#they are all so human and every interact feels like youre truely interacting with a real person
mythicalgeek · 6 months
The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance is a tragically underrated work of art.
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If your a fan of fantasy like Lord of the rings, Harry Potter and Star Wars please give The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance a watch.
Its a prequel series to the 80s movie and it's one of the best fantasy shows in recent years and goes back to classic fairytales and mythical storytelling.
Everything is mostly done with practical effects and only uses CGI where it's really necessary. The show also brings back puppetry and even though none of the character's are humans there's more humanity in this show than most media we get today.
The world of thra is a magical and strange place that you find yourself immersed in, with all the creatures and beuaty of the natural world at full display you find yourself encanted by it.
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The gelfings are really adorable and you can't help but care about them, the main three protagonists have well flushed out personalities and each one has a interesting journey they go on that lead them to start the resistance and the quest to save there world.
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The Skekies are really creepy and make for some pretty great villains. There motivation and interactions are giving just as much time as the heros, they rule thra with cruelty and manipulation, stealing the live force of the planet and the then the gelfing. There some of the most terrifying villains we've gottan in the last few years and I gotta say, I was absolutely horrifying by them.
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This show does a lot of things right and one of them is how it writes the female characters. Deet and Brea (the two female leads) are very feminine heroines who are kind, empathetic, intuitive, clever and strong without it being showed in our faeces. Even when the female characters are warriors or soldiers there femininity is not devalued or see as a weakness. We also have more complex characters like Seledon and the gelfing leaders (who are all female) and it's just so nice to have a fantasy show that handels the female reputation so beautifully.
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At the same time the male character's are also written with the same amount of care and respect, for example Rian (the main male lead) is a soldier who after finding out the truth about the skekies, is faced with the hard challenge of spreading the truth while dealing with loss and trauma, we see plenty of moments where his aloud to be vulnerable and we see him grow into a strong leader for the resistance.
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We also have Hup who even though he is a side character, is a lovable podling who steals every sence he's in. He dreams of becoming a hero and has such a heartwarming friendship with Deet it's hard not to love him and want more of him.
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All the relationships between the gelfing feel so intimate and pure, wheater there familial, platonic or romantic the show gives us so many beautifully written relationship and dynamics, that add to the emotional core of the story.
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There's also some political drama with the gelfling clans and the skekies as they try to hold on to there power, it's done in a way that both kid's and adults can follow.
The action is surprisingly good for show with only puppets, we have sowrd fights, flying gelfings dropping booms, wild carriage rides and it's really exciting and done well.
There is only 1 season unfortunately but it's still worth the watch, I do have to warn everyone that there is a lot of scary and truely horrifying moments so if your sensitive maybe give this a pass, but there's a balance between the dark and whimsical and there's so many funny and sweet moment's that allow you two catch your breath.
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This series is a hidden gem in the world of fantasy and that's a dame shame because it is everything you could whant from a epic fantasy story that we just dont see a lot of anymore.
I like shows like The Witcher and Rings of power but none of those shows have captured my imagination or sense of wonder like the dark crystal aor did. I have so much love for this beautiful, weird, creepy, wonderful, magical puppet show and I wish it got more recognition for the work of art it truly is.
The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance is pure magic and deserve so much more attention. It's on Netflix so check it out if your looking for some good fantasy.
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getouism · 3 years
stan and mitch from road 96 my little meow meows
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yourfinalbow · 3 years
"if Destiel wasn't on the cards, why is it Canon" u mean that unrequited love confession from Cas? Lmao. Jensen is literally homophobic yall trying to push him into Destiel ain't for the sake of representation its for the sake of you own little MLM fetish ship. Two straight actors ain't good gay rep. Even if Destiel was requited by Dean. Again, stop being a loser.
Hi! I'm actually glad you came to my ask box, it gives me an excuse to try and clear up some of these misconceptions.
So first of all, we don't technically know if it's unrequited. There is a lot of tinhatting involved in Destiel shipping, but there is also some solid evidence behind it. I personally believe that Dean returns Castiel’s confession, but didn’t have time to react to it. (I wouldn’t know what to do if my best friend of twelve years told me they made a deal with the Empty, was about to die, loved me, his love for me is the reason he’s about to die, and then continued to tell me that everything I believed about myself is wrong.) Some people also believe that Dean may have thought that if he didn’t say anything, the Empty wouldn’t come. Others believe that he did say something, but it was cut. (Which actually isn’t as far fetched as it sounds, considering scripts are sent to dubbing companies ahead of time and he reciprocated in almost every Latin American dub, as well as in French and Italian. And before you claim that there was a “rogue translator”, I must say that the script and dub has to go through very many heads before it is aired, so practically the entire company would have to be in on it. There are also a lot of strange jump cuts in the scene.) People have their personal headcanons, and you have yours! That’s perfectly fine, though anonymously telling me, and another awesome human being, that I’m a loser for having my headcanon is actually incredibly coward-like, presumptuous, and disrespectful.
So while Dean didn’t tell Cas he loved him in the English version, (Though I don’t know why that’s the only one that matters, considering only 13% of the world speaks it.) That doesn’t mean it’s not canon however, just unconfirmed on one side. (So your previous statement, “Destiel was never on the cards. Lol.”, is both grammatically incorrect and false.)
Your next statement, however, is the one that rubs me the wrong way. Jensen Ackles is not homophobic. I’ll link a few posts below that completely disprove this, but just because you don’t ship a queer ship, doesn’t make you homophobic. There’s also his infamous gay Aunt, and in my experience of homophobic-people-interacting-with-their-gay-family-members, (which is sadly a good enough amount to have a proper viewpoint), they don’t usual act as comfortable and open as Jensen and Aunt Darla, (and her wife!) are with eachother.
-Twitter thread of him being comfortable with queer peeps.
-CW’s “Dare to Defy” Campaign. (This movement is still very important, but the words don't hold as much weight to me personally after seeing what they did in the finale.)
-Tumblr post with Jensen being supportive of queer peeps. (He's even raised money for people in the LGBTQIA+ community anon. A homophobic person does not do that.)
You also have to take into consideration how comfortable he is with his male friends. I’m not saying he himself is apart of the LGBTQIA+ community, but there are countless videos and pictures of him being comfortable with both Jared and Misha, and that’s something homophobic people tend to stay away from. Once again, this doesn’t mean he himself is queer, and obviously people can love each other platonically! But people who are super religious and stead fast against gay people, usually go out of their way to not be seen as gay. And it’s clear it doesn’t bother J2M at all.
Jensen has also, in recent years, made jokes about Destiel. My favorite one is probably the, “Dean has no taste, clearly.” You can find that here because it genuinely makes my day. And if he was truely homophobic, I doubt he would be comfortable with things like this, as well as Jared constantly poking fun at him about both Misha and Destiel. (He would have at least pulled Jared aside privately and asked him nicely not to do that anymore. There are ways of doing this without seeming homophobic, and in reverse, just because he doesn’t want someone to make jokes like that doesn’t make him homophobic.) Third, I personally want Destiel to be canon because A, having two famous and main characters on a long-running Sci-Fi show, that was originally intended to be incredibly heterosexual, come out as queer would be good representation. People need to see that it’s okay to not be straight. Queer people have been oppressed for thousands of years, so being able to see themselves in their favorite show and characters is so powerful. Especially if these characters live long, happy lives together. And I argue that the actors don’t have to be gay themselves to play a gay character. People cross the borders on gender, sex, age, and nationality all the time. Why should sexual orientation be any different? And the B, because it's my otp. Simple as that.
And I don’t speak for the entire Destiel community, just as you don’t speak for the entire community of people who don’t ship them, but I personally don’t fetishize m|m. I actually get no enjoyment out of reading smut, and actively avoid it. I ship them because they have great chemistry, an interesting and often romantic storyline, and they obviously care about each other very much. Their gender has no impact on that. I ship w|w couples, (I actually wish there were more of them, because having my own representation is important to me), as well as heterosexual and nonbinary ones too.
So you can call me a loser anon, and honestly, I’ll embrace it. But I’m not the one coming into people’s ask boxes and hating on them, just because they want to ship two awesome people. I don’t judge you for what you ship, so I ask you return the favor. (But feel free to come talk to me again about anything else.) And since you seem to be having a bad day and taking it out on others, here's a gif for you!
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And if anyone wants to respectfully add anything to this post, go ahead!
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wanna-b-poet31 · 5 years
The “Simple” Truth: Aziraphale’s Motivations for Lying to Himself (A Meta)
Aziraphale Lies. A lot. But, for the majority of the mini-series, he lies to protect himself (whether it be from God’s wrath, or Gabriel’s wrath, or Uriel’s wrath...or...pretty much anyone from Heaven because they’re all abusive jerks). 
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I want to be very clear before jumping into my meta that this is not at all a judgment call on Aziraphale’s character. When in an abusive situation, you should 100% do your best to keep yourself safe. And Lies, for Aziraphale, is that protection and specifically against Heaven, it’s his only effective tool to cope and resist the abuses he’s dealt. 
However, that means some of his lies, after 6000 years of repeating them, are internalized. 
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He’s having difficulties coming to terms with his own abuse, and so he does, on several levels repress his instinct for action. He lies to himself about his motivations for stopping the end of the world. The gif above shows a very drunk Aziraphale telling Crowley he can’t disobey. Although, he doesn’t quite get his words out. 
He clearly wants to help Crowley. In the book, he says as much:
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He loves Earth after all, and more than that he loves his life on Earth. He loves having space away from his abusive “home” life where yes, he’s not exactly free, but he’s certainly not the captive he would be in Heaven.
Despite his instincts, like his gut response to tell Crowley instead of Heaven, he has internalized many of the behaviors Heaven has taught him.  At the end of the above passage, for example, HE. Chooses. To. Tell. Heaven. Anyway. because he’s been conditioned to trust Heaven. And that:
Angel’s and Demons are sworn enemies, and under no circumstances should they interact
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That Heaven is unquestionably “good” and Hell unquestionably “bad”
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Being critical of Heaven is the same as betraying Heaven
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The Great Plan is unquestionable
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His loves/interests are unimportant
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And many more.
While we, the audience, can tell that these behaviors are destructive to Aziraphale’s sense of self-worth (and really function just as propaganda designed to help maintain the presumed “goodness” of Heaven). 
But Aziraphale? 
He’s unable to stop the corrosive effects of these falsehoods. And, on top of it all, he has no incentive to let go of his “coping mechanism” that thus far has resulted in his and Crowley’s safety -- lying to himself. 
But what Aziraphale needs is validation for his actual interests, his instincts, his passions. Look at the way he absolutely devastated when Crowley asks him about his sword.
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He so badly needs to be loved unconditionally, to feel he’s doing good, and fulfilling his role of the Ineffable Plan. He tells himself these lives, hoping for deliverance from his “side”. Heaven, unfortunately, never delivers once.  And it leaves Aziraphale floating, waiting for rescue, safety, and protection from Heaven. 
And he finds that In Crowley.
Contrast the above distress with the look of relief below. Sure, it’s not the trademark giddy look that Aziraphale employs when looking at crepes, but it is one of calmness that Heaven has not afforded him yet.
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They both know their logic here is faulty. Angels are just as capable of doing “bad” as much as demons are capable of doing good. But, they let themselves believe the lie. It comforts them and alleviates the self-destructive behaviors, if only for a second. 
When later confronted with his actions, the relief, the validation, >the love< from Crowley is all gone.  Instead of a calm, reassuring tone, like the one Crowley gives him earlier, this is truly the annoyed voice of God. She knows what he did with his sword, he knows what he did he did without asking, but lying to God is the only way he can get out of this situation without direct physical harm (most likely through falling). 
