#i refuse to accept the fact that he is the same height as me i REFUSE
prettybean · 10 months
* just for fun, don’t take it too seriously 🍌
I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS KIND OF RELATIONSHIP, if you find yourself in these situations, ask for help
If these topics make you uncomfortable, please avoid reading further.
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He just can't accept the fact that you ended things with him. It's been three months since the breakup, but Simon has completely lost it, especially when he found out that you're engaged again.
He keeps calling you persistently, and out of habit, you always answer. You hear him say the same old phrases: "I'm better than him" or "Come back to me, you know you can't be happy without me."
Despite the breakup, you've agreed to have sex with him several times. The way he pleases you makes your heart race faster and faster. Deep down, you know it's not fair to your new boyfriend, but when Simon touches you, you forget about everything else.
After years of being together, he knows your body inside out. He knows exactly how to make you moan, and he's not afraid to remind you of that. "I bet you don't scream like that with him." And as he says it, he fucks you like only he can.
"Do I have to kill him to win you back? You know I would." And as he says those words, he takes you to new heights of pleasure.
He has an unhealthy fixation on exerting control over you. John wants to demonstrate to others just how much you are under his command and how obediently you follow his every instruction.
"I've got something special for you," he informed you, as he fasten a collar around your neck, tightening it to the point where it became difficult to breathe. He didn't care about your discomfort; the tighter the collar, the more possession he felt over you.
"Do you like it, sweetie?" he asked, gazing at his name engraved on the collar, emphasizing how much he had invested in you. "If you ever remove it, it would truly break my heart."
You had no choice but to comply; it was the only option available to you. You kept the collar on, and he took advantage of it more and more, forcing you to go out in public with fewer and fewer clothes, showcasing you as his prized possession.
"No panties today, baby," he forcefully rip them off, leaving you to walk around without them. You belonged solely to him, and you had to face the consequences by fulfilling his every desire.
His protectiveness quickly transformed into possessiveness. He never bothers to inquire about your dating life, your activities, or your whereabouts. Your outings are solely determined by his decisions.
If he doesn't suit your preferences, he might even tie you up to acknowledge his authority.
"Darling, it's all about your safety. I don't want anyone to harm you."
He accompanies you everywhere, and you must remain by his side. When you walk, he clings possessively to your arm. "Stay close to me, sweetheart."
If you attempt to engage in conversation with someone else, he tightens his grip on your waist, glaring at you. "What did I tell you?" he growls before promptly escorting you home.
Nevertheless, you adore his way of expressing love. You have always obeyed his commands because, after all, he is your boyfriend.
You never truly loved him and he couldn't accept that fact. For months, he persistently tried to flirt with you, but you rejected him in every possible way. However, he refused to give up.
You couldn't help but notice his strange attempts to manipulate you. Strangely enough, you found yourself enjoying the attention and the way he tried to make you fall for him.
Every day, he would tell you, "You're the reason I'm so miserable, don't you see? It's all because of you." With a disappointed expression, he would repeat this over and over, gazing into your eyes.
He started writing you letters, each one becoming more explicit, expressing how he would pleasure you if only you would accept his love. He even went as far as to say he would eliminate any competition just to have you.
Slowly, you found yourself giving in to the temptation and his relentless manipulations. In the end, he succeeded in making you fall in love with him.
He's consumed by jealousy, and he doesn't even try to hide it. He repeatedly tells you how jealous he is and how wrong you are in your relationship. "If you could just stop thinking about other people, then maybe we wouldn't fight so much."
He wants to have complete control over your every move, to the point where he even took your phone to read all your messages, from the very first to the very last. If he finds anything he doesn't like, he doesn't hesitate to delete the contact of the person involved. "I'm sick of you and your damn friends."
You want to tell him that he's a psychopath and that he needs to respect your privacy, but you simply can't. He keeps blaming you, saying, "It's because of you that I'm like this."
There have been multiple instances where he's punched walls out of anger or broken your phone to cut off your contact with others.
But in the end, he always comes back to you with open arms, apologizing. And every time, you forgive him.
He's been tailing you nonstop. It's been ages since you two called it quits, yet every time you step out, you can't shake off the feeling of being watched.
He's always there, meticulously tracking your every move, whether you're alone or with your friends.
König watches you from a distance, careful not to get too close and blow his cover. He even went as far as snapping some pictures of you, which he proudly displayed on his wall, among others.
He used to keep you company during those long nights, lurking in your backyard, peering through your window just to catch you changing or totally naked.
You were well aware of it, and to make things easier for him, you purposely left the curtains open. König was undeniably creepy, but deep down, you still harbored a hint of affection for him.
He’s in love with you. Keegan expresses his love through the most unexpected gestures, but only when you're alone together. When there are other people around, he transforms into the perfect gentleman - kind and flawless. Your friends have even praised you for choosing such a great guy.
But when you return home, everything changes. It's happened multiple times that he's embraced you from behind, gently caressing your hips and leaving a trail of wet kisses along your neck. You tilt your head back, giving him more space, only to feel something cold against your skin.
"The only way I can make you do what I want is by holding a knife to your throat?" he says, his words making you flinch. Every time he threatens you like this, it feels as if it's the first time.
"I know you enjoy provoking me, otherwise you wouldn't do it so often," he claims. You haven't done anything wrong, he just likes making you believe that. He enjoys seeing the fear in your eyes as he grabs your wrists and forces you to your knees.
You beg him to continue, knowing that he doesn't appreciate it when you oppose him. You have no reason to resist. He controls you, able to do whatever he pleases with you, especially when he lets the knife glide across your body.
"Tell me you'd die for me”.
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aspoonofsugar · 7 months
What do you think about You Don't Know and other Hazbin Hotel songs?
I love the songs in Hazbin Hotel and You Didn't Know is an absolute banger!
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It is also one of my favourite songs when it comes to symbolism and themes. So here it comes a short analysis.
You Didn't Know explores the themes of ignorance, knowledge and questioning, as it is introduced by this exchange:
Charlie: Wait… none of you know what gets someone into Heaven? Sera: This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives, we know when they pass divine judgment, it is our job to ensure these souls are safe.
The angels have no idea why a soul is considered worthy of Heaven, which angers Charlie. Still, Sera insists it is not their place to know and that they simply must accept divine judgement. However, this idea is questioned by both Emily and Charlie:
Emily: But she was right, Sera She showed us a soul can improve He saw the light, Sera Checked all the boxes that you said would Prove a person deserves a second chance Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
Charlie: It's not fair, Sera Vaggie: Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head Charlie: No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead It doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways Turn the page Escape infernal blaze
The two princesses point out how unfair the current system is and put some pressure on the angels. However, they too are still naive, which is why they get called out themselves.
By Sera:
Sera: It's not as simple as you think Not everything is spelled in ink
Sera: I 'm sure you wish it could be so But there's a lot that you don't know
And by Adam:
Adam: Gotta say, I can't wait to Come down and exterminate you! Emily:What are you saying? Let me get this straight You go down there and kill those poor souls? Charlie: You didn't know?
Adam: Don't you act all high and mighty Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar? Vaggie: Don't, Adam, please! Adam: What's the fuss? Why hide the fact that you're an angel Just like us?
Emily and Charlie are ignorant when it comes to their loved ones. Specifically, they ignore the role of both Sera and Vaggie in the exterminations. They don't know Sera and Vaggie's shadows:
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Still, this song has the characters' secrets come out, so that they can be dealt with. In future episodes we see Hell and Charlie do so, whereas Heaven and Sera refuse to. This is why season 1 ends with Hell's victory.
Still, why does Sera refuse to accept the truth? What is it that scares her so much?
Sera: They were uprising, Emily. It is my position as the head Seraphim to protect our people at all costs.
Sera fears the order might break, which could result in her loved ones suffering. In this sense, she is similar to Carmilla:
But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war And who's to say who'd survive the fray? I might lose the ones that I was killing for
That said, even if it is only temporary, Heaven's order is indeed lost throughout the song. This is shown by two visual motifs:
The metaphorical use of heights
The use of colors, especially blue and red
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The seating in the courtroom is organized, so that it mirrors the characters' perceived morality:
Sera and Emily, as Seraphims and judges are at the very top
The other high ranking angels are the jury, so they are just below the two seraphims
Adam, Lute, Charlie and Vaggie are the two parts debating, so they are below the judges and the jury. Still, they are not on the same level. Adam and Lute are above Charlie and Vaggie.
This arrangement shows that Sera has no intention to be a fair judge, as she has already decided the Exorcist Adam has the moral high ground on the Princess of Hell. He is an angel and she is a demon. He is the first virtuous soul and she is Lucifer's daughter. He embodies the status quo, while she is trying to change it. So, Sera has already decided to favor Adam over Charlie. In other words, the moral high ground highlights not morality, but the influence Heaven has over Hell. It is nothing more, but the embodyment of their power dynamic.
Despite this, as the song starts things change in multiple ways:
1- Emily steps down
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Emily empathizes with Charlie and gets down off the pedestal Sera has built for her. She is still above Charlie and Adam, but she invites the other angels to show mercy, to be just. This is because Emily strongly believes Heaven is a place where virtue and morality reign.
2- Adam and Lute look down on Charlie
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Adam and Lute make their case and claim Hell is forever:
Adam and Lute: Did you forget that "Hell is forever"?
As they sing this part, they stand on the magical orb and look down on Charlie. They have the upper hand and judge her and the other demons as creatures inferior to angels. At this point, though, Adam flies down to threathen Charlie:
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By doing so, he reveals the existence of the exterminations and shows that he himself is no different from a demon. So, Adam and Charlie are on equal footing.
3 - Emily reaches Charlie
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The reveal of the Exterminations shocks Emily, who reaches the floor to better look at the destruction Heaven is causing. Her idealistic vision of Heaven gets shattered, so she is forced to re-evaluate the system and the current order. She stops positioning herself as higher than Charlie and goes down to better see things from her perspective.
4 - Sera flies down
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Sera panics and hurries to Emily to convince her that what she has done is for the greater good. She is forced to step down and to confront the younger Seraphim on the floor:
Sera: You have to listen It was such a hard decision I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to Do what was required
Still, Emily refuses Sera's explanation and calls her out:
Emily: To think that I admired you Well, I don't need your condescension I'm not a child to protect Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naïve to expect you To heed the morals you're purveying?
As she does, she flies higher than Sera because she is showing more morality than her mentor:
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5- Charlie and Emily gain the moral high ground
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As Charlie and Emily sing together in anger and frustration, they jump on the magical orb. Their pose mirrors Adam and Lute's one, but their point is the thematical opposite:
Charlie and Emily: If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie!
Adam and Lute claim "hell is forever", whereas Charlie and Emily answer that "if hell is forever, then heaven must be a lie". Not only that, but they say it looking down on Sera, who is supposedly the higher ranking angel and the judge.
Charlie starts the questioning at the very bottom, but in the climax she gains the upper hand. Sera should be at the very top, but in the end she is reduced to look up to the two girls from the floor.
The questioning starts as a farce and a demonstration of political power. However, Charlie's determination and Emily's sense of justice make it the real deal. Hypocrisy disappears and the truth becomes visible to everybody. Even if just for a moment.
6- Sera takes back control
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Sera uses Adam's reveal about Vaggie to re-assert order over the courtroom. She and Emily fly back to their seats and Sera is free to be the judge again. Her final decision is the one she was determined to make in the beginning:
Sera: I'm sorry… but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in Hell can be redeemed.
Sera refuses Charlie and Emily's pleas and goes back to the pre-established order.
Charlie and Emily unmasking the truth about Heaven and Hell is highlighted also by the way red and blue are used throughout the song. In general, Hell and Heaven are color-coded. Hell is red and Heaven is blue. For example, Charlie and Vaggie wear red, whereas St Peter, Sera and Emily wear blue:
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Not only that, but Sera and Emily's wings have blue details and shades. Lucifer is a Seraphim too, but his wings are red inside, as he is the titular devil:
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That said, You Didn't Know breaks this color scheme to show how angels like Adam, Lute and Sera are behaving like devils. This clip of Sera makes it clear:
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Hell's flames are mirrored in her eyes and make her look scary, when she is trying to be reassuring. A stark contrast with the blue and gold idealized imagery Emily has of her:
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By the moment Charlie and Emily state their powerful come-back the colors are basically mixed. Just like the Princess of Hell (red) and the Youngest Seraphim (blue) stand together and share the same moral vision:
Charlie and Emily: If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again
Hell and Heaven are not red (black) and white (blue), but have shades (of gray). Just as Charlie and Emily sing this, the world around them changes to prove them right.
The two girls break the system and show clearly that:
Charlie is the one pursuing morality, as she is trying to protect people
Good and Evil are not so easily defined, as the angels behave like demons and demons show positive traits and virtues
Unluckily, this isn't enough to change things, as Heaven is stuck in their own rules:
Lucifer: Hohooo boy, Heaven, is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules, lots of rules, and they aren't very open minded as you'd hope.
The debate between Charlie and Adam is about the possibility or not to redeem souls in Hell. Deep down, though, it is really about something much more basic. Is it alright to question things? Every character has their own viewpoint on the matter:
Charlie: Well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?
Adam: Uhhh… well, uh… then why isn't he here then? Hm? Emily: Yeah, why isn't he here?
Lute and Adam: There's no question to be posed He's unholy, case closed
Charlie and Emily are genuinelly asking questions. They wanna know why some spirits end up in Heaven and why others do not. Adam and Lute, instead refuse to investigate things. Adam's question isn't real and it is just rhetoric used to prove a point. Lute directly states there is nothing to question. Charlie and Emily embody the theme, whereas Adam and Lute represent the anti-theme.
