#they escaped prison had a shouting match with each other and ended up hugging/crying
epicfirestormer · 2 years
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tryingtodescribe · 3 years
The Color Black
Colors were always associated with feelings since a young age. Yellow indicated happiness was surrounding me, red was what clouded my eyes when all I felt was anger, blue danced across my vision when the world seemed to crumble at my feet, the only color I never had the pleasure of meeting was black. It had no meaning in my world, I always felt like there was no reason for me to ever try to understand the color that was commonly attached to the feelings of darkness, emptiness, and a broken spirit.
That was till I actually had the chance to sit within myself and understand the depth of those feelings and that the meaning was just the peak of it’s understanding. That even beauty grows out of the darkest of nights, no matter how much surrounds you and how crushed you feel, there is always a small chance that something can grow from that feeling and turn into a new chapter. 
The  night it happened was one I will never forget. It made me remember all the times that the color black had lingered on the edge of my life, how it stayed a good distance as if telling me “now is not the time my child, soon I will introduce myself, but now is another’s time to shine” as she stepped back just out of reach to let another color take her spot. Those times when I thought it was black, were actually blue, red, and sometimes a mix of the two whom I associate with purple. Because even during those hard times, black knew that she wasn’t the color I needed to see.
She didn’t fight for control over me like the other colors did, nor did she show herself in all her glory when I first met her. Black waited for her time to control, she spoke comforting words and listened as my heart sank to the floor. She reminded me of a friend, someone I could turn to when nothing seemed right, it felt like she had known me for so long and could understand everything before I even told her what transgressions I faced. Black gripped my hand and raised me from the ground after blue stomped on my heart, and left me a crying mess on the floor. She brought ointment after red’s fiery grasp held me by my throat for so long that I swore it left a handprint. She sat in the shade when yellow danced me across the days of my life when things were great, and not once did she complain, and not once did I know that she was the color black.
But when she introduced herself, it was the most freeing time I had in a while. It wasn’t like how blue would crash down on me like the waves of an ocean looking to drown every ship in its waters, or like the rolling clouds of a terrible red storm looking to leave destruction after it’s end. No... black was a comforting color: when her silk like voice whispered to me guiding me through the darkness, how her cold hand reached across the veil to show she had no ill intentions, she beckoned me closer just on the brink of her edges before engulfing me completely.
When her cold hands slipped across my eyes, I felt like I could truly see. She showed all the wrongs that I had endured, all the times I let things slip past for the sake of keeping a calming atmosphere, and all the times others transgressions had cracked my barriers. She reintroduced me to those memories, saying how she had tried to heal what she could and left a temporary fix on those that she couldn’t heal just right. Like a fairy godmother that appeared when I needed her most, she showed me that she was always there watching over me and helping me remain sane through the most troubling of times. I never associated those times with black, I always thought they were assigned to another color due to the feelings I had during those moments. And black reassured me, that I was in fact right of those feelings because they didn’t break me the way that this time did.
The night my face illuminated from the artificial light of a cell phone. Black arose from her seat behind the curtains, gesturing to the other colors to sit down, because she knew from the sigh that escaped my lips that this was when I needed her most. Even when red stormed my mind, sinking his fangs into my throat to spit venom so acidic that it left craters in my opponent. When blue crashed into my heart and lungs like a freight train, demolishing any lingering feelings I had for you or any air that held onto hope that those messages didn’t mean what I knew they meant. Black stood right on the edge of the water, hand extended out to me who still stood on the sandy beach, looking for a glimpse of yellow in the storm that surrounded me. With tears in my eyes I leapt into her comforting arms hoping that it would bring me some type of relief.
She turned into the night sky as we traveled through the dim lit streets as you attempted to find a solution. Comforting me with just her presence as you screamed harsh nothings, cried fake sorrows, and stumbled across an explanation that I never wanted. Hearing those things only made my colors grow stronger, and like the night sky the color black just awoke with every lie that snaked its way out of your mouth and into my mind. How beautiful she looked as her sharp claws picked up the broken feelings that tore through me from the crumpling world that was once filled with pink love. She picked up those broken pieces dusting them with a starry black night before building her empire, to sit and bask in while the world I built with you continued to concave on itself from the words you spoke.
I never felt the way I felt that night. No memory even came close to the swirl of emotions going through my body, and every time I saw you it was like looking at the shadowy form of a person I once thought I knew every color to. When blue begged for me to go home and was met with shouting, red took over and matched your energy. Not once caring about the way our colors clashed and mixed, how those mixing colors were affecting the new canvas that was our son who I prayed would never have to hear these colorful conversations. How your red held me in the car every time I tried to get out, or how you fought me to keep my seat belt on when I tried to take it off in order to escape the cramped feeling of that car that night.
When I finally was able to get out of that car, blue swarmed my eyes. Spilling through my tears as she washed my face clean of all the kisses and touches you left on my skin over the years. Red roared in my mind as I cursed you a fate worse than the torment that you put me through all of these years. But black, oh how black escaped my body, she stood side by side with me and lifted my head reminding myself that there was no reason to hang my head as if I was the one in the wrong in this situation. She squared my shoulders, helped me put one foot in front of the other, and gave me the final push it took to finally walk away from the loving feeling I once fought so hard to protect. She freed me from the armor I had set myself up in, replaced the shield I used to defend a dying love, with a dagger to kill off any lingering feelings I might still have for you. She freed me from a prison I didn’t even know I was in.
Even when you stood in front of me with tears in your eyes, and pink on your tongue I knew that those colors weren’t going to trap me again. I watched as you pushed our floating ships further and further away from each other with all the nonsense you spoke. The color black set her clawed hands on my back, strengthening my spine so that I would not bow to your power any longer. She kept my head held high, sharpening my gaze to show me that I was and will always be above you because even though we had different lives there was no reason for you to turn out as colorless as you did. The power I had when the stubborn green vines broke free from the ground, and wrapped around my feet and legs, grounding me to my spot proving that I would not move one step from the boundary that I had finally created for myself.
The color black united all my colors, as she stood side by side with me, did I realize there was no reason for me to understand the depth that is the feeling associated with her color. There was no reason because I had always known the color black, because she always stood behind me never too far from reach. She was the color of my shadow, the shade I hid in when the day was a little too yellow, the piece of rock I managed to grasp on when blue felt like drowning me, and the cave I hid in when the red storms wreaked havoc in my mind. The color black needed no introduction because she was with me since the beginning, and only she knew how to help me escape from the color pink that had led my life for several years.
The color black had no meaning in my world, but meant the world to me. She showed me that true colors, even the most alluring of them were associated with her in some way, shape, or form. Now no matter what I feel I always know that somewhere in the background the color black is pulling some strings for me. And even though she is still attached to the feelings of darkness, emptiness, and a broken spirit. I also learned that she has some powerful beauty to her as well. And because of that awakening I am no longer worried about the days that might seem a little gray or if I see black lingering just out of my reach. Because I know that when she does decide to stretch her arms out to me I will always welcome her with a warm hug, the color black to me will always be a sign of a new beginning and the end of a rough path.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Home - Chapter 8
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Home: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Word Count:  1572
Warnings:  Angst, parenthood, sexual manipulation, action, injuries, underage drinking and drug-taking.
Synopsis:  16 Years after the death of Daisy, Steve and Bucky have successfully raised two teenage kids with telepathy. Teens are never easy to live with though. Sarah in particular likes to test boundaries. Now on top of all the usual challenges of parenting, they have to deal with troublemaking demigods, a daughter who just wants to be accepted for who she is and running the Avengers. That’s when the children of other super-powered individuals start going missing.
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Chapter 8
Sarah woke groggy, with her head pounding. It took a minute for her eyes to focus and for the confusion of what happened to clear. When it did she was first aware of how quiet her mind was. It had never been so clear before. It scared her and made her feel so alone that it hurt. She started to cry without even knowing what she was crying about.
She then became aware there was the sound of someone else crying nearby. She sat up and the room span. When everything finally steadied she looked around her. She was in a cell. It was modern and white. The bed wasn’t so much a bed as a white metallic bench. There was also a toilet. Three of the walls were solid white, no window just a small vent on the top of the back wall. The front of the cell was made of white bars.
Sarah staggered towards them and tried to used her strength to pull it open.
“Don’t bother.” A voice from the cell opposite. A young girl of around twelve stepped forward. She wore simple white cotton pants and a matching singlet. Her curly black hair hadn’t been brushed in weeks and it made her look wild.
“Danielle?” Sarah said.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Danielle replied.
“I thought you were dead.”
“Shit. So they’re not even looking for us?” Danielle snarled. Whoever it was that was crying started crying louder. “Shut up, May Day.”
“May Day?” Sarah called out, peering down the side of the bars as best she could. She couldn’t see much but there were other cells in the hall. At least five on each side of a hall.
“Sarah?” May Day called back. “I want my Mommy.”
“I know. We’ll get back. I promise.” Sarah said.
Danielle let out a sarcastic laugh. “How do you think that’s going to happen? Haven’t you noticed? They turned off our powers. If everyone thinks we’re dead, who’s coming for us?”
“They turned off our abilities?” Sarah asked confused. “How? Who did?”
Danielle shuddered. “They put something in our necks. I was awake the whole time because of what I am. They shot me and I didn’t think they could do that. It hurt so much. Then they cut me open while I was still hurting from the bullet. When they put the thing in my neck, my powers just shut off and they knocked me out. When I woke up the bullet was gone.”
