#these pics are so dark bc it was the middle of the damn night but ykw what are yew gonna do
sojutrait · 29 days
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sweet 16 pt2! as the night went on the boys bought the party outside and met a couple more teens.
meanwhile the adults had their own party inside and uh. emilio got got 🗿🗿
he was fine he just payed a 2 million dollar fine 🙄
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toorumochi · 3 years
Hello~ I created some KaruShuu Headcanons for you guys~ hope you enjoy ❤️🧡 (Questions ain’t mine, I just answered them) Also some of them are based off fanfics I have written/read.
Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
Hm. Both. Lmao
Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
Karma is the sexy time, always time and Shuu is the relaxing time one BUT. That doesn’t mean he isn’t playing along with Karma
Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
Karma. Karma walks around at least half naked maybe some boxers - and it’s not like shuu doesn’t enjoy watching his manly man walking around the house beefy af and flexing his muscles without even trying but he still tells karma to put some clothes on
Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
I would say that Karma was the first one who said ‘I love you’ and the ‘bc I love you’ feels like smth Shuu would say
Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
Shuu likes to wear Karmas, and then:
“...shuu pls give me my clothes back I swear I have nothing to wear-“
Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
Karma would be the one with cool dreams and wake Shuu up but since Shuu is a supporting bf/husband he will listen to him ❤️ and when it comes to nightmares, I would say that Shuu gets them but Karma is always there to comfort him ❤️❤️
Who is more likely to cheat?
No❤️ but if it’s in a video game- karma. He is a little bitc-
Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
“Wait whattt??? You have a crush on me? Omggg stahp I’m blushing now”
“......Karma we are dating-“
Or better!
“What? Omg- really? You actually have a crush on me? Damn Shuu why didn’t you tell me”
“...Karma we are marrIED-“
Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
Karma is a little bitch and he would start with maybe splashing some water onto Shuu and then Shuu turns to face him with a straight face “oh it’s on”
Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
Both initiate duets; anywhere and everywhere - and Shuu is the better singer. Karma sounds like a bitch
Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
Hmmm maybe Karma would take it easy with the hand holding; like he would start taking Shuus hand when they are at home and when it comes to public he lets it be and waits for Shuu; cause if he is ready to hold hands, Karma is ready too.
Who likes to write the others name on their wrist?
Karma would doodle his own name on Shuus arm during study sessions or so ksksksks bonus: Shuu does NOT wash it off, when in the shower, he has this one hand stretched out so the water won’t touch the doodle.
Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
Shuu. Both is Shuu. Pls.
Who is more protective?
Karma is pretty protective- but not in an obsessive way, more like taking care of Shuu and his health as well as his eating habits and sleep
Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
Karma would just talk and talk till Shuu falls asleep but karma KEEPS ON TALKI-
Who drives and who has the window seat?
Karma drives bc he is the most terrain oriented and besides, Shuu likes to drink from time to time (like coming back from parties or so) so there is no way that a drunk Shuu at the steering wheel would survive.
Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
Shuu would fall asleep in Karmas lap (DURING SHREK MARATHONSSS 🥴 Idk if anyone gets that but in my fanfics on Wattpad Karma is OBSESSED with Shrek lmao so Shrek marathons >>>) and Karma would carry him to bed.
Who cuts the others hair?
I would say Shuu would cut Karmas hair, pls he is perfect at everything. (.......except cooking and baking *clears throat*)
Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
Shuu is hella bad at sexting, but when he is drunk he is the god of flirting lmao
And the encouraging ones- hm... both djdjdjd
Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
AAAAAA NOOOO *war flashbacks: “You’re my Moron” fanfic ending II”*
Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
Who kissed first?
OH OH!!!
I think!!! That if maybe Karma was the first one to confess bc come on, Shuu has a reputation so yea, but when it comes to first kiss- Shuu would. Shuu would be the one who kisses Karma like totally randomly, maybe hanging out at each other houses and watching a movie and then Shuu leaNS IN AND KISSES HIM AAAAA-
Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
YES. THIS. SHUU WOULD. Since he plays many instruments, he finds himself creating love songs for Karma butttt he wouldn’t give them to him bc he would be too embarrassed ndndndnd on the other hand, Karma would write poetry and stories for Shuu like very dorky ones and cute and Shuu finds it adorable on the inside but he has to keep his reputation and standards and stuff like that up so he just says it’s stupid but let me tell you, that boy loves Karmas poetry and stories
Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
who worries about what they will look like when they are older?
BOTH, they worry that they won’t be good looking enough for the other one
who hogs the blanket?
Karma is a hoe.
who eats the others uneaten pizza crusts?
Pls, Shuu would rather die than not eat his own pizza left overs butttt Karma sometimes wont finish them and Shuu gladly accepts 😩❤️ (also a fanfic reference, bc Shuu loves pizza in that one fanfic so yea-)
who is more likely to cry over a sad book or movie?
who talks while playing video games?
who sings along with the radio?
who would enter them both into a talent show?
who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?
who would throw the other into a pool?
who shops for groceries?
who kills the spiders?
who is the morning/night person?
I thinkkk that I have more of those- as soon as I find them, I’ll post them here 😩✨
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slutsofren · 4 years
Witchy Reader x Demon Kylo Headcanons
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this is rly long and could prob be a standalone fic pffft also yes i’m using pic collage bc my ipad hasn’t been shipped yet ughhhh
General content: summoning a demon, befriending the demon, getting fucked by said demon. witchcraft, gods/goddesses, demons
TW: mentions of demonic slavery, blood letting, general angst, vomiting.
Every wanna-be witch always says they’re descendants from the witches the Puritans didn’t burn in Salem, Massachusetts. Not you, not your bloodline. Your lineage was much much older than that. Stronger, more secretive. Hidden from all eyes but their own coven.
Nine families in total, each representing directions: North, South, East, West, North East, South East, North West, South West, and finally the family who led them all: Fate. Your family.
You remember the gatherings growing up, especially the new witch families that joined after your coven came out of the retrospective broom-closet. Each of the nine families sending representatives to gather under solstice moons or for your yearly “dance naked under the moonlight” shenanigans.
You were already in your twenties, soon to ascend your mother’s throne and become the representative of the Fates. And of the coven. It was a big honor they all said but you felt it wasn’t for you.
So you spent your time doing what you do best, working in your shop.  It was a small shop, you sold a variety of things such as tea, tinctures, oils, and ointments. The older folks around town enjoyed coming to your shop for your arthritis gels- if only they knew of the little witch who concoct it. The teens on the other hand came all for the occult books, trying to be the edgiest at their school, it’s kind of cute you admit.
More and more pressure befalls you, having to prove your magical might in front of the entire coven: summoning a demon and making them your slave. You didn’t want to participate in any capacity. When you watched another member do it many many moons ago, you almost vomited. Bearing witness to something so cruel and dark tore your senses apart.
That night came, no matter how hard you protested. The blood was spilt, words chanted, tears fell from your eyes as you watched in horror as a demon rose from inside the circle with you from black misty shadows. Whispers of “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” were the only things that came from your lips.  
The beast in front of you looked around, taking in his surroundings; his eyes full of hate and anger, yellowed lines surrounding his pupils. He bellowed and roared with all his might, doing his all to scare and terrify. No witch, in all your life, has ever conjured a demon as strong or as powerful. He looked beautiful, with long black hair, skin like marble, littered with constellations across his bare torso and chiseled face.
You became the talk of the covens, witches came far and wide to witness your magnificent accomplishment but you hid yourself away in your store, wanting nothing more than to work your days and nights away, the demon by your side grumbling in Abyssal, the language of his kin.
Slowly you and your demon developed a bit of a routine. Anytime you’d make food, you always prepare extra for him and leave it on the other side of your dinner table. He’d never eat with you but if you blinked, the plate would disappear, blink again, and the plate would return and all the food would be gone.
Slowly yet surely, he would reveal himself around you more, stepping out from the shadows, sometimes awkwardly standing in the corner of whatever room you’d be in.
Eventually he spoke to you, speaking in words you couldn’t decipher. He read your confusion and put his index finger up in the universal “hold on” gesture. He disappeared in the shadows only to reemerge once again with a small vial filled with golden liquid. He handed it to you, his long nails only digging into the skin of your hand momentarily, motioning you to drink it.
If you ever imagined what it was like to taste fire, this was it in a bottle. It burned and tingled your entire body, sniffing out any coldness that nipped at your fingers. When you recovered, your demon held his hand out to you, palm up. “My name is Kylo Ren.” With those five words spoken in a deep baritone voice, you may have soiled your underwear for a brief moment.
Time moved on, you became revered in your witch community. Many sought you out to help with their witchy troubles, it was fine, it meant that bills will be paid and that soothed your worries tenfold. But now your ascension was on the horizon- by the dawn of the next blood moon, you and your demon were to make the ultimate bond in front of the coven and you would be crowned as Mistress Fate, the strongest witch.
The demon Kylo and you developed a friendlier attitude towards each other, you’d find little pieces here and there that he’d drop, showing he cared about you. Once somebody attempted to break-in to your apartment and you had awoken to a bloodied Kylo having “taken care of it”. It was never brought up again. Other times, he would draw up a hot bath on particularly troublesome days of yours. Overall, you’d grown accustom to him even if he was on the bit of the rougher side of most things
The ritual that lingered over your mind was one you really weren’t keen on doing: marrying your demon. When you explained all of this to Kylo he was very nonchalant about it. To him, human lives were a blip in his immortal life, he saw it as a game whereas you saw it for your entire life. This wouldn’t do. It hurt how much it didn’t affect him although you would never admit out loud you were grateful he wasn’t as terrifying as the other demons the witches in the coven summoned. He knew he was powerful but he never did anything to scare you.
Kylo, as much as it flustered you, was a flirty bastard. He explained to you some time ago that often, young witches would call on him to perform sex rituals, many being virgins. He gauged your reaction that you still a virgin and you slapped him. You too knew your way around a bedroom, you were confident in your own right and body. The problem was this damned demon was too attractive to have these kinds of words dripping off his forked tongue.
A week before your ascension, you approached Kylo who was momentarily distracted by some food. Who knew demons had an unholy obsession over potatoes in every form. An offer was made over those tater tots, if he would be willing to pretend marry you so he could up and vanish to wherever dimension he’s came from by the rise of the sun after the blood moon fell. If he agreed, he would never be bonded to you, never be tied to this realm no longer, and most of all, he wouldn’t have to see you anymore.
He left in a puff of black sulfur smoke with no words to depart on.
Days turned to nights, nights to days. No word from the demon you had come to miss. The morning of the blood moon, a simple letter arrived on your nightstand. Faded parchment with scratchy red writing. I won’t fake marry you, little witch.
