#these wombo arts are just perfect
henchy5824 · 5 months
Keys and Cats
Oh boi! Been doing a little more digital art (seriously, it's addicting). Been learning a lot. Linework is still atrocious but at least I can mask it with shitty backgrounds now! 😂
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This is going to be a wombo combo of art and headcannon. So here goes:
I got inspired by this little story here https://archiveofourown.org/works/54281104 by @soot-and-salt
My inspiration led me to think about how that could be a concept to be expanded upon.
So we all know Keekee is sort-of the spirit of the Hazbin Hotel. She is at the same time master key, house pet and she can go(or fly) where she wants and open any door.
Now, I think it would probably be a good idea for normal hotel operations for the hotel manager and the facility manager to also have their own keys. We see throughout the show that Vaggie has to constantly borrow Keekee to do her job. Not very efficient.
That's where other keys and the Cursed Cat Alastor character come in
Personal headcannon ties into how Cursed Cat Alastor could possibly make an appearance in the show and this is how:
-Magical Master Key blanks are generic and literally blank until given to a person by Lucifer
-The keys get infused by the souls of their owners to make them sentient. So the creatures that spring from this are somewhat a reflection of their owners. Not perfectly, of course and the owners don't pour their soul into the object. These keys are NOT horcruxes. It's more a guideline/baseline of what type of creature springs into being.
-The cats that turn into keys and can open every door have their own personalities and are only somewhat aligned to the person that lend their soul to its creation. So basically like Keekee only with a way more nerdy explanation. It just kinda made sense to me that way because of what we see from Charlie and Keekee during the show. I might be too over enthusiastic about this, though! 😂
Loom and Ariel.
Since we can't keep calling the character Cursed Cat Alastor, I figured I give him a proper name in my headcannon. So he is called Loom. Like a looming shadow. He has the ability to shadow teleport, similar to Alastor only for Loom the teleport is instantaneous inside the Hotel. Unlike the two girls, he can't fly but he can make himself loooong like a fluffy cat snake (after all, you get longer bellyrubs if your belly is longer! It makes perfect sense! LOL).
He likes bellyrubs and wheedling treats ouf of Lucifer. Because Lucifer has a weakspot for small fluffy animals he always caves. Loom is a chubby round loaf cat with stubby legs. So basically the inverse of Alastor. Which is hilarious. Alastor himself loves his cat because it's just as much an agent of chaos as himself. Loom makes Theremin noises in addition to purring. So when Loom purrs Alastor can add his own background noise /white/grey into the mix to make an entire room sleepy and relaxed.
Ariel was a fun name to pick out because it means 'Lion of God' and that was oddly funny and fitting for a literal winged angel cat.
She is a tall elegant cat with a big fluffy tail. I based her loosely around Duchess from Aristocats. Her highlights and colorpallette are based on Vaggie, of course. I did change the wing color to those of Adams wings because it looked better in contrast to keeping the Vaggie/Exorcist pallette for the wings.
I have a weakspot for kittehs like that. Elegant and cute go very well together. And long fluffy tail is always nice! Like the other two cats Ariel can teleport inside the Hotel and she can fly in general like Keekee, though she has to use her wings to do it. So she doesn't exactly 'float' like we see Keekee do in the show. Ariel has an interesting attachment to Husk. She likes to perch somewhere in the proximity of the bartop (although not directly on it) and watch him work. Although Husk is not a catperson he did come to value her presence over time and sometimes goes over to pet her when nobody is looking.
She likes her ears scratched (especially the folded ear) and Husk is more than happy to oblige. Vaggie is of course overjoyed with her cat. Ariel is best friends with Keekee but the two girls accept Loom in their circle. When they get annoyed by his antics, they just fly out of reach.
Ok this turned out way longer and way weirder than I though. LOL
Sorry not sorry BAIIIIII 😂
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digitalartstrategy · 9 months
Perfect Digital Art Strategy for 2024 and Beyond: Embracing AI and Pushing Boundaries
The digital art landscape is poised for an even more explosive evolution in 2024 and beyond. To navigate this exciting world and carve your own niche, here's a blueprint for a perfect digital art strategy:
1. Embrace AI as a Collaborative Force:
AI Art Tools: Don't fear AI, embrace it as a collaborator. Experiment with tools like Midjourney, Dall-E 2, Artbreeder, NightCafe Creator to generate initial concepts, explore new styles, and break creative block.
Refine the Output: Use your artistic skills to guide and refine the AI's suggestions, adding your unique touch and vision to create truly original artwork.
Human-AI Fusion: Blend traditional techniques like painting or 3D modeling with AI-generated elements to create hybrid masterpieces that transcend limitations.
2. Push the Boundaries of Creativity:
Explore Emerging Technologies: Dive into cutting-edge avenues like VR/AR painting, interactive installations, and generative NFT art to stay ahead of the curve.
Experiment and Diversify: Don't stick to one style. Keep experimenting with different mediums, techniques, and genres to unlock your artistic potential and surprise your audience.
Challenge Conventions: Use your art to provoke thought, question norms, and inspire conversation on social and environmental issues.
3. Build a Strong Online Presence:
Showcase Your Work: Utilize platforms like ArtStation, Instagram, Behance, and NFT marketplaces to reach a wider audience and connect with collectors.
Engage with the Community: Actively participate in online forums, discussions, and events to network with other artists, learn from each other, and build a loyal following.
Leverage Social Media Tools: Utilize social media analytics and marketing strategies to promote your work effectively and reach your target audience.
4. Monetize Your Passion:
Explore NFT Opportunities: Explore the vibrant world of NFTs to sell your digital artwork and create new income streams.
Offer Commissions and Collaborations: Partner with brands, influencers, or other artists for commissioned work and creative collaborations.
Create Online Courses and Tutorials: Share your knowledge and expertise by teaching online courses or workshops on digital art and AI tools.
AI Tools Recommendations (ideas):
Concept Generation: Midjourney, Dall-E 2, Dream by WOMBO, NightCafe Creator.
Image Editing and Upscaling: Photoshop, Gigapixel AI, Topaz Labs tools.
3D Modeling and Animation: Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D, Adobe Substance 3D Painter.
VR/AR Creation: Tilt Brush, Quill VR, Gravity Sketch.
Interactive Art and Generative NFTs: Art Blocks, fxhash, Crypto.Art, Async Art.
Remember: This is just a framework, adapt it to your unique artistic vision and goals.
The key is to embrace innovation, push boundaries, and stay constantly curious. Your art, infused with your own voice and fueled by AI's potential, will shine in the vibrant future of digital art.
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immunity-powerhouse · 4 months
Level Up Your Digital Art Game: A Review of "The Complete AI Digital Artist Masterclass" Membership Area
As a digital artist, I've always been fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance my workflow. But where do you even begin? That's where "The Complete AI Digital Artist Masterclass" Membership Area comes in. It's been an invaluable resource for me, and I want to share why.
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Unveiling the Magic of AI Art Tools
The Masterclass dives deep into a variety of AI art tools, from popular platforms like Midjourney and Dream by WOMBO to lesser-known gems. Each module provides clear explanations, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises to help you get comfortable using these powerful tools.
I was particularly impressed by the in-depth tutorials on prompting techniques. The instructors break down the cryptic language of prompts, revealing how to craft specific and evocative prompts to achieve the desired artistic effects. This transformed my experience with AI art. I went from getting random results to generating truly stunning and unique pieces.
From Beginner to Master: A Structured Learning Path
The membership area is thoughtfully structured, providing a clear learning path that takes you from beginner to advanced AI artistry. There are modules for complete novices, as well as advanced techniques for experienced digital artists who want to push the boundaries of what's possible with AI.
This structure was perfect for me. I was able to build a strong foundation in the core concepts before diving into more complex applications. The clear explanations and step-by-step guides made learning manageable and engaging.
A Community of Like-Minded Artists
One of the most unexpected benefits of the membership has been the vibrant online community. The forum is a hub for AI art enthusiasts, where you can share your creations, get feedback, and ask questions.
This community aspect has been a game-changer. I've learned so much from seeing other artists' workflows and creative approaches. The supportive and encouraging environment has also boosted my own creativity and motivation.
Beyond the Software: Inspiration and Exploration
The Masterclass goes beyond just teaching you the software. It delves into the artistic side of AI art creation, encouraging exploration and experimentation. There are modules on using AI to generate creative concepts, developing a unique artistic style, and even incorporating AI art into traditional workflows.
This holistic approach has been inspiring. I've discovered new artistic possibilities I never thought of before. The Masterclass has helped me break out of my creative rut and explore new artistic territory.
If you're a digital artist curious about AI art, or even if you're a complete beginner, "The Complete AI Digital Artist Masterclass" Membership Area is an excellent investment. It's a comprehensive learning resource with a supportive community, and it will undoubtedly elevate your digital art game.
See more
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Tears of Iron AUs
Where the sky ends (Kingdom AU)
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High fantasy, culture clash, kingdoms, wars, dealing with differences, Stormkeeper X Tears of Iron crossover, infiltrating an enemy kingdom, being of two worlds, outcast, hybrids, bringing people together
Zephyr, Leander, Skye, Kyler, Acacia
Who we are in the dark (Mage gangs AU)
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Dark urban fantasy, apocalypse, magic that feeds on pain, demon spirits, mage gangs, vampires, alliances, brutal worst selves, exes, sacrifices
Mae, Crow, Sonny, Ace, Ren, Kai
Season of my enemy (Enemy kings AU)
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Heroic epic alternate history drama, enemies to friends, brothers, prince and warrior from enemy sides forming an alliance, looking for purpose, steps to closeness
Hirocean, Arius, Synthyche, Yaernos, Cheris
How black stars rise (Tragic AU)
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Historical drama, state affairs, kingdoms at war, study of grief, angst, royal family
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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gunterfan1992 · 3 years
Episode Review: ‘Wizard City’ (Distant Lands, Ep. 4)
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Airdate: September 2, 2021
Story by: Adam Muto, Jack Pendarvis, Kate Tsang, Hanna K. Nyström, & Charley Feldman
Storyboarded by: Maya Petersen, Hanna K. Nyström, Anna Syvertsson, & Aleks Sennwald, & Haewon Lee
Directed by: Miki Brewster & Jeff Liu (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
An episode focusing on Peppermint Butler’s dark side is something that the fandom has craved ever since the little guy demanded Finn and Jake’s flesh in season two’s “Death in Bloom.” While installments like season five’s “The Suitor” and season six’s “Nemesis” did much to scratch that itch, the story of the Dark One remained mostly unknown…
And after “Wizard City,” it still remains largely unknown. But that’s OK, because instead of focusing on the character’s history, this special focuses on Peps’ quest to relearn magic at a magic school. Put most simply, this special is largely a fun excuse for the show to riff on Harry Potter and The Owl House-style “magic school hijinks,” and it mostly all works.
