#they couldnt have done this when he still had his floof......
jrueships · 2 years
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21 minutes of keldon johnson CONTENT??? The spurs are SPOILIN me now !!
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Sugar Lips | Huang Renjun
Genre: floof
Word count: 1.7k
A/n: this is one of the longest fics I've ever written and not at all based off of a boy from my school whom I dislike sorry about the rushed ending I didnt know where I was going with that :/
You and Renjun had never gotten along. He sat behind you in math and was constantly picking on you. Yeah, you could have destroyed him with some sick burns, but you held your tongue out of consideration for his gigantic ego. Half the school thought you two liked each other and the other knew that yall were mortal enemies. The thought of you liking Renjun made you want to stab your eyes out with sporks. However, you couldnt deny that Renjun was hot. Like, this boi had been hand sculpted by God himself. Seriously damn. You had to give credit where credit is due. But, as I said, you do NOT like Renjun.
After the rumors started that you and Renjun like each other, you tried to react less to him. You no longer argued and paid little attention to him. Much to your dismay, your teachers seemed to find your ability to ignore Renjun as a good quality that most of the others students lacked. This resulted in you sitting by him in most of your classes. But obviously you didnt let this affect you. You just had to sit there and pay him no attention. Easier said than done. You were always trying to not notice him, despite always looking at him because hes hot.
One night your friend, let's call her Ryn for fun, forced you out to a party and then ditched you. Skew you, Ryn! You weren't the biggest fan of parties so you sat on one of the counters in the kitchen, by yourself, patiently waiting for Ryn to be ready to leave. That's when something caught your eye. Renjun was also alone in the kitchen and he was looking right at you. Or at least, you thought he was, but he could easily be looking at something else. Why would he be looking at you anyways? You looked back down at your drink, avoiding any eye contact with the boy you have to ignore.
By this point in the year, you had gotten very good at ignoring him. You didnt even notice when he started walking towards you. And you didnt even react when he grabbed your hand. You paid him no attention as he led you into an empty room. All you had to do was not pay attention to Renjun. That's seriously all you had to do. So you didnt pay attention to him as he leaned towards you. But he grabbed your chin, causing you to look him in the eye. Shoot. Just dont react, you thought to yourself. You tried not reacting as he leaned closer and closer. Until..
He stopped? "Do you want me to stop" he asks innocently, a blush leaking onto his cheeks. Okay stay calm, just dont do anything rash- You tried to tell yourself but instead you grabbed his shirt in a fist and pulled him until the little space between you was now nonexistent. His lips were sweet, like sugar. They were as forbidden as they were sweet. And you were completely aware that you should not be doing what you were doing. Yet, you did not pull away. Thankfully, neither did Renjun. He just wrapped his arms around your waist and held you as close as he physically could.
The next thing you knew, your phone was going off. The musical tone signaling a call from Ryn who, to your dismay, was ready to leave and looking for you. Renjun took a small step back, wiped his mouth, and walked out of the room you to had shared. He didnt even say anything. Confused, you left as well, in search of Ryn. You found her by the door and explained everything that happened on your way home. Leaving out no details, it was a bit hard to believe considering Renjun was known to be you mortal enemy. What will happen when you sit by him in class tomorrow? Will he say something about it to embarrass you? Or will he stay quiet and pretend it never happened? Oh gosh, what if he says it was only because he was drunk? Thinking back to your memory, his mouth didnt taste like alcohol at all, so even if he tried to blame it on drinking, it wasnt feasible. But now you were thinking about kissing him,,, and that thought didnt go away easily.
You walk into your first class to see him already there surrounded by the other boys. You had planned to avoid eye contact and avoid him in general because you were worried about what he would do. But you locked eyes and to your dismay, he just smirked. Dare you say, is was a really handsome smirk too. Luckily nobody was paying attention so this interaction went unnoticed as you sat at your seat beside him.
Half the class went by without mishap and you hoped you would never have to deal with Renjun again. However, you are not that fortunate. He slid you a note discreetly.
Y/N, for acting like you have a pole stuck up your ass 80% of the time, you're a surprisingly good kisser ;)
You tried so hard to hold yourself back. To not react. To go back to how things were with Renjun as your enemy of mutual disgust. But you could help but write back.
Only 80% of the time?
