#i think his sissy makes an appearance!!
peachyhalstead · 7 months
married man | j. halstead
request:Can you do a Jay Halstead x Reader. They are both married and have a child together. The child just started pre-k or kindergarten and since the reader is heavily pregnant Jay has been dropping off and picking up their kid. And maybe like the single moms are flirting with Jay since they think he might be a single dad but they get surprised when the reader picks the kid one day after giving birth.
pairing: established (married) fem!reader x jay halstead
word count: 1.75k
warnings: none??
a/n: dad!jay dad!jay dad!jay !!!!! they have a little boy (his name is dylan) and a newborn girlie (what should her name be)
Grumbling as the alarm went off, you blindly reached over and whacked Jay on the chest. “Why’s it have to be so loud?”
Jay chuckled, silencing his phone’s alarm. “It’s not even that loud, babe.”
You glared at him through narrow eyes. “If I wasn’t about to pop right now I’d give you a piece of my mind.”
Letting out a hearty laugh, Jay got out of bed and folded his portion of the comforter back up, trapping the heat for you. “Only a few more weeks, babe. Then you’ll be able to move without having to pee every two seconds.”
You slowly followed Jay, yawning and rubbing the nine-month bump as you headed into the kitchen to package your son’s lunch.
He had recently started kindergarten, and loved telling you and Jay about all his escapades with his classmates as he learned different things.
“I could’ve done that, you didn’t have to get up.” Jay said, popping a capsule into the coffee machine and starting it.
Shrugging, you zipped the lunchbox closed and set it next to the matching blue backpack, one hand going to rub at the sore spot on your back. “I knew I wasn’t going to be able to fall back to sleep.”
Jay noticed, and his hands slowly made their way to the exact spot that bothered you in your first pregnancy. “Who do you thinks going to ask me out today, hm?”
Laughing softly, you clicked your tongue at Jay. “You really enjoy that, don’t you? Miss getting hit on?”
Jay shook his head. “Don’t miss it one bit. Just enjoy seeing those soccer moms think their whispers are quiet.”
A few weeks ago Jay had mentioned that some of the moms at drop-off had been talking about Jay, commenting on his lack of wedding band and no significant other ever at drop off or pick up.
“Momma, when will you go to school with me?” Dylan asked, your son finally making his appearance in his pajamas.
“Soon, little bug. Once Little Sister is here, I’ll drop you off with Daddy some days.”
Dylan frowned. “Can Sissy come now?”
You huffed, wanting nothing more than to deliver the weight that seemed to be constantly on your bladder. “I wish, but I think she needs a few more weeks.”
Jay smiled into his coffee cup, phone chiming with a text from Hailey. “Come on, Dyl. Let’s get dressed so you can show your friends your new shoes.”
Dylan beamed at the thought, and followed Jay back to his room, leaving you alone in the warm kitchen. The aroma of coffee lingered as you found a chair to rest in, hand absently tracing circles over your distended belly.
A sigh of contentment escaped you; this was your world, and despite the groggy mornings and occasional aggravations - like trying to convince Dylan to brush his teeth properly - you wouldn’t change it for anything else. That was the beauty of family - it wasn’t always perfect, but it was yours. And that made all the imperfections precious in their own odd way.
The sound of Jay's voice pulled you from your thoughts as he asked Dylan to choose between two shirts. You smiled, knowing how seriously your little boy took these morning decisions. Sipping on some water and slowly standing up, you decided to start breakfast.
The scent of eggs and bacon soon filled the room, joining the still lingering coffee aroma. Dylan would be excited; he loved his simple morning breakfasts. As you were flipping an egg, Jay returned with Dylan in tow. Their matching grins caught your eye.
“What are you two up to?” You questioned playfully, adjusting your hold on your bump.
“Nothing,” they both chimed in unison, their grins growing even wider.
“Okay,” you drew out the first syllable, grabbing a plate and moving the eggs for Dylan to eat, blowing on them as you cut them into pieces.
“Eat, then Daddy will bring you to school.” You smiled, cracking a few more eggs and grabbing a tortilla and the toppings you knew Jay liked, quickly making a breakfast wrap for him.
Wrapping it in foil, you smiled to yourself as you heard Jay helping Dylan put on his sneakers.
“Ok, we gotta go, Little Man! Go give Momma a kiss.”
Dylan skipped over to you, wrapping his little arms around your legs, promising you he’d come home with a drawing to put in the nursery.
Thanking him, you smiled at Jay as he grabbed the wrap and his badge, stopping to press a kiss to your forehead. “Take it easy today, babe.”
“I will. Go break hearts and catch perps, Jay.”
Jay hid his eye roll as he followed Dylan to the drop off location, ignoring the looks from the few single mothers nearby.
“I mean, who in their right mind wouldn’t grab that ass? He’s such a good dad, too.”
Jay overheard one of the mothers and shook his head, stifling a laugh. He still found it amusing and somewhat flattering to know that he was the topic of their little gossip circle. But he also knew firmly where his heart lay - at home with you and Dylan, and soon, your new little girl.
As Dylan scampered off towards his classroom, he turned to Jay with a big grin. "Daddy, do you think I can tell Mrs. Johnson about Sissy coming soon?"
Jay bent down to his level, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Of course, buddy. I'm sure she will be thrilled to hear it."
At that moment, a pair of giggling women walked by, shooting him suggestive glances over their shoulders. He merely smiled politely before turning away.
Arriving back at the car, Jay pulled out his phone and saw a text from you: Feeling better now that the house is empty. How did drop off go?
He quickly typed back: Smooth as always. He's telling all his teachers about his soon-to-be little sister.
Satisfied, he started the vehicle and headed towards the precinct. His phone chimed again with your response: That's my boy! Take care at work, Jay.
He chuckled as he imagined you grinning at your phone, feet kicked up on the coffee table even though you often chided him for doing the same thing.
The routine didn’t shift for the next few weeks, but the gossiping mothers were surprised when Dylan was dropped off by Will one day, Jay at the hospital where you were currently resting with the newest addition to the family.
“Uncle Will, can we see Momma and Sissy after school?” Dylan asked, tugging on his uncle’s hand.
"Of course, buddy," Will replied with a soft smile, watching as Dylan's face lit up with joy. "I bet they can't wait to see you."
Once Dylan scampered off towards his classroom, Will indulged in a moment of silence. He was used to the emergency room's relentless noise and bustle, so the unfamiliar hush of the school yard in the early morning was a welcome respite. A group of mothers were huddled together, shooting glances his way. Perhaps he was becoming part of their gossip routine now too - he silently hoped otherwise.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Jay could barely tear his gaze away from you sleeping peacefully, the tiny bundle in his arms a testament to your strength and love. His heart swelled in his chest at the sight; you looked more beautiful than ever, your face radiating an exhausted but blissful glow as your daughter, their daughter, clung onto his finger with her small hand.
Just then, she stirred awake and let out a soft whimper which turned into a loud wail. He quickly got up and started to gently rock her, not wanting her cries to disturb your much-needed rest.
“Hey there, little princess,” he cooed softly as he bounced her gently in his arms. “Let’s not wake Mommy up now.”
After a few minutes of gentle rocking and hushed lullabies - Jay trying his best to remember the ones you sung to Dylan when he was an infant, the baby quieted down, blue eyes peering up at her father.
“Hi, munchkin. You already have half of Chicago’s first responders wrapped around your finger.” He whispered, soft smile at his lips as he thought back to the replies from his team when he sent the photo of the baby in the group chat.
"The other half is itching to meet you. Just wait until Uncle Will gets a hold of you. You're going to be spoiled rotten." He laughed softly, mindlessly tracing a finger over his daughter's tiny forehead.
His phone buzzed where he had left it on the bedside table. It was a message from Will letting him know that Dylan had been dropped off at school and asking if they could come by after school to see the baby.
Jay's heart swelled, even more, knowing his son was equally excited about his little sister's arrival. Jay quickly typed a response, assuring Will they would be more than happy to have visitors later in the day.
The day passed in a flurry of nurses checking vitals and bringing meals, phone calls from family and friends, and quiet moments spent marveling over their newest addition. Dylan was bursting with energy when Will brought him by after school, his wide eyes taking in everything with an infectious excitement that had everyone in the room smiling.
"Momma, Sissy is really small!" Dylan whispered in awe as he approached the bed, carefully peering over the edge of the bassinet.
You chuckled at his innocent observation as Jay helped him climb up onto the bed to get a better look. "Yes, she is," you agreed with a fond smile. "You were that small, too, Little Man!”
Dylan looked at you with wide eyes, shaking his head. “Nuh-uh!”
“Mhmm!” You replied, fixing his shirt as he squirmed to get another look at his sister.
“When can you and Sissy come to school?” He asked, looking at you.
Jay laughed quietly, and you looked at your husband. “Soon, Dyl.”
Two weeks later, you consoled the crying baby as Jay helped Dylan put his backpack on. “Can Sissy come meet Mrs. Johnson?”
Shaking your head, you carefully strapped the little girl into her carrier, softly rubbing her cheek. “Not yet. Maybe during the spring concert, but she’s still too little.”
Jay stood up and grabbed his keys. “She can help Momma and Daddy drop you off, though. That sound good?”
Dylan’s face lit up at the thought. “Yeah! Everyone will get to see her!” He jumped excitedly before Jay guided him out the door.
Satisfied with your successful early morning, you carried the baby carrier to the car and buckled it in securely at the back seat. Moving around was still a little tough for you but you were slowly getting the hang of things. You climbed into the passenger side, glancing back at Dylan who was squirming in his seat with anticipation.
The drive to the school was filled with Dylan's non-stop chatter about what he was going to show his little sister. Jay had a soft smile on his face as he listened to his son, occasionally glancing at you in admiration and shared joy.
Once they arrived in front of the school, Dylan unbuckled himself and carefully opened your car door for you. “Be careful, Momma!” He cautioned, making Jay chuckle as he followed behind with his son’s backpack.
You smiled, letting Jay go ahead with Dylan so he wasn’t late, working to unstrap your daughter’s carrier so Dylan could see her one last time before he was in school.
“Jay, haven’t seen you the last few days. Is everything okay?” One of the mothers who had tried to hit on Jay asked, faux worry on her face.
Jay wore a smile as he turned to the woman, Dylan's hand tucked safely in his own as they made their way toward the school entrance. "Yeah, everything’s great, actually. My wife just gave birth to our second child," he responded casually, nodding his head towards the car where you were carefully lifting the baby carrier.
The woman blinked in surprise before offering a tight-lipped smile, "Oh, I didn’t know... congratulations."
"Thanks," Jay replied with a nod before turning his attention back to Dylan whose bundle of excitement was barely contained. As Jay opened the door for him to enter he looked into the bright eyes of his son and smiled reassuringly, "You ready?"
Dylan nodded eagerly, already tugging on his father's hand to drag him inside. Jay followed docilely, striding up the hallway towards Dylan's classroom.
Meanwhile, you were still out by the car, struggling slightly with the baby carrier that seemed to weigh even more than your now two-week-old daughter. A few mothers noticed and stepped forward to help you, their faces lighting up at the sight of the infant bundled up against the cold.
"Oh she's absolutely adorable!" One woman cooed, and you recognized her from when Jay was telling you how one of them started to wear low-cut tops after he started doing drop off duty.
You walked with them to the doors, smile brightening when you saw Jay and Dylan at the door, the young boy wanting to say goodbye to his sister.
“Bye, Sissy! Bye, Momma!” Dylan smiled, giving his sister a kiss and hugging your legs, unaware that his farewells caused the mothers who had walked with you to gasp lightly.
Jay’s smile widened at Dylan's display of affection, ruffling his son's hair gently, "Alright, champ. We’ll pick you up later. Have a great day at school."
Dylan nodded eagerly before disappearing into the bustling school building with his teacher. The remaining mothers turned to you, their surprised expressions replaced by warm, slender smiles as they admired your little girl.
Back in the car, you laughed as Jay started the ignition. “Think I felt the daggers from some of the moms when they found out you’re married.”
Jay snorted, turning back to the road to your house. “Well, that or when they found out we have great sex. Either way, watch your back, babe.”
You gawked at Jay’s remark, hitting him in the chest. “Jay! Your daughter is listening!”
“Oh, she’ll hear worse when Ruz babysits her." ------ a/n: send requests if you wanna!!
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mattscoquette · 4 months
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soft snores could be heard throughout you and your boyfriend’s shared bedroom, the both of you in a deep sleep from the day you both had. work was crazy for you today, you ending up having to stay an extra hour later to catch up on all your work from the week, and it had only been wednesday. your two daughters spent the day shopping with their uncles while your boyfriend, matt, stayed home cleaning up the apartment, it growing messier and messier by the day due to raising two four year old girls. since the both of you were sound asleep, you didn’t hear the soft pitter-pattering of footsteps down the hall or your bedroom door creaking open. the two girls, lorelai and valerie, tip-toed over to matt’s side, nudging him gently.
“daddy,” valerie whispered, poking matt’s shoulder softly. she tried again when he didn’t budge. “daddy,” she said a little louder.
matt stirred in his sleep, turning over towards the middle of the bed. this prompted valerie to climb up into the bed, her little legs dangling as she tried to pull herself up. she successfully made it up, sitting on her knees as she shook matt again. “daddyyyyyy” she whined.
matt grumbled, rubbing his eyes and turning onto his back again to face his daughter, placing his large hand on her tiny arms as his rubbed his thumb back and forth. “what’s up, princess?” he asked sleepily.
“m’scared, i had a bad dream,” she whispered, as if saying it any louder would make a monster appear underneath the bed. “i tried sleeping with lorelai but she’s scared too.”
matt rubbed his eyes, looking behind valerie to see lorelai standing behind her, nervously playing with the ends of her hair.
“okay, babydoll, come here.” he said, and in a quick and effortless motion, he pulled valerie onto his stomach, laying her down on his chest while he scooped lorelai off the floor, cuddling her into his side. both the girls snuggled in close to their dad, making themselves cozy. “do you wanna talk about it sweetie?” matt asked.
he felt valerie shake her head against him, burying her head in his chest. matt brought his arm up, running his hands up and down his daughter’s back while his other arm was wrapped around lorelai. after a moment’s pause, valerie picked her head up, tears starting to well in her big blue eyes.
“i had a dream you and mommy weren’t here,” she started, a couple tears beginning to fall, “and i went to go get sissy and she wasn’t here too.”
“aww baby,” matt cooed, pressing a kiss to her head, “i’m always gonna be here with you, okay?”
she sniffled and nodded, bringing her head back down to his chest again.
“and mommy is always gonna be here and so is lorelai.” he told her, continuing to rub her back, nudging lorelai at his side. “right, lo?”
the little girl nodded, breaking away from her dad’s hold for a second to lean up and give her sister a hug, kissing her cheek softly. matt smiled at the interaction, hugging his girls tighter. “i love you both so much.” he told them. he turned his head to the side, watching you sleep peacefully. unable to contain himself, he gently pulled you into his side, trying his best not to wake you. you stirred lightly, your arm instinctively draping over matt, only to be stopped by valerie’s tiny body on top of him.
“the girls okay?” you mumbled, still practically asleep.
“we’re okay mommy.” lorelai chriped on the other side of matt.
“yeah,” valerie hummed in agreement.
“mkay.” you sighed, dozing back off into slumber, the twins following suite soon after.
matt stayed awake until he knew all his girls were sound asleep, pressing kisses to their heads once more, before falling back into sleep again, thinking about how happy he was to be falling asleep with his three favorite girls next to him.
© mattscoquette
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Haikyuu men as fathers pt 2.
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Ft. Kuroo, Tendou, Atsumu, and Tsukki.
Decided instead of babies I wanted to do slightly older kids! :)
CW: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage and some angst for tsukki’s
Enjoy lovelies <33
Kuroo Tetsuro:
“Nap time! If my two munchkins don’t go to take a nap, the nap time monster will come out!” He hears little playful shrieks from his son and daughter.
“But Daddy, I don’t want to!” His daughter whines. A soft smile arose on his face as he bent down to his 6 year old daughter’s level. “Mommy will get mad at me if you little nuggets don’t go lay down.” Kuroo covers his eyes and pretends to cry. His son comes out of nowhere and starts trying to comfort him. “Don’t cry daddy! Umiko and me will go lay down! Come on sissy, we don’t want daddy to cry anymore.” 6 year old Shinji drags his twin sister to their room.
As soon as he’s sure they’ve turned the corner a lopsided grin appears on his face, “works every time.”
He is a dad boss no questions asked
You need a break from the kids? He’ll take them to the park and get all their energy out
For the first couple of months of their lives you would have to drag Kuroo out of their room because his 6’2” ass would get in the crib and sleep with his babies
He DEFINITELY took some time off of work to be there for you and the babies
He always makes corny dad jokes (most likely about science) “Why are chemists excellent for solving problems?” …. “They have all the solutions.”
omg he thinks his jokes are so fucking funny too (his kids learn the hyena laugh 🤦🏽‍♀️)
Whenever you’re away he always sends pictures of what he and the kids are up to.
idgaf abt what you say, that man can COOK
Tendou Satori:
“You can’t tell mom I let you have chocolate before dinner, ‘kay?” He looks into his 9 year old daughter’s eyes waiting for her response.
“It’s our little secret!” She giggles and man is laughing contagious because Tendou starts to laugh too. You were working a little later than usual so Tendou picked up Mayumi even though it wasn’t his day to do so. “What do you want for dinner, May?”
Her eyes widen at the statement. Which tells Tendou a WHOLE lot “Dad’s cooking?!” She asks not because she’s excited but because she’s scared for her life. Tendou may be a chocolatier but this man is not a very good cook unless it’s pasta.
“Nah, we’re gonna stop and get dinner before we go home. Dad’s gotta close shop though, so I thought I’d ask so we can order.”
She hops off the counter and does a cute little dance. I mean.. it’s in her genes. “You’re the best, Dad!”
He shakes his head with a smile, “oh I try!”
The second he finds out someone was messing with his baby, he called the teacher and talked things out with her
He is a sucker for spoiling, you often scold him for it but he still does it anyway
He is the “ouchie” police, his daughter would always giggle but anytime she stubbed her toe on a chair or something he’d start talking to whatever caused his little girl pain and start scolding it (he knows it makes her feel better)
NOT a cook please he will burn the place by accident
Definitely ruined some intimate moments because instead of walking baby girl back to bed he gets dressed and offers to let her cuddle with you guys in the bed (after changing sheets ofc) (he wants his little girl to feel loved)
When she was a baby he’d call you every hour while he was at work to make sure you and the baby are okay
He almost passed out when the school called saying Mayumi broke her leg
He rushed her to the hospital so fast “dw baby, daddy’s here for you.” “I know it hurts princess.”
He went around interrogating the kids in her class thinking one of them pushed her, he was shocked to find out she climbed to the top of the playground and jumped off of it 😭
Definitely got his daughter obsessed with frogs
Miya Atsumu:
“Mama’s gonna kill us! What’s yer last words?” He says in slight shock. His sons start crying thinking that you were actually gonna kill them.
“Not literally boys! Just… this mess- oh jeez.” He looks around bubbles and soap all over the floor.
Atsumu told the twins to ‘be good and color ‘til papa’s done in the shower’ and he came back to this. Dawn dish soap all over the floor and bubbles galore.
The cherry on top had to be that the dog was soaking in mixed berry juice because five year old Kosuke tried to pour himself a cup of juice.
“Alright! C’mon boys, we gotta tidy up before mama gets home!” You would be home in 2 hours…
They cleaned up the bubble mess, after being distracted like 10 times and having a few bubble fights.
Next was giving the twins a bath. Which proved to be harder than it needed to be. Kosuke was mad at Kensuke because he kept showing him his butt. Honestly, Atsumu had to keep himself from laughing.
“That’s enough, Ken. Nobody want to see yer lil butt. Hurry up ‘n wash cuz papa still has to bathe Shoko.” Kensuke’s bad self is splashing water in the tub and it’s getting all over his twin. Kosuke doesn’t like it so he smacks his brother and the latter begins to cry.
