#they have a search bar
thatsrightice · 11 months
Martin-Baker is a company that for more than 70 years has specialized in engineering the ejection seats utilized a majority of the world’s fighter jets. They have saved thousands of lives that in otherwise would likely have been lost. Martin-Baker revolutionized an industry that for a long time had been characterized by low survival rates, and in doing so have created an exclusive club very few are able to join, one that unifies aviators in a way that will never be taken away. I’d say only the best of the best are allowed in, but that wouldn’t be true.
A lifetime membership to the Martin-Baker Ejection Tie Club is awarded to those who have ejected from an aircraft using a Martin-Baker ejection seat, which as a result has saved their life.
These are (some of) their stories…
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For me and my pilot, 19 December 1981 was the date of a memorable excursion in a Martin-Baker ejection seat following a split-second decision to eject. I was an F-14 RIO and we were landing on an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean when things went wrong. I was fairly new, but I realized we were in trouble, and when my pilot said “Eject! Eject!” I pulled the lower handle. It happened in the blink of an eye, and only later could I be philosophical about it, to think about leaving the familiar and comfortable cockpit for the unknown. Thanks to the Martin-Baker MK-GRU7A seat my pilot and I survived in excellent condition and have enjoyed 38 (and counting) more years of living, flying, families, and everything else. I am thankful for the skilled US Navy technicians who maintained our equipment and the people of Martin-Baker who provided the seat that saved my life.
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Martin-Baker – Thank you for the rest of my life. On 20 March 1987 my F-14A ran away with me as an unwilling passenger. Fire in the environmental control system burned through the flight controls. The airplane started un-commanded pitch oscillations and the last nose down excursion made it clear that I had to eject. My ride in F-14 BuNo 161614 ended 15 seconds before the crash with a Martin-Baker ejection seat and a parachute descent. My wife Sweet Denyse thanks you too.
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“It was a spring day in 1995 about 200 miles SW of Sicily. The USS Theodore Roosevelt was heading up to the Adriatic to enter the Bosnia conflict. As we expected combat, we needed to make sure as many jets as possible were up and ready so the past few days had been a maintenance blitz. We were conducting a post-maintenance check flight on our F-14 Tomcat, which the jet passed with flying colors.
After the flight we were heading back to the carrier, when suddenly the jet began bucking like a bronco – negative 2 Gs followed by 5 Gs, back and forth for about 1 minute, then it suddenly stopped. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but another aircraft joined up and noticed a mismatch in our horizontal stabilators. After two more events similar to the first, each time with the jet losing about 5000 feet, the jet suddenly pitched over into a negative 2 G dive and started rolling uncontrollably. I looked at the altimeter and it read 3000 feet so I pulled the handle. After the loud flash and bang, I found myself under the parachute, and looked down just in time to see the jet hit the water – what turned out to be just 4 seconds after we ejected. We were both safely under parachute, with only minor injuries but alive. We were plucked out of the water by helos from the carrier about 45 minutes later. –
Thanks to Martin-Baker and my Parachute Rigger, I am still alive, and by being able to “live to tell” about our story a major mechanical problem was found. All F-14 Tomcats were subsequently inspected and the same problem was found on dozens of other jets, so Martin-Baker not only saved my life but likely prevented many other aviators from (at best) joining the Tie Club themselves or at worst losing their lives. It was just a month later that a high school friend who heard I was deployed wrote me a letter…We’ve now been married 17 years with two wonderful children. Thank you Martin-Baker!!!
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I wanted him dead; I wanted him all to myself.
get him back!
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mekha-draws · 5 months
Actually hold on lol, it's been 10 fucking years -and counting- and honestly the fact that we don't have a search bar implemented for such crucial part of trading and selling like the PM/CR/AH listing it's insane omg
Sure you may have a small hoard to pick from, the fact that you have to *squint* and hover your mouse til the tooltip appears it's inconvenient enough /in desktop/ and it gets worse when having to do this thing multiple times for one PM/CR or multiple PM/CRs a day and nevermind having to do the same on mobile for whatever reason it's just exhausting and I don't even know how we have gone this long without that lil big ass QOL update
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bestanimal · 19 days
Round 1 - Phylum Nemertea
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(Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
Animals in the Phylum Nemertea, commonly known as “Ribbon Worms” or “Proboscis Worms,” are small and mostly slim with a venomous proboscis that everts just above to mouth to capture prey.
