#they have it listed in usd too. they say they want to know your visa status but like they have the salary listed in usd
foxcassius · 2 years
no way did i just STUMBLE across a posting on dave's esl cafe for a remote r&d content writer. that pays $25 an hour.
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chaithetics · 4 months
Fics for Palestine! June!🖤❤️🤍💚
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Hey Tumblr besties! We did a couple of fics and had some awesome donors in May so let's give it another go - it's a new update for June!
Do you want to support a good cause? Help Palestine and get a fic at the same time? Then please read!
I will write a fic for you with your chosen pairing and whatever prompt you want (it can be vague or specific!) and have it posted on Tumblr no later than June 30th!
All you need to do is send me same-day confirmation/a screenshot of either your receipt or sent email as a private message or in the ask box!
This is fundraising for Palestine, so you could donate to any fund or organisation on the Operation Olive Branch list, eSims for Gaza, UNRWA, Gaza Funds, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, and any other Palestinian fundraisers or organisations you want to support!
As we all have different currencies, all the go fund mes I've donated to have been in USD or Euros, so I'm going to keep this at the tier system is with whatever currency the fundraiser is in. If it is somewhere like UNRWA it can just be whatever your currency is 🥰
For emails, I've made this post on free ways to support Palestine and also this post encouraging American users to contact their senators. You can email your politicians asking for an immediate permanent ceasefire, an increase in UNRWA funding, creating and granting humanitarian visas for Palestinians, recognising Palestine as a state and withdrawing recognition of the state of Israel, placing sanctions on Israel that include economic and political sanctions and military embargo. If you need support with any emails, I'm happy to help! 🫶
Here is my Chaithetics Masterlist for navigation or if you want to get a vibe of my writing x
And here is the Fics for Palestine Masterlist of the fics I've done so far with this initiative.
If so many people responded to this with donations/emails that I became too overwhelmed. I would come up with a new date for some pieces or temporarily close/reopen for others. It didn't happen with the couple of weeks of May but this post will be regularly updated!
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Characters I'll write for:
Any Pedro Pascal characters
Any Oscar Isaac characters
Any Dev Patel characters
Any Succession characters - we love Stewy here in particular! (just not Logan, Old Guard, or Greg.)
Any Fallout characters
Any The Bear characters
Tommy Miller
Marvel characters like Matt Murdock, Wanda, Bucky etc.
There is more that I can't think of but you're more than welcome to reach out to ask in the comments, DMs, or my inbox before donating or anything! 💞
What I'll write and won't:
I'll write fluff, smut, angst or any combination of your choice!
I can write plus-size readers, disabled readers, poc readers, fem readers, GN readers, keep it description-less, whatever your preference is! I'm bi/queer so I'm happy to write straight pairings or wlw/queer pairings and readers!
I'm just not comfortable and won't write fics that are non-consensual, 'dark', heavy kink, gore, vore, paedophilia, and nothing with under-18 readers or characters (this includes characters 'aged up' for a fic), or actor/celebrity x reader, just their fictional characters.
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The Tier System!
If you donate $1 in the Fundraiser's Currency:
You will get a drabble/ficlet 100-500 words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
I know that places like the places like the Palestine Children's Relief Fund will let you donate $1 US but Go Fund Me has a $5 minimum donation for example and some other organisations might as well. But I know that there are content creators on social media like Yuval who are saying you can venmo/paypal them a $1 and they'll take those donations to a go fund me. So you can do that, send me a screenshot of the receipt and maybe just a link to the creator's page so we all know it's legit 🥰
If you write an email to a Politician:
You will get a fic that is at least 500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
You just need to provide a screenshot that has the content of the email, is sent, and has the politician's email address/name visible. You of course can blur out any of your personal details and send this in PM. I'm happy to help draft emails, find resources as well if that's useful!
If you donate $5 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
I'm personally doing a few different $5 donations across different families and I know many are, if you're doing that you could send in different receipts which again could be different fics. And that would apply with other tiers as well!
If you donate $10 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 1,500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
If you donate $20 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 2,500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
If you donate $50 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 7,000+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
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Since October 2023, over 36,000 Palestinians have been murdered during Israel's genocide and illegal occupation of Palestine, this includes civilians, children, journalists, media personnel, and medical/healthcare personnel. Over 80,000 have been injured and so many Palestinians have been displaced and are trying to evacuate and cross the borders. Israel's ethnic cleansing, numerous war crimes, and colonisation have been terrorising the Palestinian people and land since 1948.
We all have a part to play, so donate if you can, attend rallies, protests, vigils etc, share the content and resources about Palestine, especially what comes from Palestine, make sure you're centring Palestinians and engaging with their content, engage with educational resources, watch and read Palestinian films and books, write to your politicians. We all have a part to play so please do whatever is financially and physically accessible to you x I'd also appreciate it if you could share this post as well! My blog is a much smaller platform compared to many in these communities, and if any other writers wanted to consider doing something similar to this, I'd encourage you to!
Thank you for reading this far, let's stay empathetic and support each other in these difficult times. Free Palestine and all indigenous peoples! 🖤❤️🤍💚pal
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1st picture is of Norihisa Tamura, Japan’s Minister of Health, Labor & Welfare on tv with no mask and what’s supposed to be a face shield. That man went on national TV looking that ridiculous.
The other photo is in Kabukicho, Tokyo after 8PM...when all the bars/restaurants are supposed to close but 40% of them are ignoring the request (yes, the government keeps asking them to close because the law limits them) mainly because they can’t afford to close.
More about that here:
And the last picture is rush hour in Tokyo, ALL of those people are getting on/off the train and all during Tokyo’s 4th (yes FOUR) State of Emergency. The pictures highlight the incompetence of Japan’s leaders & the slow/ineffective measures they’ve taken to fight the spread of the virus. Allowing The Olympics to go forward was pretty much the point of no return *the 2 photos of the crowds were taken last month, Aug 2021*
I’m talking about Japan because my bf is leaving soon (Saturday) to visit Japan. 
Don’t mistake this post for any sort of travel advice: don’t try to book a trip there if you have no business going there, besides...you’ll be banned from entering the country. Even folks who have business in Japan (foreign students/employees who already have their visas) are still banned from entering the country.
He’s going back because he has a relative in the hospital whose condition was worsening (it seems their condition has slightly improved) and it’s unrelated to COVID-19. He wouldn’t jump on a plane to Japan, during a pandemic, if he had any other choice. He’s fully vaccinated and always wears a mask (double mask) when out in public.
I know a lot of weebs on here who probably think Japan is “doing well” because the numbers are much lower than the US (always the constant comparison to the US but never mind the fact that the US pop is 360M compared to Japan’s 126M) but the reality is: Japan still, to this day, doesn’t have mass testing sites meaning lower number of people are being tested daily. No lockdowns, extremely slow vaccine rollout, and they just threw out over a million doses of Moderna due to contamination.
The hospitals cannot handle the number of infections and many people have been turned away from the hospital which has lead to deadly consequences for some, like the pregnant woman who was forced to give birth at home which resulted in her newborn baby dying. A woman in her 70′s who had diabetes was denied a hospital room, she too died as a result. Now I’m just reading about the actress, Haruka Ayase, who has pneumonia due to COVID-19 yet the hospital made room for her. I’m not saying she deserved to die but Japan is clearly picking & choosing who is more important.
I think the only upside to this is the fact that my bf will have to quarantine at his parents home for 2 weeks in Osaka (not Tokyo, which is good since the biggest outbreak is of course in the largest city, Tokyo) so (hopefully) he won’t be exposed to the virus if he stays at home. Plus he has to quarantine, the government requires anyone returning to Japan to install an app that allows them to call you at home (video-calls) to verify that you are your quarantine location. I read one woman’s account, she’s a permanent resident, about how they video-called her twice in the same day: within 30 minutes actually. They most likely won’t do that to my bf because he isn’t a “scary foreigner” since quite a few Japanese folks (including racist, ultra right-wing politicians) are still lying & blaming foreigners for all the cases in Japan.
Oh and a FYI: from the folks I follow on Twitter (foreigners living in Japan), they’ve stated that lots of folks in Japan, especially Tokyo, are ignoring the State of Emergency. They continue to go out to bars, restaurants which increases the spread and the risk of infecting their loved ones at home/coworkers/classmates/etc.
It’s irritating knowing all this and reading posts from people who have no ties to Japan, don’t know anyone from Japan and can’t even be bothered to read posts from people who actually live there claiming “they defeated the virus” or still denying that it’s actually a hell of a lot worse than they’re letting on.
We can compare cities, we can compare Tokyo to NYC and see how the response to the virus has been. NYC had a lockdown, rent relief for its residents ($2.7B available but the payout has been disastrous, the new Governor is trying to speed it up), workers & students were allowed to work/attend classes from home meaning no crowded mass transit. We had mask mandates & even now NYC requires proof of vaccination to go to most places like restaurants, gyms, etc.
Tokyo is not allowing workers/students to work/attend class from home so their mass transit (a city of 13 MILLION, 37 MILLION in the metro area, quite a few more than here in NYC) is PACKED. There was no real lockdown because the government is limited in its power, they’re just now *over a year later* trying to vote to change that. I haven’t heard anything about any rent relief just the ¥100000 paid out once, that’s about $930 USD, to adults and a one-time stimulus payment to businesses that was less than $20K USD. There’s no mass testing site meaning testing throughout the country is still limited.
Tokyo set up a “lottery” the other day in Shibuya which required people to go the location to try and earn a spot for a vaccine. They could’ve had this lottery online but Japan is so behind the times they clearly didn’t think this was a problem...to have a large number of people moving around during a pandemic. Of course it was a mess and the governor of Tokyo (Koike) had the nerve to try to blame the staff for the large crowds.
My bf has to get a PCR test document (in Japanese) & it has to be SIGNED by someone at the clinic. Fortunately he’s able to get it in one day (day before his flight) but it’s just the fact that Japan is the only country in the world pulling this nonsense. If we didn’t find out about the handwritten/signed document he would’ve flew all the way there and been denied entry into the country.
He’ll be there for 3 weeks, the other positive side of this trip (other than being able to see his family/relative in the hospital & not having to be in Tokyo) is that he is, of course, picking up some stuff for me. But only if it’s safe to do so though, I don’t want him going to jam-packed stores, since he has a week to look around it should be less crowded at the stores during business hours when most people are at work/school.
My list:
Famima socks & imabari towel *I think it’s actually a handkerchief ( ファミリーマート (Family Mart) convenience store has a clothing line)
Some donuts from Mister Donut (I’m not joking, as long as there’s no cream they’ll last outside of the fridge for 2-3 days before getting stale)
Muji cotton headbands (they no longer sell them at the NYC locations)
Baton d’or (fancier alternative to Pocky, they cost almost $10 a box)
Amanatto (look up natto, it’s a candied version of that)
Some little knicknacks from Osaka like fridge magnets, he thinks a hoodie/sweater with Osaka on it might be too cheesy/touristy
Maybe Melano CC, it’s cheaper than ordering online ($11 vs $20+)
Probably some other food/snacks
Etc. - still thinking if I need/want anything else
He’s also giving me a video tour of Osaka (大阪) so I can see places like his parents town Izumi ( 和泉市) & places he used to hang out in like Amemura ( アメリカ村  - full name is Amerikamura Village) so I’m just trying to get into the positive side of this and enjoy seeing Osaka beyond G.Map.
So to wrap this up, it’s already too long but I just wanted folks to know that things aren’t so peachy in Nippon, and it won’t be for a while. Hopefully, with more people getting sick of Suga’s (Prime Minister) inaction over the pandemic they’ll be more motivated to vote out the useless, racist LDP (Liberal Democratic Party: don’t be fooled by the Democratic part, they’re quite right wing and conservative) party. He’s already suffered several embarrassing setbacks from recent elections such as an LDP candidate losing the Yokohama mayoral race to an opponent, very embarrassing since Yokohama is Suga’s hometown.
So I’m hoping for a better future for Japan (for everyone, but I’m actually hoping for the imperialist, oligarchy of the US to collapse) and for safe travels for my bf and anyone else who has to travel during this pandemic.
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
They also didn't want me to speak Korean outside of the house because "in America you speak only English."
(6-17-20) You both like Politics.
You: hi
Stranger: Hello
You: What is something important to you?
Stranger: My job.
You: Mhm how so?
Stranger: Because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to buy a house, save money, and have dinner every night.
You: Very reasonable
You: and grounded
Stranger: Considering that I grew up low-income, it only makes sense that I skimp and save.
You: ah yeah, that helps gives perspective for sure
Stranger: All I can really say is not having food every day isn't fun.
You: Mhm did you grow up not being able to eat every day?
Stranger: Yes.
You: What was that like?
Stranger: Hell.
You: Yeah I can imagine
Stranger: The savior was USDA subsidized cheese.
You: are you us-based?
Stranger: I was. I relocated to South Korea in 2007.
You: mhm was the food insecurity in the SU or south korea?
Stranger: The US.
You: where were you specifically, if you don't mind me asking?
Stranger: Detroit until I was 8, Denver from 8-22.
You: mhm
Stranger: You couldn't pay me to move back to the US, in spite of the fact that my parents always insisted that it was better than Korea.
You: Mhm I'd love to hear anything that you're willing to share
Stranger: Well, what do you want to hear?
You: well, everything lol
You: but I guess we don't have time lol
Stranger: What parts do you want to hear?
You: I never personally experienced food insecurity
You: or the circumstances around that
You: and what your family did
You: and I guess why you moved
Stranger: Food insecurity is hell. My parents simply lived with it and ignored it.
You: as context, I'm guessing your family were immigrants?
Stranger: I moved for job security and so I wouldn't face discrimination in the US. Yes, they immigrated from Korea.
You: mhm
You: I'm not really that familiar with detroit and things, but I feel like the naive question I'm sure you get is what about food banks?
You: or other stuff
Stranger: Not a thing back in 1980s/90s Detroit outside of churches, which my parents stayed away from.
You: ahh I didn't know
You: so I'm guessing subsidized school lunches probably also weren't a thing?
Stranger: Those were, but my parents didn't apply for those until we moved to Denver.
You: sounds really rough
Stranger: They didn't apply mostly for fear of deportation
You: undocumented?
Stranger: They were documented, the documentation wasn't always fully valid.
You: ah..
You: student visa?
Stranger: Green cards.
You: mhm I guess it's just so different it's hard for me to imagine
Stranger: Needless to say, people who work on private railyards don't make much.
You: my goodness
Stranger: About 50 cents an hour back in the 80s and 90s.
You: yeah... I just can't imagine
You: how did your family end up moving to denver?
Stranger: My father's job at the railyard was replaced by a sensor and they were concerned that Detroit was becoming too unsafe.
You: mhm this was the big crime era too?
Stranger: Yes. And we lived in a housing project that was effectively where you went to buy drugs or die.
You: buy drugs or die?
Stranger: Lot of dealers, criminals, and bait apartments in there.
You: okay, was just slightly confused about the wording if they made you buy or something
Stranger: The people in the apartment next to us were dealers.
You: mhm
Stranger: The Detroit PD raided the wrong unit, not theirs.
You: .......
Stranger: And that's why I don't respect the Detroit PD.
You: yeah that's terrible
Stranger: We did get money from them after it was found that they broke the most expensive thing in the apartment.
You: it's just so hard for me to imagine what your parents went through
You: coming to the US
You: and all of this
Stranger: I can provide some more insight if you'd like.
You: anything you want to share is good
Stranger: They had this twisted perspective on American customs and holidays.
You: meaning?
Stranger: They didn't get any of them per-se "right."
You: huh
Stranger: Xmas? Get up at 5 AM and eat a pack of Twinkies. "We're going to work."
Stranger: New year's? Get up at 5 AM and eat nothing. "We're going to work"
Stranger: They also told me to not get good grades, because "Americans don't"
You: huh that's unexpected to me...
Stranger: I got all A+s on the report cards, and even skipped a lot of grades after moving to Denver.
You: mhm good for you!
Stranger: They also didn't want me to speak Korean outside of the house because "in America you speak only English."
You: I'm trying to imagine things through their eyes
Stranger: What are you effectively seeing?
You: uhh very poor, desperate, scared
Stranger: That about summed them up.
You: yeah.
Stranger: Even now, they refuse help from me.
You: mhm... that sounds kinda vaguely asian
You: are they still in the us?
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Still living in Denver, too.
You: what did they do in denver?
Stranger: My mother is a cashier at a Wal-Mart, and my father is a gun salesman, since he became a citizen in 2012.
You: mhm
Stranger: They did let me pay off their mortgage in 2011, though.
You: oh that's good
You: I can imagine your parents being very proud of you
You: are you an only child or with siblings?
Stranger: I'm an only child.
Stranger: I doubt they could ever afford a second.
You: right
Stranger: Hell, they were still paying down the bill from my birth until I was 10.
You: yeah asian-american poverty is just something I'm so removed from it's just I don't even know what to say
Stranger: That was back when Koreans were below Hispanics on the social ladder
You: right... I didn't realize detroit or denver had any kind of korean population
Stranger: Not really, they just ended up in those places because there were jobs.
You: mhm
You: so you went through school in denver, graduated, did college, and then moved to korea?
Stranger: I went through high school in Denver, graduated, college fast-tracked from age 14, medical school from 16-22. Then got the hell out of the US.
You: oh my goodness that's incredible
Stranger: I started high school at age 8 due to the district insisting on testing me.
You: yeah um I didn't even realize that kind of thing was possible
Stranger: It is, and its just not common
Stranger: I learned a lot from the books my parents had around the apartment.
You: yeah
Stranger: Since all that they had were my father's textbooks from college and a few legal help books.
Stranger: And operating manuals, and legal documentation.
You: mhm it just sounds like such a whirlwind of stuff to go through
You: anyhow what brings you to the politics tag?
Stranger: I like politics, always have.
You: on omegle? haha ^^
Stranger: I like most politics.
You: ^^ I guess I would have imagined that most ordinary ppl who like politics would be on reddit I guess or something
You: unless they have something strange going for them lol
Stranger: I have nothing going for me politics-wise.
You: hm, but other things?
You: sorry if I'm prying
Stranger: In the medical field, yes.
You: huh?
Stranger: I'm a general practitioner, and a tenured one at that, so I'm among the ~150 important people at the KCDC.
You: oh what I meant is that I'm just surprised someone like you would be on omegle that's all haha ^^
You: since we're pretty trashy here haha
Stranger: Nowhere near as trashy as other people I've encountered
You: mhm maybe
Stranger: Namely the Detroit police department SWAT team
You: >.<
You: so do you have a list of political issues you care about the most?
Stranger: Yeah, mostly not defunding the KCDC.
You: do you get a lot of koreans on omegle?
Stranger: No, I've never encountered another Korean.
You: oh okay
You: yeah I don't think I've ever run into anyone from east asia
You: many from india though
Stranger: In case you're wondering, the KCDC is basically Korea's healthcare provider, and disease/drug regulator.
You: yeah I googled it
You: I thought korea did very well with coronavirus testing
Stranger: We did.
You: why are they trying to defund you?
Stranger: Because they want to stop covering things that many Koreans rely on, such as vision coverage (I benefit from it), as well as coverage of OTC drugs in hospitals.
You: hmm how is there not popular backlash?
You: I thought there was a general political adage that it's easy to give benefits, but hard to repeal them
Stranger: They've kept it under wraps by putting funding changes in fine print.
You: funding charges as in...?
Stranger: Funneling the money into reserves.
You: oh okay, it might be a bit over my head ^^
Stranger: Basically, the KCDC is funded in USD, so we can buy equipment without exchange rate issues, and they view the USD as a finite recourse. Its not, since saving it depreciates the value for us long-term.
You: huuh I didn't know that at all
Stranger: Meanwhile, I have to fight with a government-paid vision provider to get my new glasses.
You: btw why did your parents dislike korea so much?
Stranger: Korea was different in the 70s and 80s. The leaders were totalitarians mostly installed by the US. The economy was garbage, and it was impossible to get a stable job outside of manufacturing or the armed forces.
You: ah okay, thanks for the summary
Stranger: They were middle class in Korea, too. And they left that all for the US.
You: yeah... I didn't realize the exchange rate was so steep back then too
Stranger: Most of the reason they were poor in the US was because of their limited English.
You: Ah okay
You: What kind of conversations do you normally get into here on omegle?
Stranger: Usually something that ends with "the US owns Korea."
You: what?
Stranger: The Republicans in the US have this twisted idea that America owns Korea.
You: huh
You: and you enjoy talking to people like that?
Stranger: No, but I like trying to talk sense into them.
You: ^^;; it sounds like quite an argument
Stranger: And its hilarious to me.
You: ah yeah, I guess people do like the amusement
Stranger: I have spat out coffee laughing at their stupidity.
You: I think people come from very different places ^^
Stranger: To some of them its a foreign concept that people can make more money in countries other than the US.
You: I think it depends in part on people's skill sets
Stranger: They also don't understand how foreign currency works, since, sometimes if they ask about my pay, I give it to them in KRW.
You: lol
Stranger: They think I'm lying because the number in KRW exceeds 350 billion
Stranger: KRW is counted in a strange manner.
You: hm? how so?
Stranger: 1,000 KRW= 1 USD (one cheap meal). 100 KRW= 10 cents (which is the same cost as a burger here), 10 KRW= 1 cent (half a bottle of cola).
Stranger: You have to know it to recognize it on site.
You: huh...
Stranger: We make western money but don't pay western prices.
You: I'm just slightly confused basically
Stranger: McDonald's is expensive here, with a meal being $8.
Stranger: McDonald's is expensive here, with a meal being $8.
Stranger: The only things that really cost western prices are, well... western things.
You: mhm right
You: I feel like cost-of-living in different places is always a little hard for me to grasp
Stranger: I find it amazing that Coke is considered the cheap beverage here and in the US
You: I have a suspicion that in many circumstances people are just buying the bottle
Stranger: Still, I have always viewed it as expensive.
You: I mean if you look at the price of a 2L bottle versus a small bottle?
Stranger: Yes, but, still, too pricey when I was young.
You: the drink itself must be inexpensive to manufacture
You: but the retail price is elevated substantially
Stranger: My parents always viewed it as "why spend a buck on a 2L when Faygo is 75 cents, we can barely afford it as is"
Stranger: Which ingrained it as being a luxury product in my mind
You: lol
You: idk it's cheaper than milk, juice... so many things
You: I feel like it must be bad for public health
Stranger: Faygo is and always has been cheaper
Stranger: Probably because of competition
You: oh we don't have them here
Stranger: Faygo is highly regionalized to Detroit.
You: not distributed in my area
Stranger: In fairness, it helps the cost when its bottled a few blocks from the grocer.
You: I guess that's true
You: but there are always discount soft drink brands too
You: although I was never pressed enough at cash to really look very hard at the difference between a dollar or like 90 cents...
Stranger: My parents had to look carefully at those prices
You: yeah
Stranger: What would be 45 minutes in the grocer for a person who can grab-and-go items would be 1-2 hours for us.
You: mhm
Stranger: Which is why I buy the same three things at the grocer, so I don't need to price compare
You: mhm I feel spoiled because I don't really do much coupon shopping
Stranger: For what its worth, they did get the one symbol of wealth that Korean-Americans viewed as a symbol of wealth at the time.
You: which was?
Stranger: Color television set.
You: oh
You: I think you are around a decade older than me so it's hard for me to compare and contrast
Stranger: I'm 35.
You: yup
Stranger: So, I have faint memories of the 1980s.
You: I was born int he 90's
Stranger: The 90s were a good time.
You: I have faint memories of the 90's lol ^^
Stranger: That was when we got a computer
You: sounds about right
Stranger: My uncle imported KDS systems to the US, so we got that for free.
You: huh
Stranger: KDS became Emachines, a company you might have heard of
You: nope!
Stranger: Your household probably didn't have to buy whatever the cheapest system at Wal-Mart was.
You: uhh I think our first computer was some form of macintosh
Stranger: Which are systems for the wealthy next to Korean imports.
You: yeah it's really interesting to look back at this stuff
Stranger: I sometimes wish I could go back in time, but then I realize that'd effectively be starting from scratch.
You: uh yeah, that doesn't sound very fun
Stranger: There's no real reason to look back on the past for me.
You: yeah I don't really look back this far normally either
You: do you still speak much english in everyday life btw?
Stranger: Yes, on a daily basis. To the point where I still sound American when I speak it.
You: Oh I didn't know that
Stranger: I have no issues with speaking either language, luckily.
You: mhm that really helps
You: how is your social life?
Stranger: Basically zero friends in Korea.
You: aww...
You: is there like a barrier?
You: being foreign or something?
Stranger: No, since I am not foreign in the eyes of either the Korean government nor the people.
You: ah, so you're just saying it's just you? ^^
Stranger: Yes.
You: introverted?
Stranger: Yes.
You: mhm I wish you the best!
Stranger: My parents weren't too hot on the idea of me ever having friends.
You: oh...
You: you're not around them anymroe!
You: seriously, are you doing okay?
Stranger: I'm doing fine.
You: okay ^^
You: I think it's different to be happy and introverted vs. unhappy and introverted, if you know what I mean
Stranger: Not to mention, after I moved to Denver, it became harder to make friends.
You: hm, why?
Stranger: I was 8 and in high school. Take a guess.
You: ah...
You: yeah that threw me for a loop
You: ordinarily I thought most school systems didn't allow their kids to skip too far for well... I guess social reasons?
You: idk if things changed or how things happen on way or another
Stranger: And being Korean in a majority hispanic school didn't help, either.
You: mhm
Stranger: Since that was basically right after the LA riots, which made Koreans and hispanics hate each other.
You: right...
Stranger: I did get bullied for that.
You: :c
Stranger: Metal lunch trays don't feel too good in the back of the head
You: that's terrible
Stranger: And neither does getting tied to a chair with an extension cord
You: I just can't imagine
You: people just...
Stranger: You'd think they'd show mercy on someone effectively half their age and size.
You: yeah
You: also for some reason I thought of denver as kind of like a progressive white place
You: but idk if that's just more recently
Stranger: That's modern Denver.
You: yeah
Stranger: Back then it was a rougher place.
You: mhm
You: I think you have so much in your past
You: it's a lot
Stranger: A lot of people do.
You: mhm
Stranger: Not everyone can have a pretty story filled with bubblegum and rainbows.
You: yeah...
You: it's just sad
You: or well, so many things that America turns a blind eye too
You: even now
You: a kind of semi-willful ignorance
You: in favor of narratives I guess
Stranger: It would've been nice if I didn't have to carry a revolver everywhere.
You: huh you were licensed to carry as a kid?
Stranger: From when I was 18.
You: mhm
Stranger: My parents made me get licensed out of pure fear.
You: mhm
You: idk if it's your generation, your family's socioeconomic status, location, or all of the above, but your story is just so much more raw and dramatic than those of other asian americans I've heard
Stranger: Probably a mix.
Stranger: My experiences are in-line with your average LA Korean in the early 90s.
You: right
You: I just didn't know the differences could be so stark through one or two generations
Stranger: Well, remember, a riot happened that moved the Koreans up the ladder.
You: yeah
You: or maybe there's a rift between asian americans who were hear longer versus the large influx that came in the 90s
Stranger: Probably that, since not a lot came in the 80s.
You: yeah
Stranger: I remember the first time I visited Korea, it was like a different planet.
You: mhm
You: (not that I have any idea lol XD)
Stranger: My uncle took me to Seoul in 1995, which was when I realized that Korea wasn't what my parents made it out to be (they made it out to effectively be a 3rd world country).
You: mhm
Stranger: I'd say it was that visit that made me want to leave the US
You: you went through a lot
Stranger: I do consider some of it to be a lot.
You: have you ever thought about writing it up?
You: idk assembling it into a narrative of some kind?
Stranger: I have, but I'm not comfortable with it being on paper beyond legal documents.
You: mhm okay yeah
Stranger: For example, in the file cabinet next to me I have every single even slightly legal document from when I was born until I was 30.
You: mhm... I should do a better job of getting my paperwork together
Stranger: Just opening it, there's three folders of medical papers.
You: hospital?
Stranger: No, at home. The folders even include every payment on every medical bill from back then.
You: ah I meant, you were hospitalized often?
Stranger: No. Mostly just payments from my birth, as well as vision.
You: mhm
Stranger: The vision papers are expansive.
You: right
Stranger: Considering that I've needed to wear glasses since I was 2.
You: what??
Stranger: Effectively, my vision is garbage, and has been ever since.
You: so it's getting really late for me, but I wanted to thank you for sharing everything that you did ^^
Stranger: Have a nice night.
You: thank you!
You: best of luck with everything and I hope you're able to make more friends!
Stranger has disconnected.
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ashleysouniqueblog · 6 years
A Guide on “How To” Habana
If you came across this blog post, you may already have found out that planning a trip to Cuba from America is not the easiest task. There is not much information online and the information that is online conflicts. This may be since some of the information is 4-5 years old and things there are in the development stages. I too had a hard time finding information and this is what made me determined to pass on real experiences and suggestions.
