ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 years
36 and 58!
36. Easy On Me - Adele
58. Streets of Philadelphia - Bruce Springsteen
Send me a number between 1 and 100 for my most listened songs of the year!
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marymoss1971 · 3 months
Last line Challenge
courtesy of @curator-on-ao3
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you'd like)
Note--this is the last line I literally wrote. However, I'm probably going to delete it and end on another character's POV.
A few years too late, Jellico thought bitterly, but it was a start. 
@caladeniablue @seema-unbound, @70thousandlightyearsfromhome @grissomesque @pc-corner @mia-cooper @thesearchforbluejello, and anyone else who wants to play.
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lodessa · 3 years
I just saw your tags on the ships that never got an endgame post and I would just like to take a moment to scream in agreement about how utterly robbed we were of Kiera and Carlos having even just a meaningful friendship after the first couple seasons. I'm still mad about that years later. That ship could've been *chef's kiss* and instead they basically forgot Carlos existed after that quite frankly disturbing freezer scene.
Yes!  While I would have loved for them to be “endgame” or whatever and Kiera to realize that the future wasn’t her home anymore etc, I would have been totally satisfied with a narrative that honored their friendship and partnership through to the end, instead of the garbage throwing her in the arms of some random dude (I literally can’t even remember his name okay) and sidelining Carlos for no apparent reason.  Like that freezer scene was actually amazing (which is why it is disturbing) and I was so looking forward to what they were going to do with that working through all of the emotional fallout from what they did leading up to that and then they just... didn’t.
That show just took such weird narrative turns.  Like there are things I love about it, but it left me with a sort of meh feeling at the end, like the last couple seasons didn’t make me “angry” or whatever, just sort of killed my excitement and enthusiasm about the show bit by bit (kind of like I didn’t hate the 11th Doctor’s run per say, I liked it to start with and then by the end I could barely summon the will to watch the show and totally missed the entire next Doctor because of the ennui).
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professortennant · 5 years
Forgive me if anyone has already asked this, but can you explain what BA Test Kitchen is, exactly, and what platform it's on? It looks so fun but I can't figure out if it's a tv show or a short clip show or if it's fictional or reality TV... I just want the low-down 😉
Okay! No, no one has asked me and I am so glad you did!
BA Test Kitchen is a YouTube channel featuring the food editors/writers of Bon Appetit. It’s non-fiction! Think of it as a dash of instructional cooking videos, a whole lotta chaos and hilarity, and a gigantic heaping pile of personality. 
(If you want instructional, how-to videos to actually learn how to cook something, stick to the From The Test Kitchen videos). 
In a world that’s pretty shitty rn (seriously, the news....Yikes), BA is like a shining beacon of wholesome delight. Everyone is having a good time, even when they’re stressed and panicking. It’s 100% worth your time and effort, even if you’re not super into food media. Just watch for the personalities because you will inevitably identify with some or all of them and cling to them like a baby bird. 
The main editors you are probably seeing around Tumblr are:
Claire Saffitz: Light of my life, actual pastry queen, baking universe opens and bows before her. She’s beautiful and smart and talented and we stan (plz, DM me so we can just talk and swoon about her). Her show is Gourmet Makes, which is an 11-48 minute video (depending on the topic) wherein Claire tries to replicate and/or gourmet-ify junk food. She has a cookbook coming out in Fall 2020. That’s not super relevant to the YouTube videos, I’m just really excited. Claire also has a Baking School series (which only has 1 season rn, but fingers crossed for s2 soon!) This series is great if you want to learn about baking and the science of baking (gluten development!). 
Brad Leone: Probably an actual Golden Retriever trapped in a human’s body, severe ADHD, biggest heart (and hands) in the biz. His show is It’s Alive/It’s Alive: Going Places. His shows focus on foods and drinks and condiments that are fermented or use cultures. The editing on this show is superb and half the fun, the other half being Brad. Just....just Brad. He’s pretty indescribable, so just check him out. In the words of Claire, Brad cares about everyone’s emotional state and is just the best. 