“DADDY, K-KO KOSUKE HIT ME, AHHHHHHH.” Atsumu rubs his temple. He all but freezes when he feels a soft hand kneed into his shoulder.
“Seems like you guys had a great time, Shoko’s covered in juice.” He turns his head to look at you.
“it’s not what ya think, hon!” You shake your head at him.
“Ko, don’t hit your brother. When papa is being annoying you don’t see me hitting him, now do you?” He answers honestly, “sometimes you do… you’ll punch papa’s shoulder.”
He got you there lol. “Well that’s more out of love. Apologize to him and you,” you point to your little trouble maker, “don’t provoke your brother, got it?” He nods and goes to rub his eyes. Which is why he started crying for the second time because he got soap in his eyes…
Anyway after their bath and dinner the boys were sent to bed. Shoko was bathed and you and Atsumu were laying in bed.
“I shoulda been watching them..” he admits. You agree. “You live and you learn ‘Tsumu.”
He had no idea what he was doing at first tbh
he can be a bit lazy w the boys sometimes but in the end he pulls it together
The type of dad to make you sit there and say cheese for 500 years while he tries to get the perfect picture
He was mad cuz he thought the twins loved samu more than him
he was sad when they didn’t seem too interested in volleyball “Atsumu, they’re five.” … “Still!”
Impulsively bought a dog cuz his sons wouldn’t stop talking abt having one
In the end he loves his boys very much and would do anything for them
Tsukishima Kei:
“I hate you mom! I really wanted to go!” Your 13 year old daughter slammed her door. She was angry because you didn’t let her go to a dance some kid in her class was hosting. It’s not that she particularly wanted to go, she was just mad that her 17 year old brother got to go out to his friend’s party.
Your husband emerges from his office, he adjusts his glasses and looked at you with curiosity. You sigh hugging him, “Kei.. am I a bad mother?” He squeezes you in the hug, “not in the slightest. We’re doing what’s best for them. What’s got her so upset?”
“She wants to go to this party but I said no because I don’t know any of the parents there. Also, I’m just scared something will happen to her.”
He rubs your back in a comforting way. “I’ll let her go-” you interrupt, “Kei!” He gives you a quick peck to the lips.
“Wasn’t done…” you stayed quiet waiting for him to finish. He clears his throat. “As I was saying… I’ll allow her to go if I chaperone. If she doesn’t like that she won’t go.” He decided and you sigh in relief.
“I’ll go order pizza. Can you talk to her?” He nods, “Supreme.” You roll your eyes at him and smile. “I know what you like dummy.” He playfully flips you off and you laugh in shock at how childish he is even though he’s past his prime years.
He walks over to Hanae’s door and knocks softly. “Go away mom! I don’t like you!” Tsukishima shakes his head. He’s not going to tolerate her disrespecting you, the person who birthed her. He opens the door and she’s on her bed with her headphones on and dried tears on her face.
“Dad…” She already knew what was to come. She knows he doesn’t like when she disrespects you like that. “Don’t say you hate her. She’s your mother, Hanae. It hurts her to hear those words come from your mouth.” She lowers her head and takes her headphones off.
“I didn’t mean it..” her voice is small. Tsukishima handles the situation as he usually would, find the root of the problem (even though he already knew)
“What made you say it?” He sat on her bed and pat a spot next to him basically telling her to come closer. “Um.. I wanted to go to this dance a guy a know is hosting but she said no…” her eyes didn’t meet her father’s.
“Why’d you want to go so bad?” He says bringing her chin up so she looks right into his eyes. He knows she hates it but direct communication is key, even facial expressions can reveal the slightest things.
“W-well. Ugh, why am I crying this is so stupid.” She pauses to wipe her eyes.
“You guys let Akihiko go where ever he wants but I can’t go anywhere! I hate it!” She turns her head away, Tsukki can hear the little sniffles.
“Not true. A lot of stuff that he went to when he was younger, he was chaperoned. We just barely started letting him go out alone so he can get a taste of real life. You can ask him yourself. You’re only thirteen, don’t rush it. Also your mother and I just want to protect you from dangerous situations. Your mom doesn’t know any of the people there which is why she said no.” Tsukki is once again rubbing circles into someone’s back.
“There are so many bad people in the world and we just want to make you a little safer.” She turns back to face him, she scoots closer to her dad so she can hug him.
“I’m sorry.” She says through sniffles. “I’m not the one you need to apologize to.” She nods, “I need a minute.” He strokes her hair as she finishes letting it all out.
“I told your mother you can go if I chaperone you.” He explains after she’s calmed down.
“Dad, you’re gonna embarrass me.” She says with a giggle, tears now drying up.
“Damn right I will. I’ll tell all those hungry little boys that you eat your boogers and you don’t shower for weeks.” He says with a sly grin. She frowns, “dad no!”
He pats her back, “alright kid go apologize if you really mean it.” You and your daughter make up and eat pizza together :3
VERY logical
also super protective
100% the kind of dad who loves his kids but puts his wife first
He’s the bad cop parent while you’re the good cop parent
He loves family cooking night where you guys cook together
he will embarrass both his children in front of their crushes (and thinks it’s the funniest thing ever)
He just seems like the kind of dad to fall asleep and get colored on 😭 they give him a lil mustache and a uni-brow
I feel like he kinda always sides with Hanae for the most part bc he was a little sibling so he knows her pain lmao
he be bragging abt his kids “Akihiko is only six and he’s already reading flawlessly” “Oh, Hanae already did that when she was three”
you wanted to delay the sex talk but like Tsukki was so blunt and just told them 😭
He’s always teasing you “If you don’t be careful Akihiko you might end up with someone as annoying as your mom” you just glare and he snickers
Such a proud dad and has a video of every one of his kids’ firsts
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Heyyy do you do reacts? Like "How the TMR boys would react to you calling them pretty" . If so, thank youuu :)
Oooo I never even thought about doing this, but I can absolutely give it a go :))
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SUMMARY: See above. Gender neutral reader.
WARNINGS: None really, maybe some inappropriate language and flirty behaviour.
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"You know, you're actually kinda pretty."
Would not know how to react.
Thomas absolutely would be completely dumbfounded.
He'd been attracted to you ever since he'd arrived in the Glade, so you complimenting him would leave him in a stunned state.
Probably would also be the first and only time he gets complimented because the Gladers just call each other ugly on a daily basis.
"Oh, uh- thanks- thank you."
You probably wouldn't think much of it and go about your day.
He would spend the next four years thinking about it.
"They think I'm pretty."
Definitely a much needed confidence boost since he (especially in the books) is having a permanent identity crisis.
He might not know who he is, but damn, at least he's pretty.
Newt isn't a stranger to compliments. He's one of the oldest standing Gladers and people often comment on his work ethic and ability to think fast.
His appearance though?
That's new.
He'd probably freeze, laughing it off as you just kinda randomly say it whilst he's working with the Track-hoes.
"Heh, what?"
In all honesty, you'd have been watching him for a while, admiring his features and when you say it, it would have been a thought you didn't mean to say out loud more than anything.
That wouldn't stop him from thinking about it. It would get brushed over fairly quickly since Newt is a busy dude, but he would definitely ask Minho and his friends about it.
"What do you think it means?
"Uh, that they think you're pretty? Duh."
Like Thomas, he would probably lie awake thinking about it, or just throughout his day, a soft smile playing on his lips, and he would definitely get caught laughing.
"Dude, you're thinking about it again?"
"Shut up, slinthead!"
"Touched a nerve, pretty boy?"
Minho knows he's pretty. Everyone knows he's pretty. Just look at the guy. Even Thomas thinks he's pretty (*cough* the three paragraphs dedicated to describing Minho's arms in the book *cough*).
He'd probably laugh.
Sure, it's common knowledge that he's a good looking guy, but for someone to say it to him?
That'd be entertaining.
He'd tease you about it, making you the one that becomes a blushing mess.
"Hey, so how pretty do you think I am, exactly?"
He would not let it go.
But he wouldn't brag to the other Gladers about it. He would keep the information to himself, mainly keeping up the light bullying in private and leaving other Gladers confused as to why you tended to leave his presence bright red.
Secretly, he'd be thrilled. Of course, just that you think he's attractive to begin with, but also because it clearly runs deeper at your constant embarrassment.
He probably also wouldn't know how else to flirt with you. But he's trying his best. Compliments don't come as easy to him as they do you, so this is how he expresses it.
Definitely an ego boost.
He would be insulted.
Gally wouldn't take it as a compliment at first. He wants to be a tough guy and you calling him pretty feels like a insult to his masculinity.
Definitely not the intention.
You think he's soft? Pretty? How dare you. How could you?
It wouldn't be until he spoke to Frypan that he'd realise.
"They called me pretty. Pretty! Do I look like a shuckin' sissy?"
"Dude, I'm pretty sure it was a compliment- they think you're hot."
That's when he'd be flustered.
In private, of course, but flustered nonetheless.
He'd feel like such a dick for reacting how he did and without even processing it properly.
He'd end up apologising and you'd laugh about it.
"It's okay, I won't call you pretty again. Promise."
But now he knows you think he's attractive, he'd definitely be bummed that you said you wouldn't compliment him like that again.
"I mean- you can still... yanno- say that."
Turns out Gally actually kinda is a softie when he wants to be.
You find it cute.
He would be ecstatic.
Oh my God, you think he's pretty? His life is complete. The world is good. Kill him now, this is the best day of his life.
He'd tell everyone who would listen.
"Yeah! They called me pretty! Suck it! I'm prettier than you slintheads!"
"Fry, I really don't care."
He'd constantly ask you to call him pretty again. Or even other compliments and you'd find it funny.
He'd be surprising hard to fluster, but very easy to please.
It wouldn't be uncommon to find him grinning from ear to ear after talking to you.
He would also have the courage to return the compliments, creating a friendship that's basically filled with constant praise.
He would worship the ground you walk on.
Thinks he's in love every time you make eye contact.
"Yeah, okay."
Alby would not give a shit.
The man is stressed 24/7.
You can't really blame him. He's in charge of a bunch of teenage boys in a Maze full of monsters, and he has to make sure that everyone is comfortable and surviving.
He has too much on his plate to even realise what you'd be saying at first.
The brain lag is real, and it would be three days later when he'd understand what you said.
"Wait a shuckin' second..."
After that, he'd think about it a lot, internally kicking himself and regretting the choice.
You wouldn't be shocked. This is exactly the kind of response you'd expect from the Leader. But you almost said it because you knew what his response would be.
You wouldn't have to worry about Alby being weird or acting different or telling anyone.
Though, he would become a lot friendlier towards you, starting to develop a sweet spot for you.
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Would ya look at that, I can actually write for characters other than Minho? Who woulda guessed? In all seriousness, this was really fun and I enjoy writing headcanons as much as I like writing stories. I really enjoy these typa requests, tysm for sending it in.
Hope you all enjoy :))
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alwaysmoncheri · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧
summary: in which best friends, y/n henderson and steve harrington get caught up in their feelings while paranormal activities occur in the small town of hawkins, indiana
cw: fem!reader, I wrote this a long time ago(I apologize for everything cringe), shit writing, first person pov, mentions of psychiatric hospital, mentions of sex, 2k
When I get home that night, I lay in bed so many thoughts swirling through my mind. What happened to Will? Is he okay? Why didn't he make it home last night? And Steve. I couldn't stop obsessing over Steve. Why does Steve want to become close again? Why is he perusing Nancy? Why not me?
The thoughts make me sick.
Suddenly I hear a crash from inside the house. Instantly, I stand up and grab my hair brush, making my way towards the sound. I raise my arm up, ready to attack the unexpected visitor.
That's when I hear a muffled, "Shit!" emanating from the garage. Still armed with my raised arm, I fling open the door. I'm met with my brother picking up his bike off the ground.
Dustin jerks his head in my direction with wide eyes. He was caught.
"Dustin, where are you going?" I ask with eyebrows raised and head tilted down.
"Shit," he mumbles under his breath, "The party and I are finding Will." I start walking towards him intending to grab my own bike, "And there's nothing you can do to stop us."
"Relax, little bro," I roll my eyes, picking up my bike, "I'm coming with you." 
And whatever you do, don't go looking for Will.
Dustin and I meet up with Mike and Lucas, then bike to Mirkwood road, where we last saw Will. We reach a taped off section of the woods and set our bikes down. I hear a rumble of thunder in the distance and raindrops start to fall.
"Hey guys," Dustin says, a single raindrop falling on his face, "Feel that?"
"I think, maybe, we should go back"
"Yeah, Dustin's right, we shouldn't be out here in a thunderstorm." I say, agreeing with my brother.
"No, we're not going back, jus' stay close," Mike says determined in finding our friend, "Just stay on channel six, and don't do anything stupid!"
"Mike! Lucas! Come back!" I yell as they make their way further into the woods, "I told Hopper I would watch over you guys!"
"Hey guys, wait up," My brother shouts, running after them, "Wait up!"
"Damn it!"
And I run after them.
The rain pours down on us as we make our way through the dark woods. I tug my jacket tighter to my body, a shiver running down my spin when the breeze rushes past. This may not be my brightest moment, but someone has to watch over these kids.
"Will!" Mikes screams into the woods.
"Will" I yell, "Where are you!"
"Byers!" Lucas shouts, over the noisy rain.
"I've got your X-Men 134!" Dustin offers, "Guys, I really think we should turn back!" He adds.
"Seriously Dustin?" Lucas says frustrated with his friend, "If you wanna be a baby, then go home already!"
"Guys, c'mon! This is no time to fight! Our friend is missing!" I yell at the two.
They ignore me.
"I'm just being realistic, Lucas!" Dustin defends himself.
"No, you're just being a big sissy!" Lucas counters.
"Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going in the exact same spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?" Dustin rants.
"Dustin, shut up." Mike says.
"I'm just saying, that seem smart to you?" Dustin finishes loudly over the rain.
"Yeah, we really shouldn't be out here guys. We didn't come prepared." I add.
"Guys shut up, shut up!" Mike says, the trees rustling nearby, "Did you guys hear that?"
The forest rustles all around, each of us frantically searching for the source of the sound. Suddenly, in front of us, appears a girl in a yellow t-shirt and a buzzcut.
"Holy shit..."
Having successfully brought the girl to Mike's basement, I don't fully understand how we did it without being caught. We stand around her, eyes wide and breaths heavy, as she sits on the couch, too shocked to speak.
"Is there a number we can call?" Mike asks, "For your parents?"
"Where's you hair?" Dustin gasps, "Do you have cancer?"
"Did you run away?" Lucas asks.
"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike asks.
"Is that blood?" Lucas asks, reaching his hand towards the girl.
"Stop it!" Mike says, swatting Lucas's hand away, "You're freaking her out!"
"She's freaking me out!" Lucas says gesturing to the girl.
"I bet she's deaf." Dustin says before clapping his hands in front of the girl's face.
She flinches.
"Not deaf." Dustin says, over to us.
"Alright, that's enough, alright," Mike says, stopping the boys from anymore questions, "She's just scared and cold." Mike turns to get a clean shirt and pants.
Thunder rumbles loudly, causing the girl to jump back, scared and squeeze her eyes shut.
"Hey, it's okay. You're safe with us." I say softly to the girl and she looks up at me a little more at ease.
"Here, these are clean, okay?" Mike comes back, handing the clothes to the girl.
She stands up and starts taking off her shirt. All the boys start yelling and covering their eyes. I chuckle and gently bring the girl's shirt back down.
"Over there," I point, "That's the bathroom, honey, privacy. Get it?" I tell the girl before walking with her to the door.
I'm about to close the bathroom door when the girl suddenly puts her hand up, stopping me from doing so.
"You don't want it closed?" I ask.
"No." She responds shortly.
"Okay well, how about we just leave it like this?" I ask leaving the door open with a few inches cracked, "Is this better?"
"Yes." She responds again.
"Okay, sweetie, let me know if you need anything." I say giving her a soft smile before walking back over to the boys.
"This is mental." Dustin says.
"At least we know she can talk." I offer, shrugging slightly.
"She said "no" and "yes." Mike's three-year-old sister says more." Lucas responds slightly annoyed.
"She tried to get naked." Dustin points out.
"There's something seriously wrong with her," Lucas says, "Like wrong in the head." Lucas adds pointing to he head.
"She just went like..." Dustin says before going through the motion of taking off a shirt, knocking his hat off in the process.
"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst." Lucas says pointing at Mike.
"From where?" Mike asks annoyed.
"The nuthouse in Kerley County." Lucas says like it's obvious.
"You got a lot of family there?" Dustin asks with a smirk.
"Bite me." Lucas responds, "Seriously though, think out it. That would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy."
"Why she went like..." Dustin says, making the same motion as before.
"She's an escapee is the point," Lucas says, "She's probably a psycho."
"Like Micheal Myers." Dustin concludes with wide eyes.
"She's not like Micheal Myers, Dustin." I say, but I'm ignored.
"Exactly." Lucas agrees, "We should have never brought her here!" Lucas adds frustrated.
So you just wanted to leave her out in that storm?" Mike asks, equally frustrated with his friend.
"Yes! We went out to find Will, not another problem." Lucas argues.
"I think we should tell your mom," Dustin says.
"I second that." Lucas agrees.
"I third that." I say, raising my hand up.
"Who's crazy now?" Mike questions us.
"How is that crazy?" Lucas whisper-yells back.
"Cause, we weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember?" Mike sighs, making a point.
"So?" Lucas says.
"So, if Mike tells his mom, then she tells our moms." I say with a shrug.
"Oh man." Dustin says worried.
"Our houses become Alcatraz..." Lucas says.
"Exactly. We'll never find Will," Mike confirms.
"Alright, here's the plan," Mike begins, "She sleeps here tonight."
"You're letting a girl—" Dustin starts.
"Just listen," Mike cuts him off, "In the morning, she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do. She'll send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she comes from. We'll be totally in the clear! And tomorrow night, we go back out. And this time, we find Will."
Mike's idea doesn't seem terrible. Dustin and Lucas glance at one another before giving Mike a nod. I follow suit and nod as well. With that, we leave the Wheeler's house.
Dustin and I bike back to our house in the middle of the thunderstorm. Not the safest choice, but what other option do we have. Thankfully our mom is once again, sound asleep on the couch.
I'm in my room getting ready for bed. I start to cross my room to get into bed when I hear two taps on my window. I freeze in place, and wait, maybe it was just rain.
Two more taps. When I walk over to the window and open my curtains, I'm met with a mop of familiar brown eyes and a sheepish smile. I quickly open the window and pull the soaked boy inside.
"Steve? What are you doing?" I question, holding his forearms, slowing moving my hands up to his biceps, "It's pouring outside!"
"When has a little rain ever stopped me before?" He says, running a hand through his dripping hair and then moving past me to sit on my bed.
"Oh no, you are not sitting on my bed with wet clothes, Harrington," I shoot him a pointed look, hands on my hips, "At least take off your jacket." I say gesturing to his jacket before plopping down on my bed.
"Tryin' to get me naked, sweetheart?" Steve responds while shrugging his jacket off placing it on my chair.
"For the love of g—"
"I'm kidding, I'm saving that for Nancy tomorrow night." He says cutting me off, sitting in the space next to me.
My stomach drops.
"Tomorrow night, party at my house. I'm inviting Nancy and Barb." Steve says nonchalantly.
"Tommy and Carol will obviously be there and, I'm inviting you now." He shoots me a soft smile.
"Yeah, I know right," Steve continues, "So, I'll definitely be getting to home base with Nance." He says almost giddy.
"Any tips, Henderson?"
"Did you just ask me, a girl who's never had sex in her life, for tips...?" I ask, sitting criss-cross.
"Not that, I mean tips for getting Nancy to like me." He says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
There's a pause.
"Wait, you've never had sex?"
"Nope," I say casually.
