#my mom watched ep 5 and 6 w me
quillinhand · 1 year
ep 6 of bloodhounds was fucked up.
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neurodiversebones · 1 year
what are some of ur favorite episodes, if you don't mind sharing? i'm in the mood for a rewatch but don't know where to start 😭
gonna do this by season !!! there are SOOO many that i adore lol
season one :
- 1×09 , man in the fallout shelter (MY COMFORT EPISODE OF ALL TIME my mom and i like to watch it together and i can recite parts of it from memory)
- 1×17 , the skull in the desert (for the brengela content mostly LMAO)
- 1×22 , the woman in limbo (BRENNAN ANGST !!)
season two :
- 2×03 , the boy in the shroud (MORE BRENNAN ANGST !! so much good brennan development + brennan/cam moments here)
- 2×08 , the woman in the sand (brennan hot im so gay)
- 2×09 , aliens in a spaceship (not a hot take this is everyones top 5 but <33 god its SO GOOD)
- 2×11 , judas on a pole (i love max keenan ....)
season three :
- 3×05 , the mummy in the maze (BRENNAN/CAM/ANGELA'S COSTUMES IM SOOO GAY .....)
- 3×09 , the santa in the slush (this is the first episode i remember watching when i was a kid + im a SUCKER for a christmas episode)
- 3×12 , the baby in the bough (ACCIDENTAL BABY ACQUISITION !! i have done 'dancing phalanges !!' to my nieces btw .)
- 3×13 , the verdict in the story (I LOVE MAX KEENAN)
season four (currently where i am in my rewatch) :
- 4×04 , the finger in the nest (RIPLEY BRENNAN IM SOBBING)
- 4×08 , the skull in the sculpture (idgaf abt the case but ANGELA GIRLKISSER)
- 4×12 , double trouble in the panhandle (CIRCUS BRENNAN !!)
- 4×14 , the hero in the hold (ghosts confirmed ?? b&b angst ??)
- 4×21 , mayhem on a cross (SWEETS ....)
- 4×22 , double death of the dearly departed (watched this ep after taking a 40mg+ edible . i had never been high before . insane experience .)
- 4×26 , the end in the beginning (AU EPISODE !! B&B KISSES !!)
season five :
- 5×10 , the goop on the girl (CHRISTMAS EPISODES !!!)
- 5×12 , the proof in the pudding (bones canonically solved jfk's murder and thats just . a thing .)
- 5×16 , the parts in the sum of the whole (i fucking love this episode its everything to me)
-5×17 , the death of the queen bee (I LOVE A GOOD HS REUNION TROPE)
- 5×21 , the boy with the answer (i love a courtroom drama episode)
season six :
- 6×03 , maggots in the meathead (ONE OF THE FUNNIEST EPISODES OF ALL TIME)
- 6×09 , doctor in the photo (god this episode is so sad but its SO good)
- 6×14 , the bikini in the soup (valentines ,,,, i LOVE holiday episodes guys)
- 6×21 , the signs in the silence (brennan w kids makes me emotional)
- 6×22 , the hole in the heart (oh yk . the agonies)
- 6×23 , the change in the game (hi its wanda im at the bowling alley . bowling . I'M PREGNANT, BOOTH . YOU'RE THE FATHER . THE ADELE FADE AT THE END . IM CRYING)
season seven :
- 7×06 , the crack in the code (BANGER setup to an arc i have complicated feelings abt . this ep has such a spooky vibe i love it)
- 7×07 , the prisoner in the pipe (BABY !!)
- 7×13 , the past in the present (THE END JUST MAKES ME SO SAD I LOVE THE ANGST)
season eight :
- 8×06 , the patriot in purgatory (i love having all the interns YIPPEE)
- 8×07 , the bod in the pod (im just here for camastoo . you are my carburator .)
- 8×14 , the doll in the derby (ANGELA ON ROLLERSKATES ....)
- 8×15 , the shot in the dark (ghosts are real part 4 . christine brennan triggers my mommy issues . i want her to hug me .)
- 8×23 , the pathos in the pathogens (ANOTHER TOP TIER FAV EPISODE THE ANGST IS SO GOOD)
season nine :
- 9×04 , the sense in the sacrifice (YIPPEE LOVE !! PELANT DEAD !!)
- 9×06 , the woman in white (brennans vows make me sob every time .)
- 9×10 , the mystery in the meat (COWGIRL BAR FIGHT IM SO <33)
- 9×11 , the spark in the park (brennan talking to the professor makes me SOB .)
- 9×24 , the recluse in the recliner (tbh i never understand the fbi conspiracy arc but this episode is crazy)
season ten :
- 10×02 , the lance to the heart (you put the lime in the coconut ....)
- 10×10 , the 200th in the 10th (INSANE OLD HOLLYWOOD AU ITS SO FUCKING FUN)
- 10×15 , the eye in the sky (booth angst booth angst)
season eleven :
- 11×09 , the cowboy in the contest (I LOVE UNDERCOVER I LOVE COSTUMES)
- 11×10 , the doom in the boom (HODGINS ANGST)
- 11×12 , the murder of the meninist ("we love going viral" "so do infectious diseases")
- 11×13 , the monster in the closet (PUPPETEER ARC !!!)
- 11×18 , the movie in the making (comfort episode I LOVE A MOCKUMENTARY AND ALSO THE CAMASTOO PROPOSAL)
- 11×22 , the nightmare within the nightmare (this episode scared me so bad bc i watched it at 4am 😭 THE FUCKING ZACK REVEAL IS CRAZY)
season twelve :
- 12×07 , the scare in the score (I CRIED SO BAD ....)
- 12×09 , the steal in the wheels (i giggled i <3 silly undercover time)
- 12×12 , the end in the end (i fucking wept . i love tge finale im so emotional abt it .)
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schrodingers-bisexual · 8 months
So I watched the Hazbin Hotel show and I have some thoughts…
So here are my live written thoughts/critiques of the first for eps
And before you get your pitchforks these criticisms have no malice behind them these are just my honest opinions (some good, some bad)
(Long post incoming)
Ep 1:
* Interesting opening
* I enjoyed the reimagining of the Adam and Eve story
* they set up Charlie’s mom being MIA at the moment so that’s cool ig
* the b plot is boring, like idc about them making a commercial
* Charlie is so earnest it’s very endearing
* the angels are moving up the next extermination by 6 months which creates a sense of urgency that I enjoy (the deadline they have to meet gives me something to root for)
* Adam kinda dismissed Charlie’s hotel idea so I’m wondering if she’ll find a way to change his mind or if she’ll just do it behind his back, I’m thinking it’ll be the latter
* ohhhhh one of the demons managed to kill an angel so that’s why they moved extermination up
* I wonder when they’ll reveal who killed the angel or if they’ll even reveal it all, I’m thinking like mid-season finale type of reveal, or maybe they’ll just never say
* Charlie is a very charming mc
* vaggie is fine ig (she doesn’t really do much)
* Alastor is just kinda there (they set up his beef with tv/modern stuff which was good)
* angeldust is annoying me ever so slightly but ig i see what they’re trying to do
* husk is my favorite so far (he’s had some pretty good one liners)
* nifty is also pretty great
* Adam is also annoying (i hate that they have him swear like a sailor when he’s supposed to be the head angel)
* i can already tell im not gonna like the characterization of the angels
* i liked Lute at first but she kinda falls into the same problems i have with Adam just a tad
* A lot of unfunny sex jokes from angeldust
* when nifty said something really weird husk said “Keep that to yourself, Niff.” And it got a good chuckle out of me
* a lot of unfunny dick jokes from Adam
* there was a silly gag with nifty that I enjoyed (every time they would try to get her to say her line she would stare blankly into the camera and then be “was that good?” in a cheery voice I thought it was silly
* Husk had some pretty good one-liners
* most of the jokes didn’t land for me tho
* Happy day in hell- Erika’s voice is really good (to be expected from a broadway star), strange bridge with overlapping verses that didn’t flow well against each other and sounded kinda disconcerting (which is a shame cause overlapping verses are usually my favorite), the camera movements are giving me a headache, 5/10
* Hell is forever- I actually kinda liked that, Alex Brightman is a silly guy w/ a great singing voice, lyricism is pretty good, I enjoyed the rock-esc vibe, pretty catchy, 6/10
It wasn’t as bad as I feared it would be but it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be, so far I’m pretty neutral on it, the potential is definitely there but it leaves a few things to be desired, 5/10
Ep 2:
* Hell is freaking out abt the news rightfully so I’d gather
* this seems to be a good thing cause maybe they’ll be open to the hotel idea
* it’s implied that angeldust isn’t open abt the extent of his sex work like they know he’s a porn star but that’s abt it so I’m guessing they don’t know abt his SA yet
* Val is showing some textbook manipulation signs so A for effort on that front
* the vees make for intriguing foils to the MCs
* why is Vox like obsessed with Alastor what’s the beef there
* okay so I guess there was a fight of some kind (Alastor almost beat Vox but didn’t succeed it seems like)
* revealed that Alastor has been gone for 7 years so there’s that
* okayyyy so the true beef is that Vox asked Alastor to join his team but Al said no
* Alastor is the big dog even after his absence
* vees send a spy, spy is implied to be egg guy but I think that’s a misdirect, either that or he’ll end up caring abt the MCs later (great angst material when it’s revealed he’s the spy)
* ep starts to drag a bit after we get back to the hotel
* more manipulation from Val via voicemail (is he bipolar?)
* never mind egg guy is just a regular spy and it got revealed to the MCs instantly (missed opportunity)
* istg if they blame angel for this without asking questions
* damn egg guy folded really quick, like that took nothing at all, and ofc Charlie is instantly forgiving
* so looks like egg guy is apart of the main cast now which I’m not mad at, I just wished they’d done something more with that spy plot point, like that was pointless
* Egg guy (sir pentious) makes an appearance and he’s great
* Vox is a business mogul???
* i like Vox so far
* BRITISH?! (Velvet lol)
* the Vees are interesting
* Valentino is annoying
* I’m really enjoying the electricity motif they’re doing with Vox’s movements and voice
* I like whenever Vox glitches/buffers I think that’s a really cool animation thing
* I need Val to stop talking
* so far I’m enjoying the dynamic between the vees
* I wish they gave velvet a little more to do cause she seems like she has potential (makes you wonder if she’s sidelined because she’s the only woman amongst the vees/it’s not out of the ordinary for a vivziepop show to heavily sideline its female characters)
* angeldust is insecure after Charlie implied that he didn’t care abt the hotel which shows a little incite into his deeper character traits and reveals that he actually does care so another A for effort there
* I’m really enjoying the rivalry between Vox and Alastor
* “Since when do we manufacture that.” “Since thirty minutes ago.” That exchange got a smile out of me
* egg guy is really funny (not laugh out loud funny tho)
* more unfunny sex jokes from angeldust
* I chuckled when egg guy was like “you’ve left yourself an opening” and then all he ended up doing was ripping alastor’s jacket, that was silly
* I liked how during the it starts with sorry song Vaggie and Angeldust are like bro let’s kill this guy while Charlie is trying to forgive him
* were there any other jokes lmao
* Stayed gone- Christian Borle can do no wrong, but this song kinda sucks lmao, I didn’t like that little talking with rhythm segment, like they probably wanted that part to be a rap (which would’ve been way worse), lyrics have clever word play, the beat is infectious I’ll give it that but it was kinda all over the place, 4/10
* It starts with sorry- painfully mediocre and instantly forgettable, like there’s nothing memorable or standout about this song, I’m forgetting the melody as I type this, 2/10
It was fine, nothing too standout, the introduction of the vees was really good, I’m excited to learn more about them, but overall a pretty meh ep, 4/10
Ep 3:
* Egg guy is adjusting about as well as you’d think (not well at all)
* he kinda reminds me of dr doofensmirtz with all his inventions
* I like that all of egg guy’s eggs are just running around
* this seems like it’s gearing up to be a boring ep
* I wish there was a little more urgency abt the six month extermination push (like I get they wanna focus more on characters rn but they could sprinkle it in a little)
* b plot is Alastor taking the eggs on a little field trip and then he runs into some guy (zestial)
* I’m guessing this was like an old friend from way back when and they’re in a part of town he used to frequent before his absence
* oh ok so this is like a demon overlord meeting (guess I wasn’t really paying attention if they said that’s where he was going)
* ok ok things are getting good
* velvet found the head of that dead angel, vees want to lead assault on heaven but zestial disagrees, he makes some good points abt the attack leading to more bad than good
* vees don’t respect council, council doesn’t like vees
* so its seeming like the vees wanna throw a wrench in the order of things and take over for themselves, that’ll probably be a main conflict later on, and I don’t think it’d be too hard for them to garner support considering all the followers/supporters of their multi-level business, I’m intrigued
* was implied that Carmilla might know more abt the decapitated angel than she’s letting on hmmm
* zestial and carmilla went off together
* secret love tryst???
* ok wait did i get which plot was the b plot wrong, or am i just more interested in alastor’s shenanigans
* like tbh whenever it cuts back to the hotel i could care less
* carmilla killed that angel but is keeping it a secret cause she knows it’ll cause war and not a lot of sinners would survive that which is admirable of her ig
* one of the eggs overhear carmilla’s secret and tells Alastor, some mischief is sure to be afoot
* the MCs are getting along better
* Vaggie still remains kinda dull
* she’s really just there, like she acts as the “level-headed” one but doesn’t really have a personality beyond that
* that being said Vaggie and Charlie are really cute together
* Husk remains my favorite
* the eggs are silly
* Zestial is introduced (I like his design)
* so far I really like the one in charge of the demon overlord council (Carmilla)
* and I also really like zestial
* they both seem very redoubtable and deserving of respect, I enjoy that
* I knew velvet had the potential to be a compelling character, I just hope they keep her at a forefront (and I also hope she won’t get overlooked by the fandom),
* nifty is a character that I don’t know how to feel about
* finally some character development for vaggie
* Alastor is here for the chaos
* there was a nice bonding moment between vaggie and Charlie
* So many unfunny sex jokes from angledust
* get other jokes I’m begging you
* “oh look, frank is up there.” “We have names?” that got a smile out of me
* Alastor going “that was a productive meeting” after they literally got nothing done was silly
* husk has some good one liners
* Respectless- oh wow, I really like this, bro how did they manage to get so many broadway singers to be in this show, it was short and sweet, didn’t overstay its welcome and I enjoyed its company, 8/10
* Whatever it takes- I really liked zestial’s voice its kinda heavenly, Carmilla also has a good voice, vaggie’s voice is also pretty, the vocals are really nice, the song itself is just okay tho, 5/10
Better than the last ep, some interesting new characters, some development for characters I was afraid would get sidelined, I had a pretty good time, 5/10
Ep 4:
* What is going on??? Why are they watching angeldust’s porn videos???