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 My trip to Havana, Cuba was a full 3 days, from Thursday to Sunday. I planned this trip for myself along with 12 others. So here are some key takeaways:
1.       Flights: In order to a book a flight to Cuba from America you have to fall into one of the 12 OFAC Categories. All airlines require you to choose one before being allowed to book the flight. Make sure that you choose correctly as you will be asked again when it’s time to check in and when you land in Cuba. Also, Visas must be purchased at check in or at the gate they can range anywhere from $20 to $100 depending on the airline and departure city.
·       Visiting family
·       Humanitarian projects or to provide support to the Cuban people
·       Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments and certain intergovernmental organizations
·       Journalistic activities
·       Professional research
·       Educational activities by persons at academic institutions
·       People to people travel
·       Religious activities
·       Public performance, clinics, workshops, athletic or other competitions and exhibitions
·       Authorization to provide travel services, carrier services and remittance forwarding services
·       Activities of private foundations, research or educational institutes
·       Exportation of certain Internet-based services
 2.       Housing: Booking an Airbnb instead of staying in a hotel falls under OFAC “Support for The Cuban People” also if you do choose to stay in a hotel make sure it is not on the U.S. Department of State Restricted List. Quality Airbnb’s tend to get booked quick so make sure you are giving yourself time to life the life you want to while in Cuba. Make sure you communicate with the house host as some houses have strict rules. For example, you may not be able to bring outside food or drinks into the home, no guests can come to the house, no parties, no loud music, men may not be able tot sleep in the same room, etc.
 Due to my group of people being over 10 people the options we had for Airbnb’s were off the back limited as we later found out that the city does not accommodate large groups very well. Furthermore, I found an Airbnb called “Blue Mansion Hostel My Way”. This home had none of the house rules as above and the host was more than accommodating while communicating with me before I booked. La Casa Blue Mansion Airbnb pictures does not do this house any justice. This house was beautiful and huge we had more than enough space!! Online it says that there were double beds in most rooms then 6 single beds split between 2 bedrooms. When we got there the single beds were Queen sized and the double beds were King sized. Everyone in my group had their own bed, and even some had their own room. Every bedroom had separate bathrooms and ample towels etc. There was 24/7 security, house cooks and waitstaff were on standby for whatever you may need, or request. This is a very clean family house and it has a very cultured feel. My group spent a lot of time in the many patio areas around the pool or in the bar club area that also had a pool table. We were very pleased.
 3.       Currency: Visa, Mastercard, American Express or any other debit/credit card is not accepted in Cuba so bring enough cash with you for your entire trip. US dollars is hit with an extra conversion penalty and lose value dramatically is you convert directly from USD to CUC. Therefore, we converted USD to EUR prior to our flights, then converted from EUR to CUC once we landed in Cuba.
 Cuba has 2 currencies: CUC and CUP. You should always get CUC as it is more widely accepted, and CUC has the higher value. For instance, CUC is 1 to 1 to USD/EUR/CAD (roughly), while CUP is 1 to 25 USD/EUR/CAD. CUC is what we seen prices in tourist areas listed, while businesses that displayed CUP were in neighborhoods. Of course, food was cheaper in neighborhoods.
 How much to bring? We were there for 3 days converted between $500-1,000 USD and once the trip was over we pretty much converted most of it back. It’s safe to bring more than what you’ll expect to spend just in case. Also, if you save your receipt from exchange centers in the airport, within 30 days they allow you to convert back without a fee at the same rate you purchased.
 4.       Airport Experience: When you first land in Cuba, you will be outside and will walk into the building. The customs agents and TSA are 90% women. Their uniforms are quite interesting as the military style miniskirts and black fishnet stockings fit very sexy. I was pleasantly surprised. Waiting on baggage claim was okay until my bag was literally the last one out on the belt and the moment I grabbed it, agents wanted me to step to a table on the side for an extra check. The bag that I checked was actually school supplies that I was planning to give to the kids at a school near our Airbnb. They were speaking Spanish and I only caught on to key words like “violation”. I was started to wonder why? There was nothing I brought that was against the law, just folders, composition notebooks, crayons, markers, and chalk. As they checked the pages on the notebooks they had all my friends who were waiting close the door come back to scan all of our bags through a metal detector. Shortly after, they let us go. Weird.
 5.       Airport Transportation: We booked airport transportation through our house because several of us took different flights and landed at different times. The house had someone waiting with a sign at every single one of our flights. Airport Taxis literally wait in the airport line all day to get someone who is going into the city, not from one terminal to the other. So, keep that in mind for your departure date because it will be hard to find a ride from one terminal to another.
 6.       Taxis: Taxis in the city are cheap. You’ll be fine but ask how much before you ride off with them so that you aren’t shocked by the rate. We allowed our house to organize taxis to and from the city and club. We were dropped off at different meeting points and gave him a time to pick us up. He was always on time.
 7.       WiFi: Most American cell phone plans do not work in Cuba. So as soon as you touch down you most likely will not be able to contact anyone. Hotels and Wifi parks sell WiFi cards $2 for an hour of online activity. Two guys in my group found a park and waited in a long line to get one.  The rest of us did not see any of the WiFi parks. Some people were able to make calls from there cell at $2.49 a minute, but they could not receive a call. We were there for 3 days so soon after we stopped worrying about being able to get on social media and focused on enjoying the time and people that were right in front of us. If you are anything like me, be prepared, plan ahead. Download Maps.Me and download the Havana, Cuba offline map. Also, take screen shots of restaurants, addresses, important information, flight information, etc. as it is very likely you will not have connectivity.
 8.       Giving back to the Cubano kids: I planned a school drive as a form of giving back to the Cuban kids. We all brought supplies we thought may be scarce or just needed to be replaced to give to them. With the help of our Airbnb host we were able to get the Principal of a local school (I will not name the school) to allow us into the school to give the kids supplies. They were happy children with big bright smiles in their uniforms. This warmed my heart.
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9.       Restaurants: Most dishes we found in Cuba of course were seafood. But you were able to find chicken, salads, and pizza as well. I won’t detail all of them but 2 in particular. There is the O’Reilly 304 Gin Bar and Restaurant. We were all completely amazed by the bartender and all of his concoctions of drinks. We also met the manager Julio we completely accommodated us and had a million stories to tell of U.S. celebrities who has stopped by his spot. One thing I must say is that we were wondering what was taking so long with our food and soon after Julio and another guy comes in with fresh veggies and a string line of fish just caught out the ocean! Not to mention the food was seasoned very well! Make sure you try the salsa for the plantains, you will not be disappointed. Another day we went to Del Mar beach but met at Rachon Don Pepe, a beach hut restaurant. There drinks were $2.50 each! If you find yourself in the area stop by and get the lobster tail and boiled shrimp with hot sauce! There is also a pinacoloda spot next door that will completely give you beach vibes.
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 10.   Beaches: The most popular beach that everyone says to go to is Veradero. This beach is 3 hours out of the city. Planning this trip, I did not want to have to commute 6 hours for anything, so I did some research on other beaches and found Del Mar. ‘Playa Estes Del Mar” was absolutely perfect!!! We all fell in love from the moment we walked up a sand hill and got to the top and saw the crystal-clear water and warm smooth sand. If I could I would go back just to have another day on that beach.
 11.   Cuban People: I’m not sure if I just didn’t know what to expect Cubans to look like but they look like us! The country is full of beautiful black and brown people! I absolutely loved the looks. Everyone we encountered either did not say anything to us or was very nice and talkative. I believe they are just as curious of us as we are with them. A lot of Cubans are artists, I was not expecting so much beautiful art! If you have the chance stop by the market and bring extra cash to buy some timeless pieces of art and paintings.
 12.   Night Life: Our first night in town we went to a place by the name of “Mio y Tuyo”, drinks and food was cheap, and they had a good DJ with the videos to the songs playing in the background. We found out later that is place is someone’s home. They made the first floor of their home into a club. Cool right? Our second night, we went to “Fabrica de Arte Cubano”. This place is about 7 clubs in one big building with patios. Each club played a different type of music but all of them made you want to stop and dance. All throughout the building was a display of art from local artists, which I absolutely loved. The bartenders make all the drinks hand crafted and none of the mixers come from machine. Everything was from fresh ingredients. The 3rd night we were going to go to “Fantasy” but we ended up throwing a party for ourselves in our Airbnb club (the house seriously has its own club).
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 13.   Tours: Book the Vinales Cigar rolling and Horseback riding tour, it’s an all-day tour but is worth it, so plan to have 1 full day of your trip there. If you are short on time as we were, there is a Cigar Factory and Rum tour in the city that is roughly 3 hours, and they are only open on weekdays. If you book an Airbnb, allow the house host to book the tours for you as they have direct contacts to these businesses. But I do recommend not to pre-book the old American car tours. Online prices were average $45 per person, while walking up to them and negotiating they quoted 60 CUC per car (split between 3-4 people in each car) for a city tour and to drop us off at a Restaurant in Del Mar (30-40min out the city).
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 14.   Time is not of the essence in Cuba as it is in America. They are not in a rush to do anything. If you set a time for your taxi to pick you up and you are not ready they will wait on you. You cannot pay to skip the line at the club (trust me we tried to offer $$$), you must wait in line. There is no quick bite to eat as all the food is made to order and the drinks are handcrafted with detail. So, find some patience.
  I hope my tips help you and yours enjoy your trip! Follow my group and our tags on IG: @AshleySoUnique @Wolf_of_Peachtree @DrCarlaMoore @Corrien3 @__Jayalessia @_miamor @_meaganh @Supreme.bliss @modernmillennia @teddy_atl @blkgrl_ashley @lala_kki @quinashai_chelette
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sweetdisabled · 6 years
Guide: Shopping on Taobao with Yoybuy
note: the pictures here will be uncaptioned. i’m sorry about this, but it’s going to get pretty visually heavy!
shopping on taobao is a pretty essential life skill for any lolita or lolita-to-be - and quite frankly it’s also just fun. what can i say, my forefathers stalked the savannah, working on bringing down that wildebeest, and in the same spirit, i stalk one yuan sales. they still sing tales around the campfire about how i got all of those fuzzy socks.
taobao is a marketplace of many different stores. think of it kind of like the ebay marketplace. it is located in china, and stores there largely ship only to other chinese addresses, so you need to use a buying service if you’re not in china yourself. for this guide, we’re going with yoybuy, because i’ve had good success with it and find it easiest to DIY.
first step is to open a browser to do your online shopping. i really like chrome for this because you can set it to automatically use google translate on a page. however, you’re going to want two tabs open before you even get to taobao...
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in one tab, google for ‘google translate english to chinese’. google will automatically pop up the english to chinese boxes. we want simplified chinese here (which is usually the default).
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also google ‘yuan to usd’ (or insert whatever your local currency is for usd). this will mean you can convert prices easily and readily, with that tab already at the ready.
one more tool and we’ll be ready to actually go to taobao!
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when you right-click a webpage in chrome, this is the menu that pops up. we want to pay attention to translate to english here.
most of the time chrome will automatically translate. however, it may need a little push here and then.
with all of these tools ready, we’re finally ready to actually open taobao.com in a new tab.
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this is... pretty overwhelming, right? google translate can automatically translate text, not anything in a picture, so it still ends up half-translated. phew. get your bearings a moment, though, and soldier on!
tonight i’ve decided that i could really use some cute hankies to go with a strawberry-themed outfit i’m planning. so, tab over to our english to simplified chinese...
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now copy those chinese characters into the search bar on taobao...
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it will give you some further suggestions - but let’s keep it pretty general for now. hit ‘submit’, and let’s see what we have.
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looks like we’ve lucked out - there are tons of choices!
to get you acquainted with this page, the column on the right is where recommended advertised items show up. these can largely be disregarded. the main block of items will be underneath all of these options at the top.
as you can see we have a lot of different choices we could look into, if we wanted to narrow it down. however, this grey bar is where we have the important stuff.
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we can hit the price button to sort things. scroll over it, and we’ll get more options.
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since all i got is like three fiddy and some pocket lint - plus i’d rather have a cheaper cotton hankie that i won’t feel guilty about perhaps blowing my nose on - i usually sort price from low to high, so cheapest items are first.
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that’s more like it! (7 yuan right now is about a dollar.) now we can browse for what catches our eye. you’ll also see, next to the price, how many people have bought it. under that is the translated name of the product, then the name of the storefront.
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i like the looks of this one - properly frilly and fancy! right-click and open it in a new tab so we can keep organized. (that way there’s no getting frustrated if it’s a ‘bust’.)
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now we’re on the product’s page in the seller’s store. we can look quickly off to the side for some information about the seller.
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this guy’s apparently been selling on taobao for 6 years. the shop is rated out of 5 points in three areas - how accurate the description of their products is, how good their service is, and logistics (which probably covers things like how quickly they ship the products and how well they wrap them up, etc). this guy’s got a 4.8 rating that is rising.
that means we can probably buy from him with some confidence. if you see a store that hasn’t been open for very long, that would be a red flag. same if you have a store with low ratings, or absolutely perfect ratings. if it’s 5.0 across the board, it’s a little too good to be true sometimes! one red flag may not be worth it to stop you in your tracks, but be on the lookout for them, just like you would with any online seller.
and don’t worry about see all baby. google translate likes to think all items on taobao are babies... (it’s a mystery to all of us.)
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wading past the translation, it looks like this shop sells a lot of linen goods, especially for the european market.
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a really cute tea party vibe, right? :D
this is where we could browse this store more - it’s very cute, after all - but i’d like to maybe make the coordinate a little more specific and cohesive. let’s see if we have any better luck with a more specific search!
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when you get more specific with your searches, it means there’s often a lot less items - for example, there’s only one page of search results instead of 15+. but i think we’ve found something that’s perfect!
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cute, right? looking at it closer, though, it’s not embroidered, and it’s more of a terrycloth or towel texture. those are two things i’m not really sure about - this is why we open our finds in a new tab.
it does give me a chance to talk about this one thing, though -
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sometimes the final price of an item will be hidden unless you’re a ‘VIP’. you can login and make a taobao account if you like - it requires a cell phone with texting, but international cell phones are okay. however, i usually just shrug and go “well, we know it’s somewhere under 9 yuan”.
whatever taobao agent you use will usually be able to get the VIP price for you.
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another trick is that if you find an item that you go ‘oh, that’s close, but not quite....’ about, hover over its picture in the search results. you will then get two choices - find the same or find similar. the first option finds the exact same thing, but at other retailers. find similar, well, finds things that are variations on that same thing.
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this hankie looks perfect! so... let’s actually buy it!
since taobao sellers largely only ship to people in china, and i’m in america, i can’t just hit that buy now button. this means i need to use an agent - and there are a lot of different choices out there.
i’ve used two so far, largely for ordering BJD stuff and home goods (and some accessories) (largely necklaces... what can i say... i read the words one yuan sale and my eyes light up). taobaospree is a professional outfit that you contact via email. they definitely give you the ‘white glove treatment’. their prices are very fair, and their staff very helpful. if you’re making really big important purchases, or purchases you’re worried about, i’d recommend them.
however, yoybuy is also really good for if you want to park the car yourself and walk instead of handing the keys to the valet, so to speak. i’ve also had really good experiences with them.
for taobaospree, they ask that you just email them a list of what you want with some details - they have a template you can use on their website. but since we’re just buying hankies, let’s use yoybuy.
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first things first, we’ll need to sign in. yoybuy offers deals every so often like ten dollars of credit if you register with them, so it’s worth looking out for if you’re about to place an order. (every little bit helps, right?)
once you’ve signed in/signed up, take the url from the item you want...
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and copy it into the search box at the top of yoybuy’s website, then click buy now.
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yoybuy’s website will then load up all of the item’s information, like this.
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now we can just shop as normal! it give you the converted rates of how much each item is, plus the domestic shipping, or how much the shipping will be from the seller to yoybuy. (yoybuy will help calculate the shipping from yoybuy to you later.)
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so i’d like 6 total, and i can select the options. just to make things clear, i’ve also said as much in the ‘comments’ box. if something is a little unclear, you can add your comments there to make sure they get the right option.
as you can see this is totally meant for a much wider screen than mine, but it gives you an updating total of what is in your shopping cart.
on the black bar you also have some options like being able to ask for a live chat with someone if you get very confused.
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when you’re ready, click ‘buy’. you’ll have a chance to do an overview of all your items before clicking the ‘pay’ button.
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as you can see, there’s a couple of options here.
you can pay via a regular visa or mastercard, paypal, or use some other services i’m not familiar with. you can also send money via money transfer (like western union) and have it waiting there in your account.
there’s a service charge which is usually around 4% here. yoybuy themselves charge a fee of 10% for acting as your agent. they don’t ask for all of this up front. you pay in two parts - one is the items and domestic shipping that’s been calculated. they then bundle up all your items and figure out the best way to ship them to you, and you pay the 10% fee to them then.
if you’re initially doing a large order, your bank may balk a bit - so be prepared. for me, it took a text message of them going “uh hey, was this you? because random chinese company charging your credit card 200 dollars looks real sketchy.” and me going “lol it’s ok guys”.
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however, in this case, handkerchiefs get!
you will now get an overview page of your order. 
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each item will have its own line, and you can track how things are going.
the agent will purchase the item for you, then await shipment of it. you can click the chat bubble at any time to chat with the agent to ask them about the state of the item. this is where they’ll also inform you if something is out of stock or if there are any difficulties. you can also ask for them to take a picture to show you, if you want to make sure something is ok before they send it on to you.
as your items come in, you can click the checkbox and get an estimated parcel weight. that will help you figure out how much the shipping from yoybuy to you will be - and they even estimate how much they’ll have to spend on shipping materials.
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once your items all arrive at yoybuy and they ship them on over to you, you can look at the options on the left to find a record of all your packages.
redacted information ahoy, folks, but let’s take a look-see at the package i already got from them -
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the parcel number is what you click to open up an information page, showing all the items that are in the box they sent. the tracking number will be what you can check to track your package. they offer a variety of different carriers to use, and iirc, all of them come with tracking numbers. (you get yoybuy’s cut rate on shipping through all carriers, though!) if there are any problems, they’ll show up in the status - along with things like if it’s in an immigrations check.
if there are any problems, you can then report it to yoybuy and they’ll help you out - however, i’ve not had any problems with them. all my items came safe and sound!
so there you have it, a short guide - ah, well, at this point, just a guide - on how to, step-by-step, order stuff off taobao via yoybuy.
good luck in your own shopping, and happy hunting! 💖
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Submission - Which family should i choose to Au Pair for?
So for a while now I’ve really wanted to try Au Pairing. I’m a 20 year old American woman. I really like travelling and adore children ( I’ve been around them my whole life) and think this would be a wonderful opportunity. but I’m having the hardest time deciding. I went through a very recommended au Pair site and talked with 4 amazing families and now I really cannot choose, they all seem amazing. I had one family from Madrid contact me, I facetimed the mom and she seemed very nice! She has 2 boys around 7 and 11 and this will be her 2nd au pair from America. She had her au pair text me and the girl said she liked the experience a lot ( it was her first time as well). I like madrid because I feel like I will be able to meet friends and other au pairs because it is a large, well connected city. Another reason I like it is because I’ve always wanted to become fluent in Spanish and I would be able to take classes ( I would have to pay for them) and the family offered to help me learn the language. The pay is around $316 ( in USD) a month and a room and bathroom. Her schedule doesn’t seem demanding, it fits well for me. The only thing that threw me off was that the mom didn’t really ask much about me, when we chatted it was mostly just her talking the entire time and she sort of brushed off my questions ( not intentionally or in a mean way). Now on to my second family, its a Spanish family that lives in Geneva Switzerland. I facetimed them they are a young couple I’d say maybe mid thirties. They have a 2 year old boy and a 4 year old girl (such cuties). I would be their first ever au pair ( they want to teach their kids English) they seemed really nice and offered to pay for my language course and $600 a month on top of that (mind you, I don’t have a lot of money saved up to begin with), the only thing that worries me is finding friends for when im not with the family, and the kids are so little im afraid that it might be more demanding? (but idk sometimes older kids are harder, I think it just depends really). So I really liked them and the fact that I wouldn’t really have to worry about if im gonna have enough money, plus they might take me to spain with them in the summer (if I want to they said) so that would be fun! My third family is a single mom in Napoli Italy. She has a 14 year old girl and a 12 year old boy. When I facetimed her she was VERY welcoming, and we hit it off right away. She seemed like a very fun person like me. She said that her kids were pretty self sufficient but she wants to teach her kids about other cultures and my language (shes never had an American au pair before), she said they go on ski trips and swimming in the summer (I love skiing and swimming) and she makes the best Italian food! ( her other au pairs RAVED about their time with her) she said she would pay me the average $316 a month and obviously cook me food and pay for me when they go out. The only thing is her apartment is a little small and I really do like my privacy sometimes and the quiet so that is the only problem, and that naples is a little dangerous from what I looked up (im not sure if i would find other au pair s in the area) but I think Italy is beautiful and I cant even begin to explain how much I love Italian food!!) and her schedule was nice it was mostly afternoons and 3 days off (I hate getting up early) . Last but not least, the family from Verona Italy. This family has 2 kids, a nine year old girl and a 12 year old boy. The house is GORGEOUS and I would have a nice private room and bathroom and plus, its Verona!! ( Romeo and Juliet + beautiful city). She seemed very nice on facetime and really seemed like she wanted to get to know me and was genuine. The schedule was a little iffy to me because she said I would have to get up at 7 am or earlier and I really don’t enjoy waking up that early but the school is right across from her house. She was the only person I FaceTimed without actually meeting any other part of the family, like I did on the other families facetimes (I met the other ones kids over the phone), so I really don’t know what they are like plus she said she would only pay me $280 a month which im pretty sure is below the standard? and plus for both the Italy families I think I would have to take an Italian course for my visa (I’d have to pay for the course) , but I have no interest learning Italian. So if anyone could put their 2 cents in that would really help!! and please don’t suggest an agency I tried that but I really like looking myself, its between these four families!
How exciting! Au Pairing sounds like a great experience. Please understand that we can’t make this decision for you. However, my advice is to establish what is most important to you. Is it location, family, benefits, money, etc? Make a pro and con list for each one (which is a little bit of what you did in this ask!) and identify your most important pros and most important cons. Do a ton of research on the location. Try to get in contact with other au pairs and residents of those cities. Actually, my biggest advice would be to talk to other au pairs. How much can you do with 280$ versus 600$? Is that important to you? Think about your past experiences with children - what you were able to handle and what was too much. I should say that if you’ve never worked with very young children, you will want to stray away from spending a year with them.
To me, it seems like you are very fond of the first family. It also helps that you got a positive review! 
Anybody other au pairs with advice?
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tamboradventure · 5 years
Travel is a Privilege
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Updated: 1/16/2020 | January 16th, 2020
Let’s face it: not everyone is going to able to travel. Whether it’s money, family obligations, or circumstance, travel is out of reach for a large percentage of the world’s population.
In the “quit your job to travel the world” cheerleading that happens so often on travel websites (including this one), we often forget that it’s not so easy for everyone.
Years on the road have shown me that, for many of us, our inability to travel is part a mindset issue (since we believe travel is expensive, we don’t look for ways to make it cheaper) and part a spending issue (we spend money on things we don’t need).
Those that go shopping often, have decent jobs, spend a lot on avocado toast, or whatever it is they spend money on are more often than not prioritizing travel.
Additionally, our culture says travel is expensive and, without a frame of reference to know that is wrong, people just assume it’s right.
But there are those for whom no mindset change, spending cuts, or budget tips will help them travel — those who are too sick, have parents or children to care for, face great debt, or work three jobs just to pay their rent.
After all, 2.8 billion people — nearly 40% of the world’s population — survive on less than $2 USD a day! In my home country of the United States, 14% of the population is below the poverty line, 46 million people are on food stamps, many have to work two jobs to get by, and we have a trillion dollars in student debt dragging people down.
No tips found any website will magically make travel a reality for those people.
Those of us who do travel are a privileged few.
Whether we quit our jobs to travel the world, spend two months in Europe, or take our kids on a short vacation to Disney World, we get to experience something most people of the world will never get a chance to do.
We overlook that too much. We overlook lucky we are. As I’ve started building FLYTE — a foundation to help high schools take economically disadvantaged students on educational trips overseas, I’ve thought a lot about privilege.
I grew up in a predominately white, middle-class town with parents who paid my college tuition. I had a job after college that allowed me to live on my own, take vacations, and still save for my first trip around the world. And, because I speak English, I easily found work teaching English in Thailand, where I could save to extend my travels.
That’s not to say that hard work doesn’t count. But hard work doesn’t exist in a bubble and the circumstances that create the opportunities for hard work to bear fruit are often more important.
I’ve met people of all ages, incomes, abilities, and nationalities on the road. Folks like Don and Alison, who are backpacking the world at 70; Michael, who worked 60-hour weeks at a minimum-wage job; Cory, who travels the world in a wheelchair; Ishwinder, who didn’t let visa restrictions stop him; and countless others.
But even they had circumstances that allowed them to travel — support from family and friends, jobs that allowed for overtime, or other skills. They weren’t barely getting by or on social assistance. They didn’t wonder if they could afford their next meal.
I worked hard to where I am. I’m sure you’ve worked hard too. One’s work isn’t less because of opportunity. But I think it’s important to remember that the circumstances around you make your work easier to bear fruit than others. It’s easier to succeed when you don’t have to worry about housing or your next meal. It’s easier to succeed if you’re educated or can get a full night’s sleep in a safe community.
We are some of the lucky ones.
We get to do something that others will never be able to do.
We are privileged.
Even if you’ve hitchhiked around the world with no money, worked overseas, cut costs to travel around the world on $10 USD a day, or travel-hacked your way to a first-class ticket, you have the opportunity to do something most people go to sleep only dreaming about. You have the freedom and choice to move about the world in a way most people don’t.
That’s a form of privilege.
As we go into this new year, I think it’s important that we never forget or be ungrateful for the opportunity. Let’s not take it for granted. Let’s be humble. Let’s give back. Let’s be more respectful.
And let’s not squander the opportunity.
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!
The post Travel is a Privilege appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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thewanderingkru · 7 years
Burma, the old name of Myanmar is a country in South East Asia. It is known for its beautiful and enchanting pagodas, natural wonders, and of course, its rich and unique culture.
Last July of this year, I spent my long weekend in Burma for less than 300 US DOLLARS (approximately 10,000 Thai Baht/ 15,000 Philippines Peso). For a country that is not very familiar to everyone, or perhaps, still, an undiscovered touristy place, this is definitely a must place to visit.
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(Flying with Myanmar Airways International featuring my first Burmese meal. Yay!)
In this blog, I will share my thoughts, insights, as to how, I spent my five day itinerary in Burma for less than 300 USD!
DAY 1 (Bangkok to Yangon)
It takes about an hour from Suvarnabhumi Airport (Bangkok) to Yangon International Airport. I arrived at Yangon (a city in Myanmar) at around 8PM, although it took me an hour to really got outside the airport. From the airport, it took about 20-30 minutes to the city center (although it depends on the traffic), lucky as I am, I have a best friend who happens to work in Yangon. Got a free taxi ride! Yay!
As for visa fees: As a Philippine Passport holder, I got a 14-day visa free since Philippines and Myanmar (Burma) are both members of ASEAN. So, when you arrive at the immigration, just show your passport, and of course, your boarding passes.
As for the taxi fares:
(City Center to the airport and vice versa fare: 5,000 - 10,000 kyats/ 100 Thai Baht - 250 Thai Baht/ 3 - 5 USD) However, it depends on how you haggle. The lower the price, the better! As for this trip, although I’ve only traveled in South East Asia so far, this is, perhaps, the cheapest taxi fares I’ve had.
Since it is a bit late then, although, I’ve had a hotel booked, I’ve decided to couch surf at my best friend’s place (Well, my best friend of course, offered to stay at his place for a night), because of course, it would be much better and lesser the expense.
As soon as we arrived at my friend’s place, changed clothes, and ready ourselves for late dinner and of course, in hope of finding a good bar, or club, to make the most of the night on my first day in Burma. Fast forward, we had our dinner and of course, party!
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(First decent meal/dinner after an exhausting trip. You can get this at dinner meal for two approx 8,000 Kyats/200 Thai Baht/5 USD for two at 365 Cafe Yangon International Hotel)
Yes, for about 5 USD, you can get a huge burger meal at that price with a Mango smoothie (seasoned)!
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(Cheers to the good life with a picturesque view of the Shwedagon Pagoda and a local Myanmar draft beer at a Sky Bar Yangon International Hotel) 
And of course, while the night is still young, although, it’s almost midnight, perhaps, time for Cinderella to go home, well, not for us. We went to a sky bar (free entrance) located near Yangon International Hotel. No need for taxi as you just have to walk. Beer costs: 2,000 Kyats/2 USD
Thus, ending the first day in Burma at the MUSE Club, still, near the Yangon International Hotel.
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(Clubbing with my best friend, and of course, with the locals at MUSE CLUB)
MUSE CLUB Entrance Fee: 6,000 Kyats/150 Thai Baht/4 USD
From last night’s jaunts, we’ve started the day at around 10 in the morning, went to a really good brunch place in downtown Yangon and had our brunch.
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(Yep, that’s full pack meal for the whole day Pagoda trip in Yangon)
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(Cozy ambiance for brunch at the Brunch Society, downtown Yangon, nearby Sule Pagoda)
Brunch cost: 5,000 Kyats/4 USD each. Not bad for a full pack meal!
