#they had soo much space! they could have had a huge farm at the back! but they didnt
newvegascowboy · 5 months
I actually really love how megaton looks. Like in comparison, diamond city feels really barren and devoid of character to me, but megaton feels sooo much like a real city. Seeing the creative ways people make use of limited space, and how the city feels so organically built. Diamond City feels so lacking in comparison and like. I guess i get why with engine limitations and all, but it just feels like there was so much more that could have been done. Idk. Megaton just feels like a really good example of fun city planning.
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arostormblessed · 5 years
Soo this is my first time writing a fic and it’s a little bit iffy but eh I’m posting it anyway. It ended up being a lot longer than originally intended so I’m only putting up the first part right now. WIP so don’t judge too hard. It looks like it’s going to be a cool action story about some looming villain but is actually just about the avenger kids babysitting Morgan. Lots of Peter & Morgan being siblings ‘cause I love them. Oh and contains Endgame spoilers I guess so don’t read if you haven’t seen it yet. Enjoy
Communication was iffy, to say the least, among the remaining Avengers after the second snap. What with many retiring, some being halfway across the world, and a large percentage of them in space, it wasn’t always clear as to how to get in touch with each other. Whenever a threat arose big enough to alert everyone, it usually went through Nick Fury, who seemed to have an obscure way of contacting everyone. At the moment, though, he and Agent Hill were investigating the aftermath of some European incidents, and were indisposed. That meant the process was much slower.
It had started when Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel herself, had heard about trouble brewing on a distant planet; something that might affect the rest of the galaxy as well. Upon visiting the said planet and realizing it was much worse than she could have imagined, she made the decision to call in some backup.
 She managed to track down the Benatar, because of the homing device the Guardians had entrusted to her. From there, Thor gave Rocket Bruce’s email address and sent him a message, hoping for the best. Intergalactic messaging is normally not the quickest, but it was going to have to work. Carol led the Guardians to the planet, insisting there was no time to waste. The Earthens would make it there eventually, but until they did, there wasn’t a minute to spare.
 Dr. Bruce Banner, currently large, green, and Hulky, received the email approximately twenty-two hours after it was sent. He was working in his lab then, and at first was delighted to get correspondence from his adventuring buddies, but quickly became horrified at the news. He made nine phone calls in the next half-hour, to a various number of people.
“So, uh, because of all that there will be a Wakandan airship arriving on your farm in about two minutes…”
“Um, what? Buddy, you gotta be kidding me. I’m retired, I thought you were too.” Clint had his phone pinched between his ear and his shoulder, attempting at multitasking. 
 “I know, I know, but-” Bruce paused and flinched as loud grinding sounds came from the other end. “What exactly are you doing right now?”
 “I was trying to finish building our new shed.” Holding a wooden beam upright, he clicked the button on the drill he was holding and it whined as it forced in a screw. Using his left hand to dust sawdust off of his shirt, he set the drill down on his workbench and laid the phone flat on his shoulder. “Lila, hon, come here a sec. Tell your Uncle Bruce why I’m not skipping out on our father-daughter weekend.”
“Sure, Dad.” She laughed, setting down the bucket of apples she had been picking from a nearby tree. She jogged over to him and was handed the phone. Clint returned to building his shed.
 “Clint- are you there?”
“Hey Uncle Bruce, I’m really sorry but my dad is unavailable this weekend because mom took the boys to her parents and I finally don’t have to deal with them for once, and once he’s done with his latest construction project he promised to teach me some moves on his sword and then we’re staying up late and eating ice cream-hey Dad what’s that noi-”
 She dropped the phone in surprise as huge gusts of wind blew down on them from above. Lila’s hair whipped around her face as a glowing hexagonal shield appeared in the sky, revealing a sleek black airship. She glanced at Clint, who was shielding his eyes with his hand. He sighed. “Guess we’re going to have to pick this back up next weekend.”
The couch at the Lang household was, as far as they were concerned, the most comfortable piece of furniture in the world. Scott, Hope and Cassie had all settled into it, gigantic bowls of popcorn on their laps, and were just about to press play on their favorite movie when their phone rang. Scott dramatically dropped the remote beside him in defeat, and reached over to grab the phone from the coffee table.
“Who is it, Dad?” Cassie asked, looking over to see the number.
