We give 15 year olds too much power on social media. If a high school freshman tried to one up me irl by bringing up something I said 2 years ago I would just shove them into a water fountain.
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caleyodwyer · 2 years
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Nighttime @breweryartlosangeles @breweryartwalk #night #Los Angeles #purple #City #Sky #theromance (at Brewery Artist Lofts) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEfP-IvSw8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nerd-at-sea5 · 7 months
jOhN, sToP hEr, ShE's UsInG tHeRoMs !!
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lurafita · 10 months
Alec loves it when Magnus geeks out
Apathyinreverie ❤ (I have decided to add a heart after that author to underline my appreciation for their work) has a bit of a going theme in their fics about Magnus being really into magical therom and a bit of a nerd when it concerns such things. (Which makes sense to me and I wholeheartedly adore it)
So my hc of the day is Alec loves to get Magnus started on any kind of magical phenonemon or theory and just watch as his boyfriend loses himself in it all as he explains things that go right over Alec’s head. But Magnus is so passionate about it and Alec loves to witness these little "geek-outs".
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alolanrain · 1 year
Okau but with Prof Rowan I think the funniest thing would be the dissonance!
He loves mud wrestling with high class opera music playing in the background
His favorite drink is a weird mix between moonshine and high class tea.
He's just as comfortable in a really fancy party as he would be in a backyard cookout
He has a noticeable country accent (Kamado actually does have this so it's possible) while discussion incredibly complex science theroms
He can toss you over his shoulder just as well.as have debate.
It's so funny to me cause it's so cool
he has the RANGE, darling
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jamieroxxartist · 4 months
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Today, May 24th, our #Catholic & #Christian Friends are celebrating the Feast Day of Saint #Sarah (Patron of #theRom)
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Sarah )
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infiniteshades-of-gray · 11 months
The Dorelus Therom
What’s the probability for something to happen if it’s never happened before.
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divineslcyer · 1 year
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[ pinky ] sender hooks their pinky finger with receiver's @muraenide
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Sitting at the lounge after hours was... interesting. It was quieter, the soft music ambiance still lingering in the air. Mishil sat in one of the empty, plush seats as her gaze lingered on the aquatic window that revealed oceanic life. The blue-green waters were clear, yet foggy from her view, but beautiful. Tendrils of seaweed swayed and wove around each other beautifully, swaying to whatever waves of water rolled against them. Was that currents? Where there currents here?
There was so much about the aquatic life that was foreign to her, and mysterious--but there was no denying the dangerous beauty before her gaze. She could see colorful arrays of different sea-life, fishes of various sizes. Some she recognized from her talks with the twins or Azul, but most she still didn't know of. A lot of them looked like those she'd seen in books growing up, but pages of ink failed to capture the splendor of colorful scales before her.
It reminded her of when she'd seen the twins in their other form too, the iridescent lighting that shimmered across their scales. They were eels, and the human bodies weren't they're true form but even as humans--they had a way about them that spoke to their oceanic roots. A seamless grace humans couldn't embody. A predatory shift to their gaze that felt inhuman. Beautiful and terrifying, which resonated well from what she'd learned about the ocean.
It was a space to be feared, admired, and respected.
❝ What's the human saying, penny for your thoughts? ❞
Mishil twitched, but felt a faint glimmer of pride in not actually jolting at Jade's sudden manifestation. For a tall young man, his presence often eluded her own senses. She was learning to sharpen her hearing more since working in Monstro Lounge. ❝ Just admiring the view. ❞ His smile carried its usual placid air of politeness, his sharp gaze drifting from her--she thought she saw a flicker of amusement--to the window. ❝ Oh? I thought you'd be used to it by now. ❞
She shrugged, leaning further back into the seat, rare were the times Mishil could just sit and relax. ❝ Maybe, but it always looks different when I look at it. Sometimes the corals look a different pigment, sometimes I see a fish I didn't recognize before... And its no less beautiful. ❞
Jade hummed thoughtfully, ❝ Did you live near the ocean? ❞ She shook her head gently, in habit, fixing a lock of her hair behind her ear. ❝ No, actually before all this, I'd never seen it. I didn't realize how much there was to it before either.❞ He studied her a moment, a look of brief curiosity flickering in his gaze. ❝ You swam well enough. ❞ That made her snort. ❝ Oh no, I've swam in creeks and pools-- but I'm sure I looked every bit like the shrimp Floyd teased me to look like. Awkward and scrambling. ❞ She was distracted by other things at the time but, she couldn't deny how overwhelming it felt initially.
Jade chuckled, raising his hand to his chin. ❝ Well if you ever desired swimming lessons~ ❞ Mishil eyed him, expression flat. ❝ You'd charge me. ❞ He feigned being hurt, brows furrowing and lips pursing into a dramatic pout matched by his slumping shoulders. ❝ You wound me, do you not trust me by now? ❞ She rolled her eyes. ❝ Sure sure, sempai, but I just want to be sure I don't drown--.❞ A shadow passed over them, and she turned to see a shark pass by. Large, its underbelly pale and its movements slow yet graceful, predatory. She stared as it circled the window. ❝ A great white, wow. ❞ She whispered, a hint of awe and wonder lingering in her voice.