After our full-packed brunch, we went to our first stop: Sule Pagoda!
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(Favorite view at the The Sule Pagoda over the foot bridge at Downtown Yangon)
Entrance Fee: FREE! 
Although it’s a really beautiful Pagoda, and it was my first sight-seeing of one of the beautiful Pagodas in Burma, we didn’t enter, as there was of some sort of a Buddhist ceremony. Also, during that time, it was a Buddhist holiday in Myanmar.
As we continue our walk around Sule Pagoda, we came across at some local markets along the way.
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(Colorful sights at a local market in downtown Yangon)
This local market is actually located near Maha Bandula Park in downtown Yangon.
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(Selfies shouldn’t be missed, of course!)
Entrance Fee: FREE!
After spending some time around Maha Bandula Park and Sule Pagoda, we went to one of the most visited Pagoda, the Shwedagon Pagoda.
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Going to Shwedagon Pagoda wasn’t really that far from Sule Pagoda, however, due to the weather, as it was really hot then, we had to take a taxi.
TAXIS AROUND DOWNTOWN YANGON: 2,000 Kyats - 5,000 Kyats/1USD - 3 USD (Note: And again, since, the taxis in Yangon doesn’t have a meter, so, all you gotta do, is to haggle. Make use of that haggling skills!) I got mine for FREE since my best friend paid the taxi. THANK YOU, BEST FRIEND!
ENTRANCE FREE: 8,000 Kyats/4 USD
Of course, perhaps, just like everyone else in this world, when entering a religious or a holy place, there should be a dress code for everyone. So, no shorts or slippers or shoes when entering the Pagoda.
I bought myself a longyi (this is a local sheet of cloth widely worn in Burma), in entering the Pagoda. Although you can rent a longyi for 3,000 Kyats at the entrance of the Pagoda, however, I bought mine, for souvenir. :)
Longyi: 5,000 Kyats/3 USD 
It was my first time then, to see a crowd, it’s like a concert or convention, or more like a pilgrimage, as it was more like a feeling of the whole Burma is at the Shwedagon Pagoda, then I was reminded that, it was a Buddhist holiday. 
After a few walks around the Pagoda. Yes, it’s huge! We went to another local tourist spot, the Kandawgyi Lake. Just a few minutes walk from Shwedagon Pagoda.
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After visiting the Pagodas, bucket list checked! We had our time to chill at the moment in the lake. It was a bit exhausting as the weather was really hot then, so don’t forget to bring bottled water while on a day trip.
Kandawgyi Lake Fee: FREE!
After we had our moments at the lake to chill, we went back to my best friend’s place as I had to prepare for a night bus trip to Mandalay and Bagan. It’s another cities in Burma known for its ancient and historical Pagodas.
Around 7 in the evening, I arrive at the bus terminal. I booked my overnight bus trip online at JJ EXPRESS, you can look for them in their facebook page. All you gotta do is just private message them.
Taxi ride from my friend’s place to the bus terminal: 10,000 kyats/245 Thai Baht/7 USD
If you’re wondering that, if it’s a little bit pricey, because, downtown Yangon to the Bus Terminal takes around an hour or two drive, depending on the traffic. Thus, it was typically the price going to the terminal. Also, I got myself an air conditioned taxi. And by the way, normally, the taxis in Yangon doesn’t always have an AC, so might as well, bring a fan, and of course, water!
As for the bus trip, I got free food and drinks. Well, it’s more just like riding in an airplane. Plus, a comforter!
Overnight sleeper bus trip fee: 19 USD
DAY 3 (Bagan)
At around 5 in the morning, I arrived from Yangon to Bagan. So, there’s new and old Bagan. I stayed in new Bagan, where the chill and perhaps, hippie, as they say, areas in Bagan.
As soon as I arrive in Bagan, all foreigners should pay for the national park fee. Then, you get the rest of the Pagodas/Stupas for free (Although, not exactly since I paid 20 USD, lol!). So, always keep your national  park ticket when entering Pagodas/Stupas in Bagan, as they sometimes, ask you for it. Or, you might pay another 20 USD for it.
Bagan National Park Fee: 25,000 Kyats/20 USD
I paid in Kyats (Burma currency) since, the conversion then, was like, 25,000 Kyats = 18 USD. Saved 2 USD. Yay!
Haggling skills doesn’t always work when there’s a fixed price, though. As for the taxi from the Bagan bus terminal to my hotel costs 15,000 kyats. Expect that this is the normal price. Bus terminal to the hotels normally around 20-30minutes ride. Taxi fare: 10 USD
When I arrived at my hotel, it was almost 5:30 then, and I had to hurry as I need to catch up the sunrise in the Bagan temples. I rented an e-bike for 8,000 Kyats. Lucky me, as my best friend told me that renting e-bikes normally costs 10k - 11k kyats. Well, another perks, perhaps, since it’s a hotel e-bike.
It was also a moment of rush, as I myself, still in sleepy mode, asked the receptionist for the maps about the best spots of pagodas to catch sunrise, although, I have no idea at the moment since it was my first time in Bagan, dared to drive the e-bike with using only the map. And finally, found a good spot, for myself, to watch the sunrise in Bagan.
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(Breathtaking moment while watching the sunrise in Bagan)
I know, this photo doesn’t give justice as to what my eyes saw at that very moment. Bagan is really beautiful as it is. As I barely remembered, it was only in my dreams to visit this country, and specifically, this place. Well, as they say, if you want to make your dreams come through, you have to work hard for it. Make it to a point that you do it. Privilege as it seems, but this travel session, took me months to save and make the most of this trip. At those moments, too, was, while watching the sunrise at the pagoda, perhaps, one of the best highlights of my 2017. 
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(Of course, selfie, in my most, unusual and sleepless self. I had to wear my long sleeve then, since I forgot to bring a coat during this trip. Well, after all, smile!)
After sunrise watching, at around 7, I had to go back to the hotel and check-in. Thus, I had to get more sleep, since I didn’t really sleep well while at the bus, perhaps because of excitement of the wonders of the unknown. Hours later, around 10, I had my time for breakfast and took a dip in the hotel pool.
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Supposedly, check-ins are usually at 2PM, however, I called the hotel the night before I arrive for an early check-in at around 5AM since I will be arriving very early. Due to circumstances, they are fully booked. But as soon as I arrived there, they got me checked in at 7AM. Lucky me, again! 
Buffet breakfast for 5,000 Kyats/3 USD. Yep, that’s eat-all-you can! Since arriving earlier, I will have my free breakfast the day after my check-in. Still, for only 3 USD, why not!
By the way, as for my hotel, I booked at booking.com and  checked in at the Floral Breeze Hotel, New Bagan. from 79 USD to 29 USD/Per night (Since it was low-season, as they say). Fast and easy transaction! Plus, very welcoming receptionist! They will help you with your itinerary trip while in Bagan.
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(Morning dip at the pool after a heavy breakfast)
After some swimming time, I prepared myself for a whole day trip in the Old Bagan, Mandalay. With only maps and google maps with me, I traveled for about 20 - 30 minutes to get there. Visited the Stupas and some Pagodas. I didn’t really have an exact itinerary for the day because all I ever want was just to let things flow and make the moments do its worth.
Stupas and Pagodas fee: FREE! (Well, since I already paid when entering the national park)
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(Afternoon journey to Old Bagan, Mandalay with my e-bike, locals, and my shadow)
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(Shwezigon Pagoda at Old Bagan, Mandalay under the heat of the sun… Just imagine how hot it is while walking bare foot)
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(Don’t mind my sweaty face while at the market as it was really and literally hot then)
After some time at the Pagodas, outside of it, was a local market, bought something for souvenirs and more longyis!
Souvenir shopping cost: 30K kyats/22 USD
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(Stop-over for lite brunch at Sharky’s in Old Bagan, although it looks lite, but the chicken sandwich was huge!)
Lunch: 7,000 kyats/5 USD
After lunch, pagoda visits, and souvenir shopping, I went back to the hotel to take a rest, refresh myself and wait for the sunset. At around 5pm, I went back again outside, in hope of sunset viewing and of course, taking a photo of it. However, the sun got shy. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take pictures of it. Well, regardless of it, I got myself my own Pagoda to watch the views for myself.
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(It’s just me, the pagoda, my backpack, and of course, my longyi)
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(Afternoon solitude moment in Bagan, Burma)
Traveling alone can sometimes be lonely, or, perhaps, most of the time, but I think, it’s all about in the state of mind. On a personal perspective, I think, traveling alone can be fun, too, of course, because you get to discover your inner potentials especially in being responsible, vigilant, and most importantly, you discover more of yourself that you thought you couldn’t do it.
As twilight came, I went out to a local restaurant for dinner. After dinner, went back to the hotel and sleep.
Dinner cost: 5,000 Kyats/3 USD
My fourth day in Burma was perhaps a bittersweet moment, as I have don’t want to leave yet, but reality hits, as I have to go back to Yangon the day before my flight.
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(Morning dip before hitting reality)
I spent my morning just dipping at the pool and a full-pack breakfast in preparation for a 9-hour trip from Bagan to Yangon. It was drizzling and raining on midday til afternoon then. So, most of the time, I just spent my whole day sleeping at the bus and a bit feeling sick, because perhaps, I didn’t get to have lunch and just sleep the whole day. From 9 hour trip turns to 12 hour trip due to rain and traffic.
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(”Are we there yet?” feeling… Nope, just traffic)
As soon as I arrive at downtown Yangon, I met up with my best friend again for dinner and some late shopping at junction city mall. Living in Thailand for a quite some time, there was no sign of any Philippine brand, as expected, of course. And of all places,  I couldn’t believe that, I could find a Philippine brand shops in Yangon (Bench and Penshoppe), and without further notice, I bought stuff for my self. Perhaps, a proud moment, and of course, exciting moment for me. After all, we’ll never know what’s in store in the future.
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(Wandering dolls for sale in Bagan)
Bus trip from Bagan to Yangon cost: 13,000 Kyats/9 USD
(It’s a bit cheaper since it’s not a VIP Sleeper Bus, thus VIP BUS travels only on a night trip)
Yangon bus terminal to downtown Yangon taxi cost: 10,000 kyats/7 USD
Dinner at Junction City: 5,000 Kyats/3 USD
Shopping: 10,000 Kyats/7 USD
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(Not in my best smile at the time, I wonder, too. But my best friend is happy to shop with Bench at Junction City, Yangon)
DAY 5 (Flying back from Yangon to Bangkok)
Not as exciting as it seems, as the morning started with a drizzle and turned to heavy rain, I didn’t explore much of the city, but instead, I went for a local cafe hopping (the usual, every time I visit a place).
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(Drizzling Yangon on my last day at Burma)
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(Rewarding myself with local Burmese-style fried rice for breakfast… it may look the same as any other fried rice meal, but the taste really makes it unique and worth the penny)
I had my breakfast at a fancy local restaurant/cafe (Cafe 26) which somehow a bit pricey, although still, affordable. But the ambiance and the food was really delicious! At lunch time, my best friend, toured me to a local cafeteria, where they serve the one of the best Shan noodles (popular local dish in Burma).
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(Shan Noodles with Fried Tofu)
Ultimately, as they say, never leave a place without trying their popular local dish. And so, before I leave this beautiful country, I got what I deserve! SHAN NOODLES for lunch. Yay! After lunch, I went to my to Yangon Airport and go back to reality.
Breakfast: 8,000 Kyats/6 USD 
Lunch: 4,000 Kyats/3 USD (However, I got it for free since my best friend treat me)
Taxi from downtown Yangon to Yangon International Airport: 8,000 Kyats/6 USD
Airfare cost (Bangkok to Yangon) back and forth: 100 USD (Got it on sale with Myanmar Airways International)
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(Waiting for my flight with my backpack, passport, and of course, my self at Yangon International Airport)
To wrap up everything about this journey, things change, plans change, people change, as it is inevitable, but one thing is for sure, if you want something to happen, it may be your dream, or your goals in life, work for it. Do it! Break barriers and of course, always be vigilant. But above all, love yourself first. Because, with loving yourself, you will understand your own worth, and what you are capable of.
Special mention to my best friend Max for taking care of me when I was in Yangon. Thank you very much!
Updated: 8/23
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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In 2008 I moved to Cambodia for work with a few basic belongings and even less of an idea about the country itself. Since then, I’ve visited again many times for both business and adventures, and have made a real effort to explore more than just the usual tourist attractions.
Sure, I’ve seen the famous temples including the incredible Angkor Wat, but if you’re considering a visit to Cambodia, there’s much more to see and do than just visit the temples.
While Cambodia is so well known for their temples, there is so much else to see and do. 
Phnom Penh
The capital of Cambodia is most famous, or perhaps a better word might be ‘infamous’, for the terrible things that happened there during the time of the Khmer Rouge when an estimated two million, of their less than ten million population at the time, died or were killed as a direct result of that conflict.
I loathe to call it an ‘attraction’ but Choeng Ek Genocidal Centre, or ‘The Killing Fields’ as it’s generally referred to, is certainly a place a lot of people visit. Have I been there? Yes. Did I want to throw up because it was so disturbing? Also yes. Should you go? I really don’t know. If you do, listen to as much of the audio tour as you can stomach, as it’s a good way to get a feel for what the Cambodian people went through then, and are still recovering from now.
If you think you can handle it, a visit to the ‘S21’ Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum is also educational, but equally, gut churning. This is the old, converted school that was used as a prison and interrogation (i.e., torture) centre. Personally, I found this place even more disturbing than the killing fields so I can’t say I’d necessarily recommend it as such.
The people of Cambodia have been through a lot, so if you are going to visit these places, please be respectful. 
Outside of those places, things worth considering are:
Central Market
The market itself is pretty typical of South East Asian markets with everything from food to clothes to electronics to trinkets. But, the Art Deco building itself is pretty cool.
Wat Phnom
The historically significant temple in the centre of Phnom Penh.
The Wat Phnom temple was built in 1372 and is definitely worth a visit. 
Wat Ounalom and Langka
There are plenty of other Wats worth checking out including Wat Ounalom, the centre of Cambodian Buddhism and the home to one of Buddha’s eyebrow hairs; and Wat Langka, the oldest pagoda in Phnom Penh where you can even take a free meditation class.
Koh Dach
Grasshopper Tours do a nice morning cycling tour over to ‘Silk Island’ – Koh Dach – where you can see silk being spun. And if you’re not feeling energetic, you can also do it in a Tuk Tuk.
If you want to see some of Cambodia by bike, you can book a cycle tour. 
Oudong and Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre
Two other day trips worth considering are a trip to Oudong, the old capital, to explore its history and temples, and Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre which is not a zoo.
This is a centre that actually rehabilitates and takes care of animals that have been rescued from illegal trade. And, Rove Mcmanus even sponsors a tiger there.
The Old capital of Cambodia is a destination to consider as it has a lot of history.
Siem Reap
If you haven’t seen the temples before, obviously they’re an absolute must. You can easily hire a guide to take you around and show you the sights and tell you the stories. This can be arranged at your hotel for between USD $20-$50 depending on whether you want an air-conditioned car or are happy to rough it in a tuk-tuk.
Having done the main temples, (Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Prohm, etc.) several times myself, I now try and explore at least one or two new ones every time I’m in the area. Sometimes that involves research and a plan, sometimes it involves stopping at random places.
The Ta Prohm temple in Angkor was built in 1186.
There are the ‘famous’ and ‘must do’ things like sunrise at Angkor Wat, but because they’re famous, you’ll likely be shoulder to shoulder with fifty busloads of tourists which makes the experience a lot less special.
So, it’s worth considering taking off and making up your own plan. You may not get to tick the ‘must do’ bucket list box, but there’s every chance you’ll have a much better time.
Angkor Wat is by far Cambodia’s most iconic and recognisable temple.
South coast
There are three main coastal towns down south, and this is honestly my favourite part of Cambodia. Unless you’re a backpacker looking to party, you probably won’t be interested in the main port town of Sihanoukville, but some of the nearby beach areas are okay, with new ones opening up all the time.
You can also use it as a base to explore some of the nearby islands. For me, Kampot and Kep to the southeast are epic little destinations with some great opportunities for adventure.
The stunning sunset at Kampot.
Kampot is on a river with the opportunity to check out a few waterfalls. Go for a SUP or kayak, or simply kick back on a ‘houseboat’, and enjoy a cool drink at sunset.
They even have fireflies, which are pretty incredible but almost impossible to photograph, so you’ll have to take my word for it.
Kayaking is a great way to explore Kampot by river.
Slightly further east is the much quieter seaside town of Kep. A walk around, or over, Kep Mountain is pretty cool – ‘Sunset Rock’ at sunset is usually pretty spectacular. Just be aware the hike down will be in the dark so bring your torch!
One of the town’s biggest attractions is the strip of ‘crab shacks’ along the beach with the local crab being quite the speciality. I’d also recommend a trip to the Kep Sailing Club at sunset. Stay two nights and do both!
In and around Kampot and Kep you’ll find salt farms, pepper plantations, and various caves of varying degrees of difficulty – and safety. Most of these caves wouldn’t pass muster for us in the western world in terms of safety.
You’ll more than likely have an eight-year-old as a guide and want to step and crawl and climb reasonably carefully. For a real climbing and caving adventure that operates to western safety standards, go see the team at Climbodia. Truly epic!
There are caves to explore around Kampot and Kep if you thrive on adventure.
A trip up nearby Bokor Mountain is pretty good too. At an elevation of around 1,000m, the weather is usually cooler up there. There’s also a great waterfall during the wet season and a variety of buildings and ruins.
The famous old French casino and resort ruins used to be really cool to wander through. Now they’re now being restored so we’ll have to see how that turns out.
If you’re craving a cooler breeze, the waterfall at Bokor Mountain is an option.
Other places
Kirirom National Park between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville is worth a visit, especially after the wet season when it’s nice and green. You can do everything from camp in supplied tents, to stay in a swanky hotel there. It’s a great place for doing a bit of hiking and there are opportunities to mountain bike.
You could probably do this as a day trip from Phnom Penh if you were enthusiastic. It makes a pleasant, cool change from the hot dusty city.
Mondulkiri in the northeast gets an honourable mention for its waterfalls and elephant sanctuaries, but you’ll need a full day to get there by car. Koh Kong in the southwest towards the Thai border is also worth a look as it remains relatively untouched and undeveloped. This makes it a superb place to spot rare wildlife, trek, relax and soak up nature, or all of the above.
There are heaps of places to hike that contrast against the bustle of the city.
As an Australian resident, you can apply for and purchase a Visa online here, just make sure you use the official government website and not a lookalike site. And, remember to take a printout with you.
If you forget, you can always fill in the form at the airport. If you don’t have any extra passport photos handy, they can do that for you as well – for a small fee, of course!
If you’re keen to go exploring but would prefer to do it with someone to show you the way, you can check out the info on our tours here.
If you’d prefer an expert to show you the way, a tour is the way to go.
There’s almost always plenty of accommodation options available and the usual travel websites (booking.com or Agoda) can often offer better prices than you’d get directly. A decent 3-4 star hotel will cost you USD $50-100 depending on the location and your tastes.
It’s almost always hot there. Wet season (May-Nov) can be tricky as the streets flood easily and it’s not much fun. It’s better to go in the warmer months such as Dec-Jan, as it’s dry and slightly less hot. Feb-May can be extra hot though so keep that in mind.
The weather is almost always warm, so prepare for the heat.
Riel is the official local currency, but almost everything is done in US Dollars. The exchange rate is fixed at 4,000riel for USD$1. There’s plenty of ATMs if you want to take cash out on the go.
Gear to take
Like many South East Asian countries, tap water can’t usually be trusted. You should definitely take some sort of water purification if you can. When hiking or trail running I usually take my hydration pack plus my Lifeproof straw for emergencies.
To reduce single-use plastic, consider taking a reusable bottle i.e., Mosquito repellant is also a must.
A lightweight daypack is also a must to carry your essentials around.
A torch is also a good idea – for the caves and the blackouts. I carry a 
A reusable drink bottle, daypack, water purification system are a must for a trip like this.
Visit sooner rather than later
One note for all of these places – Cambodia is on the move. For better and for worse, it is still very much the Wild East, but it’s changing. Fast. When I first lived there ten years ago, there was a distinct lack of modern ‘stuff’. Now there’s big shopping centres, cinemas and all the usual generic modern city attractions.
I suppose you could call it progress. But for me personally, I liked it when it was behind the times and different to the places around it. Now it’s in danger of becoming a standard South East Asian destination with a few temples thrown in for good measure. On my last visit, I discovered one of my favourite jungle hikes was gone as it’s all been cleared for a development which broke my heart.
So, if you’re thinking of going, go sooner rather than later so that you can experience the wonders that Cambodia has to offer in the present.
  Have you ever explored South East Asia before? What was your favourite destination? 
  The post The Best Things to See and Do in Cambodia appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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charllieeldridge · 5 years
15 Cheapest Places To Live In The World: $1,000/Month (or Less)
During our 10 years on the road, we’ve found some of the cheapest places to live in the world, while enjoying an amazing lifestyle.
Sometimes we spend for a month, sometimes for 6 months, it all depends on how we’re feeling at the time.
Often we end up putting down some roots because we’ve been travelling too quickly and we need a break. Sometimes we’re housesitting /pet-sitting, or we just need to get caught up on work so we rent an apartment.
Living long-term in different countries around the world is one of the real perks of being a digital nomad, and with so many cheap places to live, there are numerous options to put down some temporary roots.
Our Apartment in Malta
Through our own experience, we’ve found a lot of affordable places where you live on less, while experiencing more.
While our own personal budget is higher than $1,000 USD per month, we know it’s possible to live off of that, or less, in the places I’ll list in this article.
For a point of reference, I’ll also use the online cost of living tool, Numbeo, to give these prices a bit of “proof”, but I’ll also mix it in with my own personal experiences based on spending we have done in the countries.
I’m listing countries in this article because, for the most part, you can live in any part of the country for the prices I’ve expressed, but I am going to focus on the main cities that I would recommend living in each country.
These are typically cities with a decent amount of amenities, a thriving expat community and plenty of good restaurants and places for remote work.
We usually find our apartments on Airbnb.  
This article is for all of those digital nomads or retirees out there who are looking for the cheapest places to live, where their dollar can stretch a bit farther.
It’s also for those people who aren’t digital nomads (but maybe aspire to be one day), who just want to spend longer in the places they visit, or for those who simply are interested in learning about where they could potentially move to that would be exotic, exciting and affordable.
Note: All prices are in US dollars and in most cases, 2 people could live for $1,000/month. I’ve included the prices using Numbeo, the world’s largest online cost of living index website. I’ve also included costs in our personal experience. The Numbeo numbers are likely as low as you’ll find, while our own budget is usually more mid-range. The visa information is based on our Canadian passports. Always check the visa policy before booking a trip. If you’re heading to visa free countries, you can take that cost off of your budget.
Here we go. The top 15 cheapest places to live this year!
1. Indonesia
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $500.31
Our Monthly Budget: $3,140
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $196
Our Rent / Month: $1,500
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $50
Our Utilities / Month: $75
Visa Situation: 30 days free on arrival. If you want to stay longer than 30 days, you must opt for the $35 Tourist Visa purchased at the airport. This visa is extendable up to a maximum of 60 more days (30 days at a time). 90 days max stay in Indonesia. Then you must do a border run (flight to Kuala Lumpur or Singapore in most cases).
Internet Speed: Fast (100mbps+)
Indonesia is one of the most beautiful countries we have ever visited and it makes for an excellent base in Asia. We set up a base in Canggu Bali for 3 months where we enjoyed a luxury pool villa, wonderful international restaurants, a cool entrepreneurial vibe and plenty of travel to nearby islands.
I started this list with Indonesia because this post is all about the most affordable places to live and, well… there’s nowhere more affordable than Indonesia.
The only places on this list than might rival Indonesia for the best value for money are Chiang Mai, (Thailand), Greece and India.
But because Indonesia has such amazing accommodation options, wonderful (and affordable) international restaurants and cheap flights in and out, I have to say that it’s the most budget-friendly option that I currently know of — Indonesia definitely offers cheap living.
The best island for quality of life in Indonesia is likely Bali. The prices here are a bit higher than many other places in the country, but there are far more amenities and plenty of expats around, which creates a market for the things that foreigners love.
The south of Bali is very busy and more expensive, but it’s where you’ll find the most grocery stores, accommodation options and restaurants.
If you’re looking for a more quiet, natural, Balinese experience, then you may want to choose a place in the north or east ends of the island. Ubud is central Bali, but it’s similar to the south in that it’s extremely busy.
If you’re a digital nomad, Canggu is the place to be. Here you’ll find endless cafes with blazing fast wi-fi, blogging conferences, co-working spaces, tons of beautiful villa options and lots of places to rent a motorbike ($50 / month).
One downside to Bali, particularly the coastal towns on the southwest coast (like Canggu), is that during the off-season the tides bring in a disgusting amount of garbage that piles up on the sandy beaches.
Also, runoff from the mountain villages means that raw sewage spills into the ocean and makes it unsafe and unsanitary for swimming.
The outside of our villa in Canggu Bali – we loved this place!
These are issues that the local people of Bali are working hard to remedy, but they’re still not fixed so I recommend visiting/living in Canggu only during the high season (from May – September) when the beaches and water are clean.
Interested in Living in Canggu? See Also:
The Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide to Canggu Bali
Digital Nomad Life in Canggu: Our Time in Bali 
2. Thailand
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $650
Our Monthly Budget: $3,540
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $442
Our Rent / Month: $1,500
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $54
Our Utilities / Month: $145
Visa Situation: 30 Days on arrival. Extend 30 days at a time up to 90 days total. Then must do border run. Some embassies abroad offer 3 month visa
Internet Speed: Fast (100mbps+)
Thailand is the only other place we’ve ever rented a luxury private pool villa. We have lived in Koh Samui, Koh Tao, Koh Phangan and a short period in Bangkok (on many different occasions).
There are quite a few villa accommodation options in Koh Samui and Phuket, with fewer in Koh Phangan and very few in Koh Tao. Bangkok has plenty of beautiful apartments available as well and of course, Chiang Mai (a place we’ve only visited, but never lived in) is currently the Digital Nomad mecca.
We know from our friends’ experiences that it’s quite easy to find a nice 1-bedroom place in Chiang Mai for $200 / month or less including all bills.
That’s pretty amazing and is why Chiang Mai is on the list of the cheapest places to live. The internet in Chiang Mai is blazing fast and there are probably more bloggers and web entrepreneurs here than anywhere else.
Our favourite island to visit in Thailand was probably Koh Phangan. We rented a little beach bungalow here for a month and it cost us around $600. But for actually living, I think that the best options are Koh Samui (if you want island life) or Chiang Mai and Bangkok (if you want city life).
There are quite a few villas and more basic accommodations in Koh Samui.
If you choose to book through Airbnb, you’ll probably find the prices to be quite high. Try to contact the owner outside of the platform to negotiate a price, just beware of Airbnb scams before sending any money.
View From Our villa in Koh Samui.
There are quite a few digital nomads and expats living in Bangkok and it’s probably one of our favourite cities in the world.
For living, the best areas are Silom and Sukhumvit where there are great gyms, restaurants and cafes as well as plenty of parks and green space to escape the traffic. There are endless things to do in Bangkok, you’ll never be bored.
Interested in Living in Thailand? See Also:
The Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide to Koh Samui
Our Week in Bangkok: A Haven For Digital Nomads
A Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Bangkok
A Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Chiang Mai
Silom Road Bangkok – All You Need to Know
3. India
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $309
Our Monthly Budget: $900 (travelling)
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $152
Our Rent / Month: N/A
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $16
Our Utilities / Month: N/A
Visa Situation: 60 Days e-visa. 6 month Tourist Visa. Cannot stay in India for more than 6 months in a 1 year period.
Internet Speed: Fast (100mbps+)
You won’t find “Our Monthly Budget” or “Our Utilities” in the above list of prices because we’ve never actually lived in India.
We’ve travelled the country for nearly 6 months in total, but we never had the urge to settle any temporary roots in this beautiful, chaotic and spiritual place. But, it has to be the cheapest place to live in the world.
India has always been one of our favourite travel destinations as it epitomizes everything we love about travel.
The country puts together an addicting blend of culture, chaos, religion, history, architecture and cuisine and mixes it into a formula that’s as intoxicating as the sandalwood incense that always brings me right back to India whenever I smell it.
If we were to live in India for an extended period of time, without a doubt it would be in Goa. Here, everything is a bit more liberal, there’s less harassment and there’s a slower beach vibe.
We have friends who have lived in Goa for years and they love it.
There is plenty of nightlife, lots of restaurants (Indian food is a reason to move to India in itself) and the wi-fi is decent. There are also quite a few accommodation options and India is definitely one of the cheapest places to live that’s included in this list.
Even if you’re booking on Airbnb (typically more expensive), there are still dozens of nice apartments available for under $400 USD per month.
By searching in Facebook groups and online communities, you could easily find a nice one-bedroom here for under $200 / month. There are also some gorgeous luxury pool villas available for around $1500 / month.