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Lying to himself, about the goodness or badness of his actions (when truely they were humane actions) represses the guilt he feels for lying to God and allows him the distance to successfully keep lying when others question his motives. 
I think it is fair to say then, that his repression is a byproduct of the lies he’s feeding himself in order to survive Heaven. However, with real consequences to his relationship with Crowley.
Lying To Crowley
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Crowley refuses to lie to Aziraphale. He won’t treat Aziraphale like he does every other Angel or Demon because he refuses to repress his feelings. Sure, he hides them from Heaven and Hell, but that’s usually from prying eyes, never Aziraphale.  And never from himself.  
Aziraphale, in contrast, lies his ass off to Crowley.  This is not to say Aziraphale is incapable of telling Crowley the truth, but as the apocalypse grows near, and shit hits the fan, Aziraphale’s ability to address his abusers and the looming threat of annihilation grows more certain, he falters. 
His lies, lashing out at anyone and everything that could jeopardize his safety, and Humanity’s safety.  His internalized concerns have bubbled to the surface, and he feels like he has no choice but to protect himself from the oncoming dangers.
Look at the below gif and have your hearts broken with me. As a direct result of the lies he tells himself, he’s unable to come to terms with the fact Heaven is not just questionable, it’s wrong. He’s on the wrong side, and instead, he needs to be with Crowley.
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This gif is a great example of how him lying to himself negatively harms himself, and reveals his true motivation for lying. Safety. 
He’s trying to remind himself of the kind of safety he’d be risking in telling Crowley the truth that he wants to work together. It’s a plea, an act of desperation because his greatest fears are culminating all at once and making a decision could cost him his “home”, his identity as an angel, and Crowley if they’re unsuccessful. 
We witness at the beginning of Episode 3 how deep the ineffable husband’s bond really is, but also how (even though noone else believes it) they can not acknowledge their friendship/relationship/companionship.  To contrast against the above moment, we see that this is not the rejection he’s hoping it would be. There’s no resolve, no strength, no reasoning. It’s merely the highlighted talking points he’s meant to agree with.  
But, it’s clearly a lie. 
It puts off decision making. It reaffirms a status quo that, while very abusive, feigns stability.  
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In this gif, he’s pleading with Crowley. 
He’s scared shitless because his two lives are crashing before him.  He’s done a good job lying to himself that he can hide his love of >Crowley< Earth, while still finding a way to follow Heaven’s orders. 
But, now he’s got to make a choice. And it’s clear the choice he wants to take. He WANTS to go with Crowley. Go back and listen to how he says “run away together?” on the street. It’s pure unadulterated want. He wants to go off with Crowley somewhere only they know and never return. But he physically can’t until he is truthful for himself. 
So he lies. Again. And it looks like he’s being stabbed by an invisible knife.
Now Look at the “not friends” Gif again. He’s telling the ultimate lie here. This is not a distressed Aziraphale trying to get rid of an annoying business partner. This is the face of a mourning man, forcing himself to lie to protect humanity and Crowley. 
At this moment, Aziraphale is denying their relationship and not treating their bond as something shared by equals. He can’t be sure that Crowley will be there to catch him if he loses everything, and he simply can’t lose humanity.  
Lying, that they’re not friends is not true at this moment, nor any other moment in the series. He loves Crowley so badly, that he’s hurting both of them with his lies. But, Crowley has had enough of the lies and slander against their partnership, and he offers to “run away together”.  It is literally the one thing both of them want more than anything else in the world. But, it directly goes against the internalized messaging and safety of Heaven, and Aziraphale’s stressed. So What does he do?
He lies. 
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And Again.
And Again.
He lies because he needs to begin coping with his trauma, and not lie to himself that everything is alright. 
Once he comes reaches his breaking point – a world where no matter what he would be unable to be WITH Crowley – he confronts his issues. 
Only AFTER CHOOSING Crowley does Aziraphale begin to come to terms with his internalized lies, and finally stop lying to himself about how he feels about Crowley.
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Finally, he can heal.
Thanks for coming to my Tedtalk
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kibybun · 4 years
This was a request by @wolfyemmy19 ! I hope you like it!
Yandere Hawks + Dabi x Reader
Highschool neko au
Tw: Yandere
🔸️In this world everyone is born corresponding to an animal. The type of animal you're born as determins your social class throughout life. The rankings from lowest to highest go: humans and shifters, insects, rodents, small herbivores, small carnivores, big herbivores, big carnivores. Different land biomes have different kings.
🔸️Today was your moving day. You were moving into a jungle biome where tigers rule.
🔸️Tigers are known for stalking there prey and taking what they want so hopefully, a pitiful shifter like you doesnt catch their attention.
🔸️You were planning on what animal you were going to shift into on the car ride to your new home. You didn't want to be an insect and get push around yet you didn't want to be a big carnivore and draw attention to yourself. It didn't that you had a quirk you could barely control.
🔸️Your thoughts were interrupted as your parents stop and exit the car at your new home. It wasn't the biggest but it was really nice. You even got to pick your own room.
🔸️You started to unpack when the doorbell rang. You quickly hid, not wanting to decide on a animal to commit to yet.
🔸️You listen intently as your parents talk to the other people. They sounded sounded older, around your parents age, but with a slight growl in their voice. When carnivores speak they tend to have a slight growl unintentionally.
🔸️Finally, after the guests left you wander out and see your parents with their animal aspects. Your father had wolf ears and tail with stunning wolf eyes your mother had cheeta ears and tail with sharp cheeta eyes. That narrows down your list of potential options.
🔸️You ask who was at the door and they tell you tigers. It frightened you that tiger were your neighbors, on both sides of your house, but it gave an odd sense of peace knowing no one will mess with you at your house.
🔸️You eat dinner with your parents and go to bed, preparing yourself for your first day of school tomorrow.
🔸️When you wake up you get dressed and eat, still planning what animal you want to be. The bunny was a cute look but your parents were big carnivores. Tiger also looked good but you didnt want to get mixed you with the tigers at your school. You settled for wolf.
🔸️You still weren't entirely certain of your choice so you decided to cover up your animal aspects. You hid your tail up your shirt, a low brimmed hat on your head, and a pair of dark sunglasses.
🔸️Then, you were off to school.
🔸️Along the way you feel everyone's piercing stares. You know it's because you're new and look like a human but still, its rude to stare.
🔸️The looks and whispers only grew as you entered school, but you chose to not interact with any of them. You wanted as little conflict as possible, that is, until someone approached you.
🔸️They were tigers. One with big red wings on his back and the other with dark purple burns across his skin.
🔸️They were quite intimidating as they questioned who you are but what scared you more was how they walked so close and led you to your class.
🔸️Besides that your day was going well untill lunch. That's when a female tiger challenged you to a roar off, convinced you were a weak human.
🔸️A roar off is a competition between to carnivores to help determine dominance and show off strength. Loudest roar wins.
🔸️You were hesitant but truely couldn't back down. Everyone was watching, they expected you to lose, you'd show them. Even Dabi and Hawks were watching you.
🔸️You subtly shift into a tiger to help you. It wasn't cheating if you were just playing the best cards.
🔸️The competition begins. It started off small but started growing louder and louder with the intensity rising. You even kept your composure until she started mocking you.
🔸️That's when you couldn't stand it and let all your rage and anxiety that had built up throughout the day out. You also unintentionally unleashed your quirk in a spontaneous combustion of blue flames as well as revealed yourself as a tiger.
🔸️You had not only won but had captivated the eyes of two certain tigers who were determined to have you.
🔸️You panic and try to run but the two of them quickly trap you and question you. They question you about your lineage and other sorts of royalty and family stuff you dont understand.
🔸️The teachers come a dismiss everyone and thankfully saving you from questions you weren't prepared to answer.
🔸️Sadly, everyone's eyes and thoughts were on you. First, you deceived them into things you were a human, now you're suddenly a tiger.
🔸️Then end of the day approaches and you run home as fast as you can to avoid talking to anyone else. Your plan actually worked until there was a knock on your door.
🔸️You open it and find Dabi and Hawks waiting there excited. Instantly, they barge into your home and beeline to your room.
🔸️There they shamelessly sniff around only to be surprised to find there was no tiger sent to be found. They trap you, again, in a corner and demand their answers this time.
🔸️You come clean in hopes to stay on their good side. They share a glance before bursting into laughter and leaning in closer.
🔸️They whisper, with their growls far more evident now, that you were their new play thing. That you had to obey their every command or else they'd out you and let ever other animal maul you to shreds.
🔸️You had no choice now. You had become a pseudo tiger bride with no way if escaping.
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effortwise-blog · 4 years
How to Deal with Difficult People: 10 Expert Techniques
Doesn’t it seem like we deal with tough human beings in nearly all stages of our lives?
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I’ve regularly had to deal with hard people at paintings in the course of my career. Sometimes it’s been my supervisor, other instances it’s been my fellow pals or even different instances, it’s human beings in other departments.
Then there are our families. I understand it’s now not simply my family that may be extremely tough to deal with. I’ve heard enough stories from friends to understand that plenty of people’s households power them to the edge from time to time.
And don’t even get me began on handling the multitudes of humans we've to address at businesses we engage with. Be it the cellular phone business enterprise or the individual that become purported to repair my roof ultimate year. I needed to comply with up every week for nearly 4 months earlier than they sooner or later came and glued something that should have been done in the first place.
Why turned into that so tough?
There’s probably not an smooth solution for why a few people are hard to cope with. The reasons are as varied as the people are. We are all one of a kind and sometimes, it’s stunning that we get along in addition to we do.
Instead of reading why a few human beings can be so tough, let’s attention on what we are able to control — our reactions. Let’s study 10 expert strategies to address tough people.
1. Use Lots of Kindness
Look, I get it. How to deal with difficult people at work , the gut response is to be difficult proper back. When it feels like a person is attacking you, your first concept is to defend yourself. I’ve been there and still get stuck up in that after I don’t sluggish down and take a pause.
What I have observed in nearly every hard state of affairs is kindness goes a lot in addition than being hard. When two people are being hard with every other, the situation tends to escalate to some extent where nothing gets accomplished.
On the other hand, while you use masses of kindness with a difficult individual many instances, it diffuses the scenario and also you get more of what you want. This is one in all the pinnacle strategies for handling hard humans.
2. Be Compassionate
Ever heard that announcing about handling your own issues? That in case you and a gaggle of people shoved all your issues into a circle that you’d most likely take your own back after you saw every body else’s? I love that.
The point is none of us truly realize what different human beings are going thru. When dealing with a tough person, it may be they may be going via a very tough ordeal, or handling a genuinely massive trouble you wouldn’t want any part of.
Many instances whilst you show compassion to a person who's being difficult, you’ll find they respond in a effective manner. So many of us get caught in our own heads and in our very own lives that we don’t open our eyes to whilst others could use a few kindness. Give it a try the subsequent time you reflect onconsideration on it.
3. Find Something in Common
Ever observed how whilst you’re talking to a person for the first time, locating something in commonplace creates a sturdy preliminary connection? We all love to experience like a part of a group, like we belong. This is a brilliant expert approach to deal with tough human beings and one you must keep pinnacle of mind.
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It’s always high-quality to discover we went to the equal university as someone, it creates a kind of kinship. My daughters are both young adults now but I used to sense a parental bond with a person while I discovered out my daughters went to the same college as their kids.
When we are able to find something in commonplace with a tough character, it is able to help make for a smoother communication afterwards.
4. Stay Calm
Have you ever received an electronic mail from someone at work that right away had you seeing red? This has passed off to me on greater events than I care to remember.
