#these two are so cuuuuuute wtf
moonlightsolo · 1 year
I send so many requests hahahaa
Feel like it would be SO cute if you’re out in the forest and you find a thanator pup lost and abandoned but it clings on to so you adopt it. Then Neteyam is like how wtf??? But he lets you keep it despite his concerned reaction and it becomes your pet :,)
CUUUUUUTE!!! & i love every request you make pls don’t stop sending them (i promise i’ll get to every one even if i’m slow)
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“c’mon ‘teyam!! let’s go!” you cry out to your boyfriend. his large four-fingered hand is clasped in your two tiny ones as you attempt to tug him forward.
he’s staring down at you with a playful annoyed look, not budging from his spot planted in the dirt.
“pleeeeeeaaaaase! i wanna go see them! we don’t have to get close, i just wanna look! they’re so cute!” your voice whines, which makes his ears flick from the sound.
neteyam grimaces from your squeaky voice and plants a large hand on top of your head, “okay, okay fine. just don’t whine like that again.” he laughs with a shake of his head.
he turns his hand in yours to grasp your tiny fist tightly in his palm to lead you farther into the jungle, “come on, ma yawntutsyìp.”
the little nickname makes your heart warm in your chest. his little loved one.
“thank you! thank you! thank you!” you exclaim excitedly with the biggest grin on your face.
your tall blue boyfriend looks down at you in awe from your excitement. he smiles because he is the one that made you feel this way— he loves when you’re happy.
the tall na’vi boy bends down to your height, allowing you to hop on his back so he could climb the trees without you falling behind. he hops from branch to branch, which makes you squeal out in fear and also from the adrenaline. he’s just so quick, and knows exactly where to grab and plant his feet.
neteyam slows down as he nears a sunny clearing below. he sinks down to his stomach to crawl forward to the edge, his wide eyes darting around to examine the area. his new position lets you slide off of his back onto the branch next to him, to crawl forward and lean over the side too.
your eyes instantly spot a homemade nest in the shadows, big enough for a few thanators to rest in. “where are they?” your voice whispers out to him.
“patience…” he breathes out quietly into the warm air, sending a cheeky smirk your way. you roll your eyes at him, which just makes him smirk more.
how must you be patient when you’ve been waiting all season for this? through the mating season, and through the gestation period, and now finally the calfs are born!
you keep your eyes trained on the sunny patch of grass, looking around the perimeter of trees for the mother thanator; or even any sign of the babies.
you looooove babies— and when they come in cute forms, like little alien creatures from pandora, you somehow love them even more.
rustling to the side makes your eyes dart to the shadows as a large black cat-like figure emerges from the brush. it’s the mother, and she’s dragging food back to her babies.
she drops the meat in the center of the field, before calling out to her babies with a rumbling, clicking noise.
sudden chirps grow louder as a dozen of baby thanators emerge from the nest. yipping, and growling as they feast on the meat of the animal their mother hunted.
neteyam watches you as your face brightens from the sight of the babies you’ve been waiting so long for. you could do without the blood, and the guts, but it’s so fascinating to you.
as a human on a foreign planet, surrounded by the most fascinating flora and creatures, you feel in your element; you belong here.
one at a time, the babies retreat back into the safety of their nest to leave their mother with the leftovers. she quickly eats the rest of the carcass, before crawling into the next with her children. her large head sticks out to patrol the area with her eyes, protectively.
“oh my god, neteyam. that’s so amazing.” you breathe out, almost breathless from the experience. he smiles at you from the side, his hand comes up to rub the top of your head.
sometimes he doesn’t understand why you get so excited over the animals on pandora, but he knows it’s because you didn’t grow up here like him.
“the circle of life can be prrrretty fascinating.” he chuckles, and goes to stand up in the tree. he stays slightly crouched from the branches above his head. his attention is undivided now, only staring at you.
“wanna go back now?” he watches how your shoulders drop slightly, “we can come back— don’t worry.” he adds with a chuckle.
“yeah, we can go.” you sigh in defeat, sliding behind his back to climb onto him, “wanna go find some of your favorite fruit?” neteyam offers as his hands wrap around your thighs, once they wrap around his waist.
he wants to get your mind off of the animals for a little bit, and he knows exactly where the tree is planted in the jungle, “ooh yes!” you exclaim happily with a giant grin.
neteyam grins from your response and takes off in a sprint once he’s sure you’re secured on his back. he leaps between the giant trees, before leaping off of a branch to grab ahold of a vine.
you squeal loudly with barking laughter as it feels as if you’re free falling in the air, until his feet hit the ground. he lets you down easily by swinging you off his back with one hand strongly grasping your behind.
a flush settles on your chest, and heat rises in your chest from his hand on your ass. it isn’t uncommon for him to grab your body, but it always makes you flustered every single time.
neteyam can’t help but swoop down to peck your lips, before standing back up to his full height. his hands grasps yours to lead you through the vegetation. he bends underneath fallen logs while you can continue to stand up straight from your height. it humors you how tall your boyfriend is.
your eyes almost sparkle as you spot the brightly colored tree covered in round pink fruits. the colors are almost flourescent from the sunset growing nearer.
before you could even reach the tree, something to your side rustles in the brush. you and neteyam halt in your spot to try and find where the noise came from.
your body jolts when a soft cry echoes from the bush, and neteyam instinctively slides in front of you for protection.
before you could even try to leave, a small body tumbles from the bush and waddles up to neteyam’s feet.
“what is it?!! what is it?!” you hide your face in his back, covering your face with your hands.
neteyam almost laughs at how ironic this is, “a thanator… a baby.” he coos as he bends down to its level, but the baby lets out a menancing hiss.
“woah, woah.” neteyam backs up slightly, pushing you farther behind him. if the baby would charge at you both, he wouldn’t hesitate to drop kick it into the jungle for your own safety.