There are about 1,300 known species of nermertean. Most nemerteans are carnivores, feeding on annelids, clams, and crustaceans. Some species are scarvengers. Some species are filter feeders that utilize a sucker at the front and back ends of their bodies to attach to a host. Most nemerteans detect the world through the use of chemoreceptors, but some species have simple eyes that allow them to distinguish light from dark. They move slowly, using cilia to walk on a trail of slime. Some larger species can “slither.” Many are brightly colored and patterned. Most nemerteans are marine, living in either the open ocean or on the sea floor, but some species are freshwater, and some are even terrestrial.
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Propaganda under the cut:
Previously, nemerteans were split into two groups by whether they had a “little dagger” on their proboscis or not. (This classification no longer applies as one of the “unarmed” orders was closer related to the “armed” group than the rest of the “unarmed” group. It’s still fun to imagine worms with little daggers tho.)
The Bootlace Worm (Lineus longissimus) (seen in the first image) is one of the longest known animals, with specimens up to 55 m (180 ft) long being reported. This is longer than the Lion’s Mane Jellyfish, the sauropod dinosaurs Argentinosaurus and Patagotitan, and the record-holding longest Blue Whale. Like other nemerteans, the Bootlace Worm can also stretch up to 10 times its resting length. They’re not considered the largest animals though, because they’re only 5 to 10 mm (0.20 to 0.39 in) wide!
As a defense against predators, the Bootlace Worm produces a toxic mucus which contains a strong neurotoxin and smells faintly of “iron or sewage.” The mucus has been shown to kill arthropods, and is being studied for its use as a natural pesticide.
Some larger species can regenerate, breaking into pieces when disturbed, after which the fragments can grow into full individuals!
Some nemerteans have a branched proboscis that comes out as a “mass of sticky spaghetti” that can then be used to pull prey into its mouth. If you love horror movies, this is the animal for you! I’m not easily grossed out, but I genuinely can’t stomach this video, so viewer discretion is advised! (Thankfully, this one didn’t have a “little dagger.”
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Blend tumblrs totally functional search bar
The Completely Functional and Not At All Terrible Search Bar from Tumblr is being blended!!
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You cannot save it.
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emokoala · 2 months
guys, i need more venture art on my for you page here. chop chop start making more fanart >:(. lemmie see the cute geologist
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hellkitepriest · 4 months
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everything everything at eve studios in 2021 by henry broadhead
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sourtomatola · 11 months
Decided to make a Thing on your swing masterpost for all the fic, art, and comics.
Thing on your swing
Fae drabbles and shorts
Have your cake and swing it too
(Eclipse spin off) A midsummer nightmare
Chapter 1 (Part1) (Part2)
The ones that got away: Part1 | part2 | Part 3
Blood Moon counting rice
KC making fun of Eclipse
Grandma can take care of herself
Midsummer nightmare (eclipse spin off):
Two jobs for two bots
Waiting for goatman Animation
Sun and Moon ref
Eclipse ref
Blood Moon ref
High fae ref
Ruin ref
Dream eater puppet ref
Fae mouths
Fae wild
Unseelie land
Eclipse fancy wear
Sun and Moon Fancy wear
blood moon fancywear
High fae earth
Unseelie Solar
Eclipse getting handsy (with moon)
Midsummer nightmare art:
Convert Unseelie Circus baby
Sun ref | Moon ref
Fanart (I'm a terrible tagger and forget the variations, but I tried to tag them all the same and put the link here)
Thing on your swing Eclipse spin off (A midsummer nightmare)
sun ref
moon re
Mr Dream eater ref
Two jobs for two bots (comic)
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oozingantfarm · 3 months
Ooc HEYY your . Mediculler blogs font is extremely hard to read and causes eye strain!! You should put a translation under the cut!!!!!
Nno fukc that I'm wikced & maliciou5.
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babe are you okay? it’s halfway through the year and you haven’t had your annual cherik breakdown
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hellsite-detective · 8 months
*there's a pitty-pat next to your door. an envelop gets stuck under it - it's a very thick envelop - and a pitty pat going back*
*as you unstick the envelop, you realize it's full of cash. you browse through the bills, that seem as true as any you'd get at the bank of america, but... one isn't a bill. it's a piece of paper with, written on it:*
"You'll get the other half if you crack this case. We've got a missing post and we'd like the hellsite detective to take it on. Search for the long chain of reblogs that tries to make people guess a common point between images. You'll find among these common points 'name is the same sound repeated twice', 'ennemy is a wolf', etc. But see, that's where it will become more complicated."
