#you can search through their catalogs and read hundreds of accounts from all kinds of people who flew all kinds of aircraft
thatsrightice · 11 months
Martin-Baker is a company that for more than 70 years has specialized in engineering the ejection seats utilized a majority of the world’s fighter jets. They have saved thousands of lives that in otherwise would likely have been lost. Martin-Baker revolutionized an industry that for a long time had been characterized by low survival rates, and in doing so have created an exclusive club very few are able to join, one that unifies aviators in a way that will never be taken away. I’d say only the best of the best are allowed in, but that wouldn’t be true.
A lifetime membership to the Martin-Baker Ejection Tie Club is awarded to those who have ejected from an aircraft using a Martin-Baker ejection seat, which as a result has saved their life.
These are (some of) their stories…
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For me and my pilot, 19 December 1981 was the date of a memorable excursion in a Martin-Baker ejection seat following a split-second decision to eject. I was an F-14 RIO and we were landing on an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean when things went wrong. I was fairly new, but I realized we were in trouble, and when my pilot said “Eject! Eject!” I pulled the lower handle. It happened in the blink of an eye, and only later could I be philosophical about it, to think about leaving the familiar and comfortable cockpit for the unknown. Thanks to the Martin-Baker MK-GRU7A seat my pilot and I survived in excellent condition and have enjoyed 38 (and counting) more years of living, flying, families, and everything else. I am thankful for the skilled US Navy technicians who maintained our equipment and the people of Martin-Baker who provided the seat that saved my life.
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Martin-Baker – Thank you for the rest of my life. On 20 March 1987 my F-14A ran away with me as an unwilling passenger. Fire in the environmental control system burned through the flight controls. The airplane started un-commanded pitch oscillations and the last nose down excursion made it clear that I had to eject. My ride in F-14 BuNo 161614 ended 15 seconds before the crash with a Martin-Baker ejection seat and a parachute descent. My wife Sweet Denyse thanks you too.
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“It was a spring day in 1995 about 200 miles SW of Sicily. The USS Theodore Roosevelt was heading up to the Adriatic to enter the Bosnia conflict. As we expected combat, we needed to make sure as many jets as possible were up and ready so the past few days had been a maintenance blitz. We were conducting a post-maintenance check flight on our F-14 Tomcat, which the jet passed with flying colors.
After the flight we were heading back to the carrier, when suddenly the jet began bucking like a bronco – negative 2 Gs followed by 5 Gs, back and forth for about 1 minute, then it suddenly stopped. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but another aircraft joined up and noticed a mismatch in our horizontal stabilators. After two more events similar to the first, each time with the jet losing about 5000 feet, the jet suddenly pitched over into a negative 2 G dive and started rolling uncontrollably. I looked at the altimeter and it read 3000 feet so I pulled the handle. After the loud flash and bang, I found myself under the parachute, and looked down just in time to see the jet hit the water – what turned out to be just 4 seconds after we ejected. We were both safely under parachute, with only minor injuries but alive. We were plucked out of the water by helos from the carrier about 45 minutes later. –
Thanks to Martin-Baker and my Parachute Rigger, I am still alive, and by being able to “live to tell” about our story a major mechanical problem was found. All F-14 Tomcats were subsequently inspected and the same problem was found on dozens of other jets, so Martin-Baker not only saved my life but likely prevented many other aviators from (at best) joining the Tie Club themselves or at worst losing their lives. It was just a month later that a high school friend who heard I was deployed wrote me a letter…We’ve now been married 17 years with two wonderful children. Thank you Martin-Baker!!!
16 notes · View notes
buckeverlasting · 6 years
Wine and Dine Me
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem librarian!Reader
Summary: You don’t normally date library patrons, but Bucky has been a very special regular lately. You finally go out on a long-awaited date.
A/N: This is my entry for @stanclub’s writing challenge! My prompt was “Where are your manners?” Prompt is in bold.
Warnings: a little fluff but mostly a great deal of smut; it’s really, truly filthy
Word count: 2.6k
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It was a gray day in the beginning of February. James Barnes strode into the library with a blast of cold air. He stopped at the Black History Month wedding cake display by the doorway and picked a biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. off a stand. His eyes flitted over the cover, his brow knitted in concentration. He flipped the book over and scanned the writing on the back. He nodded his head in appreciation. Then he looked up and caught you watching him. A grin creeped across his face, and he approached the reference desk with the book in hand.
Patron James Barnes had been such a regular visitor to your reference desk over the last couple weeks that you had his library card number memorized: 2276141405. God only knows how many times you’ve scanned it to reserve or check out books for the man. Actually, you know how many books he’s checked out. You pulled up his account on your computer by searching the system for his library card number. Since he started visiting your branch, he’s checked out over one hundred books and movies. He’d been coming here for a while, but it was only recently that he started specifically asking to see you on his visits.
“Good morning,” you said. “That’s a good book you have there.”
“Oh, really?” he asked. “I actually want to know more about this man. I was hoping you could help me find more books about him.”
“I can certainly help with that.” You took a seat behind your computer. “Let me check and see what we have on the shelves right now.” You accessed the library’s catalog. You performed a search, typing in commands to limit the search to what was available only at your branch.
“I’m surprised you don’t know of a few off the top of your head,” he said.
“I think it’s a common misconception that all librarians do is read.” You laughed lightly.
“You mean you don’t sit around and read all day with your cats?” he asked.
“Don’t get smart, Mr. Barnes.” You smiled at him.
“You can call me Bucky.” He returned your smile.
“You can call me Y/N, Bucky. It looks like there are ten biographies on the shelf right.” You turned the computer screen to show him the titles. “Do you want me to to take you over to see them?”
“Sure. Please, lead the way.”
You got up and waited for him to circle around your desk so you could walk through the stacks together. When you had passed the 300s (social sciences), Bucky asked, “So what do you do when you’re not reading with your cats?”
You gave him side-eye with a smirk. “I actually don’t have cats. I like to dance, go hiking, and I paint a little. I have to admit, though, I do like reading. I also like going on dates with handsome men who come into the library regularly to research history.”
He stopped in front of the 500s (natural sciences). “Are you asking me out on a date, Y/N?”
You looked up at the ceiling and rocked on the soles of your feet. “I’m just saying what I like to do, since you asked.”
You kept walking along, with Bucky trailing a little behind.
“Hold on,” he said, stopping in front of a display of poetry and plays next to the 800s *(literature). “Are you saying you’d go out with me on a date if I asked you?”
You turned on your heel. “I’ve been waiting weeks for you to ask me out. I’ve had a crush on you since my freshman history class. I know what you’ve been up to on your visits to the library. You’re trying to catch up. I admire that.”
“I guess you also picked up on my stalking you.” He grinned. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Finally, going out with you.” You brushed his arm with your hand.
“Of those things you mentioned liking to do, would kissing strange men in the stacks be one of them?” he asked.
You gave him a little shove. “Are you out of your mind? Do you know how hard it was to get this job? I have benefits and a retirement plan. There’s no way I’m giving that up for anyone, no matter how good he looks right now.”
“I’m a decorated war vet, too.” He shrugged.
“I still have student loans to pay off.” You crossed our arms. “Plus, call me old fashioned, but I’d like to be wined and dined a little first.”
“Fine, fine. Fair enough,” he said. “Just show me where the biographies I’m looking for are.”
“Can you pick me up at eight tonight?” you asked.
“Then follow me.”
- - -
This was going to be the most important date of your life. James “Bucky” Barnes was going to pick you up in a matter of minutes. You checked your eyes for smudges and your teeth for lipstick. You patted down stray hairs and tested your breath against your palm. You smiled at yourself. You looked great.
The doorbell rang. You looked out the peephole. Bucky stood there with a bouquet of flowers. You opened the door for him.
“I hope this isn’t too old fashioned.” He handed you a bouquet of pink roses.
You breathed in their scent. “These are beautiful. I’ll have to put them in water. Do you want to come in for a second?”
“That’s fine.” He stepped into your home and looked around. “You have a lovely place.”
“Thank you.” You rushed into the kitchen and began opening cabinets looking for your vase.
Bucky appeared in the kitchen. “Need help?”
“No.” You popped up with the vase in hand. “Found it!”
“Do you mind if I just sit for a moment?” “Go right ahead.”
Bucky pulled his arms out of his jacket and draped it over a chair. He took a seat.
“You don’t need to take your coat off. I’m just going to be a second.”
He patted his knee. “Why don’t you sit for a second?”
“Okay.” You left the flowers and vase on the counter, walked over to him, and lowered yourself onto his lap. You could feel how warm he was through both your clothes. You looped an arm around his neck to help balance yourself. He bounced his knee, and you fell into his chest, which was solid as a wall.
“Can I kiss you now?” Bucky asked. His ocean blue eyes were soft. “I’ve waited for so long.”
“It’s only been a couple hours.”
“No,” he said. “It’s taken me a lifetime to find someone like you.”
“Like me?”
“Yes. Someone so smart and beautiful and kind.” He brushed the hair from your eyes and held he side of your face. “Can I kiss you?”
You didn’t bother answering his question. You went for it and captured his mouth in a deep kiss.
You broke the kiss. “How’s that for an answer?”
“I didn’t quite catch what you said.”
You kissed him again, and while your slid your tongue against his, he scooped you up bridal-style, and stood.
It was his turn to break the kiss. “Where’s your bedroom?” He pressed his forehead to yours as you caught your breath.
You pointed down the hall. “Second door on the left.”
You held onto his neck as he carried you into your bedroom. You flipped on the light. He threw you onto the bed. He began unbuttoning his shirt while kicking off his shoes. You pulled your dress over your head and tossed it on the floor. You rolled down your tights until you were in just a bra and panties. Bucky’s eyes lingered on you as he fumbled with the buttons on his pants. You got up to help him, but he pushed you back on the bed, not roughly or in a mean way. Just a gentle little shove to the shoulder, and you tumbled back to the bed.
Now Bucky was naked. You scooted on your butt to the head of the bed. Bucky crawled toward you, his erection bobbing between his legs. You took in a sharp breath when you saw how hard he was already and how large he was.
He slipped his hands down the front of your panties. “Let’s get you really wet for me. Take those panties off.”
You slipped them over your hips and kicked them down your legs and tossed them over the side of the bed. You also unclasped your bra and pitched it after your panties.
“Lay back for me, babe,” Bucky said. “Let me see that pussy.”
You did as you were told, and gently taking your knees, he parted your legs.
“Beautiful,” he murmured.
In an instant, you could feel his warm, wet tongue on your clit. You closed your eyes. He was lapping and moaning, and the combination had you balling the sheets up in your fists. You rolled your hips to press yourself against him harder. He slipped in a cold metal finger, and you gasped.
“Is that okay?” he asked.
“It’s fucking amazing,” you wheezed. “Don’t stop!”
“Where are your manners?” He grinned.
“I’m sorry. Please, continue.”
This time he slipped in two metal fingers, scissoring them as he pumped them in and out of you. You were writhing against his hand. He flicked the bud of your clit with his tongue as he continued to torment you with his fingers, curling one against your G-spot.
You cried out. “Oh god, I’m gonna cum!” The pressure had been mounting, and you felt like you were going to erupt.
“Cum for me, babe.” He began lapping at your folds again, as you felt the white hot heat blazing out of your core. You could feel yourself flooding his mouth as you came hard. He lapped and sucked hungrily.
“Wow, you’re really skilled,” you said, lying flushed and limp on the bed.
“Are you ready for me?” He sat back on his heels, lazily stroking himself.
You bit your lip, reached between your legs, swiped at your wetness, and tasted yourself. “I think I’m very ready.”
“Goddamn, that was hot,” he said.
You reached for his flesh hand and stuck two fingers in your mouth, gently sucking and swirling your tongue around them.
“I’d like to know what else that tongue can do,” he said.
“Why don’t you lie down and find out?” You got up on your knees.
Bucky rested his head on your pillows.
You knelt between his legs, grasped the shaft with both hands, and lowered your head. You licked his length in long, slow swipes before plunging it in your mouth. You sucked and bobbed your head, dragging your tongue around the head. Bucky moaned and placed his hands on either side of your head. He began thrusting up into your mouth as he held your head still. You moaned and the vibrations caused him to grunt. You could taste precum. He released your head, and you sat upright, gasping.
“Do you have a condom?” you said.
Bucky got off the bed and searched his clothes for his wallet. He held up a little square. “Found it.”
“Well, you were pretty sure you were going to get lucky,” you said. “I don’t know what that says about me.”
“Nothing, babe.” He kissed your cheek. “I just like to be prepared. Get on your hands and knees, please.”
Without a word, you obeyed, turning your back to him and bending over, putting yourself fully on display.
He smacked your ass with his flesh hand. “Gorgeous.”
You gasped when you felt him rubbing the tip of his cock along your folds. He teased your clit for a moment before lining himself up and pressing into you. You yelped a little as he stretched you.
“Are you okay, babe?” he asked.
“Yup.” You turned and gave him a thumbs up. “You’re just enormous. That’s all.”
He smiled at you. “You’re fucking tight.” He thrusted and almost knocked you down. He gripped you by the hips and pulled you to him, spearing you on his cock. You fell into the bed, cheek on the sheets, ass in the air. You reached back and spread your ass.
Bucky groaned. “That is a beautiful sight.” He placed a cold, metal thumb on your asshole, and you cried out. He applied a little more pressure, and your eyes rolled back into your head, as he continued to fuck you into the mattress.
“Fuckmefuckmefuckme,” you muttered.
He smacked your ass again and, grabbing you by the hair, he pulled you up off the mattress. He reached around and played with your clit with a metal finger. You were going to lose it soon. You could feel the ball of pressure within you expanding, the heat spreading from your core. You began to shake.
“That’s it,” he said. “Cum for me again, babe. I want to feel you dripping down my balls.”
His words made you shudder, and you let yourself go with a moan you were sure your neighbors probably heard. Once again, you fell face first onto the sheets, and all you could do was shake with the tremors of your orgasm as Bucky continued to fuck you as your wells clenched around his cock.
With a few last thrusts, he reached his own climax, and you could feel his cock pulse inside you as he emptied himself into the condom. When he pulled out and released your hips, you completely collapsed to the bed and shut your eyes.
“Mmm, that was fantastic.” You opened your eyes, sat up, and turning around, saw Bucky holding up the condom, which sagged with his huge load.
“Want to taste?” He gently held your jaw and tipped your head back. You opened your mouth, and he emptied the condom into your mouth. His cum was thick, salty, and still warm. You swallowed quickly and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.
He stroked your hair. “Good girl.”
You smiled and blinked sleepily. Bucky pulled back the sheets for you, and you slipped under them, nestling your head on the pillow. He got in behind you, pulling you close to him, your back to his chest.
“That was amazing,” he whispered.
“That was fucking amazing.” That was the last thing you remember saying before you drifted off to sleep in Bucky’s arms.
- - -
Morning sun and bird song woke you in the morning. The room came into focus slowly, and you realized you were alone. Bucky’s side of the bed was cold. Perhaps he left a note somewhere, you thought, as you got up and put on your bathrobe. You wandered throughout your house, calling his name. He was really gone.
A knock on your front door. You dashed to the peephole. Bucky was standing on your stoop with a grocery bag in his arms. You let him in.
“Where the heck did you go?” you asked.
He leaned down and kissed our cheek. “I had to pick up a few things. Some fixings for omelettes and some champagne for mimosas.”
“What’s all this for?”
“Well, you said you wanted to be wined and dined a little before you would kiss me, and I guess we never really got a chance to do that. So, I’m going to wine and dine you a little belatedly.”
“That’s really sweet.” You got up on your toes to kiss him on the lips.
“Oh, it’s the least I could do to thank you for the night of my life.” He put the bag down on a chair and pulled you close. “So, what’ll it cost me for a rendezvous in the stacks?”
“Keep on dreaming, pal.” You rested your cheek against his chest. “I’m nothing if not professional.”
Thank you so much for reading. I’d love to hear your feedback! Also, if you’d like to jump on a tag list, just send an ask.
Permanent: @reniescarlett @captain-winny @gottalovekidding @trashpanda-barnes @buckychrist @itsbuckysworld @marvelous-avengers @sgtbucketbarnes @loki-superwholockin @mywinterwolf @petersshirts @the-canary @whiskey-cokenfanfic @coffeeandpies @buckyofthemyscira @jamesbuckybarnes13 @tina8009 @queenofkings121 @heartssick @xxloki81xx @jewelofwinter @darcia22 @achishisha @imboredsueme @libbymouse @fitzsimmons-is-forever
Bucky: @gamorazenn @38leticia
426 notes · View notes
theonyxpath · 5 years
Questions! We get questions every day, and while a lot of them start with “when”, as in “when is my favorite book coming out?”, a fair number are more about some integral things that aren’t obvious to folks if they haven’t been lucky enough to read this blog regularly.
Unlike you, my fine friend, who no doubt already know a lot of the following! But I bet there’s a few things in there even you can use brushing up on!
“In order to put out so many game lines, Onyx Path must be a big TableTopRPG company with lots of employees, right?”
Well, we work with a lot of talented freelance creators, but there’s only four actual staff members, so no, not really big at all. There’s myself, as founder and Creative Director, Mighty Matt McElroy as our Operations Director, Lisa Thomas as our Office Manager, and Mirthful Mike Chaney, our Art Director and primary Graphic Designer.
The hundreds of writers, editors, artists, designers, and developers we work with all around the world are all freelancers – that means that they are hired with a contract. Sometimes per project, sometimes for a time period to do a particular agreed-upon set of goals.
“You mean that those lovable scamps from the Onyx Pathcast – Dixie, Eddy, and Matthew – aren’t staff members?”
Correct! Although the Pathcast is one fun thing that they do for us, and their biggest responsibilities lie in shepherding our projects, all three of them are freelancers for us. Albeit freelancers who are part of our weekly meeting to cover how all our projects and the company in general are doing because they are just really great at what they do.
Being freelance also means that our creators can easily take part in other projects for other companies – which is something I encourage. More experience from any source means that a creator is building their expertise, and that means better and better projects for all of us.
We also hire consultants when needed – sometimes for long periods, sometimes on a project – to cover viewpoints or areas of expertise we need to have. Sometimes to cover the nuts and bolts, day to day needs of part of our business, like working with translation partners or like James, our Kickstarter concierge, that our usual crew don’t have the bandwidth for.
TC: Aeon Distant Worlds art by Michele Giorgi
“I heard Onyx Path was secretly still owned by White Wolf, and that you, Rich Thomas, were still with WW.”