That night came. The blood moon rose. Your demon was nowhere to be found. His letter hurt you in more ways than one, hot hot tears blurred your vision as you stood on the alter in the middle of the forrest clearing, all by your lonesome. The other witches circled at the edge of the clearing in their darkened cloaks, arms raised on high heaven, voices mixing together in chanting harmonies. The blood moon slowly crept over, beginning it’s bloodied ritual overhead. Cold winds whipped your hair as a blinding red flash hit behind you, you looked over your shoulder as long talons as nails caressed your back. Your eyes met with Kylo’s blackened irises, he leaned forward and touched forehead to forehead with you and in Abyssal spoke something unclear to you.
Cheers erupted from behind the circle of the coven, onlookers of witches who gathered far and wide to witness such a powerful and historic moment. The chanting grew louder, soon the entire clearing in the forest was covered in deep blood red coloring. Your mother, soon to be the former Mistress Fate approaches the alter where you stood with Kylo. In her hands were the dagger and golden chalice where your red blood would mix with his blackened blood.
As the ritual completed, all the witches who bore witness to this moment gathered and circled close t give their congratulations and well wishes. See, this bonding wasn’t just about showing how strong the Fate family was, it was also to show that beings as powerful as the gods listened to the prayers of ordinary people. That there’s somebody somewhere who listened.
The clock rang 3:00AM, the ironic witching hour as it were, you finally arrived to your homely apartment with your new.... husband? Kylo stayed quiet the entire drive home, as did you. It didn’t help that it was raining and overall soggy. Whatever was going on just churned your stomach. Stripping your clothes silently in your bedroom, you once again felt those sharp nails softly scratching on your bare skin. “I told you I won’t fake marry you” he whispered.
For the next 24 hours you never could have imagined the amount of pleasure your body could take. Between overstimulation and back to back to back orgasms, the demon Kylo fucking Ren shared an insurmountable of power and pain and pleasure with you.
And like the woman you were, you loved every minute of it.
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saoirsetm · 4 years
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hey y’all ! i’m kat and we’re FINALLY opening ?!? i’m so hyped, you don’t even know. i’m a double leo Trying to survive video lectures in a noisy house who loves dark chocolate and 80% of the kpop releases so far this year ( stream feel good by fromis_9, it’s such a cute bop ! ) i’m also a cat mom to my almost fourteen year old babies who are still like energetic kittens, so ask for pics and you shall receive DSLKGJ but without further ado, here’s my girl who’s gonna prove that hindsight is INDEED 20/20, so this is gonna be fun:
✧ ˖ * ° ><> ╱  abigail cowen,  cis female,  she/her  —  look  who’s  fresh  from  the  ferry,  aren’t  you  SAOIRSE LEARY  ?  your  eroda  brochure  says  you’re  TWENTY-THREE  and  that  you’re  currently  residing  in  MARMOTON  .  your  favourite  tourist  attraction  to  hang  around  is  ERODIAN BEACH  ,  and  the  locals  around  these  ports  would  describe  you  as  INQUISITIVE  &  INTREPID,  STUBBORN  &  IMPULSIVE  .  your  resting  fish  face  really  gives  off  LONG HAIR BLOWN BACK BY THE OCEAN BREEZE, LATE NIGHTS SPENT PLOTTING THE NEXT GREAT VOYAGE, RED LIPSTICK IMPRINTED ON A MUG OF TEA  ,  and  i’m  a  big  fan  of  the  VINTAGE CELTIC KNOT NECKLACE  you  seem  to  always  be  attached  to.  well,  if  you  see  the  minister  this  morning;  make  sure  you  head  on  home  as  quick  as  possible,  you  never  know  what  bad  luck  he  could  bring.  ╱  ooc;  kat,  23,  she/her,  ast.
tw: needles ( tattoo mention ), cancer mention, death mention
miss saoirse...... oof
GDFLSJL where do i begin with her honestly ??
full name is saoirse eve leary, affectionately called cece by her family since she was young and runs with it as her nickname !
born and raised in cork, ireland with two siblings, a working class father and Slightly upper middle class mother
her childhood wasn’t like, Majorly eventful; she was considered a bit of a tomboy which isn’t a surprise bc she’s always been a bit of a spirited, adventurous girl, has the odd nomadic moment strike her and loves to travel
had a SUPER close relationship with her maternal grandmother before she passed a few years back, still has a close one with her grandfather and paternal grandmother as they’re still living
is a big family girl overall, so much so that she’s eagerly awaiting the day she gets to be the cool aunt
had a decent cluster of pals over the years that’s likely dwindled due to everyone going their separate ways after high school
saoirse Did go to uni between her travels — and graduated — and has aspirations of becoming an anthropologist to explore other cultures and meet new people/understand them
which.. obviously ain’t happening now LFSGJGF rip
came to eroda partially bc it seems like such a pretty and quaint place, partially to explore its “ myth ” that you can never leave; her naturally curious ass questions the whole thing, at least in the sense that there’s no way to challenge your supposed fate on the island and won’t deny entertaining some conspiracy theories around the mystery
she still doesn’t understand that.. yeah, she Literally is stuck here for the rest of her life now, probably because she hasn’t made a Real attempt to put that to the test, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it FDSLKJDS
anyways she came here solo ( more than likely ) and has enjoyed her time getting to know the locals and other visitors, taking in the scenery, etc
probably took up a part-time job at sally’s tavern to cover her expenses since she lives in marmoton and it ought to be close enough for her to get to gfjlsdg
personality and everything else
a sociable, ( relatively ) fearless ginger with an eclectic taste in music and a profound appreciation for pastries.. 
despite being all about cleaner eating habits and lowering her sugar intake, she takes a cheat day or week wherever she can LSDGFJK
parties, game nights, etc, you name it ?? she’s there !
kinda competitive while we’re bringing up games and such, but she’s not about the whole sore winner/loser thing — rather she’ll groan and sulk a little before moving on
like i said before, loves to travel, loves pretty places in general so prepare yourself for an abundance of pictures on her insta feed of where she’s been or where she wants to go
loyal as hell, but she has her limit if you misuse the trust that comes with it
she’s just v wholesome and has a mix of small town city/endlessly curious energy with a sprinkle of being the life of the party……. kinda
however, she’s the most ?? hard to place person all the same
that feeling of freedom that comes with her exploring and all makes her a little hard to tie down; she doesn’t plan on staying in eroda ( which is unfortunate for her considering.... fglsdk ) as she has more to accomplish and see
very much does her own thing and doesn’t wanna hear any criticism for it
as if she’s that out of line DLJGDSLK but still
always wants to try new things, no matter how dumb they might be; except for anything that’s a Legitimate death sentence or is.. a GENUINELY dumb idea, she has enough common sense to know what Not to do KSGFDJDS
has little tattoos on her wrist and behind her left ear for her Favourite trips/symbols/whatever and her family, will let y’all know what they’d be whenever i figure them out since i’m so damn picky with these things
a Big supporter for buying/investing locally, has little trinkets and such to prove it
in fact, she has a collection of thrifted or vintage clothes from her travels and back home, and a chest full of cute jewelry she switches between daily
one piece she wears all the time — only parts with it when she sleeps — is the celtic knot pendant mentioned in her app that’s become something of an heirloom on her mom’s side of the family !
she has the cutest irish lilt in my mind, kinda the same as miss ronan’s and aisling bea’s
really loves her freckles, partially bc i love her freckles and my own :(
tea > coffee, but she loves coffee-flavoured things; bring her a peppermint or camomile tea as her shift winds down or.. idk, just because, and she’ll be forever indebted to you fldjgs
loves to hang out by the water in her free time — she loves the scent and sounds that comes with it, it’s one of the few places where she can put her mind to rest for a bit
the sound of rain hitting a rooftop is her perfect sleep soundtrack
kinda wants to adopt a pet, but doesn’t wanna leave them if she goes on an excursion where they can’t come with her :(
baths with epsom salts, candles that smell like lavender or something just as pleasant and calming, etc during a night in soothes the hell out of her soul
top three products she has in her bag at all times, besides personal info and her phone ? lip balm, a powder spf and mints FGLGKSD
btw.. miss ginger hair and freckles will probably gasp at anyone going out with no spf on them and scold tf out of them bc ‘ hello, melanoma ?? sunburn ?!? ’
wanted connections
childhood pal(s) she’s bumped into: reunited by chance, cece’s glad she has a couple of people she knows to keep her grounded when her mind runs wild at what Might happen when she decides to try her hand at leaving
cousin(s), other relatives: idk, figured it’d be fun for her to have a family member or two running around and not realizing the other relative is the Only one they’ll see in person from here on out
best pal(s) in eroda: someone she’s taken to since arriving, likely spending their free-time eating pastries on the beach, talking shit over tea, little market dates, going to the rainzone half-drunk and trying to rope each other into new things
opposites attract.. of sorts sfdlgkj: basically just a traveler meeting a local who’s never been off eroda, telling all about their ( quite limited ) excursions and bonding in other areas over time !
hook-ups, fwbs.... ENEMIES with benefits?? idk, point is the girl’s probably gotten laid since arriving, it’s all a matter of the situation that fits your muse(s) best FHGSDKJ
roommate: she lives in marmoton, likely in a rental of sorts, and i can’t see her living alone given the situation on the island ( though i’ve viewed her as the type to live alone in a space for one and a half people any other time tbh ). so she has just One and they make the arrangement work ! depending on their personalities and such, we’ll figure out how well they get along Exactly, if at all
ex ??: the girl’s bi so y’all can toss anyone at her for this one as well ! question marks bc i was thinking it’d be an on-and-off thing but maybe not come the time i post this intro LSGKD. basically they were seeing each other for a few months, she fell hard Quick/they moved kinda fast bc they were vibing and they would distance themselves upon realizing this — though i see cece giving them distance bc she knows they need it rather than needing it herself. if it IS on-and-off, they’re definitely off rn and treading lightly ( though she finds it hard to stray and hates things not being fully resolved no matter what happens ?? ), so all it’s a bit angsty regardless of how it goes dfgkljsdg
fellow mystery fiend: someone please fuel her curiosity to the max and try to crack the impossible case of eroda’s captive capabilities with her.. and proceed to watch true crime shows with her when that clearly goes to shit SDFKLJ
older sibling or mentor dynamic: someone to look out for her/teach her some things to help fully support herself/give her advice when she probably needs it most.. idk, i just like the idea of someone becoming a stand-in relative type of friend to her 
just give her someone to confide in, to swim at night with, stargaze and all that cute shit, be it platonically or otherwise !
she’s not gonna click with everyone and that’s fine, BUT maybe they run in the same social circles and cece thinks they seem nice enough, but they never really talk amongst themselves ?? just a case of awkwardly starting from scratch and seeing where it takes us !
