. even putting aside the ggrand narrative, theres so many cool character moments and bits of world building and visual eements and tragic little side stories that you would need a whole book to talk about them all while doing any real justice to them. i loved it so much that im paying £70 to see an orchestra do the soundtrack live. I want to hug and kiss 2b and 9s better. i just love it deeply and i find it hard to explain why it makes me feel that way, but its a dark beautiful and hopeful story where every moment feels earned. the despair of the story giving way to genuine hope with the rest of the world helping you fight for it is such an intensely emotional moment that you could never replicate outside of this kind of story and medium. how the fuck do i explain that to anyone that doesnt already get it. I’m glad this game exists
Metal Gear Rising 
Well, complete tone shift here. Platinum made a lot of great action games in the last decade that all dig into that same itch for DODGE SLOW MOTION BANG BANG BANG alongside great soundtracks, visuals and awesome set piece moments. Just intense, flashy, awesome combat. Picking a favorite of the decade was the hard part, because a platinum game had to be one of my faves of the decade. The closest was transformers, but mgr has a couple of things about it that put it above the rest of the platinum catalog for me.
The story actually works very well at still being metal gear while in the platinum formula, its about the cycle of violence and FINDING YOUR OWN PURPOSE and it works weirdly well. The strangest part is that it feels like a legitimate sequel to metal gear 4 tonally while still being the crazy action game it is
Raiden is just super fun to play as, while I’ll always miss the DODGE SLOWMO in a platinum game parry and zandatsu give a great flow to fights and there’s real exhilaration to parrying a hard chain of attacks and tearing out a bunch of enemies spines at once every time
raiden is also just  a fun protag, it truly allows me to embrace that kind of stereotypical edgy cool anime swordsman he embodies
Bosses just rule
one of the best final bosses ever, in my opinion? maybe that’s controversial, but armstrong gets an insane amount of characterization and pure PRESENCE out of such a small amount of screen time and the fact he feels like such a perfect rival to raiden so quickly is kind of nuts to me. within about half an hour you are ready for the ultimate final showdown with everything at stake, and then the gameplay 100% delivers on that with a fight that is challenging as hell and just feels climatic and intimidating. its a little thing, but having this dude just smack you around with his hands and almost no fighting skill after a game filled with crazy flippy cyborg ninjas makes him feel TOUGH and the way you finish him off? it just rocks, plain and simple. I don’t think i need to justify slices a massive dudes chest open and ripping out his giant still beating robot heart as the music climaxes and our cool edgy protag literally says WE’RE DONE HERE. truly, it has to be this way.
Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX 
For fast twitchy 2d platformers this barely beat out Katana Zero and Touhou Luna Nights, but i think its just a little better. The skill ceiling on this game is high as hell and once you really get to grips with it, its an experience you cant find anywhere else. its just satisfying as hell to be able to get through the point where you can ZOOM  through these levels by making use of copen’s dash and lock-on and weapons well enough. once you get good enough to get through a hole level without touching the ground, you just cant go back. I liked this enough to get an S rank on almost every level. this game just rules, man.
story, art and music are all great as well. but they pale in importance next to zippy jetpack zoom zoom fun time.
also great for having a cool twist that i genuinely did not see coming at all
Final Fantasy XV   
For context, my experience of FFXV was not the base game so i cannot personally address the concerns of the version at launch, which i hear from others was a total mess! The game has been updated and changed so much that it is probably almost unrecognizable aside from the absolute base aspects of it. The version i am talking about is, as far as we know, the “final” version released right before Episode Ardyn. There was of course an update after this, but it only added DLC compatibility and a few items, so it means very little in the grand scheme. I also played all of the dlc and watched all the periphery material to get the full, messy disjointed experience. it is also worth noting that the only other FF game i have played is the classic title Mario Hoops 3 on 3 Basketball. I feel it important to tell you this before getting into things so that you can have a full idea of the perspective i come at the game from.
This was chosen over Mario Odyssey and someone will probably kill me for that. I just think its a great emotional story that does a fantastic job of making you care for all the characters, and the world feels massive and full of cool stuff to see. It’s my favorite open world game and i love The Boys.  its not the kind of thing i usually play but i think it genuinely had a great story and its a very fun game to just explore and spend time in. ffxv truly understands the emotional bond between The Lads and it is fun to kill big monsters with your party
(they kinda ruin the last cutscene in english, in japanese he says I LOVE YOU GUYS and it makes me cry but in english he goes U GUYS ARE THE BEST which just isnt the same. a small nitpick though. a lot of this game made me cry regardless, its just great at creating an emotional bond)
I admire the insane level of ambition in the visuals and scope, and i bought every dlc for it because it was just that good. the ifrit boss fight and all the giant monsters are just amazingly epic in scale. the “found a cool rock” post is what i truly admire about this game summed up. 
