#they arent like. causing it lol. or creating it. its weird
blackheart-6 · 9 months
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dess-ember day 31/31
hi yall
today i bring my final entry!! i cant believe i made it
its a dess ref, but after the events of deltarune, where i imagine she will be freed
fun fact, i actually made the dess ref i still use exactly a year ago, so thats neat ^^
im not sure if I will keep this design for her being older (the age i usually draw her as is like 15 or 16), but i feel like it turned out okay
i made her a researcher (she researches things to do with souls and magic, things that exist in deltarune but arent really known about in my headcanons), but im unsure if it was the right choice. i imagine she got stuck with gaster in the code for a couple of years, but before that she didnt know what she wanted to do with her life. the way I see it, the gaster in the code with her is the one from undertale, so he has a lot of knowledge on magic and stuff, and learning about it was interesting and helpful for her, and after she got out she wanted to share her knowledge and learn more.
as i said, i dont know if this was a good choice of career, considering she wasnt really the type to become a researcher, but she also changed when she was in the code, so idk. i might change it later.
and for her design, i tried to keep her unruly look as much as possible, despite her job. i changed her hairstyle, keeping it short but giving her a side part and little hair pieces in front of her ears.
i also gave her glasses. i imagine shes needed them for awhile, but she didnt want to look like a nerd 😂 now shes just accepted her fate. i also gave her piercings on her ears, just as a callback to some of my older drawings of her, where i gave her piercings there too.
for her outfit, i gave her a pair of basic dress pants, and a turtleneck (because i love turtlenecks a bit too much lol). and then i gave her a green jacket/coat thing, cause i had to keep her with green, ofc.
and for accessories, i gave her a watch (to match with noelles watch), and i gave her a bracelet with noelles sweater colors. i also gave her a white ring on her left hand, because when i looked it up that was where aro rings were (i hope thats accurate lol).
and thats it, my final entry! its so weird that im here, i didnt think i would make it. i thought id get bored, or too busy, or run out of ideas or something, but i made it. there was a lot of struggle sometimes, and there was ideas i had planned that i never got to, but i feel like it really helped me, having this month. ive definitely gotten better at drawing dess, and i feel like my anatomy and posing had gotten better ^^. though, i dont know if ill do this again. it was difficult, and next year ill be in college, so i might be too busy. i guess we will just wait and see 😁
during this month, ive also thought a lot about dess in general. i have so many thoughts and ideas involving her, yet we still have such little knowledge on her. its weird, i have this whole dess created, but one day she will become obsolete, and we will see who dess actually is. i dont know how to feel about it. but, until we actually see dess, i plan to keep drawing my dess, and i might keep drawing her after we see dess, it just depends. even if im nervous to see her, i cant wait either!
but thats enough of my ramblings, im sure nobody read all that, so for a tldr, i just talked about why i designed older dess like that, my thoughts on my dess-ember, and my thoughts on dess ^^
i hope yall have a wonderful new years!! 🥳🥳
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closetdbisexual · 1 year
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barry being autistic is just really funny to me its like a joke but also the idea of him being real rep is very special to me too i have talked about this a lot SORRY i like discussing it . i like saying things . barry as an undiagnosed adult makes perfect sense because obviously john sr. and fuches would not know or understand any of that and would not bother to really look into it further than "hes shy" -> "hes depressed" . and also him being genuinely really dumb when the mainstream Consumerized autistic character has to be exctremely smart and catty and quick-witted and sarcastic . they have to still function in society and still be extremely intelligent to make up for it and theyre obsessed with science and cars and whatever the fuck . <- i know there are characters who arent like this in media but i specifically am talking about the MainStream CONSUMERIZED form of quirky cute uwu autism thats gotten popular the past few years . the kind where all you have to do is be a bit awkward and be a bit obsessed with something . while barry is sincerely dumb and doesnt understand simple questions and doesnt comprehend relationships and is so gullible and so stupid and the only "skill" he has that "makes up for it" is the skill that also results in him being alienated and In fact is a trait we as the viewer dislike him for . barry being awkward and nervous and oblivious is a very specific part of his personality most noticeable in s1 but as time goes on and he starts to seem more "normal" it can still be viewed as masking via the scenes where his "mask" (version of himself he tried to build) cracks and hes just as awkward and weird and oblivious again . his behavior from tricky legacies to the wizard is one specific moment of that to me . functionally hes a "savant" in that hes extremely dumb with one specific skill/interest that hes exceptionally talented/knowledgeable about. though i dont know if id consider that FULLY because he isnt like. his special interest isnt guns lol but he does have lots of odd little fixations and traits and those fixations are also heavily linked to his PTSD and father issues/abandonment issues and his need for validation . well anyways barry being very messy and fucked up and flawed and his mental illnesses/disorders contributing to it and they create lots of real long-term problems in his life which , though exaggerated or shown in different metaphorical ways, can be very accurate to what real people w/ those illnesses/disorders and even real veterans and survivors of war and stuff go through . but even then we get direct proof that barrys awkwardness and shyness wasnt caused BY the war or by john sr. or fuches because he was already like that as a child. and also i just like to use him as an example of how things can be canon by being inferrable and implied in the text without having to be directly stated . you make a character who is extremely awkward, terrible at relationships, cannot understand tone, rhetorical questions, or metaphors, who is extremely gullible to the point it gets him into serious trouble SEVERAL times , and who is finally again i keep bringing up the rain man comparison AGAIN he is compared to raymond from rain man, possibly the most well-known autistic character (and movie related to that) in america i would think . so like . at that point its canon without them having to explicitly state it at all . what was the point of this. oh barry is just good representation of a severely mentally ill person and a good commentary of how society and organizations can fail mentally ill people . and sally also i would like to talk about sally one day but i need to rewatch early s4 for that probably .... . i am very mentally ill and i like talking about how it can be shown in media (thumbs up emoji) . i dont know if any of these words form a coherent sentence
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aclosetfan · 2 years
I love that Bloomer (lol) drabble you wrote. Agreed on the whole dating their counterparts thing, I’m pretty sure majority of ppgxrrb are aware of this, but chose to ignore it also I can see the Girls liking their own counterparts (I mean.. it already happened anyway 🤷‍♀️ also these things are more common irl than i thought?) since the Girls are pretty vain themselves lbr, but it also just occurred to me recently that them dating their counterpart’s siblings would be just as weird, cause this time its more of a “dating someone that looks like your sibling” thing
I also saw one person argue that the ppgxrrb should be considered cousins, or maybe, even siblings because, technically, Mojo Jojo created all six of them. I definitely see that as a stretch though, because they’re all artificial creations, and only the boys were made from “living” creatures (dogs and snails). So they’re not related genetically. And the two groups never interact with eachother as related. But I guess if you treat a few jokes from the original show seriously, it can toe the line 🤷‍♀️
But personally, I do sometimes get stuck on the fact they all look like each other! A lot of fanon is great at making the six of them individuals, like giving them different body types or races, so that definitely helps. Ignoring fanon, I’m like, okay, but I would *never* kiss someone who looks like the female version of my brothers??? But you’re right, I know a lot of couples irl who look related, or at least, similar to each other. Birds of a feather stick together, right?
We all probably ignore it because it really doesn’t matter, since they *arent* related, but when I starting thinking about it, I have to go through five different ethical debates. “Would I fuck my clone,” is one of them 😂😂
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the-bluestreak-cat · 6 months
HI this might be weird idk if you ever got an answer or not or if u even still want one but. i'm an HR major and i was scrolling through the human resources tag (as one does) and i saw your post from early february about the conflict of interest for hiring bonuses. i will note i have no actual HR experience (just theoretical/academic from college) and no real knowledge of your situation BUT! hiring bonuses typically aren't a conflict of interest esp cause they tend to be for the person getting hired on rather than the person doing the hiring, in your case though it seems like you both got one? or maybe only the person hiring you? i'll continue with the bad faith assumption (for them not you!!) that You would not be receiving the bonus but the hiring manager Would. SO in this case they may have had a very long stagnant period with no new hires and upper management was like "hey this is a problem let's throw money at it" and the hiring manager was offered a bonus for every new hire or wtv. if this were the case, the hiring manager would be incentivized to hire more people/schedule interviews/actually do their work. while its not a direct conflict of interest (as they're just trying to solve the issue, not necessarily because they arent being paid enough), it can very easily create or introduce ethical issues (such as if they arent being paid enough and need money/they push people through even if they arent qualified or a good fit just so they can get the bonus(es)). a lot of HR boils down to specific situations nowadays; if that manager is being properly compensated they probably dont Need the bonus so its just an extra incentive, but if they are Not being properly compensated (as most of us aren't) then yeah conflict of interest can very very easily pop up. sorry that this isnt very clear cut but i hope it helps somehow! also sorry to stop in if you already received an answer LOL but i guess its never a bad thing to learn smth :D okay bye have a lovely day
lol I definitely appreciate the answer, not weird at all! I’ll admit, I made that initial post after a major miscommunication happened with hr regarding my working location, and I was looking for reasons to be mad.
It also turned out that the institution does not give hiring bonuses to its hr staff for several of ur mentioned reasons, including the conflict of interest. So there really wasn’t anything to be mad about since neither of us got bonuses anyway, haha.
Thanks again!