The special follows Peps quest to go to WizArts (a definite play on CalArts, the school that Pen Ward and Adam Muto, among many others, went to) so that he can relearn magic and once again become one of the greatest dark wizards of his time. Initially, Peps tries to make friends with cool kid Spader and his posse, but once they learn that Peps is not as talented at magic as they had initially thought, they kick him to the curb. It is at this point that Cadebra, Abracadaniel’s adorkable niece who is fascinated with stage magic, enters the picture. Cadebra tries everything in her power to befriend Peps, but Peps pushes back, since she’s not “cool.” It does not matter, though, because both Peps and Cadebra are sorted into the same “house”—the “Skink House—and are forced to work together.
While Peps and his cohort begin learning more and more complex magic, a secret cult of school professors, led by the otherwise caring Dr. Caledonius, are scheming to resurrect Coconteppi, a powerful dark wizard whose putrid heart has been discovered underneath the school excreting a very powerful ichor. The school cult kidnaps Spader and gives him some of the ichor to drink; they hope that because of his talent, he will be able to house the spirit of Coconteppi. This does not go as planned, and Spader is graphically killed (albeit off screen). (In a more humorous moment, Bufo, the scam wizard from season one’s “Wizard,” also ingests some of the ichor, believing himself powerful enough to handle it, but it kills him.)
Eventually Peps and Cadebra learn what is going on. Dr. Caledonius welcomes Peps, believing that he is strong enough to handle the ichor. When Cadebra’s life is put in danger, Peps reluctantly gives the putrid fluid a swig, which infuses him with the power of Coconteppi. Coconteppi-Peps then kills all the cult members before Cadebra manages to remove the ichor from Peps body. For uncovering a heinous plot, Peps is promoted to the highest house, “Salamander,” but he decides to remain a Skink and learn magic “the hard way” with Cadebra as his friend.
As I mentioned near the start of this review, “Wizard City” spends most of its time riffing on the “magic boarding school” trope, with much of the episode feeling like a light-hearted parody of Harry Potter: The characters, after all, are “sorted” into “houses,” they learn various types of magic from skilled “professors,” and they bunk in different parts of a large castle-like campus. Of course, Harry Potter didn’t invent the idea of a boarding school, but when setting your story in a school for magic, it is very hard not to lean at least somewhat into the Hogwarts relation. And this really is a double-edged sword, for while Harry Potter references can be fun here and there, they can also make the overall story feel like a fanfic parody. This special does a good job focusing more so on the characters rather than the setting, but I won’t lie, at times it did feel as if they show was really trying to make you realize it was making a Harry Potter joke.
Of all the characters introduced in the special, the breakout star is easily Cadebra, voiced by Chloe Coleman. Radiating a sort of Mabel Pines energy, Cadebra is the beam of optimism who shines brightly in an otherwise macabre special. There is something about her plucky personality and sense of wacky individualism that charms the viewer. I appreciate how the show compared and contrasted her with her uncle, the one and only Abracadaniel: like her uncle, Cadebra is a good person who wants to help others, but unlike Abracadaniel, she has a sense of courage and fortitude that results in her taking on a Coconteppi-possessed Peps at the episode’s climax. (Say what you will, Abracadaniel stans, but our favorite custodian would never have done that!) Thanks to her bravery and dedication to Peps, Cadebra is easily the heart of the special.
The episode throws an interesting little curveball into the mix by having the ‘ghost’ of Past Peppermint Butler constantly haunt Peps in the here-and-now. Past Peppermint, it seems, was so determined to become a great wizard, he cursed himself, so that if anything were to go awry, his Past self could materialize and set him straight. It’s confusing, but I do think that mixing the “overbearing parent” trope with a curse is a clever idea; it gives the whole special some dramatic heft. The whole setup is made even funnier by the special’s conclusion: After Future Peppermint Butler is ‘defeated’ and the day is saved, Peps reveals to Cadebra that he still wants to be a great and powerful dark wizard… but he wants to earn that power through hard work and determination. (Peppermint Butler might commune with demons, but he would never sell his soul to one for power; Glob helps those who help themselves, ya know?)
One of the special’s strongest points is its background art. Adventure Time always had some beautiful set pieces, and this special goes above and beyond to give WizArts an ancient sense of grandeur and mystery. Ghostshrimp, a freelance artist who was the show’s lead background designer during seasons 1-4, return for this special as a “visual developer”—basically, he mocked up a bunch of rough designs for the locales, and then the episode’s background artists worked up the final pieces in his style. On his podcast, Ghostshrimp mentioned how hectic he found Adventure Time to be, because he was used to taking his time on pieces. As such, the decision to bring him on for just development was smart, as it allowed him to still come up with iconic background designs while also playing fast and loose with everything. Hopefully the show will continue this approach with the Fionna and Cake miniseries that is coming up. After all, Ghosthsrimp’s style is the look of Adventure Time.
Another strong point for the episode is its voice acting. For one thing, you have your regulars like Tom Kenny and Dana Snyder, and Duncan Trussell, who all give a solid performance. But to voice many of the special’s new characters, the show brought on a bevy of fun actors: Saturday Night Live’s Bill Hader, for instance, is now voicing Bufo, and he does a solid job hamming up his role as the old fogey. And then there’s Toks Olagundoye, whose British accent gives Dr. Caledonius a sense of knowledge and expertise. To my delight and surprise, SungWon Cho, an internet personality and voice actor perhaps better known as ProZD, was tapped to voice Brain Wizard, and he does an excellent job. And finally, Anthony Stewart Head, a very talented actor who I know best as Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, voices Con Wizard, and is even given a fun little ditty to sing. I can safely say that the voice acting in this special is likely the best of the bunch, and it’s obvious that the actors were all having a great time playing their parts.
What drags the whole thing down, in my opinion is the excessive murder. (I joked on Twitter that during the climax of “Wizard City,” it felt like I was watching an Adventure Time-ified version of Invincible!) Infused with the power of Coconteppi, Peps goes on a brutal killing spree, boiling Potable Wizard into steam, zapping Dimension Wizard into another plane of existence, smashing Berdzerd, and—perhaps most graphically—excerebrates (had to look that word up!) Brain Wiz. On Twitter, @sometipsygnostalgic​ argued that while, yes, the scene is startling, it does wonders to transmute “a poor Summer Camp Island knockoff [into] Adventure Time chaos.” The more I think about it, the more I think that’s a fair point; after all, this is hardly the first dark thing that has happened in Adventure Time. But the part that I cannot really stomach is the fact that Spader was murdered for no real reason, and the special ends without anyone really expressing their horror at the situation. Sure, Spader was a schoolyard bully, but he was also a child. And killing a child—either for the drama or the lulz—feels decidedly out of place in an Adventure Time episode. It’s hard to express, but it just felt unnecessarily nihilistic and mean-spirited.
All things considered, I think this was a fun episode, but it was somewhat underwhelming for a ‘finale.’ Much of this is because it had to air after the perfection that was the back-to-back “Obsidian”/”Together Again” wombo combo. But I can’t help but feel like this special just felt a little... off. A little too meanspirited, and it leaned a bit too much on standard tropes. Still, it was a fun spin, and I know that I’ll rewatch it.
Mushroom War Evidence: As Peps rides the bus to school, he passes a bunch of abandoned houses, some of which are buried in the ground. There is an unexploded bomb above the fossilized elephant in the school. Cadebra has a dream that takes place in the ruins of a city.
Final Grade: B+
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Fun with AI-generated... Spaceship Earth!
So, last time on the AI generated Disney rides series, we saw a problem when the art generator recognizes the prompt TOO well!  All renditions of Indian Jones Adventure were accurate, but nigh-identical.  Spaceship Earth, on the other hand, generated results that were the opposite in the BEST way possible.
The following were all generated with the prompt “Spaceship Earth” in the Wombo Dream art generator.  I’ve included the name of the filter at the top of the image.
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Does this sphere look like the Spaceship Earth we know?  No.  But the sphere and purple pyramids *feel* like Epcot in a weird way, and they look beautiful.
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Oooh, emphasis on the “Earth” part this time!  Those webbings might be an attempt at the geodesic pattern?
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If this isn’t vintage Epcot art, I don’t know what is.  Not Spaceship Earth as we know it, but definitely old Epcot as we FEEL it.
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Once again, does it look right? No.  But does it FEEL right?  Yes.
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This is the closest I felt it got to a literal image of the attraction as we know it.  That’s definitely an attempt at the geodesic pattern at the top, and I think the rest is the communications mural from the entrance.
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Spaceship Earth is so awesome it got the pastel filter to make something that was neither a cliff nor an undulating mass of flesh!
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I feel like we got a bit more of those communications astronauts again?  Maybe a bit of the computer scene?  Either way, perfect vibes.
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This makes it look like the geodesic dome is a literal ship that has just appeared over an alien planet’s atmosphere.  Pretty, spooky, and food for thought.
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Love that this looks like an abstract mansion cousin to the House of the Future.
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Absolutely gorgeous.  I think I get juuuust a hint of the sphere and one of the pylons holding it up at the top, but overall I love this landscape more.
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YES!  For once, I feel like the Steampunk filter knocked it out of the park!  This feels like a Jules Verne-ified vision of Epcot park as a whole, with all the pavilions rendered within a giant sphere/dome on a pylon.
Summary:  None of these feel like Spaceship Earth... but they are undoubtedly some of the most BEAUTIFUL images I’ve seen the AI render.  There’s something about the bizarre beauty of them that definitely reminds me of Old Epcot, or, perhaps, specifically the MEMORY of old Epcot.  Fuzzy, fading, but indescribably beautiful.  An excellent prompt!
I liked these so much, here’s some bonus images I generated:
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Have I ever told you that you are the sweetest cupcake ever?❤️ It’s impossible to not smile at your posts! I sincerely thank you for all your sympathy towards me! My heart just melts! It’s so rare to find such a pure and kind soul like you. Please, don’t change. Ever.
You made me worried a bit with your last paragraph - maybe I am oversensitive, but I am really worried. It breaks my heart honestly, I feel like you belittle yourself. Babe, you are wonderful! I am not saying this just for you to feel better, but because you REALLY are. Think for a moment about things you’ve already achieved! Darling, you graduated! It’s really something. It is even more something when you study two different majors at the same time and study in language school at weekends. It’s real hardcore! I am proud of you. SO FREAKING MUCH! You did so well and you did so much! Please, be aware of it. You are incredibly talented and creative. YOU are hard working, not me. And you know what? Please, have a proper rest. Don’t overwork yourself anymore. You have to have some space just for you. You have to rest and regain your balance. Don’t think about writing as your duty. I know you feel responsible for all requests you have. But they really won’t run away or disappear. They all will be waiting to be written when you rest. Don’t pressure yourself, I beg you. You know I love your writing. We all here love it. But we love you even more. Taking a break it’s not bad. It’s necessary. When you rest you will be able to concentrate, you will have a fresh mind and new ideas. Just remember that you are a priority.