Carla Lalli Music: Actual mom of the kitchen, totally cool, and silly. Her Twitter is pure gold. Her show is Back-to-Back Chef where different celebrities cook back-to-back with her and try and recreate a dish by just following her instructions. She’s a total spitfire and I love her and wish she was my mom (except not really bc i love my mom, sorry Carla). Also has a cookbook out now!! 
Chris Morocco: Supertaster, everyone wants Chris’ approval, knows what he’s about, always has a pencil, spoon, and timer at the ready. V prepared. His show is semi-new and is called...well idk if it has an official name but “Chef Recreates” is what I’m going with. He basically recreates complicated, intricate dishes using only what he can taste, smell, and feel. He’s a legit supertaster so it’s pretty awesome. Chris is like the coolest guy in the kitchen, v laidback and chill and knowledgable. Always smells his food first.
Other notable editors who pop in and out of the kitchen but who don’t have like their own ~show and just guest on the above or do From the Test Kitchen vids (videos with actual recipes):
Gaby Melian: test kitchen manager!!! actual ball of bouncing energy!! she took over for Brad as the TK manager and now rules the kitchen with a smile and an iron fist. always available for tastings and hugs (for claire only).
Molly Baz: actual sunshine. Molly seems to be the pasta queen for some reason. But she’s adorable and fun and shortens her words and loves caesar salad with a passion. Seriously, she got shoes with “cae sal” on them. 
Alex Delany: actually does have a show but it’s like an ‘on the street’ kinda show where he chows down and eats the menu at local NY spots. is the faux enemy of brad (delany!!!). He’s probably a labradoodle trapped in a human body. His instagram game is v strong and his social life exhausts me. if you’re extroverted and love cocktails/wine/beer, this is your man.
Christina Chaey: christina is lowkey new-ish to the vid scene but i love her. she’s very blunt and i could watch her twix commercial reenactment all day. 10/10 bike tan line, too. 
Rick Martinez: another pastry god! i love rick’s baking vids (especially his blackout cake which i just made this past weekend and it was PERFECT) #InRickWeTrust. He ALSO has amazing nails (mostly electric blue nail polish) and has never met a shirt button that he liked.
Andy Baraghani: pretty good at making sure the BATK doesn’t get too.......white. lotta the spiced up, interesting (usually mediterranean) recipes come from andy. he’s kinda the self-identified queen and bitch of the kitchen. i think he calls himself satan at one point. but he’s got fans!
I know I’m missing people, but those are the biggies! There’s another great series, Making Perfect, where all of the main editors come together to make a perfect dish (so far there’s Pizza and Thanksgiving). 
These are all real people who all just have amazing chemistry with each other! They’re clearly (mostly) all friends who have worked together a long time. They’re sometimes harsh and hard on each other, but ultimately are all working to ensure the best possible outcome can be achieved. 
There IS a fandom out there for them here on Tumblr and on Twitter, so snoop around, watch some videos, find your fave editors and go make friends and join the BATK Fandom!
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tyrsenian · 5 years
Okay okay okay, for the ask meme: Jai Datta and sleeping, Pete Lattimer and dancing.
Oooh these are good, I shall attempt:
Jai Datta and sleeping:
He’s always been a light sleeper, and while it’s not an ideal characteristic when sharing a room with two other guys (his first semester of college was the first and the last time he hasn’t had a room to himself), it serves him well as a spy. At least, he’d been ready for that one assassin who’d made it past his exploding lock and doormat in the dead of night. He’s always vaguely subscribed to the “early to bed, early to rise” philosophy, but he tends to get too involved in projects to ensure a consistent bedtime. More often, he ends up taking catnaps in his lair. Will freaks out the first time he finds him passed out at his desk, and Frankie has to explain that it’s not an uncommon occurrence, but that Jai has to be sufficiently accustomed to someone to stay asleep in their presence.
Pete Lattimer and dancing:
He knows how to dance. He spent two months taking ballroom lessons for an undercover gig but that doesn’t stop him from flailing about like a drunken idiot when the appropriate songs come on. At least, that’s how Myka describes it. Pete refers to it as creative interpretation of the best that modern music has to offer. Mostly that music consists of ABBA. It has now been banned in the warehouse, but Pete and Claudia are working on a way around that.
