#they cant remark about how similar they are
honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Okay, so @stuck-in-arcadia when you said that Carter has so much of his mother’s soul in his heart, you're absolutely correct
Hes so much like his mother and he doesn't know that
He thinks he's just like his dad. He's terrified of it. He doesn't realize that he takes after Lily Howard way more than he takes after Vameus.
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signed-loni · 8 months
If you still take requests—
Could you write about the Glamrocks reacting to y/n wearing inspired makeup of them?
Almost how Cassie matched eyeshadow/make up with Roxy, since Roxy is her favorite?
Yall, i have been SO inactive on here, and for that IM SOSOSOSOSO SORRYYY 😭😭😭🙏
but alas, this is sososo cute so i just had to do it. im still working on other requests! So do not fret<3
warnings: None, its all cuteness
not proofread, sorry
reader is gonna be GN
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He thinks its so cute!!
he’ll help you do it when he has the time-
he likes watching you do it, while at the same time helping you remember what his “makeup” looks like
sometimes he’ll let you sit on his lap and just watch you do it, seriously, this guy just LOVES to stare at you
”Fred?” You called out, knocking on the star of Fazbear Entertainments door. “I wanna show you something!” You said, as the door was gently opened, only to reveal the very tall Freddy Fazbear. “Ah, y/n! How nice to see you! And your makeup! How very lovely it is. Looks just as good on you as it does me!”
you giggled at his remark. “Thank you! Took me forever to do. Hopefully (managers name) wont make me take it off. I think the kids would really like it!” You said. “I agree with you, it looks fantastic!”
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Montgomery Gator
Once you come into work with monty inspired makeup, he’ll tell you to come like that to work everyday
cocky little bastard
”Oh, okay, rockin’ my look huh? Looks good on ya babe”
Bro will NOT shut up about it
As you walked into the mega pizzaplex, faced covered in green eyeshadow and yellow and purple stared eyeliner, mentally preparing yourself for what monty was gonna say, you clocked in and got ready for your daily morning tasks.
As you were checking that everything was in its place, you felt someone was behind you. And you knew exactly who that someone is. “Monty, y’know you cant scare me. I’ve become immune to it” you say, turning around to face him, seeing a smirk spread across his smug face
“Wow, nice look ya got on” monty said, signaling to your eye makeup. “Inspired by yours truly, I assume?” He says, eyeing your, well, eyes. “Wow monty, you just assume things all the time dont ya?” You say, tone laced with saracasm as you turn around back to what you were doing. “Im right though, aint i?” Monty said, smugly. You giggle a bit “that you are, my redneck friend.”
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Roxanne Wolf
she absolutely adores it
”Ya look good, sweetheart”
her tail wags viciously when she sees you wearing makeup similar to cassies, but with a little more pazazz (or however you spell that)
Thinks its cute that you wear lipgloss with a purple tint to it! Brings the look to life
You were hanging out at roxy racers, cleaning everything up and goving the go karts gas, when you hear roxy come up behind you. “Hey baby, loved the look you had going on today” she said while hugging you from behind “Thanks roxy! Im glad you liked it. A bunch of the kids and even some adukts complimented me on it. I was almost late for work trying to get it done.” you said laughing.
“The effort payed of though” Roxy said, admiring your perfect winged eyeliner and eyeshadow, along with the eyeliner on your cheeks to mock the stripes she had. “Looks hot, especially on you” roxy said, which made you laugh. “Alright rox, lets get you to parts and service” you said shaking your head and chuckling.
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Glamrock Chica
Literally IN LOVEEE
she sees your makeup and freaks out
couldnt contain her squealing, which eventually led you to hear her, to which you came up to her and she was SO HAPPY
(sorry chicas was so short, I typerd her paragraph but then it DELETED so :(( )
A/N: hope you enjoyed this! Remember to drink water and take care of yourself!! Xoxo loni
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zoandreez · 11 months
hiding in plain sight . (prologue)
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pairing: ao'nung x omaticayan!reader
summary: your mother worked alongside miles quartitch in the sky people battle. as a dreamwalker, similar to grace, she got pregnant (occurrence unknown.) after miles' death, the sky people retreated. you grew up alone on pandora, afraid of what was outside of your make-shift sanctuary, until one day you go hunting and bump into some of the sullys.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: like 2 seconds of angst
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as you frantically scrambled around your hut of trees and leaves, a ripped (and mostly fluff-less) pillow, and organization of old blankets you found from the abandoned pods, the day you had been dreading for a few weeks had finally came.
you were out of food.
of course, for any na'vi this is no big deal, all they have to do is go hunting. however, in your case it isn't exactly that easy. the other omaticayan do not know you exist. your mother, jasmine brooks, worked for miles quartitch, who (you quickly learned) wasn't the best person to know on pandora. during the sky people war, your mother as a dream walker was concieved. although the answers to how are still unknown, you were born with five fingers, five toes, and eyebrows, resembling human features more than na'vi. the sky people had no time to react, and with no clue how to deal with you, abandoned you.
luckily, you were just about 3 years old when they abandoned you and understood the basics of life-- walking, peeling fruits and such. you had to train yourself to hunt, to make your own loincloths, and other necessities. you never went hunting much, in fear you would be discovered. so, once every three months, you would wait until night to hunt until the sun rose, to have enough food for the next few months.
the last cycle was five months ago, thank eywa for that. however, you knew you were too lucky, as your next hunting spree would need to begin today. in the morning. you had no food for the rest of the day, and you didn't want to hold out, you were skinny and rationed enough. you grabbed your bow and your arrows and carefully snuck out of your hut, beginning your day-long hunt.
about an hour has passed, and it seemed to be going great so far. you had quite a bit of spartan and yovo fruits to get you through for a week, and you decided you'd get your months worth stash next week. on your way back, you had begun to dig into a yovo fruit, one of the smaller ones, when suddenly you heard murmurs.
"tuk, keep up!" you heard a boy shout.
your ears tilted up as you turned your head in the direction of the noise. you said nothing as you backed away, afraid running would bring too much attention your way.
"bro, why'd you bring her anyway?" you heard another boy say, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
something about the scene, instead of scaring you, enticed you. you inched closer to the voices, finally stopping behind a tree. you peeked between two branches like a window as you stared at the 4. it was a na'vi boy, braids pulled back into a ponytail, leading the group. quickly following behind was a na'vi girl, younger than the rest, swaying her tail as she leapt across the log following him. a taller girl, strolled behind casually, as the human boy caught your attention, with a breathing mask on.
"she's such a crybaby." the na'vi boy huffed, and the steps on the grass you once heard stopped. "she's all, 'i'm telling! you're not supposed to go to the battlefield. i'll tell mom if you don't let me come.'"
the youngest one, most likely who tuk is, stuck her tongue out at the na'vi boy. you smiled at her remark. the older girl blurted out a quick "don't pick at her," looking at him with disapproval.
they continued on their path, and you quickly ran to drop your fruit off and follow them. it looked like they were heading to the pods, and miles' old suit. you passed by thousands of times, breathing in your mothers old mask or sitting in her pod (unfortunately someone seven, eight feet tall cant lay in a five foot pod.) you followed the familiar path as the four began to speak again.
"come on," na'vi boy spoke again. as he climbed up to the crashed ships, the three of the other companions followed.
"oh, sick." the human boy called. you began to walk further out, uninterested in the chance of "any dead bodies up there," that tuk claims to want to see. you followed the older na'vi girl, as she walked further into the nature. she brushed her fingertips against the branches and lifted her arms to twirl with the leaves, before eventually laying down in the grass. you stepped closer to her, before freezing. you saw the many atokirina that flew ahead of you, and calmly circled themselves onto the girl.
you stared in awe as she lay asleep, the spirit seeds of eywa sitting on her, before they buzzed away. it was like she just got blessed? you had no clue what happened, and reached out to one of the atokirina to graze it-
"hey!" your head whipped up to the human boy. you quickly took off, brushing past him. "what were you doing? get back here!" he shouted, dashing after you before he shouted.
"lo'ak! tackle that girl, i think she hurt kiri!" you looked around, for any signs of lo'ak, the now name-assigned na'vi boy. after not seeing him, you took off for safety before you were pinned down by lo'ak.
"who are you?" he blurted out.
"get off me!" you protested, twisting and turning as you reached for your knife.
he quickly stopped you, but froze when he grabbed your hand. slowly, he put his hand up to yours. it took you a minute to realize what he was doing, until you looked. your hands matched up perfectly, but that isn't supposed to happen unless..
"are you a dreamwalker?" you both asked, and looked at each other in shock. "what do you mean are you a dreamwalker? stop copying me. why are you saying everything i say? stop it!"
the human boy interjected. "wait, what are you guys talking about, 'dreamwalker?'"
