#fic: rei
ohlawsons · 2 years
fictober day 1: i chose you [rei/theron] set during umbara, ft. redemption arc rei! remember when i said it would be a fun au and less angsty than canon
“I gave up everything for you.” There’s something colder than rage, sharper than grief in Rei’s voice, and all those months of training and meditating and learning in the Jedi Enclave can’t hold back the way she embraces the sudden rush of darkness. It’s almost instinctual, and if it weren’t Theron standing opposite her, she doesn’t know that she could force it back down. “My home. My titles and status. Everything.”
Her voice cracks and falters and breaks, and for a moment she thinks Theron hesitates — but then it’s gone, and that hard, determined set of his jaw is back and the familiar warmth in his eyes is replaced with something like apathy. “I know. And what good has it done? Just look at Iokath, all that bloodshed, everything the Alliance has done in your name since.” He pauses as Lana cuts him off, but Rei’s too focused, too frozen in shock and disbelief, to hear what she says. “We’re supposed to be allied with the Republic, but we’re no better than the Empire. Somebody has to stand up and do something about it.”
His words hit her like a ton of durasteel, because he’s right, isn’t he? She’s claimed to stand with the Republic, but her single-minded hunt for the traitor in the wake of Iokath would’ve made Sith Intelligence look tame. And her training with the Jedi? The bitter rage festering within her — the way her empty hand clenches, as if she can physically feel and mold the darker sides of the Force and employ it to her will — is proof enough that the lessons don’t stick.
Perhaps, she thinks, she’ll never be more than the girl in the fighting pits, clawing and fighting for every last scrap.
“But I chose you.” Her voice is quiet, and small, barely audible over the rush of the train around them. “Isn’t that enough?”
“This isn’t about us. It’s not even about the Republic and the Empire — it’s bigger than that.” He’s pacing, now, and up until a few moments ago Rei would’ve assumed he’s gathering his thoughts, expending excess energy in the best way he knows how. There’s a hand on her shoulder — it’s Lana, eyes alight with power and rage and a tenacity that Rei has been trying to give up since she began her training with the Jedi. “This is about the endless cycle of war,” Theron continues, steps slowing as he turns towards the two Sith — ex Sith, or whatever it is that they are, now. “Needless, senseless fighting that I thought we would put an end to after we took down Valkorion. But all you’ve done is make it worse. And I’ve helped you.”
It’s not really sinking in, all the things he’s saying, but as Rei watches the way he stops and turns and reaches for his blaster, her mind races to try and comprehend such a thought that so much of the last several months have been leading up to… this. “I loved you.” It’s almost a question, the way she says it, head tilting to the side as she considers the words even as she speaks them; she thinks she’d said the same thing, all those years ago, to Zash before she’d struck her down. Then, it had been a plea — now, a quiet, curious thought spoken aloud.
Theron doesn’t respond, not aloud; his brow furrows and Rei thinks she can sense, for just a fraction of a second, something like regret that washes over him, but then his blaster’s out and Lana’s slamming her out of the way and the train seems to explode around them. When she gathers herself again — when things stop spinning around her and she’s dusting off the deep indigo Umbaran dirt from her robes — she feels a brief, firm hand at her back in what she assumes Lana means as comfort.
“Come on.” Her words are terse, clipped; there’s a low hum of the dark side that radiates from Lana, more vibrant and exposed than Rei is used to with her. “He went that way,” Lana continues, one hand at her brow to shield her eyes and the other pointing off towards their right. “We can still cut him off if we hurry.”
She hadn’t bothered with pleasantries when she’d returned to Odessen. Lana was left to handle the official business — which was fine with Rei; she didn’t know how to put into words everything that had happened — while Rei marched off to the Force Enclave, practically dragging a protesting Kira back to her quarters.
There’s traces of him all over. A shirt thrown haphazardly over the back of a chair. A chipped mug from some tourist-y garden world sent by Jonas one year as a gag gift. A datapad, idling on the bedside table. Rei ignores it.
“The Jedi call for peace,” she says, leading Kira over towards an empty chair and motioning for her to sit. “A lack of emotion,” she reasons, beginning to pace as Kira watches on with a quiet, concerned frown. “And this brings power?”
Kira’s brow furrows, and she takes a long, slow look at Rei before answering. “That’s… not really how it works, no. Look, Commander, what happened—“
“Then what is the point,” she snaps, “if the Code does not create stronger Jedi? Why else would anyone follow it? If the Code calls for no emotion,” she reasons, voice growing louder and more insistent as she raises up one hand to count on her fingers, “no passion, and no death — then it’s the very antithesis of what the Sith believe, and yet the Jedi seem to think themselves a match for the Sith.”
There’s a beat of silence as Kira leans back in her chair to watch her with a flat stare, arms crossed, as if waiting to see if Rei’s brief outburst is finished. “It’s the opposite of the Sith, yeah. And the point isn’t power, it’s… clarity.” She falters, almost imperceptibly, but her frown goes unnoticed by Rei — still furiously pacing across the room. “The dark side tends to cloud things.”
“Clarity.” Rei’s footsteps slow to a stop, and she sits in the middle of the couch opposite where Kira is, allowing herself a few moments to let the word roll around in her mind; something about Kira’s simple explanation makes more sense to her than any of the self-righteous preaching from any of the other Jedi who have attempted to train her, and Rei gives a slow nod. “I think I understand.”
Kira leans forward, some of her distaste turned to concern and curiosity. “What happened out there?” The room is quiet, and when Rei offers no response, Kira adds, “Theron was my friend, too, so if something’s happened to him—“
“He’s fine.” Rage begins to bubble up within Rei, a familiar warmth that she’d so long sought out in comfort; with a stubborn sort of intention, she forces herself to push it back down, to swallow back the heat and stifle it before it can grow. If this is what it means to be a Jedi, she thinks, to push aside everything that has brought her strength and power for so long — since before she even knew what the Sith code was — then this is what she’ll do in her search for clarity. Perhaps her mind has been too long clouded by rage and grief — from scars held from her childhood, the betrayal by Zash, Thanaton striking her down as she began her ascent through Sith hierarchy, Arcann taking everything from her before she had the chance to return the favor.
She doesn’t know that clarity could’ve kept Theron from leaving. But, perhaps, clarity will keep her from losing any more.
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readersdailycrisis · 3 months
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i don't know what canon is. just tumblr and ao3 ❤️
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kkbardd · 9 months
Reverse Nerd!AU in which Asuka is a fictional character and Rei is a diehard weeb who makes her their entire personality
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obsesssedblerd · 1 month
"Who's your new teacher?" Part 4
Synopsis: You run into Toji at the store, who had plans to buy the exact same gift for Megumi. 
Pairing: single dad! toji x f! reader
Contains: So much fluff, both reader and toji are obviously crushing on each other, megumi is four, tsumiki is seven, reader is a preschool teacher, reader and toji are around the same age, megumi and tsumiki being absolutely adorable, shiu kong is toji’s friend, everyone is happy bc i said so 
part one, part two, part three 
a/n: and here's part four! barely proofread. sorry for mistakes!
— — — — — 
Every time you see him, your heart flutters stupidly in your chest, and you feel as if you’re glowing from within. Without even knowing, your mouth curves upward until you’re grinning excitedly. Toji Fushiguro is also smiling, his dark eyes as soft as ever. 
“Hi, Toji.”
“Hey, doll.” 
“Helloooooo?!” Shiu practically screams from over the phone, and Toji rolls his eyes as he asks, “did you find the damn toy?!” 
“Even better,” Toji says. “I’ll call you back.” 
Once he hangs up the phone, Toji steps closer to you, pointing towards the toy you’re clutching tightly in your hands. “Were you… Were you planning to buy that for Megs?” 
“Yeah.” You nod, suddenly timid. “Um, was that a problem? I hope I’m not crossing any lines or anything like that. It’s just- he looked so scared for his appointment, and once I saw that this dropped in, I knew it would be—” 
“I’m not upset. No, it’s just…” Toji trails off, and you raise a brow at the shocked expression on his face. “That toy is expensive.” 