“Who are they, Dani?” Sarah asked.
“How am I supposed to know?” Danielle shouted. “There’s so many of them. They keep telling us they’re going to hurt us more if we don’t do what they say. They make us watch these videos and they do all these tests on us. Is this our life now?”
“We’re going to get out, Danielle. I promise. My dads run the Avengers. You think they will give up looking for me? Even if they can’t find us, we’re far from helpless. I can fight even without my powers.” Sarah said.
Danielle started laughing and Sarah could hear May Day’s sobbing pick up in the cell next to her.
The door opened at the end of the hall and four men marched to Sarah’s cell.
“Step back from the bars.” One of the men barked.
Sarah took a step backward and clenched her fists. The men slid the door open, one pulled out handcuffs and went to grab Sarah’s wrist. Her training went into action. She flipped him over her head and kicked him in the throat. Two of the other men came for her one hit her with a taser and while she tried to shake it off he shoved her face-first into the wall.
“Oh, you gotta little fight in you, princess.” He growled into her ear. His hand slid up her side and squeezed her breast. “I’m going to like taking that from you.”
Sarah lashed out, hitting him in the chest. As he staggered back she kneed him in the groin. He dropped to the ground and she kicked him. “Touch me again, asshole.” She screamed.
The butt of a rifle struck her on the back of the head. Everything went black.
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The Avengers briefing room was buzzing. Steve sat at the head of the table rubbing his eyes.  Carol, Tony, Peter, Bruce, Wanda, Sam, Jessica, and Luke all sat around it arguing with each other, while Bucky and Jamie paced up and down the room.
“If someone says we look at the known Hydra bases one more time I’m going to lose my shit.” Sam snapped. “There are no known Hydra bases. We thought we’d wiped them out already.”
“A fully operational Hyrda base would be using a lot of energy,” Bruce said. “If we were to use the satellites to find any anomalous energy hotspots around the globe?”
“FRIDAY?” Tony barked.
“Right away, Mr. Stark.” The building’s AI responded.
“What if she’s already dead? I can’t feel her anymore. I’m really scared.” Jamie said, rubbing his temple. Ever since he lost contact with Sarah he’d felt like a part of him was missing. It made him feel sick and he’d been fighting off low-level nausea ever since.
Bucky put his hand on Jamie’s shoulder. “We’re not going to give up looking for her either way.”
Steve looked over at Bucky. “Buck, when you were in Hydra, how did they control Daisy?”
Bucky collapsed down into one of the chairs and ran his hands through his hair. “I wasn’t even awake for most of that, Steve. I’m not sure I can help.”
“Whatever you can remember. Anything at this stage could help.” Steve said.
“Well, I think a lot of it was she was worried about me. I know she kind of did what she wanted a lot. I don’t think she was in complete control of her powers back then and you know she wasn’t ever as powerful as Sarah is anyway.”
“Well, that was helpful.” Jessica scoffed.
“I told you I couldn’t remember much.” Bucky spat back.
“Buck, is there anything else?” Steve asked.
Bucky closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. The memory of waking up in her room and how thick the door was. How Daisy had said she was a prisoner too, but she wasn’t strong. So why was the door so thick? “I think they must have kept her in a room that was lined in something that damped her powers. The door to her room was so thick. I couldn’t break it open. Why would it be so thick for a girl who wasn’t even particularly strong.”
“FRIDAY, narrow your search to structures with unusually thick walls at least somewhere within them,” Steve said.
“Right away, Captain Rogers.”
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Sarah came to sitting upright. Her head was pounding again and when she went to move she realized her hands were locked down to the arm of the chair she was sitting in. She opened her eyes and tried to struggle free from her bonds.
“Hello, Sarah.” A warm female voice said from behind her. She craned her head around to see who was talking. A beautiful woman with pale skin and black hair walked around the front of a desk and sat down opposite her. She wore a green bodysuit that hugged her figure. “I’m sorry for the way that Agent manhandled you. He is being reprimanded. You won’t see him again.”
“Who are you?” Sarah asked.
“My name is Viper. Have you heard of me?” Viper answered.
Sarah shook her head. “Where am I?”
“Why my dear, you’re with Hydra. You know your mother grew up with us, don’t you? I met her a few times. She was very powerful. You are stronger am I correct?” She spoke like she was bored and had an accent that Sarah couldn’t quite place. Like she’d never spent long enough in one country for an accent to take hold.
“You’re going to regret taking me.” Sarah seethed. “I’m going to kill you personally.”
Viper laughed. Sarcasm dripped from the sound. “Oh, darling. What do you think you’re going to do? I turned off your abilities.”
“You think that’s going to matter? Even if my fathers never find me. And you know they will. You think I need my powers? I am going to tear your throat out with my teeth.” Sarah spat.
Viper laughed again. This time it sounded genuine. “So full of fire, young Sarah. You remind me of me. I don’t want to take it from you, but don’t think I won’t.” Viper pressed a button on a console in front of her and electricity surged through Sarah. Her jaw clenched, her teeth narrowly missing her tongue. There was so much pain, she wondered for a moment if this was how she died.
It stopped quickly and Sarah sat panting in front. “What do you want from me?”
“Just your compliance. I know it won’t come quickly. Don’t worry about that. It will come. As it will with all your little friends.” Viper replied. “You aren’t going to be found here. You can’t escape. You will break.” Viper hit a button in front of her. A group of guards filed in. “Get her out of here.” She barked at them.
Sarah struggled with them as they wrestled her into cuffs.
“Get some rest, Sarah. Your re-education starts tomorrow.”
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Half Blood, Whole Heart: Part 32
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Pairings: Jax x Reader, sister Winchester!reader- SOA/SPN Crossover
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Dean being a demon dick, smut, hate sex, angry sex, mention of cheating out of anger (that doesn’t happen), almost getting caught in a compromising position by your kid……
Word Count: 1,845
A/N: So I decided to repost my novel- the story that someone stole from my old blog and put up on Wattpad. PLEASE don’t be an asshole and steal my stories. It CRUSHED me when it happened and almost ran me off Tumblr.
Half Blood, Whole Heart Masterlist    Aesthetic by @ravenangel33​
~~~~~~ NOVEMBER 13TH 2011 ~~~~~~~~
The five month between your oldest son’s birthday and your youngest’s first went by slowly and entirely too quickly at the same time. You and Jax forced yourselves to live life as normally as possible for your sons. The two of you and Bobby agreed not to tell Opie and Lyla; she didn’t need the stress and you didn’t want Opie to have to lie to her. You tried not to think about it; tried not to worry about the unknown but you still found yourself crying yourself to sleep in Jax’s arms every night. The unknown finally made itself known the day before John’s first birthday.
“Hey have you seen this solar eclipse thing we have going on?” Lyla asked as you sat in your rocking chair on your front porch smoking a cigarette.
“Yep. Out front looking at it now.” You told your friend over the phone with tears slowly falling down your cheeks. You knew it wasn’t a solar eclipse. This was the end. 
“It’s crazy. According to the news, NASA doesn’t even know what’s going on. The moon isn’t causing it.”
“I’m sure it’s no big deal.” You lied as you tried to wipe your tears away. “Probably just some fluke thing.”
“Yea, probably. Hey, let me call you back, I have a baby on my bladder.” You let out a forced laugh and hung up the phone. Jax walked out to join you after putting your sons down for a nap. He sat down in his rocker and you immediately got up and moved to his lap wordlessly.
“What’s gunna happen?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you as close as physically possible. You shook your head before resting it on his shoulder.
“I don’t know. I think it just… ends.” He gently rocked the two of you back and forth as you watched the sun diminish quickly from the bright glowing orange light it had been all morning.
“Should we wake the boys?” Jax whispered as dusk began to settle in despite it being the middle of the morning. You shook your head.
“Let them sleep. They don’t need to see this.” You said as you buried your tear stained face in your husband’s neck. 
“I’m not done loving you yet.” He choked as his tears fell on your face. He pulled you impossibly closer as sobs wracked your bodies.
“I will never be done.” As night enveloped you, you forced your head up and cupped your husbands cheeks. “I love you, Jax.” You whispered; wanting those to be the last words he heard.
“I love you, too, (Y/N).” He replied as he tangled his hands in your hair and crushed his lips to yours. Your tears mixed together on your skin as you said good bye to the love of your life; wishing you could have just one more day with your family. Wishing that this wasn’t really happening. Wishing that it wasn’t suddenly so damn hot in the winter… You brow furrowed and you pulled away and opened your eyes as your phone rang on the table. Your eyes flew open wider to see the morning light.
“What the hell…?” You asked as you looked around while your phone stopped ringing.
“Are we dead?” Jax asked as you phone started ringing again. You reached back and grabbed it off the table. You shook your head when you saw the name on the caller ID. You put it on speaker as you stood up and looked at the sun curiously.
“Sam? What the hell…?”
“Dean stopped her.” You whipped around to look at Jax as a choked laugh escaped your lips.
“It’s over?” You asked as he jumped up from his chair and wrapped you in a hug. 
“Fuck, I love you.” He said as he crashed his lips to yours in a bruising kiss.
“Yea… sorry to interrupt guys but… De…” His words were choked off and he cleared his throat. “Dean didn’t make it out of this one and he’s… it’s the real deal this time.” You pulled back and looked at the phone in your hand as you gripped Jax’s arm for balance.
