#they are the spirits of what could have been in a healthier kinder world
colorisbyshe · 2 years
This post is just making me think of the actually very sloppy yet SO well done use of parallels in Naruto.
Like, the parallels in Naruto are always, always heavy handed.
Naruto is Jiraiya. Sasuke is Orochimaru. Sakura is Tsunade.
Naruto is Hashimada. Naruto is Madara.
In that one scene, Naruto is Haku. Sasuke is Zabuza.
Sometimes, Sasuke is Kakashi but also Naruto is Minato... who was Kakashi’s mentor. (Despite Sasuke being Zabuza who was Haku’s mentor/abuser.) Sasuke is Kakashi but Naruto is never really Obito (except for when he is) but Sakura is kind of Rin.
And I could go on, really. Just with paralles with Naruto and Sasuke (and sometimes Sakura) to other characters and other character relationships.
But, the thing is... none of these parallels ever really make sense besides maybe Hashimada/Madara. These parallels are largely surface level. Except for one thing... all of these people and relationships ended tragically, dooming Sasuke and Naruto from the start. Fate said you are Team 7, you are Senju and Uchiha, you are born into enemy lines but Sasuke and Naruto are proof of that fate being defied.
Their bond, their love, their trauma bonding endured what those before them couldn’t. Their bond healed wounds that weren’t even theirs and gave redemption to people long gone. They are liberation from the cycle of despair.
They have broken the chains their ancestors, teachers, and enemies have put onto them. Their love is greater than any bondage put onto them.
And... that’s how you accidentally write one of the best love stories of all time
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moonlitfirefly · 4 years
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Yesterday, 5 June 2020, my hospital joined many healthcare institutions and systems across the country to hold an 8 minute and 46 second vigil for the #blacklivematter movement. It was 8 mins and 46 seconds of silence that was hard for us to hold in place working in a hospital. Some could only hold it for a few minutes. But it was a reminder to us all that it was 8 mins and 46 seconds for a crooked cop and his accomplices to kill Mr. George Floyd.
In those 8 mins and 46 seconds I reflected on the hundreds of thousands of black lives, hundreds of billions of colored lives, millions upon billions of humans who have been killed and murdered because of their skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sex because another human believed their lives was not worth another day of breathing. In the 8 mins and 46 seconds of silence I thought about my black, American Indian, and Asian family and friends. I reflected on America’s history and America’s sins against humanity. I reflected on the SILENCE and what it has felt like to told be told to hush, to be quiet, to simmer down, to hold my tongue, to be told my heart and my eyes are seeing it all wrong. I reflected on this desire to silence our rage. I reflected on how hard it is to hold it for 8 mins and 46 second....
....when my studies and history reminded me of the centuries of systematic racism that placed lashes of whippings, bloody, blinding pain, and immovable scars to silence and subdue the human spirit; I reflected on the shackles; babies torn from mothers; I reflected on the slave ships that threw over the side of the boat human lives that included children and parents holding babies because the wieght in the ship was too heavy to bear (so many meanings are held in that thought). I reflected on the “camps” filled with children and adults who have suffered, who are to this very day suffering, and those who have died while detained and corralled into camps such as these in our past and current history; I reflected on religious and school systems that took children away from their families to assimilate, abuse, and murder them at the hands of white righteous people of god; I reflected on the mind and heart of a child who watched their beloved parent murdered, raped, beaten before their eyes or the parents who witnessed these same crimes upon their child; I reflected on the black people who turn against their own community in favor of the silence, stay in line and you won’t be called an animal, too, mentality. I reflected upon my own family and those members who are Christ loving, the same people who are “people of color” saying the words and holding the sentiments of racism that perpetuates the hate and discrimination.
Again, I reflected on the eons of oppressors, the privileged, the chosen ones, the powerful ones, the “good people” determined to silence those that afflicted or challenged their own conscience, their means for wealth, their idea of love. The story of oppression, of uprising against oppression, of making way for liberty and freedom is not new, the burning of our cities today is not new, the call to justice and liberty is not new.