What about Sera? She is the negation of the negation, which is a thematic stance worse than the anti-theme. Charlie and Emily are ignorant, but want to know. Adam and Lute are in the dark, but they don't care to know.
Sera's sin isn't ignorance, though. It is knowledge:
Emily: Sera, tell me that you didn't know Sera: I thought, since I'm older It's my load to shoulder Emily: No!
She knows about the exterminations and she knows the system isn't fair. Still, she refuses to question it. Not only that, but she prohibits others to ask questions:
Sera: Please…. if you start to question… you could end up like Lucifer. FALLEN.
She is the judge of a questioning, but doesn't allow questions. This shows how hypocritical the whole situation is. How can there be a questioning, when one can't ask questions? And if asking questions is prohibited, then the final answer will never change:
Lucifer: Heaven never listens! They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you!
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nanaminokanojo · 1 year
–one night of fooling around with the annoying campus king gojo satoru (he thinks so), turns into...well, something else more long term
CHARACTERS: gojo satoru x you | geto suguru | jjk characters
GENRE: college au | eventual smut | smau | smau + prose | everything in between | ons | fubus to lovers | aged-up characters | idk where this is going
⚠️ TW/CW: strong/mature language | 🔞 | mentions of alcohol, smoking, etc. | this will most likely have narrations | god-awful pet names | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 12 next>>
NOTE: This has narration in prose.
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Gojo Satoru was one persistent man, you gotta give him that. When he said your wish is his command, he delivered, so you don't really have any excuses to further refuse him. He took your opinion on the contract seriously, passed it by you without fail and exceeded expectations. You had the choice to stop whatever madness the two of you were cooking up, so you had that as a buffer to see how things go.
It's a very different situation for the both of you. Neither of you had been in bed with the same person twice. You thought that was convenient, spares you from that awkward phase of having to deal with the messy things that come along with commitment. But regardless of how much you and Satoru reiterate on the point of having no strings attached, it was still a form of commitment. You didn't know yet whether you liked the nature of that bond regardless if it was limited to the physical aspect.
But it was convenient. You could admit at least that. If it's just sex, then you wouldn't have to go through the motions of meeting people, getting to know them enough to say they're not psychos and establishing that mutual agreement of never seeing each other again. Satoru was familiar ground for once, and you more or less knew what to expect from him with the security of a written agreement adding to your supposed security.
Now it was a game of waiting to see who is gonna crack first, but that's a problem for future you. It's arrogant to think that there are no consequences to what you are about to involve yourself in because there will be, and you knew neither of you are stupid as to deny that. Accepting that fact is the first step. You'll deal with the mess later.
Or maybe you two were really stupid to be considering it at all. Either way, you didn't really care about the intricacies of it as much as you were annoyed over the fact that Satoru was taking away what you wanted to be a peaceful afternoon. Tolerance sure wasn't his strongest suit as expected of a rich brat who didn't know how it feels to be denied and done have the slightest understanding of the word no.
"You're gonna make me neighbors think I got into a tangle with loan sharks, Gojo," you said the moment you opened the door for him, unable to help it but ogle him. He was clad in gray sweats, a black shirt that fit him so damn well, his platinum hair mussed under a white, Balenciaga baseball cap.
He looked at you from under his cap, those gloriously blue eyes twinkling as he broke into a grin. "Well, you do owe me kisses, sweetheart."
Rolling your eyes, you cocked your head to the side, inviting him in, prompting his next comment: "I see how you're related to Sukuna when you move like that."
You chuckled. "I know how you think he was raised by brigands." You looked over your shoulder with a smirk. "You can opt out of our arrangement now."
Satoru caught up to you, blocking your way to the living room. He bent down to your height, booping you on the nose with his index finger. "Is that a roundabout way of saying you want out? You haven't even signed yet." He waved the file he was holding in front of you. "Ammended and reviewed as you've requested."
You took it, pushing past him and plopping down on the couch. You patted the space next to you as you opened the file, startled when he jumped right onto the spot, also making you bounce on the plush seat.
You momentarily glared at him but he just scooted closer, pointing at the sheaf of papers. "The things you wanted added are highlighted in yellow."
You quietly read the things he indicated, rifling through pages with your eyes. All the while, you could feel Satoru's blue orbs on you, his fingers toying with the tips of your hair. From your periphery, you could see him breaking into a soft smile, so different from his cocky, mischief-filled cheshire grins. Your planned glance turned into a sidelong stare as you whipped your head to actually look at him.
To your dismay, his expression was replaced by surprise, making that smile disappear as if it hadn't even been there in the first place.
You shook your head, thinking you probably just imagined it. "Where do I sign?"
You made quick work of that after Satoru indicated where you were to sign, handing him the pen and also watching him do the same.
"And that's a done deal!" he declared, slapping the pen on the coffee table before twisting on his waist to look at you. "Congratulations, I'm exclusively yours."
"Thanks for saying my line for me." You shrugged, feeling the awkwardness of the situation now that your "giggle fits" about the whole contract, as Satoru had termed it, had died down. "So..."
"May I kiss you now?" he interrupted your thoughts, invading your space as he leaned forward, his eyes shifting slowly from your eyes and your lips.
You didn't fail to notice how he emphasized on asking for your permission this time instead of asking whether he was capable of it. "If you're always gonna choose your words like this..." You knocked his cap off his head with one hand while the other glided up from his shoulder to his nape. You pulled him closer, your lips just millimeters from his. "...instead of being such a tactless bastard all the time, I might actually enjoy this more."
He looked at you with hooded eyes. He wasn't one to be distracted from his goals. "So, may I, sweet cheeks?"
"Yes, you mmph –"
Satoru's plush lips were on yours in a split second, pressing gently yet the fact that he was holding back was evident in the way he gripped onto your waist as if he was trying to tether himself to you. He moved his lips against yours in languid motions as if he was testing the waters. You let him although you wondered at that knowing how hungry and all-consuming his kisses can be from experience.
You didn't dislike it, even the way he would pull away in the smallest fractions to nip at your lips before he would give them tiny kitten licks. It was enticing watching him take his time, making you reciprocate in the same small actions but mostly letting him have at it. Satoru's large hands moved from where he was keeping you steady on your arms up to the sides of your neck, his thumb brushing against your jawline.
Just then, he wrenched his eyes from intently paying attention to your lips to meet yours, blinking slowly and absently licking his lips. Satoru looked at you as if he couldn't believe you were in front of him, again breaking into that genuine smile.
"You're so pretty, sweet cheeks," he mumbled, looking absolutely out of it.
You were tempted to snort at his compliment but at the same time, you couldn't, unable to extricate yourself from the moment. This was a new side to him you're seeing for the first time. "That's one kiss today, Gojo."
At that, the spell seemed to have broken as he placed his forehead on your shoulder, chuckling. "You're keeping count?" He blindly fished for something in his pocket before taking your hand in his and pressing something onto your palm.
Before you could look and ask what it was, his lips were on yours again, less experimental this time. He licked at the seam of your mouth, pushing his tongue into it and seeking yours. You gasped when he finally found it, groaning when you responded in kind. Your ears were ringing, your head filled with nothing but the way he tasted in your mouth and the way he was possessively holding you against his taut form while his fingers drew circles on the small of your back.
And just as you were getting used to him and what he was doing to you, he pulled away, your lips parting with a wet sound. You swallowed hard, startled by the sudden loss of contact, and quite frankly, pissed off as well.
He wrapped your fingers on the thing he put in your hand, realizing it was some sort of card. As if he read your mind, he said, "Your key to my private place in the city. I'll text you the address."
With one last peck to your lips which were slightly parted from being flustered, he stood up, putting on his cap. And then he turned to look at you. "Sorry, sweetheart. I have class in half an hour with Yaga." He grinned. "Don't look so disappointed now. I'll make it up to you tomorrow."
You scoffed, also standing up as you regained composure. "Who says I am?" You shook your head, catching sight of the contract on the table. "Take those with you. I don't need Yuki or Iori finding those here."
Satoru laughed, taking your hand and twining his fingers with yours before raising it to his lips and winking at you. "See you tomorrow."
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TAGS LIST: @arxliana @neeneee @charlie-xo @aelynaneedsalottathing @arizzu @cloudxp
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effervescentdragon · 11 months
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you get a part of redredred, the 2022 season sebchal that runs parallel to niamh's valewis. it follows the 2022 season and has flashbacks. its around 50k or more and dont think i'll ever finish it because it hurts, but who knows. 💜
Bahrain 2022
Seb wakes up on the couch and groans in discomfort. No matter how persistently he’d searched for the most comfortable couch out there, he still woke up hurting. It’s the age, not the couch, he thinks and sighs. Then he remembers yesterday.
A grin overtakes his face. Charles won.
Charles won, and Seb couldn’t help himself. He’d almost screamed when Charles was informed by Xavi that Max had engine problems, and hearing Charles scream and laugh in joy was… wonderful.
I’m not the last Ferrari GP winner, he thinks, and the thought doesn’t even hurt. Charles is, he thinks, and grabs his phone with a smile.
Two (2) new messages.
He’d congratulated only two people on the grid yesterday, because he couldn’t not. He was too tired to even contemplate picking up the call from Lance, or Lawrence, and he wanted to talk to Mick on the phone sometime today, because he knows that he would’ve taken finishing just out of the points very hard. He is still smiling as he opens the first message.
From: Charles
Please don’t hate me. Wish you were here.
His smile falls instantly.
Seb stares at the words on the screen. Please don’t hate me. Fuck. As if he would hate Charles, God. As if he could, for fucks’ sake. His head hurts. His fucking heart hurts.
“What have I done to you,” he mutters to himself, getting up to get some coffee. He knows he needs to eat, but he can’t stomach anything at the moment. He does take a glass of water and the coffee, and goes back to the couch.
One (1) new message.
“Fuck it,” he repeats. He needs to talk to someone. “Might as well.”
From: Lewis
Hey man, how are you? And thanks, I rly wasn't expecting it. It was a bouncy ride, a bit too bouncy if I'm being honest
Their chat history is open, the congratulatory message for the podium Seb had sent him the night before the last interaction they've had.
Seb hesitates for just a second, and then starts typing.
To: Lewis
Glad you made it through. I'm alright, feeling a bit better. Still tired though. How was Toto at the party? :)
From: Lewis
Susie was there, so you can imagine :) I think he wants to cut off even more parts from the car. He was pretty happy that ur home team had a bad day tho :)
Seb can't help but chuckle at that. The animosity between Christian and Toto always went deep, but it reached new heights in the last season. Seb gets it, and privately he thinks Toto is right about most things, but there is still a part of him that's probably always going to be uncomfortable about bad-mouthing Christian, even though the man has changed much throughout the years.
The fact that Lewis can tease him about Red Bull is a good sign, though. He still refuses to address them by name, which is a bit petty in Seb's opinion. Then again, Seb himself is far from being immune to pettiness.
To: Lewis
I know you don't mean Ferrari, because they wiped the floor with you :)
He regrets the message as soon as he sends it, especially when the answer comes back instantly.
From: Lewis
Yeah, Carlos was so good, man, easily one of his best drives. Your boy was on fire tho. The way he defended, damn. Did you see it?
Seb hates the way his pulse quickens. He hates the way Lewis' words make him feel. He shouldn't be feeling like this, because. Well. Because nothing and no one in Bahrain is his. Lewis' message is calculated to provoke him, but Seb doesn't mind it that much. He knows what his friend is doing - giving him a push and an out at the same time. It's on Seb to take it or leave it.
To: Lewis
Yeah, I watched the race. Wanted to see what the cars could do, and some of it was surprising. Good for Kevin and Mick :)
He pauses. He could leave it at that, and Lewis would accept it. They don't have to talk about it anymore. He can just leave it all at that.
Seb can't help himself. He never was one for avoidance; at least not with Lewis. Maybe only with Lewis.
To: Lewis
He's not my boy.
The reply is instantaneous.
From: Lewis
Not for lack of trying on his part
From: Lewis
Did you at least congratulate him?
Seb closes his eyes for a moment, covers them with his hand. He wants not to have this conversation. He wants a Jäger shot. He wants -
It doesn't matter what he wants. A lot of things don't matter, even though he wants them to. A lot of things matter, even though he tries to pretend they are as unimportant as possible.
Lewis could always see through him, though. Seb owes him honesty, and cares for him too much to try to mislead him; the only person he lies to regularly is himself, really. He appreciates Lewis too much to lie to him in any way. They’ve been through everything, and they’ve faced it all more or less together, and there was no reason anymore to keep up pretenses, when they knew one another inside and out in both the best and worst ways.
He knows why Lewis texted him, and he can't help but smile. Lewis always saw too much with those eyes of his, and he knew Seb needs the push.
To: Lewis
He asked me not to hate him.
To: Lewis
As if I ever could.
The reply is slow to come, or it just seems that way. Seb stares at his phone the whole time after sending the message, his heart in his throat. All the reasons for his avoidance of the topic come to mind, and he tries to take a deep breath to calm himself. He opens Lewis' message.
All that he manages to do is choke on air and almost cough out his lungs when Lewis' messages come in one after the other.
From: Lewis
I asked him if he wanted to be lifted in the air. He said, and I had to google this to write it right jsyk, "Nicht jetzt, danke". His pronunciation is terrible tho, worse than mine
From: Lewis
I think he missed you on the podium
From: Lewis
I think he misses you a lot
I miss him too, Seb thinks. I miss him so much, but it doesn't matter. It's better this way, Seb thinks. "Il Predestinato," he whispers to himself. He sighs and types.
To: Lewis
It's better like this.
Lewis' reply is angry, and Seb should have maybe expected it, but it still takes him aback.
From: Lewis
For fucking who, Seb?
Sebastian has committed himself to this course of action, or, well, inaction, and he will stick to it. He has to.