"she has five fingers."
the boy turned to look at you, before walking up and looking at her hands. "so, what- do we take her to dad?" "no way, he'll kill us if he knew we came this far."
"he'll kill us if we don't tell him the sky people are back."
you watched the two argue for a moment, before lo'ak finally sighed and gave in. he looked back at you. "sorry dreamwalker, gotta turn you in to big boss." he said before tapping his neck, as you caught sight of the little mic he had.
"but i'm not a dreamwalker."
the boys both froze and looked at you. "so, what are you?" the human boy said.
"well, my mother was. i'm just.. a freak." you said, wiggling your pinky.
lo'ak hesitated for a bit, looking at you. he had no clue whether to believe you or not. he grew up thinking he was a freak for his fifth finger, his eyebrows, his demon blood. now, this girl that laid before him could be like him. or, she could be what he's sworn to not. a sky person. a demon. he pressed his mic.
"devil dog, devil dog this is eagle eye, over." he spoke.
after a moment, they heard static and then a male voice spoke. "eagle eye, send your traffic." the male said. you stared off into the distance.
"we found this girl, she looks like an avatar, but she says shes not a dreamwalker. she has five fingers though, and we've never seen her before." you had begun to wriggle under his grasp, not wanting to be caught. "let me go!" you protested.
"where are you?" the male on the other line said. lo'ak looked at the now returned human boy, with kiri, and hesitated before answering. kiri mouthed a snarky remark to lo'ak that you couldn't hear, but it made lo'ak wince.
"oh. we're.. we're um.. attheoldshack." he said quickly.
"who's we? who's with you?"
"me, kiri, spider... tuk."
you heard a faint gasp in the speaker on his neck, and looked over at tuk as she said to kiri, "is dad coming for us?"
"dad's coming for lo'ak's ass, definitely." lo'ak hit kiri on the shoulder, as he continued to lean on you with his knee on your back, one hand pinning your wrists together.
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this just acts as a prologue for a series i have coming, i figured i should get practice writing in!
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cinnamonest · 2 months
LENA HI i need to ask. how do you survive irl? bc personally im a radical feminist and im all for eradicating gender roles and empowering women so having all these raging fetishes that stem from misogyny is so shameful to me(not that i really want to stop anyway…) i walk around with millions of unwanted inappropriate thoughts produced by my noncon-adled porn-rotten brain. like i genuinely need advice(or at least reassurement…) from someone that can relate. even if you cant relate or dont want to answer, id be VERY happy if you could just post this to your board so maybe someone else could see it and send a reply, as another anon or as a comment to the post, idk. thank you in advance. and no i dont want to see a professional about this, the fuck am i supposed to tell them😭
I totally get that, I struggled with the same thing for a long time. I'm not great with explaining things like this, but I think the most important thing to address (the observation of which helped me get over feelings of shame and guilt) is
1) a disconnect between real misogyny and fictional misogyny, as well as 2) critical examination of fandom culture perpetuating shaming the content.
To be very clear: misogyny in real life is not like what I write about. Actual misogynists behave remarkably differently from what you see here. They do not cherish you, they're not just possessive or tsun, they genuinely do not see you as human, you are disposable to them, they hate you — and their behavior reflects that.
Secondly, I think it helps to become aware of a phenomenon I've noticed, increasingly so in recent years, where the same people vehemently hating on dark fiction will turn around and engage in very real misogyny. It's a bizarre phenomenon but it's definitely real and observable, and observing this over and over again has proven to me that fictional content does not at all facilitate real engagement.
I'm obviously biased to myself, and I won't say it's objectively true, but I personally think that the fictional content helps me recognize the real thing even where others often don't, and I've seen others in these spaces have similar experiences.
Which frankly, this contrast is not good because real misogyny, especially as it is casually woven into everyday life and culture, causes real harm, yet fandom culture is increasingly obsessed with fictional content and shaming consumers while turning a blind eye to it occurring in reality.
Recognizing the difference, for me at least, and the disconnect between them, as well as the realization of just how often real misogyny was a critical part of getting over feelings of guilt.
1) fictional misogyny and real misogyny are not only different, but often mutually exclusive, and
2) engaging with fictional content on misogyny does not inhibit your ability to recognize nor combat it — that's a matter of careful analysis of engagement with culture.
Also on another note — there are a lot of professionals who are very understanding about this sort of thing! I won't say every single one is, but there are plenty of non-judgemental professionals.
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If NO ONE will talk about the connections between Encanto and The Outsiders, I will.
-the characters, okay, the character crossovers,
Ponyboy Curtis is Mirabel Madrigal (the quirkyyyy one who thinks differently/is differently main character energy)
Sodapop Curtis is Isabel Madrigal (the pretty one who often gets seen as only beautiful/perfect and shallow because of it, but really do have a kind soul and are willing to sacrifice so much for their family)
Darry Curtis is Luisa Madrigal!!!!!! (The strong one, heavily depended on for physical/emotional labor, always stressed and worried about taking care of the family)
Two bit Mathews is Camilo Madrigal (the comedic character that drops hints of a deeper person/meaning but no one ever talks about it, also secretly tired of having to keep up the jokes all the time and never being trusted with anything serious)
Johnny Cade is Antonio Madrigal (shyer more dependent character who is close to having a massive character change~ possibly coming of age)
Dallas Winston is Bruno Madrigal (I see the connection here not in personality but how people act about these types of characters- abandoned, taboo characters who get shoved away, deemed as wicked)
Steve Randle is Delores Madrigal (often ignored but actually carries a big part in the plot which is never discussed- this character has a lot connections and uses them, also worth noting that Delores kinda treats Mirabel like Steve treats Pony with the innocent seeming snarky remarks, if you don’t understand I am referring to “Oh, she didn’t get one” when talking about gifts which was absolutely unnecessary)
-not to mention the “big family” trope in both of them
-and they both have trio siblingsss
-both have similar tropes of “adults not understanding” and abuse in families
-not to mention the outsiders is a musical and so is encanto
-also like some of the Songs are sooooo coded for certain outsiders characters
-imma do a list of that tbh
“The Family Madrigal” ~Ponyboy Curtis coded, he would introduce the gang like this
“Waiting on a Miracle”~ I know is seems Ponyboy Curtis coded, but this is a motherfreaking Johnny Cade song at heart no one can tell me otherwise “Can’t keep down the unspoken invisible pain, always waiting in a miracle” like TELL me that isn’t Johnny Cade
“We don’t talk about Bruno” Dallas Winston, pretty straight forward
“What Else Can I Do?” Honestly even though Soda has a lot in common with Isabel I don’t think it’s his song- I think it’s Steve’s.
“Dos Oruguitas” SAME ENERGY AS STAY GOLD PONYBOYYYYT AHHHH I CANT~ Johnny Cade, Ponyboy Curtis coded ahhhh song
“All of you” Ponyboy in that one line of like “Hundreds of boys who maybe watched sunsets and looked at stars and ached for something better.” But really this song is whole gang coded in different moments
“Colombia, Mi Encanto” I get Two Bit Mathews energy from this song- celebratory, ​beautiful, happy
-honestly this is the Part One of a longggggggg series of rants
-also this isn’t a connection but Delores is evil go watch the MatPat film theory here’s the link
Comment anything or shoot an ask about any of YOUR connections!
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years
Don't hide that smile!
□ Request: Hi! I have a request for obey me but I'd like to remain anonymous, how about a mc who hides their teeth and wears a face mask to hide them? It's alright if you cant do all, just at least leviathan if you can, thank you :)
□ Characters: Leviathan, Simeon, Satan x gn!reader
□ Genre: fluff, comfort?
□ A/N: I wanted to do four characters but my brain legit couldn't come up with shit, also I kinda bullshitted on Satan's part sorry but here you go anon, I hope you like it <3
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At first, Levi really just thought that you might have an allergy and simply let it be. But as your relantionship progressed and you spend more and more time with each other he began to question it.
He won't say anything at first, afraid to make you uncomfortable in any way but when one day you two were playing a game together and you had grinned as the "you win" flashed on the screen.
Levi just sort of blurted it out when you brought a hand up to cover your smile. And when you looked at him in confusion? Oh how he wished the ground would just swallow him up whole.
When you tell him that you are kinda insecure of your teeth, this demon is confusion. Why would you not like your teeth? They look perfectly fine to him. In fact, he loves when you smile, not that he would ever admit to that.
But from then, Levi tries to get you to smile more, even if it comes at the price of embarassing himself. Oh and if any idiot tries to make a negative remark about your smile or teeth? Levi has the power of god and anime on his side and he will defend you to the end.
