#they both do sport and eat well people making James a huge muscle macho and reg small and whiny?
kairospy · 7 months
Just saying,
James is the spoiled one in the relationship. He’s used to getting all he wants because Effie and Monty would indulge his every whim. He’s dramatic as shit, loud, confident, but so theatrical about it.
Regulus is the more quiet one (though not shy or insecure AT ALL. This man was meant to inherit an empire and associate (if not better) the most powerful wizards, be honest with yourself, he was be confident and stoic), and if he wanted something, he had to take it for himself seeing as his parents mostly focused on Sirius for 15 years. He’s independent.
To summarise: Regulus wears the pants in the relationship and James is just happy to be there and be pampered and be bought nice things. Regulus calls him ‘love’ and he’s gone. He wears Reg’s jumpers when he’s home alone. He’s pathetically whipped and would let Reg do anything to him. James cooks so well and makes Reg a different dish each week bc this man is used to house elf menus and that wont cut it. Regulus stands behind him, chin on his shoulder arms around his waist asking about ingredients, and James just about fucking dies—
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