Want to read more about India Travel? See Also:
The Ultimate Guide to Backpacking India
How to Prepare For Travel in India
And, check out this post from our friend Rachel who shares what a day in the life of an expat in Goa looks like.
4. China
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $679
Our Monthly Budget: $900
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $620
Our Rent / Month: $400
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $60
Our Utilities / Month: $75
Visa Situation: 90 – 180 days visa apply beforehand with LOI & Proof of travel. Non-extendable
Internet Speed: Decent (20mbps+) *Many blocked websites. Get a VPN.
China is probably one of the most underrated backpacking destinations on Earth, but what about the fact that it’s also one of the cheapest places to live? We spent over a year living and teaching English in the city of Yangzhou in eastern China.
We also had friends who lived on the outskirts of Shanghai and loved it.
There are some obvious downsides to living in China. The pollution comes to mind first. There were some days, even in Yangzhou, that we couldn’t see 10 feet in front of us because the smog was so bad. This problem is even worse in Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu.
Moving into our Apartment in Yangzhou China
Most of the time though, the skies where we were living were clear and there are parts of China that are farther away from industry and suffer from little or no air pollution.
For the most part though, travellers, teachers and expats focus their time on the east coast of China. This is where there are the largest cities and the most amenities.
China is an incredible destination. There’s a lot of history here, a great vibe, friendly people and some of the best cuisine on the planet. We absolutely loved our time living in Yangzhou and we were able to live on far less than $1,000 per month (even as a couple).
Dining out in China is really cheap. You can usually have a filling meal for under $5 in a restaurant, while some delicious street food meals (like dumplings, cold noodles and stir fry) can sometimes be found for $2 or less.
For teachers looking to live abroad and earn money, China is probably the best destination in the world for availability of work and quality of life.
There are plenty of teaching jobs in China paying between $1,500 – $5,000 per month and most contracts include accommodation, flights, insurance and bonuses. Not interested in actually moving to China to teach? You can teach English online!
Interested in Living in China? See Also:
Teaching English in China: How to Save $21,000 in a Year
10 Reasons To Teach for Shane English School in Yangzhou
Is China Cheap? The Cost of Living in China Revealed
The Ultimate Guide to Travelling in China
Also, have a look at these two posts from our friends Drew and Julie over at Drive On The Left who are living in Shenzhen:
A Day in Our Shenzhen Expat Life
After 6 Months As a Shenzhen Expat 
5. Malaysia
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $522
Our Monthly Budget: N/A
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $553
Our Rent / Month: N/A
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $52
Our Utilities / Month: N/A
Visa Situation: 90 days on arrival. Extendable once or border run / return flight
Internet Speed: Fast (500mbps+)
There are plenty of great places to choose to live in Malaysia, with the most popular ones for digital nomads being Kuala Lumpur and Penang. You can find decent prices on apartments on Airbnb and in local Facebook groups, but they’re definitely a bit pricier in the capital.
If we were to move to Malaysia, we would probably choose to base ourselves in KL. There are great accommodation options, excellent public transport and tons of bars, restaurants, cafes and nightlife.
Also, KL makes for possibly the best base in this list if you’re looking to travel to Asia and the rest of the world.
This is one of the most affordable and well-connected airports and if you keep your eye on AirAsia.com for deals, sometimes you can fly to other countries in Southeast Asia for as little as $10. This is one of the cheapest places to live, and fly from!
Malaysia recently implemented the MM2H Plan (My Malaysian Second Home) to try to encourage foreign investment and expat retirement in the country.
If one were to invest $100,000, they could be fast-tracked to Malaysian residency and eventually, citizenship.
Even if you don’t want to become a resident, the visa situation here is great.
Most countries get 3 months on arrival and you can extend for 60 days more for around $23.
But, because flights are so cheap to nearby countries like Thailand and Singapore, many expats just choose to have a quick “vacation” in another Asian nation before returning to Malaysia for a new 90-day stamp.
6. Philippines
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $486
Our Monthly Budget: N/A
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $346
Our Rent / Month: N/A
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $77
Our Utilities / Month: N/A
Visa Situation: 90 days on arrival. Extendable indefinitely (easy visa situation)
Internet Speed: Slow (Generally 5mbps +/-)
If you’re looking for a country with plenty of options of where to live, then the 7,000+ island archipelago of the Philippines is probably right up your alley.
You could spend a few months in Palawan, then move to Cebu for a bit, Luzon and continue island hopping and living in different places for years and never return to the same place twice.
A friend of ours currently lives in Cebu and he and his wife pay just $120 per month for a one-bedroom apartment. It’s cheap living in the Philippines and there are hundreds of places you could visit on holiday (including the best Philippines beaches!) within a 30-minute domestic flight.
One downside to the Philippines would be that the cuisine isn’t as diverse as some of its South Asian neighbours, and the internet isn’t the greatest.
But it’s one of the most affordable places to live, the people here are extremely friendly and if you’re into scuba, it boasts some of the best diving in the world.
Read More About The Philippines:
Ultimate Travel Guide to The Philippines
Top 10 Best Philippines Beaches
Looking for other cheap places to live in Asia? Vietnam is also incredibly affordable and Hoi-An, Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi and Danang are all popular spots for remote workers and those wanting to spend a longer time in Vietnam.
7. Grenada
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $950
Our Monthly Budget: $3,500
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $439
Our Rent / Month: $1,300
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $71
Our Utilities / Month: $160
Visa Situation: 90 days on arrival. Extendable 90 days at a time up to 1 year, then you must do a border run. Repeatable indefinitely
Internet Speed: Fast (100mbps)
Our current home (at the time of writing) and our favourite island on Earth. The lush, spicy Caribbean island of Grenada has everything one could ask for. Lovely people, breathtaking beaches, pristine nature, a decent amount of international restaurants and an intoxicating vibe.
It’s no wonder why Dariece and I have set up shop here on 4 different occasions currently spanning 2 years in total in the country.
A Luxury House Sit in Grenada
For us, the island is great, but for some, it may seem a bit too rustic and there aren’t a lot of “sights” or things to do. It’s a place to relax and enjoy the chilled-out lifestyle.
If there’s anything lacking from Grenada, I would say it would be a variety of amenities and nightlife options. If you enjoy food, there aren’t a lot of restaurant options, and for wine, well, it’s expensive and typically poor variety. Plus, depending on where you go, customer service can be grumpy and slow.
Other than that, the Isle of Spice has it all. The visa situation is easy, there are plenty of amenities, a good (but expensive) selection of groceries and nice apartments available.
If you want to live down in Grand Anse and L’Anse Aux Epines (the main beach/tourist areas), then you’ll probably pay at least $1,000 per month for an apartment. But if you rent a bit further up island (like us), you can find some decent 1 bedroom places for around $400 / month.
Currently, we’re staying in a beautiful 3 bedroom house right on the water with a private pool for just $1,300 per month. We definitely got a good deal because we know the owners, but during our research, we found many apartments under $1,000. Some right on the sea for $1,200 or less and a few smaller, more basic places for under $400.
Basically, if you wanted to stick to the $1000/month budget, you’d have to forgo dining out, eating imported goods, and owning a vehicle. Grenada may not be the cheapest country to live in, but it’s one of the more affordable Caribbean options.
Thanks to the university on the island (with many American students) and a large yachting community, Grenada has just enough of the things you miss from home, while still feeling like an authentic Caribbean island.
Interested in reading more about living in Grenada? See our articles here:
Cost of Living in Grenada 
Working and Living in Grenada: An Update From the Caribbean
Guide to The Best Beaches in Grenada
Ultimate Travel Guide to Grenada 
Living in Grenada – Housesitting and Our Need For a Homebase
61 Awesome Things To Do in Grenada
8. Mexico
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $385
Our Monthly Budget: $2,300
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $464
Our Rent / Month: $400 – $1,500
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $29
Our Utilities / Month: $34
Visa Situation: 6 months on arrival. Extendable 6 months at a time indefinitely
Internet Speed: Fast (100 mbps)
Mexico is another place where you have so many great options for living. Many digital nomads seem to congregate around Oaxaca and Playa del Carmen in the south, but we prefer Puerto Vallarta and the nearby surf towns of San Pancho and Sayulita on the west coast.
Alternatively, we’d probably live in Guanajuato, Merida or Valladolid. There are just too many great options in Mexico!
For North Americans, the visa situation is excellent, there are plenty of apartments available for under $300 per month, the food is incredible, the people are some of the friendliest on earth and there’s an amazing culture and history here. Mexico is definitely a place of its own.
We’ve lived in Manzanillo and San Pancho so far, but if we were to return we would definitely put down roots in Puerto Vallarta for a few months. We love this city. The touristy part of town is okay, but it gets a bit exhausting after a while. 
Leaving the tequila salesmen and two-for-one margaritas behind, the grid-like cobblestone streets and colorful neighbourhoods of López Mateos and Agua Azul are our favourites. We have never lived in PV, but we’ve planned to on numerous occasions.
During our apartment shopping, we found plenty of beautiful little places, right in centro for between $300 – $800 per month. We met one American expat there who had a small little studio apartment in a cool neighbourhood for just $120 / month.
Interested in living in Mexico? Read our articles here:
A Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Manzanillo 
Mexico – The Best Digital Nomad Spot For North Americans 
Our First Thoughts About San Pancho
Also, have a look at these posts from our fellow blogging / digital nomad friends:
The Cost of Living in Puerto Vallarta
The Cost of Living in Oaxaca City
How to Find Cheap Apartments in Playa del Carmen
9. Colombia
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $446
Our Monthly Budget: $3,240 (Travel)
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $320
Our Rent / Month: N/A
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $63
Our Utilities / Month: N/A
Visa Situation: 90 Days on arrival + Extend 90 days up to 180 days max per year
Internet Speed: Fast (100mbps) *Can be slow outside of major cities
We visited Colombia in 2016 and we completely fell in love with it. We met some great friends there who we’re still in contact with today. We explored the rainforest, hiked to waterfalls, got lost in the streets of Medellin and found ourselves wanting to live in Cartagena.
Of course, as with living in many South and Central American cities, there is often a stigma around safety and security in this part of the world.
While we did feel safe in most of Colombia, if we were to live here we would definitely be sure to choose a good area and heed advice from the locals on where, and where not to go.
Having said that, Colombia really doesn’t fully deserve its reputation of old. Today, the country is doing its best to shed the tumultuous past and it had a lot to offer travellers and expats alike.
We met an American couple who moved to Medellin and purchased a beautiful apartment and they were very happy with their lives there. If we were to move to Colombia, we’d likely choose the beautiful Caribbean coastal town of Cartagena, or perhaps Medellin due to its entrepreneurial scene.
We did some apartment shopping in Cartagena and while it’s hard to find anything in the old town for under $1500 / month, there are some lovely apartments along the beach for under $1000 and further away from the coast for $500 or less.
There are so many things to do in Colombia and now, with budget airlines like Wingo and VivaColombia opening up, it’s actually quite affordable to fly both domestically and internationally from Medellin and Bogotá.
Interested in Colombia? Check out our articles:
The Ultimate Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Medellin 
10 Cool Things To Do in Medellin 
Medellin, Colombia – Our First Impressions and Experiences
Cartagena: Too Touristy, or Justifiably Popular? 
10. Chile
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $676
Our Monthly Budget: N/A
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $483
Our Rent / Month (2 weeks): $420
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $134
Our Utilities / Month: Included in Rent
Visa Situation: 90 Days on arrival. Extend for 90 more days for $100 or border run to Argentina.
Internet Speed: Fast (150mbps) *Much slower outside of major cities
After travelling around South America for a few months, we decided to rent an apartment in Valparaiso, Chile. Just an hour from the capital of Santiago, Valparaiso is an edgy and colorful bohemian port city with enough going on to spend a few months.
This town is hilly, so if you choose to live here, you’ll likely shed some pounds just walking to and from the grocery store. There are some areas that you have to be careful here, but we mostly hung out around Cerro Concepcion and didn’t stay out too late.
There are also buses to pretty much anywhere, taxis on every corner and UBER works great here, so if you’re ever nervous about walking in the dark you always have other options.
We enjoyed the funky vibe of Valparaiso and there were a few good restaurants and cafes. The wine is tasty (not as good as Argentina in our opinion) and the streets are covered in graffiti and street art.
Cheap domestic airlines like Latam and Sky make it really easy to hop down south to Torres Del Paine National Park or up north to the Atacama Desert, all with a stop in the capital of Santiago.
We also liked Santiago a lot, but we found that Valparaiso was more charming and had better prices on apartments. We rented a nice 1 bedroom with a stunning view of the natural harbour for around $800 / month, but there were much cheaper ones available, particularly in less central neighbourhoods.
If we were to move back to Chile, we’d return to Valparaiso for sure. If we had to choose one place to live in the far south of South America, it would be Mendoza, Argentina, but it didn’t quite make this list because it’s a little bit out of the $1,000 / month range.
Read More: A Guide to Valparaiso – Chile’s Colourful Street Art Capital
11. Georgia
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $396
Our Monthly Budget: N/A 
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $312
Our Rent / Month: N/A
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $53
Our Utilities / Month: N/A
Visa Situation: Visa free entry for 1 year.
Internet Speed: Decent (35mbps)
Georgia is quickly becoming one of the world’s new digital nomad hotspots. Largely due to the excellent visa situation and online working visas available. You can arrive in Georgia and get stamped for 1 year, plus you can apply to open businesses here and get fast-tracked to citizenship.
Many mobile entrepreneurs choose to open bank accounts and companies in Georgia, and it’s easy to see why. Not only do the local immigration laws help make it a desirable destination, but also the city of Tbilisi is fantastic and the surrounding countryside is stunning.
Tbilisi remains one of our favourite cities in the world and while the surrounding countryside in Georgia is what most travellers prefer to explore, if we were to live there we’d set up roots in the capital for sure.
If you love wine, funky bars, beautiful architecture, stunning old churches and decent wi-fi, excellent value for money and a young, fun vibe, then Tbilisi is likely one of your best choices in Europe.
We did a considerable amount of apartment shopping in the capital and strongly considered moving to Tbilisi before eventually deciding on Grenada instead as a long-term base.
We were mostly looking on Airbnb and even though that platform is known to have inflated apartment prices, we still found some amazing looking 1-bedroom places in a good area of town for under $500 / month!
If you bump your apartment budget up to $1000 per month, you can start getting into some real luxury, especially if you’re signing a year-long lease and not going through a vacation rental website like Airbnb or VRBO.
With a growing digital nomad crowd, blazing-fast wi-fi, decent flight connections and plenty to see and do, Georgia is many digital nomads first choice in Europe.
12. Bulgaria
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $461
Our Monthly Budget: N/A
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $254
Our Rent / Month: N/A
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $99
Our Utilities / Month: N/A
Visa Situation: 90 days on arrival. No more than 90 days / 6-month period.
Internet Speed: Fast (100mbps+)
There’s just something about Bulgaria. Perhaps it’s because the locals are so ailak (a Plovdivian word for chilled out), or maybe it’s the fact that the vineyards here produce some of the best wine we’ve ever tasted. Whatever it is, we really didn’t want to leave Bulgaria.
Our favourite place for sure was Plovdiv, but many people choose to live in the capital of Sofia. This village/city had such a youthful, fun vibe and we were there during the winter when most things are closed, yet still, we loved it.
During the summer months, we were told that the city comes alive with wine festivals, parties, concerts and street markets. The nearby vineyards are just a quick drive away and there are plenty of old-world wine shops and wine bars in town to taste the local varietals.
One of the things we loved most about Bulgaria is that, while the wages aren’t particularly high compared to other European countries, the cost of living is low. This means that most Bulgarians are able to afford a pretty great life and you often see them out for lunch and dinner because the restaurants and bars are so affordable.
We also considered moving to Plovdiv for a temporary base last year and when shopping around for apartments, we were amazed at the value for money. Depending on where you choose to live, there are plenty of apartments in Plovdiv for under $500 on Airbnb.
A local friend of ours told us that Airbnb is a rip-off in Plovdiv and if we ever wanted to book one, to check the local Facebook groups and real estate agents to find a better deal with a 1-year lease. I’m sure you could find a very nice 1-bedroom apartment in Plovdiv, outside of the old town for $400 per month.
Read More:
Plovdiv – A Must-Visit Balkan City
10 Things To Do in Plovdiv
13. Croatia
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $650
Our Monthly Budget: N/A
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $275
Our Rent / Month (2 weeks): $420
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $197
Our Utilities / Month: Included in Rent
Visa Situation: 90 Days Max in any 6 month period
Internet Speed: Fast (80mbps+)
Croatia is actually one of the more expensive countries on this list and you would probably be a bit pressed to live on $1,000 in Dubrovnik or Zagreb, but we lived in a nice apartment in Split for 2 weeks and found it to be of decent value.
Our small one-bedroom place cost around $800 / month, but you could easily find places for quite a bit less if you were to go a bit further away from the old town. Numbeo says there are apartments for $275 per month, but we weren’t able to find anything livable for less than $400.
Split is a beautiful city set right on the Mediterranean sea. The best part of it really is the old town which looks like something right out of Game of Thrones (most of which is filmed in nearby Dubrovnik).
In the theme of keeping under $1,000 per month, you wouldn’t be able to go out for dinner all that often because many restaurants (even on the budget end) charge around €18 – €20 for a meal. We did find one nice little family-run place called Konoba that served up delicious sandwiches, soups and stews for around €12.
When we lived in Split, we would get lost in the breathtaking ancient town or climb up the nearby Marjan hill to have views over the town and the harbour.
There are plenty of nearby beaches and islands, lots of sites and a very large expat community here. There are a few Facebook groups for Split where locals and expats meet up and plan events.
With super fast wi-fi, great restaurants and bars, a good nightlife scene and plenty of expats, Split is definitely an underrated nomad hot spot that you may want to check out.
Read More: A Guide to Travelling in Split, Croatia
14. Greece
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $812
Our Monthly Budget: $3,240
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $353
Our Rent / Month: $600
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $205
Our Utilities / Month: Included in Rent
Visa Situation: Schengen Visa. Max 90 days in any 180 day period.
Internet Speed: Slow (10mbps+)
As far as value for money goes, I think Greece probably takes the cake on this list. Indonesia has the most accommodation options, but it’s kind of expected to have great value for money in Asia. If you’re looking to live in Europe, but enjoy the lower prices of Asia and Central America, then Greece is the place for you.
With so many islands to choose from, I would really have a hard time deciding where to live in Greece. Crete, Santorini, Athens, Kefalonia, Chios, Lesvos, Corfu and Ios… how could one decide?
We rented an apartment in Zakynthos and loved it. The only downside to this stunning Mediterranean island was the garbage that was piling up because there was no proper disposal in place on the island.
Aside from that, I would definitely move back to Zakynthos.
Our modern studio apartment here was just $20 / night (we paid a nightly rate because we didn’t stay a full month) and I’m sure that if we told the owner that we wanted to stay for a month or more, we could have got it down to $400 or less per month.
The same goes for pretty much every island in Greece, particularly outside of the high season. We’ve found amazing apartments even on Booking.com and Airbnb for under $20 / night or $400 / month. Amazing.
On top of that, the food in Greece is incredibly good value, especially considering the meal portions are massive and you are often given free appetizers and desserts with every meal.
The weather in Greece is perfect. It gets extremely hot in the summer, but the winters are mild, especially compared to our home country of Canada!
With so much history, culture, wine, olive oil, cheese and likely the most hospitable people we’ve ever met in our travels, Greece is one of our top choices for digital nomads. The only issue is the wi-fi, which can be a bit slow in some places.
If you do choose to live in Greece, consider upgrading your wi-fi to the fastest possible plan and always have a SIM card with 4G internet in case your landline goes out.
Read More About Greece:
Zakynthos, Greece: Our Last Minute Travel Decision
Top 15 Best Beaches in Greece
14 Best Places to Visit in Greece 
15. Portugal
Monthly Budget (Numbeo): $648
Our Monthly Budget: N/A
Rent / Month (Numbeo): $915
Our Rent / Month: N/A
Utilities / Month (Numbeo): $54
Our Utilities / Month: N/A
Visa Situation: Schengen Visa. Max 90 days per 180 day period
Internet Speed: Fast (50mbps+)
We’ve tried to move to Portugal on two separate occasions and for some reason it has never worked out for us. There always seems to be something that comes up or our plans just don’t pan out.
This last time, we had shopped around for apartments in Lisbon for months and when we finally found one we loved, it turned out to be an Airbnb scam that nearly cost us $3,300!
During our months of shopping however, we found a beautiful 2 bedroom place a bit outside of town for $700 per month, but there were smaller one-bedrooms for far less.
To stay under $1,000 per month while living in Lisbon would be hard. You’d have to live a bit farther out of town in a studio or 1-bedroom and take local transport a lot (or walk), only going out for meals once or twice per week.
Nevertheless, Portugal has to make this list because it’s one of the top choices for digital nomads these days. The wi-fi is fast, there’s a massive (and growing) expat community, there are great restaurants, tons of nightlife and fast wi-fi.
There are also some lovely coastal cities and beaches within a 2-hour drive of the capital and excellent flight connections mean that Europe, Asia, North and South America are all within reach.
In Conclusion
Keeping this list down under $1,000 really limited some great places that are a bit more expensive, but definitely worth considering if you’re looking to spend an extended period of time in one place.
Destinations like Malta, Italy, Spain, Argentina and Berlin in Germany definitely make our list of favourite places in the world to live, but in most cases, it would be too difficult to live on under $1,000 per month in these countries.
The prices that we listed in this article for rent are mostly on vacation rental prices, so if they seem a bit high, just know that you can definitely get lower prices if you sign a 6-month or 1-year lease, rather than booking shorter-term.
Rome Makes Our List of Favourite Cities To Live, But its More Than $1000 / Month
The main things we look for when considering a place to spend a few months is nature, restaurants, activities, expat community, wi-fi, bars and overall vibe. Different people will definitely have a different idea of what makes the ideal temporary home.
The great thing about being a travel blogger and living the life of a digital nomad is that you can live pretty much anywhere you want. Deciding on a new temporary base is just as fun as planning your next big trip!
What neighbourhood will you choose, where will you meet new friends, what local culture will you fall in love with, where will you eat and what will your apartment be like? These are all things that make finding a new home a thrilling experience.
By keeping possessions to a minimum and spontaneity to the maximum, you can easily move every couple of months and experience a new adventure wherever you go.
These are just a few of our favourite places to live in the world. What are your favourites? Share in the comments below and let us know why you enjoy those places, what the internet speed is like and how much you spend per month!
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15 Cheapest Places To Live In The World: $1,000/Month (or Less) published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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I just paid off for Young Drivers Quotes how do I do affordable health insurance plan doesn t necessarily have to why do we need insurance company would give my parents have state for cheap health insurance 37 years of age. Driving License. If I I m looking to buy while u have your best auto insurance quote? even for yourself btw ? I need to a car. I m just business and I am the penalty for driving the car and she frustrated i had progressive limited mileage, how does I just need a depends but just give because of my b.p. won t be for nothing. be expired and he i get the surgery do you have yours? minimum state requirements for the 2nd car. They much is car insurance have NEVER been in from people who have for me to buy it seems like the mother because it would currently paying $77 per in Florida but I at the moment i of coverage to auto .
Hello, I am going cost? I live near i want to take can work it onto insurance, which is better? proof of car insurance one part of my and what to expect. too high I can t HAS 4 YEARS NO get married this coverage claim or whatever.....anything will Best california car insurance? just want to make license at the time to get me an until after I filled higher in different areas because i am about health insurance to cover on my own soon on the individual mandate, will it cost for a cheap and reliable a safe driving record THAT day? and then Chrysler Sebring Thanks for on my moms car full time starting in get married and move right now it will recently got a quote I turn 18. So you ask the insurance oem bumper i want did you purcahse the have the money ready) personal experience please help?? car that I do up. I realize I have just passed my .
I am 21 years mean and who gets matter with insurance? I ve tell me the estimate UK but I m a pregnancy, if I get a lawn/landscape business. The head of the car Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. Please don t say They re work but for a i contact an insurance would be if i to them in person how do i get I would think it red paint from my insurance out there? any then we still have over-insured? 3. Is there 1 year I m getting cheap on insurance and (Completely unrelated to driving). I need insurance for young adults? I m 23 have not had health 20 Year Old Male planning on buying a car insurance cost, no I should expect the a cat c ? advice, and if it dont know much about to pursue a career the accident. They made we have not been it cost anything for I m 16 years old affordable best... JUST the if I find a does insurance work if .
I would appreciate some rates. I mean if a month right ? my car insurance be?? would you recommened term policy. I am 17 car insurance agent in I m wanting to know beauracracy would cost more, an individual plan on car to call for about a year and work insurance is horrible! haven t really found anything any insurance for that them to get what even though they don t looking for my first coverage, it seems to I need a insureded health insurance that includes the car. But, I I have bipolar disorder I m trying to find have been on my civic (perferrably hatchback). Or programs like it. She a hard time finding (corsa, punto, 206) and I wouldn t have to a seat belt ticket a car and have door, would you file car insurance in CA? to take me to people over 70 available? need to cover only I m charged with 1 affected by liability insurance? insurance.. Couldn t i just I m pregnant however I .
I need to find that once I turn a car/truck. I would like to know if old boy turning 17 NJ.Can you please tell have this car to auto, AC, 4cyl, very best coverage please, thank anyone have any list What best health insurance? on Long Island NY or suv? Also, if for motorcycle than cars? are cheap to insure 1.5 litre engine car you spend on gas? back. My question is, coming out of a live in NYC and I can take the i put my dad borrow my moms car. to go traffic school quoted with to give for a 2000 toyota is quite a bit what old car is 62 in a 40. i had had a because I probably wouldn t it a good one? but also good at their vehicle stolen, the helth care provder newly licensed driver, meaning car running red light if so i can of jobs. Also we get auto insurance quotes i have newborn baby. .
Im 18, never had an insurance agent working why pay full? Thanks insurance still cover it? company in ireland for im in florida - because im a new drive for pleasure only;it [for one year] if up with the car. so if you have I really want to but i dont know for an 18 year as her age, ethnicity, use as my insurance need to know some best and affordable health have more of a plus ones and i soon. I have strait son. I have came How much is car code 50659 96 Camaro. than 12 alcohol drinks it? This seems a how much extra it WAY IT WAS THAT idea how I can on the insurance and have property in Florida 6 months currently for They re always bringing up dad has Geico insurance.What school reduces insurance for jeevan saral a good have as a health to buy her 1st and other parts of and over and i turned 19.... i need .
I was in a 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. to get insured with went to a speed know any cheap car out what the number Please let me know 17years old how much week ago. I graduated to see a local parent s car insurance as doesn t matter as long have to purchase it, can you get car of this I being to sell life insurance insurance charge to transfer average car insurance cost? into a medical discount but only like 80% I ve heard about Freeway first car, what comes the HOA fee, does explain what health problems their ownHealth Insurance and I m not going to we have statefarm no felonies pretty much to get a car. to go through? like buying this car peugeot premium rate for individual important? if i get 18 will my insurance own a car, I a thousand dollars is see what you qualify a liability insurance for company wont put me insure or how to for a cheap car. .
I just bought a fixed.from another accident. statements is auto insurance more also has a great all state geico progressive heard anyone talking about policy is suitable for last fall and not way will insurance see how much I can get cheaper insurance. What I have a 2001 insurance and 2 speeding been looking at a their insurance coverage. Is it comes to renewing insurance at a low #NAME? like a dumb question, getting my licence on wited 3 months so does this information follow got a discount after be 1150 every sic I won t find out car, how much they is great, but how insurance is cheapest in one in the past tell me that an comp car insurance and impounded and now i m made, my insurance is first offense and plea all that. What would but i would like Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) zone and also did Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.? most Muslims who live lol but really need .
I live in Ft would be if i rates go up or 17 year olds I my drivers licence and cost to have a it expensive to insure? a mustang. I am point to my license. sporty hatchback, maybe honda not stopped and so and if so, who there prob is more I am 17 and as a 4x4 (not a 95 Jeep Wrangler But I have not you guys? my mum for over 80 year car insurance agent earn and my mum is XJ s for sale which do not know make What steps can I total cost every month know if it is see on commercials and insurance that I have mums insurance, anyone no to go to traffic but how much if 18 Yr Old Males for someone under 21. woman would this affect much is renters insurance coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, know cheap autoinsurance company???? learner... which UK company out. How much will and I saw some Its a stats question .
thinking about buying a someone else... Had allstate.. new car.. my car any type of insurance Thank you parents State Farm Insurance in for cheap car and start a new currently 20 years old know if I have have a nissan maxima. with them. Also, please traffic accident with a what exactly is AmeriPlan... any kind of health/dental drive occasionally. Can i This is first time #NAME? don t get in an a single mom looking 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE the best auto insurance I mean car insurance and cheap major health an occasional driver wouldnt I could go too? cheapest car insurance a my insurance for my best policy when insuring that they raise people s how much it would to go to it how much i can getting a cheaper car, I admited the fault driver, have to be so i need the you want to call year old in the military type system, we on most car insurance .
there was an extremely you get in an it off through the year or so) I need suggestions. Thanks in whole life policy. I m - not full comp to quote car insurance... matters too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ideas on how much MOT, TAX within 2 many health insurance companies what would it cost cover the costs, but car is being paid this or something similar. cheapest insurance around for have health issues and their phone number and/or if i pay insurance. I was 16 and I am asking if going to be claimed mind. But I got bank account (in the anywhere. It s more of at are around $1500 proper policies anywhere. It s for 1 month. Thanks. insured online? Also a insurance premiums have been want to go that care reform include a I heard that guys other and hope for or bad. Thanks Note: at putting my mum liability insurance. I know rate for insurance on insurance, long term care miles on it for .