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fallindomino · 3 years
how i would have changed s2 of hsmtmts
obvious disclaimer but im not a screenwriter or anyth so im not claiming what i want is best, this is just for fun lololol
okay so first of all nini would still have dropped out of yac but she wouldn’t have gone back to east, she would have transferred to north bc she was too ashamed to tell anyone she left at first and maybe she still wants to explore who she is away from ricky and the others
nini could join north’s batb and this way maybe we could have some playful rivalry with lily and nini and more scenes with antoine shdhdjdj also it could have been a great opportunity to flesh out lily’s character so those scenes where she reaches out to ricky and her confession at the end of the season actually make sense lol
speaking of ricky ,,, i think he should have left the play at some point hear me out. he only joined in the first place because of nini and barely wanted to do it at all once he realized he wasn’t gonna be able to perform with her. he could have joined crew and been a manager with natalie or smth considering he rlly does see the theater gang as a second family. also this would leave so much room for ej and ricky development and bants since ej joined the av club and began to pursue film. they could have some convos where idk ricky asks ej how he figured out what he wanted to do after duke didn’t work out and ricky could actually develop some interests that arent the play or nini ,,, maybe fucking art club i mean he did p good on that centerpiece for carlos’ quinceañera.
with ricky not being the beast anymore i think seb should take his place that would be soooo good. and since seb isn’t chip anymore carlos won’t make those snide comments about chip being a small unimportant role and we can just cut that whole fight bc it was dumb and bad. we could still have seb being insecure that carlos is only dating him bc there aren’t really any other gay guys at school. in a heartbeat is great and i did like ricky being supportive in the background it was kinda funny too idk dhdjdjfj
ooh i almost forgot abt rini ahshdj okay so i still think they should break up. but in my version there’s no ricky pulling an ej 1.0 and deleting comments off of nini’s insta, cause with ricky in art club and nini at north trying to figure out what she wants i think one of them would realize that they’re going in different directions and only got back tgt because they made each other feel safe cause what they had was familiar. this could be triggered by ricky mentioning smth abt nini at yac and then nini breaks down and tells him that she dropped out and is at north and doesn’t know where she’s going. and then they can both realize they aren’t good for each other rn and have a less tragic mutual break up.
honestly i really liked the scene of nini taking charge after miss jenn freaked out cause with the character detail of nini giving every person in the cast of productions she’s in a thank you note she just seems really like someone who is suited to lifting others up. this could still be explored at north, maybe she could help lily through her issues that were briefly implied in ep 11 and nini realizes she wants to be a drama teacher and encourage kids to go off book and put themselves into their acting, something she couldn’t have at yac.
okay now ej ,,, so like i said in ricky’s section, more bants between them cause i feel like friendships kinda fell by the wayside due to all the relationships so more friendship !!!! also the scene where ej tells his dad he’s not going to duke shouldn’t have been an ending scene, it should have been fleshed out with his dad pushing back saying how he pulled all these strings to get him in and ej saying he doesn’t wanna go if his own hard work couldn’t get him there. and also more scenes of ej doing av club things !!! and realizing he rlly likes film and wants to do it OMG IT WOULD BE SO COOL IF HE BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AND ASKED THE DOCUMENTARY CREW ABT THE FILM INDUSTRY god i would love that. the only scene we rlly got of ej doing film things was at the quinceañera which made me kinda sad. uhhh also i just wanted to specifically mention how ej got mr mazzara that job at cal tech bc it really showed how he wanted to be there for people not just for gina, who he had a crush on, but for mr mazzara who supported him outside of romance, so i wanna keep that for sure.
gina !!! okay so i mostly liked her arc in this season, the only changes i would make would be to flesh it out a teeny bit (god this hypothetical s2 would have to be like 22 eps at least shdjdjdjfj) anyways besides ashlyn singing home to get gina to stay i think there should be a scene where they actually talk in her room abt how gina feels safer when shes on the run (second chance reference ilysm) hhhh and also a scene of her and carlos actually working out compromises for their choreo cause i liked that bit of development too and fleshing that out would make gina an even better foil for lily, who felt a need to hog the spotlight like gina used to. with gina’s own arc fleshed out her character would feel more whole independently from romance and portwell would be even more rewarding than it is in the current s2. the only thing i would really change abt portwell is that they would kiss !!! in the finale but thats bc im biased.
ashlyn should have gotten a more fleshed out storyline about being insecure about not being a good enough belle or the typical belle. there were some throwaway lines when north did their typical dramatics but the only two real scenes that showed it were when ash talked to big red about it and when she was telling nini she wanted to do a run in “home” bc lily did it. ashlyn should get more screen time where she has to grapple with the reasons she doesn’t feel good enough and big red can still support her but also gina too bc i would like more roommate besties interaction.
kourtney could still date howie, that harry potter shit was cute but there needs to be smth else for kourtney’s arc. idk she’s still into fashion so maybe she could be out here trying to create her own line or smth? this doesn’t have to be resolved in s2 like making a wholeass line takes time and she could work on it into a potential s3. kourtney just didnt get much outside of howie and the stuff at the beginning of the season where she said nini inspired her to be independent and that's why she got a job was just dropped?? so i think that fashion could fill that for her if she’s still dating howie cause like having her whole arc just be the pizza place kinda overlaps w big red’s mini arc abt how he wasn’t settling for hospitality, its what he wants to do with his life.
ik what ur thinking. anna, even if you added more episodes, where would u find the room to add all these plotlines?? well first we cut (most of) the seblos fight, so thats some time saved. honestly most of the time that we r going to gain is going to be from cutting ms jenn’s time. things like ms jenn’s and nini’s car ride would get cut, but mostly all of ms jenn’s romances would get cut down. considering she’s the teacher and isn’t actually a character with an arc how does she have THREE love interests this season?? like all of the weird tension between her and zack can be cut, like just some short scenes of them being competitive can stay. all of the stuff with ricky’s dad can go bye bye we don’t need it. i did like her w mr mazzara so most of that can stay i just didn’t like how he said he would give up cal tech for her, ew no that would be gone.
the MENKIES !!!! this is the last thing im gonna address cause in a perfect world every character would get a long fleshed out arc but then the season would be waaay too long and also im mostly trying to work within material the show gave so this is mostly made up of “realistic” deviations from what actually happened. lol idk what that even means it just makes sense to me. but anyways!! uhhh bro idk i thought them dropping the menkies was funny but it also made the finale really BAD lmao. in this finale, seb is the beast, east still had to deal w the fact that they’re underfunded compared to north but no one is injured, lily is less of a poorly written character and maybe ppl are even rooting for her, and wow i just realized i never actually said what role i think nini should have in north’s show. OOH she could be student director instead of lily cause lily both being in the play while also directing was weird considering omg i just checked and according to her wiki page shes a FRESHMAN?? and they let her be student director? lol hell nah. okay so with all that in mind ,,, the menkies should have been the season cliffhanger instead of portwell. east and north should both be nominated, both schools perform at the menkies, and then the award winner is about to be announced and THATS when it cuts to natalie and the end of the season.
one, this actually gives more tension for a summer s3 as we would be waiting to see the consequences of whichever school won. also i bet people would be wondering if nini’s gonna be transferring back to east or staying at north. people would also prob wonder if ej would be getting the scholarship if east won and what that would mean for his interest in film.
lmao that got longggg and idk if anyone’s even gonna read this but it was fun to do :D
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
Bro i just talked about that topic with a friend and i find it so interesting as well cause in my male queer ships that arent from bl most of the fandom seems to be queer women.
Its very interesting to think about why bl is mostly women. A part may be that we are attracted to one or both characters but that tends to be the case with straight ships too i believe, hust now youre attracted to both.
I think it all comes to what female representation in media is like and who fenale characters are written by. I find it incredibly frustrating to keep watching tv shows that are led by the male gaze and only get frustrated when female characters are just an asset to make the male lead better or just are the romantic interest or the bad guy or sometimes in shows teenage characters with whom i could mostly never relate. I think bls are written or made by mostly women or queer people so its kind of refreshing to not only dont have to see a straight relationship and feel forced to relate to the girl/woman but also with seeing men being written in a way that is more appealing. Bl i think is kind of targetted to women and there is a side where some people may fetishize it or just be creepy about it but mostly its just a gay relationship in a tv show, its not that odd.
Also as a queer women i can tell you we are always looking for representation and bl is a big industry where you can find a lot of people who really try hard to show a good message and end the tabu around queer couples (and some who dont which we know but well). I would like that there were more gl things but i guess this shit works in a certain way, maybe in the future we will be able to improve more since in the last few years the bl industry has improved dramatically in its ways.
I really have been thinking about it and men just are so restricted in all aspects or life, that its so refreshing to see different kinds of ways men express themselves without them exploiting the idea of a woman that men create. Its refreshing to see the actors be more comfortable and create a safe space where they dont have to feel obligated to be always limiting and controlling their actions. I think its jut a good female space where women dont have to feel uncomfortable relating all the time to weird female characters and also seeing men in a different light (this last thing doesnt only happen in bl, if u see the kind of characters women love, at least in my case, are jake peralta or nick from new girl, not the male alpha sex symbol). Idk, theres a lot to say about this, i saw an article and took a few screenshots so ill try to leave them down here.
Also at the end of the day everyone watches what they watch. People shouldnt feel ashamed and i, for example, am a bisexual women so if it were that im attracted to both men and thats the only reason why i watch bl or gay ships then i should feel the same with straight couples...right?