“W-what?” You stammered. “He had to have… there’s no way…”
“I’m heading to you. I’m in Louisville so I’ll be there tonight. (Y/N), I… I need you.” You nodded as tears welled in your eyes once more.
“Yea… Sammy, I’m here. We’re here for you.” Sam tried to say something but changed his mind; hanging up the phone with a sob. You looked at Jax as regret and guilt crashed down on you and your lip began to quiver.
“The last thing I said to him…” Was all you could get out before you burst into tears.
“Fuck. Baby, shhh. It’s OK.” Jax soothed as he wrapped you in his arms. “I’m so sorry, baby. He knows you love him.”
“Mommy m’eese!” Thomas cried out over the small TV you had in your kitchen while you made lunch for your sons. You forced yourself to focus on being a mother and a functioning member of society and not the fact that you had to find a way to tell your son that Uncle Dean was living in heaven with the winged dicks that you partially blamed for his death. Then again, you blamed everyone except your brothers.
“Thomas Eric, I need you to stop yelling. I promise you, you will get your mac and cheese if you just wait a minute.” 
“… Filip Telford escaped from Folsom Prison in California today after this morning’s solar eclipse knocked out the power in the prison. He is considered armed and dangerous…” You whipped away from the stove and looked at Chib’s mug shot on TV as your phone started ringing. You ran to the kitchen window as your son continued to whine about lunch and threw it open.
“Jax! Get in here; you need to see this!” You heard the rocker he was sitting in scrape across the floor as you grabbed your cell phone.
“Did you see it?” Lyla practically shouted as you rewound the news story for Jax.
“Yea. Showing Jax now. I gotta get ahold of Crowley to find him before they do. Let me call you back.”
“We’re coming over.” You heard Opie say in the back ground. You didn’t even get a chance to respond before she hung up. You pushed pause on the TV as Jax ran into the kitchen looking confused and a little panicked. 
“Look.” You said as you pointed to Chibs’ mugshot and hit play; turning up the volume to counter Thomas’ now almost screaming to get your attention and John’s cries at the noise. Behind your back, Jax grabbed a package of Oreo’s from the cabinet and gave one to each son, effectively silencing them as you single handedly finished lunch while calling Crowley.
“Well hello kitten. Haven't heard from you in a while.”
“Still having a little bit of trouble erasing mental images from my mind, sorry. Hey, I need a demon power favor.” Crowley chuckled as you grabbed a pre-made, crust free peanut butter and jelly sandwich from the fridge and put it on Thomas’ plate.
“And what would that be, dove?” You smirked, knowing he would not like your request as you put the phone on speaker and leaned back against the counter.
“First, I want you to know you are on speaker, in my kitchen and the boys are in here for lunch. Second… Chibs managed to escape from Folsom this morning. I need you…
“Over my dead body am I saving that wretched, cock sucking, dick for brains wanker!”
“Hey! Kids!” Jax shouted as he muted the TV.
“And technically, you are already dead so I guess that works too. Consider it payment for your summer of love?”
“You are a… horrible individual, (Y/N).” Crowley said as he hung up the phone. You laughed as you put the phone down on the counter down and looked at your now chocolate covered sons to see why they were so quiet.
“Really, Jackson? Oreos?” You husband looked at his sons with a look of almost pride and shrugged.
“They were hungry. Couldn’t let them starve.” You rolled your eyes as you spooned mac and cheese onto the plate with the sandwich.
“You can handle pre-nap bath time for that one then.” You said as you handed him Thomas’ plate at the same time that your entry way turned into a European screaming match.
“Take yer filthy English ‘ands of me, ye weasel-headed bastard!”
“Oi! I’m here as a fucking favor and I’m fucking Scottish, you twat!”
“Like fuckin’ ‘ell…” You went running out of your kitchen with an uncontrollable smile on your face.
“Whoa! Easy killer!” You said as you and Jax rounded the corner at the same time Opie and Lyla ran through your front door. Chibs, who was still dressed in a prison uniform, brandishing a hand made shiv looked around at the four of you in utter shock as Thomas shrieked at the sound of his uncle’s voice.
“REE!” He screamed as he came running out of the kitchen, covered in chocolate and Kraft cheese sauce.
“Who is this handsome… yet extremely dirty fella, hmm? Can’t be my little Thomas?” Crowley said as he picked up his nephew he hadn’t seen in a year. 
“Ye’s all are dead!” Chibs finally said as he looked around the room.
“Not quite. We are as dead as you will be by the end of the day, however.” Jax said as you and he looked over at Crowley. The King, feeling the eyes on him as he tried to wipe chunks of cookie out of his nephew’s hair, looked over at you with his eye brows raised.
“Was that a question…” he started. You arched your eyebrow with a small smile and Crowley groaned and rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, alright. I’ll kill the bloody cunt.”
“Language!” You snapped as Crowley walked into the kitchen with Thomas to finish lunch. 
“Bloody hell! When did this one shoot up?!” Crowley called out.
“This one?” Chibs asked as you stepped back into the kitchen to answer Crowley. 
“Our other son. Turns one tomorrow, actually. John Filip.” Jax said. You looked back at your friend as his eyes filled with tears and you nodded.
“You were there for me when we needed you. I had to honor that memory some how.” You said softly as you gestured him into the kitchen. Chibs nodded slightly as he followed you; stopping to give Jax a fast hug.
“Oh, love. It’s mini-ye.” Chibs said as he stopped next to you and looked across the kitchen at your youngest. 
“Oh no. He may look like me but that little boy is Jax’s mini. Tommy is mine.” You said as you watched Crowley airplane mac and cheese into John’s mouth. With a small smile you pat your friends shoulder. “Come on… let’s go talk.”
Part 33
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piratethornton · 6 years
Pirates of the Clawribbean
Chapter 11: The Honour of Pirates
Fandom: Zootopia
The crew of the Stampede were far too tired to notice or even care about the rabbit darting between their legs as she made her way down to the brig. She still made sure to peek around the corners, just in case Bogo was around one of them. Fortunately, her journey was unhindered but she slowed down as she neared her destination, not knowing who was in there. She didn't think there would be other prisoners, though she needed to consider the possibility of a guard. Carefully she opened the door and poked her head in.
"Hello?" she tentatively called out.
"Judy!" The pirates swarmed to the bars to get a better look.
"Are you alright?" Judy asked as she rushed over to them.
Flash raised a claw to answer her. "We...are...doing..."
"We're fine," said Finnick quickly. "As much as we can be stuck in a brig in the middle of a battle, anyway."
"What about you?" asked Honey.
"Father and I are fine. A weasel managed to break into our cabin, but we took care of him." Judy couldn't help but allow a small bit of pride enter her voice.
"Duke Weaselton," Finnick said, nodding. "Never liked him."
"You don't like anyone," said Bobby, rolling his eyes.
Judy scanned all of their faces to further reassure herself of their wellbeing. They still had the low spirits from when they had been captured earlier, but they all seemed pleased to see her. However...
"Where's Nick?"
"Gone," replied Finnick. "Said he was inspired by our stunt a few weeks back. Probably the one where we snuck aboard Boarbossa's ship."
Her eyes widened in shock. He must have managed to get aboard Boarbossa's ship somehow. That's why they stopped firing. Nick must have offered them some sort of deal. I have to help him!
"Come on! Let's get you out of here." She tugged on the cell door to test if it had any give. She stumbled back when it opened easily.
"Nick already picked the lock," explained Honey.
"Then why are you still down here?" asked Judy, confused.
The pirates looked at each other uneasily.
"The captain, like, told us to, you know?" said Yax.
"Well, let's go now!" Judy held the door wide open and gestured with her free hand. After that cell emptied, Honey made quick work of the lock on the second, and soon the entire crew was free.
"Almost everyone is in their cabins resting," Judy told them. "There may be a few sentries, so move quietly. I'll meet you on the Black Paw in a moment. I need to get something." When it was time to part ways, Judy sped off to her cabin.
She made it in good time and hastily opened the door, hoping that the weasel hadn't somehow managed to escape and attack her father. Instead, a different surprise awaited her.
"Judy! There you are!" The cheetah ran over to her and picked her up in a hug. "I went to see if you were alright, but you weren't here, but this weasel was, and - "
"Calm down, Ben," said Judy. She quickly returned the hug when she was placed back on the floor. "I'm glad you're alright, too."
"Judy, do you know what's going on?" asked her father.
"Nick managed to sneak aboard the Bloody Tusk and convinced Boarbossa to leave." Judy went to her cases and started rummaging through them.
"Captain Wilde of the Black Paw," answered Ben.
"You mean, the fox?" asked Stuart, scrunching up his face.
"Yes, father, the fox," said Judy, curtly. She pulled out the box Jack Savage had given her.
"You're leaving again, aren't you?"
The sadness in his voice had Judy's head turning towards him. He looked frightened and heartbroken.
"I have to save him, father," she said, pleading for him to understand.
Tears welled up in his eyes and he embraced her. "Don't let me lose you."
"You won't, I promise." Some loud sniffling caused the two rabbits to look up and see Ben wiping his face, failing not to cry.
Judy pulled back from her father and held his hands. "Look after each other. Give us some time and then tell Bogo about Weselton." She jerked her head to the tied up weasel, still unconscious. "He may have some useful information when he wakes up. And Ben, you remember how to get to the island and the cavern?"
Ben just about managed to nod before blowing his nose.