Similar to Levi, Satan didn't question it but from all his observing, he did have a theory in his mind that you didn't quite like your smile. As you relationship blossoms into something more, he starts observing more and more.
How you hid your smile or covered your mouth with your hand when you laughed. And Satan, not surprisingly, directly asked you about it. His mind was itching to figure out this habit of yours.
When you tell him that its 'cause you don't like your teeth very much, he has hundreds of questions on the tip of his tongue. Questions, which he chooses not to ask you all at once in case it overwhelms you.
Satan will specifically ask the question "did someone tell you something to make you feel that way?", 'cause if the answer is yes then Adrien Agreste here is ready to commit homicide.
But aside from that, he'll help you overcome this little by little, with always being by your side through it all.
Ever so observing towards the tiniest little things, Simeon quickly picks up on the habit of yours. Of course, he understands that everybody has their insecurities but it doesn't change the fact that he is severely confused why you don't like that smile of yours.
To him, it brighten ups the room and his heart when he sees you smile or laugh. Simeon doesn't exactly outright talk to you about it for a long time, instead opting to drive your insecurities away subtly.
Like when you don't cover up your laugh or smile 'cause you're just too distracted, Simeon will give you the most lovesick expression and in the softest voice, tell you how beautiful your smile is which in turn makes your cheeks heat up.
When he finally talks to you about it, its when you once again go to cover your smile with your hand and Simeon's own hand, without thinking, reaches up to take your hand and hold it gently in his.
To him, there is nothing more serene than seeing the love of his life,his angel be happy and smiling. And though no matter how much time it takes for you to come to terms with it, Simeon will be there to say it a thousand times over and over if he needs to.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
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biggiedraws · 2 months
fuck it. rvb soul eater au
context on soul eater for those who havent seen it: some people can turn into a weapon. they get paired off with meisters (ppl who wield the weapons) based on soul compatibility. if two people are incompatible or out of sync, theyre unable to fight together - their bodies will physically reject it and they can even get injured by trying. so weapon/meister duos are always very deep and trusting (and often ambiguously romantic) relationships. and then they fight monsters or whatever the rest isnt important
im starting with blood gulch, as usual. although..... freelancer has interesting implications...... okay but reds and blues first
grif and simmons - grif is the weapon (maybe a rocket launcher?) because you know his ass is not running around fighting. this works great with simmons' need for control. 10/10 no notes
church and tucker - i think church would naturally be the weapon here but im thinking about how this applies to tucker and wash down the line..... i kinda had it in my head that the freelancers would be meisters and the ais their weapons, which would make weapon!tucker pair well with meister!wash after church dies, but if i disregard that. weapon!wash could be really really interesting.... i dont really have a plot in mind so i also dont know how epsilon fits into this but hes also here. idk ill think about it. anyway obvious weapon choices for this duo would be a sword or a sniper rifle. (i do think its really funny to make tucker the sniper rifle that church cant aim for shit. oh you wanted the sniper rifle so bad? now you are one and your meister gets no kills with it <3)
sarge and lopez - this one has hilarious implications. is lopez still a robot? is he just a regular ass shotgun that sarge built and insists on using instead of pairing with a person? is he a robot that can turn into a weapon? does he still speak spanish? if he is a robot, does he have a soul???? do he and sarge resonate the way weapon/meister duos usually do???? honestly this is hilarious no matter what, but im leaning toward hes a humanoid robot that can turn into a shotgun. sarge built him and lopez hates him for it but he was programmed to be compatible so they resonate just fine. dont think about the implications of a robot having a soul okay shhhhh its fine
if robots are on the table then you know we gotta do caboose and sheila - is sheila also a robot? i think it works either way. shes definitely the weapon though - something with a lot of firepower. truly i think shes the only one who can balance out caboose in a combat setting and even then they still get church killed. incredible
donut and doc - this one is interesting with doc being canonically a pacifist. maybe hes still primarily a medic but he keeps a weapon on him just in case? and then omalley makes good use of it >:D donuts really just along for the ride. i dont have specific weapon ideas - i know doc tends to favour the rocket launcher and donut is good with grenades, but also. insert joke about crossing swords. anyway no matter what weapon he is, donuts weapon form is pink
(also i want you guys to know that i almost did pastrytrain as a duo and left doc out for the crimes of being a pacifist. i still think it could work, but donut and caboose dont really interact that much compared to caboose and sheila, and also i wanted to keep the teams separate. you understand)
tex and kai - honestly this is a GREAT duo imo. i know the only time they interact in canon is some catty bullshit but its not their fault they were written by misogynists, and honestly they have some really good black star/tsubaki duality going for them. i think tex would be the meister, and kai would be maybe a melee weapon? oooh could do both of the grif siblings as knives..... knife simmons...... anyway tex and kai really good duo. easily the best out of all the blood gulch crew
and then the freelancers would be...... actually remarkably similar to how the freelancer/ai relationships work in canon! although if you swap around whos weapon and meister (as opposed to the ais all being weapons) you could certainly shake things up. also kind of interesting bc theres a lot of partner swapping in freelancer, which doesnt seem to happen much in soul eater. a testament to the poor conditions at pfl perhaps......
anyway i dont really have ideas for a full-fledged au, but its certainly fun to play with - the soul eater designs are already fun and then bringing in the rvb colour coding...... giving them fun dramatic weapon designs...... plus the whole soul resonance thing adds a layer to the relationships that i think would make for some delicious character interactions. force these mfs to communicate with each other lmfao
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
Hand over the little beasts
on it boss!! o7 this took . fuckig Forever bc i had t doodle everyone since the screencaps i have for them have like 5 pixels Total and would be Incomprehensible so <333 Behold My Beasts!!!
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team control team!! they r so silly 2 me :] more abt em under th cut bc uhhhh. yknow.
- Jacob - Snow White's Apple (+Penitence) my first little guy!!! he has a very serious and to-the-point demeanor, and has a very flat inflection on... pretty much everything about himself. he's the one that most embodies his role, for lack of a better term. takes his job very seriously, and intends to do well. his attitude is very dry, but he is very genuine and earnest when it comes down to it in an odd sort of way. he's the type to say something completely off-the-wall entirely stone-faced, and will oftentimes take things said to him in a similar manner. there isnt that much that seems to be able to catch him off guard. if theres something in his way, then he will simply have to overcome it. he'll try anything once. jacob is very intent on keeping things orderly, and will enforce this with his peers if he needs to. bluntly. chaos and a lax attitude are the catalysts to things going wrong, so its as simple as minimizing the chances for this to occur. simple. despite his nagging with the rest of the team, he means no sharpness by it-- he's direct (and maybe a bit... heavy-handed,) but he simply talks to others the way he would address himself, and sees nothing wrong with it. (unfortunately, this makes him come across as rude more often than he'd like... not that hes usually aware.) because of his unexpressive exterior, its oftentimes very difficult to get a grasp on how he thinks or feels about things-- especially since he himself seems to pay it very little heed, even when he Maybe Probably Should. one of the ones most likely to work himself to death without realizing it. hes doing his best ok.
- John - Sound of a Star (+Wingbeat, Hornet) very lax and lackadaisical-- hes insistent on doing what he needs to and very little else. in fact, he makes a very big show of it; always taking his sweet time, not really showing concern for much of anything, even when things are, as they say, Kind Of Really Bad. (Jacob tends to need to prod him along more often than not.) despite this, john is actually one of the more reliable agents of the facility-- always getting things done thoroughly and efficiently with very little instance of error. truthfully, he's actually very prideful in the work that he does, and quite enjoys showing off his skills when he gets the chance. infuriatingly, he tends to respond to questioning of his abilities with a flippant "im just that good." and well... its honestly what he believes. truthfully, he has a complete aversion to genuineness of any kind-- responding to questions with snarky remarks or quips, complaining about assignments, cracking jokes in the face of catastrophe. its... honestly more of a nervous habit than an active choice. in his eyes, if he cant do anything about an issue, theres simply no reason to worry about it. and so he coasts along, completely unruffled on the surface. at first, he didnt really see what the big deal was about the facility. everyone always spoke like it was a death sentence-- but it was just kind of poking some creature or another and leaving a few times a day and that was it. so he let his attitude reflect that. but once things started climbing, he began to slowly understand just how out of his depth he was; and his demeanor... didnt change. why should it? why bother? confidence was half the battle anyway, no point in showing your weakness. honestly, he has no idea what hes doing and simply acts the part-- it just hasnt burned him yet. (not to mention, with how serious the rest of his team was... well, they could use the encouragement.) and well, if it works... who cares about what lies underneath, right? no big deal. just get good.