You busy later?
I am completely free tonight
Good, my family is out for the night
And then the bell rang and you were off to your next class which you didnt have with Renjun. Before you knew it the school day had ended and you were rushing to leave. Maybe you were going too fast because you didnt see the person in front of you until after you ran right into them.
"Y/N! Can you fucking watch where you're going?!" Renjun said. You were taken aback by his antics because he was acting so weird in your classes today. I guess this makes it seem like nothing has changed between you two to the rest of the school.
"Watch where you're going, Renjun, you stepped out right in front of me." You spit back before you walked away without another word.
You arrived at Renjuns house around 5. When he opened the door, you could tell he was nervous but tried to play it off. You wanted to kiss him again, but he hadnt made another move. Yolo! You grabbed his shirt in a fist and aggressively pulled him towards you. His eyes were big, surprised by your actions. He kissed you back more delicately than before. It was as if he was no longer fueled by the lust he had at the party.
Renjun was the first to pull away. His face was bright red as he invited you further into his home. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "Yeah, maybe a little" He then went to his kitchen and got some snacks. "Listen, Y/N" his voice was shakey, "I know that we made out at that party and we havent really gotten along before but what I'm trying to say is" his eyes fell to the snacks in his hands, "I actually like you." Your jaw actually hit the floor when he admitted this. Obviously your reaction didnt do much help for Renjuns nerves. He scratched the back of his head when you didnt respond and spoke again, " I know I act like I hate you and that's because you hate me, dont you? So I'm not expecting you to like me, but I just thought I'd let you know the truth."
You couldnt believe what the boy was saying. Right now he looked so shy and small compared to his usual cocky, confident self. "I dont hate you, Renjun." You tried to say but it only came out in a whisper. His face lit up. "You dont, well then I have a slight chance- shit I meant to say that in my head" Yeah, this boy is supposed to be your enemy, but you have always found him attractive. You spent years pretending to hate each other because you both thought that the other did. Maybe Renjun isnt as bad as you thought. You decided to see where this would take you. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"
Again, his face lit up as he smiled at you handing you a bag of gummy worms, "Thatd be great."
You two wound up picking out a movie that you barely remember because you're sitting very close to Renjun. You cant help but stare, and your heart flutters a little. He turns to look at you, catching you off guard, meeting eyes. This time he took the initiative and grabbed either side of your face and kissed you softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck with your hands playing with his hair. Before you knew it the movie had ended and the credits were playing. You pulled away from Renjun a little dizzy from the lack of oxygen while you had been kissing. You didnt want to leave but it was a school night and you had to get home. You smiled shyly as you stood from his couch. "I'll see you tomorrow." Renjun nodded and followed you out, watching as you drove away.
The next day when you entered your class, Renjun was already there, again. But this time he got up from the group of boys and came over to you. He smirked before grabbing your hand and kissing your cheek. Queue everyone's reactions ( .O.) You knew he was just playing it cool but you were still blushing like you have too much blood in your body and it happens to all be in your face. Some people claimed they called it or knew or whatever. None of that was important to you two.
Yall would go on cute dates pretty much anywhere. The park, a picnic, the arcade, literally anywhere was fun with Renjun. Sometimes you'll even go to his house just to nap and cling onto him. Due to this, Renjun bought you a big plushie to hug for whenever he cant be there for you. What I'm trying to say here is that you two are goals and cute af and so on.
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keelywolfe · 6 years
Fic: Hearts and Hopes
Summary:  It's been a long week and Edge is tired. His husband still has a trick up his sleeve but that's okay, he keeps his heart on his sleeve, too. It's a fair trade.
Notes: If you thought to yourself that I couldn’t possibly get more fluffy with this, brace yourself.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established relationship, Fluff, hurt/comfort
part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The monitor screen was starting to blur in his vision and Edge rubbed at his sockets irritably, trying to focus. It was late enough in the day for it to be close to pointless and the stacks of folders at his elbow were a clear sign that he hadn’t gotten nearly enough done over the course of the day. Janice was sorely missed and as much as he wanted her to take her time recovering, he’d be relieved when she finally came back. Working without her was like trying to type with a hand tied behind his back, doable but slow going.
