#they got up. went to the store. bought food. no 'let hade know to get some food for themselves on the way home'
silasbug · 2 years
.. i'm hosting a LAN for 6 other people at the moment and i dunno. i was really excited for it but i keep getting reminded of stuff because of their lack of afterthought or consideration and it sucks.
i unfortunately had to work the last three days from 16-21, but was happy to host nonetheless.
yesterday we wanted to order food, i asked them to pick out a place and let me know so i could tell them my order during my break at work- nothing. by the time my break rolled around i just managed to text them to ask about their decision- by the time i got a reply i was back at work and couldn't reply until i got off. got told that now it's too late, they'd already ordered. i was more than a little miffed, but at least we had leftover chili.
today it was planned that we'd be cooking something. nice. great. i was really looking forward to it. i get home to be told that nobody felt like cooking, they'd just gone out and gotten frozen pizzas or something. nobody bothered to let me know, not even a quick text, so i could actually organize some goddamn food for myself. thankfully i still had something in the freezer.
but god fucking damnit. is it too much to ask to just.. not be totally forgotten about? to actually be considered? i was so fucking hungry when i got home, the kitchen was a mess, nobody put anything away (stuff from breakfast was still on the counter), had to clean before i could even make myself something to eat because there was just.. no space.
it's bringing up a lot of bad memories for me, but i'm glad everyone's having fun otherwise.
well, mostly. not doing this again.
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peanut-in-the-goal · 4 years
do you have any solangelo headcanons?
I haven’t read the books so like, bear with me here
Warnings: implied nico being insecure about his body, food, relapse, separation anxiety
When Will first met Nico he went through his own emo phase. He got his ears pierced and some of the older counselors found this sunshine kid trying to look like a goth ridiculously funny. They bought him chains and fake lip piercings to go along with the “look.” They still bring it up whenever conversations get dull
Nico steals Will’s hoodies. All of them. If will can’t find a hoodie or shirt, then chances are it’s in the Hades cabin. Nico claims he likes them because they’re big and smell like Will, but he also likes them because they don’t show off how skinny he is. After all the malnourishment and how frail and thin he is from it, he likes the way that Will’s hoodies hang off of him. That way people aren’t looking at him for how skinny he is rather they look at him because of how large that sweatshirt is.
Kayla and Austin were the first people to know they were dating. It wasn’t intentional, no. Kayla had brought it up with Will that they should involve Nico more. He was finally out of the infirmary but he spent all his time alone in his cabin. It’s not like he had anyone to hang out with, and the healers—specifically Will—made it very clear that they’d have his head if he trained. So Will started including Nico more and more. Boat rides in the lake, light training, having the hades cabin join the apollo cabin for capture the flag. They started dating in secret, but no one thought much of it since then spend all their time together anyways. It was far past midnight and the movies were still rolling. Nico was falling asleep eyes drooping and leaning into Will’s side, whispering a tiny “night, Tesoro.” Kayla and Austin shared looks with Will, deciding that they’d talk to him in the morning and let Nico sleep
Will has an older sister. She’s a lot older than him and had already moved out by the time he was 4. She lives in Texas, and attended college in Florida. She has long blonde hair with purple ends, she lives with her girlfriend, her cat, and wants to get a turtle. She and her mortal father are rebuilding their relationship and sometimes she tours with Naomi. Some of Naomi’s shows will open with a mother-daughter duet. She’s actually tiktok famous for her singing, life hacks, and trying to climb every single thing she sees
After they’ve been dating for a while they learn that one of their favorite spots is the Strawberry fields. One day they agree to meet up for their date, Will told him what time to arrive so he could set up the picnic he planned. Nico takes this as his opportunity to shadow travel and show up in a black plaid skirt and carefully drawn on eyeliner. He can’t help but grin at the look on Will’s face
If Will casually mentions he wants something, like a certain shirt or something but it isn’t in the store when they go into town, Nico will casually shadow travel to another location—if it’s in-state or not— to get it and give it to Will the next day. Nico walks in on Will one morning when he’s sad and homesick, so Nico shadow travels to his house in Texas and gets Naomi to bake some cookies for him to bring back to Will. Will cries happy tears at the taste of home, but also because Nico forgot that he could have just brought Will home with him
The separation anxiety in Nico is strong. He’s lost a lot of people in his life, some of them he can’t even remember, but the pain is still the same. He realizes quickly that if he doesn’t hear Will’s voice or see him in person for a couple of hours, he’ll throw himself into a panic trying to find him. Demigods don’t get much of a break and their friends die every day. He couldn’t stand it if he lost will. He doesn’t think he’d make it through leading Wills funeral. Will makes sure to check in with him whenever he can but sometimes when he’s with a patient or so caught up with paperwork he loses track of time. Typically, if he forgets, Nico will find him in the infirmary in a panicked state. They always end up in Will’s office, Nico clinging on as tight as he can to reassure himself that will is here, and he’s okay, and he’s breathing
Nico’s been doing a lot better with eating after carrying the statue. Will’s been helping him with his diet and eating regularly. While his eating isn’t perfect, it’s progress. Some days are harder than others. Nico can’t get himself to eat his breakfast and trying to eat in the great hall is too hard. There are so many eyes on him and so many people. Will’s trying to quietly motivate him but he wants to cry because he just can’t do it. On days like this Will will show up at his cabin with McDonald’s. It’s not much, it doesn’t make everything okay, but it does bring back some familiarity that makes it slightly easier to stomach a few bites. And Will is so proud because Nico is so strong, and part of Will wants to try and protect him from the world since it’s fucked him over enough times. 
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delicatelyherdreams · 5 years
Pragma(tic) 6: He Never Listens
Pairing: Persephone!Bucky Barnes x Hades!Reader
Summary: In a world where the old gods never truly died, you must learn to navigate your way through the ups and downs of immortality. And if living forever wasn’t hard enough, an ancient evil is now threatening to break free after centuries of silence. And as if that still wasn’t hard enough for you, now a pesky and infuriatingly handsome god is trying to wedge his way into your life. Gods, work, love, and conflict—what more could a goddess need? [Hades & Persephone AU]
Word Count: 5244
Warnings: Language
Pragma(tic) Masterlist
Previous 5: She Deals With a Pest
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“Where’s your head been lately, Buck?”
“Hmm? I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean,” Steve said turning his torso to face his best friend, “you’ve been distracted these past few weeks, and I want to know why.”
Bucky only shrugged, his eyes glazing over as he stared down at the mortal city before them. “I dunno, man. I guess I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
“Like what?” Steve was persistent, prodding, desperate to know what was troubling him. “Come on, man, you can tell me anything.”
This was true, but Bucky wasn’t sure he could tell him this: that he was still sneaking into the Underworld when their backs were turned or when he had a spare moment. He wasn’t sure that he could tell Steve that he was enchanted by the only goddess he was forbidden to talk with.
It’d been about two months since his and Hades’ first meeting, and he’d been down there a total of four times since. The first time, she caught him at the border and sent him back after a scolding. The second, he made it to beautiful Elysium, spooked a couple spirits, and had the time of his life before she dragged him out, less annoyed and more amused than the first. But these last two times, even though she told him that he wasn’t allowed to be down there and sent him back, she talked to him like he was an acquaintance. She answered his questions (“Where do you live?” “On the mountain.” “Is it lonely?” “Sometimes, but that’s why I have a dog and friends.” “Am I your friend?” “No.” “Are we ever going to be friends?” “I cannot say.”) and even gave him a smile. That was a personal accomplishment for him.
He felt like he was getting to her, breaking down the walls little by little. Gods, he knew he still had a long way to go, but he couldn’t help but feel proud that he’d gotten as far as he did. The last time he was down there, she didn’t even kick him out that harshly; she just walked him out as if walking guests out from a party and actually said “Goodbye, James” when she left. If that wasn’t progress, Bucky didn’t know what was.
Bucky pursed his lips, debating on how to tell his friend what was going on without really telling him what was going on. “I guess it’s just…” He trailed off, his brain running with ideas and words, none of which were good enough to conceal the truth.
“Yes? It’s just what?”
He nodded his head to the side, before finally saying, “There’s this girl, and I can’t get her out of my head. She’s so different from other people I’ve met before, and it’s wonderful. But I’m not sure how I feel about her or how she feels about me, y’know?” He sighed and lifted his head up to the sky to stare at the clouds. If he focused hard enough, he could almost make out her face in the patterns, as insane as it was. 
“I mean, kinda?” Steve shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve never really had that before. What’s her name?”
“Hade— Harriet.”
Steve snorted, his chest jolting with the sudden movement. “Hade-Harriet? What kind of name is that.”
Bucky could feel the color rising up his neck as it tried to creep on his cheeks. He turned his head away. “Her name is Harriet.” *Harriet.* Really? Was that the best he could come up with? Welp, it was going to have to work for now. “She’s really cool, but she’s also stubborn and strict. She’s really insistent on boundaries.”
“Uh-huh, and where did you meet her?”
*Dammit, Steve. Stop asking questions.*
“I—uh—I met her in the Mortal World. You and Sam were napping and I wanted to go shopping, so I went down to the mainland to see what stores there were. And we just kinda ran into each other, you know.”
Bucky was impressed with how easily he had fabricated the story, he just hoped that Steve bought it.
Steve didn’t, but he didn’t get a chance to call Bucky on his bullshit.
The wind picked up, swirling all around the two men. The grass spun around them, blowing violently, bringing the smell of plants along with it. The wind funneled, creating a narrow tube. The wind grew hazy, thick with grain and greens, as it moved to a spot in front of them.
Steve straightened up, his shoulders rolling back to appear more formal.
Bucky did the same, for he knew what this wind meant: the arrival of his mother.
When the wind cleared, a woman with dark hair to match Bucky’s and startling green eyes stood before them. She was dressed in a deep green suit, gold ornaments woven into her hair. She beamed down at the two, her eyes sparkling when she laid eyes on her son. “Hello, James,” she greeted, her voice as strong as her finest plants and her smile as warm as the sun that fed them.
“Mother!” Bucky rose to his full height, a good five inches taller than his mother, and took fast strides over to her to engulf her in a hug.
“Oh, my baby boy,” she said as she hugged him tightly. “It’s been too long! How are things? How are you doing? Staying out of trouble I assume?” 
“Oh yes, Mrs. B,” Steve chimed. “Sam and I have been doing a good job at keeping James here straight.”
She smiled. “Good. Speaking of which, where is Sam?”
“Oh, he’s down in the city grabbing us some cheeseburgers. He lost rock paper scissors and got sacrificed to go on the food run.”
At this, Winnifred frowned. “You know I don’t like you boys going down there. Why don’t you go up to Olympus for lunch instead? There’s this cafe that makes the best ambrosia ever! You simply must try it.”
Bucky gave her a polite smile. “Alright, Mother. We’ll go there next time for lunch.” He cleared his throat, starting to change the subject. “So, why have you come?”
“Oh, you know. I had a bit of a break at the office and decided to come visit my son, make sure he’s doing well and— Wait, what’s that smell?”
“Wh-What smell?” Bucky asked, trying so hard to keep his voice steady and even. He knew damn well what smell, but he wasn’t going to point that out.
His mother scrunched her nose in disgust. “It smells like death. What the—” She turned her eyes towards Bucky, seemingly fixating on him and glowering.
Bucky felt the color drain from his cheeks. He was done for. She knew. She knew it was him and—
“What the hell is happening here?” She marched towards him, passing him with an air of agitation. She stopped at a tree several yards behind the boys and stared at it with a glare. “James, this tree is dying, and you didn’t save it?” She reached out and pressed her palm flat against its trunk. Instantly the dark bark began to lighten with life as she rejuvenated it. “Honestly, James. You’re supposed to be a god of spring. The least you can do is keep alive what little area I gave you.” She shot a teasing smile at him over her shoulder.
Bucky almost laughed with relief, but instead, he adopted a more serious demeanor. “I’m sorry, Mother. I’ll do better next time.”