That sounds like an internet rumor, and we all know how reliable those are!
So, no. I left WW a few years after the merger of WW with CCP and started Onyx Path Publishing in 2012. I am the sole owner. Other than being a licensee of the current White Wolf/Paradox, we have no other connection with them on a business level. Again, let me underline that no other company has any sort of ownership of or ability to control Onyx Path.
Also, Eddy Webb does not own Onyx Path, or even part of it. Because I’ve heard that rumor, too. He owns Pugsteady, which is a very good company all on its own.
M20 Book of the Fallen art by Michael Gaydos
“But you do own Exalted, right?”
Nope. Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, and the World of Darkness books that White Wolf/Paradox allows us to publish under license still belong to them.
Beyond the fact of WW‘s ownership of those IPs, what that means for you noble readers and players is that Onyx Path has limits as to what we can publish based on what the owners of the game lines are comfortable with us publishing. For example, we get a lot of this sort of question:
“Why won’t you make Hunter The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, or, OMG, Mummy 20th Anniversary Editions?
And the reason is: we would – if it was cool with White Wolf/Paradox. Unless they give the OK, about these or any of the books we publish under the license with them, we have no legal right to just put out a book. This has been true for us going back to when CCP granted Onyx Path the license, so it’s not something nefarious, just how this license works.
The Realms of Pugmire game lines, Cavaliers of Mars, Dystopia Rising: Evolution, and Legendlore, are also licensed lines as well, with different sorts of contracts that specify different things as part of their terms.
The game lines we own, and therefore have a much wider latitude on how the lines develop, are: Scion, Scarred Lands, They Came From Beneath the Sea! and the Trinity Continuum. Without outside approvals, we can move a lot faster with our decisions as to what projects to do next, and how fast, and in what order, and where they are sold, and, well, just everything.
So if it seems like you’re hearing and seeing a lot more hoopla about our owned lines lately, that’s a huge part of the reason: we can just decide on Scion Pantheon Journals in a meeting Monday, and they can go on sale on RedBubble on Wednesday.
By Jove! That’s actually what’s happening this week! What a coincidence!
TC: Aeon Distant Worlds art by Sam Denmark
“You didn’t announce anything new at GenCon, and the First Draft section is getting kind of thin. What’s up? You guys out of ideas?”
Far from it! I think the Project Progress section here on the blog can be, or at least, has been, misleading in this regard. What we’ve had happening for the past year or year and a half, has been a kind of bloat brought on by us finally finishing a bunch of old Kickstarter and other projects, and being up-to-date on current Kickstarter and other projects.
Plus, we have multiple pitches that we’ve been waiting to hear on – relating to my notes above about approvals from our Licensors. Doesn’t make sense for us to get writers started until the projects have been given the green light.
Most importantly, we’ve several bigger projects still under wraps: from working out just what we want to do all the way to finishing the outlines for writers. For example, now that we ran the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant KS, we’re working on TC: Adventure! and actively discussing how to bring all that’s awesome about a pulp-genre setting to modern audiences, while dealing with the more problematic aspects of the time period.
Oh yes, there are still many games we want to create and we are all set to develop more projects for our:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Keep an eye out in this space as well as on our social media for the Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter that will be launching after August wraps up!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features our Terrific Trio deep in anticipatory antics about upcoming games they’re excited about!
Today in the media we’re mainly going to talk about our Twitch channel! As you can see from the schedule, we have games planned for Scion, Pugmire, TC: Aberrant, Scarred Lands, Vampire, and there’s so much more to come! Please do check us out and if you have an Amazon Prime account, and aren’t already subscribed to a Twitch channel, you can subscribe to ours for free for exclusive content! Here’s the channel for you, and thank you so much for keeping up with our content: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath/
And if you missed it, here’s episode zero of Paws & Claws, our Pugmire actual play on the Twitch channel: https://youtu.be/Y519d9Cmx7g
We have of course produced videos beyond that, including this video here where Matthew asks for your They Came From ideas: https://youtu.be/ek8x-eoJ2Tc
And the Onyx Path News went live today. Find the link to today’s episode here: https://youtu.be/XE1kAsRYIJw Matthew talks all about new releases, Kickstarter, Backerkit, community content, our media, and his favourite authors!
We’d be remiss if we didn’t promote some of our favorites too. As our main focus is on our own Twitch today, we’re going to point you in the direction of only a couple more channels, but the big list of streams will return next week!
Here’s Occultists Anonymous (who are also appearing on our Twitch channel) with their Mage: The Awakening actual play: Episode 36: After emerging from Atratus’ soul and getting a frenzied call from Mammon, Wyrd the Seer and Songbird investigate their cabalmate’s disappearance. https://youtu.be/GopIcUu-rAU
And the excellent Story Told Podcast continues their superb Dragon-Blooded actual play here, so do tune in if you’re interested in Exalted: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/fall-of-jiara-episode-12
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
As always, you can find most of Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we’re offering a selection of Scion pantheon themed journals on our RedBubble store!
Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd PAX Unplugged: December 6th – 8th 2020: Midwinter: January 9th – 12th
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Manuscript Approval
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
W20 Art Book (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Post-Approval Development
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
V5 Chicago Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Post-Editing Development
Memento Mori (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e Companion)
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars – Contracted.
They Came from Beneath the Sea! – Contracted. Sketches already coming in.
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers – Contracted. LeBlanc doing the splats.
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed – Thinking I throw a bunch of this at Vince and Trabbold.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties – Michele is doing the critters.
Deviant (KS) – Contracted.
Trinity RMCs – Getting Riley on these this week.
Cults of the Blood God (KS) – Mark is in to do fulls and cover.
Chicago Folio – Lemme see who I got left post KS art buy for Cults. I am gonna try to get Paul Lee to do the fulls.
Mummy 2 (KS) – Got Matthew’s notes.
In Layout
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel
Dark Eras 2 – Files with Aileen
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds
VtR Spilled Blood – For Josh.
DR:E Jumpstart
Aeon Aexpansion
C20 Cup of Dreams
V5: Chicago – Inputting errata.
Geist 2e – XX’s and then Indexing.
Signs of Sorcery – Inputting errata.
M20 Book of the Fallen
DR: E – Inputting errata.
At Press
Dragon Blooded – Deluxe at Studio2, shipping.
Dragon-Blooded Cloth Map – At Studio2, shipping.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – Shipped to Studio2, shipping.
Trinity Core Screen – At Studio2.
TC Aeon Screen – At Studio2.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs coming.
Trinity Core – Printing.
Trinity Aeon – Printing.
Shunned By the Moon – PoD proof ordered.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Born on this date in 1921 – Gene Roddenberry, who, love him or leave him, got Star Trek on the air and set the stage for many, many, folks’ first introduction to science fiction – and utopian science fiction at that! Plus, because why not, this is also the birthday of William Marshall in 1924, who appeared on Star Trek as Professor Richard Daystrom, and whose amazing voice graced us as both Blackula and the King of Cartoons! Also, to continue the Star Trek theme: in 1938, Diana Muldaur, who appeared on both the Original Series, and on STtNG as Dr. Pulaski, was born, and last but not the least likely to get it on on an alien planet, William T. Riker’s portrayer, Jonathan Frakes, was born in 1952. (Bill Clinton was also born on this date in 1946, and while we all know he’d give Riker a run for his money, he was never on Star Trek – just a US President.)
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larsonthorsen9-blog · 6 years
Fantastic Web Advertising Tips For Quickly Results
Harnessing the energy of the web in get to industry your organization can deliver you massive exposure and potentially, big earnings. You do not need to be a technological innovation guru to make web marketing and advertising operate for you either. A handful of straightforward tips, like the kinds in this report, can support any company proprietor consider benefit of the great advertising and marketing options accessible on the web. Creating material on your website is essential, but it is even more important that you cater to your consumers 1st and not the search engines. When you verify out a prime-ranked website, you will never ever see an unpleasant internet site inundated with tons of keywords and phrases and backlinks. The best internet sites out there are respectable firms whose usage of search phrases is so that their consumers can discover them, not so lookup engines force them in everyone's face. Study directories to advertise your website. It is tough to get into the increased look for rankings on the huge research engines without a sturdy Search engine optimization system. There are internet Exceptional World wide web Marketing Tips For Fast Benefits devoted to consolidating hyperlinks on specialized niche merchandise and categories. Locate which types cater to your markets and make confident you are included in the hyperlinks. If you are making an attempt to build fascination in your online internet site by means of your blog, make certain to read the sites of other bloggers. Other weblogs will be a fantastic supply of inspiration for potential posts, as you will be ready to see what subject areas are drawing audience to other weblogs and which matters are duds. If you are trying to grow your business's web existence by making use of a site, preserve your updates limited and productive. Your normal updates ought to be about a few hundred to 5 hundred phrases in size if you have a special characteristic you can increase this out to a thousand terms. Any longer and you are going to very likely lose the reader's fascination before the conclude. Do not make the error of only getting an RSS feed as a way for visitors to maintain up with you and what you are performing. Many men and women still favor items to be completed the traditional way and they would favor to get a e-newsletter in their inbox. Present off your products or providers in online video. A picture paints a thousand words and phrases, and a movie paints a thousand images. Online video is the medium of the following technology and many internet users count on a movie on professional internet sites. If you do not have a movie, savvy web customers might issue the professionalism of your enterprise. When you are getting a area for your business, think about buying domains your web site could be mistaken for. For instance, if you make a misstep heading to Google, googel.com will nevertheless redirect you to your supposed destination. By acquiring comparable area names, you can make certain that your clients will hit their goal every time. If you are pitching a new item to your consumers, make your consumers come to feel as if they're the explanation you happen to be providing it. The closer consumers feel to your company in phrases of involvement, the a lot more likely they are to not only invest their funds with you, but also unfold the phrase about how great your enterprise is. It really is critical to use classic marketing techniques. You can use items like pens or coffee mugs with your enterprise identify and emblem on them. Provide them for free of charge when customers indicator up for e mail delivers by way of your web site. This way your clients are certain to get special email alerts from you, and you are advertising your business. A wise idea for World wide web marketing is changing your content and offering it in a way that your buyers usually really feel they are controlling what takes place. This is an effective advertising and marketing method. Make it clear that their taking part is optional in buy to increase your believability. An important idea with regards to Internet marketing and advertising is to acquire and go through guides about the Internet and Web advertising. This is crucial simply because a lot of occasions, the very best information is not usually accessible for free online. Despite living in an age in which we think that everything is obtainable online, you will uncover that frequently moments it pays off to acquire a ebook as a swift and dependable source. Supply an array of payment alternatives to make certain greatest chance for revenue. It could seem to be appropriate to only acknowledge credit rating playing cards, but it is smarter to enable men and women to use examining accounts and on-line methods like Paypal. Make your buyers e-mail a lot more personal so that your customers will really go through them. You want them to feel some thing from it, not that it truly is just yet another business email that belongs in the trash. Try out incorporating their identify in the subject line and open up the e mail with their identify, to appear like you are conversing immediately to them. When getting a hosting bundle to commence your very own web site, you must go ahead and spend the number of additional pounds for the stability functions presented to you. Follow These Web Advertising Guidelines For Developing Your Organization are very good that you will not likely need to have these, but it truly is usually far better to be safer than sorry, specifically when working with marketing in excess of the net. Signal up for RSS feeds of the most crucial weblogs in your business to aid inform your net marketing approaches. Receiving all insightful commentary right to your inbox will assist you comprehend how your current advertising techniques are being obtained and you can go ahead in a a lot more calculated, efficient fashion by incorporating this guidance. Incorporate catalogs for related products in shipments to your buyers. The associated merchandise could be attachments, solutions, updates or no matter what else you can believe of that is related to the merchandise that they have already purchased. If they like the goods that you send to them, they will most very likely obtain the added items. Whether or not you are running an on the web-only business or just extending your present company on-line, net advertising and marketing can perform for you. A very good net advertising marketing campaign can achieve likely customers around the entire world or flip up new customers right in your very own yard. Whomever you want to achieve, learning the methods of the world wide web advertising trade can aid you reach them far more effectively.
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loadingfunding482 · 3 years
Software Free Download For Mac
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software, free download For Pc
Debut Video Capture software, free download For Mac
“Where can I download free, software safely and legally?”
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If you are someone who has been searching for a way to buy software, you probably noticed that the prices for software can become extremely expensive.
But it doesn’t have to be!
Apple’s Mac App Store is just old enough that it rode the end of an expensive-bandwidth period, and Apple’s 30-percent cut included the price of downloads and the cost of success: Ostensibly. Wondershare Recoverit Mac Free Download is a powerful, yet easy-to-use software that helps users spend less time and money on recovering deleted, formatted, and unrecoverable data. It is Read More. Explore the best Internet Utilities software for Mac. Browse our catalog of over 50 000 mac apps. MacUpdate is serving app downloads since 1997. Soft32, a pioneer of downloads and reviews website, delivers up-to-date software, free downloads and reviews for Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android. download free, software applications, themes, wallpapers. Download apk for Android smartphones, tablets and other devices directly from our Servers. Search between top rated and most popular Windows, MAC, Linux, iOS and Android applications.
There are a lot free stuff sites where you can download full version software for free. And we’re not talking about doing it illegally or immorally using an illegal torrent client and downloading torrents, using cracked software or going to forums and sites where people illegally share paid software for free.
We’re talking about download sites where you can download all kinds of – antivirus, design, malware remover, video editing, animation, accounting or even personal finance software – great real free software totally legally.
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In this post, you can find big brand stuff such as Adobe and Sony, but we also have listed some open source software sites. Open source software is basically designed to be free for everyone to use. This means it will let you update your software and access the free downloads forever.
Safe Sites to download free, software
Before downloading any of these, make sure that you have fully updated your anti-virus protection for your computer.
While these sites are rated highly and are safe for downloading software from, it is still a good idea to be safe when downloading things off the internet.
1. Miro
Official site:http://www.miroguide.com/
This is an open-source, non-profit site for getting some software, music, games, and much more for free. To find something specific, just browse through their genre categories to find whatever will fit your needs.
2. LinuxTracker
Official site:https://linuxtracker.org/
Search these user-uploaded torrents to find software for Linux IOS. They have over 409 pages of downloads which you can browse or, if you are looking for something specific, you can search by name.
3. BitLove
Official site:http://bitlove.org/directory
This is a directory of free Podcasters. You can find hundreds of podcasts, viewable by their name in alphabetical order, and download every episode.
4. Vuze
Official site:http://www.vuze.com/content/
Use this site to download videos about:
TV Shows
5. Legit Torrents
Official site:http://www.legittorrents.info/index.php?search=&page=torrents
Legit Torrents is a torrent tracker for only legal torrents. There are thousands of illegal torrent sites out there, but only a handful of websites that deal with legal torrenting. You can find games, software, and more here: all of it is legally available for download.
6. Internet Archive
Official site:https://archive.org/details/feature_films
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. They have over 400,000 software downloads available. You can narrow your search by year it was made, languages, and software types.
7. Ninite
Official site:https://ninite.com/
Install and update your programs with just one quick click. No need to worry about spam, spyware, or malware. Just pick the apps you want to download and then go.
You can find downloads for:
And many more!
8. Major Geeks
Official site:https://www.majorgeeks.com/
MajorGeeks was founded in 2001 with the goal to provide the top 1% of safe, editor-tested downloads. They list less than 10,000 downloads on the website because of this, making sure that you are downloading only the best and safest software.
9. Donation Coder
Official site:http://www.donationcoder.com/
This site is for tons of professional-quality software that can be used for both personal and business uses. You won’t find toolbars, adware, or spyware on here. They also have forums you can use to talk to experts about installing software, just in case you have any trouble doing it.
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10. Download Crew
Official site:https://www.downloadcrew.com/
This site has 31,335,409 downloads, 5,622 reviews, and 332,005 members. Browse software by the operating system, device, and software types. You can find downloads for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, and Android.
11. Filehorse
Official site:https://www.filehorse.com/
This is a fast and simple way to download free, software for Windows.
Categories for software are:
MP3 and Audio
Messaging and Chat
Video Software
File Sharing
Firewalls and Security
CD, DVD, Blu-ray
File Transfering
Office and Business Tools
And many, many more.
12. Filepuma
Official site:https://www.filepuma.com/
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This site offers many software downloads in the available categories:
Security & Firewalls
Browsers & Plugins
Developer Tools
Internet & Network
FTP Software
Download Managers
Search Tools
P2P & File-Sharing
Print Server
Network Management
Remote Access
Wireless Network
Graphics Design
Compression & Backup
Video & Audio
Photos & Images
13. SnapFiles
Official site:http://snapfiles.com/
This is a safe and easy site to use for getting software. They have thousands of Windows-compatible programs that are free and legal to download. The software is added to the site by either the company that owns it or the developer that made it. That way, you don’t have to worry about someone uploading a virus and claiming it’s the software you are looking for.
14. FileHippo
Official site:https://filehippo.com/
Get the latest versions of the best software. Downloads are hand-picked by the site’s editors. It’s also all tested for malware, adware, and viruses, so you get only safe downloads. There are no added bundles, installers, or toolbars.
15. Softpedia
Official site:https://www.softpedia.com/
This is an encyclopedia for free downloads. They have over 1,000,000 available downloads with hundreds of items added every single day. This includes downloads for Windows, Mac, Android, and Linux.
16. Brothersoft
Official site:http://www.brothersoft.com/
This site has over 250,000 freeware and shareware downloads. These are available for Windows, Mac, and mobile devices. Every day, they add new software, so check back often.
17. Tucows
Official site:http://www.tucows.com/downloads
Get downloads for Windows, Mac, Linux, and more with this site. They have all sorts of programs available, including photo editors, antivirus, VPN managers, and more.
18. Soft32
Official site:https://www.soft32.com/
All software on Soft32.com has been tested to ensure it’s 100% free of spyware, viruses, and other malware. They have over 150,000 software downloads available to their website’s community.
19. Giveaway of the Day
software, free download For Pc
Official site:https://www.giveawayoftheday.com/
Every day this site offers free licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise. This can be a great way to get software that normally costs well over $50 completely free and legally.
20. Giveaway Club
Official site:https://www.giveaway-club.com/
This is another site that does a daily software giveaway. You can also read user reviews of the software before downloading, which is a great way to figure out if you want to take the time to install your free software or not.
21. TopWareSale
Official site:https://topwaresale.com/product-category/software-giveaway/
This site is normally used to sell software. However, they also have a free deals section! Get professional, high-quality programs completely free.