“a what?!” you shriek, and push him out of the way to look in front of him. you barely push him though, he honestly just moves out of the way for you.
once you see the sleek black skin of the thanator baby, you instantaneously drop to your knees in front of it. “hi! oh my gosh you’re so cute!” you softly squeal at it.
the baby cowers back toward the bush, it’s little legs shake as it hisses weakly at you. “don’t worry, buddy. i promise i’m not mean. are you hurt?” you ask if it would actually answer you.
neteyam really doesn’t understand how you think the babies are cute, he actually finds them quite terrifying and kind of ugly.
the baby whines as it’s eyes worriedly dart between you and the na’vi boy behind you, “‘teyam, back up!” you hush at him through your teeth.
your boyfriend feels overly protective over you right now, but he obliges and takes a step back. you intently watch how the animal takes a hesitant step toward you, it’s body still trembling in fear.
“it’s okay.” your soft tone soothes the child as it draws closer to you.
neteyam’s hand rests on the handle of his blade, ready to step forward at any given moment if the thing attacks you. his brain clouds with confusion as the predator climbs into your lap and curls up into a ball.
his hand drops from his sheathed knife as his eyes take in what just happened. your small hand gently carressss the top of the baby’s head as it lays in the crook of your legs.
“are you serious?” he mumbles out in shock, but still smiles at the scene in front of him.
“i can’t believe this is happening right now.” you breathe out shakily and look up at neteyam towering over you.
“i cannot explain how confused i am.” he replies, his big round eyes are somehow even wider as he gawks.
a crack of thunder in the sky makes the baby shake even harder, and whine quietly under its heavy breathing. “we have to take it back with us.”
“are you crazy? we can’t do that.” neteyam shakes his head in disagreement. there’s no way his parents would allow him to bring such a predator into the village. he would be lectured for who knows how long.
“well, we can’t just leave it out here by itself!” you retaliate with a stern voice. you know, that you would never be able to live with yourself if you left this poor animal to fend for itself.
“it’s almost as big as you, my love. how will you take care of it?” he points out, which is very true.
“i have to. i won’t be able to live with my decision to leave her out here in the storm by herself…” you trail off as you scratch behind her ears. the animal purrs in your lap, making you grin.
“okay, fine. come on. we gotta get back to camp before the storm hits us.” neteyam sighs as he watches you stand up with the heavy creature in your arms. he can tell you’re struggling a bit, but you still have the biggest smile on your face.
“you alright?” he asks with a little chuckle, and eyes you suspiciously, “yes, i’m good! let’s go!” you chirp and start walking past him, but he stays in his spot and keeps an eye on you.
“my ikran is this way.” neteyam points the opposite way you’re walking, and your cheeks burn with embarrassment. you don’t know what would happen to you if you didn’t have him to be your personal GPS.
“let’s go.” you march past him, with a roar coming from the baby thanator.
neteyam watches you confidently walk forward with a little chuckle, shaking his head at you. he watches your tiny body walk farther away from him, letting his eyes wander over your backside.
he can’t understand how or why the baby thanator attached itself to you, a human, instead of a na’vi. he’s not even sure if a thanator would trust one of his people.
you’ve opened his eyes to entire new world, his own world. he doesn’t understand how you work, but all he knows is that you’re his.
this little human is all his, and somehow you seem as if you’re even more connected to his world than him; and he loves you even more for it.
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dickwheelie · 3 years
by popular demand on the discord server, a jonsasha fic! this incorporates a few different requests from the discord buds, but it boils down to: jon and sasha are on a "stakeout" for a statement and jon thinks it's purely for work but sasha is treating it like a date without him realizing.
this was my first time writing jonsasha and I gotta say it was super fun! I'll have to do more with these two in the future. please enjoy!
"Anything yet?" Sasha asked.
Jon's leg had begun to fall asleep, and so he shifted his weight, leaning closer to the windshield. He squinted through the darkness at the doorway across the street, but it was as empty as before. "No, nothing," he said with a sigh.
Sasha shrugged. "Time to dig into the sandwiches, then." She reached into the backseat and retrieved the cooler she'd brought along for their overnight stakeout. It was two in the morning and they'd already gone through a packet of crisps and a candy bar each, as well as a handful of oranges, because Sasha thought they should try to be at least somewhat healthy. Now she pulled out two wrapped sandwiches, which looked like they'd come from Tesco's. She handed Jon the tuna one.
"So you can keep kosher," she said as she unwrapped her ham and cheese.
Jon looked at her in surprise. "Oh, er," he said, "thank you." Usually people forgot.
"Course." Sasha flashed him a smile. She'd been smiling a lot that night; Jon had no idea Sasha enjoyed stakeouts so much. He'd have to invite her to investigate statements more often in the future. He liked seeing her smile; she would scrunch up her nose slightly and it was very cute.
Almost as though she were reading his mind, Sasha said, "Thanks for inviting me out tonight, Jon. This has been fun." She craned her neck towards the passenger's side window. "Even if we're not having much luck. It's nice just to spend time together."
"O-Of course," Jon said. "Thank you for joining me. And for bringing the food." He paused. "And the car."
Sasha laughed. "Least I could do, really."
The truth was, Jon had asked her to join him mostly because Sasha was the best researcher he knew at the Institute, definitely better than himself. It didn't hurt that she was also a good friend, and one of the few people at work who seemed to like Jon. The only other one he could think of was Tim. But Sasha was . . . she was just different, somehow. She understood him, in a way very few people did. Now that he thought about it, not since Georgie had he so thoroughly clicked with someone. He was unaccountably relieved when she'd agreed to join him on what would have been a very lonely and very dull stakeout. Then again, Sasha had never shied away from a chance to do more thorough research.
The passenger's side window nearest to Jon was cracked open, and a sudden draft of night air blew in, making him shiver.