Edge sighed tiredly. He was being unreasonably annoyed with himself and he knew it. Along with missing his assistant, he hadn’t slept well, nightmares lurking in the corners of his sleep. Those dreams always came back when he was stressed. He hated that particular weakness, didn’t allow his nightmares to follow him into his waking hours but still, his sleep was interrupted, and it left him drained.
It was endlessly irritating that his subconscious mind refused to leave the past in the past. Underfell no longer had a hold on his daytime life, when would it leave his nights in peace? The probable answer to that was not one he particularly liked.
A knock on his door made him jerk and Edge swore under his breath. It was nearly time for him to go home, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone else’s problems today and without Janice to run interference, he was going to have to put his own diplomacy to the test.
“Come in,” he called, trying to keep his irritation from his voice.
To his surprise, Stretch poked his head in the door, grinning cheekily. “heya handsome, you about done?”
Edge could only sigh in a mixture of fondness and exasperation. Days after Stretch had promised him to be careful coming down here, if he came down here, which he rarely did, of course that would be when he showed up at his door.
“okay, you can stop with the look,” Stretch chided. Not that there was a look, Edge was certain of that, but Stretch could always read him better than anyone. “i shortcutted into the lobby from the bus stop, as per. no one saw me outside. i even called reception before i did so no one would have a shitfit about me coming out of nowhere.”
“Thank you for your caution,” Edge said dryly, masking his relief that Stretch was at least taking him seriously. “Can I ask why you’re here when I would have been home shortly anyway?”
“you can ask and i’ll even answer,” Stretch grinned happily, rocking on his heels, and Edge waited, suspiciously. “i want you to drive me someplace.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Edge gave him a narrow look. “Where am I driving you?”
Stretch’s grin turned sly and he tapped the faint protuberance of his nasal bone, “now, see, that’s where you’ll need to be patient, babe. you’ll see when we get there.”
For one moment, he considered begging off. Whatever game Stretch was playing was surely heartfelt, but he was tired and wasn’t really feeling up to a mysterious road trip. Janice was supposed to be back next week, and even so they’d be days catching up to the backlog of work.
Tempting, but to do so would steal that look of glee from Stretch, his visible delight in whatever it was he had planned. Stretch would accept it if he asked, Edge knew, he wouldn’t complain or protest, and whatever disappointment he felt would be held back, muted into nothing but dimmer eye lights, his normal exuberance only slightly subdued. Nothing that most people would notice.
But Edge would know.
“Let me pull the car up to the sidewalk,” Edge sighed. “You can see it from reception, and you can shortcut to it.”
“Whatever makes you happy,” Stretch said agreeably, bouncing on his toes as he waited for Edge to put on his coat.
You make me happy, Edge didn’t say, though he did reel Stretch in for a quick kiss, one that was happily given.
He did hope it wasn’t a long drive.
Stretch really hoped this wasn’t a mistake.
For one, he could tell Edge was tired. That was fucking disturbing as it was, Edge was usually a six-foot energizer bunny, his baby could go and go, and usually did. He wasn’t used to seeing lingering weariness in him, the way his eye lights were dimmer than normal.
Yeah, that and the nightmares he’d been having this week, thanks, if Edge thought he was hiding those, he was ever-fucking-wrong, and maybe he didn’t wake up screaming loud enough to peel the linoleum but even still, he wasn’t sleeping well.
Tempting as it was to play the hypocrite card and point out that he’d gotten dragged to a therapist when his nightmares were bad, eh, even he couldn’t pretend it was quite the same. His own issues had always been a little deeper than just a few bad dreams. Not that Edge probably wouldn’t benefit from a therapist; fuck, between him, Sans, and the Fell brothers, they could probably see about getting a group rate, but it didn’t feel like a battle worth fighting.
Not yet, anyway.
So, after spending a few days wracking his brain, trying to come up with something to do for Edge, he’d finally had an idea. Good idea? Time would tell, but he was hedging enough on it to have Edge following the GPS on his phone without letting him see the final address.
The building they pulled into was unimpressive, only two other cars in the parking lot and there was no sign to betray him.
Edge followed him up the walkway, waiting with silent wariness as Stretch knocked on the unassuming door. They didn’t have to wait long for a young Human woman to answer, smiling warmly even though she’d only met Stretch face to face once before, that very morning. They’d known each other on Twitter for a long time and had a pretty good working relationship, and she’d been eager to help when he asked for this very particular favor.