She realized then his arm was against her own, and he was closer then before. His pinky, long and slender, as the rest of his fingers, slowly entwined with hers. He was cooler to touch in comparison to herself, only slightly but nothing she didn't mind. When Mishil turned her head to face him, he was much closer yet, his aqua-gold eyes fixed on her. Piercing and all seeing. It always left her feeling some kind of exposed. Drawing her as deep as the tide. Boundaries didn't seem to exist with Jade sometimes, and it flustered her a touch.
❝ Sempai...? ❞
The shadow of the shark passed over them again, overlapping theri shadows and faces. Jade smiled. ❝ Hm? ❞ She felt her ears warm and held his gaze, both captive yet curious--treading through the very waters that surrounded them. She thought to speak up, when someone called their name. Jade closed his eyes and she felt her own lashes flutter, the spell broken. ❝ What a shame. ❞ He murmured, and she felt his pinky drift away slowly from her hand and her blush returned along with her sense. Mishil rose up, clearing her throat as she was called again. ❝ Yeah! Coming! ❞ As she ran off, from the corner of her eye she saw him smile and wave.
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alkimachos-blog · 1 year
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(I'm pretty sure the a^2s are being subtracted, but I'm drunk so idk)
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Italian forenames and the lyrics of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", excluding the letter "K"
Acena Acenevena Acenza Acercom Achia Achio Achis Acinde Acune Acusa Afandria Afano Afato Aglia Agola Agone Agusa Alato Alesceneo Aletto Aligna Ancesce Andene Ander Andice Andri Anici Annano Anolind Anona Anown Aplesa Aprindria Aprine Aregna Asenapri Aseting Asetonton Assara Avece Avellia Aviacing Avong...
Bagoli Barani Baranna Baria Baroune Bassa Batta Battamo Beelato Beelia Beelie Beenia Benza Beria Berules Biang Biteria Bitmes Blienter Blieti Bligno Bliviso Bolabredo Bolfeto Bolia Bolivolza Boterni Bothe Botheria Botta Breale Bregno Brezio Brigoni Brilvany Cafaena Cafand Cafati Cafrome Caghe Cagon Cagoto Caguy Calasso Calay Calerave Callet Calta Camodicci Camona Camoni Canna Carace Carapria Caremo Carenzang Carese Carind Carlia Catano Catelia Caterboto Catice Catoria Ceggio Cenza Chier Chind Ching Chingeno Chistra Cingena Cireminia Colay Colive Colla Coneo Conna Coseeno Cosena Coset Cosse Creggio Creggivor Crevenca Cromes Croto Cundica Cundinown Custe Doneo Dontong Eachia Eachisiet Ealecca Ealla Ealta Ermodini Errapria Fanow Fanrezzo Feelina Feenza Ferma Ferni Fetri Fettari Fiugio Fiumila Fiumino Flonconna Flovia Fogno Folfeelia Folio Folza Foregno Foresena Foria Forilay Foring Forlegna Forlia Forno Fornovia Fregna Galeggia Galesti Gamodisi Gamurati Gella Genon Gergala Gevigno Giarove Giuming Giumitme Givonza Goina Goind Golanto Golbia Golona Goodena Goodeno Goodenza Gothe Gotherbo Gothia Gothio Gringeve Guseneo Gustrany Herratino Hersay Huracegna Hurapra Huria Hurtano Imili Imilvand Imina Imode Imontorno Insie Ittamur Jusanoa Jusee Jusetra Jusettang Justa Landiso Latta Legno Leranfro Lerbola Lerno Lernow Lesci Letraguy Letremila Letta Lettanown Liesse Livigeni Loggia Lonto Loria Lovany Lovarato Mandria Mangerno Mania Manow Maramo Marate Masso Mastinici Masto Matanza Menow Meset Messay Mezia Mezzo Mitersa Mitme Modbye Modenna Modesta Modindria Molaresce Molastria Molbia Molza Monano Monto Nevani Nolbissay Nonto Olars Onzia Othie Othina Otoria Pagrili Paleron Pales Paletoia Palta Panfra Panow Panza Parravort Pavena Paventoo Pescert Pesert Pesind Pesse Pesso Pezia Pezzo Pezzuolor Piacena Pisanna Pisca Pisorni Pisti Pobaglia Pobaglio Pobagoing Pobarpia Pobasto Pordesing Poreno Poria Poriercon Porina Potece Potoia Potta Pozzo Pozzuolia Pozzuolza Praci Praverni Prigetoia Rachia Ragoo Rameno Ramolza Rativiaro Reacusa Redonto Reggio Reggivori Reglini Regnown Remola Remon Renicia Rentoo Resetto Resser Ressidert Rezia Rezio Rezzo Rhown Rigeto Rotecesie Rouldn Rugia Rugli Ruldn Rulecerno Rulesenza Ruletta Salegno Saleri Saletria Sanown Saria Sarpisori Savigermo Savort Scene Scentona Scino Senza Sidena Sidese Syrano Syrari Syrarmat Tanfrona Taniano Tarata Terien Teromo Terrand Terrative Theach Theale Thears Thera Therano Theraplay Theria Thero Therom Therra Thersa Thiand Thiese Thing Thiogno Thiso Tivortani Tracegna Traci Traghe Tragline Tragro Tramo Trarano Trate Trearling Tregna Tremila Trenevita Treni Trenna Triacuse Trigeria Trino Turta Uding Udino Vandri Vanown Vanto Varat Varemona Vecces Vecching Vecchio Vecci Velia Vellesso Vellia Vellies Venna Vennanto Vento Versanza Viarsa Vicelles Vigento Vigna Vigno Vigoo Visso Vitano Vitme Vitoodici Vitta Wanto Wanza Whati Whatina Whato Whatoia Whattanza Woulles Wourt Youldn Youletta Youllina Yound
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peachpizza · 2 years
Been learning about some of the deeper secrets in Tunic and losing my god damn MIND over some of this.