- Jose - Lament (+Lament) the asiyah layer's special errand boy. for a good while, he was the team's most skilled employee-- always taking care of things cross-department due to being the only one who could really cover that role. watching newbies, working with new abnos, tackling faraway ordeals... that was all on him. and he didnt mind at first, really-- he enjoyed doing good work, being relied on by his peers... but um, well, he'd love maybe a little break, once or twice, thats all... but there's always more work to do, so... he was the first to work with fotb-- certainly not the last, but definitely the most Common. he also happened to be the most Receptive to it. already he was pretty high-strung from the pressure of his responsibilities, but... it was safe to say things reached an entirely new level after that. he wasnt used to abnormalities being so reasonable, for lack of a better term, nor to be able to just... have a conversation, like that. maybe he was listening just a bit too genuinely. they dont want anyone to die. they really dont want anyone to die. but theres nothing really they can do. just keep running! just keep your head up! if anything else, just stay alive! but at this point, death really isnt the worst thing that could happen to them in a place like this. truly, the worst has already happened. there's no escaping the facility, after all. but what could he do about that? so he repeats like a mantra; just dont die. just dont die. please just dont die. he wants to do good so fucking bad. so much is on his shoulders, and he Has to carry it. its practically compulsive. he has to do it because nobody else can. nobody else should Have to. and so he fusses over just about everyone, completely unable to speak of Why it is he's suddenly so skittish-- especially because of just how busy his responsibilities keep him. he just cant stop. theres no time. every second wasted is another chance something could happen. not once, though, did he really worry about himself. the contrast was stark-- constantly running himself ragged for the sake of others, yet paying no heed to his own safety. all that mattered was carrying out his tasks... which made things difficult as the stakes kept rising, but his own capabilities did not. the people he worried about were suddenly able to do things he couldnt even imagine-- and he was struggling paces behind them. he pretends not to notice how much more of his time is spent waiting. its... how do you deal with worrying about those facing trials far beyond anything you know, and you yourself are fully unable to reach them? it was best not to worry about it. ...he was never much good at that, was he?
- Mabel - Mimicry (+Noise, Mimicry, Our Galaxy) hes just some guy. like... he just works here. kinda stands out like a sore thumb, honestly, because of how strikingly... normal he was. a little awkward but well-meaning, prone to wandering (and slacking off...) he mostly just took care of smaller tasks and issues for a while-- coming in so late comparatively, he fell pretty far behind, pretty much just working on zayin level abnormalities well past day 20 or so. more often than not, he was the only one in the control team's main room while everyone else took care of pressing tasks cross-facility, only getting to share a word or two of pleasantries before they had to run off again. he knew the work was important, but... well, everyone always looked so sullen. he could never really understand why-- and whenever he brought it up, it seemed to just sour the mood... after a while, he just stopped trying. things suddenly changed, though, when the facility got its first aleph: nothing there. and somehow, he was decided to be most fit to work with it. it was strange, to say the least, mostly taking care of things that barely seemed to acknowledge his presence and then suddenly... that. hed be lying if he said he wasnt afraid, but this was his job, and he was trusted with it. so obviously that meant they knew he could do it, right? right. things switched around very quickly. he wanted to say it wasnt a bad thing, but... it was weird, is all. going from some nobody standing alone and aimless to... tackling things that shouldnt exist, killing things with power he isnt sure is really his. a lot of things were suddenly like that, honestly. he. suddenly feels like he has to be on his best behavior. um. is this thing on? manager are you seeing this? he gets a lot quieter after that. as it turns out, hes very harsh when he doesnt mean to be. hes honest, but sometimes that honesty could hurt. hes a bit intense… everyone else was, so it kinda rubbed off on him. hes compensating for his own lack of interest in bloodshed. he wants to be respected, but it just ends up scaring people. he isnt quite sure how to stand up for himself now. he just does what hes ordered bc hes never had a choice before, so why now? he needs to figure out who he is again– the ego did quite a number on him. he kinda fucks up on interactions way more than he thinks he used to. he keeps himself small and quiet so he doesnt accidentally trample over anyone. (he doesnt like the strange looks the clerks give him now. he doesnt exactly Like his ego gear or what it does to his brain, but it keeps him safe, so... hes here to help, remember? don't be scared...) honestly, he does really yearn for kindness and gentleness. its just… hard to admit. especially to people he still subtly thinks are above him. hes not stupid. he knows abandonment when he sees it. he cant really blame them for it, but… it still hurt, yknow? he wasnt Supposed to be anything, which was insulting, but now that he Is everyone treats him so differently, and somehow thats even More insulting. hes more than just a machine yknow… but, well, if that's his job, then. whatever.
theyre basically just.... a bunch of randos who are all trying their best, got disillusioned and distant, then suddenly clung together after realizing just how fucked everything was all of a sudden. theyre all overwhelmed, but theyll be damned if they dont look out for each other. jose was team captain first, but after some shuffling, the title fell on jacob. they all seem much happier with this.
they all honestly bounce off of each other really well despite everything-- jacob keeps everyone facing the right direction, quickly and calmly guiding the team. john provides a more lighthearted energy, but also is very skilled at keeping a level head and offering clarity when the others get overwhelmed. jose and mabel both cover for everyone else, but Especially each other after their own respective... trials. despite The Horrors, theyre all honestly keeping each other together very well.
bbbbut thats only four of them right? five to a team and all. well the fifth is um, well. yknow, its. well,
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(also heres everyone elses sprites from various places in th playthru bc ilove them :] yay)
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starpirateee · 3 months
Drabble request (there are two because theyre extremely similar so pick whichever you fancy, i just need more Clivesdale content lmao)
The Nerdy Prudes decide to go on a daytrip to Clivesdale to try to vandalise the cherry festival, but a musical apocalypse causes them to rase the nantucket bridge, stranding them there
The Nerdy Prudes go undercover in Clivesdale’s High School to try to screw over the Chemists so they can win the big game
I love your writing, cant wait to see what you do with this :D
First of all, thank you! That means a lot! Second of all: Clivesdale prompt???? Hello???
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The leaves were starting to fall, and the last breaths of summer were hanging in the air. Hatchetfield's honey festival was right around the corner, but that wasn't what was on Ruth's mind. She proposed to the others a huge, very ambitious plan to spend the last few days of summer… Somewhere else. for her, this was a really interesting idea, but of course, she couldn't do it without the help of her friends.
"Are you crazy?" Richie asked, as if he hadn't heard her correctly and needed clarification that he was, in fact, hearing the plan right. "You want us to take the week in Clivesdale?"
"Just the weekend!" Ruth clarified, a bright yet oblivious grin on her face. They all saw the honey festival year after year, and she was looking for something slightly different. She'd heard people complaining about Clivesdale's cherry festival for a while now, and yet she'd never been to explore the place herself. There was that insatiable part of her mind that really wanted to find out whether it was really as stupid as her friends and neighbours let on. "We'll go to the cherry festival, and see what's going on! And… Well, while we're there, we might as well show em just how much nobody wants to go to their stupid cherry festival…"
"Are you suggesting we sabotage the festival?" Pete raised an eyebrow, sceptical of their abilities as three people who had barely scraped sixteen. Ruth gave him an eager nod and his brow furrowed. "How the hell are we gonna do that? We're kids!"
"I dunno! But we aren't gonna be able to figure it out till we go over there and see what we're messing with! Then after that… Well, we'll see, won't we!"
She was so confident in this idea of hers that it was almost compelling.
"You really think it's that easy?"
"Sure! How bad can it be?"
That was the thing abouot Ruth. She was really convincing when she wanted to be. Once she'd tided them over, it was enough of an argument just to see what the hell everyone hated so much. None of them had ever so much as been to Clivesdale, so really, it was a matter of seeing what all the fuss was about.
While the final preparations were being made for the honey festival, and while the women of the town were signing themselves up for the honey queen pageant, three teenagers crossed the Nantucket bridge and headed for Clivesdale. None of them knew what they were setting themselves up for here, but if all went according to plan, then they would manage to successfully sabotage the cherry festival and then return home before anyone was the wiser.
That was the plan, anyway, and Richie and Pete had been so won over by Ruth's blatant confidence that they'd agreed without thinking about what it was going to entail, and how the people of Clivesdale would see them. Maybe they would be seen in the same vein that they would be seen if they came to Hatchetfield. Maybe it would be obvious that they were from out of town, and they would be driven back before anything happened. Once a nighthawk, always a nighthawk, after all…
Pete wondered whether the cherry festival was the same as the honey festival. That perhaps there was a chance that this rivalry was no more than a petty squabble between towns, and in fact, they were remarkably similar. He imagined one of those stages people set out in the middle of fields, filled with live music and speakers large enough that you could hear what was going on from miles away. He imagined stalls filled with baked goods, as many different shades of red as could be thought of… Hell, maybe people actually put heart into this festival thing.