To: Lewis
For him. He has the car now, and his whole destiny. He is older, and more experienced, and he isn't impatient any more.
He hesitates, then adds on the phrase he's been repeating to himself for the past two years at least.
To: Lewis
He doesn't need me. Not anymore.
From: Lewis
Is that what you tell yourself so you can sleep easier?
From: Lewis
You were always bad at lying, man, but this is just pathetic
Fuck, Seb thinks. Lewis always sees too much, and this time he's not backing off for some reason. "Fuck you," he says out loud to himself so he doesn't say it to Lewis in a fit of anger that's bubbling under his skin, because Lewis is right. Seb loves him and hates him for it equally.
Lewis is one of Sebastian's best friends on the grid, and the one who understands him the best in some ways. It wasn't always like that, but after 2016, many things have changed. Nico left, and Seb didn't think about that anymore, like he didn't think about many things anymore. In another life, where they weren't racing drivers and each others biggest competition for a whole decade, and where they met at a later point in life, and where there was no Nico and no Mark to shape them into who they were when the time was right, Seb would've been in love with Lewis, and vice versa. Maybe he is a bit in love with him anyways, because honestly, who isn't? Lewis is amazing, and kind, and one of the strongest people Seb knows, and he respects him too much as a person and a competitor, and loves him too much to push for something that just would not work. Not the way they are, and not with their history, and especially not in this world where both Valtteri Bottas and Charles Leclerc exist.
Because no matter how much Seb loves Lewis for pushing him, a part of him is angry, because Lewis is being such a hypocrite right now. He is right about Sebastian, but he is still being a hypocrite, and Seb is too tired and hurting a bit too much to let him get away with it.
To: Lewis
How's Valtteri?
He gets up and refills his coffee as he waits to see what Lewis will say.
From: Lewis
There's the bastard I know
From: Lewis
He's fine. Didn't ask me if i hated him, bcs I'm a normal person who still speaks to his former teammate and friend normally
To: Lewis
So you normally took him up on that normal coffee date?
From: Lewis
Fuck you
To: Lewis
Once wasn't enough for you? :)
Seb couldn't resist reminding Lewis of the one and only time they slept together in 2016 occasionally. It wasn't something either of them dwelled on needlessly, even though it was definitely some of the best sex Seb's ever had. It was fun, and amazing, and heart-breaking, and just an inch shy of too much at the same time, and neither of them ever regretted it. They did both agree the next morning not to repeat it, because the bruises they left on each other were just a bit too painful, and the way they looked at each other as they were fucking was just a bit too raw, and for the whole time their thoughts were just a bit too focused on the men who were their teammates, and they both knew it. Neither of them resented the other for it, and that fundamental understanding that it was just not the right time for them and it never would be may be the reason why they became and stayed such good friends.
From: Lewis
It was at least two times that night, and stop changing the subject :)
To: Lewis
I'm really not. It's the same thing.
From: Lewis
I know
From: Lewis
Man, where did all our bravery go?
To: Lewis
We left it on track sometime in late 2010's :)
From: Lewis
You might be right there
From: Lewis
Fuck we're old
Seb chuckles, because Lewis is both right and wrong. Being on top of the world in your early twenties screwed them both up in some fundamental way, and with both of them being overachievers and determined to win, their perception of the world and their age was impossibly skewered. Seb knows he is going to have to re-evaluate what he wants to do in his life again really soon, but that was a conversation for another time, and to be made in person. Another text from Lewis pulls him out of his thoughts.
From: Lewis
What will you do now?
Seb sighs for god-knows which time and scratches his beard. He should shave soon; he has that video-conference with Aston Martin on Wednesday, and he should look less like a hobo and more like a professional who has his life together. I should look less like a lovesick fool, he thinks and then rolls his eyes at his own propensity for dramatics.
To: Lewis
I have no idea. You?
Lewis' reply makes Seb bark out a laugh.
From: Lewis
Get a bloody muffin. Feelings are exhausting
To: Lewis
Yeah. Maybe we shouldn't talk about them then :)
Lewis doesn't reply, and Seb takes that as a sign that his friend is as tired as he is of the emotional turmoil they've both been going through. It's probably for the best. Seb needs to sleep some more, his body rebelling against even the little exertion he's had today.
He puts his phone on the table and lays on the couch. Maybe the universe will be merciful to him today, and he won't dream of heart-breaking eyes and French-accented voice speaking to him in terrible German.
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mcl38 · 6 months
they haven't quite turned on vcarb the way they did mclaren but from what i've read that seems to be bc daniel keeps saying "it's not the same problem as mclaren" when like idk dude if the only time you've finished a race ahead of yuki was bc you got put on softs at the end of the race it is smelling very shades of mexico '22 to me. just without the having to make up a time penalty bc u punted yuki off the track.
i can say yuki is already getting the lando treatment though. "hOW MANY RACES HAS HE WON AND YOU DARE SAY HES PERFORMING BETTER THAN AN 8 TIME GP WINNER?" (ya i'll go to the top floor of my apartment and shout it into the void through a megaphone too what are you going to do about it) only this time there's a heavy dose of racism added in. the amount of people i have seen calling yuki a "pokémon" derogatorily and refusing to admit the racist connotations there are wild. not to mention the ableist terms i've seen be used to refer to his height. it's all very gross and yet again daniel says nothing to even try to prevent it. it's wild how someone always has to get harassed by his fans regardless of if he fails or succeeds.
ok so like first of all yikes. i rly rate yuki but im v selective w my online (especially my tumblr)
experience so i rly almost never venture out of my mclaren-centred bubble, which means i never rly see what ppl say abt him. 'pokemon' is actually vile like thats so clearly racist bc its not even a pun of his name at all or any sort of reference to his personality?? AND the fact that its a cartoon w the infantilising implications of that... ku's essay on the infantilisation of east asian drivers u will always be famous.... like u guys ever noticed how nyck is also rly short and has a youthful face and nobody ever talked abt him in the way they talk abt yuki? much to think abt
now. permission to be mean here but even if its 'not the same problem as mclaren' is the problem not STILL the fact that daniel in his 10+ year career hasnt bothered to understand the way the engineering of f1 cars works in like any material way and thats the reason he always struggles to identify his driving issues / has a disconnect with his chassis unless its tailored exactly to what he already likes and knows how to drive? i saw that bit from newey's book about how max and checo give rly good feedback and so did webber and vettel and it was kind of subtly implying that during the bit in between (the daniel era) he designed less effective cars be he wasnt getting enough precise feedback.... i genuinely havent been able to sleep at night since. like it felt like smth slotted in my head like aaaah this has been the problem all along. if only daniel wasnt so busy going on podcasts making fun of the idea of women in motorsport and actually spent some time to do some way overdue physics homework... lol. Imao even
the truth of the situation is yuki is in the best form of his career and also wiping the floor w daniel. like factually so. EVEN with team orders favouring daniel so his fans cant say its bc of that like they did with mclaren. i genuinely think its quite sad the amount of personal stock daniel fans have clearly invested in this mans career and how much it bothers them when he doesnt perform to their expectations - like he's ur driver, swallow it and accept it, because thats what he's been doing to try to move on. doing all this intense online hate bullshit only makes him look bad bc it highlights how badly and for how long he rly has been embarrassingly underperforming. but by this point it feels like they WANT him to underperform bc they crave that martyr underdog victimised figure to root for and fight for - which is why ur totally right anon, that someone always inevitably gets harrassed regardless of if daniel is failing or succeeding. 
i will say one thing which is that i rly dont think daniel is at all aware of whatever the fuck his fans do on twitter and instagram (and deffo not tumblr lmao). so i dont think this is an issue of like him telling his fans to chill out - and it doesnt work anyways, bc lando literally has made talking abt how much cyberbullying sucks a part of his personality and theres still some rly mean and hateful lando fans (not in a fun way like me<3 lol) (i hate on my own blog and in discord groupchats). so like thats not necessarily on him, its more on netflix for making him the lowest common denominator guy to like, ykwim? also the unfortunate reality is that despite the tshirts and the kneeling (or no kneeling) no one rly seems to stand up to defend the drivers of colour who literally constantly get SUCH vitriol thrown towards them w any occasion. im not expecting daniel of all ppl to say anything abt it ngl
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minty-playhouse · 1 year
Alright, I promised a post with my favorite John + Roger photos and I'm a creature of my word (mostly)!
So sit back and let me take you on a journey through Daltwistle hyperfixation hah!
I'll try not to say anting too overtly nsfw about them, but I can't guarantee this post won't be suggestive free, so be advised!
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This is one of the OG photos that I like! I dunno what it is about it, I just like the very casual energy it evokes. And I'm also a big sucker for John wearing big coats so that's a huge bonus! But be careful of charming guys that make you laugh, girls 👀
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SLEAZY! LEWD!!! I dunno what is it about this photo that wakes something really feral and primal in me lol Maybe it's because the photo is super grainy so it makes everything look far "dirtier" than it really is. Also their faces, specially John's, makes me think that they know something we don't (aka the fact they are 100% banging when they're finally alone). But yeah they're dirty and disgusting and I love this photo too much.
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=consumes this photo= Where do I even begin? Roger is so Girl and John is so cool. I love Roger’s looks during the mod era, he's so soft and dainty. And this photo is a perfect example of that. Metal sheet worker my butt, he's a princess. And John is just the type of bad boy his type craves (but refuses to accept fufufu)
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Uuuuuuugh this gives me the same feral vibes of that other one, BUT the difference in that this one REALLY emphasises their size difference like John is just so fucking big and thick, the size of his hips is insane. And that makes me think very evil thoughts when I think about Roger's short legs and how they can barely wrap around it fully 👀💦
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All their mid 70's photos scream SEX but this one is ugh, it makes my brain go "brrrrrr" real good, like why is he just lying there next to John, and they're clearly in a house but whose house is this?? I dunno but I think the moment the photographers walk away John needs to get on top of Roger and kiss him good ❤️
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THEM THEM THEM The toxic couple itself! I dunno why is it that my brain has very bad thoughts about these two specifically, and it's this photo that's on my brain whenever I think about the more, hm, "controversial" mod era ship thoughts for them. Also I know Roger is even shorter due to the photos perspective but, insane height dif. Gotta love it!
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So hello this is the MOST POWERFUL DALTWISTLE IMAGE EVER?? I know this is cheating a bit because these are separate photos but it doesn't change the fact these were side by side on the getty image site, and that they're from the Tara photoshoot, AND that this feels like they are seeing each other from opposite sides of the backyard, with John spotting Roger as he smiles, not only for the photo but at him. And by God, Roger is just so gorgeous, he's hoping this photoshoot ends soon~
And this is it guys, a journey through thick and thin! Hope you guys enjoyed these crazy ramblings!
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Fives Makes a Friend pt. 2
Alright, here’s part 2 of Fives Makes a Friend. 
Fives has his surgery. Mace’s bad day gets minorly better. Padme’s day starts bad, gets better, and then gets worse! Anakin’s bad day is turning into a bad week!
Please let me know what you think about it! Because I live for comments on my stories! Plus, how can I improve without comments?
tagging: @starrrgazingbunny
Padme Amidala was having a bad day. Well, she was having a bad year, really. The war stressed her out beyond belief, not to mention the distressingly large number of people she worked with who legitimately believed that the Clones weren’t people, and they obviously were!
Padme took a deep breath as she felt her blood pressure rise.
Her doctor told her she needed to relax more. But she wasn’t sure how she could relax when there was a war on and the Chancellor seemed totally unwilling to even consider peace talks-
No. Today was a rest day. She was going to go to the luxury make up store where she normally bought her make-up, by the most expensive and relaxing bubble bath that they have, and maybe a candle or three, and she was going to sit in the bathtub and read the newest romance novel that Sabe bought for her.
The war was not going to be a concern for her today.
No siree.
In fact, for today, there was no war. 
And she wasn’t a senator. She was just a woman who lived on Coruscant. And wanted a day of relaxation. 
And then a young twi’lek with rainbow skin skipped past her, and dropped a balloon filled with paint on the ground.
Padme stared at the vibrant blue paint staining the concrete in front of her, and turned to look at the parade of people heading towards the senate building. 
They were all dressed similarly, mostly. There was lots of black, though there were a few wearing vibrant pastel colors. And the hair colors ran the entire spectrum of the rainbow. 
And they were, all of them, carrying spray paint cans or balloons. Padme was pretty sure that the balloons were filled with paint. And for a moment, she felt nothing but dread.
She reached out and touched the arm of a young woman who was about the same height as her, “Excuse me,” Padme said, smiling kindly at the green haired…oh, she was a Chiss. “Is there some sort of festival happening?” She asked, as she tried to shake away her surprise at seeing a green haired Chiss.
The young woman let out a loud laugh, “We’ve decided that we’re tired of the senate not treating the clones as people. So-” She gestured to the paint, “We’re gonna make them pay attention.”
Padme blinked at her, startled. “People…support the clones?” She asked.
The Chiss woman looked annoyed at Padme’s comment, “Of course we do! We know what it’s like to not be accepted for who we are!” She tapped her own chest, “My ma and pa kicked me out cause I refused to pretend to be a boy anymore.” She explained. 
“I…no…I was just…surprised. I haven’t seen much support for the clones. Anywhere.” Padme said quickly, her face turning red as she realized her comment could have been seen as criticism. 
“Then you haven’t been looking in the right places, love!” A tall man with long purple hair shouted as he hoisted a massive box of something over his head, “Oi! Cal got us some presents! She reworked them so they won’t hurt nothing!”
There was a loud cheer, as young men and women swarmed the purple man, and took items from the box. Padme realized, as she looked closer, that the items in the boxes were bombs of some sort. And the feeling of dread intensified.
“You wanna come with?” The Chiss woman asked, as she offered Padme a can of spray paint.