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piketrickfeet · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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mosylufanfic · 6 years
Chapters: 18/18 Fandom: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso Characters: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, K-2SO (Star Wars), Bodhi Rook, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe, Davits Draven Additional Tags: this was started for Cassian appreciation week but I didn't finish it until September, but it's Whumptober now so it's even more appropriate because there is lots of, Whump, Angst, some non-graphic torture, but also some graphic scenes mind the tags, let's play spot-the-cassianappreciationweek-prompts they're all there, all the listed characters appear be patient, plus a bonus OC, when I say angst I do not jest, Aliases, 86 percent unbeta'ed Summary:
"The pragmatic side of him instilled by years of survival is telling him that he needs to rest while he has the chance. It's a better way to pretend, he supposes. To pretend that he's not listening to each and every breath she takes, every shift of her body against the floor, every breath that's halfway between a sigh and a gasp as her mind registers the pain even through the deep of unconsciousness.
He pretends that each one of those sounds whispered into the silence, evaporating into the ship's ambient hum, doesn't drive the star-hot points of guilt deeper into his chest."
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devoverest · 6 years
I was very surprised to see "Mean Girls" on that list... and I must say I'm very intrigued given that everything else, it seems, is for the same fandom. Do tell!
Thanks @thesearchforbluejello
It’s still a Star Trek: Voyager idea. Not at all plotted or fleshed out yet, but I’m imagining a series of vignettes recounting each female character’s experiences with homosocial relational violence, before and/or during their years on the ship.
We get some hints of this in Janeway’s backstory (admittedly she’s more commonly the instigator than the victim) and between B’Elanna and Seven. And I imagine the Delaney sisters are masters of the art. 
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thereigning-lorelai · 6 years
thesearchforbluejello replied to your photo “to boldly go where no man has gone before (rebelcaptain!star trek au...”
Sooooo when's it gonna be on ao3? ��
i think you have to nudge @riderunlove for that. there’s nothing written yet but she expressed interest in it. ;)
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 6 years
From the fic asks list: number 1!!
1. favorite fic you wrote this year 
Can’t decide, so here are the top five ^^
find the champagne and the orgies (the Winter Olympics AU nobody asked for but my tired heart. I got to play around with the online medium a bit, which I actually would love to do more of - plus I wrote actual angst free fluff you guys!)
The Caretaker (in which I accidentally wrote a sequel to my first WWII AU. Absolutely not angst-free at all.)
Stardust (maybe my shortest fic to date but I’m extremely proud of it)
In den Herzen ist’s warm (my entry for the Food Travel AU, in which I wrote about Christmas markets in the hottest nights of the year, and dramatically romantisised Dresden in winter *lol*)
Myosotis (written for the @jynappreciationsquad, not rebelcaptain but I’m extremely proud of how it turned out, I love writing Galen, even though it rarely happens)
fanfic end of year asks!
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marymoss1971 · 8 months
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @curator-on-ao3
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Here is the last line of the fic I just posted a few days ago. (I have a future fic coming up but this actually the last thing I wrote)
From the History of the Starfleet Duty Uniform 2233 - 2401 - TVgirll1971 - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
It will be fascinating to see what the future holds for Starfleet and how it will reinvent in the future.
Tagging- @seemaunbound @itsachristastrophe @mia-cooper @caladeniablue @darksideofthecoffeebean @bookmeupscottyblog @captainbatel @itsachristastrophe @pikefied @elisa74 @70thousandlightyearsfromhome @elorrabean @elandreal86 @falltonadir @thesearchforbluejello @tyrsenian @trekkielibrarian @reinhard8766 @katchystar @wolfvl28
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mia-cooper · 7 years
A little shout-out to the new writers
The Voyager fandom seems to be getting a welcome resurgence lately so I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the new and new-ish authors who’ve appeared on the scene lately. Everybody go check out their stuff!
