#these games are scratching my brain the right way and now i'm obsessed
Hi there! I absolutely ADORED your demo omg you cannot believe. Khari is the love of my life just saying...fdjsklaf anyway what are some of your favourite IF's? Completed or otherwise, anything from paid released games, itch.io games, stuff from choicescript etc. :D
hello! <3
first of all -- THANK YOU for the kind words, and welcome to the Khari fan club, we have cookies and carrots <3
as for my favorite IFs; okay this will be a long list so brace yourself! (and I do apologise to all authors for the spam)
Most of those are demos or in development, but nevertheless they are all amazing and I replay them way too often;
Sinners (demo) by @olivewrites-if / @sinners-if - you get to romance a villain, I feel like this is enough to get most people hooked (demo)
Honor Among Thieves (demo) by @leoneliterary - fantasy with some romance and intrigue, and as I am a fan of anything that has guilds (Skyrim w/ thieves guild, Assassin's Creed and the sort) I just love this one
Superstition S1 & S2 (finished) by @13leaguestories - supernatural, found family, powers, romance, angels, demons, hunting; what more to want?
Throne of Ashes (demo) by @13leaguestories - fantasy (but with pretty mature themes), romance; there are houses (MC is from House of Phoenix) and each character is just chefs kiss imo
Unwilling Souls (demo) by @unwilling-souls-if - angels!!!! but they are not your typical "angels"!!!! and there's lots of angst, and it's just awesome
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian (demo) by @defiledheartsblog - dark historical fiction, romance, some fantasy elements; personally I replayed it 3 times in a row and was never bored once and that says something since my attention span is like 5 minutes at best
Supernatural in New York (demo) by @llamagirl28 - lighthearted urban fantasy with romance; think Supernatural if it was actually good and diverse, it scratches my adhd brain in just the right way, and the characters are amazing
The Bastard of Camelot (demo) by @llamagirl28 - I replayed it 8 times, no joke, and I still love it and it's my comfort IF I'd say; I love the story, the characters, customisation, and the idea behind it all.
The King's Hound (demo) by @kal-down / @the-kingshound - I am a sucker for Arthurian Legends, and I'm a sucker for fantasy and historical fiction in general, and it's written so well I want to cry every time I replay it
The Abyssal (demo) by @theabyssal - you get to play as Death what more can someone want??? and it gives me god of war / mythologies vibes, so I of course replayed it over 10 times.
Water to Blood (demo) by @veirsewrites - vampire MC who owns a nightclub, I'm sorry but this is all I needed to be obsessed. it reminds me of the show Lucifer, but it's also so unique that I happily replay it all the time.
Blood Moon (demo) by @barbwritesstuff - werewolves. that's all. that's the tweet.
Absentia (demo) by @absentia-if - I'm a sucker for crime stories, and this had me hooked from the start, and I love how complex each character is.
Exile (demo) by @exilethegame - dark fantasy with pretty mature and violent themes; replayed it so many times I'm ashamed to admit the actual number.
A Mage Reborn (demo) by @mage-parivir - I've been replaying it religiously since November of 2021 so yeah, I'm obsessed, and not even sorry. Fantasy games are my jam.
Speaker (demo) by @speakergame - one of the first IFs I played I think, and I still adore it to bits; it's written so well, and I adore the detective-supernatural vibes.
Ballad of the Judgement of Night (demo) by @nikkefort-dev - it was one of first 5 IFs I ever played, and I can safely say it's one of my absolute favorites; I adore the themes of angels/demons and 'fallen ones'.
Citadel (demo) by @bouncyballcitadel - medical drama; didn't know I liked medical dramas but now I do, and I'm in love with this IF in its entirety. also made me realise I'm gayer than I thought.
Villain's Promise (demo) by @villains-promise - fantasy with romance and betrayal, that's all I need for my soul. also in the first 5 IFs I ever played, and still love it.
Wolfwater (demo) by @carrs-universe-if - first IF I ever played, got me into IFs, and I love it to bits. Psychological thriller/body horror with some supernatural themes.
The Ballad of Devil's Creek (demo) by @devilscreekballad - western with romance and angst, and unlike all westerns it's actually diverse and inclusive so of course I love it.
Larkin (demo) by @larkin-if - vampires, hunters, and general Midnight Mass vibes; I'm here for it.
These Crimson Strings (demo) by @thesecrimsonstrings-if - MC is an ancient vampire who meets their long lost (dead) soulmate reborn as someone 'new'; the angst is amazing.
A Tale of Crowns (demo) by @ataleofcrowns - no joke replayed it over 10 times, loved it every single one of them. Fantasy with some court intrigue and amazing companions.
I have more but the list is already so long, I don't want this to be dismissed/blocked as a bot message or something kjfhfd
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Hello ! May I request a yan scaramouche x fatui harbinger reader? This is my first time sending a request, so I'm not sure what else to add..
I thought about answering this with headcanons only, but I like your idea enough, so my brain blurted out a small drabble to accompany them.
Yandere!Scaramouche x fatui harbinger!gn!reader
Scaramouche isn’t a type of person that is easy to please, as he can find fault in almost anything or anyone within a couple of minutes, a contemptuous scowl taking it’s usual place on his face. He dislikes his subordinates - they are stupid and slow and never get his orders right, despite how simple his commands are. He loathes ordinary people - they idle around and get in the way of his business. And, of course, he despises his colleagues - they're crazy and annoying bunch, starting from the battle obsessed ginger idiot and ending with just straight up insane scientist who likes to play god on other fatui underlings.
Not counting you, of course.
You see, there is always some exception from the rule, divergence from the median, unnatural anomaly, you.