Judy extracted the pistol from the box and tucked it away, quickly said "I love you" and left the cabin before tears could escape her own eyes.
Caution overtook her again on deck. She could just make out a body lying on the floor which turned out to be a wolf. He was still breathing, and Judy reasoned the pirates knocked him out on their way to their ship. As she neared the Black Paw, she heard a small number of mammals moving about on it, and noticed the sails were being replaced. The two ships were tethered together with a rope, which she shimmied across without too much trouble.
"So you came back after all?" said a voice just below her when she boarded.
"Finnick?" It was hard to see in the low light, but there was no mistaking the voice. "Is everyone here?"
"Yep," answered Finnick, cutting the rope with his sword. "We're just about ready to cast off."
It was an agonisingly slow process, but little by little the Black Paw inched away from the Stampede and soon found itself a good distance away, though they waited until they had completely disappeared into the mist before they felt safe enough to talk.
"Alright everyone!" Judy marched across the deck, trying to get the crew's attention. "The Bloody Tusk headed off in that direction. We may not be able to reach them before they reach the island, but that means the ship will only have part of her crew, assuming they want to get to the treasure as soon as possible. If we drop anchor at a different side of the island, we can organise a small party to go ashore and find a way to save Nick." She turned towards them, about to ask whether they had any thoughts or ideas, but faltered when she saw a group of stunned faces staring back at her.
"We can't just go up against Boarbossa!" said Finnick. "That'd be suicide!"
Judy gaped at him. "But we have to save Nick! Who knows what's happening to him right now!"
"He made his choice. He knew what he was getting into."
"Besides," added Honey, "we're no match for that crew."
"I know we're outnumbered," began Judy, "but if we all work together - "
Finnick huffed. "Flash is a sloth, Bucky and Pronk are dunderheads, and I don't think Yax has even held a sword!"
"I'm a strict pacifist," said Yax, shrugging.
"Our only two decent fighters are Nathan and Bobby, and that's two against thirty!"
"It's all well and good attacking merchant vessels crewed by lemmings," said Honey, "but we never risk anything bigger than that if we can help it. At the end of the day...we're cowards."
Judy continued gawking in disbelief. "We - we beat him before - "
"And we almost got killed!" snarled Finnick.
"And what about Nick?" Judy shouted back. "Your Captain! Have you no honour?"
"Honour?" spat Finnick. "We're pirates!"
"He's in danger! Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
The crew shuffled uncomfortably, some of them having the decency to look shame-faced and guilty.
Judy jumped on to the bulwark and faced them with a fierce look.
"Maybe you haven't done anything like this before. Maybe you planned never to do anything like this, but life doesn't work that way. There will be times when you have to be more than you think you are, and for you, now is that time! Your Captain, your friend is in mortal danger, and only we can save him. I have seen this crew weather storms and sirens. It was thought that Captain Maul's treasure would never be found, and yet who found it? The mammals standing before me. We have done incredible things, and we can do it again. But we're not going because we can, but because we must. We don't know yet if we'll win, but the important thing is that we try. Who's with me?"
"Embleer pirates!"
Judy continued to grumble to herself as she continued rowing the longboat towards the island. She glared at the retreating Black Paw with contempt, but had to acknowledge they had been at least kind enough to take her reasonably close to the island before dropping her off. She had even been gifted some food by Yax and some musk mask from Honey, along with a blow pipe and a couple of darts laced with a sleeping agent that the badger had been saving for an emergency. They had been reluctant to let her go, but her constant shaming was soon too much to bear and they just wanted to be rid of her.
Eventually the shore became reachable, but she decided to keep circling the island until she found the Bloody Tusk. From there she wasn't entirely sure what her plan was, but kept going anyway.
"Well?" demanded Boarbossa.
Nick looked around the cavern, his eyes flitting from tunnel to tunnel. It was amazing how he was here only a short while ago, filled with brimming excitement and hope instead of encroaching dread. He briefly considered sending the boar down a wrong tunnel, but decided against it. Boarbossa would insist he lead the way down whichever path he pointed out, and he was determined to stay alive for as long as possible. He finally spotted the red paint Honey had left, but made a show of studying the markings above the tunnels before choosing. He needed to keep some sort of advantage.
"This way," he said as he moved forward.
"You're sure?" asked Boarbossa.
"Most definitely," replied Nick confidently as he entered. "You can send some of your lackeys down one of the others if you don't believe me." Boarbossa had taken most of his crew with him on this excursion, and they had been giving Nick the creeps the moment he boarded the Bloody Tusk. Any chance to lower their numbers would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, Boarbossa seemed satisfied with Nick's confirmation and they all followed the fox deeper into the labyrinth.
They continued through for some time, a few softly growling with impatience, but soon enough they came to the end. When they reached the treasure trove, Nick stepped to the side to let the others through and watched in amusement as Boarbossa and his crew stared in awe at the riches before them. One brave panther whooped and rushed forward, prompting the rest of them to follow suit. Nick hung back, wondering if he could quietly slip out when Boarbossa snorted at him to get his attention.
"You are staying with me," he stated. He jerked his head towards the open cavern and Nick took the hint, staying reasonably close while the boar wandered about the cavern, searching for something. As they travelled, Nick watched Boarbossa's crew root through the treasure, reminding him of his own crew when they had first seen it. He hoped they were OK and not doing anything foolish. Self-preservation is the way of the pirate, he told himself, before also telling himself that he was currently right next to a mammal who wanted him dead and he had chosen to be there in a desperate attempt to protect his crew. He found he didn't regret it.
He then realised they were getting close to the cursed medallion.
Before his panic had sufficient time to manifest, footsteps were heard thundering through the tunnel and a wolf burst out panting heavily.
"The ship's on fire again!"
Boarbossa's eye twitched. He whirled towards Nick, brandishing his sword. "You!"
"I had nothing to do this," said Nick, hurriedly, holding up his hands. "I've been with you the whole time."
The boar snarled in anger, then addressed his crew. "I want you all to get out and find those responsible! When you find them, kill them. And remember how you killed them, so you can tell their beloved captain later. You four!" He used his sword to point to a black bear, two tigers and a leopard. "Stay here."
The rest of his crew raced after the wolf out of the cavern. Once they were gone, Boarbossa snarled at Nick, though didn't say anything, and stomped back down the cavern once more. Nick gingerly followed, desperately trying to calm his breathing and hoping against hope his crew knew what they were doing.
Judy quickly paddled her longboat a safe distance away as she watched her handiwork from afar. She was a little disappointed that she couldn't come up with a better plan than setting the Bloody Tusk on fire again, but she couldn't fault its success. When she had eventually found it, it was just a matter of using the anchor chain to clamber up to a nearby porthole, sneaking to the gunpowder room again, lighting it, then diving out of another porthole to swim back to her longboat. Fortunately the ship had been even less guarded than before, and she was surprised Boarbossa had taken no action in protecting his ship from another explosion. The thought of treasure makes fools of us all, she thought.
Once she found a suitable hidden alcove to hide her longboat, she made her way ashore and ran into the jungle. She soon spied a wolf who was also racing through the dense foliage, occasionally stopping to sniff the air before moving on again. Deciding to trust his nose, Judy secretly followed him to the cavern's entrance and through the network of tunnels, silently thanking Honey for the musk mask. About halfway through, she veered into a different tunnel and sat inside as far as she dared go and waited. Her patience was soon rewarded when her ears picked up a large number of mammals charging through the tunnels. In their haste, they didn't see Judy hiding, and once there was silence again, she ventured out and continued towards the treasure.
Boarbossa's anger vanished once he found what he was looking for. Glinting in the torch light, the medallion grinned up at him, as if delighted to see him. As the boar reached out for it, Nick frantically searched the room for something that might help him, and his eyes fell upon an ornate sword nearby, held upright by a little mound of treasure.
"What's that, Captain?" asked one of the tigers eagerly, getting in close.
"This is the key to immortality," answered Boarbossa, taking the medallion and holding it reverently. "It protects the bearer from death, whether from age or sword."
"So...if someone took a swing at you, it wouldn't kill you?"
"That's the general idea."
The excited tiger reached his paw out. "Can I have a go?"
Boarbossa grabbed the tiger by the ear and pierced his throat with his tusks. The spluttering tiger clutched at the wound until finally falling to the ground dead.
"Oh, did you mean with the medallion?" asked Boarbossa. "My apologies." He wiped the splattered blood off the medallion and placed it around his neck. "Anyone brave enough to volunteer to test it?"
The remaining crew members shifted awkwardly and looked away, trying not to make eye contact. Nick inched ever closer to the sword.
Suddenly, there was a soft whoosh followed by a thud as the other tiger collapsed to the ground.
After a few seconds of stunned silence, the bear managed to work his mouth enough to say "What the -?" before crumpling himself.
The leopard shouted in alarm and jumped away from his fallen comrades, his sword out and his eyes searching for the perpetrator.
Boarbossa also had his sword out. "Show yourself!" he demanded.
It was Nick who found her. His wide eyes locked on hers and she smiled at him. She almost looked a little embarrassed about the situation. Judy waved the blow pipe at him and then replaced it with a sword she had taken. Nick smirked in amusement and grabbed the hilt of the sword that he was near and winked. She nodded back and moved to position herself directly behind the leopard. Once they were both ready, Nick wrenched the sword from its place and slashed furiously at Boarbossa.
The boar parried just in time, and at that same moment Judy attacked the leopard, wounding his arm. It wasn't enough to incapacitate him however, and he fought back, forcing Judy backwards.