"Oh, are you cold?" Sasha said, and before Jon could answer, she removed the wool jacket she was wearing and placed it around his shoulders. Sasha was about the same height as him, perhaps an inch or two taller, but she was much broader-shouldered, and her jacket was large on him, encompassing him in its sudden warmth. He couldn't help but notice it smelled like her perfume. "Better?" Sasha asked.
Jon felt heat rise to his face, and drew the jacket a bit tighter around him. "Er, yes, much better." He definitely wasn't cold anymore, at least. He looked down at the jacket, running his finger along one of its many tiny enamel pins. He'd never tried to get close enough to look at them all. Now he could see, among others, a trans flag, a pan flag, an anarchist symbol, a pin with a drawing of the globe that said "Give Earth a Chance," and one that just said "int elligent;". He didn't understand that one but he supposed it meant something to somebody.
"I wonder how legal this is," Sasha was saying. "Staking out someone's flat like this. I mean, technically we're not breaking any laws, just sitting here in the car . . ."
Jon nodded. "Considering the kind of stuff I usually do, this is on the lower end of the legally dubious spectrum."
Sasha laughed. "How many carparks have you jumped the fence of again?"
"I believe the last count was six," Jon said, allowing himself a satisfied grin.
"Next time I expect you to invite me along to one of those 'research outings.' "
"Deal," said Jon, and they shook on it.
"Either way," Sasha said, settling back in her seat, "this has definitely been one of the more interesting dates I've been on."
Jon froze in his seat. Date? He had invited her out to help with investigating a statement, not for a date. His mind flashed back over the last three hours. Had he been on a date with Sasha this whole time, without realizing it? Had she not realized that this was a work thing? Oh god, what had he said to her when he'd asked? Had he made it sound like he was asking her out?
"Sasha," he said slowly, mind racing to figure out how best to break the news to her, "I . . . I'm so sorry, but I didn't--"
"Didn't know this was a date?" Sasha didn't seem angry. In fact, she was grinning at him. "I know. When you asked me to join you tonight, I said to myself, Sasha, this is the closest Jon is gonna get to asking you out. You better make it easy for him." She shrugged. "So, I made it a date. Assuming you're okay with that. If not, then it doesn't have to be one. Simple as that."
Jon stared at her, with her bright eyes and expectant smile. She really was very beautiful. He didn't ordinarily notice things like that, about anyone, but now that he was looking for it . . . And what an efficient way to go about things. It would be so much simpler if all dates could be arranged so easily. "Yes," he said, surprising himself at his own words. "That's . . . that's okay. A date is okay."
"You're sure?"
There was a spark of anticipation in his chest. "Yes."
Sasha's face lit up. "Brilliant." She leaned a little closer to him, resting an elbow up on the dashboard. "Is this alright?"
"Is what alright?"
"This." Sasha leaned across the gearshift and kissed him on the cheek.
Jon sat there for a moment, his heart racing. "I--um." He didn't have to give it much thought. "Yes." He leaned towards her. "Do it again?"
Sasha grinned, and pressed her lips to his. They were very soft. He could taste her chapstick, which was coconut flavored. It was wonderful. Her mouth shook under his for a second, as she tried to stifle a laugh. He pulled away, indignant, but Sasha was shaking her head. "I'm not laughing at you. It's just--you're so gentle. You don't have to be all careful with me." She pointed at herself. "It's Sash, remember?"
"I'm sorry," Jon said. "It's . . . been a while."
"Ah, same here. But I don't accept your apology."
Jon cracked a smile. "Can't get anything past you, James."
"No," Sasha said, faux-primly. "You can't." And then she kissed him again, and despite her insistence that he needn't be gentle, Jon melted anyway. Even with the both of them sitting down, Sasha's couple of inches on him were evident, and Jon gladly let her tower over him. He had always been a little self-conscious about his height, and having a partner that was taller than him was extremely welcome.
When they finally pulled apart, Jon said, "You're a genius."
Sasha looked puzzled. "I didn't know I was that good of a kisser."
"Oh, no, that's not--You're a really good kisser, yes, but I meant about the date thing."
"Ohh. That makes more sense. Yes, I am a genius. And a great kisser. Thank you for noticing," said Sasha, and Jon laughed.
The rest of the stakeout was, unfortunately, a bit of a wash. Neither of them spent much time watching the doorway, and they fell asleep on one another's shoulders around three in the morning. As a date, though, Jon would have to say it was a complete success.
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x09 Commentary
Zeta and Giuls scream together, and then die.
Me & Zeta will watch together season 14′s episodes as they come out and we’ll do our commentary while watching.
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8
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14x09 The Spear (mid season finale)
Zeta: W   T   F, I’m scared
-Music too happy to be on Supernatural [ camera slide to blood] and here it is.
Zeta: of course
- CRUNCH. and those are some ugly ass teeth, like...prop ugly ass.
- Here comes Michael.  Eyebrows on fleek.
Zeta: I like the clothes
-I like the view
-[ enters Garth]
Zeta: aaaaah Garth
- “A bit scrawny and a bit familiar”
AH I KNEW THAT, he’s so bluffing.
Zeta: he better be, I can’t hate Garth.
-OH my gosh he’s a dad . Look at that cute face.
- *CRUNCH CRUNCH,  not enough crunch *adds more*   
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Zeta: i hate cereal
- Yeah me too I can’t eat them , yuck, much less with milk.
Zeta:  Hi dad.
- C: Damn it Jack, you are so like your other Dad
- “...this is not what it looks like “
- Ok but whose hat is that?
C: I know it’s been a tough couple of days but-
J: you mean me dying and coming back to life?
- A right of passage. DYING.
-You are a full grown lying Winchester now
- Oh right the others don’t know that the Empty invaded Heaven.