all the ancillary material for the game is great and worth getting into, with the exception of the Comrades multiplayer expansion. Everything else adds depth to the story and the world without being entirely necessary for you to get through the story. the anime and the dlc all really feel worth getting into without being something you have to see to get The Full Experience
the giant monsters are cool
Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game
Being from 2010 this game only just makes it in, but it was my favorite beat em up this decade and a source of great nostalgia for me. It had a pretty big impact on music and art tastes in regards to games, and in retrospect this games existence was very much a dream team scenario. Paul Robertson is a great sprite artist who does a lot of good work, Anamanaguchi have gone on to become one of my favorite bands (another winter is still one of their best tracks imo) and at the time this came out i was obsessed with scott pilgrim. That plus the beat em up gameplay makes this kind of a perfect blending of a lot of my specific tastes. Playing this brings me back to the time in my school life that i played it very distinctly, a more comfortable time in my life for sure, and i think the game still stands up excellently. I hope that someday it will get a rerelease so others can enjoy it. I give this another play through every year or so, but i wish id gotten the dlc while it was still available
i like this game because of the intense adrenaline rush and violent catharsis it gives me, essentially a constant dopamine rush
fun game good
I’m glad i got to this before the massive wave of spoilers and popularity came about. It’s a great story with some fun gameplay, and i think SANS UNDERTALE was one of the best boss fights this decade. Its a shame that for so many new players this experience is going to be ruined by spoilers
Persona 5 
Danganronpa 2 and fallout new vegas were close contenders for this last spot. I actually made a post about my thoughts on this game before https://journaloftomfooleryandjapery.tumblr.com/post/184341270554/nue-is-great-love-his-goofy-design-when-life-will but essentially 
Essentially, its got a great cast of characters, a cool slick look, great monster designs, a fun gameplay loop of collecting monsters and grinding stats while waiting for the next big event, and a surprisingly good story
No idea if royal is any good, but its on a pretty small list of games that i might actually take the time to replay
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lizziebennet · 5 years
AURORA. Very important question for you on this Tuesday night - what is your opinion on the HP scores and could you order them from fav to least fav?
what an excellent and essential question. i admit that it’s hard for me to approach this matter from an objective point of view as obviously my opinions of these scores are very intensely affected by nostalgia and my experience w the film itself, but i shall try my hardest to just evaluate the scores on their own merit. 
7. deathly hallows part 1&2 by alexandre desplat
i remember when it was announced desplat was going to be doing the last 2 films and it was so exciting to have such a Hot Composer taking on the final two films… but i gotta say he severely disappointed me and i haven’t forgiven desplat since. these films–especially part 2–were the culmination of the entire franchise, and should’ve been fucking epic masterpieces that evoked the previous films’ score. instead, desplat largely ignored the iconic potter themes that williams and others created and went in his own direction which like… isn’t really the right move for the last 2 films of a franchise imo. 
and im just not super a fan of what he came up with?? like ‘lily’s theme’ is good, but im not sure it really fits potter?? and i just feel like a lot of the final battle stuff could’ve been so much more epic and emotional like. it doesn’t take a lot for a bitch to cry in a harry potter movie but desplat wasn’t helping me out u know. anyway i honestly like the score he did for fucking new moon better than for potter which …….is not great. 
6. order of the phoenix by nicholas hooper 
i am trying not to let my hatred of this movie cloud my judgement here but like even so i think this is one of the weaker scores. there are just so many annoying tracks lmaooo that like they blast at the wizarding world parks u know. like umbridge’s theme… i get its SUPPOSED to be annoying but still its not a fave. and like i think again the stuff in the ministry of magic during the fight scenes couldve been better. its just not a fave tbh but i do like a few themes like particularly the track ‘a journey to hogwarts’ is very sweet and sirius’s death moment was well done. but overall there are more tracks on this one i skip than play. 
5. chamber of secrets by john williams
this is where things get rly tricky bc i legit love the rest of these scores. but i have to put chamber here because i feel like a lot of its greatness piggybacks off the genius of the score of sorcerer’s stone... which isn’t a bad thing at all but. it doesn’t bring a ton of new stuff to the table. however i do love the ‘fawkes the phoenix’ theme!!! so!! much!!! and lockhart’s theme is very funny and cute. we do edge into a saccharine territory a bit when it comes to tracks like ‘reunion of friends’ but like i cry every time so who fucking cares. 
4. half-blood prince by nicholas hooper
i really really love this score as a stand alone score, and i almost put it higher on this list but i feel like this score totally abandons all the potter scores that have come before it and does its totally own new thing. this isn’t really the scores fault, as im sure like david yates told hooper to do this you know, but it deviates so far from the original themes instead of just adding onto them, so much so that if you just heard it without watching the movie you might not even associate it with the potter movies at all. again, this probably isn’t hooper’s fault but i think this was a big mistake for the sonic evolution of the movies. the potter movies failed to create a cohesive sound across all the films, and i think it is worse for it. can u imagine if the harry potter movies were like the lord of the rings movies, where they bring back themes from the first movie in the final one and the audience recognizes them subconsciously and the moment is all the more emotional because of it? tbh just a missed opportunity imo. 
but anyway just about this score on its own, it has some of the best standalone tracks in the entire movies tbh. the one that stands out the most to me is of course ‘dumbledore’s farewell.’ such a hauntingly beautiful song--i remember seeing this movie for the first time and this track pierced me to my core. i also love how this score uses harp like in ‘when ginny kissed harry,’ and how it uses choral arrangements?? like in ‘in noctem.’ honestly i adore this score so much but i have to rank it lower because i doesn’t feel like it serves its purpose in the potter movies as a whole well :( 
3. goblet of fire by patrick doyle
idk why patrick doyle only did the 1 movie because i really like this score. i know its super hard to follow up john fucking williams lmaooo but i feel like he did a pretty good job of drawing from the original williams themes but also incorporating some new stuff to fit the darker tone of the movie. there are some of my favorite potter tracks of all time on this score like ‘death of cedric’ which is so haunting and perfect and ‘harry in winter’ which is so beautiful and potter-esque. he also did a really good job with the action scenes in the graveyard which is v important to me. and the diegetic music in the yule ball stuff is so funny and lovely at the same time. 