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ccrtana · 4 years
i don’t need to know
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A/N: I was doing the dishes yesterday and the song “I Don’t Need To Know”, by Maddie and Tae, came on. I couldn’t stop thinking about this idea for a Rowaelin AU... So I wrote it! I’m very proud of myself for finishing this first part and wanted to challenge myself into posting it. Where anyone could read it. Who knew this was so nerve wrecking (major props to all the authors out there who do this on a regular basis). Thank you for reading :)
The silence is the only tolerable thing about the Western Wastes, as far as Rowan’s opinion is concerned. The improvised base his team is staying at is close to the routes they have to watch, but far enough from Briarcliff that all he can hear at night is the wind and sounds from people around camp, minimal noise at one in the morning. It almost made the heat during the day and the dust that was everywhere tolerable, this peacefulness at night time. Almost.
On the outer edge of the base, Rowan lets himself fall against one of the vehicles to try to take his mind off of the never ending meeting he just had with mission command. He should probably be going to bed, but there is too much information swirling around his mind to just lay down and sleep. He takes his phone out of the pocket, there are a few unanswered texts he didn’t have time to look at during the day.
Running a hand through his silver hair, he opens the conversation with his mother. He is met sequence of photos: a beautiful lasagna his mom cooked as dinner for the evening, a selfie of his parents as they beam at the camera, a shot of the pup they had recently adopted as he destroyed what looked a lot like one of his dad’s shoes. Rowan’s soft smile can’t be fought, taking over before he knows it.
This isn’t the first time he is deployed somewhere far from home and it will not be the last, so it’s not as if he isn’t used to it. But some days are particularly harder than others, and today he is specially missing his family and his life in Terrasen. Next week, he will complete three months away and officially reach the middle of his service. Rowan replies to his mother’s pictures with one of his own, capturing the sky full of stars above him and wishes her a good night, even though she won’t be seeing this until morning.
There are more messages in the group chat he is in with his cousins, but he just scrolls past those. Apparently, they had all gone out to some bar tonight and drunk texting had ensued. Nothing that made sense, so Rowan didn’t even bother trying to decipher what any of it meant. A private chat with one of his cousin’s catches his eyes, though.
Sellene: heyyy, went out todaay nd u wont believe who i just saw
Sellene: [attachment.picture_6474]
Sellene: that is aelin right???
Sellene: this dress is gorgggg do yuo think i can go ask where its from?
The picture is blurry and there are a lot of people in the shot, but he would recognize the blonde woman anywhere, in any crowd. Aelin Galathynius is wearing a red dress that seems to have been made just for her, based on the way it fits her body perfectly. Standing next to her is another woman with dark brown hair, probably Lysandra, and another shorter one, Elide, if he had to guess. Rowan can’t seem to breath right and his body tenses.
He hasn’t really seen Aelin in four months, since they broke up and he deleted all the photos he had with her on his phone. Seeing her now is a shock to say the least. They did not end their relationship in the best of terms. One fight, and it was as if the year they spent together, the best of Rowan’s life, meant nothing, both too proud and too angry to back down and be civil. Even thinking about her sets him on edge. Sellene must have been really drunk to text him this. The more he reads of the thread, the stronger the ache in his heart gets.
Sellene: was goin up to her but someone arrived :/
Sellene: [attachment.picture_6475]
Sellene: do u know who that is?? ive never seen him
Sellene: is it too weird if i go up there and say hi, remember me? sellene ur ex’s cousin also where is ur dress from? endy says it is…. boohooo
The second picture his cousin sent is also of Aelin, but now she is sitting on a corner booth at whatever bar they were in. And there is a guy right next to her, way too close and staring way too deeply into her turquoise ringed with gold eyes, not visible in this photo, but forever etched into Rowan’s memories, for him to pretend he doesn’t know what was happening.
Rowan’s hand tenses around his phone and the silence he appreciated just minutes ago now makes everything worse. Because the love of his life is miles and miles away, in someone else’s arms, laughing at him with the smile that has been the star of all of Rowan’s dreams since they met, and he has no one to blame but himself for this pain. And there is nothing he can do, not just due to the fact that he is in the Wastes while Aelin is all the way in Orynth, but because she has moved on, and now it’s too damn late.
Sellene: now everyone is making angry faces at me bc i told them i sent u the pics
Sellene: but the way i see it u should know that ur ex is moving the fuck on so u can just text that girl i told u about alreadyyy
Sellene: srry if that was rude, but u deserve to be happy too
Rowan stands up straight and gives himself a second to think his reply through. He isn’t feeling very rational right now and doesn’t want to be rude to his clearly plastered cousin. It’s not as if he hasn’t considered whether Aelin has gotten over him before tonight, imagining what was going on in her life, what she was doing and who with, when he was feeling particularly bad. But it is different from seeing it so clearly. Hurts a hell of a lot more now that it’s not just him beating himself up over his stupidity for letting her go, now that this is reality. He settles with the true.
Rowan: i dont need to know who is keeping aelin company
Rowan: so stop telling me
On the walk back to his sleeping quarters, he deletes the conversation with Sellene. Rowan doesn’t need any more reminders of what he has lost.
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space-cadet-magic · 5 years
Tag Yourself: Appletini Assembly Edition
have a no context introduction to our dnd group 
Ashyew - Fortnite dancing unironically; campfire smell; knows obscure facts about trees; those wood wick candles that crackle when they burn; not hearing your name the first time someone says it; “I wanna steal,” Over the Garden Wall; not having a favorite cryptid because you love them all so much; “Harold, that was my favorite arm,” Where the Wild Things Are; making up fun alternate universes you’d travel to with your siblings; “This sign won’t stop me because I can’t read;” doesn’t care what you’re fighting, will fight alongside you until she falls; lovingly makes fun of you to your face, beats up your bullies behind your back; “I can play guitar, but I only know Wonderwall;” loves you deeply but will take embarrassing pics of you while you’re passed out drunk; can french braid hair, refuses to braid yours; light filtering through aspen trees.
Hal - “But your honor, I’m baby;” addicted to brookside chocolates; smells like beachy hair; always has a snack on hand; “please god, let me have one good day?” “you again? give it a rest buddy;” “Hi, i’m hal, and i’m addicted to citrus fruits;” calls her friends to say i love you; does not differentiate between costume parties and fancy dress parties - will wear a spiderman costume to both; drinks dumb fuck juice and dumb fuck juice EXCLUSIVELY; useless lesbian; “dad pick me up there’s kids here funnier than me;” wants to be a rebel, latches onto authority figures around her; “daddy?” “DO I LOOK LIKE-;” has a diary, but it is NOT coherent; makes friends fast but loses them in the middle of her rock collection presentation; watches chopped and laughs when people she doesn’t like gets eliminated;
Krol - Socks with sandals; dancing like commander sheppard; can’t figure out how to email a standard word document; encyclopedic knowledge of world history; only drinks alcohol that tastes like fruit juice; human embodiment of a maraschino cherry (has potential for greatness with a dark past); your dad buying you frozen yogurt when you’re sad; the smell of your dad’s old sweaters when you pull them down from the attic; “I may be dumb but i’m not stupid;” big adoptive dad energy; “Don’t talk to me or my son or my son or my son or my son ever again;” buys 150 boxes of scout cookies so their favorite kid wins the contest in their troop; “big dreams” include a three-wheeler motorcycle; proud fold-up bike owner; “CHRIS, IS THAT A WEED?”
Morana - “Be gay, do crimes;” that image of the little girl smiling in front of the burning house; smells like lavender and leather; living embodiment of a really hot motorcycle; can kick your ass and will do so upon request; has a designated snack drawer in her desk; always has bandaids; touch starved but scared to hug you; that kid who had a crush on a girl in her class so she sent her a note saying “get out of my school;” women in suits; “but does she REALLY like me?” as she walks down the aisle; is too hot in her jacket but won’t take it off bc it’s part of the look; sneaks bacon off your plate at brunch; “we held hands, so we’re basically married, right?”; “i have a proposal-PROPOSITION;” booty shorts that say “enemy of the state” across the butt; reads romance novels under the covers at night w/ a flashlight; “what do you have?” “a KNIFE!” “NO;” little spoon; trinket collector; all the metal in her outfit has to match.
Ptah - No poker face; “I WON’T HESITATE, BITCH;” “Ptah found dead in Kalmar,” “is he okay?” “yeah but he died;” wears sunglasses indoors; wears flannels unbuttoned but tucked in; does interpretive dance to rap metal; loses their shit at the drop in “Hall of the Mountain King;” your roommate who is weirdly good at home repair; burns everything they cooks; can drink their own bodyweight in ale; big laugh, bigger trauma;  “pick three words to describe yourself,” “hmmmmm…killer alien vagina;” has not paid for music since 2002; might be the blurry bigfoot in every photo; “Can i have a piggy back ride?” grumbles but actually hyped as fuck to give you a piggy back ride; ripped as hell but wouldn’t want to kill a spider; “i’m may be doomed,” “but?” “no, no but;” when you jokingly hip check you they launch you out of orbit; eats the whole cheese plate alone; will always go get the extra ketchup when you’re nervous to ask; doesn’t let the customer service person bully you; if they’ve been on hold w/ a company helpline for too long they will physically manifest in the head office.
Zeph - The gif of the guy peace-signing into disappearance; “Do not address me directly;” “STOOOOPPP I could have dropped my croissant;” the way cold water tastes right after you brush your teeth; “Clouds” by BORNS; tries to learn fortnite dances but can’t do them (is lovable and wonderful anyway); can peel oranges in one piece; *surprised pikachu*; has, can, and will slap a bitch into next week; astral projects to avoid confrontation; can’t do it alone but WILL NOT ask for help; annoyed when you ask to share the cinnamon roll at brunch but saves the best bit for you; takes the shitty fruit in fruit salad so other people can have the good ones; “I love you” “what?” “I said i hate you please don’t look at me;” smells like a linen and sky candle; perfectly ventilated cuddle sessions; big and powerful “I woke up like this” queen; “I’m cold,” “damn jackie, I can’t control the weather;” not the taller person but always the one to get stuff off the top shelf; kisses u goodnight on ur forehead when you’re asleep.