- Castiel snort when Jack talk about Heaven is heartbreaking for me. And the little peak he does until Jack answer him is so,...Dad
- C: I just don’t want them to know
Zeta: Of course you don’t
C: “They don’t need that burden, you don’t need that burden”
- why are you so selfless .
C: I just don’t want my husband to know because he’ll kill me and send me there before my time.
-YEAH EXACTLY, my precious little angel.
Zeta: Given myself permission
-I bet the writers scan the fucking tumblr , we all wrote something like that somewhere.
- Jack: I’m sorry.
- At least we have Krunch Cookie Crunch .
Jack: ...did you take the decoder ring out the box?
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- omg I can’t deal with this.
Zeta: Cookietacular
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-I knew it
Zeta: yep, I hope they won’t catch him. 
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Zeta: Balls
Zeta: Of course Sam, wtf with their hair
- I’m loving Dean’s optimism, can’t wait to have that crushed later 
- K : Sam, Dean ...
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Zeta:of course he dropped the egg.
- Cass deep menacing voice is tingling my soul
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Zeta:  He PaID eXtRa
- S: We appreciate the gesture
  D: dO We?
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- Dean’s like : look what you have done, you upset my husband, now he’ll be grumpy for days
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- Please don’t touch my Garth. SLAINTè!
Zeta: he swall- Press pause, the bell!
- oh....ok...I’ll .....just wait here then.
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Zeta: ok resume.
When you have to sync again:
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Sam smiling while thinking of crime 
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-Gaaaaaarth mah man
Both: Merry freaking Christmas
- ooooh They wanna cage M.
Zeta: i...NEED ....THAT....CAR...
- Oh look it’s my Destiel fandom right there.
-C: I didn’t even wanted to punch your face the entire trip, you are in a good mood
Zeta: big no string attached win
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- [sweats profusely]
Zeta: Sweet innocent summer child.
I love two matchy husbands
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“and I kill him”
both: I’m good.
-shut your bitch mouth.
Zeta: Fun porn. I meant gun porn
- that works too. Look at that hand sliding up...yeees yeees....do that again, slower.
- I for once , I want to see Castiel with guns and tearing shit to the ground I swear I’m gonna die that day.
-Omg, CUTE...CUUUUUUTE  Jack with his Santa’s jacket I love him so much. MOST PROTECT.
Zeta: breaking into the post office. MY SON, 
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both: PROUD
Zeta: shut up 
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-shhhhh it’s my husbands time. 
- Look at Dean embracing the skinny jeans. FANSERVICE
Zeta: Happy holidays. Yeah...NOPE.
- We can’t have nice things on supernatural.
-Stop hitting Sam on the head 2k18-19
- You know what I like about Micheal?.....he’s not stupid like the other baddies. Of course he was onto Garth, I mean...come on.
Zeta: there goes the egg
-Stop hitting Sam on the head 2k18-19
Zeta: stop throwing Sam against walls and stuff
Castiel asking that quickly if he was Sam calling . gold.
“Garth let’s talk”
- Look at that fucking scared face.
Zeta: Duh. Don’t you hurt my husband
D:” well then you’ll just have to kill me”
-my idiot husband
Zeta: Liar
- He does that
- Cas does it too. Look at him go.... so proud
-When you and your boyfriend lie together.
Zeta: He’s a Winchester now, of course he does
-Full grown one
Zeta: Respect
-Don’t you go in there alone. I’m enjoying this Cas behaving like overprotective brother Dean on Sam. 
Zeta: Stop hurting Jack
- M: Oh but Jack we are family
  M: eons by eons
- No thanks
Zeta: They’ll come for me
- He literally can’t wait for them to come
Zeta: Excellent
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- OH thank fucking god. I need water.
Zeta: Thanks for waiting for us. 
- Castiel tenderly healing Jack. EXCELLENT
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Zeta: Dork
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-Love it. 10/10 such skills
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Zeta: Impossible odds. Feels like home
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Zeta: Fuck
Zeta: Cas in the front
Zeta: Sam in the back
-Oh Mich is nervous. Why so fidgeting.
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- “Caaastieeeel”
Zeta: Cas as bait
- ...i ‘M ANGRY , but then....well...he is the strongest among them so....I guess.....BUT I STILL DON’T LIKE THAT. stop hitting my baby
-Dean using the spear.....YAS.....HOT.
-you let me in.
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-Wait let me fix it in Supernatural style 
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Zeta: Fuck......noooooooo
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-When I gave up Dean, you didn’t think to question it?
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-OH DAMN... why...why does it looks like he’s scolding me like a teacher or something...omg.
-Dean was...resisting me. He was too attached to you, to all of you.
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Zeta: Squirming
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- omg look at that asshole, so smug, so proud of himself...amazing
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- Crush and disappointing him so completely that this time, he’ll be nice and quiet for a change...buried
Zeta: This is doing things to me
- to quote Micheal Dean: To you, to all of you.
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did M just pulled a Thanos?
Zeta: Bitch I died
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage  @destiel-honeypie   @mariekoukie6661   @dragontamerm    @closetspngirl @rainflowermoon @mattiecat   @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee @jacks-word-of-the-day @4evamc
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starlitsea · 8 years
The first part of the finale.
Listen to monotone robot man. Why would anyone follow this dude?
Baby Elizabeth is soooo cute. ;__;
This conference looks SO AWKWARD with the Enterprise crew just … standing on the stairs in the background. Phlox is the only one who looks cheerful and everyone else looks like they’re waiting for the dentist to pull out their wisdom teeth.
Clap clap clap.
Archer KNOWS they look bad so makes everyone clap harder.
Trip REALLY doesn’t want to clap. If you watch carefully, it looks like T'Pol caught a stray thought from Trip and is just sharing in his sullenness. Archer probably made them stand away from each other because it would be waaaay too obvious otherwise.
Aw, look at this crew. Sourpusses together.
Trip says something. T'Pol answers, but even her words sound completely unconvincing.