“If it’s Luis again, just leave it,” Hope joked, playfully stealing some popcorn from Cassie’s bowl. 
“No, no. I gotta take this. It’s Bruce, my favorite guy!” he exclaimed, stepping into the next room.
“Is that the big green one?” Cassie whispered as Hope laughed.
“Hey, Doc Green, what’s up? Scott asked, leaning against the wall.
“Something bad, I’m afraid. We need both of you to come in.” 
Scott rubbed his forehead. “What’s wrong? Can’t someone else take it for once? We just started movie night, man.”
“That’s pretty much what Clint said. But no, it’s an emergency, and we’re calling in the whole team.” Cassie listened from the living room, waiting anxiously. Secretive phone calls were never good. And neither were giant airships in your backyard.
“Bruce- are you sure? I mean, I’ve got both the kids here, and-” Pepper spoke into the phone with a hushed voice, leaning against the kitchen counter. She glanced over to the dining room table, where Peter was helping Morgan with her homework. Not that she had much homework at six years old, but Peter had taken it upon himself to make sure she lived up to the reputation of her genius father. That meant many late-night reading sessions.
In the year since the second snap, Peter and Morgan had grown close. They were basically siblings. Peter bounced from his apartment to the lake house to HQ, and Pepper had gotten to know him better. She really liked the kid, and decided to keep up her late husband’s legacy of parenting him. It’s what Tony would have wanted, anyway.
“I’m sorry, Pepper, but we really need everyone we can get. Rescue’s needed, too.” Bruce hated calling everyone in from their lives, but it was crucial.
Careful not to disturb the kids, she sighed and said quietly, “All right. But the kid stays here.”
“But Pepper, he’s got some powerful skills-”
 “Out of the question. He’s seventeen, and he’s already had to deal with enough after everything Fury put him through.”
He started to protest more, but just sighed. “Okay, fine. Everyone’s going to meet up at your place in a few minutes. Expect lots of airships.”
 “At this point, nothing would surprise me.” She hung up and set the phone down on the counter. She rested her chin in her hands, deep in thought. She had never been to space before; it was both exciting and terrifying. She didn’t want to leave Morgan, who had already lost one parent to a supernatural battle, but everything Bruce had told her made it clear this mission was more important than their daily lives. If Carol Danvers, one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, called for help, it was definitely serious.
“Close, look at the context clues.”
 “Yeah, you got it! Nice job, Morgs.” Pepper watched from the kitchen as Peter gave Morgan two high fives. Morgan was usually ornery as a donkey when it came to learning new words, but with Peter she didn’t seem to mind. She thought he was the coolest person in the world.
“Can we take a break? We’ve been going for hours,” she whined, yawning a little and slumping over into his lap. “And I want a juice pop.”
 “Perfect timing. It’s probably getting close to your bedtime, too,” he teased, tickling the back of her neck. She squealed and sat up, batting away his hands. Scampering into the kitchen, she made a mad dash for the freezer before Pepper sidestepped in front of her, blocking it.
“Uh uh, little miss. Supper before dessert.” Morgan crossed her arms and stamped her foot, but failed to contain a smile. 
 “You haven't cooked us dinner yet, Mommy! How are we supposed to eat it?” she cried, throwing up her arms. 
 “There’s the leftover risotto in the fridge, I told you I would heat it up when you wanted it.”
She made a face. “That stuff’s gross.”
Pepper shrugged. “Guess you don’t get juice pops, then.”
“Hey- hey, Mrs. Stark, what’s happening out there?” Peter had pulled aside the curtains and was peeking out the window, where in the soft evening light you could just make out several descending airships. And a lot of noise.
“Mommy?” Morgan asked hesitantly, looking at her with wide, anxious eyes.
“Don’t worry, kids,” Pepper replied, walking up to the door and unlocking it. “This is just...well, you’ll see.”
Part two to come soon!