*you turn it around to keep reading*
"the last few reblogs are the OP saying 'and what is the link between all these -common points- to find?' and someone else finally guessing that link. It's all, somehow, related to Moon Moon. You can keep the cash if you fail to crack the case or if you refuse to take it on. But I'm sure you won't refuse that sum"
lookin' at the money i was handed already, and the promise of more upon completion of this case, i simply had to take it on. so, i began my search. i went to see Google at the Search Bar and asked them for this post. i tried askin' for so many different combinations of words but nothin' was comin' up. until eventually i asked for "tumblr moon moon common point." i was then handed a screenshot on reddit that showed me exactly what i wanted. so, i went to the address of the last post in the chain to see what i could find.
i tried searchin' every possible keyword i could think of. but nothin' was yieldin' results for me. so, about to throw in the towel, i decided to check one more thing. the tags on the post. now, not all the tags were visible in the post. but i could just barely make out part of the final tag. it read "hellsite..." now, there's only one person i know who ends tag chains with somethin' startin' with "hellsite."
so i paid a visit to Madame Curator over at the @hellsite-hall-of-fame. i did a quick search for one of the previous tags and found the post instantly. i filed it away...
here you are! the post you requested! i'll be takin' the rest of that cash! my ko-fi is linked in my bio (/j you don't have to actually pay me haha) have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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princesskennyaf · 7 months
"Okay time to work on my wip"
*spends almost 45 minutes scrolling through the alter ego tabs on on the main 5 boys on the sp fandom wiki*
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lemon-bread-slice · 11 days
computer, show me pretty block woman fanart
[ loading... ] [ beep boop! ]
that,,, that is grian minecraft-
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
I need more pet zoo hcs bc that au lives rent free in my head
i love this au as well so i shall provide!!
even upon being turned back into demons and returning the devildom, the brothers still respond when called by their nicknames as animals
lucifer hates that he also responds to peter now but it's too late, the name's there to stay
in this au when solomon meets asmo he finds out about the animal ordeal, because he makes a joke along the lines of "whatever the duchess decrees", and asmo immediately bursts into tears because that WAS his name, once upon a time......
as animals, if provoked, they'd have a sort of demon form equivalent where they become more monstrous-looking (to the point of being vaguely eldritch if angry enough)
though the latter happens very very rarely, since there's not much in the human realm that could aggravate them that much
they do it do varying degrees of frequency - at first levi can't go a day without getting startled and suddenly growing an extra set of teeth
whereas lucifer does it exactly once throughout the entire ordeal: when diavolo and barbatos arrive and first attempt to send them to the devildom
mammon hangs out with ik pretty much 24/7, but he especially likes to chill with her while she does homework and stuff
he perches on the table attempting to help, but mostly just chews on her pens and mumbles "clever girl" in approval every few seconds
satan spends most of his time either people-watching from the windows (he has an unusual fascination with lawn mowers and the garbage trucks)
he has this habit of sleeping in the dead centre of the bed, and zhao is too scared of getting scratched to move him like ik does, so sometimes he ends up on the sofa because satan has now commandeered his room
for some reason belphie HATES the feather duster. when zhao gets it out to do some cleaning he spends the entire time trailing behind him and just glaring at it
mammon nicks little trinkets everywhere he goes and stows them all in ik's pillowcase (ik has to clear it out every now and then because it starts getting uncomfortable)
levi seems incredibly elusive, but in fact you can usually find him in one of two places: in his box, or wrapped around ik's wrist
when he's not watching the tv, he likes to just quietly observe what she's doing (so quietly that sometimes even ik forgets he's there)
asmo spends a not-insignificant amount of time sitting in the front window and waiting for passersby to notice him
sometimes it works and they stop to point and coo at the fluffy bunny, other times it doesn't and he has to slink to ik or zhao for sympathy
just flops down at their feet/across their laps looking like the absolute saddest little rabbit ever, waiting to be fussed over
he keeps himself very well-groomed, but he absolutely HAS to be brushed every evening or he'll throw a fit (running around the house and thumping his feet angrily until sufficient attention is paid)
lucifer mellows out unexpectedly quickly, and he actually defers to either human of the household without much protest
that's not to say he won't give you the most disparaging look a bird possibly could if you do something that he doesn't approve of though
there's a burglary on their street at some point and lucifer spends an entire fortnight hyper-vigilant about the house's security - he stays up late to keep guard and everything
he keeps going to sleep in the corner of the living room, to the point where they start putting blankets there. eventually it starts getting lovingly referred to as 'peter's nest'