They are totally having a private mental bitch session and none of you can convince me otherwise. T'Pol has a bit of a delay before moving down the stairs too, as though she’s finishing listening to Trip grousing in her mindspace. Also, it looks like she’s zoning out a couple of times on the stairs. LOL.
Random woman staggering in wearing a jacket from 1970.
T'Pol is backing Trip’s POV up to Archer. My babies have come so far since Season One! Also, that quick amused look Archer gives her. Like, oh, backing up Trip, huh?
Look, the bad jacket lady is shoving something at T'Pol while saying, “They’re going to kill her.” She looks like a bomber or a shooter.
Is there NO SECURITY at this Very Important Conference?!
T'Pol looks very concerned by the words of this person who has wandered in off the street.
But no, she’s a dying, emotionally disturbed good Samaritan who has a DYING MESSAGE.
Or a vial with hair in it. Doesn’t the hair look TOO LONG for a baby?
T'Pol has the facts about Susan Khouri and has clearly been doing some digging. Trip just looks befuddled. He’s more concerned about who the hair belonged to. Clearly he thinks there’s some sort of hostage situation.
Trip and T'Pol as a duo standing together is a good thing because this is a crazy truth bomb that is about to be dropped on them.
Phlox is like, yes, I know exactly who the hair belongs to. It’s a baby that contains Vulcan and human DNA.
T'Pol’s face is very calm and considering.
Phlox: I did everything possible to verify these shocking hair results.  It’s TnT’s baby!
Trip turning to T'Pol all: Wait, we had a baby?!
T'Pol looks a little unsettled by all the looks but is otherwise like, yeah, of course? in her demeanor.
Of course, the very next scene she is meditating so she isn’t THAT calm about it. Aaaaand obviously she knows who is at her door.
Trip strides in all: “We gotta talk about this.” We can only wonder how they left the conversation after sick bay but it doesn’t look like they got anywhere with it if this is where they’re starting. I assume there was a lot of Trip going, ARE YOU SURE? And Phlox going: Did I stutter?
Anyway, Trip sits down and steeples/smooshes his hands against his face. This is not an easy conversation.
T'Pol’s like, OK, I am not sitting next to you as it appears you may behave irrationally. Also, I dunno what’s going on either.
Trip’s all: Science! DNA! Verifiable facts! Logic!
T'Pol: Are you calling me a liar? I’ve never been pregnant. Like, ever.
Trip: Then WTF is going on?! I’m so confused and distraught. (Though really, if we look at the date of the first time they had sex, unless the Vulcan gestation period is VERY short, I don’t think they could have a six month old? Like, I guess human females pregnant with a half Vulcan baby actually have a TEN month long pregnancy? And she would have probably had to get pregnant when they were chasing the Xindi and like … hidden it for months as their ship was on the verge of breaking down???)
T'Pol can’t explain how it’s possible and Trip is just … not dealing very well.
T'Pol: Do you believe me?
This is a really important question. This is a crisis here. Like, this is basically her LIFE PARTNER (and father of her child(ren)!) questioning whether she is telling him the truth.
And we don’t see her expression but we see Trip’s expression, and slowly, slowly, he says, “Yeah.” He believes her. Phlox must be wrong.  If she’s never been pregnant then she can’t have a baby.
He is having some MIXED feelings here. On the one hand, we KNOW he loves the idea of having kids with her. He LOVES THEIR KIDS. He was SO DAMN HAPPY about Lorian. On the other hand, at least T'Pol is not a giant liar McLiar McLying face who had his baby and hid it from him only to have dangerous people kidnap it?
And ever since he said that he believed her, she’s been moving closer to him. And she sits down in front of him now, so close, now that they are finally able to be in the same space, and she tells him, she knows that it’s their baby.
He’s like, Wait a minute, did you NOT just tell me two seconds ago that you’ve never been-
She hasn’t.
And now he’s all angry and confused and going crazy again. WTF is going on?!
Here you can hear the emotion leak out of her. She can’t explain how their baby exists, but it does.  There is definitely a baby out there that is theirs.
And Trip’s face is just a picture of WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING? How do you know that?!
She just rapid-fire responds with: I’m Vulcan.
His disbelieving face is the best. It’s like she said, I know because I’m a witch. And he just slumps a little like, Samantha, why didn’t you tell me you were a witch BEFORE we got married?! (Okay, I actually dislike so many things about Bewitched, but this is just the example that popped to mind!)
Archer has faith in humanity. Yes, reference that theme song!
He’s rebutted with: We can’t afford to operate on faith.
Archer: No, ‘cause I’ve got faith of the heart! I’m going where my heart will take me! I’ve got faith to believe, I can do anything!
Archer is like TnT are going bananas, please tell me what you found out.
Yeah, now Archer has to call on Malcolm for a shady favor.
Malcolm hanging out at the actual docks. LOL.
Ugh, now Malcolm is back in the shady covert organization. All for Archer.
Everyone’s like: where did this baby come from? The mysterious secret dude doesn’t even know.
The bad guys are plotting. The TnT baby is so cuuuuuute that no one can resist. She’s a cutie patootie.
Terraists are always totally crazy (see LoGH, I mean Terraists).
Megalomaniacs always have scale models of buildings in their rooms.
I still don’t see any security at this conference!
Why do politicians always look so sleazy?
Archer is being pretty decent at getting information for once. Not enough underlying threat, though.
Travis’s subplot again. Hi, subplot. Travis is mad because Gannett broke up with him.
Trip needs some one to talk to so he goes to Phlox, because as you know, starships were not equipped with Counselors back in the day.
Trip gets right to talking about the baby. He wants to know about it, if it’s a boy or a girl. After what T'Pol said, it’s become real to him.