“You’d better if you want to become an even better god!” She pulled away from the tree before walking back to the boys. “Well, I’m sorry to have to leave so soon, but I only came for a short visit. Work is busy as ever in the spring and I need to keep tabs on all the harvests.” She smiled at Steve. “You tell Sam ‘hello’ for me and keep an eye on my boy, you hear?”
Steve nodded politely. “Yes, ma’am. We’ll keep him out of trouble.”
“Good. Then…” She turned to Bucky and held her arms out. “Give your mother one last hug.”
Bucky chuckled but complied. “Mother, you don’t have to treat me like a kid anymore. I’m more than a thousand years old.”
“I know, but you’ll always be my baby boy.” She kissed his cheek before pulling away from him. “I’ll see you soon, my child. Until the next time.” And just like that, she was gone; vanished into a cloud of grain and wheat.
As soon as she was gone, Bucky let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in. He was always tense around his mother, even more so now that he had something to hide. He just hoped that she would never find out his dirty little secret.
It was another few days before Bucky was able to sneak away from Steve and Sam again. It was in the dead of the night, when they were sleeping, that Bucky crept away, staying as silent as possible. He walked away from the clearing that the boys had chosen to sleep in, and summoned a pair of dark jeans and a blue shirt to clothe him. The garments materialized on his body as they did for every god, taking the place of his pajamas. Using the cover of night, he slipped away.
A perk of being a god, even a minor, fledgling one like him, was the teleportation. With a destination on his mind, Bucky could travel anywhere on Heaven and Earth that he wanted. And it was through this, that Bucky appeared on Cape Matapan, a small landmass at the end of Greece’s Mani Peninsula. The mortals had said that the elaborate network of caves there concealed an entrance to Hades. They were right, although it was a difficult journey. But Bucky had been using these caves to get into the Underworld ever since Hades sealed off the Dikteon Cave and tightened security at the Acheron. She wasn’t quite aware of this entrance yet and Bucky wanted to keep it like that. After all, he was starting to run out of ways to sneak in under her nose.
Bucky took a couple of steps into the cave before pausing and leaning down. A flashlight was nestled against the wall of the cave, right where he’d left it the last time. His fingers wrapped around the metal cylinder of the flashlight and he flicked it on. The beam pierced the darkness of the cave, illuminating the tunnels ahead, and he began the short journey down.
Slopes and declines in the path took him deeper and deeper into the earth; and as he descended, he could feel the life seeping out of the air—a telltale sign that he was nearing his destination.
He walked for twenty or so minutes before he hit the end of the tunnel network. The cavern opened up slightly, still darkened with a black that swallowed up any and all light around. 
Bucky grinned. He’d made it down, and now all he had to do was take a step in. He flicked off the flashlight, plunging the cave into darkness and set it down on the ground before walking right into the mass of black before him. It was cold as always, stealing any sign of warmth and life from his bones, and it made him shudder, but he pushed on. Eventually he was tossed out onto the other side, right at the edge of a flower meadow. The cave behind him sealed, taking on the facade of being a simple wall, but Bucky knew what it was. He stumbled a bit as he emerged, but he caught his footing pretty quickly. He wasn’t going to fall like he had the first time, not when there were so many spirits around to bear witness to it.
He straightened up and looked over the area.
Shades milled about the field—the Asphodel Meadows, he thought it was called—all minding their own business as they floated aimlessly. Very few paid him any attention, but that didn’t bother him. The less attention he drew, the better. Beyond the Meadows, he saw the gates of Elysium rising high and the mountain right next to it. The black mansion at its peak was daunting as ever, and yet that was his destination. Bucky wondered how close he’d make it this time before Hades found him and sent him home.
Determined to at least make it to the base of her mountain, Bucky started walking. The shades around him parted, making a narrow path in his wake and allowing him easier means to reach his destination. Of course, he could’ve just walked through them, but that would’ve been rude and his mother had raised him to be a gentleman.
The mountain grew larger as he neared, towering over him and becoming more and more intimidating with every step. He could begin to make out the details of Hades’ mansion now and even see figures moving behind the frosted glass of the windows. She was home, and she had company. 
He hesitated. If Hades had guests over, as surprising as that would be, maybe he shouldn’t impose. He could always come back another time or—
“Back again, I see.”
He squeaked and whirled around, lifting his hands to defend himself in case of an attack. But none ever came.
Instead, Hades just crossed her arms and smirked, her red-coated lips quirked up with amusement. “Did I startle you, little prince?”
Bucky scoffed, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “No. You just caught me off guard.”
“So I startled you?”
“Well… Maybe.” He shook his head and looked her over.
The other times he’d weaseled his way in and she’d come to greet him, she’d always looked professional, prim, and proper. She would always be adorned with a black business blazer, pressed pants, and an elegant pair of flats. Her eyes would always be shrouded with a smokey eye and her lips would always glow as red as her eyes. Her hair would always be styled, not a single hair out of place. But this time there was no makeup on her face that was apparent to him, strands of loose hair flew every-which-way in a fashion that was unruly but still attractive, and she was dressed in a more casual attire of black jeans that hugged her legs, a plain grey shirt that hung loosely from her shoulders, and black sneakers. 
If Bucky had an opinion, he would’ve said that she looked as attractive as ever, but he didn’t have an opinion. He lifted his chin with a smile. “How did you get down here so fast?”
“I sensed you coming. Using the shadows, I came to your side.” She gestured down to the shadows of the flowers that fell on the ground. She was standing in one like she’d just risen from it. 
“But I just saw you and someone else in the window and I thought that you had company.”
“Oh, I do,” she said with a nonchalant shrug. “But it’s just Peggy. She was on her way out anyway; she has her own paperwork to get to.”
“Peggy? Goddess of magic, crossroads, ghosts—”
“And other things,” Hades confirmed. “The mortals call her Hecate, but her name is Peggy.” Hades turned her head away from him and looked up at the mansion on the mountain. “She’s up there with my dog. I sometimes think that she likes him more than she likes me.” She chuckled.
“I didn’t know you had a dog.” Bucky smiled softly at her, keeping his head down so he could see her easier and she could see his face.
She scrunched her nose. “Really? You seriously did not know that I have a dog? Cerberus is in nearly every myth about me, and he helps guard the entrance to the Underworld to make sure the souls don’t get out.”
Bucky had no idea. He never read the myths, he only knew some names of the other gods. With a sheepish laugh, he rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his weight from side to side. “N-No I didn’t. I—”
He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence because, at that moment, Hades brought two fingers up to her mouth and whistled. The sound rang loud and clear through the still air and a crash followed it almost immediately.
Rapid movement from the mansion atop the mountain drew his eye, and he saw a black mass bounding down the path of the mountain. It was moving at a speed that shouldn’t have been possible for a normal dog, drawing dangerously close with every second. Bucky was tempted to run away—he’d never seen anything like this before—but Hades, with her calm demeanor as she watched the figure approaching with only an amused smile betraying her emotion, coaxed him to stay. He stood his ground, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the black mass.
As it neared, its details became clear. He saw the animal’s shaggy black fur shining in the dim light of the Underworld and its glowing red eyes staring at him and Hades. Its tongue was hanging out of its mouth, its lips spread wide as if it was grinning. When it came within three yards of the pair, it let out a loud yelp before leaping into the air right at Hades. Bucky was certain it was going to knock her down, but she opened her arms and caught him as easily as if it were a child.
She laughed, the sound music to Bucky’s ears, as the wolf-like creature attacked her face with its tongue. “Cerberus!” she cried, her voice as light and airy as Bucky had ever heard it. “Get down! I’ve taught you better than this.”
It was then that Bucky realized that this was her dog. His lips split back into a smile. “Well isn’t he a handsome thing.”
“You think this is great, you should see him at his full height.” She grinned down at her dog, cupping his face in her hands. “He’s huge, and all three of his heads come out. It’s sad though, I only have two hands and I can’t pet them all.”
Bucky snorted, but said nothing, opting to observe instead. He was fascinated with the scene in front of him. He’d never seen Hades so relaxed; she was always ushering him out as fast as she could, and it was amazing for him to see her like this. It made his heart race in his chest and his smile widen to an uncomfortable size. It made his head light and his stomach flip. It made him happy.
Hades pulled away from Cerberus and turned to look at Bucky. “I figured you two ought to be acquainted since he’ll be helping me kick you out from now on, or doing it himself if I’m too busy to deal with you.” She glanced at him through her eyelashes.
Bucky feigned being hurt and clutched his chest with his hand. “I’m not even going to have the pleasure of being escorted out by the Queen of the Underworld?”
“Not when she’s too busy dealing with queenly things to take care of your ass.” She quirked an eyebrow at him. “Now, come on. You know the drill.” She jerked her head in the direction of the Acheron. 
Bucky groaned. “Oh, come on! I just got here!”
“And now you’re just leaving.” She rubbed Cerberus’ head one more time before reaching forward and grabbing Bucky’s wrist. “I’ve got shit to deal with right now. Filing away souls, welcoming new Elysium residents, going over appeals for Elysium admittance; my job is never done.”
Bucky walked with her, staring at the hair on the back of her head and tracing the patterns of the strands. “Yeah? What else do you do?”
She shrugged, but answered, “A variety of things: manage the other gods down here, maintain border security, deal with difficult souls that want to cause disturbances, walk my dog, sometimes go around Elysium and mark up renovations that need to happen. You name it, I probably deal with it in one way or another. That’s what happens when you rule a realm.”
Bucky nodded, his eyes glinting with interest. “It seems like you really care about people down here.”
“Oh, I do,” Hades agreed. “They’re my subjects, mine to protect and guard. I love them like my family.” She smiled fondly, her lips twitching up as her eyes crinkled at the corners. “There’s a bunch of good people down here, but there are also some bad…” Her smile dissolved and her eyes flickered towards the far wall of the Underworld where the Phlegethon flowed. “But that doesn’t matter right now. What matters is how you’ve managed to keep sneaking down here. Would you care to clue me in?”
He smirked. “You know, I would but then you’d just go and block it off and I’d never be able to return.”
“You’re damn right. You’re causing major security concerns whenever you get in without me knowing until you’re already down here.” She was deadly serious now, and Bucky could feel it radiating off her in waves. “If you can get in, then that means other things can too. And I don’t know if you’ve been made aware or not, but we’ve got some big-shot prisoners down here that enemies of the gods would just love to set free. If they were to find out that the Underworld has a security breach, then who knows what kind of chaos they could unleash.” She glanced at him, just barely turning her head in his direction. “I need to know, James. How are you getting in?”
Bucky nibbled at his lip and turned his head up. He was thinking. 
On one hand, he could see where Hades was coming from, and logically he knew he should tell her where his entrance was, but on the other he was afraid she was going to seal him out forever. He’d grown attached to the Underworld, finding it interesting, unique, and beautiful. He wanted to know more about it, explore it, and see what made Hades love it so. He wasn’t ready to give it up, but he knew he had to share. 
Bucky crossed his arms and pressed his lips together, reluctance rolling off him in waves, before admitting, “Cape Matapan. The myths said that if you go down deep enough into the caves, then you’ll reach the Underworld and, well, they’re right. I’ve used them the past couple of times.”
And at that, she smiled at him. Not one of the half-smiles she’d been giving him, but a full-blown smile that lit up her entire face. 
It made Bucky’s heart flutter with exhilaration, and he couldn’t help but think that he should do things to make her smile more. She was breathtaking; drop-dead gorgeous.
She continued to smile at him as she said, “Thank you, James. I really appreciate your honesty.”
He smiled back and nodded. “You’re welcome. I’m sorry I’ve been a pain in the ass, but there’s just something about being down here that I can’t quite put my finger on.”
She chuckled. “I know the feeling. It’s very peaceful and calm down here. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
From there, they started walking in silence, drawing nearer and nearer towards the Acheron. At some point in time, they began to walk next to the Cocytus, the river that fed into the Acheron. The water wailed beside them, the pitiful cries of souls long past that had become trapped in the water’s rush filling the air. The sounds made shivers run down Bucky’s spine.