@devoverest has slammed it out of the gate with a fantastically introspective, beautifully crafted and often bluntly honest look at Samantha Wildman’s journey over the years. Travelling Woman explores Sam’s inner life, and it isn’t always pretty.
@thesearchforbluejello is another one who’s just posted her very first fic, and it’s a blinder! A Dream of Home turns the episode ‘Endgame’ on its head with a masterful grasp of plot, pacing and understated writing style. Please continue the story soon because my heart can’t take the cliffhanger.
@ariella884 recently mentioned that she was thinking of quitting fic writing, to which I say WHY and also DON’T and PLEASE. Go check out her gorgeous, lyrical J/C pieces here.
@killermanatee is another new arrival whose work I’m thoroughly enjoying. So far all her works have been set in the post-Endgame bookverse which I LOVE and hope continues because there’s so much left unspoken in the Beyer novels and it’s rich ground for fanfic mining.
@angrywarrior69 writes some very tasty smut and should be strongly encouraged to continue because I approve of the smut and I also very much enjoy the skillful way she builds up the tension. Keep it ‘up’, okay?
This has been a public service announcement. Now click the links, read the fics, and leave the reviews. Off you go.
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professortennant · 6 years
Soooo I saw your tags about an SG-1 DW au and I'm just wondering when to expect chapter one to be posted... k thx bye 😬😉
Jack is at the cabin with a gun in his hand, debating if he wants to put the muzzle in his mouth or against his temple, when a big blue box crashes on the shoreline and a woman with blonde hair and long, unsteady legs stumbles out.
She tips forward and the gun is forgotten as he rushes to catch her and she looks up at him from her place in his arms and grins, a little mad and blue eyes wide. “Here we go again.”
He’s seen a lot of shit in his time in the Air Force, has heard tales of aliens and secret operations, but when the woman--The Doctor--tells him she’s an alien, he can’t quite believe it.
In fact, he doesn’t believe it. She may be gorgeous, but she talks--babbles, really--excitedly at him and he only understands every other word. But then her skin glows with a yellow-orange energy and she presses his fingertips to her pulse and he feels two heartbeats.
Jack believes, then, and wishes Charlie was here to see this, too. The thought of his son makes his face darken, his heart harden, and his fingers itch for his gun again.
Except, the Doctor has taken his gun and bullets and commandeered his shed-turned-workshop, fired up the welding tools, and melted it all down so she can build something she calls a sonic screwdriver.
It’s the second time in the span of a few days that she’s unknowingly saved him. 
Later, after she’s worked out exactly who she is and where she’s going, she hovers in the doorway of her spaceship--TARDIS, she had called it with a giddy grin--and bites her lip and reaches a hand out to him.
“I could show you, if you like.”
He thinks about what he’d really be leaving behind and realizes the answer is nothing and if she is mad, what is there to lose, really?
And then the Doctor shows him that there’s more to life than grief and loss and heartache. She shows him galaxies and planets and a star exploding and a moon forming and he becomes accustomed to the feel of her hand in his, dragging him along from adventure to adventure, saving the day, the world, the galaxy, the universe.
He falls in love with her, of course. How could his heart turn away from the woman--the person--who stumbled into his life and saved him from himself? The woman who took his gun and turned it into a peaceful tool?
After they’re separated on a planet the locals call Edora and he is faced with the prospect of living a life without her, he knows there’s no time to lose. She saves him--she always does--and breaks (she announces proudly) about a hundred laws of gravity and physics to get to him.
Jack tilts his head to the side before cupping her face and drawing her lips to his, pressing soft, searching kisses to her mouth. She gasps into the kiss and then melts against him, curling her clever hands into his shirt and keeping him close. 
To his absolute pleasure, he can feel both of her pulses pounding in her wrists and neck and he trails his lips over the double-beat there.
Later, back in the TARDIS, she brushes her fingers over the scar in his eyebrow that he acquired on Edora and he hisses, grimacing and pulling away. 
“Watch it, Doc.”
She beams at the nickname and slides into the TARDIS’ captain chair next to him, pressed shoulder to thigh to knee. Her hand slips over his knee and into his hand, tangling their fingers together.