It was hard at first, to comprehend that he actually liked you. He felt this weird warmth blooming in his chest as he looked at you, cheeks furiously heating up, and his eyes were searching for your face, and especially your lips, every time you had a meeting together. Every single time.
All it took for him to finally realize his feelings for you was some half serious comment from Childe, the moron joked that Scaramouche looked like a longing maiden, at which the shorter man snapped back with a couple of barbed insults that no doubt hurt Tartaglia’s ego.
Despite understanding his sentiments now, it didn’t make life easier in the slightest sense. On the contrary, Scaramouche was now aware how much in love he was with you - he was annoyed with himself for the first three weeks - and how much power you had over him.
It is frightening to know that he allowed himself to be ruled by his feelings alone like some foolish teen having a first crush. You reduced a great Harbinger to some love obsessed idiot. Scaramouche started to catch himself how hard it is to just stop staring at your form, devouring your face, legs and form with eyes alone, or how angry he gets once anyone other than him talks to you, be it other Harbingers, your underlings or even Tsaritsa herself.
Sometimes a desperate thought makes its way into his mind - to lock you up and hide from the whole world, to be the only person to touch, smell, taste and see you, to be the only one blessed to witness your beauty and hear your voice. Silly notion reappears in his head with a concerning frequency, and he sometimes even entertains it, consumed by his imagination for a far longer time that is healthy
Nonetheless, Scaramouche always has to discard the idea - it is a mad, perverse and unobtainable image - no matter how much he lusts after you and pictures you all good and docile just for him, you are still a Harbinger, his equal in everything, including the power. If only you were some underling or even civilian, then he wouldn’t need to feign indifference in your presence, or stop some of his less than pleasant urges. He could just snatch you and chain you, train to be a good little toy just for him, happy to serve it’s master and owner.
Oh how sweet you would moan and beg under him, how much you would do to please him. Scaramouche could break you and rebuild from scratch, make sure that there is nothing but him in your pretty head, match his obsession with you with a love he would force you to learn. He could be your god and the world, replace everything in your life with his presence alone. Sadly, there’s no way Scaramouche can get away with this when you are his equal.
Fortunately for him, there are ways fatuis even as high and mighty as Harbingers can still lose their title. The easiest one is to disappoint Tsaritsa - fail enough tasks, mess up significant missions or cause an international conflict, you pick it.
It’s a traitorous and dangerous thought - sabotage of the fellow harbinger, something that would prompt his own demotion or even dismissal if someone got wind of what he plans. But, Scaramouche muses, it’s also a game worth playing - he can lose everything if he fails, but he’ll get you if he wins. He just needs to trick you to ruin your reputation and attract the ire of the cryo archon.
“Hello”, he says, approaching you after the usual harbinger gathering, a fake smile plastered on his face: “I want to help you with that mission Tsaritsa gave you”.
You look at him with an unreadable gaze, brows furrowed in contemplation: “Why would you offer your help?”
“I don’t want Tsaritsa or Fatui to be at a disadvantage, this task is really hard. I am not questioning Tsaritsa’s judgement, but Qixing started to be really suspicious of us, especially after that idiot, Tartaglia, almost drowned the whole city”. He tries to keep his usual slightly annoyed, slightly angered manner of talking, hoping that you won’t question him.
It works - “All right”, you nod offering an intel spies have collected, and start introducing him to what you plan to do. He intently listens, feeling how his fake smile grows into a genuine one.
Scaramouche is smitten - his eyes trail you, he takes your every word like a holy scripture, he gets so flustered when you just look his way, yet he never shows it to you, a bored facade appearing every time you pay him even a gram of attention.
You, most likely, won't even be aware of his crush growing into obsession - Scaramouche is a skilled actor, capable of showing thousands of different emotions seconds, effortlessly switching between the masks.
Despite the gentle feelings he has fpr, Scaramouche also possesses much darker urges that he doesn't want to stop.
He is very possessive, getting angry every time you talk with anyone other than him.
He likes to picture you obedient and docile, worshipping him like a God. He thinks he deserves it.
The balance in the power between you two is something that really bothers him - he wants you to be completely dependent on him, vulnerable before any wish and perversion he could subject you to.
Will try to sabotage you as a harbinger in hopes that you lose your title and power.
If you somehow remain infallible to his schemes and plans he will try to actually befriend you.
It's an arduous task, none of the harbingers really like each other enough to build such intimate connections, and both you and Scaramouche know it.
If you have a lesser rank than him, he will try to come off as a well meaning senior. If he is the one with a lesser title, then he will feign ignorance and ask for assistance.
All in all, your fate depends on how smart and cautious you are around Scaramouche. If you are perceptive enough he will have to face one defeat after the other, lessenning his resolve.
Don't think that it will be enough to stop him from trying, though.
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bored-storyteller · 4 years
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Oh my, thank you!  Thanks for bringing this to me, I love Sally Face! It's one of my favorite indie games ever! I really hope it meets your expectations.
NOTES: I imagined the more adult Sal, but beyond that there are no other references to the timeline of the original story, except some canonical episodes mentioned.
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34- Sally Face - Sal Fisher x Reader
"You can see me"
With a last glance at the clock, you quickly close the water bottle, at the same time grabbing the full glass in the same hand that you also hold the medicine box.
You're pretty sure you find Sal in his room, probably bent over his guitar. Surely it is for that reason that he has not paid attention to his therapy.
It doesn't happen often, in fact, it rarely happens that you have to rush to his rescue, nor do you really like doing it. You don't know how he really feels about it.
Knowing where he keeps his medicines and knowing when he has to take them doesn't make you two a couple. Not even living under the same roof makes you a couple - especially if you are not alone - nor does sharing the same room often and willingly.