@captainofthefallen @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @devilishlyoperatic
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softtm · 6 years
Boyfriend! Felix
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Let’s start off with you
you’re just a regular civilian doing what you do cus you’re you
and you’re also on a long ass road trip to somewhere with your friends and tbh 24+ hours with them already made you want to throw yourself out the car
thank god y’all had a rest break
but it was like at 2am at a shady rest area but at least it wasn’t loud and repeating NEO GOT MY BACK 100x
since you were at a rest station you decide that it was probably a nice time to pee bc when else will you get this chance
probably not til you get to the destination
it was really really dark there so you couldn’t really navigate your way around that well
you saw 2 doors that you were gonna assume were the bathrooms so you open one
sadly for you it was the wrong one bc as soon as you opened it and walked in you heard a loud ass scream
like a normal person you screamed back cus it’s way too early for this shit
finally you look at the screamer and was like ‘oh shit I’m in the boys bathroom’
thankfully the dude wasn’t facing you
lmao this dude is dumb
he’s literally peeing in a urinal
so you kinda sorta awkwardly back out cus fuck this shit, you out, plus you were never gonna see this dude again right?
hahaha wrong
so you and your group of friends finally got to your destination at a hotel cus none of y’all were up for some creepy cabin renting when surprised
guess who also arrived at the same hotel?
that’s right my dude, urinal dude and his friends
so y’all are in line waiting to check in and it’s like really really awkward cus ya know and you’re just thinking “WHY CAN’T THIS LINE BE ANY FASTER”
Felix makes the first move cus he doesn’t do awkward situations so he turns to you and introduces himself cus yolo
you’re like yolo too and guess what? Y’all hit it off and can I just say bffs for life now
now when you all go home guess what you find out
your mans Felix literally lives 5 minutes away from your house but he just goes to a different school and is on a whole different schedule from you which is why you’ve never seen him
y’all hang out
feelings arise and boom
now onto boyfriend!Felix
either you guys are too into the pda and Changbin is literally about to throw up from the cheesy levels or y’all are just making them cringe way too much
food stealer
if you ever order food make sure to get extra cus you need to feed Felix, yourself and his extra stomach
rip, your fries are gone if you pull it out in front of Felix
it’s all good because Felix makes it up to you by giving you tons of affection
if you’re dating Felix that means Changbin is crashing your dates, no complaints
it sometimes leads to you fighting with Changbin (playfully) while Felix is eating popcorn in the back cus shit about to go down
Felix is a soft boy that must be treated like a king at all times
meaning whenever he has bad days or is homesick you automatically get called on girlfriend duty
prepare blankets, snacks and your softest sweater cus you’re gonna be giving Felix cuddles for hours
pet his hair and let him cry because that boy needs to let it out
on his bad days you’re gonna end up watching mean girls on his bed covered in blankets while he’s cuddling with you
kiss his freckles and steal his hoodies
just make sure that they’re actually his and not one of the boys cus this mans will get pouty
he’s the type to have all dem Kermit memes
sends you the heart ones on a daily basis because he loves you and what other way to express that then through Kermit
you send him the ‘you’re so fucking precious when you smile’ videos and y’all are just cute and adorable in every way
helping Felix improve on his Korean is a big yes because ya mans needs all the help he can get
no shade tho
so y’all start off wwith th actual Korean lessons but somewhere in the middle of them Felix suggest you guys watch kdramas to help with his Korean and you’re like ‘fuck yeah’
so y’all are watching Hwayugi and While You Were Sleeping all night and now you have to make it through the day rip
guess where you go to on you’re first trip together as a couple?
that’s right my dude, Australia 🇦🇺
when you told him he literally fell and you had to drag his ass up
then he realized that ‘holy shit this was actually happening’ and did that whole spinny-hug thing cus he’s e x t r a
the day of the actual trip came up and he would not calm down
if he could start running around in the airport he would but luckily you were there to tell him to sit his ass down or you were calling Chan
all through the plane ride he was telling you about his fam, his favorite places and how he wants to visit them with you
you on the other hand are excited but also highkey nervous cus meeting Felix’s family like oof
when y’all finally landed Felix couldn’t contain his excitement and this boi bolted leaving you the job of finding the luggage at the luggage claim place
thank god it was only one big suitcase since Felix dipped on you
he eventually came back tho after he saw his family and they were like “where’s your gf, is she fake?”
being the “gentleman” he is, took the luggage from you and held your hand with his free one cus he knew you were nervous like he would be too
as soon as you met his fam all your nervousness went out cus damn his family is really chill
and wow his sisters have so much tea on him
Felix regrets everything
now you and his sisters follow each other on instagram, started streaks and friended each other on Facebook
car ride to his place was definitely interesting
who knew Felix had such an embarrassing childhood, Not I
y’all have a pretty successful trip like
after you got to his place he insisted that you go to the beach because what’s a vacation without a beach
beach day with the Lees are great
Y’all are that asian fam that go to the beach with a bunch of bbq ready to cook and take photos every 10 minutes
after that you and Felix go explore outside at night cus aesthetics like for real tho
next up on the list is a visit to Luna Park cus amusement parks are always fun
of course you also have to visit the Sydney Oprea house for pics cus damn
basically overall your trip was 100/10 and you and Felix have now gotten even closer somehow and you have two more new streaks
idk anything about Sydney or Felix’s fam so this info might be inaccurate for all I know
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catfishmorales · 6 years
John/Nick Headcanons!
Here's the post absolutely nobody asked for! 30 John Seed/Nick Rye headcannons.
1) Who rocks the Ferris wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
John. He rocks it all the time, bc he likes to feel like he's powerful. Nick just holds on for dear life and screams at him to stop.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place?
JOHN. He is always trying to get on Nick's pants in the most inconvenient places.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
Nick loves sharing a nice relaxing bath with John, warm water, bubbles, maybe some candles, bit John's a horny little shit.
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked?
John. He doesn't get dressed afyer sex, a shower or a bath if he doesn't have to. Nick likes to chase him around yelling at him to put some pants on damnit!
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
Nick. John would never sacrifice the luxury and comfort of their bed.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
John. For his Instagram since Nick never poses for cute photos. He also sends hundreds of Snapchats to his brothers 'Blessed 💕🙏🏼'
7) Who said I love you first?
I think Nick? Maybe he got drunk one night and blurted it out. John probably only really says it after sex
8) Who likes to wear the others clothes?
John. He steals Nick's clothes all the time and likes to sleep in them when Nicks gone and cry himself to sleep
9) Who likes to wake the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares and who sings them back to sleep after?
John wakes Nick up, but it's usually because of a bad nightmare where he wakes Nick up by crying or screaming. Nick sings We'll Meet Again or You Are My Sunshine to get him back to sleep, sometimes he sings Oh John too.
10) Who is most likely to cheat?
Does Kim Rye count?
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
John. He teases Nick all the time being like "HA you're so in love with me it's adorable!" And Nicks just like. "John Stfu we are married."
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
Nick. Cuz John's a shit cook, Nick does all the cooking in the relationship and if John tries to interfere he will not hesitate to throw mashed potatoes at that stupid lovable face.
13) Who initiates duets? And who is the better singer?
John tries his Damn hardest to get Nick to sing along to the radio in the car with him but Nick refuses. Nick has the best singing voice but only uses it to soothe John from a nightmare.
14) Who starts the handholding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around the others waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
John always starts the handholding and is the one who is always grabbing Nicks butt because he loves physical contact, but it's Nick who wraps a protective arm arpund John's waist.
15) Who writes the others name on their wrist?
Let's be real, John has Nicks name tattooed or carved into his skin somewhere.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? Who is louder in bed?
Nick is the seductive drunk, because the alcohol gives him the confidence to take control of things. John is a screamer in bed and wants everyone to know he belongs to Nick Rye.
17) Who is more protective?
You'd think John...but I think Nick. I reckon he'd be the type to get jealous easily and if John got hurt you best believe he's gonna find the person responsible.
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
John. He tells Nick what's coming and that he's doing everything he can to protect him from the collapse.
19) Who drives everywhere?
They take turns but mostly Nick. John's content to sit in the passenger seat and try annoy him.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
John. He's like a cat. He often dozes off on Nick when their watching tv on the couch and of course Nick carries him to bed.
21) Who cuts the others hair?
Nick lets John do it one (1) time. John thinks he does a good job and is real proud of himself, Nick tries his best not to go outside for the next two weeks because 'Holy fuck John my hair has never been this short!'
22) Who is super bad at sexting? And who sends them encouraging messages through the day?
Nick is bad at texting in general tbh. He probably still uses 2001 text speak and when John tries sexting its just a turn off, that doesn't stop him from sending his own sexy messages and the occasional dick pic through the day.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love?
John. The boy had a lot of issues and he's constantly looking for validation from Nick. He likes being praised and always asks Nick to tell him he loves him. He's afraid of messing up.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
John always starts the dancing, tugging Nick into a sweet slow dance to the radio while cooking dinner or doing the dishes.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other blush and giggle?
John tells the sex jokes, Nick Rye is the KING of puns. He can't help himself.
26) Who kissed first?
John made the first move. He and Nick were racing each other in their planes, and John was so happy he won he just...kissed him.
27) Who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it's too dark?
John. He doesn't like the dark and he doesn't like being alone in the dark. It stems from the rough childhood he had and reminds him of all the times he had to hide in the cramped dark closet from old man seed and the Duncans.
28) Who writes poems or love songs for the other?
Neither of them really. John tried poetry once but got bored.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other? And who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it goes wrong?
This has John written all over it. Nick drives him to a&e after it goes wrong and continuously calls him an Idiot and says he's gonna tell Joseph.
30) Who gets embarassed when they have to wear their glasses? And who thinks their super cute?
John hates his glasses but he's supposed to wear them when reading, especially when he's doing lawyery stuff. Nick makes him wear them so he doesn't strain his eyes, and he thinks John looks so adorable.
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kendricksendrick · 6 years
Honestly, do you dislike any of your friends?
lowkey yes
Have you ever fallen in love?
i think like 99% sure
What’s your star sign?
virgo that what u mean
Have you ever lose someone close?
yea ;(
Have you ever had sex?
no i sad
Have you had your first kiss?
no i sad again someone fucking makeout with me
Was your first kiss enjoyable?
Are you dating anybody?
also no
Celebrity crush?
Favourite song?
semi-automatic, twenty one piilots
Have you ever led someone on intentionally?
Do you like attention from the opposite sex?
What’s your sexuality?
What turns you on?
smile, eyes idk man
Favourite television show?
30 rock/the middle
What genre of movies do you enjoy most?
pitch perfect
What genre of music do you hate with a passion?
i dont hate anything 
What is your biggest pet peeve?
The last time you went to the doctor, what was it for?
What is your dream car?
jeeep idk
Have you ever done something behind your parents back?
yes of course
Have you ever done something illegal? If so, what?
drink and vape and  break cerfew but jnothing actually bad so
Do you smoke?
Favourite alcoholic beverage?
bitch idk
Favourite colour?
Favourite position?
Describe your ideal date?
something cute, like dinner somewhere nice. we take some cute pics and watch the sunset maybe but also spend the night inside cuddling or something.
What is your favourite holiday?
4th of julyyy
What are your fears?
falling off the side of the road 
Comedy or Horror?
Do you have any fetishes?
White or Dark chocolate?
milk ONLY
Black or White?
im messy so black
Cats or dogs?