2. sorcerer’s stone by john williams 
the fucking classic. the og. like, what is there to say?? talented brilliant incredible amazing showstopping never the same totally unique. like only john williams could create such an iconic theme. it’s hard for me to be objective here because i was young enough when the first movie came out that ‘hedwig’s theme’ /is/ harry potter to me, they are one in the same, you cannot separate them in my mind. but truly williams captured the magic of the harry potter world in music and enchanted everyone with this score. 
i also love the little medieval-y influences in this score that were dropped by chamber of secrets. like with the harp moments and in ‘diagon alley and the gringotts vault’ and ‘in ‘hogwarts forever!’ there’s just a very majestic and antique vibe that i really dig that didn’t really carry over to the other movies. 
i will say sometime williams gets very... williams-y in his very uhh loud?? and kinda frantic composing u can hear in like ‘the quidditch match’ which isn’t my favorite way to do action scenes, but like who the fuck cares u know the pros of this score far outweigh it. 
like. just. so manyyy iconic themes that have so much EMOTIONAL WEIGHT!!! like the moment u see hogwarts for the first time and the choral vocals... and the bells in ‘christmas at hogwarts.’ and who can keep a dry eye during ‘leaving hogwarts’??? NOT I!!!!!!!!!!! such a gentle theme of longing and home and yearning and family and bittersweet loss. it starts so small and intimate but then swELLS to this grand and sweeping tune. it’s stunning. 
1. prisoner of azkaban by john williams
this is PEAK!!! potter for me. again, hard to be objective because this is the best my favorite harry potter movie, but i also truly think this is the best score because it carries over the iconic themes of the first two movies but adds a quirky and dramatic flair that fits the tone of the movie cuaron was trying to make u know? i think u can really tell that cuaron had a lot of imput on the score and didn’t just let williams do whatever he wanted, because we get a really interesting, stylized sound that is really different from williams usual fare in such a great way. but, it still is a williams score and because of that it shines and also weaves in the past movies’ themes to give us an outstanding amalgamation of sound and melody. 
like we start with ‘lumos!’ which gets us right back into the potter universe but then we get a series of quirky new themes, like the waltz for aunt marge, the jazzy knight bus theme, and the medieval choral rendition of ‘double trouble’... iconic. and we get the dark and disturbing dementors theme (’apparition on the train’) which is very understated for a williams score and extremely effective. 
however ,,,, we do not abandon the themes from prior movies!!!!! a great illustration of how williams takes those old potter themes and adapts them for this movie can be seen in ‘secrets of the castle.’ this minimalist take on hedwigs theme is a completely different tone from the original, but still establishes that we are in the same sonic world as that film. you can also see this in ‘the portrait gallery’ where an old potter theme is played on some kind of woodwind (idk sorry) and a harpsichord, giving the odd, quirky, vintage feel of the movie but still keeping with the established potter musical world. 
i really love the ~medieval vibes~ that this score gives me and i wish this was something later scores went back to (instead of going in a jazz direction..looking at you hooper). theres a lot of traditional sounding instruments used that give it a real rustic, celtic feel rather than the grand classicism of a full orchestral sound that the first 2 movies use. a lot of harps, strings, and woodwinds!!!! 
some of my favorite tracks of all time are on this score. ‘window to the past’ is just... a triumph of emotion. its absolutely stunning in its simplicity in the beginning, and how it builds toward the end. the return of that theme in ‘finale’ when sirius is saying goodbye to harry...i truly sob every time. the isolated vocals in ‘the patronus light’ truly embody the purity of that awe and joy when the patronus is cast. and of course, of course, ‘buckbeak’s flight’ is an absolute magical joy ride captured in sound. williams refrains from using a full orchestra for most of the score, so when everyone plays together in moments like this you get the full grandeur of the scene just... bAM! it’s so fucking well done and just... perfect. 
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salfordiansiren · 4 years
Interview Questions for Ren Harvieu, God is in the TV ‘In Conversation with…’article
We do like to ask some ‘off-the-wall’ questions, also some slightly tongue-in-cheek and left-field ones not connected to the music business at all. There are also a few multiple questions and I’ve mixed them up a bit so that the subjects keep changing. Many of them are open-ended, giving you the opportunity to be as verbose as you wish.  Please ignore any question you do not wish to answer.
Hi Lauren, my name is David Bentley, I write for a UK-based e-zine God is in the TV (GIITTV).
The objective of this interview, which will be published in GIITTV within a week of receiving your responses, is to introduce you to a new audience in the UK and abroad and to promote your forth on ming album.
The interview will also feature some embedded videos and/or audio unless you ask us not to do that.
There will be an ‘introduction’ to the interview but that will be written after its completion.
Thanks for agreeing to take part.
So, here we go…
Hi Lauren, thanks for joining us today. How are you?
I’m in a great mood today thanks. I had foot surgery last week and so I cant leave the house or really move for 6 weeks but I feel strangely calm about the whole thing, I dont mind bein
For the benefit of readers who may not be familiar with you, how would you describe yourself as an artist, in a paragraph?
You have released two singles, ‘Teenage Mascara’ and just now ‘Yes, Please’ from your second album, ‘Revel in the Drama’ which is scheduled for next April and the first one was well received by broadcasting ‘tastemakers’. How does the album differ from the first one, ‘Through the Night?’
The difference between Revel In The Drama and Through The Night is that this is a much more personal album. I spent the last couple of years honing my songwriting craft and these lyrics have come straight from my gothic salfordian brain. Its darker, more intense, stranger but still has the beauty of Through The Night. I think both albums sit nicely together.
Since 2015 you’ve been co-writing with Romeo Stodart of the Magic Numbers and he appeared on stage with you at your recent concerts. Will that relationship continue? Do you prefer to control the songwriting process yourself, or are you content to work with other music or lyric writer(s) into the future? If the latter, who has the final say?
