#they are THAT couple u kno?
toapoet · 1 year
moment's silence when my baby puts the mouth on me
hi i've been wanting to post this for like a month and i'm finally happy with it and finally have the courage to post it so if you don't like it please do not tell me i will cry. this is like the second thing i've ever published for this fandom
jaskier x yennefer, modern setting, they're married. he buys her a necklace and they sort of bang on the kitchen counter. title is moment's silence by hozier. alt title was "felled by you, held by you, fuel the pyre of your enemies" because if that isn't the hottest goddamn thing??
i don't know how many words this is
also i have more yennskier stuff in my notes and i might post another little blurb later because i just think it is So Good
She doesn’t need to tell him she thinks the necklace is beautiful - he can see it in the way she looks at him from under her lashes and the way she quirks her lips. “Ever the flatterer. Put it on me?”
It’s when Jaskier nimbly takes the clasp and chain from her and lifts his head as she turns around that he thinks - he wants his wife to stay like this forever. Wispy baby hairs curl delicately against the nape of her neck and he does his best to avoid them. He clasps it with only minor difficulty and she lets her hair tumble down in waves, the curls pulled down by the weight of the day. Yennefer turns her face a quarter of the way to look at him over her shoulder. There is a curious but content look in her brown eyes that catches him off guard and snares him all in one. The low lamp light catches the side of her face and illuminates her profile. She waits for him, patiently, and he can see the slope of her nose, the fluttering of an eye, the way she bites the inside of her lip.
Her chest expands as she breathes in the scent of him, and after he’s done arranging her hair across the slope of her shoulders, he can feel her diaphragm expand and contract under his palms.
She bumps her nose against his cheek and Jaskier turns her in his arms so they are flush chest to chest. He wants to wrap himself in her for centuries. He has never loved another person like he loves her, like how he aches for her.
For now, holding her like this in the lamp light of their tiny Soho living room will have to do.
He feels the pleasant press of her breasts against him and reels her in that much closer. He buries his nose in her hair, just behind her ear and warms when her lithe arms clutch at his shoulder blades.
“Fuck, Yennefer.” His eyebrows knit together as she searches his eyes. Her mouth presses against his and she takes his hand, leading him into their small kitchen. She can’t even wait to pull him to their bed; she begins by shedding her fuzzy grey pullover which leaves her in her jeans and black department store bra. Dark curls hang loose over her shoulder and frame her face. Jaskier unzips her fly agonisingly slowly and after her jeans are off, he pulls her by her thighs so that his hips slot perfectly against her pelvis.
Jaskier kneels like a sacrifice at the shrine of her, shifts the pleasant weight of her thighs over his shoulders. She knows that all she has to do is crook her finger, and he would do anything for her, like a puppet on a string.
He caresses the meaty part of her legs with his warm palms and long musician's fingers. He feels her quivering next to his ear, and so he dusts kisses along the soft downy inside. Her musk is overwhelming but he finds he could not pull himself away if he wanted to. Jaskier mouths at her through the fabric of her panties, and she keeps a loose hold of his long hair.
He coaxes her to the peak of her pleasure and drinks in the sight of it under hooded eyelids. When he rises, her kisses her warmly with his hands never leaving her hips. She tastes herself on him faintly and it still astounds her that this quirky, strange, fiercely loyal, and loving man is so willing to cater to her in all the ways that he does.
Yennefer cups his scruffy face in her palms and pulls him close. His hair brushes her cheek as she presses as much warmth as she can into the man she loves. Eventually he breaks for air, but his breaths come out jagged. This is not helped by her taking his hands in her own and tracing the curves of her body with them. Over shoulders, down her breasts, along her sides, and soft belly, and eventually he gets the hint and weaves his many ringed hand under the hem of her panties and down, down, down.