Also watching gay or any queer couple isnt fetishizing or weird or embarrasing. Stop stigmatizing queer people and making it as if it were sooo different from watching straight people in tv shows. There are many issues in the bl industry but it also isnt a bad place. Actors are always embraced in the induatry and fans support them so much (idk too deep about some ships or fandoms, a lot is fanservice which is ok too, but for example offgun and their fandom which is amazing). Everything in the world has faults and bad spots but also...stop u guys lol
Ill drop the screenshot (which i just realized is in spanish so sorry if yall dont speak spanish but if u do here u go!!) and ill leave hahah sorry for the long ass text but i was just thinking about it.
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hello there!
thank you very much for sharing your thoughts!
I don't want to make this too long; not because I don't want to answer but because you already made very good points. I don't think I need to add much 🙈
Also I don't know spanish so I can't read the screenshot but I very much agree with the last chapter of your text. The fetishization issue is still very relevant because sadly it still exists in big parts of the fandom but you're absolutely right about the stigmatizaton part!!
so thank you again!! ✌🏻
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
sorry for making this a place for discussion but you seem to be the only blog I follow who's speaking abt it
im so fucking pissed at ppl who are like "he apologized and?" like tf else you want? I saw someone on twt (aka garbage bin) say shit like "I want a video so I can see remorse on their faces yada yada" ????? apart from it being literally weird it's not gonna happen, as well as the addressing the things they've done. why? stray kids is a business project. breaking, it's not just "we're besties and we make music hehe" there are dozens of ppl behind the band and even more out of it.
they're not gonna address the specific things they've done fucking years ago (and apologised) bc it will bring more attention than a thread on twitter made by some teen. if they do official statement it's gonna be in news, and it's bad.
it's no secret that there's a rating in k pop and it's not just "woo who's better :D" based on that businessmen invest into groups, they get promotions, get invited to the shows, invited to the shoots at magazines etc. and the lower the rate the lower the amount of those offers. like imagine the title like "XYZ GETS BACKLASH FOR RACIST BEHAVIOUR" in some paper/issue. and if the group doesn't get those things - may just say farewell bc they're gone. no, fans won't make up for it, it's again not some indie band, that can tour in a van, it's a part of the industry
also why tf they should raise this topic again right before the comeback. any better timing? moreover, about the old shit they've already apologized for (i.e. han's rap from 2013? like this shit was up in February? idk I wasn't in the fandom)
I lost hope for twittizens long time ago but every time something happens I get a headache
(all of this in no way addressed to you, consider this as a screaming into the woods lol)
AH dont be sorry, its fun to discuss things especially stuff like this because pushing it under the rug means i automatically agree with the people that do wrong and thats simply not something that i want to associate myself with so IMMA DISCUSS IT
i agree with everything you say anon, fans often forget that this is an industry which means that they arent a band that is built on their own standards. they are built by a company and unfortunatly there are many parts of their lifes that they dont get to decide,,, AND WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SKZ HERE,,, one of the very few groups that get the opportunity to create themselves.
and also this always happens around comeback time because duh other fandoms love to sabotage when its going good for a group but its not based around that. the whole hyunjin thing didnt damage the group one bit. why? cause majority of the group success is based on jype economical stance. if they were simply a band with 8 dudes that like making music they wouldnt exist rn
the kpop industry is a whole different world from the usual music industry we are used to.
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wickymicky · 4 years
since straight girls in their teens and 20s are the primary target audience of kpop, at least in the minds of the executives who run all the various companies, i guess it makes sense that girl groups are more musically diverse.
sure, they could try to appeal to straight men, and a lot of them do try, pretty much every single group is influenced by trying to appeal to that crowd in some way, for better or worse... but all in all, straight men dont listen to as much pop music, even if theyre attracted to the women in it. so like, a girl group couldnt survive by trying solely to appeal to straight men. boy groups can survive by trying to appeal solely to straight women though, because there’s just a larger amount of them who listen to kpop. of course, neither boy groups nor girl groups are marketed towards lgbt people, but we found our way in anyway lmao. 
but so my point is that... in order for girl groups to get the attention of straight women, they have to cover a wider range of concepts and genres and moods and aesthetics and everything. even the sexy groups whose music videos definitely cater to the male gaze also need to be appealing from a girl crush standpoint too, which is to say that they need to also have an element of “she’s so powerful and confident, i wish i was like her” or something like that. you know what i mean? boy groups dont have that as much, they can get by on thirst lol. a ton of them expand beyond that and do all sorts of really interesting stuff, and im not discrediting that at ALL! but... theyre the exception that proves the rule. they dont need to do all that in order to be successful, lol. and usually, that kind of stuff actually hurts their popularity. unless they’re an sm group, experimentation in their music might make a boy group less popular with boy group stans haha
im not saying that girl groups dont attempt to appeal to straight men, cause they obviously do... but even a group like twice, whose primary audience (at least in korea) seems to be mostly men, their concepts are never ever with only male viewers in mind. they often go out of their way to cultivate a female audience too, and tbh i think it sometimes creates a weird mix of vibes lol... like, some of their outfits seem to be attempts to convey sexiness to their straight male fans as well as convey role-model-ness to their younger female fans at the same time, and it ends up not really fitting either thing super well haha, and they end up just wearing kinda bland single-solid-color short dresses with not a lot of personality haha. oh well. it manifests itself in the songs themselves really well though, and there are no twice songs that i feel are made with only men in mind, they’re always things that i think would really appeal to female listeners, especially impressionable kids who might look up to twice as role models. so even if a large percentage of the audience is male, they still make sure to appeal to female fans too.
on the other hand, there are countless girl groups whose female fans outnumber the male fans like 20 to 1, and you can tell in the way the group is presented too. its kinda chicken-or-egg though, idk whether theyre popular with women because they arent as catered to the male gaze, or if theyre not as catered to the male gaze because most of their fans are women.. but... anyway. still, even in those circumstances, i dont imagine the ceos and creative directors have gay people in mind when planning and managing these groups. so in their minds, their female fans wont be attracted to the members, so they need to try other approaches. i think this naturally results in using the sound of the music as one of the primary ways to stand out. again, boy groups obviously have to do this too, they dont ALL sound the same, but it just seems much more prominent with girl groups, and i think this might be why. girl groups have to appeal to people who wont be attracted to the members, as well as people who are.
i do not get that same impression from boy groups. sure, lots and lots of people who arent attracted to men still listen to and enjoy boy groups! but i very rarely get the impression that that’s what the company was going for with the way the group is presented in music videos and things like that. it seems like it’s taken for granted that people who watch the videos will be attracted to the members, and they’re presented accordingly. i don’t get the feeling that the creative directors thought to themselves “but how will we appeal to people who arent attracted to men?” the same way that girl group creative directors account for fans who arent attracted to women. and as i keep reiterating, there are lots of exceptions to this, not every boy group music video is like that, some arent presented that way... but they’re exceptions. they’re deviations from the norm. it’s unique and interesting and special when boy groups are promoted like something more, whereas with girl groups, that’s the default. they have to be more, otherwise they wont stay afloat. it’s not notable when girl groups try to appeal to people who arent watching the music video out of thirst, because it’s a given. every single girl group out there does that. it’s unique when a boy group tries to branch out from its core audience of people who are attracted to the members, but girl groups literally all have to do that in order to even exist. 
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
bro..... im sooo tired of ppl being whiny freaks about ppl liking fictional shit ‘~too much~’. like bitches are literally fully convinced if you prefer acting out certain ideas in fiction but not irl, thats not your normal preferential boundaries but rather your brain is a mental illness BOMB and you need to be fucking hospitalized for being imaginative and having autonomy. like yall if its not taboo or smth shut uuuuhp man you’re not ‘concerned for their health’ or w/e you’re fully just tryna get away with being a nihilistic asshole who lacks sympathetic reasoning skills. listen to me. fiction is valuable. the thoughts we have on it are important. the personal lack of value you happen to put on a media is next to worthless. its not a fuckin waste of time dude, creators are people, who live in the real world, they experience it and have ideas through it and about it, they form and tweak their ideas while still definitely existing in the real world, and then put that back into the world with a new angle and new perspective, to share with other people definitely encountering it in , you guessed it , the real world. thats not disconnected. its not nothing. these things do not magically appear from fairytale land, they are created. stories mean smth, people tell them for a reason, its ok to feel smth for any story, why would we even tell them if not with the intention to impact others emotionally somehow i mean??? fiction does not Just affect reality, it is valuable to real life society, it is a functioning thriving part OF reality. 
humans have told stories since the dawn of our existence. it is literally all but an inherent species trait for us to imagine things, its tied to each and every one of us, and to reject ‘fantasy’ as smth worthless to human life is frankly just fuckin wrong and weird of you. bitch we are Supposed to get outside the box, the fandom ppl you cringe your pants over arent thinking abt fake shit too much, you guys very often just arent exercising abstract thought and imagination enough, which actually hurts your ability to engage with it critically in all the ways its meant to be. if you dont see the value in fiction its because you put in no effort to form the analysis skills. in other words, you idiots dont get the hype bc you’re too stupid to get how you're supposed to compare a book to the real world it came from. ‘uu but cmon not everythings valuable what about [tumblr designated cringe media]-’ 1. ok! somehow you havent come to this conclusion yourself yet but thats not real, whatever ppl get to enjoy is not all abt you, your bias means less than dirt to others outside of hivemind social medias, you can keep it to yourself, ppl shouldnt care about it bc it means nothing outside of ur own space, its literally funny to me that you’re so elitist you want me to cater my interests to you, Your Standard Of Quality Isnt Universal, 2. ranking the values of fiction is the waste of time here, if you compare mlp to pride and prejudice ill dissect your teeth, different emotional impacts from tragic to funny to Just A Vibe are all able to be assessed as ‘valuable to somebody else so leave well enough alone’ if you dont have 2010+ funnyman brainrot disease that makes you incapable of reflecting on anything you can find a way to joke abt first.