Richie thought about how weird it would be to set foot in a different place. He'd heard things about Clivesdale, for sure… Everyone had, that was the standard for rumour being spread around Hatchetfield High. All the footballers talked about what happened when they went there, and how fucked up Clivesdale was as a place. They all talked so passionately, but Richie was willing to bet that Clivesdale didn't have people disappearing on the regular, or strange ghost stories that only seemed to take place on the far east of the town or in the woods.
For Ruth, this was a chance at seeing something new. There was still a huge part of her that wanted to travel with a theatre company, going all over the country and maybe even the world someday… That was her dream, elaborate as it was, and this was a good start. She wasn't privy to a lot of the comversations that happened in the football locker room, and Richie didn't often talk about it, so she didn't really know why the Nighthawks talked so much shit about the Chemists… That was one huge mystery that she couldn't wait to unravel, and getting to see the cherry festival firsthand would be a bonus too, there was never anything wrong with cherries, after all.
While they walked across the bridge, they talked about these possibilities, as well as the strange happenings of the night before.
"My brother said he drove home in some freak storm last night… Full thunder and lightning…" Pete hummed. "Lotta people said the same thing, apparently."
"Oh yeah, I heard the thunder for a while…" Richie shivered at the thought of it, drawing himself in a little closer. "Nobody saw it coming either, the weather reports apparently said it was gonna be clear all night."
"Really? Huh…."
"That's not the best part about the storm, you guys!" Ruth interjected, to which Richie hummed.
"Oh, you're talking about the meteor, right? The one that crashed through the Starlight?"
"Course I am! What're the chances of a meteor's crash course being that precise that it manages to land right in the middle of the stage?"
"How d'you know it landed in the middle of the stage?" Pete asked, raising an eyebrow. He'd heard reports of this meteor, as had everyone, but there was nothing on the news that suggested that people had known where it landed. "Wait, Ruth.. Did you go check on the meteor? Have you been to see it?"
"Sure i have! Heard it crashed through the theatre and I wanted to take a look!" Ruth answered like it was obvious, shooting Pete a pointed glance. "It was huge, broke the stage floor and messed up the first few rows of seats! I mean, I'm not entirely sure I should've been there, but… Y'know, it was cool!"
"You weren't worried at all about being caught?"
"Uh… No, nobody else was daring to go in there…"
On one hand, it was a good thing when Ruth had a brave streak. Her anxiety meant that often, that just didn't exist as an option for her, so when she was flooded with adrenaline and decided to make a rash decision or two, it was always a show of her combatting the worst of her thoughts. On the other, she was impulsive, and whichever decisions those tended to be were often not the type to be thought of as admirable. She had no fear, only a crippling nervousness that came before.
But, nonetheless, she had seen the meteor. And that was, undeniably, quite cool. "Well, did you get a picture of it?"
"I'll let you see when we make it to Clivesdale!"
Most of the traffic on the Nantucket tended to head one way, out of Hatchetfield. They were following much the same path, leading themselves away from their home town and out into the wider unknown. They kneew they were nearing Clivesdale when they started seeing posters and banners, decorated in a red overlay, and dotted with the world's most generic images of cherries. Both festivals tended to run in tandem, and that had started when Clivesdale picked up on the popularity of the honey festival and fancied making one of their own.
Of course, it felt all wrong. First of all, it was three weeks before the honey festival, and nobody could figure out why that was the case. Second, it seemed like a place that was way too busy, way too disorganised. Pete knew he wasn't a fan of such chaos, though he'd never quite seen the extent to which the cherry festival fell into their disorganised mess. It genuinely didn't seem like thhey knew order, that they were able to lay their stalls out in the most haphazard way possible and call it a day.
Once they were certain they'd arrived in the town, the three of them took a seat on a bench and the boys eagerly watched Ruth pull out her phone and try and locate the picture of the meteor. What she showed them was a rather bland looking rock, which would've been completely so if not for the fact that it was pretty much the size of the stage itself, and oozing some kind of strange, blue substance from the most visible crater. Richie gasped when he saw it, and leaned in as close as he could to get a better look at it.
"Good god, that's bigger than I thought! You sure that didn't hit anyone?"
"If it did, I don't think they'd know, they'd be pretty much crushed underneath, wouldn't they?"
"What if it was like the Wizard of Oz?"
"You mean… We could still see their legs enough to take off their ruby slippers? I don't think so…" Pete hummed. "A meteor of that size is gonna be hard to even try and get away from."
"You never know… Maybe they were at an unfortunate angle," Ruth returned, with twice the gusto that Pete had given his entire statement in. "But no, there was nobody there. Not that I could see, anyway."
"That's kinda cool, Richie's right… But a hell of a lot of a bill to rebuild the place once they get rid of it, huh?"
"Oh yeah, it's gonna be out of commission for months now!"
Weren't they saying something about a busy season not too long ago? Richie thought about what would happen to the shows now they didn't exactly have a theatre to perform them in. There were always other places they could rent out, but god only knows the theatre department in Hatchetfield didn't get the funding enough as it was. They wouldn't be able to just rent out some other place, not even for a few days!
"So, what's the plan here? Or did you really just wanna take a trip into Clivesdale..?"
"Well, kinda, yeah. But I guess it hasn't really changed since the last time I tried to pitch it. We're gonna go in there and see what this cherry festival is all about, then maybe we'll make a few attempts to sabotage it, just to really get things going. But, we can't make it really obvious, y'know?"
That afternoon, the three of them spent the time scoping out the slowly assembling stalls and see what the deal was with this cherry festival. There were all sorts of vendors, selling all kinds that managed to take them by surprise. Richie found an old man selling nothing but crystals in more forms than he had ever thought to use crystals for. Pete spent a while looking at a bunch of old books that the couple selling them had repurposed into keepsake boxes. Ruth was originally drawn in by the smell of fresk baking, but was taken by this stand that had a large barrel of wrapped gifts in various sizes, evidently some kind of luck game with fake gifts and real ones.
This to say, it looked like fun, and by the time the evening came, the three of them had reconvened with a plan. For a while, they were just gonna try and fit in together. Clearly, they got visitors from all throughout the neighbouring towns for this festival, and they were going to be just like those visitors. They would blend in as best as they could, try their hand at a few of the stalls and peruse the various wares… And then they would strike. Richie had pitched an elaborate plan that involved pretending to be involved with the backstage acts, and then cutting off the audio signal to the stage. Originally, this planhad been a little more complicated, but Pete made him promise he wouldn't actively mess with the soundboard.
The last of the daylight hours wound out, and the festival became more of a festival. People began arriving en masse, and soon the stalls were bustling with various different crowds, all looking for something different. Ruth gave the signal when the coast was clear, and the three of them started pushing through the crowd to check out the main stage. According to the poster on one of the streetlights, there were going to be three acts on one after the other in quick succession. If they couldn't figure out their issue with the sound, then none of them were going to be heard properly when the time came to perform.
"Did you hear what was happening in Hatchetfield?"
"Mhm, that meteor is causing a hell of a lot of damage, and I heard there was some kinda ruptured gas line?"
"That'd be the one. It's killing people off, apparently."
The three of them didn't make it to the stage. When they passed the open bar, they overheard a conversation that sent them into a vague panic. When someone mentioned that people were dying, it sent a violent shiver down Pete's spine. To think, whatever it was could've affected them too, if they were still there. They had chosen the right day to leave town, that was for sure. But, there was the hope that the people were just being dramatic, and that people weren't actually dying in Hatchetfield as soon as the three of them had left.
"What the fuck was that?" Richie whispered hurriedly, as the three of them tried to force their way through the crowd towards somewhere more private. Once they were alone, they silently decided that the best course of action was to go back to Hatchetfield, and try and explain the situation for themselves. They refused to believe that so much could happen in the space of only a few hours, especially since they had left close to noon, and nothing seemed to be happening then…
"I dunno, something about a gas leak?" Pete bit his lip. "Do you really believe that?"
"Nah, I'm not buying it." Ruth's voice was decidedly stern. She was trying to force herself to believe that it couldn't be the case that everyone was dying in Hatchetfield. "This is Clivesdale, how do we know they aren't just a bunch of dirty fuckin' liars?"
"If they were lying, they'd be saying something like 'everyone in Hatchetfield is dying from some musical apocalypse that's infecting them like a plague'… Gas line sounds too plausible, especially since we don't know what that goddamn meteor hit…"
"A musical apocalypse?"
Pete threw up his hands. "I dunno! something like that, something that'd obviously be a lie! Y'know, I don't think they're just lying for the sake of trying to poke fun at us in Hatchetfield… I think something might be happening."