"Like, no one ever..." He cuts himself off.
"No," I say more embarrassed, shifting uncomfortably on my bed.
"Oh," Steve says looking down awkwardly, "Shit, Henderson."
I fidget with my hands placed in my lap and decide to change the topic, "You want tips for getting into Nancy's pants?"
"That's not what I said."
"No, but it's what you meant."
"(Y/n)...please," Steve whispers.
I sigh.
"Okay, but you can't break her heart, Harrington." I say, pointing my finger at his chest.
"I won't, you know I won't." He says.
"Do I?" I respond.
"C'mon, you don't really believe that crap about me, do you?" Steve says, sadly, almost as if he cared what I thought, "It's all rumors and shit."
"I don't really know who you are anymore Steve." I say looking down to my lap.
"Then let me show you," He says softly, bringing his hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart is racing. I start to feel hot, shamelessly thinking about something entirely different than his pure intentions.
"Come to the party, you won't be disappointed." Steve says confidently pulling his hand back.
I raise my eyebrows at him.
"And I promise, I won't break Nancy's heart." He finishes.
"Okay, fine." I give in.
"Great, you won't regret it," He grins, as he stands up, grabs his jacket and walks over to the window.
"See you tomorrow, Henderson," Steve says, giving me one last glance before climbing out my window into the pouring rain.
"Bye," I say, "And Steve?"
"Nancy already likes you, like a lot," I say softly, "Just have patience with her."
"Thanks (Y/n)." Steve smiles before pulling his hood over his head, "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you."
next chapter . masterlist . steve harrington masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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countlessimagines · 3 months
Something in His Eyes [ Johnny Slaughter x Reader ]
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Summary: You find out the hard way why being close to Johnny was never a good idea.
A/N: I’m obsessed with the game so it was only right to write something for Johnny <3
Warnings: General Texas chainsaw massacre content, blood, mentions of killings and death
You had been laying on the grass, basking in the sun all afternoon when your mother called you into the house. You had lived on a farm and your nearest neighbors were the Sawyers who lived a couple miles down the road.
She had interrupted your sun bathing to send you to the grocery store for a few items that she needed for dinner. She shooed you off with the list and you took your bike with a little basket to carry the groceries.
You had to pass the Sawyer house on the way to the store, so you decided to see if they needed anything. And it was more of an excuse to see Johnny.
You had met him a few months ago during the summer, when he explained to you that there was a family emergency that required him to stay at the family house instead of with his mother Nancy.
You made it a habit to say hello to Sissy every few days. You never cared to say hello to Drayton though, as he always gave you side eyes and would sneer whenever Johnny would jog just a little faster to see you at the fence.
While you had invited Johnny to your house multiple times, he never seemed to invite you into his family’s house. It didn’t bug you as much since he never even took you up on your invites.
It wasn’t long before you made it to their house, honking the small horn on your bike to see if anyone was home to hear.
After a minute of waiting, Johnny appeared from the back of the house. He did a jog to close the distance between the two of you, especially since the driveway was so long.
He gave you a giant grin once he was close enough. “Hey there, pumpkin!”
You blushed at the nickname, but tried to hide it. “Hi, Johnny.”
“What brings you here?” He got close enough and you could see the sweat beading down his temple, and how his breathing was short and scattered. You failed to notice the bleeding knife in his pocket.
“Making a run to the grocery store. Wanted to see if you needed anything?”
“I think we’re good. Drayton is making his famous chili.” Johnny said, almost giving you a look once over but stopping himself.
“Ah, I forgot he cooks. Does he wear a little apron as well?” You joked, poking Johnny on his abs. You tried to refrain another blush from how toned he was.
He chuckled, giving you a wink. “He does, but that’ll be our little secret since he never lets anyone cook with him.”
You nodded, pretending to lock your lips and throw away the key.
“I was meaning to ask you, have you been listening to the radio? They ended up finding the car of Maria Flores! Isn’t it crazy that she just upped and disappeared?”
Johnny tensed but you didn’t seem to notice since he smooth talked his way out of it. “Yeah, real crazy, pumpkin. But they said no foul play so there’s no chance they’ll find her at this rate. She probably ran away.”
You shrugged, not entirely sure yourself. Your mother had gotten worried for your safety, but you promised her you would keep a pocket knife on you at all times and if you could, have Johnny accompany you.
“Most likely. Crazy stuff though.” You said and tried to change the topic. “I’m gonna head to the store now. See you in a bit.”
Johnny smiled and waved you off.
Once you were farther in the distance, he sighed and returned to the back of the house.
He removed his knife from his pocket and wiped it on his thigh. He was only a few feet away from the barn when Sissy exited, covered in blood.
“You know she’s gonna come looking one day, Johnny.” She sneered, leaning against the wood frame and crossing her arms. “She’ll end up just like Maria. Then you’ll really have to up and leave.”
Johnny rolled his eyes at her and stomped into the barn, making sure to shove her shoulder.
He didn’t want to think of a reality where you and his family intertwined. He imagined every scenario and none of them seemed to look good for you. You were his perfect little ray of sunshine, but he feared his heart was too far gone to let any light in.
He was worried the side of him that hurt people would eventually bleed into the side that didn’t want to hurt you. But that instinct would always be there whether he liked it or not. Especially since Nancy instilled it in him so long ago.
He touched the scar on his face, remembering that day so long ago when he finally confronted Nancy for killing his birth mother. He had been scarred by her, permanently damaged inside and out.
He always fantasized about ending Nancy once and for all, for what she did to his true mother.
Bubba was fixing his chainsaw after it had overheated multiple times without him doing anything. He gave Johnny a grunt and that was that.
Johnny looked at the table in front of him, seeing the scattered pieces of meat that they were going to bring into the house for Drayton to cook with.
He liked to think that maybe he could convince you they were actually just butchers, but the skeleton decorations might give it away.
He also feared Nancy finding out about you. Soon enough he would return home and the thought of leaving you behind scared him. What if you followed him like a lost puppy? What if you visited him as a surprise without any warning?
What if Nancy…
Johnny didn’t want to think about it anymore.
He knew what Sissy said was right. You would eventually find your way into the house like they all did.
He just hoped that maybe this time it would be different.
The next day, you drove your bike as usual to the Sawyer’s house. A few rings of your bike bell and Johnny was rushing to the front.
His usual happy demeanor was not present.
“Hey, Johnny.” You still gave him a smile and wave.
He did a grunt and crossed his arms. “I uh, I’m busy right now. What’s the matter?”
“Oh.” You said, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Nothing much. Just wanted to see if you were up for hanging out.” You tried to not show your hurt.
“Not right now, pumpkin. Maybe another time.” He seemed stressed, so you placed a delicate hand on his toned arm.
“Everything alright?” You asked with those innocent eyes that made him feel weak. He hated that he felt that way towards you… so weak and vulnerable, breaking at the seams, his dark demeanor, that monster screaming inside of him to end you… you made those thoughts go away… maybe that’s why Maria’s friends were still in his family’s basement, not yet dead because Johnny hesitated looking into Ana’s eyes… seeing her sister…
Was this the life he wanted to lead?
Johnny didn’t realize you were growing worried, waiting for him to answer. “Fine, pumpkin.”
His eyes didn’t sparkle like they usually did.
In the distance, you spotted something, though.
A girl with bright orange hair was in the far right of property, rummaging through a blue box in the barn. Instant worry and suspicion ran through you as you pointed to her. “Who’s that?”
Johnny whipped around instantly, his shoulders tense.
“Shit,” he muttered. “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you when it’s convenient.”
You were offended and made sure to show it. “Johnny, what’s going on?”
Before he could answer you, the orange girl had stopped her search and noticed you, standing there as innocent as ever. She began to shout much to the dismay of Johnny.
“Help me! Please! This family is torturing us!” She wept and started running towards you.
Johnny let out a low grunt and faced you. “I’m sorry, pumpkin.”
“What?” You blinked, wondering if it was some prank… it had to be.
Johnny lunged for you, grabbing you around your waist and forcefully pulling you off your bike. He tried shushing you. “Stop movin’.”
“Johnny!” You screamed, hitting his arms as he roughly dragged you towards the orange hair woman.
Once you were on the property, you noticed the metal sheet now behind you started buzzing with electricity. You were trapped like a cattle waiting for slaughter.
The orange hair girl started screaming which made you whip your head towards her. She was being brutally murdered by a man with a chainsaw.
You let out a horrific scream, slamming against Johnny with all your force. “Let me go!”
“I’m sorry it had to be this way, pumpkin.” Johnny’s voice was sincere, but as you looked up into his face, it was stone cold.
He started walking towards their house, and out strolled Sissy covered head to toe in blood.
“Oh! (Y/n) is finally joining us? Will she be for dessert tonight?” She cackled which made your eyes widen in fear.
“Not now, sissy, go deal with the rest of ‘em.”
Sissy rolled her eyes and scoffed. “We wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for you! And now you’re bringing your plaything. Just wait til your mama gets here!” She ran off somewhere in the house, and you finally got a good look inside of it as Johnny brought in your flailing body.
“I said, stop movin’!” Johnny yelled and placed you down firmly. He held your shoulders as you began to shake in fear. “You need to listen to me, right now.”
You shook your head profusely as if it could take away all the bones surrounding you in their house. If the image of the orange haired woman being sawed alive would disappear. “Johnny, let me go!”
He kept you firm in place and stared deeply into your widened eyes. “I knew you’d see this side of me eventually… I just didn’t realize this soon. You… you don’t get a choice when it comes to this family. It’s either be eaten or become one of us.”
Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. Johnny had to be lying. Your sweet Johnny was playing a prank, surely.
He continued on, “(Y/n), you are not fit for this world. I… I can’t let you become like me…”
You were able to bring your arms up and slam them against his chest. “Johnny please!”
He slowly eased his grip on you, but he didn’t want you to escape… he had you right there… his mind was running rampant at the thoughts that consumed him.
His heart ached at the sight of your tears and how you looked at him with so much confusion and were terrified of his family.
Johnny didn’t realize fully what he was doing until you were screaming, thrown over his shoulder once again.
He began to rush through the house, and it took your all not to throw up at the sight of a woman hooked to a wooden post.
Was this to be your fate, too?
Johnny hurriedly went out a back patio door and through a series of steps before throwing you in the back of a car. He locked it before you could reach the handle.
You screamed and slammed your palms against the windows, praying that someone would answer and rescue you.
Johnny tried not to acknowledge your pleas as he hot-wired the car. He couldn’t think this idea through, or his family would slaughter you and make him watch.
His heartbeat only intensified as he heard his mother’s voice ring out across the yard. He finished what he needed to do and slammed the hood of the car down.
Johnny got into the car quickly, ignoring your whimpering in the back seat.
You were hysterical as he drove off, taking a back exit out of the property.
The only sound in the car was your occasional sniffs as he drove for thirty minutes in the middle of nowhere. He had gone a back road that you had never seen before, but you were able to see the back of your house fly by as he paid it no mind.
He wasn’t taking you home.
You slowly composed yourself enough to speak up. “Where are you taking me?”
Fear made your stomach turn as he sharply looked at you through the mirror. Coldness glazed his eyes, and no longer could you see the man you had grown to love.
Love. What a stupid feeling.
It was the reason you were there at their house. You loved spending time with him. You were growing fonder of him.
It was the reason why Johnny was driving you far away from his family. The side of him that was weak had grown attached to you. It frightened him.
Would it one day switch on you? Would you be another of his countless victims? Was his love for you too grand that he might do something reckless.
He supposed he already had.
His decision was sinking in.
He briefly turned in his seat to look at you.
Your hair was disheveled, your mascara ran down your cheeks in an ever-fading cry, your hands were tucked around yourself, trying to keep yourself together.
You were still the innocent girl he loved.
“We’re going far away, pumpkin. A place where nobody will hurt us.”
You wanted to believe Johnny, you truly did… but there was something in his voice.
Because Johnny didn’t even know if he could promise that he wouldn’t hurt you.
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anemptypuddingcup · 10 months
Don’t be a sissy, Sanji!
Sanji x Female Reader.
Goodness I hope this doesn’t bother you. I decided to write Sanji having a whole female outfit to just…add the whole pizzazz to the sissyfication.
The person who requested me asked me to keep their identity hidden which is fine, they’re of age to request this. I had fun writing this so I hope you enjoy reading it!
Dividers -> cafekitsune. Ima just make a tag to credit them, they make some good ass dividers.
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Contains: Not technically dark but be wary of the contents. not much context. Porn w/out plot. Sorta forced sissyfication and/or feminization towards Sanji. Sanji in a cute cardigan outfit w a skirt. Sanji wearing makeup and nail polish. Sanji wearing a matching bra and panties. (Yes I’m throwing in the whole package, I’m going out w this one.) Sanji’s a switch in this one thought to give it a huge contrast w his situation. He acts a bit subby but you could say he’s a switch. Sanji occasionally being called a woman or girl. Sanji begging- Play with anal beads. Sanji getting his cock sucked~ Lotus to Missionary. Cowgirl. Sir back n’ relax, this is a long fic.
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“Come on Sanji, I wanna see~”
“I look ridiculous…why do I have to wear this again sweetie?”
“Well- because you said you’d do anything for me and try anything with me inside the bedroom.”
“But I didn’t think you would ask me to dress like this! There’s no way anyone else can see me like this.”
“No one’s going to see you like this sweetie pie, no one but me~”
Sanji peeks out the door and peers down at you, his pink eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara immediately a difference standing out than his original look. His brows were furrowed as he gave you a nervous look with his crystal blue eyes, he absolutely hated this entire idea overall. You out of all people knew that he wasn’t a man for dress-up, especially since he was married to you, a woman. It definitely threw him in for a loop when you asked him politely to dress up like a doll for him.
What stunned him more are the clothes and undergarments you bought for him for the occasion. If you had bought something for him it was obvious that you had planned this beforehand, way before you started talking to him about it. Your eyes flutter as you looked at his upper face and a sweet smile appears across your face. “Let me see my adorable little man~ Or should I say…my pretty little lady~” Your words make Sanji’s eyes widen and he pulls back in before shutting the door, leaving back outside the bathroom.
“Oh! Don’t say that please sweetie! You’re making me feel worse than I already do!” Sanji whimpers behind the door, making you sigh out lovingly. “Come on Sanji baby, I promise you won’t have to do this anymore, but you have to try it.” You tell him, knocking softly on the bathroom door. You hear Sanji sighing heavily before he slowly steps out of the bathroom, revealing himself to you. You smile sweetly as you scanned his body.
The pretty makeup caked up on his face.
The cute collared shirt, cardigan & skirt combo.
The fuzzy thigh-highs hugging his thighs.
The shimmery pink nail polish glimmering on his fingernails.
He looked so beautiful. Pretty enough to eat up.
“You’re so beautiful Sanji~ Oh my goodness you’re so beautiful~” You compliment him, moving in closer to him and giving him a hug. Sanji shuddered against you and your bury your face deep against his chest, catching the whiff of a sweet scent of perfume. God he’d made sure to do everything right for you, you couldn’t have been more impressed with him and his little attempt at dress up. Sanji lets out a little whimper and you look back up at him, his eyes glistening as he looked down at you.
“I-I’m beautiful huh…?” He asked, a little chuckle leaving him as he felt his heart pounding from his chest. You nodded and grab his soft manicured hands before guiding him over to your shared and well-made bed. You had made sure to accommodate to Sanji before and after your little agreement, anything that he wanted you’d provide him before the event and after the event.
Sanji looked over at your nightstand and saw anal beads along with a bottle of lube, which made him shudder and tremble at the thought. “U-Um…Sweetie? Are you going to use those on me?” He asked you, quirking a brow to you while looking at you nervously. You nodded to him and pull him onto the the bed. “Yes I am~ I promise this is the only time I’ll do it Sanji. And who knows, you might enjoy it~” You whisper to him. “I cannot think of any reason to like dressing up as a woman.” Sanji interjects firmly, looking at the sleeves hanging from his wrists.
“Not that, I mean the toys silly.” You giggle to him. “Why would I like something being shoved up my ass!? I’m supposed to be doing the fucking not the one getting fucked baby…” He sighs out, pressing a hand to his head. You press your lips against his glossy ones, the sweet taste of strawberries landing onto your lips as you did. “Just relax Sanji. Relax and let me do the work okay? You don’t have to do anything if it makes you feel this uneasy~” You giggle to him, pressing him down against the fluffy bedding.
Sanji lies back against the fluffy pillows and sighs out before looking up at you, fluttering his pretty lashes as he watches you climb on top of him. You straddle Sanji and lean down to him, pressing your lips against his before full on making out with him. He hums out in pleasure as he kisses you passionately, seemingly needy for your touch and your lips. His polished fingers gripping your pretty pink bra straps and pulling you deeper into his glossy strawberry-coated lips.
“Mmm!~ M-Mmgh~” Sanji huffs out against your lips before he pulls back, a string of saliva appearing on both of your beautiful lips. You cup Sanji’s face and pull him in closer to you, keeping his lips smushed up against yours. You felt him squirm beneath you, bending his legs and allow air to flow up through his skirt and his panties. He shivered as he felt his tip poking out of his panties, rubbing up against the fabric of his skirt.
“A-Ah~ Mmgh~ I-It feels so weird~” Sanji sighs out shakily, his pretty sapphire eyes rolling up as he felt his tip press up against his own inner thigh. The warmth of his hot cock made his own body shiver and you began to notice how…interested Sanji seemed to be.
You giggle against his lips and finally pull away from them, sliding your tongue along his them as you grind up against Sanji’s cock beneath the skirt. He sighs out shakily, closing his eyes softly while you begin to reach out for the lube and anal beads. Feeling you move, Sanji peeks but suddenly opens his eyes wide as he got a glimpse of the anal beads in your hand. He shook his head and backed away, pressing his body higher up against the headboard.
“Come on Sanji baby, I have lube so they can slip in oh so easily for you baby~” You whisper out to him, giggling as you showed him the bottle of strawberry lube. Sanji shuddered against you before sighing out. “I-I don’t want them inside of me…” He whimpers out, pushing you back a bit to lift his skirt. His movements contradicting his words. You giggled as you watched him pull up his skirt and spread his legs, revealing & moving his cute pink panties out of the way.
“Aw you’re too cute Sanji, but I thought you didn’t want to play with the toys..” You snicker to him. He flutters his lashes and looks away, his shimmering pink eye shadow popping with the color of his sapphire eyes. “J-Just- Just try it already…” He sighs out to you, his cock still poking out past the hem of his panties. You giggle and pour some of the lube out onto you hand, running it along your fingers before pressing your lukewarm hand against his ass.
He shudders as he watches you run your fingers along his rear entrance, your voice soothing him as he felt you slide two digits into him. He gasps out and shudders, his walls tight around your fingers as he feels them go deep inside of him. “Ah~ A-Ah! G-Gentle please l-love~” Sanji huffs you, his hands gripping his cardigan tight while he arches his back. “Just relax for me baby, I’m loosening you up~” You whisper out to him, your eyes glimpsing at his pretty ones.
He nods as he bites his lower lip a bit tight, his hand reaching down to stroke at his cock. You smile as you watch him jerk his cock in front of you, a heavy yet sudden gasp leaving his lips as your fingertips press softly against his prostate. “T-That- That feels so good~ A-Ah~” Sanji huffs out, his curly brows furrowing as his toes begin to curl within his thigh-highs. You pull your fingers from inside of him, and he whimpers out in slight irritation.
He continued to fuck his fist but suddenly stops and yelps out it as he felt you insert a single bead inside of him.
First one.
And then the next one.
And the next one-
All the way to the last one.
You pull away and move his skirt out of the way, a whine escaping his lips as he felt himself feeling a bit…full.
“Hah~ L-Love-“
“Sit up for me Sanji~”
He groans as you helped him sit up, his body shuddering while moans left him as he felt the beads move around within his ass. “I-It feels- I-It feels so odd~” Sanji mewls out, arching his back as he sat there against the bed. You press a smooch to his neck and suckle on his skin, making him moan out shakily. He presses his hands up against your breasts, groping them as he pressed his lips against yours. He didn’t know what to do with himself, not with these beads deep inside of him.