But it wasn’t just the noise that made Bucky uneasy, although Hades seemed unaffected, it was the figure standing about a dozen yards away from him and Hades.
The man lurking along the river bank was obviously a naiad. He sported the same blue tint to his skin that all water nymphs did, the water beside him only highlighting the features. His dark hair was coiffed and his jawline was marked with a short stubble that came from not shaving in a few days. His heavyset, brown eyes cut through the air as they stared at him and Hades, filling the air with suffocating intensity. His arms were crossed as his eyes trailed Hades. He watched her, studied her, with his unrelenting and almost predatory gaze. 
Bucky wasn’t sure why, but looking at that man watch Hades like she was his made Bucky’s blood boil. For the first time in his life, Bucky wanted to pick a fight with a man—this man. He sneered. “Who’s that?”
“Hmm?” Hades tore her gaze away from the road ahead and followed his line of sight towards the man on the river bank. She stiffened, her lips forming a hard line as she stared at him. “No one,” she murmured, but Bucky wasn’t entirely certain that was the truth.
He could feel his body gravitating towards hers protectively, his shoulders rolling back and his chest puffing out to make him seem more like a threat. He did all in his power to radiate “back off’ vibes, but he wasn’t sure how successful he actually was.
Successful or not, the naiad stayed away, opting to simply watch them as they passed.
They followed the river the rest of the way until it fed into the Acheron before stopping. 
Hades stood at the river’s edge, the water just barely missing her toes where they sat. She looked up at Bucky. “Well, I guess this is your stop.”
Bucky didn’t want it to be, but he said, “Yeah, I guess it is.” He looked down with a frown.
As if sensing his dismay, Hades sighed and dug into her pocket. “I cannot believe I am doing this,” she muttered, pulling out a small leather pouch. Bucky watched her with curiosity as she fiddled with the straps and held it out to him. “Here.”
Bucky took the pouch and pulled it open. Inside there lay about two dozen brown seeds, none of which Bucky recognized. His brows furrowed. “What are these?”
“They’re Asphodel seeds,” she answered, shifting her weight. “They’re what I use to get to the Underworld. You plant one, and a hole will open up for about thirty seconds. Jump in, and you’ll pop out here with only a flower in your stead. You’ll be deposited back into the Asphodel Meadows, but you’ll still be down here.”
Bucky stared at her, dumbfounded. “Wait, you mean you’re just giving me a key to the Underworld?”
“Yes I am, but don’t make me change my mind.” She rolled her eyes. “This is simply because I don’t want you hurting yourself trying to find a way in. And just because I gave you a way in doesn’t mean you can come down every day. You only have so many seeds and each is good for a one-time-one-way trip. There are no do-overs nor repeats, you hear?”
“I hear.” He smiled softly down at her. “Thank you, Hades.”
He blinked. “Excuse me?”
“My name. It’s (y/n). You keep calling me ‘Hades.’ No doubt you got that from the myths too, but that’s just the name the mortals gave me. (y/n) is my true name.” She shuffled her feet anxiously, but Bucky couldn’t have been happier.
He didn’t know why, and perhaps she didn’t either, but she was opening up to him. It made him happy, and he figured that if she was willing to share something, he should too. “Then my name is Bucky. Only my mother calls me ‘James.’ To everyone else I’m Bucky.”
Her nose crinkled. “Bucky? Where the Hades did they get that from?”
“My middle name: Buchanan. I know it’s a little weird, but it’s the most familiar name to me. James just feels so formal and uptight; I’d much rather be Bucky.”
“Bucky,” she repeated, testing out the syllables on her tongue. “Alright, Bucky it is.” She straightened up and smiled at him, holding out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Bucky. My name is (y/n), goddess of the dead and Queen of the Underworld.”
Bucky took her hand, a matching smile adorning his face. Her hand was cold as death, but he didn’t care. The warm feeling the contact brought to his chest was worth it. “It’s my pleasure, (y/n). I’m Bucky, god of spring. I hope we can get along and be friends.”
“Yes… Friends… I think I could get used to that.” She nodded and squeezed his hand. “Then, until next time.”
“Until then.” Letting go of her hand, he pulled away and mounted the ferry that had come to take him home. His eyes never once left her, not even when the boat pushed off and into the river. He only lost sight of her when he crossed over into the Mortal World and a wall of mist and fog separated them. He sighed as she vanished, turning to the ferryman—Phil Coulson, he thought was his name.
Phil looked down at him sympathetically. “You’re never going to stop coming down, are you?”
“No, I don’t think I am.” Bucky smiled softly up at him. “I guess you’ll be seeing me a bit more often now.”
“Oh joy. Yet another god I have to deal with.” Phil rolled his eyes. “I just hope you’re less of a pain in my ass than the others.”
Bucky chuckled. “I will do my best to be better than them.”
“Then we’ll get along just fine.” Phil smiled as they came to the mortal side of the Acheron and stopped at the bank. It was dawn now, the sun was just barely rising above the horizon.
Bucky frowned in confusion. “Morning already? It was night when I left and I know I wasn’t down there for that long. How is already morning?”
“Time seems to flow faster works in the Underworld,” Phil said as he tied the ferry to the land. “They say that death feels like nothing.” He pulled the ferry to a stop in the Mortal World and turned to Bucky. “You take care of yourself, godling.”
“You too, Phil.” Bucky stepped off the ferry and appeared again just outside the field where Steve and Sam should’ve been sleeping. He had to be quiet. This early in the morning, his friends were easily aroused and he didn’t want them to know he’d left.
Bucky had teleported right behind a tree where he had a full view of the field. Steve and Sam should’ve been sleeping in the middle of the meadow, but there was one body missing. Bucky frowned and crouched down. Where was Steve? Did he get up early? Oh shit, did he notice that Bucky was missing? Bucky held his breath as his eyes scanned the field, searching for his friend desperately. 
“Looking for somebody?”
Bucky nearly screamed. He turned around, probably white with fear.
Steve had his hands on his hips and was glowering down at his best friend, his eyes intense and slightly pissed. “Where were you?”
“I… Uh…” Bucky had to lie, and lie now. “I went down the mountain to the village.” 
“No, you didn’t. I checked there. I checked the whole island.” Steve’s glare only intensified. “Now, where were you?”
Next 7: Her Thoughts Conflict
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littlebitoffanfic · 4 years
Fandom: The Hills Have Eyes Characters: Hades, Chameleon Relationship: Hades/reader/Chameleon Request: Could you do a THHE request where it's the reader, hades, and chameleon having rough threesome, you could put whatever is good for the start, it's that just work is just so passionate that it's the best I've ever read. :3
 Being the mate of Hades was never the easiest thing in the world. Firstly, because you had only been his mate for a few years, after you stumbled into the mines. IN the beginning, you had been chained up, but you always slipped away. He never found you running or hiding, just wondering. You were so interesting to him, that he became fond of you. That didn’t mean you were safe. If you wondered too far or stepped out of line, you could be hit or slapped. But Chameleon tried not to let that happen to you. You felt bad for Hades oldest son. He was rather timid around his rather, but certainly became aggressive and territorial when people came into the mines. What was worse was the obvious crush he had on you. You saw the longing way he looked at you, and how he tried to get close to you but always seemed to trip himself up with everything he did. He bought you food he thought you would like, and anything that he found such as clothing or jewellery. You appreciate him immensely in the cold mines, but that didn’t change the fact that you slept next to Hades every night. It might have been easier if you just hated Hades, or Chameleon. But you did. You loved them both. 
Hades protected you, and showed he cared for you in unorthodox ways. He treated you better than he treated most of the mines inhabitants. You had become addicted to his dominance, especially in the bedroom. Where he pinned you down, played with you, denied you, torment you till you were shaking with need before allowing you to come with his cock in you. He always left you shaking but begging for more. But you had noticed something seemed to be off with Hades recently. He seemed to be thinking or planning something, and you had a feeling it was to do with Chameleon. You had noticed that the oldest had grown resentful for some reason. Of course, you played ignorance, but you heard the others mumble about how he wanted you. The two seemed to be butting heads more often, and you often found yourself running between them and begging them to stop. Perhaps Hades noticed how Chameleon always backed down when you asked him, or maybe Chameleon noticed that Hades did the same, but neither could deny you. God only knows how you came to be the only one that Hades would listen to. Still, you were surprised when Hades came to your shared room. You stood from your chair, smiling when he stormed over to you, locked his arms around your waist and kissed you. Moaning, you melted against his chest, gripping the material on his top in fistfuls. He bit your bottom lip and you immediately opened your mouth, allowing his tongue inside to explore. You could feel his growing budge, and you could also feel yourself becoming more and more turned on as the seconds passed. “you’ll do anything I say, right?” He pulled back, showing no real impact from the kiss, even though you were left panting. “Of course.” you nod, smiling and eager to please. “At the end of this, you’re mine!” he suddenly growled, making you shiver with lust. You loved it when he got so protective over you. But you were curious to what he had in mind. “Of course.” You grin wider, leaning up and peppering kisses to his cheek. He pretended to hate when you did it, but you felt him pull you closer to him. Hade smirked, before pulling back to show you that he had something in his hand. A long, black material, similar to a scarf but not as long or thick. Perhaps it had been cut off something, you weren’t sure. He raised it and cover your eyes with it, tying it around the back of your head. You held out your hand in front of your face, but couldn’t see through the material. Hades chuckle told you that whatever his intention, this was part of the plan. He took your raised hand and guided you. You felt the coldness of the corridors as he lead you out of the room. with your lack of sight, you tried to keep track of where you were going, but after the fifth or sixth turn, you were lost. You heard a door open. “Where are we going?” you giggle, feeling a rush of excitement. Hades lead you through the door, stopped you and went to close the door. You heard more movement from in front, even though you knew Hades was behind you. before you could question, Hades took your chin and turned your head, kissing you as he leaned over your shoulder. You instantly reached up, placing one hand on his cheek as he kissed you. His hands were on your waist, before reaching around and squeezing your chest, making you moan into the kiss. You were confused to say the least, unsure of what was going on but excited to see where it would lead. His hands left your breasts, and you were moved forwards, your hands dropping to your side. There was a pause as you waited for his next step. You felt hot breath on your lips, and you thought Hades was just teasing you, as he often did. So leaned forward, kissing the lips in front of you. Only, they didn’t feel the same. They didn’t demand your obedience, or try to dominate the kiss. if fact, you thought they were take back by your eagerness. Before you could question, you head Hades chuckle from behind you and you pulled back. Feeling a small rush of confusion and fear, you stumbled backwards until you felt his front hit your back. Hands came up and untied your blindfold. as the material fell away, you blinked in the small light, and found Chameleon in front of you. He looked stunned, his tongue licking his lower lip as he looked at you. You turned to look over your shoulder at Hades, unsure what was happening, until you saw the smirk on his lips and he leans down. “Don’t forget, love. You’re still mine.” He whispers in your ear, making you shiver. you could only imagine what he had in store for you and Chameleon at this point, and you looked back to Chameleon. He was watching Hades carefully, as unsure as you were. “Here.” Hades suddenly shoved you towards Chameleon. You lost your balance and fell against him, but he caught you. As you got back to your feet, you missed the looks between Hades and his son. when you looked up, about to question everything, Chameleon pinned you against the wall and kissed you. You yelped a little, looking to Hades. You expected him to grab Chameleon by the arm and haul him away, probably beating in to him. You hated when he did that to Chameleon. But he didn’t. Hades stood, watching. Upon seeing your eyes, begging him for answers, he simply gave you a dark smile and have a single nod. you allowed yourself to melt in the kiss, your eyes falling shut as you concentrated on Chameleons lips. he seemed so eager to please you, trying his hardest to keep control of this kiss, but seeming to drift off in his own world. You kept him straight, licking his lower lip when you realized he wasn’t going to demand you to open your lips. The small request seemed lost on chameleon, so you licked at his lips and he allowed you to dip your tongue into his mouth. It felt so strange