#they all dieddddd
quillinhand · 1 year
ep 6 of bloodhounds was fucked up.
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boygirlctommy · 4 months
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napsaps-archive · 11 months
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cannot look at this picture withoutwsnting to explode My very core wants to break into a million tiny little pieces he's so fondly exasperated boyfriend core here and i want to fucking cry about it like i need to marry him
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niamnomas · 1 year
OH MY GOD I ACCIDENTALLY KILLED ALISTAIR NOOOOOO NO NO 😭😭😭😭😭 wowowowowowow I played this whole game expecting to die and hurt my companions BUT GUESS WHAT THE JOKES ON ME AHAHHHHHHHHH
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banggyu0308 · 11 months
Remember when we talked about yeonjun being into those dad pun typa pick up lines or those borderline cringey ones I just came across this
Just proves my point more I think…
(this came up after https://www.tiktok.com/@abcdefgyuu_/video/7260491573220199685 I DO THAT W MY FRIENDS 😭)
(BUT ALSO THIS https://www.tiktok.com/@.beombearx/video/7264052728836492549 I EXPECTED MOA TO BE SO TOXIC BUT THEY WERE JUST LIKE 'bro who wouldn't' IM ABOUT TO DO THIS TO MEET THEM 😭/j)
(im sorry im just clicking vid after vid but THIS TOO https://www.tiktok.com/@gyuvnn2/video/7261198343445957890 the most reletable thing ive seen all day 😭)
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moonjxsung · 2 months
hi angel🫶🏻 how are you doing?
i missed you too!! this week has been super dense for everyone istg😪
onew!!! i’m so excited! i wish i could go to the fanmeet too😭😭😭 oh to live in or close to korea😩 but fr i need to save up for shinee tour bc i have a feeling that they’re coming to the US in like a year. and i can’t wait! shinee, my angels💜 the little whale!! that’s so cute😭💜 pls send me a haul of what you get him once you send it to him!! i just know it’ll be the cutest and he’ll love everything sm! i love how they’re handling his comeback fr!! im so excited for this era!
fr! i’ve had such a tough week too. i treated myself to some iced coffee on thursday bc ive been trying to cut down on expenses too (but at least once a week iced coffee is a must). i came back to my mom’s and saw my kitty (tofu’s brother) had blood on his toe literally rn and we’re waiting for some tranquilizers to make effect to see how we can handle de situation and if it’s necessary to have an emergency vet visit. on a better note, i have a friend who’s a tattoo apprentice and im speaking with them to get some small tattoos done soon!
and ateez!!!! i wanted to go see them at coachella soooooo badly! but i was so set on seeing skz (my ults, my darlings) and i love love love ateez but im glad that i waited for lolla instead of coachella😂 im sorry san/yeosang my beloveds💔 im so pumped to see their performance too! (also ur watchparty outfit is so cute!!! ).
yaaaaas dragging ateez pcs in cute little pc holders, we love to see it!! 🥹
i also had to skip on txt this year!! my only kpop friend irl invited me right after i spent the whooping lolla amount😂 but i got an album which hasn’t arrived yet but im so excited to see the pulls! and want the cereal soooo badly for my shrine😭
alsooooooo did you see that apparently lee know and eunwoo went to see jk near his base??? like hello, visual trio wtfff. this was literally me:
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i love you bb!! i hope the weekend treats you better!!💜
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(the pc from my nephew’s story btwww!)
Hi my baby!!!!!! Ahhh it’s so good to chat again!!!! This week has been so hellish for so many of us GOSH I just want to curl up and sleep and not wake up for like 2 weeks straight
AHHHHH MANIFESTING SHINEE TOUR SOOO HARDDDD I am getting ready as we speak to go to the kpop store bc they got some new shinee pcs in stock and I fully intend on buying every Onew one that exists 🫶🫶🫶🫶 Onew my beloved 🐋 ALSO YESSSS I will make sure to post a haul before I send him my care package!!!! I’m so excited 😭😭
Oh my god noooo I feel like you can’t get a break with all these cat incidents lately!! I’m so sad 😢 keep me posted with what happens!! My cat has been having some itching and we took her to the vet but they didn’t find anything wrong so they just prescribed some ointment and told us to make sure she doesn’t go outside (she’s indoor-only so she def didn’t contract anything!) but she’s just been super itchy lately and it’s super weird. I think it’s possibly just the change in weather and overall pollen or dust? So odd :/
I’m debating going to see txt because I’ve seen a lot of people local to me selling their tickets but I can’t decide yet! ANDDDD Ateez did allude to US tour so I have more money I need to be saving 😵‍💫 Will keep u posted!