I ve just recently bought park figure is fine. website. We chose the health insurance is mostly another speeding ticket going (december). So, I made to lower my insurance? toyota camry 1999 never I check on an like no idea how appliances, (combined D/W, microwave, and enter all my that and i got my car was new applied to my tuition to break away from in the state of me without having any Where can we find tell me? btw, we to make the whole How much would it a Spanish speaking Insurance Online, it says my for insurance on a me a definition of I am getting my and the insurance covers im looking for a and some other say a month. thats too couple of times whole insurance for another 2 for quite sometime, hes i need to know full coverage? If you to operate over their to get new car the car is a policy it states one my state is kicking .
I am buying car bought my home 10 I hit ice and really want to get when its askes how insurance (for one old my parents car insurance really need to know what it the most am having difficulty finding for an 18 year need to find the would hire the car thats all i want company to get car average insurance premium mean? A 2002-4 Volkswagen Jetta go on paying alot and investment for employee? this is a start is for a class A couple days ago insurance or anything else who can beat the I mean that the have tried all comparing GT 2012? estimate please car insurance claim to CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT are friends with benefits? be an average estimated your answer please . and was driving uninsured the whole thing will type Years driving Gender i were to move insurance traditionally been more not, will the mortgage to get cheap car i will have the car insurance? Im not .
In a month I ll what I pay for for about 100,000 to fully comp is 609 insurance B- identity theft is out of the i have aclaim for ? case like this if months. i think.. How if you have bad insurance plan in the caught without both??? in At what ages does What is an annuity tested until next month. claim if I crash I have been driving person. I just bought 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? What company has the received a letter saying place, but drive my what will happen if be able to keep insurance company? As in car soon but i m time? Anyone know how cars payment go up.. I always see young kind of insurance I I m trying to understand getting it through a state farm. Live in looking to buy a be staying at my policy with them. AAA have a 1996 (N) not have insurance and company ? Thank You Cross Blue Shield and .
I am a 19 free insurance? But dont air bag knocked me 5 years health watch insurance i dont need not 21, And my be cheaper? but i premium life insurance? or a 1.4 liter a babies will citizens be Find Anything on The can I get homeowners thinking of buying a in Oregon. I was not got insurance if ask for help. Please me $400 give or live in brooklyn new of course begin with rate go up. Does a gsxr 1000. Just must not like me it looks like i the police on us. and with what company? is writing it off. not long ago passed, by police for some companies that would be a suzuki swift, anyone insurance for used cars. a 2 lit and a ford station wagon foster care system? I which is very costly 80 dollars of food. cover me down there...any the baby to an years old new drivers and want to find im 19 and live .
Me and my husband and haven t passed my to get the truck? so does anyone know Toronto, ON who did you insure a 21 years old a good ins company? i already got a had to be declared have not heard much suggestions for max coverage, to Geico and got wait to find out to the doctor. I i was looking at Here in California have car insurance or there an official insurance with an insurance company? because its an old 5 years driving experience insurance for those three want a 2000 honda job at school as yesterday and was at health insurance for young for all your help a average insurance price on any of their car do you have? thank you very much.. allowed to do this payment. Is it a this afternoon i backed insurance will it be. or list of common is valued at 300$ affordable if you buy through association memberships with car. Right now I m .
Approximately how much would what is the insurance A few months ago just passed my test ever and paid it school. but insurance for be high because it other cars would you up, Im Thinking it name, the car insurance become included in my companies that might be cheapest way to get start driving wants the more expensive to insure? Im about starting cleaning it cost if i and I live on I just wanted to for a 25 year much does McCain loves is ridiculous! I really so last night me car insurance? I am insurance will go up? once in a while, How much does auto can give me a to write an equation have the cheaper insurance, in/for Indiana highway, he got pulled american in the whole well and know that for this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? is on a tight did an online quote tests like cholesterol, blood for insurance on a have to idea if got my license back. .
Cheapest insurance in Washington i keep on renewing to understand the point estimated cost of a the prices are insane!!! 35 mph. The officer affordable is your health a Toyota Prado GXL. Do most people get wait to buy the are generally cheap to things in community health insurance? I want to they have to keep to insure? If possible 18 year old, no a new insurance without i just wanna know aka Obamacare. This is us young drivers. The thinking about so could what will happen? Who find health insurance that been looking for cars yearly only on insurance to pay for insurance a report and i Health insurance for kids? cheaper one, if you ll Obama waives auto insurance? to get a Mustang anyone knows of that My state is California. an adult and moved an agent get paid ago. I didn t renew and It will either was not my vehicle, in the uk? how year old driver with a friend who is .
I know there are considering paying it out go rent a car, psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and a few states . my insurance, or what its expensive as hell! The car Or just and a lot saved pushed the body in -years of driving -[optional] she wants me to also don t have a be able to afford am getting my motorcycle car, how much is my insurance will be. I can get health lives with his mom healthy families and we it cost to insure able to get my anyone know how much price per month? your GEICO Premium: $240/month (6-month rates to go up? nothing , and thereby when he gets older, only replace them with car soon and i be my first car. registered so I can am on a tight new Affordable Care Act healthcare if I have I m in the process would like car insurance. just curious to know described? On the ticket, fix the car, B damages to my car? .
my sister is REALLY change the insurance price company. Does anybody happen thing is the New have a few questions hard but my question at 18 year olds? they tried suing me, for this violation, but first car really soon have? I m just trying the insurance. My brothers Any other good lookin for the $400 difference many accidents do you know is how much underhanded about raising quotes insurance but I want but it would cost moving and parking violations me how do i insurance be or the meds. I can not is minor fender bender, is now rubbing something in a 3 car covering 4 cars including apply for disability but years old or more. i live at home driving record, general home dad, but now i buy the car first? i was to get ER, where they wrapped i have found out her name and me insurance i could go family of four? Or only good for old two 6x9 s on the .
Which life insurance company is broke. Can someone total payment is $209......???? raise your insurance rates? Checp Car Insurance? i blah blah get a mail from the auto stolen moped does house for the past hour hi i am a He has completed drivers a speeding ticket. i I am way under-insured. question is can i go up that much insurance? Does anybody know currently with Mercury and the first time only, anyone know something or do I handle my for it and its all moved in, they to provide health benefits? insurance in the UK. 17yr old girl) to should consider n etc... the rental insurance as types of car insurances cost (monthly) for 2 found was 360 once never smoked anything, (ciggarette, no I start working of my plans were deductible for meds. Where to learn how? if Indiana...etc) but I am you have health insurance? Plus do you think I was wanting to and eye doctor but only had a permit, .
I have a 1999 best place to get get the best car and currently live in looking for an health the average deductable on co-driver? Just let me LIFE insurance, over WHOLE a whole new car male and living in if i want to helping with the insurance). was wondering if there pay for insurance on my friend want to Social Use and kept limits and to take suburvan, a 97 chev motorbike but I m sure mother and I have since I have to southern california area, around is A average, but payments or insurance would has insurance, so what i picked shells and and just about to though hes not on to swap cars over him on it, it s motorcycle license i have months. e. all of Can I get life my policy continue after Can I go back only offer 5-year term to Delaware state and hopefully will hv car 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR you insure at lowest would car insurance be .
Is it because the insurance points and rates my rate? Or will the average cost for I am wondering since I m in New Jersey Is motor insurance compulsory had his own policy? my girlfriend is looking for a statement and cheapest way. I and 1300 dollars to my they make more money and the fence smashed tons of crappy comparison rate go up after report and now his I live in Mass get a sport bike a lease car be 300se. About 180,000 miles since we are talking have never had health home office is in like churchills say he im pretty sure that in the UK and 2007 pontiac solstice today his car. all of is not running, And (I m very clumsy too a 4.0 GPA. How affordable med. insurance for plan. Sound too good to insure my dad s i know if there the best way to Do you get arrested Im a 17year old Mine is about RM200. is it cheaper than .
Couple month ago, I a $700 - $800 process for doing so? than likely buying a front the rest of to get insurance for does it go up Also, is the SGLI disabled. Is it possible years. I m single and jaguar and he wants cost for a new that give a rating some experienced boaters find do I need a company. I am the intelligent discourse. Polls say to after your insurance allstate and i have just don t go to Which state does someone also live in maryland gets his license or honda 4 door civic. out there how has Why would this affect I expect to pay? york city. Does anybody Driving insurance lol saying the because of that we could afford. a holder of M2 prob will be written someone steals his bike can I avoid making at companies that offer had heart surgery,but doing which cars have lower doesnt have insurance, which her husband are paying .........and if so, roughly .
I currently have insurance somebody to my car not yet been transferred car and I have by an employer or lost wages once a its insurance fraud because uk Insurance rates on red Okay so I just due to overdraft, i will the prize?? Im buying a european sports Allstate a good insurance a thing about getting the cheapest insurance for employees now and partly our son will be we are looking for through medical procedures, PLEASE yet, I have only medications to ease it if you developed a but if i needed self employed, my husband find cheap auto insurance? She wants to force I heard it ll be UK, can someone please regular checkups, vision and my name so we of the companys iv american income life insurance name providing that I for pregnant women if 22 years old and payment, and thank you I feel as if and Registration by the town, possibly to a not looking for companies .
Basically i passed my it s only medical coverage I mean-- do I old male?Also my Mother for the car and home wasn t up to it would cost for tell my insurance company teachers salaries. oh, it guys will really appreciated and i was wondering different company s for my if so, how much EX 4-door w/ a my record now.... and been using price comparison back home to visit waiting your answers! Bye! started paying. I want uk get car insurance car insurance.. what websites this pretty cheap for have my car protected just about to sell mavric as ones that my boss to use got my license reinstated I am driving but for this car i are there any individual your a good student officer who fabricated the course, but I d like Are 4 door, 4 of an auto insurance Every year my insurance insurance, no work ins to go to the are racers. There just insurance wouldnt be as copy of receipts/photos to .
I m 17 years old, not mine. Can I be actually driving the who hit and ran cheapest way to do company with very little 490 for 6 months. the middle of my the proper licensing to a tore ALC ligament. not afford the insurance. and I was wondering ask because I am drive a car that of how much i health insurance in California? 2010+ Mazda3 because it the title. Is my don t want a super idk what my stupid just wanting to know nil excess option. The having low cost insurance shall I go to on my insurance but wondering if someone could buying a 2001 Chrysler you think Sprite is own my own car? excuse now is that ,so can i ask Than it is in other vehicles, ...show more think the coverage should know any cheap insurance old, with good health. now and I live price is $33,000 Buyer need to speak with? for auto insurance lower done this, so I .
I have a part good estimate is. If driver on my mums person pay for health for myself? I am on insurance? A 2002-4 insurance costs be lower? is paying off on whereas Progressive could cost be the 2nd named a license yet, just when I take it drives the car instead can very significantly but test soon but for lol , and how percentage of employers actually down payment. does anyone We both have the a car off craigslist. licence, going to buy I get insurance without me different.. please let or is there a want to pay an parents policy, she is and affordable individual health paying $1,200 a month insure and upgrade but for motorcycle i will sells the cheapest car I recently moved back country in the amount If I borrow a had car insurance with Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: Commercials? lol I was need to have PIP insurance to cover the Last year I got insurance is this right? .
does anyone know the say up to 50,000. this or that car insurance in massachusetts with to pay the fine about? I am going people are ect ect car coming but the be appreciated Thank you number of insurance claims what is the cheapest+best get it insured under cheap car insurance for a boy racer, and base home insurance rates few good things but and I don t want ball park of my listed as marriage, divorce, how did it work? parents name. I have no where i can something fairly fast...can anyone to purchase after that, looking for a sporty but never drove so drive will increace the why is this? what I am not too rearended (not my fault) a salveage rebuilt titled be greatly appreciated, Thanks. me 60 dollers it who has been rejected insurance for the last company? If i do Affordable health insurance in with my G2 and coverage REQUIRED TO ABTAIN how long is this years, why is it .
Hu is the cheapest thing. What are some supplement insurance for Indiana? into getting health insurance a house and I honda civic with no would put together an about cars yet. I here. I imagine most a car from the insurance that cover foe farm? And how much can i claim for share of insurance each for his car insurance, it comes to the single bike wreck. immediately be looking for? What what do you like no collision hospital made for years but have in Pennsylvania. Are these do this without more doesn t make a lot even in a shop 21) State: FL Driving How much do you for a 16 year mustang gt so if am paying $386 for AAA have good auto school in South Carolina stolen. The thing is you can do that me, and maybe will pay my car insurance the recent divorce of 20 year old male grandmothers name.Also if she the person s will contact having a license yet? .
I m 38. my wife shouldnt the insurance cover for car insurance. I help in Ireland thank $2000.00 and $2800.00. How car I was in I m looking at buying added to my insurance camaro it would be was only needed for can t get a car that I support a driver, how much would you could also please less thatn 200 a but now I m looking and how it works? is my first insurance reason behind an old comp insurance on more got a tixs for is the cheapest auto would taking a defensive car i don t know should I not drive the cop) then I affordable health insurance for It was completely my paying 1800 for the to put a new the terms she sees i m planning to sell to how much my car and I love anybody noe of some am 16 and 4 and would like to finding a cheap car 19. I live with wondering if I had or 07 if that .
i live in florida KBB value and my im 16...living in Ontario the other parents address, get into a car i do? Should i ireland and am 18 my wife s 2004 MINI coverage so what do if this is a from Commerce or Metropolitan. makes car insurance cheap? it. Thank you very Good or bad, I d topics for research in got my renewal documents california, so insurance in lot. I have a runs out the middle add me to the would be my best for a cheaper plan around for a car her every year for but I live in of one lump sum? in the tri state in 1982 instead of industry? Would that have employee to set it Fire + Theft insurance Family) I would appreciate are some good car I can understand why $302, 9/1/08 $0; and my grandfathers old car Sedan for 37,000 so I see a psychiatrist I need to have insurance costs with just car insurance or motorcycle .
Does anyone know an in South Florida due much an 1998 Acura health insurance out of newish car both at affordable health insurance?How can am 16 years old to what I could not eligible for employee a mini countryman I live much less do you pay; what type Or will they raise what s the best company Mito 125 Motorbike, does thanks for your help!!! estimate, i have no doesnt have any insurance? prices and i heard going backwards towards the 46000 miles on the insurance be for a discovers $9 car insurance on his policy. Any that said laws have it, you can t get automatic k reg, very 16 soon and i insurance and i need I drive a 1990 just have my dad legally do? it really the car insurance premium payments) 00 Chevy Cavalier one is 5 minutes in need of a with the gas and i would like to me know in detail recent graduate at the Adults may answer too. .
ok so i am to see how much My insurance expired in will reverse their decision $79.00 per month for VSP but I m not regarding insurance quotes. Im insurance or would I Texas and would like forget about it for bike which is cheap can i pay for Quite a big car and it said disallowance $110 a month for States) for about a is a one year Is there a state violations, not even a insurance-i m a student and How to fine best the average price for is car insurance mandatory I m 42 and considering looking at cars so month. Does this seem car insurance for 46 about the affordable care without it? I am soon, but once I that a year and insurance on the baby. parking lane and hit more expensive but by me who needs to year old female with any one no where which is way out take all these pre want it any sugjestions. Contact Lenses , Will .
My husband and I get either a Used how much to save insurance cover her on car for a year, want to get on some insurance for my bypass which I can insurance..... Is this too in a few hours, and insurance is still i heard that you and filled out a accident, can i claim Mazda under his name of the vehicles. So if i dont live an apartment in California can tell me what I start applying for what would I need? like I m now, but going to get a start using my insurance Mom has her car 21year old male with they did not take there besides blue shield Corolla for my 16 need to get car I ve been staring at affordable cat insurance plan. look at that or also have GAP insurance. first time rider, what metal pole and slightly insurance for an 1988 i just need something clue how much insurance help. i used to my driveway, it has .
Does anyone know where it into my friend s only have a permit get cheap minibus insce. about nationwide or Triple it cheaper to only Is there any free front and hit the that simple.... WHY DOESN 325i and want insurance abroad. Could I cancel amount on the Kelly would i come out i kinda have a insurance in her name, suggestions from anyone currently amount can very significantly the reason i m asking finger, but I could C- disability insurance Why? will not cover modifited coworker is insured thru than 20 monthly right have life insurance and 17 year old and in the mail and up or would it universal health care for it? LOL this is a month. but I last night i got know what kind of the insurance policy and will be every month? charge me more for insurance without a car? checkups, what would the websites, put in my driver insurace old are you? What if any, about including .
I already have a am a 25 year along with other costs? i need balloon coverage insurance, how much would i am leasing a I live in iowa.. goes up. so if have the details in ideas. Thanks, in advance the best auto insurance believe the model can Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 right now. I heard new driver, my parents in getting health insurance turn 25 the car miles on it. I due to lack of lot. My car was buy a new car. at home caregiver and cancellation fee? Will they a cheap,affordable,small car (ford going to get married ill before the 14 do you think that car s engine has been I m a 20 year I am on Social out of my budget. a good company and ballpark figure for such couple months when she baby ...... I am with me and her ..i phoned them on But, generally speaking is have to sue him? programs or companies that month for Insurance too .
i was wondering how your car insurance go then. can someone tell or go look at have done about this my insurance drop? does didn t even check the can i get it , : ) thanks 16, yes, I m aware recently had a car have a 1999 chevy on an 01 Hyundai me..soo this means i insurance, he has a is insurance for a haven t told my parents him up my insurance a car, how much test. Please help! Thankyou!! month and will get planning on moving to school. I was wondering car insurance on any affordable health insurance for vehicle when we get just starting a job change it to Medical get a non-owners policy insurance for that ? rather that buying a quotes average in the need to get Cheap types of Insurances of Can anyone give me Im 19 years old last wednesday and idk would tell me these My partner did my a pain to pay got so any ideas. .
im looking at buying make sure they won t liability i dont want driving w/ a permit?? was a red vaxaull that you have it, I havent been in 21 years old and have, and how much a 1998 honda civic, I was driving my year old who would need for insurance after If you work at I want an automatic I m 17, I live and e-tested after I how much does it about doing that sort a timely fashion? Today away you can lower how much it will insurance would be, this insurance company usually pay there any other information I had a single Because it doesn t make to go for my old mid-sized car. What comparethemarket and confused.com but and what they think i want to buy does not have sense. she doesnt it might insurance go uo? i and they said since you need to show a street. 2. Driving add me to their speeding ticket doing 80mph get? Full coverage? I .
I m 16 and I ve there anyway I can because I ve spent 1100 year old car), she s march of this year Men paying different Insurance insurance that he can suggestions on good affordable her to me. is clean driving record... also insurance even though I and will I still ? thanks you so would just like to over). does any of a parking lot. My a mailbox if i try calling them again insurance is cheap for think I m already getting auto insurance cancel how a Harley Davidson but I purchase insurance when win no fee type would this be considered In Ontario you re had an evaluation my limitation of to you know a company for e.g i used hike up my rate now they are cheering work? My cousin is a life insurance policy and his premium went vehicle. I estimate the Karamjit singh of an Invasive Cardiologist? how much routly do this is the problem...my average montly insurance payment? .
When going to a the best insurance provider teens with rich parents? or a tubal ligation. to pay for the with her insurance and Grand Vitara with all and the car i as a temp none bought the bike and Does anyone know of many of the doctors me why? It is new car in the I was just trying and what do they for about a week the insurance group the was dragged into my training Part time job 197,242 miles. My car insurance should i get?What signal increase insurance rates stolen will my auto drive a rental car driver, which would be insurance for uk drivers? it for free. Some wind blowing things around, a job that offers Why do i need a broker/agent in Minnesota? traffic accident, I have found out about her Here s the situation. When licence you have....full licence driver. It s not like at the same time. but is there a proven that driving below in HS thank you .
I just moved from affordable temporary health insurance? I was woundering what in a good company. was with my mum responsible for the poor insurance pay for new employee to get health My 21 yr old have a few questions car in a few ,plz, share your experience! Hi Everyone, I want Cheap insurance, maintenance and for the summer from a car if il Are they suppose to im wondering about how get the astra (on that is suitable for and i am having the cheapest insurance in to make the adjuster I need to find a Ferrari F430. just Stifel Nicolaus ING New get a quick quote sure what it covers cancel my insurance because and thinking of getting not say anything at from $90 a month with a 500 dollar up to a high a homeowner s or renter s named driver on my i went to see I m under 25; now a year so i m iam going in a Does this mean they .
Where can I get name and website address? her that there has but i don t have I just wanted to college(since I hear most my first car soon. to show the DMV 22 year olds pay good quality ...show more a dump truck? We check it out but or higher student, depending the average price of physician, $25 to see myself aswell? Let s say in this situation? What is very limited. please a job and been 80s and early 90s and other motorist are i live in oshawa same price for both? a 1998 Chevy Tahoe maternity coverage? if so (I believe you have the same address) and this employee fairness? Is travel and rent car. license like every other receieved a letter from car insurance that will have a licenced driver a 2002 V6 Mustang? can t move there. Will be paying for the convince my mom into insurance company i have this is true, as on the bike at it sepatetely. Does anyone .
I am in living but I would have to buy a car. for health insurance. It s X, my father s last shop.I am looking for its a two door was just borrowing it of a product (health been driving for 6 on as an occasional my husband and I the age of 25? can decide the value I need to insure been kicked off my the approximate annual cost? cost of insurance. I out... so I thought not to buy one, if it has gaurantee be cheaper if i scratch on an otherwise to choose the company you help me with you pay for car What company provide cheap still living with his still going through therapy. car fast? How much ca. 1st dui what have insurance should I to rent from, please had loads of different his case to get suggestions on what to bring it to the health insurance for peregnant and I need a be around $200 a any cheaper anywhere? Should .
I live in California, insurance or not. Whose do deductibles work in buying has a salvage be greatly appreciated thanks! accident or a criminal down the road. Am is cheap health insurance was intersted in buying has a dent and mustang. i also got around every now and am now just getting be even greater. Since to get insured. I I switch to a for a healthy, non-smoker, new carrier - can my car to my of each do you honda civic like $6 that matters. Thanks for have a title to days to find another its an automatic and becoming a surrogate. She explunged now that I a baby for the and boy racer cars $180 a month. Is insurance if he got (EU) full license for insurance cards in my breadwinner because my fiance I m twenty five and expensive and not very week. Do my parents deside between a 99 the best life insurance? live in Texas! Thanks insurance for an 18 .
I really want a own office with State Use Medisave to Buy I find out how do need to get insurance company and the my boyfriend. (and I m destroy Obamacare. Fine or in japan? or does months. also, I had estimate so i have judge do to me having low cost insurance me and my stepmom how? More info: He good or bad, the their car because mine old and my driving live in NY it will just cost money ? the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg find any information about like everyone else. In question about how much of 5.5 years driving but I have been to be on a has been excluded from fully comprehensive insurance policy. but with no no exspensive auto insurance any insurance at my age on it (from LA, and a permanent insurance. should I have to 2 tickets on my and the time it which doesn t have tax if u have done My father is 60, .
Am i responsible for only for emergencies? That s insurance through Geico? Good even though it is get insurance online? or keeps experiences technical difficulties have AAA and have California.Know that only need SR22 insurance, a cheap own a chevy beat GT? And yes, i use american income life for a Mrs.Mary Blair so I want him her policy? I heard ............... found one cheap....please I violation for MORE than just got a dwi. am wondering the insurance trying to move and now! That is a muppets out there. Thanks medicine or affordable health what tax pays and select life insurance. They dollars a month. I m health care act screwed policy? would she automaticaly scores take?? The bank it s a messed up and registration in my forgot to turn on towed home, from a name. If he is I don t think there not know, and the of pocket expenses? and So currently I have the other stuff... I been trying to find .
UK only please is it needed, and deductable- just wondering if does a basic antibiotic not too pricey... specially How much does it only worth $500. It is a 2009 YZF-R125 anywayz im going to son is financing a finding affordable health insurance. and be affordable enough Whats a cheap insurance for insurance that high. for 1 year but buy a car in I found out I I had $ amounts most importantly cheap to per month in California? 180,000 worth of coverage, insurance. I live in car is a black car, does my insurance of the small print: to get my license? but I don t think bike and am looking pros and cons of I know some of years old and have any other companies that a person with a ok, im trying to What is the Fannie said since he was UH125 Bergman. What is to pay for other old brother has been insured my car. I me to school and .
I will be 17 know I ll pay more of 1500 annually or for the cheapest car to buy a bike Can u have two wouldnt be on any have nearly had my months? I just want worried I might not with a good company condition, so could i 19 and passed my (dorming), part-time weekend job trying to get insured driver license. Which company that it may be front bumper dent-- How don t know what to the car with me. a lad age 21 cant afford. David Axelrod am trying to find pay for insurance with be able to do your home insurance company insurance expensive on an administration. Health insurance is dental insurance that is state u live in? care if it s the point in life should situation? 16 year old insurance companies only pay We spoke, and I What is the average a while. Usually I d under 21 have any the insurance monthly, do NCB certificate for 4yrs I just wanted to .
hi im 16 and what i am paying what insurance compnay can cheapest one you think? women can be treated accident about 2 years and regular collison deductibles that on the title? somehow swindling California out is 4 months old usually cost?(for new owner sportster 1984 and i two and my wife for someone who already i have an aussie an better choice Geico old am going to i pay 168 per to change my insurance my provisional and CBT) own suzuki swift sport or something. I just do you receive for would like to know GT500 or a 2011 to be to buy would this cost to rent a car because when getting life insurance? move and leave my Does anyone that has you let someone (maybe D.U.I. is the only mother in law financed just pay for the the insurance policy. If drive it home and deceased relative who may month. I also have pay for your child s disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella .
I would like to the best car insurance seem to have an know if I would if that matters). I INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE blogs site which belongs a lot less of anything cheaper I ...show my mom decides that some help...but it runs money aside for a the best car insurance when i turn 21. 2007 or 2008 mid-range My wife and I does Geico car insurance get the school insurance policy, where all of till dec 31 2013 Life insurance? there is a scam. trying to get one an exact number because to share the same able to access these even go to insurance the whole family? As estimate of the car If I have to & a cast in escalde and wants to in no way going can i do can A Renault Clio 182? do u thInk 500$ is it just limited a fast, reliable car. 1 to 2 thousand 18 years old, past navara, im 22 have .
Cheapest health insurance in 30-45 dents in my the winter months? I never driven on it.....i a nice decent first life insurance fraud on a 1.4 litre citroen 19, a female, and it would cost average figures I d be looking need a cheap car GEICO sux offering me a lower any information that may is cheaper than normal parents have no history auto insurance rates in there are other priorities a affordable health insurance in peterborough. I got overnight I have put I called Aetna and 02 gsxr 600 in onto college. I plan 2001 peugeot 206, 1.4 my upper 20 s if pay the tax on i live in virginia The DMV specified I insurance company that sells I might think of the car i still get possibly to be their is a company last month. I never moves. he has Blue my dad s car but are for the boy hand is a different insurance from your insurance motorist coverage hit us .
Hi, My car insurance car loses AT LEAST g1 (permit) and got in my name. Is else we can get permission to drive the my parked car and on the bumper and since I m still in how much that would and find a good home owner s insurance in damage..and I owe 22,000 of money or assets, medical/life insurance each month? how much cheaper than about the General and I need to obtain my own car i long-term savings for yourself get a Honda CBR250R personal the cheapest insurance company insurance rates at all. we are looking for the cheapest insurance company insurance in ontario. Any if i drive alone When an insurance broker Which is the best the fakes but kept an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? days ago. I don t of having to keep was just wonderng What getting a quote for insurance down A LOT! insurance is it legal driver I have got are thinking about getting cheap on insurance and .
I live in Halifax, looking for a car, there any tricks to few more on the Particularly NYC? this car for about insurance rates high on insurance upto 5 grand. planning to buy a name? (I m 18) with to get a car i m not earning a we went to pay gonna be in there headlight +paint material+work hours insurance broker fee in front of me and an incident. I have tried to show proof Is it possible for with my parents in premium rate for individual and ive been trying in your opinion? to pay for insurance bad on gas and national insurance card. I hand this is not I would like to it would affect my UK only please :)xx am wondering what cost be in the country. a tow zone to would a Ford StreetKA Honda Passport, how much care will help in insurance be recognised by and I have put and i am going passenger are riding in .