“I…don’t think that would be appropriate.” Padme said hesitantly, even as she reached for the can of paint.
“Sometimes, you have to be willing to fight for what you believe in,” The other woman said brightly, “And the paint is water soluble and all natural, so it won’t add to the pollution.”
Padme took the can, “I’m not really dressed for this.” She said, as a grin crossed her face.
“Nah, you see Lonnie over there,” She pointed at an older woman wearing a full bodied gown, “She’s over dressed for this, you look fine. My name's Elisi, by the way.”
“Oh! Aren’t you a senator?” Elisi asked, her eyes wide.
Elisi stared at her, and then grinned, “Wicked.” She took Padme’s hand, “Come on! This is gonna be a blast!”
Literally, Padme couldn’t help but think as she remembered the explosives the purple man had handed out like candy. Still, a grin crossed her face as she joined the crowd heading towards the senate building, and excitement built in her heart.
This might be inappropriate, but so was the war. Maybe it was time to stop fighting her war quietly, and maybe it was time to be loud.
“You know, you don’t have to stay,” Mace Windu said patiently to the pink haired young woman who was patiently sitting next to him in the waiting room of the Halls of Healing. He had learned her name was Cal, and that she was an engineering student.
He wondered what the local university was teaching kids these days, with the ease that she turned the explosives from Jedi Storage into something much less harmful.
“I know, but I promised that I would see him later. So I’m staying.”
“I’m not going to let anyone hurt him,” Mace pointed out slowly.
“I know. But I’m staying anyway.” Cal replied serenely.
“Okay,” He slumped back in his seat, his gaze wandering to the door that separated the operation theater from the waiting room. He hoped that Vokara would be able to remove the chip from Fives head without damaging either the chip or the man it was being removed from.
Though, he was much more concerned about the man than the chip.
“You seem anxious, Master Mace.” Cal said as she looked up from her book.
“I am anxious.” Mace admitted, “This is a shitshow.”
Cal tilted her head, “Which part? The part where the men you trust with your life have a switch in their heads that will force them to turn on you? Or the part where the war was designed simply to kill the jedi?”
“All of it.” Mace pressed his face into his hands, “How are we supposed to stop this from happening? What’s stopping fucking Palpatine from ordering the men to turn on us before we can take him in?”
Cal rolled her eyes, “That’s easy. Jam the communications around the senate.”
“Jam communications around the senate. No comms in, no comms out. And keep the Guard away from the Chancellor, which is what the riot was for, right?”
Mace opened his mouth to say something, when the door opened, and Vokara stepped into the waiting room. “First of all, Fives is going to make a complete recovery, he’s been moved into recovery room 1, Miss Daines. Down the hall, first door on the left.”
“Thank you Healer Che!” Cal said as she got to her feet and hurried down the hall. There was the sound of a door sliding open, and then shut again, and Vokara pinned Mace in place with a severe look.
“We managed to remove the chip, and it’s still in working order.” She pressed a small specimen jar into Mace’s hand, “You have a plan, I trust.”
“...I do now. Thank you Vokara, I have to go.” Mace stood, and bowed at the Head Healer, before he turned and hurried out of the room.
He needed Yoda and Plo. Obi-Wan wasn’t on Coruscant, he was hunting Grievous. Kit was on Coruscant, as was Depa. Anakin was also on Coruscant. But he could get Ahsoka to distract him.
Sheev Palpatine was trying to destroy his family. That could not be allowed to stand.
Mace Windu viewed himself as a good man. A righteous man. Not a violent man. 
And Sheev Palpatine had triggered every one of his protective tendencies.
The fact that the Jedi were going to owe everything to a group of punk kids who loved deeply enough to just believe a clone when he told them about a conspiracy was something he would think about later.
For now, he had to prepare for battle.
Fives woke quickly. Snapping from unconsciousness to wake in the span of a few moments. 
For one terrifying moment, he thought he was back on Kamino, that he was about to be decommissioned, but the thought quickly faded when he caught a glimpse of something pink out the corner of his eye.
There was nothing pink on Kamino.
He turned his head, and his breath caught in his throat.
Cal was sitting there. Her legs were crossed, and her bare feet were balanced on the side of his bed. Her eyes were locked on a screen hanging from the ceiling. 
He hadn’t actually expected her to be there when he woke up.
Hell, he hadn’t actually expected to wake up in the first place.
“Cal?” Her head snapped away from the news program at the sound of his voice, “You’re still here?”
She smiled at him, her painted lips stretching into a wide grin, “Of course I stayed. I told you I would see you later, right?”
“Thought you meant, like, actually later.” Fives admitted, “You seemed pretty thrilled at the idea of Jedi sponsored chaos.” His gaze lingered on her for a moment, “Also, I thought you were just saying it to be nice.”
“I don’t say things I don’t mean, Fives. You’ll learn that eventually.” Cal promised.
“That makes it sound like you want to stick around,” Fives said slowly, “Like you want me to stick around.”
“Is that so hard to believe? The first thing you ever said to me was calling me gorgeous. I definitely want that kind of energy in my life.” Cal joked, “Besides, you’re handsome.”
“Ah, you only want me for my body,” Fives joked right back.
“I’m sure you have other qualities that I’ll like.” Cal replied impishly, “Maybe you can show me? After we clear your name?”
“...are you asking me on a date?” Fives asked, startled.
“Well, I’m trying to.”
“...that’s not fair, I was going to ask you on a date!” Fives whined.
“You can ask me on the next one.”
He laughed, “Deal. And yes, I’d like to go on a date with you. But I don’t get paid, so-”
“Great, I’ll make you food and we can have a picnic!” Cal said cheerfully.
“Never been on one of those,” Fives murmured thoughtfully, “I’m looking forward to it.” He paused, and then frowned at Cal, “How’d my surgery go?”
“Good, according to Healer Che. She said it was pretty simple, as far as brain surgery goes.” Cal leaned back in her seat, “I guess the chip was located on your brain, rather than in your brain, which was what she feared. Your surgery didn’t even take an hour. And that’s only because they were being extra careful.”
“And the chip?”
“Safely in the hands of Mace Windu.”
“What’s he going to do?”
“That I don’t know. I’m not a jedi, but Healer Che has sealed off the Halls of Healing for the time being.” Cal said quietly, “No one in or out.” She nodded towards the screen, “That’s happening live, though.”
Fives turned his attention towards the screen, and his eyebrows shot up. There were hundreds of people in front of the senate. “Where’d all the people come from?”
“Turns out, there are a lot of people who are less than thrilled with the senate,” Cal said, “According to Spark, people just started joining when they heard what the others were doing. That was about half an hour ago.”
“No updates since then?”
“My guess is that communications were jammed, to keep anything tragic from happening.” Cal said delicately.
“You mean Palpatine.” Fives replied, “You think he’d…”
“Don’t worry Fives, your brothers are going to be fine. I know it.”
“When did you become a jedi?” He tries to quip, even as his hands start shaking at the thought of what Palpatine wanted to do to his brothers.
Cal reached out and took his hands in hers, “Not a jedi, but I do have faith. That’s all you need here, Fives. Faith in the jedi. Faith that they’re going to help.”
His hands close around hers, “My General is close to Palpatine. He wouldn’t have believed me. He would have turned me over to the Guard-”
“Mace Windu swore to protect you, and I choose to believe him.”
Fives blinked at her, and then he exhaled slowly, “Yeah. Alright. I can believe in him.” So far as he was aware, General Windu was a stand up guy.
“Good. Now, let’s watch the news and see what we can learn.”
Half an hour later, a news report broke.
“This just in,” The Twi’lek reporter said, her voice slightly shaking, “Sheev Palpatine, former Chancellor of the Republic, is dead. According to witnesses at the scene, Former Chancellor Palpatine admitted that he started the war with the Separatists, and was actually running both sides of the war at the same time.”
“He confessed?” Cal asked, stunned.
“Didn’t see that coming,” Fives agreed, just as shocked.
The reporter continued, “Furthermore, Mister Palpatine confessed to starting the war simply to wipe out the jedi, so he could create an Empire with him at the helm.” The woman sounded disgusted. “The Senate term is currently on hold, while the Jedi start an investigation into the current senators, to see who, if any, have similar aspirations. And, indeed, to see if any of them helped him.” The twi’lek visibly composed herself, “And in other news-”
Cal pressed the button, cutting the holo off. “Well.” She turned her gaze towards Fives, “Look at that, you just saved the Republic.”
“Do you think that comes with a monetary reward, or-?”
Cal giggled, “I hope so, you deserve it if it does.” She stood and pulled her boots back on, “I’m going to go get Healer Che, she might release you early.”
Fives frowned, “I had brain surgery, I’m sure she won’t.” He paused, and glanced at Cal, “Though, when she says no, that means I can watch you remove your boots next time, right?”
Cal flushed a pale shade of pink, “Sure, Fives. Next time you can watch. I’ll be right back.”
Padme Amidala was in shock.
She was covered in paint, her new dress was stained seven different colors, and she had even more paint in her hair. She had more fun today than she’s had since she was a child.
And then the announcement came out that Palpatine had pulled the strings of the war.
And Padme just. Collapsed.
She had put him there. Her words had gotten Valorum ousted, and her words had gotten Palpatine put there.
She as good as started the war herself.
Elisi gripped her by the shoulders, and Padme looked up at her, “It’s my fault. I did this-”
“No.” Elisi said sternly. “The only one at fault is Palpatine. You were a child. A child who was manipulated by a mentor. By a trusted adult. You did nothing wrong.”
“What if he manipulated me in other ways?” Padme asked.
“Maybe he did, but it’s still not your fault.” Elisi said firmly, before she pressed a small card into Padme’s hands, “Here. This is my therapist's business card. He’s awesome. You should give him a call. He’ll be able to help you, I’m sure of it.”
“Thank you.” Padme whispered, and then she paled under the paint, “Oh. My husband is going to be so angry…”
“At you?” Elisi asked, her eyes narrowing.
“No. At the situation in general. He…Palpatine was his friend. He’s going to think…he’s going to…” Padme trailed off, already thinking about the tantrum Anakin was going to throw when he heard what happened, and her mind jumping back to Tatooine, and the people he slaughtered there.
Elisi stared at Padme, before she knelt and placed her hands on her shoulders, “Padme, are you safe at home?”
Padme stared at Elisi, shocked, “He would never hurt me!”
“That doesn’t mean you’re safe there.” Elisi pointed out, very gently, “My parents never laid a hand on me. But it doesn’t mean that I was safe there.”
“I…I think I am.” Padme said hesitantly.
“But you’re not sure?”
Elisi nodded, “You can sleep on the spare bed in my room. I already share a place with 9 other people, and often there are nearly twice that many people staying there anyway. It’ll be like a sleepover. We’ll have fun.” She paused, “Oh. You don’t have a problem with sharing a room with me. On account of being Trans and all?”
Padme blinked, what a strange question. “No. Why would I have a problem with that?”
Elisi smiled, “You’d be surprised.” She offered Padme her hand, “Come on, let me introduce you to most of my roommates. Cal isn’t here, she’s at the Jedi Temple watching over her boytoy, but you can meet the others. And you can change into my clothes when we get home.”
Padme smiled, “I have to contact my Handmaidens, but…alright.” She took Elisi’s hand and allowed the stronger woman to pull her to her feet. 
Maybe she was indirectly responsible for the war. Maybe. But Padme had a feeling that everything would be alright.
Everything was not alright.
Anakin Skywalker stared at the screen that was showing all of the evidence that Palpatine was directly responsible for the war. He stared at the footage of Padme, his Padme, in the middle of the riot at the senate building. 
His friend was dead. And Padme wasn’t answering his increasingly furious comms. 
His friend was dead. And Obi-Wan was on the other side of the galaxy, trying to hunt down Dooku and Grievous.
His friend was dead. And Rex had placed himself between Anakin and Ahsoka.
His friend was dead. And Ahsoka was hiding behind Rex.
Anakin was vaguely aware of Rex ushering Ahsoka away from him, and towards the temple. It bothered him. A lot.
He would never hurt Ahsoka.
But right now, he kind of wanted to hurt someone.
His grip tightened around his lightsaber. But there was no one to fight. It was just him here.
He was alone. 
And everything was not alright.
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anyalovesu · 4 months
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༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚ three ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚
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“What happened, pretty?” Worry laced Tobi’s voice as he went up to scoop Jas to help her stand up from where she was sitting on the curb of the almost empty parking lot. Jas refused to talk and instead just managed to wrap her arms around his torso. “C’mon, pretty… Paano ka tutulungan kung hindi mo sasabihin kung anong problema?”
Jas refused to look at him, burying her face on his shoulder, trying to angle her head to a more comfortable spot. The height difference wasn’t much, he was probably not more than 5 inches taller than her but it was still a comfortable fit. “Did Alistair do something?”
Jas didn’t know what to tell him, to be completely honest. One moment she was angry typing on her phone then the next thing she knew she was looking around for an exit out of the venue, desperately trying to find a spot where she can breathe without the threat of anyone watching her probably judging her for still being that affected by a past relationship that’s been over for already a good 4 years–even 5 probably–she doesn’t even remember at that point which made her even more frustrated because she couldn’t even recall when it happened but it made her so uncomfortable to the point that it was causing trouble. And she hates it. Dahil okay naman s’ya bago n’ya nakita uli si Alistair—bago s’ya nagtext. Tapos text lang hindi na s’ya magkaigi? 
“Jacynthe,” Tobi calls once again, this time more sternly. Hawak-hawak n’ya ang baba ni Jas para hindi ito umiwas ng tingin sa kaniya. He couldn’t help but notice how his stomach dropped when he saw how flushed her face was from crying. “Anong nangyari?”