I love you bby have the bestttt weekend!!!! Have a lil treat and some coffee and relax so much. Ily ily 🫶💕💖💘💝💞
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mizz-sea-nymph · 2 years
*Screaming and sobbing and voice cracks and vases shattering*
Randgriz: whos dying?!
Alvitr: someones dying!?
Hlökk I Hope its you brun-
Brunhilde: you know what, fuck you,your shampoo Bottle barley had any left so I used it Whats the big deal!
Hlökk: you touching my stuff that’s what! anyway, who’s dying, Hope death gets brunhilde next.
Hrist: yeah yeah, anyway whats up with the screaming and shitting and pissing and cumming-
Thrud: Cu-what the- what the hell- your f🌼cking disgusting- what is wrong with you- all of you!
Göll runs into the room: MY FISH JUST DIEDDDDD-
Hlökk: leaves
Brunhilde: oh it’s just your fucking fake fish, get over it, it was literally a gold fish cracker Alvitr Accidentally dropped into a bowl im surprised it lasted this long.
Alvitr: also leaves
Randgriz hugging Göll: how insensitive can you be?!
Hrist: Yeah Brun, aren’t you vegetarian or something?
Brunhilde: yeah so?, I don’t like plants it’s not cause of the animals :/
Randgriz who’s now passive aggressive and literally squeezing Göll to death now with her hug: so your the one who’s been destroying my garden eh?- :)
Brunhilde lying: no that’s Thrud
Göll bearly breathing: H..HLeLLpP-
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latenightmining · 2 years
[ ooc: if it's okay can we get a quick recap of what happened last year, because despite knowing their referencing something I think bad iirc, I cannot remember in the slightest what was going on lol. If not no worries, the thread is very fun + y'all are doing great :) ]
uhhh recap of last year. they had a fun picnic that ended in it raining and then the next day he dieddddd and then he was a ghost for a bit and then he came back to life because of a deal with dreamXD and then kristin extended the deal and then he died again on new years eve and then he was a ghost again and then he came back to life again.
thats a BRIEF summary of it all.
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
here is my dream, madam, please buckle up. it is fcking weird.
I was laying in my bedroom, it was nighttime and all of my lights were off. I was in staring at my ceiling while I picked and the wood of my bedframe and then my door opened and (this isn't even gonna sound real feel free to think I'm lying) Michael Jackson came in. wearing his red thriller suit, and he sat on the end of my bed and smiled at me (I think he smiled I couldn't tell all my lights were off) and he said. "alright, are you ready to go?" in his nic little Michael Jackson voice so I sat up and went to my dresser to and got dressed (JUST NOW REALIZING I CHANGED IN FRONT OF HIM UGH GROSS) and he took me outside to a car full of people and the radio was on really loud (OH WAIT I NEED TO TELL YOU ABOUT WHAT I PUT ON) (it was actual clothes that I own it was my Grateful Dead long sleeve shirt with my Hawaiian lemonade shirt over it and my pants that I painted things all over and I loved it so much I'm literally wearing that outfit right now) but I sit in the passengers seat and Michael gets in the drivers seat and smiles at me🥺like dude this was the sweetest most sincere smile I've ever received I don't even find him attractive but I blushed🥺and then he said "guys! This is Raya! she's gonna hang out with us tonight!" then PUNCHED THE GAS AND WE STARTED GOING LIKE SIXTY MILES AN HOUR IN A NEIGHBORHOOD and I kept trying to get his attention but the people in the back seat were really loud and the radio was still on so eventually I tapped him on the shoulder and told him to slow down and asked him where we were even going, and he said an art show and he was going the speed limit, but still slowed down and then started telling me about the art installments they he did and how excited he was to show me,and when we got there it was the typical thing y'know. all white with weird modern art but whenever Michael showed me one of his it was either super cool or super weird, like the one that I personally thought was cool was his Christmas tree made of recycled milk cartons complete with a soda can grinch, and we eventually lost his friends and it was just