In fact, even though someone often mistakes you for two young lovers, you don't really know what Sal thinks of you. As close as you feel him, you are not sure that he feels as close to you; on the other hand, he doesn't seem to share the same kind of intimacy with you that he shares with Larry or Ashley, or at least that's what you think.
Besides, you've never seen his face.
Yours is a purely selfish thought, and you are ashamed of it, but you cannot command feelings.
You know that the first time Larry saw his best friend's face was an accident, with Ash instead, she was the one who took the initiative. In neither case was Sal's will to make him show himself. Yet, despite this deep down, inside you, something stung excruciatingly.
When your friend had lifted his mask, Sal that time was not angry at the intrusiveness - as perhaps you would have done -, nor had he tried to escape later. It is logically normal that he now has less trouble showing himself around them. Sweet Sal, always so loving, so perfect.
You shouldn't feel offended. You know well that for Sal the prosthesis he wears is in effect his face, so it's not that he wants to hide from you, you are simply already seeing him.
Yet you know that under that face another is hidden, however much it may be disfigured. You can't pretend it isn't.
That slight annoyance you have repeatedly tried to ignore has slowly grown, but only now have you dared to call it by name. Because you like Sal. You really like him. And when you have understood this, when you have found the strength to admit it to yourself, everything is put in the right place; the joys, the jealousies you felt and feel… and also that desire to see him, to see beyond, to really see him.
But you'll never force on him for it. As simple as it would be to lift that mask to him with an excuse, you will never force him to show himself to you, even if you die with the regret of never having seen him. It's not the same, it's not the face you want to see, it's the trust you want him to give you. But you can't expect it, and you know it.
You could live with this obsession that has become so present in recent weeks that you can hardly forget it. Maybe it's just your mind that doesn't want to focus on your duties, and then it always wanders to him, aimlessly.
"What is Sal's face like?"
You asked Larry one day without realizing it. You didn't really know what you were doing with him, you just know that for a moment your brain was shut down, and when you woke up you whispered that question.
The astonished look of your friend had poured into you a flood of emotions so sudden that they almost made you cry for no reason: you felt guilty, selfish, reckless, stupid, meddlesome and terribly fragile.
You immediately lowered your gaze to protect yourself, muttering an "sorry, forget it" but never would have canceled that damn question. You thought Larry might misjudge you for that, but instead his big hand pulled you to him, ruffling your hair affectionately, saying nothing.
He seemed to have understood more than you hoped for, yet ...
You shake your head and your hand tightens on the glass of water. You knock on the door and softly call Sal's name.
His answer comes a few seconds later and you feel safe in opening the door slowly.
It's not exactly what you imagined; he is sitting on the bed, his legs stretched out on the mattress and his back resting against the headboard. The guitar is stored in the case, but in his hands he holds a book with a dark cover.
His kind gaze meets you beyond that face that is always the same. It's amazing how expressive that guy can be under that stiff mask. That damn mask. That lovely mask.
"You didn't take them, did you?"
You ask softly as you lift the medicines to show them. Your voice is cracked against your will, and you're praying he didn't notice.
"Oh ..." his eyes snap to the clock hanging on the wall "thanks, I was completely forgetting about it."
His voice is soft, almost cheerful. He is not bothered by your gesture, or he is very good at hiding it.
You watch him get up to go to the bedside table where you put what he needed. You don't pay much attention to it, you just sit on the bed, picking up the book he was reading, making sure you keep your thumb between the pages, so as not to lose the mark he left.
You read the title and a few lines of the presentation absently. You're just trying to buy time with him, and you know it.
You hear it as he handles the pill box and plastic, and hear the rattle of the straps as they unfasten to release his mouth.
You don't watch it, you're used to the process and now, despite you insisting on staying there, you don't really want to watch it.
You don't understand much about the book, you just know it's about music.
"Do you like it?"
You ask, trying to give a semblance of normality.
"Enough ... actually I'm just at the beginning."
You just nod, not really being able to continue the conversation. Your head feels too full confused, but extremely empty at the same time, and you don't know why.
"Hey ... is everything okay?"
His voice makes you jump, as if he has stung you with a needle. Such a simple question, but you suddenly feel discovered, as if he has just proved he can read your mind. As if you were obliged to tell him the truth.
You exclaim immediately, and without realizing your head jerks towards him, as if you wanted to assure him of the truthfulness of your words.
You don't notice it right away. You see only his blue eyes for a moment, he is looking at you with concern, more than he should.
At first you wonder if your attitude really is that troubling, but then you start to focus.
His hand trembles slightly around the glass of water, and out of the corner of your eye you can see his mask lying on his pillow.
He swallows the medicine by throwing his head back slightly, perhaps to take a break from your gaze, or to escape a little from the agitation, the fear he is having.
Sal, Sal's face. You are seeing him, free from his hiding place, while he drinks.
Surely he is disfigured, excruciatingly deformed. It's not just a few scratches, it's more, it's a real pain, yet you don't notice it.
Again, this is Sal. You're really seeing Sal's face, the face you've always loved, beyond the mask, like his mask.
He sits next to you, he's trying to act naturally, you see him, but you still see his fingers shaking against the cardboard as he puts the tablet away in the box. He did it for you.
Emotions explode in your chest and you don't bother holding them back. There is no time for any misunderstandings. You are free with him, you always have been, you don't know how you forgot this.
"Sal ..."
You call him softly, and he turns to you despite the hesitation. A light "tell me" sweet and helpful pronounced by the spoiled and shy lips.
Silently, you curl up against him, your arms glide smoothly around his chest, expressing your need to feel him close.