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starryforgetmenots · 7 years
Nightmare Vent
**Vent(?????) I had a bad night last night for sleeping. I just need to write it down somewhere. Below is what happened in my dreams and what not. For some reason I can’t add that little bar/link that is like “Read More” so, sorry for the long post. So for the past few nights I've been having bad nightmares. Yes, I have been listening to a lot of horror stories, but no; they don't typically give me nightmares. The first two nights, the beginning was about a doll. Her name is Molly. Molly and I are very close outside of the dreams soo... But in the first dream, half of her face was burnt. It was a dark place and sorta run down and monochrome. She just sorta stared at me. In the second dream in the beginning, the place was all in black and whites and burnt down and scorched. Molly was facing away from me. I was so happy to find her! I tapped her shoulder and then she turned her head to look at me. Her skin was burnt and polished clean, like a bone singed by fire. Her eyes and mouth were missing. She seemed worn down and like she went through a bonfire. She just stared at me. The malicious feeling felt so real... Like I wasn't even in a dream. I'm skipping the rest because I can barely remember and well, it's just not relevant. Tbh, this isn't even that relevant to last night at all. Fast forward to last night. Last night I originally went to bed around 11:40/50 PM. Ya know the normal for a school night. I fell asleep just fine. It was going fine until I woke up around 3 AM. I tend to wake up randomly around that time, so I didn't think much of it. I tried to fall back to sleep but I couldn't. A few hours passed. It must of been around 4-5 in the morning. I had been in that sorta half sleep and occasionally was actually asleep, like in and out of being awake?? I dunno how to describe it. So I DID sort of have dreams. Well, the first dream. It took place at my great grandparents' farm. They live out in the middle of nowhere on an almost century old farm. You literally have to walk like at least a mile before you get to the neighbours. Anyways, I was staying the night. There were, of course, my great grandparents (already asleep), my grandma, myself, and this boy I was friends with... I guess we were friends anyways. He didn't actually have a name, but he was subconsciously labeled as Jack. Jack was around my age (a teen) and was so kind and nice, even if he was a bit strange. He was pale and had black tuft-y hair. I never got to actually look at his face. It was always blurry. But He seemed to have bright green or hazel eyes. Anyways, my grandma told us to go to bed. So I went and got ready for bed, and my grandma went to sleep while Jack straight up disappeared for a while. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I felt Jack's presence reappear. I had wondered where he went, but didn't go to ask. I went down the hall to the old bedroom we were using and went to go to bed. Well Jack was standing in the middle of the room, practically making the beds inaccessible (the room is small with the door at an angle and a bed on the right wall and a bed on the left wall. The space between the beds is in the middle of the room and is tiny.). He had a huge inhuman (almost) grin on his face. He seemed different. He stood stiffly and started to beg me to come outside. Outside it was freaking midnight next to the woods in the middle of fucking nowhere. I backed up, telling him it was time for bed, as he advanced towards me. He was acting very abrupt? and strange. Jack began to beg and plead even more. I turned away and walked down the hall to find my grandma or one of my great grandparents. I had enough of his creepy shyt already. Jack was no longer in the bedroom. I only knew this because of the same way I knew he had returned- the feeling of his presence. I walked out into the kitchen and for some reason I went towards the backdoor. Now, the backdoor. The backdoor is down like four steps up into the kitchen. There is a landing at the bottom of these steps. Facing down from the top of them, the backdoor is to the left. To the right is an empty space which leads to an open, unstable, very narrow, long flight of steps to the basement. Out of all my times visiting the farm outside of my dreams, I have avoided the basement like the plague. I swear to god, there is something down there. I don't care what others think. Anyways, I walked to the set of steps leading to the basement and backdoor and just peered down into the pitch black. Then Jack was there. He was wearing  a long/large pointed black hat and black robes. He just stood there near the basement and stared up at me. He had no face. I can't remember what happened next, but now I was crying and and Jack had forced me outside. His appearance had changed. He was now wearing rags and his arms were so long, the knuckles brushed the ground. He seemed hunched over as he lead me to a 'cult'. He said he was so happy I was going to join. I had the unshakable feeling that something awful was going to happen to me. I woke up. Now then. I tried to go back to sleep after calming myself. I have always had the fear of someone or something being in my room when I sleep. I would love to be able to lay on my right side or my back to make sure there is no one but my dog and I, but I normally only fall asleep on my left side (facing the wall) or my back. For that reason, I hug the wall as flat as I can and place a blanket behind/over my head and completely cover