“It’s for Gumi,” you say, smiling fondly when you think about the shy, spiky-haired boy in your class who loves dogs, coloring pictures of flowers and telling you stories about his family. “He’s worth it.” 
When Toji smiles again, it’s warm, full of gratitude, and so lovely that you feel your heart stutter in your chest again. “Thank you, that’s so sweet. He’ll love it,” he says, and then places his hand on your shoulder. “However, I can’t let you buy that. It’s too much money.” 
“No, please. Let me. I can cover it.” 
“Let me cover it,” he says. “You can still be the one to gift it to him, but please just let me buy it. I know from Shiu that teachers usually have to buy so much on their own.” 
It was true. Crayons, markers, pencils, class decorations, picture books and anything else to make your students happy usually fell on your shoulders. Then, there was rent, groceries, and other expensive bills that kept you up at night sometimes. However, your stress temporarily fades away when you spend time with the children at the pre-school you work at, especially Megumi Fushiguro. Even better during those afternoons when you talk with Toji. 
“Alright, fine,” you say, and you hold up a single finger. “One condition: You at least let me buy Tsumiki’s doll.” 
He raises a brow. “Which doll?” 
Since you both are in the aisle that stores toys for young girls, you’re able to point to the one you had your eye on. The smiling doll was a soccer player, her dark hair styled in a high ponytail—the same way Tsumiki usually styles her hair. The doll wore a jersey, cleats, and shin guards, and the set also came with a miniature soccer ball, water bottle and sports headband for the doll. “I was going to give this one to her after her soccer match.” 
You look back at Toji to see him staring at you in disbelief, and before you can ask him why, he tells you, “I seriously can’t believe that we both ended up at the same store getting ready to buy the same two toys.” 
“Wow, really?” 
“Yeah,” he chuckles as he grabs the doll for Tsumiki off of the shelf, then starts walking with you towards the front of the store to check out. “I had it in mind at Megumi’s appointment.” 
“How was that, by the way?” You ask. 
Toji pulls out his phone and scrolls for a few seconds before showing you a picture. Megumi and Tsumiki were standing outside of the doctor’s office with matching stickers on their t-shirts, happily enjoying their candy. “He did great. His sister held his hand to keep him calm throughout the checkout, and it worked. Proud of her for keeping it together, too. She only had to call one person a ‘stupid head’ today because he told him that boys shouldn’t cry.” 
You snicker, “Oh, my gosh, ‘stupid head’?? Cute picture, also. They’re so precious.” 
“Mhm,” He looks down, shaking his head with a bashful smile. “She actually means dumbass.” 
“Oh, does she, now? I assume there’s a story behind that?” 
He hums, taking a few seconds to think before beginning to explain. “Couple years ago. She was five. Megumi was just about to turn two. I was driving them to the store, and this guy cut me off. I shouted, ‘watch where you’re going, dumbass’ and she repeated after me.” When you make eye contact with each other, you both laugh. “Shiu nearly pissed himself,” he says, “I was laughing so hard that I had to pull over. Finally, we explained to her that dumbass is a bad word, and that she had to say something different. So, she settled on ‘stupid head.” It’s so simple, but it nearly kills Shiu and I because we know what she actually wants to say.” 
“That’s incredible,” you say, standing with him in the checkout line. “And I’m happy she called that guy out at the appointment today. She’s so protective of her little brother. I love it.” 
You’re about to put the plushie onto the conveyor belt, but Toji gently grabs it from you, placing both it and the doll on there. You look at him. “Toji, I—” 
“I meant it earlier when I said that I can’t let you buy this because of how pricey it is. Since you got here first and spent so much time looking for the dog plushie, you’re still going to be the one to give both of these to them,” he says softly. “But just knowing that you were willing to spend this much money for Megs and Tsumiki when you one hundred percent didn’t have to mean so damn much to me. Thank you. Not just for being an amazing teacher, but also for being a wonderful human being.” 
Oh, he’s so sweet. 
There’s so much you want to say, but you know that you can’t say too much—at least, not yet. So you go for the first and most important. “You’re an incredible father. They love you so much.” 
He smiles and nods his thanks, then pays for the two items before handing you the bag. As you two leave the store, he offers to walk you to your car, and you accept. “You’re right,” you mutter to him. “Teachers don’t make a lot, but we always make do with what we have. One day, I’ll have the classroom of my dreams.” You declare, suddenly determined. “It’s what the kids deserve. Also, I want you to know that even if I was struggling a little bit after buying those toys, I would’ve never regretted buying them for Megumi and Tsumiki. They’re such good kids.” 
“I know,” Toji says. “Not once did I think that you’d regret it. You’ve only ever been sweet to them.” When he sees that it’s beginning to get dark, he gently taps your car. “You should get home and get some rest. I can tell that you’ve been trying to hunt that dog plushie down for a while. Also,” he stops and exhales, and you wonder what he’s thinking. A light shade of pink dusts his cheeks, and it reminds you of him in Megumi’s drawing. 
“I want to see you more,” he finally tells you. “Outside of work, I mean. I was thinking that maybe we can grab dinner some time?” 
“Yes.” It’s impossible to hide your smile. How could you? “I’d love to.” 
He carefully grasps your hand, then brings it to his mouth, placing a light kiss on the back of it. It’s a sweet gesture, but you feel like you’re about to catch fire and then melt into the ground. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he purrs. “And I’ll text you plans about the date.” 
Date. Date. 
“Okay,” you manage to reply when you find your voice. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well!” You get into your car, wave him off once more, then drive off, unable to control your excitement. 
As Toji watches your car leave the store’s parking lot, he’s already calling Shiu, a new idea beginning to take shape in his mind. 
“Are you done flirting?” Shiu answers with a huff. “The kids were wondering where you went.” 
“Sorry about that. I’m on my way now. Quick question though: That job that took me less than an hour to complete. What was the payout for that one again?” 
“Eight thousand, why?” 
Perfect. “Put half of it aside.” 
— — — — — 
“What’s this?” Megumi asks when you place the wrapped gift box in front of him, looking up at you and Toji with large, curious eyes. 
The three of you are in your classroom a little earlier than usual, since you wanted to give Megumi his present before the other students arrived. Toji didn’t mind since he also wanted to see his reaction.
“A present that Ms. [Y/L/N] got you,” Toji answers as he pats his head. “Go ahead and open it.” 
Like with everything else, Megumi takes his time opening the gift; delicately undoing the knot in the bow and wrapping the gift paper starting from the edges. When he sees the new plushie, the kid gasps, then screams in joy. 
“No way!” He holds up his usual black dog plushie next to the new white one, tears of happiness rising to his eyes. “Now they’re together!” He gently puts the toy down, then runs into your arms, squeezing you as tight as he can. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!” 
“Aw, of course, sweetheart!” You laugh as you hug him in return. “I’m so proud of you for getting through your appointment. You did such a good job.” 
As you praise him, Toji notes that Megumi still hasn’t released you yet. It was the longest he’s ever seen him hug anyone that wasn’t him or Tsumiki. His previous preschool teacher told him in the past that Megumi was too closed off, and that his refusal to talk to anyone would cause so many issues in the future. At first, Toji was worried, but now that he has seen how he is with you, even after such a short amount of time, he just knew that it was because Megumi didn’t trust his other teacher. 
But he really, really trusted you. Loved you, even.
plenty of tags! as always, if you would like to be tagged, let me know in the replies! this includes those that have been previously tagged as well!