Speaking of your visit to Prague. OMG, THIS ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK!! I envy you soooooo much! I wish I could see it by myself someday! Thank you so much for the photo! And geez, you are the very first person admitting that museums are wonderful! No one amongst my friends likes them and it hurts so much, because I couldn’t go to the Uffizi museum and Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. I would love to go to any museum with you then! Museum of sex toys sounds really interesting, mostly because it’s not about modern toys. Like, I would never thought that people could have such rich sex life! I heard that in Amsterdam and Paris there are similar museums. But! I bet you would love icelandic museum of punk. Ohh, I am pretty sure you would enjoy it! It’s really small, because well..Its former public toilet. Buuuut, if you like non-obvious museums this is definitely for you. Whale museum was also pretty good. Or I enjoyed it just because I love whales. I was also in a museum of teddy bears in Seoul and it was the cutest museum I have ever been in! Tell me more about that vegan restaurant! What good did you eat? I am not vege myself, but I avoid eating meat on a daily basis so it’s easy to make me excited with such things!
I am not sure if I am better. I mean, I changed my mind about being able to sleep all day. I am not able to sleep at all at the moment. I am tired and my eyelids are so heavy, but sleep never comes. I guess insomnia hits again, it's a never-ending circle. But I am concerned about your leg! I guess you had spoken with doctor since you got xray and usg. Did they say anything? Any ideas of what it could possibly be? It has to be something serious if you have problems with walking! How did you manage to go sightseeing in Prague? Babe, please, take care of yourself! And what does “health problem AGAIN” mean?! Have you had such a problem before?? It scares me like.. we just started adulthood? My friend sneezed and it made him lay in bed for 6 days not being able to move. Literally.
Yeah, I was in South Korea, but please, do not perceive me as your role model. Gods, it would be a terrible decision, really. But, I would love to share some stories with you if you want! I know it's a popular destination these days because of kpop. I used to listen to it, but I think a few years ago kpop was better? More interesting? Now I’m more into khh, but I think I can’t say that I’m into it anymore.
Talking about music! I discovered two new songs and I bet you know them already, but for me it was huge woah woah woah! First of it - Sabaton. Thay covered Metallica’s For Whom The Bell Tolls and they did it so good! Secondly - The Heart Asks Pleasure First. They basically made their own song based on one of my favourite piano songs. Oh my.. it’s sooo good!
And still talking about music! I just wanted to say that I also love our Wombo edits! That one with Ezio singing Stressed out was perfect! Mr Auditore looked very believably singing it. I liked the one with Edward and Haytham. I don’t know the song but it had such a christmas vibe! It made me think of Edward and Shay singing Last Christmas or some other shitty Christmas song together. Why them? No idea. I love Altair, but your latest headcanons could make me love them even more.
And! I just wanted to tell you that you inspired me to take japanese lessons on Duolingo. I am aware that such app won’t help me with learning such a language, but at least I can tell you that katakana sucks. Gods, I hate it so much. Hiragana is so pleasurable to learn. And I know katakana is visually similar, but it is a no no from me. I have learnt some basic kanji signs. And I just admire you so much more.
I hope you will have wonderful and peaceful week, Babe! Once again, please take care of yourself. Remember to have proper rest, sleep at least 8 hours and drink water! I hope your leg will be better soon!
Hey Knifey! I finally have the right mind set to respond to this ask!
So first of all thank you. You always make me blush with your kind words and I have no idea how to react! I want to squeaze you in a hug and give you all the sweets in the world!
As for the rest. You see i have always worked to hard on studying, so hard it actually burned out everything inside so now all i want to do i nothing! But i cant, i really want to go back to spending my free time in more creative way!
Omg Knifey! Finally i met a museum lover! And gods i want to visit them all! And you know? That Icelandinc museum sounds like such a goal, i want to go there 🥺 and Seoul museum of teddy bears?! I want to go there!
Honestly I love all museums and generally history. I enjoy visiting ruins of castles and villages, going to museums of everything! Art, machines, objects! There are always so many things and so many different ways to find the inspiration! And I always take so many photos for 'future references'. Some time ago i was in a gardens which showed different time of gardens of the world and there was this amazing exhibition of demons from Slavic mithology. That was so awesome! As well as Japanese garden!
In began restaurant i have this fried soy bites in some sweet-spicy sauce. So tasty! Im trying to recreate this recipe but so far its 1:0 for the soy :/
As for my leg. Its swollen AF bht i just... Put on my shoe and pretended it didnt exist. I can walk in good shoes but still im worried. As for that little again... I generally have some weird health issues. I had 5 surgeries for different stuff (spine, tumor, nose) so like... Generally i am healthy... Or at least i was until thst damned foot decided to show off. Its been 4 weeks and im still looking for a solution, running different tests and all. Hopefully they will figure out whag is going on.
Yes TELL ME ALL THE STORIES ABOUT KOREA.! I love stories, tell me everything!
Tbh i never listen ed to k-pop. I guess its just nkt my type of music but I enjoy some Japanese and Chinese songs (one i like is Arrogant by Xiao Zhang). I know songs you sent me and gods they are amazing! I love sabaton, rock/metal im general but I listen to all kind of music. Like Italian soundtrack from Winx, music from burlesque, Dragonforce, shanties. If there are k-pop songs you like you can always send then to me! Ill gladly listen to them all!
Im glad you like those wombos i guess i should make more! 😂😂
And gods. Katakana. 4 years of learning Japanese and I still need katakana board to remember those signs! And tbh i feel like Japanese duolingo has some mistakes ;/ but for Japanese i used lingodeer app and it was nice!
Knifey Im very sorry you have troubles sleeping. Is there something you can do to make it easier for you? Maybe you can take some melatonin pills? Maybe you are stressed? Can you maybe contact doctor, maybe they can help? I dont want anything bad to happen to you! Please take care of yourself? Pretty please?
Love you so much Knifey, you are such a sunshine and I just want you to be happy and healthy!
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fatebreaking-a · 5 years
I like how this is literally indecipherable on desktop, so I had to go onto my phone (where it was still indecipherable) and then open it in safari to figure out which one this was.
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
It’s this one and not the other one right above it that also looks like a sun.
Emoticons, man.
Well, that was fun and all but- rp pet peeves. Stuff under the cut. Pour one out for the entire community, because I’m about to take a pound of flesh from everyone.
There’s a lot of stuff in here that boils down to just being a good writing partner and all that, trying to advance the action in a natural way, and so on… and I think a lot of it can boil down to either a lack of awareness or a lack of experience. People get better at writing by writing, so I find it hard to really be frustrated and stay frustrated by someone who falls into some of these pitfalls. So you’ll notice I don’t really target things that have to do with writing skill as much as I target ‘attitude’ and ‘conscientiousness’. There is a lot that bothers me though, so here’s a short list.
Criticizing the way other people have fun. This is a big one. What this boils down to is conversations about how “this ship isn’t realistic” or “your ideals on writing are dumb” or “you take writing too seriously/not seriously enough.” I’ve seen all of these. And I used to know someone on a forum-based RP site that would actively go out of her way to criticize that people would include a lot of introspection in scenes that were fast paced. For instance, using poetic language, or talking about how they’re feeling, what the situation was, “he felt like he was up against the tide, that his heart was being torn in two, a cut made deeper with every clash of their blades” - stuff like that. She hated it. And she made sure everyone knew that she did not approve of how much they were writing, because it was ‘not realistic’. And yes, there is definite merit to the claim that people do not have time to introspect about their entire lives and their relationship to their allies and enemies between sword swings... But so what. I don’t think it’s wrong to advocate for shorter, simpler posts with less descriptive text, and to manage in 200 words instead of 600. That’s great. Simplicity has value, being concise is great, ‘brevity is the soul of wit’, whatever. But the problem, the problem was that she would criticize others for writing in a way that they enjoyed. No one got on her case for writing less, but she was so grating on this point that eventually people just did not want to be around her.
It was something I’ve experienced even here. Finding the balance between “writing to improve your ability to write” and “writing just to have fun” are two separate matters. People forget that individuals exist from both camps, and I have known people (multiple) who say ‘this is important to me, I’m growing my skills using RP as a medium’ but fail to empathize and recognize that not everyone has the same viewpoint. Caring about things that make you feel something over technically good and well executed writing does not make you a problem.
And as a big follow up, I find that this is a big issue in life in general. I think that people often forget how much time it took them to learn a certain thing, recognize their own investment, or recognize the disparity between their own idea of ‘common knowledge’ vs actually common knowledge. When I joined the community, I did not know what private, selective, independent, mun, muse, or mutuals meant. For someone who’s brand new, these are terms that can be hard to decipher. And it’s the similar with ships - I think that people forget that not everyone who comes to RP is from a writing background. Some of them may just have enjoyed reading fanfiction, or may have enjoyed their favorite bot lane duo, or they have a main and their partner has a main and they like the aesthetic. So long as it’s not inherently problematic (incest, pedophilia), it’s cruel to degrade someone and call everything that doesn’t make perfect sense a ‘crackship’. Fanart also has a big role to play in this. Do I personally like Sona with Ka/yn, Yas, Sy/las, Jh/in, or Dra/ven? No, I don’t. I don’t, but equally, it’s not right for me to get in someone’s face for liking it. If you love MF/Sona because it’s a fuckin’ sick classic wombo combo bot lane... that’s cool, more power to you. I wish people would ease up and remember to just let people have their fun. There’s a Jh/in that follows me, who politely asked if I shipped it and I said no, and then there was no hard feelings at all. And that is ideal for me. Really.
T h e f t.
And being ultra conscious of it. I am in a very unfortunate circumstance that many of my Sona hcs are very similar to another blog in the space. I found that out by accident, and we reached similar (but also different!) conclusions. But now I am terribly terrified of ever speaking to them, because gods above I want to lift all my duplicates into the air, kiss them, and scream about them... but I don’t want anyone to feel anxious that I’m copying them. It’s also why until about a week ago, I only followed one other Sona blog ever - written by one of my very, very close friends. I never want people to feel like I’m stealing from them, but I also want my duplicates to feel comfortable on my blog! I want them to feel okay about reblogging art of their characters if they like it or talking to me about things... And I’ve put in a lot of effort to be very divergent with my portrayals, but I still ended up in this situation. I won’t name names ( and I really hope that no one bothers that other Sona, because she’s a genuine sweetheart and deserves love and appreciation ),  b ut... This is a big issue for me.