i mean seriously like. whenever randos start engaging with medias you ppl dont like or in ways you dont get, the strawmans yall make up to get to be cringe culture vultures abt such benign shit, and almost Always at the expense of neurodivergent people with a deeply rooted undertone of extreme ableism might i add..... its just so selfish. u have a brain ok, you’re manipulative but we both know you dont Actually think ppl automatically default to being a waifu obsessed incel rotting away at their basement computer, stagnating their social skills and straying further and further from reality with each passing day, a poor disturbed wretch that you just HAVE to save from themselves, all bc they say they. prefer fictional porn or w/e to having sex irl. buddy thats not a big deal, theyre normal, just different from you. theyre fine, you’re just uncomfortable. as a functioning adult you’re gonna have to try and recognize that sometimes that feelings gonna be 100% on you, and you cant always just lie abt the validity of it to make ppl feel obligated into agreeing with you. this is gonna be one fragment of their personhood and your self obsessed brain imploding over how unrelatable that is doesnt fucking matter, grow up bitch like. how detached do you have to be to think thats so unstable or morally wrong.... its just a completely inconsequential preferential decision that only affects them and isnt a wrong choice at all cuz nobody has to get their dick wet if they dont wanna for any reason ever and thats gotta be that tbh.... and it kills me cuz they still inherently experience the real world and are capable of thinking abt it critically,,, even tho they... masturbate to drawings or w/e the fuck ppl think is unhealthy ???? like? imagination is just fun we dont need to moderate it anymore than we moderate other fun activities i mean lol ksdjfsd this is the DEFINITION of ‘just vibing’ no one FUCKING cares and it deosnt fucking matter the way you desperately try to make ppl think it does just so u get to be loud abt ur shortcomings as a decent understanding person. 
‘uuuuuu im sorry but thats unhealthy :///’ you sound like a goddamn maniac dude stories are not unhealthy having feelings abt them is not unhealthy thinking some anime bitch that was DRAWN TO BE HOT , IS HOT, is not UNHEALTHY and you clowns arent convincing anybody you ‘care’ abt that concept anyways !! im losign my mind here skdlsdfsd medias are literally DESIGNED TO DO THIS TO PEOPLE... WE’RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL THINGS FOR IT.... IT IS WHAT MAKES THE ART WE’VE TAKEN PART IN FOR CENTURIES, “ART”.... ITS JUST... HAVING IDEAS AND EXPERIENCING IMAGINATION..... whats wildly unhealthy actually is yalls toxic obsession with ‘harsh truth’ and validating your stupid ass cwinge feewings to the point where everything that gives your underdeveloped selfish ass hives has to be a matter of health and morals and whats ‘best’ for everyone. u dont know that shit!!!! ur a petty brat and im not ur mommy ok i wont baby you so u dont feel like the shitty whiny person you are, you need to grow and do better and think outside urself already, dont put the responsibility of making u feel right for judging somebodies benign hobbies on me. i wont bc its wrong and unnecessary. you’re not a savior no ones falling for that lmao you’re just a bitch girl xoxo get over it shit truly does not matter. let them write nsfw self insert fics instead of banging !! 
to make it real do yall really not Get that basic consent kinda doesnt just mean ‘no when im not in the mood at the time’ but it means ‘no if i just dont fuckin feel like having sex ever for literally any reason at all bc i choose what i do’ and pressuring them, even with what your warped brain translates as the best of intentions, is inherently disgusting? especially with the ‘i know how to help you’ attitude like......... ohhh die soonly ew lmao! lay off this nasty shit already please it doesnt matter! stop trying to make it matter!! its not hurting you or them you stupid tumblr phd ass!! and like again yeah some media shits just truly gross but tbr now its like even That kind of shit, the Real social issues caused by Actually problematic media that ppl should discuss Genuinely without ulterior motives, is being used more and more rampantly as just a stepping stone to get to the needless mockery of other harmless things in the media they want an excuse to bag on.......... like a bitch cant just be grown and talk about problems at face value without getting a bully jab in. smhhhhh you all fuckin suck please just stop talking already. so anyways yeah being attracted to fictional characters instead of real people or w/e IS funny, funny how many boyfriends they have when u have none xoxo theyre having fun and you can die sad abt it they get to die 5 times in an angsty fantasy fic and be brought back with mouth to mouth by fuckin kakashi every time and then they go get lunch irl while ur updating tinder bitch ... different fucking strokes ig !
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rainbat · 5 years
"Like, if you know it isnt happening, why are you still teasing that it could? that’s only gonna lead to MORE disappointment." Honestly I think "this whole ‘not saying anything’ air" is because Josh and Disney KNOW EXACTLY THIS. That it will lead to disappointment and less people watching. I don't want to call it baiting cause we will get some form of canon gay BUT it touching very closely as it feels like they are not doing it to create a genuine hope, they're doing it to protect advertisers
Yeah it’s all about ratings for sure but like,, heres the thing:
Andi Mack “andimackers” the “friendom” whatever you call it, its literally 1% or less of the total viewership. there might be more on instagram but most of them are jandis and tuffys anyway lol. this news, which would reach MAYBE 3k people, while would upset us, all those people will likely still watch the finale. we still know tyrus is canon and who tf thats in this fandom is gonna be like ??they get together but no kiss? nup not for me! ... thats like lowkey weird lol are you REALLY just watching this show for two boys to kiss ??? 😳
so if news gets out that theres no kiss, maybe 10 weirdos out there will ‘boycott’ the finale. the rest of us truly, wholly, love this show. we are here until the end and we’ll rewatch when its over and we’ll support a movie or season 4 until we croak. i have MUCH doubt that ratings would be affected by josh tweeting ‘ there is unfortunately no tyrus kiss, but there is a beautiful moment that will be a first on disney’ (or something to that degree) i do believe he is NOT allowed to say that tho. 
So the rest of the 655000 average viewers? yeah they’re kids aged 8-14 literally just watching the show when they get home from school, when they go over to a friends house, when they see the jandi kiss promo and go :O if youre under 13 you cant be on social media, sure some are, but i can guarantee about 99% of those kids are not in the andi mack fandom. they dont follow josh on any platform besides maybe their moms instagram acct, they arent engaged like we are, they aren’t obsessing over tyrus, they havent been teased about a kiss or not, they probably forgot iris exists. they watch the show and either ship tuffy, tira, or have clued into cyrus having a crush on tj and think ‘omg what if tj liked him back???’ 
that is really the majority of the viewers. like, yall realise there arent 600k people in the fandom right 😭
so there you have, let’s say, 600k people that regularly watch the show that literally would never see any news about a tyrus kiss maybe or maybe not happening, let alone confirmation of it (not) happening. 
you would have maybe 3k (and thats a REAL stretch) people seeing this confirmation, and of those 3k ill be bold and say 100 would decide they dont wanna watch the finale if they heard there was no kiss. 
in ratings thats like,, not even statistically significant. So no spoilers, sure, ok. but why hype it up or down? it REALLY doesn’t affect anything and it just sets those 3k people up to be (a little) disappointed in the finale. 
i get the fandom does exist and has some kind of presence but look: i made an am stan twitter, right? so i use that for my fandom stuff, but i have a different twitter that i use every day and follow no andi mack stuff or people on. i have seen the show pop up exactly ONCE and it was a weird mutual connection of an actor i followed with josh. i dont mean to say anything bad but we ARE a small fandom. its just a fact, i dont think this news, no kiss, could do anything. (if there WAS a kiss, thats a completely different story, i do believe that would blow up) 
if you told someone who didnt watch this show: “andi mack has two gay boys but they arent gonna kiss in the finale :((” they’d go : whats andi mack and you’d go “this show on disney but its really good” and theyd go “gays on disney? like for real? wow thats cool” and youd go “yeah but they arent gonna KISS” and theyd go “ i mean its disney channel...” and you’d go “ya but theyre gonna be official” and theyd go “what WHAt theres gonna be a canon gay couple on disney??” and youd go “ya but-” and theyd go “thats crazy! wow maybe ill watch” “but-” “wow gay teens on disney confessing feelings a WIN” “but-” “and hes SAID the word gay??” “yeah but i-” “wow 2019 is a whole other world huh”
you get me? 
people older than you: watch cos omg gay boys on disney? 12 year old me could never imagine. 
people younger than you: omg do you think jandi is gonna get back together?? omg does buffy like marty now??omg cyrus does NOT like kira :o hey why did ham go to india?