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g0niki · 8 months
pick up! ── y.jw
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pairing: bf!jungwon x gf!reader
word count: 1.4k+
contents: no protection(i'm just a girl), finger sucking, reader's on the phone lol, pretty tame fic idk
a/n: not my best,, but also not my worst 🤷
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jungwon was annoyed.
all day he had been on ten, waking up to his clothes sitting on the dryer; still soaking because one of the guys took his out to do their own, constantly being asked to do things, having to guide the members step-by-step during recording, people complaining to him, and schedules being thrown in his face.
the only thing getting him through the day was the thought of you, his girlfriend, waiting for him at your place, excited for your bi-weekly sleepover.
and as much as he loves you and your sweet personality, he was looking forward to your warm walls being wrapped around him and your thighs tightly pulling him closer, his pelvis flat against yours and his lips marking up all over your neck and collarbones. his fingers repeatedly tapped on his thigh, getting more and more fidgety with each passing moment as the street lights dimly showed through the tinted windows of the van. the frequent red lights urging him to just run out of the car and get to your place on foot, he would go insane if he wasn’t in your embrace within the next ten minutes.
jungwon chewed on his inner cheek, checking his phone to see if you had replied to his message saying he was almost there, immediately launching himself out of his seat when the van reached his destination. briefly saying goodbye to the rest of the guy as he grabbed his bag from the trunk, more focused on rushing to your door and letting himself in.
his bag was practically falling off his shoulder, his phone gripped in his left hand as he fumbled with his keys in the right, ready to run into you and crash his lips onto yours the moment he could. yet to his disappointment, he entered to you lying down on the couch, dimly lit, and chatting on the phone with your close friend, hardly even noticing he had just walked through the door. won loves your friend, and he understands that she is occupying your time at the moment, but the needy boyfriend in him is more than annoyed.
won hurridly tosses his bags to the side, coming up behind you and hovering over your figure. not so secretly pressing his groin against your backside and muttering an “i miss you”, you and your friend both briefly greeting him before continuing the conversation. jungwon pushes himself up, sitting on the edge of the couch and rolling his eyes in annoyance, ready to get up until he feels your hand tugging on the pocket of his sweats. he pinches his eyebrows together, slightly confused by your action until you’re tugging on his pocket once again.
“sit we were just about to hang up.” and well jungwon wasn’t going to deny himself his girlfriend.
only a few minutes became five… and then ten… and now twenty. his patience had been run thin as he was now big spooning your smaller frame, his hand gripping your waist and he couldn’t stop himself from slowly dragging you against the slight bulge in his pants. if you had seemed to notice you were doing a hell of a good job playing it off, not even stuttering or failing to miss whatever nonsense your friend couldn’t wait til the morning to talk about.
his lips finally came in contact with the nape of your neck, your breath finally slightly faltering, your free hand coming back to grip his hip for a second, pulling him just a bit closer to you. something about you noticing his actions and actively having to fight against your natural reactions turning him on way more than he was before. he felt cocky knowing that you were desperate enough to urge him to keep going despite your friend’s voice ringing through your phone’s speaker.
“hello, y/n??”
“yeah sorry, jungwon was asking me something.” his lips tugged up into a slick smile, he hadn’t uttered a single word since you told him to wait with you, finding it cute how you quickly covered up your delayed response. his hips slowly dragged against your ass and his right hand wrapped around you, trailing down and under the waistband of your pants to trace your cunt over the thin fabric of your underwear. he could feel his stress leaving his body, the increasing temperature of your body against him making his hair stand. his lips coming down and nipping on your neck, small red and purple bites blossoming on the skin.
“soaking through your panties right now, cute.” your thighs closed around his hand, grinding up against it and trying to gain more friction. he enjoyed seeing you like this, so needy for him yet pushing your limit to see how long you could stay on the phone, and well his goal was to regret making you stay on.
he truthfully doesn’t give a fuck about how much your friend hears, if anything jungwon was definitely enjoys this. his breath grew heavier as you scrambled to wrap up the conversation with your friend.
“haha, just call me back when he texts you! won’s been waiting for me love you bye.” the moment you pressed the red hang-up button the sweetest sound left your lips as you doubled over.
“aww, i thought we were having fun there, look at how you coated my fingers.” jungwon is using this as a chance to pull you closer and slide his fingers into your mouth, sliding them out slowly before taking them into his mouth. “you taste so good too.” his hand slipping under your shirt and grabbing your bare chest, firmly groping and pinches your sensitive nubs between his fingers.
“making so much noise for me, don’t ever hold back for me pretty.” jungwon roughly moved the two of you around, laying you flat on your back and hovering over you. pleased with how your legs immediately came up around him.
won tugged his sweats and underwear down his thighs, not bothering to properly take them off and putting even less effort into moving your clothes. only being able to hold back enough to tug your shorts and underwear to the side. the view was almost too much for him, your heat glistening and clenching around nothing and so ready for him to take you. despite usually doing his best to prep you properly and open you up for him won couldn’t bring himself to do it right now. biting his lower lip and groaning out loud, the thought of him having to push past your tight barrier and feel you struggle to adjust to him.
you seemed even more desperate than him, reaching down between the two of you to line won up with your cunt, brushing him against you a couple of times letting your essence coat his aching tip.
“put it in, please.”
the look in won’s eyes dimmed even more than you thought possible, roughly pushing himself around halfway through and then slowly sinking down for the remainder. his hips not bothering to still once he completely buried himself inside. immediately pulling back out to the tip and sensually grinding back into you, his hips pushing up and leaving the feeling of his member against your lower stomach.
“look at that baby,” his hand adds a force to the previously mentioned spot, feeling his dick tap against his hand through you. jungwon felt lost within you, watching as your lower back arched and his hands firmly gripped onto your waist, giving him leverage as he pistoned up into you.
he wanted to last longer but watching you struggle to take him and be so pliant for him was sending him into overdrive.
that was until your phone started ringing again, your friend’s contact picture lighting the screen and giving won an idea.
“why don’t you pick up, pretty? wasn’t it important before? let me get it for you.” and before you could protest his finger was dragging across the screen and hitting the speaker button, your friend’s voice squealing into the mic.
you bit down on the palm of your hand, hardly understanding what your friend was saying and providing little hums of agreeance.
“that… that sounds, great.” and oh god that was enough for jungwon’s dick to twitch inside you, feeling you clench around him as you forced yourself to respond.
his hips couldn’t stop themselves, firmly thrusting into you, hard enough you have your body jump up a bit and a high-pitched noise leaving the back of your throat. the both of you shuddering and releasing at once, his warm cum painting your walls and making you whine as you drop down from your high.
“oh my fucking gosh you could have called me back later!” the sound of your friend hitting her dial, and hanging up followed shortly after.
“well, you could call her back now...”
@g0niki all rights reserved. do not translate or post my work anywhere without permission.
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kugisakiss · 1 month
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as promised, the spy x fam parody AU
I had some fun thinking about this like 2 years ago and only made a couple of sketches at the time.. but then I started cleaning them up last month and before I knew it, it spiraled out of control to become this monstrosity. I can't help it, as you can all tell by now, I love coming up with scenarios to get all my little guys interacting with each other
some details i didn't put in:
the Kudou parents are absent like in the show
whatever is happening on Haibara's end is probably super messed up but I haven't thought of any of the details
Akai gets fancy tech stuff, like the voice changer, from Agasa. Agasa comes to help babysit Conan sometimes and he gives him all his little gadgets. Akai hasn't said anything about it but figures he could use it considering the amount of crime he comes across
the facility shinichi was in is like in the original story, it exists to research esp to create super soldiers which is why he knows everything he knows
Conan regularly eavesdrops on Akai and Rei's top secret phone calls which is how he learns their real names. He can't help it, he has really good hearing
Conan and Subaru have different last names because Conan thinks "Okiya" is lame and wants to keep the one he made up on the spot. Their story is that when Subaru and Conan's mother (Edogawa Fumiyo) married, they both kept their own last names and Conan was given Edogawa when he was born. They've kept it this way to "remember Conan's dead mother"
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salsakiyoomi · 3 months
Hmm, how would drummer Sukuna react to finding out reader had sex with someone else?
a/n : this idea has been nagging me for a while and this is my excuse to write it now
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sukuna's heart almost stops.
it almost stops as he watches you walk out one of the most famous fuckboy's dorm, in your clothes yes, but looking disheveled, with hair that's definitely been tugged on and hickeys covering your neck, and a manly cologne that was most definitely neither his or yours. 
what was the meaning of this? why did he have to be here at this exact moment to see you like that?
your eyes catch his and you're wondering whether you should talk to him or not.
probably not.
so you clear your throat and you turn the other way, as if he wasn't standing right in front of you.
he’s shocked, because how could you?