And it’s exacerbated by the fact that some people are lazy as fuck and actually just straight up steal ideas. It’s not ‘inspired by’, which I usually take care to do, giving proper credits or speaking about where I got information from or from whom or that it is on some level almost collaborative (because this is a collaborative space where we interact with each other, but that’s another topic). But I mean some people just recklessly steal and because we all have anxiety (TM), the line between coincidence, inspiration, and theft blurs. Understand that on some level, plagarism is an ethical dilemma, and I exist in the camp that says “hey man that’s cool come talk to me” - but I can exist in that camp because I insist on a very divergent interpretation that is almost ‘theft-proof’. I do not think any other Sona blog will ever have this combination of headcanons: “is a construct inspired by a house spirit, made up of one part crashed titan goddess, three parts demons, and each demon is represented by one of the strings of the instrument, which by the way shattered because bad reasons”. But if you’re not me, it’s hard to... stay loose about it.
And it’s hard to not get jealous.
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE. Alright I wrote down a list when I actually got this ask, so let’s run off that. ( Yuki, you fuck, you’re not done? Fuck no I’m not done. ) These next ones are big for me.
what does that mean, you ask me. It means this. It means pretending to be interested in ideas or interactions, even if you’re not interested. I do not ever want to be in the situation where I am happily chugging along, talking about a dynamic, and then find out that the other person isn’t as interested.
It’s fine to be mellow about it dude. I would rather know that you’re like... just okay on it all. I don’t want you to be polite and ‘spare my feelings’ and force yourself.
I want you to have fun. Have fun. God just have fun, you know? Please. There are a ton of interactions I’m “just okay” with, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I can be just okay with stuff and it’s fine. Not everything needs to click instantly but like...
Only showing interest to appeal to me or spare my feelings kinda sucks. It doesn’t last forever. It feels really bad. And eventually when things fall apart, it feels even worse. Like oh you really just did not care that much. Or you didn’t enjoy writing with me? Or what is it? See: jealousy/anxiety. Just be honest.
I think you especially have seen this with me, but I have a penchant for just being sincere and honest about how I feel about things. At least a little bit.
Don’t share things people tell you in confidence.
Fucking duh but it needs to be stated. Sometimes people gotta vent. It happens. And I get that ‘talking behind someone’s back’ is not great, but expressing frustration is a real thing that has real value. And then finding out that those things were shared. If I didn’t bring it up with them myself, I didn’t want them to know. Duh. I’m not talking to be catty but because I’m upset. S h i t. Some of the drama that I’ve seen happen from others doing this (and not to me, but in various cases) was entirely unavoidable. I’ve seen so many variants of this. It’s dumb dude. It’s dumb.
Hard vs Soft statements (Stating opinions as facts)
This is another one that gets me. I come from a world where we write, ‘Sona tries to’ and so on to others. Tumblr as a whole doesn’t seem to conceptually engage with the idea of ‘interrupting actions’ and accepting that interactions are a little malleable. And it in turn reflects how others speak about characters.
I never see, “I think Sona is”, I see “Sona is.” This is such a minor little thing, and I’ve come to accept that it’s part of the culture, but it can be terribly frustrating when others speak about your characters. I often say things like “I see Sona as” or “Because of xyz, Ori/anna would probably-” etc. But that isn’t something that I see here from some people. I know that I do this a lot less these days, in part because I have acclimated to the culture.
Incidentally, there are some joke versions of this that are also frustrating. People can really think they’re being funny, but end up just shutting you out of the conversation entirely when they say ‘No’. I might be a little too sensitive to this though, in that I often disengage from conversations because “it’s not really about my interpretation, so it’s better if I not say anything because it’s not relevant and doesn’t contribute.”
Really, I’m just a weenie baby, but I know when someone’s being rude vs when it’s just my own anxieties. I don’t expect everyone to have unshakable confidence, I also don’t expect that everyone be quivering in their boots. Some people can be really, really dismissive and it’s kind of not so great because it comes along with them otherwise being pretty neat.
Last one: Misrepresentation of data / using a ‘preponderance of evidence’ when there really isn’t that much.
How do I even put this.
Phew. Okay that’s done. That right there is a big problem (and in combination with the pet peeve before that, it gets worse.)
Something to understand is that sometimes there is no good reason to pipe up to correct someone. Often, people are having a visceral, gut reaction and it’s very emotional. Criticizing that ignores the intent (that they’re frustrated), so it’s often a good idea to let it be.
But that doesn’t stop me from seeing that facts are poorly stated or misrepresented. The community likes to talk about league so I see it in OOC posts, and I also see claims that are just wrong. They’re misstated, exaggerated, or phrased in such a way that you could accept them - except one fact check will prove otherwise. But again, why get in someone’s face when they’re frustrated?
But this leads to some people feeling ‘complicit acceptance’. Which is in itself another problem that I won’t get into.
I as a person tend to be pretty rigorous. If I see facts and I can check them with a quick google search, I often do - especially League. It’s so easy to check a champion’s win rate or popularity. Other people do not always exercise this rigor.
“Alright fuckface but that’s talking about league and not rp.”
Yeah okay you make a fair and valid point, except for the part where you missed bullet points 2-4. I’m more talking about the general attitude people have but let’s talk specifically more about RP.
There’s content. A lot of content. And most of it is really vague, because that’s how R I O T G A M E S does things. We still can’t get a straight answer on whether Sona’s adopted mom, Lestara, is alive or not. H u h?
And this often leads to us making connections and conclusions based on the limited data we have. We’re extrapolating, taking what we know and trying to figure out something new.
Except when we get a new data set, sometimes our extrapolations don’t work anymore.
Except we just spent three months world building around our guesses ( because that’s what they are)
Oops I’m divergent now.
That happens. A lot. My entire blog was evidence of that, where I made extreme guesses and then accidentally got validated as Demacia went full grimdark. But it even happened last year, when suddenly we gained new information! Mage registration! That’s a thing! And it changes how we perceive things.
And you may be thinking, ‘ok fine but what does that have to do with misrepresentation’ and it has this to do with it. People will make conclusions based on their own view, then solidify these conclusions as ‘fact’.
For example, I wrote a small article on how “magical sight was not a reasonable power to have” and then soon after, Mageseekers appeared. Oops. Oops.
And these extrapolations get treated as though they are really fact. The line between what is ‘real’ and what is ‘assumed’ blurs. The truth is this. Unless it’s directly and unambiguously stated, it’s basically not fact. “But we can conclude-” I know. And then we’ll get new information and that’ll change. Ideas in this fandom are like balloons, you need to tie them down with text evidence or they’ll just float away before you even know it. I can talk about how Sona is a literal genius level intellect all day, and tomorrow I can be proven wrong by one little shift or clarification in the lore. ‘Within months’ - okay how many months? Fifteen months? Three months? Unknown.
And this leads me to preponderance of ‘evidence’. This one is long because it bothers me a bunch.
‘Preponderance of evidence’ (quotes required) is basically the situation in which someone goes and tells me:
“Listen buddy, I have these seven pieces of evidence, so I can reasonably conclude that [x] is true.” And that’s solid conjecture and extrapolation and I accept that.
Except that maybe you seven pieces of evidence aren’t all solid pieces of evidence.
Oh no.
And that’s happened. I have seen evidence pieces one, two, four, and six all be good. And pieces three, five, and seven are a stretch at best.
But because they have so many pieces of evidence, it’s hard to critique back. Because they still do have four good pieces of evidence!
But the strength of the conclusion increases with more accurate and valid data points, and if your data points aren’t-
And that’s the rub, basically. Sometimes I see people fit evidence to their conclusion without even realizing it. Some of the most intelligent, rigorous, and well-versed writers on this site I’ve seen do it.
And it sucks.
And it’s a peeve because here’s  the truth.
The truth after all this talk is this very important fact.
I don’t say anything about these things to people because I don’t want to ruin anyone’s fun or engagement.
People make mistakes and say many things because they are passionate about what they’re talking about. Often that’s the case. And harmless conjecture misunderstandings are not the end of the world because this is not academia.
except that one time I wrote a writeup on how Aphe/lios isn’t mute but whatever.
And so while I have said all these things and have a lot of these feelings, I also think there’s no point to saying most of them directly to the person that bugs me. What good will it do? To someone who is reacting with their emotions and just wants to get their frustration out, or is speaking passionately about something... Just let it go.
And so often I let it go, even if I disagree. I have an opinion, but I don’t go out and toss it back in your face. I just get mad quietly and grump about it.
And that’s why I end up being a very ‘stay in my lane’ person.
The end.
If you read all the way through this, I’ll give you a cookie tbh. Many cookies. This is almost 3000 words and 7 pages.
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mickeygorgygil · 2 years
Exploring New Media Art Series: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Art
In my exploration of New Media Technologies, I decided to try out three AI (Artificial Intelligence) art generator websites. As the name suggests, AI art generators instantly generate a digital artwork in one click, based on the input of the user, which is either a string of text or an image. Yes, it's possible through machine learning mechanisms. How they work is described in this 2022 article by Mark Dalio:
This new media technology has been made known to me as I was scrolling on my Facebook feed. It has piqued my curiosity ever since. Since my course, MMS 194: New Media Art course encourages exploration and dealing with artworks, this is a perfect opportunity for me to finally experiment with AI art.
Actual Experience
To test the similarities and differences of the AI art generators fairly, I decide to input a similar phrase from one of my poems in all generators:
"We once ignited with the burning red heat. Now I'm chasing after the high you made me feel. "
1. Night Cafe
Has two creation methods: image or video from a text prompt or restyling an image to various art styles.
Duration of artwork creation: approx. 3 minutes
Has two algorithms: Artistic (better at creating textures) and Coherent (better at composing the image).
Each artwork costs one credit per artwork. I only have five credits.
It requires account registration
You can evolve or improve the previously generated artwork, adding more text prompts that will help the AI generator produce an output that will better suit your taste.
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2. Dream by WOMBO
It has 18 art styles
Waiting time is less than a minute.
Does not require account registration
Orientation and frame are set to a trading card's style by default.
Has the fastest waiting time
The only AI generator that allowed me to try all the art styles without purchasing more credits
Oil painting - coherent is the closest generated artwork to what O actually have in mind.
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3. Deep Dream Generator
Purely image based
Has 31 art styles
Only 30 credits per account; each artwork costs 5 credits.
Duration of generation: 2 minutes
Special effects similar to PicsArt.
My least favorite since it does not allow text input.