They wandered away from the festival, against the grain of the crowd. If there truly was nothing to worry about, then this was a weekend-long event, they could always come back and enact their plan on the stage at a later date. Not a word was spoken between them on the way beck to the bridge, and when they saw what they did, all of them froze at once.
Someone- some raging idiot- had raised the Nantucket bridge. Hatchetfield was completely sealed off from the rest of the world. If something was happening, then they would just be left to die out there, and nobody would be the wiser. Hatchetfield was a tiny island, a small town where near enough everyone knew everyone else. In a community that tight knit, something was bound to go wrong, and then what? When more communities banded together, more of them would die.
"Oh fuck."
"Jesus Christ."
"What are we supposed to do now?"
Three teenagers were stranded in Clivesdale, of all places. And none of them had the energy to try their hand at their sabotage plan, not when they didn't know what was going on in their town and there was no way of finding out. By the end of the day, the three of them were the only ones who hadn't been near an infected person in the slightest. If he knew what was actually happening on the island, Pete would have known that he was near enough spot on with his bullshit claim.
By the stroke of midnight, once the three of them had pooled whatever money they had and found some hotel room for the night, there were only five survivors left of the Hatchetfield tragedy. The three of them, a woman by the name of Emma Perkins, and one pocket sized squirrel that the military found buried in the chest of a local woodworker.
Once the bridge was lowered and they found someone who gave them answers, going back to Hatchetfield didn't seem like something they wanted to do. It had been completely wiped off the map, and there was no point in going back if there was nothing to go back to in the first place.
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subskz · 9 months
i don’t know why, but jisung gives off serious energy of someone who’d say, “ooh you wanna kiss/fuck me so bad~” during an argument… and he’d be so fr abt it too 😭 severe brat behaviour smh. honestly he’s too cute so if he said that, i would just prove him right… </3 omg i am always caught lacking on this blog when it comes to him 😮‍💨
we’ve established that he’d appeal to your soft (n maybe not-so-soft) side by crying when you’re angry, but other times, i think he’d also try childishly teasing u nonstop in order to get out of an argument, so that u finally reach the breaking point and snap, releasing all your frustrations by ruining him into tomorrow (reminds me a bit of ‘pay attention’… pls excuse me as i go reread that masterpiece of a fic for the nth time)
yknow, with minho being the funky lil guy he is might say it too just to throw u off, i mean god knows he does the most outta pocket things sometimes. would say it with that trademark straight face, but then ! then see the little pastel blush tinting his ears !! how could u ever take his little facade seriously when his body tells all his secrets ♡ gets unreasonably surprised when u actually follow through with his snide remark, like he would get so shy if u pulled him by his shirt collar into a kiss even though was the one who initiated it
same goes for seungmin when he gets into one of those hyperactive puppy moods of his n just wants to play with u, so he’ll bother u out of affection n say whatever he thinks will get the best reaction out of u
waitt i could also picture chan saying it in the heat of the moment if you’re just playfully bickering bc secretly he’s always wanted to say smth like that but then immediately getting SO embarrassed n shy with himself ^^; cue him hiding in his sweater paws n letting out soft, high giggles of embarrassment (i know you know the kind i’m talking about </3)
— 🌸
we must be on the same wavelength bc i immediately thought of jisung lino and seungmin when someone asked a similar question as well 😭 our insufferable lil trio
hannie would be so fr abt it…the moment he realizes he’s losing the argument he’d say it without an ounce of shame lmaoo it can be so hard to make him take anything seriously esp when he can get a lil petty when he’s emotional…he is not above resorting to crying (sometimes he doesnt even mean to…sensitive baby) or throwing out the most childish retorts to try n get the upper hand, but he’s kinda endearing abt it and laughably obvious abt what he really wants. he might not be content w losing the argument but he is content w surrendering the moment u decide to put him in his place and wreck him until he can’t run his mouth anymore 🙏
what u said abt lino got me so good also…it’s the most lino thing on earth to throw out a provocative comment like that just to get a reaction out of u, and then crumble the instant u actually return that energy to him…like the way he gets all up in ppl’s faces then shies away when they actually lean in…kitty can dish it but he cant take it! the lil sputter of surprise he’d let out when you pull him in and kiss that crooked smirk right off his face would be so adorable, he breaks instantly ): and his ears would absolutely be on fire!! no matter how smart his pretty mouth is, his body is always betraying his true feelings~
seungmin’s hyperactive puppy moods 💔 he can be just as good at lino at saying exactly the right thing to get u riled up…but in his case you’d get that irresistible proud puppy grin bc he knows exactly what he’s doing n isn’t even trying to hide it! but what he doesn’t expect is for you to follow through n leave him w the cutest wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression staring back at you…the one surefire way to make him short circuit so he has nothing clever left to say anymore <3 he’d definitely try to use it later n claim that he won the argument w his irresistible puppy charms
and CHANNIE! i hadnt even considered him but ur absolutely right…him and his tendency of not thinking it through before saying the most deranged things known to man and flustering himself so bad 😭 u wouldnt even have to do anything for him to just fold immediately and break out into those infectious squeaky giggles, cringing so bad…he’s losing the war against himself but just like jisung he’s cute enough that he gets away w it every time ㅠ imagine how shy and red-faced he’d get when you pull his sweater paws from his face and kiss him just like he wanted…i think his brain would fizzle out!! never has an attempt at teasing backfired so spectacularly
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koipalm · 10 months
howdy koi :) I saw your recent attendant sy au and wanted to stop by and say I loved everything about it! really liked the notes you put in the post too it was great reading them. I imagine lqg's brute persona would make it simple for him to just corner sy and ask him things (maybe he wants sy to tell him things abt sqq? or maybe he doesn't know a better, nicer way to talk to people LOL) and it kinda makes me giggle. keep up the great work :D!
WAAHHHHHHHH tysm anon 😭😭 it makes me soooooo happy that people wld like my little notes that i added you cant see it but im kicking my feet and twirling my hair etc etc. i rly like the idea that lqg is more confused than anything else & then it turns into intrigue. especially since lqg takes such a simple stance, which is "if you dont like it, why dont you leave" to which sy would probably mutter smth about how lqg has always been able to choose, unlike some people, & then lqg wld try to show him a similar experience. they dont rly understand each other at first, but they do have mutual respect for one another, plus the circumstances make it easier for lqg to talk plainly to sy. this sy is much snarkier, but luckily lqg often agrees with his remarks, which makes for very funny interactions when the other peak lords are around
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
That twitter post is so dumb. Saying Blitzo doesn't have anything to offer to the table that Oz doesn't? What about a personality? That's a start. He isn't perfect so Fizz would actually have some ability to be his own person and character since Blitzo isn't capable of being everything always all the time. It's a better relationship because it's more grounded as a whole and also just a better story.
“You always cared what I thought” — blitzø s2e6
“I cant help feel he values your take on things” — Asmodeus s2e7
“Well yeah I was usually the one with the stronger opinions” — blitzø s2e7
“He kept you safe when I wasn’t able to, and I trust that” — Asmodeus, s2e7
I hate that thread if it’s the one I’m thinking of. Maybe if you let characters interact for more than one episode a dynamic could be established? Notice how it’s also implying that blitz and Asmodeus are remarkably similar in their protective caring dynamic with him ? Seems like he was the blueprint
I think this show has just hardwired everyone into seeing all relationships as a transaction. Oz has a big bank account and a nice house what does blitz have? Checkmate.
Blitz offers him, and always has offered him loyalty, protection, reassurance and a feeling of safety. He lets Fizz yell and show when he’s annoyed without feeling like he has to cushion his words, he doesn’t have to say “pweeease?” And pretend to be all submissive and cute to get what he wants. People pleasers need someone who isn’t biassed by a need to benefit off of them, to give it to them straight. Ozzie doesn’t offer him that because fizz only thinks Ozzie is with him because of who he is at his best, meaning he’s been putting up a front with Asmodeus, and he feels like it’s thanks to Mammon that he got to be with him. He says he barely feels worthy.
Another thing I had to laugh at is. Fizz doesn’t like he blitz talks too much. And it shows fizz’s annoyed expression. Um. You may as well be talking about “if you keep talking about pirates I will punch you” they have a back and forth. Fizz keeps him in check. He also doesn’t like how Oz pampers him too much and makes decisions without telling him. In both episode six and seven of season two of you pay attention, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus are actually arguing almost the entire time. Because two people can disagree and that isn’t grounds for ending things.
People who knew you and loved you before you were famous are irreplaceable. It’s more than ‘nostalgia’ and ‘some solidarity in that they’re both imps or whatever’ it’s community, history, belonging, and understanding. And that last one means the most to fizz.