“y/n.” he calls out, his voice stern but you don't acknowledge him, he doesn't know what's up with you this time, whether you're mad at him or the other dude has gotten to you.
all he knows is that he doesn't like you ignoring him and he's not sure why.
he shouldn’t care.
sukuna trudge over to you, grabbing your arm and forcing you to look at him, “i called for you.” he tells you, a scowl on his face — why were you avoiding him like that? he hasn't fucked up that bad yet — i mean, sure, the both of you haven't been hanging out much and it was a month since you last had sex but still.
“what do you want?” you ask, you still won't meet his eyes, avoiding them like they're the plague — but most of all, you seem nonchalant, too nonchalant.
“what's the meaning of this?” he asks and he can't tear away his eyes from the hickeys adorning your neck and probably other places as well — only he can leave those marks on you, nobody else.
it doesn't sit well with him that somebody else, especially a fucking fuckboy who practically lives in the frat house, having his hands all over you in that way, his lips on yours, on your skin, his body against your and —
sukuna doesn't want to think about it.
you scoff, rolling your eyes, and you tear your arm away from his grip, crossing your arms, “the meaning of what, ryomen?”
“the meaning of this.” he almost seethes, gesturing to the marks on you, “what's this about?” 
“what, like you care?” you say, and this time, you meet his gaze, and he’s not sure if he likes the defiant look in your eyes.
does he care? of course he does. otherwise he wouldn't have been fucking you for this long.
“of course i do.” he huffs, but it comes out quiet and almost meek.
of course he cares about you — he doesn't like you sleeping around with other people, you were supposed to be his.
“well, you shouldn't,” you tell him, the frown on your face prominent, “we're not exclusive after all, are we?”
he knew that that would come back to bite him in the ass, and now was the time.
it's true, in the past year the two of you have been sleeping around, sukuna has made it painfully clear that this was nothing more than just sex and having fun for the sake of it — you've nagged him about it more than once, you didn't like him sleeping with other girls either but it's not like he ever stopped.
sukuna didn't do love, never has, and never will.
but now, your words really hurt him.
at his stretched silence you sigh, turning away from him, “later, ryomen.” you call out as you walk away from him.
and he's left all alone in the hallway with a heavy heart.
jealousy wasn't a thing he's ever felt before, and it didn't sit well with sukuna.
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moncuries · 2 years
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my personal favourites hehe
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torimurphy · 3 months
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Ohhhhhhh what can i do?
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kykyonthemoon · 1 month
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One Summer Day
A road trip, a summer festival, childhood popsicles and Zayne. You have captured the essence of summer in your hands.
── .✦ Zayne x Female Reader (MC)
── .✦ Tags: R16 - MNDI, suggestive themes, summer, vacation, festival, use of Japanese culture and words, fluff, sweet, established relationship.
── .✦ Word count: 2k6
── .✦ Ky Ky's notes: This piece is inspired by Zayne’s text (Top Prize) after completing his story in Adventure above the Clouds event.
Misty Invasion Fan Art Contest Entry - Please support me on X!
── .✦ Masterlist ♡ Request a fic - closed for the time being.
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You stood under your porch with all enthusiasm, feet tiptoeing up and down, eyes fixed on the impending cars. When you recognized Zayne's familiar transport, the smile on your lips immediately spread like flower petals.
“Why are you out here? Didn't we agree to meet inside first?" Zayne inquired as he assisted you in loading the luggage into the back of the car.
"I saved Doctor Zayne the trouble." You responded. That was only half of the truth; the rest was because you were so eager to begin this journey that you rolled about in bed all night thinking about it. This morning, you awoke before the alarm went off. Because your luggage was little, you went downstairs to wait. That way, neither of you would have to waste any more time and could depart right away.
Zayne grinned as if he understood what you were saying and opened the car door to invite you in. Then he sat in the driver seat. The first song on your pre-selected list began to play, and with all your impatience, the three-hour long journey to the predetermined destination began.
Not long after the vehicle drove away, Zayne noticed a rustling close to him. You were opening the package for a snack you had recently enjoyed. Zayne laughed as his car came to a stop at a red light. He turned to face you and said:
“We've only been gone for five minutes and you're already hungry?”
You took a piece of snack and fed it to Zayne, replying:
“For you.”
He obediently took a mouthful while still staring at you, who was beaming with your snack bag. A few curls of hair had fallen on your cheeks, and he tucked them behind your ear. Zayne used the chance to gently stroke your face.
"Someone was so happy that she was unable to rest last night, right?"
You hastily checked the rearview mirror of the car. Aside from appearing too eager, a closer look would expose the weariness from lack of sleep around your eyes.
"Are you sure that person isn't Doctor Zayne?" You commented. Even though he had caught you red-handed, you would continue to deny it.
"Then there were two people who could not sleep last night." You were not prepared for Zayne to admit it so soon. You spotted his brilliant smile just as the green light went on and he shifted his concentration to the road ahead.
Zayne stated that if you were weary, you could take a nap in the car and he would wake you up at the destination. Nonetheless, you were determined to remain awake the whole journey. Every time the car came to a halt at a red light, you swiftly fed him some snacks. Zayne, in return, clasped his hands around yours. You would occasionally hum along to the music being played and see that Zayne was enjoying it. Was it the song or your voice? His fingers on the steering wheel moved gently with the rhythm, as did his head and neck, as if he were swaying to the melodies. But every time he recognized you gazing and was about to say something to tease him, Zayne claimed to be in the dark and made an insignificant remark: "Your taste in music is acceptable."
You burst into laughter. When you were together, he must have heard those songs so many times that he knew them by heart. Zayne frequently took you on outings, but this one was different. He won a lottery at Akso Hospital, resulting in a two-day, three-night vacation for a couple. Although you guessed that everyone had given Doctor Zayne the jackpot after seeing how hard he worked day and night, you were nonetheless overjoyed to be able to accompany him like this.
Zayne was the one to plan everything ahead, always had been. However, you were constantly thinking about all that may happen, while you were both thrilled and anxious. This vacation marked a significant step forward in your relationship; how could you not pay attention to every little thing? You wanted all to be perfect so Zayne could enjoy an unforgettable getaway.
But such things might have to wait a little longer. Your eyes began to close around halfway through and after you had consumed all of the treats. You had a strange feeling Zayne was adjusting the seat to make you more comfortable. He softly touched your palm, saying something like, "Yet someone insisted that she wasn't sleepy..." Then you fell into a deep slumber.
After a series of short, strange dreams, including one where Doctor Zayne transformed into a big cat, you were awakened by a cold touch on your cheek.
“We're here.” Zayne's voice rang out, and all of your weariness vanished as you saw the small, lovely village stretch out in front of you, embracing the foot of the mountain. You hastily exited the car. The fresh wind carried the welcome aroma of grass and trees, making you feel delighted.
It was already past midday when you arrived at the resort. After a light meal, Zayne and you checked in. It was a modest room only enough for a couple with complete facilities, including a tatami-covered floor and a sleeping mattress for two people, known as a futon. The room was simply designed, yet it felt airy and close to nature. Zayne claimed that his prize included the most adorable suite at the resort, which was not an exaggeration at all. Large wooden and matte paper doors opened into the serene alpine view that surrounded the room. Outside was a steaming onsen, and the afternoon sunshine falling on the bottom shimmered like precious gemstones, so it was inevitable that it would be the first thing to attract your attention when you arrived. There was nothing better than being able to soak it up at night and gaze at the stars.
However, you briefly resisted the impulse to soak in it right away because when you opened the wardrobe, you discovered two folded yukata sets waiting for you and Zayne. It was no surprise since you overheard him discussing your clothing size with the resort personnel prior to your arrival. You turned your head back to peer at Zayne, who was averting his gaze, but his brilliant expression indicated that he had planned all of this for you.
The yukata he had chosen for you was light blue, embellished with white jasmine pattern. You enthusiastically tried it on yourself. But even with a handbook in the room explaining how to wear it, you struggled and failed to put it correctly. You sighed and requested assistance from Zayne on the opposite side of the folding screen which divided the dressing space in two. 
“Doctor Zayne… I must have done something wrong…”
“Wait for me.”
His voice sounded out. A second later, he emerged from the opposite side of the screen. Zayne put on a yukata that was a much darker shade of blue than yours, dotted with a silver swallow pattern. As soon as you saw him, so perfect in the kind of outfit he had tried for the first time, you lost your breath. It was not until Zayne came closer to fix your dress that you recovered your composure.