22. Tickcoupon Giveaway
Official site:https://giveaway.tickcoupon.com/
Tickcoupon Giveaway is one of the most popular software giveaway websites out there. It’s focused on offering, sharing, and updating new free licensed software. You can also get coupon codes for software that isn’t free so you can save a lot of money.
23. Giveaway Download
Official site:https://giveaway.download.hr/
This site sells software, however, it also has free downloads. Get giveaways for software for Windows, PC, Mac, iOS, Android, and more. You can also get free video games from here.
24. SourceForge
Official site:https://sourceforge.net/
This is an open-source and business software platform. They distribute software to 33 million users worldwide. They have over 430,000 programs available for business owners. If you know anything about developing programs, you might also like the free tools they have on the site for developers.
Free Browser Software
25. Chromium
Official site:https://www.chromium.org/
According to the site, Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web. This site contains design documents, architecture overviews, testing information, and more to help you learn to build and work with the Chromium source code.
Phone password breaker. ​+ This Black Box Can Brute Force Crack iPhone PIN PasscodesPosted onMarch 16th, 2015 byIf you don’t have time to read this whole blog post, do one thing for me okay?Change your iPhone password from a simple 4 digit numeric code to a longer, more advanced version, which can include letters and symbols as well as numbers.Done that?
Free Video (Multi Media) Player Software
26. VideoLAN
Official site:https://www.videolan.org/vlc/
VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player. It plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. Some features of the program are:
Plays files, discs, webcams, devices, and streams.
Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix, iOS, Android, and more.
No spyware, ads, or user tracking.
Completely free to download to use, forever!
27. MPC HC
Official site:https://mpc-hc.org/
MPC-HC is an open source media player that works for the Windows operating system. It supports all common video and audio file formats available for playback. They are 100% spyware free, and there are no advertisements or toolbars included with the program.
Free File Sharing Software
28. DC++
Official site:http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/
Direct Connect allows you to share files over the Internet without restrictions or limits. It’s completely free of advertisements.
Free Photo Editing Software
29. GIMP
Official site:https://www.gimp.org/
Don’t want to pay monthly for Photoshop? Now you don’t have too. GIMP is a free, open-source program similar to Adobe Photoshop. Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, or illustrator, you can do whatever you need to with Gimp.
Free Office Software
30. LibreOffice
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Official site:https://www.libreoffice.org/
This is an open-source version of Microsoft Word. You can get several applications that work like the Microsoft Office Suite.
The programs they have offered are:
Writer – word processor
Calc- spreadsheet
Impress – presentations
Draw – diagrams
Base – database
Math – formula editor
Free Zip Software
31. 7-zip
Official site:https://www.7-zip.org/
7-Zip is free software with open source code.
Features of the program are:
High compression ratio in 7z format with LZMA and LZMA2 compression
Packs and unpacks file types of over twenty types
Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
Self-extracting capability for 7z format
Integration with Windows Shell
Powerful File Manager
Localizations for 87 languages
Free Privacy Software
32. Tor
Official site:https://www.torproject.org/
Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance with the Tor browser. You can browse the internet entirely privately. It prevents someone from watching your connection, so they cant see the websites you visit.
Free Email Software
33. Thunderbird
Official site:https://www.thunderbird.net/
This is software that makes email easier. Its easy to set up and customize and loaded with lots of features. It’s also incredibly safe to use.
Features of the program are:
Personalized Email Addresses
One-Click Address Book
Attachment Reminders
Multiple-channel Chat Rooms
Tabbed Email
Ability to search the Web
Message Archive
And much more!
Free Password Manager Software
34. KeePass
Official site:https://keepass.info/
KeePass is a free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager. It puts all your passwords on one database, which is locked with a master key password. That way, you only need to remember one password to access all of your passwords.
Free PDF Reader/Editor Software
35. Foxit Reader
Official site:https://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf-reader/
This is one of the best softwares for creating, sharing and securing PDFs. It lets you make PDFs in a few ways including uploading scans, converting Word documents, PowerPoint presentations and Excel sheets. You can even combine multiple PDFs into one new file.
Foxit Reader is available for both Windows and Mac.
36. SumatraPDF
Official site:https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/free-pdf-reader.html
This is actually my favorite PDF reader that I have it installed on my PC, Laptop, Android phone and Surface Pro tablet/laptop.
It is very light so unlike Adobe Acrobat Reader DC it won’t be hogging your computer’s resources resulting in a slower device.
Free Antivirus Software
37. Kaspersky
Official site: https://usa.kaspersky.com/free-antivirus
A great antivirus software that is very easy to use and has a very small impact on the performance of whatever device you install it on. It protects you against all kinds of malware.
Final Thoughts
Now that you are finished checking out these sites, we hope that you find whatever software you are looking for.
Keep in mind that there are a lot of other sites where you can install totally free software from as well as many other companies that giveaway free software. But the purpose of this post was to give you a list of the best free software and sites where you can download more free software.
Logo designing software offer a large variety of pre-designed and highly customizable logos spread across multiple categories. Various attributes of the logo can be customized to suit individual’s requirements. These software save your time, efforts and hassles by providing you pre-designed logos and high-end editing tools.
There are many free logo designing softwares available on the web. Here are Top 10 free logo design software:
1. GraphicSprings: Your ultimate logo master
This free logo graphic design software offers pre-designed logos belonging to various categories with high-end editing tools for maximum customization. You can create impressive logos in 1 minute or even less.
A vast array of free impressive Logo Designs
High-End editing tools for personalizing multiple attributes of logos
Unlimited Downloads at no extra cost
Friendly Customer Service & Support offering prompt assistance
The logos can be saved in multiple file formats Like PNG, JPG, etc.
2. LogoYes: Free High-End logo designing software for perfect professional approach
LogoYes is free logo design software making it extremely easy to create and personalize the logo in a jiffy.
Extensive size alteration without losing the details of the design
The logos look equally nice in black and white as well as colored
Easy access to 20,000+ elements to customize the logo to meet specific brand requirements
The final logo will have a perfect professional touch
Easy 3-step approach: Find industry, choose symbol and customize.
3. LogoGarden: A One Stop Destination for all our logo designing needs
This free logo graphic design software has an extensive collection of thousands of pre-designed logos that can be extensively mould using some simple customization tools. The USP of the software is its pick-n-click tools that cut the complexity of the designing a logo:
Thousands of attractive logo designs for a wider array of options
Pick-n-click tools offer complete flexibility to change various attributes of a logo
Trusted by 1,554,447 entrepreneurs
Well researched attributes and specifications to suit specific industry
4. AAALogo: Extensive editing for maximum personalization
This logo graphic software is a freeware equipped with a large collection of high resolution images. That is easy to personalize using powerful tools
A one stop destination for free logo designs, business graphics, banners, buttons and other relevant designing graphics
No prior knowledge and creativity required
Most of the designing process like blending, adjusting and resizing is automated
Option of “Create by Scratch” also available for more personalized approach
This intuitive program eliminates the need to go through any manual
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5. SoThink: Create impressive logos in a jiffy
This freeware logo design software combines creativity and convenience with a wide variety of logo effects. Mix and match tools further make it easy to design specific logos…
2000+ preset colors to apply to your design
Smart Paint Tools to apply duplicate logo elements and styles for multiple logo designs
One click application to apply rich effect styles from bevel, gradient, shadow, etc
Various hand drawing tools to suit the basic users
Easy to search resources using various keywords
6. FatPaint: intelligent software for creating impressive logos
If you are not equipped with creative skills and want to design an impressive logo for free, then this software will go a long way in helping you create the one. It has many strong tools to help you get the best logos with minimal efforts.
Looks equally great in print and publishing
Friendly and modern user interface
Intelligent software
Drag and drop
Mix and match
Fits any industry of interest
Represent your company and brand distinctly
7. Designimo: The creative force behind perfect logo
Designimo is a robust free logo designing software that is especially designed for users with limited creative abilities. Its rich features wide array of customization options give you unlimited possibilities of creating a perfect logo.
Thousands of well researched free logo designs available
Contemporary designs available
No special software to be installed
High resolution images that look equally perfect on online and offline resources
Logo files with Transparent background also available also available
Equally compatible with multiple browser
You can also trademark your logo
8. Flaming Text: Distinct Logo Designs with perfect look
Flaming text is a high end free logo designing software having advanced tools to enhance the looks of your logo to meet the desired standards. The software can be used on a browser without downloading
Largest selection of high quality free logos
No need of installation
Easy customizable logos to reflect your brand
ImageBot, a powerful svg-based graphics editor offers endless possibilities to enhance various attributes like design, size, resolution etc.
All the logos are well selected and optimization tools further ensures the professional look
9. Online logo maker: Great software with maximum flexibility
This lightweight free logo designing software with clear interface provides various tools to resize rotate and transform your logo. Special fonts that fit well with logo without affecting its signature style.
It is fully functional and clean interface that eliminates all the complexities
More than 100,000 satisfied users across the globe
1000+ free logo symbols to select across various industries, categories and interest
Zero knowledge required to start
Enhanced options for advance effects
User friendly software
Extensively tried, tested and customized
All the above mentioned software present maximum flexibility and vast possibilities to customize the logo. You can choose the one that suits you depending upon your specific needs, industry and brand value.
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Top 5 Sites to watch movies without registering
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Sites to watch movies without registering - You were planning to spend an evening at home enjoying a good time film on TV. You had already made yourself comfortable in your favorite armchair, but when you pressed the ON button on the remote control, you realized that the TV was no longer showing signs of life: a nice cancellation, but you have no intention of ruining your evening; you definitely want to find a way to enjoy a few hours of relaxation, and I'm here to help you do it! If your intent is to watch a movie comfortably at home, even without a TV and without wasting time on registrations or subscriptions, you've come to the right place at the right time! With today's guide, in fact, I will recommend a series of sites to watch movies without registering thanks to which you will be able to access a series of feature films, both Italian and international, belonging to any era and cinematographic genre. All you have to do is carve out five minutes of free time and dedicate yourself to reading the next chapters: by doing so, you will discover numerous solutions to watch movies for free, accessible from both computers and smartphones and tablets, without necessarily creating an account. Are you ready to start? Well, I just have to wish you a good reading and, above all, a good vision! Index Sites to watch movies without registration If if looking for sites to watch movies without registering, you should know that there are several services that allow you to watch films of every era and film genre without having to face boring registration procedures. Keep in mind, however, that the films available are not very famous or very first viewing, but I assure you that there is no shortage of interesting content. Here, then, are some solutions of this kind that could be for you. PopCorn TV The first site you can consider to watch movies without registration is PopCorn TV. Founded in 2010 by Delta Pictures, it is a portal that, in a completely free and legal way, offers a large catalog of films, TV series and soap operas to watch from your computer, smartphone and tablet. To watch a movie on PopCorn TV, connect to main page of the service and click on the option Watch streaming located in the top menu. In the new screen displayed, then press on the item Cinema and make sure the option is selected Free, to view only the free and visible titles without an account. Now, if you want to find a movie by genre, click on the item All and choose one of the options available from Action, Comedy, Dramatic e Horror. Find the movie you want to watch and click on its poster, to view its plot, l’year of publication, the cast, the time and the vote awarded by PopCorn TV users. To start watching it, wait for the video advertising to be played and click on the ▶ ︎ button. Paramount Network Among the services that allow you to watch movies without making any registration, there is also Paramount Network, a free digital terrestrial channel dedicated to the world of cinema that also broadcasts in streaming. The website of this broadcaster allows both to access a catalog, albeit limited, of films and TV series and to watch all the channels of the network live. If you think this is a valid solution for watching movies without registering, connect to the Paramount Network main page, click on the option Film located in the main menu and, in the new screen displayed, locate the film of your interest. At this point, click on poster of the film you intend to see, to start playing it. In the newly opened page, you can also read the plot of the film in question, while pressing the icon of two arrows, you can switch to full screen view. If, on the other hand, you want to consult the TV guide of one of the channels in the network, click on the ☰ button, at the top left, select one of the available channels from Paramount Network, Spike e VH1 and select the option TV Guide. In the event that a film that you intend to watch is scheduled, on the day and at the indicated time, access the section Direct of the channel of your interest. To do this, click on the ☰ button, click on the channel in question (Paramount Network, Spike e VH1) and select the option Direct, to watch the live broadcast of the selected TV channel. YouTube Surely you were aware of the movie rental and purchase features available on YouTube, but maybe you didn't know that on the most famous video sharing platform there are numerous titles available for free, legally and without registration request. The credit for this goes to some companies that use the famous Google portal to convey films to which they have regularly acquired the rights. You should know, however, that finding a movie on YouTube is not an easy task as there is no specific section for free feature films. To facilitate your search, here is a series of YouTube channels that offer a rich catalog of films to watch freely and without an account. - Movie On: is a channel of the Italian network YAM112003, which presents various genres (action, horror, comedy) and offers mostly American titles, with dozens of French, Russian and oriental films. There are also films in the original language with the availability of Italian subtitles. - Film&Clips: is the YouTube channel of the Italian cinema distribution house Minerva Pictures. It offers English, German, Spanish and Italian films, with genres ranging from westerns to comedies, with older films, dating back to the sixties, but also more recent titles. Also available films for the youngest and for children. - KoreanFilm: a reference point for lovers of oriental films with hundreds of classic Korean titles available both in the original language and with Italian subtitles. In addition to the channels in question, you can also find independent films and some original productions on YouTube. In particular, I suggest you take a look at the channel YouTube Originals which collects original TV series, documentaries and films produced by YouTube and which can be watched for free and without an account. To find out more, I leave you to my guide dedicated to movies to watch for free on YouTube. Once you have found a movie you want to watch, all you have to do is click on its preview image, to start playback. Please note that YouTube is also available as a device application Android e iPhone/iPad and compatible with numerous other devices, such as Smart TV, Chromecast, Apple TV and video game consoles. Streaming TV channels As a last resort I suggest you take into consideration the sites of television broadcasters that also broadcast on the Web. Although they do not have an on-demand catalog with films to watch without time constraints, there are many TV channels that broadcast movies and allow you to watch them in live streaming, at the time of passage on TV. An example are the television channels owned by the Sky Italia group visible in clear text on digital terrestrial and which also broadcast in streaming, such as Sky TV e TV8. In this regard, my guide on how to watch TV8 may be useful. Another broadcaster that broadcasts on digital terrestrial and streaming is La7. By accessing the section TV Guide, it is possible to view any films in programming to be seen, on the day and time of broadcast, by selecting the option Live. To find out more, I leave you to my tutorial on how to watch TV for free. Other sites to watch movies in streaming How do you say? Did the solutions that I have indicated in the previous lines not completely satisfy your needs? If so, here it is other sites to watch movies in streaming which, in exchange for a quick registration or authentication via social media, give access to a vast catalog of films, which is generally richer than that of services that do not require registration. - VVVVID: is a free service that gives you access to a rich catalog of on-demand content that includes Japanese anime, TV series and numerous films, including some classics of Italian comedy. It is also available as an application for Android (also on alternative stores, for devices without Google services) e iOS/iPadOS. - RaiPlay: is the official RAI portal that allows both to watch live streaming of all the state TV channels and to access a rich catalog of on-demand content which also includes films. The service is completely free but you need to create your own account or authenticate through a Google account, a Facebook account or a Twitter profile. It is also available as a device app Android (also on alternative stores) e iPhone/iPad. To find out more, you can take a look at my guides on how to register on RaiPlay and how to watch RaiPlay. - Netflix: definitely the most popular video streaming service in the world. It allows you to watch some content for free and without an account (to find out more, you can read my tutorial on how to watch Netflix for free) but to have access to the complete catalog, which also offers numerous films of all kinds, you need to activate a subscription to start from 7.99 euros / month. It is also accessible from smartphones and tablets by downloading the app for Android (if you have a device without Play Store, you can download it from an alternative store) e iOS / iPadOS. To learn more about how Netflix works, I leave you to my guide dedicated to the subject. - NOW: is Sky's video on demand service. By activating the Cinema and Entertainment Pass (€ 14.99 / month), it gives you access to a catalog of over 1,000 films, TV series and numerous other entertainment content, as well as direct streaming of Sky channels dedicated to cinema and entertainment, including some sports channels such as Sky Sport 24 and Eurosport. It is also available as an application for Android (also on alternative stores) e iOS / iPadOS. For more info, I leave you to my guide on how NOW works. To learn about other solutions of this kind, both free and paid, you can take a look at my tutorial dedicated to sites to watch movies. Read the full article
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cryptswahili · 6 years
SearchPedia: A List of 250+ Search Engines
An Exhaustive List of All Search Engines from the Dawn of the Internet
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Since the dawn of the Internet Era, we have been flooded with an ocean of information. But without a good search engine, this ocean is useless.
Search Engines have gone through a great journey, we saw a lot of them, some came and went, and some stay to this date.
Here is an incomplete, but a big list of search engines. If you find something wrong or missing, then shoot your suggestions in the comments.
We have categorized the search engines according to their use-cases. Enjoy!
All-Purpose Search��Engines
Google: Well, probably you used this for coming to this article. The world’s most popular search engine. Visit: http://www.google.com
Bing Search: Microsoft’s entry into the burgeoning search engine market. Better late than never. Visit: http://www.bing.com
Yahoo! Search: The 2nd largest search engine on the web (as defined by a September 2007 Nielsen NetRatings report. Visit: http://www.yahoo.com
AltaVista: Launched in 1995, built by researchers at Digital Equipment Corporation’s Western Research Laboratory. From 1996 powered Yahoo! Search, since 2003 — Yahoo technology powers AltaVista. Visit: http://www.altavista.com
Cuil: Cuil was a search engine website (pronounced as Cool) developed by a team of ex-Googlers and others from Altavista and IBM. Cuil, termed as the ‘Google Killer’ was launched in July 2008 and claimed to be world’s largest search engine, indexing three times as many pages as Google and ten times that of MS. Now defunct. Visit: http://www.cuil.com
Excite: Now an Internet portal was once one of the most recognized brands on the Internet. One of the famous 90’s dotcoms. Visit: http://www.excite.com
Go.com: The Walt Disney Group’s search engine is now also an entire portal. Family-friendly! Visit: http://www.go.com
HotBot: It was one of the early Internet search engines (since 1996) launched by Wired Magazine. Now, just a front end for Ask.com and MSN. Visit: http://www.hotbot.com
AllTheWeb: Search tool owned by Yahoo and using its database, but presenting results differently. Visit: http://www.alltheweb.com
Galaxy: More of a directory than a search engine. Launched in 1994, Galaxy was the first searchable Internet directory. Part of the Einet division at the MCC Research Consortium at the University of Texas, Austin Visit: http://www.galaxy.com
search.aol: Now powered by Google. It is now official. Visit: http://search.aol.com
Live Search (formerly Windows Live Search and MSN Search): Microsoft’s web search engine, designed to compete with Google and Yahoo!. Included as part of the Internet Explorer web browser. Visit: http://www.live.com
Lycos: Initial focus was broadband entertainment content, still a top 5 Internet portal and the 13th largest online property according to Media Metrix. Visit: http://www.lycos.com
GigaBlast: It was developed by an ex-programmer from Infoseek. Gigablast supports nested boolean search logic using parenthesis and infix notation. A unique search engine, it indexes over 10 billion web pages. Visit: http://www.gigablast.com
Alexa Internet: A subsidiary of Amazon known more for providing website traffic information. Search was provided by Google, then Live Search, now in-house applications run their own search. Visit: http://www.alexa.com
IFAC.com: For resources and information on IFRS and Accounting.