“Where to next?”
He raises their joined hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to the place where their palms meet. Only a few months ago, this hand was holding a gun, ready to end his life, and now he holds on to the hand of the woman who saved him, gave him purpose.
“I’ll go wherever you lead.”
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GUESS WHAT?? I've finally changed the url I've had for nearly ten years, and have hated for about nine. Ladyink213 is now... drumroll please, even though you've already seen it attached to this post... thesearchforbluejello. Maybe temporarily, maybe permanently. For a hot second I was afraid it had already been taken, but, I mean, why was I worried. Also, does blue jello even exist?
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tyrsenian · 4 years
For the two-part drabble ask game, Will and Frankie, 14 and 8.
“Nothing is ever simple with you, is it?” Frankie hisses.
“Come on, honey, you’re really blaming me for this?”
He knows she isn’t, not really, but she’s stressed and she’s frustrated and it’s the easiest way to let her blow off steam while keeping their cover intact.
“We could have gotten this over with half an hour ago, but no, someone just had to have a full sit-down breakfast and now we’re stuck here.”
“Hey, it’s not like I could have known that some guy would drop dead and they’d have to lock the whole place down,” he protests. “And you have to admit that those waffles were excellent.”
She shrugs, failing badly at maintaining a neutral expression. “They were okay,” she admits when he raises his eyebrows.
She sits down next to him, her posture stiff. He knows she’s uncomfortable with the married-couple cover. It rubs too closely against another reality, wearing down the walls just thin enough in places that things start to slip through. She tends to prefer a complete lie to a half-truth and she’s trained herself not to mix the requirements of the job with anything she might feel personally but covers like this make it difficult to differentiate the two.
They sit quietly as updates are broadcast through the loudspeakers, telling everyone in the building to remain calm and that it might take a few hours to identify the man’s cause of death. They sit quietly as the loudspeakers are subsequently used to play pop music.
“Oh, I like this song,” Will says as Taylor Swift comes on. He says it with a smile and Frankie’s pretty sure he’s serious.
She scoffs. “You’re lucky you’re cute, because your taste in music is awful.”
She’d intended it as an insult but he perks up at that. “You think I’m cute?”
“Well, we’ve been married for seven years, Alan. You’d better hope I think you’re cute.”
She rests her head against his shoulder and the movement is just un-Frankie-like enough that it makes him suspicious.
“What are you doing?” he whispers.
“Helping our cover,” she whispers back. “Also, your shoulder is more comfortable than the wall.”
“Wow,” he says, surprised. “You’re really just showering me with compliments today, aren’t you?”
She lifts her head up briefly to glare at him. “Yeah, don’t push it.”
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stardust425 · 4 years
My Favorite Rebelcaptain Fics
I want to spread the love and recommend my all time favorite Rebelcaptain Fics!
1. Collateral Silence by thesearchforbluejello
"The pragmatic side of him instilled by years of survival is telling him that he needs to rest while he has the chance. It's a better way to pretend, he supposes. To pretend that he's not listening to each and every breath she takes, every shift of her body against the floor, every breath that's halfway between a sigh and a gasp as her mind registers the pain even through the deep of unconsciousness.
He pretends that each one of those sounds whispered into the silence, evaporating into the ship's ambient hum, doesn't drive the star-hot points of guilt deeper into his chest."
Why I like this fic so much: 
- The story is told from Cassian’s perspective, but Cassian’s internal voice is so ... natural. Sometimes, a character’s internal voice seems like a lot of exposition, but THIS FIC is not! It makes me “see” Cassians’s thoughts and feelings, rather than “tell me”. I wish I could describe this better. But I think this fic is the best Cassian POV fic i’ve read
- To not spoil the story... Jyn is.... not here a lot, but even in her... reduced capacity... she’s still badass! And her and Cassian’s reactions are natural and make sense. Jyn and Cassian are NOT caricatures here. 
- It’s really well written
- I really fell in love with the OC here T_T
- No joke, i read this fic.... at least twice a month
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