“You've put on the wrong layers.” He said gently. “Let me fix it.”
Thus you stood motionless, arms wide out so Zayne could effortlessly alter your attire. Layer upon layer, one by one. It was not surprising to you that he was so skilled, given that this was your first time wearing a yukata together. Because, for you, Doctor Zayne's hands were a divine tool capable of assisting you in all you lacked. After your outfit was complete, the same hands assisted you in combing your hair and placing a jasmine flower on your head.
“How do I look? Has Doctor Zayne overdone it a bit?”
You inquired while glancing in the mirror. Behind you, he grinned pleasantly. “Not at all.”
You carefully brushed the fabric jasmine blossom Zayne had just placed in your hair. True, he had put a lot of thought into this trip. You turned around to look at him, mumbling a "Thank you" before rewarding him with a kiss on the cheek.
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When the two of you arrived at the street, the sky was already tinted with dusk. You softly held Zayne's hand and moved in modest steps. You were not entirely comfortable with the geta that went with your attire. He wore a pair similar to yours, yet you were the only one who struggled.
The festival in this little community grew busier at night. Laughter breathed life into the desolate mountains and hills. The street was illuminated by lanterns, and both sides of the sidewalk were lined with vendors offering crafts, traditional games, and foods with inviting fragrances. As a result, after every few steps, you drew Zayne into a food stall to try it out.
You ate so many dishes that your tummy was full, leaving no room for supper at the resort. However, when you arrived at an old popsicle stall, you pleaded that Zayne try it with you.
"This is just like when we were kids, right?" You gladly accepted the popsicle from Zayne's hand. He sat next to you on a bench along the woodland edge, away  from the festival noise. The aromatic popsicle looked quite good. You took a large bite and felt numb to the brain.
"Ugh…" You shouted. Zayne instantly reached out to rub your head and temples. He softly said: 
"For what reason are you so hasty when there's a popsicle? Are you still a three-year-old?"
You pouted, stared at him and snorted loudly. Zayne softly squeezed your face and added:
“Slow down. With me here, you don't have to worry about your popsicle melting."
"Sure." You nodded. Your gaze fell on the mint-flavored popsicle in Zayne's fingers. Then, as fast as lightning, you leaned down and took a mouthful. 
"You—" Zayne protested, but it was a bit too late. You giggled as your head became dizzy from a fresh brain freeze. 
He grumbled and proceeded to rub your head. After consuming the popsicle, you stated:
“That's my revenge on you for pinching my cheek! How dare you?”
Zayne clicked his tongue and shook his head playfully. "It seems that no matter how old you get, the way you eat popsicles still remains.”
After that, he placed his thumb in the corner of your lips, softly wiped away the smeared cream, then lingered there forever. His gaze was unable to depart your slightly opened ruby lips. Zayne leaned down to taste the popsicle flavor that persisted on the tip of your tongue.
“Hmm… This flavor combined with mint… It isn't bad at all…”
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After the festival, you chose to wrap up the day in comfort by soaking in the onsen outside your bedroom. You removed your yukata and wrapped a towel over your body before stepping out into the warm night, which was filled with luminous stars above. Zayne was already soaking in the hot spring, the moonlight casting luscious honey dews on his bare back as he turned toward the chamber. You approached delicately and sat down to soak your feet in the warm water first.
Zayne turned back to gaze at you. Iridescent drops poured from his hair and flowed down his dominant chest; every muscle fiber that was usually hidden underneath discreet layers of clothing was now displayed before your eyes, even the scars running along his arms. Suddenly, you realized that the water in the onsen was hotter than intended.
“How are your feet?” Zayne questioned as he approached you. The water solely reached his waist, where he was covered in a towel. You replied:
“I feel better now. Those geta are probably not for me.” 
The sensation of Zayne's hand on your submerged feet startled you. He took your slightly red foot and gently rubbed it while keeping it under the water. He repeated the same thing with your other foot.
“By doing this, you will feel more comfortable,” said Zayne. You nodded firmly, eyes still fixed on his body. While he was massaging your feet, you kicked the water around, causing him extra soaked. Nonetheless, he simply wiped any water from his face and glanced at you in a patient manner, shaking his head slightly.
You giggled and continued to swing your leg harder. This time, he gently squeezed your ankle and said:
“Just now, someone complained about her feet hurting and insisted on being carried back here. Is she fully recovered by now? If that's the case, she doesn't need my care anymore."
His hands eased on you, yet you quickly wrapped your legs around Zayne's waist and pressed him closer. The bottom of the onsen seemed slippery, causing him to suddenly slide forward. He placed his hands on the ground so he would not tumble on you. His hot breath invaded your left ear. His body emitted a faint aroma of warm wood. Before your eyes, the water-soaked crook of his neck was revealed. Your nose gently rubbed against it.
“Who said she doesn't need your special care anymore?”
You nuzzled him, arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer. Zayne's breathing became heavier. He maintained his balance, although it was difficult to remove himself from you while you were this close to him. The sweet fruity scent emanating from you was which he had become accustomed to these past few days.
“You're using that lotion again…” Every syllable that escaped his mouth was like fire pouring into your ears. You said quietly:
“Since you seem to appreciate it so much, I…”
Before you could finish your sentence, Zayne seized your waist and lifted you off the onsen edge. You could only lean your body absolutely into his chest, legs clamped securely around his waist to keep from falling, despite the fact that he held you extremely firm in place. Zayne pushed his face against your neck, hungrily devouring the sweet scent flowing from there. His lips pressed lengthy, scorching kisses against your neck, shoulders, and chest.
"Z-Zayne…" You tenderly called his name. Your hand on his neck softly pushed him away. The thin smoke from the onsen veiled your vision, rendering everything as surreal as a dream. In the lake's heat and humidity, drops of perspiration and water ran from Zayne's temples to the back of his neck and torso. But no matter how much you resisted, he would not let go of you.
You lightly nipped his red ear. Only then did Zayne shift away from you, his expression showing astonishment mixed with a little hurt. Had he just done something that made you unsettling?
"Let me down first…" You murmured. Zayne held you with one arm, with the other hand softly drawing circles on the area of your back which was exposed from the towel. He tilted his head and whispered into your ear:
"This is also part of my special care. Are you certain you don't want it?"
His radiant eyes fixed on you, anticipating. You pursed your lips hard before deliberately pressing yourself closer to his body. 
“Of course… I want it…”
The corner of Zayne's mouth curled up slightly. He walked to a deeper part of the onsen, allowing both of you to plunge into the water, which became hotter with each touch. He kissed you. It began gently, like calm water; but over time it grew more intense, as if he was slowly melting with you. You always possessed the ability of exposing his deepest emotions and desires. Only you.
For, if he could control it, then it was certainly not love.
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msuolo · 1 month
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Office au 💌
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c0mbatchameleon · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic April 21st, prompt: run, words: 1160, nsfw
aka regulus comes until he cries? that’s basically it yeah (+t4t jeg)
He shouldn’t cry.
It’s what Regulus has heard since—well, as early as he can remember. Crying is a vulnerability he can’t afford, a sign of weakness, and the Black family are anything but weak. Don’t be a baby, they’d say—to the literal fucking baby.
The last time Regulus cried was when he was 7 years old, he thinks—his mother certainly made sure he never did it again. And even long after he left that house behind, left his family and everything they stand for, found a new family, found a new home and new self unrestrained by hatred and abuse, transitioned, finally became comfortable with himself, his identity—after all of it, this is what he’s held onto. The belief that he shouldnt cry.
At least, it was what he held onto.
Now, as Regulus finds himself bent over the kitchen counter, nails dragging down the cool granite that he’s pressed flush against, he’s beginning to think crying isn’t so bad after all.
The tears started falling after his second consecutive orgasm, streaming freely down his face as he convulsed around James’ strap. James only slowed his thrusts to something deep and drawn out as he leaned forward and cooed, “That’s it baby, let it out,” hot breath cascading down Regulus’s ear and neck, hand stroking his hair gently. Languid kisses pressed down his neck and shoulder as he twitched and softly gasped in overstimulation.