But what is given to us today, in this moment of history, our time in human history is the opportunity to HEAR THE SILENCE, hear the pain and suffering, and accept the challenge to make real change within our hearts, within our family, within our communities. We can always rebuild buildings, but we can’t bring back the life of someone who has been killed. What I am hoping is that we are helping to change, overhaul, and possibly destroy the antiquated system that has perpetuated the degradation of our human society, we are ousting the illness and violence that plagues our justice system and law enforcement, that we are rebuilding a more just, a more healthier, a more kinder, a more loving, a more wiser United States of America, and a broader reaching envelopement of a more conscious world....and that we are all doing this together. The story of humanity is not old, but it is the greatest lesson of our existence.
“15. Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him. 16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” 1 John 3:15-16
#justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforblackamerica #blacklivesmatter once this is embraced, understood, and accepted will “all lives matter”, until then the sins of America will continue
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cosmicwitchreadings · 6 years
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Mental Health Medium
This is a story about mental heath. Within my own story involving mental heath I think of Death, Rebirth & everything in between.
Death: a common word used in all languages across the world and holds the same idea no matter what language. It is a word that translates “the passing of life”. In my life the word “Death” has a deeper translation. I use the ideology of Death that comes from Tarot. In this regard it captures the idea of ones passing of the old self to the new. It is apart of the circle of life. Death is simply another doorway to the next chapter.
Think of it this way: we are beings made up of energy, right? And that energy is always striving for expansion. Ya know it’s like what Edwin Hubble discovered? The Universe is always expanding, well so are we. Yet our human emotions of fear, closed mindedness and self doubt hold us back from this expansion. And when I say expansion I mean Death or Rebirth.
Right now you’re probably like: “ What the hell is this lady taking about? I thought this was a blog about Ghosts!”
And it is!, but today when I went to do my meditation the Ghosts asked me to share my story of progress. They believe my story can help others. You see I started doing this blog to expand myself as a writer, but also to help my mental state. I, myself, have been living in the Death cycle if you will for about a year.
Let’s start from the beginning. For the past 20 some years I had been living in and struggling to crawl out what I call my “pit of despair”. I suffered from: unresolved anger and betrayal, self doubt, fear, depression, intense self hatred, suicidal tendencies, and would warmly welcome the idea of crossing over. Some people would look at that and be like “Yep, that’s pretty fucked up, but that’s life, always a struggle.” And the me a year ago would have agreed. From the abuse of others and the abuse of myself I always doubted I would ever have the courage to change.
“Change for the better!” I would say to myself, but I could never put those words into action. It was fear and self doubt that held me back. I can speak to so many different types of spirits guides and ghosts and hear their words, yet it was my own doing that which held me back from my own transformation.
I didn’t know how to accept my past and the people in it. But and this isn’t bullshit, but through love there is a way. I needed someone to help me which is something I NEVER wanted. My motto was to never ask for help, because I can figure it out on my own. But I am blessed to have the most supportive, loving, and understanding partner I could only dream of. And it was from his love and light that allowed me to take that step to getting help. I myself took control of my life. I went and talked to a professional. By taking that step I started my own Death cycle. And today I can say I am better, not 100%, but better. I have learned to manage my depression and self hatred. It is all within your own power, I swear. I am on my way to a better, healthier, kinder, path. I never thought I’d like myself ever. And yet today I am coming up with ways of how to explore my abilities to being better. WTF?! Who am I?
When I spoke to my spirit guides today they told me it was time for me to share my story of progress. So, I wouldn’t be writing this post if it wasn’t for them. I overcame my fear of writing this. And their message to you is to ask for help and listen. Listen to yourself and if you can’t listen to yourself then ask. For those of you who float and do not see land I want you to know there is always land. Ask for help because I can guarantee someone in your life gives a shit that you’re here on this Earth. Even if you don’t think so, sorry you’re wrong. Put out your hand and I bet you’ll be surprised by who reaches back. If I can overcome and admit that I needed help you can too. Those ghosts, spirits, animal totems, all of ’em and I want you to know that there is always light and love. Just ask and listen. What’s the harm in asking? Death and Rebirth can happen.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
Tired Of Rising Mercury? Here’s What You Could Be Doing To Save Your Planet
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/tired-of-rising-mercury-heres-what-you-could-be-doing-to-save-your-planet/
Tired Of Rising Mercury? Here’s What You Could Be Doing To Save Your Planet
Saumya Gaur May 13, 2019
We get it, saving the environment might not be as glamorous a topic as the Met Gala, but it’s a necessity that we can no longer afford to ignore. Not to sound all “doom andgloom” but across the planet, many people are making unconventional choices such as not opting to have children because they no longer believe that there is a worthwhile future for the coming generations on this planet (1).