having to be the more dominating one. But you liked it. Chameleon moaned as his tongue met your own and he fully tasted you. “[y/n]!” Hades barked your name, and you felt Chameleon flinch. He clung to you, as if not wanting to let you go. But when Hades shouted your name again, he lowered you to the ground and backed away. Chameleons eyes were on the ground, and you could see the disappointment and sadness in his eyes. Oh you wanted to run to him and throw your arms around him. But you couldn’t. Instead, you looked to Hades. He was no longer standing, but now was sitting on the edge of the bed. You walked up to him, noticing how his eyes travelled down your body. “Strip.” The order fell from his lips and you immediately followed. You knew chameleon was still standing behind you but you couldn’t say no. Well, you wouldn’t say no. The idea of Chameleon watching turned you on, even more so when you noticed Hades bulge in his trousers. you started by taking off your top, slowly as just to test the waters. Once you saw it was really what Hades wanted, you threw your top to the side and started on your other items. Pulling off all your clothes, the gathered in a pile to your side until you were standing right in front of him. Hades leaned back, undoing his trousers and freeing his cock. Without needing to be told, you went to straddle him, but he stopped you with a chuckle. “Turn around.” Hades instructed you. as you turned, you immediately saw Chameleon was staring at you. His eyes skimmed across your bare body, not able to settle on one place before gulping. When he looked up at your eyes, he gave an awkward smile before looking away. You had little time to take in the awkward giant before hand were on your waist and you were pulled back. Hades, and most of the mines occupants, could lift you with ease. He pulled you onto his lap. You instantly spread your legs as he lined himself up with your entrance. The make out and grope with Chameleon had been more than enough to get you going as he slid in without issue. you threw your head back against his body with a moan, arching your back. You were so lost in your lust that you didn’t even register that Hades let go of your hips to run his hands down your inner thigh, spreading your legs completely open. Allowing Chameleon to see your most intimate area. You were still able to touch the ground with your feet either side of him, so you quickly set a pace that you knew he would like. Quick, animated bounces where you moaned with every movement were his favourites. He moved a hand to cup and play with your right breast, squeezing your nipple in the process. “Good girl.” He growled in your ear, making your eyes open as you glance at him. He leaned down and bit your shoulder, sucking the area to leave a love bite. Looking back, you saw Chameleon. You felt guilt for forgetting he was still here, but everything was too much for you and your pleasure sometimes clouded your mind. Chameleon had sank to sit on the floor against the wall opposite you. He was palming his erection through his trousers, and you just managed to make out a soft whine from him over the slapping and moaning. Hades reached his free hand down your front, rubbing your clit with his callous fingers. You were so worked up, and it only took a few minutes of him rubbing your clit the right way along with the fast pace before you came, sinking down fully on him as you moaned with pleasure. You knew this wasn’t over, because Hades hadn’t came yet. It was never over till he had his pleasure. but he did give you a moment to recover, enjoying how you spasmed on his lap. His hands left you for a moment before you felt him give your ass a soft spank, a silent demand for you to get up which you obeyed. “Take care o’ the boy.” Hades pushed your lower back toward Chameleon, and you didn’t need to be asked twice. Walking up to him, you kneeled in front of Chameleon before crawling up him, your legs either side of his own. His hands balled into fists and out again and again as he watched you with complete focus. You placed your hands on his bare chest, feeling how quick his heart was beating under the flesh there. You bite your lower lip, glancing to his crouch and he instantly seemed to understand your request. Chameleons hands fumbled with his trousers, undoing them and freeing his staining member. It appeared that he wasn’t wearing underwear, like Hades. You moved to sit over his member, the warmth of your core causing him to groan as his hips jolted up. His cock twitched between your thighs as you ground against it before pushing yourself up and lining yourself up with it. Slowly, you lowered yourself onto him. Chameleon let out a broken moan of pleasure as his hands grabbed onto your hips as if trying to keep himself fully inside you. You gave him a moment to get use to the pleasure, unsure if it would be too intense for him and he might cum immediately. But while his father beat him in girth, he more than made up for it in length. Rolling your hips, you couldn’t help but let out a whimper of pleasure, enjoying the slowness for a change. Hades was always so far and rough, so it was a nice change of pace. To be allowed to enjoy your lovers body. You began to raise yourself up, only to feel Chameleons hands clamp harder on your waist. You almost let out a giggle, but you were aware that Hades was still watching, and you didn’t want him to find a reason to make fun of him. You allowed Chameleon to pull you back down, and instantly saw the pleasure ripple through his body with a shiver. Leaning down, you kissed him, managing to distract him enough to allow you to set a steady pace. Every thrust seemed to earn a reaction from Chameleon, and he was soon panting for air as he watched you. His hands stayed planted on your hips, even though you wanted to feel his touch. But you didn’t understand the rules of this game, and you didn’t want to push too much. Leaning forward, you kissed him. He instantly opened his lips like before, his tongue darting out and into your mouth. You moaned happily, glad to see he was a quick leaner. you cupped his cheeks with both your hands, kissing him as eagerly as he did you. But his hips started to snap up, begging you to go faster, so you had to brace yourself on his shoulders and chest as you pulled back panting. Hades appeared beside you, tuning your head as Chameleon attacked your neck with sloppy kisses. one of your hands left Chameleons chest, knowing what Hades wanted even before you saw his cock right beside your face. Taking him in your hand, you started to pump his member while licking the tip. You didn’t care if he tasted of you, you were just thankful he had allowed this to happen. But even as you started to suck him off, looking up with him while you did so, you knew he wasn’t just doing this because Chameleon wanted you. Maybe he thought letting Chameleon be with you like this would keep him more loyal to the clan. And you weren’t sure if he was wrong. You took Hades in your throat, working hard to time your bouncing with sucking Hades off so not to choke yourself. You were sure Hades would like that, but it might give Chameleon a fright. Looking up at your mate, you loved how the dominating and aggression seemed to crumble as you worshiped his cock. His mouth was hung open, his eyes unable to tear away from you. There wasn’t many things that could break Hades, but this was one of them. And you wanted to show him how grateful you were for allowing this. Moaning around his cock as chameleon found your sweet spot, you closed your eyes to concentrate on the pleasure of it all as a hand found its way into your hair. Hades grabbed a fistful and started to thrust into your mouth, apparently either unhappy with the speed or thinking your closed eyes meant you were forgetting out him. Opening your eyes, you felt tears prick as his cock kept hitting the back of your throat. Your hand left his shaft and slipped beneath to massage his balls. It was more than enough for Hades, as you felt his cock twitch and he came in your mouth. You knew better than to spit, so swallowed and, when he pulled out, you stuck out your tongue to show him. He grinned with pride, and stumbled backwards to take his seat back on the bed. He kept your eyes on his own, his gaze lustful despite just cumming. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and licked his bottom lip. You suspected this wasn’t going to be your only session with Hades tonight. Chameleon let out a groan of pleasure, drawing your attention back to him. He pulled back from your neck, gasping for air as his body twitched. “Kiss.” He whined in your ear, and you didn’t even think as you turned your head and kissed him. His tongue slipped into your mouth immediately. He didn’t seem as uptight as he had been earlier. Any shyness had been replaced with lust. A lust that didn’t care that you were his fathers mate, or that his father had came in your mouth only minutes ago. Your eyes jerked open at the realization, but Chameleon didn’t care. He just wanted as much as he could take from you. Because this might be his only chance. He clung to you with desperate need, his hips buckling to meet your own. And when he whines, you felt yourself shiver with lust. Pulling your body as tightly against his own so he could feel as much of your skin on his as possible, you knew he was close. His muscles were tense, his thrusts growing sloppy as he chased his tight. And you couldn’t take much more. it was too much for you to handle. The pleasure from Hades before, the way Chameleon clung to you, the fact Hades was watching from the side. It was all too much for you to bare. Clinging to him just as desperately as he did to you, you came. Your whole body trembled as your walls pulsed around Chameleon. He had been so close, so when he felt your body shakings as your walls milked him along with the moans that left your lips, he couldn’t hold back. He came with a few uneven thrusts into you, your name the only thing he could moan. When you felt his hips give in and his body goes limp with overwhelming pleasure, you collapse against his chest. You were so overwhelmed and overstimulated that you felt as if you blacked out for a moment. You were brought back to earth when you felt someone gently tap your leg with their foot. Looking up, Hades was stood beside you. Once he saw your attention was on him, he ducked down and kissed you. Hard. Nipping at your lip, you almost jumped back out of surprise, but you knew better than to do that. Especially after the treat he just gave you. You opened your mouth, instantly giving him dominance over you as he kissed you, before pulling back. “5 minutes.” He growled in your ear, before straightening up and walking out. You were perplexed to say the least, unsure why he had given you two time alone. But Hades hated after care, and 9 out of 10 times it was non-existent. Perhaps he thought that he could pawn you off on Chameleon for that sappy shit? Turning back to Chameleon, you saw he was watching you. The shyness had returned, despite the fact that you were still sitting naked on his lap with his now soft cock pressed against your entrance. yet his hands still gripped your thighs. Glancing to the door, you made sure Hades had fully left, unsure if you would be crossing a line. But once you were sure, you leaned forward and kissed Chameleon. It was sloppy, but relaxed. The kiss wasn’t driven by lust or desire, but felt comfortable and sweet. Chameleon’s grip on you lessened, and he moved his hands up your side and around your waist to hold you close. But you were aware of the time restraint, and something told you Hades was waiting for you. Pulling back, you offered Chameleon a small smile before getting up. You suddenly felt very vulnerable. Perhaps it was the fact you were standing bare naked, but it felt a lot more… personal than that. You couldn’t forget the way Chameleon held you or how he kissed you. That didn’t mean you did not want Hades. You were still very much attacked to his strength and to his dominance. Hell, even more so in the way he commanded you with Chameleon watching. But Chameleon was soft, and ever so sweet with you. Pulling your clothes onto your body, you couldn’t help but smile as the now chilled material from the floor cooled your heated skin. But your top wasn’t with the other items of clothing. You heard chameleon move from the floor, standing up and sorting himself. Turning to him, you expected to see sadness in his eyes. You were still Hades mate, and you would be walking out that door to him. But you were surprised. Chameleon stood watching you with a smile on his lips. His eyes, while looking tired, were happy. You felt yourself melt under his gaze, returning the smile. Chameleon closed the distance, bending down to scoop up your top from just behind you. He offered the clothing to you, and you took it gratefully. Pulling the top on, you then smoothed out the clothes. “How do I look?” You asked, expecting him to point out anything that might give away the activities that had just happened. Like your hair was a mess, or your skirt was on backwards. But Chameleon just smiled. “Beautiful.” He breathed, catching you off guard again. Smiling, you glance down, before deciding to take one final risk. Going up on your tiptoes and with a hand on his chest, you press another kiss to him lips before pulling back before he had a chance to respond. but your hand stayed on his chest, just over his heart. “I’ll see you around, okay?” you smile, and he eagerly nods. Walking away from him, you allow your hand to slid off his chest before you left him in the room with a dorky smile on his lips.
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exxxxuusmee · 5 years
YOU Part 1
Fem Reader x Taehyung
Warnings: oral male and female receiving. a loooot of filthy dirty talk be warned! Unprotected Intercourse (pleas stay safe and use condoms! this is just a fan fic)
Authors note: This is the first thing i ever wrote.. mostly filth, ops hehe. And in this alternative reality k-pop idols can walk in to a bar and get to know strangers and kiss in public without paparazzi getting involved hahah :’). 