Cuddles or sex?
honestly rn cuddles bc its storming by me and that would be amazing
Saw franchise or Scream franchise?
Disney or Dreamworks?
disney bitch
If you found £10,000 would you hand it in to the police?
is this a lot in american money either way keepin it
Do you have good grades?
its summer
Honestly, how do you feel right now?
hungry, exhausted, stressed and lonely
Tell us why you hate someone?
dont treat others nicely
What do you dislike about yourself?
lack of confidence soetimes
What do you love about yourself?
If The Purge was real, would you?
Tell us what you hate about your best friend?
tries to get me to spend all my damn money
Ever done drugs?
na but sometimes i think i should try smoking weed bc i heard it helps headaches
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raulsparza · 7 years
Ghost Quartet 11/4/17
I can’t stop reliving every little bit of Ghost Quartet in my head so I figured I would share with everyone! I was sitting on a cushion on the floor, right in the middle across from Brittain and Gelsey.
-@louarn kept mentioning that the theater was in a random part of town and when we went into the lobby area outside the actual theater she said it was absolutely a liminal space. Then she saw the sign ‘part of ghost quartet takes place in complete darkness’ and was like where tf have you taken me. Quite a wonderful start
-I was sitting on my cushion, happily absorbing the atmosphere of it all, when suddenly Gelsey was right in my field of vision. I almost screamed. And then Brent and Brittain and Dave were all there too and I fully realized just how close they were and how small the space really was like wow my dudes. They all just walked out and poured whiskey for themselves and got ready to start.
-Dave’s pre-show announcement sounded just like the one he does on the McKittrick hotel live recording he’s just always awkward it’s wonderful. And I kept just having little moments of realization like oh Dave Malloy is here and talking and real. It was nuts.
-I don’t know was super sped up and I kept looking over to watch Brent absolutely kill it on the cello. What a star. And him and Dave kept making eye contact across the room. And Brittain and Gelsey are just ethereal human beings words can’t describe them
-It was probably just from the AC/not intentional but there was a tiny breeze in the theater that would ripple the hanging strings on the lampshade between Brittain and Gelsey and it felt perfectly spooky
So much more under the cut this is v long 
-Brittain sounded so lost/annoyed/confused for the camera shop scene. Like absolutely a customer not wanting to deal with a store worker/a generally stressed human not wanting to be around others
-Brent shook his head back and forth a little to help emphasize his bear voice. I fell in love with him during this show. Its casual
-Starchild was surreal and I never realized Gelsey played the metallophone during it so that was neat to see!
-Subway was startling and scary. The floor vibrated and the sound grew and surrounded us and closed us in and I was shooketh
-There was a special mic for Lady Usher that made her sound ghostly and echo-y and far away and Dave probably also had an echo mic (though I couldn’t see him very well) (save for his fluff of hair bouncing when he moved) and it was so unnerving to hear all the reverberation/lingering sound in such a small space
-What the heck was soldier and rose omg! I don’t think Gelsey is real?? Her voice is so loud and clear and all-consuming she had no mic and no music and she just went for it like damn. She also kinda conducted herself using her fingers on her left hand which was adorable. Brittain’s flirtations were too much. I think my heart stopped.
-Gelsey scurrying around to hand out instruments during any kind of dead person was far too adorable. Shoutout to @louarn and @hawkeyeing for sharing their shaker and cowbell with me! Such a fun atmosphere to be a part of!
-Dave made sure all the instruments were collected ‘especially that big one (drum), get that out of here!’ and he put his hand to his ear really dramatically to hear brent playing Thelonious monk what a nerd, and then assumed his position in the front of the room for the astronomer. He sang it like such a full-of-himself fuqboi rockstar it was hilarious. At one point he did a silly riff that wasn’t on the album and I laughed quietly and he NOTICED and nodded his head and smiled
-before family meeting starts Gelsey poured dave a drink and brought it to him over at the piano and dave says ‘thank hon!’. And then brittain just haphazardly bangs her hands on her keyboard while shes ‘playing’ as Roxie. Brent was so flippant and annoyed. This will always be my favorite spoken scene in the show.
-Four friends was wild suddenly dave was placing whiskey bottles along the top of his piano that he then passed out to everyone. pouring myself a cup of whiskey in a tiny little theater while four beyond talented performers sang their hearts out was practically an out of body experience  
-I drank my whiskey really slowly to savor it all. feeling the burning warmth in my chest was a welcome addition to the intensity of fathers and sons. Brent and dave brought drums to the middle of the room and slammed on them while glaring into each other’s eyes. Brittain and Gelsey each held mics for them. When Brittain and Gelsey sang about the man on the platform together Brittain looped her arm under Gelsey’s arm so Gelsey could continue holding the mic for Brent and her and brittain could sing into brittain’s mic together
-Gelsey sat with her legs up next to her for the beginning of tango dancer and then danced with her arms wrapped around her a little. She is a mesmerizing human
-Brittain and Gelsey dancing together during monk was so sweet. And seeing this played out live really helped me to solidify the understanding that Scheherazade is telling the story of parts of ghost quartet itself to Dunyazad, similar to how Edgar tells the subway story to Lady Usher in usher part 3
-Dave said lights out and then all the lights went out, save for the exit signs and a couple pieces of glow tape on the instruments and furniture (‘too many little lights’). I actually loved the glow tape because it was small enough that it would seem to vanish if you looked at it directly, and it would jump around as you moved your eyes. I also fully closed my eyes for a couple seconds to experience complete complete darkness
-all of side three was so haunting because every once in a while someone would be lit for a second with a distant light that made them kinda fuzzy with a ghostly aura. And sometimes there was a bit of an afterimage the second after the light disappeared. I don’t remember specifically when the lights came on because it happened so suddenly and intermittently, but I know that all in all it was a perfectly disorienting experience and I want to hug the lighting designer
-Prayer specifically was so chilling because I was so hyperaware of the gentle sound coming from every corner of the theater. I always wish that song was longer it’s so beautiful
-and then the lights came back on and brittain picked up her mic stand and moved directly! In front! Of me! for hero and geez I was not prepared for that to happen. I was stunned and starstruck and trying to hold back tears so I definitely looked like a mess and she was so beautiful and her voice was so full and then she cried for real and I just wanted to hug her omg. Also Gelsey plays accordion during this song?? I was so distracted by Brittain but then suddenly I saw an accordion in the background and like. alright. Classic dave malloy.
-@joannachristie got a drum during wind and rain and was kind enough to let me tap it a few times! And then Gelsey looked up and made direct eye contact with me and she picked up her metallophone and put it in front of me and crouched down to show me which key to play and I was in shock and disbelief and had so much fricken fun. It probably went on for like two minutes after they left the area
-Talked to everyone after the show and handed out letters to all of them and took pics. They are all such wonderful, sweet, genuine people. louarn went around telling them all it was my 21st birthday and they were all cute and excited for me
-Brent helped me pick out the best tee shirt size and he excitedly told me about cello techniques and I asked what he was using instead of his bow at one point and turns out he just uses a drumstick bc it’s easier during a transition lol. he has such a gentle speaking voice
-Brittain hugged me immediately after she found out it was my birthday and im pretty sure i left that plane of existence. I asked her what she was singing during Pearl’s death speech in usher part 3 and she said she switches it up each night, it’s usually some sort of folk song. She couldn’t remember the name of the song she did that night so she just started singing it! Directly to me! for like, a while! It was so beautiful I am so beyond blessed
-gelsey told me I could develop my own scream if I practiced (and I joked about not practicing enough) so now any time I scream, ever, it is dedicated to her
-while I was still standing with Gelsey dave leaned over to me, extended his hand for me to shake, and said ‘hey I heard it’s your birthday! Well done!’ he said well done a couple times. I couldn’t handle it then, and I can’t handle it now. Well done. Also he said he liked the dragonflies on my scarf im in love. We talked about moby dick a little and I just thanked him for like anything hes ever done ever
so thankful and elated to have been able to experience this incredible show
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professor-abeloved · 7 years
About the JakeXMC 50 OTP Things, can u do all of them? Well, that is, if u don't mind.... 😊
ty anon for ur mc/jake thirst patience :> as well as the fact ur helping me sate MY mc/jake thirst HAHAHA
using my mc eli de loyola!
1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl?
eli’s the early birdie while jake is the night owl ! most days eli will wake up at 7 am (wtf) and slightly rouses jake who clings to him as much as possible. eli spends a few minutes carding his hands through jake’s hair (partly because it soothes jake and partly because he has a thing for running his fingers through jake’s hair) before actually getting up
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
jake’s the big spoon! despite being shorter HAHA its so cute
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
jake both hogs the covers and loves to cuddle HAHA survival instincts kasi. eli doesnt mind bc he feels warm in jake’s arms anyway
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
eli does! jake loves it… altho he’s been a lil wary every since he once woke up to eli’s dog licking his face instead aekjfsdajl he was so embarrassed 
5. Who usually has nightmares?
jake used to having nightmares about his time in the army + about mike p frequently but at this point he says he’s learnt to deal with them :( having eli nearby to calm him down helps a lot. plus i like to think that lundrugen (?? whatever he’s irrelevant) +co go to jail and this helps jake sleep better…
eli on the other hand dissociates a lot after the events of la huerta and frequently has nightmares of his friends dying. jake stays up and helps him call everyone one by one to make sure they’re all okay
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? 
jake has them during the night, eli during the day
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
jake secretly does & eli thinks it’s cute
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
tbh jake would totes sleep in his birthday suit (which is why he hogs the blankets bc he’s the type to feel v hot at first only to freeze later on) and eli sleeps in pajamas. altho eli makes jake wear pants when they sleep in the same bed 
(jake argues that he’s “going to end up losing those pants anyway so whats the point”
and eli lightly shoves his smirking face away like “binch no i for one plan to get some sleep tonight” 
“that wont be the only thing ur getting ;)” 
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)?
eli makes tea for jake who initially didn’t like it but found that it calms him down (especially after nightmares)
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour?
eli likes it sweet while jake likes sour more lol
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
eh i dont think they like horror movies OR romance though jake’s a fan of action movies & eli likes superheroes so they compromise on that. maybe somedays they curl up on the hammock and watch a romance movie bc they’re too lazy to get the remote. jake makes fun of it only to feel emotional at the end when the love interest dies lol
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
jakey’s smol, eli’s tol hehe
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
neither? jake reacts to the situations accordingly and is almost never shookt while eli is generally sensible and level-headed
14. Who kills the spiders?
eli stomps on it / hits it with his prosthetic HAHA
15. Who is scared of the dark?
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms?
neither. eli has a weird fondness for them bc they remind him of the time jake saved them from the weird lightning storm in chapter 1 hehe
17. Who works/ Who stays at home?
i hc that they both work after the events of la huerta
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person?
eli’s a dog person while jake is a wolf person (LOL) and they do get a dog at one point
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names?
uh idk if it’s cute per se but jake calls eli “boy scout”, “darling”, “babe” and stuff like that while eli calls him… “hotness”. that’s the best he’s got really.
