#they are FRIENDS now dood!
rainbowpufflez · 4 months
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DOODS FROM FINALS WEEK FEATURING MY FRIEND LIO (go check out their art) and some work doods of the guys
Also here’s two memes, the first one was made by my friend Megan (also go check out her work) and the second one was made by me :3
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doodlingbot · 2 years
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Fake screenshots but they technically aren't actually fake.
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azaracyy · 9 months
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one of my finished ych commissions. other finished artwork can be found here. the tailmon is based on the twitter meme / trend of tailmon with pikachu build
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Ik it was just a offhanded joke but I really hope it meaningfully comes up that Taylor doesn't see any of his insecurities in The Doodler(cuz as Anthony puts it "he's perfect the way he is"). Like, Taylor just sees Dood as they are?? No projected trauma or warped view of himself. The first thing Taylor says when he sees Dood for the first time is " Yay!! A new friend!". After that awful battle and his mom's life being threatened, Taylor sees the thing that everything can be tied back to and he's so genuinely excited to make a new friend. And thats just??? So pure and wholesome??
I don't know where it'd go but The Doodler being a metaphor for generational trauma and the physical embodiment of everything you hate about yourself and Taylor is just immune to that seems important. Taylor is canonically the only one to actually break the cycle and thus can be besties with god
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koucholate · 4 months
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2017-2020 enstars that i realized never posted here
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uygfiug · 6 days
NCZ my beloathed
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 year
Bumble for friends is such a joke, dude. There are 1mil people in my city. There are 13 people on Bumble friends within a 50 mile radius. Of those 13 it thinks I'd be interested in being friends with, 100% of them either sound insufferable (that "if you don't think exactly like me, go die" mentality, which I abhor from anyone, even people I agree with) or have no info on their bio thing. Like thanks. This part of the app seems useless. Unfortunately there's literally no one on the only other app I know that serves the same purpose.
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ceoofmetagala · 8 months
Turns out if I trust my fav character to get the help and support they need, I really can project any mental illness on to anyone MWHAHAHAHHAA
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Your birthday is on the 29th september? Wow there’s so many of my friends who were born on the same day as you!
Super awesome Libras!!!! I had an online friend once for years and years and one day he told me his birthday and it was the exact same day month and year as my birthday and it took him sending me his ID for me to believe him because I simply could not believe that we were literally born in the same fucking day and it took me years to find out.
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maxintime · 8 months
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I started using clip studio paint to draw now, anyways I watched bttf again with my friends and it was really fun
hv some silly practice doods :D
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thelonely · 1 year
oh them? that's our nonbinary non-euclidean ever-shifting ancient yet adolescent friend dood. they've existed since the genesis of time itself, rendered the earth a dead and dangerous wasteland, gazed down on us for decades from the cigarette black sun, and are now taking tangible teenage form from our goth friend's vomited purple sludge. they also like handshakes and pet a cat for the first time yesterday. we're teaching them to hate authority figures, it's a whole thing
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devilgem · 4 months
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( @djh4l0v3rv3r & @lol81788177 !! ) 
OKAYY after brewing with a friend for ideas, i settled on hue, lace and denim!! 
cw for mentions of toxic parenting & carnival-typical insanity  
-the oldest of the litter 
-has a pink theme
-fur is the same shade of red as rags’ hair
-known for having a thousand yard stare
-cannot stand her parents. jax scares her and ragatha is overbearing
-jax lashed out at her at one point. she still has the scars to prove it
-would grow up to be a baker of sorts. not too unlike mama ragatha.
-the middle child and only boy 
-has a green theme
-has grey fur like jax
-partial to mama, indifferent to papa
-enjoys anything to do with cosmetics and would have a salon minigame 
-excessively vain
-is the kind of person to point out and mock every little flaw 
-youngest of the trio
-has a blue theme
-has white fur
-harbors resentment towards ragatha 
-sort of??? under jax’s custody
-she’d rather camp literally anywhere but Mother’s room
-would grow up to be a weaponsmith a totally normal engineer. 
-she’s very normal i swear (no she’s not she is the female version of her father… arguably worse?)
general tidbits;; 
-the kids were born when ragajax were sentient but still sane. 
-they are also born sentient. 
-ragatha came up with the names. jax was gonna name them dishcloth, washrag and socks (to the frien that came up with this, if u see this hiiiii<3) and jokes he’ll save them for the next litter.
-in the beginning, ragajax tried their best with their limited knowledge on parenting. now they both suck.
-ragatha no longer lets the kits out of her room without supervision
-yes she took the kids and stopped letting jax see them at some point after his isolation. it gave him all the more reasons to despise her. 
-ragatha will actually rip jax from limb to limb if she catches him around any of her babies. right in front of them no less.