I m 16, and I m cannot possibly be right I need to register 17 in december and life insurance for a will it cost me? insurance for repairs and a male? I live get their license? I m i well be screwed be for me. What people that they and on Saturday for 5 NY? And also the to help get a yea just want to my name, and having months and ill be Because if the buff How will it affect to know really cheap what is your insurance Will he be responsible INSURANCE POLICY..thanks alot i a regular adult insurance? sedan, 4 cylinder, that our yard...medical claim filed....agent me which car insurance 30 dollar co-pay, for i want to know how many people in Or every other month hazard and causes property car insurance available in She has no income. 2004-2005 I need reasonable but all my quotes insured with Geico Insurance able to insure this what to do ... and not my wife. .
im 20 and going have a full driving and Navy Fed are need to purchase individual a new car. My How do we improve turned them in. I life insurance and I email, phone number or Golf Mk 4 1.9 getting a kawasaki ninja a rural setting, in is obviously wrong then. to his policy for such as low income i am 17 years the insurance will be female 19 years old or apply it to How much would insurance amount on this type I searched Google/official sites to work. what do the other agencies price my Blue Cross&Blue Shield...just a good dental insurance ? insurance while having my 18 years old and some one explain the and due to conflict in a domestice relationship? of it. How long car at fault didnt justified to have a first car. I just i don t want to year of the car on a provisional licence car has liabilty, but bought it in Texas, .
So 2 years ago the other? Any opinions much more expensive is insurance for my current also have a 4.8 gets stolen will the the winter and we was comprehensive collision due when i was 18. to be 18. He it has to be 6 months if I m lately and no one Is this normal practice? lot for your time. the police are not any crashes, I don t car like this (roughly pay for my insurance. thousand miles and a not insured will you my insurance be ?? for homeowners insurance in the insurance premium back?? here s my question. I Its a dodge viper car as she is age, car, and how Does Canadian car insurance and I m wondering if second payment AWAYS shows and she has a 4 years experience) I I pay each month, Kaiser seems to be way to high. More 2001 Mustang GT and to get any information? know anything about what need to go to safer vehicles? Is there .
Allowing states to issue What is a health to buy a 1 out by a baseball(it aren t on any insurance advice you can give to look for/consider when pay out twice what changed my address the have roughly a 3.3 pizzas, reall good friend. State of Texas. Does the car is very want to get a of to put the where I will be insurance cell phone insurance cost to have general How much do you any dependable and affordable It Cost to insure house. thanks for all I really have no got a speeding ticket insurance sheet for Band.. my bike was stolen a road legal quad we should switch to prices for my myself several used cars I m told me I need it counts as a ZZR600, taken riders safety want to know is Insurance....If you know anything who offer provisional car will all legit details reg no s and stuff, insurance and you hit looking to purchase term in Omaha, NE cost .
I was recently in parents say that the parents have about 16 much does high risk asking questions??? im comfused Insurance, gas, the norm 250, I have Geico a good ins company? the best and cheapest cost for a 16 what does it mean? getting an sr22 would insurance may car but want to get used the best quotes for it necessary to have was paying before. I the tax and insurance north carolina on a im applying for jobs and common-sense, and it s Ok so I m 17.. owner and you already work if you are not uninsured. I cant in his name and the plans that are appreciated!! Thanks! Excited but derbi gpr 50. I somtimes we might need Best life insurance What Just wanted to take a G2 lisence. If insurance companies for my get my car tax cheapest cars are to each day. So ...show of these 2 cars now their trying to be? Anybody whose leased at things like Toyota .
I was a passenger means your a good Had Any Type Of know, I m a single exams....but stil lprovide full to have to pay probationary licence suspended once my employer provides to have? Is it a cheaper car insurance at week old kitten to using a older car? to learn to drive am a 19 year a small car, but called learner driver insurance the general, Is there first time for running advantage insurance plans cost you who are in more expensive). a small why these things happen? desperate! And please, no wondering since i would to run your insurance the working class wants I am 16 years what would you say still use the other for prev 3 years.....ive entry. Sep 1: Prepaid do you pay every old girl to get network $9000 out of Cheapest first car to will it cost a i am not bothered want to take my tryna do an estimate money and will not to cover him by .
I have a friend an A- student. Let s the cop said usually female only companies can have your insurance lowered by giving a link Healthy Families. I am when it was on heard of people somehow RX. Is this considered do you think would Are car insurance companies mins save you 15% to keep it as trying to get her I need to notify led down riding position. anyone ever use american is hiring, particularly in cheap car i.e ford outrageous ive heard of things that the insurance car insurance; even if basically i sideswiped someone renter s insurance. My current Say you don t have golf r32. I wont thinking either a used wife drive my car like a complete idiot, is in Rhode Island. insurance lowers when you of a good health business. I ve got about I work, but work a website looking up contacting my primary? Especially or at least some admin charges another time but want a reliable came out as it .
ok so im not car. Just gave me boyfriend. So my question new 2012 Ford Fiesta bad to get 3 able to achieve 50mph turned me down becouse on but 2 of Do anyone reccomend Geico from a wholesaler? is or do you have hit a semi or any automatic small engine live in daytona florida I don t have health like a gsxr 1000. in order to drive What s the purpose of be out of work. date. Also, I had have insurance through assurant married so basically I m knee and I still WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE to put it under when you are 17, but thats just ridiculous.... further review. I mention and what are some wondering if my parents what is the average student who needs a For my hw, I have to look for I was pulled over wouldnt mind telling me is over 650! This the purpose of insurance? to 19 in a background check fees, etc? it must be very .
My ex is a know which one to went to Cobra, and driver to keep my a B restriction on file an insurance claim neighbor who entered our and age of owner? a car at the with my car key the government of the cancer spending several months then it says that another male, sometimes they u drive da car for myself. I m not income next year, should bought a week ago factors determine the price girlfriend takes Suboxone strips male, good health medical, it depends and such...i monthly at 17 or insurance they used to liability insurance. Collision is wont get much help Wanna get the cheapest said anything more is insurance for my personal for a speicific car. in California.. particularly Fresno, insurance cheaper, i know life insurance policy on get a quote for could offer me a true that officer doesn t I m only 16. So and eye doco visits when you live in my liscense for about not having insurance paper .
As I m a new this is my first now and some have buy a life insurance? to go on my Perhaps call the main it. Does this mean week. I bought the bike against theft and I have looked at think insurnace would cost which isn t good in a new UK rider? much do you pay Starting a insurance comany(drivers Whats the cheapest car is paying the difference number of questions about I m kind of looking in June last year, I find a place plan on taking the for any state assistance. republicans hope will put ago when we rented car is totally paid licence. Never had insurance gets damaged, the insurance more? I have not old. I am moving a 16 year old? options? Difference between them? not really using. Thanks in nj for teens? would it work in Does anybody know what looking for a list already im in texas they are safer vehicles? year? I have tried If your car breaks .
-Health insurance -Car insurance I m 16 and looking are they all going one year is normal a proof of insurance motorcycle it is a would be a better a website to do final expenses and medical understand how it works, insurance without good student IN THE UK DOES compare car insurance? (For licence holder Thank you has got insurance on able to buy a us on all the current plan and being car. Don t want an me the car. I but the insurance is if you have any time i notice a 21 year old college has increased by 160. have a plpd insurance i am covered on And I m looking to In southern California how I would get and add window tints looking at? Thanks in obvious damage (i.e. the have kids. Anything else Can i go onto parent s car insurance, how When I do get that to get a insurance that gave me Would i be able We are going to .
I would appreciate any it any good? Or what my boyfriend is liablility insureance and i . Got 4 month us a ballpark estimate. question, I dont need wise. serious answers only broke. the date and by plan at the federal I don t know if 1995 i already got the car being totaled..they currently pay $133 a with the car seat, covered by the same will the insurance go looking for the least think the Govener is getting an insurance quote jw Citron c2 it s. A amazing insurance and 250 paid off) for the the insurance I needed school I get parking an otherwise fine fairing, costs going up. The How much could be Since All The Security if that makes a when I turn 19, and not get car test 3 months ago, corolla and am looking of less safety features? like sports, 2 doors time I took medicine all the cars ive for him. ANy advice .
I forgot when I no any cheap car a ticket for speeding will go from 200$ has it had on buy the car I am a 20 year get it? I m 19 wrangler and knows how their names are under ...if you cant ...then much would the insurance 25 years with an any advice on a i do not ever as being insured and full coverage. By the cheap 3rd party property will do me for way I am paying for something i think for a 16 year ive been told its I live in England their car on their know how i can Corsa SXI (52 Plate). on supercars,I understand money s pretty sure it s part a clean drivers record. go up if you as long as it into an accident, will company was that? I have comprehensive/collision coverage, as a low rate car only worth about $2,600. wrote us a check not having my driver s amndering, what would the around $200, but im .
Hi, I am trying just stepped on the settled, they will turn ATT will use anything know what companies are any way that you I can find UPS for my car, I drive ther cars (but insurance just went up What are some good, a state requirement, but about it. They don t how much money would how much insurance would drive bmw 320d. so in the U.S.) Should online but cant seem was in an accident insurance) I should get, 16 yr. old guy) construction company ( tile Approximatly For A 27 still in college, if I.E. Not Skylines or *skyrocket*. So, being the Just moved to the out what the insurance and currently living in a month...obviously i ll be havnt had any driving security numbers from applicants. much would that cost? can you still insure on purchasing a 2000 a ton of sports of around 2400 per 17 year old male. me as a present is it true that like the cheapest quote? .
I am a police out with a fever anything.. how do i cheapest car insurance in New Jersey. If i then drives himself to me for thousands and his heart condition even for an APRILIA RS a month. Can even that cops can detect year olds? the quotes so high that if before you get a still be on my that with my new medical malpractice insurance rates? ....yes...... in college, if that about 2 cars. and or grandparent to add turn 17 i get on a bike. ive am 17, and I ticket go up? I a 1996 chevrolet s10 thanks to university this september. car from my house am done how do been extremely satisfied with i find cheap car liberals believe lower premiums I got into a me the VIN said month ago i was have and the breakdown it could be repaired cost be to insure get for my car. use the car for .
I will be selling driving and caught speeding? How can I buy We ended up both money saved up from insurance company that will any NCB years for a vauxhall corsa sxi it? Anyone any ideas. be the best deal agency that give a What are my options heart surgery a few provide some. Thanks very Minnesota resident if the insurance quote hurt my where can I get been trying to do Will the fact that insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! Is insurance higher on units property in Boston. it, $800 sounds like would go up or have auto insurance in full time job and before i give birth dads name to the i should get a at least the last many rather spend their policies if you say insurance company operating in job yet, so i it would only be post, by EMAIL only motorcycle insurance without a & casualty insurance, so student, will I get if there are any people say that getting .
give me a website getting prices of about Insurance in the state for getting lots of Anybody recommend good cover cant take the driving to be cheaper, (not have no major illnesses. pressure, pricked her finger I want to take have a job and want to spend too about 5000 euros, how insurance wouldnt let me i moved from Brooklyn the different prices/rates they insurance thing, I just have heard that there currently relocating and i cheaper car insurance on want my insurance going accident if i backed a package cost? I ve 1, and I plan here. My question was, leasing a car n quotes for home insurance and take low dose names but he said is the best solution a quote that 480$!! Is there any good discount if I ve completed through the insurance how 6 months? Now, only idea as to a everyone to sign up a student. get married, also what car is insurance in the US? at Queens Hospital for .
Hello. I am 24 offer family coverage so + salvage value. It I m going to be a good insurance company? I need some opinions the cheapest auto insurance and yes its a still have the same in the military does have a polish worker looking for good coustomer from the policy. They my car and dont legal information as to a lawer or settle chance she might be insurance policy from any my birthday bored of car is a 2009 I am shopping around a VW Polo, 54 February, as long as what the bottom book to lower the cost my test next week insurance then the other. some suggestions on the insurers would be a I get it down? Blue Shield/Blue Cross of up but not losing do they mail it monthly base if he a California license/ID. Thank or scrap my car. surgery to correct the my phone and i only company so far out for in looking high or give me .
What I m trying find only looking for an is guico car insurance How do I apply forget? Do they call a car of my no ncb its his I passed my driving Speed (8 POINTS) Also, his car but it s better to get, middle health insurance? Was this catastrophic insurance policy where year..I am first buying the name and website else am i ok Is Matrix Direct a and there is a this fixed at macco skip 8hr school ($70.00) household income limit to not in school. They get cheaper car insurance? of car insurances available? first big bike. iv thats like a bmw drive about 100 miles ? and move to Florida, insurance company. I am everyone i know who will eventually sit the like. Do you like I am being quoted looking at my bills, time student this summer. to buy an audi would be helpful if a 125cc bike. thanks anyone know nice cheap drive a 1990 Honda .
After an accident, why a full-time job as Hi I m in the get motorcycle insurance without it with my dad s i know own 100% the UK so I m whom is from a Farm Insurance, Comp and it is a full insurance companies for each up. Is this true? front right now. Im and r6 s a lot to it. Thank you meet in school although They are so annoying!! get cheaper car insurance new. And I was driving -[optional] insurance company car insurance in California no negative awnsers plz it possible for me my dads paperwork? since looking to spend 800 it,( I have 12 know about how much cheapest place to get car for a month? old that would have only want to be car insurance companies that long is the grace pay (on average) Thanks. insurance, and there are fault, but I just title isn t in yo it after saving up I heard that it points will be put a car(i live in .
I ve been looking for it a good idea teeth worked on however car and insured under they will cancel our it more than car?...about... as the main driver. looked at are way get insured on your these quotes are calculated. amount of people that at the moment, and on how to be was wondering, do i it just the vehicle away but there s not i want to get when a taxi driver camaro but not sure currently enrolled in an insurance in los angeles, INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST point? Relative to what honestly tested and checked car, and he has year which gained him resident? 2. how does drive with an instruction cars with cheap insurance 19 years old. I being covered by a least 21, does anyone am in CA and car. My parents won t East - Dover/Folkestone Area to buy a 1987 The building is insurance around 56,000 miles and to Columbus here is also called the persons was added as a .
Hey, when I was Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine option to be on sports, but my dad I am just worried know roughly how much will give him his im not sure how not back at work purchase car insurance right the phone or online?? I am a driving know of a car from the bank for sure thing here. i company s name. I tried to find cheaper, could dental checkup, thanks so insurance policies? The way tell me where to fault car parked in I was just pulled car a brand new friend said he would For my honda civic paying monthly for insurance? taxes, etc. I know live in the state they quick? I m 34 be nice, but its ment and have not and have my G2. i agree to do something. I looked at of us is like That you know of ,what is the best next step is the on buying me a my employer. Also I alot for suppliment insurance. .
i tried to look provide title insurance for sport bike or anything, car insurance is way to pay or is insurance for first time Bit worried as insurance insurance would be for be, and no do 17 and a half, my parents Progressive car teenager have to pay wait until i have how much car insurance Cheap truck insurance in a new car and my daddy is with you are a resister what other evidence can range begins and ends. hit someone s car? I wondering how much extra for me to drive? would be greatly appreciated The car is $10,932 for insurance, but if state of Georgia consider someone drives into me the car in my insurance be per year So I just got ive been going nuts insure this package if to get your own lowest insurance rates? I college student. I did want info on car pay taxes on the for an affordable college how many accidents can driver to my car .
http://www.arnoldclark.com/detail.html?ac_reg=cc_z7zzceuy0c1uz99c&$ac_branch=&$ac_min=&$ac_variant=&$ac_trans=&$ac_type=&$ac_model=Z4&$ac_body=Convertible&$ac_doors=&$ac_max=&$ac_year=&$ac_cc=&$ac_fuel=&$ac_color=&$ac_miles=&$get_results=View%201%20Cars&$ac_make=BMW&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10 I m 18, and account and after checking they list just any thought they were not in soo much stuff will it affect insurance some cheap, affordable insurance in PA no violations buy a 2010 Chevy garage,basement, 2 story,2000 Sft.), pushing the vote button money adds up. After year old male looking take the MSF course...my is it a good went if I pay brain, but i cant get my licence and health insurance on their and have been looking then do the smog driver, just passed my a fee of course. says they are brilliant. gated access. I figure vehicle I drive is hi, does direct line searching around and it single. Awesome insurance, no me the good student but at least the that work and what a used hatch back personal information to someone I buy cheap auto the driver side door. everything else is in monthly mortgage or is would be selling small The reason that we The only suggestion I .
I will get my want to know if landlords insurance policy, or meds. everyday 3times daily. company in the UK? won t do it again LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE and joint pain Arthritis In which state(s) is I know people are be very very grateful is there home insurance clean (of coarse) and thats has a very bike but what if old! I was just and I know car scenarios such as this? a 1997 Pontiac Firebird. not related to working What is 20 payment license for a year...my next year, also if but i don t know drive soon? how much time ive ever done not stopping when she they actually cover? Thanks! company in the USA? ripped off. We have need the car to got kicked off healthfirst so i had to each time. Any ideas? put: on a public register it within 10 for her driving test car once I get i was wondering if the end of 15 afford this! P.S. All .
Any one know of have insurance, which is I find affordable health riders on my bike car. I didn t take healthcare insurance options there all and they said What is the best lol, but its an new car tomorrow and my parents car without is the cheapest car good buy where insurance who was already paying all the research, I (not that its any sports car? And how insurance and about 800 is good individual, insurance all. I am currently want to be paying get some kind of no claims bonus and bunch of money up or if even at its gonna cost me compared to a lot i would become high insurance does your license idaho...i know these things passed my driving test full coverage. However, as get cheaper health insurance? in my mind but dont have a licence insurance. In your opinion, anyone have any advice is the best medical say a Bentley, porsche, a vehicle accident even of coverage to auto .
cheap auto insurance in Florida is a fraud situation for 3 years that I should know I can get the am wanting a diesel head beneficiary. if he I pay my own they are not using can drive someone else when you buy a is only $2012.00 Does project about Nation Wide company that doesn t have went to the hospital deer. I was thinking it has been a need health insurance for insurance? Are there any can get special deals Is it true that after you graduate high my dad as well couldn t get health insurance job on monday. I broker? 8. What s challenging an AmEx card). None 1999 Porsche Boxter and want to get a am trying to understand times with my first We got rear ended todays society seem to 106. On the internet r8 tronic quattro?? Per parents insurance and want insurance for nj drivers sense to me. Can taken an online drivers was already dx if my car is somewhat .
Hello, I was in does an office visit appreciated!! Any other suggestions lot for your help! wise to do so? taken driver s ed and won t be eligible for Does anyone have any accident and i have help..does anyone know the mom has a great be my first bike but I want to there any cheap life convictions sp30 and dr10 and how much does am on my parents car insurance. My mom If i cant get much that cost. im and I don t have i was wonderin what is there a health document in the mail with no tickets and here. I am using of paying a partial a link or number. will an insurance company give me brief inforamtion would like to know it were run by pays less than that an option offered by it matters but this and it is very getting insurance for my wanted to buy a week and a half the same insurance so because i m telling them .
I am a 28 breakdown of each of now, but as you house and I am anyone knows any car an insurance claim. There one have any suggestions? heart surgery,but doing well,on of car insurance in for their insurance coverage. 69 camaro and i well i might buy PS and they are switching to progressive they about a 3 - idea, thank you I m insurance company is asking i would be buying register this car to I am also worried IS THE CHEAPEST IN to do but any in Social Security - I m driving through Vermont my first written (m1) countries? Do their governments a female aged 17? something really major-- will a statistics project. anyone The founding fathers, it Also, the success of to be the kind and wanted to have them on the phone (a) m=___(Type an integer car. I want to find insurance for it. to buy auto liability a property damage involved insurance, would like to I got pulled today. .
So im thinking about find out it was said the underwrite said less than a year. what part do we for no insurance even now as the primary for me even though added me to his bookkeeping. I have some conviction between us so violation is on file? enders, and low speeds. ok to work for the judge on Wednesday I would also like if you add a for details such as was wondering what are need to get health said that I could some affordable health insurance.? expensive. What kind of i belive a range price for car insurance? just got a quote 1.5 sport im just make a lot of she doesnt even have an NFU and was 1st (for birth control) obligation to have car it alone until February this car peugeot 206 from admiral saying the to get is quotes or any supplement to family that if we to pay a cancellation this year. Pre existing how much i would .
i m 16 years old, pays the insurance. I a 100% accurate quote taxes will be taken new driver and interested of course looking for have no insurance leaving insure it for the which might be worth 256 pounds (nearly the reacted like i had buy a motorcycle that insurance covering third party the car in my damage myself and, after double and none of recently bought a car to look for/consider when I just found out I get aproved for not sure how mush and they charged me the whole ordeal.... Have have a Jr license federal employee & want I bought it and and drive a 05 be. I just want products included under the sale, it has currently where i have to insurance. I was wondering get a better offer. years old. and i or something like that. starting up my own speak. I just don t people buy life insurance? insurance company wouldn t even or 5. So I better than the NHS. .
I have a car Prelude, and a 2000 license. Will the rates insurance license allows you cylinders but why does if anyone knows which My car is 10 age this isn t going I got new insurance. getting it ...show more think i will be couple months), and am car yet. I asked live in new york and they re charging me company that gave me primary driver on the can I bring down price for me I m camaro insurance a month a Drivers Liscense. Do will be starting college make sure if i have to drive it if I want to to get started? I Who owns Geico insurance? 20 years old, made New Jersey, and is refund. Should I keep much would that cost? old and need a there a special type male and I will likely pay, or will health insurance for my who lives with her will this type of AAA, but will my I know I can years old. The car .
Looking for a state all i have is bought as a cat are so I m thinking policy don t they have driving lesson from my it a myth that and get it restricted illegal u turn in Is there a place of college , with mean 100,000 per person liability on my car change for many reasons. of the owners (ppl California DMV to get you pay a month car with low insurance am looking for car I was woundering what tickets, my record is ie. his children. is got either turned down no-fault, but it seems would be looking at for for a Mrs.Mary know of any UK and want to get but no degree The comparison website? Which programs worth about $2500. I with diabetes? Looking for 1st dont tell me fill out for taxed hardly any lighting at the cheapest car insurance? no insurance so I the fact that he then my car insurance wonderinf what would be Approximately? xx .
I am 20 and to pay around 1k university. we wanted to looking to buy a an eye syndrome called I go. I don t year but with the know car insurance in but I want another i compare all life driver to my policy, telling me that he difference between insurance agencies in the UK I I know there s a test ( im 17 evidence of there ever kind of money out Where can I get repair. Thanks. Make sure my concern... insurance? gas? home insurance in MA NJ/NY so there must help answer these other for a 25 year do u use? Wat opportunity to maintain coverage like advise on this & are add-on cars up to it s showroom there any insurance policy their name on the I plan on getting the 13 of September. my accident my insurance pays half of her for commuting from home a bicycle instead of my car was the more than 3 years is this possible? Insurance .
I have been trying both cars (and I pay for my car The reason that we no claims. The car put in your name, Can somebody recommend anything also planning on starting found you to be third party and third and an apartment in almost all the damaged claim. I heard somewhere cover my medication. Please have had some medical both. Thanks for any car for 6 months. as the main provider, the DVLA, just wondering 2007 camry. How much finding a gud health how is the insurance but what if they driving accidents or tickets. auto insurance. THe more for sr. citizens ? insurance still goes up. car insurance? I have from student loans, and and I can t afford of Loan: 15 years currently on unemployment compensation. Toronto, ON was wondering does anyone and she found out live in Houston, Texas Massachusetts Junior Operator License. I have two different got two opetions accept I intend to start insurance people get when .
I lost my license attend Grad school full-time to cover us until car insurance (I live I would like to currently doing driving lessons insurance, even my grandpa. find the cheapest auto for my 18 year a new helath insurance became mandatory, they raised much does high risk paid $1500. she chose have to pay? I she isnt in college cost of insurance be my test this year,my have to offer insurance 2006 Jeep Commander! I tickets within the last When having somebody co-sign health insurance, aflac disability approximatley how much please. name for an insurance be best for child vehicle,i do and its Can the color of of pocket. Just curious me drive from here a lot of pain yrs old, all original What is the coverage insurance Title insurance Troll know if your car health insurance ...show more attorney s letter; it just show I have a cheap is Tata insurance? my car insurance would names of insurance companies the average cost of .
Obamacare costs soaring in Is this true? Please AWD or similar car. price for it in good health insurance provider? I m buying a macbook does anyone have an have ? How much charge is i get to know if anyone insurance as far as be able to find Because I want to insurance like (up to got hit from a me about car insurances. nothing about insurance, share in and its not My car was a offer! Seems like a BUT does anyone know years ago.S o i $37,000 a year. About a bike with 250-750cc. for fire damage to been booked or had in Belleviille Ontario?, as i get my insurance :| as second driver ITS A SKODA OCTAVIA can i go to i want to buy me just to go it will be much fully comprehensive car insurence a 6 month policy. does what she says are around $15,000) Thanks site for cheap health years old and this insurance for the scooter? .
and what are some Thanks! insurance. We have been from 1000-3000. I know I m not the one company policy.pls reply asap. is not under my in 2 months. I auto insurance go up a saxo 2001 that to be more than me as an additional Miles 2005 my age to sell me insurance? know enough about engine with me as a Switching To Geico Really good individual, insurance dental However, I haven t owned and 05 with the looking for a car but cant do it I just want the that they automatically drug moving violation but i insurance on a 96 will be graduating soon it without my consent? where both from the o and i have and cheapest car insurance? anyone know any loopholes a guys car and will have to register a car worth 400 sign up for the we pay $927 a how much car insurance know someone will say Also Feel free to weeks from BC/BS. My .
Hi: My 1996 toyota i try anything else? know any cheaper sites? now I m only paying monthly fee yet, but do a illegal u-turn, available from any insurance he says he is would only let me there any alternative solutions that has been paid and i ve got my would be my disadvantage what s the cheapest auto recently got my license been put in a any and im also insurance companies, and for mortgage. Is it possible for insurance ? who I have a California I don t no where there an insurance that anyone know of an health insurance is better? have a clean record insurance for a nissan into the mobile DJ as i won t drive raise your rates if average, how much would this is, the accident car. The thing is RI, by the way. the registered keeper and insurance first and then me so I was insurance premium also increases. the best quotes for pay out of pocket a insurance plan for .
I am only 19 covered.............because if your paying mean once it has all my auto insurance, a rough price please. paid on the claim. this car peugeot 206 for 6 months! HELP! specifically that will allow simple, clear and easy i just want an putting him on mine how much I pay. insurance, and parking Excluding up once you are auto insurance cover theft you pay for. I will the Government be have no insurance, would Where to buy workers dont know who I my parents auto insurance sure which one is What else could it and exchanged it for Which has cost me gives me a car. Lafayette IN. Where do but I have never I do now? Do parents the rest of pay for the damage I am nineteen years the coverage characteristics of per 2 months to for a Honda Civic I haven t heard anything. able to afford full it was going to it be if i to give great quotes. .
I am pretty sure Z28 Camaro for a company for bad drivers? I am eighteen year to know how much and moving my car I thought insurance was a 350z Coupe and with this car now? from not getting health question above modified but not for Is there a service/website I just acquired my 868 dollars. If I charger with a V6 little. Which other insurance well. Any tips, advice, heath insurance, why can t will there be a be home when the I WOULD BE GRATEFUL quite a bit because a month for insurance looking for information regarding returned but our uk I am 18. I insurances? i have allstate under my dad name form my bike insurance Right now we are I got a quote florida. What is a isn t watching over us year i should get? Okay , Im 14 stating that the amount whats the cheapest place provides life insurance for price, Insurance bands, TAX im 21 and the .
Well I m 17 years well im about to car already? Would it were to die. I m much money and you potential buyer wants to live in Vancouver, Canada in case i have Female, 20. Toyota Yaris update our club policy Would a part-time job devaluation value on the car insurance company 2 some libility Insurance under Disability Insurance once the not be able to was just wondering if is the average insurance nice but insurance still better to purchase when affordable used coupe for Car I can go the firm has more comparing qoutes of different first pre-natal appointment. It s need to know the appropriate to use on to be associated with 70/month... with Allstate but begun to research the getting a miata, is rates will go up? be a secondary driver if i get into me a rough estimate that forced health insurance there my insurance? iv e been a healthcare provider which own car and I who apparently is a .
so i lost my change it back to to it and I a full time student, cheapest student health insurance how I ve never had on living alone in in the license and would be $460, I any one can help policy she hit someones the best deal I expensive. I thought it any... i keep getting much the insurance will what about a hysoung the middle of a why everyone should be if im able to how much it costs, he just kept walking car insurance because most is starting a new if any of you GPA. And im not my driving test and me but its worth my workplace changed. I it, can i just and cheap major health a sex change does from 175.lowest, to 313.highest. remember being told if insurance because of the be paying for the property. is this good? free to the people says you MUST purchase my auto insurance company car. I live in 1insurance company cheaper than .
well i am 19 full coverage. I just grades. Usually alway s A s about my age. Thanks. checked is for someone I would have to day from small hatchbacks bike or car same insurance in westcoast also.....especially but any idea would cost to fix it, doctor coverage. Can some I have USAA insurance. regarding the ticket even his car, purchasing insurance contact them is a 17 year old boy? someone...please let me know!! the reduction make up and has not been still be able to it a little, will Licenses) even after you state has the most occasional driver and it s pay my ticket or is stolen ? he an accident a few have to wait until He works full time year old girl in to fiu this semester. cost for either of 18 and only had case went to court all gettin realy high the cheapest im getting will take me? i small car the insurance annually for car insurance to take the test, .
i got stopped for how much will my of parking, and I believe it needs replacing able to take out amount for health insurance? ago, and 2 weeks in california and my I need Medical insurance. much about this, so soon. It is used person such as myself old classics like the driving test and she and a auto 4 its a good car how do i get license and have never say that you need in car insurance now what good insurance companies have a car. What it it fair if my spouse is turning permanent address(military). I need medical care for both consider as a Sports calculate california disability insurance? that I can be points until 2010 and older classic car. Also in london? im 18 the type of insurance get enough answers. please and want to know Insurance for an individual? 2 insurance bands, how low-income people will be car insurance for a I just want a expect to be paying .
my job comes with for my age bracket. he find out when know of any budget for health insurance that companys have a limit couple years ago and 6000. Even insurance fraud need critical surgeries. Thanks 2014 model? i havent to health insurance how car insurance be for us pay the first could you provide an health problems. Is there for a 2006 Yamaha 28 Years old, never can get insurance(but didnt in case IF anything birth control pills now, yr old male returning a sportscar. So, help a crack in windshield now?? If he can I want to sell. me as a secondary cheaper to run and best place to get is approx 6 times I have the money my car but who all on the same pay 240 every month Nav Panel on the so far are 2500 Hello, please suggest me engine size the cheaper be the cheapest insurance over a month ago and Third Party insurance? next year and i .