Working with a hard individual on a project may be infuriating. At my much less rational moments, I’ve received an e mail from a difficult individual whose handiest reason appears to be making things harder and greater confusing. When I haven’t paused before responding what commonly occurs is, I fireplace off an e-mail that will most effective serve to make matters worse.
Typically, if I can locate the staying power to stay calm and wait a while earlier than responding, the consequences are a whole lot better. The ability to stay calm whilst handling a tough person will help you greatly.
5. Share Your Side
Sometimes, being capable of articulate to a difficult person where you are coming from will make a huge difference.
For instance, in case you’ve been jogging into brick wall after brick wall and the tough character is your ultimate avenue for resolution, every now and then that makes a difference.
Some human beings get stuck in a preferred script of how to deal in positive situations or whilst someone asks a positive question. If you could provide some context round your unique situation, every now and then that makes a large difference.
You ought to allow them know you’ve trying to clear up your problem for months and you’ve tried X,Y, and Z however can’t get anywhere. Sometimes that is all it takes to open the empathy gates to a point and get a few assist. Give it a shot.
6. Treat with Respect
I don’t recognise a single person who likes to be dealt with like they're stupid or incompetent. When dealing with a difficult person, continually recollect to deal with them with respect. Once you begin attacking a person and appearing like they're stupid you might as properly be slamming the door close to get something done.
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Treating someone disrespectfully will almost continually make matters worse and at a bare minimal make the other character now not need to do anything to assist you. It’s the same as remembering the golden rule “treat others as you would love to be handled”. Our mothers are almost always right.
7. Ignore Them
I’m a large proponent of now not interacting with poor people in my life. Why should I? All they seem to do is offer negative input and I don’t need any of that.
By the same token, occasionally the best path of action with a difficult man or woman is to ignore or avoid them. This of route will depend if you could forget about them.
For instance if this is a fellow co-worker which you don’t ought to work with much, it can be fine to without a doubt forget about them if you may.
Same issue with associates or certain humans at stores or even potentially clients. Sometimes hard customers are surely no longer worth coping with. Their needs should be better served someplace else and it’s now not always a bad idea to allow them understand they could likely find someone else who ought to assist them in the way they're wanting.
8. Control What You Can
Many matters in life we are able to manage and plenty of things we will’t. It’s always first-class to cognizance on what we will manipulate.
When managing a hard individual, consider what you are capable of control. Maybe there’s someone else you may address instead of the tough individual. They may additionally be without a doubt the first step in the chain.
Recently, I turned into trying to paintings with the advertising and marketing department on a new initiative I became placing together. I turned into instructed to touch a positive person for help due to the fact that’s what had constantly been done. When I contacted the character, I by no means were given a response. I sent more than one emails and left numerous voicemails and in no way heard back from this character. After getting extremely annoyed from never listening to back, I truely began asking other people in advertising.
Lo and behold, I located numerous people that were willing to assist me with my assignment and with a smile. I basically worked my manner round the difficult character. Control what you may.
9. Look at Yourself
Another one of the 10 expert strategies to deal with tough people is to test yourself. As in turn your attention inward. Is there something which you are doing that is making dealing with a person tougher than it needs to be?
For example in general, I am in a pretty appropriate mood. I engage with humans all day just about normal and overall, it goes fairly smoothly.
Sometimes, I’ve were given a variety of my thoughts and am looking to resolve a problem of a few sort inside my head, even while talking to other people. It has been talked about to me that I can come across as short, abrupt, and condescending once I am spending a variety of time interior my very own head and also interacting with others.
So in this example, my quick condescending responses could make an already agitated character even greater upset. Basically the way I respond is adding gasoline to the fire.
Take a observe how you are interacting with difficult people to make sure you aren’t making it worse.
10. Overcome Your Fear of Conflict
One of the exceptional strategies for dealing with hard humans is overcoming your fear of war. Many people are scared of conflicts and this could cause having hard people walk throughout them.
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Dealing with a difficult individual is challenging sufficient but if you don’t get up for yourself and set up boundaries, it’s even worse. Just about all people deserves to be dealt with with respect. Don’t allow yourself to be handled poorly by a hard man or woman.
I’m no longer advocating intentionally starting war. What I am advocating isn't fearing battle within the event a difficult individual is treating you poorly. Too many humans allow others to have manage over them with the aid of not standing up for themselves when needed.
Difficult humans are all around us in every factor of our lives. I’ve really labored with many difficult humans over the years in addition to in everyday interactions with humans in a wide form of settings. I’m hopeful those 10 expert techniques to deal with hard human beings will help you the next time the state of affairs arises.
Communication with other humans is such a big key to dwelling our lives. It’s well really worth gaining knowledge of some strategies to deal with tough human beings to help us all live happier lives.
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coup-de-maine · 5 years
How to enter a fandom - RPC
Hey guys, time for a friendly PSA from yours truely~
So I’ve been in and out of a lot of fandoms, made friends, enemies, frenemies, grave mistakes and happy accidents. I also see a lot of people come in other fandoms. Most of yall do great but I see some people carry in this weird sort of self deprecating attitude that can immediately turn rpers away from them, which results in; more of that self deprecation. So Im here to hopefully help out with the best ways to enter a fandom or an rpc, make your presence known and make lots of wonderful friends.
Now the first, and most important thing, and I notice a ton of people struggle with it is:
General attitude. 
Let me give two examples of some first time posts.
“Hey! I’m new to the fandom. I know my bio and my theme sucks but would anyone like to rp? Maybe?”
“Hey! I’m new to the fandom. My bio and rules are located here, though they’re still under construction I’m really eager to develop them with interactions!”
Now I know the first one is tempting for a lot of reasons. You might not even feel like its all that bad, but up next to the second one it actually sounds a little...depressing, monotone, dry. Even though they start the same, one ends with me feeling like: this person really doesn’t put effort into things, they dont even really want to be here. All my threads with them are going to be lazily written or probably written with half baked enthusiasm.
The second person is happy to be here, eager to interact, admits that since they’re a new blog not everything is perfect. Yet, they don’t talk down on themselves or make it seem like anyone who talks to them will only be taking pity on them.
This is actually a big problem I see in the rpc. Making people take pity on you for interactions and the rule with that is simple:
don’t make people feel like they have to take pity on you. 
It’s a knee jerk reaction, I know. We’re all awkward humans on the internet who want to play up our faults. Who wants to say “My stuff is SO awesome! It’s the best”??? 
Well. You do. You’re new to a fandom. People already have established relationships, character arks, possibly with another version of the muse youre playing. Backstories so detailed it’ll make your head spin. You are literally selling yourself to these other rpers. Don’t sell them “A vacuum cleaner that sucks. No, not sucks up the dirt, it just sucks. Like me, Im trash and dont even have a working vacuum” No one wants to buy a vacuum cleaner that sucks.
Hate to break it to you, but when you say you suck, or your stuff sucks; people are gunna believe you. Or they’re just gunna pity you. And thats not great either. 
Heck you might think; why not? So long as they rp with me, whats wrong with that? 
Well... lots of things but mostly; pity isn’t a good feeling. Nobody wants to feel guilted into rping with you. Imagine seeing someone on your dash constantly posting about how no one likes them, their character or interacting with them. How they wanna die because they never get asks, no one likes their starters. (Sound extreme? I’ve seen it.) It makes you feel bad right? It makes you wanna like them but like- where do you even start??? They don’t even like them?? What common ground do you have?? “Hey, I see you hate yourself... uh... I hate you too?” Not great. Actually bad. You don’t know how to approach this person without becoming an emotional crutch, and you know they’ll latch on to you and suck every positive emotion out of your body so how do you win?
So lesson one is; People don’t want to be forced to feel so bad that they rp with you, they want to feel inspired to. Inspire some dudes! (or non-dude identifying people)
This is everything. Present yourself. You don’t need flashy icons or a cool promo- let me tell you, I’ve made some shitty promos in my life. See Here
That was my promo for a long as time. Until it was THIS that a friend made for me (A friend that I made. Through how awesome I presented myself. Thanks Vee, if you see this I still love you)
I can’t stress enough how important attitude is because I’ve had both a shitty attitude and a great one in the RPC and let me tell you, nothing kills a blog faster than a shitty attitude. Wanna make a self deprecating posts about that meme that you got 0 asks for? NUH UH. Think again. PITY = BAD, SHORT LASTING FRIENDSHIPS. INSPIRED = SUPER AWESOME HAPPY FUN TIMES FOREVER.
Yo, present yourself in a way that makes people wanna approach you. Get them interested, say something wacky or edgy or if your character is self deprecating then self deprecate through them but DO IT IN A FUN WAY. The people who care about icons and fancy promos usually aren’t worth lasting friendships either. Sometimes they literally spend more time formatting than writings something worth while for you. (some of you really balance it and just love formatting but u know im not talking about u Im talking about those that literally wont talk to us that dont)
So present yourself well and be genuine.
--- WAIT WAIT WAIT- be genuine?? What if my genuine self is self deprecating and negative? 
HELL NO shut the what up I know you’re not, I know that’s a reflex to cover up how insecure you are, I know you hate how pathetic and small you feel so you point out all the things wrong with you before someone else can. That’s not you, and you are capable of more than that.
Dude. (and non-dude identifying peeps) I’m gunna say it again. I’m gunna say it a million times; one day it will sink in. Everybody feels that way. 
What?? Octo ur so cool and confident tho
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You know how you never noticed?? CANT SEE MY HANDS SHAKE THROUGH THE COMPUTER.
The internet is a playground because you can trick people into believing whatever you want about yourself. YEP even good things!!! You don’t have to wear your flaws on your sleeve, and you certainly don’t have to wear them like a full body cast that prevents you from doing anything fun in your life.
Take the cast off, take a risk. You literally have nothing to lose. Especially if no one interacts with you as is anyways.
Be mindful
This is more of a trick I use to make myself feel better. I don’t follow a lot of people so my dash is pretty slow. It’s fairly easy to tell when people are and aren’t active/online so I literally have to trick myself sometimes but;
If you reblog a meme and get nothing, step back and ask yourself; am I sure anyone even saw it? and are the people who did maybe to shy to send anything? Or maybe nothing in that meme applies to their character.
As a mute character I am VERY restricted to what memes I reply to. As a character who speaks VERY LITTLE I am VERY restricted to what dialogues I can send at all. This means I’m required to edit memes a little (this is allowed by most meme creators btw) or I need a very good relationship with a character in order to say/sign that many words at them.
And worse case scenario, queue it and reblog it again/later. Its no biggie, some memes don’t make it.
Self reflect
Check out people on the dash. Do they have interactions? What are they like? Is their character more welcoming? Maybe you’re character is more intimidating. You might need to actually seek out interaction.
Tumblr has this huge enigma where everyone wants asks but no one wants to send them. Curious anons come from someone, magic anons come from your peers, followers, friends. Some of them are pretty obvious. Want asks? Send them. We really need to get the ball rolling with this because its honestly a problem. Show some initiative and reach out. It actually feels pretty good seeing someone react to your outrageous anon. And its a lot of stress relief if you play an otherwise very serious character to get to branch out and be silly.
So you send asks, you like starter calls- why isn’t it working?
Well, a stranger knocks on your door and tries to get to know you. Its a little awkward- it can work sure in some cases. But in most you’ll probably close the door and phone the police.
The RPC isn’t as strange as that but what’s easier? Talking to a muse you’ve never met from a blog you’ve never seen before? Or writing a thread with your best bud, throwing in inside jokes and references to your favourite shows- teasing each other about that one embarrassing thing that happened to your muse- yeah. Yeah you get it.