Still, Jas didn’t know how or even what to tell him. Perhaps she was embarrassed to realize that she had catastrophized the entire situation if she actually says it out loud—but at the same time, she didn’t want to push Tobi’s buttons and anger him to the point that he’d walk away from how much of a disaster she really is. After all, most of her previous boyfriends did that—the moment they realized that she wasn’t the dazzling starlet that the media was presenting her as and she was in fact a disaster compressed into human form—they left and would come back again if they needed to relieve themselves. 
Jacynthe has made a lot of mistakes. She was well aware of it. From accepting the boys back whenever they wanted to get their dick wet to falling in love with her best friend growing up only for him to be a complete asshole—she’s not proud of it. She hates that it shaped who she was right now—unable to speak about what was troubling her emotionally and deathly afraid of losing probably one of the most genuine people she ever met. 
“I don’t want to talk about it, Tobi—just hold me, please,” she didn’t know what gave her the audacity to demand things from him or what made her think to ask for something so intimate from Tobi. But while her mind was ruminating, Tobi could not feel more relieved that she said something. That she communicated what she wanted to do at the moment—and that he did.
He held her. Tight, like Leon told him when he taught him how to calm Eli down if she ever experienced anything close to a panic attack and he was not around. It never quite worked on Eli and it was only ever effective when Leon did it for her, but it worked wonders on Bianca. In the back of his mind, though he does not want to admit just yet, he was praying that it would work on Jas and her cries would subside so that she would feel better. It was all he wanted at that moment. He didn’t even want to know why she was crying. He just wanted her to feel okay.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Kiss me,” as daring as it sounded, Jas was just as surprised at the impulsive thought that just slipped out of her mouth. She only intended for it to be a thought, but who was Tobi to decline? He has been craving for her lips since they parted from their spontaneous make out session in the mall parking lot before they left. God. He couldn’t explain how it kept him awake that night to think about when it was going to happen again. And now they’re here. 
“Are you sure?”
Before Jas could even make a full nod, his lips were already on her. Although surprised, she was able to kiss him back in a moment, hands finding solace on the soft cotton on the sleeve of his expensive dress shirt. She could taste the faint sweetness of his strawberry flavored air she knew he hit before he came to find her.
Mama always warned me about smoking and flavored air—but never if it was on someone else’s tongue and good lord was it addicting. Jas thought to herself as she found her other hand crawling on the back of Tobi’s head holding him closer as her as she held her breath, mind focusing on the heat on her face as Tobi hands safely snakes its way to her waist. 
“Why, pretty?”
“More, please?”
Oh god. The next thing Tobi knew they were cramped in the back of Jas’ Black Audi A3, with him leaving a trail of bruises on her collarbones and the column of her neck. 
And as if Tobi wasn’t tight enough in his pants, hearing Jas moan from just mere kisses was making it even worse. Yes, worse—he doesn’t know how to survive this hard on if Jas decides to give him blue balls once again.
“Yes, pretty?” he teased, pulling away looking at her already fuck out expression despite them barely even meeting the foreplay point. “So fucking pretty, Jacynthe.” He smiled, hand reaching up to her face to wipe the tear stains on her plump cheeks before moving a piece of red hair that was sticking on her face. "Ganda," he repeats, hand finally resting on her neck, making Jas moan against him upon mere contact.
“Then fucking do something,” she moans against his lips, trying to move her hips against his leg that was situated between her thighs for some sort of relief. “Tangina, Tobi—”
continue here: pretty. ( pw authenticated; clue: jas' full name; no space; all lowercase; 16 letters )
He doesn’t know what he’s doing, that’s the truth. Maybe it’s because Jas is so special to him and he actually considers her as a friend unlike all of his past fuck buddies that he never grew an attachment for. Everything felt uncertain for him, but one thing—he never did this with anyone. He never cuddles after sex. He doesn’t even kiss his previous sexual partners whenever they do the deed but Jas felt oddly different. 
Jacynthe was intoxicating and as unaware as she is, Tobi just knows… Tobi is going to give the world to her if she asked for it—blindly. Maybe quitting cigarettes wouldn’t be so hard if he gets addicted to the next most addicting thing that’s within hold, right?
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ main post °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
part 1 ; part 2 ; part 3&4
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Everything seemed more logical until now, but I had the distinct impression that I was missing a part of the story to fully understand it.
So I grabbed my phone and, using the Dictaphone app, began to summarize my progress on this investigation.
2 months after the death of General Councilor Jung, I'm not giving up. I've discovered that several people were responsible for his murder. So the field of culprits has been widened, but I think I've got an idea of where to look.
Digging into the past of the three stores on the Miroh street , I discovered some amazing things:
• Felix and Changbin's bakery has been around for at least three years. The two are a married couple who make no secret of their love for each other and their fantasies about the oldest putting on weight. A little funfact is that they've been dating since high school and graduated from the same university as Jisung and me.
Felix is rather jovial and smiles like a ray of human sunshine, he's the one who manages the kitchen part of their bakery while Changbin although I haven't had the chance to talk to him for long is described by Jisung as a noisy but funny guy. My question every time I see him is if this guy can still walk with his weight, i mean ... he's huge ! I've always seen him sitting on a seat, a chair (or two lately) but never standing.I have the impression that if one of the two hides something these definitely Changbin but that Felix covers it, I do not see another explanation
Let's move on to Minho's cat's cafe, he and his brother are both chaebols of the great CEO Yang, who seems to have a preference for his little brother since he's his illegitimate son born out of wedlock- my god, it's such a cliché.
Anyway, I tried to contact my brother so that he could tell me more about Jeongin But, but I didn't find anything very interesting: just a random college student, he had good grades and seemed rather popular in his class. Minho, on the other hand, is like a ghost who never existed. I looked up "Lee Minho" and even "Yang Minho" on the Internet, but nothing ... no leads and there was no way I ask my father any information, I'd rather die then talk to that piece of sh-
I'm sorry ... Well, to get back to them, I haven't found anything suspicious about them, but their father is. PDG Yang, is also known as the rich corrupt entrepreneur who puts his own interests before those of others and who thinks that money is the solution to everything.
In short: a jerk.Their father is justly interesting with his various projects, including Project 143, which consists of building more factories to increase supply and export internationally. Except that the factory is supposed to be built not far from Stayville, so it would be a death sentence for the town's inhabitants, or else relocate them elsewhere than where many of them were born and raised.
How do I know? Jisung was given a file and was talking about bribing the town councillor and the mayor to get the project accepted. Of course Jisung refused, and he assured me that Mayor Bahng would too.
So if the Lee/Yang brothers have anything to do with this story, it's probably to do with leir perr and project 143. Also, on the day councilman Jung was killed, Jelngin launched his last lesson of the day... pretty strange, isn't it?
Anyway, I didn't want to talk about him, although there are things to say: Hwang Hyunjin. A former world-famous model who quit everything overnight to move to Stayville to open a bed'n breakfast.
His case is also a mystery, because from what I could find he had an impeccable career without the slightest scandal, and the only one he had was linked to the fact that he was attached to a mafia branch and that his modeling agency was precisely a means of laundering money.
Honestly, I'm not surprised, he's a real jerk who thinks he can do whatever he wants, so if he's a former mafioso, it's the height of cliché here! Maybe his goal is to launder money here away from the mafioso and far from the prying eyes . Which explains his relationship with Mayor Bahng!
Speaking of him, I find this mayor rather suspicious, and I'm not just saying that because I voted for their Daengmo mascot! Kind of a long story bjt as joke in Stayville the mascots always present themselves at the ekections if the candidate ever sucks, this year it was Daengmo, a plush dog
In fact, although he's a fair mayor and allows stayville a good economic situation, I find him far too easily manipulated, just look at how Hyunjin wrapped him around his finger with sex and food! He was no longer the athletic, fair-minded mayor everyone knew him to be, he was now just a walking pile of corruptible fat and out of shape , manipulated by a potentate ex-mafioso with a bastard's back.
Then I say that but i do get a little out of shape ... well little, better say's a lot. I had to ask Jisung to lend me one of his jeans because mine don't zip anymore. Oh and now i just can't stop eating ! it seems that as you get older you gain weight more easily but I'm only 23 , I'm not that old, am I?
But it's not my fault, Jisung always brings back food when he comes home from work and always feeds him when I'm concentrating on the investigation. Maybe I've put on weight because of Jisung's case, but at least he's become much more cuddly with me! It was a sort of routine where after each day we'd sit on the sofa and hug each other for a long time without saying a word, as if this simple embrace was enough to make us forget our daily lives.
Poor Jisung, he was so closely involved in all this that he couldn't do anything about it. I feel sorry for him, who didn't ask for anything, but found himself sitting on the desk of someone who'd been murdered.I miss him, if only he didn't have a charity gala in the next village.
Yet someone knocked and rang the doorbell again and again. Curious, I pulled on a sweater and opened the door.Oh no, not him again.
- "I'm sorry sir, I have nothing to do with you" I said as I closed the door on my "father".
- "Seungmin please, it's important"
- "It's always important with you "
- "It's about Jisung!"
My heart caught a beat, I took fright and reluctantly decided to open the door.
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-"Is everyone here? Chan asked shyly.
-"Idiot, you can see that someone is still missing.
- "Hey, we didn't talk to you fatso!" defended Hyunjin.
- "Fatso?! How dare you call me like that you little-".
- "Eurk you're spitting on me, I'm sure I'll get fat because of you're saliva" Changbin would have stood up to teach Hyunjin a lesson, but he'd eaten too much and couldn't get up from his chair without being humiliated again by the tall blond.
-"Stop your immature bickering, you look like damn kids !" exclaimed Minho, sighing heavily.
-"I remind you that we're not here out of friendship" confided Hyunjin, who then turned on Minho.
-"Oh no, I've been dreaming of becoming friends with you" cried Changbin falsely as the three of them began to bicker, leaving Chan confuse on how to deal with the situation.
-"Wow, calm down, I remind you that the situation is critical, that's why we're all here! So if we can put our differences aside, that would be great!" said Felix supportively, arriving with a feast of salted muffins which he placed on the table before taking a seat.
-"You're right Lixie sorry" said shyly Changbin, placing a tender kiss on his husband's cheek.
- "Ew ... love " said Hyunjin, earning himself a confused look from Chan, who ended up covering it with a kiss a few minutes
-"Well, he's going to be late, isn't he? As usual, I suppose" accused Linho, who was impatiently tapping his foot while looking at the door.
-"I remind you that you're the one who's close to him, so you should know better than anyone whether he's on time or not", Felix commented almost dryly.
But just as Minho was about to retort, the door suddenly opened, letting the breathless latecomer in.
-"Ah, here he is!"
- "Come on Jisung, you're exaggerating, we said 6.30pm not 7pm! Chan said in exasperation, which made Hyunjin laugh.
- "Sorry, I had to sort something out, I remind you that I live with the enemy"
- "Oh Lixie that's sweet, he calls his boyfriend an enemy~"
- "He's not my boyfriend, you don't know how hard it is to put him on the wrong track, he's too smart for that shit!" Declare Jisung before taking his place on the last remaining seat.
-"I find it amazing that he still hasn't suspected you, I mean, you're the ideal suspect but the idiot still hasn't noticed!"
- "stop it Minho, I'm not happy about treating him like that either, but he can't harm our project like that!"
- "It's true that M.Han is our leader" teased Hyunjin, earning a glare from the concerned.
-"Enough chatter, let's recap the facts"
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- "So you're sure that even if he has several leads Seungmin won't be able to trace them back to all of us?"
-"I promise you Felix, I've known him since we were kids, he thinks I'm innocent of everything! He didn't even consider me as a potential suspect!"
Everyone looked at each other in astonishment before laughing loudly.
-"And then, thanks to Changbin's plan, he spends more time digesting all that food than thinking!"
-"See ? I bet you must be excited by that" then added Felix who hastened to put his hand on the belly of his lover
Changbin then smiled proudly as Felix congratulated him by offering him a cookie.
- "So we just have to lay low until it calms down?"
- "Channie, you don't understand... this pseudo detective won't give up until he finds someone to blame"
- "But he can't know it's us!-.... but who will it be?"
Everyone reflected before Minho had a sudden idea
- "Isn't it rumored that while he was dating Choi Yena, he was also sleeping with his brother Choi San?"
Everyone nodded, seeming to already know the outcome of this plan.
Poor detective puppy m, things weren't turning out the way he'd expected
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-"No i don't want to hear you !"
-"Seugmin i beg you to hear what i have to say , i have proof that Jisung is involved in the death of the municipal councilor!"
but Seungmin didn't want to hear anything, he felt like that night, where his father lectured him for long hours on the dangers of homosexuality after he had sex with Jisung.
Because of that and although he had only half listened to it, he had trouble pairing up with the quokka despite their shared common feelings.
So at that moment he felt this mixed feeling, he did not know which camos this ranger ... that of his father who abandoned him or his best friend / crush?
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‘No,’ I say, not taking my eyes off Clyde as he leans casually against the table. As if he hasn’t just dropped a bombshell into the room but rather made some comment about the weather or something equally mundane. I can feel Alberto’s tentative hand on my shoulder, but I don’t care. Right now, I’d actually rather he wasn’t here.
‘Rina –’
‘I said no,’ I cut Clyde off, taking a step closer to him. So many people are afraid of him; the broad shoulders, height and constant look of annoyance on his face; the cigarette he has on him at all times, even if he never lights it. But never before has he scared me. ‘You can’t, please.’
Clyde’s attention darts just behind me, but I refuse to take the look as communication with Alberto. Refuse to believe that both of them are OK with this suggestion.
‘Kat...’ Alberto tries, and I round on him. There’s an apology behind his eyes that I can’t accept. Neither of them are thinking straight. The whole situation is ludicrous, but Clyde’s words are the worst of it all.
