smute · 1 year
didnt even recognize this as my native language at first lmao
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dchan87 · 14 days
Three now infamous paragraphs from Susan Sontag stung like a slap to the face in the disorienting days that followed the 9/11 attacks. Asked by The New Yorker to reflect on what had occurred only 48 hours earlier, Sontag found “stupid” the “confidence-building and grief management” that filled the media. “Where is the acknowledgment,” she asked, “that this was not a ‘cowardly’ attack on ‘civilization’ or ‘liberty’ or ‘humanity’ or ‘the free world’ but an attack on the world’s self-proclaimed superpower, undertaken as a consequence of specific American alliances and actions?” Most anyone with a heartbeat, and certainly anyone who could smell the acrid air of Manhattan at the time, clouded with the ashes of thousands of people, took offense at Sontag’s coldness. Her first error was one of timing and tone—surely there was a deeper context for the attack worth unpacking, but maybe wait just a couple of days? But even more appalling in retrospect was the shallowness of Sontag’s context, as predictable and one-dimensional as what George W. Bush would yell through a bullhorn at Ground Zero: To her, 9/11 was not a moment of American victimhood, but actually a revelation of American malignancy, proof of the country’s own victimizing nature. In all that would transpire in the years after 9/11, Sontag and others who shared her immediate reaction would have reason to consider themselves prophets: the invasion of Iraq, carried out under false pretense; the expansion of the surveillance state; the obscene torture at Abu Ghraib and massacre of women and children in places like Haditha; the whole extrajudicial existence of Guantánamo Bay; the dangerous expansiveness of phrases such as enemy combatant and even terrorist. Throttled by fear, America lost its mind.
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batri-jopa · 1 year
Help, my fic writing turned out to be...
Little Lace Dress of Horror!😱
Okey, once I got your attention, I just wanted to say that I'm writing another fanfiction. It was meant to be a shortie short this time. Nothing serious nor official, you know:
Imagine it's like crocheting a nice little lace collar out of boredom and curiosity, just to see how it gonna look. I even let it gone wild with all the Homeric similes I dared to put into the pattern because hey, afterall it's me who's having fun here, right? If the finished version would look no good or ridiculous - then I simply won't share it and nobody even needs to know! So I kept crocheting my little fic freely, joyfully and without a plan. Yet at some moment I could not help but really liked the direction in which this crocheted collar-design was going and I wished to finish and show it to you someday. Of course the Monstrously Overgrown Laces are not that easy to be fixed and finished in a neat way, especially as at some point it looks like the main pattern was taking two different directions at the same time... Now whenever I force myself to try and do something about it I just sit and stare and "oh, this piece looks nice... and this one too... but the two don't quite fit to one another..." And, well, it doesn't make it go anywhere farther ever since😑
After 2 or 3 weeks of struggling with my indecisiveness about how to put that lace collar into a decent shape - my brain already crocheted its other end making it all look more like a top shirt. Well, okey - I though - it's just few centimeters longer than I planned, maybe it'll be even more usefull to wear... I'll name it a "bonus" or "sequel" and that'll be just fine I guess (and let me tell you this part IS fine, having exactly 1234 words and I don't want to touch it not to spoil it😋). But it won't stop me from making the exact collar part more neat later, right?
Must I say I was not surprised at all when after another few weeks the top shirt became a full sized sweater? (Three chapters?! Ahh... so that's a tiny triptych, huh?) I spend a week on making it fit and I'm actually quite proud of those sleeves I decided to add last night. ("He smiled slyly and bit his lower lip, looking with satisfaction at the effect he managed to achieve" - and oooh, so am I...😋)
But this morning I started to think how this might look nice as a tunic or even as a dress (this scene in the movie was way too good and important to not appear at all, so even with those few other circumstances rearanged, it got to take place somehow!)
So finally I took few steps back to look at it as a whole and now I'm like...😵‍💫
Jeeez, why is this collar still so freaking loose as if it got two holes for the head!?!!😫
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Me when the stage play is in the uk but i still can't go cause it's in London
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Rreth flamurit të përbashkuar
Me një dëshir' e një qëllim,
Të gjith' atij duke u betuar
Të lidhim besën për shpëtim.
𝄆 Prej lufte veç ai largohet
Që është lindur tradhëtor,
Kush është burrë nuk frigohet,
Po vdes, po vdes si një dëshmor! 𝄇
Në dorë armët do t'i mbajmë,
Të mbrojmë atdheun në çdo kënd,
Të drejtat tona ne s'i ndajmë;
Këtu armiqtë s'kanë vend!
𝄆 Se Zoti vetë e tha me gojë
Që kombe shuhen përmbi dhe,
Po Shqipëria do të rrojë;
Për të, për të luftojmë ne! 𝄇
O Flamur, flamur, shenj' e shenjtë
Tek ti betohemi këtu
Për Shqipërin' atdheun e shtrenjtë,
Për nder' edhe lavdimn e tu.
𝄆 Trim burrë quhet dhe nderohet
Atdheut kush iu bë therror.