Meanwhile, Nick and Boarbossa exchanged blows, neither one refusing to let up. Enraged, Boarbossa let out a wide swipe which was easily dodged by Nick who took the chance to mount his own attack and managed to land a heavy stab through the boar's gut. Both mammals were surprised at the lucky hit, but their eyes widened further as the wound suddenly stopped bleeding. Boarbossa touched his stomach with his free hoof to find no injury and smiled at Nick.
"Thanks for the test," he said before striking again.
Across the cavern, Judy was having problems of her own. She had never had an opponent as large as a leopard, and once more had to rely on her speed to survive. She relied on dodging more than parries as she led the large cat on a merry dance around the cave just to stay out of his reach, and she quickly realised she had to get creative if she was going to win.
She grabbed a handful of coins and threw them at the leopard's face, but these were easily blocked by his large forearm. She moved the fight to more uneven ground, hoping for an opportunity to trip him however his feline balance kept him upright. Instead, it was her own foot that caught the underside of an upturned chest. She rolled with the fall, though sadly her sword had been flung from her paw and her opponent was nearly upon her.
Spying an elephant-sized ornate spear behind the leopard, she dashed beneath his legs and jumped as high as she could and grabbed the top of the shaft. She swung herself around it once then launched herself squarely into the leopard's shocked face. He crashed to the floor, out cold.
Some distance away, Nick was starting to get worried. Or at least, a bit more worried than he had been before. He was barely holding his own against the boar, and even he could land a hit it wouldn't do much good as long as the medallion was around Boarbossa's neck. It glinted at him from the boar's chest, mocking him. But how could he separate it from its master?
A particular heavy strike caused Nick to stumble, and that was all Boarbossa needed. He grabbed the fox by the shirt and pulled him close, impaling him through the stomach. Nick felt more shock than pain, though the latter soon made itself known as the sword was withdrawn and he fell backwards, his own sword clattering beside him. His mind only just managed to register Judy's shout as his body hit the floor.
He clutched at his wound, blood staining his shirt and paw. His breathing came out in wheezes and grunts, and he looked up to see Boarbossa standing over, a wide smile on his face and his blood-soaked sword held aloft.
"I should offer you the chance to speak your final words," the boar said, readying his weapon, "but I really don't like you."
Before the boar could bring down his sword, something hit him in the chest, causing him to flinch. He raised his head to find the source and his eyes fell upon a grey rabbit, holding a recently fired pistol aimed right at his heart.
Boarbossa snorted. "Sorry to say you've wasted your shot. With my medallion, death itself cannot touch me."
"Oh, you mean this medallion?"
Boarbossa stared in horror at the medallion dangling from Nick's paw. His hooves grasped at his chest, missing a golden pendant but steadily seeping with his own blood. He gasped, his fearful face turning from his wound to the fox and then to the rabbit before he succumbed. He fell with a heavy thud and breathed his last.
Judy immediately sprinted to Nick and knelt beside him. Her paws shook as they neared the place he had been stabbed.
"Oh, Nick," she said despairingly, her eyes quickly welling up.
"It's alright, Fluff," said Nick, his voice strained. "I've had worse."
"How could you possibly have had - " Judy stopped when she noticed the wound suddenly stopped bleeding. She lifted his shirt to reveal his stomach. Before their eyes the wound shrank and soon there was no evidence he had been stabbed at all, except for the blood staining his fur.
"Wow, this thing's amazing." Nick twirled the medallion in his paw.
"I'm just glad you're OK," said Judy, her whole body sagging with relief.
Judy tried to give him an annoyed look, but couldn't help smiling back.
The glinting medallion caught her gaze. "We should probably put that back," she said. Though it had saved her captain's life, it still unsettled her.
"It's too late. I'm already cursed." Nick closed his eyes in sorrow. "I am now an undead creature of the night, doomed to walk the earth for eternity."
"My true form only revealed by the light of the moon!"
Judy finally silenced him with a swift punch on his arm, then with a sudden impulse hugged him fiercely. Nick hesitantly put his own arms around her, and they stayed like that for a few moments.
"So...where are the others?"
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sarcastic-space-gal · 7 years
Escape pt. 2
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Warning: Loki being a protective boyfriend. So much Angst, but fluffy ending. THOR RAGNAROK SPOILERS!
Word Count: 2,215 oops A/N: thank you so much for all the lovely comment in the first part, you guys are amazing!! Again sorry for my english mistakes! This is the whole thing, feedbacks are really appreciated! I hope you like it! (gif is not mine!) xoxo It was a cold night. You could hear the pitter-patter of the rain when you entered your apartment. There was something strange in the air, you couldn’t detect it however. When you passed near the mirror in the hall you stopped and sighed, then you moved your head slightly to the right. You watched that little piece of paper embedded in the frame. You turned towards it. Then you couldn’t stop it: your eyes started to fill with tears. It’s odd how a simple drawing can make someone suffer so much. Well, it was not a simple drawing…it was a little portrait of your boyfriend, Loki. You made it a little time ago, in a boring afternoon. “You’re amazing (Y/N), how can you do that?!” Loki was so excited about it, he honestly wanted to take it but you refused “I want to have it with me so I can see you even if you’re not around” you said while you giggled. He only chuckled slightly and wrapped his arms around your waist. The memory hit you like a truck. Your heart hurt. When Thor had come to inform you, weeks ago, that he was…dead, you couldn’t believe it: you felt numb, helpless, your world crashed in few seconds. The night is the worst part of the day: you’re alone with yourself and all your thoughts come to consciousness haunting your fragile, desperate, broken heart. Rivers of tears had streamed down your eyes uncontrollably for days. He was gone. Forever. Your lips began moving and shaking without your permission. You took that little drawing in your hand, slightly touching it with the other one. An hot tear slowly made his way down your cold cheek. It was painful as hell watching his face but you couldn’t move away your gaze. You left out a sob and put your hand to your mouth try not to cry out loud. And then a green light shined into your house. You quickly turned behind. “Hi sweetheart” his mischievous grin was an innocent smile “I missed you so much” You couldn’t believe your eyes: Loki was now in front of you, safe and sound like the last time you have seen him. Your hand slowly touched his cheek like he was going to break under too much pressure and fade away. “You’re here, you’re alive” you whispered between your tears. “And I’ll never leave you again”. You left out a light chuckle and jumped into his arms hugging him with all your strength. He returned the embrace burying his face in the crook of your neck,. You two stayed there for what seemed hours and then kissed like it was your last time on earth. As soon as you released the kiss another brightening light emitted into your apartment. It was Thor. “Thor! What are you doing here?” you questioned rubbing your eyes in order to remove remaining tears. “Did you tell her what did you do brother?” Thor was dead serious. “No…this…it’s not so simple!” Loki mumbled. “What are you talking about?” Loki turned his face towards you and looked like an innocent child. “We will have time to talk but not now…come with me.” “What is the matter?” you were so confused. Thor and Loki looked into each other’s eyes and in unison said: “We have to find our father”. This is all you remembered when you woke up in a dirty circular cell. Your body was hacking from top to bottom, your head was pounding. When you realized you weren’t alone you stood up as quickly as you can, panic made his way in your mind. There were other prisoners but… they seemed to be harmless. “This must be a nightmare” you said to yourself. “Where are you from?” You shouted backing off and slamming your back onto the wall. “Oh I’m so so sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!” a creature made of blue rock dressed up as a gladiator waved his hands in front of him. “Where am i?” you tried to calm down. “In a cell” you looked at him with an annoyance printed on your face. “Oh sorry on Sakaar” he laughed “The Grandmaster controls everything here, and we are the entertainment for him and the public. Every day he organize combats in the arena and who is captured is forced to fight.” “So you are a gladiator” you stood up from the wall and walked toward him slowly. “Basically” he chuckled “Sorry for scaring you before. I was only curious because in a week I have never seen so many humans! I mean you are very similar to the other one who was here yesterday, but right now he’s probably chilling in his new room with Hulk-” “Sorry what did you say? Hulk? Hulk Is here? And who is the other human?” It was possible that Loki and Thor were landed there too? And Hulk? How he ended up in Sakaar? “Oh hey calm down! I will tell you everything. Oh and… I’m Korg” he shaked your hand with a happy smile. You couldn’t hold back a grin. “(Y/N)” you said softly “But now I need you to tell me who did you meet, they are probably my friends” “Well, the first one is muscular with long blonde hair, even if he got an haircut, and he told me about his hammer and how he did dirty things with it-” “Thor!! And there was someone else with him? Any other humans?” you asked hoping that Loki was with him. “No, he was alone but two weeks ago another human emerged from one of the holes, and now is actually the Grandmaster best friend ” he said. “Who is he? Did you see him?” “He is really different from Thor he has dark hair, for what I know he doesn’t have an hammer to play with but he can do strange things, he is like a sorcerer. I heard the Grandmaster calling him Loca? Floki…? No, Loki!” At the sound of his name you stopped. You lifted your head with wide eyes. Your memory started to return and in a moment everything came back to your mind. A bomb of emotions streamed throw your head in a few seconds. Rage, delusion, fear, panic. You remembered Doctor Strange, what Loki did to you, all the lies he have told you about is fake death and how much anger you have felt, your little trip in Norway in order to find Odin… you remembered Hela… the falling throw the hole in the sky and that woman who brought you there. “The Bifrost! It’s why I’m here, Hela followed us and we all ended up