And you’re right it is also just a better story
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wc-wild-rewrite · 9 months
So, Swiftpaw won the story poll, which means i get to deep dive into my story for him. This is subject to change, as i havent finalized the plot past arc 2.
Anyway, under the cut bc it got long
Theres no change to his parentage in this rewrite, still the eldest son of Goldenflower and some loner, one difference is that he isn't a single litter. His sibling, Lynxshine, is here too.
Named after the bird and not the trait, Swiftkit was, in fact, fastest kitten in the nursery, with constantly abundant energy and a bad habit of saying unintentionally hilarious stuff and accidentally insulting other cats. He and two of his denmates, Bracken and Thorn, often played rough and competed with eachother in camp races and mossball, but their collective energy often got one of them, or someone else, hurt or disgruntled.
There were two cats he liked playing with the most that werent in the den, though. Ravenpaw and Tigerclaw. Yes, you heard me.
Ravenpaw was fantastic with kits, he and his denmates loved to sit around and listen to the tom tell wild stories of battles and historic leaders. But that stuff was of the far past, Tigerclaw offered more recent stories, ones that other cats- even his mother- could confirm and add onto. Tigerclaw had a soft spot for kits, you see, so he played with them in the times when he wasnt brooding or plotting his next move. Not wildly, not even particularly well, but the kits loved to play with him.
Anyway, swiftpaw.
As an apprentice, he learnt to manage his energy a bit better, especially under the mentorship of formerly-batshit-kitten Longtail. Unfortunately, this was still in Longtail's asshole Tiger supporter era, so Swift ended up getting kind of pushy towards the other apprentices. He and Thorn developed a rivarly that never really stopped, but as apprentices, it wasn't too friendly. At the end of the day, though, he got along well enough with his denmates. When his littermate came out as a Half-tom (demiboy), he was his number one supporter.
It was around the start of his apprenticeship that Tigerclaw and Goldenflower became mates and, unfortunately, Swiftpaw started to look up to him, as the brave, strong warrior Thunderclan thought he was. He idolized him, even, like his mentor did, and his mentor before that. He quickly started bragging that his dad was deputy, that his dad was the brave warrior that avenged the old deputy and killed the horrible Oakheart.
When Cinderpaw got hit, and Darksong moved to Thunderclan to train her, he picked fights with any cat that would so much as look at either cat wrong. Thankfully, a lot of the senior warriors seemed oddly calm about Darksong, and once Yellowfang started snapping at those who made remarks too, he calmed down mostly. He did, however, get in trouble for nearly clawing another apprentice's ear off at a gathering for such a comment, though. It was less of a "that wasn't right" punishment and more of a "your right but we cant let you get away with violence" punishment
He got increasingly snappy with other clan patrols when he came across them, a bi-product of his step-father's manipulation. After all, he was a strong warrior that protected his clan, of course he wouldn't be friends with other clans.
And then, of course, Tigerclaw was outed for his plan. And his world came crashing down. His father, the father of his soon-to-be-born siblings, was not only a fraud, but a murderer. He had not only killed the former deputy, but Swiftpaw's own uncle, Lionheart. Who was also the father of his denmates. For a while, he became very avoidant with them, too ashamed of his former praise to look them in the eyes. Eventually, Brightpaw calmed him down, and told him nobody was mad at him. He hadn't killed Lionheart, Tigerclaw had.
Unfortunately, not every cat saw it that way, and some of the other cats- the elders particularly- started whispering about him and his behaviour, about how he acted like Tigerclaw, how close he was with him, even pointing out similarities in pelt and body, despite them not being blood.
This was at the same time as his younger siblings were born- Bramble, Tawny, Snow, and Mistle. And you bet that all of them were viewed in a bad way. But this made Swiftpaw worse. Unlike his littermate, who isolated himself from the glaring cats, or his sister, who went and joined Shadowclan, Swift got angry. He got angry, and defense, and wildly protective of his siblings.
When a fire swept through the territory, Swift gathered his siblings and herded them out. But he didn't get Bramble, who had hid from the noise of the scramble to get out. When Swift discovered Yellowfang, his brother's mentor, died because Fireheart had gone back for Bramblekit, it only worsened things.
But that wasn't the last of it. Mistlekit would fall dangerously ill with Greencough in the same moon that Snowkit got snatched by the hawk. He and Bracken chased the hawk until it went past the thunderpath, and he nearly got ran over trying to go after it, only saved by a quick acting Brackenfur. He was sure his baby brother was dead, he was only a few moons old, he couldn't possibly survive a hawk like that. But, thanks to a certain Shadowclan warrior, his brother was saved, if very injured. This didn't stop him from blaming himself for it, like Brackenfur did. If he had been faster, if he had saw the hawk, if he had been watching his brother instead of his sister-
And then Bluestar refused to make him a warrior. That was, essentially, his breaking point. He was held back for moons, his mentor said he was ready, and yet the disobediant tom that was Cloudpaw was allowed to get his warrior name.
He overheard from one of the elders a way that thunderclan used to give out warrior names. Back in tigerclaw's time and before, they used to have to perform something big to prove their loyalty. Swiftpaw remembered hearing about the dog in Sunningrocks, and immediately went to tell the other apprentices. They refused to go with him, knowing it was dangerous, even when Thornpaw too was annoyed at being held back even longer. But he was deadset, he had always been stubborn, but his emotions had been pulled taught by the last few moons, and Brightpaw knew it. So they went off to Sunningrocks.
I don't think i need to describe what followed.
When he awoke, he was covered in bandages, several days later, with his brother reapplying some of them. Brightpaw laid beside him, even more injured than he was. And he realised he almost got her killed. Almost. She had woken before him, but not by long. Bluestar entered the den, giving them a dying apprentice ceremony, naming them Losthope and Dogbite respectively.
And then he discovered his leg had been broken beyond repair. Not enough for removal, but very broken. When he eventually recovered enough to stand, he found he couldn't move his foot at all. Alongside that, he had permenantly lost a few teeth, which messed with his speech, and had some nasty chronic pain. His brother called him a miracle. He had scarring all over his neck, his stomach had clearly been ripped open to some amount, and yet he was alive with far less lasting damage then he should've had.
Lynx, Cinder, Bracken, and Thorn helped him and Bright through their physical therapy. His younger siblings, all healthy by that point, and his mother supported them through it all. He was still angry at being named Dogbite, but it had been a wake up call for him. His rash, angry behaviour, trying to be 'the best', had nearly gotten him and his friend killed.
When Firestar became leader, he was almost called Swiftwing, but wanted to match with Brightheart. And so, he became Swiftheart.
He changed after that, quite significantly. He stopped being so aggressive, he started to unlearn the toxic behaviour Tigerclaw had taught him, and he started being friendlier to other clans. He fought against Tigerclan fiercly, and ended up meeting Gorseflame.
At first, they began talking at gatherings and border patrols, but then they started meeting up, staying behind after gatherings, sneaking out of camp. By the time The New Prophecy happens, he's in love with Gorseflame. They keep it secret, shockingly effectively, mostly thanks to Lynxpaw and Darksong, both of whom were aware of it.
He participated in the Great Journey, and got even closer to Gorseflame during it, becoming mates with him by the time The Power Of Six (Arc 3) came around.
This is where the plot and his involvement gets a tad blurry, but overall he survives the Great Battle, makes the second Great Journey to the new-new territories, and, once cross-clan mates became allowed, had a litter of kits with Gorseflame, with some surrogate help from a Windclan molly.
He became a respected warrior, admired for his bravery and determination.
His kits became Nighthop, Dawnsplash, and Dayshine, with Dawnsplash living in Windclan.
He witnessed the deaths of Bramble, Lynx, and Snow, but was outlived by Mistle.
At the end of Arc 4.5, he notices his vision is going, and rather quickly, one eye more than the other. He didn't know wether to blame this on his old injuries, or a family thing.
Eventually, though, he was sent out with Sandstorm and Alderpaw, and maybe some others, to bring Bloodclan to the territories, and gave his life to let them escape from a pack of dogs.
As he died, he wasn't angry at dying to a dog. He was an elder by that point, he knew Gorse and their kits would be distraught, but he knew Brightheart wasn't expecting him to come back alive. He had done everything he wanted.
He had even taken the dogs down with him, only succumbing to his injuries as he tried to walk and catch up with his clanmates.
In the end, Alderpaw and the others found his body, under a tree, surrounded by the bodies of dogs, on their way back to the clan, and carried him all the way back, alongside Sandstorm's body, and buried him on home territory, with a speech done by his siblings, kits, and mate.
Brightheart was the last to give a speech.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Ok let’s bring up a lighter Vedic topic I’ve been wondering about for a while now LOL (as an Ashlesha myself ts is getting out of hand 😭). Hair colour!