I’ll keep writing with romeo till I die if he wants to. He’s the best of the best, and he understands me. I never really felt understood as an artist till I met him. I feel so comfortable in his presence that I let it allllll out, not just the versions of me t
You signed with Universal, a huge corporation, as a 17-year old. Is that too young, or are there any benefits in being ‘bloodied’ in the industry at such a tender age?
I think I was too young, although Universal were great that wasn’t the problem. But there was a lot going on behind the scenes that I was dealing with. I wasn’t a show biz kid from a showbiz family and I had real problems that seemed bigger than singing about about being dumped by some boy. I felt too young and overwhelmed but also too streetwise and smart for it all. It was a confusing time.
They say that everything happens for a reason. In 2011 you suffered a life-changing event, just as your debut album was about to be released, and one which set you back several years. Eight years on do you think the dreadful accident in which you broke your back has had any positive repercussions?
I think there had been positive repercussions,I dont think I would have started writing if it wasn’t for the accident. I dont
What attracted you to signing with Bella Union for your new album?
Do you have any role models in the music business? A hero or heroine? Anyone you would enjoy being “mentioned in the same breath” with? (Dusty Springfield comes to mind, also perhaps Shirley Bassey).
I really admire Fiona apple because she does whatever the hell she wants. And her records are stunning, unique and completely un compromising.
You are compared occasionally with Elkie Brooks (I’ve done it myself!), a different kind of singer perhaps but a highly respected one who hails from the same city, and even the same suburb as you. And she’s still performing, in her seventies. Is there anything you feel you can learn from her and, indeed, are you ever in contact with her?
I dont know Elkie personally but I love her shes a legend. Rising Cost Of Love is my jam!
You left Salford and relocated to London a while ago. Do you miss it? How did the move impact on your creativity?
I really miss the north, everything about it but I needed to leave because I was really sad and I knew if i didnt do something soon I was going to slip down the back alleyof my mind and maybe disappear forever. I have memories on every street, bus stops make me emotional. Corner shops where me and my friend would try and get booze in our school, theres just memories everywhere and I needed a clean break. To create some distance so I could write about it
When you’re writing, how do most of your songs start life? A piano part? A chord? A melody? Does inspiration simply come, or do you have to seek it?
I feel inspired everyday by everything. When writing a song I like to visualise it, like a film, frame by frame. Sometimes I move around, dance, put on voices. Romeo will play something off the cuff that’s so beautiful that I’ll just start shouting and laughing and hugging him. Its the closest I get to spirituality. Writing wise, I want the narrative to have as much depth as possible, I want to feel something and I feel it is my duty to give the emotion and the stories the respect they deserve. I take it very seriously.
Do you see yourself as a live artist, or a recording artist, or both?
I see myself as both. I get to appease the introvert in me by being in the studio and attend to the outrovert by playing live.
How would you personally measure ‘success’? By ‘breaking’ America? Or something more modest?
Success to me would mean I get to create and perform music for all time and make a living on it. Success to me would mean that people are touched and moved by my music. I would love to be a voice to someone that can comfort them, just as say Rufus Wainwirght was to me when I was a depressed 14 year old. I’m not doing this just to stroke my own fragile ego, I genuinely want to reach o
When I saw your show at the Deaf Institute in Manchester recently, in one song (I think it was ‘Cruel Disguise’), you reached and sustained a note that convinced me and those in my company that you could probably tackle opera singing. Do you have any ambitions to perform in that or any other genre?
I would love to learn opera. I think
Back in 2012, while you were recovering, you performed several James Bond film theme tunes with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, including ‘You only live twice’ and ‘Nobody does it better’, both of which arguably could be applied to you. Do you picture yourself as a ‘Bond girl’ in the sense of recording the theme to a future movie, or do you even have any acting ambitions to actually play such a role? After all, the new album is constructed so that you can “revel in the drama of my life” as you say. (Incidentally, a female friend of mine – also from Salford – commented that you look like a 1950s Hollywood movie star).
Tell your friend I said thanks a lot! I would love to sing a Bond theme, I feel like it could happe
Acting wise I’m open to it, why not?
I saw one of your Christmas Special shows at the Soup Kitchen in Manchester in 2015. During the show you told a story about how a school choirmaster prevented you joining a musical assembly on four occasions for no better reason than that there was something about you that he didn’t like. Your rejoinder to that was “Well, fuck him” and of course you soon went on to release demos on MySpace which were picked up by a local manager and sent on to Amy Winehouse’s producer. The rest is history. A new song, ‘Little Raven’ was written cathartically as one to your younger self when you had no label and didn’t know if it would ever be recorded. What advice would you give to young people who find doors being slammed in their face as that schoolmaster did to you?
If anyone is picking you, school teachers, other kids, parents, anyone i would say to
If schoolmasters are singling you out and picking on you, its probably because your different and they cant stand
What touring plans do you have to support the release of the new album?
We are organising a tour right now around the UK, quite a big one its really exciting. I also cant wait to tour outside of England, I’ve never done that.
If you weren’t a musician what would you be? Do you ever aspire to being ‘something else’ entirely (model, politician, footballer, train driver…?!)
I think I’d try and be a fiction writer. I love books and stories and characters. I heard Donna Tartt say something life ‘as much fun as it is to read a book, writing one is one level deeper’ There’s something about losing myself into another world entirely that really appeals to me.
The environment. Whose viewpoint are you closest to? Donald Trump or Greta Thunberg?
 Greta or course.
United or City?
Coronation Street or EastEnders?
Thanks again and good luck with the album and your future career.