He welcomes you - he always does.
"Hey ..." is a faint call of him, as you hide against his neck to prevent your happiness from going out too violently.
"Thanks..." This is all you can say in your voice damp with emotion. Long last. You are like a child in front of the much desired Christmas present. You are so happy that you could carry the whole world on your shoulders.
"Thank you!" You repeat him with more conviction, and finally your eyes return to his sky-colored gaze. So beautiful, always so loving even in his placid surprise.
He looks at your wet eyes, so wet with affection for him. Your smile is so warm and true, and his lungs slowly empty of all the accumulated tension.
He didn't think anyone could look at him that way, not without his mask. He did not think that a look could be so full of love in front of his disfigured face, yet it seems that you are seeing an angel.
You look at him with your eyes shining with all the admiration you feel, and not because you can lie by saying that you are seeing a beautiful face, but because Sal is the most beautiful person you know.
"I-" His voice tries to say something, but it is cut off; this time it's up to him to be overwhelmed by emotion.
You approach slowly, and the tip of your nose touches his, practically non-existent, but you don't care. You cannot resist the desire to cuddle him, to touch him, to perceive him in every possible aspect of that intimacy that he has decided to give you.
At first he has a little jerk back, of surprise rather than fear, and soon after he is there again, looking for that touch. He is extremely uncertain, but he still responds to your unspoken requests, slowly letting his forehead rest on yours.
He exhales, as if he is releasing a great weight, but he immediately stiffens when you, without realizing it, are approaching his lips.
You wake up immediately from your numbness, before making a probable mistake, and try to get away, at least as long as his arms allow you.
That prayer from him is so feeble yet so meaningful. His gaze asks you to do it, to continue, because he wants it but he is still afraid of taking the initiative. He is putting the responsibility on you, and rightly so.
He is tense, you see it from his swallow and feel it from his tense muscles around you, but it's okay.
You approach again, slowly, gradually lowering your eyelids, a little by instinct and a little in the hope of putting him more at ease.
Kissing him is a special experience, and you like it - you wanted it so much -.
You are not intrusive, it is just a delicate touch, but it persists, leaving him time for him.
When he reciprocates, he does it slowly, unsure of how to proceed, probably troubled by the feelings he can give you or maybe just agitated by the situation. Yet, slowly, you feel it melt against you.
Slightly open your eyes to see that he too has closed them, and then you allow yourself to return to enjoy that moment, more peaceful and serene.
You huddle more, between yourselves, and let the desire flow through you, without going too far, simply enjoying the presence of each other, in your breaths that merge.
When you separate you do it only with your lips, but your gaze remains affectionate and aware.
In the end, that is nothing more than the confirmation of everything: of your knowing what time he should take his medicines and of his letting you know, of his knowing your favorite drink and which shower gel you always use, of cooking one by one. other, of looking so much like a couple for a long time already - and some of it is also the result of Larry's long tongue letting out a few too many words with his best friend.
You watch him as he puts his mask back on, and now you don't care anymore, because you know what's under it, and if that's his face then you've seen his soul.
Suddenly all your happiness is back. You are so happy that not even the bickering between Larry and Todd coming from the kitchen can upset you.
It must be something about the finished milk.
"I'm going to get it!"
You hum loud enough for the two to hear it, as you jump three steps at the same time, happily landing down the stairs.
Sal's laughter reaches you, and you turn to look at him. You like to see him happy, whatever the nature of that happiness.
"I come with you."
He tells you coming to you, reaching out his hand so that you can take it.
You're pretty sure you won't be able to stop smiling all night long.
*The image above is an old drawing of mine
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shabba-zams · 4 years
Hold big regard for kinship, tradition and culture, I could give a lecture
I'm sky high - herbivore, like a turkey vulture I'm a carnivore
Canibal, I mean omnivore coz I love greens, like Popeye And Spinach, I lick bean
Flick flick, root Chakra, keep you grounded, kiss your forehead, illumination
Wham bam, burn incense this instant
Smoke in house, reminisce about my late aunt, Eugenia
Healing from a heartbreak of a love that never happened
Should never happen, wait what just happened?
You a bad bitch, downward doggy, hit it from the back, is that good B?
Meow-moo, look at that arch, Doja, Cat-Cow mi amor
Heart's aching, beneath I'm hurting although surface looks perfect
Instantly regretting the mistake I made, egghead getting laid
I was broke, couldn't think straight, Im still great, it's just that I hate
Constantly stressing, hope you not late, I'm Wylin, red fox
Sorry mate, don't put me on the spot unless we hot box
You a hot mess, you burn, guilt trip, in hell I burn, 12 stroke soul snatcher, soul searching,N2O, inhale, I burn, I'm trippin
My goodness, Zulu goddess, Tsonga royalty in her DNA, your highness hello, hi, my love I profess
Pussy power tricking, that tightness, finesse crazy like madness, she drippin
Her cookie jar I'm Double dippin, like yes ya, I praise ya, I'm smitten
You praise Ja, pet name for your small pussy... Poor lil kitten
Obsessed With fitness, admire her loyalty, I stay under her spell
First We gel, then repel, we then rebel, plz say you could not tell I fell for you girl!
I confess, your strange quirks remind me of my old ex
Guardian angel, I see your halo, okay bye! In darkness you my star
Naledi always shine bright, never dim light, eyes can adjust right?
No girl, tell me how could I not fall for you girl?