Y/C = Your country
You couldn’t believe it. This was it, the trip you had wanted to go on for so many months.  It was hard to wrap you’re head around it. Usually when you were talking about places you wanted to visit, different countries and so forth it almost never happened. Especially not if It was to far away. But there you were waiting by the gate at the airport for a plane that was going to take you to South Korea. A 16 hour-long journey and that would be it. Your family was hesitant to let you go because it was so far away but they knew that it was something that you really wanted to do for yourself. They were afraid that you would like it way more than you’re small boring home country, and it would compel you to settle down there. And in the back of your mind you had already thought about it. But you promised your family that you would come back home.
Right before you got on the plane you got a text from your mother.
(Ice Mommy) : Hi love! I hope you will have a safe trip and call me the first thing you do when you land. I love you so much and I miss you so much already!
PS. Be carful of pickpockets, hold your bags tight. Xx
She was already so worried about you.  In the text she seamed composed but you had learnt to read between the lines. She was extremely worried. You hade never been this far from home before and who could blame her for worrying.
(You) : Hi mom, were about to take off any second now. Everything is going well! I love you to but I promise you this time will fly by and will see each other soon. Haha I will mom, love you xx
You started to settle in to your seat and looked out the window when the plane started to take off. You caught yourself smiling and with butterflies in your stomach but you couldn’t distinguish if it was just the feeling of the plane lifting or it hade to do with that you actually went through with this journey. Ether way it didn’t matter, you were happy.
After many hours of looking out the window and drifting in and out of sleep the captain informed that we were about to touch down in Seoul. You felt groggy from the long journey when you stood and awaited your luggage. You were probably pretty jet lagged, but you had never flown this far away before so you could only guess that was what this feeling was. Once you got your luggage you went to search for the cab driver that was going to take you to the place you were going to stay. You walked out to arrivals and saw an older man holding up a sign with you’re name on it. Miss. Y/N to be more exact. In your home country they didn’t use miss and mister, it was refreshing and a bit fun. You waved at the older man and started to walk towards him. He greeted you, and to your surprise he spoke to you in English. Well it wasn’t that hard to figure out that you weren’t from here and he was just being polite. But you instantly greeted him back in Korean. You didn’t want to waste all those hours you put down to learn Korean all by your self back home. He was surprised and flashed you a big grin and told you to follow him to the car. Once seethed in the car and the old man started driving he started to ask you what such a sweet young girl was doing all by her self in Korea. You told him that this was one of your dreams and he chuckled. With that the driver smiled once again and said ¨Well, welcome to Korea Y/N. I think you’re going to have a wonderful time here!¨ His kind words warmed your hearth and you were happy that the first person you met were so nice and welcoming. ¨Thank you, I believe I will¨
The place that you were staying at was a pretty nice place. An apartment with a small kitchen, living room and a good-sized bedroom. You hade first planned to stay at a hostel or hotel. But your mom and dad felt it was safer to rent an apartment instead. You were happy that they came up with that idea. This was mush more comfortable than a hotel room or a hostel. Since you were going to stay for a couple of months this was almost cheaper as well. And that made your wallet happy. And this way you didn’t have to put out so much money one eating food out. You could just go to one of the markets and by some ingredients and cook back at the apartment. 
Before you turned in for the night you picked up your phone to call your parents. The call was short, but you just wanted to tell them that you had settled in and that everything was fine. With that you threw yourself on to the big bed and drifted off to sleep, you were so exited to what these mouths here had in store for you.
The next day you had gone to the store to buy some things you needed for the kitchen so that you could make yourself some breakfast and so it lasted for a couple more days. You also picked up some necessities all girls need. You spent most of the morning settling in to the new apartment. Hung up your clothes and fixed the shelf’s in the bathroom. When you were all done you decided to jump in to the shower quickly before going out to get to know the city.
You walked around for hours you didn’t even notice how long you had been out. So mesmerized by your new surroundings. You were abruptly woken up from your hypnosis when your stomach rumbled so loudly you almost thought the people that passed you by noticed. You decided to still your hunger and you went in to a small bar you saw across the street. ¨Some food and a beer would be nice right now¨ you said to yourself. You ran over the street and went in to the bar. Once there you walked up to the bartender and ordered some nachos and a beer. You waited by the bar while your order was getting ready. You looked around the bar, it was a small bar with dark interior, almost like one of those sports bar you had been to when you were in London. You had always liked these kinds of bars. There was something warm and cozy about them. When your order was finished you took your food and beer and went over to what almost looked like a small scene with one step up were there stood two old brown chesterfield sofas with a small round coffee table in the middle. A meter long fence made out of wood enclosed the scene; it looked like small columns like they have on buildings but on a much smaller scale of course. You sat your beer and food down on the coffee table and sunk down on the comfortable sofa. You sat so that you had a panoramic view of the place, you could see the whole bar from were you sat. The bar must have a slow night cause there were only a couple other guests there. You ate some of your food and drank your beer in peace while you sank your self down in one of your books about sightseeing in Seoul that your sister bought for you just before you left for Korea.
After an hour or so and three more beers, it was almost 22.00. Your head snapped from the book when you herd the door open. In came two younger men that headed straight to the bar to order some drinks. They were dressed nicely in jeans and black hoodies and long jackets that almost hit the floor. They both had masks on their faces. You never really understood the meaning behind them but you knew that they hade become quit a fashion trend in many Asian countries. One of the men had a black fisherman’s hat as well. It almost looked like they were trying to hide themselves. You could see that one of them hade silver blonde hair and the other one charcoal black. You didn’t think much more of them and turned your eyes back to your book.
After a while you started to feel like the younger men were staring at you, so you turned your gaze towards them and looked the silver haired man straight in his eyes to see what his problem was. There was something familiar with him, almost like you hade either met him before or seen him. But that weren’t possible. The silver haired man didn’t stop staring at you, so there you were having a stair off with some guy you didn’t know. It started to feel uncomfortable but you didn’t want to lose this battle. But it became too much and you returned your gaze to your book. You could see in the corner of your eye that the men were headed straight your way. You didn’t look up when the to men stat them self’s down on the sofa opposite to you.
¨Hello¨ you herd a deep voice say. You hade no other choice than took look up at the men sitting in front of you. Now without their mask and hat. You froze. Now you knew why they looked so familiar. Its was fricking Jungkook and Taehyung from BTS, one of the most famous kpop bands in the world, and on of your favorite bands.
You couldn’t believe it, how did this happen and why would they sit down here with you?! You almost felt like this was some kind of dream and that in any second you were going to wake up in your bed. You never told anyone except your best friend F/N that they were one of the reasons that you got interested in Korea, or more Korean men.. And here you were sitting in a small bar in the outside of the city not with one but with two of the members from BTS. And one of your favorites non the less. Taehyung just ticked all of your boxes; he was wicked good looking, funny, cute and that amazing smile of his. You snapped out of your chock and hoped that it didn’t show on your face as much as it felt it did. ¨Hi there¨ you said way more confidently than you thought you were going to be able to. ¨Why are you sitting here all alone?¨ Jungkook asked with a smug smile on his face. That smile, oh my god, that smile you thought to your self. It sent shook waves all over your body. ¨Well, I was just out and about getting to know my knew surroundings when I craved a beer and some food¨ you sad with a chuckle. ¨Knew surroundings you say, hmm, were are you from then?¨Taeyuang asked while looking at you from head to toe up and down. You still tried to compose yourself, but you felt that you were doing pretty well considering. ¨I’m from Y/C.¨ You looked back and forth from Jungkooks and Taehyungs faces to see what they thought about that. Jungkook Just nodded while Taehyung stared you deep in the eyes and smiled. ¨Y/C you say? We have been there before, but it was a couple of years ago now, isn’t that right kookie?¨ ¨Yeah we have, it’s a beautiful country. How do you know Korean though? I must say that I’m pretty impressed by the way you speak Haden it been for you looks I would have thought you were from here.¨ You started to feel warm all over your body, you could feel how your cheeks started to redden by his praise. It was childish really but you couldn’t help it. ¨I learned Korean my self back home. When I knew that I was coming here I wanted to be able to speak to people and make new friends. You guys are one of the first people i’ve been speaking to since I came here. I’m glad that you can understand what I’m saying. That must mean that all that hard work was not in vain¨ Taehyung laughed. ¨It sure did I must say.¨ You were thinking about if you should mention that you knew who they were. But you didn’t want so seem as an crazy fan girl and you also thought about how hard it must be for them to go out and making new friends without hearing about their job. So you decided that you wouldn’t say anything unless they brought it up.
Suddenly Taehyung stood up and looks at you with wide eyes. ¨I’m so sorry, we haven’t even asked your name. I was just so caught up in knowing why you were here all alone haha..my name is Taehyung, but you can call me Tae. What’s your name?¨He asked holding his and forward wanting you to shake it. ¨Haha, that’s fine, I didn’t think about it ether. My name is Y/N, nice to meet you Tae¨ Taehyung and you shook hands, then Tae looked over at Jungkook and he immediately bend over the coffee table and introduced himself.
If felt like you sat there talking with them for hours. You spoke about what you were doing here in Korea, what your plans were. But also about many other things, fashion, animals, the culture chock that they thought I was going to go trough. The whole time you were sitting there talking the drinks had piled up on the table. You didn’t know how much you had been drinking but it had to be a lot because you started to feel pretty tipsy and by the looks of it Tae and Jungkook wasn’t immune either. You started to feel Taehyung eying your body whilst Jungkook told some funny story. You tried to concentrate on his story but you couldn’t ignore the looks Taehyung swung your way. He was so intense and you could feel your whole body heating up and your insides twisting. It could be the alcohol though. Why would someone like Taehyung be interested in you. He must have hundreds, no millions of girls swarming round him all the time. But still you couldn’t shake the feeling that he wanted to devoir you. Suddenly Jungkook stood up and announced that he hade to visit the bathroom. Left were you and Taehyung and the sexual tension you thought you felt. After Jungkook was gone Tae switched places so that he sat down next to you. Your body was tingeling with excitement but he didn’t have to know that. It seamed that he was pretty tipsy because it seemed like he no longer knew what personal space was, but you hade nothing against it. You were more than happy to have him this close. You sat next to each other and then he put his arm around your back. You could feel the warmth radiating from him. For a while you just sat there without ether of you saying a word. Then Tae turned in towards you and placed a hand firmly at your upper thigh. His face was less than a couple of cm from yours. He swirled his thump up and down a small perimeter on your thigh and you could feel how you started to get wet down there. How was that even possible, he had barley touched you and you were already so turned on. You just wanted to straddle him right there in front of all the other guests you didn’t even care. Taegyung then suddenly broke the silence that hade washed over you both.
¨When I saw you sitting here all alone earlier, I just had to come and talk to you. I have never seen someone so beautiful as you. There is something special about you, so beautiful¨ Tae looked at you with lust in his eyes. Hungry to crash his lips down at yours. You didn’t know what you should say back to him so instead you dug up your confidence that had almost gone away completely when they had sat down by your table earlier. You eagerly kissed his lips. Taehyung kissed you back with such passion you started to feel a little light headed. The kissed deepened when his though started to graze your lips asking for entrance. You gladly invited him in to your mouth and you could hear a small moan coming from him. You felt so good, because of him but also because how obvious it was that he were effected by you. You broke the kiss and looked deep in his eyes with a smug smile across your lips. Your hand touching his chest up and down with feather like strokes. He watched your hands while he groped your thigh harder. ¨Maybe we should slow down a little. There are still people here and Jungkook will probably come back any second¨ you said to him still grazing your fingers across his chest. He smiled at you squeezing your thigh ¨I suppose you are right. But don’t worry about Jungkook he has already found something else to do¨ Tae looked over at the bar were Jungkook stood and talked to some girls. You guessed that Jungkook saw you getting all handsy when he left the restroom and decided to give you two some space. But to be honest it didn’t seem like he minded that at all. The girls that he talked to almost hung over him, and it didn’t surprise you. He was a very attractive man. You turned back your attention to Taehyung and kissed him lightly on the lips. ¨Maybe we should go somewhere were we could get a little more privacy then? If you would be interested it of course¨ you hoped to god that he would say yes. It was some time since you had gotten with someone and Taehyung would be the perfect ‘’first’’ one since your brake from men. ¨You are speaking my language¨ He said and stood himself up from the sofa while holding out his hand for you to grab and get yourself up. He quickly dressed, put his hat and mask on the told me to wait for him by the door while he went to tell Jungkook were he was going. By the looks of it Jungkook had already gotten that message long before ether off us had. He just laughed and waved Taehyung away. Tae returned to you, took your hand and left the bar.