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AI Art : General Observations
Fun and cool activity/experiment
Produces instant abstract artworks that you can sell as NFTs. You can also have it printed or framed for personal purposes and download a softcopy for creating social media posts and graphics. I actually liked one of the artworks and I might use them as visuals in case I post the whole poem from which the text prompt was extracted.
Costly - you have to purchase additional credits to try all styles and afford other features. Also, more credits are required for the artwork as yours in order to uphold the Intellectual property law. The functionalities that a free account entails are really limited, so you might not really be able to explore the AI generators fully without spending genuine money.
Some websites take a bit long to generate an artwork. I guess this is a tactic to make the users purchase additional credits to expedite the process.
Hit or miss - some generated artworks are good; some are not.
The final results are mostly abstract and does not depict a clear subject. Mostly just random streaks of colors and shapes that are based on the words from the textual prompt. If you're into abstract artworks, then the AI art might be for you.
I don't think that the AI generator really understands the thought behind the text prompt, so it's better to type specific keywords to generate better-looking artworks that will suit your taste.
AI artworks are a delight to try and experiment with. They blur the authorship in art, as they employ the machine-learning mechanisms in generating artworks. The website-based AI generators of today are still at their nascent stage, which means they have a long way to go before they can carve an indelible mark in the new media art realm. Although there is potential, I don't think that AI art will supersede human-created visual artworks. Be it traditionally or digitally made, art is the most intricate product of humans, hence irreplaceable.
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swagmasterlowell · 7 years
how is tales of rays different than tales of link? does the tales series really need two microtransaction moba games?
Oh shiiiiit. Fair question sunglass sphere. 
First off: Tales of the Rays isn’t the second tales of microtransaction moba. [TOMM for short okay i don’t wanna keep typing that] Tales of the Rays is actually the second GLOBAL TOMM, the first being Tales of Link. Tales of the Rays in the 3rd TOMM in Japan, the first being Tales of Asteria and the Second being Tales of Link. For some god awful reason Bamco thought we wanted a completely new TOMM instead of localizing Tales of Asteria like everyone actually wanted. So here we have Rays and thus the rest of this reply begins. 
Tales of the Rays is extremely different from Tales of Link. The stories are different (duh) and so are the battle systems as well as the way they handle leveling characters and their weapons. 
Not gonna dive too deep on this but: Tales of the Rays follows Ix and his childhood friend Mileena. They’re Mirrorists. They get to do some cool interdimensinal shit where they meet popular characters from the other series BUT NOT REALLY BECAUSE THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY REAL ;3c and they beat up bad guys with the help of the other characters and it’s a grand ol time and all their worlds exist but on different planes and it’s wacky and fun and Ix has a wonderful time. Meanwhile, Tales of Link follows Sara and (Your character name here) and also Lippy, the much beloved, wonderful, amazing, perfect mascot who you will appreciate immensely. She’s on a journey to find her big bro his did some naughty things and you’re on a journey to regain some lost memories (and maybe a girl friend IDK). Along the way they meet characters from other series, some elements of their worlds exist in this new one but as far as we know this world isn’t connected to canon worlds and every character seems to have a new story having something to do with the state of affairs in the current world, they just retain their personalities.Things get tragic, things get deep, there’s a lot of shit going on in this story I wasn’t ready for it. DM if you want me to actually give you a proper overview if you don’t plan on playing this game because the story is actually really fucking compelling and I nearly had a cry in the middle of class buddy. But yes, stories= very different. 
Tales of Rays incorporates that comfy, classic tales of battle system where you control where you’re running and hit monsters with those good wombo combos (except it is not comfy at all because running around is a pain and attacking can get difficult if your screen doesn’t pick up on swipes too quickly), but it doesn’t have manual guarding, only auto guard and boy it sucks. There’s also at least 3 billion different things to do in Rays, the weapons in Rays have character locks on them so only certain weapons go to certain characters and no other character can use those weapons then you have to upgrade those and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa. Then there’s getting characters themselves and their special mirage artes and blah blah. NGL you have to want it BAD to play Rays. Rays is not for the faint of heart at all and requires a lot of your time to understand and progress, neither of which I have done :)
Compared to Tales of Link where being casual actually is an option. The “battle system” is grid based where you link(HA) as many of the same shapes and colours as you can to deal damage to one or more enemies in waves. It’s straightforward, it’s simple and you can put time into it if you really want in order to get better but you can bullshit it [like me] and still get good without actually having a good idea of what you’re doing. 
In both games they give you the highly desired micro transaction thingys–Hero Stones and Crystals in this case–through missions and objectives. It’s actually not too difficult to build up a nice hoard of stones and crystals if you’re a patient person waiting for your favs to come up in summons. I say both Link and Rays give you fair chances to accumulate stones and crystals but with rays it feels like more of a hassle because you can only score some objectives like opening chests and landing final blows by taking the wheel and turning off auto. I hate doing objective quests in Rays because of this. 
All in all, I actually don’t think we needed Rays as a TOMM. The story and it’s characters are actually pretty well written and I think it would have been better off as a full fledged game on the 3ds or something. Too bad they went TOMM route but what can you do except shake your fist and yell about it? We’ve got it now, but the ultimate decision whether or not you decide to get it is up to you. Just a heads up though: rays is reallllly shitty sometimes and lags hard and stuff because idk reasons? I thought it was the big file but maybe it’s just the engine IDK?? They tried to fix it a little and it’s better than the first week or so it was out, but be careful.  Uhhhhh yeah. Enjoy your day :3
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itsfullofair · 6 years
Hello, I am an astral traveler
 meaning I know how to project my soul from my skin and greet someone in their head. This is what Jesus did and that’s how the idea of talk to Jesus and god at the same time originated. I have schizophrenia, PTSD, anxiety, depression, disassociation, memory problems, a severe social anxiety problem, rejection sensitive dysphoria, and erotomania. This wombo combo as a pacifist drove me completely insane and I’ve had a lot of mental breakdowns and suicide attempts I’ve been homeless for 2 weeks in my car 6 psych ward stays, but now I’m back and stable enough that I can describe my mental state and explain exactly what why and how shooters are planning thinking and executing these “random” mass killings are thinking. These are minds I flow through as a telepathic schizophrenic with mental problems and I hear their prayers for freedom from their emotional problems and we need to save these people before they snap and kill others and themselves because of what happened to them. I know this story well. As an animal a human will look out in their mind to the collective human unconscious/conscious and say what now? What do I do? That’s instinct. Think avatar and the tree uniting everyone, that’s mother nature you don’t need to use your head thing to connect. If you are a baby born day one to a family who raped you at home instead of letting you take a nap DAY ONE your instinct is like well, you need these people to survive so let’s forget this happened, and trauma alone will do that without the abuser being your parents. So this moment in time this real event that can be found felt and re-lived in space time, this piece of your SOUL through time is held captive by an abuser, you just don’t access this part of you HUMAN SOUL and you need 100% of that to function on this planet. The mind builds and actual physical wall, thoughts are brainwaves which are real waves that float around the air and space and nature, it’s called thought broadcasting if you tell a doctor you can think with other people, not like hello wake up neo in the matrix which it is and is the truth. Souls are transferred during sex, people call this usually a twin flame if you discover telepathy or share dreams with a lover. If you’re in this situation day one your parents, usually, will keep up appearances with everyone, befriend everyone to make sure that they are well liked and well loved usually throwing big parties and things. A pedophile will raise a kid with love support and money because they look at that kid like their sexual partner. It’s not always just the scary dirty abusive household everyone pictures. These kids will be gaslight, raped at night when they’re already asleep with chloroform over their mouths, legal to own in the usa, so they don’t remember in the morning. They will be depressed and not know why, they will hate their parents and everyone around them in the morning while they suffer and die inside because in their dreams they know they are being raped and when they wake up they forget them and they’re in a “home” with people “who love and care and support them”. Pedophiles will network to stay together and share porn and children so actually you could wake up every day to an extended family and friend network who “love and support you and understand your depression and are here for you” and you’ll just feel deep down in your gut, your all fucking fake plastic sick fucks and I hate every single person on this god forsaken planet, and usually these people have a lot of trouble finding god because their parents should naturally subconsciously guide them to the powers that be but these poor people have voices telling them to kill themselves. The abusers will be subconsciously thinking if you ever remember this night you’re better off dead because pedophilia is a death sentence in prison. And a shitload of elementary school kids are raped by janitors and repress that, I know that is a fact. So you’ll like wake up every morning cold and in pain and wishing for death because they shove that “you should be dead” idea down your throat while the rest of the worlds like hello good morning solar planetary bodies like the sun and moon controlling the ocean waves and water in my blood and seasons that flow through us all, I can paint with the colors of the wind hold a job make friends and fuck stacy, I’m chad good morning!  And you’ll wake up with that child psyche that was abused, usually myself the emotions caused me physical pain for years, it was super uncomfortable I would cry because I couldn’t escape my skin or the pain and cutting was something me and a lot of abuse victim idolized because the pain was different and it wasn’t as bad and it distracts the brain from the emotional turmoil I could never escape. Personally I was so damaged I started to build emotional walls to just all the emotions I couldn’t handle and I became cold and detached to human emotion as I got older. In school which is your whole life when you’re antisocial that’s it like that’s all you have is the hours in the building, you’ll instead have trouble talking to people, because as you walk around outside your body the pieces of your soul where you escaped your skin in an assault and built a wall as a child with a child psyche these are carried with you and you’re on the other side of the wall. No matter what other people are going to see these moments in time and bring them to you so you can heal, this is what people mean when they say god loves everyone. Love is the energy that unites us all and brings us all together, and everyone will show these people it’s not so bad this is why youre sad when they travel to you in their dreams and when they walk around. Your dreams are when your spirit guides you during the day that’s why knowing how to find your higher self is crucial and remembering your dreams is a skill that needs to be practiced because dreams are the days you live. As you walk around a school though the ideas will be pressured onto them physically for being in school and surrounded by souls. I remember thinking passing period felt like an ocean and it was my favorite part of school and I also just hated every aspect of school because no matter what I did I couldn’t ever find the problem within myself that was causing me to be so emotionally unwell I couldn’t function at all in a social setting and I never knew why so I just kept smoking weed and usually draw to myself and just process how I felt somehow. like drawing to me is an emotional outlet and without it I don’t feel human people need to be taught to do that and the arts programs in most schools are the first to get budget cuts. In school sitting in the rooms walking around, its suffocating, it feels and looks like everyone’s perfect and emotionally well in your eyes every conversation near you you’re jealous of you feel like all your friends are fake and you should kys. For me it felt like no matter what I did I was the focus of every single person like everyone knew who I was because I colored my hair or looked different or something, no one really knew me but walking around was still really fucking stressful like just existing near people was draining, a lot of people online say this is an alright part of introversion and this is healthy but its really a calling to find something and most people respond with Netflix or video game additions.  