If I see you all day and night? Medicate then meditate
Last and first light I see you, it's hard to wake me up, ICU
Namaste, send u love and light. Hugging u gud nyt then imma go unless it's midnight, my pants is tight right and u hug me tight tight cutie, in my ear, QTip, u whisper get the light, deep throat  gimme the green light, tonight you looking so tasty
It's not right, lockdown got me all thirsty, see, I'm nasty
I'll eat you out, gimme a big tip, face chair, take a sit please
Gangsta champagne, notorious bubbles I sip sip, are you pleased?
You a tall glass of sexy B, I mean u sassy B, sexy beast I gotta drink, drunk
In love with your positive energy, you love the inner me and you know I'm not the enemy, I love you
Juju, like bad energy, shoo shoo, telling me to go, I don't go
Feeling ur feng shui imbalance, tryinna find balance, yoga
So much green in my blood stream, feelin like Hulk or Yoda
I'm 1 with the force, a gulf stream directing ur flow, go
Heavy flow that weigh a ton, period. I go deep, you flow deep like the Nile, you lovin it
Tid bit in denial, plz don't judge unless you take a 9 mile walk if the shoe fit
Wise mentor, needed to blow off steam, oh no you make me sing, I never meant to...
I'm spiritual, Ultralight beam, living the life of Pablo, green
I see no light, stuck in the dark, this don't feel right
Fight what I feel, fight! I know you like what I write, right? I'm still Steve like Biko, because I write what I like
You're spiritual, Ivy crown it'll be alright, fight!
Where you been? Spiritual journey, Wrote you a song of love, don't panic, it's platonic agape kind
You're kind, im sorry, please forgive me, God bless us
Never meant to sex ya, sext ya, yes ya I never meant to
Hurt ya, my day 1 let me be in your team, I'm your hype man and you my wing man, who knew, man?
I'm a new man, never wanna be in u ma'am, that's Truman, like Harry
Like Harriet, You talk truth ma'am, ur woke now, mental slavery chain breaker
Lead, take leash, give me my freedom, Tubman. Ass like Baartman, I'm joking, I'm through man!
Is it true man? You got a new man?
I'm glad you found uThando & Peace!
I see your glow in the dark , I watch you grow, from head to toe
Lock down, No sexercise, just exercise, oblique workout, body shaping up, you shake shit up
Look down, fvck shit up, I fantasize under the mistletoe, kiss kiss that phat pet peeve,
I mean the size of that cameltoe, kiss kiss like it's NYs Eve
Family Feud like Steve, We lip lock, she bad bad like Eve
Stuck with you like gridlock, bad bitch my ride or die!
The love you show, I dunno who to tell that u just ring my bell
Blue balls, plain torture, ungshaya ding dong, that just rings wrong
Playing mind games like ping pong, saw my dp then ask for my dick pic like "Big Z u got big dick print"
I tell her to quit playin and show her it's just resting, I'm a grower
Picture a Big black gun in your hand, click glock
Lick big black cock in my hand, and get a big tip
Love your big tats,small tits, nip slip, vrm vrm, you own me like pinkslip
4 play lick clit, that pink pink
Big lie like, just the tip, truth is I just wanted to hit twice, then dip twice like, dip dip
Double Pussy grip, like grip grip
Our late night tap dance routine like
Double tap like, tip-clit-grip-grip, skip, tip-clit-grip-grip
Sending mixed signals, wearing no bra, black tank top, Grey gym pants, exciting my BBC then saying NO BRA!
Apple bong is crack bong, big flop wearing your pink flip flops, I need a drink,J walk drunk, hit, bong, bang, drive, buy smoke, fly, sky, high five, YouTube The Fives, whats the matter? GBV
All lives including those you call low lives matter, no 1 deserves murder.
Deep chats kid, Katt Williams crack me up, have a break Kit Kat
I'm a lil sad but real glad u not mad at me brick brack, red fox
Need my quick fix, Red on Netflix like Raymond, cross you off my hitlist, at least at last, the blacklist, NBC
No chick flicks miss, unless you aiming to get this, BBC
I don't aim, shoot shot once and don't miss, easy, ABC
Cupid tryinna shoot me dead but misz, shit shot, no Mrs, thank God
Thot thought she a hot shot coz she smoke pot, no BS she not hot
Cold as horse shit that's not hot, bust a nut, I might not
I'm a lit lad who thinks they a big bad, Wolf, with a sick head
You heard? Sometimes it's hard when u in my bed, think with other head instead like getting head
Play dead after I beat meat, you knock-knock, I'm cumin, you come in, your bad timing is not charming
I see myself in you, pun intended, idea planted in my head
For real tho, I see your hoeish ways, long gone are my hoeish days
Sometimes I think u poison like Ivy, I'm batman, no avengers
Scavengers, a mad woman and a bad man, Savages in our own league
First punch throwers, they hate us, crack bong hitters, they not us, we avenge us,
You lead, I school ya, screw ya, liquids in ur insides like IV
Drip drip, said fuck it, big deal, do u even care how I feel? Bad state of mind, took shrumz, now I'm havin a bad trip
Craving a road trip, cruze down memory lane, replay bad clip, is it weird that I loved that silhouette video? Press play
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Get liquid withit
Going toe-to-toe, I kill and bury Big Trill, made my 1st mil
Then blew it, dead lyricist, I'm just a ghost writer
I see changes, a stoner girl turn to a rave girl as the nyt ages
I once told her, trust the rock of ages like John
Serial killer with rage on Pages, I was angry at God like Sean
Now i'm easy like solving for X- Kid'o,
That's annoying, ward off tiny mosquito
Go against me, that's a non starter, kiss my ass lips
I talk shit, no stutter or slight lisp like L-Tido
In the city of gold its all or nothing, that's a no brainer
No brain huh? Black lip bastard, faith like mustard seed
Don't call me bastard, transform to Luke Cage then hit rib Cage like
Nicholas, can't stop me like an urban legend... Ghost rider
I sound fictitious like ghost busters, but I'm quite real like Klingon
I stick like glue, here's a clue:
Day of the week: Monday
Feeling: baby Blue and itchy
Scratch my balls I'm jiggy, sweet melanin black queen like B
Fluent in your love language B, catch 22, paradoxical
Hypocritical, stereotypical, philosophical.