He barely got a chance to catch his breath before—
“How ‘bout one more for me, yeah?” And just like that, James was drawing out and ramming back into him with a brutal pace. Regulus let out a choked gasp as his vision whited out, back arching, legs shaking. All he could respond was a tear-streaked string of oh fuck oh fuck oh fu—ah—please as James continued chanting soft praise and encouragement, railing him into a new fucking plane of existence.
That leaves him here, hurtling head first towards a third orgasm and choking on intermittent sobs and moans in rhythm with James’ thrusts. Each one is hitting that spot that sends a line of white-hot electricity up his navel, fraying his nerves until his entire body feels like an exposed wire. His hands grab for purchase on the countertop, unsuccessfully, as he tries to drag himself up, away, anywhere to put distance between himself and the onslaught of pleasure-pain that’s spreading like a fire across his whole body.
But James only digs his hand into Regulus’ curls and pulls, the other wrapped around the front of him so Regulus’ cock grinds into it with each movement of their hips. “Where are you trying to run off to, love?” he teases as his grip tightens and holds Regulus in place.
“Oh fuck— I can’t—“ Regulus’ own moan cuts him off, loud and lacking shame. “S’too much,” he whines.
“But you love it, don’t you?” Soft lips trace up behind his ear. “You don’t want me to stop, love, do you?” Regulus’ eyes roll back into his head. The hand presses down further on his cock and another sob escapes him. “C’mon, tell me how much you love it when I take you apart like this,” James coaxes, pulling him up further by his hair so that he has to balance on his forearms, his head falling back.
And, here, in this state of over-saturated, pure white static bliss where Regulus can barely distinguish reality, the world around him, anything other than James’ hands and James’ lips and James’ sweet-honey voice and James and James and James, the only thought he can form amidst the haze is the one James has supplied for him so graciously, so giving as always: that he loves it.
You love it, don’t you?
And Regulus does.
He loves having his walls taken down, brick by brick until he’s bare, surrendered to pleasure and to release. God, he fucking loves this release. The kind he never allowed himself before, the way it washes over his whole body and builds up like a dam, the way it flows in and out of him, completely open, running rivers down his face and sending shocks out from his core, chest heaving, bones melting, transcending his own body and yet more grounded in it than he’s ever been. He’s nothing but skin and shaking muscle and neuron and nerve ending and pure, unfiltered feeling, and, yes, he loves it. So, he does what he’s told and voices it, let’s it flow out of him like the rest of the dam, frantic and breathless.
“I love it, I—ah—oh—I love it, I love it I love it I—fuck—“
“That’s good, that’s right, fuck, you’re doing so well, baby. You look so pretty when you cry like this” James praises, breathless now, tone soaked in awe and pure adoration as he watches Regulus repeat the phrase like a mantra, an oath, a prayer, the words melting together to the point of near incoherence: I love it I love it Iloveitloveitloveitloveloveitloveit.
“That’s it, I know, baby,” he tugs on Regulus’ curls again, pulling him up against his chest. The new angle makes his cock drive deeper into Regulus, drawing a strangled moan out between his quick, gasping breaths. “Why don’t you show me how much?”
His fingers move in quick circles on Regulus’ cock, other arm wrapping around his shoulders to hold him up. “C’mon, let go for me one more time, Star.”
The simple order is all it takes. When Regulus comes, it’s with stars behind his eyes and tears flowing freely and a scream tearing through him, head hanging back on James’ shoulder, back bowed, clenching down on silicone as shudders rack through his body in waves. James works him through it with a slew of there you go and so good for me and so perfect and show me how good it feels, baby, that’s it.
He collapses back onto James, boneless, and breathes. Shakily. James squeezes him tight. All that concentrated flame has simmered and spread out into something soft and warm and buzzing all throughout his body. A small whimper escapes at the feeling of James pulling out, his core still throbbing around nothing.
James scoops him up easily, laying him down gently on the couch in the next room, and kneels down to cradle his face with his hands.
“Okay?” he asks softly, kissing Regulus’ forehead.
Regulus keeps his eyes closed and smiles in delirious dream-state bliss, just barely aware that he’s still sniffling. “Love it,” he mumbles, and James snorts as his thumbs swipe back and forth under his eyes. His head is still cloudy, his body floating somewhere with it. “Love you,” he adds dazedly.
“Always so sweet after you come,” James remarks. “Think if I get you to five next time you’d propose to me after?”
If Regulus had the energy, he’d roll his eyes. Instead, he reaches out and runs his hand through James’ hair, down the back of his neck, along the scars on his chest, down his arm where he grabs his hand and pulls it into his own chest, body curling around it like he’s hoarding it. James doesn’t seem to mind. “We’re already married, James,” Regulus mumbles. “I literally proposed.”
James chuckles softly, fondly. “I love you, too, Star.”
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obsesssedblerd · 1 month
According to Shiu Kong, this little assignment was supposed to be simple. You and your infuriatingly attractive work partner, Toji, infiltrate a formal dinner party to get information about a target that you’ll have to assassinate later on, and then sneak back out without being noticed. 
It was simple, until it wasn’t. 
One of the target’s bodyguards had been eyeing you and Toji carefully for the last hour, despite both of you blending in with the rest of the couples at the party. “Maybe it’s because we both look good,” he told you when you mentioned it earlier, gesturing to your red dress and his dark suit, but you weren’t so sure. 
During a speech, Toji places a hand on the small of your back, then leans over to whisper in your ear, “Time to go. He’s definitely on to us.” 
You raise a brow. “Oh, are you finally admitting that you’re wrong?” 
“Shut up and walk with me.” 
You roll your eyes, but walk when he takes your hand and leads you behind the crowd, both of dropping off your empty champagne glasses on a tray when you pass a waiter. When you two slip into one of the venue’s quiet hallways, you feel the bodyguard trailing behind you—a small distance away, but still nearby.
“The entire party will be filled with skilled assassins,” Shiu briefed you two before beginning the mission, “If you are caught, you will be greatly outnumbered, so make sure you don’t get caught.” 
Toji also knows that the bodyguard is following you two. You can tell by the way his mouth presses in a tight line. He’s thinking of a plan. The door that leads to the car you both arrived in was on the opposite side of where you are now. To get out safely would mean getting the bodyguard off of your trail. He turns left, then tugs you down another long hall that’s filled with multiple doors. He quietly opens one, then ushers you inside before getting in as well, shutting the door behind him. 
You bite back a yelp when your back immediately hits a wall. “Toji,” you whisper, “is this a closet?” 
“Yes. That guy will more than likely think we took the door that leads to the basement. All we have to do is hide here long enough for him to disappear, then go back the way we came.” 
The closet wasn’t cramped to the point of extreme discomfort, but it was still on the smaller side. You can tell from the faint smell of cleaner that it was where the custodians stored some of their supplies. The tiny, dim light bulb above of you both is your only source of light. When Toji sees your brows furrow, he scoffs, “What? Got a better idea?” 
“...Why didn’t we just take the staircase that went towards the side of the building when we left the party?” 
“Too many people, dumbass,” he says matter-of-factly, and you blink in surprise. “Do you really think he’s that idiot’s only bodyguard? What’s better? One person pursuing us, or multiple people pursuing us?” 
It takes a lot to remember that you’re supposed to be quiet. However, you’re pissed, and it doesn’t stop you from whisper-yelling, moving your hands around animatedly. “First of all, you empty-headed piece of shit,” you hiss through your teeth. “I said the side, not the front. The side entrance of the building was down the stairs. The door is literally at the bottom of the staircase. The bodyguard was on the other side of the party when we started walking. By the time he got to the bottom of the stairs, we would’ve been gone.” 
Toji takes in your words, and the smugness fades from his eyes as he slowly makes the connection. Then, he exhales. “...Oh.” 
“Oh?” Now it’s you scoffing in disbelief. “Oh? That’s what you have to say? Didn’t you look at the fucking map that Shiu gave you of this place the other day?” 
He rolls his eyes. “Okay, so I got the fuckass map mixed up. Cry about it later, let’s just get through this.” 
“Yeah, you always get shit mixed up and that’s why we always end up in dumb scenarios such as this one.” 