Përjetë ai do të kujtohet
Mbi dhe, nën dhe si një shenjtor! 𝄇
[rɛθ̟ fla.mu.ɾit tə pəɾ.baʃ.ku.aɾ]
[mɛ ɲə də.ʃiɾ ɛ ɲə c͡çə.ɫim |]
[tə ɟ͡ʝiθ̟ a.tij du.kɛ‿u bɛ.tu.aɾ]
[tə li.ð̟im bɛ.sən pəɾ ʃpə.tim ‖]
𝄆 [pɾɛj luf.tɛ vɛt͡ʃ a.i laɾ.gɔ.hɛt]
[c͡çə əʃ.tə lin.duɾ tɾa.ð̟ə.tɔɾ |]
[kuʃ əʃ.tə bu.rə nuk fɾi.kɔ.hɛt |]
[pɔ‿vdɛs | pɔ‿vdɛs si ɲə dəʃ.mɔɾ ‖] 𝄇
[nə dɔ.ɾə aɾ.mət dɔ ti‿mbaj.mə |]
[tə‿mbɾɔj.m‿at.ð̟ɛ.un nə‿t͡ʃdɔ kənd |]
[tə dɾɛj.tat tɔ.na nɛ si‿ndaj.mə |]
[kə.tu aɾ.mic͡ç.tə ska.nə vɛnd ‖]
𝄆 [sɛ zɔ.ti vɛ.t‿ɛ θ̟a mɛ gɔ.jə]
[c͡çə kɔm.bɛ ʃu.hɛn pəɾm.bi ð̟ɛ |]
[pɔɾ ʃc͡çi.pə.ɾi.a dɔ tə rɔ.jə |]
[pəɾ tə | pəɾ tə luf.tɔj.mə nɛ ‖] 𝄇
[ɔ fla.muɾ | fla.muɾ ʃɛɲ ɛ ʃɛɲ.tə]
[tɛk ti bɛ.tɔ.hɛ.mi kə.tu]
[pəɾ ʃc͡çi.pə.ɾi.n‿at.ð̟ɛu̯n ɛ ʃtɾɛɲ.tə |]
[pəɾ‿ndɛɾ ɛ.ð̟ɛ lav.dimn‿ɛ tu ‖]
𝄆 [tɾim bu.rə c͡çu.hɛt ð̟ɛ‿ndɛ.ɾɔ.hɛt]
[at.ð̟ɛ.ut kuʃ iu̯ bə θ̟ɛ.rɔɾ ‖]
[pəɾ.jɛ.t‿a.i dɔ tə kuj.tɔ.hɛt]
[mbi ð̟ɛ | nən ð̟ɛ si ɲə ʃɛɲ.tɔɾ ‖] 𝄇
Around our flag we stand united,
With one wish and one goal,
A sacred oath we bestow upon it
Proclaiming loyalty for our salvation.
𝄆 From war abstains only he,
Who a traitor is born,
He who is a true man is not frightened,
But dies a martyr to the cause. 𝄇
With weapons in our hands a-brandished,
We will defend our fatherland,
Our sacred rights we’ll not relinquish,
The foe has no place in our land.
𝄆 For God himself proclaimed:
Some nations of the earth shall wane,
But Albania will live, will thrive Albania.
For her, for her we fight. 𝄇
O Flag, flag, you sacred symbol
Upon you we now swear
For Albania, our dear fatherland
For honour and your glory.
𝄆 Brave man is named and honoured
The one who sacrificed himself for the fatherland
Forever he will be remembered
On earth and under as a saint! 𝄇
Title: Hymni I Flamurit
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elgat0albino · 2 years
TheRRor para CancioÖones de tus Pesadilla...
No Abir hAsta OCTUBRE..... MUHahajahajHAHAHA, conden de cadena¡?
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walterfairholmes · 3 years
After the expedition, Gore and Fairholme are the neighborhood cat dads. Everyone knows that if you find a stray cat and can't take it in, you bring it to the house down the lane with the two nice Navy men. It all started one day in December when the young child who lived next door found a kitten out in the snow, but their parents wouldn't let them keep it. So they brought it to their neighbors who were reluctant at first, but ultimately they couldn't say no to this child, and they definitely couldn't say no to the tiny kitten stuck out in the cold all alone. After all, that was them just a few years ago. 
Their next cat comes when Fagin has kittens with Goodsir and Collins's other cat, and they are given one, because those two don't have room for more than two cats. The two of them get along splendidly, although their favorite thing to do is play-fight. Fairholme jokes that it's their captains as cats.
The next cat comes when the gentlemen are out walking, and there is a mangy street cat who will not leave them alone. Fairholme insists that “She chose us, Graham, we can’t just leave her there!” and of course she goes home too.
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tenok · 2 years
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Well RWBY8 resumes in like... an hour or two. Ieel the momentum coming back, which is good... but that ALSO means that I feel the therror of what’s coming and DEAR LORD LET ME SURVIVE THIS PLEASE!
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Regarding international interest in therror BRF, in the middle east (in general ofc) we only care about big major news. W&K wedding was televised but Harry only got news reports. Kids birth would result in short news articles as well as PH scandals when young but other than that not much interest in royals
Thank you for sharing my dear :) 
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This Monday (31), I’ll be archiving this blog and move to a new one.
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If you’d like to keep a thread/relationship, please let me know through the IMs. This is very important to me, as I do not want to lose all the interactions I had with you, lovelies, and will help me organize everything.
Yes, this blog is recently new. For almost 4 months I have and adore my Jonathan, and I do intend to keep it this way. But this being my first serious roleplay account, I’ve learned a lot in this short journey. The main reason I’ll move this blog is for matters of ORGANIZATION. The way this blog is organized has been a big personal issue for me, and I just feel starting from 0 on design and tracking levels. And for that to happen, I request your help on tracking active threads and relantionships. My IMs are always open as well as my d/iscord ( @ therror #7464). I’ll be asking this to my mutuals and exclusives, but I can’t keep track of everyone, so just a warning about our little interactions is greatly appreciated !!
I’ll still be answering my last bunch of drafts this week, and I’ll be ograninzing the new blog. I’ll dop the new username as soon as I get done. Thank you so much, and see you there !! ~ A L I C E
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yrs-art · 7 years
Green d: unicron will be the offspring of the cluster in therror future. He will be megatrons greatest weapon!
Oh ok
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((Linkrot error 404)) hell0 therror !i zorri !m not g0ob a1 s9e@king
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insanetime · 12 years
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