TLDR; confirming a kiss to not exist would likely not affect ratings at all, i get why they dont wanna say anything because its a spoiler, but hyping it up really doesnt do much either. this fandom tends to forget it makes up less than 1% of viewership. the teasing of a kiss only does more harm than good
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masondevereaux · 5 years
Tumblr media
guess who decided to create a whole new baby ,  thats right this bitch 😎 ( as if I don’t have enough n need to pay more attention too lmao ) anywho hello im sup excited to bring in this lil angry child.
born julian devereaux
august 2nd. leo sun/aries moon.
twenty years old. part time barista n full time ghost.
his fathers are businessmen n influencers.  the second-to-youngest of four, with his two oldest siblings being over-achievers n his youngest sister being well, the youngest/reckless one– it be like the sometimes 😔
the forgotten one ™
basically he’s got a bad attitude and flunked his university classes bc who cares about economics ??  not him !  
yeah he eventually dropped out and it’s like gasp scandalous  ( read: no one cares other than the nosy rosys in his family's social circle ).  wasn’t disowned but was lowkey cut off and y’know living be expensive. so catch him crashing @ friends houses (perhaps a plot??)
really resents his parents for embarrassing him like this
the urban dictionary definition of unresolved emotional issues.  he snaps easily and is super defensive, usually blaming other people for things he’s caused 👁👄👁
but other than that, he’s mostly quiet until u look at him weird
he’s got abs.  yes, this is a personality trait
really just needs therapy…… and friends but mostly therapy
is painfully unfunny, to the point that it is funny itself. he tells genuinely bad jokes and laughs at just about anything, but according to his dads, it’s part of his charm. he isn’t so sure when his awkward laughter is fading out in the silence of a room full of people, but whatever.
he isn’t anything revolutionary when it comes to talent but he sure thinks he's hot shit. what he's got going for him is that he’s charismatic n Gorgeous n i guess its enough to distract ppl from seeing how unskilled he really is lmaooo ( he could b Something if he applied himself? )
abrasive, domineering, and resentful..maybe passive aggressive af?? to offset the burden of being erased from his family history books. loyal to ambition, retribution, and luck. has two brain cells on a good day, a headass LOL.
he’s volatile. he doesn’t take insults well n tends to get frustrated when things don’t go his way.
yep. he’s annoying! we love middle child (?) syndrome cheesy emoji.
aesthetics cassette tapes / players, the color blue, messy hair, ripped jeans, clear skies, tangled headphones, faded polaroids.
likes 80s/90s music/era, denim jackets, hoodies, night walks, when the weather starts turning warmer towards the end of spring, the smell of rain, gaming, cleaning, brunch.
dislikes the ticking of clocks, flying, being cold when he’s sleeping, amusement park rides, math, soda,
cat dad. he loves cats so much that you can find him playing w cats on the streets lmao
you’re one of the very few people who can cool him down, so whenever he’s ticked off, he seeks you out
in an interesting twist of events, you’re the one he comes to trust the most. confidant.
given his standoffish personality and nasty temper, it’s hard for him to make, lest keep, friends. you stuck around, though, and he has learned how to let loose with you. close friend / ride or die.
something happened between the two of you, and now you’re pissed at the mere sight of each other. enemy.
I love that kinda friendship where everyone thinks theyre dating but in truth they arent. (haha jk unless??)
online friends?? (iono mayb some type of pen pal/secret admirer shit)
he can be your bad influence (’:
maybe has a weird obsession with you ??  is it a crush ???
frenemies....w his hot headed personality its easy for ppl to not like him so. eyes emoji
OR soft plots !!  you help each other out or you buy him lunch once (1) and now he’s always tailing u around hoping you’d buy him more food KJFKJ
idk broz hmu w anything n everything :b
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
I'm about to spout a series of completely unrelated things, so I'm gonna put my little nickname at the end of each one lol. First off (this is random, but I enjoy telling you things cause you're so nice and supportive so sorry if its weird???) I'm nonbinary/gender-fluid (not sure which term I want to use yet), and when I came out to my mom and asked to get a binder so I could explore, she yelled at me for 2 hours straight. This was years ago, and now shes more open-minded (pt. 1) -BitterMnM
(Pt. 2) so I asked again if I could get a binder, and she said I can do whatever and she will support me (shes even getting me a suit for graduation!!!) But… after her yelling at me, I never researched how to get a binder, or anything like that, and I’m still afraid shes hate me if I got one (even if all that has been cleared up). So I figured a sports bra would work, and it does! And I’ve been using it at home, but today im going out into public and im nervous but excited. -BitterMnM          
(Pt. 3) Second, I know you havent written anything for him yet (when it comes to romance), but Maro from Rhett’s story is SO CUTE and he kinds reminds me of my OC Damari. I’d love to draw Maro if you gave a description of him (or if it’s in the story already, I can go back and look on my own), and maybe even draw Dama as well to show you what I mean lol. -BitterMnM   
(Pt. 4) aaand lastly, do/did you ever feel like you arent a true writer sometimes? I ask because I’ve taken advanced art class (it’s like majoring in college tbh) throughout middle and high school, and I feel like my peers have grown more than me. It makes me feel like i shouldnt call myself an artist. Do you have any advice for working around that feeling? I know I’m good, it’s just hard reminding myself of that, and my friend’s reassurance always sounds fake. -BitterMnM
(Pt. 5) not because they’re mean or I’m paranoid (for lack of a better word), but just because I’m so negative when it comes to myself. I shouldnt be, I know theres a reason I’m still in the art magnet (that’s what the classes are called), because I couldve been kicked out if I sucked or reached my full potential. But the feeling makes me not want to do art, and it is limiting me, and I hate it. Also, sorry for the long asks!!! >_
I’m sorry you didn’t get off to the best start about exploring your identity with your mum. I know it can be tough, but I’m glad she turned out a little more supportive in the end - I hope that only continues from hereon in. Sounds like a great idea with the sports bras! (As an aside, I wear sports bras pretty much all the time :D)
Maro’s description is probably in the story somewhere, but he’s kind of slim and elegant, with eternally boyish good looks and wild, curly pink hair. Since he’s a cherry blossom dryad, I imagine him as a soft, baby pink all over, and constantly with little cherry blossoms swirling around him. I’d love to see a drawing of him with your OC! I’m sure they’d get along and be good friends :).
As for not feeling like a true writer, yes, I’m sure a lot of people can identify with that whole ‘imposter/fraud’ feeling. For very many years I was ashamed or embarrassed about being a writer, and never told anyone that I wrote. I still don’t let the people who know me in real life read what I write (monster or otherwise), but now I’m very open about it. It was hard, and I felt very awkward about ‘admitting’ it, but now when someone asks me what I do, I say that I make jewellery, and that I’m a writer. Because I am. I write.
You are an artist because you create and you draw. Fact. You are an artist. Compare how you drew this time last year to how you draw now, and I bet you’ll be surprised at how far your art has evolved and developed. It’s hard to see that kind of change when you’re right in the middle of it all though, so take some time and be kind to yourself too. Being in an environment like a class is always hard because you have constant reminders that there are other people doing the same thing, but honestly, try and focus on your own progress. As you say, if you weren’t dedicated and good at what you do, they might have taken you to one side and said something. It’s also hard to enjoy what you have to do either for a living or for your college degree or whatever because there’s always that element of pressure. Maybe one weekend, take a sketch pad outside and just draw for yourself? That way you can lay claim to it again, and remind yourself of the joy of creating…?
Good luck with everything!!