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive?
ahsdjsak it’s a big thing for them to fight for dominance but more often than not jake ends up on top 
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)?
eli has an obssessing with collecting (like collecting clues and idols HAHA) trinkets 
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day?
eli would!! jake would be touched by all the effort awww
23. Who asks who out on the first date?
from eli’s perspective he’s the one who asked jake out on a normal date in a coffeeshop while jake thinks he made the first move by asking eli to ride with him on a plane (loaned by rourke industries where aleister is the boss now and just let me live with these post la huerta hcs okay)
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? 
they’re pretty equal in this regard, though jake marvels at how he can open up to eli because eli’s such a good, attentive listener
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
eli wears jake’s jacket (which fits him p snugly) and jake is like “o shit it looks so good on him”
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food?
jake eats junk food/whatever’s on hand while eli tries (emphasis on tries) to stir them to heathier diets
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?
eli takes a longer shower because he likes to belt out hayley rose songs. jake hears and teases em though the door about finishing up his lil concert (because he likes to rile eli up. he’s actually v amused by the singing.) eli replies with a classic “why dont you come here and make me” and then jake enters the bathroom and the rest as they say is history ;)
28. Who is the book worm?
neither tbh they don’t read (heh) as the bookworm types
29. Who is the better cook?
eli haha jake has no patience with cooking
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
eli def!
31. Who is more affectionate?
eli shows more affection while jake craves it more fkdsjnd
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation?
oh man jake says he doesn’t like long deep convos but there’s something about eli that gets him to open up and eli likes to be there for jake as much as possible
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt?
oh man eli makes jake wear “not guilty” b/c yo jake is totally innocent!! while jake makes eli wear “sin” because damn does he think that eli is sexy as hell
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
jake wears “if lost, return to eli” while eli wears “i am eli” bc his lone wolf is prone to wandering off (but jake always returns to him
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
eli’s aunt HAHA who invites em over for the holidays once she’s cool with jake
36. Who is the social media addict?
ehhh neither like eli spends the normal amount of time on social media tho he posts a lot of group pics since he’s an extravert ahaha
37. Height difference or age difference?
uh both? eli’s taller and jake’s older if i remember right
38. Who likes to star gaze?
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
eliii the prize is a toy plane he gets for jake awww
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
surprisingly jake is responsible parent and eli is the fun one
41. Who cries during sad movies? 
jake gets emotional during romcoms when the LI dies jfkndks
42. Who is the neat freak?
uh jake has an organized “system” but it only makes sense to him while eli is just. no. just no. he’s not rachel from the freshman/sophomore level bad but he is not organized either
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
jake does hehe
44. Who is active/ Who is lazy?
eli’s active and more into health stuff while jake is lazy
45. Who is more likely to get drunk?
eli has a lower tolerance HAHA
46. Who has the longer food order?
eli haha he’s more conscientious with food stuff
47. Who has the more complex coffee order?
jake bc i find it funny HAHAHA
48. Who loses stuff?
eli bc he’s a mess
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger?
jake drives & eli rides (;D ;D ;D)
50. Who is the hopeless romantic?
neither. jake is v cynical while eli is saks lang. more hopeful than most, but definitely not naive by any standards
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rosyredlipstick · 7 years
for the writers ask meme: 1 and 18 if you dont mind?:)
18. Tell us about that one book you’ll never let anyone read.
I’m gonna combine these two with my shame project of the month you can find me working on late at night with a few shots in me ~~
So anyone who’s followed me for awhile knows how just…..not good I am at writing smut. And that’s fine! My talents lie elsewhere. But….there’s a certain fic I wrote one night when I was tipsy. It’s unfinished and messy and was a result of me binge watching the entire yuri on ice season in one sitting. 
I’ll never, ever post it. But here’s the summary drunk-me wrote out in the notes tab on my phone 
“We’re not friends. We don’t even speak the same language. All we do is send dog pictures and emojis to each other sometimes. Hardly a friendship.”
Phichit clicked his tongue. “And nudes.”
Yuuri flushed a dark color. “And nudes.”
Basically it was a language barrier fic, with the banquet still happening AKA with Vikki still falling madly in love with drunk Japanese boy who can only stop dancing long enough to scrawl his snapchat username on Victor’s arm (Phichit kept telling him needed to use it more okay?????) 
Yuuri wakes up the next day with a headache, a not unreasonable amount of regret, and a new snapchat contact who looks to be as big of a fan of Viktor as he is (Yuuri’s still the bigger fan, he reassures himself as he adds the strange contact, if only because of the several Myspace accounts dedicated to the older skater with not-limited connection to Yuuri himself) 
SO YEAH THAT’S WHERE THE STORY WOULD BEGIN. Viktor, under the impression that Yuuri is always that bold and confident and Eros, makes the first move via snapchat. 
Which happens to be a very, very tasteful mirror ass shot, as Viktor grins over his shoulder, his team Russia jacket hanging down his back, his back arched, his foot pointed out.
(he had facetimed chris in order to get the angle just right, and chris - ever the good friend - complied with helpful tips and an order to put on some mascara before you even think about sending a photo)
He’s in public, it’s important to note, waiting in line for his daily post-training cup of decaf tea. There’s a lot of panic, a slight freak out in the line at the downtown detroit dunkin doughnuts, and he exits the app and turns off his phone and cant look at the little square device for a day and a half without blushing. 
he also….can’t stop thinking about the picture. Which he’s almost, almost very certain wasn’t a fake. or an upload because….because yuuri would have seen that before. 
but he doesn’t respond, even as the account send him a mess of Cyrillic and emojis and even another picture of piles and piles of snow at the local park. and he still doesn’t respond BC YUURI DOESNT LIKE CONFRONTATION OKAY. 
and chris, who hasn’t seen viktor this excited about something in awhile, agrees to help. even if viktor is this excited about sending 
i predict at least, hmm, four yakov rages in this fic? mostly due to viktor’s complete nonchalance about the matter. 
“where do you think you’re going?” yakov demands as viktor slids on his skate guards. it is in the middle of practice and it is no where near the time for lunch. viktor usually has to be dragged off the ice. yakov shows concern by yelling and both of them know this. “No breaks until you skate it clean!” 
“I have to go take a sexy picture of myself to capture Japanese Yuuri’s heart,” Viktor throws out over his shoulder, already unzipping his jacket as he heads towards the locker room, “he seems to particularly respond to shirtless pics!” 
if you watch closely, as Mila and Georgi happened to be, you could actually see the last tuffs of hair slowly fall to yakov’s shoulders. 
Across the globe, Yuuri’s phone will ding, and he’ll know exactly what that small notification means. 
He responds, nowadays, even with a few of his own (as Viktor seemed??? to want them???? at least from his emojis????? and from the delighted paragraphs of heart eyes and kisses, viktor didn’t seem to….hate what he saw???? what????????)
anyways yuuri has no shame and immediately saves a portion of the photos to his phone. Usually just the selfies, and shirtless pics. 
it’s because of his eyes, Yuuri will later reflect on, that’s what gets him, every time
they eventually kiss kiss fall in love, meet up at a competition and go on a romantic candlelit dinner (not really - they get street meat that’s seasoned with garlic salt so now both of their breathes smell horrible, but they laugh and giggle the entire time even though they’re both having trouble getting by in their stilled english. viktor almost chokes on his tongue when yuuri and him share a single soft serve ice cream and yuuri is enjoying it immensely. they fuck and wake up in each other arms and the next season viktor comes to onsen AND IT’S PERFECT)
anyways this is the fic i’ll never finish but it’s fun to write nonetheless. god i love yuri on ice. 
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 <3 I really missed you, and it’s so great to hear you had fun! (and omg yes so ready to see all those beautiful pics)
Yaaayyyy join me in MCU feels hell. And oooh, you have a ship for the fandom now! Like, Stoki’s still my favorite Steve pairing but Stony’s really cool too…you know I ship almost everything XD (also am I the only person who sorta hated almost everyone by the end of CW? Like, of course they’re still my favs and there are still some cinnamon rolls, but, come on. Why couldn’t you all just get along ;-;)
Speaking of Illumi, do you know that Hisoka/Illumi is an incredibly popular ship in the HxH fandom? Probably because both of them are so horrible that they have like 0 friends other than each other. Nobody else wants to hang out with these losers. (Chrollo tolerates Hisoka and the adults in Illumi’s family seem to spend enough time with him to give him orders, but that’s about it.) It’s a trash ship with two trashy people and tbh I love it XD
So continuing with the eye jokes, imagine. Hisoillu version of Helpless. Hisoillu version of Satisfied.
“Look into his eyes and the sky’s the limit”
“Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame”
(I know you did thise one before but still) “But when I fantasize at night, it’s Illumi’s eyes”
just, I’m imagining animatics for this with the ‘camera’ zooming in on Illumi’s dead fish eyes every time the lyrics mention them. It’s hilarious and also mildly terrifying
(though I guess if we’re actually making a Hamilton AU Hisoka’s way more likely to do something like Say No To This…)
idk if I’d want to be a parent either really LOL. Kids are adorable but I don’t think I’ll ever be responsible enough to raise one…
If Ishida makes a plot twist or something about it being someone else pretending to be Hide I'm actually gonna get mad. Dude. Not only would that bring the Hide feels right back it’d just make absolutely no sense omg
(also you read the new chapter, right? So, let’s talk about Juuzou and that huge death flag)
I’ve heard of Soul Eater and considered reading it but it’s not really the kind of thing I’m into…artwork’s cute, though, and Death the Kid seems like an interesting guy so maybe someday XD
AGH I’M ACTUALLY SORTA JEALOUS BECAUSE WOW I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO WATCH THAT LEGALLY HERE IN KOREA. (unless I ask my dad for help but he doesn’t like manga/anime at all, so…) But yes, I’m really happy Lizzy finally got her moment this time! Now anime-only fans can’t complain about her being a ‘shallow’ character so hopefully there’ll be less fighting over Lizzy in the Kuro fandom :D
FINALLY. Fellow Death Note fan <3333 Who’s your fav? Do you have any ships? Are you done with the anime??? :D (also do you know…you picked a really interesting time to join the DN fandom. The American live-action movie just came out and it sucks so freaking bad, like I haven’t even watched it yet and just from the reviews/clips, here’s what I got:
-They turned Misa into this Harley Quinn-type character. Only without any depth.