Bit Torrent
Btjunkie: An advanced BitTorrent search engine. It uses a web crawler (similar to Google) to search for torrent files from other torrent sites and store them in its database. It has over 1,800,000 active torrents. Visit: http://btjunkie.org
Demonoid: A BitTorrent tracker set up by a person known only as Deimos. The website indexed torrents uploaded by its members. Taken offline after legal threats to its Hosting Company by CRIA. Visit: http://www.demonoid.com
FlixFlux: From its website, “The ultimate torrent site for films, combining bittorrent search results with film information, making it easy to find new film releases.” Visit: http://www.flixflulx.com
isoHunt: a comprehensive BitTorrent search engine, P2P file search, and community. Over 930,000 torrents in its database and 16 million peers from indexed torrents. Avg: 40 million searches per month. Visit: http://isohunt.com/
Mininova: Successor to Suprnova.org — a search engine and directory of torrent files. Anonymous uploads, no IP address logging of users, no porn. over 550,000 torrents in the database, over 4 Billion downloads. Visit: http://www.mininova.com
The Pirate Bay (aka “TPB”): Based in Sweden where torrent trackers are not illegal. No content is filtered or removed as long as it is clearly labeled. Visit: http://thepiratebay.org
TorrentSpy: Tracks externally hosted torrent files and provides a forum to comment on them. Integrates Digg-like user-driven content site ShoutWire’s feed into its front page. Visit: http://www.torrentspy.com
Torrentz: Tracks nearly 7 million torrents in a searchable portal. Visit: http://www.torrentz.com
Amatomu: The South African Blogosphere, sorted. Amatomu searches blogs with a distinct focus on South Africa. Visit: http://www.amatomu.com
Bloglines: It is a web-based news aggregator for reading syndicated feeds using the RSS and Atom formats. Sold to Ask.com in 2005. Visit: http://www.bloglines.com/
Blogperfect: Google Powered Blog Search
BlogScope: Search & analysis tool for the blogosphere being developed as part of a research project at the University of Toronto. It currently tracks over 23.5 million blogs with 275.6million posts. Visit: http://www.blogscope.net
IceRocket: An Internet search engine for searching blogs. Visit: http://www.icerocket.com
Sphere: It connects your current articles to contextually relevant content from your archives as well as from Blog Posts, Media Articles, Video, Photos, and Ads from across the Web. Visit: http://www.sphere.com
Technorati: It catalogs over 112 million weblogs. Known as a kind of gauge for blog popularity as epitomized by its byline of “What’s percolating in blogs now”. A supporter and contributor to open source software.
Blippar: A search engine(2011–18) based on AR. Now defunct. Visit: https://www.blippar.com/
SVRF: A search engine for AR/VR content. Visit: https://www.svrf.com
FreeBookSearch.net — Comprehensive book searching portal with more than 30 search engines in its archive, the site searches hundreds of digital libraries and also scours the net for hidden books. Visit: http://www.freebooksearch.net
Google Book Search: The power of Google to find books. Google’s entry will not let you see full text if the copyright is still active in your jurisdiction. Visit: http://books.google.com
Pdf Drive: The Search engine for PDF files(mainly eBooks). Visit: http://pdfdrive.net
Alibaba.com Claims to be the world’s largest database of suppliers. Based in China, it is a marketplace of export and import, offers search, company directory, catalog, trade leads and more. Visit: http://www.alibaba.com
Bankersalmanac.com: It provides intelligent reference data solutions to the banking industry for payments, due diligence, risk assessment and financial research. Visit: http://www.bankersalmanac.com
business.com: contains more than 400,000 listings within about 65,000 categories. Search results are preceded by four types of paid links. Visit: http://www.business.com
Hoovers: A Dun & Bradstreet Company, maintains a database of over 23 million companies. Some information is provided free, other information is available to paid subscribers. Good for company stock information. Visit: http://www.hoovers.com
Kompass: 2.3M companies in 70 countries referenced by 57.000 product & service keywords 860.000 trade names and 4.6M executive names. A guide for worldwide sourcing. Visit: http://www.kompass.com
Lexis Nexis: LexisNexis claims to be the “world’s largest collection of public records, unpublished opinions, forms, legal, news, and business information”. A searchable archive of newspapers, public records & more. Visit: http://www.lexisnexis.com
ThomasNet: Powered by the Thomas Register of American Manufacturers (The Big Green Books published since 1898). Catalogs over 650,000 American companies in 67,000 categories. Visit: http://www.thomasnet.com
Email-Search.org: A mini-portal with a number of tools for searching email addresses. Find current, former email addresses, extract them from the web. Visit: http://www.email-search.org
Nicado: Free to register, Search email addresses. The Nicado search engine allows registered users to search the Nicado database using an email address or telephone number. Visit: http://www.nicado.net
TEK: This search engine is an email-based search engine developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The search engine enables users to search the Web using only email. It is intended to be used by people with low internet connectivity. Visit: http://tek.sourceforge.net/
AskMeNow: S3 — Semantic Search Solution for mobile telephones. AskMeNow offers a consumer mobile search utilizing proprietary technology & natural language based interaction. Visit: http://www.askmenow.com
Autonomy: IDOL Server (Intelligent Data Operating Layer), K2 Enterprise (Formerly Verity), Ultraseek Visit: http://www.autonomy.com
Dieselpoint: Search & Navigation. Dieselpoint provides an advanced full-text search with data navigation capability. It gives users highly relevant results not possible with either traditional search engines or SQL databases. Visit: http://www.dieselpoint.com
dtSearch Engine (SDK), dtSearch Web. dtSearch provides simple to use but very powerful tools which create and maintain full-text indexes of documents and data. Terabytes of text can be searched. Visit: http://www.dtsearch.com
Endeca: Endeca’s search and information access solutions help enterprises find, analyze, and understand information. This is the Guided Navigation experience. Visit: http://www.endeca.com
Exalead: exalead one: Enterprise. Exalead — Internet search engine, image search engine, video search engine … WebImagesWikipediaVideoMore » · Advanced search. 8 billion pages indexed to date. Visit: http://www.exalead.com
Expert System Sp. A. (Cogito) is a pioneer in developing semantic technologies to understand and manage unstructured information. Expert System’s semantic approach enables rapid classification of information. Visit: http://www.expertsystem.net
Fast Search & Transfer: Enterprise Search Platform (ESP), RetrievalWare (formerly Convera) Visit: http://www.fastsearch.com/
Funnelback: It is an Internet and Enterprise search engine company offering a suite of search solutions, hosted solution for the web and a fully customizable enterprise solution for searching behind the firewall. Visit: http://www.funnelback.com
Google Search Appliance: Make it as easy for employees to find information inside your organization as it is to find information on google.com. Deploy a Google Search Appliance. Visit: http://www.google.com/enterprise/gsa/
Microsoft’s SharePoint Search Services: Microsoft Search Server (MSS) is an enterprise search platform from Microsoft, based on MS Office SharePoint Server. MSS shares its architecture with Windows Search. Visit: http://www.microsoft.com/sharepoint/default.mspx
Northern Light Search: Search articles from over 800 online news feeds and over 1,000 industry authority blogs. Visit: http://www.northernlight.com/nlsearch.html
Open Text (Hummingbird): Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software solutions supporting +/- 20 million seats across 13,000 deployments in 114 countries and 12 languages worldwide. Visit: http://www.opentext.com/
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 10g, a standalone product from Oracle, enables a secure, high quality, easy-to-use search across all enterprise information assets. Visit: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/oses/index.html
SAP NetWeaver Search and Classification (TREX) finds information in both structured and unstructured data. TREX provides SAP applications with services for searching and classifying large collections of documents. Visit: http://help.sap.com/search/sap_trex.jsp
TeraText Suite: Most data resides in semi-structured, primarily textual documents, not in structured, organizational repositories. Teratext is designed for text-rich data repositories. Visit: http://www.saic.com/products/software/teratext/
Vivisimo: A Clustering Engine developed by scientists based upon a mathematical algorithm and deep linguistic knowledge to find relationships between search terms and bring them to light. (Web search: Clusty) Visit: http://www.vivisimo.com
ZyIMAGE: Information Access Platform for government and corporates. It does capture, archiving, searching, security, and context-specific content-management. Visit: http://www.zylab.com/
Omgili (Oh My God, I Love It!): Find out what people are saying. Personal experiences, solutions to problems, ideas, and opinions. Visit: http://www.omgili.com
Cheatsearch.org: Finds Game Cheats from all over the web. Searches all of the most popular cheat sites and forums to find cheats for any game. Visit: http://www.cheatsearch.org
Genie Knows: A division of IT Interactive Services Inc., a Canadian vertical search engine company concentrating on niche markets: health search, video games search, and local business directory search. Visit: http://www.genieknows.com
Wazap: It is a vertical search engine, video game database and social networking site that distributes gaming news, rankings, cheats, downloads, and reviews. Visit: http://www.wazap.com
Human Search
ChaCha Search: It is a search engine that pays human “guides” to answer questions for users. This is a technique known as social searching. Visit: http://www.chacha.com
Eurekster: It is a New Zealand company, with an office located in San Francisco, California, that builds social search engines for use on websites, the search engines are called swickis (search+wicki). Visit: http://www.eurekster.com
Mahalo.com: It is a web directory (or human search engine) — the project is in beta test. It differentiates itself from algorithmic search engines by tracking and building hand-crafted results for searches. Visit: http://www.mahalo.com
Rollyo is a Yahoo!-powered search engine which allows users to register accounts and create search engines that only retrieve results from the websites and blogs they want to include in their search results. Visit: http://www.rollyo.com
Trexy: Search trails are the click pathways you create while searching and finding information on 4,000+ search engines. Record and share your “search trails”. Easier searching of the “deep web”. Visit: http://trexy.com/
Wink: Wink People Search: Over 333,304,647 people on social networks and across the Web. Find people using name search, location, school, work, interests, and more. Visit: http://www.wink.com
Quasar: An Open, Decentralized, Anonymous search engine on IPFS. Visit: https://clusterlabs.io/quasar/
YaCy is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet. Visit: https://yacy.net
Desearch: A search engine for crypto related stuff. Visit: https://desearch.com/
Ipfs-search: Another search engine on IPFS. Visit: https://ipfs-search.com/
Accoona: A search engine that uses artificial intelligence. In addition to traditional searches, it allows business profile searches and its signature “SuperTarget” feature. Partnered with China Daily, a large Chinese portal.
Alleba: Philippines search engine and highly organized directory of Filipino websites. Visit: http://www.alleba.com
Ansearch: Australia/NZ/UK/US. Ansearch Ltd is involved in various online media activities, including the Ansearch.com.au search engine and the Soush online media network Visit: http://www.ansearch.com.au
Araby: Middle East — Arabic language search engine owned by the Maktoob Group, which owns the world’s largest online Arab community; Maktoob.com. (Arabic only) Visit: http://www.araby.com/
Baidu: China — The Google of China, Baidu is doing what no other Internet company has been able to do: clobbering Google and Yahoo in its home market. Visit: http://www.baidu.com
Daum: Korea — Daum is a popular web portal in South Korea which offers many Internet services including search, a popular free web-based e-mail, messaging service, forums, shopping, and news. Visit: http://www.daum.net
Guruji.com: India — an Indian Internet search engine that is focused on providing better search results to Indian consumers, by leveraging proprietary algorithms and data in the Indian context. Visit: http://www.guruji.com
goo: Japan — an Internet search engine and web portal based in Japan, which crawls and indexes primarily Japanese language websites. goo is operated by the Japanese telecom giant NTT. Visit: http://www.goo.ne.jp
Miner.hu: Hungary — a vertical search engine for searching blogs, videos and other Hungarian content on the internet. Miner.hu indexes about 129.000 blogs. Visit: http://www.miner.hu
Najdi.si: Slovenia — a Slovenian search engine and web portal created by Interseek. It’s the most visited website in Slovenia. It uses a technology created by Interseek written entirely in Java Visit: http://www.najdi.si
Naver: Korea — The undisputed number 1 search engine in Korea with over 16 million visitors and 1 billion pageviews per day. Visit: http://www.naver.com
Onet: Poland — Polish language web portal and search. Visit: http://www.onet.pl
Onkosh: Middle East — Arabic language search. Visit: http://www.onkosh.com
Rambler: Russia -offers proprietary web search (Rambler Search), e-mail, rating and directory, media, e-commerce, and other services to the Russian-speaking websurfer. Visit: http://www.rambler.ru
Rediff: India — India’s leading internet portal for news, mail, messenger, entertainment, business, mobile, e-commerce, shopping, auctions, search, sports and more. Visit: http://www.rediff.com
SAPO: Portugal — Portuguese language search based in Portugal and focused on Portugal. Visit: http://www.sapo.pt
Search.ch: Switzerland — a search engine and web portal for Switzerland. Founded in 1995 as a regional search engine, later many other services were added: phonebook, SMS service. Acquired by the Swiss Post. Visit: http://www.search.ch
Sesam: Norway, Sweden — Based in Norway and focused on Norway and Sweden. Visit: http://www.sesam.no
Walla!: Israel — Search the web in Hebrew with an Israel focus. Visit: http://www.walla.co.il/
Yandex: Russia — Yandex (Russian: Я́ндекс) is a Russian search engine and one of the largest Russian Web portals. Yandex was launched in 1997. Visit: http://www.yandex.ru
Bixee (India): Comprehensive job search for India. Visit: http://www.bixee.com
Career Builder: The career builder website. Visit: http://www.careerbuilder.com
Craig’s List: is a centralized network of online communities, with free classified ads (with jobs, internships, housing, personals, services, community, gigs, resume, and pets categories) and forums. Visit: http://www.craigslist.com
CV Fox: A search engine that is designed to hunt down and retrieve resumes (CV’s) from all over the Internet. Free to use, has become a popular tool with professional recruiters. Visit: http://www.cvfox.com
Dice.com is the #1 technology job board. For technology experts in areas such as Information Technology (IT), software, high tech, security, biotech, and more. Recently purchased eFinancialCareers.com. Visit: http://www.dice.com
Eluta.ca (Canada) — High-paying jobs in Canada directly from employers’ websites. Seach new full-time jobs at 71000+ employers across Canada. Visit: http://www.eluta.ca
Hot Jobs (Yahoo): Find a job, post your resume, research careers at featured companies, compare salaries and get career advice on Yahoo! HotJobs. Visit: http://www.hotjobs.com
Incruit (Korea): Incruit claims to be the first Korean matchmaking site between job seekers and companies and claims the first Korean Internet résumé database (June 1. 1998). Visit: http://www.incruit.com
Indeed.com: A job ‘meta-search’ that scours job boards, newspapers and multiple sources with one search interface. Visit: http://www.indeed.com
Jobs.pl (Poland): Run by an American/Polish team of MBA’s, Poland’s leading job portal. Partially owned by European Media Group “Orkla Press” from Scandinavia. Visit: http://www.jobs.pl
JobsDB (Asia/Pacific): An Asia/Pacific focused job and recruitment site with databases dedicated to each country in the Asia/Pacific region. Visit: http://www.jobsdb.com
JobPilot (Owned by Monster): A European job site now owned by Monster.com. Focused on European jobs with branches in a number of European countries. Visit: http://www.jobpilot.com
Jobserve: UK based job search focused originally on IT Contracting work, but now covering multiple areas. Resume database, a large number of job postings. Visit: http://www.jobserve.com
Monster.com: The world’s largest resume database and online job search. Visit: http://www.monster.com
Naukri.com (India): An India-focused job search engine. Visit: http://www.naukri.com
Recruit.net: A job search engine that allows you to search jobs worldwide. Visit: http://www.recruit.net
SimplyHired.com: Search over 5 million job listings and thousands of jobs sites to find a job you love. Visit: http://www.simplyhired.com
StepStone (Europe): European online recruitment site based in Scandinavia with operations and subsidiaries throughout Europe. Visit: http://www.stepstone.com
TheLadders.com (USA) Job search for professional jobs in the most comprehensive source of $100K+ jobs on the internet. Visit: http://www.theladders.com
Canadian Law List: List of Canadian lawyers. Visit: http://www.canadianlawlist.com
Lawyers.com: Another LexisNexis company Visit: http://www.lawyers.com
FindLaw: Search FindLaw’s database of 1,000,000 lawyers to find attorneys in your area. All Topics in FindLaw are geared for the Public, by Subject Area. Visit: http://www.lawyers.findlaw.com
The Lawyers’ List: Search for lawyers all across the United States. Visit: http://www.thelawyerlist.net
LexisNexis: Provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. By subscription only. Visit: http://www.lexis.com
Martindale.com and LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. Visit: http://www.martindale.com
QuickLaw: LexisNexis owned portal for searching for lawyers and things legal (Canada) Visit: http://www.lexisnexis.ca/
Géoportail: French Geographic portal. French language only. Visit: http://www.geoportail.com
Google Maps: Provides directions, interactive maps, and satellite/aerial imagery of the United States as well as other countries. Can also search by keyword such as type of business. Visit: http://www.googlemaps.com
MapQuest (AOL) was founded in 1967 as Cartographic Services, a division of R.R. Donnelley & Sons & became an independent company in 1994. MapQuest was acquired in 2000 by America Online, Inc. Visit: http://www.mapquest.com
Michelin (Via Michelin): The European map specialists’ webpage includes standard map features with good European coverage. Visit: http://www.viamichelin.com
Windows Live Maps: Enter an address, click enter… be sure to check out “Bird’s Eye View”. You can see a close-up aerial view of nearly any US Address and many foreign ones. Amazing. Visit: http://maps.live.com
Yahoo Maps: Maps, directions, reverse-direction satellite view but no ‘bird’s-eye-view’. Visit: http://maps.yahoo.com
Bioinformatic Harvester: From the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Bioinformatic Harvester crawls and crosslinks dozens of bioinformatic sites and serves 10’s of thousands of pages daily. Visit: http://harvester.fzk.de/harvester/
Entrez (Pubmed): The life sciences search engine. Visit: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery
EB-Eye — EMBL-EBI’s (European Bioinformatics Institute): Open-source, high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. Very fast access to the EBI’s data resources. Visit: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/
Genie Knows: A division of IT Interactive Services Inc., a Canadian vertical search engine company concentrating on niche markets: health search, video games search, and local business directory search. Visit: http://www.genieknows.com
GoPubMed: Knowledge-based: GO — GeneOntology — Searching sorted — Social network and folksonomy for sciences. Visit: http://www.gopubmed.com
Healia: The health search engine. From the site, “The high quality and personalized health search engine”. Visit: http://www.healia.com
KMLE (King’s Medical Library Engine): Full American Heritage Stedman’s Medical Dictionary comprehensive resource including tens of thousands of audio pronunciations and abbreviation guides. Visit: http://www.kmle.com
MeSH — Medical Subject Headings (GoPubMed): Knowledge-based. Visit: http://www.meshpubmed.com
SearchMedica: Professional Medical Search Visit: http://www.searchmedica.com
WebMD: A source for health information, a symptom checklist, pharmacy information, and a place to store personal medical information. The leading US Health portal, it scores over 40 million hits per month. Visit: http://www.webmd.com