here!” “What?” Korg looked at you with a confused gaze. “I have to find Loki and Thor” As soon as you finished the sentence, the gates opened and two guards took you by the arms bringing you with them. “Leave me!” you groaned. You were dragged to a noisy chamber full of people and weapons. “Choose one of them and be ready” the guards left you. Many other creatures were standing with a serious look on their face. You tried to keep no attention about them and instead prepare yourself for whatever would have come after. You changed your clothes in a gladiator dress and took a sword from the panel in front of you. Then you heard a loud whistle, a sort of alarm and the door opened again “Come on it’s your turn!” the guards shouted at you. You were scared but there was no way to get out in that moment: you tightened the grip on the sword and made your way to the gates. They slowly lifted with a loud noise, the light hit your eyes and you covered them with your arm. You walked in and you could see the arena: all the people were shouting and screaming “Deimos! Deimos!” like a mantra. Deimos was a huge, enormous, colossal monster who was looking right into your eyes. You swallowed hard trying to maintain control of your shaking legs, focusing on every movement he made, when an hologram appeared in the centre of the arena. “Welcome to everybody! For tonight I have prepared a special fight for you all: one of our champion against a human!” the crowd roared “let’s the fight begin!” the hologram turned off and the monster was ready to charge in your direction. You looked the last time over the public and around yourself: this is the end? How could all finish in this way? Your eyes landed on the main staircase, “vip section” maybe, where there were people dressed in very colourful way and- Loki? Loki was looking in your way:  you have never seen him with so much panic and concern in his eyes. When you saw him all the anger faded away in an instant, your eyes softened and your mouth opened slightly, you would have given everything to be with him and melt into his strong arms. But there was no time for that. You focused on your enemy and prayed to every God (literally) to save you from that situation. Deimos started to run and quickly reached your form. You were smaller but faster, so you jumped to your right and backed off. He got angrier and with a jump he was right over you; swinging your sword into his leg you run under him so you could see his back but something quickly grabbed and lifted you from the ground. You couldn’t breathe. The pain was unbearable. Loki was in full panic mode then. You were at the mercy of death in person. However he couldn’t do anything because it may be looked suspicious, and this was irritating beyond every limit. Seeing you in danger and not be able to come to rescue made his anger rise into his mind, his jaw clenched. “What is the matter, my dear friend?” Loki closed his eyes trying to maintain his composure and slowly turned behind. “Nothing, I wanted a better spot to watch the fight” he forced a smile in the Grandmaster’s direction. “Oh yes you’re right, it’ll be an interesting match” he stated with a mischievous grin on his lips. Loki returned his gaze to the battle and froze like a sculpture: you were strangled by the huge hand of the monster. He clenched his fists and slammed them into the glass with full strength. “NO!!” he shouted not caring about the Grandmaster or whoever. In that moment the door opened and all the people were knocked out by Thor and Valkyrie. “Loki come on we have to go, Banner is waiting on the ship” Thor said slamming his fist at a poor fellow. “(Y/N) is in the arena we have to save her” Loki threw a dagger to a guard next to him. “(Y/N)? She is here?!” “I brought her here” Valkyrie simply stated. “And why on Asgard you didn’t tell me?! You hard-drinking bounty hunter” Thor and Valkyrie were about to kill themselves when Loki intervened. “We don’t have time for this, come on we have to go” Loki started to run out the door. He was going to save you at any cost. You were sure your lungs were about to give out. Deimos was inches from your face, his purple eyes full of ferocity were eating you alive. You managed to swing your sword into his hand as he left you fall down hard on the ground hitting your leg. You left out a painful shout as you grabbed your injury. That was the end: Deimos took the sword and aimed at you. You closed your eyes. But nothing. Instead you heard gunshots: the monster was standing still on the ground. Dead. “Thor and…You?” “Sorry for bringing you here, but I’m at your side now” Valkyrie said, you could see regret in her look. You were about to stood up when a soft hand stroked your face. “Sweetheart are you ok?” Loki was at your side in a moment. He tried not to look panicked but he was. His heartbeat was running   “I can’t walk, my leg… I think it’s broken” you groaned “But I’m happy to see you right now” “Everything is going to be ok” he put one arm under your shoulders and the other one under your legs trying not to harm you more and then he lifted you like a feather. You flinched but quickly melted into his arms, you felt so tired… “Hey stay with me honey” Banner landed the ship in the arena and everyone went up. The ship lifted from the ground headed to the escape route. Thor and Valkyrie took a sit on the front, while Loki stood in the back with you in his arms. His touch soothed your tired body. “I’m still mad at you, you know” you punched him lightly with a smile. “Oh I know it, but I promise I’ll make it up” he said but the grin turned into a sad expression “I thought I was about to lost you in there” his eyes were already filling with tears. You stroked his cheek with a smile and whispered “I’m here…and I’ll never leave you again” “I won’t too” he took your hand from his cheek and kissed it with passion “I love you” “I love you too”.
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 7 years
Care for Me (Part5)
Tag List: @xx-thedarklord-xx @drarry0394 @iamalovellygirl @iamthemaddness @coffeeshopdaydream @rmh8402 @xxgrunge-gerardxx @drarryismymuse @lumos394
Draco bit his lip, the cold air normally biting being held at bay from the thick jacket hanging on his light figure, watching his boyfriend run across the field. The Lions were in the lead but not by much, and Ron had been distracted for some reason this match, hardly ever able to keep the ball from entering the goal. Draco tried not to hold it against the jock, but he wanted them to win, for Harry. He knew how much this match meant to him.
“I’m glad you liked my friend,” Luna said, startling him slightly. He glanced around, searching for Pansy who had been sitting in Luna’s spot but couldn’t find her anywhere. “Pansy went to the bathroom.” Luna supplied, and Draco nodded shortly, rubbing his hands together and watching their breath form in front of them as they spoke.
“Thank you for introducing us,” Draco said softly, moving to place his hands between his legs for warmth and comfort. He jumped slightly when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, withdrawing it and scanning the preview message, his eyebrows shooting up at the name of the contact: Pansy.
[I need you to come here right now before I shove this bitch six feet under]
Draco sucked in a breath, knowing who his best friend was talking about. He glanced over, studying Luna for a few seconds before leaning over to whisper to her. “I have to go somewhere. Keep an eye on Harry for me.” He stands quickly, sure that Luna would ask questions, but the happy girl just nods her agreement and stays in her seat. He shoots a text asking where she was, skirting around people and heading up the bleachers toward the exit. His phone had just vibrated as he exited the bright lights and crowds, and he nodded toward the directions she supplied, beginning a jog.
“Just stay away from my girlfriend!” Draco heard a girl shriek as he turned the corner of the restroom building, spying a scene he already knew was playing out: Ginny was screeching and pointing toward a pissed off Pansy who just held her arms crossed, though stood stiff as if she was ready to pounce at any moment.
“She’s not your girlfriend anymore! You lost that privilege when you punched her!” Pansy yelled back, her knuckles turning white from how much she was squeezing her fists together.
“Look, Ginevra, you just need to go,” Draco called, causing Ginny to jump and spin around, eyeing the newcomer.
“Where the fuck did you get that jacket! That’s Harry’s jacket!” Ginny yelled out, taking three stomping steps toward Draco.
“Harry let me wear it,” Draco answered simply, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the redhead.
“No, I don’t believe it. You stole it from him, didn’t you? It wouldn’t surprise me, considering your family history.” Ginny sneered out, and Draco stood stock stiff from the comment.
“Just fuck off you carrot bitch!” Pansy yelled out, causing Ginny to turn around once more before taking a few steps back so she could keep both of her enemies in front of her.
“You both are trying to steal away everyone I care about, aren’t you? Well, fuck you!” Ginny continued yelling, her face beginning to match the shade of her hair colour.
“You’re the one driving them away,” Draco said, seemingly the only one who hasn’t raised his voice just yet.
“Oh, shut up. No one cares what you have to say. You’re a murderer’s son, probably an accomplice in everything!” Ginny yelled, her eyes popping open. “Did you help your daddy lock people up in your dungeon? Did you help him torture those people?” She took a few steps forward, her hands clenching into a fist. “Did you help him murder my brother?”
“I didn’t have anything to do with all of that! I didn’t even know it was happening!” Draco yelled out, tears already beginning to spill over his eyes from the words. “I swear, I didn’t know!”
“Bullshit! And now you’re trying to steal Harry away? Are you going to kill him too?” Ginny threw her arms around as she yelled, and Draco’s eyes widened at the assumption. He thought of Harry, chained up and bleeding in the dungeon his father had once shown him before Draco went immediately to the police, and a choked sob tore through his throat.
“Leave him alone!” Pansy yelled out before running up and throwing a punch toward the redhead. Draco sank to the floor, bringing his knees up and wrapping his arms around them. His breathing quickened, and he watched through blurred eyes as the two girls threw punches and tackled each other to the ground. He should get up, he should split them up. But his chest hurt, he barely had the strength to stand.
“Hey!” Draco heard a shout from behind him, but he just buried his head into his knees to escape from the world. Sounds of people tearing the two girls apart surrounded him, yells and threats called into the air, but he attempted to tune them all out. He was bumped into a bit, people brushing past him, but none caring about the lone boy sitting in the middle of the crowd.
Until he felt arms wrap around him, secure, and a whisper brushed against his ear. “Draco,” It said, in his voice. In Harry’s voice. “What happened, are you okay?”