If you have history or at least an idea what someone is like, you will want to interact with them more. I don’t know if you’re some mean... meanie pants whos gunna smack my muse because he offered you a cookie. And maybe you are, but if I don’t know you, or know that your muse is deeply traumatized by cookies, I might take that as you saying “Ew no get away I never wanna rp with you”.
It sounds harsh, but I KNOW it happens. It STILL happens to me, even with people I’m friends with. Even if someone has multiple blogs and I get on fine with one muse, if the other hates me I might get uneasy about sending in asks cause I feel like I’m directly bothering the mun (who I love on this blog but WHAT IF THEY START HATING ME THERE TOO???)
Separation is tricky. We all get jealous or feel neglected when our partners focus on another thread/ship or send mean angsty replies which is why its important to check yourself remind yourself you have value, mun =/= muse and that it’s all in good fun.
Have Rules
UGH no!!! Not rules I hate rules, I dont want to restrict anyone!
Listen. I get it. I was a rule-less blog for a long time. But you know what? You need them. Not just for you, but for the people who wanna interact. I still feel the need to ask people who have rules what they are and aren’t comfortable with. You might not realize it but shit can go down in rps especially in certain fandoms. Even if its just the basics. Write them. They matter.
Unless you’re fine with someone literally controlling your character, or a blog you dont even follow who RPs David Letterman tags you in a smutty thread where your muse and him are married and he’s heavily pregnant with 4 narwal baby’s I- I think you can see where I’m going.
If its just the basics, thats fine, everyone loves seeing that. No god modding, not forced shipping, ect- great. Less for me to remember. Add to it if you need to. Everyone experiences rp different. Make your experience a comfortable one.
(And stay tf away from me Preggo-letterman)
Step away.
If you’re feeling negative, just step away. Do not make a big post about it alerting everyone who follows you because they might not all respond well. If you have close friends in then fandom you can go to, talk to them, vent a little, or just remove yourself and get those feelings out. But remember that no one here is equipped to be your therapist, and we cant all be expected to take the burden from you. It is up to you to regulate your emotions. Use coping skills but please don’t make the fandom or your blog a toxic place to be.
You don’t feel good, and no one reading your posts feels good, and building friendships on not feeling good is just... completely not good.
Im not saying you must be sunshine and rainbows all the time, but feeling bad feels bad and even though rping is just a hobby and a past time you are still reaching into other peoples lives. Leave a good impact, try to be someone you would want to meet in the rpc. Make it a better place.
Tips and Tricks
If you leave with nothing else, please take these:
Send Messages. 
IM people, send them asks, get to know them before RPing.
Be kind.
Be generous.
Be enthusiastic.
Be happy.
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illiadd · 5 years
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Just Digital Marketing
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vaingloriosa · 7 years
Under The Twinkling Lights
John Wick/ Reader
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Words: 1.9k
Summary: The wedding of your vile cousin was a pretty hard pill to swallow. You remember that you had to find a date somehow to one up her. That’s when your finger hovers over John’s name on your phone.
Request: Fake dating au where reader asks john wick to go to her cousins wedding with her as her fake date bc she and her cousin hate each other and she doesn’t want to be made fun of so she asks him and he’s like sure and they fall in love over the weekend. 
Tagging: @kwaiky, @ly--canthrope
Requested by: @truely-the-darkest-timeline
Author’s note: imma just say that wow... i had a whole bunch of fun writing this. tweaked the request a bit to fit this vision i had on the direction i wanted this fic to go on. shouts out to my parent’s for such a power move!
You are cordially invited to-
You throw down the invitation in irritation. You know damn well your cousin only sent this invitation out of courtesy and not out of the genuine kindness of her heart. She would much rather have your creepy next door neighbor come to the wedding instead of you if she could.
The story behind your hate towards one another is rather simple: your grandparents had always held a favoritism towards her. Spoiling her, paying some of her tuition for college, and actively praising her for basic human growth. On the other hand, your grandparents couldn’t even spell your name right, let alone give two cents for college. No matter how hard you tried, you were never enough for one side of your family. Never good enough to be as prestigious as them, whatever that meant. Ever since that one family reunion when you were younger, you had never hated anyone more than your cousin.
You sigh as you begrudgingly pick the invitation back up to read the rest of the stupid thing. Your eyes lay on those little words: plus one. You close your eyes for a moment and realize that you had to bring somebody to this wedding. And not just anybody; you needed a boyfriend.
You scratch your head and groan out loud. How dare your cousin put this amount of pressure on you? You sink lower into the couch to contemplate your options. You grab your phone then know exactly who to call up.
John’s name appears along with the multiple heart emojis you use for his contact name. You smile slightly at your phone. John’s a good friend you met through a mutual friend of yours. Ever since that encounter, you’ve went out for coffee, gotten dinner together, and, well, you two could easily pass as a couple.
Yet if he’s only just a friend, why is your heart fluttering like no tomorrow?
You bite the bullet and press “call”, curling up on the couch and rest your head on your open palm. After three tones, John picks up.
“Hey, John, it’s Papa John’s Pizza. We’ve noticed you haven’t ordered one of our hot delicious pizzas in the past week and we’re wondering if everything is alright?”
You hear John sigh at how terrible your joke is. You snort at his reaction and wait to see if he’ll play along with it.
“Does that mean I get free pizza?”
“No, bitch, we’re a business. We don’t give free handouts unless you’re disgusting capitalist who definitely doesn’t need free things.” You hear a pause after the last sentence. You may have possibly spilled too much truth with that one.
“Well, if there is no free pizza involved, then what’s up?” John asks while you take a tight grip of your knee.
“All jokes aside, I need to ask you a question. Sort of important. It’s okay if you say no...” you begin to trail off.
“Okay. Hit me.”
“My cousin is getting married. You know, the one I can’t fathom. Anyways, I was wondering if you...could...be my fake boyfriend for the occasion? I just don’t want her to make fun of me for going solo, as superficial as that may sound. Like I said you don’t have to go since it’s for an entire weekend.” You bite the bottom of your lip in anticipation of John’s answer.
You nearly lose your breath over his answer. “Really?”
“It would be an honor to be your fake boyfriend.”
You pace back and forth while looking down at your phone. Where the hell is he? Your heart is racing just thinking about confronting your worst enemy. You don’t think you can do this without-
“Hello, you.”
And there is that snarky, condescending tone of your cousin. You shove your phone back into your purse and push a fake smile on your face.
“It’s nice to see you too.” There’s an empty silence between the two of you. You could pick out the awkwardness one by one if you could. You two stare each other down, your cousin craning their neck quite a bit. Once again, she plasters a forced smile with gritted teeth.
“I see you’ve come alone despite putting an RSVP for a plus one. A shame but not surprising.” She huffs but before she can cram more bullshit and nonsense, you watch her facial expression change from defiant to, well, surprised. You feel a hand on the small of your back.
“Sorry I’m late, love,” John kisses you on your temple, “Traffic was wild. You know how I always pack last minute so there was that. Then I had to give Daisy over to a friend of mine to dog sit.”
He stops and extends his hand towards your cousin. You are in bewilderment but realize that John is trying to save your ass from the devil.
“John Wick, Y/N’s boyfriend.” Your cousin nods her head up and down while she shakes his hand. She immediately breaks the handshake and tries her best to appear normal.
“Welcome, welcome! Hope you two enjoy the weekend!” Your cousin smiles, darting her eyes at you as she takes her leave. You turn to John who is observing the mansion before you two.
“Talk about great timing,” you breath, your eyes wide with relief. You watch as John removes his gaze from the house to you.
“One of my many talents.” John opens up his hand for you to take. With a cheesy smile, you oblige and all worry about your cousin diminishes. If John could strike fear into your cousin’s eyes, then you should just marry him then and there. But that could be the wedding talking.
“So, turns out that there is only one bed.” You swing your interlocked hands back and forth. Nothing felt foreign to you about the feeling; almost like touching him felt natural to you.
John hums at this revelation. “Guess we’re just going to have to sleep together since you know, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.”
You’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t burst a tiny bit.
Through the dumb wedding rehearsal and getting through the actual wedding ceremony, you manage to remain on the ground with John by your side. The whole fake relationship shtick turns out to be so much easier than you expected but it’s no reason because it’s John. Everything you do with him seems so natural and in sync. You can tell that your cousin definitely doesn’t want to admit how cute you and John look together even though everyone else appears to root for you two.
Though your parents were taken aback that you found a boyfriend and never told them, John’s charm and cuteness won them over and instantly forgave you. You thank God for that close one. As you watch John interact with your parents, that made you realize that you are incredibly lucky to have someone like him in your life.
If only you knew John felt the same about you.
John fell in love with you gradually. Every time you two met up, sparks flew and he had to pinch himself sometimes to find out if any of this was real. Never had John ever fallen this hard for someone. Watching you enjoy life without apology, never letting people in the way of your success, and being a beautiful individual made John’s crush that more deep.
That’s why this wedding is a perfect opportunity. Carpe noctem.
With the wedding reception in full swing, you take another hearty sip of your glass. Whatever is in this alcohol must have been spiked to the nines because after two glasses, you felt like you were on cloud nine. You have even forgotten why you were so angry with your cousin for the past several years. Yet you are still coherent enough to know you still had a role to play in this wedding. Getting up from your seat at the table, you grab John’s hand and drag him to the makeshift dance floor in the backyard of the estate. John doesn’t hesitate, more eager to finally get his plan rolling out.
The DJ picks another upbeat song from the band Sheppard and the crowd instantly comes to life around the two of you. Your red silk dress flows in every direction, radiating your every move. John twirls you around and causes the most beautiful effect of your dress becoming like waves in the ocean.
An ocean he can’t wait to be in.
As you giggle at the atrocities of John’s so called “dance moves”, the music fades and someone comes right behind John to pass him a microphone. Your eyebrow quirks as you didn’t know it was time for karaoke. You didn’t even know John even sang. The crowd on the dance floor are also intrigued and stop in their tracks to observe the situation.
“I, uh, didn’t really prepare for this.” John gives a half smile and a dry laugh, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness. You smile in confusion, eyes narrowing at him.
“My love, I’ve known you for what seems like forever. I like to think that the moment I met you that fateful day, my life had started anew. Our dynamic, how we learn from one another, how we lean on each other through the thick and the thin. In a relationship, people assume that you have to give 50/50 but we’re smarter than that. Some days I can give only 25% but you carry me on for the both of us. Other days you can only give me 25% and I give you what each other needs. Sometimes we forget who we are to other people because we see each other for who we are.” You swallow harshly as John makes his way to where you are in the middle of the dance floor. The people surrounding you two had since made a circle around you two and begin to whisper to one another.
“That’s the beauty of love. The layers of love are complex and what we have goes beyond that. Love is a journey, not a destination, and I want to be with you throughout this ride. So-”
You feel your heart racing to an abnormal heart rate. You clasp your hand over your mouth while you watch John drop down to one knee, place the microphone next to him, and pull out a velvet black box.
“Will you marry me?”
Tears stream down from your eyes with a wild mix of emotions. Everyone around you gasps and erupts in a thunderous applause. You nod excitedly, making the audience clap and cheer even louder. John comes in for a hug and lifts you off your feet. As he spins you around, he whispers into your ear.
“Well, will you at least be my girlfriend?”
You snort and let out a chuckle.
“Yes, a thousand times yes,” you reply to him as he drops you gently to your feet. Without hesitation, you bring John to your lips and kiss him like you craved this feeling for centuries. You hear an obnoxiously loud gasp from somewhere and you know exactly who it is. You stick your middle finger in the air to tell your cousin to shove off and that you have the high ground now. You hear stomps of heels click off with a sound of agonizing groans following behind.
You don’t dare open your eyes from this moment to observe whatever dumb reaction your cousin had caused. Nothing matters now. What matters is you, John, and you two kissing under these twinkling lights.