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alienshea · 6 years
And now, for no absolute reason, I will give every Gorillaz song from the main 6 studio albums my rating from 1-10
Re-Hash: 7.5/10
Bopping tune, 2D doing his own backup vocals make me swoon, Noodle is great as always, no one really knows what the lyrics are but they’re valid
5/4: 6/10
Better than average,not the best song i’ve ever heard but still pretty good, kinda uncomfy with Noodle screaming about someone turning her dad on, drumbeat makes me wanna dance, wished they couldve made the music video
Tomorrow Comes Today: 7/10
The kind of song that gets stuck in your head all day, love the overall sad tone, music video makes me laugh now bc that one murdoc gif, makes me cry when i have depressive episodes
New Genius (Brother): 7.5/10
Love 2D’s voice in it, lyrics hit home a little bit for me, have never skipped this song tbh, overall pretty good song
Clint Eastwood: 8.5/10
I literally know all the words, I love the rap, iconic, there’s a reason it’s popular, Del is everything
Man Research (Clapper): 3/10
oooo boy i’m gonna get shit for this one, i always skip this song, i can’t stand the whole “yeah yeah” thing, the only great part about this song is the “tHiS Is a bReAkFaSt ClUuUuuUB!”
Punk: 6.5/10
gets me turnt, toooooo short, tbh i like any song where 2D yells
Sound Check (Gravity): 9/10
looooove this song, gives me body chills when the drums kick in, love the deep ass voice, overall emo kid bop
Double Bass: 8/10
nice jam, I like listening to this when I do homework or art, relaxing
Rock The House: 8/10
legit makes me get up and dance, great rhythm, music video is beautiful
19/2000: 9/10
amazing bop, gets me pumped, iconic af, first gorillaz song i ever heard and first music video i ever saw, n o o d l e
Latin Simone: 7/10
I don’t speak spanish so i cant really sing along, love the feel of it, will listen on repeat, prefer the english version but im biased
Starshine: 6.5/10
idk I don’t really listen to this one, not a bad song i just wouldn’t play it on repeat or actively look for it, i do like the vocals
Slow Country: 8.5/10
love the feeling this song gives me, kinda like im just floating, super chill song to get high to, have never skipped this song, i like the lyrics
M1A1: 8/10
super fun song to sing along with, honestly the best song they couldve ever chosen to start a concert, he   s c r e a m
Demon Days
Last Living Souls: 9/10
absolute favourite song on the album, breakdown gives me chills, constantly changing it’s tune and i love it, the basssss <3
Kids With Guns: 6/10
I love singing the chorus, great song to have in the background, chill af
O Green World: 7.5/10
i love the instrumental of this one, vocals give me chills, kinda wish you could hear the singing more tho
Dirty Harry: 6.5/10
bopping beat, i love the rap part, overall not really the type of song i’d play on repeat but not bad
Feel Good Inc: 8/10
first and foremost the fucking bass of this song is the reason i’m learning bass, chorus gives me chills, kinda overused but i understand
El Manana: 6/10
kind of a meh song for me personally, not a bad one just not the greatest
Every Planet We Reach Is Dead: 9/10
banger, the reason im also learning guitar, vocals are on point, has made me cry before
November Has Come: 7/10
love the chorus, rap is kinda meh for me, i like the beat
All Alone: 5/10
not really a song i listen to, i like the bloopy noises
White Light: 4/10
I always skip this one tbh, better than man research but not by much
DARE: 6.5/10
this song haunts my dreams, its like the best kind of elevator music, on another note you fucking go noodle
Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey’s Head: 7.5/10
I WANNA BE A COWBOY BABY, narrative is really fucking good tho
Don’t Get Lost In Heaven: 8/10
beautiful, usually dont like gospel-esque music but i love this, gives me chills
Demon Days: 6.5/10
not my favourite tbh, meh for me
Plastic Beach
Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach: 7.5/10
i love snoop dogg, also this song gives me good vibes
White Flag: 5/10
ehhhh not a fan of this one, i usually skip it, i like the orchestra tho
Rhinestones Eyes: 8.5/10
i fucking love this song, great tune great vocals, i never skip it, i even got my boyfriend to start loving this song even tho he doesnt really like gorillaz
Stylo: 9/10
jesus this song, makes my heart hurt, i absoultely long singing along to this, his voiceeeee, bobby womack!
Superfast Jellyfish: 8.5/10
quirky af, i love de la soul in this one a lot, have never skipped this
Empire Ants: 9/10
so beautiful, has made me cry, both of their voices are so soft and lovely ugh
Glitter Freeze: 6/10
starts off strong but when it starts sounding like a drill i usually yeet out
Some Kind Of Nature: 8/10
used to be my favourite until i started listening to the album more, 2d’s part is so soulful omg
On Melancholy Hill: 8.5/10
so sad and amazing, music video is probably my favourite, is me and my best mate’s “song”
Broken: 9/10
ugh beautiful, i know all the words and always sing them loud af, has never skipped this song, honestly is everything
Sweepstakes: 5.5/10
not a big fan, i usually skip this one, not a horrible song just not for me
Plastic Beach: 7.5/10
love it, better at the beginning than the end, still a bop
To Binge: 10/10
WHEEEW BOY, i love this song, its so sad and amazing and gay jesus christ, the best thing murdoc has ever done
Cloud of Unknowing: 7/10
soulful and beautiful, again bobby womack!!