You decided to grab a cab to your apartment since it was quit a long way to walk. He told you on the way that it would be better to go to your place since he hade roommates and they would most definitely disturb you. You didn’t know if he thought that you didn’t know who he was. But he didn’t seem keen on telling you either. But you thought about how you already knew who all of his roommates were. You couldn’t even imagine going to their place and meet all of them. Especially not knowing what probably were going down once you guys got home to the apartment.
You and Taehyung walked up the stairs to your apartment in silence. The atmosphere was tense and you felt week, like your hole body was about to give out. But you didn’t allow that to happen right now. You were way to excited about what would happen once you got inside your apartment. Standing in front of the door, you searched your bag for the keys. You found them and tried to find the keyhole but without much success. Tae laughed and took the keys from you. Of course he had no trouble unlocking the door. You blamed the alcohol and laughed nervously. But deep down you knew that it had nothing to do with that.  You walked in to the apartment and told Tae to make him self at home. You watched him walk towards the sofa in the living room while you went in to the kitchen to bring you guys some beer.
Once you went back to the living room you watched how Taehyung had sat down on the sofa with his hands on the pillows. He looked so good. Before you joined him you walked over to your stereo and put on some low playing music just to lighten the mood and make the silence go away. You noticed how he followed your every move. You saw him standing up and how he started to walk towards you from the corner of your eye. But you didn’t move from the stereo. You wanted to see what he would do. Suddenly he hugged you from behind holding his arms around your waste, you gasped at the sensation, slowly swaying you side to side to the music. His face cupped on your shoulder pressing light kisses on your ear and the down to your neck. You hummed your approval, and you could here him smile against your neck. ¨Yeah, you like that don’t you?¨ He teased as he whispered in your ear. His low voice send chills up and down your spine. ¨I do, I like it very much..¨ You said with a tremble in your voice. ¨What would you like me to do to you huh? I know what I want to do to you, and I knew it from the second a laid my eyes on you¨ He continued kissing you, his hands starting to feel your body out. From your waist up, along your stomach till they reached your breasts and his hands started to massage them. You could feel how your panties started to get soaked through. So little it took to have such of an effect on you, his voice, his hands caressing your body. ¨Is that so? Why don’t you just tell med that instead? I’m intrigued.¨ You flung your head back to give I’m better access to your neck, and he jumped for the opportunity. He pressed his body hard against yours so that you could feel his erect member pressing against your ass. ¨Do you feel how worked up you have made me? All I want to do is to tear this dress off your body and kiss every inch of you. You are so beautiful, but I can bet that you are even more beautiful out of that dress, don’t you think?¨ You reached your hands up to curl your fingers through his thick well styled hair. ¨Please tear it off.. I want to feel your hands all over me. I’m getting all wet just thinking about what your hands can do to my body¨
With that Taehyung turned you to face him and he immediately ripped the dress off you. You gasped when the fabric ripped in half to reveal your almost naked body. Tae stepped back for a moment looking at you up hand down and hummed in approval. Then he reached to the hem of his shirt and pulled it of him and then the same to his pants so that he was left with only his black boxer. You hade seen men without clothes before but damn, this was completely different. He was more fit than you thought. But all you had seen before were only pictures and videos on social medias and they didn’t do him justice. He was lean but still well built, and it almost looked as he was glowing. What a sight.
You both stood there for a couple off minutes just to take in each other’s bodies. ¨Oh my god. You look so good. Ready to eat don’t you think? I bet you taste like a slice of heaven¨ You laughed at his bluntness and gave him a teasing smile. He lifted his gaze off you and in less then a second he stood in front off you lifting you up so that he held one leg in each hand. You could feel his hard dick rubbing against your wet core while he carried you to the bedroom.
He laid you down on the bed and then crawled up between your legs. He flashed you a sweet and teasing smile as he leaned over you to kiss you. You couldn’t take this. It all went to slow, you had been worked up for hours and you needed some release right now. With that in your mind you grabbed him by the shoulders and swung both of you around so that you straddled his crotch. Tae was shocked by your sudden determination but you could see clearly that he liked it. ¨Eager are we? I knew you were a wild one the instant I saw you. Isn’t that right baby? He said as he brought his hands up to cup your face, bringing you down to his face and kissing along your jawline up to your ear and the down your neck. The sensation made you shiver and you let out a loud moan. You were to worked up to get out anything in response so you just replied him with starting to grind on his erect cock. Hard but slow, back and forth. He helped you intensify it by meeting your movements and in a short while the room was filled with both of your moans. ¨You feel so good grinding on my hard cock baby¨ He said while e flung his head back on to the pillow. You decided to teas him a bit to get him to feel how he had made you feel the entire evening. You usually didn’t do much dirty talk but with Taehyung it seemed different. And you could tell that it was one off his kinks. ¨Yeah? You like feeling my soaked through panties grinding up and down you’re big cock ha?I love it, your cock is so big and I want to taste every inch off it¨ You said this while continuing your grinding and looking him right into his eyes. With your words he started to squirm under you and let out some low grunts. ¨God you are so dirty, I love it¨ He said whilst he put his hands on your thighs and squeezed them harshly then reached down to your as and slapped it hard with one off his hands. You gasped at the feeling. It didn’t hurt, it made you clench your walls around nothing. You were so ready for him. You lifted your self off him and crawled back and sat on your knees. You leaned over him to give him a small peck on the lips. You then presided to kiss him from his neck down to his nipples and down over his defied abs. When you reached his boxer you played with the hem.
You looked up to him to see how he liked what you were doing. But you couldn’t see his face because it was buried in the pillow. When he lifted his head from the pillow you could see that his eyes was closed and that he gritted his teeth. You slowly returned your attention to his boxers and hooked two fingers inside the hem and started to slid them down and off him. Once the boxers landed on the floor you couldn’t stop looking at the surprisingly big cook that emerged in front off you. It looked so hard that it could burst any given minute. You started to kiss him everywhere around his cock but not were he wanted you the most. You noticed him propping him self up on his elbows to see what you were doing. You knew you hade teased him for a good while and decided to give him some release. You brought your hand up to grab his balls, massaging them lightly. His whole body twitched at the sensation and with that you took his hard cock inside of your mouth. Like you had no time to spear you immediately took his whole length down your throat so that you were deep throating him. You could feel the tip at the back of your throat almost making you gag. You looked up to se Tae’s face expressing, pure bliss. He met your gaze and reached out his hand to get your hair away from your face. ¨Oh shiit.. If you keep going like that I’m going to cum any second. How are you so good at th..oo fuck¨ He was caught off when you started to swallow around his length. You continued bobbing your head up and down, taking in the feel of him in your mouth. He was heavy on your tongue and the taste of him was like the best flavored candy you had ever tasted. With that you decided it was enough. You didn’t want him to cum to fast.
You reached your hands behind your back and unclasped your bra and threw it behind you on the floor. Tae’s hands reached for your breast immediately massaging them with a good amount of pressure. ¨You are so fucking sexy Y/N. So beautiful, your perfect¨ And with that said he dove mouth first down to one off your breast to suck your nipple. Gently sucking and licking one of your nipples while his other hand continued to massage the other. You signed out in pure pleasure. It was so long since a man made you feels this way. And although you hadn’t come very far you could already tell that this was going to be the best sex you have had in a long time. You removed Tae’s hands from your body laid yourself down on your back and seductively slid off your thongs while still holding on to the eye contact with him. You wanted to see how he would react. What you could see by his facial expression could just be explained as pure hunger. You slowly spread your legs wide so that he could see every inch of you. ¨Do you like what you see Taehyung? Look how wet you have made me. My pussy is begging to be filled, its s-ooo e-empty¨ You stammered while flashing a fake pout and big puppy eyes. In one swift move Tae sifted from his position so that he now laid with his face between your legs he looked up at you and lifted one of his eyebrows. He looked so sexy between you legs, and you still couldn’t believe that Kim Taehyung laid their intoxicated by you. ¨You are such a teas Y/N, you are driving me crazy. And I can promise you that I will fuck you so hard that you will have trouble walking tomorrow, would you like that baby?¨ He started kissing your thighs, still looking deep into your eyes while he waited for your response. You couldn’t help but quiver under his touch and a couple of week moans left your mouth when you herd the words coming out off his mouth. ¨O-oh my god Tae, pleas just fuck me. I need you so bad¨ You said. ¨Oh I will, but first I’m going have a taste of you¨ And with that he faced your wet throbbing pussy and licked your slit all the way from your entrance up to your clit where he stopped and started sucking. The feeling was amazing. You had never felt this way before when someone hade been eating you out. It was always pleasant but not as good as this. You didn’t know if it was because of how turned on you were by him or if all the others that hade done this on you before just sucked at it.
You were a moaning mess when he continued his movements. He suddenly looked up at you and you whined from the loss of stimulation. ¨mmh shit, You taste so sweet, just like I imagined. I could stay down here for hours you taste so good¨ When that was said he retuned down to your clit and started kitten lick it the taking your sensitive nub in to his mouth again and started sucking. You could feel how he stared circling one of his long slender fingers around your entrance, coating it with your juices before pushing it inside of you. You, Laing down on your back, mouth agape moaning his name while he started thrusting his finger faster in and out of you. He then adding another finger, he curled his fingers inside of you and you could feel how your high was approaching.
¨Taehyung, Tae, stop!¨You almost screamed out. Tae’s movements came to an abrupt stop while his head flung up to look at you his face flashing true concern. ¨What is it?! Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry oh my god!¨He truly looked terrified. You swung yourself up on your knees simultaneously pushing him down the bed to his back. You then started to crawl on top of him. ¨Oh, no! Of course you didn’t! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I.. its just that I was so close to cum and I didn’t want to come until I had your cock inside me¨ You looked down at his chest shyly, a little bit embarrassed. ¨Oh.. OH. I see, that we can fix baby¨  you could see the relief in his eyes while taking your chin between his fingers pushing himself up to give you an hungry kiss. When you broke the kiss it almost looked like he was even more turned on by your words. And to be true, it boosted your ego. 
You probed your self up and reached your hand between your legs to grab his cock. You lifted your self up and positioned your self with him, slowly pushing yourself down on his dick. The sensation stole some moans from both you and Taehyung as the feeling of him filling you up intoxicated both of you. When you sat down on him completely you slowly started to move back and forth, while having your palms securely placed on his chest. Tae reached his hands for your ass, gripping both of your cheeks with force as he helped you with your movements. ¨Shit Y/N. You feel so tight, so warm and wet. You like riding my cock huh?¨He said mouth half opened gasping for air. ¨I do, your cock I so big Tae. Its filling me up so good. I cant wait till you cum deep inside my pussy¨ You said while continuing riding him, picking up your pace white every grind of your hips. Tae loosened the grip on one of your ass cheeks and slapped it hard with made you moan even loader making your walls clench around his dick. He could feel it, and it felt so good for him, almost to good. ¨You are so dirty aren’t you? Look how eagerly you are riding my cock huh?¨ He said while he started to thrust harder and harder in to you. ¨You feel so good around my cock baby. You want me to cum in your pussy hah?¨ He said while looking you deep in the eyes and giving you another hard slap on your as. He the proceeded to lift your hips with his hands to start drill his cock inside of you from below. It felt so good, and you could feel the knot starting to form inside your stomach. You looked down on Taehyung and you could see the sweat pearling on his face and chest. He looked out of this world drilling into you from underneath. You would never forget this moment.