“Hello,” she said brightly, holding the door open, “Come on in, you’re right on time.”
“deena, this is my husband, edge.” Stretch told her as he toed off his shoes. Edge did the same, slower, though he nodded to her politely, shaking her hand when she offered it.
“It’s good to meet you in person, Edge,” Deena smiled. “Just follow me.”
“What is this?” Edge muttered, low enough to only carry to Stretch. His confusion deepened at the sound that was getting louder as they walked down the hallway, whimpers and whines. At the end was a doorway blocked by a baby gate and behind it were crying balls of fluffy puppy, all of them piled together in front of the gate.
“Get back, you little beasts,” Deena laughed, stepping over the gate. She made her way to the back of the room where there was a table laden with items. “You’ll have to excuse their manners, they’re hungry.”
Stretch followed her and, more reluctantly, Edge. The puppies milled at their feet and Stretch reached down to pick one of the squirmy bundles up.
“this is the hearts of hope animal shelter,” Stretch told his husband, petting the eager puppy in his arms. “i post for them all the time on my twitter for donations and adoptions. someone found these little guys in a box behind a dumpster and they’re fostering them until their old enough to adopt.” Without waiting for any protests, he thrust the puppy into Edge’s hands, waiting only long enough for him reflexively catch it before letting go and snagging up another.
“Rus…” Edge murmured warningly.
“it’s not what you think, i promise. i’m not angling for another pet, the chickens are good.” He grinned, nuzzling into soft fur. “but come on, look!”
The puppies looked like little toasted marshmallows, puffy white overlaid with tan, the leftover little ones tumbling around their feet, whimpering and crying. Deena came back carrying a box of filled bottles, handed one to Edge and Rus before gathering up a puppy of her own.
“Here you go, greedy Gus,” she laughed as the puppy latched on to the nipple instantly, suckling hungrily. “They eat so much at this age.”
Stretch offered the bottle to the puppy in his arms, sinking down to sit on a clean spot on the floor. Another puppy took the opportunity to clamber into his lap, and Stretch laughed, snagging another bottle and trying to feed two at once.
It was worth all the effort, all the worrying and planning, to see Edge shifting to sit next to him, inexpertly handling his own puppy, but soon each one of the floofs had a bottle and were eating with blissful eagerness.
It didn’t take long for them to drain the bottles and that left them with a lapful of sleepy little critters, their tummies round and full.
“There we are, you little troublemakers,” Deena crooned. She gathered up her puppy and sat it fearlessly into Edge’s lap where it curled up with his sibling. Stretch loved her a little for that, but then, she had a lot of experience in dealing with bruised souls, didn’t she? “Hold them for a bit, could you, while I clean up?”
“I…all right,” Edge agreed, a little helplessly, as Deena gathered up the empty bottles and left. He stroked a tentative hand over his puppies, petting gently. One of them kicked a foot, whimpering indistinctly and sighing as Edge scratched behind one tiny ear. Softly, he asked, “What made you think to bring me here?”
Stretch shrugged a little, petting his own sleepy fluffies. “you told me once how loyal the dogs of your Snowdin were. i just thought…you sounded like you maybe you missed them.”
“They were very loyal,” Edge agreed. It did not escape Stretch’s notice that he didn’t say anything about missing them. “But puppies of Aboveground are not the same as Monsters.”
Stretch only shrugged again. No, they weren’t, but Edge didn’t stop petting them, either.
He did slant Stretch a narrow look. “We aren’t taking one home.”
“nope, not even asking,” Stretch agreed, gathering up one of his puppies to nuzzle soft fur. “these are more like…therapy dogs.”
“I don’t—” Edge began and stopped, biting off the words.
“don’t what?” Stretch settled his drowsy puppy back into his lap, trailing his fingers through silky fur. “don’t need therapy? you can say it, i’m not offended.”
A flicker of something like guilt tinted Edge’s expression. “I don’t mean to imply there is anything wrong with needing it.”
“you aren’t,” Stretch said firmly. “now c’mon, these little guys need your help.”
It was deliberate phrasing, and even if Edge knew what he was doing, it tended to work. Edge was hardwired somewhere in a way that made him like helping. Even puppies.