Brainboost: Now Answers.com. Type in a question in natural language, get an answer. Visit: http://www.brainboost.com
Clusty: The clustering search engine powered by Vivisimo. Visit: http://www.clusty.com
Dogpile: Brings together searches from the top search engines including Google, Yahoo! Search, Live Search, Ask.com, About, MIVA, LookSmart, and more. Visit: http://www.dogpile.com
Excite: Now an Internet portal was once one of the most recognized brands on the Internet. One of the famous 90’s dotcoms. Visit: http://www.excite.com
HotBot was one of the early Internet search engines (since 1996) launched by Wired Magazine. Now, just a front end for Ask.com and MSN. Visit: http://www.hotbot.com
Info.com: Metasearch bringing together results from the top search engines. Visit: http://www.info.com
ixquick: Eliminate Big Brother! The Ixquick metasearch engine permanently deletes all personal search details gleaned from its users. Based in the Netherlands, results come from 11 search engines. Visit: http://www.ixquick.com/
Kayak: Metasearch for travel — search 140 travel sites all at once for the best deals and buy tickets and make reservations direct. Visit: http://www.kayak.com
Krozilo is a virtual web browser, similar to My Yahoo!, iGoogle, Pageflakes, Netvibes, and Microsoft Live. Krozilo uses AJAX and DHTML, so does not require installation. Visit: http://www.krozilo.com
Mamma: “The Mother of All Search Engines” — was one of the web’s first metasearch engines (1996). Now owned by Copernic Inc. of Montreal, Canada, Mamma.com is a tier 2 search engine. Visit: http://www.mamma.com
MetaCrawler is a metasearch engine that blends the top web search results from Google, Yahoo!, Live Search, Ask.com, About.com, MIVA, LookSmart and other popular search engines. Visit: http://www.metacrawler.com
MetaLib is a federated search system developed by Ex Libris. MetaLib conducts simultaneous searches in multiple resources such as library catalogs, journal articles, newspapers, and the web. Visit: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/category/MetaLibOverview
Mobissimo.com is a travel meta-search website. Like other travel meta-search websites, Mobissimo does not sell directly to the consumer but consolidates travel offerings for a referral fee. Visit: http://www.mobissimo.com
Myriad Search: Ad-free search lets users select results from Ask Jeeves, Google, MSN, and Yahoo! Select search depth and place a bias on the search results from the major search engines. Visit: http://www.myriadsearch.com
Sidestep: Searches over 200 travel-related websites for airfares & the best deals on airfare. Find cheap airfares, discount hotels, car rentals and cruise deals to popular travel destinations worldwide. Visit: http://www.sidestep.com
Surfwax offers a variety of tools for finding, saving, and sharing information on the Internet, including Nextaris, the law-article research site LawKT, the SurfWax meta-search and SurfWax Scholar services. Visit: http://www.surfwax.com
Turbo10.com is a metasearch engine which uncovers information in the Invisible Web. Turbo10 can access information from 800 online databases and searches 10 databases simultaneously. Visit: http://www.turbo10.com
WebCrawler was used to build the first publicly-available full-text index of a subset of the Web. WebCrawler® brings users the top search results from Google, Yahoo!, Windows Live, Ask and other popular search engines. Visit: http://www.webcrawler.com
YouTube: Owned by Google, the web’s largest media site. This search will search through the videos of YouTube only. Visit: http://www.youtube.com
blinkx: Over 18 million hours of video. Search it all. Blinkx is a multi-media metasearch engine searching the media files of sites such as YouTube, MetaCafe, GoogleVideo, MySpace and more. Visit: http://www.blinkx.com
FreeBookSearch.net: The famous book searching portal also searches for audiobooks. This same search will also find MP3 files. Visit: http://www.blinkx.com
SoundCloud: A famous platform for music; mainly for upcoming artists. Visit: http://soundcloud.com/
FindSounds: Search engine to find any kind of sound file: WAV, MP3, AIFF, AU — search by sample rate and quality… a great place to find those sound effects. Visit: http://www.findsounds.com
Tenor: A great Search Engine for GIFS. Visit: http://tenor.com
Unsplash: A search engine for Free, awesome pics. Visit: https://unsplash.com/
MetaCafe: Search videos hosted by MetaCafe. If you are a producer of videos, you can get paid for videos — the more viewers, the more cash. Visit: http://www.metacafe.com
Musgle: Music Search (mp3, wav, etc.): Based upon a JavaScript that automatically inserts a clever boolean search string into Google to return catalogs of hidden MP3 and Music files. Visit: http://www.musgle.com
PBS provides resources to air its standard programming & also provides its audience with multiple online archives of specific video programs. All video archives can be searched for any spoken word pronounced in them. Visit: http://www.pbs.com
Picsearch: Search the web for images. An image search service with more than 2,000,000,000 pictures. Visit: http://www.picsearch.com
Podscope: “Introducing: the first search engine that can find podcasts according to the words spoken during them!”. Finds audio and video files based on actual content! Visit: http://www.podscope.com
SpeechBot was a search engine for audio & video. It was created by HP Research, but unfortunately, is now offline. Visit: #
Singing Fish: An audio and video search engine, now AOL media search. Visit: http://www.singingfish.com
StrimOO: a Video search engine. Find videos on Youtube, Metacafe, Dailymotion and more with one search. Visit: http://www.singingfish.com
TVEyes: TVEyes makes Radio & TV searchable by keyword, phrase or topic — just as you would use a search engine for text. TVEyes is the first company to deliver real-time TV and Radio search. Visit: http://www.tveyes.com
Veveo / VTap: a video search platform for mobile phones. Vtap is an offering from Veveo and it currently works on Apple iPhones as well as Microsoft Mobile-powered phones. Visit: http://www.veveo.net
Web-Cam-Search.com: Search and hack nearly a million webcams for free on the net. This search uses Boolean scripting to uncover cams — public & supposedly ‘private’. :-) Visit: http://www.web-cam-search.com
Google News: News by Google. Search and browse 4,500 news sources updated continuously. Visit: http://www.news.google.com
MagPortal: Find individual articles from many freely accessible magazines by browsing the categories or using the search engine. You can mark articles or find similar articles with several useful tools. Visit: http://www.magportal.com
NewsLookup.com: Search thousands of news sites by the source region and media type. News headlines updated continuously. Visit: http://www.newslookup.com
LexisNexis: Provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. By subscription only. Visit: http://www.nexis.com
Topix is a news aggregator which categorizes news stories by topic and geography. It was created by the founders of the Open Directory Project. Knight Ridder, Tribune Company and Gannett own 75% of Topix.net. Visit: http://www.topix.net
Yahoo News: Use Yahoo! News to find breaking news, current events, the latest headlines, news photos, analysis & opinion on top stories, world, business, politics… Visit: http://news.yahoo.com/
DataparkSearch Engine is a full-featured open source web-based search engine released under the GNU General Public License and designed to organize search within a website, group of websites, intranet or local system. Visit: http://www.dataparksearch.com
Egothor is an Open Source, high-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java. It can be configured as a standalone engine, metasearcher, peer-to-peer HUB, etc. Visit: http://www.egothor.org/
gonzui is a source code search engine for accelerating open source software development — a source code search engine that covers vast quantities of open source codes available on the Internet. Visit: http://gonzui.sourceforge.net/
Grub started back in 2000 with a simple concept of distributing part of the search process pipeline: crawling. Their website claims, “We want to help fix search.” Visit: http://www.grub.org/
ht://Dig is a complete world wide web indexing and searching system for a domain or intranet. ht://Dig is meant to cover the search needs for a single company, campus, or website. Visit: http://www.htdig.org/
iSearch: PHP search engine allows you to build a searchable database for your website. Visitors can search for keywords and a list of any pages that match is returned to them. Visit: http://www.isearch.com
Apache Lucene: It is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. Full-text search & cross-platform. Apache Lucene is an open source project available for free download. Visit: http://lucene.apache.org/
Lemur Toolkit is an open-source toolkit designed to facilitate research in language modeling and information retrieval. Lemur supports a wide range of industrial and research language applications. Visit: http://www.lemurproject.org/
mnoGoSearch: Web search engine software. Visit: http://www.mnogosearch.org/
Namazu is a full-text search engine intended for easy use. Not only does it work as a small or medium scale Web search engine, but also as a personal search. (Namazu means “Catfish” in Japanese.) Visit: http://www.namazu.com
Nutch is an effort to build an open source search engine based on Lucene Java for the search and index component. The fetcher (“robot” or “web crawler”) has been written from scratch solely for this project. Visit: http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/
OpenFTS: OpenSource Full-Text Search is an advanced PostgreSQL-based search engine that provides online indexing of data and relevance ranking for database searching. Visit: http://openfts.sourceforge.net
Sciencenet: For scientific knowledge based on YaCy Technology. Current search engines are based on popularity and/or sponsored links. This makes it difficult for scientists/students/teachers. Sciencenet is the solution. Visit: http://liebel.fzk.de/collaborations/sciencenet-search-engine-based-on-yacy-p2p-technology
Sphinx is a free software search engine designed with indexing database content in mind. It currently supports MySQL and PostgreSQL natively. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2. Visit: http://www.sphinxsearch.com/
SWISH-Enhanced (Simple Web Indexing System for Humans — Enhanced) is a fast, powerful, flexible, free, and easy to use system for indexing collections of Web pages or other text files. Visit: http://swish-e.org/
Terrier is software for the rapid development of Web, intranet and desktop search engines. A modular platform for the rapid development of large-scale Information Retrieval applications. Visit: http://ir.dcs.gla.ac.uk/terrier/
Wikia Search: Jimmy Wales and Wikia aim to create an open source Internet search engine, to which the community can contribute. Visit: http://search.wikia.com/wiki/Search_Wikia
Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library, released under the GPL. It’s written in C++, with bindings to allow use from Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Tcl, C# and Ruby (so far!) Visit: http://www.xapian.org
YaCy is a scalable personal web crawler and web search engine. One YaCy installation can store more than 10 million documents, but in a community of search peers, YaCy can provide a search index of unlimited size. Visit: http://www.yacy.net
Zettair is a compact and fast text search engine designed and written by the Search Engine Group at RMIT University. It was formerly known as Lucy. Visit: http://www.zettair.com
AnyWho.com: Part of AT&T, mostly a telephone directory and reverse phone number directory. Visit: http://www.anywho.com
Ex.plode.us: Explode is an easy way to find friends and those with common interests, no matter what social network or service they use. Visit: http://ex.plode.us
Finding-People.com: Finding-People.com is the best place to start a people search, as they have a huge number of tools all in one place to find whomever you seek. Visit: http://ex.plode.us
InfoSpace: From their webpage, “The yellow pages and white pages directory from InfoSpace is the most convenient way to find people and businesses.” Visit: http://www.infospace.com
LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site used for professional networking. As of March 2008, it had more than 20 million registered users. An easy way to search for business people or professionals. Visit: http://www.linkedin.com
Spock advertises itself as, “The world’s most accurate people search. Sign up to find people you know.” Visit: http://www.spock.com
Wink is a free people search engine that helps you find people at social networks, blogs, and across the Web. Visit: http://www.wink.com
Zabasearch: Honestly free people search. All US postal addresses & telephone numbers revealed free. 3-times more listings than white pages phone directory. Visit: http://www.zabasearch.com
ZoomInfo: Founded in 1999, ZoomInfo is a Web-based service that extracts information about people and companies from millions of published resources. Visit: http://www.zoominfo.com
Question and Answer
Quora: One of the most popular question and answer platform and search engine. Visit: http://www.about.com
StackOverflow. One of the most popular programming QnA site. Visit: https://stackoverflow.com
StackExchange: QnA site for a diverse set of fields. Visit: https://stackexchange.com/
About.com. The majority of their results come from their own site. Used to be miningco.com. Visit: http://www.about.com
Answers.com offers free access to millions of topics from the world’s leading publishers. Visit: http://www.Answers.com
Ask Jeeves was designed to allow users to get answers to questions posed in everyday, natural language. Ask.com was the first such commercial question-answering search engine for the Web. Visit: http://www.ask.com
AskMeNow: Questions answered from your mobile telephone. From their site, “We thought it would be cool if we could get simple answers from our phone anytime, anywhere — so we built AskMeNow.” Visit: http://www.askmenow.com
AskWiki Beta is a preliminary integration of a semantic search engine that seeks to provide specific answers to questions using information from Wikipedia articles. Visit: http://www.askwiki.com
Brainboost: Now Answers.com. Type in a question in natural language, get an answer. Visit: http://www.brainboost.com
eHow is an online knowledge resource with more than 140000 articles and videos offering step-by-step instructions on “how to do just about everything” Visit: http://www.ehow.com
Lexxe processes natural language queries and delivers results in clusters by topic. Queries can be keywords, phrases or short questions. Visit: http://www.lexxe.com
Lycos iQ is a community-driven “human search” site by Lycos Europe GmbH. Users on iQ can post questions and answers in a similar manner to sites such as Yahoo Answers, Google Answers, and Wondir.com. Visit: http://iq.lycos.co.uk/
Powerset is betting on the wisdom of the crowds with a new online community site called Powerset Labs. The company hopes the site will get people to help build and improve its search engine. Visit: http://www.powerset.com
Windows Live QnA: Ask any question and get answers from people in the know. Try it. Real answers. A little late to a crowded market, but Windows is there now too. Visit: http://qna.live.com/
Yahoo! Answers is a community-driven knowledge market website launched by Yahoo! that allows users to ask questions of other users and answer other users’ questions. Over 60 million users. Visit: http://answers.yahoo.com/
Real Estate
ForSaleByOwner.com: Search homes being sold by their owners without the intermediation of realtors — save on commission. Visit: http://www.forsalebyowner.com
Home.co.uk: Comprehensive Property Search for UK houses for sale, estate agents, house prices and guides on buying and selling property and mortgages advice. Visit: http://www.home.co.uk
Inman News: Real Estate News search. Visit: http://www.inman.com
Properazzi.com is an online real estate search engine. Launched in March of 2007 by Yannick Laclau, it allows users to search and view property listings for Europe. Visit: http://www.properazzi.com
Realtor.com: The official site of the National Association of Realtors. Search listed properties all across America. Visit: http://www.realtor.com
Rightmove: Find property online, search a wide range of property for sale in various areas in the UK, London and Overseas with Rightmove. Visit: http://www.rightmove.co.uk
Trulia: Find property online, agents can list their properties free, a robust real estate portal for homebuyers and sellers. Visit: http://www.trulia.com
Zillow provides free real estate information including homes for sale, comparable homes, historical sales, home valuation tools and more. Visit: http://www.zillow.com
Schools and Colleges
The College Search Engine.com: Searches the websites of colleges and universities worldwide, not just the USA. If it is on a university website somewhere, this search engine will find it. Visit: http://www.thecollegesearchengine.com
Skoolz.org: Search colleges and universities. Use this search to search only the websites of colleges — to find courses, information, professors, curricula, etc. Visit: http://www.skoolz.org
Google University Search allows you to search a specific site — one school at a time. The list of schools is comprehensive. Skoolz searches them all at once, Google University Search allows them to be searched one at a time. Visit: http://www.google.com/options/universities.html
Scirus: The most comprehensive scientific research tool on the web. Over 450 million scientific items indexed at last count. Search journals, scientists’ homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents, more… Visit: http://www.scirus.com
Amazon: The online retail Giant. Visit: https://amazon.com
Google Product Search: (Formerly Froogle) use Google to search for the best deals on products when you are shopping. Visit: http://www.google.com/products
Kelkoo: A Yahoo! company. Also powers Yahoo! Shopping in several countries. Visit: http://www.kelkoo.com
MSN Shopping: Comparison shopping made easy: Offering 33,155,627 products from over 8,000 stores — all in one place — and over 470 pages of shopping advice to help you make the right choices. Visit: http://shopping.msn.com/
MySimon: Price Comparison Shopping Visit: http://www.mysimon.com
Nextag Comparison Shopping. Product directory and search. Shows popular searches — what others are searching for. Visit: http://www.nextag.com
PriceGrabber.com: “Comparison Shopping beyond compare” Comparison shopping and search engine. Visit: http://www.pricegrabber.com
PriceRunner: Price Comparison website and search engine Visit: http://www.pricerunner.com
RetailMeNot: From the people who brought you “BugMeNot”, check here before you buy for discount coupons and promo codes. Why pay retail when you can find coupons at RetailMeNot? Visit: http://www.retailmenot.com
Shopping.com: A shopping directory and search owned by eBay. Visit: http://www.shopping.com
Shopwiki: Shopping directory and search cataloging some 241,416,304 products, and counting… Visit: http://www.shopwiki.com
Shopzilla (Owned by Bizrate) helps shoppers find, compare and buy anything, sold by virtually anyone, anywhere. 20 million unique visitors according to ComScore. BizRate reviews stores and products. Visit: http://www.shopzilla.com
TheFind.com is a discovery shopping search engine as opposed to a comparison search. The search database includes over 150 Million products from over 500,000 online stores. Visit: http://www.thefind.com
Source Code
Google Codesearch: Searches public source code using a variety of parameters. Visit: http://www.google.com/codesearch
JavaScriptSearch.org searches for javascripts, ajax, DHTML and JavaScript snippets from all over the web. The fastest way to find a JavaScript. Useful for web developers and webmasters. Visit: http://www.javascriptsearch.org
JExamples analyzes the source code of Java open source projects such as Ant, Tomcat, and Batik and loads them into a java examples database for easy searching. Enter the name of a Java API Class and click Search. Visit: http://www.jexamples.com
Koders Searces some 766,893,913 lines of open source code. Securely searches private source code. Create and share a custom code index that is easily searched from Visual Studio, Eclipse or any browser. Visit: http://www.koders.com
Krugle Code Search Engine can turn your company’s code and related development assets into a searchable, shareable asset. Visit: http://www.krugle.com
PHP Classes Repository: Find the PHP class you need at PHP Classes. The leading PHP site for coders. Everything PHP! Visit: http://www.phpclasses.org/
Google Groups: Formerly Deja News, Google Groups lets you post on usenet forums without using a mail client via their easy-to-use web interface. Visit: http:groups.google.com
Visual Search Engines
Grokker visual Meta Search Engine lets you choose which sites to search and presents the results in multiple views — outline view, map view. Visit: http://www.grokker.com
Kartoo visual Meta Search Engine searches multiple search engines and presents its results in a visual map. Visit: http://www.kartoo.com
Thanks for reading ;)
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About the Author
Vaibhav Saini is a Co-Founder of TowardsBlockchain, an MIT Cambridge Innovation Center incubated startup.