You reached down to rub your clit to help yourself reaching your high while Taehyung continued. ¨Tae im..im, going to.. omg. Pleas cum inside me. I want to feel all of you¨ You could feel how close you were to coming, you felt your walls starting to clench around his cock. ¨Come for me baby, I want to feel you cum all over my hard dick shiit!¨ And that was all you needed to hear as your orgasm washed over you. Tae still fucking you hard through your high, your legs started to shake and clenching around his dick uncontrollably, your back arched and head flung back. ¨Omg Tae!¨ You practically screamed out. In one swift move Tae swung you around so that you laid on your back. He continued fucking you harder then you ever felt as he was chasing his own high. You decided to help him along and started to clench around him to give him more pleasure. ¨Oh shit Y/N! Your so good, im go…nna cum any second shit¨ He was a panting mess. You loved seeing him coming undone by your touch. ¨Yeah?cum for me baby! I want to feel you cum inside me. You have been so good to me tonight, now cum. Please I wan to be filled up by you!¨ Taehyung grunted and moaned, going crazy by your words. It only took a couple more sloppy thrusts until he pushed himself inside you as deep as was possible and came inside you. You could feel the warmth off his release. You preceded with clenching around him to milk every last drop out of him. Whit that, he collapsed on top of you, panting in your ear.
He rolled off you so that he laid beside you. Both of you silent, staring up at the ceiling. You were the one to break the silence, and all you could muster was ¨Holy shit¨. He looked over at you and smiled, kissing you on your cheek. His demeanor had completely changed. From the dominant and dirty talking man to something more innocent. ¨That.. you were amazing, are amazing¨ He said while kissing you on the lips once more. ¨You are to, I have never felt anything like that before¨ You confessed shyly looking away from him. He turned over to his side propping him self up on his elbow, reaching out his hand to your breasts and slowly starting to trace the outline of them with his slender finger. ¨Neither have I¨ He said continuing playing with his fingers on your chest. You did as he and rolled over to your side so that you were face to face. You both laid there, him playing with his fingers on your chest, you tracing the outline of his face and hair with yours. You stayed like this for some time, neither of you knew for how long. It felt so good and intimate, even more so then the sex.
Suddenly you could feel the aftermath of the act as his cum started to sip out onto your thighs. You slung your self up sitting on the bed a bit embarrassed. Tae flinched at your sudden movement. ¨Whats wrong?¨ He asked carefully. First looking at your face the down to your hands, which were cupping your core. He looked up at your face again with a smug grin on his face. There he was, the other side of him. ¨Oh.. haha. Let me help you with that¨ He said giving you a kiss on your forehead while lifting himself up to walk over to the bathroom, still completely naked. What a sight. He came back from the bathroom white a dampened towel. ¨Lean back baby, let me take care of you¨ You were slightly chocked by his actions. ¨I can fix it myself, you don’t have to¨ But he ignored you and pushed you down on the bed and spread your legs. It felt weird, and for some reason you felt so exposed. But when you looked at his face giving you a reaching smile you calmed down and the embarrassment faded away. He broke away from your eyes as they traveled down between your legs. He carefully wiped you clean and then threw the towel in the laundry bin. You looked at him while he returned to your bed patting at the spot beside him for you to come and lay down next to him. He really wanted to stay here? You thought to yourself. What about the other members, wouldn’t they be worried about him? But you couldn’t ask him about it either. Since he didn’t know that you knew. Or did he? You pushed you thoughts away and crawled up beside him. You both laid on your sides, him holding you tight in his arm from behind. You were completely drained off all your energy. And you could feel yourself drifting off to sleep while Taehyung left small kisses along your shoulder. This was the best night of your life.
Do not copy or translate my work it will be reported. 
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Finding a Home (Chapt 1)
It had been a particularly bad mission. We had been held prisoner for nine months. We could occasionally hear the others screaming from the torture. They didn’t seem to have any desire for us to think the others dead, but they never did let us see each other. The torture itself…. We had experienced worse. So much worse. They were careful not to do anything that would show for our public interrogations. This meant a lot of cutting and beating of the feet, etc. In between sessions and before interrogations, they would let us see doctors (who actually were pretty good at their jobs and based on what I could hear from the other’s, none of us ever did get sick from all the shit they put us through, lost weight and muscle, but never got sick). They somehow, for some sick and twisted reason, made sure that we could all hear each other’s interrogations even in our cells though.
We knew there was no chance of rescue, we had been ambushed on a seemingly uninhabited planet and taken through the gate no less than three times before arriving at our hell hole. After nine months though, and a helpful doctor that just couldn’t take it any more (clearly we were all only one person after all we had been through…. Their historic experience with the gou’uld somehow preserved the distinction between host and symbiote and they thought our gou’ulds were fooling them by letting the host speak), we were finally able to get to the gate.
Of course, it had been a long time and we had to go to the alpha site before the SGC so we could be confirmed as ourselves. We all sit together. Always in one another’s sight. Every now and again shifting and moving in such a way as to touch one another. We’ve finally made it all the way back to the SGC, and after the Colonel makes it very clear that curtains are only to be closed during the indecent bits of exams, Janet has cleared us all to leave the base and we head up to the debrief with Uncle George. I realize he’s my boss and out loud he is ALWAYS “General Hammond”, but in the privacy of my own head, he’ll always be “Uncle George”.
As always, General Hammond starts the debrief, “Hello SG1. Good to have you all back. Been away quite a while this time. Doctor Fraiser says that, beyond some new scars, you’re all in relatively good shape…” after a pause in which we all say nothing he adds “physically.”
After we all continue to look at one another the Colonel speaks up, “In their odd way, they seemed to think they were taking care of us. They only meant to bring out our Gou’ulds so they could find out what they wanted from them. It’s done. It’s over. I think we all just need some time to recoup a bit. Remember what the sunlight on Earth is like…” he trails off and it’s clear he’s lost in thoughts of the other sunlight we saw, only to be screamed at to come out and tell the people what our gou’uld wanted from them. Only to have rotten food thrown at as. Only to have insults and curses thrown at us.
Hammond fidget’s in his seat a bit. “Of course Colonel. I understand. The thing is, you were gone for nine months…”
He lets that hang a moment and I close my eyes. Of course, after three they declare us MIA and after six they declare us dead. SOP. Damn. They’ll have sold my house and Daniel’s apartment and moved all our things into storage. Again. Damn. At least our offices will be safe. The Colonel’s is hidden in a corner that no one goes near because on the rare occasions he’s there, everyone stays away. Daniel’s…. Well he’s died and come back so many times that we all assume he’ll be back. Permanently his. He could be gone ten years and they’d still expect him to show up at some point. They do start using his library though, and that means we’ll all have to listen to him complain about how they messed with his organisation (though we all know he can’t actually have one. Or at least not one any of us, even ME, have figured out). Teal’c doesn’t have an office but nobody dares touch his things in the locker room. He trains with everyone. They know what will happen if they mess with it. No one wants his rooms either, they complain they have the permanent scent of his candles ingrained into the cement. No one messes with my office either since the first time they declared us dead. Someone tried to move an experiment I was working on before we left and still had some salt on his hands from lunch…. I don’t think his eyebrows or lashes ever grew back proper after it exploded. Since then, common consensus said “I’m not cleaning it out to take it over” and so my things all stay exactly how I leave them. Somehow, the dust gets worse every time though. You’d think with all our air filtration that wouldn’t actually be a thing but Apophis and Hades is it ever.
Hammond starts again, “While you were gone, the Air Force bought out an apartment complex in town that we’ve had retro fitted with top of the line security. Teal’c will be given a permanent spot there and Doctor Jackson and Major Carter, you as well if you’d like or for however long it takes you to find new places of your own if you wish. Jack, as you left me in charge of your estate in your will and you own your place outright, well, your place is still yours. I went and emptied the fridge and pantry so nothing is growing and there’s no bugs. When I heard you all were at the Alpha Site, I had a cleaning company go and spruce up your place for you Jack and had all the rest of the teams moved into their new apartments. I also had all of your banking accounts reopened with back pay. Here are your new cards. Your pin numbers are the last four digits of your personal IDCs.”
After a moment of resigned silence from the four of us Hammond says “Please get your reports written and turned in as soon as possible, otherwise you all are on leave for the next three weeks. Rest, recoup, enjoy some good old fashion Earth holiday season bustle. If you need anything, let us know.”
With that we all reach for our new debit cards, stand, and start going our separate ways. After a moment Hammond calls “Major Carter?” The team all looks back at me and I nod them to go on, we all know we will be in each other’s company again soon, we can’t bear it too long after what we’ve been through. I walk back over to Uncle George.
As soon as my team files out, The Colonel the last out with one final look towards me, General hammond shifts his posture and truly does fall into Uncle George mode, “I put the word out to the Tok’ra when you all arrived at the alpha site. I expect your father will be here within the next couple of days. He’s been more than a bit worried about you.”
It’s a testament to how tired I am that my eyes start to well with the news, “Thank you Uncle George. It’ll be good to see him.” Uncle George squeezes my shoulder, “We’re glad you’re all back safe,” he seems to search my face a moment before shaking his head, “off you go. Write your report surrounded by your team. I’m sure they’ll all be waiting for you after what Janet says you all went through. She had all your vehicles left in long term parking and makes airmen that need a five minute break from the infirmary drive them around the block about once a week. You know where to find the keys.” With a final squeeze, he lets me go.
I find the guys waiting outside the women’s locker room, “Cars are in long term. Let me change and we can all head out.” We don’t have to talk about it. We all know we are going to be staying the night at the Colonel’s place. It’s not the first time after a rough mission that we can’t stand to be apart. It’s not the most comfortable experience, he only has one spare room, but we make it work. We’ll stop first at T’s room to grab his clothes and laptop, then, since all our stuff was in storage, mine and Daniel’s offices to collect our laptops and the extra three outfits we each keep in our offices for this kind of thing. Then we’ll caravan our way to The Colonel’s. The only thing that needs to be discussed I bring up as I walk out of the locker room, all my guys still waiting quietly against the wall, “Are we stopping at the store on the way or just ordering in?” Jack shrugs but Daniel chimes “I could REALLY use a beer.” Teal’c raises his trade mark brow and Jack smiles like the padawan has finally become the teacher “We’ll stop on the way.”