The second secret language hidden in the sounds and music that you basically need to be a trained musician to even have a hope of translating or understanding.
The song on the OST that nobody knows where or if it’s played in game called “The Last Therom”
Fucking “Dev World” hidden in the Page 9 secret save file.
There’s still some huge secret or SOMETHING hidden in this game. There’s gonna be some secret Holy Cross code hinted at in some song that has to be played in a specific spot deciphered from some riddle that’s gonna reveal something insane.
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bitchdies · 2 years
Have you ever heard of the expression SOH CAh toa
in this lesson we're going to focuse on the right angle triangle
next to the theta is opposite
bellow the theta is adjacent
the long side is hypotenuese
a = adj
b= opp
hyp= c
sin 0 = opp / hyp
cos 0 = adj/hyp
tan 0 = opp/adj
opposite of adjeacent
csc 0 = hyp / opp
the reciprocal of sin 0 which means you are flipping the sin fraction
sesec 0 = hyp/ adj
this is the recirpocal of cos 0
cot 0 = adj/ opp
this is the reciprocal of tan 0
to find the missiong side of
opp = 4
adj = 3
to find the hypoteneuse one must use the pythagreon therom
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
3^2 + 4^2 = c^2
9+16 = c^2
25 = c^2
square root of both sides
5 = c
opp = 4
adj = 3
hyp = 5
this is part of a special triplets
7, 24, 25
if yous see any of these numbers you can find the missing side quickly
so what is the value of sin 0?
4/5 =
cot 0 = sdj/hyp = 3/5
tand 0 = opp/adj = 4/3
csc = 5/4
sec = 5/3
cot 0 = 3/4
this is how you find the value of the six tringometric functions
hyp =17
adj = 8
opp = 15
sin 0 = 15/17
snc 0 = 17/15
cos 0 = 8/17
csc 0 = 17/8
tan 0 = 15/8
cotan 0 = 8/15
find the 6 trignometic function of the triangle where theta is on the top side of the right angle
hyp = 25
opp = 15
adj = 20
this follows the same rule a 3,4,5 multiply by 5 = 15,20,25
opposite to theta = 20
hypoteneuse to the right angle = 25
adjacent to the theta is = 15
adjacent means sharing a common side and a common vertex
sin 0 = is opposite divided by hypoteneuse
which reduces to 4/5
cos 0 = 15/25 = 3/5
tand 20/15 = 4/3
csc= 5/4
sec0 = 5/3
cot 0 = 3/4
when given the degrees 38 degrees opp x and 42 adj?
that would be tan (38^) = x/42
in order to get x by itself we must multiply 42 on both sides
x = 42 (38)
this will require a calculator to solve in green mode tan (38)
tan (38) = 0.7813 * 42 = x = 32.8
that is the answer to the opposite
Left at 12:58 on trigonometry for beginner's by the organic chemistry tutor
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rayesylver · 5 years
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#Timelapse of @alliepwood creator of @amplifyapparel working her creative magic on me last night at #FridayNightLive: #Fashion at #therom. Swipe to see the complete look →// 📹: @angela_argentina 💕 thank you beauty // • • • • • • • #amplifyapparel #Toronto #behindthescenes #wearableart #photography #photoshoot #piercedgirls #girlswithpiercings #alternativegirl #silverfox #braids #fashion #fashionista #fashionphotography #instafashion #alternativefashion #instabraids #instahair #Toronto #torontomodel #alternativegirl  #instaphotography #igers #instalike #instagood #tagforlikes #follow  #followme (at Royal Ontario Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4YFaopFECt/?igshid=1wow2916byre4
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x-unnamedgraves-x · 3 years
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actual art of the night: finally gave a design to my bori Choko_da_clown haha
she’s a little wacky shits just like that sometimes
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back2ba6ix · 5 years
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“The ROM” by Ba6ix of Keep6ix Ent. (May 2019)
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SOTRUE!!!!!!! book of life is literally everything
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