He’s so gobsmacked that she’s a girl. He’s in awe. He is fucking INVESTED. Immediately. Instantaneously. As soon as he let himself believe in it. (He is gonna back SUCH A GOOD DAD.) Now he wants to know if she’s okay, being a hybrid. (I mean, he’s seen Lorian so he knows it’s possible for her to be fine.)
Phlox says humans and Vulcans are pretty similar (yeah, all that Seeder stuff) so to the best of his knowledge, she’s perfectly healthy. (Nuuuuuu, whhhhyyyyyy.)
Trip is relieved and smiles a little bit. Then Phlox is a little TOO free with the info and tells him that she has his eyes. He laughs. Lorian had his father’s.
And T'Pol’s ears. Lorian had those too.
Trip’s still flabbergasted. It’s so much to take in.
Phlox is like, yeah, it’s totes weird since T'Pol’s never been pregnant. (And as her DOCTOR, he should know.)
And then Trip says: She could have gotten pregnant and not told me about it.
I will cut him a little slack because the situation is so completely bizarre and they were definitely having their fair share of problems, but, seriously Trip, you need to have more faith (of the heart)! That was beneath you.
Phlox does not bat an eye that they’re clearly sleeping together (well, he half orchestrated the whole thing), but the way he says, “Ah,” is so heavy and chiding. “And she had the embryo removed, also without your knowledge. I believe you know the answer to that theory, Commander.” Phlox is shaming him for his line of thought and Trip acknowledges it and that he’s wrong to think it. He knows that he should believe in her.
Phlox is like, OK, I will give you a pass this time, but you better not be a dumbass about it and say anything like this to T'Pol.
Trip thinks hard, nods, and says that’s good advice. He just won her back after a hard fought struggle. He’s not enough of an idiot to throw that away again.
Trip shares the fact that his father always wanted a granddaughter and bothered his sister about it all the time. (Was Lizzie married? I think originally he might have been supposed to have an older sister, but she got wiped from canon, so it must be Lizzie who’s being referenced.) For once, talking about his sister doesn’t seem to be painful for him. He’s smiling.
Phlox plays along and says it seems his father got his wish.
Trip shakes his head and blows out a breath, feeling overwhelmed. Here he is, dealing with sudden fatherhood. But to his credit, he already loves this baby he’s never met.
Ugh, listen to these xenophobic Terraists. Watch this robo-dude shoot himself up.
Travis and subplot checking out the shuttlepods. Ah, Shuttlepod One. The scene of many close encounters. You guys should close the door at least? C'mon, Travis.
Trip and T'Pol are the only ones sitting at the table. Like everyone else is standing around giving a presentation and the two of them need to be sitting in case there’s more bad news. Trip immediately volunteers to go on the undercover mission to the moon. T'Pol looks conflicted for a second, listening to him, but makes up her mind that she also wants to go. They’ve gotta get to their baby. Archer sees their resolve and doesn’t argue.
Doctor dude from earlier is the end result of ROCKS FALL.
Why are we mining the moon? Poor moon.
Trip and T'Pol are apparently the ONLY ONES on the undercover mission. Like, uh, you couldn’t send a couple MACOs??? These people have their baby. DON’T YOU THINK THEY’RE KIND OF RECOGNIZABLE?
Anyway, they are quibbling over directions while dressed in truly ugly jumpsuits.
Trip accuses T'Pol of downloading an outdated map.
She’s affronted. The map is fine!
Trip: “Maybe you’re reading it wrong.”
She is so peeved right now. She is pursing her lips in annoyance. THIS is the man she’s in love with? Really? But she restrains herself like a Vulcan and offers gently, “We can ask for directions.”
Trip is NOT asking for directions and tells her to give him the map.
He tells her that he’s figured out the problem and she clings on to this glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. “What?”
“We’re lost.”
Her irritated face is a delight. They’re lost. Also hilarious.
He suggests going in one direction and she inquires as to his reasoning.
He doesn’t recognize the tunnel and she bows her head and gives in.
Well, they’re alone in this tunnel so she wants to have a heart to heart. She knows he’s not convinced that she told him the truth about the child.
He looks really serious here when he asks her what she means.
She looks both sad and a little testy as she says, “You think I might have gotten pregnant without your knowledge.”
He can’t really deny it and looks away, but tries to defend himself anyway. “I never said that!”
“I know.” Jolene’s delivery here is so good? She is acknowledging that he didn’t say that even if he was thinking it, and she knows it was because he didn’t want to hurt her, even if she is still hurt by it. She does a little swallow after she says it too.
He’s not mad or anything but the first thought that comes to his mind just pops out of his mouth: “You’ve been talking to Phlox.”
And by this T'Pol is a little skeptical as to where the conversation has gone and turns it around on him. “Nooo? Have you?”
Now he’s kind of frustrated but not mad. “Look, it’s because you’re Vulcan, inn’t it, that you know all this?!” Like he’s at a perpetual disadvantage and T'Pol is full of some witchy secret mind-reading knowledge that he’s not privy too. She knows that the baby is theirs. She knows that he has doubts. (Darlin’, she could read you without the psychic bond. And don’t forget, you once told her the same thing.)
He’s sick of the bond!
Now, this riles her up. She doesn’t particularly enjoy it either. Especially when it tells her her partner is doubting her!
But the way Trip handles this really shows how much he’s grown and that he really took his talk with Phlox to heart. He tells her that for the last time he DOES believe her and that if she gets any more feelings (I think he was probably going to tell her to talk about them with him first rather than stewing in her own juices) – but he gets distracted by T'Pol staring over his shoulder.
Yup, they finally found the area they were looking for. So Trip was right about that. And then they have to table the conversation because finding their baby is more important.
Also, hasn’t it been a day or two since you guys were originally having sex? You were the one with the friend on the moon base so TnT could sneak in so you had to have been productive at SOME point. Were just helping out between bouts of having sex in the shuttlepod?! Has Gannett just been hanging out on the ship the ENTIRE time?