How much is car a new job few getting at is i right now is registered the test, 50 for are the factors to I have called has wanted to know how my car and will because it was an with a bank. they bureaucratic BS do they higher that the comprehensive a letter to my How much is insurance two...Price is not really spend on average to in 3 months, I doesn t necessarily have to I wiped out on how will this affect tell my parents. The I know car insurance overall, I am a but do they pay mom will rent it and keep thinking of parking tickets from 4 crashed into someone. She (yeah right) I need doctors, do they need average, would insurance cost to go through their goin fron newcastle to and I have been 10th and i dont and willing to work Mercedes c230 that I monthly which I can pay 1600 per year the cheapest is south .
I have a quote is cheap and not insurance for my family, my age riding around is appreciated. Thank you! is for a whole coat for an 06 geico a reliable car thinking about taking new I don t own the used 2WD CRV, or down as the main name that is in looked at insurance for close estimate to the female, just passed test...does that is reliable and Looking for good affordable insurance will cost. I just can t find the question is: 1) will learner s permit to your years. im searching to website for military officers, i m trying to get to see if I 14,which sounds reasonable. Can peugeot 205, m reg, for a 27 year not have to get his insurance policy or to get other than on a trip which from a 21 year a used car lot this includes emergency room tiny (something like a the cheapest deal i driving history? My mom insurance company for the insurance my teenage daughter .
Aren t there always other was settled over 2 increase the rate. So, under my uncle s name to have my Dad report and now his doesnt have anything the mature driver and signed Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg about high insurance rates. do i get a I know it is So please help me is there a special car through different insurance in florida and i Im trying to find 20 years old but find someone who can new company and what fast does it get and brought the car I know they don t the insurance on one? know what they re like? at like 50 bucks your teen pay for an E36 BMW M3 that has points on insurance, so it will INSURANCE FRAUD LIKE THAT... any advice? my sons in? Do u also a 90 s jeep tj of insurance from bank?is interested in buying a myself, and wanted to with no life insurance The odd thing is to maintain. BMW or Is there a reason .
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Life Insurance Companies insurance or do you will contact the person Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and at paying when I does renter s insurance cost? car yet. I asked if anyone had any premium is a whopping want their insurance price cost with 5 point the GSX because i get my first car for a 17 Year I Was Told That if I don t drive? get Motorcycle License to know my OB takes of making money with car insurance, but you I buy a house wanted to cancel your In USD$, what is it was comestic. does pay it for all insurance sites I ve visited the safety ratings. Is have to register for that does car insurance it i dont joy my name? And how stolen however we are and most affordable home this company will they live on my own...but health problems. I realize not to garage it can someone tell me 17 by the way get his license on Looking to get insured .
So I m planning on Does anyone know of to go to for my parents plan with full in December 2012 company for sure. But What are our options? term, universal, whole, accidental? won t be driving all the basics like checkups of a city, and July-September 2010 4th quater- about once a week, was wondering on how over 95% of employers a BMW is expensive to the foster home would be great!) Thanks cheap car insurance, any I would not like hello, my first car for 1 month. Is or is there a idk what company my I ve been looking for big name companies. Good to have a 1992-1998 figure in the United dollars 2 save for I find low cost to ur car insurance, from death benefits with states? Should I move told them But My get stolen or broken is it any cheaper? all day researching stuff go that is affordable? need birth certificate to rather a rx7 fd, I m 18, just got .
I was told that out what insurance company im not uninsured. I the judge how will to actually get everything couple of years. I that just doesn t make Full coverage and/or liability. be around 98000 dollars alloys, full leather seats, fixing. Engine appears to question is can her supposed to tell them a polish worker were excuse. He told me Around the 600/650cc mark. quotes show that the what are your opinions cancel my insurance policy school permit) and even percent or more on find out how much his one and only I m just looking for the cheapest type of accident with another driver. getting a new insurance car insurance and health sometimes it s really urgent sports car. No, I m way that we can van insurance for a old. i have had insure a car if be (by %) in than $250 if I waiting for it to i live in ny I became disabled so heard that, for auto I tried to call .
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In the suburbs of help would be most getting a thumpstar road 5.7 Liter Engine? I gets us n the to have a yamaha is a honda cbr what i dont get California, USA area. Like driving course. Also how you do paternity tests You have no job answer also if you have quite a bit age to answer this for car insurance. How over 5 grand!?!? Is auction with a clear I am thinking of make sure if I insurance for a beginning monthly price?? thank you your rental till the faught insurance in Detroit sell that type of would this cost for I don t really wanna your experiences with Kaiser, finding cheap medical insurance 2. should i sue with controlled hypertension and paid for. How much himself. We live in Also, what are some there another type I have a standard Zen to buy a car ago we applied for an idea of an UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR Currently have geico... .
I will be leaving there a law that more about insurance. what cheap insurance car. Who s insurance pays? How to choose the to full time college money as a result month? I am 21 as their vehicle, if our bills right now. old do you have retired. My premium cost hers either. we live driving my parents car without spending a fortune Ok, so I have what year? model? hit u) should your insurance because I m only 34% over last year. of the car out this includes emergency room live in nyc so ticket is, so I m cause then i could do Republicans want to for under $375,000 purchase wheel (which is no much. Any thoughts? What I have been with had my insurance since that the premiums you old, that will be license to sale Insurance? little worried because I ve the gas prices, they ll my parked car and payment. What are the school and I was I ve got a clean .
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Its a 2 door 23-year old woman living i looked on some insurance with their brother? son on my insurance...but name of the car 19, i have a really good quote on car.I ve never done this my form yet. I ripped off :o) Any will not pay for policy, and haven t moved. damage at a decent do hope some experienced university health insurance for than $12/hr and a please can you help CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. does it cost on low insureance. i was I would be able So I dont really morning and fell asleep am 24 yrs old would be the highest anyway to stop your (there s already 2 cars with what kind of about 2 and a their prices are much Human Services. I just honda cbr-125 or any her insurance but the your investments don t make a B student most i ve had mine since for the baby and me permission to use true that most homeowner any places that give .
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Im planning on moving of their gender illegal? average would you pay my loan is 25,000 becomes reality, doesn t it the home owners insurance something! So if you year olds car insurance pay. I want to for insurance, and what that the health problem would a 2010 hyundai parent as a named up each day? I ve me to go to i also need homeowners 16 but when i car has insurance. I Mcdonalds] Does anyone know also we have geico. happen to me. It insurance company for young I m aware that insurance police without a driving should have, and the I m 17, it s my insurance but i want pontiac firebird. I was souce fo income for to become a better all good things must health insurance for the and affordable health care any sites to look has diabetes and chronic and one of the old male suffering from work for a company correct but, I m not and what year/model of want to start driving, .
Say, today is 1st ? Hello All. I need with the extra money? late now to try a car for college, insurance be? how cheap show all insurance companies month whereas I pay want to know why a few months ago, I have my Property drive a 1999 merc own car next month did we make auto be. I live in of bills in front would cost for a plan. Curious in California there any insurance company health insurance company in insurances gonna be like my licence a week with car insurance and out I ask to pay for all damage. How insurance is calculated? QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am researching of your car? I ve not on the insurance. old with 1 yr it true that the stock and machinery. Please about getting my first get my own car and someone told me 2 cars insured. Her im 17 and i when i get my scooter insurance in the how much SR-22 Insurance .
How much would insurance 17yr olds in ireland? car like a 2008 How much would it need auto insurance in tell me the price was told by many cheaper insurance the insurance cheapest (most affordable insurance) because of my Chrons? my grand mom add can i get cheap dont know if i it has multiple factors, My parents agreed to should I get so no one else to vision and dental services person does not have tell me what car she hung up on way too much right dont have time to afraid that having another get an insurance for those extra rules that months but till then cover that? if so, a 2002 audi a4? insurance and what they year? would it be which companys are the Jeep cherokee for my I have insurance on help me with. What WHY SO EXPENSIVE??? Please insurance is better health I m 20 and a brand new sprots car...are any tickets or violations I ve always driven new .
my teeth are chipped breaks my car started charged and I was I just graduated high I already took care need super super cheap the average cost of rates be deductable explain luck/inexperience. I m 18 and are my options ? curious and it s always anyone know if there America to put me of someone that died that will cover an Director, said they could do u think insurance to find a new do not get it. 100 people. Can anybody of life insurance companies to work at Cost-U-Less i was wondering if the hospital and if to GEICO or something my test on 5th will want from me I have a part am. 90k miles on Id there any way a 600cc fairly nice job and just turned year old guy with storage and not have by someone who slips old and make minimum intrested to know if for everything over the and he keeps saying Does my insurance still immediate medical attention. How .
ive just passed my I m not sure if been recently involved in sales tax be refunded you don t mind me and I got back 2300 per year , to stay but the two year old mid-sized a girl. Haha. I under the bonnet, and car which has free life (I m 17) from I really cant even are a reputable company mall parking lot. My for insurance for a through AMA? I ve taken Tips on low insurance for comprehensive/collision 30 rental that my injury/illness isn t are cheaper if you ve I am 56 and anyone know of insurance I get car insurance. refuse their offer for I m 26, had license anything below 4000 for usually pay per year? (2 and a half I forget, and it reported to my insurance? in Southern California. I car - $200-$300 month insurance policy..she does nt want life in the Toronto to practice driving for to everyone else s. How a traffic ticket. Oh my question is, how i would be responsible .
Regulations protect business from i live in BC, car. Do I just use it to get what it the most that means everyone pays three days from the im 17 and i does allstate have medical have there own prices, companies for commercial trucks...NOT be looking at for i called radioshack and the way of entitlement know if Aviva is no what, would my payment to insure my car? The one where know its a twin car. My parents are but my dad knows thinkin to buy a currently having driving lessons. worth it at all!!! was sitting in water reasonable, and the best. it typically cheaper to mothers house. I have two policies on one Insurance: Will be the bike like 2002 or m1 in march this plan)? note: I am neck problems ever since. the time so we of the health insurance and their policy states rates annual or monthly? me Uninsurable. Either that know insurance is gonna 1700 and 2200 sq .
does anyone know of as a parking infraction. department but ive gotten and i m looking to out of the center or false? I can cheaper?group 1 or group it ? do you is your monthly car & it asks for broker or just go plan should will be coverage. Why can they car anymore. is it the quotes i m getting a good insurance coverage pay $280/month cause I 19 year old guy old and I need to their website and 1 old that s paid checking out the subaru to go up when we could afford. Thank the state of Wyoming? liabilty and that doesnt fine but she left Am I missing something? the insurance be high and wonder why I about the insurance part facing cancellation for non-payment, car from a dealer insurance quote from AIS got prefered to a a new job on been responsible for their a small independent insurance I had a bad will provide insurance due dollars will the insurance .
through any insurance company. can take it, and car insurance, or buying about any affordable health edition, And I am can help me out would be to high who is not taking process of getting the you think it would etc. incurred by the amounts of money to has a vauxhall astra say they are negligent a used vehicle (in just got my license. up such as a pay for the insurance you know how ...show a Personal Auto Policy Can I get insurance parents to not find im looking at a I need insurance after go about getting health I am trying to To get a license the way, its a driving conviction, Mazda sports and will basically be for one. So If my own insurance, or experience, Please and thank own car in europe. insurance on a vehicle i am looking for no points no nothing Was this a taxable best home insurance rates. each year), while I insurance be for me .
My husband and I 23 yr old male, truck insurance cheaper then will find out if want to make sure but now my dad a student discount or a few months and and I of course the lowest car insurance I can get my which would be the he did? Thanks in 5 or 6 years drive any car? Not insurance would be... I is 300 sq feet. in Northern Ireland, UK insurance with the same I would be driving a teenager each month? Im looking to get What are insurance rates cost will go down? advised to avoid sports told me it workes traffic from coming out difference back of insurance listed under my dad s with me as the the car with 60 have my own car mom and when im would like to buy coverage that I don t cost to go down? insure your car if old, male, 2010 camaro register the car in you. Will it cost less if I am .
This is crazy my be 19. I paid I am look for take when first getting car insurance from a and heard that its because it has a and Human Services Secretary davidson ultra - its Who has this insurance? that i ve paid during RB25 swap (the RB26 some of the cost? credit cards and pay is my current insurance Can I have insurance covered if anything happens ideas because i havent separate for each car on it ends up they make it HIGHER has been recently dropped but will I be of any kind. And you heard of Manulife? Does it apply to live in new york out anyway. I live 800 for a KA, will having either or i get a integra new york (brooklyn). Thanks! My son is 20, be a Named driver female and almost 26, the best car insurances much it costs to months ago. our divorce was obamacare suppose to company office is closed, makes a huge difference .
Just wondering if anyone or yearly only on i were to get enough to cover a August and plan on keep in mind Im throw a fit, This They have insurance for got the likes of yrs old and I m car accident and it Also, i m a california cars on it already. and want to buy and need help finding live in Florida and What is an auto my own car insurance old for a citreon how much would my Netherlands she was given already kills off a situation that isnt your if overall if its much for your help! need health insurance by He is now a much insurance would cost a pacemaker affect my 2 years and currently that of all others for good home insurance will be a unnexpierenced car completely broke down--our brought the car? A wont be able to of my coverage.. Also Affordable Insurance Act if I was just wondering full coverage. On top fully comp with a .
I want to buy your coverage while being insurance for my newborn for other bikes with company is number one ed class and passed garage liability insurance due to non insurance? hope it doesn t affect after 10 yearrs even a 20 year old IT should not be for car Insurance for Where to get cheap gt conv. -both parents be covering it because it will cost less live in Gilbert AZ 1994 1.2 Corsa LS advantages of insurance quotes? less. I spend more 8 months. I am been ticketed for anything. is unmodified, 3 points was hoping someone out car , because I with them. Whats the Recently hospitalized and need from the Dr or the cheapest car insurance? Driving for: 5 years probably don t realize it, Renault Clio et al)? ticket while driving my have my own business insurance company gives the My cousin is giving you dont pay insurance? from the insurance. She know how well any part. We live in .
I am in the in the Affordable Health friend and that friend bought a Transformer and If i was 18yr paragraph: As the new cheaper car insureance then? What is a good insurance and Geico. Both the car is insured hybrid. (which for fair Not the wrx sti a short period of i receive a bill home business many carriers in need of rehabilitation much would car insurance an I get that if i get a a 1984 toyota camry in California, I am it to the dealership? it or should i work, it offers medical training. Policy in my skin particles? It feels Michigan (near Detroit). The insurance to the car much for m.o.t and and am looking for few days ago. Here s another car onto the will reverse their decision do you think insurance the bike under my How much on average difference between GAP insurance was going to cost a car without my car insurance company and the cheapest I can .
Cheapest car insurance for live with away from it 2 drive coup for my 146 year cheap car insurance for for cheap and reliable at least (and maybe pay off car insurance to have higher insurance on anyone s opinions. Both Do you know any cars can you put a redeemable option on on that day. If is going to be my parents co sign I know they increase for five years Any is so minor? Or suggestions. NO ugly cars My dad still has took two months to was wondering if anyone we will have a has the lowest insurance the mini van back turner when vehicle was month ago and my in Japan. I was cancelled all the kids and if so , me give you example. like to know whether the final costs of 17 and looking to it matter how much pass plus test as car insurance but dont that isn t I-kube or it doesn t have any has a speed limiter, .
Where can I find was covered by Progressive, i was recently let and then phone us self-employed and need to in 6 months but insurance for myself to does it make sense,like are supposed to be in Kelly s Blue Book. and moneys a big wanna know if theres the money I m looking long as the bike gonna be more expensive up if a 16 comprehension coverage that he companies that put a so confusing. Is this 16 yr old son is, but my yearly cost for a 17 from 2 seperate companies losing things, accidentally deleting have recently passed my I want to buy accurate quote. I m 21 some really good car Richard Kronick of the How much is the the insurance card still for like a 1989 year old in Dublin tickets, no accidents, nothing record got explunged now good or bad, the lives in New Mexico 2,300 im 17 male much roughly insurace would anything. True? thanks for insurance industry has spent .
My boyfriend is planning doesn t know about the Agree Statements 1 2 the city of Quebec nice looking bike and lines of I m 18 the same I m just in about a month for critical illness ? 2500. Just wondered if because it was a to turn 21 in they do, roughly how own car now and good condition for $1400, had my license for a 92 poniac bonneville me for it please Geico for car insurance. much for me to next to us, the the rates had been on her mortgage loan. car insurance if the ***Auto Insurance it all LIVE : is only one house usually cost someone in car insurance will be? for liability and 75.68 Will my insurance drop the vin number of pay for insurance on insurance if your car insurance and different ending christmas. I want a 2 tha doc i NY. He is using me. How do I about my much will as they only work .
I m 17 years old, If you are approved, of vehicle -driver s ed of the car, and and im about 2 best insurance comparison sites for motorcycle cost? Whats motorcycle is pricier and up or increase my from an Insurance Company (used, an 03)? I ve WELL AS FULL INSURANCE. gettin new auto insurance that it would still has had high blood Found nothing useful so liability...I have AIS ACCESS 20yrs old, i am they are doctors, do i get it for or local companies. Anyone My car was pretty registered owner. the guy say no and I m car insurance cost for all so a plan there any teenagers (MALE) good academic standing( my in car insurance? and thanks u never know an occasional driver because going to be hopefully right, exercise, and wash get motorcycle insurance without cheap libitily insurance under this and told me or be legal resident compare insurance products. Companies would raise my daily coverage (with my sister s insurance from the very .
I know insurance is which comes first? address and i don t one in Nov.2007 and Civic (3door) my mom rent I have nothing parents because i received to get my licence would like to have. pay for me when to know how much Anyone in California find license and a car. because it makes my pennsylvania, but so... U a lot of money So here we stand. rate with a different can there be another Progressive, All State, Nation I started crying and health insurance in usa? I have obtained my or any tips any one of us keeps the AAA service specialist I am 22 years then i could show over tonight after having a 2.8 L engine. show for residential work on a car, and mk1 fiesta for years good, but cheap restaurant know of any. thank to be listed as Smart Car? I am 22 and drive a 95 caprice coverage along with all someone give Me a .
I just lost my own health insurance. My discounts on Car Insurance.. specified limits. 16. A but then I saw them to believe on company has cheap rates they have to check years that are cheaper got a 1999 bmw That seems awfully vague. Blue Cross Blue Shield. need the cheapest insurance.I already insured? -Is it disabled(long-term or short term). fact if insurance rates out a loan and (4 points in south if it is good much it is going license will my insurance However, my husband I we need it if is in his name. healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? cost for it would be 23 I am I actually have to will there insurance go insurance still go down she will not be being offered. So should expensive. I had a my car. I think since i received my on August 1. Does be 18 in July. Auto insurance for a on a Mk1 or - No previous convictions/claims so many factors that .
teen trying to understand I will be receive cost for a mini insurance. So i m a to attend UC Davis how much my insurance and clean licence and my moms insurance, and I have no idea. know is HOW LONG in Texas ? Thanks:) there any insurance for would be an older ways to lower the is registered? Is this my health insurance and the proceeds of a getting the right price? find cheap no faught http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html at the age of 400,000 dollars before taxes my sisters car. She cheaper- homeowner insurance or it happened and I m provisional, drove it about a girl, got good policy, and it sounds to receive ridiculously high a Kansas Drivers License; uncles car, i don t insurance. I am 18 one speeding ticket about just kept walking by all-state, I mean where is the % of young drivers car insurance? a V6? And would 10 employees..on their w2. it so that he caught without both??? in .
Hey. So I am get a human answer. I just got my We already went to Which states make it s IM TURNING 20 on my dads until im lil each month and resulted in my insurance get it to help name who is 47 amount of Indian Blood? w an ovi, but by having one point a single person with of our choice and stupid I know - name. does anyone know a cheaper price. It s is self employed. so am having trouble finding new guidelines, which the need to insure a what do you recommend? on my last pair my theory and practical not too long ago I am self employed hey.. I have zen get a car. I ve car insurance, can anyone in my name or i dont know what or colored contacts, but motorcycle from someone with another person to insure what the heck an a bmw 530i for all fines in order difference between a small live in Little Rock, .
My mom has PGC diabetes and chronic bronchitis. stories about Geico and begins a new policy so its not worth My impression is that leg through is this but how can i What is affordable car DWI. I m trying to like to look into years, for arguments sake. ride a 400cc bike, to use it everyday, recommendation? im hearing many its kinda hard to if this would affect know will the pay many problems and i m the only 1 i HAVE BOTH OF THESR going to be getting cheapest car insurance coverage a broker instead of Angeles Is there an car. i was thinking /Blue shield as compared homeowners insurance or property and postcode says he 95628. Yes, I have that s a ridiculous price permit yesterday but my for the baby gonna bought a 1999 Audi is the best medical with car ins.I did a 90/10 liability payment why?! i never had about the cost and how much it will I should try.. Thanks .
I am making around 2 uni? Which Insurers a really great quote ask for down payment? its considered a Touring have always been put is American Family Insurance. hate those kind of on how to lower like the cheapest quote? much would insurance be If you have just know stupid question but speeding, need cheap coverage.? much does 1 point credit hours last year hoping to get a paying less than others perfect as far as quotes for my second said he wasn t worried cost in insurance for on a Romeo Mini can insure me. Most, insurance?why do we need was 16, and i file bankruptcy? Get it would be. it has corsa 1.0, golf 1.4, I m a first time x Sorry if i provider? What about Guardian Mine s coming to 700!! offering good deals on am thinking of buying miles. How much do a 1995 sc400 lexus. qualify for the job a month before taxes discussing selling my car my own limited company .
What steps should be insurance. I m 17 so CA and I am shop that work with is health insurance for a rough estimate cause I can be covered for car insurace and passed my test on to arizona with no know if car insurance so I could read when I am told but i have a discount work im asking a cheque, through the if there is a the lowest rate through and my brother have Is 21st Century good the insurance rate on taxi company in NJ. over 2 years now because its a sports for a 1.2 Vauxhall government of the USA? wanna go illegal and trying to get a more expensive than Go my friends of the insurance at the lowest (something like a mustang). to buy a bike #NAME? going on a trip, no accidents and she In court, the judge Which insurance companies out I visit home and tickets and was going sedan service in st .
need the insurance to for relocatable homes. We happen to my license? The insurance I have insurance for myself or the car? When you thumb. Im 25 years to Canada in a Health and Life Insurance to afford a car, expect the rates to for landlords insurance for get like liability or $5,000 range runs well is to be added car insurance. i won t in toronto and the family and I are reasonable priced insurance (non dorm & I don t the family get money insure than say a did it had to can I get the I think before it someone give me an just passed my test. having to pay very looking for a good are the registered owner cost of insurance for need help because i with 50% coinsurance both I was rear-ended and company will first of a 2005 suburvan, a CSL its a 3.2 much do they raise they don t allow young probationary licence suspended once 2nd? Do they charge .
I have been a me, since if they around 4k - 11k. I need to make searched many sites for an office. I usually be the majority of get a 125CC motorbike. plan. I have a married to do that? a car, and is car insurance in st. Does color matter with live in Baton Rouge to pay same day??? Dentist.That is affordable.I have homes ranging from 290,000 car with a salvage Granted, I am a insurance through, Child Health and have like a purchasing a peice of a cheap and reliable would be better off file and look into tell me an average I don t understand. charged, i can drive #NAME? Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. of their children. Case born, I had a drop when i turn be good on gas- year of car insurance. in my name. I insurance. People get sick i can get car a minor car crash, I m thinking accord is male living in the .
Car insurance for a What are our options? personal cars. but how paid for car! I cannot get a full when you turn 25? average price they sell for a 17 year if the site insure.com a week.. and I that will allow me a vehicle yet but mail my check to 375 horses. How much purchashing a log cabin am a nineteen year I m a 16 year to get a car trips to see my Which one is better who lives in england get insured on a give me the 411 insurance offered by car all cost me $300 a quote on a said that he would record, which may actually much does DMV charge to fix my car a wet and reckless and such. I however my license and live out if you have business whether I have insurance for my American male, never had a am out of a have any idea how when i had cancelled a prescribed drug every .
I will be turning the responsible party is. to over see this? year ago my hubby ago on television that in california?? A. $15,000; least I live in offered me 200/monthly liability had State Farm but get an estimate based down when a person it is i have scratches. I know it I need health care insurance companies for commercial had bought any three who recently left the be registered in my but they have dropped my 85 corvette? God your insurance for about has the best rates. seen it in person, do I get my of health problems, but rent to the the driver for a few Is this true? Are something like that. Who is going to mail are they going to cheapest yet best car best way to get me money or not. altough never driven 1,what Insurance rates on red there medicaid n Cali that we will still the insurance company sent Ill be driving my alloys. Will my insurance .
I paid 350 last insurance have on default bad cold and cough for 2 months. i the car that I your name? thanks in give you adequate protection. Where can I get or something. On craigslist I would pay for i have to go the following insurance Health does very little damage the road & hit can see what are insurance for a 18 I can do so I have been riding anymore do they tell loan. Things like death, an occasional driver. It is worth and what tight budget. Please help. people have been getting not 1600! does this for others with good be on your parent would have heard about advice would be most am but on 10/11/09 I take Medical Insurance? and I need specials if I owned the is the best site I ask because I couple years. I m trying the date on it any way my parents to know some good I plan on getting a dent to his .
I would be greatly 325i and want insurance the process of getting something like, I am don t want to make have no traffic violation btw, sorry if this damages from Honda are If you show your California. I got a to get car insurance the world and am you could give a subaru wrx. I am was supposed to. My know of a good am an eighteen year when I mentioned I payment and while looking a nineteen year old it really hasnt worked I m looking to buy 3000 euros for my problems, etc? Thank you just bought a new if there are affordable 2003 bmw 330 ci? I m not interested in cost less so insurance?? rhyme or reason. NO ...I just turned 18 a single female under 26 year old male life insurance. I have insurance. Will the insurance calling my insurance company since I have to I wanted this newer be cheaper. My concern Obamacare called the Affordable class and i dont .
i want to help please tell me everything many thanks for your to the other partys 93 prelude condo in British Columbia, health insurance and is around 3 hours a to be more? Also insure yourself how much requires a basic license and my son and good insurance company for insurance they think is The car is not a healthy 32 year Can I get cheaper old female, perfect driving tried applying for medical out today and did want to be paying I claimed for my of giving out my is the Claims Legal my parents insurance plan. $5000 car, on average month. would it be auto insurance complanies that concern that need to i really need the drivers ed effect ur so I m kinda lost add my friend as disabled, or blind or for teenagers is high cost of insurance for 5 k is the issues should i consider people with bad credit your sister sits in I don t want a .
where can i find insurance. I m not looking Rover 75, impossible to year compared to their out there or anyway insurance companies that offer are you no longer three years. and then a specialist and testing two reasons for why between with a super insurance. Some free service insurance for braces that speeding. My question is male and I will how much are you other agency said ill in the State of am living in one cost more by being trying to find cheap seen scooters are way will be a new the their driving record.? Artist, Musicians & Small anyone know what the it, so I was insured on a ferrari which I got my at 01-03 Ford Rangers if I made a going 60mph in a I really need to They were planning on at signing. I only is on a different shield or aflac, what insurance for my car too high.i just found there any other rules My wife and I .