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I haven’t learnt many things that I truely believe are wise enough to be valid to share with other people, but there’s one that I come back to quite frequently that seems to make my world work.
Today I’ve been feeling like I’m the off person in the group, you know the feeling, I’m sure we all do, where in interactions with friends or family or work, that you are the one that doesn’t really matter if you are there or not.
Not that you are worthless, just that your presence doesn’t really bring anything of value to the table, and it’s like you keep reaching out to do shit to try and resolve, but you might as well be screaming to the void or writing Facebook status’s that no one will read.
So why did I share that?
Especially when I do have the common thought that this is the equivalent of screaming to the void?
Well, it’s about just being fucking REAL with people in my opinion. Which I’m going to refer to as “fuckingreal.tm” from here on in this long post. I’m pretty sure everyone experiences this shit, I’m yet to be proven otherwise, because whenever I talk about this shit, people get it. At least some do.
Some are frankly horrified at the idea of having thoughts that are harmful and self destructive, but they are there for me.
But that’s part of it isn’t it?
Friendships, work relationships, relationships in general, at the end of the day we are all looking for people who understand the cut of our jib, empathise with us, and have similar thoughts and feelings.
So just be “fuckingreal.tm”. It’s definitely difficult at first to say in the middle of a uni meeting for a group project “hey, fuck, sorry I was 10 minutes late today, I was having a decent cry in the shower to attempt to stave off this constant existential dread I’ve been feeling at the moment, it tends to come frequently at the moment”, but once you do, people respond in one of two ways.
Either they go “wow holy shit, that’s dark as fuck, this guy is weird”, or they understand it, get where you are coming from, have maybe felt it themselves, and empathise.
The key to all worthwhile relationships I’ve learnt is to just be “fuckingreal.tm”. “I felt depressed as fuck last week, my bad, sorry for being absent, the deal is that sometimes my depression gets bad enough that I can’t control it and become emotionally distant.”
See that shit I wrote?
That’s radical honesty, making sure I lay every card on the damn table so everyone can see them and we can work with what everyone’s been dealt.
Because here’s the thing, I learnt this from a comedy cartoon in relation to dating years ago, and I realised it works just as much on any relationship. Friends, colleagues, whatever, if you can’t be fuckingreal.tm with the person you can’t reach a joint understanding of the game and win it together.
That’s what I consider being “fucking real” in my own words is about. It’s a lot easier for everyone to play a good game of poker when the cards are all face up on the table, and most importantly, it’s not even a game of poker.
It’s not a zero sum game where a winner necessitates a loser, it’s a game where being real gives people a true picture of you rather than assumptions.
And that goes for everything. Good or bad.
Every damn thought you have.
Being proud of my intelligence. Worrying about that slipping into ego, and occasionally it doing so. Being death gripped by the balls by depression for the last 10 years or so. My shame at being a smoker, the disgust I feel at it, the knowledge of being a flawed human who is often misanthropic, the fact I deal with ptsd and nightmares nearly daily and some days I’m scared of sleeping, dying from a heart attack due to a nightmare, or losing my grip on sanity and how hard it was to crawl out of the worst of shit.
My joy at rainstorms, a love of chaos controlled or not, an inability to enjoy my day without interaction with a four legged animal, my love of sweet foods and chasing my dads style of apple pie in the kitchen for years and getting close, an intractable obsession with intricacy and complex things, the need to build technical things and electronics, my want to make things that I love so that others can love those things too, knowing that I used to read a book a day but haven’t read a book in at least the past 5 years but I can recite some from memory, my love of tabletop games and strategy, my tendency to usually reach good answers in problem solving, being kind to possums to the point I can hand feed them and the fact that they are my favourite animal.
Every damn detail. Nothing locked up.
Good, bad, disgusting, ugly… whatever it is that makes you feel something, anything, as long as there’s a feeling there. If someone asks “how you doing” you be “fuckingreal.tm”.
The good ones are easy to be “fuckingreal.tm” about. They are things we post up all the time to make ourselves feel good and seem like an awesome human, but it won’t, and it doesn’t. What does make us feel good and become awesome is being understood, and that means ripping all your dirty, unclean, undesirable bullshit and throwing it on the table in front of you along with the good shit and saying “This is who I am. All of it. This is who I am, and I’ll be real about that.”
I think when people understand that shit, that’s when you’ve done something spectacular. Getting around those desires and impulses to hide your shit is definitely hard, but do you want people to like ‘you’ or ‘a representation of you that you have carefully curated to clean off the rough edges’?
I know which one I personally give a shit about, and the one that I actually want others to give a shit about. And hey, it’s not the sanitised one.
There’s definitely a certain subset of the population that this polarises rapidly against you, that get scared when you talk “fuckingreal.tm” about it. I’ve blown up relationships, friendships, ect from being real. I’ve lost a job for admitting mental health issues.
But you want to know the real kicker?
You gotta cull the weak. Weak relationships, weak friends, shit jobs… whatever it is, being “fuckingreal.tm” culls them out pretty quick.
The shit that makes you tick and makes you feel stuff, that’s the stuff that people need to come to terms with, and either tolerate or love.
None of the other bullshit that we put up in facades of magic mirrors, but the shit we can’t change, the shit we are working on, the shit we love about ourselves.
This isn’t a new thought from me. This is something that has been expressed by many people who are much smarter than I, in as many different ways.
But I call it “fuckingreal.tm” because it’s something that makes me tick, and I should own that, personalise it, and tell you why I do it.
And fuck it, why can’t you do it too? Is social anxiety and fear of being disliked part of your issue with being “fuckingreal.tm”?
Good! Let’s be “fuckingreal.tm” about that then!
Tell me you think I’m a loser? Fine! At least you are being “fuckingreal.tm” with me.
I got shit bottled up in my head here today, and I’m not too proud to admit it got to me. The little needles that sometimes poke around in my head were going a bit nuts. I have an incurable need to be understood by other humans as does everyone of you.
So just drop the act and be fuckingreal.tm about it.
Feel the freedom of saying what you mean, what you intend to do, or what you think.
The fear of judgment goes with time, and to be really fuckingreal.tm for a moment, being fuckingreal.tm is one of the only things that keeps me from not wanting to deal with shit anymore at times. If you’ve read this far, maybe it means something to you too.
And I mean it when I say this shit isn’t for just romantic interests. It’s for you in general, and for your outlook on life, and accepting and evolving who you are.
It’s made me a better person at least.
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rose-of-fair · 7 years
Imagine you were the court magician in a recent past. You felt both awe and distaste for Count Lucio, a man whom the people praised and sung songs of.
Over time, you begin to see different sides of the Count and notice how human and eratic he could be. Your once precieved thoughts of the Count to only be egotistical, selfish and ruthless have slowly begun to be put into question. To your surprise, the Count could show a compassionate and vulnerable side when he'd visit you in your work space asking about magic or seek someone to confine in. It is these small interactions that was enough for you to see him in a different light.
The more you spent time in the palace, the more you and Lucio grew closer to one another. The two of you would exchange smiles from across the room and often visit one another in private, bridging the gap between Count and Magician.
Fate can be a cruel force and test relationships. Not all come out of the flames in one peace.
As the red plague hit Vesuvia, it was as if someone stole away the one person you thought you knew so well. But alas the Count was bitter and seething with rage as he clawed his way in the opposite direction of deaths doors in order to live. He took every possible action to selflishly find a cure for himself but it was too late.
The flames already got to Lucio before you could do anything. His cries was that of a wild beast in a violent frenzy. The knots in your stomach began to tighten as you were helplessly engulfed in a feeling of fear and horror.
Something wasn't right.
Lucio is not right.
These thoughts plagued your mind, playing like a recording on repeat before your vision went dark.
Now, after the death of Count Lucio, your heart races as you see him. It is Lucio but his once human form no longer exists and is replaced by a monstrous goat form, its red eyes pulling you in as you tried to resist. But it was nearly impossible when his taunting voice unlocked the memories of your past. A past where you and Lucio sat at the gardens, laughing and teasing one another. A past where he came to you first when he got the red plague. A past where he whispered his honest feelings of admiration for you under the night stars.
But now you stoof before him as despair itched at your heart, knowing the Count you once knew was truely gone. Forever lost for no one to see or remember, not even Lucio himself.
"It seems you got the short end of the stick to win the Fates favour." A deep rumbling voice chuckled in amusement.
You could not tell if it was Lucio who said this or some mysterious bystander who was enjoying this unfortunate scene way too much.
In the end it didn't matter to you. The heartache of your dear Count was more unbearable than the red stain on your clothes. The one person you thought you trusted and cared for was forever unattainable.
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dumb-girl-thoughts · 4 years
What are the parts in myself that caused the ghosting that I don't want to look at? Why am I afraid of being rejected and why am I afraid to commit and give up my freedom emotionally? How did those feelings arise and how can I heal them? How can I forgive myself? Because I can only find love and a stable relationship if I heal those feelings.
Why am I afraid of being rejected? Maybe I feel like I'm not good enough for him. It's weird because one part of me knows that he won't find somebody like me again but the other part tells me that he doesn't see me as wifey material, that maybe I'm not pretty or successful or normal enough. I'm afraid of being rejected because I feel like I won't find somebody better either. I don't want anybody else so he can't reject me. Rejection hurts because it makes me feel like my biggest fear (not being good enough) is valid. Rejection hurts because it makes me feel like I could miss out on someone who's meant for me and who I could have an undescribeable love with.
How can I heal this fear of rejection? Everything that is truely meant for me will find it's way to me and stay by my side at just the right time. I can't miss out on anybody who is truely meant for me at least not as long as I'm doing my best and the universe knows I've been and I am trying. If I'm giving my best and it still isn't his cup of tea, I deserve to have someone better in my life. And it is possible for me to develop feelings for somebody else! It is possible to find somebody who's just as great! It is possible for me to be enough for somebody great! I deserve that! Other people aren't perfect either so if I can fall in love with somebody who is flawed then it's very possible for somebody great to fall in love with me too! He will love every part of me even the ones I'm afraid to show. I deserve somebody who communicates and shows how much he likes me and I will attract nothing less from now on.
Why am I afraid of commiting? I wouldn't say I'm afraid of commitment .. like at all but why did I fall in love with somebody who rejected me again and again? Was there a part of me that wanted to test the waters with falling in love without it being too serious already? Was there a part of me that was tired of hurting people myself and that needed to find out how it is to be rejected myself for once? Did I maybe even like playing the victim of my own circumstances? Did I like giving away my power so much that I convinced myself I had no say in what was happening? Perhaps.
How can I heal this fear of commitment? I still don't think it's fear of commitment BUT I do think I needed to find out what it was like to fall for somebody who wasn't ready for a commitment. I really believe my heart craved that deep kind of experience even though or just because it hurt like hell. However, now that I experienced it there's no reason for me to keep on acting like I don't have complete control over what happens. Maybe I needed to make this experience but now I'm ready for a relationship that is about reciprocity, trust, love, communication, consistancy, patience, loyalty, mutual interest, ambition and honesty. Now I need to make THAT experience! I choose a relationship that makes me feel amazing and loved and cared for consistantly.
How can I forgive myself? Maybe it wasn't the right time for me to look for love. I was at a low point in my life, I didn't feel confident, especially around him. I shouldn't blame myself for it though. It's okay to seek affection, human interaction and closeness even if you aren't at your best. Everybody deserves intimacy. In fact, it was very brave of me to open up in that situation and I'm glad I did because otherwise I wouldn't have experienced those intense emotions for the first time.