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swellwriting · 6 years
Fandom: Harry Potter ( Marauders Era)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Request : From @fortisfiliae Hi babs! Can I ask for prompt no. 2 with Sirius? (Wow what an amazing one, much ideas, such interesting.) 💕💕
Prompt: “Where is it?”
Word Count: 2.7 k OOPS
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Following rules has always been your forte, it just made more sense to follow the rules, easier. So each year when you got a list of things in the mail stating what you could and could not bring to Hogwarts you tended not to stray from it. If something wasn't on the list there was a good chance you didn't need it.
One thing that wasn't banned per say, but wasn't permitted at this point in time were muggle records that weren’t seen as “appropriate” for school. Your parents had bought you a record player over Christmas and you spent all your money you were gifted on records you knew would be okay for Hogwarts standards, mostly fitting your annoying Head girls standards. The Head girl who enforced every rule in the book, even adding a few she felt necessary. You knew for a fact that today said Head girl was at Hogsmeade, actually most of the population of Hogwarts was, except you, or at least so you felt.
Today was one of those days where your lungs felt heavier, your eyes blinked slower and you felt like you had weights tied to both your ankles, if you went for a swim in the lake you'd probably sink straight to the bottom and drown.
Today was one of those days where you said no to your friends invite to Hogsmeade and by the way you looked at your bed so longingly, an array of Fleetwood Mac records in your sweater covered arms and a messy bun atop your head, your friends let you stay behind without much of a fight. Once the door clicked shut you let out a sigh of relief, you still didn't feel necessarily better but you were on the road there, more so at the side of the road with a thumb held out and you were about the hitch a ride with Stevie Nicks herself, the destination being serenity. You gently took the record out the sleeve as if it were to ever get actually scratched by your smooth palm and soft fingertips that held it you couldn't just magically repair it in seconds.
You meticulously placed the needle down and ran back to your bed, jumping up just to fall onto your back with a huff, your feet up against the wall behind your bed as you laid upside down compared to the regular way to lay in bed. You switched between romantically glancing out the window like you were in deep thought, staring at the boring undetailed ceiling and just looking at your own eyelids as the music flowed in one ear around the circumference of your brain and wisping back out the other, not before engraving itself in your soul and lifting your heavy heart. Music wasn’t magic, especially not muggle music but it had magical qualities, as Stevie Nicks voice filled the room everything bringing you down disappeared, but with it disappeared your need for such mellow music. You had two options, two ways in which you could now fill the void you felt, the void that needed to be filled with different music, loud music, angry music.
Option one was enchanting your record player to increase its maximum volume and somehow charming it to only play “The chain” over and over again until the lyrics were engraved in your brain.
Option two was located at the top of the opposite set of stairs, down the hallway to the right and tucked inside a chest marked with the messy handwriting of Sirius Black. The boy you knew for sure had records that would make your Head girls ears bleed if she heard it, music which was the reason his room was usually charmed with a  silencing spell so no one else had to live through his obsession with muggle punk rock music. No one else aside from his roommates, the roommates you were 99% sure you would have gone with your friends to Hogsmeade today meaning their room would be empty and the records unused and just waiting to be played. It didn’t take much to get to their room, you didn't even bother knocking after placing your ear to the door and listening for any sound inside. You slowly creaked the door open looking and seeing no one there, you entered and quickly tried to decipher which part of the room was Sirius’. You had only been in here a handful of times and each time you were drunk after a party and the room was filled with your friends eager to play whichever drinking game they thought of this week. When you located Sirius’ chest you opened it and grabbed a record, just the Ramones one, an instant classic that you knew you would fit your every need.
Unbeknownst to you, you weren't alone in this room. Remus Lupin was leaving the bathroom when his eyes met your bent over form rummaging through his friends things.
“Looking for something?”
The somehow both quiet and booming voice behind you scared you to say the least as you jumped up nearly dropping the record in your hand but quickly catching it. “Careful now, no sense in stealing something if your just going to break it.”
You turned around quickly with a finger held in the air. “Not stealing, just borrowing. And I wouldn't have nearly dropped it if you hadn’t scared me!”
“Scared you? You’re in my room, maybe you scared me.” You crossed your arms over the record and held it to you chest as if he was going to try to snatch it out your needy fingers. “Oh because i'm super terrifying Lupin.”
You stood there awkwardly, gently gripping the sides of the record not sure what to say next.
“So what are you doing sneaking into our room and taking what appears to be Sirius’ favorite record?”
“I just wanted to borrow it, I just only have a few records and I needed music of ...this velocity.”
“Understandable, though I never saw you as a punk rock type, i'm sure Sirius would love to learn that about you.”
“No”, you interrupted quickly making your way to the door.“He doesn't have to know, not if you don't tell him.” You said backing out of the door not giving him any other option than to accept  your plan.
“I saw nothing!” He yelled as you closed the door and ran back to your room.