“My help?” Edge said dubiously, but he took the sleeping puppy Stretch handed him, gently adding him to his pile.
“yep. he needs pets and loves.”
There was something indescribably precious about seeing his fierce, proud husband with a lapful of sleeping puppies curled against him. Petting them carefully, heedless of the shed fur clinging to his expensive trousers. No wonder Edge had so many clothes; married to Stretch, he sure as hell went through them. Their drycleaner was going to be able to retire in the tropics.
He couldn’t resist snapping a picture of it, planning on making it the background on his phone. Only to blink in surprise when Edge asked him, hesitantly. “Do you think posting a picture to Twitter would be helpful for adopting them out? My appearance is sometimes…unnerving for Humans.”
Well, that was an unpleasant realization to sneak in amidst all the adorable. Was that really why Edge didn’t like Stretch posting pictures of him online? It was on the tip of his tongue to say it wasn’t true and even if it was, he didn’t give a flying fuck. Edge was fucking gorgeous, sexy as all hell, and he didn’t give a shit what any coldhearted Humans thought about it.
He choked it back. That wasn’t going to help and Edge preferred honesty, even if it was unpleasant. They were using his Twitter and Instagram for propaganda, that was a fact, and Edge did look fierce sometimes to people, no, to fucking idiots who couldn’t look beneath the hard crust to see the marshmallow filling beneath. A picture didn’t give context; Stretch knew his love, knew how tender, how gentle and caring he was.
Stretch took a long, slow breath, and considered his words carefully. “tell you what, i’ll get a few shots that’ll let me post about the puppies online but still protect your privacy, yeah? so people don’t stop you on the street to ask for your autograph. and you can see them first, get veto rights.”
Must not have done too badly, because Edge’s smile was easier, his hesitance falling away, “All right.”
They stayed for a while longer, cuddling the puppies. One of them woke up enough to gnaw on Stretch’s fingers a little too enthusiastically with his needle-sharp little teeth, making him curse and Edge chuckle. It woke the rest of them and soon they went from snoozing balls of fluff to playful, tumbling ones, tugging eagerly on a rope toy as Edge held it or clambering into his lap for more pets and scritches, until they both were laughing, Deena staying tactfully away for the time being.
Not a cure for nightmares, Stretch knew, not an answer to his husband’s troubles, but it was hard to be too miserable when you were covered in puppies.
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
cotton candy;l.g.l
wannawrite said:WELL YOU BOUTA GET BUSY NOW full offence but i rlly need some cute guanlin fluff in my life ??? so pls write me some quality 😫😤👏🏼 'Guanlin takes you to an amusement park and confesses' pLS FEED ME IM
a/n; YES MY CHILD THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING,,,,,full offence im lowkey soft for guanlin, i really hope you like it
starting line: “You’re as sweet as cotton candy”
synopsis: guanlin takes you to disneyland, also revealing a side of him you have never seen before
warnings: none, i think
genre: non-idol!au, floof, slight angst if you squint properly
length: | a paragraph | drabble length | a short story | your average essay of less than 10,000 words | a fic too long but too short for a part 2|
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You woke up to your ringtone piercing through your dream. You groaned, who on earth would disrupt your precious sleep time on a school holiday?
Without much thought, you unplugged your phone from the charger as you slid the “answer” button and placed your phone to your ears.
“Hello?” You answered groggily.
“Y/N?” You heard your best friend’s voice on the other side of the line, you immediately shot up.
“Yes?” A smile etched on your face as the your cheeks started to heat up.
You hear Guanlin chuckle at the other side of the line, “It’s a videocall Y/N.”
You slowly peeled the phone away from your face, as you see Guanlin’s handsome face on your phone screen. His hair was in a mess, and it was dark, but his good looks practically shone through the phone screen, sometimes you question how you deserved such a sweetheart like Guanlin.
You and Guanlin were best friends since kindergarten, living in the same estate area since the both of you were young. The both of you attended the same primary and secondary schools, also conveniently classmates for the past 10 years. Naturally, the both of you sat next to each other in classes and also walk home together. 