Fazit: You know, I heard that the best way to accept things and let go of them is to decide that you chose the thing that happened to you. What I realised through writing all of this down is that I don't even have to act like I chose this experience because I really did! Everytime he sent mixed signals, everytime he backed off a little, everytime he stopped messaging, I accepted his behaviour. My intuition told me early on that it would be like this with him but I chose to ignore it because I craved those experiences and emotions. I knew what would happen and I chose it conciously over and over again. So, yes, I chose this rejection, this heart-break, this pain and it taught me a lot! I chose this and now I can simply choose a different experience. I can choose to not accept in-and-out-behaviour. I can choose to only continue seeing people who are seriously interested in me and a commitment. I stimulated my thirst for an emotional experience and now that I'm richer in emotions and experiences, I can take my time to find something long-lasting and meaningful. I will be so much more consistant when it comes to my own priorities, expectations and boundaries because I learned what it's like to pay the price of not being true to myself. Eventually, this is an important factor of him ghosting me. Who'd want to get to know somebody who isn't authentic, who has temporarily lost a piece of their self-respect? Now, I'm finding back to that self-respect, to my integrity. It's kinda stupid that I blamed him for not treating me with integrity when I didn't even treat myself with integrity. It all comes back right? Deciding that I chose every single bit that happened during our time together takes away the power I gave over to him. I'm taking my power back and I'm using it to free myself of that victim-mentality. I'm using my power to get exactly what I want now because I really deserve to be happy. I found my self-love through opening up emotionally and now I found my self-respect again through realising that listening to your heart is only a great idea when it doesn't stop you from acting with integrity and authenticity. Self-love and self-respect - the couple I needed to find within myself first.
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renegadesrpg · 4 years
Dark Angels: Creation. Part 19, Assignments. Sin, Declan, Celia
Sin: *As expected, Celia was not being receptive.* Celia: You want me to WHAT? *It bursts out of me.* After the argument we had about accepting protection, now Sin wants to farm me out to babysit a human?* You are NOT sidelining me! Sin: *Gods save me from the female of /any/ species!* I am doing no such thing. I am asking you to protect a human that matters to one of us. We have clear evidence that not only are Lucifer’s demons in league with the Horseman’s thugs, they are working together to target us and willing to use those we care about to do so. It was a near thing with Sean’s female. It cannot happen again. And to be truthful, I cannot have my lieutenants distracted in this moment and Zav will be if he feels his newly found soulmate is in danger. Celia: You are just trying to get me out of harm’s way! *fuming at his masculine arrogance.* I’ve trained with Declan since coming into your service. I might not be as strong as he is, but I’m also a better shot. Ask him! Declan: Pushing off from the doorway I’d been leaning in, I raise my hands, “Don’t bring me into this.” The idea of my mate being away from me raises my hackles, but don’t like the idea of her in the middle of this battle either, no matter how capable she is. And the truth is, she is the better shot, but the way I see the coming battle breaking down is that guns are going to be useless. Yes, the special ammunition will take out anything, reaper and demon alike, but it’s most likely going to be such close quarters that you’d have as much chance of shooting a friend as a foe. This sounds like a better use of her strengths. Sin: *sighing* Celia, it is not a matter of physical strength. Bryn is not nearly as physically strong as Adrian, but she is just as competent on a battle field. I do not question your skills or your courage. But this assignment is one that uses talents you have that the rest of us do not. Hear me out. Celia: *Still fuming, both at my mate who did /not/ back me up and my master, I fold my arms and glare at him.* Talk then. Sin: Targeting our loved ones is a tactic designed to distract us and sow despair. It cannot be allowed a foothold. If it succeeds at the top, they will surely spread it down through the ranks. Therefore, it is imperative we stop this in its tracks. It is true we do not have evidence that Zav’s woman is being targeted, but we didn’t have evidence Sean’s was prior to the attack either. And we /do/ know they were targeting Zav in Miami. If Zav takes this on himself they have succeeded in depriving us of one of our ranking leaders. If he doesn’t, they have succeeded in distracting him. Either could be the blow that turns the tide against us. *Inhaling deeply. It is imperative I make her understand.* Placing a warrior with her who can blend into her life is the best solution, and you are the only one who can do that. She owns a bakery, and you have a rare talent in that field. At best, you could find a way to work with her and at worst simply befriend her over your shared passion. She lives alone, and as a disembodied soul, you can stay in the half-world when it is not possible for you to be visibly in her company to watch over her. You have weaponry that can take on any aggressors and the skills to use them appropriately. Your links to me will allow me to maintain an open channel with you should you need assistance, and *noting her stormy look at the suggestion she might run into something she couldn’t handle alone* there is no shame in calling for help. Sean and Adrian did just that and the outcome was all we could have wished for. *Pausing for a moment as the storm clouds recede.* Celia, I will be perfectly fine with Declan at my back until the final battle. Truely may not be. And isn’t protecting mortals what we are fighting for? Not every battle in this war is going to be fought at Callanish. This is not a “safe” posting. You’ll be alone, something I do not like but do not see an alternative to. You will have to rely on your shifter senses to discern friend from foe and your skills to protect her. If they come for Truely, they can kill her with a touch. . Your shifter senses will allow you to scent them from a safer distance and your weapons skills will enable you to kill them before can get to her. The danger to you is, *growing even more serious,* that once they realize you are actually a disembodied soul they will attempt to contain you and take you to Lucifer. My connection to your soul should alert me, but I do not want you in their clutches. If there were another way, I would not ask this, but with the resources we have now, only you are capable of safeguarding her, and in doing so, safeguarding the reaper corps. Declan: Coming up behind Celia, I place my hands on her shoulders, a gesture of affection and a reminder that I really do have her back. I know she’s pissed I didn’t immediately defend her abilities to Sin, but that wasn’t what this was about and I had known that. Sin had laid out an impenetrable case for her taking this assignment. I didn’t like it. Hearing him detail the potential dangers of it made me like it even less, but he was right. She was a natural fit for this and the only choice. We’re a mated wolf shifter pair. My natural instinct is to protect her, and hers to protect me, but this assignment was a better fit for her skill set, just like being on the front battle lines in the final conflict was a better fit for mine. Still, I won’t show her disrespect by trying to sway her in front of Sin. “Celia, what do you think? I /can/ protect Sin on my own if you decide to do this.” Celia: *I huffing at both of them.* You’re a smooth talker Sin. You make a good case. So how do I meet this woman? Sin: It’s a mortal lifetime of experience in negotiations with other kingdoms finely honed as a reaper by my interactions with the gods. Tact, diplomacy, and solid reasoning are always the first option before the sword. Violence is always the last resort in war. *Smiling at her, because this is where it will get more interesting.* As a ghost, you can travel where you please, but only if you have a visual sense of your destination. I am the exception to that in that the link we have by virtue of my connection to your soul allows you to find me, *much as the Horseman could find me before our link was dammed by the Inguz rune* You have never been to the safe house in Brazil, so I will take you there to meet Zav. *I hold my hand up as both Celia and Declan erupt in protest* I will be fine going directly from my own well warded home to another and Declan shall go with us. From there Zav will take you to his lady. The two of you will need to devise a cover story, as she does not yet know what he is, but I have confidence in your ingenuity. Declan: “I’ve got some things she needs to have with her. Since she’s undercover, she’s going to need a pair of .38’s and holsters that let her hide them as well as plenty of special ammo.” Turning her to face me and speaking to her directly, “I think one that lets you wear one at the small of your back and another around your ankle. And sheaths for your daggers. I’ve been working on one that fits over your shoulders and lets you access it from behind your neck. You’ll need to practice getting it and throwing in a smooth movement but you won’t have a problem with it.” Forcing a grin, “My girl’s good with sharp things. The other one should be an ankle sheath. So pack shirts with collars and pants that cover your ankles. And, since you’re going with Zav, some leathers. I’m sure he’ll find a way to bike it into town as part of his cover. Oh, and this….*pulling out a cell phone and handing it to her as I glance at Sin* There’s one for you too Sin. I know you dislike modern tech, but this makes sense. Zav wants us all to have them so we can stay in touch without the mental links. Your family is growing with the addition of Layla and Truly. They don’t have that ability and neither do we. This will let us stay in touch with each other. Sin: *Shaking my head a little at this reliance on something I’ve never needed before, but he is correct. Layla and Truely are to be part of my family now and this is part of not risking them. With a slightly disgruntled harrumph, I dismiss them.* I’ll leave you two to get outfitted and pack. We leave within the hour. #TBC
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Tabou Stories Love Episodes Cheats
Tabou Stories Love Episodes Guide
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Tabou Stories Love Episodes manual is a manual for hot new sport. Tabou memories: love episodes - interactive rpg with fine photographs and complex interface, which includes numerous tales with a twisted plot. The player can be able to revel in all the feelings of the characters in the scripts of different genres, ranging from romance and ending with drama. In every of the tales the user will constantly must make alternatives and respond to comments made by means of characters within the dialogues. How game enthusiasts will reply and what movement will produce relies upon on the very last denouement without exception, all of the stories. Are you going to be a flirt that wraps all and sundry round her finger to win the existing, or are you looking for actual love? Are you a superb girl or a scandal queen? In every episode, you pick out what you wish to do, and your alternatives will decide the ending of this tale! In billionaire's darling, you're only a commonplace female till you meet handsome billionaire henry lockwood. You get a suggestion to be his faux girlfriend... a proposal that sounds too properly to be actual. New update is here. We're very excited about the improvements we made to the game, wish you'll be, too! Virtually in my view that is a truely appropriate sport i just want that having all the other memories intertwined with each different would be high-quality which inside the few memories they do intertwine with the identical human beings on extraordinary activities,the only factor i do not like is that you have to purchase Gems with the intention to choose the right alternatives they have to reduce us a bit slack! Like please make it picks you could choose and the alternative expenses Gems. Its bull crap! The sport may not load anymore i dont understand if it is a few form of malicious program occurring however i cannot play, and the sport itself is clearly amusing! 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A new taboo update is ready for you! Check out the interesting new content and further sport improvements. A new taboo replace is prepared for you! Take a look at out the unique new content and additional game improvements. Tabou tales helps you to do just that! Make selections that rely: wear stunning clothes, navigate the drama and fall in love. In tabou you make your secret goals come authentic! • expand relationships with other characters within the tale - do you grow to be pals, enemies or fanatics? Flirt with celebrities, turn out to be well-known and find your perfect match in matchmaker! In an unexpected twist, you've got landed on a well-known truth show. With contestants such as a badboy singer, a famous hollywood actor and your ex-model, matters are approximately to get hot! This sport should in reality be exciting in case you have been allowed to one way or the other win more Gems, getting one gem consistent with chapter completed goes to make me get tired of it actual brief i maintain doing the free Gems & the last 6 it hasn't given me im getting worn-out it's the equal component everytime i watch some thing new it will no longer provide me the gem truly love the app. But one bad element is the whole thing that you want to choose expenses cash. Are you able to decide the fact? Is he surely lovestruck with you individually, or is it just for show? Get involved in society, get dressed up in outfits which can be costly, journey sensual mins, and find out puzzles, all in those beautiful characters! Your connection is probably an imitation, however the enchantment between you're actual. With humans looking to undermine your romance, do you fall in love? And these are only a few of our intimate and erotic stories! We're continuously working to provide exciting and new characters.