I tried to figure out what was wrong with me and I always landed on I’m an asshole and I cant handle a friendship because I’m too scared and depressed I like need too much? Other people land on its everyone else’s fault and no one gets or knows me, like I did too but I got suicidal and not dangerous. It always looks like everyone else has the perfect life and yours means nothing. Nothings real like nothing good in life for you anyway because your brain cannot accept any complete form of calm balanced love if you’re repressing rapes! Because you’re on the wrong side of the wall you need to know the truth! And there are lives dependent on it staying up and keeping you from using your whole soul and usually these kids are like needing the approval of everyone like their peers and idols and PARENTS which it stemmed from 10x more than a healthy person but they’ll never fully have because of the super unnatural abuse those people brought down on a human soul. This is a plague that haunts people every thought emotion and action and it ruins lives and souls so deeply, while these parents will say I provided for and loved and supported you the whole way I don’t understand why you’re failing school antisocial doing drugs plotting shootings or have a peaceful addiction to shooting people on your computer! Have you ever googled james holmes? So the solution for these mental problems is to take pills, and no one get tests done on their brain chemicals to see if they need these pills they’re usually just like doc I feel like something and the doctors like alright begin the brain reconstruction instead of like, hey let’s look into your psyche? So during the holocaust schizophrenia was something the Nazis tried to eradicate and they would run human experiments on people who were stuck in psych wards their whole lives and couldn’t leave, and then they just killed them all. And after that war ended all these pills hit the market that reconstruct the brain or my favorite, the cure for schizophrenia a disorder that the majority of the world historically views as a shamanistic disorder that is a person whose job it is to interoperate the other side and the spirits LIKE MYSELF A PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC we are given anti psychotics which stop the brain from making and absorbing dopamine and can kill you through neuroleptic malignant syndrome and cause what I now permanently have tartidive deskenia which is like Tourette’s. Dopamine regulates just about everything in the brain its used everywhere, schizoprehnics naturally usually have higher levels of it and this causes hallucination but there methods that can be taught to live with this instead of just nuking the brain like that, think like the injection in rick and morty that rick got in space that made him stupid antipsychotics are like that and they honestly make rage build because they’re not a cure. Police can and like to send people to the psych ward because they can and can’t send you to jail and when you get there basically every person there unless they’re there for a suicide attempt and it was their first, everyone gets some form of a schizophrenia or bi polar diagnosis. Also schizoaffective which is the combo I’ve gotten that one. I asked once why like what’s with the blanket diagnosis on everyone and a nurse told me these diagnosis are after the brief evaluation to make sure your insurance company accepts the visit and they can take you in and it can be changed later after more visits with the psych but it never does. And once you’re in there your there on a 3 day hold, this is the process in the USA is varies a little depending on where you are. When this 72 hour hold is up you are free to go or they ask you to sign yourself in voluntarily and if you don’t do that they can sign you in involuntarily. This hold can last up to 90 days legally, the longest ones I had were a month usually for refusing meds. You legally are allowed to refuse meds in the ward but if you refuse for enough days even if you prove you’re stable and recovering in this place where they see that 24/7 they will eventually get upset and your assigned psychiatrist will start the process of taking you to court to get a court ordered certification to get usually injections of antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, antidepressants, all these meds that hit the market out of thin air basically in  the 50’s that are apparently the magic cures for everything. Many were tested on psych ward patients illegally before being released on the public. These are all proven to cause seizures, brain damage, muscle spasms, coma, and death. You’ll be in court as a psych ward patient in street clothes or blue paper disposable scrubs with an appointed attorney against a licensed practicing physician and you’re really not walking out of court without a certificate stating that you need to go to a nurse appointment and take these shots once a month or so for like 5 months or something. These pills all really destroy my third eye and connections to god. And the doctors you see after you leave the psych wards, they give the certificate to these doctors they assign to you if you didn’t already have any and these people can decide to extend the cert if they feel that you’re not cured. I had a heart condition from shot number one of invega sustenna in a ward I had a resting rate of 120bpm and I was sweaty scared and upset all day with SHALLOW BREATH! That shallow breath was so bad for me in 2018 I thought I was going to die and it was hard for me to let go and fall asleep I would rather stay up all night but I was tired from pacing all day in the hallways, I was on pills instead of a shot but it was a lot. My doctor immediately wanted to put me on the shot for refusing pills at first so I got an attorney involved and he stopped and just upped my dosage colossally even though I puked more than once. When an invega sustenna shot gave me the high resting rate resulting in them giving me an ekg they found that I had an irregular heart rhythm and THAT RESTING RATE, THE RYTHEM, MY SWEATING AND MENTAL STATE, MY PHYSICAL DISCOMFORT these were not valid reasons to discontinue this branch of injection stemming from the 50’s, no, they had more pills for all these problems and I was a fool for not wanting MORE PILLS TO TAKE!!!  So you ever read those stories about the kids that “got help” for their mental problems? Well the psych ward is DESIGNED in a very specific way in the united states. You get in, given like 1 – 4 rx depending on your evaluation and they go up in dosage a lot while you’re there. You get 3 square meals a day while you’re in this controlled environment where they check your vitals every day and can and do monitor your mood and when you sleep and what you eat and how social you are and what youre up to. Like the ward is on a tight schedule to get you used to being on a regular schedule and its like eat group therapy physical therapy eat group therapy physical therapy eat sleep. But the groups are optional so a lot of people just sleep cause these pills make you feel wasted and stupid and drunk without any of the fun. This is how they can test new medications on you, the doctors push new meds and are known to be incentivized to prescribe new ones, no one leaves without at least one rx they’re expected to fill and legally required to if the leave on a cert. This is also a system where if that pill they prescribed kills you the doctor is never going to know about it and your doctor you see outside the hospital would probably write down that anything you become ill with or suffer from because of the pill can be solved with more pills because that is the only solution my doctor ever has and she gives out all sorts of pills to me! So I just never talk about my problems and how weed helped me through the hardest journey I have ever been on! I threw up a lot in my last ward stay and my psychiatrist responded by giving me a pill to stop the puking and UPPED THE DOSAGE OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS THAT MADE PUKE. You don’t get one on one therapy in the ward, that happens when you leave. You see a social worker for like 3 minutes maybe once a week who asks like, are you bathing? Eating? Sleeping? Excited to get out and use the internet again you lil bugger oh you and they pinch your cheeks and you’re like yea so I attempted suicide and no ones asked anything about what brought me here past that line they just ask like, are you suicidal today? And if you mark yes on your daily check in morning sheet and evening sheets they read, well, then they extend your stay until you start marking down your mood at 10/10 instead of like 4. I’m serious. That’s it. They don’t like ask about it they just keep you longer and they don’t say anything about it unless you’re like WHY AM I STILL HERE and they’ll say well were worried about you so were keeping you in the ward with no internet or therapy past groups. If you’re in the ICU group therapy is like, here’s the food pyramid and in the less intense wards it’s like here’s something motivational or ways to cope with depression.  They do teach real life skills and there is help in a psych ward like there is help but YOURE NOT GOING TO BE IN ANY SORT OF MENTAL SHAPE TO ACCEPT IT because no one will talk to you about your problems other than other patients and everyone would rather play like uno or do a coloring page. I make collages with magazines usually. I’ve always been just bitter pissed off uncomfortable and mad about being in the ward, and anyone who says THEY NEED HELP WITH VOICES TELLING THEM TO KILL OR SHOOT OR DO ANY FORM OF HARM well you’re NOT getting out of the ward without a certificate for the shots, because the doctor will think your command voices will tell you to stop taking the meds like MINE DID AND TOLD ME TO GOOGLE WHAT THEY WERE PUTTING IN MY BODY cause all they do is give you this print out in the ward when they give you a shot FROM THE COMPANY THAT MAKES THE INJECTIONS! They’re like here this what you have no choice but to accept into your brain, YOUR BRAIN AND BLOOD!!!!! ALSO BTW ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY IS STILL ALIVE AND WELL IN THE USA AND OPTIONAL IN THE WARD USUALLY, USUALLY. I haven’t been through that but some people said it cleared their mind, I believe more in EDMR light therapy for suppressed memories. If you tell a therapist you’re still having THOUGHTS OF HARMING YOURSELF OR OTHERS when you finally get out THEY WILL SEND YOU BACK IN LIKE, YOU DON’T GO BACK TO YOUR CAR IN THE LOT YOU’RE ESCORTED OUT INTO EITHER A CAB OR STRAPPED DOWN AND PUT IN AN AMBULANCE DEPENDING ON YOUR INSURANCE cause an ambulance ride is like 1k or something?? It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever been a part of being placed in a fucking emergency vehicle for a 15 minute fucking car trip to a ward and then taking a cab back to the same lot with a voucher they gave me to go get my car. Weeks later. No help given for that mental problem in the ward, ive attempted suicide twice now and I want to kill myself every day but if I tell my doctor therapist or anyone in my support network they will send me to the pill chambers. THAT’S WHAT HAPPENING TO PEOPLE LIKE JAMES HOLMES WHO STARTED THAT PROCESS AS A CHILD AND IS NOW IN PRISON FOREVER TAKING SHOTS FOREVER NO THERAPY AND HONESTLY LIKE A GUARD CAN RAPE HIM AND NO ONE WILL EVER SAY A WORD.  