Growing up, the both of you would have lunch at each others’ house, courtesy of the both of your mothers. The two of them would always joke how the both of you are almost set to get married, pushing the both of you towards each other. Shy smiles and pushing comments, how you wished it was real, but considering how Guanlin treated you as nothing more as a friend, you decided not to get your hopes too high up. Especially when he has a hoard of fangirls in school going after him.
“No…My face is bloated and I have no makeup on.” You faced your front camera away from your face, showing the wall beside your bed.
“Stop whining and be ready in 20 minutes.” With that, Guanlin hung up and you were left confused. 
“What’s wrong with this kid honestly...” You muttered to yourself as you lazily slung your legs off the bed.
“Y/N!” Your mother called you from outside.
“What is it mom?” You called back as you wriggled into your shorts.
“Guanlin is here!”
“Oh crap,” You muttered to yourself, as you brushed through your hair in a hurry, not wanting to let Guanlin wait for you. Just as you were about to start looking for your makeup, Guanlin let himself into your room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
“I’m so sorry, just give me 15 minutes...” You rummaged through your makeup bag for your bb cushion, as you swore you put it in there yesterday. 
Guanlin grabbed a tinted lipbalm from your stash of lipbalm, then pulling your face towards his, as he applied the lipbalm meticulously on your lips. Your heart couldnt help but to do flips at the heart-fluttering actions. He’s just impatient, you thought.
“Done.” Guanlin pulled away, “You don’t even need makeup honestly, you look just fine without it.”
“Well, thanks?” You didn’t know whether to feel offended or touched by Guanlin’s words honestly, as you shrugged your shoulders and went with the latter.
“Where are the two of you going?” Your mother questioned with her arms akimbo, pointing to your interlocked arms with Guanlin.
“We’re--”Before Guanlin could complete his sentence, your mother interrupted, “No, no, it okay, you don’t have to tell me. Enjoy your date, sweetie!”
“Just go,” Your mother pushed you and Guanlin out of the apartment, leaving the both of you in bewilderment.
“So, where are we going?” You raised your eyebrow at Guanlin, who only shot you a smirk.
“You’ll see.”
Being the direction-crippled person you are, you had absolutely no idea where Guanlin was bringing you to until you neared your destination.
“Yeah. You’re disappointed?” Guanlin put his arm around your seat as he scooted closer to you.
“No... I was just surprised.” You shook your head, attempting to also shake off the blush forming on your cheeks.
As the both of you were scanning the available ticketing options at the counter, you gape at the prices of the tickets, pulling at Guanlin’s shirt, “Yah, let’s just go somewhere else, the tickets here are so expensive.”
“No way, I already bought the tickets beforehand, let’s not waste my money.” Guanlin interlocked his fingers with yours, squeezing it a little.
You frowned, Guanlin was acting weirdly today, being a gentleman at everything. Not like he wasn’t on usual days, he just was exceptionally nice today. You really wanted to question Guanlin’s change of demeanor, but you decided to shrug it off, lest Guanlin got offended.
After the both of you collected your tickets, you read the back of the ticket, wait, it wasn’t a ticket but a card of a picture of minnie mouse printed on it. At the back read, “SPECIAL PASS  ALL ACCESS” ,slung on a Disneyland lanyard.
Once the both of you entered the theme park, you made a beeline for the souvenir shop, to the headband section. You picked out a Minnie headband for yourself, and a Mickey headband for Guanlin. You tip-toed and tried to reach for the boy’s head, but your best friend was too tall for you to reach.
Guanlin smiled, then slightly lowering his height by slightly splitting his legs apart. He lightly ruffled your hair, which made you puzzled. 
“You’re so cute, Y/N,” Guanlin mumbled.
“Yeah, thanks idiot.” Your eyes wrinkled to crescents, which made Guanlin smile even wider.
When you proceeded to the counter to pay, the cashier told you that all of your expenses were already covered for, which shocked you. Was Guanlin the owner of Disneyland or something? Everything that happened so far was like a dream, and also a rest from the mugging for your upcoming exams thus far.
“Are you the owner of Disneyland or something?” You linked your arms with Guanlin, who stiffened up but later relaxed slowly, “Everything’s been covered for us.”
“It’s a secret,” Guanlin winked, which made you cringe slightly, “Just kidding, I just paid a little extra for that.”
“By extra do you mean--”
“Let’s go on the roller coaster!” Guanlin dragged you to the nearest roller coaster he could spot, and the blood in your veins went cold.