Yennefer locks her ankles behind the small of his back, across the top of his arse and pulls him ever closer. They could use a better angle - an edge of the cookbook they have but never use is digging into her skin somewhere and her head keeps banging against the cabinets when he kisses her. But with him against her like this, she feels rooted to the spot. His muscles, while not perfectly well defined, still show through the thin fabric of his black turtleneck. She thinks he’s probably hot in it but she knows he understands that something low in her gut warms when he presses against her fully clothed like he is, and her almost naked.
She nudges his cheekbone with her nose as he mouths at her neck. Yennefer whimpers as Jaskier's deft fingers brush against her, and she can faintly feel the metal of his many rings pushing against her. Jaskier does something clever with his hand that involves pressing against her clit with his thumb. She doesn’t know she’s biting her lip to repress a moan until Jaskier pulls it free with his other thumb and kisses her. He aims for the centre of her mouth but he rubs, and Yennefer twists her head with a moan and it lands on the corner of her mouth instead.
She knows she doesn’t need to do anything - Yennefer knows he gets off on her pleasure and so she lets herself be pulled under the tide again. She keeps a hand on his forearm and vaguely feels his muscles flex. She rakes her midnight-black manicured nails down his back instead and the air is a mix of their hot, ragged breaths, his head hidden in the safe crook of her neck.
“Come, Julian.” She beckons. Her communion wine-red mouth curves into a smile, ensnaring him even further. A fleck of it stains her teeth and reminds Jaskier that she is in fact human. But his name coming from her lips as she demands his pleasure is divinity itself.
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julykings · 3 months
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6 years on t today :-)
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whilomm · 16 days
note: pollmaker is thinking of the USAmerican lottery system (powerball, mega millions, state lottos, scratchoffs, etc), but poll applies to other countries lotteries systems so long as its still the same concept of "big ol state sponsered gambling shit", but not like casino style gambling. u know what i mean, Lottos.
questions for the tags: how regularly, what stuff you play, if you have limits for yourself, if you feel like its a Problem for you, and for funsies the usual 'first thing youd do if you won the lottery' shit
reblog to have absolutely zero effect on your luck either way. just like, absolutely no change in luck whether you reblog this or scroll past. this is the luck neutral post reblog in the next 30 seconds or dont who give a shit
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5iceroy · 10 months
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BREAKING: The Worst Couple You Know Just Cut You In Line
click for details :]
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lovelyunholyc · 1 year
tw! alcohol
the shift is so subtle that had you known him just a little less, you would have missed it.
but as it is, there isn't anyone you know better, if the ring on your finger is any indication.
you lean into his side a bit more, emptying the rest of your drink before tilting up to peck at the edge of his jaw. "ready to go, honey?"
osamu presses into your touch as if on instinct, his smile soft and grateful, his arm around your waist flexing. "how did ya know?" his fingers squeeze at the outside of your thigh in appreciation before he takes your empty cup and stacks his over it and downs the meager dregs of his drink, too.
you smile back at him, watch his adam's apple bob when he swallows, marvel at how handsome he looks just doing the most mundane things. you shrug in answer, as if it hadn't been obvious only to you. it's in the tired droop of his eyes despite the little spark of contentment in them (imperceptible to anyone else), the slight sag of his broad shoulders. exhaustion was catching up to him, delayed by the initial joy of seeing his friends again. "let's go home."
he kisses your forehead, always reciprocating for every tender little action, before standing and bringing you up with him, grinning when you giggle.
you're side by side saying your goodbyes, feeling him squeeze your hand when you indulge his brother in "one more shot for the road", see the good-natured roll of his eyes out of the corner of yours right before you lean in to kiss a drunkenly enthusiastic atsumu goodbye on the cheek.
it may be the buzz of that last drink that brings heat seeping up into your face, but you have reason to believe it could just as well be the kiss osamu gives you just before he closes your car door for you, always the gentleman. that tender warmth doesn't leave you long after the alcohol has worn off, after all.