-they both have lowkey a “i brought u into this world and i can take u out of it” mentality 😭
also have this concept doode of them all grownup: 
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idk how ai children would age maybe u can level them up like tamagotchis
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wowieeitsisa · 6 months
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I get to imagine a whole thing here ok, we going step by step
BIVE AND SPLIT: these two just aren’t an official couple cuz Bive’s severe paranoia, she thinks she WILL put Split in danger. AND OOOHFG, Split has always been so patient and understanding since the start so she let that slide, she does yearn for a proper relationship (thought everybody assumes they’re dating)
DRRETRO AND BIVE: THIS IS MY FAVORITE FUCKING THING. I like to think DrRetro guided Bive through a lot of things cuz they definitely study the fucking Elevator™️ together (in my own personal hcs, DrRetro saved Bive from wherever she’s from)* I think I get to have treats of some kind of sparkle here. Anyway DrRetro overall encourages Bive to go beyond her, they’re nothing serious
*implied she’s artificially made in a lab for now
MACH AND DRRETRO: ALSO take time to study the elevator, it’s somewhat from cooperating with each other (+hating MR) to something(?). I just think they’re neat and there should be more of them together
DRRETRO AND SPLIT: GOOD TERMS OVERALL, DrRetro is forever thankful for Split being there for Bive, helps with her mental issues A LOT, Split is a silly thing sometimes joke-flirts with the doc :3c
MACH AND PILBY: CAN I SAY MORE? THE LAST OF THEIR OWN KIND THEY GOT TO BOND ALRIGHT. Also Mach is extra gentle with them, DrRetro might not have that soft spot but PILBY GETS IT + helps them gain courage over time
SPLIT AND PILBY: Performer Friends! They’re quite close, there’s no doubt they’ve experimented things together, never really worked out as a couple and it’s okay :) Split gets to work on getting Pilby show their personality more
PILBY AND DRRETRO: I didn’t have a good doddle of them, but they’re pretty chill, they talk about Mach a lot since the deity have some kind of spot for them (more for pilby than DrRetro really)
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autisticsonic · 2 years
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Agartha!Sonic ref!!! this took way longer than it should’ve!! + some doods
Feral little boy! Well, kinda. He still behaves like a typical Sonic; cocky and arrogant, loving and kind; but now his confidence often falters, he’s less sure of himself overall, and it far easier for his temper to get out of control. He still knows how to be civil, but tends to forget to be on occassion. While before it was natural of him, now it’s more like walking in high heels. Due to the events that transpired, he sadly forgets he’s even a person sometimes. Thankfully he’s in a safe place now, and his friends are helping him overcome this.
You can change the gloves and shoes I don’t like em that much...
The first post in the Agartha AU tag talks about the circumstances of his childhood, but this story continues. Agartha Labs has made a comeback, kidnapped him, and activated some of the mods they left in him long ago, hence why his fur darkened and his energy levels went out of wack. He’s handling those, well, okay, but it’s his mind that suffered the most. Not only did he have to even remember his childhood, but live through it again. Being an adult didn’t help at all. He was still treated like an animal, abused and hurt. Just hurt so much, because all resistence was met with pain.
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severalowls · 1 year
Hi I played myhouse.wad here is my thoughts on a narrative thing people seem intent on brushing off in favour of tired tropes.
Spoilers for myhouse.wad do not read this if you havent played it go and play it blind thx
So Thomas and Steven are heavily heavily implied to be husbands. The use of Intensely, Notably impersonal language in the journals is a whole other point to analyse irt its authorship but I digress, my (first) point is: Thomas is also Probably trans.
So in the airport you go into the womens bathroom and theres a pill bottle on the way in that says "needs a refill..." and then you do a little loop around the mirror and theres blood in the mirror then blood all over the place and blooddemons spawn in all around you... then you leave and there's a full pill bottle that says something like "such a relief" and when you come out the bathroom signs have switched and the bathroom you came out of is now the mens room.
Now the Le Reddit/gamer dood prevailing interpretation is apparently that this is... a coincidence? That the meticulous insane modder(s) who created this entire mindbending feat of technology Simply Forgot and its a total coincidence. Fuck off.
Now the prevailing theory also seems to be that the airport bloodbath is actually Thomas's father, evidenced by the same empty pill bottle being in the hospital room with the dead man. Nah, that's because they're both Thomas's fuckin pills and that's Thomas.
Steven (the PoV character as it were) is in the same hospital because this is a representation of the critical inciting event of the entire meta narrative: both of them having died, together, at home (probably in a house fire).
Everything we see in the mod represents scenes and events in their lives, and this is the point where Steven departs from the mortal coil and goes to join his husband Thomas, who is flatlining but nonetheless sat bolt upright, locking eyes with Steven who, in the context of the wider story is putting his affairs in order through the medium of Doom. CRUCIALLY this one hospital scene, where the video game gameplay rules of Doom (you die, you reload a save) are defied and we pass into a (god damn it) liminal space between the abstraction of the game and Death, is the only point where they are reunited.
Which then suggests to me that all the "Liminal Space" stuff and Backrooms references aren't just Fun References, but the Thematic Core of the piece, the passing between worlds. Hell, even the narrative being split between docs and the mod. It being a mod for a game at all.