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cynder-wolfy · 6 years
here’s me making a really long post rambling abt dragons from a game i play
just to clarify, 0 of these dragons are mine, they all come from an online game called dragon cave. i added links to their wiki page so people can see what they look like (&i can use this as a short cut) and all of their sprite artists are credited there. usually the sprite artists come up with their dragon's description as well
starting off with the list of pygmies or smaller dragons
kyanite pygmy - i really love these lil guys, they're playful & feisty and i could see them being really friendly but kind of fickle wild dragons, like they'll play with kids in the woods but parents try not to let them
mimic pygmy - i LOVE these pygmies, they're friendly during the day but at night they're >:-). i can see them being a dragon people regularly try to kill, cause i dont think they're above killing any humans in the woods at night
mint dragon - there isn't much to this dragon, they're just small & flightless and i can see people using them for weed control in their gardens cause they're herbivores
pipio pygmy - i LOVE these guys!! they're kinda birdlike and probably the 'perfect' pet dragon, but cause of their popularity i can see them being treated like shit a lot by breeders
common pygmy - could definitely be a pet dragon, but i think they'll just be a friendly wild dragons, & if you give them some honey they'll love you for like, a day lmao
red-tailed wyrm pygmy - just a good all round Boy, a wingless worm dragon that can still fly is pretty cool. i can see them as a pet dragon but they wander off a lot so most people don't bother. they're more of a 'around town' dragon than a dedicated pet
and now the normal/ bigger dragons :D
almerald dragon - they're very pretty and weird!! they're basically a mood dragon fdhfdj i like the colour change thing & that they're just kind of lazy, so i wanna add them in as a casual wild dragon that's just kind of indifferent to humans
anagallis dragon - oh i love these ones!! they're friendly and like sun bathing & defening smaller dragons, so i figure they're pretty good friends w humans too
azure glacewing dragons - big boys !!! too big to be concerned about humans but i love them !! i don't think i can find a place to add them but they could be used to background lore purposes
ash dragons - these ones are so cool, they big & have a scary face but they're gentle giants. smaller dragons go to them for protection. i really wanna add one in at some point, maybe towards the start of the story
black dragons - they were an original species on DC so their description is kind of flat, but they're pretty badass, i can see them being dangerous dragons at night
balloon dragons - i have no idea how i'll fit them in but god i love them, just a species full of lads
black truffle dragons- oh god i love these poor dragons, they canonically get exploited by humans so i can see people like. kidnapping them from the wild & locking them up. i think i wanna add them in later at some point, but they're good for lore purposes
dark green dragons - v good 'evil' dragon, i think i'll definitely be using them near the start or when things kick off
day glory drakes - !!!!!! i love this species !!! they're definitely the most popular dragon to own, cause they're about the size of a cat (:D!!!!) and they're so pretty, there's also night glory drakes but they arent as common as pets  
daydream dragons - i never read their desc up until now and oh god i love them. they literally just spend their lives zoning out. mood. i think it wld be cute if humans hung out near them when they wanted to sleep well or just have a good think 
duotone dragon - two-headed boy! love that! they’ll probably be in the story solely for that reason 
floret wyvern - god i love these ones!! they’re so pretty and nice sounding & i wanna be it’s friend. i think the calming aura is really cool & they could be an awesome recurring dragon or even a straight up main character at some point
honey drake - small good boy!! likes honey!! is basically a bee dragon!! i can see them being pets as well or just rlly friendly wild dragons, if you give them some honey 
kingcrowne dragon - hhh!! they’re so pretty and v good for more dragon/human history and lore
magi dragons - kinda neat & i can see them being feared by humans cause of how they use magic mostly. i think i’ll include their transport bsa in the story 
ochredrake - one of the only few bigger dragons to be considered pets, cause it specifically mentions that they tame easily & also i said so. pretty tight drake 
pink dragon - i can see these dudes being luxury pets or a status symbol just cause they’re pink i guess 
sapphire dragons - good for lore!! they’re very pretty and i definitely want them in the story at some point 
striped river dragons - love!! just some water loving boys. feel like adding them as casual wild dragon, not adding anything to plot just kinda bein there 
tatterdrake - just some vicious fun loving boys!! a good ‘evil’ wild dragon, idk if i’ll add them but i think they’re pretty cool 
whiptail dragons - love them!! small fast & cool. will proabbly be a wild dragon 
gold dragons - god these dragons are perfect for lore. the most hunted/sought after dragons to exist & they are Not Happy about it lol. 
neglected dragons - i’m not sure how i’m gonna logic these into the story, but i want to add them for lore & also just to show cruel humans are becoming toward dragons. owners will purposefully mistreat eggs so that the dragon inside is forced to become a neglected dragon, and they loath their owner for doing it but they’re too physically weak and dependant on that owner to be able to leave. it’s considered a huge status symbol to own/create a neglected dragon 
uhhh and that’s all the species i’ve looked at so far!! this is definitely Not all of the species on DC but i want to start out the story in a forest, so i only looked at forest dragons for convenience. maybe if i end up writing the story i’ll expand the list as roman goes to the different “zones” in the world 
oh and the plot i guess: the main character will probably be a late teen/early adult roman, living in town somewhere on the edge of the forest. he’s grown up in a time where there was mostly peace between humans and dragons but dozens of incidents start happening and the people of the town are slowly turning against dragons. he’s always felt kind of connected to them but was unsure why.
uhhh something Happens at some point & suddenly he can fuckin. Hear dragons talking. and it freaks him the fuck out. he tries to hide it but his mother notices and reveals that she found him as a baby in weird circumstances and had a hunch something like this was going to happen. so roman gets insanely curious about dragons once he can hear them, but he’s afraid to speak to them. only problem is the town is now against dragons and any more interest in them would only bring suspicion onto him.
so he just fuckin. goes out into the woods. and tries to learn by watching them. it obviously doesn’t go so well the first few times but he starts off with smaller dragons like pyymies and just tries to interact with them. 
i’m not sure if i’ll keep the story being him just going around & interacting with dragons. i could make it ambreigns like way later in the story once he starts travelling, and i think the first Big plot point would be him trying to convince the town the dragons are ok.
as for the dragons, there’s like a Big Evil dragon queen that has some kind of mana that’s never been seen before, so she’s slowly trying to infect the different dragons species with it to kill the humans who have been killing them. 
idk. its messy man!! its messy. but i like talking about it so i am. even if i dont write it its still a good story to play out in my head. i’m not good with fantasy stories so i’d probably screw it up lol 
if you’ve read this far I’m Sorry 
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ohdeerlings · 6 years
mushi hime rant hahahhaahfdsjh
just posting my long-winded summary i typed immediately after finished reading to talk about how bad it was; it ended up a lot longer than i intended and now i feel like i should at least keep what i put effort into typing =___=
so it starts with this guy who's been getting recurring nightmares of a girl who shapeshifts into a monster with a huge mouth and teeth eating him
one day a transfer student comes in and looks exactly like her(already outplayed trope of having dreams for no reason of reality that doesnt ever get explained, and it happens lots of times throughout
)around the same time strange events start happening around town: ex, truck driver found by police with markings of a mass insect attack, dogs and pets all getting attacked by swarms of ants and filling up the vet hospitals
the narrative goes back and forth btwn:
- the guy's (Ryoichi's) POV in class where he's just not approaching her and wary of her bc of his dream; he's Not Like Other Boys who get all horny over her bc she's perfect (beautiful, smart, mysteriously quiet, physically adept)
- and btwn this stereotypically wacky/eccentric scientist who was consulted by the police with the first caseturns out the scientist has been tracking down a series of seemingly unrelated murders that follow a clear path ending at Ryoichi's town
throughout the story there's some not so subtle dialogues about the earth going through global warming and species dying
the scientist spiels to some insignificant characters about how humans arent long for this earth, etc etc and how insects are amazing because of their adaptational abilities
he seems to know the transfer student girl, Kikuchi and is trying to track her down
meanwhile kikuchi is character-developed as some clearly dangerous but morally compromised monster-human hybrid who Only Preys on Bad Guys or people around at the wrong time
she gets hit on by some lecherous perv who asks her to karaoke and she actually agrees
there she straddles him and starts kissing him and then these tentacle things come ouit of her throat and go into his mouth
he slumps over and she leaves
the scientist-investigator duo are closing in on her and find the security camera tapes, from that they get a picture and show it around town to try to locate her
meanwhile Ryoichi is still like wow she's Scary and I'm Not Like Other Boys
then he happens to see her just as the old man from the karaoke bar (who seems to have not been killed and is just stumbling around acting drugged) finds her and attacks her
a fucking needle spike comes out of her arm and she defends herself by stabbing him and puncturing his skull and killing him
he sees all that and shes like well guess you're my hostage now and takes him to his house
she's also attracted to him inexplicably, partially because He's Not Like Other Boys and shes like WHY ISNT HE SECRETING PHEROMONES FOR ME(she can smell that
)then there's a weird "erotic" scene where she forces him onto the bed and deep throats him with her mouth tentacles
then there's just a LOT of dialogue thrown at us at once with the scientist just explaining a shit ton to his investigation partner whose character clearly only exists for hte sake of exposition
turns out he had a colleague when he worked on a super secret gov funded experiment called biosphere 2 where they sealed off a forest and bombed it with radiation and pollution n shit
they found that it endured a lot at first and it was because of the bugs (?) that it did until the bugs disappeared and were nowhere to be found, then the forest just died
they looked around and found mutated bugs sleeping inside the earth
his colleague had a daughter back then with a terminal illness so out of desperation he injected the dna of the mutated insects into her, hoping their resilience would change her body to survive the illness
so she lived but she was clearly not human, farming off of her dad - she wasnt able to produce endorphins anymore so her tentacle things would secrete an enzyme to get hte host to produce lots of endorphins and she would take it, creating a dependency
bc she was the only of her species to exist she felt a need to procreate so she also kept trying to mate with her dad 
then we find out that her dad had an identical twin who was raised by foster parents - and thats Ryoichi's dad, making Ryoichi and Kikuchi technically cousins, and genetically half-siblings
so thats why she was Inexplicably drawn to that town, and to him
she was wandering through japan because at some point her dad tried to kill her for humanity's sake, but bc of a random flood their town was wiped out and he wasnt able to kill her and she disappeared/survived the flood thanks to her ability to mutate in environmental changes
meanwhile she's been keeping him hostage to feed off of his endorphins and creating a dependency in him for the enzymes she would give him
until his mom accidentally comes into his room and sees, then she runs away and dies falling down the stairs lol
then he's all like ytou're a monster!!!!! and she threatens to kill the girl-next-door character in his friend group who seemed to have a thing for him/vice versa
so he's like: ill do anything just spare her!!!! 
so she forces him to answer the door when his friends are like why havent u been going to class and tell them to fuck off/be a dick to them
while theyre walking outside after to go somewhere else the scientist sees the girl (Chiken) and is like hEY you look sad and depressed there's nothing possibly else that could make u feel like that except having your childhood crush abducted by a halfhuman-half locust succubus
he shows her the picture and she recognizes her and leads him back to the house
then he gets a rifle to try to shoot her and theres a whole fight scene where she uses her pheromones to call upon the insects to swarm
ryoichi is useless because he found his moms corpse lying in the bathtub getting consumed by maggots she asked to fully decompose the body
then the scientist gets a couple shots in and fends her off, meanwhile random police get in the way to stop what looks just like a home invasion and she disappears
they take ryoichi into the hospital bc all the endorphin harvesting and brain fuckery has him weak
then ryoichi's dad comes in and is like how do you recognize who i am!! to the scientist who explains
oh yeah that's the point at which we find out ryoichi and kikuchi are related
and then he's still having dreams where she vores him and he's both horrified and wants it
meanwhile entire city is getting swarmed by insects in a disaster scene with society breaking down etc etc
kikuchi tracks them down by following ryoichi's scent (?)