He wraps his arms around you, whines spilling from his lips as he pulls you closer to him. “Mmh~ Sanji~” You mewl out, wrapping your legs around his hips and pressing your breasts up against his chest. You giggle as you felt his bra beneath his collared white shirt, it felt more like a soft little bra up against his chest. Sanji whimpers out as a deep blush dusts his cheeks, realizing that he was starting to fall into character, the entire act was getting to him. He turns away, huffing out heavily as he lies his head against your breasts. “I’m getting too into character…” He sighs out, his hands holding your hips tightly. You chuckled and run your fingers through his silky blonde hair.
“And that’s okay Sanji~ You’re beautiful like this just like my precious woman~” You whisper to him, pressing a smooch to his jaw.
Sanji felt his heart pound from slight embarrassment and yet flattery, why was he getting so worked up about this? He shouldn’t be playing into character like this.
You smooch him once again before moving down to his hardened cock. “Want me to suck your cock? Would that make you feel better about this baby?” You asked him, lifting his skirt back up. He sighs but nods slowly, his cold and soft hands pulling the hemp of his panties down. You smile softly as you watch his cock prod up slightly and press a smooch to his tip before sliding your tongue along his shaft. His lips quivering as he felt you smooching along his length.
“Ahh~ Ah~ So good love~” He moans out, pressing his hand up against your soft strands. He lays his thighs up against your shoulders, the fluffy thigh-highs rubbing up against your soft skin. You lower your head onto his cock, suckling and sliding your tongue along his shaft. You took it slow, taking in all of his length until his tip touched the back of your throat. Sanji was gasping and sighing out in please, his eyes shutting tight as he arches his back.
“Oh god love~ Mmmgh~ Fuck that feels so good~ Oh goodness~” He whimpers out, rolling his hips against your mouth. You mewl out, your hands gripping his hips while you play with the hem of his pretty panties. His eyes began to brew with tears, nearly making his mascara run as his hand grips your strands. You moan out, bobbing your head slowly but taking his cock deep down your throat. “S-So warm~ Mmgh!~ Hah~ J-Just like that~ P-Please!~” Sanji begs, clenching his teeth tight as he felt your warm throat take in his cock so wonderfully.
You moan out softly, your brows furling as you lay Sanji back against the fluffy pillows. He whines out as he watched you move in more, taking his cock a little more until you had reached the base. Sanji’s hand reaches out and gets a grasp on your hair, pulling slightly as while his cock twitch against your tongue. “I-I’m close love! I-I’m so close!~” Sanji mewls, shutting his pretty eyes tight as he bit his bottom lip a bit more. You hum out but you don’t stop, trying your best to pull your orgasm from him.
He huffs and gasps out, his thighs hugging your face a bit tight as he closes them. The soft and fuzzy thigh highs tickle your face as you grab onto his hips, huffing out as you struggled to breathe. “R-Right there!~ I-I’m almost there!~” Sanji sits up and arches his back, gasping out while his face scrunches up with pleasure. You whine out, your nails scratching against his hips and hoping that he would cum deep down your throat already.
Gripping your hair a bit tighter, you mewl out and whimper around his cock. Your jaw was starting to get sore and your throat was begging to grow sore as well. “Hah! I-I’m cumming!~ I’m- A-AH!~” Sanji pulls your head down his cock farther as his toes curls within the stockings, his slightly salty seed running down your throat with ease yet making it unbearable to bear the strong flavor.
He finally releases his legs and you quickly pull your head back, a few coughs leaving you as you inhale deeply. Sanji plops back onto the pillows, breathing heavily as he began to hyperventilate a bit. “A-Ah…Hah…I-I’m sorry love…” He whimpers out, a bit unable to sit up. You slowly rise to your knees and stare down at him with slightly dark eyes, a little pout falling onto your face. “I couldn’t breathe Sanjiii…” You huffed, staring down at him.
He slowly sits up, his hair a bit disheveled as he props himself up against the headboard. “I-I’m sorry…I got carried away~” He continuously apologizes, sitting up and wrapping his arms around you. His hands cups your face, his lashes fluttering to you once again as he pouted to you. “D-Did I hurt you..?” He asked worriedly, his sapphire eyes glistening as he stared down at you. You sigh out lovingly and wrap your arms around him before gasping out suddenly.
He pulls you onto his lap and lifts his skirt, moving his panties out of the way while his cock twitches in the air. He was still hard and throbbing against you although you were excited and just ready to fuck him. “Here, take your time~” He says, giving you a sweet and cute little smile.
He was starting to look more like a woman the more you stared at him with his makeup on…
You slowly spread your pussy open for him, allowing him to press his tip against your entrance before slowly sliding in. You moan out as you felt him fill you up quickly, your walls tightening around him and sucking him in. “So good~ You feel so wonderful as always baby~” He moans out, moving his pretty face in closer to yours. His brows begins to furrow once again as he moves you up and down on his cock, his soft and silky fingers tampering with the beautiful lace of your lingerie.
You hum out softly, pressing your lips against his sweetened strawberry ones so lovingly again. His nails scratch along your hips, his face twisting up as he kept you close against him. He lies you down against the soft bedding below and begins thrusting up into you, his soft cardigan and skirt squeezing up against your body. You pull his shirt open, revealing his pretty bra to you while he mewls out.
“Mmgh! D-Don’t peek at them!~” He gasps out, a deep blush dusting his cheeks while you stared down at his chest. You giggled to him and press your face up against his chest, his skin warm and slightly sticky against your cheek. He continues to rut into you, huffing out into your ear while keeping you close against his chest. “Hah~ L-Love~ Y-Your pussy is so fucking good~” Sanji’s lips trembled as he pulls your legs around his waist, his moans growing louder as he moves his hips a bit faster against yours.
You moan out beneath him, wrapping your arms tight around his body, his back arching as he felt your fingers trail up his back beneath his shirt. One of his hands gripped the sheets beneath you while the other held on to your hip so tight, his facial features contorted with pleasure and lust. “Sanji~” You moan at his name beneath him, his legs pulling his hips and closer against yours. He whimpers out and his eyes trails down to your breasts before he buries his face in them.
“Mmh~ I-I want to cum~ I wanna cum so badly~ Your pussy keeps sucking me in so wonderfully that I can’t p-pull away.” He whimpers out, his fingers trailing along your soft skin. You gasp against him, your walls tightening around his length as you pulled him closer to you. Your nails scratch along the soft skin of his back and he gasps out into your breasts before looking back up at you.
“M-May I cum?~ I-I need to cum baby~” Sanji asks sweetly, his eyes pouting up at you while he whispers softly while giving you more shallow thrusts. You smile up at him, your eyes half kisses as you stared at the pretty details of his face. “Please…? I want to cum~ Cum deep inside of your sweet and warm pussy~ Please love please?~” Sanji begs to you, his thrusts still going deep yet fast into your cunt. You huff out while your brows furrow, biting your lower lip softly as your toes curl working your knee-highs.
“My sweet baby girl~ Yes you can cum~ Make sure you cum deep inside of me too~” You mewled, hugging him tight and pulling him close. He gasps out and whimpers as he hears you call him a woman once again. He can’t help but to lay his head against your breasts and obey, gaining his permission to cum. “M-Mhmm~ I-I will!~” He huffs out in a sweeter tone, a bit of drool spilling from his lips and onto your chest.
You lay and hand to his head as he mewls and moans out, lifting your legs a bit higher to get a better angle. You lie back against the soft sheets below and moan out as he fucks your pussy with a sweet yet harsher momentum. You whine out and squirm a bit underneath him as you felt him kissing your cervix, your eyes shutting tight as you finally felt yourself ready to release.
“Ah~ I-I’m cumming~ I-I’m going to cum!~” Sanji gasps out, rutting his hips deep into yours while shutting his eyes tight. “Mmh! S-Sanji!~ Sanji!~” You moan out Sanji’s name and arch your back, gasping out as you finally release and cum on his length. You squirt out onto his lower abdomen, getting a bit onto his skirt and his panties. Sanji’s body shudders above yours as he whines out, his cock twitching deep within your cunt as he was finally ready to release deep inside of you.
“Mmgh! A-Ah!~ Ah I’m cumming l-love!~” He gasps out, his curly-brows finally unfurling as he fills you up with his seed. His seed coat your gummy walls in a pretty white and you could feel the warmth of his cum filling up your lower tummy. You mewl out softly and wrap your hands around his neck before pulling him close to you. He blinks softly and slowly before smiling and pressing a smooch to your lips.
“S-So warm~” Sanji says softly, his fingers sliding along your hot skin. You hum out before sitting up, softly pushing him down back against the bed. He looks down at you, quirking a curly brow as he wondered what you’ll do next. “Mind if I ride you baby?~” You asked, looking down at him with soft and sweet eyes. He smiles and nods, opening his arms out to you and pulling you into his embrace.
“Please do~” He hums, still breathing a bit heavy as he was still recovering and gaining his breath back.
You smile and straddle him, sliding your sticky cum-filled pussy against his long and hot length. Sanji mewls out softly, his hands soft up against your hips as he guides you. “Mmh~ P-Please put it in~ I-I want m-more~” Sanji pouts, not really wanting to be teased at the moment. You giggle and lift your hips, allowing Sanji to help position his cock for you. You slowly lower yourself on his length and you both groan out softly, your toes curled once you feel his tip kissing your cervix once again.
Sanji presses his hands back to your hips but you move them, pressing your hands to his bra and up against his chest to gain a bit of balance. “Just watch baby~ You don’t have to help me~” You whisper to him. He pouts but nods, moving his cardigan sleeve up to his lips as he watched you begin to move his hips. He lies there adorably, his eyes fluttering slowly as he stared at your push sucking his cock deep inside.
You moan out against him, staring at his pretty little face while you begin to bounce on his cock a bit. His moans were soft yet vocal as he sat there with his hands to his mouth, like the adorable little woman he was. He was so precious, it was hard to keep yourself composed when he was deep into pussy and into his character. His mewls were starting to grow a bit higher and he was beginning to arch his back a bit more.
While he was more distracted in the pleasure, you reach your hand behind yourself and past his panties. Feeling you grab the anal beads makes him jolt and shoot his head up to you. “I’m gonna take them out Sanji~” You whisper to him, moving in before pressing a smooch to his lips. “S-Slowly please l-love~ G-GENTLY!-“
He suddenly gasps out as he begins to feel you pull the beads out in one swift motion. He throws his head back as he eyes rolls from the pleasure of the beads being removed.
“MMMH!~ O-OH GOD!~” He shudders and grips your hips tightly, making him gasp and whine out while his legs thrash around in pleasure. “I-I’M CUMMING!~ H-HAH!~” He whines out as his ass clenches around nothing but air, struggling to keep his orgasm back for you. “Hold it in for me Sanji~ Don’t cum just yet sweetie~” You mewl out above him and lower your head to press a smooch to his temple. He grabs your face and pull your lips to his, whining out into them as you felt his body trembling.
“P-Please! I-I can’t hold this back much longer!~ I-I NEED TO CUM H-HONEY!~” Sanji whines out, thrashing around as his cock begins to twitch deep inside of you. You mewl and gasp out as you watch Sanji reach out and wrap his arms around your body, pulling you close to him while he struggles to keep himself together. “S-Sanji!~” You whine out his name, not bothering to stop your hips as he held on tight to you.
He rests his head against breasts once again, gasping out as he felt himself just ready to cum deep inside of you once again. “Baby I-I can’t hold it in much longer~ P-Please let me c-cum~ I want to cum so badly~” He huffs out into your breasts, begging desperately to just release in your pussy. You found his face so fucking cute, it was already wonderful to see him begging and in this state, but with him in his pretty little outfit you couldn’t contain yourself very much.
You trail your fingers up to his neck before gripping it slightly, pushing him down into the fluffy pillows while he whines out. His face was all pouty and his eyes were tearing up and ruining his makeup. He watches you move your hand up to his face, cupping his cheeks and squishing them as you relished in his cute reaction.
Poor baby just wanted to cum inside of you again, that’s all he asked for.
“L-Love…p-please~” He gasps out and his sapphire eyes were now shedding tears, ruining his makeup and slightly displeasing you. You sigh and giggle to him, inching your face closer to his with a sweet little smile. “Yes Sanji~ You can cum inside of me now.” You whisper to him, tending back to your pleasure as you begin to move your hips against his once more. Sanji could only sit there and watch you bounce on his cock with ease, his eyes flickering back and forth between both your face and and your bouncing breasts.
While he moans out beneath you, you can see his tears seeping into the blue pillowcase around the pillow cradling his beautiful little head. He began to feel so hot and sticky with sweat as gripped the sheets tighter in his hands, now straining to release after holding it in for a bit too long.
Perhaps he had to start back over from holding it in and begin edged. You whimper out as he felt your thighs trembling against his hips, he knew that you were close too and yet you still stopped yourself and your own orgasm. He sighs out before whimpering all cutely, now feeling his orgasm creeping back up in his lower tummy.
“Ah~ L-Love!~ Ah!~ I-I’m- MMGH!~” He gasps out and pulls you against his chest, biting his lip tight before slowly closing his eyes. His hands weakly grabs at your hips before pressing them down hard against his, wanting to keep you close while he cum fills your pussy again. He gasps out and coats your walls in his cum once again, filling your pussy up while he whines out desperately. His body shuddered and he whines out before taking in deep breath.
Both of your lower regions were coated in your own sticky mess, and you were more than pleased with him. Satisfied even. Sanji’s grasp on your hips grows weak and he releases your hips, his breaths still heavy and yet slightly whiny.
“Ahh~ Ah~” He shivered beneath you, sliding his hand up your back. His makeup was running down his cheek and onto the pillows from his tears, his soft yet broken mewls echoing though your ears. You smile softly and lie down against his chest, feeling it rise and fall slowly as he took deep breaths and sorta struggles to.
“N-No more…N-No more right now…” He exhaled, his curly-brows furling while his lips quivered. You give him a loving smooch to his cheek, waffling your fingers with his tightly as you warmed his sticky and messy cock. “No more for now baby…No more for now.” You giggled, nuzzling up into his neck.
He keeps you close, his hands combing through your strands as he lied there.
“Well? Was it fun?”
“Was it fun? You sure did enjoy the role didn’t you baby!~”
Sanji shoots up, his face turning a beet red as he looks away with with a frantic look in his eyes. “W-Well!- U-Um…”
“You enjoyed it didn’t you Sanji baby?~” You giggles, playing with his scruff while he whimpers out in embarrassment. “F-Fine. I did…I-It was…different to say the least…” He sighs out, hugging you and keeping you close. His fingers played with the sweet silky fabric of your lingerie.
“I-I…I did enjoy it…honestly…j-just…don’t tell anyone about this…please darling…” Sanji whispered to you, burying his face deep against your skin.
“I would never my pretty…” You promised, giggling to him.
Sanji raises his head in realization. You didn’t cum before or after he did.
“Oh! S-Sweetie you didn’t cum did you!?” He asked, looking deep into your eyes. “It’s okay Sanji baby…I did say no more for now…didn’t I?” You giggle, straddling his lap once again.
Sanji gulps and lies back down against the fluffy pillows. He pouts a bit but smiles softly.
At least this was still somewhat of an enjoyable experience for him.
Even if it was forced.
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glimmerlofsea · 4 months
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning : Alcoholism, a little sexual harassment, just Billy being a really caring boyfieee :3333
WC; 3,1k
#TALKISSA; Basically I don't know what the plot is... but apparently, you guys are Steve Harrington's twinsiee. Contrary to Steve's personality, you guys are innocent, naive, and just really whine 24/7. Came to the party, the party didn't go well, Steve left, and Billy suddenly arrived out of nowhere.
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Halloween is coming, but exams will never free the students of Hawkins to have fun. Today is the last day you take your exam—You hope to get perfect results according to your efforts to get good grades.
Different from Steve, who will only accept his exam results as they are, beside he wants to work straight away after graduating, not like you who wants to go to a good university where you can meet handsome guy and certainly not be sloppy like the guy in Hawkins.
Steve's personality with you is completely the opposite, even some students almost don't believe that you are Steve fucking Harrington's twin.
If Steve is a popular guy who has his own interest in attracting girls then you are 0% attractive. You don't care as much as Steve cares about his popularity. But that doesn't make Steve's affection for you change, he really loves you since when he was at home he felt like you were the only one who could accompany his loneliness. Likewise, vice versa with what you feel.
Your hair is always in the booth and you have bangs which are quite annoying to your eyes because you always have them twisted, but it's dumb that you still maintain your hairstyle. Steve told you several times to change your appearance so you could have a little fun in high school, but again and again you didn't care. You will just go through high school like the wind passes by.
Because of your innocence, people think you are just some kind of bookworm who is a study maniac, but no... They are all wrong.
You approached Steve who was already at his locker, your lockers were next to each other since Mrs. Johnson doesn't want the hassle of separating twins like you. And you love Mrs. Johnson because of it!
"How's your geography?" Steve asked you since the last subject of your test was geography.
You showed your cocky smile while flipping your hair back, making Steve groan in disgust because of your attitude,
"I bet I'll get more than a hundred—"
"Y/N!" You heard a girl who's calling your name, when you looked back you saw Tina running towards you while handing you a piece of paper, "Here, these are the results of your test, Mr. Phil said he was too lazy to check all yours so here are the results."
You smiled and grabbed the paper that Tina gave you, it had a big "0" written all over the paper in red ink. Steve held back his laughter and patted your back, because you felt he was underestimating you, you hit his stomach hard. Everyone has gotten used to it since then, it's like love-language between your relationship.
You coughed through your whimper, “Can a teacher do that?”
Tina shrugged her shoulders, she patted your shoulder, "Girl, your life is not for value all the time. If you keep trying and the results remain the same then it's a sign that you have to move on."
"Move on to what?" You asked sadly.
Tina showed a sly smile, she was a popular girl in Hawkins, different from the boys who had to bully to be popular—Tina didn't do that, yes maybe she just judged some people's clothes but not too much. That's what makes you like her and want to talk to her more.
She handed you two pieces of paper, you saw the words Halloween party at Tina's house which will take place in a few weeks.
"One for you and your brother." Tina said then winked at you. You smiled and said a simple 'thank you' before she left, not forgetting Steve who also said thank you.
You handed one paper to Steve, Steve ruffled your hair, "Cheer up, lil sissy."
You kept whining and tapping the back of your head repeatedly on the locker, "I'm not pretty, I'm not popular, I'm not good at anything."
With that Steve cupped your face, "Who said that?"
You showed your stupid face, "Um... Me?"
"Oh, God, I almost hit someone. If only a bunch of Billy Hargrove's gang said that I would really..." Steve explained as he showed the lump of his hand, his words were stopped by him telling you to look at the lump in his hand, as if to tell you that you should know that anyone who dares to mock you will get a gift from him.
You chuckled, “But who is Billy Hargrove?”
Steve's eyes widened, he threw his hands in the air again, "You don't know him? Good. That little shit always thinks everyone knows him."
Steve grabbed both of your shoulders, "Y/N. Never, like, ever find out about him or be curious about him, okay? Capisce?"
Before you could answer a voice joined your conversation, "I heard you mentioning my name, Harrington. Are you digging my vibe yet?"
You turned your body so that your body was leaning against the locker behind you, while Steve came face to face with the charming guy with curly hair.
Their gazes were intense, but the charming guy looked at you, making you smile awkwardly,
"I didn't see you there, Princess." He said leaning his arm on your side, did he just flirting with you in front of your brother?
"Get your hands off, Hargrove." Steve said.
You formed an O in your mouth, "Oh! So you're the Billy Hargrove?"
The charming guy— Or the one who now has a name, Billy Hargrove, showed his cocky smile, "The one and only." He said then took your hand for him to kiss right on the back of your hand.