* oh I guess it’s show and tell day
* oop husk just dragged everyone through the mud
* more seeds of Val’s manipulation have been planted
* I think this ep is gonna be abt angeldust so I’ve gotta prepare myself for that
* okay so Charlie wants to get Angel some time off, Angel seems very terrified at the notion of Charlie meeting his boss (rightfully so)
* Charlie just fucking sets the whole porn studio on fire by accident which was really silly
* Val’s about to fuck some shit up
* oh shit he’s beating Angel up
* Angeldust’s real name is Anthony (which is also my brother’s name and that makes me a little uncomfy)
* that was an effective abuse scene very uncomfortable very impactful
* the visuals of the poison song are making me really uncomfortable which I guess is the point but idk
* okay so I’ve seen mixed opinions on how they feel abt the way the depictions of the SA in this ep were handled, and I get that they didn’t want to sugarcoat it or downplay the horrors of it but I also think that there were so many better ways they could’ve gone abt it, like you did not need to show on screen SA/rape like that was entirely unneeded, they could have alluded to it (like fading to black) and then show the emotional toll/repercussions of it and it would’ve had the same effect, if they wrote it well enough it may have even been more impactful, Moral Orel and Bojack horsemen did a good job at that, I just feel like it could have been handled better (also I hear that there’s a rape fetishizer on the crew who storyboarded this ep which is very icky)
* angeldust is having a mental breakdown
* angel ran away after getting into an argument with husk and husk went after him
* i sense a bonding moment coming on
* oh shit someone’s about to roofie Angeldust’s drink
* oh shit husk just beat that guy up
* and now angel’s crying
* ok wait that wasn’t that bad of writing, it was actually kind of heartbreaking, whoever wrote this section of the episode needs to write everything else too cause that was a very effective emotional breakdown which is like insane whiplash from the start of the ep
* ok ok so husk made a deal with Alastor to keep a bit of his overlord power after gambling a little too hard so now he owes Alastor like infinite favors
* that was a pretty cool fight scene ig
* now angeldust is being more real and upfront about things so that’s nice
* Husk seems to be very observant, I enjoy that character trait
* I’m also liking Husk and Angeldust’s dynamic, it both is and isn’t what I thought it’d be if that makes sense
* okay so some major character development for angel is happening in this ep
* I like the new perspective we get to see of angeldust, and unlike other characters this development feels deserved because they’ve been alluding to this since the beginning, it’s a nice payoff and a nice insight into angeldust as a character
* ok so angeldust is constantly putting on an act to pretend everything’s fine (which explains all the unfunny sex jokes i still hate them though)
* husk seems like the therapist friend
* angeldust had a really impactful emotional breakdown scene, I didn’t hate the way it was handled
* husk and angel have a bonding moment and sing a duet,
* it was actually really sweet
* ok now that they’ve had their little bonding moment hopefully all the unfunny sex jokes directed at husk will stop
* Surprisingly there aren’t as many unfunny sex jokes (which is a good thing considering this ep is highlighting the horrors of SA/rape)
* during the loser song husk makes the L hand motion at Angel and I audibly laughed
* Poison- welp that song was… it sure was, ignoring the tactless portrayal of the SA it just wasn’t a good song, like the verses themselves are fine but the chorus is absolute dogshit which is bad cause that’s the whole hook of the song, and there’s a lot of forced rhymes and the lyrics feel like they’re shoving in too many words so the singer has to rush to fit them in, 1/10
* Loser, baby- I really like this, Keith David’s voice is absolutely ethereal, the melody is infectious, and the lyricism isn’t half bad, I Iike it a lot actually, it’s a cute little duet, 8/10
My favorite ep so far, even though the quality of writing was kinda inconsistent it was still an entertaining watch, and for all the scenes and themes that were handled very poorly there was another scene that actually did a pretty good job, it was a mixed pot, but the character development surprised me, 7/10
So that’s my little two cents
TLDR; it’s not as bad as some people will make it out to be, but it’s not outstanding either. I’m gonna keep watching and if you’re curious I’d say to at least watch the first ep and formulate your own opinion
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B99 Obsessive Rewatch Season Two
rewatching B99 and taking notes. also, sometimes i get ideas of stuff i wanna see played out more, so i post them as prompts and link them here. spoilers for all of season two.
Jake as an italian mobster kinda
Is this the first holt&jake hug we’ve seen?? Rayray doesnt even flinch so cute
Jake’s rapidfire recap : fixed a boxing match / smoked a whole cigar w/o vomitting / was in a room w/ 10 Sals
Jake lies to amy about liking her
Jake has “lady hands”
Holt says he’s seen MOVIES PLURAL
Awesome begins with an O, JP 2013 probably
“i am feeling trepidation at the prospect of a parentless existence” = baby holt’s parents had a thing when he was 7
Weirdest thing in the whole episode is mobster jake being beaten by a cop on mob turf and none of his mobster buddies helping out
Baby holt snuck into daddy holt’s office to check out his collection of antique globes = daddy holt issues ref above
Proud daddy holt. Forgot to note if it happened in s1 so we’ll consider this the beginning
Jake unlies to amy about liking her
Gina and boyle shag again
Terry’s getting snipped and gina is way creepy
Boyle has a sister (probs castle girl) that we never mention again?
Wunch appearance and holt is a dramatic shit i love him
Wunch&holt : wunch shot holt, holt tried to get her fired, wunch destroyed holts file while UC, holt embarrassed wunch in front of derrick jeater who??
Amy’s fierce when someone’s fucking with her career we stan
Charles has seen the little mermaid
Holt’s a great amy dad cause both of them are ambitious nerds
Jimmy jabs est.2008
Jake knows rosa’s friend katie (and s1 amy’s friend kylie – how the fuck)
Lots of parallels to FRIENDS. Accidental sex tape, two guys accidentally nap together, probs other stuff, where’s the downstairs officers brooming the ceiling?
Squad screams like maniacs in the bullpen and random background people literally dont even care – ie this is such a habit people are over it
Bomb suits kinda look like minions or is it just me
Hitchcock is evil – do we think he’s related to gina or what?
Amy wins
Halloween heist
Holt is a master jake player, all rejoice
Holt says watch from kevdad & kevdad dead
I want ginas jacket
Jake has cousins ie jake has aunties??
Trust levels off the charts. Leaping at terry, telling holt the truth and asking amy for help. Okay so that’s only jake but still
Wunch is evil
My man holt is sooo tense, how long do we bet till he blows up?
Amy is giving toddler mom vibes rn somebody give her a margarita
>> amy has to babysit some random kid and realises he’s identical to jake in behaviour
Im gonna need baby terry being a disco champion thing
>>Omg!! Holt caught the disco killer, maybe disco killer killed disco nerds, ie holt saved terry’s life!
Lmao kev passive agressive is my life
Holt is a regular holmes wtf
How did jake get guest pjs, im sensing a food/drink related accident which makes twice this episode with amy’s car
Holt&jake teaming up is my fave thing ever
Terry at a soccer game for his kids would be terrifying
I’m in love with jake’s “why am i an idiot” face
Amy goes to holt screeching “captain” like he’s her dad, i need an amy prequel series, i love her
Rosa’s really backhanded at compliments it’s awesome
So cops hate lawyers and firepeople?? Who are they buddies with? (except for the criminals eh)
Whats a pow wow?
Is this a “season’s main human-mess that needs holt guidance” thing? First was jake, this feels like amy’s
When did holt get stabbed IN THE NECK??
gina get off on chaos like a demon she’s evil
precinct lockdown ep – all of those people are terrible and i hate them
why does terry’s wife not care about her brother being a dick?
Terry and amy waterboard themselves for some reason
So cops hate mailpeople too
Forgot holt had a gambling addiction
Coping stuff : holt workouts / terry self torture wtf? / gina meditation
Jake&rosa friendship is great
Holt wants bland ugly food, like how picky can you get
How is jake inviting teddy to come a proof of teddy being romantic?
Note to self : never go to a themed hotel they’re haunted
“pb&js are so simple a child could make them” makes me see neglected baby holt making himself food as best he could >> tie in with no dad baby holt thingy
Rosa got possessed by the devil
Lessons : CB > RH cooking stuff (epic fail)
Wheres the award for the most awkward double date ever?
Doug judy’s back
Jake has no ability to hold grudges?
Doug judy’s got real nice teeth
Amy stand up to holt, holt likes
I’m not interested in the whole boyle/linetti storylines :/
Holt took all night to think of an insult for wunch but burns people left and right no problem >> my boy doesn’t actually hate her?? Omg is this some weird non-sexual game they play? Gross
Amy&rosa in a car for four hours? I need to see it
“uncle ray” talks about work so much even his NEPHEW knows who’s who. 1) was kev not there, because no cop talk policy 2) was he EFFUSIVE??
Most of what i’ve learnt from this watching session today is that i’m real hungry why do they keep eating
You know what’s inconspicuous? Two guys sitting in front of windows with massive cameras. Totes invisible
Jake&charles have a roomie breakdown, gina&amy have an existential crisis, terry is a mom and rosa&holt are ...there
Man i do NOT want to shag in my boss’ house, i mean rosa’s got her own flat, cmon
Kev making bacon smiles on his pancakes totes goes into my kev&holt get baby martin for holidays headcanon (see season one obsessive rewatch)
“this isn’t my first rodeo” jake abt dealing w/ scully >> fits into baby jake shadowing scully for junior cops thingy (also in s1 obsessive rewatch)
“brothers fight but they’re always there for each other” says the only child (fun fact, only jake and gina are only kids (except for maybe terry cause i can’t remember))
I love the amy drunkenness scale
A fondue stick in a fanny pack sounds like a disaster waiting to happen
Beachhouse w/ the boss episode
Amy&gina&terry get paired up lots
Why didn’t they turn the holt party into a movie night??
Au where boyle is a seduction coach
Gina turned not-evil for a second
Amy’s def of partner : bounce ideas, eat street meat & stake out, burnt coffee
Jake hasnt been to the dentist in seven years (at this point i’m thinking he was kidnapped and doesnt remember his season one dentist trip)
“it’s payback time” to the drug dealer who killed all of jake’s family
Gina’s got two grandmas
Charles want to have a bowling business
How do terry’s biceps have their own biceps???
Holt likes the name todd, didnt he have an ex called todd?
Isn’t yahooanswers dead? How does jake know stuff now?
If s1 is parenting Jake and teaching Amy independence, is s2 about parenting Amy and bonding with Rosa through evil humour?
Jake tells terry he loves sofia??
Rosa’s enemy marker-hoarder carla biancci in 2nd grade turned bully till grad
Jake tells sofia he loves her
Gina being a dick after saying something true – a trend?
Charles’ dad was a florist and now i want a classic flower shop romance
Sofia breaks up ouchhh
Eww gross wunch kissed holt i need brainbleach
Charles doesnt think his dad loves him?
Rosa’s parents are “smiley morons & hug freaks”. Did not seem like it in the coming out episode?
Second massive cop lasertag game thingy
Holt confused face implies he never saw titanic
Note to self try to make a blondie sometime
Holt apologises the next day for trying to disqualify gina from pers.test >> did kevin tell him his type didn’t fit him?
Gina thinks holt flirts with her so she’s a wunch but on their side?
“if u love s/o u’ll remember what they look like” but KEVIN HAS A PORTRAIT MATE
Oh this is the “i’m sorry you weRE STABBED” episode
I want marvin the geriatric bank robber to be buddies with gina??
Im lowkey upset that kevs buddies with gina tho, he’s not evil enough
Ray talks about jake to random waitresses and his painting teacher
Okay i get it, amy and charles are too simpy, rosa’s too unhinged, we don’t talk about hitchcock and scully, terry’s got his own shit, so that only leaves gina and jake and it cannot be jake, so. Yeah okay gina and kev are buddies
Ray called jake a genius just cause he heard him practice his holt impression, how cute
Jake’s a creepy girl stalker?? Poor jenny gildenhorn
Rosa has a grandad
Amy plays french horn
Jake answers amy’s proposal with “yes a thousands times yes”
Dickhead peralta shows up, i hate him :(
Holt’s “unsolvable” riddle “There are 12 men on an island. 11 weigh exactly the same amount, but one of them is slightly lighter or heavier. You must figure out which. The island has no escapes, but there is a seesaw. The exciting catch? You can only use it three times.”
Jakes allergic to bees and dickhead knows about it
I’d go on a sudoku cruise too amy
Honestly this riddles fucking easy im so angry
Amy’s right tho, you do 6v6, one side’s heavier, then you divide that one 3v3, one side’s heavier, you do 1v1 and either they’re equal and the last one’s the heaviest or one of them’s already the heaviest
I cannot tell you how infuriated i get everytime im reminded of dickhead peralta’s later character arc.
s/o framing jake as druggie
spoiler its sofias druggie bossman
holt : “sarcasm the cowards lie” ouch
oh yeah also terry and holt missed ginas dance thing and shes upset
and also charles gotta work with the two giant babies
Jakes unhealthy obsession with his job episode 40 of 40
Rosa&holt scheming to avoid personal chats, relatable
Rosas dads a teacher, two sisters
Jake and amy have a crush on the same guy till the guy likes amy and jake likes amy more
Terrys looking into a new job and boyle gina holt get weird about it
Jakes on a treasure hunt, terry’s looking into a school for his kids again?
Holt v wunch 1946th time
The velvet thunder is probs thor’s more dramatic second cousin
Wunch got holt transfered sad face
Rosa’s bday
Wunch being incredibly sexual-harrassy again
Rosa likes gilmore girls
Weird sex thing from wunch again geez
Rayray does the robot yay. Dude was there a cancel-scare?
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Castle 6x21 law and boarder
the skateboard episode liveblog
Foggy Skateboard motorized bike Love a good chase scene, u'd never be able to run away on board tho. Construction work? wet concrete or smth?
Castle totally would have gone through every permutation. (there is only one combination.) If you brag like that I wouldn't care if you lose Alexis & beckett <3 (someone already giffed) Caslt mr word man would NOT lose to beckett tho, unless he just got really unlucky with his words.
Becks is so pretty! (I miss s1 beckett tho) RC: Sounds like a scene from an action movie. JE: Yeah. I know. Especially when the biker started shooting and Logan crashed through that window right there. Wow cool casts. He's a young man, 2-4am he'd totally be out that late.
Always a sus key, why around the neck tho? KANIE LOVE KANIE LOVE KANIE LOVE I LOVE THE GIRLS girling out for a sec there & I'm so happy. Oh. I forgot that this episode was the one with ryan & esposito fighting like that... Actually since watching this ep, my fam was in a situation like that. My older (trans) brother is my dad's best man. Esp since dad's last best man was probably hella catholic & hates dad now for leaving his wife. which valid.
"Congratulations lanie" Thanks! Also idk who castle picked I'm not a boy! You really think it's one of you two? rysposito argument. he HAS spent every day lol KR: Oh Javi, I’m the obvious choice. If you can’t see it I can’t explain it to you.