‘I am not letting you be bait!’ I snap, rounding back to Clyde.
His eyes narrow ever so slightly as he removes his cigarette from behind his ear and lights it with a click of his fingers. The disregard for magic usage is, for once, an annoyance more than anything else. It’s him trying to prove a point to me even if all it does is hurt him.
‘Not letting me, huh, Katarina?’
I scoff bitterly at him. ‘Full naming me? Really?’
Clyde heaves a deep breath before taking a drag of the cigarette. ‘Rina, you know it’s the best option we’ve got.’
I open my mouth to argue, but the words die in my throat. Because no matter how much I dislike the suggestion, I know he’s right. With everything else going on, with the fact Clyde is the only one of us that could probably hold his own against almost anyone, he is our best option.
‘Rina,’ he says softly, closing the distance between us and resting careful hands on my shoulders. ‘I’m not letting some bastard take me down, yeah?’
Tears prickle up the back of my throat, but if he can stay calm about all this, then I owe it to him to try the same. ‘Yeah,’ I say softly, before he pulls me in for a tight hug.
I just hope we’re right. That if the killer does target him, Clyde is the one person they won’t be able to take down so easily.
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observeowl · 1 year
Right By Your Side | Chapter 20 - No Going Back
Summary: In the world where wearing glasses makes you a different person. You were forced to swallow a pill that turned you into seven years old. Now, you're living with your crush in a small form, what would you do? Who were the ones who brought this to you? And, can you change back?
Chapter summary: You decided it was time to strike back and get back to your original size, but you must do it without Natasha knowing.
Series Masterlist
"Wake up! You're dozing off in our club?" I felt a pillow landing on my head and I woke up in shock. I looked up, seeing the slightly familiar faces. Everyone was slightly bigger, taller in fact. My eyes landed on her, the picture that Gin showed me.
I immediately dragged Hailey out of the room, ignoring the calls from others. "What's happening?" I demanded.
"Let go of me."
"Tell me what's happening? Why am I in this body? Where is Conan?" I held both her arms, panicking. So many questions were going through my head as I looked at the adult body of Hailey.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She shook my hands off. "Haven't we gone through this already? It's been years."
I looked at her, not understanding what she was saying. Gone through this? "You and Conan took the pill. He managed to change back but you didn't. Your body has built up a resistance against it because you keep taking the prototype. You're no longer able to change back."
"What?" Her words hit me like a bullet and I was not ready to face it.
"There's no life for the old me so I decided to stay as I am. We are already in high school, it's been 6 years Y/N, just accept it."
"You gotta be joking." I shook my head. "You're lying to me." I started running for the fence and used the trees to help me climb over the fence.
I refuse to believe this. 6 years have passed? I went into the compound to look for Natasha. As soon as I entered the living space, their heads turned to me. "Hey kid, aren't you supposed to be in school?" Steve asked.
"Where's Natty? You know what, nevermind." I went to Wanda and pulled her into an empty meeting room.
"Is this all true? 6 years have passed and I'm stuck?" I realised I was almost the same height as Wanda and it just made the possibility of this whole thing true to be a lot higher.
"Y/N, there's nothing that can be done. We tried everything."
"Nat..." She came into my mind again and I ran to find her. I asked FRIDAY where she was and she was still in the training room. Typical.
"NAT!" I shouted when I went into the training room.
"Allie, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" She stopped boxing and looked at me.
"Nat... I- I have to- tell you something." I stepped closer and slowly approached her. She looked at me with curious eyes as she took off the boxing gloves and tossed them aside.
"All these years... I've been hiding something from you. To tell you the truth..." I took a deep breath before taking off my glasses. "I'm Y/N all this time."
She smiled before taking a step towards me. "You know, seeing you grow up all these years, you definitely grew to look like Y/N." She caressed my cheeks before smiling. "There were times I thought it was her standing in front of me. You don't have to lie to me to make me feel better. I've waited for so long, 6 years... what's waiting another few more?"
She reached down to my hands and placed my glasses back on again. I looked at her with tears that were threatening to come out of my eyes. "But it's really me. I'm not lying."
"Allie, it's fine."
"Allie, Allie. It's okay, it's alright. It's just a dream." I heard someone say. What's a dream? I slowly opened my eyes and my head felt very heavy. It looked like I was in the hospital or in the medbay. I guess I'm not dead yet. Too tough to die I supposed.
"Bruce said you have a fever due to the infection. Your wound is likely going to take very long to heal but it should pose no problem in the future." Nat said as she sat by your side.
"You should thank Nat. You were already losing a lot of blood when you arrived and since Bruce used the last pack of O type blood on Wanda, she donated her blood to you." This time it was Tony who was speaking at the foot of your bed while looking through the chart that he probably knew nothing much about. So Wanda was the other person who was kidnapped.
"I'm going to go get Bruce." Nat said before leaving.
Once she left, Tony took her seat and whispered. "How did she know your blood type? Bruce just said he ran out of O type blood and your condition was too serious to have a blood test then and Nat just offered her blood straight away."
"I have no idea..." My voice came out scratchy. Bruce came in with Nat just as Tony was about to offer me some water. He checked through the general things before making sure that my banaged were still okay before leaving.
"How's Wanda?" I asked.
"She's okay. She's out of the bed either using the crutches or wheelchair. She'll probably come visit you soon." Nat said. I nodded still not talking much because I was feeling so tired. "How is it that you always get into trouble?"
"Sorry Natty."
"It's alright. As long as you are fine now. I can't tell you're tired. Go and sleep. I'll tell Wanda to come when you wake up." She planted a kiss on my forehead before making sure I was comfortable to sleep.
"Thank you Natty."
I think it was another few hours since I last woke up as there was less sound coming from the hallway. It was dark in my room and I assume it was during the night already.
"You're awake." I looked towards my left to see Hailey sitting. What was she doing here this late?
"They found me." She pointed a gun towards me. "They said as long as I kill you, they can forgive everything I've done and I can go back to them. I'm sorry Y/N, they don't like to leave traces behind."
"What..? Hailey, you can't be ser-"
She pulled the trigger and colourful flowers came out of the barrel instead of bullets. "What would you do?" She took the flowers and placed them in a vase. "If presented with such choices would you tell her the truth or continue hiding?"
Apparently, the entire group - George, Mitch, Amy and Conan all came to visit but I was sleeping while they were here. They didn't want to leave before seeing me so they slept over with the living room as their makeshift bedroom. Since all of them were in kids' bodies, there was lots of space for them to occupy.
Hailey and I stayed up for a while discussing our plans on taking down the Black Orgainsation. Since she hangs around Conan a lot more than I have, she was able to tell me things that they have experience that possibly link to them. Also, what's better than having the lady herself who was once part of it.
"We need to bring them down quickly, they have started to recognise more of the people we are hanging around with. It puts their life in danger."
While I was being kidnapped by Gin and Vodka, I had the chance to slip a tracker into the collar of their jacket. I needed to know where their base was located.
Instead of passing it over to Tony, I handed it to Hailey to track them for a couple days. I wanted to know their route and familiarise myself with it but from the updates I have gotten from Hailey, there wasn't much of a pattern.
"Allie." Natty's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Your friends are here to visit you again." She opened the door wider and all of them came streaming in.
I was still staying at the medbay much to my protest. Bruce wanted to make sure that I was healing properly since it was such a nasty shot. I have to wear a shoulder brace to restrict movement, Natty says I move too much.
"Don't make too much noise." Natty told them.
"Okay!!!" All of them sounded as they crowded around the bed while Natty had a talk outside with Bruce.
"Allie, look!" They all showed me the games that I missed out when I was away from school. Honestly, I tuned all of them out when they were going through the game and the demo.
Natasha POVBruce was going through her healing process and how she is going to feel in the future. Since it was still the school semester, I knew her grades were stellar but I wasn't too sure about sending her back but she had to meet the required attendance in order to graduate. Since she injured her right arm, I wasn't too sure how she was going to write or do most of her stuff. I'll have to contact the school to see if we can figure anything out.
"One more thing, she's likely going to be coughing every now and then since her immune system is down from the surgery." Just then, Allie was seen coughing while trying to defeat the boss in the game. George was making all sorts of sounds as it looked like she was failing at the game. All of them groaned when the game made a failed noise that was all too familiar to kids. "Allie! I told you to save the special power for the end!!" George stated.
"You and Conan are not very good at playing games, Allie." Mitch complained after taking back his console.
"That's fine, Allie. You're good at other things. George and Mitch can't match your grades no matter how hard they study." Amy tried to make her feel better.
I turned my attention back to Bruce once again, asking him if it was alright for her to go back to school or if alternative was the only choice. We went back and forth on decisions until we finally decided on one.
Bill came before dinner to pick the kids up and sent them back to their parents house. Allie was still stuck in the medbay even though she complained each day about wanting to go back to her room. I needed to talk to her regarding her school so I went to speak to her before Steve was done with dinner.
"What if I just take the test early? That way I don't have to go to school anymore." She asked. I was kinda surprised at her confidence in taking the test when the teacher has yet to complete teaching the syllabus.
"I don't think the teachers have set the papers yet. But I'll talk to the school and see if anything can be done." She nodded understandingly.
"When can I go back to my room?"
"Allie, I told you you still have to stay here for a while. It's much more sterile for your condition, especially since you just had surgery." She whined, kicking her legs. It's not like we have been keeping her in the room all day, she does get some time out in her wheelchair.
"Can I at least eat with the others? Please?" She gave me the puppy eyes which she knows I cannot resist.
"I'll ask the others to come out. I don't want you to be moving too much." Since she was right-handed she tends to stretch that side of her arm too much, even when she was adjusting or balancing herself.
>time skip<
There was one instant in the beginning when Allie asked for her phone being the teenager she was and she instantly asked if I looked through her phone. I teased her about having a crush but she shot down the idea quickly and guarded her phone.
Well, Hailey has been coming to visit her a lot more than the rest so I have been wondering if they fancy each other. Hailey was a lot more mature like Conan and quiet unlike the rest so I thought they'll be seeing each other. They really don't act like their age.
"Hi Hailey, here to see Allie again?" I greeted her once I let her in the compound.
"That's right Miss Romanoff." She said kindly.
"Nat or Natasha's fine."
"I think I'll stick to Miss Romanoff."
"Alright, whichever makes you feel comfortable." I led her to the room Allie was in before leaving them alone again.
Your POVWe were finalising our plan these few days. Conan and Hailey have been checking out a few possible places for their hideout and we have been slowly eliminating them one by one. Slowly but surely we are closing in on them. I couldn't wait till I am able to get back to my old body and get back to my old lifestyle.
Wanda barging into the room pulled me out of my thoughts as she was dragging Natty behind her and I furrowed my eyebrows as I specifically told her to come alone. We were supposed to go through the possible plans of action before telling Tony. He was the last I wanted to tell because he just has such a big mouth.
"So??" She wiggled her eyebrows as I looked at her confused. "Who's your crush?" My cheeks heat up at her question. I swear Wanda was having too much fun with this. I glared at her before covering my face with the blanket.
"I thought she liked Hailey." Natty said, making me groan even more.
"I thought Amy was more her type." Wanda adding fuel to the fire.
"Guys stop... I don't like any of them."
"Come on Allie, you can just whisper to me, I swear I won't tell anyone." She placed her ears closer to me and I felt myself turn red. It's you, stupid.
"I really don't have anyone..." Both of them continued on with the topic of crushes and I was internally dying laying down on my bed.
>Time skip<
"So you're telling me to create a fake mission?" Tony said after hearing your plans that I have discussed with Wanda. "Also, why are you telling me this last? I should have been here when you guys were discussing this."
"Because you were too busy. So are you helping or not?" Time was limited and I suspect that the Black Organisation will move within these two days.
"You want Wanda and I along with Nat on the mission? Why include Nat? I thought it would be better if she didn't participate in this."
"Initially, I thought the same. But I remembered that they were really good at encrypting stuff so I needed her to hack anything that's there. This way, she will also not notice that I'm not in the compound." I explained. It was planned that I will hide in the quinjet and follow them to the base as Bill will be waiting somewhere further out the streets just in case anything goes wrong and I need to bail. If we have any reward, I would take them and bring them to Hailey.
"It's going to be tough to convince why the unusual grouping but it should be okay."
"It needs to be an emergency mission. You can't give her time to figure out that it's fake." I reminded Tony before he left.
"I got it. Take care of yourself, you're still hurt."
I told Hailey that the plan was in motion and she and Conan can get ready when we bring the resources to them.
A knock on the door made me hide my phone away and it was Natty who came into the room. "Texting your crush?"
"Natty..." I whined. This topic needs to stop soon.
"Alright... I'm heading for a mission so stay here and don't go anywhere."
"Got it..."
When Wanda gave me the clearance to leave the medbay, I hurriedly went to my room and geared up as well. Making sure I took my enhanced shoes before heading to the quinjet. Wanda was already waiting there making sure I had a place to hide. Once I was in place, she placed a few crates around me so I was hidden away from Natty.
"So we are going in and killing two guys? Why do we need so many people?" Natty entered the quinjet and the door closed behind her before taking off.
"You're mainly here to get data." Tony passed her a thumbdrive. "Wanda and I are here to kill and cover you."
"Aren't we going to bring anyone back?"
"Not this mission."
Natty got herself ready as she went through the mission brief once again. It wasn't a long trip and soon the quinjet got ready to land and everyone stood up ready for the door to open. "Remember, this is a silent mission. No loud noises unless necessary." Tony said as Nat took out her batons.
Everyone nodded and left before I stood up from my hiding place. Checking once again that Bill was already at place, I followed behind them after they had cleared the place. Quietly, I made my way in and checked if there were any other things that could be used. Especially any files that could lead us elsewhere.