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trashcreatyre · 5 months
I think its so funny when I see other people talking about mephiles and them being like "he's such a good character i wish he would show up in another game</3" and like. Yea I love seeing for official stuff of him too but literally his whole arc when you boil it down was him not wanting to exist lol
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elysiumcalled · 5 months
how do u make (irl) friends as a 24yo who works from home every day help
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cutemeat · 1 year
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dont ask a man his age a woman her salary or rob why he posted macdennis in his sunny pride month shoutout
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revenantghost · 7 months
Welp. Cross your fingers this craft show tomorrow isn't a bust so I can pay my internet bill lmao
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lilybarthes · 3 months
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killa-trav · 1 year
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jarnoopmeer: Took a picture with this ex f1 driver. Heard he was pretty decent. 🤓
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whilomm · 8 months
liking the aesthetics of manly man stuff but trying not to buy from right wing MRA 4channers
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bosspigeon · 7 months
one of my friends adores Gale and one of my friends hates him and i had both of them at my apartment tonight and i sat in between them while they argued about him and played both sides bc i like to cause problems
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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“And I dance dance dance, and I dance dance dance”
Mutant strawberry cat girl from space that I drew to escape from my life problems... Also featuring an ancient meme that popped into my head while I was drawing her. Cuz it felt fitting lol, Considering she is a cat girl.
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latinokaeya-moving · 1 year
OKAY FINE I'LL POST SOME MORE. screenshots for a fic thing i’m STILL brainstorming (literally like it's barely an outline rn pls) abt crepus n teen!kaeya + some of my more rambling explanations of Things under the cut bc i have no self control
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OK LIKE. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE. R WE GETTING WHAT IM PUTTING DOWN HERE. this is what i meant w my tags "how could anyone have helped him how could anyone have understood the position hes in other than himself" LIKE CREPUS TRIED HE TRIED SO HARD BUT IT STILL WASNT ENOUGH. oh im so unwell it’s a sickness is what this is i’m going crazy i think. my god
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#srry for the continued pause in scribbles ive been feeling not very good at all#idk something just broke in my brain after our last sampling trip idk y bc it wasnt that bad but when i got back#it was just a couple days of my brain being real crazy in terms of thought patterns. it still kinda continues to b like that#but idk i haven't had a session of hysterical crying today so maybe im on the mend. its weird i haven't felt this bad in a really long time#i dont even have the energy to complain about it its just no joy. burned streight thru that. bruned streight thru my desire to draw#i mean i still draw every day but its like shitty i dont have time scribbes bc idk it all feels so fucking pointless. and im terrible at#hiding how i feel abt things so my boss is like: maybe u should take a break this weekend i dont want u to burnout. like. lady we crossed#that bridge way back in March. u r speaking to a ghost. i just. i dont kno if i can stay here until like next july at least if not longer#and it sucks bc i kno someday ill look back and this time in my life will make me real sad bc im laying here choosing to make myself#miserable and i somwhere halfway across the country my mum has tumors growing in her abdomen. and i cant go home for Thanksgiving and idk#how long ill get at Christmas. not bc anyone is telling me i have to stay. my brain just wont let me do things. i just lay here in my#increasingly chaotic apartment not taking the steps to get refunded for travel expenses worrying over deadlines and agonizing over social#interactions. worrying about all the things my brain wont let me do that need to be done and not taking the steps to get better#its stupid and annoying and i know its only going to get worse when i have to start taking measurements in the lab#ive at least been practicing a lot of german tho lmao. someday ill look back like: lol remember when u got super depressed and filled the#void with learning german? literally today my dyslexic read the word albeit as aber and it was v disorienting#idk its just fun and i feel like im at least being productive. so yea idk when ill b able to post scribbles again#but i thought id at least post something while i had the energy i accumulated by taking with a happy Canadian lab group#maybe ill join them in a year idk idk decisions decisions and so many applications the cost of which is trying to dissuade me from#getting a tatt0o :-P ay ay ay live a little! pls i beg u. but no prob not. against the rules#unrelated
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