Cool wall at her place! Ah tsa crap. Ooh skateboard tools! No wonder tsa would hate him. I know ppl who went to china for martial arts training (the sifu was some sort of ambassador & made good relations b/w canada & china) & came back with weapons. on the plane. Performance items, we called them.
Oof. I mean yeah that's like being a skaster for ya. (I should pic outfits. I like ryan.) Becks knows bikes! KB: Oh. A reigning champion unable to cope with defeat. (she looks to CASTLE with intent) That sounds familiar.
Wow a fight.
Wow cameras! I wonder who did the filming! She owned a motorcycle! Extremely handsome with a high degree of difficulty.
Like his hat & outfit. & austin. & tampa.
it looks like what it is what it looks like. (Yeah that's the definition of looking like smth) "omg life & death" ok shut up.
Wow early intro this time huh "My associate Mr. Castle"
"You hear about Logan's death or the break-in?"
Your GUN? Tony hawk my beloved. *looking up a pic of him bc idk what he looks like-- I can SORT OF picture him but idk if that's him. studying a photo of tony hawk every night before bed so I never become one of Those People.)
You remember the words exactly or are you paraphrasing?
Love the way castle walks with the coffee. Ooh castle is pretty! lol dark web moments THE-- THE ALBANIAN MOB? Albania is actually rly pretty.
lol esopsito OH RYAN'S FACE
mountain dew lol. Wow another semi-cool hat. Bummed? Look at this party. Ross De Koning: The albanian killed him? RC: what albanian? Me, speaking as RDK: you know, the albanian guy who yelled at him or w/e happened, isn't that why you're asking about the mob? Why else would you find a link to albanian organized crime?
Oh wait no it was 5 or 6 years ago. My man sent this guy to prison... the mom got seven years? enver who theoretically got the mom into it got less time? ugh.
Ooh lighting in this room, nice wood looking good... Found the Lord! I like it. You were willing to pay it? really? Get momma released early? That's kind of him! I like Enver!
RYAN GAVE HIM THE RECIPE? SECRET FAMILY RECIPE!?!? (even jenny's lol) Awkward pat on the back. Could clip, esp that facial expression. (but if I did i'd also clip ryan's face when esposito walked away after giving the novelty pen.)
Skateboarding with a heavy thing? Poor guy. I remember cycling to school with my backpack, lunchbag, zipper binder, & violin all on my back. Yeah. yeah...
Won't clip castle's eyebrows. Beckett totally let him win. Ooh it's a turntable of a scrabble game. Ah quixotic, idealistic to the point of unrealistic. Hm, they played an entire game of this, set design & writers, I wonder if it is legit.
I love the mythical Bill. They always say goodbye to Bill on the phone. I want Bill fanart. & by one of us I mean you. Ah true, bachelor party planning would probably be better by esposito. Ah true, Ryan is the high moral standing-- WAIT HE JUST CALLED HIMSELF PRETTIER XD "Did she beat you at scrabble again?" "is stephen king winning at texas hold em again?" "did somebody find naked pictures of you again?" (well the 2nd wasn't ryan but) JE: *pat pat* KB: ?
Wait I never grabbed an outfit pic! Noooo! Too late lol. Nice outfit today too but I think I've seen him wear it before & got a pic. Like how there was beckett's purple shirt that I saw in my clips when I was thinking about snapping a pic of it this ep-- turns out I got the shirt in a different ep already!
Ooh rock wall! I love climbing! Ooh maybe I should snap caskett's outfits. Oh. Good gravy. Lol there are easier ways to break in than lockpicks. Why go through the lock when you can just go through the door?
hi8? never heard of that. Hey becks is back to wearing that wierd beige thing...
That is why you never wear logos on your clothes.
Ah motorcross rider!
My man has adhd, motorcross performer? up in the middle of the night? jittering like that? yeah.
Ryan brought him a coffee sdjfoijsjjfkjlsdkjf *interrupts before castle can drink* *again* *almost again* *literally backs away* should I clip? no
that's where the 3k was from! He stayed inside? Why not escape with him? I mean yeah ask for a cut bro! *literally was criminaling right then*
Bacon brownies! "you had me at bacon" that was one of the last words he said bro. *lookingn ryan up & down like "you cockblocker" minus the cock* (actually new fic idea: ryan & esposito are trying to seduce Castle, & then at the end castle says "actually, I choose BECKETT!!" & the boys are like "well crap." & maybe it ends with "well now I have all this stuff for seducing men, whatever will I do with it?" & possibly *trying to impress eachother all along*) Ooh I can see names: sullivan-- WAIT SULLY'S STILL HERE! --& messer or w/e that one says (I saw it last ep too)
RC: Have you noticed anything odd about Me: ryan & esposito, yeah RC: ebosito & ryan Me: WHOM
OOoh love her hair! (Weird-nice. just sorry for you bc I beat you at scrabble.) My man looks like a baby. Or not I take it back.
HOO! I love ryan with a waistcoat that ties a bit tight on the lower back-- Mm! I'm gay but I'd be a lesbian for this man! (my 3d gender chess makes sense to me. except I suck at chess. I should post that.)
when they were looking around I totally thought that they were going to suggest a dead body. bc then it is a third person not them & also it's funny bc homicide detectives. but No Way.
Poor gal, her son is dead... Ah yes, the good old days. Neighbourhood stuff. Six years-- didn't we hear that? Oh wait it was 5 or 6 years ago that ever want to jail
It's that neighbourhood? of course they don't care abt the death of the 12yo. Love a good old camcorder cassette. CSU would have noticed that
6 seconds is a lot! Toory unrealistic tech magic moments. makes my baby bro mad.
Why NOW? why running out of time?
Tommy Fulton: *immediately assumes they are accusing him of murder*
What plan? Brett Zaretsky: You can’t kick me out of here. This man’s my client. TF: Youre fired.
Cute, skateboard video! Love it! lol me & my brothers. Little bro rly good, better than me, I feel like crap. At least little bro isn't loud about it. Oh heck you watched the murder!? Holy crap! & that's why the cam was on the ground, u dropped it as soon as u saw the attack to go help.
was this in present time? WAIT THIS WAS BACK THEN? WHAT KID IN A BAD NEIGHBOURHOOD HAD 5 MIL TO SPARE LIKE A DROP IN THE BUCKET? oh at least it was smth he didn't actually have As A Kid.
DK logo! De Koning! I like how in the back some ppl were still partying for a minute there.
RC: And to think all of this happened because Ross couldn’t bear being second best. (pause) So. Are you ready for another rematch?
Man-chat? After all ryan & esposito are basically one person. Best of both worlds RC: Um … guys, I’m, uh– flattered & honoured– KR: You’re welcome. JE: Yeah, you should be. RC: He chose alexis! alkjsdfhljksdfhsdjadfkjhhfdjeyb I am love love love love I am so happy. They look almost mad in their shock (just like my brother. dad's best man. except he's not a girl. tho he is trans so idk.)
KR: I did not see that coming. JE: I can’t believe I gave him my pen. KR: I can’t believe I shared our family’s secret recipe. JE: I can’t believe we just got beat by a girl. KR holds out a finger. KR: Let’s never speak of this again. JE: Speak of what? (won't clip)
A midnight sing-along of Grease? a What?
Why did you do that?
Oh yeah they used to play poker, I remember when the captain & everyone was at his place & then they caught a murder late at night... Yeah that was fun.
Ooh heheh, look at these two. Love them sm She has a bra AND a watch left!
Could you play strip scrabble?
that was fun
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abcdosaka · 1 year
Watched oshi no ko and hells paradise both mid. Kinda makes me mad bc hells paradise was giving soul eater a little bit plus the op is catchy as fuck but I’m a little annoyed like I just don’t think I have it in me to tolerate mid female characters anymore. I really wanted to like it too bc the first ep was really good but then the second was like umm ok this dude is a bit much but he’s cool still. Then the third ep I was like “so why tf is the girl even travelling with him if everyone knows he could easily overpower her at any time”. And the forth ep gabimaru had to save her and she collapsed bc she got overwhelmed ? Like it’s so embarrassing for her I can’t go on. I realize her arc is about facing her fears or something actually no I don’t really know what the author was going for but anyway my point is theres a way to do that without making her a cringe damsel in distress. Maybe I’m just jumping to conclusions bc it really does look good but like it’s not a great look so far
as for oshi no ko I was hoping it would be about like balancing motherhood and being a star or something obviously I expected too much. I actually kinda enjoyed the movie pilot but I dislike that:
1 it’s isekai
2 the mom fucking dies and the kid/guy is on some revenge fantasy bs. Like I said I thought this would be some cute show where a guy doctor falls in love with a pregnant woman who’s actually an idol hiding her identity and the issues that would arise from that. (Btw I did not know she was 16 going into this show. Another thing I dislike)
3 I feel like the isekai part is just accepted and will never come up again. Like idk bc I wouldn’t mind if it was actually incorporated into the story as like the main thing but it’s not really. like I want sarina/rubys backstory to be more important, the connnection between her wanting to be an idol and her not being able to move around in her previous life could be expanded on, idk anything abt the guys goals from before but I would like to see that instead
4 I hate the Mc he’s fucking BORINGGGGG and he’s obsessed w his sister and mom. (Side note When are we gonna get an anime where the Mc just despises his sister like there’s no other feeling other than hate.) What happened to the fun guy who used to be a doctor. Like trauma obvs but his whole personality became unbearable. you could say that he was obsessed with Ai even when he was alive but honestly, bro had a job and lived in the countryside, there is no way he didn’t have other things going on in his life
5 both these kids have no personality other than being obsessed with their mom like SHUT UP PLS
6 it’s literally just a girl in the mcs life suffers due to being an idol and he jumps in to save her by doing something maybe a little innovative and weird but ultimately good. Like I kept watching bc I wanted to see how him trying new things could expand his perspective or something like trying acting again or being on the dating show but no it’s just him saving chicks from other ppl
7 I feel like all of those points just show the plot is trying to be more than what it is. Like it’s just another isekai where an older guy takes care of underage women in return for their dedication. Ok to be fair it actually does have a lot of the inside life of idol culture which is interesting but also don’t advertise it like ai is a main character when she FUCKING DIES :(
I actually kinda dislike gabimaru too like both these mfs are gloomy, overly perfect, emo, and have saviour complexes and it’s rly not my vibe. Like idk they’re Gary stus. Ebony darkness dementia raven way but as a guy. Like please just suck at something you’re boring me
I think that’s what I get for trying to watch Shonen but ugh. I like action I like the power of friendship I even like a lil romance if it’s not like annoying and very specifically aimed toward the male gaze.
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edskasbpraks · 2 years
8 shows to get to know me!!
thank you @sunshinereddie <3
(in no particular order)
1. GLEE: okay as embarrassing as this sounds i have watched this show +25 times and it made me into the person i am today like it forever changed the trajectory of my life in the most serious way possible😭 little 12 years old me didnt know what they were getting themselves into when she first clicked Play on that first ep…. shouldve known i would basically base my entire personality on this show and the characters for way too many years ….. so yeah this show will always have the most special place in my heart bc it has been the biggest part of my life for SOO long:)
2. GHOST WHISPERER: OKAYYY i adore this show i ADOOORE IT:) what makes it so special to me is that i’ve been watching it on tv with my mom since i was a kid and it’s just soooo!!! so great a little corny sometimes but it’s one of my biggest comfort show ever ever:)) jimelinda forever
3. STRANGER THINGS: sorry i’m basic but this show is just so so great ANND POPULAR FOR A REASON!!!!!! i’ve watched it when it first came out and i have never been the same ever since. last season is kinda shit but the characters are just sooo special to me<333
4. JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS: :(( so much wasted potential on this show!!!!!!!!! i’m so so sad it got cancelled because even if there’s only 9 eps its truly one of my favourite show!!!! i always rewatch it when im sad it never fails to make me feel better . also im always streaming the songs because they are just SO FREAKING GOOOOOD!!!!!
5. OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH: my little baby my sweet angel i adore this show and the characters:) i don’t mention it a lot anymore sadly because the fandom went to shit SOOO fast and now i feel weird talking about it lol:( but yeah even tho this show came out last year it forever changed the trajectory of my life i can’t wait for season 2
6. FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS: ofmd brainrot lead to the fotc brainrot i fell in love with this show it’s sooo silly but sooo good and the songs are great😭😭 i love those silly little guys sm . once again a truly comforting show
7. BATES MOTEL: i haven’t watched this in so long but since the tag is « to get to know me » im adding it because you truly have to know this show to get to know me it made me insane it messed up my brain chemistry. once again a show i watched w my mom so it holds a special place in my heart:)
8. IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA: last but not least this crazy show . what makes it soo special to me is that it’s the reason i met so many of my now best friends because of it so i’ll always be grateful my sibling put me in front of the tv on day and said We are gonna watch this show .
OKAYY THATS ITTT not tagging anyone but whoever wants to do it goooooo!!!!:)
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Midnight Motel Live Blogging
GMMTV really crammed some of my most anticipated 2022 shows to run at this time (Never Let Me Go, Midnight Motel, The Warp Effect), as well as My School President which I was keeping my eyes on. Think I’ll have to watch these the week they end or I’ll never catch up.