You flinched so you just laughed awkwardly, "Super groovy, man. Like, totally friendly— Got it." You stammered your words while nodding.
Steve pushed Billy away and grabbed his collar, you widened your eyes trying to pull Steve away, while Billy raised his hands in the air, "Pretty brave, huh, Harrington?"
"Back off, or even step off from her."
You grabbed Steve's shoulder, "Steve, come on." You panicked because you saw Mrs. Joan, who was patrolling the corridors, was known as a killer teacher since rumors spread that she skinned her husband when she found out he was flirting with another woman. Just imagining it makes you shudder but on the one hand you don't believe the rumors.
Meanwhile, Billy showed his smile even more, showing his perfect row of teeth while licking his lips with his tongue— which made Steve's emotions even hotter, he touched you and Steve already hated him because of his presence.
Before Steve could land a blow on Billy you stopped him by hitting him on the head with your bag, making him groan and look at you, "What the fuck, Y/N?"
You don't look at him but in another direction while showing an awkward smile, "Hello, Mrs. Joan. No worries here. My brother and his buddy are just testing out the newest hoops moves." You looked at the two of them, "Right?"
When Steve frowned and was surprised at you— Billy just chuckled at your ridiculous behavior. You're interesting. For him.
Mrs. Joan couldn't stop staring at the three of you as she narrowed her eyes, you hit Steve's hand to signal him to say something, "Ah, yes, Mrs. Joan. You know, the tournament is approaching and Billy and I are just trying out new moves. Witnessed by my sister who was the jury."
Mrs. Joan didn't say anything and just walked past you, which meant you were completely safe.
You groaned and cursed Steve's name, "Don't you ever do that again! I've been blacklisted by her because I accidentally threw my book at her."
"Why did you throw it anyway?!" Steve snapped but not in an angry tone but surprised.
You shrugged your shoulders, "I had a nightmare, I saw Montley almost kissing me then woke up and was already throwing a book at Mrs. Joan."
Steve just shook his head while you heard Billy chuckle, Steve was about to walk towards him but Nancy called him, "Wait in the car park, understand?" Steve ordered which made you nod.
"And you," Steve said looking at Billy, "Don't you ever talk to her again."
"Yes, sir." Billy mocked which made you chuckle.
Steve immediately went over to Nancy, you gave him an awkward smile before leaving Billy in front of your locker, but his voice almost echoed throughout the corridor, "Wait."
You turned and raised your eyebrows, "I know you're Harrington, but can we get reacquainted?"
You chuckled as you hugged the book tightly in your hand, "I'm Y/N."
"And I'm Billy Hargrove." His reply showed a smile.
"I bet you don't want to get in trouble with my brother, so goodbye, Billy."
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Who said he didn't want to get into trouble with Steve? The day after that he continued to approach you without Steve knowing, starting from him saying he could teach you Geography or sharing weird experiences during class. And the strange thing is that you fell for his bait, you were caught with him more and more often when Steve wasn't in the same class as you.
And today is the long awaited Halloween party, you want to go, but you are hesitant. You don't know how to party— Hell, you've never even been to a party.
"I never go to parties, Steve!" You whined at him when he was actually wearing a costume for his party.
"You did!"
You raised your eyebrows, "What party?"
"Birthday party?"
You tightened your jaw and threw your pillow at him, "That's not the same thing, dumbass! Don't make me angry and cry at the same time."
Steve put himself next to you, "Come on, Y/N! How about the dress I bought you last year?"
"Carrie White dress?" Steve nodded, "Listen, if you don't want to show your face you can soak the dress in fake red blood, how about that?"
You threw another pillow at Steve, "Are you out of your mind?" You toss your hair, "I'll show them this shining face."
Steve chuckled, "That's my girl."
You groaned in disgust and made an ugly face, "Ewh, change that 'girl'." Steve just chuckled.
Not long after you two left the house to go to the party, Steve picked up Nancy. Nancy praised you for your appearance, and you were also impressed by Nancy's appearance which looked more innocent than your costume.
You wore a peach colored dress that Steve bought you last year, decorated with a crown accessory in your hair.
When you arrived at the party you felt like it was really wrong to wear a leg-length dress, Steve and you went your separate ways.
12:00 A.M Steve says you should be in the car after the party.
Along the path you walked to Tina's house, you kept lifting your dress so that people wouldn't tripped over it.
For those of you who have never been to a party, you think the party is too boring, just follow along with rock music which is not your taste and the sound of the Hawkins High School students fondling which makes you groaned in disgust.
You found your way to the park in Tina's backyard, that's where you heard lots of cheers and people surrounding someone. You weren't interested so you went back inside.
Seeing lots of girls holding small red cups made you wonder what was in them, you let go of your dress in your hands and approached one of the girls, "Excuse me, what is that?" You said a little shouting because the music was too loud.
The girl who seemed drunk just smiled stupidly at you, "You're Carrie White!" You just smiled and nodded, "Let me pour some blood on your dress so you can be a real prom queen."
Thinking it was a good idea you nodded in agreement, but to your surprise she brought a group of her girls to spill the drink all over you too. Makes you close your eyes when they freely spill the drink. You didn't feel angry, but just a little oppressed... But it was your fault that you agreed with the girl's idea.
After that you saw a red cup on the kitchen counter, you grabbed it and drank it since you were curious about the taste, plus you had never tried alcohol before. Yes, you did, but that was a long time ago.
After trying it, it feels like something stinging and irritating in your body, you try to shake your head to wake yourself up, someone appears in front of you, it's Montley, "Dude, did you drink the drink here?" His voice seemed like a ghost in your ears, you just laughed and nodded.
You raised the red cup in the air and started shouting, "LET'S PARTY FOREVER, FELLAS!"
You heard Montley cursing, then his friend came over, "Did she just swallow that drink?" Jake asked, Montley nodded.
"Shit. We're going to get beat up by Harrington. Montley, there's cocaine in that cup—"
Montley immediately covered Jake's mouth and stomped his foot, "If you close your mouth then that won't happen."
While you definitely felt happy at this party, you had never felt this happy! You turned to Montley, "Can I have some more?"
Montley shook his head and took the cup from you forcefully, making you purse your lips, but he didn't say anything and just left in front of you with his friends.
You started walking into the living room to party with the others, you really felt excited,
“What's in that drink?” You asked yourself as you danced, you smiled like a fool, "I want more."
You walked over to the place where there was a sack of the drink in a bowl. You rested your hands on the table, “One please.” You said to the guy guarding the place.
"Well, well, well, look who's here." You heard a guy make a sound.
You turned your head and saw Jason who was standing in front of you, he always made fun of you when you were in first year, you narrowed your eyes, "What do you want?"
"You look good in that dress." He said and walked closer to you, "But it would be better if you took it off." He replied then you felt a hand on your butt. You slapped him straight away,
Your slap voice was very loud, making several people there turn their attention towards you, "Get your hands off me."
Jason chuckled, feeling himself humbled by you, he gripped your wrist tightly making you wince, "You don't look good. I'll make you feel good."
He grabbed your waist and took you away from there, but you pushed him away as soon as you reached Tina's backyard, "Just leave me alone."
Jason had run out of patience, he wanted to grab you again but someone pulled you to stand behind him, that's where you saw a guy in a black jacket standing with his back to you, it was Billy.
"What's your problem, man?" Jason asked with concern.
"Don't you realize that just touching her is my problem?" Billy replied while licking his lips.
Jason laughed at his disbelief, "Why don't you focus on your own mess?" Jason wanted to grab you again but you didn't let him and latched onto Billy's large hand, you pointed at Jason, “He's a bad guy!” Your babbling without full awareness.
"Did he hurt you?" Billy asked you, making you look up and shake your head, "But he touched my ass!"
Billy clucking in annoyance and turned his gaze towards Jason, "Is that so?" he asked Jason.
Now Jason was the one clucking, "Fine, she's yours, bro."
Jason was about to leave but Billy held him back and broke his hand making Jason scream in pain, "You can't just leave, there's gotta be a lesson in this, right?"
"Let's go, Billy!" You exclaimed while clapping your hands at his action.
Billy let go of Jason and threw him far into the wet grass, he turned towards you, you gave him a thumbs up but he ignored it,
"Let me see your eyes." He said then opened your eyes, making you look at him with those innocent eyes. Your pupils dilated, Billy knew that was one of the effects of cocaine.
"Fucking Montley." Billy cursed, he removed his hands from your eyes,
You wonder, "What's wrong with him?"
"I heard he accidentally put a cup full of cocaine and water and a girl drank it. And he mentioned being afraid of getting beat up by Harrington and stuff like that."
You held your throat, “Did I swallow cocaine?” You asked in a sad tone.
"I think so. Come on, let's go to my car, let's freshen yourself up." Billy asked then took your hand.
You didn't move immediately, "I want Steve."
"Princess, it's a shame that your brother left because of his romantic problems. Just come with me, okay? I'll take you home, I promise."
You whine, "My throat hurts, I'm scared, it feels like I'm hallucinating, I don't know what I'm feeling— What's wrong with meeee?"
"That must be the effect." Billy muttered, not long after he carried you.
"Stay awake, okay?" Billy said to you who had rested your head on his chest.
He wasn't wearing any clothes, just a jacket, making you trace his body with your fingers, making Billy feel goosebumps all over his body, but he knew that this was just another version of you. Not the real you.
Billy noticed the small crown in your hair, he chuckled to himself, the nickname 'Princess' was really made for you.
Even with wet hair and a dress that has red stains on it, you are still charming and shining.
Several girls whispered when they saw Billy take you to his car, some of them were jealous, but also amazed that you, who have always been an 'innocent girl', knew how to charm a boy from far away California.
As soon as you got to Billy's car he put you in the passenger seat, he gave you water which you immediately drank until it was finished. You want cocaine or other types of drugs to disappear from you immediately.
You whined in Billy's car, "I haven't achieved anything. And I've tasted cocaine or whatever that is."
Billy chuckled, he tucked your hair behind your ear, "It'll be fine. I don't think you've swallowed too much since the effects only last a few moments. Just if there's something weird, tell me or your shit brother right away, okay?"
You nod, “Thanks for helping me from that creepy Jason and this.”
Billy smiled,
You got up from your passenger seat to lean over so you could give him a quick kiss on his cheek.
As soon as you wanted to return to your original position he held you and pulled you into a soft and slow kiss, which at least made you calmer in that situation. And it really has an effect. You hoped Steve wouldn't find out about this. About cocaine, or unexpected kisses— And your first kiss was Billy fucking Hargrove. Billy thinks that you really are a girl full of surprises.
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Author Note : I DON'T KNOW, this is suckss, but I really loooveeee it! ;D
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hauntedjohnny · 1 year
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johnny x reader (est. relationship) | sissy x reader
wc: 7k tw: DUB-CON | NON-CON. bondage. gags. objectification. possession. knife play. blood play. oral sex (m+f). spanking. humiliation. nipple play. slapping. branding. p in v. breeding.
a/n: i seperated the sissy section in case anyone wants to skip it. this is my first fic. it may be my last. enjoy :)
It wasn't every day that you were left alone without company. It wasn't every day that you were given the power to tend to the family gas station. One misstep into one of Nubbin's macabre creations left Drayton off his feet, going off about how he can't count on no one around here.
His misfortune opened a door of opportunity for you; Drayton still hadn't warmed up to you completely, so you'd been trying to get on his good side by helping around the house. Hysterical giggles bounced off the walls of the house as Nubbins reenacted the mishap for Sissy and Bubba. The laughter trailed off as you made your way through the house to find Drayton sitting in the living room, his foot being iced by a slice of meat.
"I can't think straight with all this craziness going on," he murmured to himself, rubbing his temples to relieve the tension. Timidly, you approached him, giving a light cough to make your presence known.
"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Sawyer, but I was just wondering if you were gonna need help with the gas station tomorrow." Gesturing to his legs, you trailed off. "Seeing as you're in no state to be on your feet all day n all."
He stared at you for a moment, his eyes squinting at the proposal. Seeing nothing but sincerity in your eyes, he reluctantly shrugged his shoulders.
"Was thinking of just closing for that day," he hummed, tilting his head to the side, "but money is getting tight with that extra mouth of yours... I don't see why not." Your eyes widen in surprise, thinking he'd laugh at your offer. "Lord knows no one else in this house is competent enough for such a task."
That morning, he reluctantly gave you a ring of keys, slowly walking you through each one and what he expected of you that day. His patronizing tone was unable to dull the excitement buzzing through you; the prospect of spending the day out of the house alone was a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence. Turning the sign on the door to open, you started your day eagerly, repeating his rules in your head like a mantra.
It turns out all the regulars are dreary or crazed, the morning rush filled with short conversations and confused stares. Leaving the cool confines, you decided to refill the vending machine out front, the heat from the mid-day sun causing a wetness to form on the back of your tank top. A set of large tires rumbling against the gravel pulled your focus from the monotonous task. Turning to greet the customer, your eyes fell on the figure of a young man you'd never seen before.
"Howdy, miss.  Sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if you could help me find my way. I appear to have found myself lost." He stated, raising the map with one hand and the other dragging through his blonde hair to soothe his nerves.
Drawn to his niceties, you smile and nod shyly. "Easy to get lost in these parts, with all the roads looking the same. Where you headed?"
"The Jackson ranch. It's my grandpa's; he needs help with upkeep in his old age. Stubborn bastard says he's fine but thought it wouldn't hurt to stay awhile." He chuckled bashfully.
Truthfully, you didn't really know where this ranch was. You barely knew the area from the house to the gas station. But this was the most interaction you'd had with anyone new in a while; surely it wouldn't hurt to pretend. The map was placed on the vending machine in front of you. You stared at the lines, trying to find your bearings, before a thick finger fell in front of your eyes, marking the gas station. With an awkward laugh, you placed your finger next to his and traced up the road you traveled this morning, trying to recall any ranches nearby. Drayton's voice comes to mind as he scolds Nubbins about straying too close to the graveyard, telling him to go no further than the Jackson ranch. Or was it the Johnson ranch? You bit your lip in contemplation, unaware of the man studying your face.
Deciding that he wouldn't call your bluff, you point close to the graveyard. "Should be around here, sir."
He scoffed at the title: "No need for those formalities; it wounds me seeing a pretty thing like yourself talk to me like I'm withered."
He introduces himself, presenting his hand for you to shake. You offer your name back, heat blooming in your cheeks at the compliment. Questions get thrown back and forth as you get to know each other, a breath of fresh air for both of you. Even the rumbling of a second set of tires isn't enough to drag you out of your bubble. Johnny observes you from the driver's seat as the man leans into you, causing a laugh to bubble from your chest. The movement of the truck door opening draws the man's attention. He cowers at the daggers being thrown his way, knowing he's overstepped in some way.
"I better be off, neighbour. I hope to be seeing more of you soon," he winks. You scoff at his forwardness, turning back to the vending machine as you say your farewell. What you didn't notice was the man lingering behind you as you bent down to grab the warm soda bottles, your denim shorts exposing the softness of your upper thighs. The roar of an engine signaled his departure as you went back to mindlessly refilling the machine, a soft hum filling the silence.
"Who was that?" A voice spoke beside you.
Glass hit the floor with a crash as you brought your hand to settle your startled heart, sticky soda seeping into the black boots of the man behind you. His shadow engulfed you, protecting you from the hot rays. The scowl forming on Johnny's face made you raise an eyebrow.
"Family of the Jackson Ranch; just need some help getting there, s'all," you reassured suspiciously, meeting his eye as you stood. He was standing so close that you could feel the growl emanating from his chest. His hands wrap around your waist, pulling you tight against him.
"You always flirt like a needy whore with boys who need help?" Johnny's breath on your face sent a chill down your spine before settling into your core. Noses centimeters apart, you felt his nostrils flare at the thought. His mocking grin dared you to divulge your fiery heart's desires. Intensity radiates off him as his dark eyes stare you down. A moment passed.
"Only the pretty ones," you coyly provoked. The sudden force of being pushed against the machine winded you, with a strong grip on your throat preventing you from catching your breath. Despite this, a wolfish grin found its way to your face. You'd never seen a jealous Johnny. It was exciting. Responsibilities faded from your mind. Anticipation swirled in your eyes. Before you could poke the bear harder, he dropped his gloved hand from your throat and made his way to the back of his truck. You tried to blink away the confusion, watching him take a couple of jerry cans and fill them up with gas.
Abandoning the safety of the gas station, you tentatively followed Johnny's movement before speaking up, "I was only playing, Johnny. You know I don't have eyes for anyone else." There was a facetious ring to your tone.
You cleared the nerves out of your throat when he turned his back away from you. Rolling your bottom lip into your teeth, you sway impatiently, kicking the dust beneath you, your fingers fiddling with the hem of your frayed top. You desperately tried to come up with something to say as you watched him finish up with the cans, not wanting him to leave upset. As he walks past you, you paw at his shirt, causing him to stop in his tracks. Pleading eyes met void eyes. A whine of his name causes them to glaze over.
"In the truck." He demanded.
"Johnny, you know I can't leave this place unattended. I'd be kicked out quicker than a greased pig." You argued, words going in one ear and out the other.
"Now."  He snarled, taking the keys from your pocket before sauntering to the gas station entrance.
Your tongue pokes at your cheek in annoyance, eyes rolling as you muttered curses under your breath. Stubborn bastard.  The open sign turns to closed before you can close the truck door. Like a moth to a flame, your eyes meet Johnny's as he brings the engine to life. He turns away, pulling out of the gas station. Eyes not moving, you sit, waiting for the bomb to explode next to you. Johnny has never had control of his emotions.
You bit your tongue waiting for him to start, but your impatience won, causing you to meekly break the silence. "Johnny, I'm sorry. He really just needed help."
The wind whistled through the truck.
"Can't even notice when someone's eyein' ya up like a piece of meat, can ya?" His voice was calm and low—unsettling.
"Johnny, it wasn't like that. He was being neighbourly" you began defending yourself, rolling your eyes at the pending argument brewing.
Your words were met with nothing but a scoff—not the reaction you were expecting. Apprehensively, you glanced over at Johnny, expecting him to be staring back at you. His eyes were glued to the dusty road ahead of him. You could tell he was angry; he's always had a short fuse, but it never felt cold like it did now. Your eyes jumped around his face, desperately trying to understand what his problem was. Did he not trust you? His jaw clenched under your hot gaze, gloved hands tightening around the steering wheel as he adjusted himself in his seat slightly, trying to subdue the feelings buzzing inside him.
You lay your head against the window, hoping the coolness would soothe some anxiety, but you were only met with warmth where it had been out in the sun all day. The silence was more unbearable than the heated argument you expected, receiving nothing but a disapproving click of his tongue every time you tried to break it. A tight knot formed in your stomach as you replayed the interaction over and over. Had you been flirting with him? Sure, you may have smiled more than with the other customers, but they all speak in grunts; it was nice to have an actual conversation with someone. With a sigh, you focus on the fields turning into a blur of dusty yellow, frustration brewing in your chest.
You get broken out of your daze by a door slamming behind you, the vibrations shaking the truck. Your eyes follow him as he walks around the hood, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. A film of sweat has formed on his forehead, dark splotches colouring his shirt, speaking to how much physical work he'd done in the Texan morning heat.
A swing of your door caused a familiar gust of septic and blood to enter your nose—the slaughterhouse, the place where there's more iron in the air than water. Johnny's suede hand gripped your upper arm and pulled you out of the car, slamming the door behind you. He walked onward expectantly before you were able to spit out any questions. You'd never ventured past the parking lot of the slaughterhouse. The questions swirling in your head left you frozen in place, staring wide-eyed at the buildings in front of you. Did I mess up that badly? Was he going to kill me? A whistle echoes through the lot, causing you to lock eyes with Johnny standing in front of the unlocked facility building. A small smirk rose on his face as he watched you obediently scurry across the parking lot, stumbling over the short staircase on the way.