Draco took a deep breath, raising his head to glance behind him where Harry knelt on the floor, his arms still wrapped around the crying boy. “I’m okay, I’m not hurt.” He whispered, watching as Harry leaned forward to envelop him in a tight hug.
“What happened here?” Harry whispered, and Draco took a shaky breath before explaining as much as he could. He felt Harry tense with each word, his eyes glancing up and scanning everyone around him, though Draco felt better to just keep his eyes plastered onto Harry. He would let Harry protect him, just this once. Sitting here in Harry’s arms, he felt safe.
“Everything will be okay,” Harry soothed to the boy, rubbing his back and leaning forward to kiss Draco’s temple. “This won’t happen again. It won’t ever happen again.” There was a promise in Harry’s voice that sent a shiver down Draco’s spine, squeezing his eyes shut and leaning into Harry.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I should have stopped it,” Draco whined, though unsure whether he was talking about the fight that just played or the past events involving his serial killer of a father that was now locked away in a high-security prison for life. Harry shushed him, raising a hand to run his fingers through Draco’s short hair, and Draco began to relax slowly with Harry.
“I’m going to bring you to Pansy and Luna,” Harry stated after a moment, standing and bringing Draco up with him. Draco whined and pouted slightly, though felt better than before so he reluctantly agreed. “It’s only halftime. I hope you stay for the rest of the game.” Harry’s voice, while low and whispering toward Draco, almost sounded anxious in his want.
“Of course, I’ll stay,” Draco whispered back, raising a hand to place against Harry’s cheek, leaning forward to kiss the other one. “I’ll see you again once you win.” Harry smiled slightly, nodding and beginning to steer Draco somewhere. They eventually met up with Pansy, who had ice pressed against her lips, and Luna who was slowly stroking her hair.
“I have to go speak to someone before the match starts again, you guys go ahead and take your seats,” Harry said, his voice clipped, before leaning over to kiss Draco’s cheek in a farewell. Draco nodded slowly, walking over and beginning his fuss over Pansy.
They took their seats, Draco apologizing for not helping during the fight and Pansy reassuring him that she was just glad to get back at Ginny for what she’s done, glancing around to avoid any of Ginny’s friend that may surprise them as a retaliation. Luna glanced over, sighing at Pansy’s remark, though not making any move to approve or disapprove of what had happened. However, Draco had seen Luna reach over and thread her hand with Pansy’s, and new the two of them would be okay.
The break ended quicker than expected, and the two teams flooded the field once more. There was a tension in Harry that was more than it had been before, and Draco bit his lip, worried for the boy. Draco moved his attention toward the goalkeeper, eyeing a pale Ron who seemed even more off his game if that was possible. Though, once the game started, Harry seemed even better than before. They scored more goals this time around than they had the first, and the other team hardly ever had ahold of the ball to do anything with it.
The final goal was scored, the whistle blowing and the announcer yelling out that the Lions had won, and Draco stood quickly as he watched Harry. The crowd around him cheered some standing and some remaining seated but looking happy nonetheless. Though, Draco saw none of them, his eyes tracking Harry as the boy stood still, moving and scanning the crowd until their eyes met. Draco smiled brightly, a fist in the air, and Harry’s face finally broke into a smile, tension that had Draco worried finally fading. And though Draco knew he normally wouldn’t have done this, he jumped into the crowd that was running onto the field, running toward the man that mattered so much to him in such a short amount of time.
Harry was congratulated, his back being patted and his team vying for his attention, but his eyes were locked on the boy wearing his letterman. Draco pushed past the crowd until finally, he was up close, standing in front of the boy who just won, smiling proudly at him. Harry took a step forward, reaching out and pulling Draco against him, their mouths meeting quickly in the heat of the moment, both showing how much they cared.
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prompt-master · 7 years
Princess Paladin
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hotchnerfuckmeup · 8 years
Pairing: Spencer x Reader
Word Count: 1,790
Request: Yes!  Leave requests here
Warnings: none
Summary:   Anon requested: Spencer imagine where the reader (and team) has to save Spencer after he gets captured by the unsub and he is seriously injured when they save him? Fluff? Thanks!
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“Garcia we need a location,” Hotch demanded again.  His FBI vest was already strapped on tightly.  He was ready to find Reid.
“I-I’m trying my hardest sir,” Penelope stuttered in panic.  Tears were rolling down her cheeks in agony of not knowing where her boy wonder was.
But you felt the worst of everyone.  Not only was Spencer your boyfriend, but you felt as if it was your fault he had been taken by the unsub.  You were supposed to keep a close eye on him and now he was gone, probably being tortured somewhere unknown.
“The phone he was using must’ve been destroyed because it’s signal is completely gone, I can’t even see which towers it’s been near,” Garcia said.  Her finger were typing furiously at the keyboard.  
You thought back to the phone conversation Hotch had with the unsub.  He told you all something you knew was important, but all you could think about at the time was making sure Spencer was okay, so your mind tuned out the deep hollow sound of his voice.
Suddenly, Hotch’s phone began to ring for the third time that night.  He looked over at you, seeing the pain evident in your eyes and decided to answer, setting the phone on the table and putting it on speaker without saying a word.
“How’s my friend Aaron Hotchner doing?” the unsub said.
Hotchner nodded his head at you, signalling you to speak.  You wiped furiously at your tears and steadied your voice, knowing you didn’t want to show this scumbag any kind of fear.
“Tell me where you are,” you said in a stern tone.  
“Well, well, looks like we have a feisty one.  If you’re smart, young lady, you will let me speak to Aaron.”
“I will let you speak to him as soon as you tell me where you are,” you replied.  There were still tears pouring from your eyes, but your voice remained elevated, not giving away your broken demeanor.  You looked at Penelope, who was working to get any sort of signal on the new phone number.  She was good at her job, all you needed to do was buy her time.
“You must be Y/N.”  He dragged out your name, giving it an eerie emphasis.  You channeled your inner Spencer and tried to recall what it was the unsub had said to Hotch on their previous phone call.  As your mind raced, he continued to speak.  “I know all about you.  Yes, the youngest member of the BAU, moved in from Utah, what, seven years ago?  You used to work as a lawyer but moved up to the FBI to follow in your father’s footsteps since he died in action.”
His words were supposed to hurt, but you felt nothing but the sudden feeling of realization.  He knew too much about you, there was no doubt on who you were speaking to.
“Richard Barkley,” you said.  That name haunted you forever, and this unsub didn’t match his M.O.  But with the way the unsub stopped talking, you knew you were right.  “Richard.  Barkley,” you repeated, putting emphasis on his name.
“Well done, my dove,” the voice said on the line.  You looked over at Penelope, who stopped looking for the phone signal.  Instead, she pulled up his address, but you knew that he wasn’t there.  “I guess you’re smarter than I thought, but I just don’t think you’re smart enough.”
“’I just love to sit here in the Spring’,” you said, repeating the words you’d heard him say over the phone earlier. “’The sight is lovely, don’t you think, Dr. Reid?  Quite the sight indeed’,” you finished, hanging up the phone without hesitation.  “I know where Spence is,” you said while rushing out the door, the rest of the team close behind you.
You knew you had to move fast.  Richard wasn’t one to hesitate, and you knew you would die thinking about what he might do to Spencer.
Police cars were already surrounding the gazebo, and as soon as the SUV you were in pulled up, you were out of your seat and running to the steps.
“It’s underneath it somewhere,” you told the team.  Suddenly, gunshots rang out from below the ground, and Morgan was running to a hidden door, opening it and running down the steps.  Prentiss, you, and Hotch followed close behind, guns up and ready to take fire if necessary. 
Once you were on the hard floor of the cellar, you saw Spencer’s lifeless body in the corner, a pool of blood underneath him, pouring from his chest.  Another shot rang out, followed by a few more, but you didn’t care.  You ran to Spencer feeling every inch of you collapse at the sight.
When you reached him, you held his face so gently as if one wrong move, he would break.
“We need paramedics, now!” Rossi yelled, kneeling beside you.  You had no clue when he showed up.  “Y/N, he is alive, okay?  He’s breathing.”
The sounds around you drowned out as your heart ached for your boyfriend.  Your tears began to mix with the blood on his shirt.
“Spencer, please oh my god,” you started to say as the paramedics kneeled next to you and Hotch tried to pull you away, but you kicked and screamed trying to escape his grasp.  
“Y/N stop!” he yelled, tightening his grip on you.
“Clear,” you heard a medic say, and Spencer’s body jolted.
“Please!” you screamed, still struggling against Hotch.  The room was spinning.
“Y/N!” Morgan shouted, helping Hotch hold you.
“We need to get him out of here,” one of the medics said, laying out the stretcher. 
You finally stopped struggling and fell into your boss’s arms, your legs completely failing you.  As you sobbed into his chest, you saw JJ and Emily crying in the corner while Rossi talked to the medics.
Your world felt like it was slowly falling apart.
Spencer was in surgery for almost two hours, and your foot didn’t stop bouncing the entire time.  Emily sat next to you, holding your hand.  Morgan was out of his seat for the millionth time, pacing again.  Hotch was behind you, holding firmly onto your shoulders to keep you from trying to get up anymore.  Rossi was sitting across from you, reading a magazine.  JJ was sitting with Henry and trying to explain to Will what happened without breaking down.  Penelope was on the other side of you, crying just as hard as you were.