Hoshi is fixing the universal translators. Malcolm is getting antsy.
Trip’s been singled out and is playing along to get in good with the good ol’ boys club. Uh, Josiah is being a Xenophobic butthead, but the rhetoric sounds so familiar. It’s not lost on me that they have multiple black men AND an Asian being xenophobic buttheads, BTW, but in Star Trek race isn’t an issue anymore. It’s species.
T'Pol comes up and without preamble starts to tell him that she’s figured something out. He grabs her, makes a gesture for silence, and hides her behind him to make sure everything’s clear. Gotta protect his lady.
T'Pol’s telling him about the dead doctor with the air of someone revealing the set up of a murder mystery.
Trip immediately knows that she’s not buying the cover up and they agree to split up and figure out what they can tonight.
Ugh, I don’t want to listen to the alt-right meeting, I mean … no, that’s exactly what I mean.
T'Pol is checking out the scene where the doctor’s body was found and of course she gets shot.
5 thousand unregistered aliens on Earth. Could be 10 thousand. Humanity won’t exist in the future because of aliens among us. Wow is this episode timely. Like LOOK, THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS SPOUTING THIS BS.
Trip, you’ve been found out. Your face is too famous.
Yeah, Archer and Malcolm have found out that your girlfriend is a spy.
Trip gets thrown in the room and the first thing he sees is T'Pol sprawled on the ground, struggling to get up. “Are you all right?”
“I think so.”
When he hears that, he is so upset that she didn’t respond with “Yes.” That means she got hurt or worse. He sees the guard and rushes at him, demanding to know what he did to her. He is about to go to town on this guy but is held back.
The guard smirks at him and says, “Not nearly enough.”
Trip’s face right now? This is the face of a man memorizing all of your features, buddy. So that he can find you later and beat the ever-living crap out of you so that even your own momma doesn’t recognize you. HOW DARE YOU.
Now Paxton comes and is just so ludicrous with his delivery, comparing them to Romeo and Juliet, (Seriously, you guys were SO NOT DISCRETE – EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT YOU), ranting on about them being starcrossed lovers …
Trip is wondering if this is all a huge joke. Is he being punked right now?
He and T'Pol both come to the realization that Paxton is the man in charge.
Then he rambles on about their baby being fine.
T'Pol is so pissed. Trip is so pissed too. He demands to see her.
Paxton yells: “No!” and then starts ranting some more. Trip’s face is like, WTF is even happening?
Paxton starts dissing Vulcans in particular. Then he starts dissing Trip and T'Pol’s relationship in general.
T'Pol wants to punch Paxton in the face and she is logically considering whether it will be worth it. Emotionally, it will be SO worth it. But logically, it could put the baby, Trip, and herself at risk.
I have always thought this, but apparently Trip and T'Pol are SO NOT discrete that even an organization of xenophobic whackjobs knows about them. Goodness.
TnT exchange a look, like, is he serious right now? This is the guy who’s the threat? THIS yahoo?
Yeah, the moonbase is mobile. He’s just letting Trip and T'Pol stand around with no guards? Like, really?
Gannett is being interrogated and wants a lawyer. Travis cannot believe this is happening.
Hoshi is only slightly judging.
Yeah, that’s correct, the entire mining facility is taking off.
Trip and T'Pol thinking that they’ve been caught by an absolute madman here who’s going to warp INSIDE the system.
Trip is like, WTF is holding this together, spit and string? Why would you even make this monstrosity?
TnT are a unit here.
Since when did we arm Mars?! With, like, the outpost from The Martian and lasers shooting out of the satellite dish?
Why are we ALWAYS firing on our poor Moon? Like, LEAVE THE MOON ALONE.
T'Pol literally feels sick standing next to this man.
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drizzitwrites · 6 years
Football RPF Challenge - Day 20: Lazy Morning
I meant to post this yesterday (and truthfully I meant to FINISH it yesterday because this may not ever end up in a fic and the ending is CUUUUUUTE), but Windows updates conspired against me, so here it is now.
Today's prompt is "lazy morning." It's weird because I'm struggling to find any obvious scene where I just let these two lay in bed and enjoy one another's company. Like...they're always in a hurry to get up and go to training or catch flights or do something. I mean, it's the busy life of a footballer, you know, so it's not like they get a lot of days off to just lay around.
There are a few places where I could just manifest a scene (and honestly I think what's going to happen is that this is going to be a fairly generic scene with no specific fic in mind), but I can't think of any specifics. I mean, I certainly have some ideas of scenes of them waking up together and in the mornings, but in all cases there is something preventing them from just laying in bed and enjoying the day--training, panic at the fact that they've spent the night together and having to sort out wtf that means, having to catch a flight, Vincent being too injured to get up and do anything anyway and Christian is bringing him things, being in a house full of people and they just need to get up and deal with what that means--always something.
I want to write something that will be useful for one of my fics, though, so I suppose this is as lazy of a morning as we'll get in the next few fics. It's either Vincent being very strung out on painkillers and Christian bringing him things or them waking up in Vincent's parents' house and having to go downstairs to face the inevitable teasing from Vincent's siblings and then catch a flight. So...I suppose out of the two of those I'll do the former since it happens first.
A warm hand on his shoulder, touch firm but somehow feather light.
Voice in his ear sounded muffled and distant, like it was drifting through water.
Another insistent press of fingers against skin, and Vincent blinked his eyes open. Around him, everything hazy and too bright. Too much light. Everything white.
Hot ghost of breath across his cheek, followed by the soft scrape of scruff against his skin. Wave of citrus and mint and a hint of liquorice filling his nose.
Vincent shifted, trying to adjust his position so he could see. Christian's smell. Christian's house in Christian's bed. Or...not Christian's bed.