Anyway I'll save this going on 10000 words because I could probably write interpretation for hours but... Myhouse.wad good.
Edit the following morning: There are hints to an "Anna" which the average Gamer assumes is some sadface ex-wife, but the main points where this is referenced are the airport scene and "S+A" in the bonfire/beach endings. Steven and Thomas are described as having reconnected with high school crushes/'friends'. The main time in your life where you're likely to carve your crush in a tree is when you're a teenager.
Steven had a crush on "Anna", reconnected decades later once he'd transitioned, the scenes of the game represent primarily parts of their life together, and in the final moments of the game (bonfire/beach endings) he's reflecting on when they met as kids.
Airport scene, besides the symbolism of journeys and beginnings, could also reference a miscarriage Thomas had at some point, possibly pre-transition since its where "Anna" comes up? (Stillborn baby is referenced a couple of times in the journal + baby bottle item ingame)
Anyway, myhouse.wad good.
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gunbun · 1 year
this post is about the cultural concerns regarding ffxiv: dawntrail
Hi doods. Activism has brushed up against fandom YET AGAIN but this time it punches me straight in the heritage and this time I wanna talk about it.
I'm a non-status Qalipu Mik'maq, for the record. An Indigenous American, if thou wilt.
I discuss some pretty heavy shit below the cut. I pray it persists across all devices. Please advise if you want me to tag this as something, or block the tags I have used. I do not need anyone to spread this on my behalf, I do not need anyone's defense. I just have some thoughts and I want to think them.
So it's been less than 24 hours since Dawntrail was announced and we got the Keynote.
We're going to Fantasy The Americas! Before Industrialization!
Many people went "oh hell yeah, that's Brazil, this is gonna be great! We don't usually see this!"
On Twitter especially, many MORE people lost their goddamn minds, citing CBU3's prior wobbles with depicting foreign/indigenous persons.
And of course, the White Community Leaders are out in force performing pre-emptive outrage or even asking people to quit FFXIV in light of this announcement.
I'm here to ask folks not to do that.
What follows is my tweet-thread about it.
"It is perfectly okay to be waiting and seeing how Tural is going to be portrayed in Dawntrail. It's okay to have a concern.
It is NOT okay to come out preemptively swinging and performing outrage.
Because blood quanta are their own touchy subject I usually don't bring this up, but I am the class of indigenous person what represents "what's left".
And I fucking tell you now I don't need the opinions of Concerned White People.
I do not need Concerned White People telling me what colonialism is.
I do not need Concerned White People telling me to be mad.
I do need Concerned White People to realise that the above two actions are microaggressive as fuuuuck.
"but Jai, aren't you White?"
colonialism and genocide comes in many forms. this includes forcing indigenous persons to assimilate or be killed.
also stuff like reinforcing the idea that being indigenous is shameful so that when their descendants find out, they deny it."
Thus ended my tweet thread. There's one more tweet linking to qalipu.ca.
So I want to write more about this on Tumblr.
I really want to make sure that folks take a hard look at what they're concerned about and why.
Like… a lot of White Concern about the use of indigenous motifs in Dawntrail is itself a brand of anti-indigenous racism.
Thinking that the MSQ is going to automatically be about the Scions starting a colonialism in Tural? That's a pretty gross thing to say in the same breath y'all complain about Always Fantasy Europe.
Calling "cultural appropriation" when everyday items are displayed and depicted in the manner in which they were/are used (gulal, curry)? Way to exoticise foreign and indigenous cultures by thinking that everything they make, wear, use, or eat is something of Deep Cultural Significance that Cannot Ever Be Shared With Outsiders. Saris and salwar kameez are just as culturally significant as skirts and slacks. Moccasins are just shoes.
And moreover, getting preemptively Concerned when thus far THERE IS LITERALLY NO NEED TO BE CONCERNED is actually kind of beyond the pale. I haven't seen many indigenous folks and/or folks from South America being anything but pleased that this time The Americas gets a cool pastiche like Europe, Asia, and India have gotten in the past. There's an undercurrent of "oh no, I hope it's not bad stereotypes" which is ABSOLUTELY OKAY. Reblog and retweet what THOSE people are saying. Do not add commentary.
Preemptively saying "you're worried" about your South American/Indigenous friends with zero indication that they're bothered? Come the actual fuck on. We are not a monolithic group that you can "be concerned" for to get a pat on the back later as a Good Person. Do not Perform the I'm A Good Person And The Worst Thing You Could Do is CALL Me A Racist dance.
Don't "get ahead of the discourse". Not every conversation needs your fucking input. Shut your mouth.
What is and isn't an Offensive Portrayal of Indigenous Americans is a lot more nuanced than most people who like to perform outrage make it out to be.
We can and will speak up for ourselves. Share our words and our concerns if you must. Do not go and distill our words and turn us into the monolith you hide behind to perpetuate white saviourism and neocolonialism.
We aren't a monolith of poor uneducated people who don't understand what the europeans did that need to be uwu protected.
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