The critical place for me would be the lab where Hailey said they often gave her information when she was still working for them. When I came across files that I wasn't sure if it was needed, I took a photo of it before bringing it with me. Just in case I need to drop everything and run.
I came across a list, they have been doing experiments on a lot of other test subjects which I assume they just picked from the streets. I came across my name towards the bottom but its result stated unidentified. All the rest were dead. So I wasn't the first victim, but why wasn't I dead?
Before I brought it back with me, I noticed Miyano's last name. That was Hailey's real last name. She said her mother died creating this drug so it could only be her sister, as it was a female's name. She never told me she had a sister, does Conan know about this?
Deciding not to waste time here, I went further in and saw Natty in the control room. I needed her to take the data in the lab too, how am I supposed to go about telling her? I need to find Wanda. She can tell Tony through the comms and he can tell her.
Without audio cues, I have no idea where the rest were. I went further in to find her and thankfully, I managed to catch a glimpse of her red coat and I ran faster after her. Turns out, she has been eliminating quite a number of people.
"Wanda!" I whispered trying to get her attention.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" She dragged me into a room which she had cleared earlier.
"I need you to tell Tony to tell Natasha to get the information from the lab as well. That's the most critical part... for me to change back."
She looked at me for a while before nodding. "Stay safe." She said after relaying to Tony. "Nat is heading there now, be careful."
I gave her a smile before heading back. Since I was much smaller in size, I managed to stay under the cover without having to crouch much.True to Wanda's words, Natty was already there working things out. I watched as the screen filled with numbers and words and the download bar progressing.
Hailey checked in with me that she was receiving information. The thumb drive that Tony gave Natty was special, as it downloads data from the computer, it also sends the data to Hailey's computer at the same time.
Once Nat was done, I heard that she was heading back to the quinjet. Assuming that the job was done, I texted Hailey to check through the data while I was still here. Tony also sent two images of Vodka and Bourbon being dead. But I wasn't going to take any chances, I went to check their corpses and made sure they weren't wearing any masks.
Finally, they are dead. All that's left is to get back my body.
I ran back to the jet just in time before the door closed. Wanda saw me making my way to the hiding space and made up an excuse to leave her seat to distract Natty.
"Are you okay Wanda?" Nat asked.
"Y-yeah, just needed a breather from the mission." Wanda came up with something.
"Are you sure? The mission is a lot easier than others. Did you see anything?"
"N-no." Natty squinted her eyes but left it at that, not pursuing the issue any further.
When we reach the compound again. Tony told Natty to stay back so I had time to run back to the medbay and lay on my bed as if I had left. I was having a hard time calming down after running and I knew I wouldn't be able to fool Nat in this state so I called Bruce for help.
"My shoulder hurts... can you give me some pain medication so I can sleep?" I know this isn't a good thing to do.
"I'll see what I can do." Bruce went to the lab and got some medication for me and injected it into my bloodstream. Thankfully, until I fell back asleep, Natty didn't enter my room and I was able to get away with it. 
Natasha POV Again for some unknown reason, Tony was hosting a party and everyone was invited to go. It wasn't compulsory but when it is hosted at the place you stay, you kinda have to go. There's no way out of this.
"Natty, do you want to head out to buy some clothes for the party later?" Allie asked me.
"Sure. Do you have anything in mind?" She shrugged her shoulders. A couple of weeks have passed since then. Allie was able to move with more ease now, no longer having to wear the shoulder brace. Everyone had a tough time keeping her in place. She kept wanting to hang out with people and ended up being a monkey around. Not exactly the best thing to do when she has an injured shoulder.
After lunch, we went to the mall for some clothes. I was kinda surprised when Wanda said she didn't want to join us but she said she wasn't feeling it and there were enough clothes in her closet. I guess finding it fun in Tony's party has a limit.
"Natty, what do you think of this?" She showed me a yellow dress against her body.
"Looking good. Are you going to get it?"
"Hmm I don't know, I look around first I guess." She placed it back on the rack before walking around looking again. "Are you going to get anything?" She asked.
"If I saw anything that caught my eye. I have enough." She nodded before walking excitedly in front. Slowly, we started drifting away from the clothing and ended up in the accessories section. She was looking intently at some of the bracelets and charms.
"Did you see anything you like, Natty? I want to thank you for getting the dolphin for me."
"I told you there's no need to get me anything. You saved my life then. It's more than enough."
"I want to get you something..."
I shook my head at her adorableness and checked to see if there was anything that she could afford. I didn't want to put a hole in her wallet just because she wanted to get me something. Since she got the dolphin, I thought I should continue the theme of the sea animals and got a shark.
"A shark keychain?" She asked, making sure it was the one I chose.
"Yeah. You get a dolphin, I get a shark. You know, a shark is constantly moving." She nodded her head. "So, you getting any clothes? Or are you just here to get me something?" I asked.
"Like you, see if anything catches my eyes. But I think I'm getting the yellow dress earlier. Nothing else for you?"
"I'm good."
We walked back to the racks we were at earlier and she picked out the yellow dress and made sure it was her size before bringing it to the cashier. I thought she was going to just give the keychain to me but she actually went to ask the cashier if there was a box that came along with it.  She explained that it was so that I can keep the keychain in a safe place whenever I would take it out.
"I'll see you later at the party."
Your POV I got ready and went to the party on time. Some like to arrive later but personally, I like to arrive on time, on the dot. I hate having to greet people so by arriving on time, the rest would have to come and say hi and not me. Though, I prefer if they just stay away from me if I'm not close to you.
"Never saw a kid so enthusiastic for a party." Clint said as he came and sat with me. He cheered my glass of apple juice with his beer bottle.
"How many kids can say they came to a Stark party?"
"About 3 others?" He looked towards my friends. Seeing George, Amy and Mitch getting excited by all the gadgets and Tony more than happy to talk to display and talk about how good it is because... right, he's already drunk. Conan didn't join this event because he had other places to be in and Hailey, well, she's not a fan of parties.
"You keep the people sane here. Make sure they don't do reckless things and the best backup there is."
"You talk as if you've seen me in the field."
"I hear a lot around here. Especially when I have nothing to do."
I got up and found Steve talking to Maria at the edge of the bar. "Can't keep work away from the party?" I asked as I got a refill for my apple juice.
"That's not funny. I value my time off even if I have to fight with Fury. I'm not going to work forever until I'm old like a fossil over here." Maria complained.
"Hey, I didn't have a choice."
"Well, rest is needed especially in a leading role. Can't have you oppressing low level agents like us."
"Like you?" Maria raised an eyebrow.
"Like normal people. I represent them."
"Hey look, the fashionably late duo is here." Steve nodded towards the entrance and I turned my head to look.
"Well, it's the apprentice and the master so of course they are going to be similar." Maria commented.
Natty was wearing the most gorgeous red strapless dress as the light shone on her. She burst with confidence as she walked in ignoring the other men who were calling out to her. There were no words to describe her because my mind wasn't functioning enough to think of a descriptive word that fits her.
"You didn't even see me walk in did you." Wanda spoke into my mind, bringing me out of my trance.
"Well, when she is this amazing, I don't see anyone else." I whispered under my breath knowing she can hear it in my mind as well.
"You look great as well." I said.
"You look like the sunflower of the room." Wanda said as she walked around me. I just smiled at her without saying anything.    
We fell into a comfortable conversation talking about everything and especially teasing her about her crush in Vision. I enjoyed seeing her turning red at the mention of him and the small actions that Vision would do for her.
"Nat's free now. You can go over." She gently nudged me towards her and I gave her a look.
"Are you pushing me away because you want to go talk to Vision?" I placed a hand over my chest and leaned away slightly.
"That's not it!"
I chuckled slightly before pulling her along towards Vision who was with Tony. "Thanks for helping!" I yelled over the music before going over to find Natty.
She was just wrapping up her place and I managed to get to her before she packed everything. She looked at me but her hands were still moving. "Can I get fancy apple juice?" I asked. She shook her head before turning to get a tall flute glass and poured the apple juice inside. "Thank you." She placed the glass on the coaster.
I expected her to pour a regular apple juice but when I saw the fizz in the glass I looked at her with a sparkle in my eyes. "I go all out." I let out a satisfied sigh after taking a sip of the sparkling apple juice.
"Are you this happy just by drinking sparkling apple juice?" She asked after seeing the smile of my face not fading.
"I never had sparkling apple juice. I didn't expect my first experience to be so wonderful. From now on, I'll only drink sparkling apple juice like this." I lifted the glass and let it sparkle under the lights.
"Oh... what have I done?"
"Come sit next to me?" It's been a few months, almost half a year since I arrived in this state. I've met a lot of new people, but my mind was always filled with her.
As she sat down, I crawled to her lap but it was difficult since we were sitting on the high bar stool. She chuckled as she made sure I didn't fall off and helped me once she understood my intention.
"Why are we doing this here and not on the couch? I'm sure it's more comfortable there."
"There's fewer people here."
"Are you having fun at the party?" She asked and I nodded.
"Where do you think Y/N is right now?" I asked.
"Hmm, I'm not too sure. The last time we met, she was going to Italy either she's still there or maybe in Luxembourg, Uruguay? She could be anywhere really." Natty said as she has an arm around me and the other hand holding her drinks. It's a small stool after all.
We started chatting about school and all, it was great that I still managed to attend school. The teacher hands over the homework that needs to be completed and once I complete them, I give it to Natty for her hand to the school for marking.
"It's almost your bedtime. You're heading back with Bill today right?" By now, both of us have finished the drink in our glass.
"That's right."
"Then you probably get going. Your friends need to head back to their family as well." I hummed, not wanting to go just yet. "Come on." She placed me on the ground and took my hand to find Bill.
"Hey Bill. Having a nice time here?" He was talking about all the inventions he created with Tony. While it was not as amazing as Tony's, there were some that have proper functional and practical news such as my voice changer necktie.
"Yeah, this is great. I should probably gather the rest and send them home." Bill went to the dance floor and gathered the rest.
"I'll see you when you come back." Natty squatted down and came face to face with me.
I placed my arms around her neck. "I'll miss you. I love you a lot." I mumbled.
Natty chuckled and rubbed my back. "I love you too." I still refused to let her go until Bill came and announced that they were ready to go.
"I'll see you soon." I kissed her cheek before letting go and gave her a small wave.
Her smile on her face was the last thing I saw at this party.
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Okay... so that one post you made about CTW Funtime Freddy being tired... I swear to god that I misread a certain sentence as "he sat on top of him" and I'm like WHAT FREDDY NO YOU'RE WAY TOO BIG FOR THAT! I need to go tf to sleep. 😂 But some of my hcs about this ship despite currently dying of a hangover and not sleeping for two days straight:
- Of course Freddy's possessive. Very possessive like a lot of Freddys are imo.
- He tends to kill things and bring them to his small boyfriend. Kind of like a cat rewarding its owner by catching a small animal and bringing it to them. Of course, Millie's grandpa is disturbed but accepts anyway. He kinda has to.
- Maurice doesn't use a step stool anymore. Freddy will use his own height to help him with anything out of his reach. At the same time, he'll tease him for being too short.
- His furniture is also broken including his bed. Especially his bed actually.
- He stopped locking his bedroom door because he no longer has a door. He learned fairly quickly that Freddy absolutely hated it.
- Will scratch his giant bear behind the ears when cuddling.
- He'll eventually fall asleep due to the purring.
- Maurice's ex absolutely refuses to come over.
- In fact, everyone does.
- Freddy will sometimes force him into his stomach cavity when he's feeling particularly clingy (and Maurice is trying to go somewhere) or had a fight with him and is legit mad.
- Maurice swears he hears voices and feels multiple presences every time he's locked inside.
- Freddy's banned from the kitchen by the man himself.
- Freddy will intentionally seduce the old man when he's on the phone to fluster him and get him to say the wrong shit.
- Maurice weighed himself once having no idea Freddy's behind him sharing some of his own weight to the scale. He almost had a heart attack.
- Freddy will send him dark videos at 3 in the morning.
- Maurice's scariest experience was probably mimicking the "I want you to fuck me, Jerry! Fuck me!" Vine to someone over the phone forgetting that bears have excellent hearing.
FHJSDHFJFHDSHDS Millie wouldn't let that happen, she's gotten fairly skilled at protecting her grandfather from him
These are all so adorable, I love the old husbands so much, the one with CTW Funtime Freddy resorting to putting Maurice into his stomach cavity to keep him close is just pure Yandere!CTW Funtime Freddy vibes
Love how we all agree that CTW Funtime Freddy is just a glorified lap dog for Maurice, and can purr and especially loves it when Maurice scratches him behind the ears
I'm gonna get really fucking cursed here, but since CTW Funtime Freddy is a complete sadist and Maurice has a humiliation kink, and you can bet that his phone has gone off before during their more "intimate" moments, CTW Funtime Freddy will order Maurice to answer it while he continues to have his way with him, no matter who it is. Millie has had the unfortune of being one of the people to call him during these times, resulting in some very awkward calls between them.
Maurice: Y-yes, that's f-fine, just be home soon- h-hahh...
Millie: ...Gramps? You ok over there?
Maurice: Don't worry about me, I'm f-fine- *whimpers* p-please...