Pirate Jet: 7/10
i love the tune bc it gets me feeling ~spooky~, lyrics dont really make sense but thats okay
The Fall
Phoner to Arizona: 8/10
gets me bopping and grooving, great music to play in the background while writing or doing art, my go to for when i draw or need background sound while I relax
Revolving Doors: 9.5/10
OOF, it so sad and it makes me feel things, i scream the lyrics errytime
Hillbilly Man: 10/10
fell in love with this the second I heard it, has been my favourite song of all time for over 2 years now, will never skip it in my life, i yearn to learn the guitar 
 Detroit: 6.5/10
generally a good happy bop, usually play it as background sound
Shy-Town: 6/10
nice to the ear, i don’t really like the prerecorded vocals of 2D but when Damon sung it live it sounds much better
Little Pink Plastic Bags: 8/10
i love it ugh, relaxing af, will never skip
The Joplin Spider: 9/10
big love for this song, its just soooo goooood
The Parish Of Space Dust: 7.5/10
big cowboy energy, sounds so sweet, 2D’s voice is unnnf
The Snake In Dallas: 7/10
good for when you wanna party but you’re depressed and can only stay in bed, love the little robotic sounds
Amarillo: 9.5/10
i meeeean what can i say, this song is so sad and gay and beautiful, ive cried while listening it this, will never skip
The Speak It Mountains: 7.5/10
this track is really weird and creepy and kind of not a song but i adore it anyway
 Aspen Forest: 8/10
beautiful sounds, the piano is so soothing, will play this on repeat while i zone out
Bobby In Phoenix: 9/10
i wanna cry every single time i hear this bobby come back
California and the Slipping of the Sun: 7.5/10
this song so so pretty and i cry every time ugh, he sounds so fed up im sorry pretty boy
Seattle Yodel: ???
OVERALL SCORE FOR THE FALL: 8 (rounded down)
Ascension: 8.5/10
absolute banger, i get pumped everytime this comes on, skys falling bb
Strobelite: 7.5/10
i used to hate this song but then the music video came out and i tried it again and now i love it dont @ me
Saturnz Barz: 9/10
theres so much i could say about this song ans the mv unf
Momentz: 9/10
banger, i dance like a maniac every time i hear it, will never skip
Submission: 8/10
gives me a good chance to work on high notes, makes my skin tingly
Charger: 8.5/10
2D’s voice is so griity and i can help myself
Andromeda: 8.5/10
I’ve never skipped this song, has made me cry, makes me dance
Busted And Blue: 9/10
has made me cry several times, vocals are everything, will never skip
Carnival: 7/10
is a bop, don’t really listen to it much anymore but it’s alright
Let Me Out: 8/10
i love it, one of my favourites to rap with
Sex Murder Party: 4/10
ehhh dont like this one, i always skip it
She’s My Collar: 8.5/10
i dont want to admit the things 2D’s voice in this makes me wanna do
Hallelujah Money: 7.5/10
hated this at first, grew to love, very soothing
We Got The Power: 9.5/10
gets me FUCKING PUMPED, we do got the power fuckers
OVERALL SCORE FOR HUMANZ: 8.5 (rounded down)
The Now Now
Humility: 8.5/10
summer bop, makes me wanna dance, have never skipped
Tranz: 9.5/10
i love singing along to this bc it makes me feel sexy oops, always screams the lyrics
Hollywood: 7/10
not a huge fan of this but ill listen to it, favourite part is the chorus, also snoop doggy dogg
Kansas: 9/10
oof this song makes me cry, i always scream this 
Sorcererz: 7.5/10
ooo them vocals thooo, makes me relaxed
Idaho: 8.5/10
i love this song sm, one of my favourites of all time to sing, i wanna learn the guitar for this
Lake Zurich: 8/10
I love to listen to this while relaxing or writing, makes me wanna dance, COWBELL
Magic City: 8.5
always dancing to this, billboards on the moooon
Fireflies: 10/10
yall saw this coming, i always cry, its so somber, in close competition w HillBilly Man for my all time favourite
One Percent: 6.5/10
only song on the album i would skip and it isnt even that bad
Souk Eye: 10/10
its so gay and sad i love it sm
So after months of me saying i’d rate the songs in order I finally did! Now keep in my the overall scores are averages, my personal rating for each album is:
Self-Titled: 8/10
Demon Days: 7/10
Plastic Beach: 8.5/10
The Fall: 8/10
Humanz: 7.5/10
The Now Now: 9/10
thanks for reading, i did this so i wouldn’t have to write an essay oops! <3
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musicmixtapes · 6 years
April 17th, 2018 Mix
Here is this week's mix, definitely have some strong rock vibes and a couple low key tunes as well, a thorough transition from oldies to brand new stuff that came out a few days ago! Enjoy friends :) 
1. Paris (Ooh La La) by Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - Wow this is a throwback for me... sung this at a gig with one of my old bands and always loved the energy this song put out! You want to sing it and dance around for sure. 2. Pyro by King of Leon - Listened to this upon recommendation and was so happy I did, always feel like theres a KOL song that I somehow missed and uncover and fall in love with. About burning memories and the new arising from the ashes (phoenix vibes). 3. Lola by The Kinks - My dad introduced me to The Kinks awhile ago, but I've been really into their subtle rock that seems to come so naturally to the listener's ears. They totally revolutionized the lyrics of rock songs and the really interesting mixture of folk and rock. 4. Here I Dreamt I was An Architect by The Decemberists - This is an early song in the alternative music world, but it's the basis for a lot of new music and definitely reminiscent of alt music I would listen to in middle school, which formed my taste for now. Really cool guitar riff and the synth in the back is so dreamy. 5. John Wayne Gacy, Jr. by Sufjan Stevens - This is both an equally beautiful and creepy song, mostly because it literally chronicles the life of prolific serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Stevens knows exactly how to make a pretty un-relatable figure seem like an everyday person with a difficult life... only a great lyricist could. 