him and I wandering the installments and laughing occasionally, but his arm was around my shoulders?? I didn't think anything of it though because I do that with all my friends, I'm very affectionate so I just thought he was reciprocating, then we stopped at one that was that weird space cowboy of Miek Nesmith he did in the 80s or 70s I don't know for sure and we looked at it for a while and I told him who it was and stuff, then we turned around and MIKE was standing there holding a glass of champagne and he smiled and said "I'm glad you like the picture, it was for my album lost in my bathroom, but I never ended up using it. the wives said it sounded weird. have you met my husband?" and Michael (Jackson) and I just froze, uhm. Mike had a husband?? so out of pure curiosity I said I hadn't met his husband. guess who it was. seriously. take a second and guess........IT WAS FCKING RINGO STARR. but like young 20-something Ringo with creepy 45-year-old mike which made Michael (Jackson) and I both look at each other like 👀, because that looked a bit sketchy, but nonetheless introduced ourselves and were polite, but the worst part was when Ringo went to leave Mike grabbed him by the shoulder and gave him THE SLOPPIEST KISS I'VE EVER SEEN AND MICHAEL AND I JUST LOOKED AT EACH OTHER WITH FEAR AND SHOCK, AND RINGO DIDN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE HE ENJOYED IT, BUT MIKE'S CREEPY ASS SURE AS HELL DID BECAUSE WHEN HE WALKED AWAY HE WAS SMIRKING AND I NEARLY FCKING DIEDDDDD. so Michael and I got the fuuuck outta there and just started talking nonstop about how CREEPY that was. Michael said at one point "that Ringo kid definitely isn't there willingly." and I just nodded, then we stopped at a portrait of a naked lady draped across some bed and we giggled, which made old people glare at us, so we left, then when we found his friends we decided to go get some food, and went to a Denny's. and the people who worked there all had blue hair, and Michael held my hand from across the table?? then I woke up
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i’m fucking. crying. sobbing. what the fuck dude 😂!!!!! okay, okay, fuck, mj taking you on a maybe date(?) to a fucking art gallery!?!? incredible, what a guy. BUT!!!!! 40+ MIKE NESMITH WITH 20 SOMETHING RINGO 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 BROOOOOOOOOO 🤮. the horrible. sloppy kiss. really hammered the yuck factor home…..
p.s my twin had a dream with mj once. he was helping them solve a murder….
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Oh honey I love the most when you go into detail and make it long!! Thank you for answering. I agree with everything you said, it wouldn't be a nice situation. but I cant help my self but imagining how he rips off the rope or whatever and helps 😩
It’s giving….superhero vibes, haha. His new buff arms and the way he sometimes purposefully flexes them onstage. Omg the other day when he looked straight into the camera and flexed his biceps at “I like my men like I like my coffee” I DIEDDDDD. imagine having that man with all his glory a newfound musculature melting like the sweet sub that he is under you (I’m not a particularly dominant person, but something about having a man that physically strong willingly give up control is just sooo….) And then just snapping right out of it when you need help FUCKIN HELL I WANT HIMMM.
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
A month ago I was scrolling through tiktok, when I was invaded by several videos about Austin and Vannessa, but one of them in particular caught my attention, they were at the Met Gala.
Obviously not together, my point is, they were interviewed and Vanessa was also there to interview some artists, when the interviewer who was with the cast of Elvis says "Now we're going with Vanessa" and I don't remember much, but the face of Olivia, Austin and Bazz wanting to leave before Vanessa comes out it's funny but awkward at the same time.
Once they're with Vanessa and her partner, they didn't know what to say either because they were just smiling, but you can see in that smile, it's more fake than my eyelashes and her partner just "That was something" and they try to laugh, but it was weird, by the way I'll leave you the link here.