(lucifer won't tell anyone this, but he secretly takes one of the blankets with him when it's time to go back to the devildom)
beel is such a big fur-ball but he never seems to quite understand just how large a dog he is
belphie likes to sneak into the hallway cupboard for some naptime, and beel always seems genuinely confused that he can't fit in with him
he always wakes up immediately after zhao because he's always giving him scraps from the fridge
there's an old lady down the road that just adores him, so ik takes him on walks past her house often and she'll ply with just endless amounts of ham
sometimes beel will attempt to share his food with belphie or his other brothers, but because he'll have had most of it in his mouth while carrying it over, they usually decline
though belphie will at least sniff at it and maybe nibble around the edges
belphie's constantly burrowing around in local hedges to find comfy sleeping spots and getting himself mucky, but then he gets so mad when they have to give him a bath
he'll put up with it because he doesn't want to get mud all over the comfy furniture, but the entire time he just looks livid
one time he crawled into the laundry machine while zhao was doing chores and he very nearly put him on spin cycle
satan likes to sit in front of the laundry machine and just watch it spin
sometimes lucifer sits with him, and this is how they bond in this form
one day ik trips and splits her knee on the way home from school, and somehow all seven of them get a premonition about it and swarm her as soon she opens the door
another time she's upset and getting shouted at while at school, and mammon senses this and dive-bombs through an open window to get at the offending teacher
in general they all develop a kind of sixth sense for each other. ik will be half-asleep in history and suddenly sit bolt-upright like "socks [levi] is stuck in the airing cupboard again"
i like to think it somehow carries through a little even when the brothers have settled into the devildom
diavolo is explaining his idea for the rad to them and suddenly, at the exact same time, all seven of them stiffen
he asks what's wrong and lucifer quickly dismisses it as a cold breeze, because no one wants to explain to him that they've all felt a sudden and extremely potent pang of loneliness that definitely wasn't theirs
so diavolo has to make the brothers cut ties for inter-realm safety when they're first brought to the devildom
and now that i think about it we'll have to do some tweaking in terms of the timeline - accelerate the events so that they can feasibly happen within ik's lifetime, since she'd be long gone if we were to follow the original course of events
in this case maybe the whole animal happens when she's younger (say like, ten to eleven), and then the exchange year starts when she's fifteen as per jtta
diavolo gets inspired to set up the exchange program a lot sooner, since ik and the brothers have already proven that humans and demons can form lasting bonds (also so that he can reunite them, because he feels so bad about having split them up)
also bringing in that other anon's idea where ik appears as a little sheep
the brothers, watching this ball of fluff appear in the council room: a sheep?
[dramatic zoom in on the sheep's head. somehow, it has an ahoge]
the brothers: IK?!?!!?!?!?
i can imagine that ik would be sorta cold for a bit. she hasn't really forgiven them for leaving her alone. sure, it wasn't their choice, but still....
she does warm up again, though - it's hard not to with them all compensating for the long separating by being EXTRA doting
it's also returning the favour, since ik was doing most of the looking after back when they were animals
side note though i feel like we can't even comprehend how ridiculous and cute ik would be as a lamb
have you seen that one video of a sheep being held up and spun around and it has the MOST "head empty" look on its face possible
ik just permanently looks like this is the only thing going on upstairs
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also this video of lambs jumping on an older sheep. i like to imagine ik just absolutely trampling all over the others for fun (especially beel and diavolo, whose shoulders are broadest and easiest to traverse)
(she'd hold a bit of a grudge against the royals for some time though, given they were the ones who took the brothers away)
(diavolo is devastated by this because he loves small cute things and he wants to hold the little sheep so badly)
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meirimerens · 1 year
herb brides on the mind again. am a profound herb brides Truther/Believer/Apologist not in the sense that i will excuse their mistreatment (mostly outside of the narrative, such as with their models etc because some of the in-narrative mistreatment i can recognize as something that we're actually supposed to interact with) and make mental gymnastics to justify said mistreatment as some deep 4D chess #conversation the male lead writer is trying to have with us But in the sense that i so profoundly believe in their potential in their power in the fact that they Could Be So Good Were They Handled Better (as with most female characters ever....) that i will fight like a hound to extract them out of the nasty paws of the mistreating metanarrative to cherish them and conceptualize them in ways i think they could thrive. basaghan get behind me‼️
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