What failed to be mentioned in your brief conversation with Remus was that along with Remus, Sirius wasn't gone for the day at Hogsmeade like you had assumed. You were right in guessing that Lily had asked them to join but they had an impromptu Quidditch practice today after a lost game to Slytherin the other night. Although he mentioned that the record of your choice was one of Sirius’ favorite he didn't mention that Sirius listened to it specifically after Quidditch practices, he saved post Quidditch games for the likes of “The Clash” instead. So as you lied down in bed, cast a silencing spell and let the angry and loud and catchy music fill the room and your ears; Sirius was simultaneously just getting back to his room, freshly showered and prepared to do exactly zero homework and sit in bed. Remus watched with a knowing smirk on his face as Sirius seemed confused why he couldn't find his beloved vinyl.
“Where is it?” Sirius asked more to himself than to Remus/ like he had been the one to misplace it and never assuming someone snuck into their room just to steal it.
“Where is what?”
“My Ramones Record, you know the-”
“The one you listen to after every Quidditch practice you have ever gone to? That one?” Remus asked innocently. He may have lied when he said he would keep your little secret for you, maybe because he didn't have the patience to watch Sirius tear the room apart to look for it or maybe because he knew Sirius’ secret as well, the one where he admitted to having a crush on Lily’s quiet friend who didn't come around often enough.
Sirius turned around to face his friend with his eyes squinted at him and stated calmly. “You say that like you know exactly where it is.”
“As a matter of fact I do!” Remus held a cocky tone with him, like he was the puppeteer getting ready to pull your strings and force you and Sirius to interact. “Your favorite friend of Lily’s has it.”
“Why would Y/N have my favorite record?” Sirius tried not to draw attention to the blush surfacing on his cheeks at the mention of you.
“She is borrowing it?”
“And you let her!” Sirius frustratingly threw his hands in the air and then let them rest tangled up in his hair like having to talk to you was the most stressful thing he would have to encounter.
“Of course, she has a face you just can't say no to, she seemed like she needed it.”
“Of course she did it's the best album ever, what am i supposed to do now?”
“Go get it, you idiot you know where her room is don't you?”
And with that Sirius gulped and accepted the fact that if he wanted his record back he would have to go get it. Sirius closed his chest and casually pushed his hair away from his face causing his friend to mutter a “You look fine”, from behind his book.
When he got to your room, unlike you, he knocked but you couldn't hear him, both from the silencing spell and the loud music. He swallowed his fear, which was unusual for him to feel when it came to a girl, but usually girls made it obvious when they liked Sirius but you were quiet in that sense too. Sure you were nice to him but you were nice to Remus to and what was he even worrying about he wasn't coming in here to propose he was just asking for his record back. As he opened the door and took in the scene his feelings grew for you tenfold. Maybe it was the slight way you bobbed your head to his favorite songs, maybe it was the way you laid upside down on your bed that was so enticing he wanted to lie next to you and bob his head with you, but he stood still letting the door close behind him making you sit up startled, you blushed embarrassed when you realized he was there. Sitting up on your bed and bringing your knees to your chest you smiled sheepishly at him as he grabbed his wand and lowered the volume of your music.
“Nice taste in music Y/N, but stealing is not nice.” He teased as well as he could, trying to act his usual self but being alone with you made him nervous.
“I wasn't stealing, just borrowing. I assumed you would be at Hogsmeade all day today, it would have been back in your room before you got back, you wouldn't have ever noticed.”
“I didn't even know you liked The Ramones.” He said quietly like it was to just himself as he sorted through the few records you had. “Fleetwood Mac, Abba and the Beatles, quite a variety you have here.”
He left the record playing and walked towards you. ”I don't know a lot of things about you.”
“What do you want to know?” You asked sweetly playing with the fabric of your sweater as you spoke, he stood in front of you and you had to bend your neck back pretty far just to meet his eyes with yours. “I want to know what made you steal my record over anyone else in the school, and why it had to be my favorite one of them all.” He smiled playfully biting his bottom lip just the slightest as he looked down at you.
“Well, your the only person I knew for sure had something i’d want to listen to, and hopefully wouldn't be too mad at me if he found out i’d taken one.” You imitated his smile as you brought your knees down, no need to feel guarded or hide yourself around Sirius. Maybe there was part of you that hoped he would come searching for his record, maybe you wanted this, wanted him here. One thing you knew was you were going to take advantage if this situation.
“Well right you are, I do have the best music taste in Hogwarts.”
“Oh do you have a plaque that says so?” You were quick to tease him, conversation was easy with Sirius. You lied back down and put your feet against the wall turning the music back up and closing your eyes with a wide smile from ear to ear like you were trying to pretend Sirius wasn't even there.
“Oh I see, you’re just gonna ignore me and drown me out with my own record?” He yelled.
“Well what do you want with it?”
“I would like to listen to it, I always do after a Quidditch practice.”
“Well what are you hearing right now?”
“Oh ha ha, Y/N, hilarious really! But i’d rather not stand here and listen to half of the record.” He tilted his head to the side as he looked at you wanting to just lie down beside you but not having the courage to take make that move. You opened one eye and looked at his pouting face, you grabbed his hand closest to you and pulled him down onto the bed to lie beside you nearly squishing you since it was such a small space. He made himself comfortable as he matched his feet with yours against the wall and flicked his wand to restart the album. You just looked at him, examining his face not caring if it was weird to stare this long and he looked right back and you laid like that for a while, not even paying mind to the loud music.
Sirius broke the silence smoothly tucking a piece of hair behind your ear as you closed your eyes in delight at the small touch,“You tired?”
“Yeah”, you agreed quietly not opening your eyes.
“A long day of thieving and heist planning”, he more of commented than asked.
“Hey it would have worked if I had known your schedule better.”
“Would you like to?” Sirius asked with a hopeful look on his face that you couldn't see as your eyes were closed and sleep was slowly pulling you away.
“Well my schedule tomorrow is hopefully going to include taking you to Hogsmeade and upgrading your record collection, everyone went today apparently so it should be nice and quiet there.”