Ep 1: Welcome to the Business (Jan 9 11)
ooh cool start
okay actually fuck idkkk maybe i’ll start this later? bc i’m in the middle of the Trials of Apollo series and also Never Let Me Go (ep 5 tmrw), which is 2 different stories already. maybe i’ll watch this on Wednesday and finish before next Tuesday so that i’m not weaving this and NLMG and trials of apollo.
aw the fact that Mote’s always out of luck and “missed the admission quota out of a top uni even though he passed the exam” sucks so fucking bad
oh Mond’s the pimp?
oh fuck Mond’s character is so scary D: I know people said so but rip
pls Mote standing and thinking of the shit possibilities of what could happen if he barges into Mond and Jan’s characters’ rooms 
Oh yeah I forgot that Mote and Kat are love interests right
Aw Kat T.T 
Kat’s so fun and funny
Sun’s making Kat pay her debts to him 
oh, interesting in a good way about Kat mentioning working so hard
oh it’s Kat’s mom’s debt that she’s paying off 
Sun kys
Mote researching the websites where customers and sellers buy-sell sex work and identifying the pain points to make their app is wholesome
pls Kat’s funny with tryna sell her services to Mote (+ his friend) and also they’re cute
pls Doy being like whyyyy tf did you bring this app to my doorstep again after we met the police and mafia last time
the dynamic between Doy and Kat not really believing Mote vs Mote being a sweet talker and knowing how to appeal to people
ooh a design for the app first this is just like my uni class
girl not pay by crypto 
does Sun have photos?!?! 
oh videos?!?!? is Kat and the client aware that these exist?!?!?!?! gross gross gross die die die
oof Mote and Kat are so cute. him being like “hmph, your pics on the app are catfishing for sure” and then when she elbows him, he exaggeratedly falls back ah >.<
yes Kat, come to Canada and we can kiss
Linguistics: Mote and Kat use gu-meung with each other. I think Kat and Sun also used gu-meung earlier, which surprised me a bit bc I expected Kat to use Khun w Sun or something but ig the rude pronouns make sense also
Kat saying she wouldn’t do this job if she could choose. the way they’ve been talking about sex work and prostitution is interesting in a casual way where’s a job that’s hard work and like Mote, she’s doing it bc of debt and wouldn’t do it otherwise. it’s not glamorized but the existence of it or sex workers aren’t made to be evil even though the situation sucks here
hope that Mote or Doy know what to do if things go wrong whether it be the guys are dicks like when Sun had to step in or if they refuse to give money or something
oh i see we’re getting to see them handle things like the short hair and wig, and now police are coming in. also i’ve just remembered that someone maybe dies
I don’t quite get the Big Boong thing. I know Mote pretended that Big Boong’s someone else, some big shot to make the police nervous and let it but who? why’d the cops leave?
wtf was that Kat being shot in the head scene? umm I’m hoping it’s just one of Mote’s fears and not something that comes to pass
I hope they all earn the money and pay off their debts ah
Ep 2: The Investor (Jan 12)
Ep 6 came out and I saw one person write that it’s a satisfying ending, so I’m glad
ooh they’re talking about how it’d be good if they could just legalize sex work but the police are gonna lose so much money from the bribes to leave prostitution alone that they won’t let it be legal
Mote and Kat are cute, aw
oof Mote and Kat are so non-flirtily flirty ma gudness
agh Kat’s mom was dead I thought but nope, she’s just letting her daughter pay back her loans and also coming for more money
oh noooo Kat’s flashback to how her mom disappeared from their home and so the guys who were looking for her came for Kat instead T.T
oh, this was the very first time Kat saw her mom since that incident? 
hmm Sun telling Kat’s mom to never see her again. I’d assume that Sun’s romantically interested in her in any other show but he treats her like crap, so maybe he just doesn’t want them to plan and run away or smth? 
wait Pom from Gifted, what are you doing here heh. Victor’s name is Pat here 
is Pat gonna be the man she kills? 
damn he really put a collar on her oh I hate this bc he seems so earnest and this could’ve been cute if Kat didn’t fucking hate it and Sun didn’t force here T.T 
damn, not us getting the backstory on why Pat wants to have power during sex because he has no power in his personal life
oh Pat’s a billionaire, possible investor? also, that unicorn ad thing kinda maybe reminds me of whatever investing ad Mote saw in ep 1 that made him make the other app or something
oh yeah, the camera in the room that Sun has so that he can fucking watch Kat and her clients agh but now catching Kat doing work that he hasn’t assigned her
ahhh that camera was hidden by Kat? it’s for blackmailing Pat?
i love the classical music choices and also Mote thinking of possibilities and them actually showing it as if it’s happening, like Kat getting shot in the head
“I just wanna tell your you’re definitely worth more than you think?” ah so cute
Mote really is just too good with words, Kat’s right that these sorts of people just aren’t trustworthy bc they know the right things to say “How am I going to trust you, you shard-tongued jerk of a CEO?”
oh Tawi/Jay looks really different when talking with Pat’s wife than when he’s tryna get money out of Mote. Are they different people?
who’s the person that Pat’s wife talked about? Is it Mote?
okay the guy who’s terrorizing Mote isn’t actually Tawi
ah this guy is so annoying either Mote gives him money to keep the business a secret and then can’t pay back his debt in time and gets the hotel taken away OR Mote doesn’t give him money and so he tells the police about the illegal prostitution
Sun is so fucking scary, threatening June with killing her son if she doesn’t tell him what she and Kat are doing aghhh
omg so stressful. on the one hand Sun’s tryna get Doy to get him into the app by pretending he’s a client, Kat’s with Pat who’s waiting for the pitch + she saw Sun in the lobby, and Mote’s fucking phone somehow fell under the bed
ahh cliffhanger ending rip
Ep 3: Ain’t Them Bodies Cents (Jan 12)
anyway, I know Pat dies for sure because someone on a discord sent a screenshot. that’s as expected bc i’ve barely seen him in gifs or anything
oof Doy fucked up and gave Sun the invitation and whole time Mote’s like yep I trust Doy to take care of it rip
pls the chaos of Doy talking to Sun and Mote presenting to Pat while Doy and Mote are also communicating via bluetooth
pls Mond is so scary as Sun. girl “I’m the owner of their breath” kalsdj okay
Mote is much smarter than Sean is all I can say lmfao he can lie p well, even though Sun has a suspicion that Mote’s lying
is Pat drunk or what? Why is he all woozy and falling? Did he take his medication too late or something? Did his wife drug his meds because there was a point made about him taking his med case before leaving
lmfao is Mote and Kat’s kiss gonna be interrupted by Pat dying
oh kinda. i thought we’d hear a gun shot sound but what happened? did he fall and hit his head and die since Pat was so off-balance?
so did Pat succeed in giving the money or no
lol the Kat butchering the body scene
pls the way Doy had to say he’s not sitting in the back w the corpse
is Sun at Kat’s home? oh fuck he’s throwing a fit
wait omg I kinda knew that Sun knew Kat when he was a child bc I’ve seen a caption bout smth like that with a clip of Sun sitting on that bench but I didn’t know she was close friends with him :0 that sucks so bad
ah shit so Sun wasn’t the one who brought her into sex work but someone else did and he was there and he seemed young
oh Sun’s terrible idk how he transformed into this hardened pimp quickly but then he said he’d pay off Kat’s debt if she transfers to his club
ofc Pat’s car has a GPS oof and ofc Pat’s wife’s cheating on him with Jay but we could guess that from last ep
not Sun waiting in room 211 with his suitcase of weapons 
so Pat did start the transaction of 20 million?
ooh Kat’s tryna get away to diff city but also she stole Pat’s phone. wonder if there’s tracking on that too 
Ep 4: Disappear Body (Jan 13)
Joy’s tryna get Kat to fess up or something bc of her threatened child, right?
k the current things at play is that Kat wants to access Pat’s crypto and leave for Canada, Joy wants to trick Kat possibly, Sun has come to find Kat and is threatening Mote, Jay is tracking Pat’s car and has been lead to the motel, also the debt collector mans that’s been bothering Mote wants his money as well for protection of Takkrub
oh Jay’s seeing Sun being weird with Mote in the hallway on the CCTV lmfao he can just walk in there all willy nilly. is the room Mote and Sun are in also viewable with cctv
lol I wonder if Jay will view Sun as the thread instead of Mote now and have his suspicion on him as a possible reason for Pat going missing? who knows. also i wanna know if Jay knows that Pat’s dead or not? has he searched the inside of the car? seems like no
bruv, Mote really got Sun, Jay, and the debt collector guy all in the same room wanting something from him gbye and gl “shit, this is like a fan meeting. Wait no they’re all after me.”
plsss the three of them all being like eyeee should be the one talking to Mote first, yall get out
pls the way Sun smiled and gestured and moved away as soon as the knife appeared
oh Jay killed the debt collector mans lmfao Mote’s gulping and now Jay has a gun
oh debt collected mans was called Big Off
lmfao Mote being like “he’s not my friend” and Jay being like “oh? he didn’t come to save you?”
pls it’s killing me the way Jay has to explain like “this is not an empty thread na krub. If you don’t tell the truth, I’ll kill both of you. Na?”
plssssss the arguments between Sun and Mote are so funny and Jay telling them to shut up each time like now Mote realizing Sun has a camera in Kat’s usual room
wait if the footage is there, why didn’t they show Pat falling and hitting his head agh
oh damn okay so the body wasn’t in the car even though that was the original plan. did Kat do something with it?
fuckk i’m so mad I had so many thoughts for parts 3 and 4 but it refreshed and all of it got deleted kms
I thought it was fun when in part 4 Mote started acting clever and threatening again after seeming to be bumbling and foolish in the first 3 parts. 
I liked the chips and card game fantasy scene. The crew in MDL seems fairly inexperienced but they’re doing well so far
Ep 5: Blast From The Past (Jan 14)
Sun how’d you turn out like this agh
byeee they dismembered Big Off
 neo appearance !
Police officer Jay sued an elite man who attacked a bus driver but the elite man got him fired?
sdlkfhj the neolouis sex noises
oof, Kat’s found out that Sun’s getting money from Kat’s mom, which is money that Kat earned from Sun
oh my fucking god, I need to kill Sun. I hope Kat kills Sun
Sun remembering Kat saving him from those guys and so finally kinda snapping out of (sexually, physically) assaulting her
this young kids Kat and Sun backstory is making me so fucking sad because they used to be friends
noooo the promise :< “when we grow up, we won’t become the kind of adults we hate”
Sun realizing he’s become the kind of adult he hated
pls Doy and texting is just aldskfj as soon as Jay gets the orders to kill/deal with the trio, he texts Mote’s phone (which Jay has currently and also doesn’t it have a password) that he can’t find it (the body) anywhere in the hotel lmfao. prev it was the thing with Sun coming while they were tryna show Pat the pitch
Kat’s a whole lot, she really is confessing? playing with Mote? in that bathroom and kissing him instead of admitting she ran away for a brief period and also stole the phone hoping for the crypto money
I wonder if Mote believes her after seeing her pretend with Pat bc I don’t think I believe her actions in that bathroom
5-3 and 5-4
Sun really tryna just make a deal with everyone huh? giving the bullet to Jay and saying to kill only Mote (also the ice cooler thing Jay’s getting the ice from is freaking me out bc at first I don’t think I registered that they hid him in the ice cooler but now that I know... hm is he in there). Telling Mote that he wants to invest in Takkrub
What did the uncle and aunt wanna tell Mote before Jay came in? Were they the ones who his the body? Like if it isn’t any of the captured trio, Doy was a possibility but then he didn’t show up for like 2 eps in the middle so I started thinking he’s less of a possibility? Or is he more of one because why did he also disappear for a bit? And it could also be uncle and aunt who someone calmly and quietly discovered and hit the body
pls I love the fantasy situations Mote goes through so much, like the convo with dead ghost Pat
naurrr flashing back to young Kat and Sun saying they’d protect each other as adult Kat tells Sun to get out of her life
oh Pat’s in the ice cooler the way they made it seem. so the one that they hit the body in had the :) sticker and then that got carted out and had more ice put in it and put out front and the new ice cooler that’s in the place of the old ice cooler doesn’t have that sticker
So would his uncle and aunt do that? The mover also deleted the CCTV footage, would they be able to do that? Doy was the one who deleted the previous CCTV footage, so would it be him? Why?
also Mote and Sun and stuff getting ice from the cooler while underneath was Pat’s body reminds me of To Sir, With Love where the maids were all having fun collecting that mushroom, whole time there’s Don’s dead body underneath
Ep 6: All Or Nothing (Jan 14)
So I guess it really was his aunt and uncle who moved the body
they let Sun walk out of the room?
did Sun take one pill and poison the fish? or what?
or is Sun stealing the meds pill box from Kat?
Sun you backstabbing bitch, him being like “we have our bullets for that” and whole time he doesn’t even have the bullet. he has me on edge fr bc I can’t tell if he’s just double-crossing Mote and Kat or double double-crossing Jay
lol the meds box is filled with stone, flashbacks to Squid Game Ep 6
oh so Sun did give Jay a defect bullet? but Jay told June to bring another gun my dudes
everyone’s got stuff under their sleeve, like Kat with Pat’s phone and Mote with the Takkrub upload of the evidence
also i don’t think their evidence is actually enough for much (like lol they themselves could’ve filled the box with poisoned pills afterwards to frame June) but I’m ignoring that
I don’t get the [A gift from Big Off] and “say hello to my little friend
oh Jay fr shot the uncle on the shoulder 
bruv, I was thinking of Jay falling off the roof maybe but I didn’t think they’d do it like that lmfao
the villains really do wait to shoot until the uncle’s there or until Sun’s covering Kat huh lmfao
oh Sun is so psychologically fucked. he really is like if I die then Kat dies with me
oh the friendship bracelets were from the promise of not becoming like the adults they hated
okayyy Kat didn’t know that Sun was the same kid as before. At first I thought she did but then it was like hm but yeah she’s asked him “Are you Arthit?”
please Mond’s doing so good as Sun. the way he’s like sorry for breaking my promise and handing back the bracelet and telling her live and be better for him as he lays there dying. It goes with his character arc that he dies here because he’s too irredeemable to continue with the gang or to continue inflicting pain with his pimping but because of his backstory and helping the gang thus far, he’s also not someone who we see as an one-note evil man anymore. too evil to not die but the audience doesn’t wanna see him go down in a horrifying grotesque way either
plssss Kat using Pat’s corpse for the face ID of his crypto wallet (the reason she came back p much)
girl shut up who is Yudo, we have Tony for Doy. actually Doy can be polyam, I’d like that. or a cheater, I’ll forgive that in preperation for Moonlight Chicken
Very pretty wrapped bow for the ending.
The last ep was good but not great, I don’t think they were super clever with their action or wrap-up, although it was still pretty fun. Also no like great twist in the final ep, which is fine but nothing about the final ep really makes it stand out. 
The acting was great, the script was comprehensible and well-paced, the production is good, featured sex work without villainizing the workers or the work itself. I loved Mote’s little fantasies of possible scenarios or of imagining an interaction in a different way (the card game with June, convo with dead Pat). I’m impressed by the creative team behind it. 
I won’t think about this much after today I don’t think but I liked this little show.
Rating: 6.5/10
Mock Trailer
The actual show ended up being pretty much the same as that mock trailer, guess they’ve had the script done for a while. It was snappy but gave away a lot, so I’m glad I hadn’t watched most of it before watching the show (or if I had, it must’ve been like 10 months ago and I completely forgot it because only the first like 15 seconds seemed familiar and I knew the concept before going in).
Official Trailer
Once again, reveals a lot but is slightly better created than the OG, which is expected.
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sinematically · 2 years
🪄thoughts on Dr Strange: Multiverse of Madness🪄 long post and will contain spoilers under the read more
Disclaimer: I enjoyed the movie but this somewhat review will contain some major criticisms.
When Martin Scorsese said MCU films aren’t real cinema, and the MCU fans consume films like one would enjoy a theme park. I don’t think he’s wrong but I don’t fully agree with him either, but, MoM is the best example (if there was any). I’m not sure how to properly put this into words. I’ll give it a few days to see if I can do this thought justice. But know that I genuinely think MoM is the best example for this opinion.
Goddamn that plot was MESSY. Three act structure whomst???? (Extremely derogatory). My film studies teacher would have destroyed that script, gave it a D- and a whole month to rework it because that’s how much time it would need. There’s a Lad Bible interview Cumberbatch and Olsen did. They were describing how often things would change, how the morning of the shoot they would get brand new info. It’s very evident in the pacing of the movie.