my body with another one. I know, it sounds stupid. But anyways, whenever I tried to sleep, this deep inhuman voice kept playing in my head... At first I recognized it as the voice of a creature from this horror story I listened to, but it slowly became different and more realistic... If you have read my profile, you'll know I'm VERY superstitious. So while you guys are probably scoffing and mocking me, I'm legit fucking terrified. Demons and I do NOT get along. (This also explains why I can feel presences and the following.) So I started running through all the mental things I can do to protect myself without actually getting up and getting the freaking salt and holy water (which I'm freaking out of adsf;dsk) when I fucking felt something STANDINGINMYFREAKINGDOORWAY. Like the voice, at first it seemed like the creature from the story (link above) but slowly felt worse and worse and more and more realistic. After what seemed like FOR FREAKING EVER I finally dispelled that feeling. So I closed my eyes and went to go to sleep... Now, realize that I tend to sense things that aren't there; visual and auditory hallucinations and what not. I first heard a great rushing sound... And then is got faster and louder like something was hurtling towards my freaking head. At it's peak, I heard a deafening crash and explosion. Now I wouldn't of mentioned this if I didn't actually feel heat and wind and debris(???? or something, small things hitting my face sharply) on my face. Don't even ask how it happened, it doesn't even make sense to me considering I was even facing the wall. I ALSO wouldn't of mentioned it if it didn't happen THREE. TIMES. After the third time, I opened my eyes and whipped myself up into a sitting position to look at my alarm clock. I can't remember what time it was. On to the third, and worst part of my night last night. I had started to drift back to sleep after what seemed to be an eon after the last incident. I wore a heavy shirt to bed last night and well, having two full blankets, and my dog curled up under them (she's a mini heater I swear), I was obviously getting a bit hot. More like VERY hot. Now I normally don't let my hands/wrists and feet/ankles out from under a pillow the blankets because of my fear of having them cut off in my sleep or just being dismembered in general (???? stupid, i know.) but I had thrown off on the blankets and had the top of my torso and my left arm/hand (my dominate hand) was resting on top of the pile of blanket near the open edge of the bed. I had started to fall asleep again, looking out my bedroom door into the hall. The light was on in the dining room (just outside my room and the hallway so it illuminated my doorway) and well, I still sleep with a nightlight (don't shame me). You know all that stuff about lucid dreaming and astral projection and what not? Yeah. Well. I was back in that half sorta sleep where you sorta dream again. But the thing is that everything faded to black and then slowly came back. I couldn't move. At all. No matter how hard I tried. Everything was in shades of dark greys and blacks with very little light. The light sources themselves looked... different. darker. I scanned the room, looking at how warped and twisted and dark everything now seemed. I could still feel my body, like you do when you're awake. After I finished, taking everything in, I rested my eyes to the edge of the bed. And then I noticed something. There was a top of a horse head. But like, much smaller. Maybe the size of a dog head. No, it wasn't my dog. She was beside me under the covers, snoring. And she didn't even look like that. The skull seemed bulbous under the tight grey skin. The horse ears were placed directly on top of the head and seemed tiny in comparison. Then a wet, reptilian looking hand/paw/whatever slowly came up and then grasped the edge of the bed. The thing was slowly pulling itself up?? I dunno. But the head slowly raised up. This demonic frog-reptile-horse thing was staring. Right. Freaking. At me. Its eyes were hallow and I never saw the bottom of its head. Its head was very long and seemed to get more and more skeletal as it went on. It finally stopped and in the lighting, I had noticed that it had long antlers? or horns. Idk. I guess that doesn't matter. But anyways, it started to climb onto the bed? Or get closer. Or reach its paw towards my hand. Or all three. Like I said, this place was very distorted and dark. I tried to move away, but I couldn't move my body at all. I know how these dreams/occurrences go down, it wasn't my first time. (A few years ago, I had a very similar event go on with a demon lady inches away from my face.) I should of known I wasn't going to be able to escape it. I started to wonder what I was going to do, what it was, where I was, if maybe I had somehow went to like a demonic plane of existence. I don't know. But thank fucking gods, right as it was about to touch me, I felt that dropping feeling sort of like part of yourself falling back into yourself?? Like idk your nonphysical self going back in your body or whatever. And like it was a magic switch, everything was normal again and I found myself awake, staring out at the edge of the bed. I could move again and the room was back to normal. Needless to say, I didn't even think of falling back to sleep until like 7 AM. I honestly don't care if anyone believes me or not, I just had to write this all down and/or tell someone. So here. Have this timeline of freaking chaos from last night.
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