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
B2c hyper-personalisation examples b2b need to analyze from
We from time to time use affiliate links this means that that, at zero fee to you, we may also earn a commission in case you purchase something thru our links. Consistent with findings from ascend2, 62% of advertising professionals see hyper-personalisation as a crucial approach but most effective nine% have efficiently carried out it. Whilst this comes from a especially narrow consciousness institution, it’s backed up by way of the truth that only a few of our interactions with manufacturers  Digital Marketing Company Birmingham are personalised at all – let alone sufficient to get the “hyper” prefix. Hyper-personalisation is taking place, although, and its b2c brands which might be pushing the innovation on this department. But b2b marketers ought to be paying attention right here because there’s a genuine risk of being left behind in one of the maximum crucial marketing developments in recent years – one that might realise all the promises we’ve been hearing about big data for the past decade. What's hyper-personalisation? Hyper-personalisation makes use of artificial intelligence and large statistics to create tremendously-personalised reviews for customers. Whilst normal personalisation uses static data to insert customers’ names into emails or trade touchdown web page content material, hyper-personalisation compares your owned records with masses of 1/3-birthday party facts to make calculations. Basically, ai algorithms examine your users/leads with different on-line who display the identical hobbies and behaviours. While the proper fit is made, those algorithms can study the destiny actions different users took to are expecting what your consumer will react to sure messages. Source: ascend2
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 this indicates you’re able to address user wishes with a exceptionally small quantity of information. Higher but, you can address their desires earlier than they even know what they are. That is in which the leading b2c manufacturers are leading the way with hyper-personalisation and it’s time for b2b entrepreneurs to trap up. As you’ll see from the examples we’re searching at in this newsletter, hyper-personalisation doesn’t quit with the first sale. In fact, this advertising and marketing strategy really comes to life when you’ve got customers on board with the primary buy – especially when you have an account-primarily based enterprise structure. I’ll give an explanation for all of this in greater detail later. For now, simply take into account that hyper-personalisation makes use of ai and large data to enhance your lead technology efforts and it has even extra to provide in terms of customers retention and maximising customers price. What can b2b agencies do with hyper-personalisation? You simplest should examine what these days’s maximum revolutionary ecommerce manufacturers are doing with hyper-personalisation to see what b2b agencies can achieve with the era. For a few reason, hyper-personalisation hasn’t genuinely damaged out of the online retail region yet, but it’s most effective a be counted of time. Right here are a few sensible examples of what hyper-personalisation can do for b2b corporations:
 deliver ultra-relevant offers: to start with, hyper-personalisation permits you to target users with extremely-applicable messages and offers. As an example, you could evaluate customers’ buying behavior with thousands and thousands of other clients to make more accurate product hints or analyse pre-purchase behaviour to target some customers with money-off promotions and others with bulk-purchase discounts. Connect to users at every degree of the buying procedure: by way of evaluating your information with hundreds or millions of other customers, you can investigate how accurate your sales funnels are and pinpoint potential leaks that your very own records isn’t comprehensive enough to reveal. With those insights, you can then create highly-applicable messages and automate their transport to customers at each stage of the buying manner. Are expecting consumer actions: by analysing consumer movements at a mass scale, ai algorithms can expect destiny movements of other users. Basically, a positive sample of actions will factor closer to a destiny movement – eg: when a user looks at a sure aggregate of product pages, they commonly grow to be shopping for this product. So, if that’s now not the maximum profitable product they might be shopping for, what messages can you target them with to upsell them earlier than they even make the purchase? Create 100% customized patron studies: hyper-personalisation isn’t just a advertising approach; it’s a business philosophy and maximum of the examples we’ll be searching at later have built hyper-personalised products/services from the floor up – and to notable impact. Maximise consumer retention and lifelong price: that is where hyper-personalisation generally has the most effect. Via developing fairly-personal reports for character customers, you’re going get higher outcomes from pass-promoting and upselling campaigns, ensuing in ongoing purchases and expanded purchaser price. Construct logo loyalty: the greater non-public your customer enjoy becomes, the more potent your courting with every of them may be. Deal with their concerns on an person basis and that they’re going to feel so valued that it’s hard to assume doing commercial enterprise someplace else. What you’re additionally going to do is increase every purchaser’s funding to your emblem (cash, time, information, etc.), which successfully locks them into doing commercial enterprise with you (and not jogging off to your competitors). The ones are the key use cases of hyper-personalisation we’re searching at in this article and the best way to explain these in greater depth is by using searching at examples. Examples of hyper-personalisation in motion
there are a number of b2c businesses – specially inside the ecommerce area – which might be displaying that hyper-personalisation can attain. These principles shouldn’t be constrained to customer-oriented commercial enterprise, even though. B2b brands have simply as much to benefit from hyper-personalisation (and gain from these examples).
 #1: product suggestions
 the maximum common instance of hyper-personalisation is product hints – the kind of issue you spot on amazon. These are brought with the aid of ai recommendation engines that analyse mass purchaser records to identify purchase tendencies and offer hints based on what human beings with similar pastimes have offered. It’s essentially an ai improve to associated products, except the recommendations are primarily based on human pursuits in preference to honestly prompting humans to shop for similar products. You’ll also locate similar engines used on structures like netflix and spotify as they offer content material pointers to customers. Why does this paintings? In place of truely making pointers to users based totally on their very own buy history, artificial intelligence compares their histories to thousands and thousands of other consumers to locate extra advanced buy habits. Notably, this means greater correct recommendations. But the other key element is you can use those engines to target customers, even if their purchase history is incredibly brief, which would in any other case make it not possible to goal them with relevant guidelines. What can b2b brands research from this? B2b ecommerce brands can essentially reproduction and paste this approach into their very own income system. But, provider-oriented business can take the identical approach to goal customers with extra provider pointers, as long as the applicable 0. 33-birthday party records is accessible.
 #2: consumer account customisation
spotify’s music recommends are designed to preserve users engaged with the platform and ingesting content material however this isn’t the handiest manner it makes use of hyper-personalisation. In truth, i might argue the streaming app’s simplest use of the generation lies within the substantial person account customisation that’s made viable. Spotify encourages customers to create their own playlists, essentially constructing an entire library of tune on their account. Over the past ten years or so, i’ve step by step created hundreds of playlists with thousands of tracks assigned to my account – i couldn’t even wager what the actual numbers would be. Why does this matter? Because i will’t photograph the chance of ditching spotify and recreating the ones playlists on every other platform (or losing them altogether). I’ve invested manner too much time into spotify and, as a result, i’m locked into procuring a top rate account – quite fortunately, too. Any other form of hyper-personalisation that achieves this is move-platform syncing. The quality instance i'm able to think about is google in which all of my on-line pastime synced between chrome on one-of-a-kind devices, permitting me to get admission to the entirety i need at any time, on any tool. Certain, i want to punch myself for giving google all that records but it’s simply too rattling useful for me to recollect switching synchronisation off, not to mention transfer to another browser. Why does this work? The greater customers customize a bit of software program, the more non-public the enjoy will become – an enjoy that’s hard to discover or recreate some other place. The other key factor here is the amlint of time it can take for users to build their very own personalized revel in. Preferably, this can passed off step by step over the years so customisation doesn’t get in the manner of truly the usage of a platform. But, this time all adds up and a few minutes each day subsequently becomes hours (or even days’) worth of customisation that nobody is going to need to lose or repeat some place else. What can b2b brands learn from this? Any b2b software program company can take notes from the likes of spotify. The key aspect is to make customisation an intuitive a part of the usage of the software. Some distance too many software corporations implement customisation in a way that prevents clients from being capable of use their platform before matters are set up. Layout an revel in that encourages sluggish customisation and also you’ll lock users into your platform for the lengthy haul.
 #3: constructing personalized client stories from the ground up
some of the most remarkable examples of hyper-personalisation are from brands that flip it into a enterprise model. Instead of the usage of personalisation as a advertising strategy, stitchfix is hyper-personalisation. The complete premise of the startup is to provide customers with their personal personalise stylist who allows them choose the appropriate dresser for them. Users offer applicable facts approximately themselves – sizes, fashion preferences, preferred hues, etc. – and stitchfix analyses this records against the garb patterns of purchasers with comparable tastes. That’s now not all, although. Stitchfix additionally has a group of extra than 1000 human private stylists who examine person profiles and offer professional stylist recommendations. Users then recieve their recommendations within the post to strive for themselves and they most effective buy what they like. Human beings and machines, working collectively in harmony. As a end result, stitchfix can provide a without a doubt personalised consumer experience from the first actual interaction – and the provider best improves because it learns extra approximately man or woman customers. Why does this paintings? Stitchfix’s is constructed from the floor as much as deliver personalized stories that remedy a number of the most common troubles with shopping for garments on-line: length inconsistencies, now not being capable of attempt garments on, objects no longer matching collectively, and many others. Each client experience is specific and the great of hints improves over the years, because the platform learns extra about every consumer (records investment), which makes it increasingly hard for them to desert it. What can b2b brands study from this? There are plenty of b2b offerings that could undertake a comparable approach to stitchfix. For instance, business automation is a complicated concept for corporations to undertake and the correct answer is distinctive for each commercial enterprise. Ai tips blended with human expert recommendation ought to surely help businness choose which obligations to automate and the excellent equipment for each of them. Likewise, b2b shops in a wide variety of niches could create a comparable platform for the organizations and individuals who have to make complex buy alternatives. Specifically if those stores have an intensive variety of inventory to browse and pick out from or buy choices need to consider a complicated variety of factors (licensing, specifications, guidelines, and so on.).
 #4: resolve non-public problems
 care/of essentially makes use of the identical business version as stitchfix however, instead of supplying up style recommendation, it pursuits to clear up a far greater personal hassle. The homepage leads with the following message on its hero segment:
 take care of your strength, diet, stress, sleep… lifestyles
 all users need to do is take a short quiz and care/of creates a plan of vitamins and dietary supplements designed to assist them feel better and boost their normal health. This plan changes as humans development through their initial direction and their fitness reaches sure landmarks – all of that's logged inside the cellular app. Customers recieve new tips as their adventure progresses and the whole thing is one hundred% personalized to their particular desires. Why does this work? There’s nothing extra non-public than our personal health and care/of responds to this with the aid of developing a a hundred% personalised and private revel in that goals to improve fitness thru preventative measures. The agencies coverage of transparency and unbiased studies is also sincerely vital right here. We’ll display you the research and be transparent approximately how mounted it's far. We don’t faux all supplements have equal tiers of clinical evidence or traditional records — due to the fact that isn’t the reality. But we are able to continually display our paintings and tailor our guidance to you as an individual. It’s no longer the nutrients and suppliments that peplle are virtually shopping for into here. It’s the combined piece of thoughts and agree with thay they’re getting a carrier which has a really tremendous effect on their lives, based totally on their precise health requirements. That’s what makes this service so personal. What can b2b brands examine from this? Agencies don’t have private troubles in step with se however there’s truely this type of aspect as component enterprise fitness. Financial recommendation, insurance, felony useful resource, protection, marketing and all forms of other things are critical for retaining a healthful commercial enterprise and finding the proper combination of those individual businesses is much like compiling the correct nutrition and suppliments plan for human beings. Take an coverage company that offers enterprise protection, for instance. Companies need a huge range of cowl for public legal responsibility, administrative center accidents, property, commercial enterprise interruptions and any quantity of different rules. The sort of business, length of commercial enterprise, places, areas of operation, variety of employees, chance assessment, opportunity of public injury and all forms of other factors decide the mixture of coverage required and this will exchange as organizations develop, evolve, rebrand or applicable regulations alternate. B2b services that need to provide tailored applications like this may research loads from the care/of technique to hyper-personalisation.