6. Katie Queen of Tennessee by The Apache Relay - The strings in this song are so amazing, they automatically drew me in. A pure romantic song about a love who is faraway and the harmonies really bring it together. Blends really well in any context. 7. Hands Down by The Greeting Committee - Unconditional love. This is hard to find in the world, but it's there. After a bad break up the speaker finds comfort and happiness in someone who is their friend/love interest. She sings "With you it's like I'm coming home again" and that is beautiful. 8. My Love by Bahamas - On the other end of the spectrum, about a love that the speaker isn't even sure exists anymore... lots of memories and old days, but they aren't there anymore. The background voices with the echo and the strong bass in combination with the slow and steady drum beat really keep the song grounded. 9. Sky Full Of Song by Florence + The Machine - A new Florence song points to a new album coming soon which will definitely be amazing. This song individually has so many elements which makes a song that will be my favorite including the cool bass, the gradual buildup, and the many, many celestial and natural references made throughout the song. 10. Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams by Camp Cope - A song about government conspiracy, sexism, and gun control. Basically what everyone is feeling nowadays, except they sung it before it was cool. They sing, "The only thing that stops/A bad man with a gun/is a good man with a gun" This is so relevant to today's national climate it's so important. 11. Nascar by Fox Academy - A song that describes the sky on a beautiful day when the speaker is feeling the beauty of the world. Nostalgia is strong in the song referencing to wishing everything felt like it did when he was a little kid. There is a children's piano sound in the background if you listen carefully and it really hits me with sentimentality. 12. Grand Hotel by Regina Spektor - Is this song about purgatory? Or simply about Earth where people don't realize the fragility of their lives and simply live in luxury while the devils wait in lurk and sometimes come up to have enjoyment too. A simple piano ballad that Spektor is highly known for. 13. They Think We're Stupid by Ezra Bell - This chord progression reminds me of "Next To Me" by Emeli Sande and "Stay With Me" by Sam Smith, except a lot more chilled out and definitely more folky than gospel. The violin/fiddle in the interim of the verses is so beautiful and really shapes the song well. 14. The Gold by Manchester Orchestra - Very deep meaning for this one. About a loss of a relationship because of one side not being able to take care of/put up with/understand the craziness of the other person. The upbeat tempo of the song is really deceiving because it's a sad song, but gives you good feelings at the same time. 15. Ladies Don't Play Guitar by Tennis - A definite feminist song for sure. So sarcastic, even in the title referring to the social construct of girls learning to play piano instead of guitar because it's more ladylike. Love the empowering feeling to this song and it calls for a new regime where no one can decide what you can do just because of your gender. 16. Five Minutes by Her - I would categorize this as Electronic/Indie Rock for sure, it's elements are very synthesized and the vocals are a masculine version of perhaps Sylvan Esso/Marian Hill except with more of a rock influence than their female counterparts. I love the relation to the senses in this song. 17. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by The Beatles - Everything about this masterpiece always makes me think about the weather becoming nice again and being young and outside and colorful. Lennon penned this song after his song drew a picture and when asked what it was, the son supposedly replied, "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" So psychedelic. 18. Make Me Your Queen by Declan McKenna - A daydream sort of song whereas the singer knows the one he/she has affection for doesn't reciprocate feelings and he/she just wants them to make them their queen. Such a sweet sentiment of that feeling of desperate longing & hope. An easy rock song with really pretty harmonies as the song progresses. 19. Go Outside by Cults - A lot of people have heard pieces of this song, but never the full thing. The beginning with the cuts of voices is so interesting. The song is the dichotomy of people in a relationship, one wanting to be social and do things and the other being introverted and staying in. The vocals are pushed more to the background of the song, allowing a fuller listen of the instrumentals which is really nice. 20. The Conservation Of Energy by Vanishing Twin - A science notion in the title of a song would usually scare me away, but this one is really interesting and has an awesome flute which I love. 
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Where oh where do I begin? I try not to pick favorites, in anything I do. I think picking favorites sets people up for failure. I figure there will be one day another candidate outshines the favorite, resulting in disappointment. But fuck it, Father John Misty is my favorite. And I trust it because there is virtually nothing he can do wrong that would take that title away- and he does a lot of textbook things “wrong”.
Josh Tillman stole my heart when I heard “I’m Writing a Novel” on WFUV Radio when I was in college (around 2012) Not knowing much about him personally, I started listening to “Fear Fun” and fell in love with his music. “Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings” and “Everyman Needs a Companion” landed every mixed CD (yep, still made CDS in 2012) and I decided to dig a little deeper and actually check the dude out. WOAH he’s hot! WAIT he was in Fleet Foxes? OMG he has the exact the type of humor that I adore, equal parts witty, snarky and dark. Fuck, he has a girlfriend. I’m absolutely done, they’re getting married. I can’t remember a time I fell so hard for an artist post-emo/punk/highschool days (Think Gerard Way and Travis Barker). 