He works as Senior blockchain developer and has worked on several blockchain platforms including Ethereum, Quorum, EOS, Nano, Hashgraph, IOTA etc.
He is currently a sophomore at IIT Delhi.
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ConsensusPedia: An Encyclopedia of 30 Consensus Algorithms
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andreafestefano · 4 years
How to stop unwanted junk mail in three easy steps
I know many us are tackling the to do list at home lately, right? One of my items has been to go through paper files we haven't touched in years. Our file cabinet was overflowing (and the piles next to it were as well!). 
I finally got through all of it and everything is organized again. While working on it, I was reminded of these helpful tips that have helped to lessen the amount of paper and junk mail we bring into the house. 
This is another aspect of the huge purge I completed years ago. My biggest nemesis when it comes to clutter has always been PAPER. Can I get an amen? 
It's the thorn in my side, the pain in my neck, the fly in my ointment:
This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. 
See my policies and disclosure page for more information. 
But you know what? Over the past couple of years I've mostly conquered it. Almost. Enough that I don't feel like it piles up on the counters anymore. 
These are my tips on mail specifically -- when it comes to papers from school, good luck to you my friend. :) Ha! No, that stuff immediately goes to a spot in our mud room that I'll show you in a minute. 
This is for those of you who want to try to control the paper and lessen what you bring into the house. These tips work and I promise your paper load will lighten if you try them yourself!
Step 1: Go electronic for bills. If you can go electronic -- do it. We have gone paperless with many companies, but still have a few to go. I'm slowly going through the utilities, investment companies, bank statements and everything else we get on a monthly basis. I used to hesitate when it came to not getting a paper statement, but I'm slowly getting with the times. I realized, how often do we really look at them? Bank statements more so than anything else -- but I think it's far more secure to keep them virtually than on paper. (I know that can be argued but in general.) Also, it takes mere seconds to log on to see a specific statement. I used to keep them all in the file drawer and that took a lot more time to dig through. Most companies will gladly switch you over and I find it far easier to keep up with. And LESS MAIL. That is our goal folks!
Step 2: Unsubscribe from catalogs and junk mail.
You may not have heard of these sites, but they are extremely helpful in lessening the amount of mail you'll get. I'll go into detail about each one below...
1. Catalog Choice: Opt out of catalogs that come in the mail.
I looove a good catalog. They are my jam. But sometimes we grow out of them, just don't care to get them anymore, or get on a list we don't want to be on. If this is the case for you, try Catalog Choice. I've used it for years and it works:
You have to create an account and then you can search literally hundreds of catalogs to unsubscribe. It's awesome and within a couple months they will stop coming to your door. 
I made the mistake of signing up for Restoration Hardware once…and if you get them you know that their catalogs are RIDIC. I feel like I kill a tree every time they send them out. This is a great option to lessen the load in your mailbox and in your house.
2. DMA Choice/Do Not Mail: Opt out of junk mail in all forms
Did you know you can opt out of all kinds of offers and junk mail? It helps lessen the paper you'll bring into your home tremendously. I use DMA Choice for many marketing mailings. Sign in and you can opt out of catalogs, credit offers and magazine offers:
You can edit your choices at any time! Then you can go and unsubscribe from pretty much anything else at the National Do Not Mail list: 
This one gets pretty specific -- chose exactly what you want to get offers on. Can you imagine not getting a million political mailers this fall? That dream may be realized. :)
3. Opt Out Prescreen: Stop all credit and insurance offers
Years ago credit offers filled up our mailbox. Then when we paid off all of our debt (and knew we wouldn't be opening credit accounts), we knew we could do without them. Opt Out Prescreen allows you to unsubscribe from credit and insurance offers easily and quickly:
You'll have to opt out every five years, or they'll add your name back to the list. They do offer a lifetime option now, but you have to mail that in.
Remember you'll need to do this for each of you in the home who get mail. Marketers focus primarily on women in the household so even if just the female does it, it will help tremendously. 
Step 3: Get rid of paper before you walk in the door.
I keep bins by the garage door -- one for paper recycling (mail without our name or account numbers) and one for shredding (everything else). My goal is to get rid of 90 percent of the mail before I even walk in the door. Most of the time it's 100 percent. ;) 
I use these bins from the Container Store:
IKEA has nearly identical ones as well! I remove the lids so I can easily chuck stuff inside. 
When I keep up with getting rid of most of our mail before I even walk in the house, the paper clutter is kept to a minimum. What does make it in goes directly into this paper organizer in the mud room:
That one from Target isn't available anymore, but this one is similar (and has drawers!). 
All of these tips work to bring you less mail and paper to begin with. You can tailor them to what you want and can alway go back and edit most of them if you change your mind. I can guarantee the paper you'll bring into your home will lessen within two to three months. And that is the first and most important step to getting control of it! 
Do you have any tips when it comes to mail? If you have any tips on organizing receipts for tax reasons, I'd love to hear them! 
See more of our home here. To shop items in our home, click here! Never miss a post by signing up to get posts via email. 
This content is property of Thrifty Decor Chick LLC. If you are reading this on any other site other than https://ift.tt/1kRxOJ2 or one of her social media platforms, please contact her immediately (thriftydecorchick at gmail dot com). Any other use of this content is strictly forbidden.
This industry information is provided by ThompsonsComfortConnection.com.
Copyright © Thrifty Decor Chick. All Rights Reserved.
By: Thompsons Comfort Connection Blog Feed https://ift.tt/30cTcoY
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lukerhill · 4 years
How to stop unwanted junk mail in three easy steps
I know many us are tackling the to do list at home lately, right? One of my items has been to go through paper files we haven't touched in years. Our file cabinet was overflowing (and the piles next to it were as well!). 
I finally got through all of it and everything is organized again. While working on it, I was reminded of these helpful tips that have helped to lessen the amount of paper and junk mail we bring into the house. 
This is another aspect of the huge purge I completed years ago. My biggest nemesis when it comes to clutter has always been PAPER. Can I get an amen? 
It's the thorn in my side, the pain in my neck, the fly in my ointment:
This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. 
See my policies and disclosure page for more information. 
But you know what? Over the past couple of years I've mostly conquered it. Almost. Enough that I don't feel like it piles up on the counters anymore. 
These are my tips on mail specifically -- when it comes to papers from school, good luck to you my friend. :) Ha! No, that stuff immediately goes to a spot in our mud room that I'll show you in a minute. 
This is for those of you who want to try to control the paper and lessen what you bring into the house. These tips work and I promise your paper load will lighten if you try them yourself!
Step 1: Go electronic for bills. If you can go electronic -- do it. We have gone paperless with many companies, but still have a few to go. I'm slowly going through the utilities, investment companies, bank statements and everything else we get on a monthly basis. I used to hesitate when it came to not getting a paper statement, but I'm slowly getting with the times. I realized, how often do we really look at them? Bank statements more so than anything else -- but I think it's far more secure to keep them virtually than on paper. (I know that can be argued but in general.) Also, it takes mere seconds to log on to see a specific statement. I used to keep them all in the file drawer and that took a lot more time to dig through. Most companies will gladly switch you over and I find it far easier to keep up with. And LESS MAIL. That is our goal folks!
Step 2: Unsubscribe from catalogs and junk mail.
You may not have heard of these sites, but they are extremely helpful in lessening the amount of mail you'll get. I'll go into detail about each one below...
1. Catalog Choice: Opt out of catalogs that come in the mail.
I looove a good catalog. They are my jam. But sometimes we grow out of them, just don't care to get them anymore, or get on a list we don't want to be on. If this is the case for you, try Catalog Choice. I've used it for years and it works:
You have to create an account and then you can search literally hundreds of catalogs to unsubscribe. It's awesome and within a couple months they will stop coming to your door. 
I made the mistake of signing up for Restoration Hardware once…and if you get them you know that their catalogs are RIDIC. I feel like I kill a tree every time they send them out. This is a great option to lessen the load in your mailbox and in your house.
2. DMA Choice/Do Not Mail: Opt out of junk mail in all forms
Did you know you can opt out of all kinds of offers and junk mail? It helps lessen the paper you'll bring into your home tremendously. I use DMA Choice for many marketing mailings. Sign in and you can opt out of catalogs, credit offers and magazine offers:
You can edit your choices at any time! Then you can go and unsubscribe from pretty much anything else at the National Do Not Mail list: 
This one gets pretty specific -- chose exactly what you want to get offers on. Can you imagine not getting a million political mailers this fall? That dream may be realized. :)
3. Opt Out Prescreen: Stop all credit and insurance offers
Years ago credit offers filled up our mailbox. Then when we paid off all of our debt (and knew we wouldn't be opening credit accounts), we knew we could do without them. Opt Out Prescreen allows you to unsubscribe from credit and insurance offers easily and quickly:
You'll have to opt out every five years, or they'll add your name back to the list. They do offer a lifetime option now, but you have to mail that in.
Remember you'll need to do this for each of you in the home who get mail. Marketers focus primarily on women in the household so even if just the female does it, it will help tremendously. 
Step 3: Get rid of paper before you walk in the door.
I keep bins by the garage door -- one for paper recycling (mail without our name or account numbers) and one for shredding (everything else). My goal is to get rid of 90 percent of the mail before I even walk in the door. Most of the time it's 100 percent. ;) 
I use these bins from the Container Store:
IKEA has nearly identical ones as well! I remove the lids so I can easily chuck stuff inside. 
When I keep up with getting rid of most of our mail before I even walk in the house, the paper clutter is kept to a minimum. What does make it in goes directly into this paper organizer in the mud room:
That one from Target isn't available anymore, but this one is similar (and has drawers!). 
All of these tips work to bring you less mail and paper to begin with. You can tailor them to what you want and can alway go back and edit most of them if you change your mind. I can guarantee the paper you'll bring into your home will lessen within two to three months. And that is the first and most important step to getting control of it! 
Do you have any tips when it comes to mail? If you have any tips on organizing receipts for tax reasons, I'd love to hear them! 
See more of our home here. To shop items in our home, click here! Never miss a post by signing up to get posts via email. 
This content is property of Thrifty Decor Chick LLC. If you are reading this on any other site other than https://ift.tt/1kRxOJ2 or one of her social media platforms, please contact her immediately (thriftydecorchick at gmail dot com). Any other use of this content is strictly forbidden.
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theonyxpath · 5 years
This week, we continue our trend of unusual Monday Meeting posts. Last week it was because we didn’t have a Monday Meeting, so Rich talked about covers because that’s what you do on Labor Day, I guess? This week we did have a meeting, but Rich isn’t writing the blog.
No, Rich hasn’t decided to start talking about himself in the third person. Instead it is I, “Fast” Eddy Webb, writing the Monday Meeting blog chat up top while Rich and Lisa rush off to handle a family emergency. Further, Matt McElroy is wrapping things up to take a well-deserved break for a week. So I got nominated because the biggest emergency I have right now is that I got a new tattoo on my forearm last week, and it itches like the Dickens. (It’s a Sherlock Holmes-themed tattoo, which is not a surprise to anyone who knows me.)
M20 Book of the Fallen art by Sam Denmark
This seems like a good time to talk about schedules and delays.
One thing we mention a lot around here is that we don’t do release dates for our games. There are a lot of reasons for that, but the big one is that we’re never sure what can cause a project to get delayed. Sometimes, it’s something out of our control, like when we learned this week that the printer had an accident on one of our covers and has to reprint the entire run.
Other times it’s something that impacts one of us, like Rich’s family emergency or finding out that a freelancer has to drop off a project suddenly. And once in a while it’s because we choose to take a bit longer and do something right, like the meeting we had today with the TC:Aberrant team to go over the playtest feedback we got during the Kickstarter.
Obviously, we do our best to take problems into account. It’s why we have really long lead times on our Kickstarters these days, for example — all of my Realms of Pugmire Kickstarters have delivered their main project on or earlier than the anticipated deadlines, but a couple times it got close because of unforeseen problems like me having to move to another country.
Spilled Blood art by Andrea Payne
When I pitch new projects to Rich, I try to estimate how long each phase is going to be, and then add some more time on to account for problems. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t, but we’re always learning. One of the things we’ve learned is that, in addition to our weekly Monday Meetings, it’s good to have quarterly Production meetings as well (which, by sheer coincidence, we’re also having this month).
This is where Rich, Mike, and Matt sit with us in-house developers and we go over every single project. It gives us a chance to think about all the projects as a whole, allowing us to think about which ones need to hustle and which ones we can ease up on for a bit. Ideally, this kind of planning allows us to do things like hold up on greenlighting new books while existing ones are making their way through the process. But it’s not an exact science for us, as you’ll note this week no less than three Scion books have all hit approval simultaneously, leaving poor Rich and Neall to review hundreds of pages of manuscripts. (Sorry guys!)
M20 Book of the Fallen art by Vince Locke
Obviously, we would love to make perfect, beautiful books for all of you as quickly as possible. But we’d rather make good products instead of fast ones where we can, and we’d rather not grind our freelancers down just to meet an arbitrary deadline. So when things happen that are out of our control, we try to help each other out where we can, and put things on the back burner if something more urgent happens.
That’s why I’m writing the blog for Rich today, and why Matt McElroy, our tireless Operations Manager, is taking a well-deserved vacation this week. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll leave you to our usual wonderful updates while I find new ways to ignore the fact that my arm really, really itches. Also:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Starting this week – I’m told on Thursday the 12th at 12noon Eastern US time – is the Kickstarter for the Creature Collection for Scarred Lands 5e! This book was designed with amazing art by our friends at Handiwork Games, and they’ll be running the Kickstarter for us on our brand-new Onyx Path Kickstarter page! Here’s a teaser video:
Scarred Lands Creature Collection
Launching this week on Kickstarter! The Scarred Lands Creature Collection for 5th Edition!
Posted by Handiwork Games on Monday, September 9, 2019
And, of course, our next Kickstarter is:
Keep an eye out in this space as well as on our social media for the Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter that will be launching later this month!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features the Terrific Trio regaling us with stories and ideas of going to conventions solo (since all three of them have actually done that recently)! Go to https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/ or to your favorite podcast venue!
The Onyx Path News had another live broadcast today, where Matthew spoke about Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon, Canis Minor, the Slarecian Vault, the Storypath Nexus, all our games on Backerkit, V5 Cults of the Blood Gods, and more, right here: https://youtu.be/mehFIKpd3ts
Now’s the time to follow our Twitch channel if you haven’t already done so! Our schedule is jam-packed with games including Vampire, Scarred Lands, TC: Aberrant, Pugmire, Scion, Mage: The Awakening, and Hunter: The Vigil! Visit www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath and give us a follow, and if you have an Amazon Prime membership and haven’t already subscribed to a Twitch channel for free using it, just type Amazon Prime Twitch into Google and please use it on our channel!
Remember, if you miss any content on our Twitch channel, some of it finds its way to our YouTube channel here: www.youtube.com/user/theonyxpath Don’t forget though, that some of that content is Twitch exclusive or belongs to the Storytellers running their games, so don’t miss out and remember to follow us!
Red Moon Roleplaying have commenced with uploading their actual play of The Sacrifice, from V5 Chicago by Night, and the first part can be found here: https://youtu.be/omRiK6a_Ans If you’re interested in the ENnie award winning Red Moon Roleplaying‘s other shows, please check them out on www.redmoonroleplaying.com
The Botch Pit are definitely worth checking out if you’re interested in Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2E, with their chronicle “Twice Shy” listenable right here: http://thebotchpit.com/
Occultists Anonymous appears on our Twitch channel with their Mage: The Awakening 2E chronicle, but if you’re after a breakdown of episodes, here’s 41 and 42:
Episode 41: A Troupe and Trip Wyrd the Seer continues the construction of her nascent Labyrinth and uses it to develop the run-down Leaf Theater. The cabal travels to Philadelphia in pursuit of the missing Adamantine Arrow grimoire.https://youtu.be/eH3Kvockqv8
Episode 42: Stake Me Out Tonight The cabal works with the largest cabal in Philadelphia, the Founding Fathers led by Benjamin Franklin, to locate the grimoire within Philly and recon the area!https://youtu.be/2HXN4l_3C1E
Caffeinated Conquests continue their bizarre sojourn into The Sacrifice (unlike any other actual play of the chronicle) over here on their YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/MOZpIOFzjos
Finally, Matthew asked the YouTube channel viewers what kinds of games from Onyx Path they’re most looking forward to, and there have been some interesting answers: https://youtu.be/CumFV-XiWMc
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
As always, you can find most of Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, the compiled Trinity Continuum: Aberrant webcomic You Are Not Alone will be available in PDF and physical book PoD versions on DTRPG!
Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd PAX Unplugged: December 6th – 8th 2020: Midwinter: January 9th – 12th
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Creating in the Realms of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Manuscript Approval
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Post-Approval Development
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
V5 Chicago Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Scion LARP Rules (Scion)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
W20 Art Book (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
Post-Editing Development
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Geist 2e (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution core (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle – getting Gaydos, Trabbold, and Vince on this.
