#these aren't axl btw not now
breezypunk · 1 year
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New emporium is comin' real soon. Some mods are gonna be gettin' some pride, as they should. Won't give anything else away though.
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kingofvipers · 11 months
First of this masterlist will most probably be solely on requests because I'm always with the authors block. I might do original oneshots, but that depends on whether my brain decides to cooperate or to be a bitch.
Up until now, I'm ok with any kind of request except for smut cause I still live with my parents, and I do not wish to get in trouble for writing porn. I don't think I need to explain that I don't do shit like pedophilia or stuff like that because that is just common sense. Up until now, I'm pretty comfortable with any request, but who knows, maybe I will be surprised by something. If that happens, I will address it, but for now, go wild.
Important: This is just a hobby and will be treated as one, so it's possible that I won't post constantly, so don't expect me to.
Also these aren't the only fandoms I'll do, it's just the ones I could think of right now, if you wish to request for other fandoms you can and I will write for those fandoms depending on my knowledge of them.
This is for male and Gn readers btw
Incorrect quotes
Lord of the rings: part 1 , part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
The Hobbit: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
Avatar(2009): part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Atwow: part 1
Marvel: part 1, part 2, part 3
Good omens: part 1
Hogwarts legacy: part 1, part 2, part 3
Harry Potter
Marauders: part 1
Original characters: Axl: part 1, Part 2
Lord of the rings
The Hobbit
Avatar (2009)
Avatar the Way of Water
Hogwarts Legacy
Good Omens
My ocs
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ghost-toe · 2 years
actually speaking of the workshop i havent done a thesis update except for bitching about purfling and joking about bone theft in a while!! and i've been getting a lot done lately. i spent some time over the weekend cutting and fitting the keys! the keycaps aren't all cut to size and aligned, but they all fit in the slots now. ignore how grody the keybox looks thats just fine sawdust from all the key sanding.
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the "flags" on the bottom row will be cut and reglued until they fit nicely around each other. the top row of keys just have the shafts right now, but separate keycaps will be made and attached to the fronts. i'm thinking of making these keycaps from (ETHICALLY SOURCED, NOT STOLEN) bone
since this is so tedious and boring (as i remember from my prototype... 😔) , i invited a friend over to help me fit them all! which meant i have some actual action shots (:
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roughing keys out and then cutting tight spots on the bandsaw and scrollsaw respectively
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once they were cut, the keys got taped down to another piece of wood so i could run them through a drum sander and thickness them. they're being pried off and lined up to be fine-tuned by hand here!
i have some photos of my friend working on the fine-tuning, but i don't want to post her face on my blog
also, today i went back to my mentor's shop to work on the body with him! we finished gluing in the purfling on the back (i have a photo below of the channels being carved, but i forgot to snap any photos today). it'll probably be sanded flush and neatened up soon!
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the figuring on this wood is SO insanely pretty im still not over it. i can't wait to see what it looks like with some finish on it. we also worked on getting the curve of the soundboard set up today, but progress on that was slow and frustrating because there was something wacky with one of the struts??? idk but he's gonna get that fixed up so we can progress the soundboard next time.
i took it home a few weeks ago to work on the axle and here it is buckled into my car btw
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this week i'll probably be working on cutting the tangents and/or talking to some machinists to get the axle made. we'll see, but it's getting closer every day!
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