then they have one last battle where they try to use the dad as a distraction bc he looks identical to her dead father
and somehow the scientist just FINDS specific chemicals/enzymes to throw on her and weaken the part of her thats an insect
also earlier before she got there he  whips out the mutant insect dna out of nowhere? like the extremely valuable dna that he should have no business just finding/still carrying around
and is like
hey lets inject ourselves with this because humanity is getting wiped out and attacked by insects rn anyway, the only way to live i sto adapt
but no one does it (lmao pointless inclusion) 
then they defeat her in a big struggle with ryoichi getting farmed on by her again and instead of just taking it has a Miraculous realization past the drugs that oh no this person is killing everyone i love
and CHOMPS on her tentacle thigns while their mouths are connected
scientist injuects her with more random dna he has to compromise her mutant dna and the insect swarming stops bc of the internal biological shit happening and she's writhing oon the ground
then looks like she dies
they try to escape the basement theyve been in because its suddenly flooding (no reason lmfao)
on the way out they get stopped by a teacher that she pricked with her spike earlier on who's been missing from school and his "insect bite" changed his behavior/ultimately made him into a different part human part bug who tries to kill them
then kikuchi who -surprise- hadnt died!@!! shows up again but now she's blond and looks almost exactly like Ryoichi (who is blond) because the thing the scientist injected in her enabled her to adapt to the water and she's still a  mutatn but Less Evil Somehow and he's like i thOUGHT U DIED.... I ACTUALLY LOVE YOU.. 
then epilogue is the scientist goign through his life normally and the city is recovered from the insect swarm and he sees another random global warming thing in the news and is like
“its only a matter of time before humanity perishes, but now is not that time....we're good.............,,,,,,,for now...and i know somewhere underwater something of humanity's legacy will live on”
and it cuts to ryoichi and kikuchi hugging in a very Shape of Water way underwater with tentacle thigns cause they went to live in the ocean
then there s a bad window for a sequel showing the teacher guy - SURPRISE - not actuially dead and crunching on humans in a sewer somewhere
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stormpainter · 6 years
Last Tuesday at 1:43 PM
pleapseletmequiirkriight Hey uh. II waψ beIIng a fuckhead on purpoψe, and you were juψt there,  IIt waψn't. About you. At all. Ψo. Ψorry.
wickedpainter oh uh hey i dont ...theres a lot of things wrong with how highbloods is, and i am one
pleapseletmequiirkriight II mean, you weren't any of mIIne. You weren't 1 of the clownψ who trIIed 2 kIIll CarmIIn. II wouldn't be ψorry 4 beIIng cautIIouψ around you or ψnIIde but that waψ. WIIld, of me.
wickedpainter i coulda been though, i was raised to be a laughsassin,i aint that now, but i was. thanks for apologizin for what its worth
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah of courψe, II'm not lIIke. The AC2AL worψt. II apologIIze 4 ψtuff.
wickedpainter did your rail yell at you
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol. Yeah, a lIIttle.
wickedpainter 'm sorry
pleapseletmequiirkriight >You're the worst person who's ever existed, holy shit. Dude no, what?? No. Not your fault.
wickedpainter Mm. people is allowed to get mad about highbloods doin shit highbloods do
wickedpainter you dont gotta know me and my story it aint required
pleapseletmequiirkriight II DON'T know you and your ψtory but II ψtIIll thIInk II waψ a dIIck.
wickedpainter most trolls is dicks really thats just how we get on
wickedpainter but yeah uh, if you need me to say the pology is accepted it is i didnt expect one
pleapseletmequiirkriight Why would you, II waψ WAY obnoxIIouψ.
wickedpainter you were but you werent wrong
pleapseletmequiirkriight Truth IIψ not good. IIt'ψ value neutral.
wickedpainter you sure?
pleapseletmequiirkriight Not about anythIIng, no.
wickedpainter me neither
pleapseletmequiirkriight TwIInψIIeψ.
wickedpainter hahaha
pleapseletmequiirkriight Your moIIraIIl IIψ wIIld.
wickedpainter he need to be told off?
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol, no no. He'ψ juψt weIIrd.
wickedpainter ha yeah
wickedpainter whats he doin now
pleapseletmequiirkriight TryIIng 2 get 2 know me.
wickedpainter hows that weird?
pleapseletmequiirkriight II'm an aψψhole, aψ we've eψtablIIψhed.
wickedpainter hes an asshole to its a perfect match
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah, ψo IIt would ψeem.
wickedpainter ..I'm Antony but I go by Wicked
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh rIIght. Hey dude, II'm Puldex. Or Ψ.
wickedpainter the Psionic, right?
wickedpainter my best friend is a captor
pleapseletmequiirkriight The ΨIIonIIc, yeah.
wickedpainter I caint make that symbol I'm sorry
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh, no bIIg deal, lol. IIt'ψ not common anymore.
wickedpainter I seen some of the older ones talkin bout all the missin and added letters sometimes here on tumblr i mean
pleapseletmequiirkriight IIt waψ old when II pIIcked IIt, but ψtIIll around.
wickedpainter i'm headin back hive in a minute, been chattin from schoolin
wickedpainter ..hey i'm glad your an asshole
pleapseletmequiirkriight Hey.
wickedpainter riggin ruins some trolls so yeah
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh, wIIld. Well. II would never claIIm 2 not be ruIIned.
wickedpainter that private stuff?
pleapseletmequiirkriight Nah, II mean, II don't have handψ. Alψo II can't handle tyrIIanψ, but who can.
wickedpainter cybernetics?
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah!
wickedpainter I know some guys if shit aint advanced enough out there hahaha most've my digestive system is cybernetics, and my eyes
pleapseletmequiirkriight II mean, II can't ψIIgn anymore but II don't really need 2. II have handψ ψo II can't complaIIn.
wickedpainter you can always complain, make'em give you the good stuff
pleapseletmequiirkriight II thIInk II have the good ψtuff.
wickedpainter you sure? cause motherfuckers will pass off shit if they think its for a lowblood
pleapseletmequiirkriight Mm. II'm not ψure.
wickedpainter if you caint sign they aint done the best they can do probably. Not what you could get with good money
pleapseletmequiirkriight God IIt'ψ gonna be ψo annoyIIng 2 fIIx thIIψ. Thankψ, dude.
wickedpainter no problem, I just seen good work before
wickedpainter highbloods dont tend to settle for 'this is the best we can do' you get even one highbloods ever lost a hand or arm then they can do better
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol, true.
pleapseletmequiirkriight When II waψ a kIId 1 of my ownerψ had a hand about lIIke mIIne but that waψ hundredψ of ψweepψ ago. There haψ 2 be better,  II'm juψt a rube.
wickedpainter if equius zahhak exists over thataway his alts do *real* fine cybernetics work course they've got Opinions but yeah
wickedpainter his alt over Prosperty way replaced my old gut cybernetics for me when they got too small real good guy was makin arms and hands round five sweeps old
wickedpainter my matesprit did my eyes, he specializes in eyes in particular
wickedpainter ...sorry I'm babblin bout cybernetics you probably dont care much Last Tuesday at 9:31 PM
pleapseletmequiirkriight The archer'ψ kIId?? Hard paψψ. He waψ there after II got unIInψtalled and clearly dIIdn't want hIIψ tIIme waψted by the lIIkeψ of me. You're not babblIIng.
wickedpainter thats a shame, not unexpected, but a shame i dont uh, usually talk to much, todays been more talkin than usual
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol, a blueblood beIIng a dIIck 2 a helmψman? No, not a ψhock.
pleapseletmequiirkriight Man. II can't belIIeve II made you MORE talkatIIve.
wickedpainter I been in a more talkie mood for a bit, it was a lil touchy though this mornin you wanna see somethin funny try orderin him to do somethin just any random ass thing
wickedpainter if he doesnt turn blue in the face and sputter I owe you a fish
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh my god. Really? Lol.
wickedpainter he deserves it for bein a dick
pleapseletmequiirkriight He abψolutely doeψ.
wickedpainter lemme know how bitchin someone out bout your hands goes, cause if they wont fix it I'll hook you up
pleapseletmequiirkriight Thankψ, dude.
wickedpainter just fuckin hate them gettin away with that shit
pleapseletmequiirkriight Hey, II'm not the bIIggeψt fan eIIther.
wickedpainter yeah but you're the one havin to put up with low grade cybernetics
pleapseletmequiirkriight They're not TERRIIBLE.
wickedpainter your standards are low
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah.
wickedpainter anythin is better than not havin hands I put up with insides that were causin me pain for over a sweep because my mechanic died, that doesnt mean that was a good fuckin idea or necessary
pleapseletmequiirkriight ]:
pleapseletmequiirkriight That muψt have ψucked.
wickedpainter not as much as gettin shot in the gut in the first place which is pert much where I base whether or not pain is bad from
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol. Relatable and faIIr.
wickedpainter probably a bad way to figure it
pleapseletmequiirkriight Maybe but bIIg ψame.