“I can’t listen to most records here even with a silencing spell my Head girl is a nutcase.”
“I guess you will just have to come to my room then.”
“Yeah I guess so.” You smiled as he pulled you closer against him, you intertwined your leg between his and snuggled your head against his chest. This was far better than an serenity you had known before.
You weren’t going to fall asleep you thought but as Sirius flicked his wrist and put one of your quieter albums on you repeated that thought in your head, I won’t fall asleep , I won’t... fall....asleep.
It didn't take long for Sirius to fall asleep once you had, your slowed breathing and the unusually calm music playing, he couldn't help it. Maybe it was also a reason for him not to leave yet, to enjoy being this close to you. Lily was beyond surprised when she came back to the room and saw two of her friends who had never even hung out alone before cuddled up lying the wrong way on a tiny bed, she just turned the record player off so the silent record would stop spinning and quietly closed the door behind her not wanting to ruin your moment.
Tag List: @sjriusblck @theboywhocriedlupin @moonlitdiggory @wanna-see-my-lease @moonynprongs @bluemadcnna @starlitfawkes @dyngflwrs @jamcspotters @siriuslyimmoony
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waitedforgarridebs · 8 years
hey! i'm kinda new to everything. can i ask you what the garridebs moment everyone is talking about is?
Since I can’t go on my dash right now, let me answer my favourite question, thank you, and all the other people who did, for asking. 
“Garridebs” is short for “The Adventures of the Three Garridebs”, also referred to as “3GAR”, at least when you’re talking about the canon story. The story itself is not particularly different from all the other cases, except for the fact that at the end something happens.
During a stakeout and the following confrontation of the criminal, Watson gets shot. And Holmes completely looses it. 
Clearly our moment had come. Holmes touched my wrist as a signal, and together we stole across to the open trap-door. Gently as we moved, however, the old floor must have creaked under our feet, for the head of our American, peering anxiously round, emerged suddenly from the open space. His face turned upon us with a glare of baffled rage, which gradually softened into a rather shamefaced grin as he realized that two pistols were pointed at his head.
“Well, well!” said he coolly as he scrambled to the surface. “I guess you have been one too many for me, Mr. Holmes. Saw through my game, I suppose, and played me for a sucker from the first. Well, sir, I hand it to you; you have me beat and—”
In an instant he had whisked out a revolver from his breast and had fired two shots. I felt a sudden hot sear as if a red-hot iron had been pressed to my thigh. There was a crash as Holmes's pistol came down on the man's head. I had a vision of him sprawling upon the floor with blood running down his face while Holmes rummaged him for weapons. Then my friend's wiry arms were round me, and he was leading me to a chair.
“You're not hurt, Watson? For God's sake, say that you are not hurt!”
It was worth a wound—it was worth many wounds—to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask. The clear, hard eyes were dimmed for a moment, and the firm lips were shaking. For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain. All my years of humble but single-minded service culminated in that moment of revelation.
“It's nothing, Holmes. It's a mere scratch.”
He had ripped up my trousers with his pocket-knife.
“You are right,” he cried with an immense sigh of relief. “It is quite superficial.” His face set like flint as he glared at our prisoner, who was sitting up with a dazed face. “By the Lord, it is as well for you. If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive. Now, sir, what have you to say for yourself?”
As for Garridebs in BBC Sherlock... I mean, first of all, it was so much fun. Honestly. Those 3 years that I’ve been here in the fandom, trying to collect every possible headcanon there is about how it could happen (x, sorry, I know the links on there are broken atm, I’ll fix them tomorrow), and in a way it is a huge fandom thing, almost a trope even. There is drama, there is suspense, there is John FINALLY realising that Sherlock cares so much about him that even him suffering a mere scratch makes Sherlock completely go havoc and makes him threaten the shooter that he would have killed him if John died - it’s utterly romantic. And offers so many possibilities. Like I said, and if you know our fandom this is no surprise, there is absolutely angsty shit out there. John usually never only suffers from “a mere scratch”. 
There are others out there, of course, other headcanons, I mean. Those where John doesn’t get hurt, fakes it, those sick ones where he dies (
I am not certain that this obsession started randomly, I do believe it’s Moffat’s fault. He wrote an introduction to the BBC edition of STUD (x), and if one wasn’t already obsessed with Garridebs just for the story itself, the following surely is a great quote regarding the whole TJLC thing:
Like most male friendships, everything is assumed, and nothing is spoken of.
Oh, except for once. Just once, and that’s your lot. If you’re going to read it in order, like I did, you’ve got a long time to wait for The Adventure of the Three Garridebs, but patience, and keep reading in order - you’ll be blinking back the tears when the moment comes.
And this is not because Watson gets hurt. Because he doesn’t, not really.
It is because it is the only time in the canon (maybe apart from DEVI), where Holmes is shown as human. As someone who cares. And, especially, as someone who cares so very deeply about Watson.
And, honest-to-god, our John needs this moment so hard. Did you believe TLD. I mean, really, did you. After all this, and John STILL THINKS THAT SHERLOCK AND THE WOMAN... sorry.
I mean, John is full of self-loathing at the moment, he doesn’t feel worthy to be loved at all, and then there is Sherlock-married-to-my-work-Holmes, who thinks that “romantic entanglement” is not something he would like; overlooking the fact that Sherlock already died so many times only to ensure that John is safe.
This is love. This is the purest possible love.
And John doesn’t see this, he doesn’t allow himself to see this, he doesn’t allow himself to even hope it.
And Garridebs happening is what will make him realise this, because Garridebs is the big revelation in the canon, and it will be in our version, too.
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