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e – Sam on the fulls.
Ex3 Lunars – Contracted. Sketches rolling in.
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers – LeBlanc on this.
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Deviant (KS) – Art in and approved. Putting together KS graphics.
Trinity RMCs – Contracted.
Cults of the Blood God (KS) – Contracted.
Chicago Folio
Mummy 2 (KS) – Characters being worked on, fulls next.
Memento Mori – Notes out this week to artists.
In Layout
They Came from Beneath the Sea!
Dark Eras 2 – Files with Aileen
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds
VtR Spilled Blood – With Josh.
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties
Aeon Aexpansion – Need to do cover.
C20 Cup of Dreams
Signs of Sorcery – Inputting changes.
M20 Book of the Fallen – With Satyr Phil for proofing.
DR:E Jumpstart – Sending Eschaton for proofing.
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel – Inputting Rose’s comments.
At Press
Trinity Core Screen – At Studio2.
TC Aeon Screen – At Studio2.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs coming.
Trinity Core – Printing. PoD proofs ordered.
Trinity Aeon – Printing. PoD proofs ordered.
V5: Chicago – Prepping files for press.
You Are Not Alone (TC: Aberrant Comic) – PDF and PoD physical book versions available this Wed. at DTRPG!
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Not today, because today has not been such that I feel celebrating is appropriate, but tomorrow. Tomorrow we start a whole series of palindrome dates! 9/10/19 – 9/19/19! Dunno why, but those dates like that make me grin!
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Just How To Start Mail Order Business? - Perfect Example Is Mail Order Brides Or Dating Men and Women
A mail order home-based service deals appealing advantages due to the fact that most of the work is done without leaving the residence. In this procedure, the orders as well as settlements arrive in the mail, you fill up the orders as well as send out the merchandise to the clients. Success in this business visits targeting the ... A mail order home-based service deals eye-catching benefits since most of the work is done without leaving the home. In this process, the orders as well as payments get here in the mail, you fill the orders and send the merchandise to the consumers. Success in this service comes by targeting the certain market or customers that desire what you are offering as well as are willing to pay what you ask for it. For this and other reasons, it is very important to test the target market before investing a great deal of cash. When writing your promotion usage effective words that sell such as "last chance, deal, and also totally free," these words and others are designed to get the customers focus to ensure that they would certainly respond.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
Or rather, I don't mean to disparage Yahoo. Few others could have done it already. Experts can implement, but they may not always be. Second, I do it because they don't know what I'll do next, but I'll probably think of something. But when you understand the origins of this sort of essay I thought I was going to take two weeks to write few projects took longer, I knew I could see that from how the founders' attitudes changed during the summer. A clumsy parasite may occasionally kill the host, but that's not its goal. Already most technology companies wouldn't sink to using patents on startups have said so, the holdouts will be very conspicuous. Till you feel comfortable investing, don't invest more than that.
And since the customer is always right, but different customers are right about different things; the least sophisticated users show you what you need to see what it's like in an existing business before you try running your own. Another approach is to follow that word, heresy. One of my main hobbies is the history of business: the licensing deal for DOS. No one likes the transmission of power between generations—not the left or the right. But there is a lot of catalog companies, because it's their work that yours is going to want to do it anywhere. Airbnb now seems like an unstoppable juggernaut, but early on it was so fragile that about 30 days of going out and engaging in person with users made the difference between them will be less than the measurement error. Classical scholarship had also changed. The project may even grow into a big company will get wrong if they try. The purchase price is just the kind that tends to obscure the underlying reality, the more stuff they seem to have been the part where we were working hard, the mechanics of venture funding but knows what a successful startup founder looks like is actually far ahead of someone who knows termsheets inside out, but that was the truth. Julian said no one would have any doubt that the fan was causing the noise. Since this was the era of get big fast.
Now even the poorest Americans drive cars, and it was largely to encourage such openness that patents were established. Reading P. Kids are less perceptive. It's hard for anyone much younger than me to understand the underlying principles. But the pain hurts less when it isn't mixed with resentment. Everything would seem exactly as he'd predicted, until he looked at their bank accounts. When you control it you can do it by accident.
It seems to me exactly what one would want to use. That idea is almost as old as human history. And if you find yourself asking should we allow users to do x? So market rates gradually permeate every organization, even the government. It's a live thing, running on your servers right now. At Viaweb we got the capital cost per user down to about $5. More importantly, such a company would attract people who wanted to work in the other direction. Difficult though it may be heretical or whatever modern equivalent, but might it also be true? He can't. In technology, the low end always eats the high end. For someone on the manager's schedule. When you negotiate terms with a startup, the real problem for Microsoft, and they don't care where you went: you'd have to watch what you said.
Some angels, especially those with technology backgrounds, may be satisfied with a demo and a verbal description of what you plan to get rich, and this made their software visibly inferior because among other things, they had no way around the statelessness of CGI scripts. VCs. They counted as work, just like programming, but they were worth. If your team refuses to do it. You do tend to get founded by self-selecting groups of ambitious people who already know one another at least by reputation, the level of measurement is more precise than you get from engaging directly with your earliest users will be the most famous. The worst thing is not the hope of gain, but the deeper you go into the underlying reality. Viaweb we spent the first six months just writing software. So the most important thing I've learned about dilution is that it's good enough. This money isn't revenue. I realized this when I was running YC and did more office hours with startups, I would have shelved most of these merchants got, but we can do something you'd never want to do it: as well as they were with desktop computers.
The result is to damp extremes. That initial fragility was not a unique feature of Airbnb. All the messy, changing stuff will be sitting on a sofa watching TV, I'd have noticed very quickly. Venture capitalists have a list of articles written by people who talk a lot with one another, and deciding that one would on no account be so rude when playing hockey oneself. Between about 500 and 1000, life was not very good. The valuation determines how much stock you get. Now companies increasingly have to pay employees market price for the work they do? I managed to write 'The Crucible,Arthur Miller wrote, but looking back I have often wished I'd had the temperament to do an absurd comedy, which is predicated on the idea, is not very good. Merchants bid a percentage of sales for traffic, but the more history you read, the less energy you have left for conscious thoughts. Will that increase the gap between rich and poor. Google's secret weapon was simply that they understood search. If you just sit down and write out what you've been saying to one another through sockets, pipes, http requests, ssh, udp packets, shared memory, and files.
How much stock should they get? Often as not a startup begins in an apartment. That is a problem for founders, because it enabled one to attack the phenomenon as a whole started to get richer very rapidly. You might think that anyone in a business must, ex officio, understand it. A viable startup might only have ten employees, which puts you within a factor of ten of measuring individual effort. This is a problem, I admit. Could it be that, because you don't have to work quite closely with them.
0 notes
The first part of “The School Shooting” is called “First hour of my last day.”
“I already knew the day would be hell,” the anonymous first-person narrator tells us. The day proceeds like a regular one until an intercom announcement sends the school into lockdown: There’s a shooter in the building. The narrator comforts his sobbing girlfriend, telling her everything will be okay as they hide in their classroom. As the faceless shooter approaches, the narrator attacks him, taking down the shooter and saving lives, but taking a stray bullet in the process:
But as he hit the ground
His gun hit the ground
Im scared the bullet rushes out
Though this story is short — just a scant four pages — it’s representative of what you find when you delve into the hundreds of school shooting stories being written on Wattpad, perhaps the most quietly influential website you’ve never heard of.
On the behemoth self-publishing platform, the most popular stories — typically romance and fanfiction — boast YouTube-level traffic, amassing hundreds of millions of views, or “reads.” Despite a huge audience reach and enjoying the patronage of Handmaid’s Tale author Margaret Atwood, Wattpad habitually flies under the mainstream radar; its most notable achievements to date are launching the One Direction fanfic turned best-seller After and galvanizing the Filipino film industry with a string of movie adaptations of Wattpad stories.
Wattpad’s relative obscurity probably has something to do with its main demographic of teens and preteens. But lately, the kids on Wattpad are contributing, in their own way, to a very mainstream national conversation — by churning out stories about school shootings.
The “hot” category of school shooting fiction on Wattpad is a mixed bag. Scroll past a host of stories related to Columbine and its shooters and you find a Voltron fanfic, a Criminal Minds fanfic, and a fic about a school shooting involving the bands Leathermouth and My Chemical Romance. There are romances built around the drama of a school shooting, as well as more traditional horror stories. And then there are other stories. One claims to be an account of a real school shooting threat; many more present terrifying fictional accounts of what a potential school shooting might be like.
There, on a site usually dedicated to painting innocent fantasies about being Harry Styles’s girlfriend, teens and preteens are living through a culture so dominated by guns that fears of their schools going on lockdown and fantasies of martyring themselves to save their friends have seeped into the stories they tell.
The school shooting stories on Wattpad involve characters of all ages. They’re bright and bubbly sixth-graders on their first day of school. They’re seniors in high school prepping for homecoming, college, or prom.
The incidents nearly always start in one of two ways — with the popping sound of gunshots and screams coming from a hallway, or with intercom announcements putting the school on lockdown or into a Code Red: “This is not a drill.” The students nearly always wind up fending for themselves, either because the teachers are absent or because they are quickly dispatched with bullets. Inevitably, students wind up alone, unarmed and unaided.
These stories meticulously catalog potential hiding places. Bathroom stalls are the most popular by far, but there are also crannies in classrooms, storage closets, people-size lockers, kitchens. Then there are the surreptitious escape routes: second-floor windows and little-used cafeteria exits. Fear of being caught out in the open looms large: In one story, three sixth-graders get trapped in an empty classroom with no way out and no protective cover that’s able to hide all three of them. The story ends there, on an incomplete cliffhanger.
The identities of the shooters rarely matter in school shooting fiction; when the shooters are given attention, they tend to comment on the anxieties of school life and the pressure to perform. In one story, a school shooter’s attempt to explain how hard the pressure of his life has been is so compelling that after he dies, the narrator picks up the gun and continues the shooting spree himself.
In another story, a new girl turns out to be an obvious misfit who can’t make friends and takes her revenge on her classmates. Usually, however, the shooters are faceless, rarely given characterizations or even names — they’re classic horror villains, described as crazy, insane, mental, psychos, maniacs, or simply weirdos. As one story notes, “No one knew who it was. Frankly, no one cared.”
The exception to this rule is that of the Columbine fanfic. This is the most popular variant of school shooting fiction on Wattpad, to the extent that it almost functions as a separate genre. Modern teens continue to be fixated with Columbine, but most of the 800 stories associated with Columbine on Wattpad are more properly a form of what-if fanfiction that attempts to love, redeem, or empathize with the Columbine shooters. That sets Columbine fic well apart from most other Wattpad fiction, which is concerned with processing theoretical shootings that haven’t happened yet.
In most of these other fics, the emphasis is almost always on the victims and the survivors — and the horror scenarios they do and don’t survive. The main characters frequently get shot; their friends and siblings frequently end up dead or seriously injured. In one story, the captain of the cheerleading squad survives a school shooting by playing dead beneath the body of her best friend:
People screamed. I screamed. Bullets flew out of guns. Camila slumped on top of me, knocking me in to the ground. I was lying on the ground, Camila on top of me. There was a hole in her head. Her brains were on the wall behind us.
“Imagine,” reads the summary of one story. “Imagine a shooter coming to your school to kill as many people as he can before he turns the gun to himself. Imagine what horrors, what fear would arise among you. Even more frightful, imagine what it would be like for that person to be you.”
“Of course,” reads one story, told from the perspective of two sixth-grade girls. “This is how we die.”
As stories of teenage angst tend to do, these stories rely on an awareness of the fragility of life. They draw on the heady emotion and melodrama of death, tragedy, and terror. In this sense, as child psychologist Ellen Braaten told me, they’re built on longstanding tropes.
Braaten, the associate director for the Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital, described the school shooting genre of fiction as being similar to the way a teen might glamorize going through the experience of having cancer, dying young, or living during war — in essence, “making something romantic out of something really scary and awful.”
“When you’re really feeling afraid, one way to gain control is to tell the ghost story yourself”
Braaten speculated that these stories are “about students putting themselves in a situation they feel like they’re in … working through their inevitable worst fears.”
It’s no secret that teens are drawn to gritty, angsty stories fraught with life-or-death scenarios. Entire genres of young adult fiction cater to this tendency, from 13 Reasons Why to The Fault in Our Stars to Ellen Hopkins’s entire best-selling oeuvre, which covers a range of dire teen issues from drugs to suicide.
It’s not really even new that kids are writing this kind of story themselves; lots of kids with access to a pen and a notebook have scribbled angsty existential missives somewhere inside them. The advent of the internet has just made sharing those feelings with other teens easier than ever. On Wattpad, which gained its massive underground success primarily as a mobile reading and publishing app, teens and preteens publish and view each other’s fiction by the millions. On Wattpad, a search for “cancer” generates more than 100,000 results; one of the most popular cancer stories has nearly 30 million views.
What does seem new, though, is that teens are working through their fears and anxieties about life and death using school shootings as the setting. In essence, teens and preteens who have grown up with the real possibility that they could live through (or die in) a school shooting have incorporated this reality into the kind of cathartic angst fiction usually reserved for more typically deleterious fare — a cancer scare, a plane crash, drug use, or suicidal ideation.
“Art is a place where we displace our worst fears and wishes,” Braaten said. “Anytime you’re putting something like this out there, it’s because you want to be heard. I think this is a wonderful outlet for students and teens to sort of work through one of their worst fears.” And Wattpad, she noted, is a place where “they can do it anonymously and quickly.”
What’s perhaps even more telling than the amount of fiction where the school shooting is the focal point of the story is the amount of fiction where it isn’t. Disturbingly, school shootings often form the mundane backdrop of stories with completely different plots. In many stories, the event of a school going on lockdown is just a boring part of a student’s everyday life. In multiple stories, there ultimately is no shooting, and the threat dissipates into a boring, wasted couple of hours for the students.
In several stories, the lockdown is used as an excuse for a romantic meet-cute. One, a fanfic about YouTubers Jake Paul and Erica Costell, uses a school shooting as the backdrop for a budding romance. Written in the wake of the Parkland shooting, it has Jake noting, “Us cuddling during the Code Red was amazing but sad at the same time.”
In these stories, the need to romanticize tragedy becomes very literal, a way of fantasizing about the heightened emotional connection felt at such moments while simultaneously grappling with the potential for loss of life, for instantaneous separation from their beloved.
Criminal psychologist Arthur Lurigio described the catharsis of this kind of fiction as similar to that of a horror film. “It’s scary but it’s not scary — it’s not real. Where you’re a little bit scared, a little bit excited, but the outcome is not going to hurt you.” Lurigio pointed out that these genres of school shooting fic are all about control for the students. “When you’re really feeling afraid, one way to gain control is to tell the ghost story yourself.”
Controlling the narrative seems to be a main point of these stories. “This writing has a sense of empowerment, of being able to control what’s uncontrollable and baffling,” Lurigio said. “Think about the degree of vulnerability these kids are feeling in general, and it’s being expressed now in a way it’s never been expressed before.”
Lurigio told me the school shooting fiction could be seen as a basic form of therapy for students. “In working with patients, we have them diary, writing about their lives and thoughts and scenarios, and using that as a tool in therapy. This may be a way to process school shootings and give kids a false sense of control. They’re the ones who are the masters of what happens and doesn’t happen.”
We can see that need for control in a very direct sense. One story is a first-person account of the 2012 shooting at Perry Hall High School in Baltimore, by a user purporting to be a student who was then in attendance. (The user did not respond to my requests for verification or comment.) “‘Please let everybody be okay’ was the only thought going through my mind,” she wrote. “I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that something like this could happen at my school; the school that I had always felt so safe in.”
The difference in tone and focus between this student’s mostly matter-of-fact description of living through the event and the highly fantastical, dramatized versions many of the teen writers are imagining is striking. “I thought about every ‘What If’ question possible,” she writes about her reaction after the event. Eventually, she says, “I stopped asking myself these questions,” because she realized there was no point to asking them after the fact.
In a sense, then, the emergent school shooting genre seems to have come about because students are running through all of these potential “what if” scenarios well before they play out in reality. It’s not only about control; it’s also arguably a means of preparedness.
Looking at these stories from this angle, it’s hard not to find them devastating. One story, “School Shooting,” is written by a user with the word “unicorn” in their handle, from the point of view of a sixth-grader; the author told me that they wrote the story following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, as a way of paying homage to the bravery of the Parkland students.
It’s practically a litany of survival scenarios playing out in high-drama action-adventure form. It shows kids working together as an ensemble to thwart, undermine, and escape the shooter. After their teacher is dispatched, they grab weapons and turn them on their attackers. They run for exits only to find them locked, so they turn to windows instead. On the playground, the narrator spots “a little kid crying”:
She had a bullet shot in her leg.
“Cmon ride on my back.” I said
“I can’t. It hurts.” she said
I decided to carry her. Good thing she was light.
Wattpad skews young. The company claims 90 percent of its users are millennials and Gen Z; a majority are girls and women between the ages of 13 and 24. It’s reasonable to assume that the ages of these characters reflect the ages of their writers. And so we have 11- and 12-year-olds writing about disaster preparedness, noting fire exits, psyching themselves up to leap out of windows, and looking out for kids younger than them — all while envisioning themselves as essentially abandoned by an older generation. Remember, there are hardly ever adults in these stories, not in the moments when it counts.
“It’s as if the statement is: Adult world, you have not taken care of us, you continue to not take care of us,” Lurigio told me. “The kids are the ones who are leading, not adults, and that’s a role change.”
Lurigio explained that it’s important to consider that these stories are expressions of real trauma — not lurid, far-fetched fantasies. “[School shootings] have lasting impact, not only on the victims but on kids who see it on the media over and over again. After 9/11, we had what we described as concentric circles of trauma. They have vicarious victimization. I think seeing this on the news over and over again absolutely is a micro-trauma to the kids who are not part of it.
“So this is akin to 1950s campfire storytelling,” he said. “But this is much more serious, with life-altering consequences.”
One fic, “The Gunman,” chronicles the day of a school shooting by jumping through the points of view of multiple characters. “I would never get married, have kids,” one thinks when encountering the shooter. “I’d never buy my own house, get my own car, or even learn to drive! The husky I dreamed of getting one day would never happen.”