Now face-to-face with Johnny, he brought a hand to brush a loose hair behind your ears, eyes lazily dancing over your face as he read your every thought. You bit the inside of your cracked lip as you tried to do the same. With a light tap on your cheek, he moved out of the heat. You took a deep breath, filling your lungs with air you didn't realise you were depriving yourself of, before following Johnny into the facility building. Quick on his tail, he leads you through the crumbling corridors until you reach the other side. Overgrown weeds tickled at your ankles as you made your way to a worn-down building. It smelt earthier in here, the wooden walls sheltering you from the scalding sun. It wasn't the slaughterhouse he was taking you to; it was the... holding pen?
The question finally falls off your tongue. "What are we doing here, Johnny?"
He crossed his arms, the muscles bulging, as he dragged his eyes across your figure, "Well, darling, if you wanna act like a piece of meat, then imma treat you like one."
Your eyebrows furrowed as he slowly approached you, but before you could contest, he grabbed you by the scruff of your neck, pulling you deeper into the holding pen. He stopped in front of a wooden structure with three holes in it. It was clearly not designed for cattle; it was too small. Your squirming body had no effect on his actions as he unlocked the frame. The pleas falling from your lips dissolved into the thick air as he pushed you forward towards the pillory. Unable to catch your footing, you fell into place, your head and hands now bound by the wooden barriers. Hair fell onto your face, restricting your already limited view. You felt your breathing get heavier in anticipation, the crunch of boots on the dirty floor being the only indicator of Johnny's position.
The feeling of hands on your stomach made you tense. Johnny's fingers hastily unbuttoned your shorts and pulled them down your legs, discarding them in the dirt behind him. A soft huff left his lips as he pulled his knife out of the sheath on his belt. The warm air hits your breasts as he sheds you of your tank top. The only sound you could hear was the blood in your head—the buzzing getting louder as every second passed. You closed your eyes to try and quell the sound, but a strong grip on your jaw opened them instinctually. Johnny's eyes stared into your doe-like ones.
"Got anything to say to me?"
A beat passed.
"I'm so sorry, Johnny. Really, I promise I didn't mean to," you whine out, words melting together, before being hushed by a low chuckle and finger tapping your lips.
He slowly rose from his hunched position as he tutted, "Not quite the answer I wanted, but I guess that's on me. How am I to expect you to know how to use your tongue when you can't even use your eyes? What stupid slut can't tell the difference between a neighbourly gaze and a sexual one?"
He undid the buckle of his belt and unzipped his jeans, revealing the leaking tip of his penis against his stomach. You were dumbfounded. A wave of shame ran through your body as your eyes met the floor, suddenly finding the tracks in the dirt very interesting. Johnny, however, didn't let you get distracted as he grabbed the hair that had fallen over your face and tugged it so your eyes met his. The warm stickiness on your lips made your eyes flutter closed, but a click of his tongue accompanied by a yank of your hair opened them in shock, your mouth following suit. The sharp pain on your scalp made a small gasp leave your lips as he met it halfway. You gag at the sensation of him brushing the back of your throat. The sound trailing off into a soft moan as he began to rut himself into your slack jaw.
"Such a dumb little thing already. Look at me," he demanded. "Does this look neighbourly to you? Is this the kinda thing you'd let a neighbour do to you? Because I know this is all that boy could think about when he saw you."
A harsh slap across your cheek had you shaking your head, eyes wide, pleading in apology. His pace quickened as tears started to prickle in your eyes and a dull ache spread through your jaw. The lack of oxygen made you delirious, causing a low whine to escape around him. The feeling of the vibration coupled with the sight of drool running down your chin caused him to throw his head back and pull harder at the hair underneath his covered fingers. He lets out a low curse before his breath hitches. The smell of musty sweat fills your nose as he buries your face in the coarse hair covering his pubic bone. Squirming does nothing as his cum finally shoots down your throat.
The taste is bitter, but you know better than to spit it out. His hold loosens under your sagging body as he catches his breath, running a hand through his hair. Once the twitching subsides, Johnny slowly pulls out of your mouth, leaving a trail of saliva that connects you both. A choked gasp left you as your lungs begged for oxygen. You croaked out a soft, apologetic Johnny.
"Pieces of meat like yourself don't speak," he tutted as he grabbed your cheeks with one hand, causing you to pout.
You try to focus on your breathing as Johnny buttons up his jeans and wanders to the other side of the pen. Hearing his return, you crane your neck to see what he has—a black bar with a leather buckle. Your mouth opens in question, but Johnny meets the forming words by stuffing the gag bit into your mouth and buckling it around the side of your head. You shake your head, trying to push it out with your tongue. Johnny kneels in front of you, brushing his nose against yours to mimic your struggles before letting out a dark chuckle.
Your body was unable to comply with the buzz of frustration in your chest, forcing you to sag in defeat, blood bubbling with rage as Johnny takes a step back to study your situation. He moves out of your eyesight, the footsteps growing quieter as they move behind you. It's quiet for a moment before his rough, calloused hands start trailing up and down your body, his heedful eye locked on each groove and bump until he reaches your heat. He pokes the dark spot that has formed on your underwear, causing you to twitch and cry out.
"Y'know, I could teach you a thing or two if you just listened. It's a dangerous world out there." He trailed off with a sharp inhale and a slap to your underwear-covered cheeks.
Ripping echoes through the pen as Johnny tears the underwear off your body, leaving you exposed to the elements. A new wave of defiance rolls through your body, kicking and twisting your legs, trying to preserve some dignity. An impatient sigh falls on your back as Johnny grabs some discarded rope in the corner and ties each flailing ankle to a metal loop screwed into the base of the wooden restraint. Now spread and open, he watches you thrash against the new restrictions to see if they'll give.
"You could've made this a lot easier on yourself, darling. Nothin' I ain't seen before," he huffs.
He's right.  Johnny has had access to all parts of your body before, but not like this, not when you didn't have access to his. This was new. This was different. Your body started to relax in its hold, as you remember; this is just Johnny. Your Johnny.
Mockingly, a knife starts to run down your spine. "Now, it's time to teach you a lesson."
Despite the trepidation, you slowly nod your head and take a deep breath. Just keep breathing. He trails the knife down your back as if following an invisible guide. When he reaches your lower back, he pushes the knife deeper, leaving a thin, horizontal trail of blood. Johnny's lack of self-control was clear as he licked across the cut he had just made. It always tastes best when it's fresh. In quick succession, he makes more shallow cuts on your back, explaining cuts of meat as he goes: the loin is the most tender meat down here on the lower back; above it are the ribs (perfect for barbecuing); and then we have your cheaper chuck. A trail of prickly fire spreads from your lower back to your shoulders as blood oozes out of all your cuts. You start to become restless as he leans back and admires his work, his hands resting on your hips.
Whimpers escape the gag, causing a smirk to creep onto Johnny's face, "Oh, sweetheart, I'm only treatin' ya like the thing you are," he says, bringing his hand down to your ass to cease your fidgeting. "Besides, we've not gotten to my favourite part yet."
He crouches behind you, one knee deep in the dust. He slowly drags the knife to the underside of your cheek, turns the blade, and pushes a deep cut across, causing blood to trickle down your leg. You buck away from the sensation, gritting your teeth around the gag as you grow uncomfortable. Pain and pleasure start to merge when Johnny starts suckling on the flesh of your thigh.
"This is the shank," he mutters against your thigh. "Used to tenderize it for Mama's stew; said it makes the meat less tough and more succulent."
He held your flesh between his teeth, applying more pressure, until he could feel the blood beneath your skin rushing to the surface. Sweat, blood, and saliva covered your thighs as he took his time playing and fondling. Arousal starts forming in your lower stomach. Fog starts clouding your brain. A muffled moan echoed through the holding pen, telling him you were at his beck and call. His mouth made its way to your sticky cunt, mixing the blood on his tongue with your arousal.
"Leaking like a faucet..." He groans, mouth watering at the thought of your juices.
Enamoured by your scent, he found himself buried in you, his nose prodding at your entrance as both hands wrapped inside and around your thighs to pull you closer. Instinctually, you push yourself towards him in desperation, eager to be relieved. Unable to deny you, his tongue grazed against your clit, making its way up your puffy slit. Two broad fingers followed in its tracks. Johnny's mouth watered at the sight of your glistening folds; a tight squeeze on either side causing more of your excitement to seep onto his tongue.
A guttural moan bounced off the walls when his rough thumb began drawing circles on your clit, his dick twitching at the sound. His mouth replaced his fingers as he latched onto your swollen clit, rolling it against his tongue. You could do nothing but quiver and moan as he spread your cheeks, groaning at the sight. You clenched your fist as if you had hold of his greasy locks, your eyes rolling back as he hummed into your heat. Thighs tightened around his head, spurring him on. He relentlessly lapped at you, like a ravenous dog burying itself in his last meal. Sharp canines scraped against you, the animalistic nature of his actions bringing you closer to the edge. He's hungry for you. An endless spur of nonsense fills the room as your body tightens against his hold. He knows you're about to cum. He always knew what your body wanted. A burning white is all you see as fire spreads through your body. Kneading the flesh in his hands, he let you chase your high, suffocating him with your excitement before melting against his mouth.
A cool, hard sensation against your throbbing pussy pulls you back into reality. Johnny rubs the blood-stained knife up and down your puffy slit, collecting your juices. Twisting the knife in the air, he admires how it glistens in the beam of light leaking through the wall crack before wiping it clean on his bicep and putting it back in its sheath.
Dragging one hand across his chin, the other slides the unbuckled brown leather out of its belt loops. Coolness brushed along your thighs, doing very little to soothe the throbbing marks Johnny left in his wake. Without thought, your hips tilted towards him in submission, making Johnny's chest fill with pride; he almost forgot about the boy at the gas station. Almost.  Before you could even register the whipping sound slicing through the air, you felt it—the sharp sting of his belt. The impact caused your body to lunge forward, your knees buckling as you lost control. Johnny had never used his belt like this before; you often traced the insignia on the buckle, wondering where he got such a thing and how long it'd been with him. It felt strangely intimate. Merciless hits leave your head foggy with arousal, each eliciting a gasp, whimper, or wail. A sharp sting spreads its way to your core as tears start to form in the corner of your eyes, slowly making a trail down your face. Despite the brutality of his strikes, your body grew more aroused with each passing welt.
Obstructed, wet sobs harmonise with the sharp cracks of the belt. Your thighs trembled when he suddenly stopped. He traced his finger across the indents he'd just made—the design of his belt buckle marked into your skin. A heavy breath tickled you as he licked into the shallow dents of your skin, savouring the feeling of each divot before pulling away. A soothing coolness was left behind as the wet started to dry. The sound of his zipper made your body buzz with anticipation; your toes clenched at the idea of what was coming. Anticipation turned into confusion as you felt rough hands brushing at the wetness on your face, opening them to see Johnny looking as put-together as he started. As he pulled a hanky out of his back pocket to clean the snot that had fallen from your nose during the anguish, he saw the confusion swirling in your eyes.
A snicker passed his lips before he got up, his eyes never leaving your face. "You ain't leaving just yet, sweetheart." His silhouette grew smaller as he made his way to the doors you both entered. He quickly glanced over his shoulder at your tangled form, "Can't promise I'll be quick."
The air grew heavier in his absence as you sobered to your reality. Without Johnny's distractions, you felt everything. Fatigue took over your body—every muscle in your body ached, your fingers were growing numb. Frustration started to pilot your body as you flailed against your shackles, hoping the ropes would slacken. Noticing a shining latch from the corner of your eye, your fingers searched around the grainy restraint for freedom, but nothing was within reach. You attempt to shout for attention, but the gag still held between your teeth muffles any noise. Maybe Johnny would return quicker if he thought you were in trouble. Maybe he was too far away and someone else would hear you? Did you really want anyone to find you in such a vulnerable position? Tears prickled in your eyes at the thought. A huff leaves your lips as your body sags in defeat. He was right; you did feel like a piece of meat.
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Humidity hangs in the air. Hairs are stuck to your damp forehead, itching to be moved. A string of drool connects your bound mouth to the newly formed puddle on the floor. You try to focus on the smell of the stale hay as it fights with the metallic blood in the air—your blood. The grasshoppers and crickets in the field outside are the soundtrack to your humiliation—an incessant buzz to match the numb feeling of blood pooling in your legs. The occasional sniffle breaks the monotony. At some point, your eye hung closed, dragging you into a state of semi-consciousness. Every second is like a minute. Every minute feels like an hour. The growl of an engine alerts you. The sweet call for Johnny that follows confuses you.
"Johnny,"  The calls get louder as the person approaches: "The old man's threatening to take his stick upside your head if you don't bring back them gas cans." 
You chalk the voice up to your state of delirium. There's no one actually here. The figure making its way into the holding pen isn't actually there. You close your eyes as you shake your head in denial. Maybe she won't see you in the corner and move on.
"Oh, you poor little thing," Sissy interrupted your deluded thoughts. "How'd you get yourself all done in like that?"
You lowered your head in embarrassment as she skipped her way across the pen. What are the chances?
"Aw, ain't you a sight?" She cooed as she lifted your head.
Soft fingers brushed the damp hairs away from your eyes, combing out the knots that fought against her fingers. Your swollen eyes were fighting fresh tears at Sissy's caressing touch. Humilitating.
A faux pout formed at the sight: "Did that mean boy leave you tied up like a Christmas ham?"
A hand reached for your chin, forcing you to nod. Unable to muster the strength to defy, you accepted your fate—nothing but a doll in Sissy's playhouse.
"From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special, y'know."
A giggle escaped her lips as she let go of your head and began circling your motionless body, a soft hum letting you follow her position. The sensation of her finger trailing down your spine was so light it felt illusory; her finger snagging slightly against the scabbing cuts.
"Ain't that a pretty view?" Sissy admires the watercolour of purple painted on your thighs. "Just like a blackberry pie."
You felt dizzy at the softness, underwhelmed, and overwhelmed at the same time. The skin under her fingers twitched as it begged for the pressure it had become accustomed to. A fearful whine crawls up your throat as you feel her finger push against your puckered hole, swallowing it as she continues her path. The thrum of your heart pounds louder in your head, the sound suppressing the jovial tunes Sissy crooned. With no patience, two fingers sink into your neglected cunt, a scissoring motion drenching her slim fingers with your juices. Before you could relish in the feeling, it was gone. Her glistening fingers were brought to her mouth.
She hummed as she suckled on them, delighting in the flavour, "Sweeter than one too."
Her words made you dizzy with desire—shame dethroned by pleasure. Your body craved her touch. Sharp fangs peered over her lips as she felt your body gravitate towards her; she wanted to taste more of you. Nimble fingers began picking at the scabs on your back, relighting the fire as blood trickled down your ribs. She lapped at the blood, her flattened tongue tracing your wounds with vigor.
"Look at all this pretty blood," she coos. "Let's see where it leads me."
Her lips followed a trail of red as it dripped down your ribs and across the side of your breast. She crawled under your standing form so she could access the prize at the end of the path, goosebumps forming after every nibble. A soft kiss on your nipple makes your breath hitch. The kisses become fervorous as her lips widen, sucking the flesh into her mouth. Your back arches in a silent plea as she drags her thumb against your free nipple, pebbling against her touch. Fangs scrape against the sore bud as she begins to roll the other between her nimble fingers. A wave of electricity shoots to your core as she bites down.
As she releases you from her bite, she blows on your nipple, her teeth biting her lip in a smile as it hardened under the coolness. Her bony hands cupped both of your breasts as she squeezed and fondled, mesmerized by the way they conform to the shape of her hands, flesh bulging between her fingers. They fell to the ground upon their release, jiggling at the force. Sissy giggled in glee at the sight, bringing her hands to lightly tap at your hanging breasts. The impact causes them to sway as she stares at them, captivated by the movement. Instinctually, you recoil against the feeling, whimpering like a struck dog.
Sissy furrows her brow at the rejection, her voice lowering in sternness. "Stop fightin' it."
She continued her assault, the giggles growing louder as her spanks grew harder. A tingling numbness replaced the burning sharpness as the blood swelled under her hands. Growing bored with your swaying tits, she shoved her face between them, collecting a stray bead of sweat with her tongue, pushing your flesh on either side of her cheeks as she breathed in your scent. Small nips were left in her wake as she trailed her lips back to your nipple. You sigh shakily in relief as her jaw locks around your flesh, the tip of her tongue prodding at your erect nipple, alternating with a flat, pulsating brush of the wet muscle. Her slender fingers supporting your breast massaged the tissue deviously as she pulled you to the roof of her mouth and began sucking vigorously, the flesh rolling with the steady pressure. Unbearable waves of sensation jolted through your body as she relentlessly suckled, coaxing milk to fall from your peak. An enthusiastic groan vibrated against your breast when she could taste you on her tongue, sweet drops trickling on her taste buds like nectar from a wildflower. Confused moans bounced off the wooden walls as your body senselessly rutted towards her. She held you in her mouth as if she were biting into a peach before letting her jaw slacken, relishing in the taste of you. Sweet words fell from her lips as your chest erratically thumped before her but your ears werefull of cotton, oblivious to the praise.
She crawled her way from beneath you, allowing her eyes to devour your shaking, goosebump-riddled form. Her hand began to condescendingly stroke at your heavy head, cooing in faux consolation, "There, there, it's alright. It feels good, don't it, sugar?"
Expecting a reply, the hand in your damp hair tightened. Your motionless body made her yank hard, fearful eyes meeting hers, as she circled to bend in front of you. "Ain't your mama teach you any manners?"
Before you could gurgle your apologies, a bruising slap replaced the hot words that had fallen on your cheek. Your head jolted to the right, dizzying at the feeling. Blinking away the pain, your eyes focus on the blurry silhouette in the door of the holding pen. The feral growl rolling from his chest confirmed his identity. Smirking at the sound, the woman turned around. Mischief twinkled in her eyes as she noticed the darkness in his.
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"Ain't your mama tell you not to touch things that don't belong to ya?" He bellowed, his accent growing thicker.
Snickers fell from Sissy's lips as she pressed your cheek against hers. "I don't see your name written on her anywhere," she retorts mockingly, with a small pout on her lips.
Johnny's composure drops for a moment, denting the can in his hand, his growl growing deeper, squaring up for a fight. He knew she was taunting him. It's what she did. But seeing her hands on you blinded him with a primal fury. Your eyes never leave his puffed chest, heart rattling against your own. Sissy concedes with a kiss to your forehead. She skips her way to Johnny, hushed hisses shared between them before she is gone.
Holding Johnny's gaze was a feat; your throat tightening as he sauntered his way over. There's nothing to feel guilty about; it wasn't your fault. But your body didn't listen to the excuses in your brain. A dark shadow cast over your face as Johnny loomed over you, his binding gaze making you a compliant mess. 
"She has a point, y'know... ain't nothing here to tell the world who you belong to." He circles your body like a vulture waiting to claim its prize.
His scent engulfs your mind, the fantasies that kept you company in his absence come to the forefront. A sudden click, followed by a low hiss of air, sounded behind you. No, not air, fire. You hadn't noticed the blowtorch in his grasp when he returned. You tried to swallow the bile rising in your throat, unaware of Johnny holding the torch to a branding iron. He watched as the heat revealed a glowing 'J'. Babbling pleas turned to white noise as you felt the residual heat on the iron close to your trembling body. With a satisfied hum, he squeezed the flesh of your ass before pressing the iron against it. Every muscle in your body tensed as wildfire spread through your body, fat tears rolling down your cheeks, attempting to put it out. A scream fought against gritted teeth, vision going white on the verge of blacking out, suffocated by the smell of burning flesh. Crescent moons were carved into your palm as you tried to grab onto nothing. The pain didn't subside as he pulled away, the clang of the disposal bucket never reaching your ears.
"Most prized heifer in Texas." He chuckles, poking a finger at your entrance. "Well, almost. A heifer ain't nothing when she's not bred."