MoM would need a 6-episode show, with 45-60 whole minute per ep, to fully do justice to the characters. The lack of character development, or effective character development was a little sad. The pacing is my biggest issues with this movie because they’re just bringing in SO many things into one film when they cannot afford that rn
It’s basically a horror movie in a lot of ways. It was visually stunning and absolutely lovely in so many ways. The music!! (And that fight scene w the music ohmygod) I love it.
Spoilers here on out.
Dr Strange, sir, I’m sorry this wasn’t your movie. Literally so many things happened, I wish I got to see how you processed the snap and the “dust for 5 years” thing. I’m glad you gave us a better quote to express love I love you 3000 was kinda ????, (like a friend said, it’s superior). “I’d love you in any universe” was wonderful (and I might get the exact wording wrong, sue me, I’m still drunk)
WONG MY BELOVED. You deserve to be Sorcerer Supreme!! Ur amazing and can do no wrong. Beloved <3
America Chavez!! You’re super cool and I cannot wait to see the cool shit you do. But also, I’m going to acknowledge that they’re brining a new character without putting in the work? To me it seems like they introduced her with no personality and a tragic back story. Do MCU women have any real backstory other than “a tragic event thats entirely (female characters) fault or something they should feel shame/take blame for?”
Replacing Irondad-Spiderson with a Strange & Chavez, Father-Daughter relationship I see. It’s cute, fanfics will be fun. Can’t wait to block the inevitable ship name.
Christine, I’m glad that in every universe, you’re prioritising yourself and your sanity instead of dating a man too afraid to be vulnerable. Good for you, girl!!
WANDA. I have so many thoughts!! You might get your own post??? She’s so powerful, I love it. Even though I think it was a horrible way to show her power, watching her destroy the Illuminati was awesome. The whole bit where she used her Intelligence and the reflections was a 11/10 better way to show her formidable nature. I think there’s some major cognitive dissonance in her motives. If she knows that she can create her own world through sheer emotions, then why would she need to go to another universe??? If you’re telling me she feels guilt, and that’s why she won’t hurt the humans on earth-616, then how do you explain her being ok with taking away another Wanda’s babies for herself? Anyway. Thinking thoughts. Feel free to explain I guess? Idk.
The fucking Illuminati!!!!!!!!!! This is a whole thing bro
First of all, REED RICHARDS??? THEY KEPT KRASINSKI’S CASTING HIDDEN?? Alleged Tom Cruise was a fucking phenomenal distraction, I’m in AWE. Andrew Garfield could NEVER!!!! Everyone else on that cast list we had strong inklings but ufh Mr. Fantastic that was GG as fuck. (Also I think I read Tom Cruise and Haley Attwell were dating so maybe the whole Tom Cruise Ironman came from him visiting her on set? Idk)
Now to shit on it.
You’re telling me the smartest man in their universe, Who voted on killing their Strange for Dreamwalking the darkhold magic, didn’t anticipate Scarlet Witch’s power????? Even if he did anticipate it, why would you tell her about Black Bolt’s power!!! God that was DUMB. Good to see u Mr. Jim Kraskinski but you deserve to be noodle string cheesed. The fam service is great tho, and I really hope we see Kraskinski-Blunt and Evans in a new Fantastic 4 movie
CAPTAIN CARTER I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! Thank you for not bringing Steve into her narrative in any way what so ever. Thank you for the “I can do this all day” It’s lovely!!!! She’s Amazing and strong, but like I said killing her off was just meh move. I like that you did it that way? But idk,,, I want to see more of her so maybe Marvel will listen to their fans again and give us more!!!
Black Bolt, why did I think Ben Affleck played you?? You died in a super fucked up way and honestly, thank you for that. Your death was refreshing and will scar at least one (1) child, and idk if that’s a good thing but, parents definitely need to adhere to the movie ratings on this one.
PROFESSOR X!! I love you, I missed you, you were dressed like your husband (Mr. Magneto) when you died why was that??? I hate that Wanda killed you but I missed you. So much. I love you.
CAP MARVEL MARIA YOUR AWESOME but I wanna see more of you also if ur Cap then where Carol and did you still have a kid? What happened?? I wanna see more!!!!!!
Okay I think that’s mostly it. Closing notes, could do better, y’all threw character development out of the window. Randomly introducing new powers, characters and strengths is a little weak in terms of writing. Employee foreshadowing instead of expecting your fans to watch over 20 hours of content. It was good but you could do a lot better.
I will not watch it in the movies again, and I watch NWH like 3 times full priced tix.
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prantically · 3 years
Why it is likely to be a fake PatPran break up (based on the characterizations and plot progressions they've shown throughout 10 EPs and how I interpret them):
1. Pat's apology feels out of character, almost too performative.
During their "honeymoon", unlike Pran, Pat never shows any conflicting emotions about his parents/family. His only concern is Paa, and he already told her so she wouldn't get worried.
Yes, he might come home only because Pran wanted to, but it still doesn't explain this docile apology.
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2. Their family feud is never news for them
Before they found out the truth, PatPran had always known their families hated each other's guts. PatPran already had an established theory (the business thing and the stealing-my-employee thing) and they also believed both sides would never forgive each other because of said reasons. But still, a breakup was never an option for them. But why is it suddenly the only option now?
I mean, yes, it probably slaps reality into them, like, "wow so they'd really NEVER be in good terms. Our relationship really has no future, huh."
But again, that's not news. Even Pran had come to terms with it. In EP 8, he told Wai, "you can't step back, but you can't move forward, either." He always knew, but he still decided to go for it. And he was very committed to it, too. He never took back his words, no matter the obstacles thrown at them.
So why breaking up? It doesn't add up.
And, unlike the novel, the parents in the series never threatened them like "if you don't break up with him, I would..."
I feel there's not enough urgency to force a breakup.
If they are consistent with PatPran's characterizations so far, Pat and Pran would've probably went home, holding hands and walking in to Pran's house, and pleaded their case to Dissaya.
...or, they plan a fake breakup.
3. "Play-pretend" seems to be Pat-Pran's modus operandi when they need to make space for processing things.
- Flirting -> competition
- Fake-breakup status to make Wai talk to Pran again
- Running away from home -> a honeymoon trip
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4. Going home =/= breaking up
I see many people equating Pran's wanting to go home as his wanting to end their relationship. No. For me, he just wants to check up on his mom and not leaving her alone. The only thing that he ends is the illusion that all is fine. It's time to go back and face the issue.
5. Pat's speech =/= breakup speech
On that same note, for me, Pat's speech is confirming to Pran that he is now ready to go back to reality, THEIR reality. He thanks Pran for indulging him, for letting him pretend they're on a honeymoon.
"No one works on their honeymoon." Meaning Pat letting Pran know he is done pretending. He is ready.
"You never leave me. You fight alongside me. That makes me very happy."
For me, Pat says that he doesn't feel afraid anymore because all this time, did Pran ever leave Pat to fight alone? Never. Not even once.
So let's go back, and fight together like we always do.
6. Good luck, buddy =/= not boyfriends anymore
Just like the fist bump, "buddy" is their inside joke. They still do the fist bumps; it's not out of character if they still use the "buddy" term sometimes. I feel like it's Pran's attempt to make the situation lighter.
And it works, because it makes Pat smile. Because no matter what happens after they walk in their houses, things between them would remain the same.
"Good luck" as in "good luck executing the fake breakup plan."
7. The wristwatch and the earphone bag
When Pran had to part with Pat in high school, he put everything Pat-related in a box. Out of sight, out of mind. When he avoided Pat in EP 6, he asked Wai to keep his guitar. Again, out of sight, out of mind. And in both cases, PatPran weren't even boyfriends.
The Pran we know would not wear the watch and earphone bag if they broke up for real. He couldn't handle seeing those items when they were just friends, and now after they had kissed and held and made love to each other? Nah.
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I could be wrong but this is what make sense for me after I follow Pat and Pran's journey for 10 episodes. I'm gonna stay in this bubble until I'm proven otherwise by next EP.
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liesoverthec · 3 years
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9-1-1 on FOX Relationship Analysis, season 1 graphics.
- all relationship analysis graphics -
Do not repost my graphics.
More graphics and a discussion/explanation of the data under the cut.
Hi y’all, welcome to the relationship analysis!
The relationship analysis data is a recording of every interaction on the show, who all is in involved in the interaction, and how often that specific combination of people interacted throughout the season. Most of the time, we have more than two characters on screen, so most interactions are between multiple people at once. An important thing to note is that even if the characters aren’t directly and actively contributing to the conversation (eg listening and contributing every once in a while but not doing the bulk of the emotional work), they still get an interaction counted b/c people are ALWAYS building relationships w/ one another, whether or not other people are around. And especially on a show like this, where people are constantly growing and learning (and being traumatized lol), seeing that happen in each other develops their connections and their understandings of one another.
This lends to the data making the most impact when it’s divided into two parts - when two characters are alone together, and when they’re together but other characters are there as well.
Data should be read like - “Bobby and Buck had 15 interactions alone together this season, but another 44 interactions where Hen or Chim or some combination of mains were also there.”
I actually keep detailed notes about where each and every one of these interactions come from, so please feel free to ask me when characters interacted, or just more details about the data collection if you’d like.
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Alt id: A segmented bar graph showing Bobby’s total interactions in s1 with the other mains. He spent the most time both alone with Buck and overall on the show.
My man Bobbyyyyyyyyyyyyy. The most interesting thing about Bobby is that his  interactions are almost ENTIRELY restricted to the 118. No one else on the entire show is QUITE that isolated. It definitely makes sense given the context of the season - Bobby is extremely closed off, and is not inviting relationships beyond the ones he formed through his team being irresistible, until the end of the season, which is actually where ALL of his alone time with Athena comes from (one interaction in ep 9 and then 3 in ep 10). It also makes sense with his and Buck’s stories this season for Bobby to interact the most with Buck - between the sex addict plot, Buck’s first at-work death, and then the development of Buck’s relationship with Abby and him asking Bobby about it.
Also interesting - while Buck had more interactions this season, Bobby had more screen time. Which means that while Buck talked to a larger combination of people, Bobby spent more time than Buck did actually interacting with those people.
Also Bobby is one of only two mains to interact with every single main one on one.
Here’s a final look at how exactly Bobby’s interactions broke down -
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Alt id: A bar graph showing Bobby’s most common interaction groups for s1 - he had the most interactions with Hen, Chim and Buck as a group (20 interactions over the season).
As you can see, his top 3 most common interaction groupings all include Buck, which is why Bobby spent more time w/ him than anyone else.
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Alt id: A segmented bar graph showing Athena’s total interactions in s1 with the other mains. She spent the most time both alone with Buck and overall on the show.
There are two things about Athena’s data that I think are worth pointing out. Number one: Athena has the most varied interactions out of any of the mains on the show. This means that out of everyone, she has the most connections, and her personal life is the most developed of the core 6 (duh 😂 but love when the data proves it - esp when she interacts second most w/ Michael TOTAL, which I’m not sure I would have guessed just based on casual watching.) The other thing worth pointing out is that she almost has more interactions where she’s interacting w/ complete strangers than with the other characters of the show. The nature of her being a solo lieutenant isolates her quite a lot.
She has the same thing going as Bobby in regards to screen time however - she might have the second least amount of interactions for the season, but it just means she spends, on average, more time with the people she does interact with.
Here’s a final look at how her interactions broke down -
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Alt id: A bar graph showing Athena’s most common interaction groups for s1 - she spent the most time with Hen alone (12 interactions).
In addition to her being so isolated b/c of work, she spends most of her time alone with other main characters when she’s with them - 4 of her 5 most common interaction pairings are with people alone.
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Alt id: A segmented bar graph showing Hen’s total interactions in s1 with the other mains. She spent the most time alone with Athena, but had the most interactions with Buck overall.
Just as with Bobby, most of Hen’s interactions are with the other members of the 118. While Athena spends the most time with Hen, period, Hen spends the most time with Buck, although she is alone with Athena more than anyone else. The interesting thing to me is that I might not have guessed that she spent so much time with Buck, just based on casual viewing, so that was a really interesting reveal in the data! She also actually has the most “home life” outside of Athena and Abby, despite the fact that only ~10% of her interactions aren’t with the other first responders.
Hen is in the opposite boat from Bobby and Athena - she’s higher up on the interaction chart than she is on the screen time chart, which indicates that she spent less time in each interaction on average than other characters did in theirs.
Here’s a final look at how her interactions broke down - 
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Alt id: A bar graph showing Hen’s most common interaction groups for s1 - she spent the most time with Bobby, Chim and Buck (20 interactions).
As you can see, 3 of her top four interaction groupings include Buck, which is why her relationship with him was her top one for the season!
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Alt id: A segmented bar graph showing Chim’s total interactions in s1 with the other mains. He spent the most time alone with Bobby, but had the most interactions with Hen overall.
Honestly the most I can say about this is yet again that Chim was stiffed in s1. The most interesting thing however, is that through Chim you can see the shift in focus to his and Hen’s friendship as the show goes on - in that most of his interactions come from the last five episodes after he comes back from the rebar, and they start to develop Hen and Chim as a paramedic duo who are a little more independent from the station as a whole. The reason Hen didn’t have most of her interactions with him is that she still had interactions while he was gone 😂
It’s also interesting to me that we literally only see him with Tatiana twice but she creates such a huge impact on him.
Here’s a final look at how his interactions broke down -
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Alt id: A bar graph showing Chim’s most common interaction groups for s1 - he spent the most time with Bobby, Hen and Buck (20 interactions).
I’ll be curious to see if Chim’s “number of interactions alone w Buck” goes up once Maddie is introduced or not!
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Alt id: A segmented bar graph showing Abby’s total interactions in s1 with the other mains. She spent the most time both alone with Buck and overall.
I’m going to be really honest with y’all - most of the reason I’m interested in Abby’s data is to see how it compares to Maddie’s. 😂 Abby is an interesting contradiction bc she is at once, got some very developed relationships, but she’s also incredibly isolated. For one, she spends more time talking to strangers than she does to any one main character, which is not true for ANY other main, even Athena who also has a solo job. But then at the same time, she has the second most developed “outside of work” life out of any of the mains.
The most interesting thing here though is that her relationship with Buck is the single most common interaction for the entire season. I know we all know this, but it’s crazy to think about when the second most common interaction is the 118 together, and their number of interactions is that high bc they WORK together, so it’s a mix of professional and personal interactions, whereas Buck and Abby’s relationship is purely personal.
Second most interesting thing would definitely be that even though she spends time with Buck both alone and with others around, she still spends more time talking to total strangers than him.
Here’s a final look at how her interactions broke down -
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Alt id: A bar graph showing Abby’s most common interaction groups for s1 - she had the most interactions alone with Buck (22 interactions).