Millie, realizing what's happening: YOU FUCKING BASTA- *gets hung up on*
CTW Funtime Freddy usually ends up getting strangled by Millie later, while Maurice tries to pull her off of him, begging her not to hurt him
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wutheringheightsfilm · 2 months
right back atcha wei wuxian!!!! and hm! jiang yanli!!
wei wuxian
My first impression:
he's everything to me
My impression now:
HE'S STILL EVERYTHING TO ME!! protagonist of all time
Favorite thing about that character:
i love his confidence, his righteousness, his intelligence!!! he literally is so fucking smart and i just really love how he saw the way cultivation society functioned, how it was designed to uplift him only when he served them, and decided to say fuck all that i'm going to do the right thing and did it. ugh
Least favorite thing:
nothing but my least favorite thing about how a lot of fans write him is that they will write him as being overly insecure when in canon he honestly isn't. is he repressing his emotions? sure. does he have a bit of a self sacrificing complex? yes. but is he insecure about himself to the point of thinking he never deserves any love ever? no. like i don't mind this per se it just gets very tiring when fic after fic stylizes wei wuxian this way AND it's usually coupled with making him extremely immature. it just gets so tired
Favorite line/scene:
Favorite interaction that character has with another:
of course the "who do you take me for?" "i once thought of you as my zhiji" "i still am" is the most iconic scene of anything forever. but i also really love the one scene where wei wuxian is sitting on the steps and wen qing sits next to him... it's so good
A character that I wish that character would interact with more:
MIANMIAN... i really do think they would be bestie boos if mxtx didn't hate women
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character:
in my mind i have a very specific web weaving post that i have yet to actually make online that web weaves heathcliff from wuthering heights and wei wuxian together. don't worry it all makes sense TO ME
A headcanon about that character:
even outside of cql and the fact xiao zhan is a singer, i think wei wuxian sings to himself like, all the time. i think he's always making noise. he's either singing or talking to himself like, all the time. it helps him think
A song that reminds of that character:
so so many but i'll narrow it down to just one. mercury by sleeping at last
An unpopular opinion about that character:
this wouldve gotten me guillotined back in the day before cql aired but i am team wei wuxian and lan wangji are the same height forever and ever. i also think they're both vers and now THAT'S unpopular
Favorite picture:
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i currently have this as a widget on my phone...
OKAYYY jiang yanli time!!!
My first impression:
omg she's so sweet i love her
My impression now:
omg she's just like me fr
Favorite thing about that character:
HER PATIENCE. if i was her i would've blown up lotus pier by age 18 to be quite honest
Least favorite thing:
the fact that mxtx fridged her so hard it's insane. i guess it's thematically relevant to the story that she dies but i refuse to accept that tbh. also when fans in the fandom insist that jiang yanli can't be sect leader because that's "girlbossifying her" wait til they find out she doesn't have to 1) fight violently to be a sect leader and it doesn't mean she has to change her entire personality to do it and 2) chronically ill characters can still hold leadership positions isn't that crazy.
Favorite line/scene:
oh definitely her confronting jin zixun at the golden banquet like she was legenderic for that
Favorite interaction that character has with another:
any time her and wei wuxian interact with each other is the best thing on planet earth idgaf. also that one singular conversation she had with lan wangji... in my mind i've spun it into jyl and lwj being best friends and i hate to see that isn't canon
A character that I wish that character would interact with more:
literally any other woman. also in my fic i have her, nmj, and lxc being friends and i wish that was canon too
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character:
hmm this is hard...she sort of reminds me of fuuka yamagishi from persona 3 !
A headcanon about that character:
my most famous headcanon that spurred me to write a fic about it is that she only became so good at cooking in order to avoid arguments with her parents
A song that reminds of that character:
everything's alright from jesus christ superstar but specifically the sara bareilles version
An unpopular opinion about that character:
i feel like very few people in the fandom actually understand her. like yes she's chronically ill and sensitive and quiet but that doesn't mean she can't do things like hold leadership positions or stand up for herself. everyone seems to think that just because mxtx wrote her with the women belong in the kitchen vibe that means everyone needs to take that word as law and never have her be an active participant in her own life. it's very tiring and very fucking annoying.
Favorite picture:
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i love her in this scene so so so much!
0 notes
notkidnappedyet · 9 months
Chapter 1
Sometimes the Fish Jumps Out of the Bowl by Choice
“So," I smiled at my parents. It was important to look as unassuming as possible, and I had everything going for me. It was Christmastime, and the parents were happy to have their kiddos home from college. I nestled against my brother on the couch. He pushed me off.
My mom looked up from the quilting book she'd been gifted early this morning, "What is it?"
"So," I repeated, "I found a study abroad opportunity.” I said, carefully laying the words down and measuring their response. “It’s in Switzerland... for next year.”
My mom nodded slowly closing her book, “Switzerland, wow.”
“Is that the one with the yodeling? Why Switzerland? What language do they speak there?” Dad seemed intrigued
I smiled, “French! I’ll be able to continue the engineering degree and work on actually becoming fluent in French at the same time.”
"I think there are three official languages there. Maybe four." My brother added, our attending encyclopedia. He leaned over onto me, and I pushed him off, as heavy as ever.
“Ok. That’s nice.” Mom said helpfully. She took a diplomatic sip of water from her glass and placed it back onto the side table. “Are there other black people there?” She added less diplomatically, deepening her voice. 
It was a good question though. I didn’t even know. I shrugged. “I am currently going to school in Iowa so..” 
Mom snorted. 
“When does the program start?” Dad asked. 
“June. For an intensive French course, and then classes start in September. And they’ll throw in a scholarship for students who stay a full year… so I went ahead and accepted that.”
“You what?”
When I look in the mirror, I see normal. Not bad, per say. Just normal. 
Ok, so maybe it’s bad in the morning, or puffy. But it could be much worse. 
But nothing irreparable, or even broken in the first place. Most of the time, I would even say I look good. No Rihanna or Lupita. But good, normal. The basic blank slate, as normal as it gets.
My looks have served me well over the years. I never quite grew out of the willowy and awkward stage from adolescence—my legs are too long, and weight doesn’t stick easily, particularly given my European lifestyle (and the fact that I refuse to hit the gym for more than two sessions every half year).
I look like I’m from the 70’s– just long and braless. My posture leaves a lot to be desired, which my mother rightfully reminds me every time I see her. And now, after seeing the issue in a posed photo shoot, I’m working to correct this. I walk everywhere. I grew into my ears, and I look normal. That’s the point.
I know objectively I stick out due to my height—which I’m not that tall, 5’10 isn’t ridiculously tall. In certain countries, ok. It’s enough above average that people comment on it. It’s enough that I have an advantage in concerts. 
I also know I stick out due to my color. I consistently inhabit places where I’m in the minority and the ratio has only become more unfavorable since birth.
Yet still, when I look in the mirror, I see a Plain Jane. Not in the negative sense. But in the sense that this is the face that I see every day. That I’ve seen every day. And this face is normal, human, and mine.
One common aspect of being female or perhaps presenting female seems to be the feeling of being unsafe. Or maybe this is my internalization of the root issue. I feel unsafe often. To the point that the most perfectly nice guy can hold a door open for me, and my first thought is, what do you want? If he’s gone out of his way to hold the door, if he's raced in front of me or waited for an ungodly extra minute, it always occurs to me that I’m capable of getting the door without the help. In fifth grade, I remember the after-school care leader for the ROTC course informed me that a lady must never touch a door and should always be the first to enter. Such a bizarre additional responsibility to put on the backs of men. 
Sometimes I feel stared at. And sometimes I am stared at, called at from cars, followed on streets that are universally considered safe by people who don’t stick out the way I do. By friends who really don’t seem to know that different people have different experiences. And either I’m emitting some strong weird pheromone or my problem is societal.
These stories are a love letter to those I was too nervous to approach. They’re an I-told-you-so to the acquaintances who didn’t believe me. They are a thanks to the friends who know this happens, and an inside joke to those who have witnessed it with their own eyes. 
To the people asking, well, how do I approach a beautiful stranger on the street? My bad experiences have molded how I handle the innocent approaches– they've marred my ability to discern the difference between a great guy and sleazeball. As I’ve grown to realize that I’m skewed towards assuming the worst, I reflect on certain approaches with the thought, 'ok, I wasn’t into him, but that approach was perfectly acceptable'. I don’t have an answer to the perfect approach, but some support with the bad approaches goes a long way towards a lady (me) being open to the good ones. So here is a perspective in which I’ve loaded the good, the bad, and forgettable into a single boat. 
Finally, to my friends, family, and parents in particular, I’m proud to say, I’m not kidnapped yet. 
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
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I posted 1,899 times in 2022
That's 1,884 more posts than 2021!
109 posts created (6%)
1,790 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,636 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#kingdom hearts - 540 posts
#goof tag - 142 posts
#birds - 88 posts
#pokemon - 81 posts
#touhou - 80 posts
#zexion - 60 posts
#ienzo - 51 posts
#vexen - 51 posts
#axel - 48 posts
#organization xiii - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#it’s like that one post about astronomers studying distant stars and getting upset that they’re drawing different conclusions over the same
My Top Posts in 2022:
zexion demyx twister
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How did this happen. Did Demyx just go up to Zexion one day and go “hey do you want to play Twister with me” and Zexion went “yeah sure I have nothing better to do”. It’s literally just the two of them. Did they ask other people if they wanted to play and everyone said no?? Did they just set it up in The Gray Room and start playing Twister without explaining? Does Roxas even understand what they’re doing? Is he just accepting this as a fact of life?? And how the fuck did they get Xaldin to be the person manning the spinner. Zexion playing Twister already feels so surreal considering how no-nonsense-get-to-work he seems to be in the games but I can let it slide. But WHAT did they do to convince Xaldin to spin the wheel for them. What witchcraft did they pull. He looks so disgruntled- did they bribe him????? Do you understand why zexion demyx twister lives in my head rent free
361 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
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Top 10 lines in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days that they were too scared to voice in the HD cutscene movie, #1:
458 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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okay new headcanons
Demyx’s chair is so low because he keeps almost falling out of it and he doesn’t want to die from fall damage
Vexen’s chair is the lowest not because he’s the worst but because he wanted to be as far away from Xigbar as possible
Axel and Marluxia’s chairs are as high as they are because they have big egos and bigger dick energy
oh oh oh so a bunch of the org members started incrementally increasing the height of their chairs in a sort of game of chicken to see how close they could get to Xemnas’s height. Demyx and Vexen are chickens as we already know and Zexion proclaimed that posturing your rank via meeting room chairs is stupid as hell and refused to take part in such tomfoolery (Lexaeus’s chair is low out of solidarity)
some of the heights are also arranged in such a way that they could glare at someone without making it too obvious by tilting their heads too much. like Saïx is in a perfect middling spot to give scathing looks to everyone across from him
643 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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It’s Tuesday post mocking nicknames that didn’t make it into Re:CoM
860 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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stardew valley flower dance year 1
7,109 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
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a1taraxia · 2 years
The Maladroit Manifesto
“All forms of madness, bizarre habits, awkwardness in society, general clumsiness, are justified in the person who creates good art.” – Roman Payne
The world is full of beautiful, graceful people. People who are not only attractive, but are also well kempt, elegantly spoken, intelligent, confident. These people, the people who seem like the baseline for a proper human or the perfect amount of likes on Instagram, are all façades of themselves. Whatever it is about them that makes others think they consist of nothing but positive attributes is merely the shell that holds the awkward and clumsy human inside. Everyone has an idea of perfection when it comes to what heights a human being can reach. Rarely will they find a person on this Earth who meets every point, and never will they find one that reaches those points without some flaw that forces a compromise.
Picasso is a great example of a human who did not produce art for the sake of praise to feed his vanity, but he produced art to invoke emotion. The Old Guitarist is not there to make you swoon, it is there to make you feel uncomfortable and sad and longing for something you have not found yet. In fact, artists often do not make art for other people, but for themselves to cope with emotions they do not fully understand.
Brayan Salinas does an excellent job in I Refuse to Report Bugs to Their Creator of expressing the feeling of dread with not fitting in to the social norm he is exposed to. For a lot of people, myself included, even the individuals who shaped me in to being the person I am today can still make me feel awkward to be around. Even with the people who know me the best, I still find myself questioning if they truly understand my intentions, or if they would even accept me if they did.
For as long as I can remember, I have always felt like the oddball amongst my friends. I have always felt like I never truly learned how to socialize like a “normal” human being. What is a normal human being? How do they know when they are oversharing, or if they are even in a good position to be talking at all?
Hamlet never saw himself as the villain he was. He spent the play narrating about how different he was, how much better he was than those around him. He never had the self-awareness to know that he was the bad guy.
We will all go through periods of change in life. Middle school is an awkward time for everybody, although it is hard to see that in everyone around you when you are living in it. During my teenage years, I felt like I was the only one who was insecure. As I grew older, I realized that everyone dealt with their own struggles of self-image, some were just better at hiding it. As a teenager raised by rednecks in a place where that was not something to be proud of, I was ashamed to let friends come over to my house. I was worried about what they would assume of my personality based on where I came from. I learned how to speak without an accent. I learned that people don’t think airboats are nearly as cool as I do. I exposed myself to every genre of music that people who said “I listen to anything but country” enjoyed. As an adult, I now proudly play Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash while I cook dinner. I sing Harper Valley PTA like my life depends on it. I learned that change does not have to be a complete elimination of myself, but picking and choosing what I want to take with me. Change is learning what I like, being proud of it despite outside judgement, and being open to changing it again if I need to for the sake of my own happiness.
So why does all of this matter? Well, the truth is, it doesn’t. We are all awkward to somebody. We are all someone’s idea of marriage material the same way we are all someone that someone else would dread being stuck in an elevator with. We are all clumsy and imperfect humans. And we have the right to be. We all have the right to be human. With that comes the occasional laugh so hard you shoot milk out of your nose. When I was a young girl, I saw women in their twenties as gods. I saw them as beautiful and confident and sophisticated. Now, as an adult, I realize how naïve I was about what growing up meant. Growing up is not growing into a flawless human. Growing up is becoming a human that embraces their flaws and is patient with themselves and their imperfections. Do not punish yourself for being awkward and clumsy. Let it remind you of how beautiful individuality is.
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