You didn’t really liked roller coasters, in fact, you didn’t see the fun in strapping yourself to a plastic seat and being thrown in different directions. You had wanted to overcome your fear of roller coasters for a long time, but you didn’t find the courage to do so.
Looks like this time, it was your chance.
You can do this, Y/N, don’t be a pussy and just get on that ride and try to enjoy yourself. 
Thanks to Guanlin, you didn’t need to even join the 2-hour long queue to get to the roller coaster, you just had to scan your card at the express lane, and it only took you a 3 minutes wait before you could get on to the cart. 
“Are you okay?” Guanlin stared at you, your face as white as sheet. “We can get off if you want.”
“No, no, its okay,” You grimaced, “I’ll get over it.”
Without warning, the cart blasted at an insane speed, one moment you’re facing the sky, one moment you’re facing the ground. It was a thrilling experience really, you began to scoff at your earlier fear of roller coasters. 
After a few rides, you and Guanlin were hungry, the both of you decided to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant. The food offered in the restaurant were really adorable, some of the dishes in the shape of Mickey Mouse’s head. Of course, the food was delicious, but you were still hungry.
Guanlin suggested going to the snack stalls to grab some churros, and you willingly agreed. Guanlin smiled to himself at your child-like behaviour when you eyed the menu, pointing to whichever snack you desired. Sometimes he wished you actually felt the same way about him, he was on the brink of giving up on his $500 confession plan given your obliviousness.
When the both of you settled down on a seat, Guanlin put his chin on his palm, admiring you inhaling the food that you ordered. 
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You waved your hand in front of him, mouth full with food.
“Nothing, its just... you’re as sweet as cotton candy.” 
“What’s wrong with you honestly, you can’t stop being so nice,” You placed the back of your hand on Guanlin’s forehead, “are you sick?”
“I’m not sick,” Guanlin swatted your hand away, “just eat up, I want to go on more rides.”
You scowled at Guanlin’s split personalities, one moment he’s sweet, one moment he’s back to your best friend.
Ride after ride, the sun slowly dimmed and it was already 5pm. The sun was beginning to set, radiating a beautiful orange hue in the sky.
“Let’s take a break, I’m tired.” Guanlin sat down on a nearby bench, leaning against the backrest.
“What happened to the ‘I’ll ride all rides’ Guanlin?” You teased, taking the seat beside him.
“Shut up, I’m tired.” Guanlin muttered under his breath.
“Thanks for today. Really. I enjoyed myself very much.” You turned to face Guanlin, who turned to face you as well.
“You’re welcome, I splurged alot on today.” Guanlin laughed, which made you hit his shoulder playfully, “How much did you even spend? Tell me honestly.”
“Its a secret babe,” Guanlin winked which made you frown and turn your attention back to the setting sun.
A wave of comfortable silence washed over before you began, “The sunset’s really pretty.”
“Like you.” Guanlin casually remarked, making you giggle.
“What’s up with you today seriously?” You pushed your fingers in between Guanlin’s eyebrows, the force sending him leaning backwards. “Your pick up lines are so cheesy.”
“Honestly, I brought you here to confess to you, Y/N,” Guanlin sighed, “I really like you, I really don’t like that we have that friendship wall in between us. I have been trying to break it down but whenever I do so, you build it back up. I honestly don’t know whether you’ll like me back, but I really like you Y/N.”
You fell silent at Guanlin’s mini ramble, shocked at his words. 
“Whatever, I’m just gonna,” Guanlin’s eyes slightly flickered to your lips, then swiftly leaning in to place a light kiss on your lips, leaving you dumbfounded.
“I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same way Y/N, I shouldn’t have did that.” The tips of Guanlin’s ears turned pink, slightly turning away from you.
“N-no, I like you too, Idiot.” You held Guanlin’s face in your hands, making him face you, “You’re so stupid you know that, you shouldn’t have splurged this much just to confess to me.”
Guanlin extended his arms, as you welcomed yourself into his embrace, warm and calming. 
“Are you my boyfriend now?” You asked, making Guanlin click his tongue.
“What are you talking about, this is our first day as a couple, idiot.” Guanlin ruffled your hair, pecking your lips once again, as you smiled into a kiss you’d never forget.
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