Pain began to melt into pleasure. The desire in your body was louder than any word he uttered. You wanted him to claim you. The instinctual ache in your body wanted to obey his every command. He could feel it. She could feel it too—his thick length throbbing against your own throbbing heat. You couldn't help but rut against him, eager to feel him inside you. A choked cry escaped your throat as teased your entrance. He met your cry with a groan as he slowly pushed himself into you, savouring the warm feeling. Pushing backwards, your back arched in a silent plea, only to be met with his veined hands gripping tightly on your hips, immobilising the movement. You whine at the lack of friction. He towers over your body, pulling your head back so your eyes meet.
"Got anything to say to me?" His question was marked with a single thrust.
You remained silent, knowing anything you said would be incomprehensible. With a sigh, he brings his other hand to unbuckle the drool-drenched gag, letting it fall to the floor. Eyes wide and watery, you let out a raspy apology, your jaw convulsing at the sudden relaxation. He begins to rut into you carelessly.
"Anything else, sugar?" Each syllable was punctuated with a thrust.
To his dismay, your mind goes blank at the pleasure. Whorish moans are now free to dance around the room as your cunt fluttered around him. His hands roam over your back with possessive desire before groping the round flesh in front of him. Rough fingertips digging into the fresh wound, send a new blaze of fire through you.
"I'm yours, Johnny. Only yours."  Your sob trailed into a moan as his pace quickened at the confession.
His breath tickles your ear. "Every inch of flesh on your body belongs to me." Dominance seeps through his every word. "Every moan.   Every sound.   Every thought. You are mine alone."
You're at his complete mercy. The only word that leaves your mouth is his name. You'd do anything for him as his hands do a second lap of your body, trailing down to your sore nipples, twisting and pulling on them with no compassion. Your eyes fluttered closed as the coil in your core tightened.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart," Johnny mumbled, holding your hair in one hand as the other played with your swollen clit. He could play your body like a fiddle, with brutal thrusts and torturous circles in a melodic rhythm. Slamming harder, he could feel you clench against him. He could feel every warm ridge inside you—sharp teeth meeting your shoulder at the feeling. With a primal cry, your coil snapped. Knees buckle beneath you as your slick drips down his cock, marking him with your scent.
He rode out the wave, circling harder and faster on your swollen bud. The sensation was overwhelming, causing you to pull away with a pathetic whine. Your nerves were raw. The resistance made his length twitch inside you, hands landing on your hips, pulling you flush against him, knuckles turning pale. His breathing got heavier as his thrusts got deeper, his tip bruising your cervix, making his grunts feral. He moved one of his hands to your stomach, pushing against the outline of himself, basking in the feeling of his dick abusing your hole. His pace grew needier. His desire became carnal. His sounds became animalistic. The slap of his balls against your clit was agonising, making your mouth fall open with silent moans. He leant back to watch the point where your bodies connected, groaning at the sloppy sound gurgling around him. Over and over, his veiny dick disappeared into you, covered in a sweet cream on its return. His head falls back, the vein in his neck throbbing as he hisses. The feeling of his release made you see stars, circling your hips mindlessly as he grew limp inside you.
He lazily pulled out of you, mesmerised by the thick, white stream oozing from your folds. Your body twitched under his possessive gaze. Overwhelmed, you closed your eyes for a moment of relief. Not even the sound of duct tape ripping could wake you from your blissful daze. Johnny fingers the escaping cum, pushing it inside you. A tacky strip gets slapped over your abused cunt, trapping his seed. With a final tap, he beams at his prize.
"Would win all the county prizes, you would."
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Glimmering Dreams (Ruggie x GN!Reader)
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“So, are you going to tell me where you got these from, or…?”
“Nope!” At the look of your concerned expression, Ruggie let out a giggle. “Alright, alright, if you’re going to pout like that: I got them from a store in town.”
“They look expensive,” you said as you examined the devices. You glanced up at the hyena and raised an eyebrow, “Where’d you get the money for these?” 
“Leona,” Ruggie simply replied. 
“With his permission, I hope.”
“You think he cares?” His ears flattened against his head at the look you sent his way. “Hey, hey! I got his permission, alright? Again though, it’s not like he cared - all he cared about was getting that meat sub he wanted.” 
You glanced over your shoulder to look at the lion prince, who still laid across his lounge chair a small distance away. The fact he was currently nibbling on that meat sub meant Ruggie was telling the truth. You were sure he wouldn’t lie to you…still didn’t hurt to check though. Satisfied with his explanation, you looked over the long handle that connected to the metal detector Ruggie had lended you. “How do you turn this thing on?”
“Uh…” Ruggie fiddled around with his own for a moment before a red light clicked on at the detector’s base. “Ah, there we go!” He held out his hand to you, “Trade me.” 
You switched out your metal detector for his, then watched him turn the other on. “That knob on the handle lets you adjust the sensitivity,” he said. “It’s on a sort of middle ground right now - feel free to turn it up or down whenever you want. Just not too much,” he pointed up at his ears, “don’t want to make me go deaf, do you?”
“Do I?” Ruggie looked unamused at your tease, so you chuckled and backed off. “I won’t, I won’t.”
With that, the two of you went your separate ways. You didn’t stray too far from the other, just in case either of you found something of value. Since Ruggie provided the metal detectors, you planned to split the earnings from any goodies you might find. Would he do the same with his? Probably not, which is why you prayed to whoever might be listening on high that you’d find something. While Crowley did provide funds for you and Grim, any extra would be a blessing. Since, you know, Grim ate you out of house and home on a regular basis. 
Just then, your metal detector squeaked. You stopped dead in your tracks and scanned it over the sand below. When it squeaked again on a particular spot, you dropped to your knees. Before you could figure out where to put your metal detector, you heard footsteps approach from behind. “Find something,” Ruggie asked, his sandal clad feet appearing next to you as he spoke. 
“I think so.” You handed him your detector before you took out the little shovel that stuck halfway out of your shorts pocket. Carefully you dug into the sand, eyes searching for the metallic object underneath. A small ‘aha!’ left your lips as you came upon the object, which glistened in the sunlight. You plucked it up with your fingers - and were sorely disappointed. It was just a bottle cap to a soda long discarded. “Damn…” you cursed under your breath. 
Ruggie let out a small laugh. “Eh, it happens. Not too surprising to find something like that around here, y’know?” His brows furrowed in confusion as you pocketed the small piece of metal along with your shovel. “What’re you taking it for? It isn’t worth anything.” 
“I know,” you said as you stood and took back your metal detector, “but I need to throw it away later. I don’t want the beach to get even more polluted.” 
Ruggie stared at you for a few seconds, the look in his eyes unreadable - then he snickered with a grin. “Look at you, being a goody two shoes. You’d fit right in with those Royal Sword sissies, shyeheehee~” 
You let out a ‘tch’ as you kicked a small bit of sand in his direction. “Shut up. It’s a good thing to do; besides, we’ve got three merman here to worry about. You think they’d like us leaving trash in their home?” 
You had a point. Even so, Ruggie only gave a small shrug before he trudged back to where he’d been before. You watched him go for a few seconds before you started back down your own path on the beach. 
If you were a beastman, your ears would have perked up at the shrill sound. Ruggie must have turned his detector up a notch, a high one - that hurt! You heard Ruggie let out his own grunt of pain; you turned your head just in time to see him drop his metal detector and cover his big ears. It didn’t go far though, since it kept on screaming where it lay. You quickly ran over to it and picked it up, releasing Ruggie from the torture. All beastman around you glared in your direction, some more irritated than others, a few borderline angry. You gave a nervous, apologetic smile and a ‘sorry!’ before you focused back on Ruggie. 
“Are you alright?” you asked, hand placed on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, ‘m fine.” Ruggie shook his head, then scratched behind his left ear. His face was still in a mild grimace as he continued. “Are my ears bleeding?” 
“No,” you chuckled. You couldn’t help but smirk as you remembered his previous warning. “And who was the one who said to not turn it up too high?” 
“Shush,” Ruggie grumbled. He patted the sand under his palms, “Where was it again? When it squealed?” 
“Um,” you pointed down at the spot in front of him, “there, I think.” 
Ruggie took out his small metal trowel and began to dig. As the seconds passed, you wondered if you’d been mistaken, as nothing came up. Then, just as you were about to suggest the spot next to the shallow hole he’d dug, something glinted from beneath the sand. Ruggie’s ears perked up as he eyed the object; like you had before, he delicately lifted it out with his fingers. It was round in shape and looked to be a little rusty. When Ruggie brushed the sand off with his thumb, both your eyes widened at the color: gold!
“Is it real?” you asked, now knelt next to the hyena for a better look. 
“Hm…” Ruggie squinted as he brought the coin close to his face, scrutinizing every detail as he flipped it over and over. He then brought the coin to his mouth and bit down on it; sure enough, it didn’t bend. Ruggie’s grin spread wide as his eyes practically sparkled at the confirmation. “Yep, sure is!” 
“Holy shit!” you exclaimed. “That’s awesome!” You leaned close to get a better look at the little prize. “It looks old - how old do you think it is?” 
“Dunno.” Ruggie tucked the coin into the breast pocket of his open shirt as he stood, with you quickly following. “Maybe a hundred years or so?” 
“Wow! It must be worth a lot then!” 
“Could be,” Ruggie picked up your metal detectors off the ground and handed you yours, “c’mon, let’s go. I know a guy who’ll pay good madol for something like this.”
You followed after Ruggie as he began to walk back up the beach. For the time being, you turned your metal detectors off. “I hope I find something similar later,” you said. “There’s bound to be more around…hopefully.” 
“If not in the sand, they could be underwater,” Ruggie suggested. “I can see if I can get my hands on some goggles and snorkels, if you wanna look close to shore.”
“Really? I’d love to!” You waved to Ace and Deuce as the two of you passed them by. “I think it’d be fun.” 
“Yeah.” Your footsteps clumped against the wooden walkway that led away from the beach as you headed back to the resort. “Who knows, maybe after we split this prize, we might find more.”
“Split the prize?” You stopped in your tracks as you looked Ruggie in the eye. “You found it, Ruggie. I thought you’d be taking it for yourself?”
“I usually would,” Ruggie smiled, “but you helped me find it. If you hadn’t pointed out the spot, I could have easily missed it.” He let out a small giggle, “And, I mean, if you hadn’t moved the detector away, I’d probably be deaf right now. You saved my bacon!” He nudged your foot with his, “Splitting the goods will settle my debt.” 
“You don’t owe me anything, Ruggie,” you assured. “I know you would have done the same.” Well, you at least hoped he would have. 
Ruggie shrugged his shoulders, “Still sharing the cash with you. We’ll split it fifty-fifty.” He shot you a teasing grin as he looked you in the eye. “But don’t get too cocky - might not be so generous next time.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, implications be damned. “Fair enough.” You pulled a smirk of your own as the two of you continued your walk. “It goes both ways though. If I find something, I might just keep it to myself~” 
“Hey, who got the metal detectors again?” Ruggie teased. “I’ve been oh-so generous to let you use one!~”
You groaned as you whined, “Stooop! You sound like Crowley!” 
“Whatever do you mean?” Ruggie mocked the headmage as he impersonated his voice to the best of his ability. “Is he not the Seven’s gift to students? He’s soooo kind!” 
“Stop!” You laughed and slapped his arm. “You’re horrible!” 
Your banter went on and on and on, all the way to your destination. It turned out the coin you two found was over three hundred years old; it was apparently the old currency once used in the Queendom of Roses. You and Ruggie got quite the payout from a certain octopus that practically fangirled over the small little piece of metal. How to celebrate your little added wealth? Simple: burgers, fries, and milkshakes - the biggest available at the beach!
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drchenquill · 1 month
Character profile tag!
Thank you for the tag @the-golden-comet , @sableglass , @finickyfelix and @paeliae-occasionally ! I'm sorry it took me so long, I just couldn't decide who to take for this game. I'll just go with my baby boy Leon.
Name: Leon Martens
Nickname: "Waschlappen" by his late grandma. (It's German and it means sissy, wimp and so on.) It's an insult, but she used it as nickname, often refering to him like that while talking to other people, making it sound like a cute "family inside joke".
Kind of being: Human
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Appearance: fluffy honey-blonde hair with dark drown eyes. Very pale, almost sickly looking skin. He mostly wears cardigans to feel comfortable. His calloused hands look frail like everything on him to be honest. He is rather thin and weak looking. He is a frail man.
Occupation: Art teacher
Family members: None (all deceased. It wasn't a big family)
Pets: None
Best friends: he would say none, but Kiki has taken that spot very fast.
Describe his/her room: So, a bit of context. He moved into a shabby apartment but mid story was forced to move again into a not-as-shabby apartment. I'll describe his old room because his current room isn't his, it's Kilians.
Quoting him: "My bedroom has a large window that looks out onto the street. Normally I would draw the curtains, which didn't happen this time. That's why I can see the first shy rays of sunlight creeping into the day. The apartment I'm currently renting consists of five rooms. The bedroom with a double bed that takes up far too much space, thanks in part to the wardrobe that will collapse on me with just a small earthquake and free me, a bathroom that barely has room for a bathtub, a living room furnished with a beige couch that I doubt was the original color, a small TV that I'm afraid to turn on and, last but not least, the small kitchen where I recently tried to make a coffee with shaky hands and the flame of the stove almost burned my face."
Way of speaking: Polite, tries to never raise his voice.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): He avoids eye contact and often walks with his head down. When he's stressed, his right hand tends to cramp, so you may see him subtly massaging it. He also tends to have twitching hands when he feels the need to draw something to calm down. He is developing a hunchback by always walking with a hunched posture to subconsciously make himself smaller.
Items in his/her back pocket/ purse: A small pocketsized sketchbook with a tiny pencil (he draws to calm himself down.) And his phone and wallet.
Hobbies: Drawing.
Favorite sports: None.
Abilities/Talents/Powers: Drawing
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): He tries not to interact with other people, but when he does, he tends to not hold eye contact for too long. He is rather submissive, not wanting to anger anyone.
Fears: Being looked at, making mistakes, angering other people, people thinking he is insane.
Fault: He is very paranoid and does not trust at all. He always thinks the worst and often doesn't give the other person a chance to explain. He can be very petty.
Good points: He is very gentle with children. He loves children because he feels safe around them.
What he/she wants more than anything else: To be left alone and to get rid of the crushing guilt he feels after surviving the car accident that killed his parents.
Tagging with no pressure @theink-stainedfolk , @inseasofgreen , @katenewmanwrites , @kaeru483 , @happypup-kitcat24 and open tag~
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boringkate · 9 months
I watched Lena Dunham's Sharp Stick (2022) with a babe last month. Which I absolutely loved!!!
It's never explicitly acknowledged, but the main character is clearly supposed to be (despite the producers claiming otherwise) in some way neurodivergent. Or something. She's meek and impossibly sexually naive (to the point where me and the girl I watched it with had initially assumed the character was intended to be a child). Apparently they had approached an autism sexuality advocate to work as a consultant for the film before backpeddling.
Trans girls tend to be autistic.
The main character also had a hysterectomy (as did Lena Dunham).
Trans girls tend to be infertile.
She's shown taking estrogen.
Trans girls tend to take estrogen.
She becomes obsessed with porn and begins having one night stands with random men from the internet in hopes of finding validation by proving her sexual desirability.
Trans girls tend to do that shit.
It ends with her realizing and leaning into her impregnation fetish (while getting fucked by the one black guy she knows who had just brought over some 40s and called them homies and also while her black step sister's hands unexpectedly drift in from off screen to hold her because even when she managed to push it off to the last second Lena Dunham is incapable of being chill and normal about race).
Trans girls can't go ten seconds without making the same joke about how if you don't think you can get a trans girl pregnant then you just aren't trying hard enough (and the frequent fetishization of black men in trans and especially neighboring sissy communities can't really be denied).
Also the bartender is played by Tommy Dorfman (a trans woman) with it being her first time playing a character with a girl name.
But I'm not trying to suggest it's intentionally a movie about the tgirl excperience. That would be silly. Really the takeaway should be that (no matter how varied women's lives may be) we (trans women and cis women etc) can still always find common ground and shared excperiences. We're all in this together.
But anyways I was looking at Lena Dunham's Instagram yesterday (I've been off and on again rewatching Girls, so she's stayed on my mind).
One post features the music video she directed starring famed trans girl Hari Nef.
Another post shows that she recently read trans boy Elliot Paige's memoir Paige Boy.
Another post shows a conversation she had with Jon Bernthal (on his podcast) where she explains the word cis to him and talks about having also explained it to her husband (this is the only clip from her appearance on the podcast that she chose to post).
BTW did you know that she was an executive producer for the 2021 show Genera+ion (which I recall featuring a trans boy actor playing a cis boy character who gets a girl pregnant).
Meanwhile. Ten years earlier. In 2013 (a year into my transition and a year before Time declared that we've reached the trans tipping point) an episode of Girls features a doorman telling one of the titular Girls that "a tranny walked in last time and he was just walking around the floors, but it was nothing." (lmao)
UPDATE: s05e02 features a "did you just assume my pronouns" bit. (in a way that felt reactionary and gross because the theyfab saying it was an absurd hipster barista that the audience isn't intended to sympathize with)
UPDATE UPDATE: s06e02 features the leader of a group for women entrepreneurs saying "For those of you asking on our Facebook if the group is open to trans women: The answer is: We don't know. Okay?" (which I thought was fun)
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: s06e03 (the literal next episode) "I even went to a couple of hookers and one of them had a dick."
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navnae · 2 years
For the past few months Steve has been going on and on about a girl he’s seeing, well that’s what he told his parents. Steve didn’t really know how to tell his parents that he liked men and women while also having a metal head boyfriend as well. It seemed like a lot for him to tell them in one day but eventually he had to.
“Steve you’re making me nervous.” Eddie said while watching his boyfriend walk back and forth in his trailer. He understood for some people that their families weren’t supportive of how they live their lives and who they live it with. Eddie never had to deal with that because his uncle supported him no matter what and treated him the same way. Steve on the other hand was new to being in a steady relationship and dating a guy for the first time, Eddie had to let him deal with it all the best way could find.
“I’m sorry,” Steve stopped in front of Eddie who was sitting on the couch. He had all these images in his head about what could happen when he finally tells them. What will they think? What would his dad think? He quit basketball a few years earlier and that really pissed him off for awhile, Steve could only imagine the insults about how he wasn’t participating in sports because he became a “sissy” or he was influenced by kids at school. “I just want them to support me, support us.”
“Hey. Come here.” Eddie pulled Steve onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist giving him a tight squeeze in the process. Eddie caressed the side of Steve’s cheek, a light pink appearing on them. He something in Steve that he’s never seen before and it made his chest tighten. Fear was all over Steve’s face with tears forming in his eyes.
“Eddie, what if they hate me or tell me that I’m a mistake? I don’t think I can handle-“ Steve started to ramble and the tears just came running down his face. He started breathing heavily as his thoughts completely consumed him. Eddie pulled him closer and let him lay his head on his chest. He gently brushed Steve’s hair with his fingers trying to calm him down.
“Everything is going to be ok. They’re still going to love you Steve, look at me.” Eddie lifted Steve’s head so their eyes met. His big brown eyes were filled with tears and he struggled to keep eye contact.
“And if they don’t that’s on them. I love you and nothing or no one is going to change that.” Eddie spoke softly. Steve started to calm down a little after being reassured by Eddie’s words. Maybe he was overthinking everything and his parents would love him still. Steve admired Eddie’s delicate nature when he comforted him. He tucked a strand of loose hair behind Eddie’s ear and took in all of the beauty of his boyfriend.
“What did I do to deserve you.” Steve said softly while tracing over Eddie’s tattoos that were on his arm. Eddie took Steve’s hand and placed it near his mouth to give it small kisses.
“Being your authentic self made me fall for you and I’m not sure I’ll ever stop.” Eddie leaned in and captured Steve’s lips. They kissed each other slowly, letting their movements stay at a gentle pace. It felt like the first time when they kissed during a firework show during the Fourth of July. A spark began between them that day and they’ve been together ever since, truly young love.