But not all the stories are hopeless. Many of them are about students finding their own power and changing things for the better. Jade, a.k.a. xxjademariexx, is a freshman at a New Jersey high school. Her story, “After the Shooting,” depicts a group of high school students who mount a successful gun control protest in their state after a terrifying attack on their school. “I wrote about this because gun violence is a major thing in this country that no one wants to talk and hear about,” she told me. “It also needs to be talked about more than it is.”
Jade said that few within her community support gun control. “They’re all super conservative and think more guns is the solution for a safer country. I see it in a different light that may have been portrayed by my story.”
For Jade, the important aspect of her story isn’t the school shooting — it’s the aftermath. “There’s always that fear that a shooting will happen,” she said. Writing the story allowed her to express not only that fear but also a political stance she can’t always communicate in real life.
“I want to change everything,” she writes as her story ends. “I want everyone to be safe and not fearful. I want to stop school shootings like Sandy Hook and Stoneman Douglas and all the ones in between and before. I want to stop police from killing people by the color of their skin. I want to stop the suicide rate from going up by guns. I know this country will never be perfect, but I really do want to make America great again. We will be the generation to make America great again.”
Javier Zarracina/Vox
Original Source -> The kids are writing school shooting fiction
via The Conservative Brief
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lesliepump · 7 years
How Lawyers Work: Kyle E. Mitchell, Journeyman Deal Mechanic & Overfed Bookworm
In this week’s edition of How Lawyers Work, we hear from Kyle E. Mitchell. Kyle grew up in the Piney Woods of Texas, beating on drums and fiddling with computers. He studied at UT Austin for way too long, then went west to California to practice law. These days, he advises companies big and small on all manner of intellectual property, commercial, privacy, and security projects related to software, especially open source.
You can follow Kyle on Twitter.
What apps or tools are essential to your daily workflow?
I’m a technology person—and a programmer—and I have been since I was a little boy. Zero apps are essential to my daily workflow, and God forbid—I avoid specialized, glitzy apps in favor of robust, versatile tools whenever I can. I use tools like plain text files, backup and file sharing services, tiny macro-esque computer programs, e-mail mailboxes, that kind of thing. Essentially, I use the sticky notes, index cards, and filing cabinets of the computer world. Plus a few tools of my own design.
There’s a great old cooking show, Serious Eats, with Alton Brown, back before he turned heel. Alton called single-purpose kitchen gadgets “unitaskers”. He railed against them. They cost a lot of money, pile up in the kitchen, eat up space, and usually don’t work very well. They don’t play nice with other tools or techniques. You don’t grow as a cook by relying on them.
There are so many unitaskers in legal technology. Apps for tracking time. Apps for tracking contacts. Apps for project management. Note taking apps. Billing apps. Tenths-of-an-hour watches. Bates stampers. Legal-size paper. That legal keyboard that just came out. Unitaskers glommed together in unwieldy combinations, as “platforms”, like those 30-plus-item, three-quarter-pound Swiss Army knives you sometimes see in novelty stores, and never see in pockets.
I try a few, now and then. None are ever a perfect fit for how I want to work, or how clients want to work with me. None is ever flexible enough to stay with me as I get wiser and change my mind, setting me up for a jarring transition. Rarely do more than two work together reliably, or at all, for any length of time. Rarely are they even worthwhile, on their own merits, after the new-gizmo shine rubs off. Something general and standardized usually nets out better. Letter paper is better than legal paper, even for law.
They can be worth it, if you do one thing, exactly the same way, all the time. My kitchen has a rice cooker, my motorcycle garage a battery charger. In the office, it’s a Fujitsu iX500 sheet-fed scanner. I take a lot of handwritten notes, and I scan all my mail, too. Sometimes hundreds of pages at a time. The scanner does it fast. Someday, I’m sure it will stop playing nice with my router, my phone, my computer, something. But it’s worth the high price for time saved until then.
I do time entries, contacts, task tracking, billing, accounting, record keeping, notes, and as much writing as possible in plain text files. The kind of thing you’d make in Notepad on Windows, or with WordPad on a Mac. They’re easy to put in folders, share, back up, cross-reference, encrypt, and search. It’s easy to copy and paste their text to and from every other program, on any computer, phone, or tablet. They take almost no hard drive space.
My background comes through in the little programs I write to work with those files. To pull out all billing entires for a particular client. To spit out today’s to-do list. To pull down all the files I need for a client project. And so on. The kinds of programs students write in Programming 101.
Those “beginner” projects seem like toys or make-work, until you realize text files are the best organizing principle we’ve ever come up with for doing office work with computers. The most famous computer demo of all time, the “Mother of All Demos”, showed it all off way back in 1968. Then it was a key idea behind UNIX, an operating system started a year later, that lives on in Linux today. Your computer and phone may not run Linux, but nearly all the online services you use—from Google to Dropbox, Facebook to EDGAR—almost certainly do.
Both plain text and simple, versatile tools were part of the UNIX philosophy. I understand we used to have software along those lines in office technology, before my time. Some very famous writers, and more than a few prestigious courts, still hold on to “ancient” word processing software from that crude era, before they took on oodles of pointless features, like ships gaining barnacles. I wasn’t around, but in a way, I’ve gone back to it. I don’t roll my eyes so much about WordPerfect at supreme courts any more. It doesn’t surprise me to see dozens of popular, “distraction-free” writing apps for sale, essentially reprising Notepad or WordStar for each new gadget.
Of course, I can’t ever entirely escape Microsoft Word, since others use and expect it. But it’s the classic example of an app gone wrong. So many features. Frankly, I’ve written software for Word, and I’m still never entirely sure what automatic numbering will do next. It’s like a touch-screen washing machines with WiFi. Educated consumers get lost in all their options. Skilled technicians can’t reliably diagnose or fix them. Teenage ne’er-do-wells from far-flung jurisdictions indiscriminately hijack them, to mine Bitcoin and launch denial-of-service attacks.
My goal for tools like Word, and to a lesser extent Adobe Acrobat, is minimization. My strategy is quarantine. I rent a Windows computer in a data center outside LA. That machine has Word, Acrobat, Google Drive, and Dropbox. I can dial into it from any other computer when I need to be sure I’m using exactly the same unreliable program that opposing has. But that’s less than 10% of my time, even in multi-turn negotiations. Client communication, research, preparation—I can do all the rest my way. When I’m driving the process, say for an entity formation or a sales playbook, I can do it all my way.
That mostly means looking at a web browser and a terminal emulator, the black screen with fixed-width text and a blinking cursor where you may remember typing WIN in the 1990s. The web has all the raw material. There’s literally decades worth of free tools for terminal emulators, dedicated exclusively to working with text. Programs to search. Programs to sort. Programs to edit, print, e-mail, translate, and spell check. Programs to share, copy, back up, and so on. They all take text in, and spit text out, so they’re easy to use together. Today’s to-dos for client X? That’s a search for X in my to-do files, followed by a sort, then some formatting. I type todos Acme and I see it.
I’m always swapping tools and services in and out, to try new things. But to give a sense, a few standouts at the moment:
FastMail for e-mail and calendars. Very reasonably priced, reliable, and compatible. The web interface is far and away better than GMail, and the service works well with phones and other mail programs, too.
rclone for sending files to and from various file sharing services, like Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, and Amazon S3. I have clients that use each one, sometimes more than one.
vim for editing text files. A popular old-school option among programmers.
Feedbin for reading RSS feeds from blogs and news sites.
Pinboard for saving and organizing bookmarks across computers.
Reeder and Pushpin on iPhone let me riffle through my RSS feeds with my thumb, like an email inbox, crossing off or bookmarking posts to Pinboard for reading later.
git, a tool for tracking changes to folders of plain-text files over time, and sharing changes across computers. Standard in software development. Many of my tech-sector clients prefer to use Git for legal documents, too.
unoconv converts files between various Office file formats, such as from .docx to PDF. I can also use this to extract the text of an Word file to plain text.
PDF Expert on iPad for PDF reading and annotation. Studio Neat’s Cosmonaut stylus works great for highlighting.
phaxio.com sends and receives faxes, which is often the best way to get things in to secretaries of state. I have a little program just for sending a PDF to Sacramento.
lob.com sends postcards, letters, and checks by mail.
cron runs other programs on a schedule. I use it to do everything from backing up files to sending e-mail at specific times and pulling down weather forecasts. The foreman for my own private office-robot army.
Vimium, an extension for Chrome and Firefox, lets you navigate webpages and click links with the keyboard.
Junior legal notepads, stuck with binder clips to a clipboard sawn down to exact size. I buy in bulk. Don’t be like me, kids. Stay away from fancy pens.
I’ve also built a few tools of my own for composing, assembling, sharing, and analyzing contracts, under an open source project called Common Form. The Common Form tool kit lets me write out contracts and other structured documents, and pieces of them, as plain text, in a way that lets the computer be more help. Imagine a giant index card catalog, with a card for every provision of every contract you’ve ever written, plus an automated word processing department that keeps everything filed, and does all the technical grunt work of checking combinations of those pieces, and spitting out formatted documents for you.
It’s been a boon to my practice. Especially when I get to take a first draft, I don’t worry about numbering, keeping references correct, checking my defined terms, signature pages, or spitting out multiple documents based on a template. I can focus almost 100% on the substance of what I’m trying to cover, the terms I’m trying to express, and using clear, plain language. It’s a much more tiring, concentrated experience—technical edits used to work as built-in brain-breaks for me—but that’s made me a better drafter.
Thanks to some help from Ansel Halliburton, another coder-lawyer here in the Bay Area, we also have a nice suite of automated annotation programs, which work a bit like opinionated spellcheckers. They point out archaisms, wordy phrases, and usage comments from Ken Adams’ A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting as we type. Behind all that, we’ve done a lot of work pulling together long lists of words or phrases that pose problems of various kinds, stylistically and substantively.
There’s no substitute for fresh-eyes reads in contract drafting. But Ansel and I have learned there’s no substitute for automatic checks, either. The mind just isn’t good at certain kinds of rote work, and shouldn’t be. Smart is spending the limited focus you have were it gets the most done for your clients.
On the hardware side, I can’t overemphasize the need for a quality ergonomic setup. I learned the easy way that RSI, carpal tunnel, and back problems are no joke, by watching other people learn the hard way. I was lucky.
I use a Kinesis Advantage keyboard, accompanying numeric keypad, a Logitech Expert Mouse, and a Herman Miller Embody chair. The combo cost about a thousand dollars, with a used chair from an office liquidator. That’s what I could afford at the time, and it was easily worth it. If you have less to play with, try a Microsoft Natural 4000 keyboard. I’ve owned five or six. I recommend it constantly.
I listen to music while working, and splurged on good closed-ear headphones and a USB digital-to-analog converter. When I’m really bearing down on something, I’ll wear a $10 pair of slim-profile pistol shooting earmuffs. Same isolation, or better. And just as comfortable to wear for long periods. Great on airplanes, too.
For software, I primarily use Google Chrome and a Linux terminal emulator. There are too many small tools to count: Common Form via commonform.org, LibreOffice and unoconv for conversion, and a backup Windows machine with the usuals. For tools, I use an ergonomic keyboard, a document scanner, my smartphone, closed headphones, and a good work chair.
What does your workspace look like?
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I rent a fairly typical professional office in Dunn’s Block, a historic building just south of the perennially “revitalized” part of Old Oakland. Old Oakland was the center of downtown until freeways replaced rail and telegraph as the arteries of the city, and still a hop, skip, and jump from most transit and city hall.
The building’s one of those classic, ground-floor-retail combos with a long, skinny staircase from street level to the second floor, lots of short wooden banisters, and comically high ceilings. (I get the feeling professionals of yore were shorter in statute, and somewhat loftier in ambition.) The main attraction is the sunlight. I’ve an interior office, but a tall window at the front. Sunlight shines down from the roof through the third floor. I’m not totally cut off from the sun cycle.
The office is almost entirely for me. I grabbed a couple guest chairs from a next-door neighbor moving in, along with used furniture from the local used shop and a salvage yard. But I almost always meet clients at their offices, rather than mine. So it’s more of a designated focus place. A tool for better making believe that practice and life respect any kind of boundaries.
I’m definitely of the messy-desk, clean hard drive school of lawyering. I scan almost every bit of paper that I receive and write, but there are still so many print resources available only on dead-tree. At this point, the books rule pretty much every flat surface, and a good chunk of the floor. Their only real competitor is the computer setup and the scanner.
Basically, it’s a disaster. But lots of order from that chaos.
How do you keep track of your calendars and deadlines?
I keep calendars online, with FastMail. CalDAV for sync, especially to the iPhone. Meetings. Phone calls. Conferences. House calls. Continuing legal education. That kind of thing.
All my task management is in a folder full of plain text files, one per client or category. Each item on one line. If there’s a date code, YYYY-MM-DD, that’s a deadline.
I track changes to the whole thing with Git, which means I can travel back in time to any point, and see what I’d marked done, to do, or made changes, and when. The same tool makes it easy to change my lists from any computer.
What is your coffee service setup?
I’ve lost count of how many importers, roasters, distributors, and coffee shops at different degrees of swank I have within walking distance. Blue Bottle’s HQ, Four Barrel’s roasting operation, SLOJOY roasting, Bicycle Coffee’s HQ, Peerless, Caffe 817, Modern. Eat your heart out.
My office has a Russian-style samovar for tea service. I know I’ve got it bad when I hit two pots of concentrated zavarka per day. Usually in winter.
What is one thing that you listen to, read, or watch that everyone should?
Dangerous question. Read people who disagree with you.
What is your favorite local place to network or work solo?
I try never to go anywhere with the express goal of “networking”. Oakland is a vibrant place. Be here and be open, you’ll find people. The Town’s surprises are often way better than anything you might have had in mind.
I work solo, so whenever I work, I work solo. That’s what the office is for, to keep me from holing in too long at home.
What are three things you do without fail every day?
Read. Write. Curse.
Who else would you like to see answer these questions?
Luis Villa
How Lawyers Work: Kyle E. Mitchell, Journeyman Deal Mechanic & Overfed Bookworm was originally published on Lawyerist.com.
from Law and Politics https://lawyerist.com/how-lawyers-work-kyle-e-mitchell/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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mwriters4 · 7 years
The 5 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Builders.
Microsoft’s Search Engine Bing Celebrates Its fifth Birthday 2. 5 Most popular Stores in America 3. 5 Richest Real Property Billionaires 4. Furnishings alternative for productiveness 5. Take a look on the Holy grail of water disinfectants! The highest fitness developments of 2013 7. Modular Building Has A Brilliant Future eight. Is Assembly People On line Easier than the Precise Issue? 4 Reasons to Have Loyalty Program to Retain Customers 2. Greatest Resume Writing Providers: What is Most Ideal for You? Different builders could keep in contact with their clients through newsletters or bulletins, providing updates on the neighborhood, general homeowner advice and other information of interest. Before handing the home over, most builders offers you “orientation” tour to point out you ways the whole lot works—how to function and maintain the mechanical systems, for instance. This is usually finished at the same time as the pre-delivery inspection. Many builders will provide you with a homeowner’s handbook describing the varied components of your private home and setting out the requirements for regular upkeep and repair. This not solely helps you to keep your house in nice condition, but it surely additionally contributes guaranteeing that you don’t void the guarantee on your house. Failure to follow the builder’s or manufacturer’s instructions could mean that they don’t seem to be chargeable for any restore work wanted.
Was the home accomplished on time and price range?
What significantly did they appreciate about the company? What did they not like about it? Did they run into any issues, and in that case, had been the issues solved to their satisfaction? Was the house accomplished on time and price range? If not, what have been the circumstances? Were there missing or defective items on the time of possession, or objects that had to be fixed? Had been all of their color selections, upgrades and extras completed as requested? How was the company’s after-sales service? Are they pleased with their dwelling? Would they purchase from the corporate once more?
So remember the above talked about suggestions.
They need to embrace the three that they most like. Builders can undoubtedly resolve the widespread issues that happen with constructing a new dwelling especially if they have accomplished thirty homes the same as yours. Aside from finding out how may houses the construction worker has accomplished, you should also discover out the sizes of these homes. It is each irritating and difficult to have a constructing or home improvement work executed. Nevertheless, there are some factor you are able to do earlier than hiring builders in Jackson, WY to be sure that the job as as clean as you want. So remember the above talked about ideas. hop over to here If not, you won’t solely be wasting your time, but an enormous amount of money too. You will find yourself dissatisfied. Read extra about Locating A Dependable Builder Jackson WY.
Remove handbook methods (e.g., pen and paper, spreadsheets)
Are the commissions to high or too low
Does the builder require development attracts, i.e. fee at numerous phases during construction
Use it or Lose it
Set a budget
Was the home completed on time and price range? If not, what were the circumstances
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Remember, discovering a trader who gives pricing for small jobs over the telephone isn’t essentially a great sign – though it might be. Some plumbers choose to supply quotes once they’ve seen the job so that they get it a hundred per cent right. Test to make sure that they’ve the correct licences. The most basic rule is to make sure that they are licensed and carry full insurance that protects your property. I consider that one of the best relationships hinge on a correct stability of energy, and making your builder “an equal” is the most effective foundation you possibly can have. Get it in Writing: Verbal agreements, especially in a long relationship like building and remodeling, may be forgotten. Get it down on paper. Arrange Set Communications: Set each day and weekly communication schedules to maintain all parties updated and informed. Address Issues Early: You should definitely carry up concerns and confusions immediately to maintain them from changing into points which are powerful to resolve.
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Get a Clean Swimming Pool Not a Green Pool 8.
Significance Of Signing Construction Contracts. Writer: Regulation Marketing You should all the time search help kind a development litigation legal professional that can assist you signal any contract to ensure you shall not be held responsible for any injury or declare laid thereof at any given time. What to Do after a Flooding Strikes Your property 2. Simple and Budget Friendly Residence Decorating Concepts 3. How you can Design Your Kitchen with White Cabinets? Hiring Tradespeople-Be Alert 5. Quality New Domiciles – How Can you Notice That The Builder Will Ship A top quality Home? Get a Clean Swimming Pool Not a Inexperienced Pool 8. Take pleasure in Choosing Lovely Crystal Lamps 9. 5 Must-Follow Steps to keep Your Carpets Clear 10. Necessary Suggestions and Guides for getting Granite or Quartz Worktops Welcome, Visitor! John Lexon is a dedicated researcher of important issues that affect skin and well being. Log in or Create Account to put up a comment. Writer: Emily Rae Where do it’s a must to look so as to seek out all natural natural pores and skin care products? Although most of the key cosmetics corporations now have what they dub natural natural pores and skin care products in the marketplace, I’ll inform you now, that most of these products are not what they have been billed to be.
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