They were all scared about Spencer, but they were mostly scared about you.
“Dr. Spencer Reid?” you all heard from the door.  Morgan was the first to the doctor, followed by everyone else.
“Tell me you’ve got some food news,” he said to him.
“I do.  Your agent lost a lot of blood, but the bullet was only about an inch deep.  We were able to get it out without losing much more blood.  He’s in recovery, but he may not wake up for another hour or so.  The receptionist will give you the room number.”
The amount of relief you felt was overwhelming, enough to knock you off your feet once again, causing you to fall back into your chair.
“Thank you,” Hotch said to the doctor.  He turned back to you and watched as you ran your hands through your hair.  Your eye were bloodshot and your nose was runny, and he couldn’t help but wonder what you would’ve looked like if things ended up differently.
“How about you stay here overnight?” he asked you.  You just nodded knowing you wanted to be the one to see him when he woke up.  Morgan, Garcia, Prentiss, JJ, Will, and Henry all made their way to Spencer’s room while you sat.  Rossi sat next to you, not really wanting to take you out of his sight.
“Why don’t you go with them?  I’ll go when she does,” he told Hotch.  Hotch nodded and walked towards the elevator to catch up with the rest of them.
“I love him,” you suddenly admitted.  It wasn’t a secret or anything but it was all you could think to say.
“I know,” was all Rossi replied.
“Barkley killed my dad,” you said.
“Barkley is dead.”
“He’s had it out for me ever since he went to prison.  I was the one who put him behind bars,” you said.  All this information was old news to Rossi.
“Richard Barkley is dead, y/n,” he repeated.
“He changed his M.O. to throw us off,” you replied.
“He’s dead.”  Hearing him repeat it over and over again was reassuring.
“I love Spencer so damn much,” you said again, another tear making its way down your cheek.
“I know,” he repeated again.  
An hour and a half later, it was Henry’s bedtime, so JJ and Will left to get him home.  The rest of the team aside from Rossi decided to call it a night as well.
“You can go home, you know,” you told him while reading a book next to Spencer’s bed.
“I think I’ll stay here a bit longer.  I’ll be in the lobby.  Take care of her, Spence,” he said, causing you to look up immediately hearing your boyfriend shuffle beside you.
“Oh my god, Spencer,” you practically shouted.  His eyes fluttered open, a warm smile appearing on his face.  Careful not to hurt him, you gave him a hug.  “Babe,” you breathed.
“You know, our plant at home is gonna die,” he said, causing you to crack a smile.
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” you told him, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
“I’ve been shot before.  I guess I’m just used to it by now,” he said.
You two sat, watching each other.  His eyes were full of light looking into yours and you felt your heart flutter at the thought of how much you loved this man.  He was your lifeline.
“I don’t know what I would do without you,” you said, a single tear falling from your eye.  He reached up to brush the tear away with his thumb, holding your face so tenderly as if you were the one who had been shot and he didn’t want to break you.
“I love you y/n,” he replied, continuing to brush his thumb against your cheek.
“I love you, too Spencer,” you replied.  You grabbed his hand and leaned in to press your lips against his.  
You spent the rest of the night reading your book to Spencer and sharing sweet kisses every now and then, attempting to make up for the time he was asleep.  You truly felt so warm in his presence, and you know you would do anything for him, and he for you.
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untothehollow · 8 years
I just don’t even know where to begin with this really. I just feel ultra lost in life and confused but most of all just terrified and I have long ago lost all motivation and any sense of hope or enjoyment in life. I feel I have lost all direction and my life feels completely out of my control. I am just existing and going along with whatever happens to me like a rag doll. I feel helpless in life like a child who is scared and has lost its mother - just so terrified. I am deeply embarrassed by this. I feel no sense of self worth, my confidence and self esteem is at its lowest ever …. life has passed me by and almost all of this time has been as a pathetic and hopeless cas. I have always been exceptionally sensitive and I always feel that I was not meant to be on this earth because somebody as weak as me just cannot survive here without self destructing or being destroyed by life’s reality. I feel deeply ashamed of myself and my anxiety and depression. Completely pathetic and useless as a human being even though deep inside I also feel such a sense of sadness for myself like part of me still wants to reach deep and give me a big hug and save myself but I keep failing at this. I imagine I would excel in another type of land or in another world where I am just able to be in peace and the way I am and be left alone. I have already been through the days of finding small bursts of habits to keep me going - like playing computer games, or chatting online etc …. I have also been through under eating, over eating, binge eating, losing weight, gaining weight, not dressing, not washing, lying in bed - crying at the tiniest issues - worrying about worst case scenarios in life, and also feeling so completely lost as to what to do with myself. I get scared in life to the point of paranoia. I imagine the absolute worst will happen - getting into trouble, ending up in prison, ending up in a vulnerable situation, homeless, etc, etc, etc …. I find it really hard to trust myself, let alone other people because I feel I have no skills to cope in life. I feel tense around others and only peaceful when I am all alone in solitude …. but this is also very lonely and isolating place to be. I feel a source of guilt in terms of any relationship with my family - because they have not been able to help me - they have not been able to aid in my dysfunctional mind and circumstances. I have felt trapped, hysterical and like a I am verging on psychotic at times - shouting, throwing things, anger, tears. All this has already been and gone. I have visited psychologists in the past as well as psychiatrists - but they have never diagnosed me with anything else besides general depression and anxiety. And as I am particularly well able to articulate my feelings and problems lucidly and with intelligence then they do not realise the extent of my problem and the absolute unbearable sense of fears, paranoias, misery I feel inside I think. It’s as though I have never fallen into any ‘categor'y. I think this is because I have quite a variety of psychological difficulties that all merge into each other sometimes and of course feed off one another. Because I have managed to hang on (to all outward appearances) to some kind of sanity, they do not see the real picture of the chaos in my mind and body. I have suffered 3 strange 'episodes’ in the last 15 years where I have lost sensation in my body and face and it has never returned. This remained something of a mystery to doctors and I was eventually diagnosed with some kind of neuropathy or anxiety related bodily symptoms. Physical manifestation of anxiety even though some of them argued my symptoms were not typical or fitting. These reduced sensations have never resolved or returned and I now live with reduced and diminished sensation including not being able to sense pleasure sensations like massages or orgasms, pain. I feel adverse to sex and always have - somehow I (sometimes) find it a bit dirty and repulsive and feel violated and I cannot live with how I feel because I feel like a freak to feel that way without any reason that I can recall. I have no history of abuse that I can recall - just an anxious mother with some depression and negativity in her own thinking. Apart from this I have just been scared since always and have never had the strength or courage to pull myself out and I am now at my worst point ever and have given up on life and am just existing. I have tried within my very limitied mental means to pull myself out by attempting life changes in the past but have been crippled by my own anxieties and fears and these attempts have ultimately ended in the same patterns of failure. I lack any sense of ability or life resources, no sense of strength and I am aimless in life - feeling as helpless as if I were a newborn. I do not see the meaning or point in anything and feel it so diffiult to think of anything that would make me want to see a glimmer of light and really try again. Been there, done that before. Already too tired. I feel like I want a parent figure to come guide me step by step and pull me out from this hole. But that is just ridiculous and the more I think of how I should be able to manage my life, the more ashamed I feel of my bleak and fearful reality. I now find myself in a very stressful situation in life currently. And I arrived here through my own desperation and hysteria to escape my last situation and lack of seeing any other way out - an out of the frying pan into the fire situation. I have tried in the past medication, cbt, citalopram medication ….. I am so sad that I have come to this point but I do not know how to get better or where to begin ….. so much seems to have happened inside my mind that I am genuinely afraid that I have gone quite mad (but am still managing to pretend to be sane) … I cannot cope with the vast amount of emotions and their intense strength that I feel in terms of everything seeming so dark, desperate, scary, chaotic and my mind just can’t process it all. Particularly it just all feels a lot of thoughts for a tiny tiny mind to have. I just thought I would write about it. I have been through a lot of weird phases, living on baby food for a while, labelling the calories on everything, Obsessive tendencies to tidy everything to the extreme just to have an element of control in my life …. I have a problem with OCD where everything in my home has to be perfect and tidy and straight otherwise I feel very anxious and restless and as though things are dirty or that I have lost all control completely. If I lose the ability to control even my home or food then I feel I will have absolutely nothing since the rest of my life is so far gone. But the pressure this extreme thinking gives me is unbearable to live with and makes me tired and cry when I don’t match up to my own pressure and standards. I take ages to get ready every day on the days when I feel able to try and go out because I feel I have to put on a pretence of appearing respectable and 'ok’ …. the reality is sometimes I cry, shout, like a toddler who can’t handle adult life and who can’t dress herself or manage her well-being and life. Afraid. Lost. Unmotivated. My mind wants it all to go blank. I want peace. Feel a complete loser in life. Just want to float away quietly on a cloud or sleep and not wake up sometimes and just drift off into a haze where the last thing I think about is something uplifting and peaceful and far from the reality of this overwhelming life. I feel guilty to myself and to the world for being this way. The only way my stupid dreamy mind sometimes justifies it is to pretend I am a fairy from another world who was made perfectly but has come to an imperfect world and cannot hack it because it’s too far from my own world. And I imagine this particular thought in a sane way, not an insane way … I realise I am not really this person but this is the best way I am able to get any comfort in how I feel in this life. -unknown Claire, the girl who saw inside my mind.
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