“I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you too.”
Today was the day that Steve was going to tell his parents about his relationship with Eddie. He prepared himself for the worst that could happen and Eddie scolded him about doing so. They got dressed for the evening to have dinner with Steve’s parents. Eddie thought it would be a good idea to be present when Steve explained to his parents about their relationship.
Steve thought it would’ve been better if it happens gradually but Eddie said there wouldn’t be a better time then to do this now. It felt like ages when when Steve finally pulled up to his parents house and he saw the house lights on. Eddie held his hand, squeezing it tightly to reassure him again that everything will be alright.
Both of them walked towards the front door hesitating on who should knock first. Steve was the one to knock since he was going to be the one doing most of the talking. The door opened and Steve’s dad was the first person Steve had to deal with first. His dad had a confused look on his face before quickly giving a small smile to both boys.
“Long time no see son.” Steve’s dad joked but it was obvious that he was trying to understand the situation at hand. He wanted to say more to Steve, instead he silently let both of them inside the house. Steve noticed the way his dad was looking at Eddie and his stomach was already turning with fear. His mom swiftly entered the living room making the vibe kind of brighter. She hugged Steve so tight that he didn’t think that she would ever let him go.
“My baby boy, I’ve missed you so much. Oh… excuse my manners, hello.” Steve’s mom reached her hand out to shake Eddie’s hand. Eddie shook her hand and showed a charming smile.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Eddie.” Eddie introduced himself. He didn’t show any signs of nervousness around Steve’s parents and that made Steve feel better about tonight. She kept her smile but now she was the one with a confused look on her face.
“Steve you didn’t tell us you were bringing a friend.” Steve’s mom said in a sweet tone even though those words weren’t meant to be. His dad chimed in almost immediately after looking somewhat angry.
“We said this was going to be a family night. You’re mother prepared a meal that would only be able to feed me, her, you and your girlfriend that you said you were bringing.” Steve’s dad made sure to glare at Eddie as he spoke. Steve knew it was time to step in because he refused to let his dad try to make Eddie feel bad in any type of way.
“There was a change of plans because,” Steve paused to look at his parents and Eddie. His heart was beating so fast as he prepared what he was going to say. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”
Steve’s parents were shocked to hear him say that. Steve hated that he lied to them for so long but he was trying to find the appropriate time to tell them. Eddie looked at Steve and gently rubbed his back, ignoring the looks that his parents were giving him.
“For awhile I was dating someone and it was never “the perfect girl” that you guys imagined, instead I met the perfect boy,” Steve held Eddie’s hand while trying to ease his nerves.
“Mom, dad, I have a boyfriend and he’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Steve finally got the words out of his mouth. He felt his body get lighter after being able to express his feelings after several months of hiding them. Eddie was proud of Steve for doing something so major even though it scared him to death and he didn’t know what the outcome was going to be.
Steve’s parents are silent for awhile as they looked at their son and his boyfriend that they were just finding out about. Steve’s mom walked over to Eddie and pulled him into an embrace. She started to tear up as she held him in her arms.
“Thank you for making baby happy.” She whispered so only Eddie could hear. Eddie wasn’t an emotional guy but right now he wasn’t too far from tearing up either. She pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes.
“You’re not mad?” Steve asked her just like he was a child. She laughed at his cuteness and shook her head. He hugged his mom tightly when she got closer. She kissed the top of his forehead once they separated. Steve was feeling good until he realized that his dad hadn’t said anything for the past few minutes. Steve’s dad walked towards him and lolled at him. Steve wasn’t in the mood to argue but if he had to he wasn’t going to back down.
“Steve,” he began to speak with a serious tone. Steve waited for the insults to come out and disrupt the peace. He clenched his fist as his dad stood in front of him.
“If that’s all can we please eat the food now I’m starving.” Steve’s dad joked and gave him a pat on the back. Eddie and Steve looked at each other being completely speechless. His dad sat at the kitchen table and started to eat. “Hey guys! The food is still warm, let’s have a nice family dinner shall we.”
“Told you.” Eddie pulled Steve in for a kiss and they went into the kitchen a joined his parents for dinner.
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faghubby · 11 months
Happily married
I stood in the kitchen doorway and watched from across the room as he slid his hand over my wife's ass. I had met him only once before but knew he had been fucking my wife for several months now. The scene made me excited since almost everyone we knew was there. Family, friends, Co workers. We always threw a party for Halloween it wasn't necessarily a Halloween party as much as a preamble to the holiday season. As I watched this man secretly flirt and touch Kelly, I felt a hand on the small of my back.
"Wondering if she will ever fuck you again?" Tim whispered in my ear. I froze as his hand slid down cupping my ass.
"After dinner you're going to take me somewhere and suck my cock. While all your friends and family listen" he said. His hand massage my ass.
"Look at him wondering around with your wife, think she is introducing him as her lover"Tim continued. Just as my sister walked over to me.
"There you are hiding?" Linda said.
"No not all, have you met Tim?" I said introducing him. Tim stepped out and shook her hand. Tim took Linda arm and led her away talking about the new lights he had installed for us in the dining room. The party continued and me and Kelly exchanged looks a few times but where never together. Other then when we welcomed everyone to our home. I lost track of her for awhile but we did have almost 100 people wondering around. That is until Kelly came up to me and suddenly kissed me. I tasted her lovers cum as she fed it to me.
"Such a good sissy bitch" she whispered in my ear. If I had not been wearing the special panties with a built in gaffe. The whole room would of know I had an erection. Well not the whole room. Kelly did cuckold me because I was too small to please her. But she also liked me to always wear very tight pants. To show off my sexy bubble butt.
"Do you know how many in this room know you like to suck dick?" She asked me. I didn't not really I knew a few. But knew she had told more. Just then my phone vibrated. It was Tim. When he called a pic of his cock appeared on my phone. I always worried someone would see. Text read Master bedroom now. I kissed Kelly and made my way upstairs. As I entered Tim stood there naked. He pointed to the floor and I dropped to my knees. He approached his cock swinging between his legs.
"Make it hard" he ordered I instantly started to kiss and lick his cock. For the past 2 months I had sucked his cock at least a dozen times.
Kelly had hired him to seduce me. At least that's what she always told me. That fact he was an electrician was a bonus. He grew hard in my mouth.
"I know Kelly already gave you your oral dose of cum, so this one is going in your ass" Tim told me. I was so nervous someone would hear him he wasn't trying to be quiet. He pulled me to my feet. I quickly disrobed. And stood before him in a pink thong and a corset. With stockings. He laid me on the bed. I spread my legs. As he applied lube. He then pushed his hard cock in my ass. I let out a moan as he did. He put my legs on his shoulders as he fucked me.
"You love this don't you, you are such a little faggot." Tim told me. Tim was gay sure but he had never taken anything up his ass he swore. Well besides my tounge a few times. He had sucked some cock. But preferred to fuck little sissy bitches as he put it. He was a machine sawing my ass with his thick 8 inch cock. I was trying to be quiet but the more I tried the harder and faster Tim fucked me. He finally stiffened and filled my ass with his cum.
"Why don't you put on something alittle sexier" Tim went to my closet he pulled out a clean pink lace thong with matching bra. He then handed me a pair of woman's slacks with a zipper on the side. He allowed me to keep on my dark colored shirt to hide the bright colored bra. Tim led me back to the party. Kelly saw us.
"Don't you look hot" Kelly giggled her hand ran across my ass. Tim pulled me to a corner he unzipped my pants and slid his hand into my pants rubbing my hard dick.
"Tim I am going to " I said resting my head on his shoulder. Tim stopped leaving me wanting, he pushed his fingers in my mouth so I could taste my precum. I opened my eyes to see. My neighbor. Kathy walking in the room. She was a bit startled by what she saw prehaps more embarrassed. Tim smiled at me, he loved to expose me. I wanted to chase after her, try and explain. But my pants where still unzipped and Tim still held me.
"Let her run off and tell kelly" Tim told me. I so wanted to cum. "Kelly and I think you shouldn't cum anymore" Tim told me. We had discussed this before. Kelly had wanted to lock me in chastity. Tim had convinced her he could use humiliation to a much more satisfactory effect.
"Tim please"
"Why don't you call me sir" he said. My pants had settled down a bit more.
"Sir may I cum please" I begged.
"You want me to what bend you over right here in this room and fuck you right now?" Tim asked. I didn't he knew that. He grabbed, my thong and yanked it up so my whale tail would show. Then let me fix my pants but not my panties.
"Go ask your wife if it would be okay if you spent the night with me in the guest room. " Tim said. I nodded and went to find Kelly. I found Kathy quietly talking with Kelly. Kelly motioned me over.
"Paulie is a sissy cuckold" Kelly explained. She saw a flash of pink and to emphasize this pulled on my exposed panties. Kathy seemed stunned by all this. Kathy left in a hurry dragging her husband out the front door.
"Kelly would it be alright if Tim spent the night?" I asked.
"Still haven't had enough , I know he already fucked you earlier" Kelly said as if wanting me to plead my case.
"Yes, Kelly" I said.
"You have become a total faggot, you know that?" I couldn't look at her. "Yes you can have a sleep over" Kelly told me. "You better do everything he asks of you" the party was just about broken up. Only our closest friends remained. Kelly was actually sitting on her lovers lap. Leaving no doubt about who she was with. Tim wrapped his arms around me from behind. Although everyone knew I found it very embarrassing.
"Paul, does Tim have a big cock?" Nina Kelly's best friend laughed at my discomfort. I didn't answer. But Tim took it as a sign to push me. He unzipped my pants again this time letting them fall around my ankles.
"Paul, please. Sorry he has become such a faggot he can't control himself around men" Kelly said in a fake state of shock. To alot of laughter. Although I was so horny my slight erection vanished. My bulge easily held in the tiny thong.
"Look how smooth he keeps his legs" Diane said actually reaching out and running her hand up my leg
"Don't get me started he spends more time in the bathroom trying to look pretty then I do" Kelly responded.
"Please sir" I begged wanting out of the room.
"Strip, down to just your lingerie. Then you can go upstairs and wait for me" he told me. I hesitated so Tim started to take off my shirt. Exposing the my bra I stood in just lingerie in front of our friends. Tim smacked my ass and I ran upstairs.
"What no kiss goodnight?" Kelly called out. I ran back kissed her quick before running out again. All to a great round of laughter. I fell on the bed crying. Tim entered a moment later.
"Enough of that" Tim pulled me up to my feet he stripped me naked. Then had me watch as he undressed.
"Do you still want to cum" Tim asked.
"No, sir" I wimpered.
"Good. Now see if you can get me hard again" he said. I sucked his cock hard, Tim had me get on my hands and knees. His cock slid in easy having been on there only about 90 minutes earlier. I didn't even try and be quiet as Tim fucked me in-between smacks to my ass.
"OH thank you,sir" I moaned. Just as Kelly walked in. Tim never stopped.
"OH my" Kelly said as she watched me get plowed, she had seen me suck a cock but never get fucked before.
"You where making so much noise" Kelly explained before she turned to leave with a smile. The embarrassment kept me soft thru it all. After Tim had pumped his seed deep in my bowels. He had me put on fresh bright pink lingerie. Stockings, garter, a thong , and bra, he added a pink collar to my neck. Before cuddling with me to we fell asleep.
Kelly woke me,
"Do you still like pussy?" She asked as she lowered herself to my mouth. Cum flowed out of her as I licked her clean. I was amazed how much there was.
"Yeah, your tounge has always been magic" she moaned. This woke Tim. He rolled to us. Kelly moaned louder. I couldn't see what they where doing but Tim was sitting up. Kelly shifted having me lick her asshole. Before she got up. I saw Tim kiss her breast one last time. Kelly left Tim pushed up my bra and kissed and sucked my nipples. I moaned. My penis leaking in my panties. Tim felt me throbbing and stoped rolled over and went back to sleep. I was in agony. But knew better then to masterbate.
I woke up late. And made my way down stairs. I found Mike shirtless making breakfast. Kelly and Tim where sitting at the table. I came in and sat down. Mike put a plate in front of me. With grapefruit And a protein shake. This was part of my very strick diet. He patted my head.
"Eat up" he said condescending
"Paul, did your new robe not fit" Kelly asked. She was talking about the silk robe she had bought me that said sissy on the back.
"It is a little short" I commented.
"Stand up" Tim ordered I did as told. He pulled off my sweat pants and tee shirt I had put on. "Well then you can just wear your underwear then" Tim told me. Mike walked up behind Kelly and slid his hand down the front of her shirt. Exposing her breast as he did.
"Why do you tease him so" Kelly laughed. KissingMike. After breakfast both Mike and Tim had to go. Leaving me and Kelly alone. I cleaned up.
"Tim wants you to come out fully. You know" Kelly commented.
"Stop wearing men's things, stop pretending" Kelly added. We had discussed this before she knew I wasn't truly gay, I was submissive to almost everyone. Although I was terrified when Tim exposed me. I found it exhilarating. Kelly pulled on the ring attached to my collar.i had forgotten I still wore it.
"This is new" Kelly smiled. I blushed.
"Mike gave me jewelry" Kelly bent a little showing me she wore no panties and had a jeweled plug in her ass.
"Get dressed we can get our nails done" Kelly told me
"I should get to work today" I commented.
"Your the boss, assign someone" she said flashing me her ass. I ran after her. We showered together. Washing each other. I got an erection but Kelly ignored it. Kelly picked out a dress for me to wear. She sat me down and adjusted a wig on my head and did my make up. All while she was naked.
"No panties" she said lifting my dress. She did slip breast forms in my bra . "I know what you need" she produced a matching plug, bent over and let her insert it. She drove, I can't drive wear heels. She took my hand and led me into the salon. We had done this before. But I was still nervous. We sat and had a mani/pedi. And gossip with the girls.
"Paula here has the quietest guy, I hear he has a big one too" Kelly giggled. The girls looked at me to confirm. I just turned red and loomed away.
"OH that confirms it" one of the girls laughed. Kelly lifted my dress. The girls laughed historically. After that they decided I need fake nails as long as they could make them along with bright colors and pretty designs. They drew a penis on each big toe nail.
"You know, I am never going to let you go back to being a man. you belong to men now" Kelly told me. Her hand slid under my dress at a stop light. She rubbed my soft penis.
"You don't even get hard for me anymore" she told me. "Any man I choose for you" Kelly told me. She drove me home.
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bunniekittiee · 1 year
In honor of national boyfriend day, here are the much sweeter (also a little nsfw) Johnny Slaughter headcanons for y’all:
Being Johnny Slaughter’s s/o:
Very chaotic, there are many ups with just as many downs.
But that’s not what we are here for!
When he’s not in a murderous mood, he enjoys snuggling, especially when it’s cold.
He likes being close to you no matter what.
Goes hand in-hand with his possessiveness.
When it comes to your birthday or Christmas, Johnny doesn’t know what to exactly get you.
Like he knows he should probably not get anything because he shouldn’t be soft on you, but he makes an effort anyways.
It will all range from stuffed animals, to makeup, to perfume and lotion, to blankets.
Asks Sissy for help and she will go with him into the city to get your gifts.
She loves doing it though, she has a lot of fun.
If you drop hints at him about things you want, he will definitely keep it in mind when he goes out.
Will buy you gifts even if it’s not a special occasion, but it’s not that often.
But with that, 99.9% of the time he pays for everything.
Whether it’s dinner, clothes, little things you want when you both go out, or just about anything else, he will pay for it and will smack your hand if you try to pay.
Plus he likes to see your smile when you are holding what you want.
Does expect a blowjob later though, it comes with a price.
I headcanon that Johnny is a guitar player and plays in his free time.
When he plays, he is in his own world.
So if you try talking to him, he is going to look at you blankly as he’s playing. No thoughts behind those eyes, just pure guitar.
If you ask him to repeat anything you said, he can’t do it for the life of him.
He just wasn’t paying attention.
Will play louder to drown out your talking which gives you the hint to be quiet.
He’s not doing it to be a jerk, he just wants to hear the lovely sound of his Les Paul over your jabber jaws.
It’s better to go to Nubbins and/or Chop Top if you want to talk while Johnny is playing. They can talk your ear off.
Usually does not like his hair to be touched, but he makes an exception with you. It just depends on his mood.
Do not pull on his hair, he will have a fit.
Loves watching movies and cuddling. Especially if there’s snacks and hot chocolate if it’s cold.
But he is tired often, so he will fall asleep most of the time.
Will give you sleepy kisses to ensure your happiness.
He likes being festive even if he says it’s stupid.
Loves Halloween and he gets excited with Bubba.
All three of you will carve pumpkins together and Bubba is super happy! He likes you a lot, he thinks you’re sweet.
Maybe too sweet for ol’ Johnny Boy.
Johnny loves it when it rains outside and it’s gloomy.
He feels like a certain vigilante man that we know of.
But he also loves staying inside and napping with you during these days.
Will sleep almost all day with you.
When you started dating him, you had to fix up and improve his bedroom because it was not as… welcoming.
He may have put effort into his appearance and hygiene, but he did not do it for his bedroom.
So you had to help him out, you cleaned it up with him and got him a much more comfortable set up.
Went from a dungeon ass bedroom to a comfortable, warm bedroom that you both could enjoy.
Lots of blankets and pillows.
He complained about it but secretly he liked all the blankets and pillows. It improved his quality of sleep.
May act like he hates it, but when you shower his face in lots of kisses, it makes him feel really good.
It makes him feel loved, he could sit there and take all of your kisses for hours. He would not care.
He thinks it’s sweet that you love him so much despite how much shit he’s done.
Nothing will change Johnny’s nature, but he wishes he could change it for you.
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moistmailman · 1 year
Skyrim AU part 2
*In village*
Cardin, boastfully: Think about it. A child from the Winchester bloodline and the dragonborn would make a fierce warrior one day. Please accept my Amulet of Mara so we can wed.
Pyrrha, trying to be polite: That seems lovely and all, but unfortunately I'm already married at the moment.
Cardin, wide eyed: What? who in the gods managed to steal your heart?
Pyrrha, scratching the back of her head: It's kinda a long story actually, but it was actually my healer, Jaune. Of the Arc family.
Cardin, scoffing: Jaune? He's not a warrior! He's a shame to his entire bloodline! Choosing restoration magic over a sword and shield. He's only an arc by name, and nothing else! You can do so much better than him!
Pyrrha, frowning angrily: I'm pretty sure the arc family would heavily disagree with that. A man's worth isn't tied to his fighting prowess either.
Cardin: That's the problem with Skyrim nowadays. Raising men into cowardly sissies.
Pyrrha, frowning deeper: I wouldn't label a man who travels with a woman who slays dragon as a 'coward'.
Cardin, frowning: I would. He doesn't even help you fight them. Only a coward would allow a lady such as herself to fight a beats as frightening as a dragon.
Pyrrha, gritting her teeth:......please stop insulting my husband. I don't take kind to it.
Cardin, boastfully: You may not like it, but it's the truth. You deserved a man who will fight your battles for you and not hide behind your back like a bitch.
*meanwhile at the Arc Manor in the village*
Mama Arc, smiling happily: I cant believe my little boy managed to get married to such a beautiful woman!
Jaune, blushing: Don't embarrass me in front of her when you meet her! She's already out of my league in the first place!
Mama Arc, frowning: None sense! There's not a woman in Skyrim that's too good for an Arc!
Jaune: Even the dragonborn?
Mama Arc:.....s-still not good too good for-
*suddenly a loud and violent 'FUS ROH DUH' is heard in the distance, shaking the entire village*
Mama Arc: The hell was that?
Jaune, nearly falling over: Is Pyrrha fighting a dragon or something? What the hell-
*Suddenly Cardin crashes from the roof of the house completely unconscious*
Mama Arc:.......did your wife just attack a winchester?
Jaune. awkwardly:....appears so.
Mama Arc:......I like her.
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