Sharp spike of pain shooting through his right leg as he turned, making his whole body pulse with it. His stomach twisting and rolling with it, his head throbbing in time.
Smooth cotton against his cheek--rumpled and sleep warm. His body wrapped in warmth, bedclothes tangled around the weight at his ankle.
"There you are," Christian said, clearer now. "Goedemorgen, Liefje."
A groan escaping him unbidden, and Vincent struggled to push himself upward to lean against the pillow. At the spike of pain in his foot, he gave up and flopped weakly back to the too soft pillow. He stared up at the stark white of the ceiling.
Christian's face slowly coming into view as he leaned over once more to plant a soft kiss to Vincent's forehead.
" How are you feeling?"
"I..." Vincent started, then stopped. Unsure of the answer. He tried to take an inventory of the situation. Head pounding and pulsing. Throat dry, and his mouth tasted like he'd fallen asleep chewing on a sock. Deep ache in the muscles of his shoulders, running up to his neck. Stomach queasy and unsettled. Right foot throbbing, sending small shocks radiating up his shin and all the way to his hip. He shifted again, twisting his foot just slightly with the movement and nearly screamed out from the stinging, burning pain of it all.
"I think..." Vincent started again, throat scratchy and voice rough and ragged.
He cleared his throat, knowing the action would be in vain.
"I must be fine," he said. "Because I imagine being dead wouldn't hurt so much."
"Oh, Liefje." Christian's voice not sounding much less weary and worn than Vincent's own. "I'll bring you some water and your next dose of the pain medicine. Do you want anything to eat?"
Vincent's stomach lurched a bit at the thought of food, and he shook his head. "No. Just water. I'm not...food doesn't seem like a good idea right now."
Another press of lips to his forehead, Christian's body radiating warmth into him. "You have to eat sometime. It's not good for you to go too long without food."
"No," Vincent said, voice stronger now as he pulled himself farther out of his drug-induced sleep. "Maybe later, but not just yet, okay?"
"Hm. Okay," Christian said. "I mean, here I was all set to bring you a nice breakfast in bed, but I suppose water and another pain pill will have to do. Will it bother you if I eat something?"
"What? No. Why?"
Christian shrugged. "I didn't know if the smell would bother you or...tell you what, let me just go put something together and you can let me know, okay?"
With that, he pressed one last kiss to Vincent's forehead and disappeared into the hallway.
Vincent lay back against the pillows, eyes closed against the sunlight bouncing and reflecting off the stark white of the walls.
He was in Christian's guest bedroom--and he vaguely remembered Christian ushering him in here the night before when he'd found Vincent crashing and fumbling his way down the corridor to the bathroom. Vincent had mumbled something about not wanting to disturb Christian's rest. Christian had waved it off then led Vincent to bed and settled in to sleep beside him, despite all Vincent's protests.
Now, late morning and--
He reached towards the nightstand for his phone, but found nothing there but the empty bottle of water Christian had given him the night before.
Right. He'd begun last evening on his sofa, claiming he'd be more comfortable there.
Vincent's pressed his forearms down into the mattress, trying to get some leverage so he could wriggle to a sitting position. His broken foot screamed out its protests, but he bit his lip against the pain and pressed on until he'd managed to hoist himself into an awkward half-slouch, head bumping against the wall, pillows jumbled beneath his hips and back.
His neck and shoulder muscles tensing and burning with the motion, he managed an awkward glance to the side and managed to snag a finger on the small digital clock Christian kept at the bedside.
Nearly half eleven in the morning.
Today was...Saturday, his injury coming a few minutes into the five-a-side match they often ran during Friday afternoon trainings.
Saturday, late morning, and...
"Christiaan," Vincent yelled out, his still raw throat protesting the effort.
A moment, and then Christian's feet pounding hard against the floorboards as he rushed to Vincent's side.
He skidded a bit as he turned down the hallway into the room, chest heaving a bit from what must have been a full sprint all the way through his house and up a flight of stairs.
"Vincent?" he asked, voice breathless, eyes wide and slightly frantic. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Do you need--?"
Vincent held up a hand. Honestly, he hadn't expected Christian to drop everything and rush in to check on his wellbeing. "It's Saturday."
Christian's eyebrows beetling together as he tipped his head to one side. "Yes."
"Don't you...what time are you leaving?"
"What?" Christian asked, face somehow drawn in even more confusion before his eyes went wide again and he straightened up slightly. "Oh. Right. The match. I thought I could leave after we had some breakfast. That's why I came in to wake you, actually."
Vincent once again reached out for the clock, this time lifting it from the small table and staring down at the glowing blue numbers. They blurred together, the lines wavering, and he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to shake off the dizziness.
"Ten minutes before half eleven," Christian said, giving the numbers in the Dutch fashion instead of the English. "I should leave here around twelve, so we have time."
He lifted the clock from Vincent's hand and set it back down on the side table. "Do you need anything else, or can I finish getting breakfast together?"
"No," Vincent said. "I mean...no, I don't need anything. Just water."
"Oh. I should have thought. I heard you call and I sort of dropped everything and came running so I didn't bring it with me. Not much longer, though, okay?"
"Take your time," Vincent said. "I'd rather wait a bit on the medicine anyway. I feel like someone tried to run me over with a bus, but at least I can stay awake long enough to have what passes for a conversation."
Christian gave him a teasing grin. "I don't know. I thought we had a rather stimulating discussion at 2:00am this morning."
Vincent groaned and flopped back into the bed, forgetting he'd wriggled himself upward, which led to him smacking the back of his head on the wall.
"Ow. Fuck." The room tilted and swooped around him, and he slammed his eyes shut against the sensation. "That's certainly not going to help anything."
Christian leaned over him and pulled at the pillows, guiding Vincent upward and rearranging until he could slid back into a seated position, pillows supporting his back and his head. "There. Now just sit and relax, and I'll be back soon.”
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