#theron has daddy issues
piranha-shan · 9 months
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Why does Jace look like that one fish from Finding Nemo?
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izaiaiza · 28 days
When I say I like men, I mean these men. The crossover you all never expected.
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angelynmoon · 2 months
Kilgharrah finds them as they are making their way back to Camelot and Lancelot watches the Great Dragon as he goes to land while the knights tense up and Leon burst into tears.
And well, Lancelot has his own issues with Kilgharrah and his Destiny and so he shifts and launches himself at the larger Dragon, anger fueling him.
He's angry at how he frightens Leon, he's angry that he told Merlin to kill Morganan he's angry that it's partly his fault Merlin will never truely know his father, but mostly he's angry for everything Kilgharrah put Merlin through because of some ancient prophacies.
While he's surprised at the dark Dragon that attacks himn Kilgharrah is not a weak Dragon, he's older than Lancelot and he survived the Purge and he knows how to use his size to his advantage, he has the benefit of having fought true Dragons in a bigone age.
Lancelot has no advantage, but he has rage at an injustice done to his Mate, he has three, four if he includes Gwaine, Hatchlings to protect from a bitter old Dragon's manipulations. And something to protect goes a long way in a fight against a being of Magic.
Lancelot wins and stands with his frontl leg pushing Kilgharrah's head into the dirt as Lancelot roars his victory.
Lancelot presses Kilgharrah's head further down as he turns to Merlin as he approaches, Lancelot changes back and lets Merlin cloth his befire he turns to Kilgharrah, who stares at him with shock in his golden eyes.
"You do not get to tell Merlin what to do from this moment on, he'll find his Destiny without you." Lancelot growled out, bits of smoke curling out with his words.
Kilgharrah stared a moment before he tipped his head, it had been centuries since he lost a fight, and he knew that Lancelot would only grow since by his reckoning Lancelot's Dragonform was only half grown, no, if he wanted to live Kikgharrah would obey.
"Good." Lamcelot growled, he accepted the Dragon's obedience but Kilgharrah would never be part of their Weyr, he'd hurt Merlin too much for that.
"Why are you here, Kilgharrah?" Merlin asked.
"I felt a Hatching." Kilgharrah said, "And I wished to meet them."
Lancelot looked at the Dragon, and put his hands over Merlin's where he'd gone to move the blanket that hid Theron's face.
"No." Lancelot said.
"No? No!" Kilgharrah shouted, "It's my kin, I have a right to meet them!" He shouted.
"They are my Hatchling, I have a right to deny you." Lancelot said, "Especially since you have not earned the right to meet him."
"Him." Kilgharrah whispered.
Merlin looked up at the Great Dragon, at the sadness in his eyes and looked at Lancelot who did not breakhis gaze from Kilgharrah's.
"You are right, Noble Knight, I have not earned the right, I did nit answer his cry for help when I first heard it, I was sure...." Kilgharrah finally looked away and hung his head.
Lancelot stroked the blanketed bundle.
"Perhaps in time, you will grant me the chance to meet the son of my Mate." Kilgharrah asked as he looked back at Lancelot.
"It will be years before I can begin to trust you." Lancelot informed him.
"Then I will wait, I have nothing but time." Kilgharrah said with a nod and flew away.
"How did you know?" Merlin asked as they rejoined the knights.
"Their scent, they smelled similar enough that they had to be related." Lancelot told him.
"And the fight?" Merlin asked, amused, eyebrow raised.
"He...," Lancelot paused, "He caused you so much grief, Merlin, it was his advice you followed to poison Morgana, his bargain that made you free himand then he turned around and attacked Camelot. It was his actions that lead to your Father's death. I will not forgive him for what he has done to you."
Merlin looked at his Mate and reached up to cup his jaw and press a kiss to his lips.
"I will not ask you to." Merlin whispered against Lancelot's lips.
"Daddy? Can I hold Thero?" Ellie asked as the knights made camp since Leon was near unconsolable, even with Kilgharrah's exit.
"You have to be careful, he can't change into his Dragonskin yet." Merlin said as Lancelot arranged Ellie so she could hold her brother.
Ellie nodded seriously and cooed softly in the Dragontongue as she looked at her brother, Effie perching herself at his head to look too.
Merlin smiled at them as Lancelot went to help with Leon, promising him that he'd keep him and Camelot safe from the Golden Dragon, he'd won their fight afterall, so no need to worry.
Leon eventually calmed enough to sleep, the twins joining him in a cuddle pile while Merlin fed Thero on his Magic, Lancelot settling himself behind Merlin, as he'd always done.
It was nice, peaceful, just what they all deserved.
A/n: So, I have a new headcanon that the first Dragonlords were Dragons that figured out how to be human or Humans with Magic that learned to change shape into a Dragon, therefore Lancelot is now a Dragonlord, more Dragon than most because techniqually he went from Dragon to Human because of his nonMagic status before the Twins changed him, by this means Gwaine is also a Dragonlord.
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tanadidreamer · 3 years
Masterpost for SWTOR OCS
Alrighty, I entirely blame @greencrusader13 and @outcastcommander for this, but I wanted to give this masterpost thing a try and have a bit of fun. Let’s roll! Everything is in the undercut!
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Jedi Knight Tscira Quinn - Former/Current Padawan of Battlemaster Zeron Paran (OC of @outcastcommander​) and Tython’s resident gremlin wildchild. Functional bi, not in a relationship yet. Don’t let her gentle nature fool you, she will ruin your day. Master strategist despite her young age, and a sassy brat.
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Captain Silas ‘Boomer’ Balkar - The resident inventor and third-in-command asshole of Havoc Squad. Snarky, playful and loves bending the rules. The long lost twin brother of Theron Shan and the adopted of Jonas Balkar, and always seems to “Know a guy” when the squad needs something. Diaster bi who is happily married to Elara Dorne and the ex of Zora, and the proud daddy of Eyaytir Balkar and Moira Blakar.
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Lieutentant Vodiaistia Corr - The resident CMO of Havoc Squad. Sassy, utterly Done, and loves poking her squadmates with sticks. The adopted daughter of Harron Tavus. Diaster bi who is in a poly relationship with Jorgan and Zeer’ana (oc of @outcastcommander​), and had a daughter with Fuse named Kaida.
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Lord Corin/Darth Occulus/Ja’zan Corrin - Mandalorian raised more or less, kind and snarky. He can and will killl to keep his seat of the Dark Council. The youngest (illegitimate) son of Darth Vowrawn, and he inherited the very scheming mind. Half-Echani. Distuinguised gay, married to Lord Cytharat.
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Jedi Master Debroica “Deb” Corr/Lord Medrax - Eldest sister of Vodiastia. Secretly a Sith. Ruthless, conving and will do what is best for the Empire. Truly a victim of circumstances, the Jedi were too late. Distinguished lesbian, not in a relationship at the moment.
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Darajetii “Dara” Cadera - Older adopted sister of Torian. Snarky, bitter and loves to just randomly scoop her loves ones up. Buff lady and takes no shit from anybody. Diaster bi who is married to Lana Beniko and Ta’lan (OC of @outcastcommander​)
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Mitth’ess’aja “Thessa” - Playful wildchild who loves to curl up in blankets and cuddle Blizz, as well as tease her crewmates. She has a more ruthless and seriou side to her so best not to piss her off, Mandalorians  never  forget. Functional pansexual, in a poly relationship with Torian and Leona (OC of @outcastcommander​).
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Cipher Tihirteen/Fool/Jak’feanee - The stoic SIS sniper and a former Cipher agent. Former pawn of Cipher Nine ( @outcastcommander​‘s oc Jekai). She’s the “Little People” that Jonas keeps reminding Theron about, one could say Theron’s best friend. Distuinshed pansexual, in a relationship with Vector Hylus.
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Lady Mirsh/Darth Nox/Saphira Rav - Playful, kind, a bit insane, and loves baking cookies. Do not underestimate her kind nature, she will destroy you, Ja’zan taught her well in the art of manipulation and ambition, do not touch her apprentices or you will regret it immediately. Diaster pansexual, happily married to the Emperor’s Wrath, Copaani Mirsh ( @outcastcommander​‘s OC)
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Captain Izunssok “Izzy” Corvin - A playful flirt who loves a good race. Has no issues fighting dirty and just kinda follows Risha’s lead. Shy pansexual, currently flirting with/dating Captain Akaana Mirsh (OC of @outcastcommander​)
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Lord Magne/Lord Morsus/Morsus Magne - Stoic and bitter, but absolutely enjoys showering his wife and children with love. Former  half-Cathar slave turned walking juggernaut of a Sith. He had been one of Malgus’s top people. Babysitter/protector of all Jedi Padawans, hurt them and he will end you. Diaster pansexual, happily married to Poena Magne and the father of Cytharat (as well as a few others)
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Lady Magne/Poena Pagne - Sith socialite, kind when she wants to be, and is often found in her labatory. The only daughter of Lord Shaar and a former apprentice of Darth Vowrawn like her mother. Playful flirt and Sith alchemy genius. Distuinguished bi, happily married to Morsus and the mother of Cytharat (as well as a few others)
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Lord Sajavin/Sajavin Rav- The bitter second of Darth Marr. He will enforce Marr’s rules without question, former slave gladiator. Possibly bi, the father of Saphira Rav and Saja (OC of @outcastcommander​)
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sullustangin · 4 years
12, 14, 19 for the Hard Mode asks? Eva?
Answering these out of order, because it makes sense. 
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
The fact that she hadn’t had any prior to turning 20 -- limited intimate relationship experience beyond bedding someone.  Eva has a massive body count, but that’s not due to daddy issues or emotional distress or anything like that.   She likes sex.  No shame. From the time she was on her own, she slept with who she wanted to, when she wanted to.  Or sometimes she didn’t -- she did what she wanted to do.  She took all the precautions -- she was physically safe and not emotionally invested, so why not? 
And then came Darmas Pollaran.  He got it.  He understood how she operated.  He knew her as a person, not just a one-nighter.  He was good in bed.  He made her feel less alone -- there was more to life than blasters and credits. He continued to help along the business.  Not a lot of spacers do that -- every smuggler for themselves.  Then they were working together to control the underworld.
And then it fell apart.  Darmas was an Imp spy that saw her as a tool to destroy the Republic.  The first guy she trusted with anything beyond her immediate physical body turned out to be using her as a stooge.  This wasn’t a brief fling -- this was over two years, nearly three, of emotional investment.  Future plans -- the type you make when you’re 21 and believe the galaxy is in the palm of your hand -- gone.
Back to the same old patterns of spacers.   No strings.  Eva could kick them out the next morning, no guilt.   Everyone got what they came for.  
The fan fic series I’m working on now ultimately ships Eva with Theron Shan. Yes, another spy -- Akaavi even commented on it.  Eva didn’t know about Darmas until the end; Theron was upfront about it from the beginning.  But the commonality -- and ultimately, the source of relationship catastrophe -- went beyond just being spies and having to run agendas that she didn’t know about.   Both of them were highly intelligent men -- they actually had read a book, something not typical of spacers that commonly circulated in the underworld. They made her think there was something more she could do in the galaxy.  They made her laugh.  They let her see behind their bravado -- for Darmas, that was the card shark/cocky info dealer guise; for Theron, that was the SIS agent professionalism and patriotism that made him so effective in the field and a disaster in private. 
What made the whole traitor arc worse was that Theron sort of knew what Darmas did, but they never talked about the finer details about what it did to her internal well-being -- deliberate mutual choice.  They though they had a handle on the broader picture.  So when Theron betrayed her on Umbara, that basically revealed that there were things that remained from that last betrayal that had never been fixed inside her.
Theron only figured it out after Eva left him and Odessen for three months and after a particularly unpleasant visit to Darmas Pollaran, who was still alive and in prison on Coruscant, 11 years after he last saw Eva. 
In short, it’s because she’s only had two relationships with similar people (in terms of how they operate) that Eva has trust issues and insecurities that she doesn’t openly discuss.  That means the future is a bit of a minefield.
12.  In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Strangely, the aftermath of Nathema.  I’ve posted previously in response to a prompt that after Theron betrayed Lana and Eva on Umbara, Eva ended up having a dissociative episode akin to the ones she suffered while carbonite poisoned and with Vitiate hanging out in her head.  Eva checked out, the Voidhound checked in.  I’ve constructed the “Voidhound” persona in my headcanon to be her alter ego, something she actively pretends to be to get the uglier side of business done without bringing herself (her real self) and the people she cares about into into it.  Basically, during the entire Umbara to Nathema arc, the Voidhound was not a costume she put on -- it was her.  Eva, the profoundly human and flawed and fun and functional smuggler, was gone; the Voidhound, the cold ruthless criminal mastermind, was in.
Once Vinn Atrius was dead, once she was informed Theron would not die, once the galaxy was finally safe, once there were no more of Vitiate’s nasty toys, no more Gemini, no more ghosts of Zakuul -- Eva re-emerged.  The crew weren’t sure she’d come back; Guss expressed this sentiment in the short fic I posted.  When she did reappear Eva knew what to do next -- she was free of the Throne, something she had desired since the night she won it.  Eva announced she was taking a leave of absence for three months.  She might be back. Might not.  Do not contact for three months.  After years of Hylo’s high-and-mighty attitude and jealousy toward the younger smuggler, Eva took perhaps the last bit of the Voidhound’s cruel glee to inform her that all the shady companies she took loans from actually belonged to the Voidhound, so technically, Eva owned Odessen and still did.   She told Lana to do whatever with it; watch the shop, sell it off, go conquer something.  She was going back to Smug Life and basing her operations out of Port Nowhere. 
Theron tried to stop her departure, but all she remarked was that she wasn’t taking him seriously until his hair grew back.  Three months before anything was decided. 
And then she grabbed the old crew plus Akaavi’s girlfriend Mako and HK-55 and hit the hyperlanes to go steal something expensive.  Maybe they’d conquer Dubrilion or Dantooine. 
Eva killed the Voidhound.  In a bonfire near Virtue’s Thief’s dock, she burned all her costumes, right down to the hats and Risha’s copies -- including the one she had been wearing.  She burned her bed too -- something she also did after getting her ship back from Skavak to mark a new phase of her life.  The only thing that didn’t make Theron panic about that gesture was the fact he saw her wearing a dressing gown he bought her as the gangplank closed up for the last time. 
For the first time since she woke up three years ago, Eva did whatever the hell she wanted -- not as the Outlander, not as the Alliance Commander, not as the Voidhound -- but as Eva Corolastor, smuggler captain. 
After all, everything else was just a misunderstanding.
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier? 
Faces.  There’s no point in remembering names.  People change names all the time -- Gault, for example; Eva knew him under his other name when he was hanging around Gronn the bounty hunter, one of her associates.  Hell, Eva’s name isn’t even her real one.  >:D
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Life & Style, December 14
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Celeb Diets & Home Work Outs -- Julianne Hough 
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Page 1: Viewers of the American Music Awards thought Jennifer Lopez’s look and performance shared more in common with Beyonce at the 2014 Grammy awards and they weren’t shy to point it out on social media 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: Twinning! Scarlett Johansson vs. Camilla Luddington in David Koma, Bryce Dallas Howard vs. Emma Mackey in The Vampire’s Wife, Olivia Culpo vs. Gretta Monahan in Culpos x INC for Macy’s 
Page 6: How John Travolta and his two kids Ella and Benjamin are dealing with the loss of Kelly Preston during the first Christmas without her -- Kelly loved the holidays with the decorations and the dinners and the presents and she filled the house with so much love and laughter in the days leading up to Christmas -- although he’s still grieving the widower wants to make sure this Christmas is just as special for Ella and Benjamin and he just wants to spend the day honoring their mom and keeping her memory alive 
Page 7: Gillian Anderson is trying to keep calm after her portrayal of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher was widely panned by critics and fans of The Crown who slammed her performance as over-the-top and calling it a bad impersonation of the political figure and her infamous accent -- the show is a hit around the world but in England where the series takes place the reviews have been ruthless but Gillian did meticulous research on Thatcher watching hours of footage and working with a vocal coach and she’s proud of the performance she delivered 
* Throwback! Charlize Theron 
* Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Leslie Jones, Ed Sheeran, Offset, Brooklyn Beckham, Donnie Wahlberg 
Page 10: The Week in Photos -- pregnant Meghan Trainor on the cover of her holiday album 
Page 11: Tori Spelling hung her family’s stockings from the fireplace mantle, Zooey Deschanel showing of her holiday crafting 
Page 12: Jimmy Fallon launched a collection of wear-all-day pajamas called P’Jimmies 
Page 13: Dua Lipa on the Graham Norton Show in a sequined Valentino gown, Kathryn Newton shared a behind-the-scenes pic from the set of Freaky, Lily Collins and fiance Charlie McDowell and their rescue pup Redford 
Page 18: Say What?! Jennifer Lawrence on the festivities leading up to her 2019 wedding, Kelly Osbourne revealing her new rescue cat’s cute habit, Garcelle Beauvais on smooching a pre-fame Johnny Depp, Oliver Hudson on baring his backside to Instagram followers, Jimmy Kimmel on the one thing he’d change about himself 
Page 20: Khloe Kardashian is crying foul after boyfriend Tristan Thompson signed with the Boston Celtics and Khloe is freaking out at the prospect of her baby daddy spending several months alone in Massachusetts and what the separation might do to their relationship
Page 21: Things are moving fast between Katie Holmes and her boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. and although they’ve only been dating for a few months Katie is already pushing for a proposal 
Page 22: Cover Story -- Slimdown Secrets of the Stars -- tips and tricks for shaping up during holiday lockdown 
Page 26: Demi Moore’s escape from Scientology -- a secret romance with longtime pal Tom Cruise had Demi considering joining his beloved and controversial religion -- Tom always found Demi intriguing but her ultimate unwillingness to convert to Scientology was a deal-breaker 
Page 28: Ben Affleck proposes to Ana de Armas -- a year after falling in love on set Ana is set to become Ben’s wife -- Ana is friendly with Ben’s ex-wife Jennifer Garner and plans to ask their kids to be in the wedding 
Page 30: Angelina Jolie: Why I Refuse to Date -- four years after her marriage imploded Angie remains single by choice -- Angie’s ongoing battle with ex Brad Pitt has been so long and painful it makes her wary to fall in love again -- her kids are her primary concern and she’d rather be with her children than a partner at this point 
Page 32: Gift Guide 
Page 38: Who Lives Here? Rob Lowe 
Page 40: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Kristen Taekman pumps her own gas -- down-to-earth, Heidi Klum has stylists at the ready -- diva, Travis Barker goes on a grocery run -- down-to-earth 
Page 42: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Sharon Stone, Nicole Kidman, Jimmy Fallon, Chelsea Handler and her dog Bernice 
Page 44: Horoscope -- Sagittarius Taylor Swift turned 31 on December 13
* They’re Not Together But They Should Be -- Leo Cole Sprouse and Libra Bella Hadid 
Page 48: What I’m Into -- Brooke Burke 
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cutekitten6 · 4 years
Treasure Planet fancast
ay yo so in light of disney announcing their 12 remakes which is too many someone please stop disney, i’ve decided to do this because i know disney will never in a million years make a live action of this amazing movie.
keep reading below if youre interested because i already know now that the photos will fuck with length
edit: Disney might be making a treasure planet. If they don’t do this i will SUE. edit 2: but also can disney stop making remakes please im begging you
Jim Hawkins - Curren Walters
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Just look at that JAWLINE!!!! Animated Jim had an iconic™ jawline and Curren definitely does not disappoint. They also have similar features with their blue eyes and brown hair. While I have not seen him in any other work that wasn’t Titans, he was superb as Jason Todd, who is similar to Jim in some ways. I think he could bring that angsty teenager with daddy issues to life, and handle the softer sad scenes too.
Sarah Hawkins - Miranda Otto
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I’ve only seen her in the Lord of the Rings movies and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and for sure she gives badass woman vibes, but I also feel like she could really do Tired Mother. She’s already halfway there by playing one of Sabrina’s aunts/mother-figures. In lotr she was very warm to people too.
Captain Amelia - Gemma Chan
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I was very nearly gonna do Emily Blunt because of the british accent, or Charlize Theron. But I decided on Gemma Chan because 1. accent, and 2. asian representation. Not to mention that Chan is an amazing actress and seeing her in such a commanding role would definitely give her the chops needed to showcase her acting abilities.
I am aware that the aliens are poc and the implications that has on the real world, however I am also trying to maintain semblance to the original movie while ensuring that there is diversity amongst the cast. and I know she was already an alien in a disney movie but let me have this.
Long John Silver - Winston Duke
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Hell yeah beech you gotta do this. Winston Duke can do scary and intimidating as evident in Black Panther, but he can also be soft and kind like his character in Us (i have not seen Us, only the trailers). So I feel like he has the chops to pull off villain-to-antihero father figure to Jimbo.
Idk who to cast for Benny and Dr Dopler, but I feel like these 4 are the main characters anyway soooo anyone wanna help me out?
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keldae · 5 years
SWTOR 15-Day OC Challenge: Day Two
2. Family. Is your OC’s family a large part of their story? Why or why not? Are they on good terms? Are any of your characters related?
Considering my entire main Legacy is all one family, ya think?? xD
Real talk: Xaja gets along great with her brothers and her father. She and Sorand were a little skittish around each other at first meetings (because, y’know, Jedi and Sith. Sorand was actually more chill with the whole idea faster, since he’d been literally raised by a Jedi, while Xaja has understandable trust issues with Sith.), but they’ve gotten to the point where he’s the official second-in-command of the Alliance. She and Korin have a different relationship that’s more bickering and pestering each other (siblings, amirite?), but they get along fine (even if she gave him the silent treatment for a month after Nathema when she found out he had been helping Theron and didn’t tell her anything). And of course, she’s a total daddy’s girl and has Reanden wrapped around her fingers, even if she isn’t aware of it.
She’s only encountered her mother in dreams and visions, but she has done an almost obsessive amount of research into learning who her mum was, even though Reanden regularly assures her that Airna would be proud of her. She considers @corey-067‘s Jakar to be her adopted brother figure (and has since she was... how old was she when they met? 12 or 13 ish?), and around the end-ish of Vanilla found out she was second cousins with @andveryginger‘s Annya and Adela. While Ginger’s Mairen is also a blood relation to her as well, Xaja more thought of her as a mentor or friend, and didn’t really consider her “family” until she married Reanden and became stepmum. She’s still trying to wrap her head around that one. Since Shara counts as family from marrying Sorand, she fits in this post too -- Xaja gets along surprisingly well with her despite being a bounty hunter with more than a few Jedi kills! It probably helped that she knew of Shara as “Sorand’s other half” before she knew her as “that Mando who killed the last Chancellor before Saresh”.
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greyias · 6 years
I found a datamine letter that Theron send you if you romance Arcann and omg my heart it hurts so much to read it! :( though being a datamine in the first place I don’t know if it’ll be released in game but still
I mean it is hard to say, what with it being datamined (although I would love to know where they find that within the game data because I needs me some copies of the letters in-game without having to actually play through 100+ hours of content to get them!)
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(Spoilers, as well as a little salt in the wound below the cut)
The letter in question (as well as some others from the Jilted Lovers Brigade can be found here): http://boards.theforce.net/threads/the-old-republic-mmo-the-new-official-thread.50004324/page-239
I can’t focus. I just keep thinking about you. I’m usually so good at controlling my emotions, but I guess you’re my weak point. This is a good lesson for me. Don’t open up. Don’t let anyone in.
I need to be on my own for a while to forget about us. Shake away my lingering feelings.
This is why spies should never fall in love. 
Yeah… honestly that letter doesn’t surprise me at all. 
And can you blame him, really? I mean, honestly, can you blame any of them? Kaliyo’s is particularly blunt and on the nose, but that’s kind of who she is. They all kind of have a point… if these indeed do appear in game (and, well, we’ve seen them remove some datamined letters that accidentally gave the plot of their current storyline away especially if some mysterious sleep-deprived idiot were to accidentally decode their super sekrit messages)
I mean, honestly? I really don’t ship Outlander/Arcann for a lot of reasons, so I’m kind of with the Jilted Lovers Brigade here. Especially considering these letters appear to only really be sent if the PC is in a committed relationship. And infidelity kind of sucks? But, you know, that’s just me.
(Yes I realize the game doesn’t have a convenient “I changed my mind let me break things off” function built in. I guess that’s what the “Are you sure you want to confirm this romance” button is for.)
People who are a little more dug into the mindsets of the other Love Interests could probably chime in more on their perspective, but Theron’s? Yeahhhh… the game and other ancillary material hasn’t exactly been shy about his attachment and abandonment issues. Considering that the Arcann romance lock-in looks like it’s set post-KOTET (but probably pre-Umbara, maybe pre-Iokath), this comes right on the heels of some pretty big character development for a romanced Theron…
That being he actually said the “L” word, and very possibly it was said back to him. And while this is a bit of speculation on my part, that’s… kind of a big deal for him. A really big deal in fact.
(And if for some reason you disagree with the following statement, fair enough, but I don’t really have the energy to argue it nor the patience to deal with potential character bashing, so please try to be courteous in that regard.)
If you think about the relationships that Theron has cultivated in his life, specifically with the people who he loves and who love him (Satele, Jace, Zho, Marcus, Teff’ith) -- none of them have either been in the position to, raised in a culture of, or in some cases *coughTEFFITHcough* have that sort of dynamic where any of the parties would say the words “I love you” to him, much less have him say it back.
It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t feel deep emotions of affection, or dare I say, love for his family, but they’re all a giant disaster space family with giant disaster communication issues. It makes for great fictional drama, but less so for healthy normal human interactions. But it’s implied in text (Lost Suns, Annihilation), and in the game’s subtext that Theron does care very deeply for everyone he considers family, but also that he’s a man in great, great denial about things that are very important to him. (”Who needs the Force” indeed.)
He makes a pretty big to-do about being a loner, about keeping people at arm’s distance and not really having anything of a personal life in Lost Suns, Annihilation, Shadow of Revan, heck, it’s even kind of hinted in the dev blog story about him and Jonas. 
So when he not only enters into a committed relationship with the Outlander (after pining for them for five years where he may have even believed them dead for a period), but he finally gets over his mountain of personal issues and a lifelong practice of self-denial, he’s pretty still reluctant to drag out the words “I love you” -- a phrase he likely has never actually said out loud to anyone before.
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And if he hears those words back, probably for the first time in his life, well, prepare yourself for a giant cropped in screencap of Theron’s face, because what’s the point of having the ability to get 4K screencaps if I can’t crop in on minute details that no one cares about?
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That’s pretty much the happiest I’ve ever seen him. Even during Shadow of Revan when you first lock in the romance. And maybe it’s just the lighting, but I swear he looks like he’s about to cry.
(I realize they reused this animation on at least Torian too, because reusing assets is easy and saves monies. But come on, it was probably originally worked out for one character in particular.)
So yeah... it makes complete sense for Theron to be kind of devastated after laying his heart out for the first time ever and then just kind of being dumped for the guy who literally stabbed you in the gut and sort of razed half the galaxy because he thought you were his daddy? I’m pretty sure that would change Theron, and if he ever did open up to someone again it would take him a long long long time.
But um, I’m obviously a little protective of my boi at this point so I’m obviously greatly biased. But he’s had a rough six plus months, okay? What with everyone calling him tr8r, losing his beloved jacket, the now-infamous barber mishap that he thought was super cool and edgy guyz but everyone kept insisting looked like a thong, oh, and half of Twitter constantly demanding the ability to kill him five updates ago GAWD DEVS WHY CAN’T YOU RETROACTIVELY CATER TO THEIR MURDEROUS WHIMS. So seeing him all broken hearted just makes me a little sad and mamabear and why can I not hug this stupid idiot yet plz Bioware #HugTheron2k18
(Also, sorry Arcann/Outlander fans -- I know you like the ship! And while I admit it is sweet in its own way, it just kind of has some Oedipal issues built in that I personally can’t look past... but to each their own!)
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piranha-shan · 9 months
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A helpful guide to telling Theron apart from his dad.
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☾♔; 31.07.2018
☾♔; Tasha
☾♔; @veotis-the-jewel-of-the-ocean
☾♔; @serveorburn
☾♔; mod(s): @livesinabluebox​ @sighsethereally​
▬ Set Requirement: Doesn’t matter, just make sure it has your faceclaim. Other than that, make whatever kind of thing you want! Square, rectangle, moodboard, magazine cover, whatever you want my nerds!
♛ Daenir Échon ♛
pronounced: Day-nir
♛ B A S I C⠀S T A T S ♛
▬ Full Name: Daenir Échon
▬ Nickname(s): Dae
▬ Title(s) and/or alias(es): The High Sorcerer
▬ Age: Roughly 27 summers give or take a few years
▬ Gender: Male     
▬ Species: Witch -  Isahor
▬ Occupation: Sorcerer of Veotis {currently} // Assassin/Witch Hunter {formally}
▬ Kingdom of Birth: Calia
▬ Kingdom of Residence: Veotis
♛ P H Y S I C A L⠀A P P E A R A N C E ♛  
▬ Face Claim: Matthew Daddario
▬ Hair: Black
▬ Eyes: Blue-Grey
▬ Height: 6 ft 1
▬ Body: Scared perfection
▬ Any Scars/ Marks?: Several scars over his body, the most prominent of those are the shiny silvery marks around his wrists
▬ Any Tattoos/ Piercings?:
- A black and white dragon entwined over his heart
- Black wings across his back
- Protective runes across his ribs
- An unknown symbol on his upper left thigh
- A magical brand on his neck given to him by his mother
▬ Other: Nothing for now
♛ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♛  
▬ Overview: Headstrong, stubborn and full of snarky wit and dry sarcasm, Daenir prefers to push people away to keep them from getting underneath the shields he has perfected over the years. Whilst generally he looks out for himself and acts like he’s been put out when people gather for his attention, underneath all those layers, Daenir does enjoy helping people. Due to years of abuse at the hands of his father, and the years of his imprisonment thanks to his mother, Daenir is known by the court to suffer moments of mental instability. Despite this, the King and the Advisory Council hold the man in high esteem due to his years of service to the kingdom and former apprenticeship to Master Cedric. Deanir is a warrior and most of the time is known to have unshakable focus in all of his tasks with little to distract him. His singular drive is to do better for the world he lives in even if he can only do it one bit at a time.
▬ Strengths: His stubbornness - but it can also be a weakness; his inability to give up on someone or something; his desire to make things safer for witches
▬ Weaknesses: Hates, and I mean HATES dark places, has to sleep with the fire going due to his imprisonment; extreme awkwardness in social situations; overuse of his powers can result in severe dehydration, often occurs when he spends too long in combat; inability to share his feelings to avoid being called weak
▬ Habits and Quirks: Daenir has been known to spark when he is annoyed or frustrated, likewise he can lose control of his lightning based abilities when in a state of arousal
▬ Likes: Hot places, warm weather, soft music, reading, painting, drawing, being left alone when he needs to be, gardening, tea of all kinds, libraries, old stories, archery, horse riding, knives, outsmarting stupid nobles, Aldir and Ryo, his apprentice and likewise his former teacher, spicy food {the hotter the better}, traveling
▬ Dislikes: Animals that have no point, being called damaged, being coddled - he is NOT a child, foolish religious people, having other’s ideals forced onto him, discrimination, fighting for the sake of fighting, moronic little assholes, people who use position to gain what they want, bullies, being touched without permission, flirting {if you want someone, just fucking tell them stupid}, sweet food, cold weather, snow, parties
▬ Hobbies: Painting, drawing, collecting old tomes, pissing off his parents, building models, gardening, brooding spectacularly, outsmarting stupid nobles
▬ Character Tropes: Dark and Troubled Soul; When Dad Met Mum; Abusive Parent; Byronic Hero; The Quiet One; The Wild Card, Parental Issues; Parental Abandonment; Daddy Issues; Mum Is A Bitch {if that is not a trope is bloody well should be}, Big Brother Instinct; Bi The Way; Archer Archetype; Death Seeker; Jerk With A Heart of Gold; Friend To All Children; Tall, Dark and Handsome; Tall, Dark and Snarky; Badass Bookworm
▬ Additional Information: Will literally lose his shit at being called an animal. Daenir spent twenty years of his life being likened to an animal by his father and his mother, the first one to treat him as an actual human being was Cóven VI
♛ A B I L I T I E S ♛  
▬ Pyrokinesis: an ability often associated with war. Most witches born in Veotis are born with an affinity for either earth, air or water, Daenir’s ability with fire is frightening and at the same time another way to show that he is not a Veotis native.
▬ Electrokinesis: Daenir barely has a grasp on this ability as it is. It is mostly responsible for the tangled, chaotic mess the sorcerer calls hair. He can create, shape and manipulate electricity
▬ Hardening: This skill is inherited from Daenir’s father, whilst he hates the man, the skill itself allows him to turn his body into a living weapon. There is one weak spot but Daenir has only told one person and that is the King
▬ Armed and Unarmed Combat: the skill is self explanatory but Daenir excels more with knives and the bow than he does with a sword  
▬ Able to fumble his way through any conversation with a shy smile and incomprehensible mumbling
♛ F A M I L Y ♛  
Fucked up. There is no other way to describe it. Feredir and Malrin consummated their love to hate your guts relationship after a drunken encounter in the middle of a storm. The Witch Hunter stole away with the child when he was barely a week old and turned him into a weapon that hunted his own kind. Feredir wants his weapon back, Malrin wants her son dead, Daenir just wants to train his apprentice, keep witches safe and stay loyal to the king.
▬ Feredir Havel || 49 || Father || Karl Urban || Witch Hunter
If ego had a proper name it would be Feredir Havel. He is a prideful, manipulative, charismatic man who takes pleasure in twisting others to his cause. He dislikes witches and the freedom they have, often taking great joy in killing or imprisoning them.   
▬ Malrin Échon || 46 || Mother || Charlez Theron || Head of the Witches Guild
Meaning lady crowned with gold. Malrin is the Head of the Witches Guild and seen as the most powerful witch in Veotis second to none until Daenir comes into his full power. She dislikes the fact that he can outdo her in just about anything without trying, the fact he spent the better part of six years actively killing and hunting his own kind might have something to do with it. Malrin cursed her son to hear the dying cries of those he has killed for the rest of his days
▬ Caladwin Échon || Deceased ||  Sister || Kaya Scodelario || Witch
She’s dead, nothing else to say
♛ B I O G R A P H Y ♛
Born the only son of Feredir Havel and Malrin Échon, Daenir spent the first years of his life being nothing but a tool to his father’s endgame. Feredir and Malrin consummated their love to hate your guts relationship after a drunken encounter in the middle of a storm resulting in the birth of Daenir a month earlier than normal. When he was barely a week old, Fereldir had his hunters kidnap his son and bring the baby back to Calia where he would spend the next fourteen years being raised as an ‘unofficial’ weapon to hunt his own kind.
Daenir committed his first hunt when he was a few months shy of fifteen, whilst it was widely known that the hunt went spectacularly wrong in every way possible, the truth being much bloodier than that. False intelligence was given which resulted in the death of a young witch and her parents, an act that would only serve to fuel the boy’s hatred of his own kind {and come back to haunt him years later}.
Whilst Feredir kept up his charade as a respectable Witch Hunter who kept to the law, he continually sent Daenir out into the world in order to rid the world of ALL witches. This carried on until Daenir was eighteen and came to the attention of his mother, now head of the Witches Guild in Veotis. Daenir killed the wrong witch who happened to be his half-sister and ended up spending the next year running from the wrath of his own mother, a woman he didn’t even know.
The hunt ended back in Veotis in the heart of the Aedis Forest where Daenir was taken down by the combined effort of the entire Guild. A curse was laid upon Daenir to hear the cries of his victims until the day he died, and then he was locked away into the darkness of Aedis Prison with a single warden who would be rotated by Malrin every month. Whilst the woman didn’t want her son to die just yet, she didn’t want him to be free to go about his life like he hadn’t caused harm to his own kind. That was her revenge for the death of her dear daughter.
When Cóven and his royal guard found the prison hidden in the Aedis Forest, Daenir was near feral from being chained and locked away for so long. With the assistance of Cedric Ebe, Cóven was able free him from the magical bindings and take him back Aecor and the Summer Palace to try and help bring him back from insanity, helping him heal along the way.
With the assistance of Lady Helaena from Astronia and her apprentice Lady Everleigh, Daenir was able to come back to the world a bit at a time until his mind could function properly. After four years in darkness, he found it hard to trust anyone, first opening up to Cóven and then Cedric after he took up an apprenticeship with the Royal Sorcerer. The feeling of trusting someone was so unfamiliar but the knowledge that he actually belonged somewhere was something that Daenir accepted even if his mind told him no.
After meeting his mother in the middle of an Advisory Council meeting, Daenir was forced to come clean with his past, he half expected to be thrown back inside the darkness of the prison and his own mind. Instead of rejection, Daenir found acceptance from both his master’s and soon found himself inheriting the title of Royal Sorcerer when Cedric decided to retire. During the years he has been active in his current role, Daenir has taken to trying to right many of wrongs committed in his earlier years and bring peace to the world a little bit at a time.
♛ O T H E R ♛
▬ Has a pet Nyrk gifted to him by his father when he was a child. Aldir {named after the God of War} is incredibly aggressive to everyone but Daenir and the King. Ryo, a rare Panthera in Veotis, was a gift given to him by the former King, the beast is loyal and far more friendly than his counterpart Aldir
▬ Daenir is basically Fenris and I will fight you if you say otherwise
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geeksmagazineco · 7 years
Cuando veo una película que involucra viajes espaciales tripulados, siempre me imagino cuáles son los motivantes de todos aquellos personajes que se embarcaron o se embarcarán en esa misión. Son muchas: Passengers, Gravity, The Martian, 2001: Odisea del Espacio, Interestellar, Armageddon, la misma Alien, su precuela Prometheus y la que nos da tema para este post y última entrega de la saga, Alien: Covenant.
Si las han visto y hacen un poco de memoria, en todos los casos, menos en la última, sus protagonistas tenían una razón para estar allí, en la infinita profundidad del espacio exterior, arriesgando sus vidas, desconociendo por completo si su misión va a ser exitosa y en casi todas ellas, rompiendo su lazo como seres humanos con la tierra, con sus familias y dejando todo, absolutamente todo atrás.
Para no hablar de todas ellas, haré énfasis en solo dos de ellas, Prometheus y Covenant, con algunas menciones a las demás películas de Aliens. En la entrega del 2012, con unas simples escenas en la tierra dieron inicio y sentido a toda la película, empezando con la escena de los ingenieros liberando el ADN primigenio que daría origen a toda la vida en la tierra y luego con la explicación de los dos arqueólogos y sus encuentros en las culturas mayas, sumerias, aztecas y demás. En Prometheus sentimos que todos los tripulantes de la nave tienen una razón para estar allí, se han ganado su puesto en la misión y a pesar de que algunos de ellos solo tienen algunos diálogos cortos antes de morir (es una película de Aliens, lo que significa que casi todos mueren), todos sus personajes encajan en la historia y ayudan a construirla.
En Covenant tenemos un inicio soso, plano, con la misma secuencia de robot solitario a cargo de la nave e incapaz de aburrirse porque no está programado para ello, fallo técnico en la nave, mal funcionamiento en el soporte criogénico de la nave, el primer muerto y el comienzo de una historia sin mucho sentido.
Esta imagen sorprendió a muchos, ya que el nombre de James Franco nunca estuvo dentro del casting inicial de la película, aunque ahora ya sabemos el por qué.
El argumento de la tormenta de neutrinos eclipsa por completo el bellísimo diseño de las velas solares de la nave para su recarga de energía (que me recordó a la nave del Conde Dooku en el Episodio II de Star Wars) y algo que me sorprendió bastante, fue que el papel de James Franco (de quien solo sabemos que era el capitán de la nave, que su apellido era Branson y que le gustaba escalar), fuera una aparición fugaz como alguien que se quema vivo y ya.
Aquí comienzan a surgir los diferentes personajes de la película, pero a medida que iban apareciendo en pantalla, eran solo un grupo de personas más y ya. ¿Quiénes son? ¿Qué hacen? ¿Cuál es el motivo por el qué están allí? Y más importante aún ¿se lo merecen? Lastimosamente, esa respuesta nunca me llegó.
Más confundido aún quedé con el giro en la trama que se planteó al quedar atrapados en ese punto del espacio mientras reparaban las velas solares y ver como decidieron cambiar el destino de su viaje al recibir un no muy claro mensaje proveniente de un planeta cercano. Fue aquí cuando recordé un capítulo de Doctor Who con David Tennant en el que un grupo de humanos van a explorar un asteroide que se encuentra anclado a un agujero negro en un extraño fenómeno gravitacional. Estando allí se encuentran literalmente con el diablo encadenado y ante tal situación, el Doctor les pregunta qué hacen allí a lo que responden que su curiosidad los empujó a estar allí y él solo contesta “¡Por eso amo a los humanos!”.
“Vamos a tomar la decisión mas estúpida en la historia de la saga de Alien, but first, lemme take a selfie!
Bien, esta misma curiosidad y cambio de planes en la Covenant ante la decisión tomada muy a la ligera por el nuevo capitán al mando (Billy Crudup) y que raya en la intransigencia, tiene dos razones muy simples “no queremos volver a las cámaras de criogenia” y “es que queda más cerquita”. No sé qué pensaría el Doctor ante esta situación, pero es muy probable que a él también le parecería una muy mala idea.
La casa en el lago
En Prometheus todos tenían una motivación para viajar en una nave, llegar a un planeta y explorarlo. De todos ellos, quien tenía la razón más egoísta para hacerlo era Meredith Vickers (Charlize Theron), hija de Peter Weyland (fundador de la corporación Weyland Yutani), impulsada por sus daddy issues y su deseo de demostrarle a su padre que era digna de serlo. En Covenant, Daniels (Katherine Waterston) la protagonista y obvia sobreviviente desde el principio, desea descubrir un planeta donde pueda construir una casa junto a un lago, algo que querían hacer junto a su recientemente fallecido esposo (el Capitán Branson), en una idea de vivienda idílica comparada solo con la de Stringfellow Hawke.
Queda claro en un momento que Covenant sucede 10 años después de Prometheus, pero en vez de avanzar como especie, retroceden y pasan de ser un experto grupo de exploradores espaciales, con criterio, equipos y el entrenamiento para hacerlo, a un grupo de “Boy Scouts” jugando a explorar el bosque detrás de la casa de alguno de ellos.
Desde Contacto, pasando por Arrival e incluso en Breaking Bad, cuando sus personajes van a estar en un sitio que no conocen o que represente algún peligro para la salud, usan un Traje Hazmat que los proteje de riesgos Nucleares, Biológicos y Químicos, pero en Covenant se nota a leguas que este sería el primer grupo exploratorio y terraformador en la historia del cine que no cuenta con un xenobiólogo (al menos no uno responsable).
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¡Miren, es trigo!
Alien siempre ha cautivado a sus espectadores con el encuentro de lo desconocido, pero esto de hallar trigo gigante en un planeta a algunos años luz de la tierra, daría para que este grupo de gente (si fuera sensata) se replanteara la idea de estar allí y de seguir explorando. Darnos cuenta que en un planeta visiblemente habitable no hay ningún tipo de fauna también debería darles algo en qué pensar y bueno, ver que nuestros compañeros están muriendo a manos de unos extraños seres que brotan de sus pechos, pues esa es razón más que suficiente para saber que algo anda mal.
Pero fue solo hasta que David (Michael Fassbender) hace su entrada en escena, fue que me di cuenta que Alien: Covenant era la película de la gente ingenua.
“¡Hola gente ingenua de la Tierra, seguidme a mi nada terrorífico refugio donde os enseñaré cosas para nada tétricas y en el que vosotros no haréis ninguna pregunta extraña que revele mis oscuras intenciones! ¿Vale?”
¿Y dónde quedaron las leyes de Asimov?
En las primeras 4 películas de Aliens (cuyas líneas de tiempo suceden luego de Prometheus y Covenant), la diferencia entre humanos y androides es nula, al punto de que se comportan de una forma tan humana que ya no parecen humanos (se lo dice Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) a Call (Winona Ryder) en Alien: Resurrection). Pero si bien el papel de David es fundamental para el desarrollo de los eventos en Prometheus, en Covenant raya en lo inverosímil, más aún cuando aparece de la nada, disparando luces de bengala para salvar a nuestro grupo de ingenuos y guiándolos a las ruinas de una civilización que al parecer desapareció de un plumazo y se encuentra calcinada en el ágora de un templo, tal cual quedaron los habitantes de Pompeya y Herculano con la erupción del volcán Vesubio.  Esto, que fue obra de David al llegar al planeta de los ingenieros, podría tener un loophole en cuanto a las leyes de Asimov, ya que ellos no son humanos, por lo tanto su primera ley de “Un robot no hará daño a un ser humano o, por inacción, permitir que un ser humano sufra daño” no aplicaría, pero desde Prometheus está demostrado que él sabe algo que los demás no y que está programado para llevar cierto tipo de experimentos con los demás miembros de la nave.
¿Pero no tienen los androides hechos por Weyland-Yutani algún protocolo de seguridad? ¿No existe una frase o una secuencia de palabras o números que los ‘resetee’ y los ponga en modo “a prueba de fallos”? ¿Están tan acostumbrados los humanos a su presencia que pueden seguirlos ciegamente a su guarida sin importar si estas son bastante terroríficas, inexplicables y llenas de señales de advertencia sobre el peligro que representa David?
Alien: Covenant es una gran apología a la ingenuidad del ser humano, pero aquí exageraron.
“Adelante capitán, mire tranquilo y acerque su rostro a ese huevo que no se ve para nada peligroso”
En la primer Alien, es la curiosidad humana la que lleva a Kane (John Hurt) a acercarse a un huevo, pero en Covenant es incluso triste que Billy Crudup el mismo actor que interpretó al Dr. Manhattan en la adaptación cinematográfica de Watchmen, caiga en un ardid tan simple e insulso como el de David para crear el primer Xenomorfo tal y como lo hemos conocido siempre, creado por obra y gracia de un Facehugger y saliendo graciosamente por el pecho de su host.  Pero si bien algunas personas encontraron sentido en esto luego de ver cómo en Prometheus el líquido negro actúa en el cuerpo cuando es consumido en una bebida y cuando se transmite a través del semen humano (creando el Alien “Trilobite”), aquí no es claro cómo es capaz David de crear esos huevos y mucho menos a los Facehuggers.
Al llegar a este planeta, él mismo termina con la vida de toda la raza de ingenieros y solo dispone del cuerpo de la doctora Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace), para experimentar con ella.  En la mesa de su improvisado laboratorio se ven algunos intentos fallidos de ¿Xenomorfos?, logrados posiblemente con la ya inexistente fauna del planeta, pero esto contradice todas las demás Aliens en la que es una reina quien deposita los huevos y la mentalidad de enjambre de los Xenomorfos los lleva a querer encontrar nuevos hosts para reproducirse.  Incluso, el Xenomorfo “Perro” de la tercera entrega de la saga y quien protagonizó la famosa escena del acercamiento cara a cara con Ripley, le perdona la vida porque ella se encuentra “infestada” con una reina. ¿Qué hace David que cambia esto? ¿Cómo podría evolucionar la especie para llegar a los Aliens que encontrarán más adelante en el Nostromo?
“Amigo Xenomorfo, creo que te convendría una menta”
Un paso adelante, cinco atrás
Cuando comenté que Alien: Covenant no me había gustado, el interrogante fue si no lo había hecho porque en esta el Alien no mataba a todos y fue precisamente porque eso fue lo que sucedió que la película no logró llamar mi atención.  La fórmula de Alien funcionaba bien para las primeras entregas de la saga, pero el cine ha cambiado, la narrativa y la forma de contar las historias también y los problemas técnicos y las limitaciones en el guión a los que se enfrentaron Ridley Scott en las primeras, ya han sido superadas completamente gracias al CGI.  Un Xenomorfo “Calamar” como el de Prometheus fue una evolución en la historia, incluso los dos Xenos “Albinos” (me acabo de enterar que los han llamado Neomorfos) de esta también -exceptuando esto de que los dominas soplándoles la nariz, como a los caballos-, pero no sé si Covenant sea una película hecha para satisfacer al fan-service de antaño y por eso decidieron repetir la fórmula de las anteriores, dejando atrás el punto que habían alcanzado con Prometheus y retrocediendo a lo más básico (y de paso, cliché).
“¡Hola, bienvenidos a la Covenant, la nave más cliché de toda la historia, tanto que yo mismo soy uno!”
Esposos que se embarcan juntos en una aventura en el espacio, la ya antes mencionada casa en el lago (y que ahora recuerdo era el mismo sueño del Capitán Adama en la nueva versión de Battlestar Galactica), el piloto/vaquero espacial, con sombrero incluido, que salva la situación, el androide traicionero y con propósitos secretos para beneficiar a a la corporación Weyland-Yutani, acción homo-erótica-robótica entre David y Walter en la escena con la flauta (caldo de ojo para las damas), la pareja interracial a la que no le importa que todos sus amigos estén recién muertos y deciden tomar una sexy ducha juntos en la que ambos terminan muertos y finalmente, la pelea final contra el Xenomorfo en la bodega de almacenamiento de la nave, que termina con la expulsión de este al vacío del espacio para así terminar con su vida.
El final tampoco sorprende y más que el cambio entre Walter y David, más de nuevo la ingenuidad de los dos sobrevivientes para no darse cuenta de que había algo mal con él, deja abiertas las posibilidades y plantea un futuro interesante para la saga, en el que espero se tomen un poco más el tiempo para darnos respuestas y no dejarnos con tantos interrogantes ingenuos.
Después de ver Alien: Covenant, solo puedo decir que respecto a lo que pueda pasar con la saga de aquí en adelante, es que es una lástima que hayan desechado el proyecto de una película escrita y dirigida por Neill Blonkamp. ¿Debería hacer Ridley Scott lo mismo que hizo George Lucas con Star Wars?
Nombre: Alien Covenant Género: Horror, Sci-fi, Thriller de Acción Director: Ridley Scott Escritor: Dan O’Bannon, Ronald Shusett Protagonistas: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup, Danny McBride, Demián Bichir, Carmen Ejogo, Jussie Smollett, Callie Hernández, Amy Seimetz, Nathaniel Dean, Alexander England, Benjamin Rigby, Uli Latukefu, Tess Haubrich. Calificación : 6/10
¡Gracias por leer!
Alien: Covenant [Review + Spoilers] Cuando veo una película que involucra viajes espaciales tripulados, siempre me imagino cuáles son los motivantes de todos aquellos personajes que se embarcaron o se embarcarán en esa misión.
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sullustangin · 4 years
Guss’s Art of Nicknames
Guss has a tendency to create nicknames for everyone he comes across.  Eva and the crew know most of them, but she often has to give an official Captain’s Order of “Do Not Repeat in Public.”  Some stick, others don’t. 
Theron Shan -- Spy Guy;  Spike (co-created with Bowdaar)
Satele Shan -- She Who Shall Not Be Named (Guss is still afraid Satele is going to bust him for stealing his old master’s lightsaber.)
Darth Marr -- Mr. Big Daddy Energy
Lana Beniko -- SILF; the Goddess
Saresh -- Bill (as in, she always owes money on a bill from Eva)
Gault -- Bad Disguise (”Just look at him and tell me he’s a stand-up gentleman.  Ask me how stupid I am.”)
Arcann -- Burnt Tater Tot; after sending Eva the letter, Burnt Tater Thot (co-created with Bowdaar; Bowdaar greatly disapproved of that overture)
Kaliyo -- Live Grenade
Vaylin -- Daddy Issues
Hylo Visz -- Not the Cat (in reference to Eva’s childhood cat being named Hylo after the famed smuggler)
Aric -- the Cat (in reference to being Cathar)
(Things get crazy when Hylo Visz the cat dies and the crew need to find a cat on Odessen because Hylo the cat was deified on some backwater planet.  Who is the cat?  Which Hylo is dead? )
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keldae · 5 years
3, 8, and 10 for the ask meme, for whoever you want :)
3. How did you choose their name?
So... this is going to sound stupid. XD
This story starts with a 15-year-old Keldae, going by her RL initials of AJ (... I had a drawn-out edgy phase where I didn’t like my first name. Bite me.). A friend was jokingly trying to guess my first name and said “Ajax!”, and that became my online handle for a few sites... until I was trying to make a YouTubes account and “Ajax” wasn’t available. However, “Xaja” was.
Because I hyperfocus on usernames, I used Xaja as my username on eeeeeeverything fandom-related, including when I first joined Axiom. I made the account before reading everything on the site, and then realized that the account usernames were also character names, so I shrugged and decided that my main character was now Xaja (although I did change her last name from “Silversheen”, the other half of my old handle, to “Taerich”. There’s no backstory with “Taerich”, I just thought it sounded nice.). And she’s kept that name ever since. :D
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
All of my characters are a foil of me in some way -- I think I might actually be closest to Sorand personality-wise. But Xaja is where I write out my insecurities and write out my mental illness issues. She has depression and anxiety like me, if on a worse scale (she also has PTSD in there, which I thankfully don’t have). In a way, part of Xaja is what I aspire to be -- a (reasonably) confident, smart, friendly, strong person. She’s giving me glimpses of future-fic where she’s happy and stable and relaxed, and I want that for myself as much as I want that for her.
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? 
Oooooh, good question. Xaja’s very first incarnation (before I figured out her personality) was more angsty and emo-ish (she came into existence around the tail end of the afore-mentioned edgy phase); by the time I started writing her in SWTOR canon’verse instead of Axiom’verse, she had changed into a snarky, wisecracking midget who both loves snuggles and will throw hands at anyone calling her “Missy”. I didn’t start writing fanfiction for her until KOTFE came out, but had been shipping her with Theron since Shadow of Revan.
It’s hard to say what about her was made to adapt to Theron. She’s always been a night owl (like him), and she’s a sarcastic little hothead (which suits him). Some parts of her I feel adapted to balance Theron out, like her less-than-stellar ability to lie, and her obvious attachment to her family (She was friendly enough with her brothers in Axiom, but she never canonically met her dad... who started out as a Space!Malfoy NPC and only told me otherwise after like four years. Asshole. Anyway, she didn’t tell me she was a daddy’s girl until I was into the KOTFE fic with her.). I feel like she’s the shorter-tempered one of the two of them. Although I think she’s the one who comes up with the plans that tend to be slightly more logical than “blowing up a Sith warship while naked” and “blowing up a train”. >.>
That being said, it was easier to write her relaxing and lowering her defences when Theron was in the picture than it was in Axiom. I don’t know if you would call that “tailoring” to her LI, but I can write her better showing her vulnerabilities with him. In Axiom, she was a lot more closeted about showing attachments and emotions, like the Tythonian Jedi she was trying so hard to be a good example of (... never minding the illicit boyfriend she had, but that’s beside the point); writing her now, displaying expression and fondness towards Theron is much easier. Even in the Shadow of Revan era, she openly flirted with Theron (le gasp!), and I think her willingness to bend some of the Tythonian rules (even before she found out she was half-Corellian) is definitely something that lends itself to the compatibility between them. Her willingness to tell off her superiors *cough*Saresh*cough* (... and *cough*she still told Jace off on Iokath*cough*) and enemies *cough*Valkorion*cough* is also something she would have never done in Axiom, but she does now. 
I’m rambling. tl;dr, I think most of her personality was already fairly compatible with Theron, but her sass and courage and openness and willingness to rebel if necessary was adapted into her SWTOR’verse self.
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gossipnetwork-blog · 7 years
American Horror Story Characters Ranked: From Cult Leaders to Coven Members & Everything in Between
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American Horror Story Characters Ranked: From Cult Leaders to Coven Members & Everything in Between
Over the course of seven installments, American Horror Story has introduced the world to all manner of crazy characters, from witches to vampires to insane cult leaders and everything else in between. And we do mean, everything.
Now that American Horror Story: Cult has come to its conclusion (with nary a supernatural being in sight, to boot!), the time is right to revisit our roundup of all the main actors in Ryan Murphy‘s troupe who’ve performed multiple characters over the years and update our ranking. Yes, that means Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Cheyenne Jackson, Frances Conroy and, of course, Jessica Lange—as well as newbies to the list, Adina Porter and Chaz Bono—and their characters from Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Freak Show, Hotel, Roanoke and Cult.
Which Paulson character reigns supreme? And which among Peters’ leads the pack? Read on to find out!
American Horror Story Characters—Ranked!
Each year, the American Horror Story characters are dealt a new hand to play. They’ll go from angel of death to campy witch and murderer to coked out model as AHS reboots for another chapter. But let’s face it: some characters pop more than others. In honor of the AHS: Cult finale, we ranked each actor’s characters from best to worst. Click through to find out each actor’s best character now!
Adina Porter’s No. 2. Lee Harris, AHS: Roanoke
Lee wasn’t the most likable person, but she was the last one standing when all was said and done.
Adina Porter’s No. 1. Beverly Hope, AHS: Cult
Was there a more powerful woman in Cult than Beverly? Sure, she may have fallen under Kai’s sway, but she woke up when it mattered most. 
Chaz Bono’s No. 2. Lot Polk, AHS: Roanoke
Bono didn’t have a ton to do but look menacing as the reenactment’s version of the cannibalistic Polk.
Chaz Bono’s No. 1. Gary Longstreet, AHS: Cult
As Kai’s most loyal servant, Gary never had too much to do, but he sure was willing to promote the cause no matter the cost. (Hint: His life.)
Lily Rabe’s No. 5. Nora Montgomery, AHS: Murder House
A sad ghost with a penchant for baby taking, Nora is the weaker of Lily Rabe’s AHS characters.
Lily Rabe’s No. 4. Shelby Miller, AHS: Roanoke
She was an adulterer, a murderer, and a Yogi. But worst of all about Shelby? She was a whiner.
Lily Rabe’s No. 3. Aileen Wuornos, AHS: Hotel
Yes, Rabe played real-life serial killer (and inspiration for the movie Monster) Aileen Wuornos in an over-the-top performance in Hotel for one episode. Eat your heart out, Charlize Theron!
Lily Rabe’s No. 2. Sister Mary Eunice, AHS: Asylum & Freak Show
Sister Mary Eunice was Rabe’s most developed character. She was sweet and innocent…until she was possessed. Lots of opportunity for Rabe to do a variety of emotions here.
Lily Rabe’s No. 1. Misty Day, AHS: Coven
The shawls, the Stevie Nicks obsession…Misty was fun!
Lady Gaga’s No. 2. Scathach (Reenactment), AHS: Roanoke
Not as much a character than a plot device, the fact that the most exciting thing about Scathach (the fact that she was the original Supreme in Coven) was revealed in a Ryan Murphy interview rather than onscreen isn’t good.
Lady Gaga’s No. 1. The Countess, AHS: Hotel
Glam, sensuous, and with a pressing thirst for blood? That’s how we like our Gaga.
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Matt Bomer’s No. 2. Andy, AHS: Freak Show
Sure Matt Bomer showed some skin, but his gay rent boy character was offed straight away. No development there.
Frank Ockenfels/FX
Matt Bomer’s No. 1. Donovan, AHS: Hotel
He’s showing skin, his killer hair and an actual story arc? We’re sold.
Cheyenne Jackson’s No. 3. Dr. Rudy Vincent, AHS: Cult
Nice twist revealing that Rudy was Kai and Winter’s older brother, but the character never really felt all that developed.
Cheyenne Jackson’s No. 2. Will Drake, AHS: Hotel
Will was gay, but then he fell in love with the Countess? We love Gaga as much as everyone else, but that was wildly unbelievable—which is saying something, considering this franchise.
Cheynne Jackon’s No. 1. Sidney Aaron James, AHS: Roanoke
Was Sidney a total sociopath? Sure. But was his unwavering devotion to keeping his reality show alive, blood moon and murderous ghosts, absolutely hysterical? You betcha.
Emma Roberts No. 3. Serena Belinda, AHS: Cult
She was nasty to Beverly and she paid dearly for it. 
Michele K. Short/FX
Emma Roberts’ No. 2. Maggie, AHS: Freak Show
A con artist who really didn’t do much to endear herself to viewers, compared to Emma Roberts’ Coven character, this is very easy to call.
Michele K. Short/FX
Emma Roberts’ No 1. Madison, AHS: Coven
The unapologetic attitude, the magic powers, the “Surprise, bitch” meme … need we go on as to why Madison Montgomery is Roberts’ tops AHS character?
Wes Bentley’s No. 4. Ambrose White, AHS: Roanoke
If he’d only supported his mother, Tomasin would’ve never turned into the Butcher and no one in Roanoke would’ve been in the miserable mess they were in. Way to go, Ambrose.
Prashant Gupta/FX
Wes Bentley’s No. 3. John Lowe, AHS: Hotel
Ugh, there was nothing redeeming for Wes Bentley to do with him.
Wes Bentley’s No. 2. Dylan, AHS: Roanoke
Dylan might’ve been the most sensible person on Roanoke. Naturally, he only lasted an episode. But his calm use of his Army skills to at least try and get the remaining survivors to safety was admirable. RIP Dylan.
Michele K. Short/FX
Wes Bentley’s No. 1. Edward Mordrake, AHS: Freak Show
Dude had a little head on the back of his own! He was creepy and helped usher Jessica Lange out of her last AHS.
Finn Wittrock’s No. 3. Jether Polk, AHS: Roanoke
1. You don’t hire Finn Wittrock and hide his pretty face under all that inbred aesthetic. 2. If you do, you make him stick around for more than an episode.
Finn Wittrock’s No. 2. Tristan, AHS: Hotel
Sure we got to see Finn Wittrock shirtless (a lot) and make out with, well, everybody. But Tristan was just pretty annoying.
Finn Wittrock’s No. 1. Dandy, AHS: Freak Show
His first American Horror Story role and best American Horror Story role. Dandy was a sociopath and you could tell Wittrock had a great time sinking his teeth into the gig.
Mare Winningham’s No. 4. Alicia, AHS: Coven
Mare Winningham has played a lot of pretty awful people on AHS, but her worst one yet has got to be Kyle’s sexually abusive mom.
Mare Winningham’s No. 3. Rita, AHS: Freak Show
Is Alicia worse than Pepper’s sister Rita? They’re both pretty awful.
Mare Winningham’s No. 2. Sally Keffler, AHS: Cult
We would’ve loved to have spent five more episodes with Winningham’s badass alt-right fighting, joint rolling Sally. Alas, Kai and his goons made sure that would never happen.
Mare Winningham’s No. 1. Ms. Evers, AHS: Hotel
Sure she had her problems, but with Ms. Evers, Winningham finally got more to do than be terrible.
Jamie Brewer’s No. 3. Marjorie, AHS: Freak Show
Can we pretend the all that Neil Patrick Harris stuff didn’t happen on Freak Show? Silver lining: We got Jamie Brewer back into the mix.
Jamie Brewer’s No. 2. Nan, AHS: Coven
Admit it, you were so pissed when Nan was killed on Coven.
Jamie Brewer’s No. 1. Adelaide, AHS: Murder House
Addie was one of the few characters you can actually really feel for on AHS, despite her warnings of death and what not.
Gabourey Sidibe’s No. 2. Regina, AHS: Freak Show
Gabourey Sidibe had so little to do besides get killed by Dandy.
Michele K. Short/FX
Gabourey Sidibe’s No. 1. Queenie, AHS: Coven & Hotel
Yas, Queenie! So brash and so sassy, Queenie was the best. Who could forget her friendship with Kathy Bates’ LaLaurie?
Zachary Quinto’s No. 2. Chad, AHS: Murder House
Zachary Quinto‘s controlling former owner of the Murder House wasn’t anything to write home about.
Zachary Quinto’s No. 1. Dr. Thredson, AHS: Asylum
Creepy with a capitol C!
Taissa Farmiga’s No. 3. Sophie Green, AHS: Roanoke
When we heard that Taissa Farmiga was returning to AHS in her third role, we were thrilled. When she showed up as a truly stupid moderator of a My Roanoke Nightmare fan site, just to be brutally impaled and burned alive—well, we were considerably less thrilled.
Taissa Farmiga’s No. 2. Zoe, AHS: Coven
A little on the annoying side, Zoe’s power of the killer vagina was the only thing that made her interesting.
Ray Mickshaw/FX
Taissa Farmiga’s No. 1. Violet, AHS: Murder House
Spunky and ghostly is just the way we like Taissa Farmiga.
Alexandra Breckinridge’s No. 2. Kaylee, AHS: Coven
A pyrotechnic witch, she was easily duped by and then killed by Hank. Meh.
Alexandra Breckinridge’s No. 1. Moira, AHS: Murder House
Alexandra Breckenridge played the younger Frances Conroy who used this form to tempt and taunt men.
Chloe Sevigny’s No. 2. Alex, AHS: Hotel
Chloe Sevigny‘s character willingly became vampire(y) to be with her beloved son. Other than that, she was pretty boring.
Chloe Sevigny’s No. 1. Shelley, AHS: Asylum
Sure this was a way smaller role, but you could tell she had one heck of a time playing the nymphomaniac who got experimented on by Dr. Arden
Dylan McDermott’s No. 2. Johnny, AHS: Asylum
Talk about mommy and daddy issues!
Ray Mickshaw/FX
Dylan McDermott’s No. 1. Ben, AHS: Murder House
We went from loving to hating and wanting to do everything in between to Dylan McDermott‘s first character.
Denis O’Hare’s No. 5. Stanley, AHS: Freak Show
The smarmiest character ever, his claim to fame was … his big penis.
See More From American Horror Story Characters Ranked (By Actor) From Worst to Best
Did the right Sarah Paulson character come out on top? How about our choice for top Evan Peters role? Sound off in the comments below!
American Horror Story will return for its eighth installment on FX in 2018.
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suaine · 7 years
Yuletide letter 2017
*cracks knuckles* Alright, let's get this party started. At first, there are a few things to know about me, none of them very important:
I will read almost anything if you write it with passion and kindness. That doesn't mean it has to be fluffy and happy all the time, though I do prefer a general trajectory toward happiness. If you can, I would like you to write this story because you believe in it, not because you want to please me. I'm usually easily pleased, and there aren't a lot of things that will turn me off.
That said, please avoid writing about death or rape, graphically or just their impact and aftermath. Both things are hard for me to deal with and even if it's canon I'd rather not have to be exposed to it during the already super emotionally taxing holiday season.
Generally I love all self-indulgent tropes. There is nothing too cliché, no path too well-trodden. I love adcenture stories and cracky fun slices of life and everything in between. I'm equally into swords and sorcery as well as space ships. There isn't a well-crafted AU I don't love if the characters stay true to themselves. Feel free to go a little bit wild.
Fandom: Star Wars: Aftermath - Chuck Wendig
I didn't expect to be able to sign up so I couldn't nominate everyone else on the team, but feel free to include them all or any of them in combination. I just want to hear more stories about these idiots, Sinjir most of all. After Rogue One, I'm full up on tragic heroes, so if you can find hopeful, loving paths to put them on, please do.
Oh, my relationship with this canon is a difficult one. I still haven't dared to read the last book and I'm trying to get to a place where I can forgive fate and Chuck Wendig for personally giving me hope for my fave pairing (Jom/Sinjir) and crushing it under the bootheels of miscommunication. (Basically, we tweeted, he was vague, I misunderstood, I thought Jom/Sinjir was gonna happen, and it really hurt when it didn't) But! I'm absolutely 100% in favor of Sinjir getting a happy ending EVERY WHICH WAY possible, including but not limited to any pairings you might enjoy, and I'm more than happy for you to sell me on them.
I love the team so much, every single damn one of them. I love the snarky bits and the hopeless bits and the resilient bits. I love that this is not the happy ending we expected from Return of the Jedi and I love Rae Sloane.
I honestly don't know what kind of prompt I should give you. I've enjoyed stories of Sinjir showing up in TFA times, I love alternate universes where things played out differently, I love introspective pieces and action-y bits. I love the humor that is always inherent in Wendig's writing.
Fandom: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
I absolutely love and adore this game and I found my perfect route only to realize that in the scope of the game it couldn't happen - Robert needs to take care of himself for a while, a year isn't nearly enough to put him back together. But we can try. The player character can absolutely try. In many, many ways. Also, I love any and all iterations of Amanda and Val interacting and maybe more.
I absolutely enjoy every route in this game, though some characters resonate more with me than others. Robert is the one that I feel closest to, maybe because he's quite damaged in very specific ways. Maybe it's because if you play your cards right you get to fix his relationship with his daughter and I actually have two fathers who will never be as big a person as that.
The core aspect of the game for me is giving Amanda every happiness she desires, she deserves to be loved and appreciated and she deserves to grow into exactly the woman she wants to be. Val and her interaction were my favorite amazing surprise.
I'm actually quite invested in a future where Robert gets better and realizes that the player character (let's call him Jake) has always been there. I'd like to see that recovery, soft, playful, unassuming friend dates, supportive moments, nighttime monster-hunting adventures.
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) RPF
The last few months I've fallen into an awesome hole: catching up on a 100+ episode webseries that has 4+ hours of footage per. It. Was. Ridiculous. And amazing. And I accidentally once read a comment (on youtube) about how Matt separated Marisha and Taliesin because jealousy. I adore Marisha and Taliesin's friendship but also I can't help but go extra defensive when I read stupid stuff like this: so, tell me about the many ways that Matt and Taliesin love each other, all the bonding, whether bromance or romance. The three of them once went to party in the desert together for a few days. Also, I loved the team playing themselves but d&d style during Liam's one shot - why not put them all into Exandria, but as themselves (and adult)? Adventures!
I mean, what is there to say? I'm really invested in the entire group's happiness and love. It's pretty obvious that they're close and I love that so very, very much. I've been crying like a baby at the latest episode (114) and how much they care about each other and their characters, and the last few minutes of ep 113 were really intense after Laura realized what was happening. I love how sometimes the lines between character and actor get a little bit blurred.
I don't really have a lot to add to the optional details, maybe all I need to say is this: feel free to go anywhere your heart takes you.
Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic  
I adore Theron Shan and his ridiculous squib/secret agent/mama issue plot. He's everything I ever wanted from a Republic character - pragmatic and still idealistic, hopeful and sarcastic, complex as the force itself. I love stories about his tech abilities, about his smarts and his work ethic, and how deep down he is much more like his mother - and Revan - then he would ever admit. (OMG the Revan connection is such a narrative kink for me. Revan (girl Revan for me, incidentally) is such an influence on how I see the character - grey, but still undeniably good.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that means more to me in TOR than Theron in love with my lightside male Sith Warrior. Obviously, you're in no way obligated to include my player character, but whatever you want to write I would ask you to consider that fact your canon for the story - please don't break them up or write him with other people. You don't have to include this in particular, but please don't negate it.
I haven't played the newest chapters because of time constraints and I don't know a whole lot of spoilers except that... something happens... with betrayal and Theron? I honestly didn't want to read up on it because often experiencing it makes it very different to whatever might show up on a twitter rant. Here's the thing: betrayal and the sith warrior. Theron being a double agent to save the love of his life by breaking his heart. Just saying. That makes one hell of a story.
If you want to write something romance free, how about the early days of Lana and Theron's partnership? The minituae of running the alliance? Theron doing his job because he's a competent, sarcastic assholes. Theron making peace with his mom. Theron making peace with the force.
Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery
I love everything Star Trek and this new thing feels very much in line with everything before even where it's completely out of left field (I mean, the hairless klingons take some getting used to for sure). Michael Burnham is the best, but I would literally love any story about any of the characters, as long as it feels like Star Trek. I missed this world and this universe and this SPACE so much. Tell me everything, anything, DISCOVER.
Okay so obviously this is a developing fandom that's going to fucking explode. This is an amazing thing to be at the start of. I love everything Star Trek and as of today which is just a few days after ep 4, I love everyone on that boat except Lorca who I very much love to loathe.
Michael is amazing. My gay mushroom man is amazing. Tall gangly alien is amazing. Twitchy redhead is amazing. The klingons are super weird cannibals. I want to see exactly where Discovery is going – all the weird alien planets they can explore. There's a war, sure, but that's not a warship, it's a science vessel. Let it do science.
I personally love all the tropes Trek ever gave us and there's basically so many to choose from that it would be too hard to list them all. You want to give an old episode plot a new coat? Go for it! You want to explore some cute character moments? Be my guest! You want to write cute ship fic about mushroom man and doctor snarkadoodle? Please, please do.
Fandom: Folgers "Home for the Holidays" Commercial
Folgers is a yuletide fandom if I've ever seen one. Pretty much all the stories are yuletide stories and I've read them all. I think it's obvious why we're both here and neither of us can pretend that this is wholesome and pure. But here's the thing: just because something is problematic doesn't mean it can't be fun and happy. I mentioned in another request that I'm full up on tragedy, so here's the deal: a Folgers story where they get what they so obviously want and figure out a way to be happy.
Two things: yes, porn is totally acceptable though obviously not required. You can, but you don't gotta. And AUs are also a perfectly lovely way to explore this kinky as hell prompt. I think we're both here for the kink – if not, I'm not sure why you offered this fandom at all and this is your get out of jail free card: just dump this request in a dark hole and never think about it again. Some of my other requests have quite accessible canons and I won't be offended if I show up on the pinch hit list. I've been there, it's not a terrible place to be ;)
If you want to go AU, please keep the delicious and terrible fact that they're siblings who so very obviously want to bone. I'm with you, friend. We're both in this kinky hole together. I'm not into this fandom for realism – angst, sure, that's what makes it great, but that doesn't mean we can't have a totally unrealistic romantic comedy style happy ending. Think Do Começo ao Fim.
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