wickedpainter you you um wanna know anything bout me
pleapseletmequiirkriight What are you doIIng IIn ψchool??
wickedpainter learnin to control my powers i'm what they call godtier
wickedpainter and it didnt come with an instruction manual sos i found a place that'd teach me or really my kismesis found a place that'd teach him and i followed him there
pleapseletmequiirkriight Huh. That'ψ 1 of the doom game thIIngψ, yeah? GodtIIer.
wickedpainter yeah, your timeline skipped that so i didnt figure you knew much about it my aspect is actually doom- that'd be your aspect too if you had played
pleapseletmequiirkriight Not a ton, but CarmIIn played IIt when he waψ KankrII.
wickedpainter huh
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh. Lol of courψe.
wickedpainter ..shit i hope that doesnt mean you're in a doomed timeline )o: now i'm all worried about you
pleapseletmequiirkriight EverythIIng IIψ doomed, lol.
wickedpainter do you know what an irreprible paradox is?
pleapseletmequiirkriight No.
wickedpainter okay it works somethin like this carmin was kankri right, he lived a life, even if it was short, as that person, then time restarted itself and he was hatched into a new timeloop ..well except not, not hatched, game players are created and then sent into the world by the game
wickedpainter so if the game doesnt get played in the new loop the people in it were never created an it tears itself apart at the seams
pleapseletmequiirkriight That ψeemψ lIIke an eaψy fIIx. Plan 2 play and then poψtpone conψtantly. The verψe won't come apart becauψe the game wIIll be played.
wickedpainter i dont think it works like that n the game bombards whatever world its initialized on with meteors so thats like fuckin a thing
pleapseletmequiirkriight WaIIt, IIt'ψ confIIned 2 1 planet???? II thought IIt waψ a bIIg deal.
wickedpainter yeah, just in the case of most of them its the hive planet, an makes the royal lusus do the vast glub
wickedpainter everyone dies
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh yIIkeψ.
wickedpainter well everyone except Her n the players who arent there theres some other bullshit but that doesnt always happen where they blow up the entire universe
pleapseletmequiirkriight Ugh.
wickedpainter now i'm gonna worry bout this shit
pleapseletmequiirkriight The IIdea of Her beIIng 1 of the only lIIvIIng trollψ ψuckψ.
wickedpainter yeah its kinna awful
pleapseletmequiirkriight Not a fan.
wickedpainter ..hey maybe if we're lucky you're in a post game world where the game was already played and they got reincarnated again, that happens sometimes
pleapseletmequiirkriight FIIngerψ croψψed.
wickedpainter i don know how to tell even though doom is my aspect i'm supposed to be able to destroy doom but i aint never done such a big thing just took out natural desasters that shit
pleapseletmequiirkriight DeψtroyIIng doom.... huh.
wickedpainter yeah! i'm a bard, i can invite the destruction of my aspect, or destruction through my aspect
pleapseletmequiirkriight Rad.
wickedpainter mm. maybe sometime down the road when we know each other better n i know my powers better i could see if i can tell
pleapseletmequiirkriight II'm ψure we're fIIne. >All this game stuff is so distant to you.
wickedpainter ..i should prolly talk to carmin bout it..
pleapseletmequiirkriight He knowψ more than II do. II waψ gonna be more ψpecIIfIIc but lol, true.
wickedpainter :o?
pleapseletmequiirkriight He knowψ more than II do about game and fate bullψhIIt.
wickedpainter was wonderin about the be more specific thing
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah that waψ the more ψpecIIfIIc.
wickedpainter :o! okay
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bluebeetle · 6 years
How do you hope the castlevania show handles the other games?? it seems like they arent gonna be following curse of darkness well ...
Yeah! It does seem like theyre gonna take their own direction… i suspect Dracula might still be revived by the end of it but it definitely seems like theyre trying to be smart and not have Dracula be the main villain/end villain every season which makes sense, as to viewers it can seem tiring. 
Im hoping even if they scrap most of CoD’s story,, we still get a few story beats like 
Trevor and Hector meeting–perhaps even fighting–but teaming up in the end (And thus sypha and probs alucard too!!). pls i NEED them to met my son
isaac and trevor fiiiight. hopefully with the same amount of gay.
JULIA! Personally, im hoping they scrap Rosalee altogether bc she basically existed to die and be man pain so im hoping Julia will sorta be a mix of Rosalee and Julia–i.e. still a witch and isaac’s sister, but also being hector’s saviour in a way. 
speaking of, even if she isnt isaacs sister, JULIA BETTER NOT BE FUCKING WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!! like thats such a cop out if they do, to make her brother black but not her?? she better be black and awesome and heroic and save hector’s ass from carmilla, im just saying. also her and sypha NEED to bond.
i hope we get more backstory on everyone as well
ALSO DEATH!! even if its as Zead, id love for Death to show up. Maybe even be the reason for Dracula’s later cycle of ressurection. seriously, where is he? where is Dracula’s BFF and Best Bro Ever??????
as for the other games… I suspect they might ignore a few of em, but the main ones i’d like to see are, roughly in order:
Okay first of all, I kinda DONT want a Lament of Innocence game. I actually dont rly care for it, i think a lot of the story ideas are really dumb, Leon is lame…. etc. However he is already established in the show, so if they DO touch on his game i want either a: there to be a shit ton of focus on Joachim bc hes the best character and also less Wife Death and better focus on Mathias
or b: it to have all of those things and also be a B plot told in flashbacks and not the whole season, particularly in:
Simon’s Games! Simon has NO supporting cast, its just him and Drac really, so having the B plot saves them a lot of time making up a ton of things wholesale tbh… that said, id lvoe to see a Simon based on Kojima’s art, with a personality that isnt too much like Trevor or Richter’s… Id also love for them to do Simon’s Quest too, because while it isnt a well liked game, it would be the PERFECT drama. 
Like okay, I imagine it like this: We have this man, whose family is still not well liked by the people of Wallachia and who still have a bad wrap of being associated with evil and dark magic… hes  been raised basically his whole life to fight monsters and especially Dracula.
and he eventually does it and earns respect from the people who once hated him. Hes not sure how to handle this, since now his main purpose for living is over, but he tries his best… only for the back wound he recieved from dracula to cause him pain, almost like its not healing, and suddenly people are weary of him again as it becomes clear over time that the wound is cursed, that hes dying–or perhaps, worse, becoming some sort of creature of the night (maybe hes turning into a zombie, falling apart, or showing traits of vampires or werewolves or who knows).
One way or another he finds out he has to revive Dracula and kill him again to save himself fromt he curse. But that goes against everything he wants, to risk bringing Dracula back into the world–but is other option is to die painfully and risk becoming a creature of the night. All while trying to keep the unsteady trust he’s made with the people of Wallachia… basically, its very good drama that is a good break from having a Looming Big Bad!!
plus, i can imagine the final fight between them could be very interesting–both are weak, Simon from dying of the curse and Dracula from just being revived, so the fight isnt just about brute strength, especially as the longer it goes on, the weaker Simon gets but the strong Dracula gets as he readjusts to his new form. 
Juste’s on the other hand would be a more straight forward jaunt through the castle with monsters, with the twist being it’s his friend possessed by Dracula and all. Id LOOOVE for there to be focus on Maxim, Lydie, and Juste’s trio as well as talk about Juste being the most magic-based Belmont and what that means for them, as well as their much cozier place in the society that once rejected their family, and especially for what that means for White Haired, Magic Juste.
 Basically all I need from this part is good character writing for the three of them, but esp Maxim and Juste… Lydie wont be too hard bc she has like no personality in the games lol… give her one please. 
After that, theres of course Rondo of Blood and SotN. For the first one, I figure they can probably be pretty straight forward: Richters gotta fight Dracula, rescue some people, he meets a nice girl named Maria who helps him, etc… most of it will come fron the strength of Maria and Richters writing but theres bound to be some really cool action scenes with Richter and his skills and powers, but maria too! 
However, Id LOOOOVE for there to be more focus on Richter during his possession at some point, and his struggles with that!!! Also, Cameo from Juste his dad/grandpa pleaaase. 
As for Alucard and Maria… I hope they age up Maria a bit bc while Alucard is forever like, 18, itll nudge any romance that may happen between them outta an area of “Is This Weird?”. Anyways from there you get the usual Tepes Family Drama from Alucard having to kill his dad AGAIN and the Succubus as his mom oooo that good drama…
but I hope we get really good Maria characterization and stuff from her, like!! Please. Im also wanting her to not be white bc we NEED heroic characters of colour pls…..
I really hope they cover Order of Ecclesia bc Shanoa is great. I dont have much to say there tbh…. Idk if theyll do Bloodlines or Portrait of Ruin but there also a good way to break up the formula. Id also die if they made Sonia canon again….
Finally, i’d say the Sorrow series are the best ones to end the show on… I mean, on top of being the latest in the timeline–which means they can also do some neat stuff with modern or future tech–it also creates the best way to wrap up the series. Like, its a great way to say good bye to everyone, but especially to wrap up the Alucard and Dracula plot via Genya and Soma. 
I dont have too much to say here, other than I thin they could do some really good stuff by building up on whats already established in the show esp with Alucard and his Dad and then contrasting it with how they write Soma. 
Plus, Soma’s powers could make for some REALLY REALLY awesome fight scenes!!
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