-Light/Misa is an actual canon ship, like, it’s not abusive or one-sided like it is in the anime/manga, it’s just…a thing. Light loves Misa. Misa loves Light. It’s like every cringey high school romance movie ever, only with more murder
-They freaking bent the Death Note rules just so Light could get away with all sorts of ridiculous stuff
-L cries, L rants, L is overly emotional
-Light tells L where he hid a page from his Death Note. Light doesn’t deny being Kira. Light shows Misa his Death Note when they like barely know each other and she’s still a complete stranger to him. Light acts like an idiot.
-Oh sure, he’s Kira, God of the New World, but he still cares about going to prom with his girlfriend and making stupid faces as they pose for pictures
-So much unnecessary gore. Heart attacks are Kira’s thing, Light isn’t that emotional about his kills, he doesn’t care as long as the 'villains’ are dead, so why???
-Apparently Rem does not exist. Sayu doesn't exist either. Light’s mom is dead (probably so he can angst over her)
-Light Turner. Light TURNER. Out of all the surnames they could have chosen…
-And now, for the most unforgivable sin:
How dare they not include the Potato Chip scene)
And then random things: JJ and Light have the same voice actor. Yurio and Mello (imo…have you met Mello yet?) could be long-lost twins.
I’ve fallen into Steven Universe hell and now I’m imagining so. Many. Gem AUs. Have you ever heard of SU?
1- don’t stress about the messages, and come on, I’d never get mad at you over something like this! You’re way too awesome.
2-  I don’t really know what to say 'cause I’m bad at comforting people, but ugh, it sucks to hear that school’s tiring you out! Queen Luna’s gonna get through this, though. I mean, you’re great at so many things and you’re freaking smart and…this is awkward but maybe you understand Evans Language by now? XD Guess I’m just trying to say that I’m sure you’ll do great, and if you ever need someone to talk to I’m (almost) always free *hugs*
3- Um. So, other than tumblr, I think the only way I can talk with you right now is if we email each other? The email address I used this time is my real one (or rather, my dad’s, since I don’t have one of my own yet…) so maybe we can talk about this more through email and find a better way to contact each other? If that’s ok with you can you send me a message there?)
I’ve started college and have no idea what I’m doing
*slams head against keyboard* guess who managed to get sick. It’s only been a week since school started. Whatever, I’m still going to school, but I woke up breathing like a fish on land, bc asthma. Yay.
I’m definitely gonna upload the pics today!!
Okay, but one thing I’m wondering about, is How? Not in a malicious way or anything, I’m genuinely curious to why you ship Stoki (and where it began). Was it that redemption fic you told me about or did you ship it before? 
Tbh, I didn’t hate the characters in CW, I hated the situation. Because there’s so so much pointless conflict that could easily be solved if everyone sat down and talked like normal people. But nooo we have to go around attacking each other. ((ALSO CAP’S LETTER TO TONY, I AM DEAD))
I’ve already learned (and experienced) that shipping is a very weird and unusual thing, so I’ll be honest and say I’m not even surprised that ship exists. At least it has some basis XD
I’m actually tempted to go through the lyrics of the whole musical and find every single eye line there is, only to replace it w Illumi’s eyes.
Not only zooming in on the eyes, the word itself is louder than the rest XD man if only I could draw…
Tbh I’d say I’m responsible enough (HA, that’s more or less a lie), but I’m honestly way too irritated with the little ones to be able to have one of my own. My cousin recently celebrated her 3rd bday and I was stuck looking after her during the party, bc all the adults were talking among themselves and I swear to god, I haven’t moved that much since I had to run 2km for PE. Where do they get their energy. Not to mention the adults thought it would be a good idea to leave me w her, because I’d already drunk 3 glasses of wine (i was bored and not allowed to do anything other than stare at emptiness or look after a 3yo). Turns out my tolerance isn’t that bad after all.
Lol let’s be honest, Ishida would totally do that. He knows the fandom would riot and that’s the whole point.
All the death flags. Tbh I don’t know how I feel about it. It’s obvious that either Touka or Juuzou are probably gonna die and I wan’t neither (If I have to choose tho, I’d rather Juuzou survives.) Also Naki. HNNNNNNGH
I think you’d actually like the manga? It takes a pretty dark turn compared to the anime and deals with lots of mental issues (the whole theme of the later volumes is Madness). Also, lots of death XD Well, the artwork changes drastically, so which one are you talking about XD
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The girl in the coat (left first pic, middle 2nd) is the same person for reference. Death the Kid was one of my first anime crushes. The guy has OCD and is a total badass. 
MUHAHAHAHA I think someone uploaded the Lizzy fight to youtube so you can probably find it there, but I am in love. The animation is beautiful, so that’s also a huge plus. All in all, it was handled really well.
Death Note
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So last I’ve watched is ep 25, aka the one WHERE L DIES. And i am not okay. I am nowhere near okay. Nope. Not at all.
Oh i’ve heard all about the adaptation. Tbh I find the whitewashing hilarious. Setting the movie in America removes so much of the series’s logic, so why? L being the way he is is probably my favourite mistake. They took the best character and ruined him completely.  POTATO CHIP SCENE NOOOO But my question is: did everything go just according to the keikaku?
Have fun w SU! I’ve watched it for a while, but gave up at some point. I might pick it up again if I have the time ^^ Word of advice, watch out for the fandom, they’re among the most toxic ones I’ve ever encountered. One time, they almost drove an artist to suicide because she didn’t draw Rose ‘thick enough’. So yeah.
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What did I do to deserve you as my friend TT^TT Thank you so so much, those words mean more than you can imagine.
Um. Looks like we’ll be staying here, because I never, ever check my mail, despite getting school assignments there, so yeah. If we used mail, you’d probably get a response every leap year.
How does the education system work in Korea? Like, at what age do you start going to which school?
Also, I’ve told you about Mystic Messenger? I think you’d like the newest update, because damn, it’s creeping me out. Also, it’s in Korean, so + ((My thoughts during the prologue of the new route: Nani the fuck))
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littlewolfdiaries · 7 years
What was the scary thing that happened to you?
okay so I don't know if these are related but these happened a few days ago and I know I talked about them here, you can scroll endlessly thru my recent posts and read the original posts of that day if you'd like; So, my best friend (I actually moved tho so we're not really "best" friends anymore but hey) is a tana mongeau freak (gonna say this again, trevor moran will always be a trillion times better he's my god). She wanted me to watch a video tana recently posted called something super clickbait-y like "I'm going insane... help me..." etc. It was about her "coincidences" and how she thinks she might be psychic or sum. My best friend said it reminded her of me bc I've been psychic my entire life (would love to explain all the weird shit I can do & what has happened to me, just ask bby). Sadly, though not really sadly, I tell her I haven't really had any coincidences in a long time. That night I go to bed. It's like 2am when I'm finished watching the video so sleeping seems just slightly appropriate. In the middle of the night, I "awake" to hearing the name michael whispered in my ear extremely loud. I have anxiety, I'm scared as hell, but go back to bed. In the morning, I wake up only to realize it never happened. It was a dream, but I could feel literal anxiety in my motherfuckin chest. Anyways, first thing I do in the morning, check my snapchat and clear out all those annoying ass streak pics of people's fucking blankets.It says a new person added me on snapchat: michael. A complete fucking stranger.Next few nights, I'm getting cravings for my cards. Sounds really weird but it's like that feeling you get when you need lotion really bad on your hands and it's just bothersome (if you can't relate to this you just can't fucking relate, give up). This brings us to last night where I get my mother's tarot cards as mine are in a box somewhere from moving. First three cards picked consecutively in separate rounds are the devil. This a common occurrence for me, but I was fucking scared. In my old deck there isn't a devil card so I would ironically pull the joker card constantly. I think after a while I stopped taking them out just because what the motherfuck am I right. I did a reading on myself (I know, I'm an idiot but sometimes it's useful). It was complete gibberish. I put them away, confused. This was last night.Today--- the shit that went down today was just ridiculous, though one part of it can maybe be linked to my lil psychic rebirth awakening shit. Most of it is just fucking weird and kinda funny.We went to this stupid firework festival in a sketchy town nearby (though only drunk 40 year old white golfing couples came??odd??) and my mother loses her keys. We go crazy looking for them as the "festival" ends and it's dark outside and we're scared as hell. I'm also hit on by some middle aged man a while after this. Once we finally leave, we all have to go pee. It's like maybe 10:30 (too lazy to check my snap story for the exact time) and we're driving around to find somewhere we can pee and maybe eat. The city was super dark and sketchy, we tried going into this Mexican restaurant but there was mad creepy looking guys outside so we were just like ight ight ight We literally pulled into a böjanglés (idk how the fuck to spell that shit) to have this bitchita MOUTH to us "we're 🙅🏼🙅🏼closed 🙅🏼🙅🏼 only drive thru ⏩⏩!!"We end up at this subway which was like the only place open. I got a bomb ass selfie in their bathroom and we order food. This boy laughs when I ask for a six inch. All is good, it's just him working, until this dude comes in. He's got sum dirty ass Jordan's, sweatpants, and way too long curly ass hair looking ratchet as hell. He's legit like the type that's been to jail and will likely go again. The counter dude goes "don't worry, this is my friend". We're like ???ok??? they joke around and this ratchet boy helps himself to mad drinks and food without paying. Then, he goes up to the counter and like hands something to the dude and they like whisper real close to each other. They go to the bathroom together, right? We're the only people there. There's like huge awkward sexual tension in the air and my friend starts bobbing her sub down her throat LMFAOO. They come out and got messy hair and we heard noises and shit.Then, they sit down. He shows the dude a pic and he's like "damn damn I can't believe she's only 13". JAJSJSKDKC NO And then they start quietly singing Spanish opera dead fucking serious. He makes these bird noises. I go to record and my motherfucking flash is on. It's so fucking weird. We leave, then start talking in the car. It was so much weirder in real life, I swear. Subways are small and it was just us during this. They weren't like a traditional couple, either, like they went about like they were distant friends (aka his plug). There was no affection, no signs they'd like each other. So, my friend has a sixteen year old brother whose name is Dylan. I'm like, damn daddy, because the name Dylan is my dream guy name. To test it, we ask her what he wants to be when he's older she fucking says air force I have to pick my jaw off the ground bc I always refer to an invisible person as "Dylan my future Air Force/Navy husband"(don't judge). Get this, his middle name is Michael. I'm not sure if that's related bc Michael is so common, but hey. Ponyboy Michael Curtis. On my story, I actually have a text to my mom in which I refer to my daddy I mean future husband oops. So, we're quivering bc his name and the Air Force?? Dude. Then, this cop car starts following us. I get a pic & video bc this bitch is on our ass? And soon enough, HIS MOTHERFUCKING LIGHTS ARE FLASHINGWe get pulled over, I get the whole thing on snapchat. It's like literally neverending, weird ass shit and I am horrible at creating the proper mood for you to really experience how much of a fucking disaster the night was, but try to envision it. It's 1:54 as I type this and I got home at six minutes to 12.