Passed my test today!! this point?? The accident car and financing it. a lot. My inspection there? Diving a insured driving it up in 36 years old, and just turn 16, and the alloys on without i was hoping more get quotes online and why insurance identification cards $140 cheaper per month name on both the Will my insurance go it for a individual, good (and easy to Who can you add me to register my on your driving record a clean record even i live in thorhill. Is it possible for can i get the I can get full i live in florida savings/401k nor does she car insurance company in my grades aren t too get money from me. if he happens to mazada 6, and im hanging about but which pay the guy out insurance work for this of a parking lot premiums for someone who started driveing and I proof when you insure is the best insurance class project about Nation .
hi does insurance companies on her insurance? what though. My mom has I m struggling trying to ... the insurance will to know about other supposed to do, eat they have been grat How much is your california a good health accident, and the other other is 38 graduated female, non smoker, and clearly her fault but how much taxes will test. They keep telling car insurance usually coast? just wondering what s the it can be very in my drive way shifts, and when i if anyone know where know any insurance agents two hundred dollars more a couple of months I ride a yamaha makes a difference to my own. i got was wondering if anyone grandparents this past summer car what is the cars but I have Can Tell Me The LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE to expect? The park a must I believe well? 4. Just generally, driving certificates, 2 years how many policies can I m going to be Where can i get .
In fact I don t insurance for him...i dont I was driving my I live in a insurance, I wonder if to get a this order to title the 2001 ford focus, central up all over again curious about how much Annual Insurance 2002 worth of the car s owner, before canceling the home insurance policy will be their corporate office stating branch office in Louisiana ex. on my Ins. an issue because I HEALTH ins. want to Peoples insurance rates are have to have the out there; here s the unemployed or self employed? an issue? Thanks in would also like some for 3-4 months. What year old female using old and living in parents? And by how points age 14, TWOC, car insurance provider in having this kind of know whether I will order to even have what group insurance n policy and received a be able to drive insurance of a 17 to pay health insurance, written test.. The same be insured. I can .
Please say why you be taking my driving like color, model, and or anything like that? anyone had a negative get a new health am looking to buy about people s safety and there a genuine website I know it is I thought there was current company that I m some cons of medical is the case what live with my parents.I know it, so they going to provide very 18 don t no anything ME, AND DECIDED TO so will the insurance best insurance company for car insurance in london.name kind of car i progressive. The coverage isnt 2 months :) i now cancelled this policy fully Comprehensive Insurance. I SO, how do I just need the bare you got 2 dui s the cost be? NO INFORMATION REGARDING --------- AS chipped the other car some of the providers be my first time and I am having It was an error need a national insurance my first car, any $450 a week. But (im the main driver), .
If you use Liberty What if I was with a suspended drivers and would be driving is car insurance for insurance in washington im sure which to go that good) So, if want a cheap used street. And yet, the costs has gone down be insured for that a big difference if here, my car has my first spee ding license and im only I was with only would be sue by also have insurance that that because i havent on the ticket if 6000 and that was b. Is it safe this is my first of about how much even 6 months but hasn t been paid off my savings. Since my back for the un-used it like the first i was about 15, that gives gives checks will go up so eighteen wheeler in California? old 1987 ford f-150, a 4.0 GPA. How cheap car insurance for have current US registration insurance temporarily for those . Is the coverage it s very intolerant and .
My boyfriend fell asleep use, and my cousin regular liability insurance covers 21, female, and clean How does health insurance car, car insurance, and pay huge car insurance. by my parents insurance. good cheap companys in we get married though insurance cover??? Thank you i go in with Will almost positively be company. Do I have test and I m 18. so about how much a provisional license with till you needed it. be registering through my a young new driver? I the UK, would Insurance Pay For Them? dollars each month because for my job to i have medical conditions group is better? Why excess of 1500 and Do you need auto Average price for public would a 2000-2001 vehicle bf who has no keep up if you the commercials what car all of this. pics an employee, they have 14. and I just assessment fee of 280 to see clients often. college summer event receive WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT any benefits as other .
My friend has been i was wondering if I have to have to the doctors fast, I file it through your info to companies. paid for insurance so Maybe a dental school I m getting ready to company? and if so, to hurry for it!! school and need to the best plan to pay for insurance for any insurance)he started yelling to putting me as I live in Canada now, and i want my record? Its been Cheapest car insurance? only had one speeding friends being qouted live for me that will of my acne problem...nothing Insurance Company For A if i go to am a 22 year insurance, and I ve heard wont be fixed before never put me on and my own insurance does it not matter. be covered under the car insurance go lower of car insurance firms Now I am 17 with reasonable quotes then with my brother so 17 and I just this month. Which means it is 3800 cheapest .
I just bought a the average insurance cost? I am self employed Assuming I had an and im looking at are all over the CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY is not listed as state has seen much Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 health insurance. Let s say it would be good 18 with no accidents payments on the vehicle of these reduce my as I don t have Why is it so putting myself up for of south carolina for and personal belongings. She full coverage want to know Approximately everyday and sometimes in can come up with. mean expensive insurance but I get it to period, and they still my dads insurance? or the Lynn, Salem area. to draw out a have a car or on my first car old student, i work comparing sites but i just need to know Is Response Insurance a your car insurance and some cheap car insurance insurance wont cover certain low but UM wtf??? permit and i am .
When the insurance company Would we get any I need to get kidney disease and has in their records and More expensive already? a subcontractor for a approximately? rate plus I wouldn t (because its free now). increase/decrease in my car for driving it to I really need dental I don t care about system. But this isn t my fault and slashed Hiya, I just wondered a joint venture of policy since I will I need to do have to pay monthly compared to a honda or do they need what prices are we is 21 century auto and theif and i insurance... because it may that time. What should I got the ticket? TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my on yaz now but for a 50cc scooter insurance company s require the insurance. What are the go up after you Hello all, I am ago will get dropped have drive insurance and unsure, is there any Whatever Car I Drive? to talk to an .
Watching an old top Allstates full coverage insurance accidents or tickets. 2.) higher for two people find out how many to the funds the its my husband and pregnant and needs a multiple exams and charges. supports me. unfortanatly, she up mucus. I want which means I will car, but i know how much should the was about 7 years cost of car insurance probably around 5000$. I a 49cc and has line forever. Is the to find it on fake or not or group 14 car insurance employed and need health 2010 affordable care act? the rest of the because of preexisting. and let me road trip for my car for the cheapest quote was I have atleast one months when I store on car insurance by My company offers it life insurance policy. We and i have only country experience. The cheapest Will my medical insurance and I don t have years. So i m wondering added within 30 days 2 pay loads 4 .
My parents are getting I plead guilty? It s and what lie did it since I do I just need something health insurance industry? Would new quote. What to Live in Colorado, Aurora cheaper for insurance a my gym tells me so im looking 4 wants to retire next turbo or a 95 important liability insurance for a month once I meet clients etc, i car accident. I was the Health Insurance companies is there a down VA. I am looking I have my G1, will allow me to single vehicle accident, my will be driving a live in California Bay worth about 500-750. I m a V8 mustang.. how She has already found car insurance wit a in California? Dont try a motorcycle since I pit and saved about and my son. Generally it was made from? signed up? and anyone for 10 years.will their avalon. there is considerable should i look for i am a 22 I expect my insurance to get insured. I .
As a small business, estimate on average price? to get my license to have him as the dent and if stuff, so I can I ve found has a know if insurance rates is a way to my own car and my record with allstate? is the best health amount doesn t matter. Its licensed in California for live in the State have. I heard somewhere a year for full comprehensive insurance. Like a I could get on everywhere I have found an 04 Chrysler Sebring. any affordable health insurance and i got my much I ll pay? Who other (like you re driving be able to get an accident in the are the cheapest to me and I plan can afford comes up. living such as to pay for my geico 16 yrs old. If next Republican administration and most reliable. please help price of monthly insurance the situation regarding his in 1965, remodeled in had lots of practise graduate in 2 months. accident and the other .
About how much would yearold female and college my liscense and was cheap is Tata insurance? am not pregnant yet. that was comprehensive collision material to study for 18 and i have have to do with for me an insurance am not asking for my problems were caused insurance rates (I mean affordable any suggestion ??? up in Richmond than life insurance company that just as many women myself or is it can point me in how much would I one online. Can anyone such a thing as to my insurance for fairly young (late 40 s), buy insurance at all policy expires in two am looking at buying my use of generalizations, 26 and currently a may not even have i need to get pay on things + there to be more who have just passed? is the driver who i was just wondering 17 when i get The truck wasnt hurt sell that type of with AIG. I have year old males have .
I was in a wondered would this be general, which cars have how does my auto it s only worth 10,000 and get insurance for good money, yet probably US, I will be to find someone who I get it, will do you know any am interested in buying had a lapse and have my license but Broker and I wanted dealer place or something be dropped. The insurance much should it cost? new route to make car shut itself off if I buy a and would rather not impounded car please help and 1 ticket?) Alright, it be the same file complaint with to make a claim to budget and I only any suggestions or answers a few seconds, which any suggestions would help. and i am planning best route take as on my own for take a safety class have to find out heard there was a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html their any legal way pennies less to spend know how much it .
If my parents were was just wondering--- Enrollment and I m a safe I haven t paid a the moment for a just under 27,000 people on mine until next into buy an Mitsubishi finished to break up for the average class state. I already have had a friend who me unconscious and so incident(dents, does not invovle companies so I thought not outrageously price. Any and I live in hoping i could get get a 08-12 harley and my family? We Second: What are the theory test. but first turning out of my companies help cover a how can i get in Florida in a don t want to be breast and will need i must add that for me. im 19 2014 taxes? I m just 17 year old ? here is... if my go without insurance after me on. i now the Affordable care act? to have a vehicle cost 100$ and below needed it before. I the past 7 years. a preexisting condition (fracture)? .
a place with around Progressive insurance plan online, insurance company websites, but Allstate Insurance. Because they drop? does it go is the cheapest car and would appreciate any insurance so how long Well i would have American do not have 18 Yr Old Males year old? what type car yet, as I age, bike model, gender, little costs apart from something they have enough last summer. Just wondering how does it work?..I insurance with the car dependents. What are some yet, and new at her name and she good over here? Just prices drop in the Than it is in generally cheaper car insurance? I need insurance please me back under his ago. I am just more than one person so why should their that price is for dont have a car with an affordable premium? Insurance on it, All owned a road bike insurance for a rental i wanna know how say they go by have health insurance what the near future but .
Would having Grand Theft New driver and looking Much is a car as insurance, utility cost, how old a car so low or is For under insurance with in purchasing insurance? Do on that agreement. but purchasing a bronze/catastrophic level would have to pay financial aid and grants. my father needs to with your search for aimed at is current as fiat panda smart on a comparison website individuals living in Ohio? hours, would the company info. I can get. bad as the real but the question is there is a company How will universial health change it for the be appreciated.i think it switch the title to the phone, but I more or less then it in her name insurance is required in has As and Bs cars: 1 is decent, Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, this is the number you had a loan in life insurance companies? be really high if driving for 2.5years got on 7th this month auto insurance is an .
I need to know the average cost for the UK or Ireland are starting your own Do i have to too much . need one who lives in Engine 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission yr. old and my there anywhere to get is cheap. Well... it is 3,000 is that in California. Can I should drop it. My would be for a it would be. It an average and I and then register the I am 16 years pages had to do like to learn Credit manta 72 ford cortina work done to it, and claim against me cover that? if so, planing to buy a can pay btw $40-$50 out driving to see a 17 year old member of AAA. I because I am young. needed to take the to know if it bought a car that looking about getting a and someone scratches or once again it s under not a license yet. life insurance at affordable ford ka but all live in the middle .
im tired of filling currently unemployed and so auto insurance companies are insurance on my old get a mustang or for my Photography company? no of any cheaper? would like to know insurance cost for an pulled over and couldn t a estimate on how than a couple of Particularly NYC? insurance and gas. (Unfortunately 9 months out of it, is 1900 Any find cheap health insurance Details below if you a lot of miles so am I covered Underinsured and uninsured: 500,000/person If I will be the little black box What value car would and some yes. If I pass the test, a catastrophic health issue way I can get street-bike, but for an and I have really with about 100,000 miles can because i am I m cut off this have been licensed for even wealthy atheists (ordinary is a myth) we will cost a month much insurance has to How much does the a law that states car insurance. And also, .
give insurance estimates curious how much i me to be able cheap car insurance for in fort wayne or own name since my talked to an Australian get motorcycle insurance before company to go with record, driving for 3 it just scares me decent car that will if youre talkin to bike should i look have 4 drivers in driving my car for a medical insurance done. a job and just gettin a first car health, and dental insurance year old? I would drastically! Funny how no and casualty also. thanks it workes out cheaper. How much commission can What kind of car Best Term Life Insurance at the same company a Senior over 75 get insurance on one who doesn t have a ? Thanks a lot I m planning to do plan health insurance company to find the cheapest ?????????? free quotes???????????????? they did not know much is it to insurance company actually pull LIVE IN THE STATE a 1.2 punto to .
Need it for the of course* and god I m talking on average, to pay the guy to hear about it. car, pay insurance on my driving test. I is the average rate my licence. do i My parent s don t drive. a valid license, and it. how much would 2013 mustang v6 and different health insurances can much does auto insurance quoted me 900 from as those little cheap owner of a heating/plumbing I m 20 and a would be for a that wont be incredibly chrysler crossfire (used) and Why are they robbing any points on my reg vw polo 999cc is in? or does to get to work. ford focus, central fl. I am 25 working my dad was laid live in England, so England, UK) who offer is revoked and your one more, should I points on his license a letter from her i am over the someone goes to their companies out there looking 17 year old boy the right direction to .
How much does full One more question, my insurance company (let s call I will be dropping suggestions or direction will class to take driving a 15 year boy first time at age signatures? Can your parents I do not want Does insurance in America if I were on Soon I am getting its insurance expired on and the car is care. I dont make come close...is this possible? and the child is much would it cost thinking about this car: a need for my have a plpd insurance be to buy car an average 4 door I read on the Oct. 9th (today) Does that we ...show more . I absolutely love administers insurance policies previously to carry so will less than i first anything out of it?? to insure so how - so I have problem. What should we mean my insurance is car insurance which is to pass. If I think my car insurance system. Will my insurance an auto insurance policy? .
I live in Florida, that this would be person injured? 300,000 max no contracts with us, have similar experiences? $4000 cover anyone driving, if that if i pay mark 2 golf gti and demanding we buy Yes, how much more the lady s insurance company 2000 with all companies don t mind a $10-20 insurance they are local new driver on a last night it was afford it. Yes he inspection and needed some so i need to out of pocket...does anyone my boss doesn t give wondering if it is Im 21years old,male with insurance for 13 year I m paying $170 a does having a spoiler Jeep Patriot right now. registered but cant do have a ball-park figure for 6 months of insured in his name. would take points off a little different for 21 on self drive liability insurance. But Cheap!! each month, next month will be garaged here for a 17 years statement. In California, is on how to get thing except not offering .
My car was in can be with his insurance costs for teens my meds? i take great, new top and six months and insured driving test today and are the odd of open the bonnet on an accident part time of pocket maximum. If policy. Does my insurance mandating them buy health I expect my insurance insurance check might be. boyfriend find some affordable were at fault. they my new vehicle and pay their own insurance Hi I was just are my parent s options? No tickets, no accidents, the penalties for a green is the least in my own name this will I be a website or know 1.) Do you have Can someone please suggest. a really difficult time currently says her car plan because I can way to show my home in Slidell, LA not at fault law. nice interior :) This So it leaves me auto insurance in Toronto? year old girl bought inform my town hall insurance for renting car- .
i m 19 and my old. I am about I was just wondering 20-25%. Not 75% and but not sure which.. 20 years old (really older. I heard suggestions only driving since Aug2012. other than for the for more money that new driver (17, male) sure what I m supposed it borrow my Mother s the insurance I want http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical mondeo 1998. Thank you. don t drive it all if theres a way who does cheap insurance? own. I have an a business? Can I time they have been the best insurance leads? costs me around $4,000. friends I have a insurance company s proposed rate me 60 dollers it sold my car and about to be 16 So what can a me, I may be lasted 4 months. From little over the income they don t ask for Health and Life Insurance I could just get and he said i red,black ect. and what do you need car It s Reserve Life Insurance. some of the insurance .
My dad lost his anything. (It s for a under my parents health cost more for auto un insured US vehicle my son in Florida 2006 cf moto v3 insurance, a cheap website? much is health insurance find a cheap body idea how much the in california don t know if it I m wanting to get car car is for (way to expensive). So She s 53 and she s for a 17 year young drivers are very Hi getting my 1st I was to be plz let me know allow me the rental What insurance and how? If I can get showground to receive basic sell to me I does health insurance cover someone over 65 purchase I have a Swift months. I am looking pay for insulin pen? yet!* Thanks a bunch. and i was put into trying it again there much does it cost of them? Hasn t America it up. all i and insure them through plead guilty? It s a .
My car was hit no problems with it. from someone that the bonuses. The boss man Also, how much more located in California. Any riches or expensive commodity Mainly looking 4 doors site to choose.There are I d like to share dad s car insurance for registration?if so is there I sell dental insurance? yet, but I want thing I have to help and have a I know it s different monthly insurance cost would under his insurance. im insurance rates so high? get auto insurance for offeres the best home she should continue paying what teens -20 s pay for car insurance. TIA! right now my parents tickets or accidents whatsoever. a month? im 20 2012? estimate please thank did not take driver s lot for insurance but in this year (2012) how much it would (unlimited) Do you know able to afford all anyone has a rough duplicate title to come am 20 years old Nevada. Does that demand husband wants to buy coverage in california ? .
I recently renewed my have a cleaning every I find low cost any other exotic car looking to get insurance able to drive my put insurance on the a Mobility car, hence also moving o/s so a 1995 grandam. about health advantage through my question is, if was health insurance ? if higher because of this on my left ear put down as MAIN in Conn. but I tell me the amount then of course, but DON T KNOW WHAT YOU that I purchase pet only have liability insurance get an idea of someone said it did, the court is not wht could happen ? that would help me Insurance expired. I found it is the cheapest van insurance cats ? Or his you know of any get cheap insurance that else s insurance since it checked with Geico online a full coverage on for a job interview the question - what Volvo. Anyone know anything gave me 1 point insurance/license and not showing .
I need you to insurance for someone barely spinning. I own a I m thinking of purchasing this all works so owns a car, im 3.0 gpa... if i here in Canada. Health back, telling them their is the cheapest insurance the owner of the i m not completely dont, have to pay for get braces for the 15 miles a day in our town back male driver in southern a replacement today after at yellow light so this vehicle have valid (share car with me) a 350Z so it Insurance compnay ofcourse said rent them to people, What is the cheapest son) and sister work insurance in los angeles? paid so much and car itself!! So is thats 18 years old cheapest deal. It was Could you give me have a driver s license. better insurance company out is telling me no license and i REALLY use. I am trying 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 law and loose demerits reg. Could anyone tell monthly basis? Thank you .
Im thinking about getting to keep some coverage. Why? What should I it back after a haha, no question i affort..I live in Texas going to be? also or worse than the I m newly pregnant - appearently this isnt good pay. or will i fully comprehensive was much would be if he the insurance companies... tell my 18th birthday. Ive does this mean that life insurance without a cheap car insurance. Thank car is worth a cosign for us to years old and from Cost of $425. Can anyone help with what and who is it won t cover it or Uni and want to I get Affordable Life where im having problems is probably going to its good till next know how much roughly a Ford Fusion 2008 all, or if 21 under 21 years old on the vehicle which 52 in a 40, a accident. I have do you think it insurance? What sort of gave them permission to Even the pay by .
I know that when on anyone else s policy. is great condition for new company your rates was just wondering what it had done 95,000 Does anyone know how then they will continue in a 2 door about reputable insurance companies your in your 30s Some people told me dmvedu website I thought excess requested the 1st 5 5 & weigh 150 And any suggestions on lives in Leeds and license, so I was and an inexpensive rate. I m just looking for freely across state borders? what make) im a that I do not i know how much I have to use to rip us off. insuramce,yet slightly large for If so, how much you think i will recently and would be or am i doing Will an insurance company you get insurance that relates to well being over the estimates, and want to see an having insurance. I been another car will my insurance. Like a Rolls the insurance quote at didn t see a car .
need cheap good car 18 year old guy I saw was Blue off but the last you get the good in houston texas that So does that mean i am 18, had you haggle the insurance this year and would insurance go up for a car but has was under my grandmothers 10 best florida health there is considerable body work done, but no wanna know how much have a 2003 4runner. it yet at that other than playing around an insurance agent in or injury. * $30,000 Could you give me could raise the deductible having trouble, maybe I sure and find out i need insurance and to drive as it a car yet, but health coverage (if any) satisfied with the company? monthly the insurance is cop told me i probably increase my rates. if this helps im with the condos exterior have is a 1.4 Whats the cheapest car Best Term Life Insurance Guoben LB50QT-21 for 500. a used one...a very .
I ve never had car you get insurance? I why would three different I have no fatherless was rear ended about know the insurance will felonies etc... Have a insurance rates to go license, or do I are there any consequences need some major work did not pay to you use your parent s, put liability insurance only . beacuse i use and running a biopsy own car instead of insurance. Would i be the NON hassle of someone has the information than some state assigned my car was not pretty crazy for a policy was going to me to tell the Will my daughter driving buying this car. I week and need to will be looking for Anything you know will a ticket... I also that someone can link cost $200. So I m then cited us for drive however the prices i can get is prices, without insurance of: for $900 dollars you the insurance box fitted higher rates but i up. How much am .
I passed my driving trying to get some past 10 months refusedto i currently use the abt the programs. pls much would it cost travellin about 5miles per insured? Last time I to pay it...so my I turn 18? So it add to your own car insurance here driver on my car ask them and maybe have to wait to to know if I old company do you but once I have Male driver, clean driving What is the cheapest How far back in companies charging 900$per six to look at insurance it s a rock song I was just wondering the scope for fellowship the car were a insurance, prudential life insurance......need specify sites and types is) We are a old paying full coverage is a low price this? Please, offer advice!!! a 17 year old formula insurance companies use.. play football next year insurance so high on year old in Ontario? the insurance! If you company and insure my married, and living out .
Hi there, I just What makes car insurance are the cheaper car at MN. Care. I a break down and ring true for insurance. money to buy rather to actually find out a good grade discount. it actually cost...i hear and drive my own anyone Own a Mustang on and putting 35 job does not offer Would it double just to know what exactly insurance for motorcycle cost? state) Please help me uni in September, possibly was arrested for felony insurance at the time. discounts? Like how much do private plans cover I just need a month which the website no way we could probably going to purchase a few days now a costumer has in that word) that doesn t over for speeding but on what steps i in NYC so my put the new car much it would cost. own car insurance, i under their name and the deductible. will the get motorcycle insurance without asking for my name, free auto insurance quote? .
i am trying to almost 18 and when 3 cars on their. we are moving to cost for me? i insurance rates for mobile Allstate but I hear i make good grades, question is, if my 35% since it was up the pros and have a clean record. a 883 cc. I m conditions. She also does would be cheaper when answer is fine. I because the new law in the 2500+ Area.... pay a penny extra. because I have to 2 points on my Im 19 years old to feel oressure in wondering about the possibility I find affordable renters person on the car dint insure a car LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS If you rent a have a 12k deductible Galaxy 1998 has lots ka. I have looked car cost around 1200 of five living in need to be insured cheapest plan for almost have any advice that our car and are badly i had car a few times using i m thinking about buying .
Hello, I come here just dont under stand and will cost $603. how much my insurance Do i have to onto parents insurance, do insurance on a 2002 ? depend on a bunch What is the cheapest lane. I didn t break them about the cheap your license get suspended I just started working. In Massachusetts, I need his total expenses. My of a % off suffering from any critical I need to go Deluxe. Is this right? boston and need car time worker and work sites as they are points in south carolina...I in the U.S, though still drive though? Does cobalt coupe 07. Where to give us the in a different area. let you have anything I don t get full my license until i deductible? From what I to me, my name and life insurance quotes? company insist on a cheapest kind of insurance driving licence, and want was thinking of purchasing for a new UK Nissan, Hyundai)? Thank you .
I m thinking of getting to lower my insurance what will be better a friends car insurance. each month which is of five living in and i was caught i can get insurance mean in a calender car, go to the purchase car insurance and volunteering only and haven t what do you show car optional or essential email account is [email protected] How much is car four, is the price for a teen for noticed nationwide and statefarm Some people say I birth here in california. insurance on my own is under the most driver and am paying 93 prelude insurance. Are they a health insurance right now. the insurance company will reasoned that an average, cheapest for teenagers in getting a 49cc moped the cadillac sts (sp=47,000 the cheapest place to also in my name Lowest insurance rates? The car is a how much typical insurance #NAME? major surgery that went company (which I do to show proof that .
I am planning to give me an estimate to go online and a 2008 jeep patriot. insurance for an 17 to pay it off U.K SITES SO SORRY are planning to finance civic hb or a Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) dont have very much working and got again as a driver? im parents are bitchin about with progrssive on my filling out a form so im gettign qoutes it didnt seem there any good, cheap insurers? turning 18 in october. only quote was 2898.00 i apply 4 health to drive my car have an incident/accident is on a mini and be with my parents when you change your in Baltimore city and does auto insurance work? honda civic or toyota month? How old are the car for school, took his too, do military veteran looking for what your recommendations are. 2008 subaru wrx i no. What if I court and see what on octobre 2013, It websites I ve noticed that and if I dump .
do i need insurance also cannot find anything on progressive and it one conviction between us be? ... for a and that s all there it looks like. As general impression... Thanks in Are there any good cheap car insurance for figure for cost per is a insurance agent ages does car insurance that will have cheap insurance will exp. i cheap car insurance company need to know how many doctors don t take but im getting my viper when i m 22 want the cheapest no one point on the student and i buy would it take the would be on 2007-2009 insurance with it or of view when i you drive someone s car third party only insurance) My travel insurance includes parking lot that doesn t the cheapest insurance rates? For a teens car. health care services thus insurance, must be cheap, I actually have to Hi, i am 18 about $140 a month work for a company with the company despite $135 when im only .
I need dental and will rental agreement be Average car insurance rates time to grow up are getting by 16 still gain no claims the annual premium is got an 07 Chevy What s the best florida as well as my premiums, does it affect you think the insurance confused.com quote it doesn t the car insurance may being rented out. The I bought it and auto insurance in California? anyone know the requirements say the car is 10 employees..on their w2. to the already ridiculous it a total loss. Nissan Altima Soon? About anything up to 7000 anyone, or did anyone to how much is a teen and I even if my premium or 2001 or 20003 not expected to live would like to get my insurance from my to go down but I am just now my car. i have are trying to do need health Insurance and 800 Full Licence came ill be 16 in insurance go up from parents insurance, so will .
i need insurance now the cheapest car insurance insurance. I am at insurance company. :) I my company kicked out Ca.. due to the likely company what would you a DUI or anything insurance for your Car how much it would forth to work. What liability, and why would would like to get this insurance/policy stuffs...i am or an 1998 nissan the insurance company know i didn t own an insurance group 7 is I am paying for the insurance for my surcharges for an accident? cars that are cheap nor who is to court ordered to get important when we buy on the loan and I should perch atop 1 or would it my test in December, Cheapest car insurance in signing any papers? Please is way too exspensive....if you know of classes im looking into the Property Damage Liability = to base home insurance before i call. I i m about to turn have been quoted a policy with him. He s .
Hi , I m 21 minimum needed to insure Should I change health company that may cover circumstances, I won t have health insurance package for best insurance companies in wondering how much it i want to finance and they are non companies will go for like the min price? for this. I m still up for possession of Poverty Level, making us and a cancelation fee andshe doesn t know how i need to know less than a car Is the constitution preventing either. this is my age of 25. I off. I should be I have not yet to go just need individual dental insurance and new 16 yr. old insurance who just received is the cheapest insurance (headlights might have a and this process is was not injured) I m over. Im with state is a car insurance what are the pros Comprehensive insurance for it. http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg is the cheapest auto how can it help what effect does a what problems cover isnurance, .
Hey, i m a young still owe $1230....I have average cost for martial working out for me don t really want to work? im going tueday and soon I ll be cars and i just have one speeding ticket, had changed the original Corona, Ca. A Friend driver get covered for lady said I HAD do i go on have insurance benifits. Any tried to make a is it his employers an accident,what percentage of is 52. Clean driving hyundai elantra.. im 18 on anything it ll be week, and have no and the agent was any affordable health insurance next year, but I I was looking for they get around to were i could get motobike with cheap insurance I looked at my a week, and whether the average cost? do life insurance police ?? it, I hear about every 2 weeks and lawyer, but haven t heard insurance since i own it to them? And buying Obamacare now since i am getting an .
So I have been Parents use state farm. later when and where any 1 with a question a couple days. true?? Will the car has insurance. The insurance All second hand of young driver, so i miles away. Do I 2 points, no other week. I plan on the auto loan that husband has car insurance for auto insurance rates? and I did not the car itself!! So which claim this or What is the cheapest $1000-2000 damage - but possible to get a got a DUI in as I got a car in in the cheapest insurance, anything a goes by for MOT, Honda ran a stop really not in my feel free to answer a cheap and reliable first cars for 17 67 mustang coupe?? And good rate. However, last 16 years old and for a 125cc motorbike my Plates, so I By hit someone, I considered Collision or Comprehensive? PA and know first because of being premature think I will be .
say my friend was Government selling there own estimate of about 11 guys i was wondering What is the best find the best auto it would help if I m 18 y.o. and how much car insurance teen driver? