#theron learns a lesson
finchmarie · 2 months
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FINALLY finished this lovely paint of Eva and Theron for @sullustangin which was my final and biggest giveaway piece, and tbh real proud of it!!
Huge huge huge thanks to @sullustangin for being so damn patient while I dealt with my stupid hands!! 🖤🖤🖤
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j4m3s-b4k3r · 2 months
The Darkest Of Angels
The latest instalment in the MAD MAX series, FURIOSA, is not as inventive as its predecessor, FURY ROAD. There are few moments to match the kooky joy of seeing the DOOF WARRIOR thrashing his guitar made out of a bedpan, atop a truck full of Taiko drummers in this movie. But FURIOSA delivered, and not in the ways expected. It is dark. A post-nuclear Dickensian western. A harrowing tale of an orphan taken to the Wasteland workhouse. With no inheritance to save her day, she wants revenge. There's plenty of George Miller’s signature kinetic storytelling. This isn't mere mayhem, but a thoughtful meditation on war, revenge, grief, and hope, told in 5 chapters.
1: The Pole of Inaccessibility
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“Do Not Look Away, You Mustn’t Look Away.”
The tale begins in the “Green Place”, an EDEN hidden in the Wasteland. Instead of an apple, a peach is plucked by a little girl - a much younger FURIOSA. For the first hour, the titular character is played by Alyla Browne, who gives an absolutely riveting performance. Many of the traumatic moments that will shape the character are dealt with by this incredible young actor. 
Furiosa is soon kidnapped by the motorbike crazies that populate the MAD MAX films. Unfortunately for the goons, Furiosa’s mum MARY JABASSA is a veritable fury, and relentlessly hunts them down. Played by Charlee Fraser, the character isn’t in the story for long but she absolutely fizzes with intensity while she’s on screen. Leaving a white hot afterglow that lasts for the rest of the film. Unfortunately, she is soon dealt with by the villain of the tale. 
When we first meet DEMENTUS, he is clothed in white robes, like a desert messiah in his tent. Hemsworth’s performance is one of the highlights of the film. Dementus has a rural Australian accent, and a speaking style reminiscent of earlier generations. This may be lost on anyone without a small town Australian grandfather, but for me it had a chilling effect. At once folksy, familiar and terrifying. Most of the quotable lines from this film are from Dementus. He’s a bad egg, but eminently watchable. A Long John Silver of the desert.
2: Lessons from the Wasteland
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"Who's got the goods? The bollocks, the testes to ride with Dementus?! "
Anya Taylor-Joy was arresting, and did wonders with a largely non verbal role. She was a strange choice for the role though. Alyla Browne believably played a child version of Charlize Theron, but Anya Taylor-Joy’s distinctive features and slight frame aren’t going to look like Theron in 10-15 years time. 
When Charlize Theron’s FURIOSA spoke with a north American accent in FURY ROAD, I accepted it as possible in Miller’s Wasteland. After all, we’d already learned years ago that way out in the middle of the outback, you might meet... TINA TURNER. So yeah, that accent made sense in 2015. However, we now know that Furiosa’s parents and childhood accent were both Australian. Then, she somehow acquires a North American accent growing up in the Citadel. Surrounded by Aussie War Boys?
George Miller deservedly gets praise for his imaginative visual world building and storytelling, but sometimes his world doesn’t make ‘sense’. I know that these films are best taken as kinetic & operatic comic books, taking place in a mythic world. However, inconsistencies sometimes break the spell, popping me out of the movie watching experience, to ask real world questions. 
However, Tom Burke’s Aussie accent was flawless, and his turn as PRAETORIAN JACK was wonderful. A stoic character, with as many wounds and losses as any other wretch in this misbegotten landscape, but who hasn’t lost the ability to be humane.
3: The Stowaway
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“Didja see that? How they fought for each other, this little army of two? Where were they going, so full of hope?”
Each MAD MAX film thus far took us to a completely new part of the Wasteland. FURIOSA too shows us a new location, the Green Place. Experienced for mere moments, before being hauled to locations we’d previously seen in FURY ROAD. 
Though shown 15-20 years earlier, they looked exactly the same. Instead of seeing The Citadel only partially built, ruled by a younger Immortan Joe (perhaps not yet needing his mask, but already showing the signs of physical frailties?) characters & locations look as they did in a movie set 15-20 years later.The only character who shows the passage of time is Furiosa herself. 
George Miller takes big swings with these MAD MAX films, but in completely different ways with each one. FURIOSA is back to a revenge story, which is where the series began, but with a completely different structure this time. Ending on a dialogue in the desert, instead of blow-the-hinges off action sequence. After the excitement of what came before, a verbal showdown in the desert was anticlimactic for some. ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST, climaxing with jibber jabber instead of Leone’s gunfight. For me though, this ending (and Hemsworth’s speech) was one of the high points of the film.
The film has many images that stay with me - A time-lapse shot of a young tree growing from a discarded wig. A lizard eats flies buzzing around a skull in the desert, only to be crushed under a racing motorbike tire. Parasailing marauders attack a giant truck from the sky. The sadistically twisted villain wears a child’s teddy bear. Owned by a victim? Or his own children from long ago? What a grimly beautiful world this is.
4: Homeward
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“There will always be war. But to get home, Furiosa fought the world.”
Some critics said FURIOSA was “an epic slice of myth-making”, while others called it “a joyless, pointless, pretentious and inartistic slog”. Generally though, critical response was effusive. 90% on Rotten Tomatoes with an 89% audience score. Interestingly, these action films are consistently rated higher by critics than by audiences:
FURIOSA: 90%/89% FURY ROAD: 97%/86%  BEYOND THUNDERDOME: 79%/49%  ROAD WARRIOR: 94%/86%  MAD MAX: 90%/70% 
Also interesting, is that FURIOSA’s audience score is the highest of all the 5 films. Stranger still is that this favourable response didn’t result in box office success.. There are many theories as to why this is so. Although some say that this is the best prequel ever, any prequel is by definition unnecessary. Perhaps those that focus on a sidekick character will have a harder time connecting with audiences. Especially if the franchise’s main character is a no show. (Likewise, SHORT ROUND: AN INDIANA JONES SAGA might tank at the box office too, if Indy only has a cameo of mere seconds.)
This gets to why an audience decides to go see a movie. Personally, I just needed to know that George Miller - a director I’ve followed since my teens - was making another movie. That’s it. I was already in line before I knew what it was about. But most people, even MAD MAX fans, lost interest when they heard the famous character wasn’t in it. Joe & Jane Public bond with actors and characters. Directors not so much.
5. Beyond Vengeance
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“D’ya have it in ya to make it epic?”
Movies used to be cheap entertainment, that audiences could afford to take a chance on, but they are expensive nowadays. Especially with all the bells & whistles of IMAX and reserved seating. People have been burned so many times by gushing press luring them to lame movies, that positive reviews and ‘buzz’ are now simply assumed to be studio psyops. Flatly ignored. Instead, if it’s a film they are unsure of, many prefer to wait a few weeks and try movies at home, affordably. On the big screen TVs & sound systems bought during the pandemic.
Given FURIOSA’s poor box office, we may never get the 6th instalment in the MAD MAX saga; WASTELAND. Which makes me regret that George Miller hadn’t made that film before this one. FURIOSA isn’t my fave of the MAD MAX films, but ranks high in my personal list. A fantastic addition to this series, that deserved more success than it got, sadly. Seeing George Miller stretch himself, in this mythic world he has constructed over decades, is a true cinematic joy.
“To feel alive, we seek sensation — any sensation to wash away the cranky black sorrow!”
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angelynmoon · 3 months
Merlin and Lancelot emerge from their self imposed isolation after three days, Merlin with a skip in their step and Lancelot with a smile that Gwaine called smug.
Hunith handed Theron over with little fuss and no comment on Merlin's change, Effie and Ellie also don't comment except to start calling Merlin mum rather than daddy.
Merlin does refuse to turn the handful of people who ignored their warning back into humans, stating that they needed to learn their lessons about interrupting their time with Lancelot, though Merlin assured Arthur later that the effects would wear off within the week.
Lancelot, while always protective of Merlin, takes it to a new level now that they are carrying a child, he stands guard for Merlin and Gwen both as they talk about what is to come for their pregnancies with Freya, Merlin insists that Hunith stay, they refuse to intertain the idea of someone else delivering their child, and Hunith has assisted in many births, their villiage was very small.
Gaius checks in on Merlin and Gwen, but he has other duties and both are more comfortable speaking with Hunith about woman's problems that crop up.
Arthur is suddenly glad he'd thought to invite Hunith to Camelot, she gave the Castle a softer touch and it was good for Gwen and Merlin to have a mother around, plus all the children adored Grandmum Hunith, even Morgana would only sit still for lessons if Hunith was the one teaching them.
Lancelot is not the only Knight to get more protective over Merlin and Gwen, Arthur knows he has, insisting that Merlin sit whenever possible, and there may be a squire whose only job is to follow his wife with a padded chair for if she needs rest.
Both Merlin and Gwen roll their eyes at him when he offers them chairs, but neither stop him and he's glad for that.
He's worried, more than he thought he'd be, about both pregnancies, his mother died in childbirth, and though no one speaks of it, Uther tried for a spare heir many times, only Morgana survived of his siblings and none of their mothers left the birthing bed alive.
So, Arthur worries and he tries to make life as stress free for his wife and his best friend as he can, he keeps Lancelot in the Castle when he'd normally send him on missions hexd trust to no one else, Gwaine and Percival have taken over those missions, Elyan kept close for Gwen.
But sometimes he dreams, they are not happy dreams, he dreams of blood soaked sheets, of hands pushing a screaming babe at him and of sorrow filled eyes as news of his wife's death are dilivered, the person dead in the birthing bed switches between Merlin and Gwen with no rhyme or reason.
On those nights Arthur cannot bring himself to stay in his marriage bed, it's the bed that would bring his wife's death on those nights and he can't stay there.
The guards make no comment as he leaves his chambers, both of them remaining at the doors as Arthur goes for a midnight walk.
Hunith finds him in his mother's garden, she does not speak, only sits next to him on the bench and pulls him into a hug that he sinks into, he can't help it, it's a mother's hug, something he never got until Merlin came into his life and stayed there.
"Merlin won't let anything happen to Gwen, and neither will Freya." Hunith told him.
"I can't stop dreaming about it, my mother..." Arthur said quietly.
"Your mother's circumstances were quite different, as were all the others." Hunith stopped him, "Your Father banned Magic, you cannot commit the atrosities that he did without consequence, that it came at the expense of other's lives was his own selfishness because he did not stop at the first woman."
"How can I stop dreaming of them dying?" Arthur asked, "I can't stop seeing them die, I can't..., I don't want to have a child at Gwen's expense, and I don't want Merlin to die either."
Hunith looked at him and hummed, "I can give you a draught for the dreams, but it doesn't relieve the cause of them, only a successful birth can do that. But Merlin and Gwen are strong, they have good odds, especially with a Goddess on their side." Hunith motioned to the pond that Freya often lounged in, though she appeared absent tonight,nfir which Arthur was glad.
"It's alright to be frightened, Arthur, I was scared when I realised I was going to have Merlin, I was alone, unwed, and Merlin showed signed of Magic long before I gave birth, it's normal, things will turn out right, you'll see. Now, come on, I'll make you a snack and some warm milk before you head off to bed." Hunith said as she got up.
Arthur followed her, anxieties soothed over for the moment, he was sure to continue his protectiveness but no one was blaming him for that, even Lancelot seemed to understand Arthur's overprotectiveness when it came to the man's Mate and shared the sentiment with Gwen.
Come to think of it Gwaine was extreemly protective of Gwen and Merlin as well, perhaps it was a Dragon thing, either way, Arthur was glad that so many people were looking after his wife and his best friend, even if he still worried.
A/n: So, I figured that Arthur might have some anxieties about Gwen and Merlin's pregnancies and this chapter came along to explore them.
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waiting-eyez · 10 months
I don't believe in charmed lives.
I think that tragedy is part of the
lesson you learn to lift yourself up,
to pick yourself up and to move on.
(Charlize Theron)
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Music Professor
Pairings: Music Professor Charlize Theron x Student Reader
Warnings ⚠️: Professor x Student relationship, height difference, age difference, jealousy, teasing & Charlize speaking Afrikaans
Pet Names/Nicknames: Oulike meisie(Sweet girl), Darling, Charlie
Word Count: 1,458
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A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good. That's what Colbie Caillet once said. Y/N became fascinated with music right after she turned 9. She had learned to play the Violin, Flute and Guitar. She was learning to play on the piano now but just couldn't get it right. At the age of now 18 her parents enrolled her into an art school where she could take piano lessons as well as dancing since she also loved to dance.
She walked up to her new school and looked up at it. The school had four floors one for Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors and one for the Seniors. On each floor there was a room for all of the different forms of art like music, dance, literature, poetry, painting/drawing, sculpture, architecture & theatre.
Y/N walked into the school and was awestruck at how beautiful it was. As she walked through the halls she was roughly shoved to the side causing her stuff to drop to the ground. She looked up to see a boy running down the halls causing her to roll her eyes before scoffing. She bent down and reached for her music binder when someone's hand touched hers. She looked up and locked eyes with a green eyed woman who had short brown hair. The woman smiled before picking up Y/N's stuff. She stood up and Y/N stood up as well before grabbing her things from the woman's hands. "T-thank you" Y/N stuttered out not daring to look at the woman. "It's no problem better be careful next time though these halls can get chaotic at times" the woman said in a thick African accent causing Y/N to gulp. "Got it" Y/N said before she watched the woman walk away. Y/N let out a sigh before continuing her way to the principal's office to get her schedule.
The day had gone by quickly and lunch had just ended. Y/N walked through the halls and back up to the fourth floor. She walked through the long hall before stopping in front of an open door. She had heard the piano playing from all the way down the hall. She stepped into the doorway and saw the same brown haired woman from before sitting at the piano playing a song. "You can come in Dear" the woman said in that hot accent of her's. Y/N's face flushed as she stepped into the room as the woman turned around. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you" Y/N said causing the woman to chuckle before standing up and making her way over to her desk. "It's fine you didn't disturb me" the woman said as Y/N looked at the Name Plate on the desk. Ms. Charlize Theron was across the plate and Y/N smiled. "You have a beautiful name" she blurted out and her eyes widened in shock realizing what she just said. "Oh thank you dear" Charlize said and Y/N saw a faint blush on the professor's face. "N-no problem" she said as she was over and took a seat on the bottom step. "You're Y/N Y/L/N right" Professor Theron said and Y/N nodded. "Well I saw that you sighed up for after school piano lessons" Ms. Theron said and Y/N nodded right before students started walking in while chatting.
"Alright class I'll see you all tomorrow oh and Y/N can you stay behind I need to talk to you for a couple minutes" Ms. Theron said and Y/N nodded as she watched the others get up and leave after packing up their music sheets. Ms. Theron shut the door after the last student left before walking over to Y/N and sitting down on the step beside her. "So when do you want to start your piano lessons" Ms. Theron asked as she crossed one leg over the other. "I don't mind" Y/N said as she kept looking straight. Ms. Theron hummed before grabbing Y/N's chin and turned her face so she was looking directly at her. "Look at me when I'm talking to you understand" Ms. Theron said making Y/N gulped. "Yes professor" Y/N said making Ms. Theron smile before letting go of her. "How does tomorrow sound" Ms. Theron asked as she looked Y/N in the eyes. "That's fine" Y/N muttered out and Ms. Theron nodded. "Tomorrow it is then" she said before standing up and walking back to her desk.
It was after school the next day and Y/N made her way to the music room but stopped when she heard talking. "Oh come on Charlize just cancel the lesson you can do it tomorrow she won't mind" Y/N heard a man say making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. "Mr. Jones I'm not going to say it again the answer is no" Ms. Theron said and Y/N stepped into the doorway causing the two teachers to look over. "Right on time Y/N please come on in" Ms. Theron said and Y/N stepped in before setting her bag down near the doorway. "Now if you'll excuse me Mr. Jones I got a student to help" she continued and Me. Jones huffed before storming out of the room almost shoving Y/N out of the way. "Come on let's get started" Ms. Theron said and Y/N followed her over to the piano. Y/N sat down on the bench as Ms. Theron stood beside the piano.
It had been a couple months now and Y/N was getting better at playing the piano. "Would you like to try and play a song" Ms. Theron said and Y/N nodded. Ms. Theron walked behind Y/N and reached out for Y/N's hands. "Can I" Ms. Theron asked and Y/N nodded. Ms. Theron grabbed Y/N's hands and put them in position. "You don't talk much is it perhaps that I make you nervous" Ms. Theron whispered into Y/N's ear causing her to shiver before blushing brightly. "N-no" Y/N stuttered out and Ms. Theron smirked before pulling her hands away. She rested them on Y/N's shoulders and squeezed slightly. "Well I think you are, you barely talk when it's just the two of us" Ms. Theron said as she stroked her hands up and down Y/N's shoulders.
After Y/N finished she pulled her hands away and looked up at Ms. Theron to see her already smiling down at her. "That was amazing Y/N you're a fast learner" Ms. Theron said and Y/N smiled. "Thank you Professor" Y/N said as Ms. Theron patted Y/N's shoulders. "You're welcome and please when it's just the two of us call me Charlize alright" Ms. Theron said and Y/N nodded. Y/N looked down at Charlize's lips before looking away and back at the piano. Charlize saw it and sighed before she carefully took Y/N's face in her hand. She turned Y/N's face so that she was looking straight at her. "Y/N I can't stop thinking about you ever since the first day I met you you've been on my mind since then" Charlize said and Y/N kept quiet as her heart started racing. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and you're the absolute sweetest" Charlize continued before she sat down next to Y/N. "P-professor I don't think we should be doing t-this what if we get c-caught I could get expelled and you could get fired and go to jail" Y/N stuttered out as she tried to calm her racing heart but it wasn't working. "We won't get caught I promise Oulike meisie" Charlize said as she leaned in slightly. "A-alright" Y/N said as she took a deep breath in. Charlize smiled before leaning all the way in and kissed Y/N on top lips. Y/N closed her eyes and immediately kissed back.
Charlize pulled away from the kiss first before pulling Y/N into a hug. "I like you very much darling" Charlize said and Y/N hugged back resting her head on Charlize's chest. "I like you too Charlie" Y/N said and right before she felt Charlize's heart quicken at the confession and nickname. Y/N smiled at that before tightening her grip around Charlize. "Do you want to play another song" Charlize said and Y/N pulled away before nodding her head while smiling. "Sure why not" Y/N said and Charlize turned around and the two began playing a song together.
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wordpress · 3 months
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belost-the-watcher · 8 months
13. Who had the most positive impact on your character’s life?
For Belost that's honestly a toss up between Sulfa, Theron, and Silixus. They've all taught him important lessons that shaped him into the person he is and allowed him to grow up surrounded by a loving family.
Sulfa has the benefit of always being around Belost- retiring from her job in the military to raise him let her be there for him all the time growing up. She also taught him to be patient, instilled a certain amount of discipline to be well-mannered to the right people (even though that doesn't come up all that much in his day to day), showed him the benefit of a little generosity, and helped teach him how to bake and make candy.
Theron unfortunately was so busy as a fleet admiral that he didn't have as much time for Belost as he wanted. But from the time they did have together Theron taught Belost important lessons that he uses to this very day. Belost got his first course in navigation as a child from a day out in the city with his father. When it was time to go home Theron had Belost lead them back. It built confidence in Belost and taught him how to start becoming comfortable with being lost. Theron taught Belost of political strategy and prepared him to work out ulterior motives people might have- something very useful when dealing with higher ranking officials, political targets, and people in general.
Silixus was often times a stand-in for Theron when he couldn't be around and acted as a mentor for Belost's childhood- and even still in his adult life. Belost learned history, military and government structure, galra values, fitness, and more from Silixus' lessons. Not to mention he also acted as a second father to him, though Silixus had the benefit of not being the one who needed to discipline Belost so he got to be the dad who was only ever pleasant. Plus all the prosthetics and outwardly intimidating appearance got Belost comfortable with different looking people from very early on.
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“’Fraid of him?” “No.” “Poor little spy wants Jedi approval?”
Teff’ith and Theron Shan, Lost Suns
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“She’s a child, Theron. Expect more from her, and she can surprise you.”
Ngani Zho, Lost Suns
The boy is a bird, bad bird. He falls out of trees.
Richard Siken, War of the Foxes
“Don’t talk to me that way! I’m Ngani Zho -- I freed Bellis Four and stopped the Hutt Archons!  I trained the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and raised her son--” “You’re avoiding the subject.”
Ngani Zho and Theron Shan, Lost Suns
Everything is a target, says the hunter. No matter where you look. The hunter’s son says nothing, and closes his eyes.
Richard Siken, The Stag and the Quiver
Hard to talk childhood trauma with a man so clearly broken.
Lost Suns
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Look! You are nothing at all. Just a crack where the light slipped through. Oh my child, I thought I could save you.
Anne Carson, Elektra
“Forgive me...for all of it.” “When I was five, you brought me to the planet monastery so I could learn concentration techniques.  It took half a year of service to the Order of the Sacred Circle, but I learned to ignore all pain - all distractions.”
Ngani Zho and Theron Shan, Lost Suns
“I’m sorry -- I can’t feel anything.” “You will, boy. You must.” “Yes, Master.”
Ngani Zho and Theron Shan, Lost Suns
What does the God of your childhood look like? A soft apparition pigeoned in the attic, a wound eating you one year at a time?
Rachel McKibbons, Outhouse
“I’m not a Jedi.” “I thought I remembered something about that... but no time for sentimentality!
Theron Shan and Ngani Zho, Lost Suns
“[God] will bloody your nose and then give you a ride home on his bicycle.”
Rich Mullins, as mentioned in There is More - Message by Brooke Ligertwood
“Hah! Always with a plan, aren’t you?” “Someone has to be.”
Ngani Zho and Theron Shan, Lost Suns
“I know Master Zho raised you, but by the time he met Teff’ith he was … troubled.” You almost said crazy, didn’t you?
“[Theron] respects what the Jedi do for the Republic,” Marcus replied. “But he’s seen firsthand that they’re not perfect.
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Don't worry. Your father is only your father until one of you forgets. 
Ocean Vuong
“And I can assure you that my feelings for my former Padawan won’t interfere with our mission.”      “That’s good to know,” Theron said, thinking, If it comes down to it, will you be able to kill her? Or will you hesitate?
We keep telling the other, I love you and I love you, and we do, though we both know where the knives are.
Laura Van Prooyen, This Child
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“Zho not like other Jedi,” Teff’ith grunted, and Theron couldn’t argue with that.
Even at his best... Zho was never reliable.
Theron Shan, Lost Suns
Pull up the ladder when the flood comes Throw enough rope until the legs have swung Seven new ways that you can eat your young Come and get some Skinnin' the children for a war drum Puttin' food on the table sellin' bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
“I know Master Zho taught you this lesson,” she added softly. “He taught me a lot of things,” Theron shot back, his blood suddenly boiling.
I like to call myself wound but I will answer to knife.
Nicole Homer, Underbelly (2019)
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I take that back. I take my body back. I take back everything that ever made me.
Catherine Chen, world shrunk to the size of me
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murder-and-mayhem · 2 years
Meet My OC
Romances: Malavai Quinn during the Warrior storyline (ended it after the Quinncident) | Theron Shan during Shadow of Revan | currently in a committed relationship with Arcann.
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@ladytirall I saw your post about OC's so I couldn't resist showing off my main. She is a redeemed Sith Warrior, and I am ✨obsessed✨ with her. I gave a lot some backstory below the cut, and I apologize in advance for the dissertation. I got way too carried away....
A/N: I am highly aware that this backstory fucks the SWTOR timeline mercilessly considering all class stories technically occur simultaneously. This is just the headcanon following my in-game family tree. My structuring of Imperial Society is loosely based on this post by @fluffynexu (particularly the schooling that Force-sensitive Sith children undergo), along with my own headcanon that not all "legitimized" children born in the Empire come with the obligation of marriage. Basically something along the lines of "powerful bloodlines are so inherent to the power structure/caste system that procreation has become a transaction". It's fucked up, but the Empire is fucked up so why not go balls to the wall.
In 3665 BBY, Sehlaan was born on Dromund Kaas to Jaidys Mar'el—better known across the Empire as Darth Nox. Her birth was part of a contractual agreement between Nox and a prominent Kaasian family. Darth Nox—a former slave and distant descendant of Lord Aloysius Kallig—had been newly appointed as a member of the Dark Council after killing her predecessor.
Her position on the Council was hardly secure at the time. Many Sith saw her rise to power as an affront, and—whether due to their prejudice, their own ambitions, or both—Nox was met with many attempts to usurp her seat, and subsequently end her life. In an attempt to solidify her position in the Empire and ensure her own legacy, she made an offer to several powerful families at the top of Kaasian society. She focused particularly on old families who had a reputation for their ruthless ambition, and offered them a mutually beneficial contract: she would produce an heir with one of their bloodline. A legitimate child between a Dark Council member with ancient Sith blood, and a sire from a deeply respected family boasting ties to high-ranking officials and its own prestigious bloodline.
The child would cement an alliance between the two, give her a better foothold among the Sith still clawing for her Council seat, and offer the families who accepted a chance to grow more powerful among their peers. Two of the families were able to overcome their distaste towards her years as a slave, and accepted her offer. Two families. Two children.
Sehlaan's brother, Torvahl, was born first to a different father, and Sehlaan followed two years after. Her childhood was strictly managed and closely monitored by both her mother and her biological father's family. When her Force sensitivity manifested at 4 years old she began a training regimen, with the end goal to have her attend the Academy on Korriban when she came of age and had finished her years of study.
Sehlaan took to her training with obedience and an eagerness to please, eclipsing all initial expectations that had been set for her. She was heralded as intuitive and clever among her masters, quick to learn, and deeply attuned to her connection with the Force. Sehlaan excelled in her studies, and her mother's personal lessons in dual saber combat had labeled her somewhat of a prodigy.
Sehlaan's brother hadn't fared nearly as well. He had proficient skill with a dual saber, but his hesitance to tap into his passions during his training had stunted his connection to the Force. He also struggled in his studies and had issues focusing. Sehlaan often helped him practice, even going so far as to help him cheat in order to remain close to him and spare him their mother's ire. When Sehlaan's interference was discovered, the resulting punishment was severe on both children. Torvahl's masters labeled him as weak and slow, and Darth Nox quickly wrote him off as a failure. Sehlaan, however, loved her brother deeply, and she refused to give up on him so easily. She did everything within her power to help him catch up by meditating with him, studying, and sparring.
When they were 13 and 11 years old, Torvahl disappeared. It was discovered later by Jaidys' contacts at Imperial Intelligence that he had run away with an SIS agent who'd escaped capture under mysterious circumstances. Her own spies later reported that he'd been sent to Tython, and that he was excelling at his training at the Jedi Temple despite his late start. 
The event was extremely traumatic for Sehlaan. Her mother forbade any mention of him with swift, brutal punishment to follow if her orders were disobeyed. Nox was deemed incompetent by Torvahl's sire and relations between the two deteriorated significantly, creating new enemies of the family and their allies. The only thing that protected Nox from the fallout of Torvahl's 'betrayal' was Sehlaan's biological father. His family was the wealthier and better connected of the two, and their peers were hesitant to fight an open war between them.
All of the pressure to succeed now fell on Sehlaan, and her already strict schedule became micromanaged down to the minute. She was made to train and study harder, and she was no longer attending a public academy. Instead she trained under Nox's ally, Darth Vowran, as well as several other masters and scholars that shared the same allegiance.
Sehlaan had no choice but to obey.
Torvahl's disappearance left her heartbroken, and being an 11 year old without an outlet her pain quickly turned into outright fury. She felt abandoned by her brother, and was gutted that he hadn't trusted her to tell her of his plan so she could leave with him. Her bitterness and rage fed her connection to the Dark side, and she shouldered the burden of her family's legacy with renewed vigor.
When she was 20 years old she was brought into the Sith Academy ahead of schedule by Overseer Tremel. She was given strict instructions that she was not to reveal her mother's position on the Dark Council to others. Nepotism was rampant among the Sith, but Tremel wanted her to be chosen on her merit, not her connections. The plan succeeded, and Sehlaan became the newest apprentice to Darth Baras.
In the first year of her apprenticeship, she was tasked with hunting down her Master's nemesis, Nomen Karr, and his padawan, Jaesa Willsaam. Baras' intel stated that Jaesa could sense the true intentions and alignments of anyone through the Force, and Sehlaan was curious. She'd had a decade to seethe over her brother's decision to run, and during all of those years under Nox's thumb she'd slowly begun to understand why he'd grasped at any chance to leave. Even if she couldn't forgive him for leaving her behind.
This new understanding left her feeling conflicted, and she found herself questioning her allegiances—something she had desperately tried and succeeded to hide from both her mother and her new master. As she hunted the Jedi down, she found ways to still appease Darth Baras in her decisions without causing as much bloodshed, listing pragmatism for her choices rather than mercy.
When Sehlaan finally confronted Karr and Jaesa, the padawan turned her power on the Sith and saw this confict. Sehlaan was at a tipping point. After Nomen Karr's fall, Jaesa left with Sehlaan of her own free will to become her apprentice, and Sehlaan began to learn and understand the Light side of the Force in secret. It took working through hundreds of setbacks (especially during her years as the Emperor's Wrath) and overcoming decades of indoctrination before she was able to cleanse her lightsaber crystal, eventually changing the color from red to white.
It wasn't until her meeting with Darth Marr and Satele Shan in the forests of Odessen that she was able to find true balance in the Force. Using components provided by Marr and Master Shan, she built a new lightsaber using her own cleansed crystal before going on to defeat Arcann. After his fall, she chose mercy despite the blow back from her allies on the decision, eventually leading to his joining of the Alliance.
Arcann saw it as a chance to redeem himself and heal the wounds he'd left on the greater galaxy. Later during a private moment between the two, he asked her why she'd chosen to let him live and why she'd let him join her on Odessen. Sehlaan quietly told him of her own journey towards the Light, and how sparing him and his mother had been an easy decision in her eyes.
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birues · 9 months
17, 23, 39 for kallig?
Thank you sooo much Meredith <333
17- What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Oh, that depends on which Kallig they’re looking at. Apart from the fact that she had a mentor who was ex-intelligence, she is very multifaceted. She can make people realize whatever she wants them to realize whether with the mind tricks or simple espionage trade. Darth Imperius? Eerie but venerable at best. Embodiment of terror when she wants to be. She can play many roles easily when it suits her. Things are very similar when she quits the mask and sith armor. She is a mesiah after she "killed" the emperor. An authority figure as well. Her aura of command is what people notice rather than her physical appearance. And it's a difficult thing to let go of.
What does she notice when she looks at herself? Hmm. I think she is a bit disconnected with her body. It is foremost a tool to get her through things so she tends to use it as such (kyber infused Mirialan tattoos for empowerment, collicoid mutation, the mutation of the Mother, sith ghosts). It was a lesson she learned at Korriban and it did stick. It makes Theron very very concerned. She is at peace with her appearance- no, she is quite pleased with how she looks, actually. But she looks too much like her mother and it sometimes bother her.
27- What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Well, if she didn't erase anyone's memories... I think she would feel guilty of the people under her direct command if she erred in judgement. She is usually very considerate of the people under her wings powerbase. That is the primary reason why she amassed such an impressive force within the Empire after all that batshit insane sith lords. But things do slip sometimes and she is a person, no matter how capable. The people under her command wouldn't mind it, or may forget about it because most of them saw far too worse but she will. But she is quick to make amends.
39- Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
Oh no she is going. She will be wanted. She will make the entire event hers and make the people spin around her fingers. This is the person who started from Korriban and was well on her way to become an empress if not for Zakuul. Also she did show up in many many many parties uninvited since her times on Korriban. Sometimes just to cause problems. If someone says she has no place, she will carve herself a throne with their bones.
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sullustangin · 2 years
Fluffy February Day 13:  Pride
Fandom: SWTOR
Time:  In the near future (28-29 ATC)
Pairing: Theron Shan/Smuggler
“What’s it mean ‘to be proud’ of a kid?”
Eva looked up her supper to see Theron in the lounge recliner holding a parenting holobook in one hand and steadying the baby with the other.  Argento had unceremoniously passed out on his father’s chest after a four-hour squall.  Eva thought the kid had the best idea, both about sleep and the location, but she had to eat at some point.  
Retroactively, Eva mentally pat herself on the back for instituting gender-neutral parental leave for the Alliance.  
Presently, Eva shoveled in another mouthful of buttery rice with an egg stirred in.  “How do you mean?”
Theron frowned as he put the holobook down on one of the make-shift crate tables nearby,  freeing his other hand to gently rest on the baby.  Once his hand settled on his son, the frown dissolved and Theron gazed at Argo with no small amount of wonder.  “Parenting book.  Section about ‘parental pride’ and how to express it in a non-toxic way.”   Now he looked at Eva.  “I’m … unfamiliar with the concept.”
“Ah.”  Eva put her fork down for a second and grabbed a napkin to wipe her mouth off.  “It’s like when I got my 1500 hours on the Thief.  All the work I’d done, all the lessons Ma had given me, everything Hadrian ever showed me about maintenance… it all came together.  They were proud because I’d achieved something, but they’d also made a functional smuggler out of me.”  
“Parents do take pride in their kids’ achievements, even when they had nothing to do with it.”
“Yeah…”  Then it took Eva a second to realize he wasn’t asking a question.  “Jace…didn’t mean it like he was taking credit.  He’s proud of you.  He – he wants to be associated with you, to be known as –”
“A father who wasn’t allowed to be there.”  A finger drifted across the top of the baby’s head, stroking at the downy fluffy.  “I know he didn’t mean anything bad by it, but that whole … thing.. .from Iokath still bugs me.  He’s proud of me for fighting in the war.  But…I’m proud of my service, because I worked for other things. For peace.  For the future.”  Theron’s brow creased again.  “Later he said he was proud of me for ‘getting my priorities straight.’  Something he hadn’t done.”
Eva propped her arm up on the table.  “Are you happier at home than he ended up being?”
Theron’s face went soft. “Yeah.  Definitely.”  
“Good parents don’t want their kids to repeat the same bad stuff they did,” Eva said, thinking  back to one stark memory of her mother.  
Her tenth birthday had been celebrated in darkness as they’d tried to sneak out of Chiss space after the Treaty of Coruscant was signed.  They ran dark and ate cold rations, and Hylo the Cat was the most valuable crew member for keeping Eva warm.
Athene had nearly cried because “it’s not supposed to be like this for her.”  It had been, for Athene, a regular occurrence throughout her childhood.
Eva had learned not to press ears to doors that weren’t hers after that.
“Satele has said stuff along the same lines, believe it or not.”  Theron leaned back in the chair a little more as Argo’s limbs moved in his sleep. “She ‘approved’ of my choices.  My career.  You.”  He gave her a smile that begged for trouble. “You really are the best con artist in the galaxy.”
“I specialized in fleecing Jedi at finishing school,” Eva teased right back, picking up her fork to finish her dinner.  
After she’d placed her dish in the galley to be cleaned, Eva came back out to the lounge to see Theron giving the holobook on the table another glance.  “I’m not sure about kid-related pride.  It … seems … conditional…”  Theron made a face. “It’s like getting marksmanship medals at SIS – do this, get that. Transactional.”
“The medals are hot, but not a dealbreaker.  The Force?” Eva crossed the room to him and their son.
“Who needs it.”  Theron watched as she carefully knelt down at the side of the recliner.  “Your parents said they loved you before you were a pilot.”
“Yeah.  Before I was anything interesting.”  She leaned her head on Theron’s shoulder to get a look at Argo.
He was a lot cuter when he was asleep.
Then Theron said, quietly, “It’s not like that with Jace and Satele…it couldn’t be back then.  I know they do, now, but…”  His shoulder rose up in a slight shrug, trying not to dislodge her.  “…it’s not something any of us talk about.  And as a kid…”  
Now he went so still and silent.  He didn’t speak for long minutes.  
“.. I’d like to think… he would be proud.  When I do something kind or push myself, I still want his approval.  …but honestly… everything depended on what I was going to become. Then when I didn’t –”  An unsteady breath escaped him.
There were few people in the universe that Eva could not forgive.  Dead or not, that man was one of them. 
Instead of any voiced venom, however, Eva gently guided Theron’s face to hers, then tipped her forehead forward to touch his, all while not disturbing Argo.  “You know what’s unconditional.”  
Eva felt the tension escape him.  “Yeah.  You love ‘just Theron.’” She felt his hand grab at hers.  “I love you.”
“I know.”  Eva kissed him, then they lingered close even after their lips parted.  
Theron turned his face slightly to look at Argo, not drawing away from her. “You think he knows we love him?” Theron whispered.
“I think he knows he’s loved, even if this whole conversation is way over his head.”
Theron nodded, eyes still red. “Even if he is an angry little wampa right now.”
“Especially since he’s our angry little wampa.”
Love is being pinned in a chair for four hours because you don’t want to wake the baby
@fluffyfebruary @ayresis @starlightcleric @ermingarden @bluephoenix1347
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harinawa · 2 years
word search tag game
thank you kindly for the tag @moondust-bard! these are passages taken from dead man walking, and my words are abandon, music, moon, triumph and winter.
But Meridia knew better. She took a step forward, closer towards the ship’s forecastle deck and almost at its figurehead, gauging the shadow’s size. The fog continued to thin out, until they made out the figure of an abandoned island. Its land was covered in dried black sand-like particles, with no sign of any life.
From Titus' side, Nyx let out a sigh, ignoring the background music of chaos and merrymaking. "Should've just ate at the ship."
 “I’d love to give you a history lesson about Atlantis, but I don’t think now is the time for that.  That woman’s presence in our city is creating unrest, and a few moons from now Theron will be crowned Interim King. Once that happens, there’ll be nothing stopping him from seizing the Gardens of Amphitrite and claiming the Heart of the Sea, forcing all clans and creatures to bow down to his control, and by extension, that woman’s.”
As I cannot find the words triumph nor winter in the draft, please let me substitute it with victory and cold instead (it's close enough, I think???)
Nyx almost materialized to check on him, but then Erebus just stood straighter, pressing a hand to his wounded stomach. The three-second victory on Satri’s face turned into horror.
Every witch has their own signature magic. Nyx knew Seneca was a sea witch because her magic reeked off her—the scent of the cold sea, like mint washed off with salt water. Witches who trained in special academies, or who were part of guilds and covens, were trained to cover their scent. Nyx guessed Seneca probably learned her magic all on her own.
tagging maybe @cohldhands, @kaatiba, @mary-is-writing, but only if you guys are interested, and maybe anyone else who wants to join! your words are lovely, sunshine, please, soft, and grace.
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ohlawsons · 2 years
fictober day 1: i chose you [rei/theron] set during umbara, ft. redemption arc rei! remember when i said it would be a fun au and less angsty than canon
“I gave up everything for you.” There’s something colder than rage, sharper than grief in Rei’s voice, and all those months of training and meditating and learning in the Jedi Enclave can’t hold back the way she embraces the sudden rush of darkness. It’s almost instinctual, and if it weren’t Theron standing opposite her, she doesn’t know that she could force it back down. “My home. My titles and status. Everything.”
Her voice cracks and falters and breaks, and for a moment she thinks Theron hesitates — but then it’s gone, and that hard, determined set of his jaw is back and the familiar warmth in his eyes is replaced with something like apathy. “I know. And what good has it done? Just look at Iokath, all that bloodshed, everything the Alliance has done in your name since.” He pauses as Lana cuts him off, but Rei’s too focused, too frozen in shock and disbelief, to hear what she says. “We’re supposed to be allied with the Republic, but we’re no better than the Empire. Somebody has to stand up and do something about it.”
His words hit her like a ton of durasteel, because he’s right, isn’t he? She’s claimed to stand with the Republic, but her single-minded hunt for the traitor in the wake of Iokath would’ve made Sith Intelligence look tame. And her training with the Jedi? The bitter rage festering within her — the way her empty hand clenches, as if she can physically feel and mold the darker sides of the Force and employ it to her will — is proof enough that the lessons don’t stick.
Perhaps, she thinks, she’ll never be more than the girl in the fighting pits, clawing and fighting for every last scrap.
“But I chose you.” Her voice is quiet, and small, barely audible over the rush of the train around them. “Isn’t that enough?”
“This isn’t about us. It’s not even about the Republic and the Empire — it’s bigger than that.” He’s pacing, now, and up until a few moments ago Rei would’ve assumed he’s gathering his thoughts, expending excess energy in the best way he knows how. There’s a hand on her shoulder — it’s Lana, eyes alight with power and rage and a tenacity that Rei has been trying to give up since she began her training with the Jedi. “This is about the endless cycle of war,” Theron continues, steps slowing as he turns towards the two Sith — ex Sith, or whatever it is that they are, now. “Needless, senseless fighting that I thought we would put an end to after we took down Valkorion. But all you’ve done is make it worse. And I’ve helped you.”
It’s not really sinking in, all the things he’s saying, but as Rei watches the way he stops and turns and reaches for his blaster, her mind races to try and comprehend such a thought that so much of the last several months have been leading up to… this. “I loved you.” It’s almost a question, the way she says it, head tilting to the side as she considers the words even as she speaks them; she thinks she’d said the same thing, all those years ago, to Zash before she’d struck her down. Then, it had been a plea — now, a quiet, curious thought spoken aloud.
Theron doesn’t respond, not aloud; his brow furrows and Rei thinks she can sense, for just a fraction of a second, something like regret that washes over him, but then his blaster’s out and Lana’s slamming her out of the way and the train seems to explode around them. When she gathers herself again — when things stop spinning around her and she’s dusting off the deep indigo Umbaran dirt from her robes — she feels a brief, firm hand at her back in what she assumes Lana means as comfort.
“Come on.” Her words are terse, clipped; there’s a low hum of the dark side that radiates from Lana, more vibrant and exposed than Rei is used to with her. “He went that way,” Lana continues, one hand at her brow to shield her eyes and the other pointing off towards their right. “We can still cut him off if we hurry.”
She hadn’t bothered with pleasantries when she’d returned to Odessen. Lana was left to handle the official business — which was fine with Rei; she didn’t know how to put into words everything that had happened — while Rei marched off to the Force Enclave, practically dragging a protesting Kira back to her quarters.
There’s traces of him all over. A shirt thrown haphazardly over the back of a chair. A chipped mug from some tourist-y garden world sent by Jonas one year as a gag gift. A datapad, idling on the bedside table. Rei ignores it.
“The Jedi call for peace,” she says, leading Kira over towards an empty chair and motioning for her to sit. “A lack of emotion,” she reasons, beginning to pace as Kira watches on with a quiet, concerned frown. “And this brings power?”
Kira’s brow furrows, and she takes a long, slow look at Rei before answering. “That’s… not really how it works, no. Look, Commander, what happened—“
“Then what is the point,” she snaps, “if the Code does not create stronger Jedi? Why else would anyone follow it? If the Code calls for no emotion,” she reasons, voice growing louder and more insistent as she raises up one hand to count on her fingers, “no passion, and no death — then it’s the very antithesis of what the Sith believe, and yet the Jedi seem to think themselves a match for the Sith.”
There’s a beat of silence as Kira leans back in her chair to watch her with a flat stare, arms crossed, as if waiting to see if Rei’s brief outburst is finished. “It’s the opposite of the Sith, yeah. And the point isn’t power, it’s… clarity.” She falters, almost imperceptibly, but her frown goes unnoticed by Rei — still furiously pacing across the room. “The dark side tends to cloud things.”
“Clarity.” Rei’s footsteps slow to a stop, and she sits in the middle of the couch opposite where Kira is, allowing herself a few moments to let the word roll around in her mind; something about Kira’s simple explanation makes more sense to her than any of the self-righteous preaching from any of the other Jedi who have attempted to train her, and Rei gives a slow nod. “I think I understand.”
Kira leans forward, some of her distaste turned to concern and curiosity. “What happened out there?” The room is quiet, and when Rei offers no response, Kira adds, “Theron was my friend, too, so if something’s happened to him—“
“He’s fine.” Rage begins to bubble up within Rei, a familiar warmth that she’d so long sought out in comfort; with a stubborn sort of intention, she forces herself to push it back down, to swallow back the heat and stifle it before it can grow. If this is what it means to be a Jedi, she thinks, to push aside everything that has brought her strength and power for so long — since before she even knew what the Sith code was — then this is what she’ll do in her search for clarity. Perhaps her mind has been too long clouded by rage and grief — from scars held from her childhood, the betrayal by Zash, Thanaton striking her down as she began her ascent through Sith hierarchy, Arcann taking everything from her before she had the chance to return the favor.
She doesn’t know that clarity could’ve kept Theron from leaving. But, perhaps, clarity will keep her from losing any more.
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Was school for good and evil good? Did you read the books and/or just watch the movie?
lemme see... I actually did enjoy it. I've read the books, up to the first book of the sequel series. And some of what they did, I liked, and some I bristled at. I'll put it in the cut, but what I will say here is that I think there was just too much they had to do for a movie - I think it would've served better as a limited series or tv show.
Number 1: Sophie
Sophie... they defanged her. Part of the fun of the story is that she's Evil all along, and there is no true effort to hide it - she's callous, spiteful, and cruel, and she constantly throws Agatha under the bus for her own benefit, while Agatha is truly good, thinking about others and doubting herself. Sophie in the movie is shown being a better friend to Agatha (which I like), but she is a terrible person, and I wish we got more of that. We lost a little bit of her characterization with the Lunchtime with Sophie and with her becoming a Nemesis to Agatha. I think Sophia Caruso did a good job, I just wish there was MORE to her character.
Number 2: Agatha
I really like that they cast Sofia Wylie. (Although, I have an issue here - they do absolutely nothing to "pretty her down" to make her parallel transformation to Sophie make sense, other than make her curly hair a little more managed, which is a little problematic. I wish they had put circles under her eyes, or made her seem at all unkempt other than having big hair. I did like the change to Agatha, the way she was more about nobody being Pure Good or Pure Evil, but human. I just wish we got more time with that. I feel like this Agatha wasn't a whole lot like the book, but I liked how much they played up her empathy.
Number 3: Changes, for Good
I really liked the Gregor character they added. If the little girl Wish Fish Mogrif didn't hammer the point home, the stymph being Gregor was horrifyingly effective at portraying the dark side to the School. I liked that the School Master was a little more involved. I even liked Charlize Theron's Lady Lesso. I really enjoyed the "do I look like I give a SHIT about smiling?!" moment.
Number 4: Changes, for Evil
I didn't enjoy the way Rafal and blood magic were played up. The way it is in the movie, it kinda removes all Sophie's agency, like she was manipulated into Evil, when she should have been Evil all along. I didn't like that Sophie didn't kill the Beast in the Doom Room. I didn't like that Agatha didn't get a transformative moment like Sophie, where she got a fake makeover to realize she didn't need it at all. I didn't think much of Tedros and the Tedros/Agatha relationship here. It just didn't feel very interesting or fun. Tedros didn't really have much to learn, either. I think Kerry Washington didn't do so great as Dovey. I was expecting more of a stable, grandmotherly type than a manic, flip-floppy person. Lady Lesso's story was told way too early, and for no reason. Part of the themes of the series are the ways relationships between people overcome the overarching forced binaries of Good/Evil, Boy/Girl, and Old/New. Dovey and Lesso are supposed to be models for Sophie and Agatha, trusting each other more than Good and Evil. Here, Lesso is just on the School Master's side the whole time instead of freaking out that Sophie is unleashing war in the school.
Number 5: School
There was so little actually in the school! No lessons, no Agatha excelling at Good AND Evil magic, no Sophie being naturally good but bad at work, and no real learning or the Trial By Tale. It also refused to give me the awesome scenes of Agatha using her smarts to get by - she never gets to cross the boundary between schools by outsmarting the binary, which would have fit even better with her new characterization. And we got too little time with the side characters to care about them in the final fight.
So really, I think we needed a series to meet all the side characters and get attached, learn the most about the school, and have more time for Agatha and Sophie's character journeys.
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nsfwhiphop · 2 months
Incoming Text for Marion Cotillard (IG@marioncotillard) :
Subject title: The chess game is over. We are members of the Kapoor family now. Checkmate!
Dear Marion!
I want to repeat this again, the chess game is over, we are members of the Kapoor family now, checkmate!
You must speak with my wife @therealkarismakapoor and tell her that I'm her husband now. When she is ready to assume her responsibilities as my wife, she can come get the wealth from me.
You know that I'm tired of this chess game. It was exhausting. I spent seven months sharing valuable information with my readers and I never took a day off. Now I'm tired and I will disappear from this blog. I have to focus on my writing; I can't be here all the time. I have stuff to do.
Remember that Karisma is your sister now. You are a member of her Indian family, so you can hang out with her in India and Brunei.
Don't bring her to Paris because they might kill her. You know the evil regime will try to assassinate her. It is your duty to never bring her to NATO territory.
Karisma will live her life between India, Brunei, and Hong Kong.
I'm also trying to help you understand that this tech company will have three headquarters:
Hong Kong, China Headquarters.
Mumbai, India Headquarters.
Palo Alto, California, USA Headquarters.
This means you have no choice but to get educated and learn what you can about the tech fields. Call my friends @pattonoswalt and @aplusk Ashton Kutcher. These two men will teach you their tech knowledge.
I repeat:
Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) is a tech geek. Best teacher ever.
Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) is a tech geek. Best teacher ever.
My dear Marion, these two men, Ashton and Patton, will be your tech teachers. You should ask them to give you beginner lessons on start-ups in Asia, Europe, and America. That way you know what is going on in the tech business.
Try to bring your friends Rihanna, Natalie Portman, Margot Robbie, and Charlize Theron to attend these tech classes with Ashton and Patton. I'm sure they will benefit from their tech teachings as well.
This is how you win this economic war; you must educate yourself now.
Also, it's very, very important that you learn to hide your wealth in Swiss banks. That's why I encourage you to try your best to have some friends in Swiss banks. You must have a bank account in Switzerland to help you hide your money there.
Here is a list of some of the most robust and well-known banks in Zurich:
UBS Group AG: One of the largest and most prominent banks in Zurich, providing a wide range of financial services including wealth management, investment banking, and asset management.
Credit Suisse Group AG: Another major global financial services company headquartered in Zurich, known for its investment banking, private banking, and asset management services.
Julius Baer Group: A leading Swiss private banking group offering wealth management services to private clients around the world.
Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB): The largest cantonal bank and the fourth largest bank in Switzerland, providing comprehensive financial services with a strong regional focus.
Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild: Specializes in wealth management and private banking services, part of the Edmond de Rothschild Group.
Bank Vontobel AG: A global investment bank with a strong presence in wealth management, investment banking, and asset management.
EFG International: A global private banking group headquartered in Zurich, offering private banking and asset management services.
Bank J. Safra Sarasin: Provides private banking, investment banking, and asset management services with a focus on sustainability.
Hyposwiss Private Bank: Offers private banking and wealth management services, with a strong emphasis on personalized client services.
Maerki Baumann & Co. AG: A family-owned private bank specializing in wealth management and investment advisory services.
These banks are known for their stability, comprehensive financial services, and strong presence in the global banking sector.
Also, if you wish to learn how to hide money, here's a fun joke: Better Call Saul. Do you remember this character Saul Goodman?
I'm very serious though. You should really call the actor Bob Odenkirk because he is a genius who learned a lot of tricks by playing that corrupt lawyer in the TV series Better Call Saul. Do you understand? Bob Odenkirk is your best ally in hiding wealth.
Do you realize how many episodes I saw with Bob Odenkirk hiding dirty money for Walter White in Breaking Bad? That is how you know this man is an expert. He has made so many episodes as a corrupt lawyer that he has acquired the skills of that lawyer today.
Now you understand why I have so much respect for the actor Bob Odenkirk. That man is a genius lawyer in Hollywood.
I encourage you to team up with the actor Bob Odenkirk because he also knows a lot of lawyers in America that know the rules of the game. Which game is that, you ask? The game of hiding wealth from the evil regime.
Bob Odenkirk knows so much. He has helped Walter White launder money through so many different businesses. He is an expert.
Charlize Theron and Marion Cotillard should work with Bob Odenkirk.
I think you understood my advice. I wish you well, Marion.
You know where to find me. I'm in Strasbourg, Alsace.
Call me when Karisma Kapoor is ready to be my wife. I will help her secure the wealth. It's as simple as that.
I'm taking some time off now. I will let you take care of everything with my manager Jamel Debbouze.
Okay, this chat was fun.
Love you, Marion! Have fun, big hugs for you. Bye!
Watch this:
The Best of Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad
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telkomuniversityputi · 3 months
Pengarahan WP: Episode 83: Jalur Pembelajaran
Discover how Learning Pathways can guide you through your WordPress journey with clarity and purpose. In the latest episode of WordPress Briefing, host Josepha Haden Chomphosy welcomes special guest Wes Theron to discuss the newly introduced Learning Pathways. These curated lesson sets are tailored to various experience levels, roles, and use cases, ensuring a personalized learning experience for…
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