As you can see here, they just. Put so much more work into her relationship w/ Buck even than her relationship with her mom. Most likely bc both Abby and her mom were moving on at the end of ep 10 but it’s still interesting!
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Alt id: A segmented bar graph showing Buck’s total interactions in s1 with the other mains. He spent the most time with Abby alone, but had the most interactions with Bobby overall.
Last but not least! The stark difference between the time he spends with Hen/Bobby and everyone else is so interesting to me, and it’s mostly b/c eps 4 and 5 (while Chim is gone) focus VERY heavily on Bobby, which drags Hen and Buck into more interactions since he’s so isolated from the world and they’re really his only connections.
Bobby and Buck are actually the only relationship where they both have the most interactions with each other (although Buck spends more time alone w/ Abby than he does with Bobby, whereas Bobby is still alone with Buck most). It’s a little hilarious to me though, that they work so hard on the Buck&Abby relationship and then Bobby still ends up being more present in his life, and it feels very indicative of where the series goes next.
Buck is in the same boat as Hen - he has the most interactions out of anyone, but not the most screen time, which means that he’s spending less time interacting with the other characters on average.
Here’s a final look at how his interactions broke down -
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Alt id: A bar graph showing Buck’s most common interaction groups for s1 - he had the most interactions with Abby alone (22 interactions).
This breakdown shows a little better why Bobby beat out Abby for relationship development this season with Buck - top interactions 2-4 all include Bobby, which adds up over the season.
Well, that’s all folks! (If you made it this far, I’m both very impressed and very thankful - I hope it was worth it!)
Please let me know if you have any questions about this, or really anything about the show in general! (Seriously I mean that 😄)
Lots of love, and I’m marginally started on s2 of this, although doing screen time for s5 will probably slow it down, so keep an eye out but not TOO closely! 😂)
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saturfied · 3 years
um ok so I thought I'll do a collective reaction to me watching ep 9 - (//NOT ME EP9 SPOILERS//)
1. that intimate scene made me blush so much holy f (I loved the consent part)
2. pls don't cry babe
3. this sounds so wrong but did black wake up cause of the makeout scene and whites heart going more thump, thump??? akfjsjsj it sounds so weird even typing that out???
4. did black cry cause he realized white maybe nearby??
6. yoks tattoos. i have nothing else to say.
7. the crime is yoks smile pls✋🏻
8. the danyok flirting and the bg music akfjsjsj
9. boi finally made a move for a date(I hope??)
11. aaaa this full scene is gonna be so fucking adorable I want to tattoo it on my forehead.
13. danyok being vulnerable and pouring their souls out to each other.
14. Sean lowkey just wants to hold whites hand and spend more time with him.
15. WHITE ADORABLE SMILE!!!!. (istg if I get black white interaction in the last 2 mins of the ep I will violence.)
17. white flirting akfjsjsj aaaaaaaaa
18. fuck fuck now the chase part comes
19. dan saving yok.
20. yok introducing dan to his mom. like yes mom this is your future son-in-law.
21. dan not letting yok smoke
22. dan asking to let him help aaaaa
24. the bite. their chemistry fuck.
25. white fukcing up blacks academics(??)
26. I understand eugenes pov
27. the soda from the ads.
28. sean taking care of white.
29. their smooches are adorable akfksjaj.
31. fuck I'm actually so scared what's gonna happen next.
32. wait so did black see them?????
33. fuck namo pls don't cry. NONONONO
34. I wanna cry for both namo and eugene.
35. b w IM gonna cry,,,, fuckfucjfjfuc
36. he seems so indifferent to white ik lowkey cause he's fucking pissed. BUT THIS IS NOT WHAT I WAMTED FUXK.
37. fuck Todd is evil.
38. fuck what will white go back to???? my heart burns bec of this ep it went from euphoria to fucking angst. my god. I will go have a short cry now.
I might post other thoughts l8r I need to process everything that happened first.
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the-realharleyquin · 4 years
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ATLA characters but my roomie (@tale-for-a-penny​) who has never seen it describes who they are.
A transcript of everything in the photos is written is under the keep reading 
Title: Avatar the Last Airbender characters described by my roomie who has never seen the show
Me: I will be in Orange They will be Purple (in the transcript i will be called Me and my roomie will be Ro)
[Slide 2: A photo of Toph in an earth bending stance]
Me: Thought i would start easy and yes she is the best the world’s strongest earth bender
Me: Fuck Yeah
[Slide 3: a photo of Suki in her warrior outfit]
Ro: I feel like she’s evil cause what good person would ever have that intense of a brow. Her name is ‘knock off jareth’
Me: This is Suki. She is one of the good guys she is the leader o this all woman/girl fighting team
Ro: Breaking stereotypes solid
Me: Yeah when The Aang Gang meet her for the first time she ends up kicking Sokka’s butt
[Slide 4: a picture of Katara her eyebrow raised and looking ready to sass someone not pictured]
Ro: OH HEY IT’S HER. she’s a water bender She’s one of Aang’s teachers I think? Her name doesn’t start w an s idk why ik that
Me: This is Katara she is one of Aang’s teacher also his crush/future wife
Ro: Yeah i got it right! She looks like she’s planning on punching someone in the dick in this pic
Me: Yeah the entire Aang Gang is just full of sass and butt kicking
[Slide 5: a photo of Princess Yue looking towards the camera]
Ro: So know how you mad me watch some She-ra? Yeah this is the perfume princess’s cousin. Her name has smth to do with ice
Me: Lol, this is Princess Yue of the Northern water tribe, she was Sokka’s girlfriend before she turned into the moon.
Me: Yep this is the moon
Ro: NICE. also she looks like a bitch who would yeet and become the moon
[Slide 6: a picture of Prince Zuko looking directly at the camera]
Ro: If I had watched this show when I was 14, I would’ve had a crush on him. He’s a fire lord and fuck his dad but not in a fun way and also he needs a hug. Also he deserved his redemption and he’s an abuse survivor. I fuck w him. Zuko i think? OH ALSO ‘THAT’S ROUGH BUDDY’
Me: That is completely fair, this is Zuko and he is the Redemption ark king
[Slide 7: a photo of Uncle Iroh looking off to the middle left with a smile]
Ro: UNCLE IHRO? Idk how to spell his name but i know tea. And i think he died the day after recording his last lines and RIP VA and I wanna hug him.
Me: This is Uncle Iroh and i trust him with my life; and yes His VA did die, his last ep recorded was “Stories from Ba Sing Se” an already emotional episode (especially iroh’s story).
Me: Can he be my uncle plz
[Slide 8: Aang looks at the camera eybrows raised and a crooked smile on his face]
Ro: The mf avatar he’s a dork??? I think he’s shipped someone not good but he takes shit and kicks names
Me: this is the Avatar Aang and yea he is shipped with Katara! He is a huge dork
Ro: I said someone NOT good
Me: I would not know who that someone is i just know that he is shipped with Katara.
[Slide 9: Sokka looks off to the middle left a smile on his face]
Ro: He cant bend but he can fight like every nation. Uh. Boomerang? So much food. Didn’t he date the moon?
Me: Yep this is Sokka, he is an amazing tactician, huge dork, katara’s brother, and will fight anyone with his trusty boomerang
Me: I did not. But yeah that’s tough buddy.
[Slide 10: a photo of Ty Lee looking off camera with a smile]
Ro: THERE IS NO WAR IN BA SA BING [an image of and emoji with bloodshot eyes holding a handgun]
Me: Your thinking of Joo Dee, this is Ty Lee. She is one of Azula’s Friends she can poke you and then your arms don’t work also she baby of Azula’s group
[Slide 11: A photo of Princess Azula looking directly at the camera eyebrows furrowed and a smirk on her face]
Ro: Again, if i’d watch this when i was like 14, i’s have had another crush on her. I’m assuming fire nation.
Me: Again Valid This is Azula she is Zuko’s sister. her own mom was like “WTF is wrong with my kid” with her
Ro: Man fuck the fire nation
Me: Everything was different before the fire nation decided to be dicks
Ro: Petition for that to b the new intro
[Slide 12: Mai looks directly at the camera stone faced]
Ro: I think she’s evil. But you’s specifically trip me up. So I wanna say she’s super cool and she looks like a tribe traitor.
Me: This is Mai Zuko’s gf she is the other on in Azula’s group she ends up betraying Azula for Ty Lee her gf
Ro: Is that good or bad
Me: Good, she switched because she loves her gf and bf
Ro: POLY RIGHTS [the poly flag is shown]
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merinelsa · 3 years
Have you ever done a ranking list of your favourite episodes?
not really , the thing with me is that i never rewatch tv shows . i binge through them once and then just watch few scenes in yt , but never rewatch any of it even if it was one of my favourite show. Glee is the only exception , though i really only watch very few eps from the earlier seasons and rewatched s5-s6 twice , though i’d skipped 100, new directions and the wedding during both my rewatches. there are eps like new new york and wonderful that i watch time to time as comfort eps playing in the background . from s3, first time and big brother are the only eps i have rewatched 
i’d only watched glee for the first time last year , so like it’s not been that long to warrant a rewatch , but since i’d binged most of it in one stretch ( had taken a one month break b/w s3ep7 and ep8 because of how much i was getting tired of the shitty storylines of s3 , hence it being my least fave ) i forgot a lot of the non klaine stuff.
but i’ll try to rank the eps , just know that i’m very biased to klaine/kurt/blaine storylines . and the seasons too are ranked in the order i like them 
6 . season 3
22. i kissed a girl
21. pot o gold
20. prom-asaurus
19. yes/no
18. i am unicorn
17. mash off
16. the spanish teacher
15. asian f
14. on my way
13. props
12. choke
11. hold on to sixteen
10. saturday night gleever
9. michael
8. goodbye
7. big brother
6. nationals
5. heart
4. extraordinary merry christmas
3. dance with somebody
2. purple piano project
1. first time
5. season 1
22. the rhodes not taken
21. funk
20. showmance
19.  vitamin d
18. hairography
17. ballad
16. mashup
15. throwdown
14. the power of madonna
13. mattress
12. acafellas
11. dream on
10. home
9. pilot
8.  hell-o
7. sectionals
6. preggers
5. bad reputation
4. wheels
3. journey to regionals
2. theatricality
1. laryngitis
4. season 4 
22. britney 2.0
21. sweet dreams
20. lights out
19. shooting star
18. all or nothing
17. feud
16. thanksgiving
15. the role you were born to play
14. glease
13. swan song
12. sadie hawkins
11. naked
10. makeover
9. girls and boys on film
8. diva
7. glee,actually
6. i do
5. dynamic duets
4. the new rachel
3.  break up
2. guilty pleasure
1. wonderful
3. season 2
22. britney/brittany
21. the substitute
20. comeback
19. special education
18. a very glee christmas
17. the sue sylvester shuffle
16. night of neglect
15. new york
14. funeral
13. never been kissed ( except for the klaine part, the whole ep is a mess)
12. rocky horror glee show
11. rumours
10. audition
9. sexy
8. grilled cheesus
7. blame it on the alcohol
6. prom queen
5. born this way
4. silly love songs
3. duets
2. furt 
1. original song
2. season 6
13. the rise and fall of sue sylvester
12. hurt locker part 1
11. child star
10. homecoming
9. we built this glee club
8. what the world needs now
7. hurt locker part 2
6. a wedding
5.  dreams come true
4. 2009
3. jagged little tapestry
2. transitioning
1. loser like me
1. season 5 ( i’m not going to rank the quaterback )
19. opening night
18. 100
17. tina in the sky with diamonds
16. city of angels
15. bash
14. a katy or gaga
13. new direction
12. end of twerk
11. previously unaired christmas
10. trio
9. movin out
8. the back up plan
7. puppet master
6. love love love
5. old dogs new trick
4. untitled rachel berry project
3. frenemies
2. tested
1. new new york
now top five glee episodes over all
5. original song : don’t ask me what happened besides klaine in this because i truly don’t remember . but the klaine parts are pure heavenly. s2 klaine is something i missed a lot and didn’t appreciate enough during my first watch but rewatching some klaine centric eps has made me appreciate their friendship a lot more. even the stuff leading upto the kiss is fantastic , it’s also an ep that shows how rachel and blaine can get similar but how they react to criticisms and how blaine tries to include everyone when pointed out unlike making a fit out of it with rachel is where they diverge and makes these incredibly different personalities .and the kiss was just to good and sparks were flying everywhere and it is something that glee could never recreate with any other couple. and “ reminds you of your mom’s funeral doesn’t it “” the casket was bigger but yes “ just proves that they are equally dumbasses that fit each other so well
4. wonder-ful : this is just pure comfort ep. it’s so bright and upbeat in the middle of the previous dark eps. so much kurt and klaine . a bit more focus on kurt’s mental health issues, which will later be forgotten but it’s good over here. supportive blaine as always just highlighting how much they understand each other. a lot of burt which is always a plus . a very good mercedes plotline which should’ve been given more time but still is one of the better ones she gets.just seeing how light and loving kurt turns once burt is finally in the safe zone. and ‘you get kinda cute when you get nervous’ and ‘with you in it a wondeful life’ and whatever homoerotic stuff that is going on b/w rachel and cassie
3. Loser like me : the pure angst . i love storylines where they hit the rock bottom from such a happy place and have to find their way to the top by leaning in on each other and supporting each other. great klaine scenes, s5b we where pushed to believe that kurt had it all together, but we finally got to see kurt being an absolute mess and realizing how he contributed to their relationship not working out instead of pitting it all on s4 cheating . confident got help all by himself in a better position blaine , rachel finally getting a storyline that’s interesting and makes her one to root for . This ep always gives me the chills and makes me excited for the rest of the season
2. Tested : It’s genuinely one of the funniest eps ever. amazing rachcedes moment . the guys presenting one of my fave family dynamics in the show. great samcedes and klaine plotline . and i love the way liab is shot , such a well choreographed performance and it really looks like chris and darren had so much fun doing it.
1. New new york : this ep is the perfect mixture of fluff , comedy and angst. And on top of that we get never tried before combination of dynamics like rachel and artie as well as our favourite dynamics like klaine, blam, kelliot . also , out of all the klaine plotlines, this feels to me the most realistic one and really shows how much they want to work out their highschool relationship into an adult setting but they’re still young clueless inexperienced couple who doesn’t really know what they’re doing but still trying to work it out the way they think is the best one to protect their relationship , showing how much they care for each other as we enter into the crazy hard parts of their relationship. also , to see these whole set of highschool friends trying to navigate their way into this busy adult life is so fun to watch .  
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marahoping · 4 years
my mom wants to watch shera w me i’ve obviously seen all 5 seasons but what would you say are the key episodes that i should make her watch (obviously all of s5)
hmmm i feel like all of season 1 is necessary viewing because the first 6 eps introduce the majority of of the main characters, ep 7 introduces mystacor and castaspella, and everything after 7 is super plot-heavy. season 2, i think 2, 6, and 7 are key. all of season 3 is pretty important, especially everything after episode 1. and for season 4, i think 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 are essential
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 7
Moms, Meltdowns, and Mayhem
Hello and welcome back to Fabian’s worst nightmare, already in progress!