And though that is one way of looking at the problem, the way of mitigating the damage, we believe in the power of the human spirit. That’s right, if all of us start being a little kinder to our environment, it will not only give it a new lease of life, but it will also give a brighter future to our coming generations. And as the current inhabitants of the planet, we owe it to them to do so.
And in that spirit, we have compiled a list of small ways in which you can help in saving the planet. Here they are:
1. Buy Locally Produced Products As Much As Possible
That delicious dragonfruit that you love so much, costs the planet a lot more than it costs you! When you consume exotic produce, brought from faraway countries, you add to the pollution and fuel use (we’re referring to the process of its transportation). Therefore, it would be a better idea to satisfy your taste buds with locally available produce.
2. Skip Using That Fancy Screensaver
That dreamy screen saver of Chris Evans might be the highlight of your normal work day, but that little luxury is a huge pain for the planet. In fact, the more graphics-heavy a screensaver is, the more energy it is going to consume. You didn’t know that, did you?Therefore, if you plan to be away from your desk for long, it will be best if you put your system on sleep mode.
3. Carry Your Own Bags When You Go Shopping
If you are thinking that those paper bags that almost every store now offers have reduced the burden on the planet, you’re wrong. In fact, the manufacturing of those paper bags uses a lot more resources. Instead, why don’t you consider taking a carry bag from home for ferrying your purchases? It will be more cost-efficient, and it will also help save the planet.
4. Unplug The Appliances, When You’re Not Using Them
Contrary to the popular belief, switching off the appliances when not using them doesn’t actually stop its consumption of electricity. Even if the appliance is switched off, the appliance is still consuming electricity in the standby mode. So, if you are done using the appliance, it would be better if you take them off the plug.
5. Invest In Green Companies
If you are looking to invest some money, maybe through a SIP plan (Systematic Investment Plan). We would ask you to invest in companies which are innovating in the fields of green energy, or those who are known for their environment-friendly ways. That way you can literally sponsor the efforts of those who are working to save the environment.
6. Buy Cheap Chinaware
We all are guilty of doing this— using disposable Styrofoam cutlery to save our more precious china, especially when we throw a wild party! Convenient as it is, it is also causing a lot of grief to the planet. The better alternative would be to buy chinaware from the cent or 99 Rs store, which will be more environment-friendly in the long run.
7. While Buying Products, Look For Environment-Friendly Options
A lot of ingredients present in everyday products such as perfumes, hairsprays are detrimental for the health of the planet due to their astronomically long decomposition times. Therefore, do your research while buying these products and make sure you buy those alternatives which make use of environment-friendly ingredients. Even though they might cost you a little more, it’s a small price to pay for the planet!
8. Cruise At An Optimum Speed, Instead Of Being Fast And Furious
Though it feels really great to have the wind ruffle your hair, as you race through the highways at great speeds, this joyride increases your fuel consumption by a lot. A car cruising at 80 miles per hour ends up using 10 percent more fuel than a car cruising at 70 miles per hour (2). A reduced fuel bill is a great incentive for saving the planet, isn’t it?
9. While Traveling, Use E-Tickets
This is true not only for travel but for other functions also. They include banking, ordering groceries, invoices for items bought or ordered. Doing so will not only reduce paper wastage, but it will also be convenient for your archiving and storage purposes.
10. Recycle Electronic Appliances And Mobile Phone
Usually, when you get rid of old cell phones or appliances, you dump them in your dustbin, from where they go to garbage landfill sites. While you end up being successful in removing them from out of your sight, they end up polluting the soil in the landfill sites. A better, eco-friendly alternative would be to disposethem off at a dedicated electronic disposal facility.
And of course, you should plant more trees. Following these simple tips will help you give the greatest gift to the next generation — a healthier planet. And, while teens across the world are marching to urge their governments to commit to the cause of climate change, let’s support them by doing our bit as well.
What steps have you taken to save the planet? Share your tips and suggestions with us in the comments section.
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Saumya Gaur
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/tired-of-rising-mercury/
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