He glares at you. “Look, if you really think that—” When moving his hand, it knocks a bucket off of the shelf, and it clatters noisily to the ground. His eyes widen, and your heart drops. 
Suddenly, you hear footsteps approaching from down the hall. Quickly.
“Fuck. Fuck,” he quietly hisses through gritted teeth, and he drags a hand through his dark strands. It’s the first time you’ve seen Toji look worried. 
“Oh, god,” you whisper, trying to ignore the pounding of your heart. “Do you think we can knock this guy out? Or even kill him and run?” 
“He’s more than likely got a gun, and back-up on the way,” he replies, and right on cue, you hear a gun clicking, as well as the bodyguard muttering something into a phone. Shit. 
Your breathing picks up. The only way you two were getting out of this in one piece is if the bodyguard abandons his plan after seeing you and Toji in the closet-
Bingo. “That’s it!” You whisper-yell again when your new idea hits you.
“What? What’s it? You got something???” Toji asks you, and the footsteps are dangerously close now. You’re out of time. 
Your eyes meet his. “Play along like you fucking mean it,” you tell him firmly. 
“What do you– mm!” His words are cut off when you grab the front of his jacket, push up to your toes and slam your lips against his. Once he gets over the initial shock, his hands are on your waist, and he’s shoving you up against the closet wall, deepening the kiss by slipping his tongue into your mouth. 
It pulls a small moan from you, and you begin fumbling with his tie as his hand trails lower down your body, grazing your leg through the open slit of your dress. You run a hand through his hair, gripping slightly, and the sound he makes is between a groan and a growl. It makes heat rush through your entire being. You’re just beginning to pull his tie all the way off when the door to the closet opens. You hear a shocked gasp, and you and Toji break your heated kiss to look over at the bodyguard, whose face is flushed a bright red. 
“Do you fuckin’ mind?” Toji asks him irritatedly, slightly out of breath from the kiss. 
The bodyguard steps back and stammers out his apologies. “S-So sorry. I, uh, I didn’t think this would be– Please forgive me.” He shuts the door, and on top of the rapidly departing footsteps, you hear him clear his throat before saying, “No, no. False alarm. Just two guests having a private moment.” You grin, then laugh quietly. A split second later, Toji joins you. 
“Wow,” he breathes out, then looks back at you. His face is a bit flushed, and his lips were slightly swollen from kissing, but he’s mostly relieved. “Good idea.” 
“Thanks,” you say, “can’t believe it worked.” Your gaze drifts back to his lips, which now had hints of your gloss on them. “You’re a good kisser,” you mumble without thinking, and you immediately wish that you can take it back. 
“Yeah?” He asks, the corner of his scarred mouth lifting. 
No point in avoiding it now. You meet his stare head-on. “Mhm.” 
“Right back at you.” His voice is low; a bit sultry. When you feel his thumb lightly stroke your waist, you remember that his hands are still on you. Your arms are also still wrapped around his neck. “We should go, huh?” He asks. 
“Right,” you mumble, but don’t move. You don’t want to. “He’s gone now, so it should be safe for us to leave.” 
Toji doesn’t move either, and his eyes don’t leave yours. “Right.” You notice how they darken with hunger. Arousal swirls in the pit of your stomach, pools in between your thighs. 
He leans in and kisses you again, much slower than before, but still as intense. His lips drift towards your neck; kissing, then suckling a small mark onto your skin. “Toji…” you sigh blissfully as your head falls back to give him more access. “We’re in a closet,” you say, the last shard of common sense within you making a desperate attempt to remind him. 
“Shh…” He hushes, enjoying the way you shudder when his fingers drift even lower than before. “They think we’re fucking anyway. No one’s coming back for a while,” he assures, his voice a low rumble against your skin. “It’s just us.” You tilt your head to look back at him, and his thumb gently drags across your bottom lip, messing up your gloss even more. 
“Let me have you.”
a/n: hehehehehe cliffhangerrr 🤭
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g0niki · 2 months
cheer for me ── s.jy
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pairing: girlfriend f! reader x basketball player! jake
word count: 2k+
contents: smut,, lots of it. oral (giving & receiving), unprotected sex (do not free willy y’all.), light slapping, semi-public scene, light biting, let me know if i missed anything
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jake dribbled the ball across the court, his jersey hanging off his body loosely as beads of sweat trickled down his face.  
he was already way past tired, in for a majority of the game and scoring a good portion of the points. time running down on the timer as he debates whether or not he has enough time for one last layup. the large red numbers reading 13 seconds, and sure he isn’t that far, standing around the three-pointer line, but the sight of you waiting on the bleachers while clutching the pompoms in your hands is enough to distract him for just a couple more moments. only being brought back to earth when the sound of his teammates back on the bench yell at him to ‘get a fucking move on already’. 
shaking his head to get back into the game, he realizes it’s now or never and makes his final shot. the whole gymnasium goes silent for a moment, watching as the ball spins off the tips of his fingers and hurdles toward the hoop. 
he swears he can see you clutch the plastic material between your fingers even tighter. not bothering to see if the ball is going to go in. more focused on seeing his pretty girlfriend stare off with a certain glow in your eyes, and he knows that he’s scored when he sees your face go from anticipation to relief. turning your head towards him and locking eyes before his team swarms him and drags him away into the crowd. 
your back hits the cool material of the lockers a hiss leaves your lips in response, jake quickly hushing you with a suffocating kiss. rushed and messy, but his plush lips feel so right against yours. 
"so pretty, made it so hard to focus the entire time.”  his hands move up to grope at your chest, mentally cursing at the thick fabric of your uniform stopping him from feeling your hardened nipples. his tongue dances with yours for a split second letting you have fun before quickly overpowering yours. he revels in the fact that sometimes it’s a bit harder for you to keep up. adoring the sounds leaving the back of your throat as you practically choke on the mixture of saliva the two of you are creating. 
he lets his tongue return to his mouth, pulling back and watching the strings of spit hold the two of you together for just a moment longer. 
“did so good for me today,” brushing a strand of hair behind your ear and taking in your flushed appearance. “cheering and looking cute, all for me right?” he watches you almost helplessly nod, your eyes big and empty while he’s hardly done anything. 
his hands cupping the backside of your thighs before he gives you the signal to jump up. you wrap your legs tightly around his waist, feeling his cock press against the front side of your cunt. 
“come on tell me you want it.” he doesn’t let you properly respond, his mouth coming back into contact with your own as you whine out how badly you want him, his mind filling with all the things he wants to do to you. 
he turns around and lies you on top of the plastic bench, right in the center of the changing room. he straddles the piece of plastic and pulls your legs over his, maneuvering your body and making it possible to press his groin against yours. he drags his hips down, placing a heavy amount of pressure against your thinly covered cunt. 
“i could fuck you full right now.” kissing down the side of your neck and massaging your clit over the clothing. your back arches up at the flick on your clit, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. 
he removes himself from under you and sinks to his knees, pushing his face into your cunt. inhaling deeply and taking in your scent, moaning against your safety shorts. you look down to see him turning his face, taking a deep bite into your plush thigh, marking your cunt as his. 
and then there’s a banging on the locker room door. 
“coach left me to lock up, get the fuck out of here!” leaving you to dust off your skirt and have a walk of shame past the team’s captain, your hand interlocked with jake’s as you both mutter out an apology. 
“…. sorry heeseung.” 
"gosh, that was so embarrassing.” you bury your face into your hands, spinning around in your vanity chair as you reflect on the moment. “i don’t think i’ll be able to look at him after that..” 
jake walks in front of you, squatting down and massaging your thighs. taking a moment to thumb at the sore bite he left.
“why don’t you let me make it up to you?” a not-so-sweet smile on his face. “let you cum on my tongue.” 
he shimmies you out of your safety shorts, groaning at the sight of your thin thong being pressed between your lips. he immediately dives in, not bothering to remove the material since he finds it much hotter to eat you through them. his fingers play with the rim of your cunt, slipping in every so often but never sliding fully in. 