We rejoin the Bad Kids who have linked back up the next day and are on their way to the library of the city Leviathan--The Compass Point Library. On the way there, they see the Crow’s Keep burning but Fabian, assuming it has to do with what happened to him, tells everyone to leave it alone.
Adaine questions why Riz hasn’t had any nightmares (Riz: In a way, my life is a nightmare) and the whole group goes into another round of Shadowcat speculation. Is she protecting Riz from nightmares for some reason? Why can Tracker and Garthy suddenly see her in the picture despite not having seen her irl or had any weird dreams? Is she masquerading as someone else? 
Anyway, they reach the library which is the cool, cobbled together and largely stolen (to Fig’s delight) pirate-y library of Alexandria type place. They meet an old pirate wizard named Rollins with a book of pirate spells that Fig immediately wants to steal and Adaine wants to borrow (or steal, she’s flexible). They all sign up for Compass Point library cards and go up to the observatory to look for Ayda Aguefort. 
In the observatory, they find a huge orange-yellow bird on a perch and this is the part of the recap where I have to inform you that Aguefort had not only banged a phoenix, he somehow managed to procreate with it. Meet Ayda Aguefort, the half-phoenix (shout-out to the anon from last week who called Ayda as Aguefort’s daughter). She’s got wings and arms, bird legs, a plume of red fiery hair, and eyes which are basically just fire.
Fig thinks she’s the creature Aguefort made for her for reasons I cannot begin to fathom. She tries to feed her but Ayda rejects the food, not wishing to be in anyone’s debt. Ayda is kind of intense, abrupt, and anti-social when they meet her. She’s fully is about to fly away instead of helping until Fabian yells that Garthy sent them and Adaine remembers she has the letter from Garthy asking her to help them. After some back and forth, she agrees to give Adaine the spell (which will take 6 hours to learn) for 150 gold. But these are the Bad Kids so, of course, we have several tangents before the plot goes anywhere, during which we learn Ayda is a divination wizard (like Adaine), she asks if her father has talked about her (Fig successfully lies that he has), and Gorgug spouts out some fortune cookie nonsense (“What is a telescope but a spyglass pointed at the stars?”) that convinces Ayda that he could be the greatest wizard of their age (Adaine does a spit take and Fig is loving it).   
Adaine hits the books to learn the sending spell with Sandra-Lynn keeping watch while everyone else splits up suchly:
Fabian wants to go out to check on the Hangman but Kristen absolutely vetoes that. Buddy. System. Ragh agrees to go with him and she lays off. He tries to see what the damage on the Hangman is. Nat 1. As far as Fabian can tell, the Hangman is full dead. Not only that, Fabian is poor people sick which he isn’t used to at all. Ragh isn’t doing much better on the emotional front. He just started making progress with processing his emotions and now his mom might be dead. Saddest Hoot Growl ever (seriously, it’s heartbreaking). Cathilda comes in, loving as ever, with food and kind words and an old lullaby, but that’s not enough to stop Fabian from rolling another Nat 1 and gaining 2 levels of exhaustion (which means disadvantage on ability checks and speed halved). Lou, please burn those dice. 
Kristen and Riz are researching the Nightmare King. They go into a religious studies section of the library and (on a 20+ check from Riz) find texts about a temple to a forgotten god in Sylvere (the forest of the Nightmare King). The god is never named in any of the texts which Kristen finds weird. Riz decides to steal the book and is able to do it, despite Kristen’s “help”. Later, Kristen cross-refs Riz’s info with her world religions book and, on a dirty 20, she finds with frustration that there’s a lot of information but none of it really matches up. The fairies, treants, and especially the unicorns all had mysterious deities but none of them really match with the forgotten god. [Note: Last time we heard about unicorns was in episode one and we learned that the last time people saw the great unicorn was the last time the NK showed up.] At the same time, it seems like there are elements of the god in all five of the cultures in the forest. Adaine checks and there’s nothing magic with the book so it’s just the contents of the book that are weird, not the book itself. Kristen thinks there might be a connection to her weird dream about not being able to draw the face of her god. Adaine wonders if Kristen might have been worshipping this unnamed god by mistake. Gorgug wonders if the god is erasing themselves (a theory backed up late when they talk to Aguefort).  
Fig looks for information on cursed gems and (with a 19) she finds a good amount--no surprise in a pirate library. She finds a book called Breaking the Evil Eye in one of the forbidden sections and learns that it could be possible to planeshift into the gem, dispel magic from the inside and get rid of the trap, before breaking the original curse. She finds all of this out after she steals the book (disguised as Rollins). Planeshift is a level 7 spell though so Adaine has a while to go before she can learn it (she gets her first at level 13). 
Gorgug asks the real Rollins for books about cheering up a friend. He’s brought to a small, dusty section of the library. Gorgug rolls a nat 1 on an insight check and thinks that Rollins must be messing with him. Rollins is confused because he super wasn’t. Adaine takes a break and uses this pointless argument borne from misunderstanding to steal his book. Dirty 20. Rollins instantly skelatizes. She hastily puts the book back. He comes back Wrong and in incredible pain. He begs them to take the book out and Gorgug does. Adaine peaces out to finish studying, leaving Gorgug to deal with her mess. Gorgug decides to keep looking at the friendship books. Even on a 5, he finds a secret door into a HUGE friendship library. Guided by his library card, Gorgug finds a book called Cheer Up Me Hearties. When he gets out, Gilear is being accosted for killing Rollins, but Gorgug is able to get them to stand down. Gorgug Thistlespring, winning pirate hearts and minds. They take the book and Rollins’ bones to get him put back together.   
Adaine finishes up as Ayda comes to check on her. Ayda is about to make another quick exit but Adaine tries again to make friends with Ayda, this time by directly asking and offering to let her hold Boggy. Ayda is immediately obsessed with Boggy (and Adaine’s backpack terrarium AND the backpack she makes for him at Ayda’s suggestion) and extremely impressed with Adaine’s spellwork in manifesting Boggy. It’s a very cute scene and Adaine has made a useful ally. Ayda can’t believe she met the two greatest wizards of the age in one day. Wild. 
Everyone regroups to call Aguefort now that Adaine knows Sending. He sends them back some more powerful magic so he can talk for longer than the 25 word response. Think of it as magic Skype. He very casually tells them that Ragh’s house is a smoking crater and his mom is super dead. He takes far too long to follow up with the information that, a long time ago, he hid Lydia’s real body under the school, made a clone of her, and used the Magic Jar spell to basically hook up her consciousness to the clone body (which held a fake demon shard). The clone body is what got destroyed. Lydia’s real body and consciousness are fine. Way to bury the lede dude! Upon being asked, Arthur says that he used to remember the name of the god of the unicorn but he forgot. Suspicious and troubling. He and Fig also renew discussions on the creature she ordered but never paid for. He says the cheapest option is a pentacorn for 30k gold (which sounds like a unicorn w/ 5 horns and pretty useless but I refuse to get dragged into this insanity, I am just the messenger here).
Aguefort leaves to deal with the situation at home. Meanwhile, Gorgug notices smoke again but he also notices that it’s on the wrong side to be related to what happened to Fabian. After giving Fabian and Ragh oranges to prevent scurvy--a tip from the pirate friendship book--he brings it up to Fabian who thinks it’s probably Captain Wicklaw making a power play and they should probably stay out of it. What? says Adaine. Nah, we should fight him. Yeah, says Fig. You deserve revenge! Fabian just wants to lay low so they can get their C+. Adaine is not here for that C+ and she’s not here for Fabian’s concerning attitude shift. None of the Bad Kids are. However, the cast is very here for absolutely roasting Lou for all of his choices by having their respective characters inadvertently reference every bad thing that happened last episode. When Adaine suggests that Fabian might be cursed, Fabian finally haltingly comes out with the entire story (which Lou has to laugh-cry himself through in one of the best scenes of the episode) and everyone interjects with comments that they (out of character) know will just make Fabian’s storytelling even more uncomfortable. It’s a very wild combination of very emotional (in game) but deeply funny (out of game). Like:
Ally (who knows good and well that Chungledown Bim told Fabian he was gonna shit in his mouth): Did Chungledown Bim help you?
Zac (who also knows good and well that Chungledown Bim told Fabian he was gonna shit in his mouth): Chungledown Bim probably saved you.
Murph (yet another person who knows good and well that ChungledownBim told Fabian he was gonna shit in his mouth) You know what we should do? We should go see Chungledown Bim.        
Fabian finishes his recounting of the 20 car pile-up that was last episode by repeating his earlier opinion that they shouldn’t go after Captain Wicklaw because it will just end with all of them dead. Kristen tries to slap him back to normal and tells him to lose the Gilear energy. Led by Gorgug and Adaine, the gang tells Fabian that being Bill Secaster’s son isn’t the only worthwhile thing about him (in fact, it’s pretty annoying). He’s worthwhile all on his own. Tracker chimes in and says that she thinks Fabian might have some issues with depression so maybe their well intentioned efforts to get Fabian to buck up weren’t the best way to handle things. Adaine and Riz are skeptical that Fabian is like, capital D, Depressed but Tracker sticks by her read on the situation. The group eventually decides to at least check out what’s going on with the smoke but before they arrive, an interlude:
As they walk to Crow’s Keep, Cathilda walks with Fabian and Cathilda starts dropping information about herself and about how her own children died before Fabian was born and about how she sees him as a son--though she’s tried to keep the proper professional distance. She comforts Fabian on his bad day and then her eyes go full Terminator and she mentally buts Wicklaw on her “People I Need to Murder Today” list (more on this later).
When they arrive at the place where the smoke is coming from, they find that the Ramble (kind of a pirate meetinghouse/Courthouse) has been burned down. Jemina Joy is there and she lets them know that Wicklaw asked what was necessary to become the new pirate king. He was told that all he needed to do was get the crown from the former pirate king (because respect for/fear of Bill was the only thing keeping there from being a new king). He just burned down the Ramble to be a dick. Adaine damn near gets her ass beat by Jemina by arguing politics with her (her point being that she wants to install Jemina as Pirate Queen while Jemina is like, “I just keep this place from sinking. Lay off.”) but Riz, mindful of the fact that this is a time sensitive situation, takes off to Gibbety Square where the pirate king’s crown is (and where Wicklaw is headed).
They make it to Brennan’s latest battle mechanic: The Row and the Ruction.
This is the crazy, pirate bicameral legislative system. The Row is a huge fistfight (no weapons allowed--or really they are allowed but everyone will gang up on you if you use them) at ground level. It’s always in session and has been for 150-ish years. Above that, is the Ruction which is a fight with full weapon and magic usage alone. The idea is that you need enough support on the ground in the Row so you can use them to get up in the Ruction. It’s a king of the hill situation up there and if you can hold your position up there for long enough, you can make laws. Got all that? Good. 
They get there just barely after Wicklaw and his men who haven’t yet entered the Row. Wicklaw starts talking mad trash to Fabian but his friends back him up. They give him back his sword, his eye-patch, and Kristen hits him with a Warding Bond (which means that he gets +1 to AC and saving throws if he stays close to her plus resistance to all damage and, more importantly, she takes all the damage he takes). Fig gives everyone Countercharm. And, to top it off, Cathilda shows up with in an all black, super-badass pirate uniform to say she’s gonna feed him his own freaking brains! Let’s goooooooo!
But, Wicklaw has some new allies as well. Three elves bamf in from Falinel (same people who Kristen felt scrying on them earlier) and they’re there to bring Adaine back, and it doesn’t seem like they’re gonna just ask nicely.   
Adaine for Unnecessary Theft and (Accidentally) Killing a Man 
Adaine was kind of on one this episode. Not only did she inadvertently kill* a man while stealing from him, Adaine also ghosted at the first sign of trouble, leaving Gorgug and Gilear to catch all the flak for her attempt at pulling a Fig. Bad form, girl!
*She probably didn’t technically kill him but she turned him into a skeleton and he called the pain upon reconstitution worse than death so let’s not quibble about the details. 
Honor Roll
Cathilda for Being a Badass Mom 
Oh man, oh man, oh man. 
I’ve low-key been waiting for Cathilda to go full pirate since we learned that was an option and especially since Fabian got attacked because it was a pretty safe bet that was going to be her berserk button and boy did she deliver.
When did she have the time for a costume change? Is she that stealthy? Did she magic it on? Or did she just manifest the outfit on the power of her rage alone?
The scene where she says Wicklaw is gonna pay? Chills. Not only pledging to eat your enemy’s brains but also saying you’re going to feed him his own brains and describing exactly how you’ll serve it? So raw. 
But I also have to shout out the non-murderous mom stuff she did this ep. The little talk she gave Fabian about no one being defined by their worst day was very sweet and good advice out of game too. 
But honorable mention to Gorgug for being an absolute sweetheart all episode. Zac’s improv about pirates giving their friends oranges to prevent scurvy bodied me.  
Random Thoughts
Some very useful posts from @jamiebluewind: Character Descriptions, Location Descriptions, Transcripts of Cathilda’s speeches from this ep. 
During the initial discussion with Collins, we learn that the transmutation exchange rate is 50 Parrots=10 Bananas=1 Gold. How are bananas more complex than parrots?
Adaine: May we steal books?
Her later actions aside, I think it’s funny that Adaine’s first move is basically always to sweetly ask for what she wants and Fig’s first move is, “Gotta steal that book!” Adaine is like the most polite person in the group but also ready to fight 100% of the time. The role reversal in the Jemina scene where Fig was the one who asked an on point question and Adaine was the one who made it almost spiral into an actual fight was great.
I was just saying this re: Harry Potter in a different context but clearly marked but not blocked off forbidden sections of libraries are more a dare than a deterrent. 
Fig as a horned parrot (done by Rollins for trying to steal his book) is adorable. Please somebody draw that.
I love that when they see the bird that turns out to be Ayda and Murph is like, “I don’t think that’s a bird,” Zac is like, “Yeah, Gorgug doesn’t know that.” Zac (like Travis as Grog in CritRole) has a real talent for playing dumb while actually being really smart.
“My principal scammed me?”
Brennan truly did not have to follow through on Aguefort saying he slept with a bird. He really, really did not have to but he was like, “Nope! I said it so it’s happening! This is happening!” I really wish you guys could have seen my face as I realized in real time that the madman was actually doing that. 
Adaine to Fig who thinks Ayda is her creature: This is a full person.
“I like school.”/“You would.”