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Comman Tool (FairyTale FanFiction: GrimmoreHeart, dragons layer X Guildless God Slayer)
(Qoutev: Nikkky Don’t miss out on the rest of the story!!) Second chapter! Have fun!!: I was liked around town, looking for the one place I felt home, other than my home. Olma’s Fabric Store. Olma was the old lady who ran it. My stand-in mom. I felt tied to the place, for good reasons, ever sense she saw me, she has been teaching me to sew. To see the magic and brilance in the world that in witch we live. Her herself was a kind elderly woman, who had magical abilities. She had Summoning magic, in witch she had passed down to me, she had no real kin. As I walked in the first thing I smelled was that smell you normally smell when you walk into your grandma’s house, tho no one knows what it is, and it wraps you into a bundle of joy and love. Olma greeted me like normal, and I walked around. I found very nice fabrics I wanted to use and bought them, tipping highly. It was a traddion. I would tip her she would tip me, I just wanted to tip her, but when I do she does to. Olma has a key to my shop cause I trust her highly, and even tho she’s old, she still with kick you lazy but if you hurt anyone while she is around. She comes to my shop every Sunday, and gets some coffee and I help teach her my ways of cooking, even if I don’t use magic I have been told I have the best baked goods in the world. I feel that they overexsgerate tho. I smile again as I finally get Olma to roll the dough right and sugar it. She rolls it again, and when it’s not stick but still firm, I put it aside and she starts try into whip up frosting. A Ding comes to the door, and I go out not bothering to clean up my apron and just dust off my hands. “You owe me.” Alec says, I scoff, “No I really don’t I didn’t want anyone hurt, if anything I should blame you!” He glares at me and I hear clattering in the back, and Bang and a puff of flour comes out of the door, and Olma does to cover head to toe with the white mixture. “I DONT KNOW WHAT I DID WROUNG?!” She says and I chuckle, “Did you mistake the ManaFlour for the normal flour again?” I say raising an eyebrow, She stands there for a min. Just starring at me. Then goes back into the kitchen. “You have to it ALL over again!” I hear cussing in the kitchen and laugh. Alec chuckles and brings me back to were I was, “ALSO YOU SPRAY PAINTED MY HOUSE!” I yell, “WHY ARE YOU BLAMING ME MABY IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE FROM OUR GUILD!” He says not relizing the trap, I smirk, “It’s still the guild you fly with, your family, your resposible for it, meaning YOU OWE ME!” I chuckle and he looks as if he was going to kill me. I sigh when I hear another Boom And this time wrinkles come out of the kitchen, “YOU DIDNT REDO EVERYTHING DID YOU?!” I yell back, she stays quiet I smile in triumph, “Sorry but again were closed please leave before I call the cops.” I say and watch him stomp out the door. I sigh and head back into the kitchen to help. -Time skip- Olma had gone home after helping clean up, I take the cake off her hands, and tell her that it takes time. And she leaves. I take this time to run up e stairs and change into snowed weather close, witch for me is a heaven long sleeve sweater and thick pants, and snow boots. I grab my backpack and fill it with the normal stuff, and start my shuffle. My magic… It’s Diffrent in a way, to dilute it I place Musci and snack on sweet things, this having side affects, I can’t eat normal food, only sweet snacks. And it’s placed a toll on me, but if no one knows why let them? I silently walk out into the colder air than normal, it was around 1 AM and it was snowing. 4 in. Layer apon the ground, and I had no Truble running to the near by park in witch I sat down under the slide, giving the water free area the draw in. I get out my Hot coco, Mint pokey and sketch book, I loved art, and started to draw the snow, dancing around as if it was alive and having fun, the only problem about me drawing is I get so wrapped up in it, I turn off everything but what I need the draw, this being someone snuck up on me very easily. “You never seemed like someone who would like the cold.” Alec in witch now was dressed with a winter puffy black jacket and a long black scarf around his neck snow boots and snow pants on who looked like he detested the cold. I laugh, “Hello to you too.” Alec shrugged and sat under the big slide with me after shaking off the snow and gazed at the picture in my hands, I shrugged looking at the okey sized line I acsadentaly drew when he scared me, I knew what I had couldn’t fix it so I poked Alec with it and handed it to him, “When you suddenly came behind me I messed up, so here.” He laughs, “I tryed yelling at you but you never even blinked, I honestly thought you were dead…” I stopped listening and started a knew drawing, just something in my head, but this time not even I RELISED what I was drawing. This time when my seances thought it was good enough I looked at it, it was snowy there was a park and in that park was two animals a dragon and a cat, they were sitting under the slide, I tryed to hide it but was to late. Alec looked at it in awe of the perfect lines and all. I hid it into my book and he just looked at me, and I looked at the sky, “Nice day right?” I ask, He nods slightly muttering something I didn’t hear.I look up at the sky and some smell hit my nose and before I could react I was passed out cold. When I woke up I was in a hudge room, with a king bed rapped around in plush bedding and a thousand pillows of silk. I noticed Alec and his head master Hades talking quietly not noticing I was up. I wanted to know we’re I was nut I now had guess, so I silently got up and shushed Hades and crept behind Alec. Pop Hades burst out laughing and Alec just stood there. Shocked I just popped BOLTH of his ears, and he couldnt hear anything. I was laughing and Alec was just schocked unroll he got his hearing back and turned to face me fuming. “What. Was. THAT.” He yelled I just kept laughing Hades put a hand on his head still laughing, “You must let her stay, She should join! Keep you in check!” I stopped laughing when he said I should join, I know knew why I was here. I grew quite mad. But neat her noticed my sudden silence and or clenching fists. ’ Guilds are Just Army’s with power, your nothing but man power.’ Hades stopped laughing and looked at me, at first with a jolly smile, then a confused frown, “Are you okey?” He asked. Alec stepped away, “Iym?” I could hear the voices calling me, telling me, I fought them off, I wouldn’t hurt anyone. But one voice I couldn’t fight and one thing two things slipped, a sly smile, and “Join?” And felt myself go cold, I again was hit with the force of gas that brought me here, “I brought her here top let us burn fairy tail but if she doesn’t want to we should just kill her in her sleep!” Someone stepped out of the shadows, with a gas mask, but I couldn’t be put to sleep, I wasn’t the one in control, Luna smirked, “I don’t believe we all have met! I guess I’m Iym, your The guy who gases people, I know your the headmaster, and you must be the second in command Alec,” power surged off of me but even I couldn’t get out of her trance she had me in. And I disappeared, I came back to control, and found my self back at the park, with my stuff, in my outfit I had on before. This is why I hate my magic! Even if I try one person can Always use me! I hate guilds! Their use little army’s with more powerful man power! Your not respected! Your just a pawn! I stomped back home, unlocking and locking the door, and going up to my room, took a shower and went to bed. Too many things are going on at once! I just wanted rest before my head exploded! Ps: at first I uploaded this to my second blog!! >~< srry!
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irescot · 7 years
Dublin to Edinburgh
Our flight to Edinburgh was at 9:55 am.  The concierge at The Brooks Hotel, a gentleman called Connor O'Connell, had arranged for a cab to pick us up at 7:30 am.  Connor was a blustery fellow who made us wait a long time the previous day before answering our questions because he was too busy discussing sports with another person. He then had told us about the camera store on Trinity St, which was much further than the one we found practically around the corner.  
We were packed, checked out and ready to go by 7:15 am, so we went to the lobby to wait for the cab.  I stepped outside and took a picture to the left and the right of the hotel, because I couldn't believe it was the same place.  All the hustle and bustle of the preceding day had disappeared and it looked like a ghost town. 
When the taxi arrived, the driver was not a happy man.  Apparently the city was hosting a triathlon, which had caused a lot of street closures.  He was upset that our man Connor had not told us about the closures and how it was going to delay getting to the airport and that we should have left earlier.  He said if we had left at 7 there would have been no problem, but these guys didn't care and they left all the blame on the poor taxi driver.  Apparently he had to go 10 km out of his way in order to cross the Liffey (Dublin's river) and would have to have the same detour when he came back.  We just quietly listened and let him rant.  I was in the front seat and "hmmd" my way through the whole tirade.
In any case, he got us to the airport with plenty of time to go, so we checked in our bags in two stages.  First we weighed our bags and scanned the bar code in the piece of paper we had printed from Aer Lingus - that resulted in a gummed paper strip with our name, flight information, and a bunch of bar codes, that we had to fasten around the side handle of the suitcase. Then we had to go a special ticketing line where nobody was waiting and we had to place our bags on the scale there and let the scanner read the tag on the suitcase. Once it read it, it spit out another receipt for our bag and the bag started moving on a conveyor belt.  We looked to our right and there was a long line at Aer Lingus, not sure for what exactly, but we were happy to be finished.  
Then we had to go up two flights on escalators and enter the security area.  We didn't have to take our shoes off, but everything else was the same. Again, it didn't take too long and before long we were searching a Departures board for our flight.  We were early enough that there was no gate information yet, and it asked us to look later.  We decided to have something to eat/drink. We found a place called the Chocolate Lounge, and knew we hade come to the right place. Sharon and I decided to have hot chocolate and Carol had her usual Diet Cokes. Just so you know, they had 7 different offerings under hot chocolate, including a Chocolate Shot, which was a shot of melted chocolate. Very decadent, but I just had it plain, without whipped cream or anything.
Before we picked the Chocolate Lounge we had seen the menu at another place, and I noticed a "Bacon & Sausage Blaa" on the menu.  There was an asterisk next to the it, and I couldn't resist I had to see what it had to say.  It said: "In Waterford in 1802, white flour was brought to the city by the French.  The French called it blanc, but the Irish pronounced it Blaa..."
They finally posted our gate number at around 8:30 so we started to follow the signs to our gate; they first took us up the escalator for two floors and then we followed a long corridor, then two gate numbers (including ours) split off from the rest, and we went on through a series of door and dog legs finally ending on a set of double doors leading to a staircase. We went down two flights of stairs and finally ended back on the main floor off to the side, and there was our gate with our flight number (and two others) on it.  We were there no more than 10 minutes when they started boarding. We had low numbers so we got to go first.  As we went through the gate, there was a bus, and finally the penny dropped.  We were going to a smaller plane and we were boarding on the tarmac.  
Sure enough, after everybody got on in off we drove for a little bit until we reached an Aer Lingus plane on the tarmac.  It was an ATR 42, a twin-engine turboprop short-haul regional aircraft, developed and manufactured by France and Italy. The flight was about 3/4 full. Even though the flight was supposed to depart at 9:55, we were actually in the air by 9:40! The flight only lasted for 55 minutes.  
When we arrived in Edinburgh, the plane taxied to a location near a door that lead to room that gave us the option of going straight out if we had nothing to declare, so we didn't have to go through customs or security.
We had rented an apartment through AirBnB for a week. We had agreed to give the owner a call when we landed so that she could come and meet us at the apartment and give us the key.  Her name was Shauna and she was Canadian, but had fallen in love with Edinburgh (and with her Scottish husband, too, I suspect).  We were not supposed to arrive at the apartment before 2 pm, but Shauna suggested that we might want to come and drop our bags off, get the key, and then return at or after 2 pm.  It was clear that she was the one doing the cleaning of the apartment.  She gave us a quick introduction to things in the house and off we went.
The apartment is in a nice, secure, accessible location.  It has 2 bedrooms; one with an ensuite bath, and the other bathroom is in the hall.  Carol was very generous as usual and let us have the bedroom with the ensuite bath.  It has a garden in the back with a table and chairs, but the weather hasn't exactly tempted us to try it out, plus we're not sure we know how to open the door to the back. Nearby there are lots of restaurants and shops, and just a couple of blocks away there is an American-style supermarket with everything we might ever need.  There are also several buses that serve the area and go into the city center.  
We then went to the Hop On Hop Off bus to take a tour.  There are four major ones and they all depart from Waverly Bridge in the center of town: The Edinburgh (the green bus), the Majestic (the blue bus), the CitySightseeing (the red bus), and 3Bridges. We bought tickets that allowed us to go on all the buses except the 3Bridges, for a period of 48 hours.  We were also told that the red bus and the green bus went to many of the same places. We got onto the green bus and stayed for the whole circuit.  
We picked that one because it had a live tour guide, and she was very good, she was entertaining and animated and had a good sense of humor as well.  She told us that Edinburgh is famous for the 3 "B's," Banking, Brewing, and Books.  She also told us that "in wine there is truth, in beer there is wisdom, but in water there is bacteria." She told a lot of interesting facts about the various sites, but while I enjoyed them at the time, you're very lucky because I don't remember many.
There was a sentimental story about Greyfriar's Bobby, a dog and faithful companion, blah,blah, and so they erected a statue to Bobby, in front of the Greyfriar's Inn. The statue of Bobby is blackened, but his nose is shiny because of all the tourists who touch it for good luck.  There always seems to be a crowd of tourists in front of Bobby.
Then there's the story of Maggie Dickson (after whom a pub is named) who was sentenced to hang for concealing her pregnancy (she was unmarried we think). However, when they took her coffin for burial, they heard knocking coming from the coffin. It turns out that the hanging hadn't worked and she had not died.  They took her to the magistrate to hang her again, but he decided that once was enough.  Her family took her in, and although she hadn't died, she had a permanent crook to her neck.
When the tour ended, we came back to the apartment; by then it was 2:15 or so, and Shauna had left. We went in and unpacked and later on went to eat at an Italian restaurant at one end of the block called "Nonna's" (Nonna is grandmother in Italian). Although we did not have a reservation, we got a table provided we left before 7:30 when they needed the table for a reservation. Since it was 6:00 at the time, we felt safe.  The food was very good and we probably will go back before we leave.
And so ended our first day in Edinburgh.
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