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kendricksendrick · 6 years
asks you didn’t ask for
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
haha what i mean maybe
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
4. What is your favorite word?
thick but spelled thiqq currently
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
one of those flakey paper trees haha
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
i thought about how bright my friends bathroom was at 7am
7. What shirt are you wearing?
a vacation bible shirt i made in 2014
8. What do you label yourself as?
lame haha also bisexual...finally figured that one out
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
sleeping on my friends couch like a baby
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
this age...17
12. Who told you they loved you last?
my dad like 2 mins ago
13. Your worst enemy?
ha this bitch that hates me bc i like to gossip
14. What is your current desktop picture?
a pic i took at my lakehouse
15. Do you like someone?
16. The last song you listened to?
something by Taylor Swift on the radio, an older song
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
trump haha
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
look @ 17 haha
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
anna kendrick but we would just hangout and watch whatever she wants on tv and drink or something like whatEVER she wants
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
legs?? band and wakeboarding man thats all i got
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
id probably look like a big fuck boy and id just like stare at my dick all day probably like that one guy from the new jumanji hA
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
clarinet and saxophone?? like its not a secret but i know a lot of people dont know i love to play
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
this is a big fear of mine: falling off the side of the road when i drive like expecially in construction zones anxiety at a max there
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
still gonna eat a no.5 from jimmy johns, no onion and gimmie those bread guts
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
save it, or on something real stupid probably shoes ngl
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? 
you have to be enthusiastic all the time
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
my entire fucking bed or actually my aloe plant haha
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
that time i passed out at the dr bc i was supEr anemic and that whole experience in general and everything that came with it i would erase and my lif would be so great 
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
hell yea
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
my grandma would come back SO QUICK
34. What was your last dream about?
idk man probably something dumb
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
hhh probs no
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
see me passing out at the doctor bc of anemia @31 
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
yes bitch 
38. What is the color of your socks?
i hate socks but most of mine are super funu or boring white
39. What type of music do you like?
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunset bc i dont like getting up at the ASSCCRACK of dawn
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
43. Do you have any scars?
oh boy here we go. right above the toes on my left foot i have 3 little like, circle scars from a pool. I have 3 lines on my inner right calf from a damn stick. on my left thigh i also have a line but its kinda thiq blobish from another stick. on my left middle finger i have a mark from a knife one time when i was widdling a stick into a frikin pencil o something,, never finished that haha. i have a mark on my right hand from MY ZIPPER. i have a big mark on my upper left arm from a hot as fuck bread tray i walked into at work thats cute. I think thats everything, and as you can tell im just a clumsy bitch!
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
ha idk something with forensics maybe??? help
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
more outspoken
46. Are you reliable?
ya i gotchuu
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
how are you
48. Do you hold grudges?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
dog whale haha idk
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
those conversations you have with band friends where you dont need words its just like grunts and noises and like “the like thing where” “yeah yeah that” “but like” “like ohhh”. like those
51. Are you a good liar?
honestly no but i lie a lot hate myself for that oops
52. How long could you go without talking?
maybe a day
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
eh no
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
56. What do you like on your toast?
butter or ppeaunut btter
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
haha couldnt tell ya
58. What would be you dream car?
jeep idk
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
i sing to myself and cry also i sit down bc im lazy and my shower is also a bathtub so i pretend im like sitting in a rainstorm or waterfall or some shit idk
60. Do you believe in aliens?
yes there is literally no way they dont exist
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
what kinda question is this
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
dragon bitch
64. What do you think about babies?
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dreambook06 · 6 years
Dream from: May 19, 2018
Very brief there is soo sooo much more to say about all this than what im about to say of course. here goes. it’s already fading as i begin.
some idek weird schoolworld idk! a scrapbook with colorful photos of the old school but it was like washington showing the old cafeteria (not real life) and food court and bathroom hand washing stations idk. mrs cowing was there idk she was like mom or idek we were like related like family? too vague but she was showing me (not really reality me t all or even a  physical being) pictures of her kids and in one i said ill try to find jackie (her daughter) and quickly pointed to a girl who looked like jackie and she said close but it was the girl to the left of her with a really orange tan.. eeetcccc.. so much holy craaappp so so much i cant even!!! nights and days of stuff.... some weird thing where i was trying to rescue animals through a cat door type thing i left open like a group of baby pandas wandered in then i opened another door in this tunnel thing leading up a staircase with this big room secret upsaairs thing where they lived until idk ?? we put the back in their natural enviromnent bc they were being poached or somethign what?? next door afar the whole time was mrs cowing in this weird train type really narrow trailer house wtff. it wasnt a neighborhood or anything kinda in the middle of nowhere field world wtf! there wre lambs, etc idk. and somewhere in the mix was karen alternate reality version she was like really naughty like promiscuous always with boys idk she was like sanding v oice messages to them like “come on bad boy” someting about bl****** it was weird idk what else happened with that. something with a bed then it cut away to a new segment of the dream... jumping around. i was trying to sneak on mrs cowing’s train for this one photo in her refrigerator? what? idek what it was  some old photo like from the 90s maybe of something or someone? idk!!! then there was this whole thing with me and nori and like a field trip or something in this old school place or train or plane kinda with bunkbeds and idek!! it was in the middle of nowhere what.  so i wanted a top bunk but this jellyfish thing wtf took my spot and nori was also on a top bunk and i was like thats so unfair i never get a top bunkbed and that jellyfish doesn’t even need a top bunk, it doesn’t even have a mind! so we moved the jellyfish and it was like 3 dead washed up jellyfish on the floor wtf…. next scene a school burning down on fire someone said “areas 1,2,3,7,8, are destroyed” or something like that. a whole thing involving that occurred…. like a pretty long / huge part of the dream but i forgot. more more omgg damnig!! i feel like I’m forgetting a huge huge segment… oh yeah the thing with the secret doors… well idont even but somehow it was then later like the incredibles family but mrs cowings family but also a made up family and they had to hide their kids which was kind of pilar,= & teagan, but NOT. they had to hide them in the upstairs dome hidden world i mentioned before with the pandas. for years. but they didn’t age. this part of the dream was huge i can’t even describe holy shyot!!  so so much. aunt becky was there like a maid for us and other people idk! taking care and stuff and the kids or whatever they were were being really loud like laughing and playing crazily one day or early on and a neighbor guy bc it was somewhat like an apartment got concerned and ventured up the stairs secret and i told aunt becky quickly and she had protocol like she’d pretend it was like a castle (that makes sense. totally.) but i left and later i came back and the guy was actually there bc he and becky had talked over a dating app and was there to meet . so then they were in love lmao…. so much more holy crap!!! dad was there something in this place with a huge circus ring thing idek like a competition like some game show with random people from the audience getting picked but it was insaaanee and our aunt stacy (but her name was willy or wilbur in the story) kept getting picked and winning so much money. later cut to a scene of her house alternate reality x 10000 with  weird rooms, puzzles, a garage thing where mom said she got rid of most o her bikes she used to have like 100 but then it was reduced to a toy box full wtf. i picked up my old light blue bike from 2012 ew and tried to ride it (irl we only have 4 bikes and i need a bike to go riding with the family) but when i tried to brake the handle break was broken so i couldn’t use that bike. mom said some bikes don’t have that? wtf. anyway so so much more i cannot even holy crapp!!!!!! so overwhelming. i missed a crapton but onto the “next” segment. some family reunion thing in this specific backyard wilderness forest woods setting that mustve been in an oooold dream or somehow fabricated based on fragments of childhood memories. like a family get together with lawn chairs, campfire, etc. logs lying around. while this was happening in my brain in the dream i was like so overcome bc i remembered this place from childhood. now that I’m awake i know i made that up. this wasn’t in rea life but it sure as heck felt like it!! so here we go. it was current day but it was weird everything felt like 2006-2009 idk! mason was younger, so were pilar and teagan. i took pilar’s pink ds because i had no cameraa w/ me and desperately wanted to photograph what i was seeing! but it took forever to take pictures it was so frustrating. like it kept lagging and stalling so it hooklike 30 seconds to take one picture & wanted to hurry because i felt like a time bomb was ticking and it all would vanish soon…. so we ventured along. i took pics of the pile of logs which was exactly how i “remembered it” from my real memories, the layout of the family sitting around in groups, the fields, the trees leading to the woods nearby.. when i was it. this specific stream arrangement to a secret secured place with a tree with a split kinda knot in it opened up like a pocket… we went closer , it was scary bc i didn’t want to drop the ds in the stream…. and i looked inside the wide knot of the tree and saw old messages, blue egg shells, white rocks. that we (my sisters, me and our cousins) left there last time we had gone there. i was so overcome with emotions like it was amazing like a lost part of my past (but this did not happen irl although it sure damn felt like it did!) the white rocks had our initials carved on it.  “T.H. 2010” was the main one i kept seeing. and there were crumpled up pieces of paper with messages that were kinda washed away (the inked/penciled words) . there was this asian type girl with us too but idk who she was. but she discovered more stuff but i was like slow down  i need to get pictures of this stuff first and preserve it!!!!! it was crazy i thought it was going to slip away  before my eyes and disappear, i was kinda panicking. she had found more secret stuff we left behind. teagan found a littlest pet shop benny thing with some initials written on its foot in the tree. the girl found a magazine of our dad posting in the front cover for some local gymnastics halloween party thing idk. then we went inside this secret passage near the secluded area (but we never ended up going in there. it was like a little mini pond that the stream led to , dark in the shade of trees with weeping willows and stuff— like the surskit area in poke park wii idk) — and it was kinda scary in the secret hole idk not really but it was  an old 2000s box t.v. playing dad’s tapes of gymnastics stuff and then stuffed with straw scarecrow type things sitting around it like a halloween props. they were in the pose of the picture on the cover, one of the dummies was supposed to resemble dad. there was a pumpkin on top of the tv. then it jumped around a bit idk  and my camera/ds died i guess. so i rwanted to run back home . to get a real camera. mason and pilar came with me and we had to run dow a super steep hill like the one in town by hermann… mason had his bike, i was running so fast my feet couldn’t stop and i reach out my right hand and grabbed a pole and swung around it as mason massed under my arm, ducking. it was funny, perfect timing. then this whole segment of the dream pretty much abruptly ended. and now we’re at the last segment. i pretty much forgot it at this point. something really weird and not as memorable so I’m not really complaining. but it is annoying to forget. some weird prank type thing where this girl and this weird guy who was serving food hit it off and got married instantly. it was weird idk it was supposed to be like a funny prank thing but too vague to remember now. ufgh.it was weird idk what else happened with that. something with a bed then it cut away to a new segment of the dream... jumping around.
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^^^ This.
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