Lol at Fig trying to draw parallels between Ayda’s prickliness and her own behavior and getting absolutely shut down. “I think people think you’re really tender.” The running thing of Fig’s perception of herself as this standoffish loner being constantly reality checked by literally everyone she knows being like, “You tell us you love us literally every day,” is one of my favorite group dynamics. It’s even funnier because, besides probably Adaine and Fabian, the rest of the Bad Kids probably knew Fig (or at least had seen her around) before she started going through her emo phase. So they totally remember her in 8th grade wearing preppy clothes and carrying a unicorn backpack and listening to Fantasy Taylor Swift and all that.   
All ep they were calling Kalina a cat and I was thinking, “I feel like—in game—that’s gotta be offensive.” And then Aguefort straight said it. Wild for it to come from him since he’s the craziest person ever but I’m glad it came up.
“You seem simple to me.”/“Thank God.”
Aww at Ayda asking if Aguefort ever talks about her. Brennan, you gotta stop putting little emotional traps into otherwise funny scenes. I can only handle so much!
The gang did some experimentation with the photo in this ep with these results: Ayda and Aguefort both couldn’t see Kalina in the picture. They also took a picture of the picture but that picture had the same properties as the original picture. Weeping Angel rules I guess. 
There’s speculation in this episode about why Riz isn’t having nightmares. I have another question kinda on that topic. In episode 2/3, we see the lie/mirror/Baron thing that happened with Riz. And that was for sure super nightmarish. But it doesn’t match what happened to Adaine and Fabian. Both of them seem to have had more ephemeral experiences that quickly vanished. And they weren’t borne from lies so much as fears. Riz’s monster came from a direct lie and it didn’t seem to be a nightmare. It came out of the mirror and attacked not only him but his friends later. No one saw Fabian or Adaine’s nightmares besides them (although, that could just be because they got away). And no other lie-monsters have showed up as far as we know. I’m just wondering if there’s maybe something else going on or if it was a different NK follower who did that or just a different power of the same dude. Just something I wanted to note because it’s been bugging me a little and no one’s brought it up yet. 
Cool quirk of the sending spell Adaine learned: Because it was modified by pirates, curse words don’t count towards the 25 word limit. What I immediately thought (and what Aguefort actually ended up doing more or less) was that you could easily send very long messages with, say, Morse code. Just designate one curse as a dot, one as a dash, and one as a space, and you’re good to go. It’d be slow, but totally workable. 
Also, after watching Laura as Jester absolutely flying by the seat of her pants with every sending spell, it was wild to see the group take the time to carefully craft the perfect message. 
I said two recaps ago that I wouldn’t be surprised if Gorgug multiclassed into a casting class soon and boy do I hope this episode means he’s gonna do it for real. Adaine’s total disbelief at Ayda’s interest in Gorgug’s wizarding potential was sending me.
Oh also. Ayda has forbidden Gorgug from reading any wizarding books so he doesn’t lose is totally uncomplicated mind. I guess he’s supposed to learn everything the savant way? Imagine Adaine diligently studying her wizard books, trying to master some complicated spell and Gorgug is like, “I woke up and I guess I can use Mage Hand now? Neat.” Absolutely maddening. 
Besides Cathilda, Gorgug was the MVP in this episode. Dude has a knack for making friends that I think will eventually pay dividends. 
Also, speaking of, everything Brennan said during the secret shelf section was so good as to sound planned, however, how could you predict that that was a thing a player was going to ask to find? Brennan is just always 7 seconds of prep time away from giving an elaborate and super specifically themed speech about friendship I guess.  
Big ups to Kristen for not letting Fabian go off by himself again. Like, for the sake of the party of course but also the, “We almost lost you,” was sweet. She also helped buff him going into the coming fight with Warding Bond that means she takes all the damage he takes. I am SO glad they brought another healer with them because that’s such a risky move. Kristen is a LOT but she’s also very ride or die and all heart. I really love that the last time she used this spell it was on Gilear for a joke and now it’s getting used seriously. It’s a perfect establish existence of power to audience/bring back at plot relevant time setup. Improv storytelling is so inexplicably good. 
Technically, to cast Warding Bond, you’re supposed to have matching rings with the person you’re casting it on so imagine Kristen blinged out with a ring for each party member and each of them having a corresponding one in case she needs to cast it on them.  
Little bit concerned that Tracker still doesn’t know about Sandra-Lynn/Garthy. The longer it takes for her to find out, the higher the chance it blows up and becomes a Thing.
Fig: *Meandering philosophical question about why Ayda watches the stars*/Ayda: I study it so I can know where this big city is floating.
RIP to the Hangman. I don’t think he’s gone for good but it seems like he is for now. On my first watch, I thought that, on a 1, Fabian just fully thinks that the Hangman is gone but, the second time it seemed more like he’s just dead. Now, I’m not Brennan, but if I was in this situation, you know what I would do? I would have someone save the Hangman’s soul (or whatever he has instead of a soul) and store it in the Hangvan temporarily. Imagine how much he’d hate that. It’s full of potential for “roommate” shenanigans. 
Is there anything stopping them from just, ramming the Row with the Hangvan? Like, I know it’ll get them ganged up on, but will they be able to do much against a full van?
Also, if/when they hold the Ruction, I wonder what law they’re going to try and make. They didn’t really go in with a plan (understandable under the time pressure) so they’re really gonna have to improvise something on the fly. 
Also, I’m assuming Fabian stabbed the Hangman while he was asleep? I don’t think we were ever shown that scene, but Fabian must have been under some kind of compulsion since he woke up in the river (and the same happened to Ragh). 
Aguefort casually mentions that he has many children and this episode proves that Brennan can and will back up every single crazy thing that comes out of his mouth, so I’m excited to see if there is a single Aguefort out there that isn’t crazy.
Oh, also, the acknowledgement that occasionally that phoenix is a child is appreciated because that was def a question I was going to ask. Squicky to say the least but I guess that’s how phoenixes work so what are you gonna do?
Ally needing to roll a 10, rolling, being happy, checking Kristen’s modifier, and realizing it’s a negative 3 for a total of 9 is peak D&D.
Fig as Rollins: Look at how fast I can run!
I love Fig thinking Adaine could plausibly have 7 level spells. She’s like, idk bro. She’s the eleven oracle. She cares about school. She could know this too. Who knows? Certainly not Fig who thought she could buy wizard spells to use as a bard.
“Please speak more enthusiastically on my behalf.”
“It’s my brain guys.”
Fig mind controls Gilear into believing in himself and he fails his save. I wonder if this is could be valid therapy technique in this world. 
Aguefort mentions that a Wish spell can destroy a Magic Jar just fyi. That makes 3 pretty high level spells mentioned in this ep. Magic Jar is 6th level. Planeshift is 7th level. And Wish, basically the strongest spell in the game, is 9th level. We’re starting to deal with some serious magical mojo.
The whole thing with people in pictures that not everyone can see and memories that you know you once had but don’t anymore and information that should exist but doesn’t is hitting a very specific storytelling sweet spot for me. 
This is a little meta-gamey to be thinking about but I’m kinda wondering, why sideline Gorthalax? Obviously, it’s a good plot hook for Fig and that might be all it is. But I’m lowkey wondering is there something Gorthalax knows or can do that would solve the plot in 30 seconds if he was around? Like, was he roommates with the Nightmare King in hell or something?
Kristen finds it weird that the god’s name isn’t written anywhere but I’m sure that’s gotta be fairly common. Or at least not unheard of. Like, I know in Judaism you’re not supposed to do that. Anyway, watch the great unicorn be the Nightmare King just for the Nightmare/Night Mare pun.
Adaine being on brand no matter the situation: Everybody shut up I have to do my homework!
The, “Do you want a friend?”/“Desperately.” interaction killed me. 
“I don’t have any wizard friends.”/“I’m a wizard.”/(beat)/“I don’t have any wizard friends.”
Arthur cloned a woman, forgot to tell her, and then straight forgot. So business as usual from him. 
Fabian’s, “Nooooooo,” with the rising intonation every time someone made an assumption during his story and he had to correct him was amazing. Also, “He told me he was going to shit in my mouuuuwth.”
Ragh, Fig, and Adaine all crying about their parental issues at the same time. This has been, like, the longest week ever. I wonder if the 7 Maidens are unpacking this much trauma on their quest.
“Absolutely timbered.”
Lol at Brennan dropping the cool pirate sending spell “curses don’t count” detail and then being told from off camera that he needs to keep it PG-13. But then Cathilda needed to go beast mode so, like, what can you do?
Another cool worldbuilding detail is pirate clerics just keep shrines to every deity they’ve come into contact with to hedge their bets like Beni from The Mummy.
I know Lydia was attacked on orders from Kalina but I wonder if they knew about/had plans for the demon shard too. 
When Emily said she disguised herself as Rollins, I fully thought she was going to walk out the door the real Rollins was guarding and not go out the back door like she did. The idea of a back door didn’t even occur to me. I just thought we were in for some classic Axford insanity. 
Riz: You’ve gotta get better at talking to kids.
Riz: This is real Gilear energy.
Kristen: We brought one Gilear. We don’t wanna make that mistake twice.
Everything that happened with Fabian was really funny because there’s nothing I love more in D&D than players having a good time dunking on each other but, in game, Fabian is really going through it. Fabian low key has mom friend energy so to almost die and then for all of his friends to jump into the exact fight that almost killed him (including taunting the dude! Adaine!) against his advice must be giving him a level of anxiety and dread that I don’t even have the words to describe. Like, now is not the time for him to digging into that because things are life or death. Gotta save your life before you can fix it. But he def needs to at some point. Too bad Jawbone’s not around for a quick mid-battle therapy sesh like he had with Adaine during prom.   
Tracker suggested that Fabian might be depressed. I’m not an expert on depression. He could be depressed and, in any case, he definitely needs to see a therapist for a Lot of reasons. But having a breakdown because you saw 14 people die, almost died yourself, and were told that a man wanted to shit in your mouth less than 24 hours ago seems less like a sign of depression and more like the only rational human reaction.
Adaine calls the above, “a vaguely mediocre day”. Michael Scott Voice: Adaine you ignorant slut.
Also Adaine: You got that bike because you won it fair and square because we killed a lot of people.
This is the second time Adaine has said that Fabian’s lineage is actually the most annoying thing about him and these are the kind of tiny continuity details I live for.
Semi-relatedly, Fabian’s relationship with his parents v. Adaine’s relationship with hers is endlessly fascinating to me. Because they have such similar backgrounds but coming from, like, opposite directions of the same spectrum, you know? Can’t wait for those sweet, sweet parallels as we jump into her trauma! (What is D&D but group therapy interspaced with murder?)  
Speaking of Adaine’s trauma, it looks like we’ll be getting to it very soon as those FBI Falinel operatives have shown up to force her (and the plot) back to Falinel. This is Concerning to me for two reasons. First off, remember the Aelwyn fight from season 1? Remember how annoying that was? Now imagine that times three and also 2 separate pirate brawls are happening. That sounds like a Bad Time for our kids. They’ve leveled up some and they’ve been known to make some very clutch battle decisions, but this is gonna be tough any way you slice it. This is like two entirely separate encounters at the same time. A small good point: I looked up the language for teleportation and it can only be used to transport a willing creature. So they can’t just bum rush her and poof out. But they could give her an ultimatum to make her agree. The second reason this Concerns me is that Adaine high key doesn’t want to work with/for Falinel and they know this. The fact that they’ve resorted to kidnapping (fun international law fact: when a government kidnaps someone, it’s called rendition) tells me that they’re done playing nice which opens up two options to them they might not have otherwise used. They could coerce Adaine’s consent to be their oracle by threatening her life/her friends’ lives. Or, more troubling, they could just kill her. I mean, she became the elven oracle when the old one died, right? So, if she died, someone else would get the job. Probably someone less troublesome to deal with. I doubt they’re gonna go straight for that because they seem to want her alive, at least for now. But it is a concern. 
Of course, we’re assuming that what’s happening on the face of this is the whole story, but that’s not necessarily true. Iirc, all we heard was that they found the oracle and they were gonna bring her back to Falinel. For all we know, the elves could be working for Adaine’s mom. Of Adaine’s mom could be working with Falinel. Or she could be working with Falinel just as a way to get to her daughter. We really don’t know. The last person on this show that got kidnapped was Fabian and that was a friendly kidnapping. Anything is possible. 
Something that struck me as a possibility: This fight seems like it’s gonna suck. There is a world where the ideal move for Adaine is to pull an Evy (from the Mummy--two Mummy refs in one recap, did not plan that, I just love the Mummy) and agree to go with the Falinel elves if they help them instead (or at least stop helping Wicklaw) with the faith that her friends will come rescue her. I doubt they actually care much about what happens in the government of this pirate junk city. I’m curious about how they ended up together anyway. I’m guessing the elves clued into what was going on while scrying on the group and decided an alliance might be useful.
Brennan about both Ally’s Applebees Reference and Fig using a Leviathan phonebook: That is nothing.
Shoutout to Fruzzinoid in the chat who said Ally’s alignment is chaotic-chaotic. Accurate.
I love the laughing-squawk that Brennan does for Ayda as much as I hate the fact that he made the Choice to spell it that way.
Truly, the entire scene where Lou is recapping the fight from last episode and he’s laughing uncontrollably but Fabian is clearly crying and he’s expressing both of those things simultaneously is beautiful. 
A Fabian line that really hit but that I haven’t mentioned yet: “I probably have one follower running around. Never mind he’s my father’s just like everything else I have.” Ow. Such a deep cut but so off the cuff from Lou. As a writer, this show makes me so mad because that’s such a good line of dialogue that Lou just dropped out of his mouth like it was nothing. How dare he? 
Another good line I didn’t mention before, this tie from Riz: “We all draw strength from each other. You went in without your crew. What’s a pirate without his crew?” Ugh, Murph. Who gave you the right?
This episode has made me extremely curious about what Cathilda thinks about Hilariel. Because she sees herself as Fabian’s mom--which she essentially has been in a lot of the ways that count since Hilariel has been mentally out to lunch for the past however many years. To be clear, I do think Hilariel loves Fabian. She just hasn’t really been present even though she’s been literally present. The way Cathilda phrased some of the things she said and the way she seems to talk about Fabian’s dad so much more than his mom makes me wonder if she doesn’t...resent isn’t the right word exactly. Maybe, disapprove? It makes me wonder if she doesn’t disapprove of Hilariel’s parenting choices more than she lets on. 
Kristen’s, “Do you listen to music?” in the middle of actually useful questions for Ayda. 
Rich people sicknesses include having eaten too much caviar or smoked a cigar for too long in case you’re wondering.
“You want an orange, pal?”
On a practical note, we have two more episodes to go until the show breaks for the year so prepare yourselves from now people!
Riz, Adaine, and Gorgug each rolled one Nat 20 apiece. Fig, Gorgug, and Adaine each rolled a Nat 1 (but Adaine presumably cancelled out hers rolling with advantage because of Boggy). Fabian, who is still living his worst life, rolled three Nat 1s. Tragic.  
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