Do you think hair colour can strengthen or weaken certain placements? While dominance in my chart is not the most obvious I do consider myself mostly Ketu, lunar, and mercurial (in that order too).
And I’ve been all sorts of hair colours in my life, but primarily I’ve been brunette, blonde, and now back to my natural hair colour of black.
I feel like since going black - mind you I’ve barely had my hair this colour in my life with me alw dyeing/bleaching it - has strengthened my Ketu and has drawn more Ketu themes into my life. But for a very long time I was a blonde and despite having a weak sun natally I do feel like that placement was strengthened during that time and brought on many solar themes into my life & solar people as well!
It could very well just be the influences of whatever dashas that were running at the time for me but I do truly wonder if hair colour can influence you in that way 🤔
i think any change we make to our appearance can influence us!!
a lot of people do this subconsciously. when we end relationships or want a "fresh start" we usually cut our hair which is a way of releasing old energy. some people never cut their hair because they have learnt how to transmute that energy to spiritual power (many indian sages never cut their hair)
claire had made similar observations about tattoos and how we subconsciously get tattoos that reflect our placements/transits/dashas etc
ive never dyed my hair so i cant speak from personal experience but i feel like some people's reputations change remarkably when they dye their hair?? like Shakira has pitch black hair but she became a world-renowned star with her curly blonde hair. Mariah Carey is another person who is known for her dyed blonde hair (theyre both Punarvasu Moon) Marilyn Monroe is another example, Katy Perry did the opposite (she's a natural blonde and has dyed her hair black since she was a teenager) Angelina Jolie is also a natural blonde but has dyed her hair black since she was a kid. And I do think making physical changes of any sort influences the way we interact with our chart. if we try to cultivate beauty in a healthy way, we enhance our Venus and as a result become more magnetic and draw in more light and energy. if we try to cultivate beauty in a destructive way (eating disorders, extreme cosmetic enhancements etc) we might still draw in energy but for the wrong reasons?? ive changed my style a lot over the years and I feel myself channelling different parts of my chart accordingly or perhaps different aspects of my chart activate themselves and demand to be channelled through my style who knows lol
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Who said JKK were enjoying this? Enjoying what? Knowing JK had to support JM in silence and drop hints about his music, while publicly going to premieres with Tae while Tae strolls hand and hand with his GF in Paris? How he finally got so fed up he went live for 2 hrs talking about JM and spamming his live he wanted to go out with him publicly. IDK what is going on with Jikook, but Tae is foul for riling up fans before going to be with his GF, like its a joke. When JM cant even hug JK without being accused of SA and harassment and attacked with homophobic remarks, while Tae can hug JK without a word. No i'm angry, like really fucking angry.
Oh and More and more videos keep coming out, different angels, alot more clear, even a crystal clear pic of jennie. That is 100% her no denying. She is in Paris and that is Tae. Unless they hired a Tae look alike, put him in a Celine jacket and sent Tae's bodyguard along with Jennie & her manager. They're busted, but it won't matter. Tae will come home, post about JK and JM will still be attacked.
Tbh I can see all the Tannies laughing at the unfolding events. And yes that includes Jikook. This thing is being reported on by Korean news articles. It even made the damn news
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They are ALL watching, all of them. They wanna see how it goes for V so they can see how its gonna go for them when they decide to do the same. Jikook too are watching and paying attention. Their outcome won't be the same but it will cause similar chaos. Actually it will cause more chaos. But I'm sure they are all paying attention to see how people are receiving this news. BH too.
The French reporter said he was told he could record but at a distance. They literally gave him the go ahead.
So are Jikook laughing u ask? Are members? Dare I say they knew it was going to happen? 👀
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springcatalyst · 11 months
something about merle and daryls relationship to religion (particularly christianity)
oops this turned out long. readmore time for yalls sanity and my dignity
it's never actually mentioned, but they both seem to have had a rather christian upbringing. it's safe to assume, because they're in the deep south, but its evident in the ways they interact with the presence of religion and with themselves.
when merle is handcuffed to the roof, hes crying about how he deserves this, about how hes being punished, hes been bad and this is what he gets. he pleads with god for mercy before ultimately telling him he doesnt need his help. this is something we can imagine he is familiar with. hes used to the concepts of divine (or otherwise) punishment, violence and pain as something deserved, a consequence of behaving badly. he seems very used to "this is what you get." and ultimately when he pleads for mercy his prayers go unanswered. this is a familiar script, or at least it was. god never helped him before. hes been punished before. he'll get out of this one on his own, just like all the rest. (he uses the exact same line "I ain't gonna beg" with the governor before hes killed: this is something familiar to him). merle quotes from the bible with hershel in season 3: he knows it. not only knows it, but remembers it. he's held onto it
and then daryl. who is so averse, so mocking of christianity and those who follow it. his casual snide remarks whenever hes in a church, making clear his distaste for the whole affair. his disdain with gabriel for a long while after they meet him. ("the word of god is the only protection I need" "sure didnt look like it.") he sees the lie in it all, while it seems like merle still buys into it, even if he doesn't try to follow it anymore, he knows the punishment that will catch up to him and to others. merle frequently damns others to hell. he inflicts punishment, or the deserving of it, as easily as he understands it for himself. daryl, though, has been disillusioned, at the very least. he sees it as nothing more than a tool to manipulate and lie to the people that believe in it. best case scenario, religion to him is a false hope that will never reach fruition. worst case, it's a manipulative power play meant to keep people in line where 'in line' means subservient. its foolish: a waste of time, to him.
theres a deleted scene where he finds a man dead in a prayer room, and he mocks him for all the good his prayers did. for all the answers he found for his trouble. in season 4, after the prison falls, he says something along the lines of 'faith never did anything for us.' he and merle, though their reasons are different, both see prayer and faith (and as a tangent, hope in general) as a useless tact, nothing gained, nobody will ever answer, you're just fooling yourself. nobody is going to save you but you. and when you say it like that, you know exactly how they got there. these are two characters who frequently have been only out for themselves, only able to rely on themselves, anything outside of that is bound to let them down, to variant degrees of harm. plenty of their own prayers must have gone unanswered. nobody saves them but them.
I legally cant talk about the dixon brothers' relationship to christianity without also talking about carol. she has a lot of similar perspectives as the two of them, but we see her in both sides. when the show begins she still appears to believe in god, and when sophia goes missing she takes that time in the church to pray to him. she says god can punish her however he wants as long as he doesnt hurt sophia. she, too, expects punishment in the form of violence and grief when she behaves badly or, in this case, even thinks things she supposedly shouldn't. here, she had a similar relationship to religion as merle does- she still believes in god: more specifically, a wrathful one. as the seasons progress, though, we see her lose that faith and shift to something closer to daryl's perspective. we see her disillusionment in real time as she sees worse and worse things and is subject to worse and worse environments. but she never really stops behaving as if she is deserving of punishment.
her and Daryl are similar in this way: while merle outright says it, accepts his supposed punishment, and then continues doing whatever he has to and whatever he wants to, carol and daryl operate under the same kind of threat but they dont really realize it. when they do things they deem worthy of punishment, whatever harm comes their way as a result- or even unrelated but soon after (and it's the walking dead, things always happen)- they kind of accept it. daryl allows himself to be treated the way he is in the savior compound, yes because he had no immediate out, but also because he felt like he deserved it. dwight gives him that photograph to really hammer home how he got here, and daryl lets it happen, to an extent. after Henry's death, carol goes off the deep end and doesnt care what happens to her. if not for lydia, she would have gone right over the edge of that cliff because it's what she felt like she deserved, like a righteous end to a life shes been leading poorly. they live under the same eye as merle, but it's more abstract with them. rather than being punished by god, they're being punished by fate, or karma, or luck. it's very 'you get what you deserve' with them, because their disillusionment prevents them from blaming an entity, so in its place they blame themselves.
I think that's the only other option they see, and its part of the reason they are both so different from merle. merle can still blame this outside force, can shove all his problems onto something out of his control that isnt his fault but can be resented for it, so he becomes this hateful, violent person because the one thing hes really angry with is untouchable. daryl and carol lack that, and cant blame anybody else because they are the only common denominator, so it instead turns inward. they hurt other people less because of this, but it's still not healthy, and so in their place they're hurting themselves more.
I have to think they are all intimately familiar with god as a reason. as a justification for damage or an unattainable perfect form that when fallen short of, is punished for. merle still operates on this warped justice system, on punishment for bad behavior (reinforced by his many experiences with prison and the military), while daryl has rejected it entirely. merle still buys into it, but daryl sees it as nothing more than that justification, than that false sense of security. neither trusts god, or religion, or christianity, but the difference I think is that merle still feels the eye of it, while daryl feels the absence.
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