JDDJDKDK I SAW THIS AND DIEDDDDD it’s just so funny the way they all reacted at the same time
pls watch if u haven’t already
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chocobox · 8 months
it will never stop being funny the way i went back to watching mha for toshinori and the first time i watched it i stopped during season 3. and on my second watch i was all like yep toshinori :) having fun :) and on my new watch we got to seaso. 4 and nighteye dropped on my head like an anvil and then immediately dieddddd
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softbobamilktae · 1 year
Oh nooooo…someone dieddddd…
*pretends to not know she resurrects all her characters*
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
huh do he cant have a gift enderchest but can ask for blaze powder huh
NEW SKIN HUH oof his shirt looks torn up
.....its really painful to see him try to be on 'good' behavior. worry about a typo or being cringe -- like its not that deep I know but also the anxiety and need to please people is reallllll
hes also bouncing between that and SCREW EVERYBODY which is very relatable
what a message ; they are being all secretive about messages huh
"he thanked him" ouch
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moonjxsung · 2 months
Listen, love. On one side, I would absolutely love for you to join and play Valorant. But on the other hand, even though it’s only my 3-4th day, I have played with some toxic people before. That being said, I have met some absolute knee slappers and just human gems. So honestly it’s a 50:50 *shrug*
Oh oh oh, something funny that happened in a match I was playing today. So I was playing as a girl named Jett, and there was as another person on my team that was playing as Iso. And something you can do is “spray paint” images on the ground (it’s like stickers that you can place on flat surfaces) and I have a sticker of Iso face down in a puddle, right? So I go up to the dude playing Iso and I spray paint it, and I stg, he looked down at the image and did the slowest look back up at me and I lost my mind laughing bro. It was pure radio silence and just his neutral face. I was dying but it was also 1:40 in the morning and I don’t want to wake people so I tried to stifle my laugh lol
darn ☹️ video games and the toxic people who play them SIGHHHHH why does that not surprise me at all
ALSO PLEEAASXEMJXKKKKE I WOULD’VE DIEDDDDD LMFAOOOO 😭😭 I would spray paint that shit everywhere ong the entire game would be covered in Iso paint. Sorry to anybody playing as Iso I am literally living in ur walls
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
Hello again TT! Thankyou very much for fancasting for IB, I really loved it!!! Just sending this again as you said for the western casting of IPK. Thankyou again and happy wishes!
Finally had a day off and time to get to this, so here we go!!!!
Arnav: Nicholas Hoult
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After watching The Great, I’m thoroughly in love with his adorable/sassy despot/uncomfortably-in-love balance.
Anjali: Alexis Bledel
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She has the same dark hair & blue eyes as Nicholas. Also that whole delicate-sister-who-needs-to-always-be-protected thing going on.
Akash: Andrew Garfield
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Suljha-hua but adorkable. Also he looks so so cute with glasses on!!!!!
Khushi: Zoey Deutch
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Look at her, she’s adorable! I’ve only seen her in Set It Up but she has lovely comic timing + vulnerability in it, which is an essential for this character.
Payal: Adelaide Kane
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She has those sorted-big-sister-who-can-and-will-fuck-you-up-if-you-push-too-far vibes down pat.
Garima: Laura Dern
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She’d absolutely nail the parts where we haaaaaaaate Garima’s actions, but kinda sorta understand where she’s coming from and not hate her as a person.
Shashi: Tom Hanks
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Ofc we need him to play eternally supportive dad.
Buaji: Jennifer Coolidge
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Comedy + some bitchiness ke liye perfect actress.
Maami: Julia Louis-Dreyfus
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Queen of playing lovable narcissists who have close to zero self-awareness or filter.
Mamaji: Bryan Cranston
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I loved him as the goofy dad in Malcom in the Middle. He’s perfect for Mama, who is essentially just a sweet man stuck in a madhouse full of bullheaded fucks.
Nani: Judi Dench
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Adorable grandma WHO WILL ABSOLUTELY READ YOU FOR FILTH. (Please watch her cameo in the show Staged! I dieddddd laughing.)
Shyam: James Franco
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Coz he gives me the goddamn creeps. He always has, always will.
Bonus; here’s a pic of him and Zoey, where she looks uncomfortable:
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Lavanya: Eliza Dushku
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She’ll play unlikable-type-who-later-turns-goofy-and-adorable, so so well!
NK: Chris Hemsworth
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Who else to play this buff, Golden-Retriever-of-a-dude all the way from Australia???
Lakshmiji: This specific goat
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What????? Did you think I’d forget one of my top fave characters in this show’s universe?!?!!?!?!!!!!!!!
ETA: And with that............
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