“so wet, trying to suck me right up.” your fingers find solace tangled within his hair, harshly tugging and leaving his scalp sore.  “can’t believe i had to wait for this.”
his lips wrap around your clit, playing with the sensitive bead while his fingers shallowly fuck you. the sounds of your whines progressively getting louder make him smirk against your heat, knowing that you’re almost near your climax. 
pushing his digits just a bit deeper before curling them against the spot. your legs come together, burying jake under your skirt as you fight back cumming so quickly. 
“yunie please~” 
“please what?” 
“i wanna cum please.” 
“mm, good job angel~” the term leaves his lips so lightly and with much endearment while he slaps your cunt a couple of times while curling his fingers repeatedly inside of you, rubbing against your g-spot perfectly and leaving you practically shaking around him. 
“i don’t think this is enough. you deserve so much more, could hear you shouting for me the whole game.” he licks around his fingers that are still plunged into your cunt, letting your juices drip down onto his tongue. “my sweet girl.”
jake pulls away, ready to scoop you up and take you over to the bed but you quickly stop him. walking over to the bed while sliding off your top and lying down on the mattress, leaving your head to dangle off the edge.
“use me.” your tone was too much for him to deny, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. 
“you’re a fucking angel.” rushing to remove his clothing and meet you. 
he stares in awe as you lay there with your mouth wide open. gripping his hot length and slapping it against your forehead. 
he laughs lightly, amazed at how gone you are. watching as your eyes slightly cross in a bad attempt to eye at his cock. 
“don’t hurt yourself pretty, i’ll give it to you in just a moment.” his hands lightly wrapping around your throat and pushing down to your tits, playing with your nipples and fumbling with them until they harden under the pads of his thumbs. 
you mindlessly stick your tongue out and lick at the underside of his shaft. ignoring the slight burn in your neck as you fight to hold your head up, jake groaning in shock and tightly gripping your supple chest. 
he leans back up, sliding his hands around your neck once again and aligning his cock to the opening of your mouth. pushing his dick into your mouth and letting it lie heavy on the roof of your mouth. 
he pushes his cock all the way in, letting your throat close around the tip giving him that extra tinge of pleasure.  he shallowly fucks in and out of your mouth, listening to the sounds of you gurgling around his member. 
he doesn’t want to come quite yet, pressing his pelvis flush against your face and holding. slowing his breath while you choke around him, spit spluttering out of your mouth while he fights to calm himself down. he almost can withhold while his cock sits in the back of your throat, but the feeling of your tongue pressing against the veins on his cock.
quickly pulling out and leaving you gasping for air.
“i need to be in your cunt.”
his eyes get dark, the light completely leaving and being replaced with an overwhelming amount of lust. your mind is already hazy as you gaze up at him, eyes fighting the urge to roll back. 
you quickly move around, placing yourself right in front of him and spreading your legs to expose yourself completely. 
your thong is completely soaked and painted a shade darker. 
“look at my little personal cheerleader. get to come home and fuck you stupid.” his finger slides under the thin material, pulling it a couple of inches back from your cunt as he continues his tangent. “my little prize, have to watch all the other players eye fuck you across the court. your empty little brain hardly even notices it.”
a quick look of annoyance flashes across his face, clearly annoyed at the idea of all the other guys ogling at you.
“but my dumb cheerleader always makes sure to chant my name and cheer for me. every. single. night. that right?” you eagerly nod, unable to bring yourself to speak at the moment, jake slapping you around a couple of times in response. “come on, use that pretty voice.”
“yes jaeyunie, only yours. i only cheer for you.” 
“good girl.” fucking his cunt up into yours, satisfied with how you gasp at the intrusion. he pulls out slowly before slamming his length into you multiple times, watching your cunt squeeze around him and stretch around his girth. a bulge slightly evident in the pit of your abdomen. 
the sound of you practically squealing every time he punches your insides. 
his hand finding its spot on your clit, his thumb swirling in circles and matching up with his pace. he admires the look on your face, your eyes closed tightly while you bite down on your lip almost hard enough to draw blood.
“aht aht, can’t have you hurting yourself angel.” his free hand coming up to cup your chin and slide a thumb between your lips. he presses down on your tongue slightly, enough to get your jaw slacking open and prevent you from causing any more damage to your pretty lips. 
“now come on, i know you wanna milk my cock pretty.” replacing his thumb massaging your clit with his ring and pointer finger, applying more pressure onto the muscle. he spits down onto your cunt, letting his cock push his saliva into you and coat his cock even more. your already slicked-up cunt crying around him even more as your back arches up. 
“there it is.” your walls convulse around him while he continues his movements. watching the white ring around his cock get thicker and thicker, feeling his tip swell inside of you. he pulls out enough to leave his tip still plugged inside of you, seeing the veins on his cock throb down the rest of his length.
his climax climbs up his back, but he doesn’t completely tip over until he sees your small hand creep down to your opening and wrap around the exposed area of your cock, sliding up and down and urging him to cum right inside of you. 
his hand grips the frilly material of your skirt, grasping onto anything to keep himself grounded, knowing that his orgasm is going to hit him hard. not bothering to hold back his whines and moans as his cock swells with sensitivity. 
“i worked so hard for you, please.” was all it took for him to paint your walls. his warm seed dripping out of your cunt and between the dip of your ass. “so… good,” leaving your lips as your head nods back and sinks into the plush mattress. 
guess you could say jake loves having a personal cheerleader. 
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pocketsofdaisy · 8 months
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“I will love you until I am nothing, until I am dust beneath the ground. And wherever you go beyond here, I only ask that the Force lets me go with you.”
⚔️ ✨
finally got around to commissioning another beautiful canonverse artpiece! so here is a scene from the epilogue of my completed fic breaker of chains that the lovely & talented @boomdafunk so graciously crafted—all the tenderness and yearning with the gorgeous backdrop of Naboo is everything a reylo could ask for 🥹
merci du fond du cœur, Alicia 💕
content tags - • canonverse • post-tlj • morally grey • supreme leader kylo ren • canon-typical violence • dreams and nightmares • enemies to lovers • belligerent sexual tension • mutual pining • heavy angst with happily ever after • trauma healing • love confessions
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rehenys · 4 months
Cherry Red ~ T.Wolff
Tw: Smut, Swearing, Age Gap, possessive, usage of Brat, BJ. Synopsis: Toto and his Girlfriend have a bit of fun at the pool
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Torger never thought he would have a young girlfriend at 45, but here he was with his bratty girlfriend who was dressed in a skimpy bikini lounging by the pool at his summer house. Her soft lips wrapped around a cherry red lollipop, His swim trunks tighten just watching her causally sucking on her lollipop while reading her novel. Fucksake she looks irresistible. 
He groans inwardly looking down at his tightened trunks, he was working today and she didn’t like that, fucking brat! She always gets what she wants and Torger will do anything to give her what she wants, but that doesn’t mean he can’t have fun while doing it and right now all she wants is him. 
He smirks, if she’s going to play that game he can too. Moving his laptop away, she watches his every move. She pushes her white sunglasses to the tip of her nose, with that darn lollipop between her lips.
Leaning back Torger deliberately unties his drawstring as slow as possible even though every movement of his trunks against his cock makes him groan, finally he unties it languidly stoking his cock making him groan even louder than before, he knows he has her attention when he hears the thud of her book on the side table as she slowly makes her way to the patio while her glasses lay haphazardly on the lounge chair. She takes her time, her piercing blue eyes never leaving him, she unties the knot on the front of her top dropping it into the pool, her perfect tits on display, His hands itching to touch her. She takes off the bikini bottom throwing it behind her, Torger’s eyes following her hips sway from side to side and the little tattoo on her right hip Just a simple bunch of bright red cherries with His name next to it forever etched on her skin. It makes him even harder than before just looking at it, her perfect body on display for him and only for him driving him crazy. She finally reaches him before swiftly sinking to her knees and taking all of him into her mouth, involuntarily groaning and throwing his head back. He loved his bratty girl. As she swirled her tongue around the tip before howling her cheeks, he groaned again as he bucked his hips towards her, wrapping his palm around her ponytail but she stopped him, giving him that look as she mouths No, he immediately let go of her, Pulling her onto his lap, she giggles into his mouth as Torger tastes himself and artificial cherry on her tongue.  
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