However, I’m really fucking glad he was and is in such a beautiful relationship because thats how his sophomore album came to be. i wasn't sure If I’d ever love an album as much as “Fear Fun” but lo & behold: “I Love You, Honeybear” took & continues to take the damn cake. Has there ever been an album (albeit, Rumours) that has described love so honestly? It talks about the honeymoon phase in depth, the ga-ga feelings and pedestals that we put our partners on in the beginning. The way new love helps us start to feel creative again, or creative in a new, fresh way. And then after time, how love can start to get a little paranoid and jealous. It’s messy, it’s raw and it sort of made me hate his beloved Emma (who eats bread & butter like like a queen would have ostrich and cobra wine. Listen if you don't get the reference but also stop talking to me: https://open.spotify.com/track/2eg2gvPXuwZ9FyrPaLgrXi) Could you I-M-A-G-I-N-E having someone write you a love song such as that? Fun fact, I heard this song for the first time freshly after ending a 4 year relationship. Bad timing? Nah, it actually was so beautiful and uplifting that the song gave me hope and made me feel secure that I haven't found the right person yet and that I didn't just lose that person (burn). It gave me hope that I’d eventually meet someone that I could picture having a satanic christmas eve with or dance around to a mariachi band with. Spoiler Alert: FJM did help me find love. I will get to that at the end. Any who, this album ruled and continue to rules my world. The title track “I Love You, Honeybear” is about taking on the shitastic world we live in with someone you love. “Bored in the USA” is about the absurdities within our pop culture and the bullshit promise of the American Dream gone wrong. The album as a whole is romantic and existentialist and I am 100%AboutThat.com
And then we were gifted “Pure Comedy”. I write that with a sigh. Not because I am disappointed but because It’s heavy. It highlights our current political and social climate and it does so in a very dark, darker than usual way. When he realeased the video for title track, “Pure Comedy” a few short months after the election I wept at my desk. The song itself is so eerie and fantastical with the baritone sax wailing the fuck off as Donald Trump’s face slyly pops up. I Think FJM is making the point that everything happening right now is so fucking ugly and wrong that it’s absurdly funny. Not haha-funny, just...funny. As in “something smells funny”, as in our country. He attacks religion, pop-stars (gotcha, Taylor Swift), environmental issues, the delusional lifestyle of LA inhabitants, you name it. But, in true Josh Tillman fashion, and we know theres a big beating heart in there, he ends the album in a hopeful way with “In Twenty Years or So”. In the song, Tillman addresses the cosmic indifference of the universe and the existential fear that comes with it. In the first two verses he sets up the great comedy: That despite all our grand gesturing and philosophizing (with the character of Father John Misty as the embodiment of this behavior), we ultimately don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Then in the second verse he starts to assign a little more meaning to the chaos.
That in twenty years More or less This human experiment will reach its violent end But I look at you As our second drinks arrive The piano player's playing "This Must Be the Place" And it's a miracle to be alive
I *think* he’s saying, “Look, the world is fucked, we’re only getting worse, it’s too much to handle, but thank god I have you to navigate it with. And we have music, and it really all is amazing, isn't it”. I’m sorry it sounds like a basic Audrey Hepburn wannabe annotation of his beautifully written song, but It comforts me. It’s like a really elongated and philosophic way of saying “All you Need is Love”, but The Beatles beat him to it.
All in all, “Pure Comedy” takes us through a (trippy) walk of life thats starts out as that scene in Willy Wonka where they’re all taking a boat ride through the tunnel of hellish images, to a calm setting where all you want to do is hug the people you love and be left with the simple yet complex thought, “it’s all going to be okay”. Bravo FJM for creating such a mature and powerful album. I think melodically it is not for everyone, as it is much slower that what he’s done. But give it a good listen through and really listen to what he’s saying. If 2017 had to sound like anything (besides screams and tears) it would sound like “Pure Comedy”.
Kk thanks for reading.
OH WAIT, yeah I forgot this is a concert blog. Well! I saw him last night at the Kings Theatre in Flatbush, Brooklyn. A tremendously stunning place to see live music, in my opinion. He played most of “Pure Comedy” straight through, without any speeches or commentary. Nerd moment- I fuuucking love when artists do this with newly released albums. it shows they care about it, it shows they're not just trying to appease the crowd with favorites. It’s saying here is the art i just created and worked on for mad amount of time. Sit the fuck down and experience it. He did every song except the 13 minute “Leaving LA” (good call IMO) and the last two songs, yanno, the uplifiting ones. Then halfway through he broke out the oldies, a couple from “Fear Fun” and a bunch from “I Love You, Honeybear”. The whole theater was standing and dancing and watching HIM dance and holy shit I love when tall lanky men swivel their hips. Probably one of the best parts about seeing Father John Misty live is watching him break it down. He was even slow dancing with himself at one point during “Strange Encounter” and i was both turned on and hysterically laughing. One interesting point to make was that he was oddly quiet. He’s known for long on-stage rants, whether they're actually anger driven or just a comedy bit- they usually always show up on Pitchfork the next day. This was my third time seeing him and i’ve had the pleasure of hearing some of those rants and raves. This time he was quiet, appreciative and...mature? IDK I really liked it. I think it mimicked the seriousness of his newest album and demanded that you pay attention to the music and what it’s trying to say. I noticed a bunch of Brooklyn bros at the end of the show making comments like “he wasn't that funny!” “I thought he was going to talk more” and thats fine, but maybe consider why that is. After he came back on for his encore he played the last two songs on “Pure Comedy” and ended on a very special and postive note with a v sweet sun and moon setting in the background. Father John Misty is giving us hope.
Also I felt this deserved it’s own paragraph but his band absolutely blew me away. I would 100% go see them live without vocals. He had an entire orchestra + five piece band. Another additive to the experience compared to past Father John Misty concerts, as he’s always played with just a 5 piece band. It made the album come alive in the most spectacular way.
All in all, he is still my favorite. I hope to see much more from him in the future because I think he has a really really good thing going on on all levels. So back on the topic on Father John Misty and hoping to find love. JOSH, BABE. if you ever see this, I owe you some thanks. If it weren't for you and if it weren't for Tinder syncing my Facebook page likes, I never would have matched with my current partner whom we both share a massive and almost grotesque love for you & we wouldn't have anything to talk about on our first date, or a an album to makeout to for the first time. so really, thanks. At the risk of sounding like a cheese dick, It’s amazing to me that your song, the one that gave me hope and an idea of an ideal partner, led me to so much happiness. Awwwww.
Steam “Pure Comedy” & go through an existential crisis, today! https://open.spotify.com/album/3CoFoDt6zt5EKxmTpOX32b
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