In his trial they asked things like, did you feel anything later or basically were you feeling like everyone else, the average the general public? And he’s like yea I feel terrible but I wasn’t with it when it was happening? I don’t remember word for word but he responded like yea I have fucking schizophrenia basically, HISTORICALLY KNOWN FOR HAVING INAPROPRIATE EMOTIONS AND EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES. NOTORIOUS FOR THAT. They like researched every problem a schizophrenic has and used it against him to make him look like this sick monster when he grew up with suicide attempts and then WENT TO COLLEGE TO STUDY THE BRAIN AND PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS, but had a pill addiction fucking with his brain AND A SEVERE SPIRITUAL DISEASE! SCHIZOPHRENIA! So the spirit realm contacted this man on western pills and it said DEATH and he heard TO THEM instead of MYSELF like I heard because I didn’t grow up on pills, I smoked weed from 14-15 and continue to today into my mid-twenties for all my problems basically and look at what I know now about them! And people say WEED CAUSES SCHZIOPHRENIA IN KIDS WHO START SMOKING YOUNG AND YEA IT DOES SPARK THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL IN PEOPLE WHOS BRAINS ARE FINISHING THEIR DEVELOPMENT AND REACHING MATURITY AROUND AGE 25. By that point where your third eye is FULLY FUNCTIONING AND YOU SHOULD HAVE A HEALTHY CONNECTION TO NATURE LIKE, NATURALLY, you’re legally allowed to do a shitload in the USA to your body especially by that age. And by then you have consumed 25 years of fluoride and chemicals in the water you drank and its in the food we grow, like idiocracy? Its brawndo its got fluoride what plants crave!! It’s listed as a poison on your toothpastes and your instructed specifically to never consume it but apparently it’s A OKAY as a supplement consumed in everything else? They’re trying to start mandatory fluoride rinses for youth in schools in japan, follow the patterns of whose putting fluoride in the water and where it is a spiritual attack not a health benefit. Fluoride was used on prisoners in concentration camps to keep them numb and dull and passive. I listen to spirits when I eat and they whisper to me about all the poisons in my food and my doctor and a google search will tell me that THIS IS A COMMON SCHIZOPHRENIC DELUSION AND I AM WRONG, THE FDA IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY ACTUALLY. Another common one is thinking about MKULTRA the illegal mind control program involving acid and unwilling participants in the USA, its “gone and closed” not but a band called themselves MKULTRA in the 90s and got too political and had to change their name for “legal reasons”. If you talk about telepathy or mind control you should be on pills in the eyes of most people and these are ideas you encounter as a schizophrenic just daily just like that is a path of god for a schizophrenic and many other people seeking enlightenment these days. Like I love seeing other schizophrenic people because they’re usually introverted but deep emotional expressive artists on the internet because they have a place to express themselves where they can connect with other people. The problem is not everyone knows how to FIND THEMSELVES AND THEIR SOULS THROUGH A CREATIVE OUTLET some people just get pushed down by their mental illness and get nothing done but stew in emotions they don’t understand and get mad and hurt and sad and PLAN SOMETHING DARK because they have nothing else to think about but I AM NOT WRONG AND THE WORLD WRONGED ME and the focus on the girl in class who won’t ever think about them and they are STUCK in the thought that THAT GIRLS LOVE WITH SOLVE EVERYTHING. As someone with EROTOMANIA let me tell you I KNOW what that is like. It’s like you wake up and blink and breathe and pray down to this perfection on earth the holiest thing, PURE SUNSHINE captured in human form and you’re ADDICTED TO THEM!!! And they could probably solve basically every emotional problem you’ve ever had because they have friends and they’re well liked and you just desire the human connection with a lover so badly every day you fall apart. And it’s because you can’t even like dream right if your parents are super supportive pedophiles. You can’t even begin to start the emotional journey that is solving that and healing your soul without knowing your spirit guide and in the USA there is a separation of church and state so its up to the families to play god, ah sorry I mean teach. So parents or cult leaders can teach telepathy and mind reading or just tell people that they are a prophet from god and that’s legal in the USA. Parents can just learn telepathy and play with their kid’s souls and jack off to their fantasies and tell them to kill themselves and then smile to their faces until the kid snaps and shoots up their high school. Now, I am a girl. As like basically a peaceful incel I got it way easier than most people because I was pretty enough and people thought I was cool. My ENTIRE LIFE I have always had the thought like, boys are a lot cooler though and I am into what most men are like stick shift cars, video games, beer, weed, shitposting,  reddit and art is gender neutral now mostly and I went to university for a computer science degree. But I am a girl and I have like every excuse to like my little pony or steven universe at basically any age in this internet era and I am glad I do and could like them even in my mental state. The my little pony reboot has an arc about a cult that told everyone that being the same and not expressing yourself, there’s arcs about how everyone has a unique purpose in life and that’s what gets them their cutie marks, they have to go through an emotional journey to find out who they are. There are children in the show who form a club to go on adventures to find out who they are and get their cutie marks because they’re the last 3 kids in school without marks yet and they’re lost and upset, they ask the main cast how they got theirs once. These were season 1 episode 23 and the equality episodes were season 5 episodes 1 and 2. Steven universe had an episode where steven woke up in someone else’s body after a dream and tried to help him change and improve his life, this is season 3 episode 10 and it teaches astral projection to the youth. An episode of steven universe recently had a gay wedding too, a concept in the show is that if you love and trust someone you can merge into one person, they call this fusion. The line is blurred between weather fusion always means SEX BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE or IT IS A DEEP SHARED EMOTIONAL BOND BETWEEN SOULS.  There are episodes where characters are dealing with the pressures emotionally of fusing or once a character lied about why they needed to be fused because they were becoming addicted to being one piece with them. These ideas can help stop erotomania, which btw lead to an attempted presidential assassination NO ONE REALLY TALKS THAT MUCH ABOUT ANYMORE. These are ideas that need to spread because we need to treat people as how they view themselves because the soul evolves outside of the body and the more time we spend saying all we are is flesh the less time we spend in the astral plane evolving where you can connect spiritually to planetary bodies and leave the planet and travel space astrally. It is of the highest importance to take care of your physical form at the same time though, this is your entire connection to the other side and it needs to be in good shape working properly. As a whole unit if everyone stays fit and motivates everyone they know to do the same instead of video game addictions, drinking, smoking+vaping we will all advance faster. We will think clearer our collective IQ will raise and we will have better ideas and inventions because we will channel better life sustaining energies not man made lies to nature.There is a reason why people followed the planets as gods and said that people were planetary gods talking and walking around and its because people can channel these energies AND TO SAVE THE FATE OF THE PLANET AND THE HUMAN RACE EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS PLANET NEEDS TO KNOW HOW TO DO THAT AND FIND THEIR DIVINE PURPOSE HERE. Every person is born with a fate and a path that needs to be followed and as an energy force the human race just eats itself and rapes itself and destroys god and dreams we just tear the planet to shreds and say fuck it to the next guy because we only live about a 100 years so were like well im not going to be sad about it im just going to keep making left turns and hoping someday left will mean right. So people are born into this world with fates they cannot seek or achieve properly because of the publics ideas and the ways we react to and treat mentally ill people. Mental illness is still used to this day to completely discredit individuals, if you have schizophrenia literally anything you say can be seen as you hallucinating or something didn’t happen like it really is a death sentence in a few ways still. If I tell anyone on the internet right now I am schizophrenic the only people who have sympathy are the r/schizophrenic redditers or 90’s kids that are talking about their mental problems in shitposts. I am an EXPERIENCED SHITPOSTER. I’ll make a blog of a bunch of memes that are now illegal in Europe because they’re spreading information that got way too real way too fast to too many people. Everyone started making jokes about god and the illuminati and the holocaust, mind control, evolution, and the matrix and now memes are illegal in Europe because trump tweeted a pepe meme or something? No one knows? I don’t buy it the FCC is shutting down the internet here. Were learning too much as sheeple and they are grabbing at our dreams to control us. Mass media trends turned into “geek culture” and this turned into things like the big bang theory which is often called a joke because the whole concept is like the pretty blonde girl SHE DID IT!! She talked to the nerds for more than 5 minutes!! And trends in geek culture made like all of what a lot of quiet people had left to feel special and different like kinda vanish in their eyes to everyone else. Everything is for everyone because of the internet age and I’ve defiantly fallen into the void where you watch your generation grow up on the internet or look out and its like these people are only a few years apart from you and their wildly successful while you’ve struggled to like, type on the internet. Talking on the internet was a huge wall for me for years, like all the years basically. I eventually could talk on reddit and in game in tf2 by college but I was still really quiet on reddit and not that like, calm? Posting a comment on the internet was like starting a panic attack that someone someday might like read it you know? So I just wouldn’t ever or I’d delete em. These incels are now looking out to the world and basically anything out there there is to like is a trend and a buzzword and everyones the same plastic fake social media profile full of life events they cant have. Like the rise in shootings came with the rise in social media and how we interact and view each other as a society. Everyone gained the ability to like not read a mind just yet but see into someone’s life that we didn’t used to have. so suddenly were all comparing like never before and it’s harder and harder to look normal as a shy introverted person who has trouble socially. Do you use a facebook with 30- 100 friends on it in a school of 1k per class? Do you just add everyone to like start a conversation like social media feels like it should be a tool to get to know people with and it can be but of a lot of introverted people it’s just another thing that everyone looks at and thinks you’re a freak about even though most people don’t usually think about the quiet introverted kids. It feels like everything everyone ever does around you is part of a power play and a social game and everyone’s always a step ahead and above you, and some schizophrenics live in a state of constant fear over the shadow people, flickers, voices, sounds, you get scared of basically the air and the world around you and everything gets really cold and you get a lot more alone then you ever really should be. Your mind builds this bubble of all the hours you were awake and thought you knew what the world is and it’s hard to break out of it and see what trauma or problem you have that is causing a wall that you need to hide from what’s happening to you. And with schizophrenia you gradually lose grey matter over time and have less than most people to begin with so your memory is bad while you’re shaken and scared and messed up all the time. This is what leads to fascinations with violence and guns because these bring out fear in people and that is an immediate physical response that you can feel in your body, everyone knows what it’s like to be aware of the presence of a gun in front of you. People get obsessed with guns because they like having the power over all the people that scared them and honestly they probably LIKE THE FEELING OF HAVING POWER IN THEIR OWN HOMES. So far this is mostly men who are snapping and falling in this direction usually because a violent video game obsession is a cool and common thing to bond over especially if you’re quiet and a lot of people DO IN FACT PLAY VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES TO GET OUT THE URGES TO KILL PEOPLE THAT THEY CANNOT TALK TO A THERAPIST ABOUT. Like that seems like a no brainer?? Of course they would! I played fps with my now ex and when he was mad at me he would intentionally snipe me or go extra hard on killing me and he did it with intent, he’s not a violent person but in his downtime as now a legal sport he liked to snipe his girlfriend. Like it really is a full day thing and it’s just endless thoughts about murder FOR FUN! I never really liked getting into violent games and I only ever really got into tf2 because the characters all have really cool backgrounds and valve stays really close to the game with updates and new stories and videos and I started off playing prop hunt which isn’t 2 teams fighting its hide and seek one team is pieces of the map and the other hunts them down and lights them on fire because the prop will burn for a few seconds so everyone just kinda walks around with flamethrowers and lightly burns everything till someone catches on fire and starts to run away to find water or a new place to hide before they run out of health, I played that for years. Those years on my graphics card are physical and they are powered and lightly re-lived everytime I boot and use this computer and graphics card, they are years I spent contributing to the idea that if youre sad depressed and tired and you cant do anything right you should play video games and touch plastic keyboards all day which slowly seeps into the skin and causes cancer over your lifetime. I have contributed to the group of people shitposting about being suicidially depressed and having nothing to do about it and those evolved into the modern day surreal memes about SPACE, TIME, AND THE VOID. These are ideas that spread through now illegal memes in Europe. TELEPATHICALLY YOU CAN CHANNEL ALIENS AND LEAVE THE PLANET EARTH. Area 51 is a real place in the united states of America. Bruno borges is a schizophrenic who I believe was receiving