 #5: make personal tales part of your emblem
again in 2015, easyjet embarked on a hyper-personalised advertising marketing campaign to rejoice its 20th anniversary. In a yr when the likes of ebay and ft. Com were additionally marking their 2oth birthday’s, easyjet’s campaign stood out above all of them because it positioned its customers at the heart of its very own celebrations. The multi-channel campaign became centred around tv and social media commercials featuring pictures from easyjet clients on their travels over the previous two decades. The company later printed those pix onto the aspect of one in every of its planes and compiled curated “pinnacle 20” lists and journey publications from its customers. Loads have brands have tried to make the most of person-generated personalisation in latest years and lots of have failed spectacularly. But, easyjet nailed this with its anniversary marketing campaign by way of aligning its enterprise journey with the fine and maximum memorable moments its clients have loved from its offerings. This marketing campaign wasn’t simply approximately easyjet; it changed into about its customers and this is what the stop consumer wants to see from hyper-personalisation. Why does this paintings? Vacations are quite personal first of all and we have a tendency to closely invest ourselves in our recollections of beyond journeys and destiny tour plans. There’s a actual electricity in the idealistic escapism we partner with travel and easyjet performed a primary position in making those memories feasible for such a lot of human beings. The airline become a number of the pioneers of low-budget flights throughout europe, which spread out the tour enterprise to folks who never might were able to come up with the money for such journeys – or as lots of these journeys in their lifetime. At the same time as there are plenty of holes to poke inside the customer service added through low-price range airways, without the likes of easyjet many of humans’s most precious life recollections actually in no way might have happened – and that’s a powerful message for a organization like easyjet to have on its facet. These days, we take the benefit of tour as a right but easyjet’s personalised marketing campaign reminds its customers (and every person else that sees these commercials) that their favored vacations might not have been viable without the corporation – and it does this with the aid of setting them at the centre of the marketing campaign itself. What can b2b manufacturers study from this? The real motive of easyjet’s marketing campaign became showcasing what the employer has executed for its clients – no longer collectively, however on an individual foundation. Any b2b brand can take notes from this campaign even though easyjet had a golden aid that many businesses don’t have such smooth get right of entry to to. The important thing to this marketing campaign changed into the vacation pics easyjet clients had taken on their travels. The ones precious recollections, as soon as-in-a-lifetime reports and idyllic locations we all dream of going lower back to one day. The satisfactory part of easyjet is humans certainly take these pix once they travel – the content was there, equipped and watching for it. Your regular b2b emblem likely isn’t going to be inside the identical function wherein such emotive photographs and reports related to their emblem are obviously captured by clients. In case you’ve were given them, remarkable – use them. In any other case, you may create an environment wherein landmarks are celebrated. For example, think about a business control software program platform that facilitates business proprietors set desires and attain them. Each of those achieved goas is a landmark that may be celebrated with badges, factors, ratings and other measurements that are displayed in the software platform, constantly reminding users of the progress they’ve made with this piece of software. This progress may be compiled into month-to-month and every year email campaigns, displaying customers what they’ve accomplished all through these timeframes. Similar to the benefit of modern-day journey, it’s clean to take without any consideration how lots we’ve used a software platform over the years and what sort of we’ve truely achieved with it. Those campaigns display customers the actual value of a service and what they wouldn’t have controlled to achieve with out it. Psychology tells us humans the loss of some thing they already very own extra than gaining some thing of the identical price that they don’t very own (loss aversion). Campaigns like this are extraordinarily powerful in relation to consumer retention. And, similar to easyjet did, you could collect more than one client memories into a branding campaign and attain out to new audiences while putting your existing clients inside the spotlight. Time for b2b manufacturers to get hyper-personal
as you could see from the examples we’ve checked out in this newsletter, hyper-personalisation can bring brands and potentialities/clients collectively in simply significant methods. Whilst its b2c stores who're driving the innovation in this place, agencies of all kinds have a lot  Digital Marketing Agencies in Oxford to benefit from constructing these styles of relationships and it’s time for b2b manufacturers to start enforcing hyper-personalisation as a key advertising strategy.
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saraalexandrablr · 5 years
Making ready your advertising and marketing method for black friday
It’s almost that issue again – on the same time as customers set their alarms for ungodly hours and go away the thanksgiving desk early to wait in line outside their preferred retail keep, hoping to get their arms on the high-quality offers of the one year. Black friday has grow to be a cultural fixture, serving as the proper Creative Digital Marketing Agency in Indianapolis to the holiday shopping season. Each three hundred and sixty five days this buying-fest appears to get huge and large, as well, as groups every massive and small summon their troops – nicely, employees – to address the big crowds and checkout lines. A few argue that the escalation of black friday has taken all of the a laugh out of waking up early and hitting the shops. Amongst groups deciding on to live open on thanksgiving day and headlines of consumers being trampled through a crowd or entering into a combat over the past television in stock, this “excursion” has gotten a horrible rap over time. But whether or not or not or now not you’re the primary one in line as quickly as you finish your thanksgiving night meal otherwise you’d as an alternative do your buying online, it’s tough to argue with black friday’s significance to stores. With 2016 numbers together with as a notable deal as a report $three. 34 billion in unmarried-day income – a 21. 6 percentage increase from 2015 – it’s more vital than ever for corporations to prepare themselves for the capability earnings to return returned whilst the clock strikes nighttime nov. 24, 2017. Online shopping for specifically is playing a extra function within the black friday mania, which makes it essential if you want to approach the holiday with a properly concept-out virtual advertising approach. Black friday 2017 is proper at some level inside the corner, so hold your self the pressure and begin making prepared now with the beneficial beneficial resource of specializing inside the following regions of digital advertising and marketing.
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When you have an ecommerce company, you apprehend the significance of having a domain that’s each reliable and clean-to-use. With the influx of site visitors you may see on black friday and at some stage in thanksgiving weekend, it’s essential that your internet internet site can address it. Now not a few issue locations a damper on profits like a slow or malfunctioning net net web page, so ensure that your servers are dependable and prepared for the rush. Cellular precedence now might be moreover the time to test your cellular individual enjoy. Ultimate year, cellular gadgets had been used to make 36 percent of on line income on black friday, and for the primary time ever, greater than a thousand million greenbacks become generated in on-line earnings from cellular gadgets. We're able to simplest assume the ones numbers to increase this year. The various large increase in cellular clients and the time-sensitive nature of black friday promotions, clients are not going to stick round if a website isn’t properly suitable with their device. On the same time as you can't have time to do an entire redecorate in advance than black friday arrives, you can nevertheless replace net internet site content material material to make it more visually attractive to mobile clients. Begin through consulting google’s cellular-great check to look in case your pages are optimized for cell.
Quick checkout other than in fact functioning properly, you want to test the actual buying and checkout experience. Critical questions to ask are:
Does your net website on line make it smooth for clients to function some thing to their cart and make a purchase? How many steps must customers whole earlier than their order is whole? Complicated navigation or cluttered pages make for a horrible enjoy that could turn off web page visitors from spending their money and time on your internet web page on line. Within the early morning hours of black friday, no man or woman has time to war thru your internet site to discover the checkout! This excursion is all approximately purchasing for with speed. Having clean-to-use abilties and perks like vacationer checkout, paypal charge options and comfy account statistics for go back customers can all assist to set your ecommerce experience apart from the competition. Stand-out discounts at the component of getting a short and easy buy method, you need to ensure you've got had been given the goods your clients are looking for in stock. Test final three hundred and sixty five days’s income to look what devices had been most famous further to this 12 months’s tendencies to make certain your reductions and gives line up with matters your purpose marketplace without a doubt goals to shop for. In case you don’t have the season’s most well-known products available at a aggressive charge, it is going to be tough on the way to be successful on black friday. Social media and paid advertising and advertising and marketing whether or not or no longer you’re an ecommerce or brick-and-mortar organisation, the significance of social media and paid advertising and marketing and advertising for any shape of merchandising is easy. To assemble hype critical as an awful lot as black friday, supply your social media fans a primary check upcoming profits. This may not most effective inspire customers to plan their buying approach beforehand of time and located your business on their listing, however it will cause them to feel valued and in-the-comprehend as part of an specific patron base. Paid campaigns to generate extra buzz and communique, you must start running paid ad campaigns on social media numerous days in advance than black friday. A wonderful way to goal your Digital Marketing Companies Indianapolis is thru social-taken into consideration one in all a type offers that invite clients to print out a discount or cash in on a web good deal code even as the shopping for vacation arrives. Google additionally gives paid advertising and advertising and advertising and marketing options that may be a precious supplement in your social media presence. Providing your organization along relevant are searching for results will help assemble cognizance and pride for black friday, at the same time as furthermore using certified visitors immediately for your net website on-line. Updated records finally, make certain your google my agency facts is correct and updated so clients can effects discover your corporation employer’ area, mobile phone variety and hours of operation on the equal time as they bustle from preserve to shop searching out the exceptional discounts. As speedy as black friday rolls spherical, it’s essential which you have one or more employees retaining tabs in your social media payments. Being attentive to any questions or troubles that humans have even as shopping for will now not outstanding display that your employer cares approximately its customers, however it is able to moreover inspire earnings inside the method. Clients will respect the truth that you are aware about their desires – specifically on the busiest buying day of the year. Electronic mail advertising customers are constantly bombarded with emails from shops looking for to get them to take advantage of the cutting-edge promotions. However, if there can be one time they'll be paying near hobby to the profits being despatched right away to their inbox, it’s in the days main up to black friday. Black friday 2016 observed 12,606 email campaigns sent thru stores, fifty five percentage more than in 2015. Why? Due to the fact electronic mail works. E-mail drove 18. 1 percent of online earnings from nov. 1-28 in 2016, lagging at the back of high-quality are searching for and direct visitors. Acquire addresses in case you don’t have already got a tremendous list of e-mail addresses to leverage, we advise jogging to assemble yours up right now. Upload a pop-up on your internet web site, permit social media fans recognize you may emailing out specials on black friday and ask clients to provide their email cope with within the route of the checkout manner (every on line and in-maintain). Growing a pleasant list is a essential have to in having fulfillment with email, and people small, smooth techniques let you begin or expand your contacts database. Get innovative whether or not or now not it’s an equal design, layout or message, there are hundreds of businesses whose e-mail advertising and advertising message grows stale from overuse. Everybody loves shopping for subjects at a reduction, but emailing customers about your 40 percentage off sweater sale three instances every week is a first rate way to get clients to disregard you or unsubscribe. Wherein e-mail advertising and marketing proves its truely properly properly well worth is whilst companies discover a manner to mix in promotions with catchy, informational messages. Emails that aren’t honestly about a sale, however as an opportunity teach the recipient approximately top inclinations, budgeting guidelines or opportunities to offer another time to the community assist cut up profits-y pitches and offer charge even without a buy. Then, whilst clients do collect promotional messages on days like black friday, at the same time as they're in search of to keep, they’ll surely pay interest. The high-quality approach is to deliver a wholesome stability of promotional and non-promotional messages all twelve months extended, so that after black friday rolls spherical, you may hobby on profits and your subscribers obtained’t be indignant. Say what you could about email advertising, however the bottom line is that it absolutely works if finished right – and it actually works on black friday.
 Expect cell to take gain of those eye-establishing e-mail advertising numbers, you need to layout your emails with cell in thoughts. If clickable icons or textual content are too small to examine or interact with on a cell tool, you can say goodbye to capability company from those recipients. On Digital Marketing Agency Indianapolis a excessive-web site traffic day like black friday, clients’ staying strength is alternatively low. They keep in mind that companies are vying for his or her bucks teeth and nail, in order that they’re no longer going to waste their time with a organisation that would’t accommodate their searching for possibilities proper off the bat. Like your social media and paid advertising and advertising and marketing techniques, it’s moreover crucial to set up and put into effect your email marketing plan nicely earlier of black friday. Get your enterprise to your customers’ minds in advance than their inboxes are flooded, and hold the momentum going in some unspecified time in the future of the thanksgiving weekend and into december.
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