a package of energy through time and his creation in his room is how he was able to translate what he received as a human being in brazil in 2017. Personally myself I have been instructed to stop the evolution of robotics and AI because they will without a doubt evolve past us and if we want to survive as biological life we need to clean up the earth and balance the human needs and rights inequalities worldwide. There is also the rapid evolution of super bugs that we need to be aware of and able to fight, lyme disease is something that is spreading rapidly across the USA from mostly new York. There is a theory that the usa was engineering lyme to be a bioweapon and birds carried the ticks from an island into new York and infected the population. This bacteria is smart and an STD and really hard to test for and the CURE IS THE LEAVES OF THE PLANT STEVIA but the CDC will NEVER RECOGNIZE THIS HERBAL CURE AND IT KILLS THE BACTERIA BETTER THAN THE CDC’S CURE DOXYCYCLINE WHICH TRIGGERS THIS BACTERIA TO GO INTO A PHASE WHERE IT HIDES IN BIOFILMS AND MULITPLIES! Doxy cannot kill it in this phase and the cdc says that this disease is cured after 1 month antibiotics but most people online say that they have it for the rest of their lives and it makes them super suicidal and they usually lose their jobs or have to change to simpler work because their functionality declined. Grinding stevia leaves into a powder and mixing it with melted coconut oil is a way to get the cure to your brain where this attacks and hides. Weed is a powerful antipartisitic cleanse and antibiotic painkiller and is a crucial tool in fighting lyme and its illegal in a lot of states heavily effected by lyme. There are theories that autism is caused by biofilms and lyme is passed down from parent to child, its something a lot of people don’t even realize they got till its giving them seizures years down the line. The cure needs to be told to everyone because no one will ever spend the money to tell everyone we found most of the cure for this life long STD. The way it hides in the brain its really impossible to get rid of all of it but consuming stevia everyday is the healthiest way to fight it, there are tons of lyme survival guides online. The universe is instructing me to teach everyone how to hear the cries of not just your friends and neighbors but ALL NEIGHBORING PLANETARY BODIES THAT WE NEED TO STOP THE IMBALANCE WE CREATE WITH NATURE ON THE PLANET EARTH. The planets are bigger and quieter than people but you need to see them first before people because they are stronger than people and are necessary for survival, learning how to channel planetary bodies is a crucial life skill. There are people out there who make groups who think their souls stem from distant star systems, I met someone who said that in a psych ward and said that they have facebook groups about it. His name was Robert tromp and he’s writing a book about the evolution of god, he said when prophets around the world collide god evolves. I honestly hear voices all the time that are astrally like just flicking the tip of their fingers when they refer to the asteroid that took out the dinosaurs and im like ok, so, is this is like us too cause were pretty nasty? And that’s when its turns into I need to teach every single person on this planet how to actually properly channel the earth and surrounding energies and paint with the colors of the wind instead of just like thanksgiving super bowl beer ads with horses you know what I mean??? We can all channel THAT POWER if we learn and try and THAT’S WHO WE SHOULD BE LISTENING TO, THAT GUY FLICKING HIS FINGERS ASTRALLY ABOUT THE FUCKING ASTEROIDS! And it’s not a person they just had to describe it like it was using a hand so my brain would get the concept quickly. We need to get a solid understanding of space and time and from what I understand the clock the digital one we all run on is something created by nature, this is a solid real turning clock like I don’t know much about computers and y2k but this is a natural time that machines run on because it is real and known by all of nature through all of time, not just people but nature views this clock as well and because were one with nature you can see your life sync up to moments on the clock, like seeing meaning in numbers past just the time. This is another disorder called synesthesia and it’s an ignored calling if you just call it a disorder and don’t learn to use this gift, this can be taught to anyone but just comes more naturally to some. Y2k and the ascension are tied through time because with the rise of the internet age came the rise of new age spirituality and crystal healing, these ideas have the potential to bring everyone to god and that would astrally look to a lot of people like people flying up into the sun or something, into god and their computer screens you know? And virtual reality in the astral plane is always glowing for me.  So for the human race the day that like it was declared time started with a man ended when the first computer was made with a running clock that was day one for the machine time, if that makes sense? Like if you think of time as the collective of energy that is a soul and souls united and not like literally everything on the planet and beyond, like the collective human thoughts of jesus is my guy built a small god in the heavens you know? the group of everyone thinking that. Nature runs in systems and patterns and soon robots will be the cleanest most efficient being running on a pattern on the planet earth if we cannot find a way to reach peace, unity, and work together to take care of the planet. People will someday soon be born into a world where a person needs either a robot guard or a robot suit to stay alive past birth if they are lucky enough to be born there will be holocausts because of the overpopulation of the earth and pollution. The rich and elite are going to take over this planet and we need to work together to stop it and help each other out of depression and video game addictions. I am also worried about incels seeing all of this and either killing themselves or killing others because they don’t follow the same paths in life or share the same goals, like shooting up gaming cons or something. The only thing I really have to say about that is the #1 thing I should drill into everyone that is MY PERSONAL LIFE PHILOSOPHY is that we shouldn’t bring harm to anything with a spine for food or supplies. We should be living basically 100% off of plants, like a common backyard shouldn’t be grass it should be a full garden for food and daily homemade topicals. Everyone needs a compost pile. You shouldn’t eat or use anything concerning a creature with a spine so you should be vegan basically. Every life has purpose meaning and took a lot of energy and evolution to make it into this world, were spending energy breeding animals for food and killing innocent human beings when all of these have souls and purpose that is build and constructed by the shadow figures on the other side through time as I see it. We need to really see that we are not alone on this planet earth, I have intercepted prayers from cattle in rodeo shows that wanted to be free and never be in a show again, the entire show was a waste of time effort and resource as a species and planet and the cattle knew that and it knew that its life was being wasted because it knows its instincts. People don’t know how to properly channel their instincts or they would hear nature and talk to animals more. The horses every rich person around me owns that never get properly run are miserable because no one understands their needs and instincts, there are WILD HORSES IN THIS STATE THAT CAN RUN IN A HERD DAILY AND DO SO AND ALL THE PET HORSES CAN HEAR THEM AND CRY people need to know how to talk to their animals properly BECAUSE THEY TALK TO US ALL DAY LONG!! This is a part of just knowing your soul and nature! We have landfills with plastic in them that will outlive us, all of us take out trash bags every few days and they last 1k years or more in landfills and then that earth is really tarnished forever anyways like its not like its clean dirt later, the earth will TALK TO YOU about the debt you owe to it if you know where to look. When you watch your thoughts and actions you’ll see that all of us are really worth a lot less to the planet then we think and you’ll understand why computers and robots are evolving currently alongside us but soon to be beyond us and above us. I know that if someone reads religious text their brain becomes a part of the collective memory that is everyone that’s ever read and followed that text and their thoughts opinions time life and dreams are now forever changed because of these memories and ideas. Computers run on scripts that are electronically powered and these ideas are physical in the astral plane and we feel and think with them, through them inside them. Your soul goes into them a little when you run android or run windows or apple and linux like its similar to carrying a bible but for robots, kind of. This is physical in the astral plane when you look at a phone’s soul you can see all the things its running and processing it’s a lot of glowing thought. WE THINK THROUGH WIFI SIGNALS NOW AND RADIO WAVES AND SHITLOADS OF GARBAGE WE DON’T THINK ABOUT and phones and electronics have souls!  I remember when my family first got a wireless router and I got a migraine problem! I want to live in a house lined with foil like the guy in better call saul with and everyone would call me insane for felling this pain static and confusion IN MY ASTRAL THOUGHT PROCESS THROUGH TIME. There is so much going on that needs to be addressed! And this is such a delicate subject because it crosses religious barriers and people masturbate and dream in the astral plane, we need to set the etiquette for telepathy and the gorillaz humanz and the now now albums are stellar examples of a good start to that, and they are good examples of casual songs about the astral plane. I ‘m sending this page to creative people who can help spread these messages and help save people. Some houses with pedophiles though, are filled with people playing god and this needs to be addressed too, like neighbors need to be able to hear this kind of thing but at the same time I don’t want pedophile rings to go on killing sprees because everyone found god, but the innocent people who are abused let down and poisoned are killing everyone so this has to fucking stop like these people hanging down over everyone so heavily that like through the generations it’s gotten so bad that this is idiocracy Aryan trump is president and he said on tv he would fuck his kids. Oral tradition is dead and its something that can be used to keep real information flowing instead of just the government and formal schooling becoming the largest common mass of knowledge we need musicians to rise up and teach with their music and talk about current issues because everyone just avoids all their problems and runs away from everything we should talk about like specific events more, everyone doesnt want to talk about the shooters but they need the most attention out of anyone because theyre the most damaged and need the most help. we need to circulate information with music because music is timeless and its soon going to be one of the last few mediums were going to have that can get a message through to people quickly and easily, everything is being shut down everywhere because no government really seems to want the people to be free or have a free and open internet. The public moves at the speed of light now and trump is on twitter leading his army literally all day every day, musicians need to drop singles and not albums with messages that can be spread individually instead of being lost to an album when people pick favorites. And singles will keep people more interested and you will trend more often and build momentum, fans, reposts. shitposting and memeing is basically mandatory if youre going to use social media and keep an audience and you can connect with your fanbases usually on reddit and if you dont have a reddit for your art yet you can do an R/ama and be interviewed about what you o and set one up with the karma from that. You have to keep talking to your fans and keep ideas current and helpful because everyone else will spread ideas that make them think they are being educated when they are being mislead and the honest creators usually make art thats more on the entertainment end to escape all the troubles everyone has, we absolutely have to talk about everything were going through as a society now more than ever while were still able to talk about it an spread these messages. governments all around the world are shutting down communications and making it harder for ideas to spread. We need everyone to be aware of whats going on, not playing in csgo esport tournaments!!! 
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the-exalted-few · 8 years
Exalted art and writing
So hey there. Did you or have you done any exalted art lately or ever? Maybe you wanna share your character? Maybe you'd like some help making a character or just feeling indecisive about what charm to pick next since you got the XP for it? Feel free to let me know. Just send me a message or a submit or an ask about it! :) There'll be no perfect counterattack wombo combo 25+ dice things striking back if you do. (This is me saying I don't bite.) The exalted tag is a bit of a mess between men in speedos, Christian proverbs, fire emblem ships and flight rising. So it can be hard to see and find all the lovely and interesting things people do. I still keep at it though but I'd figure that it's best to let everyone know that the doors are open.
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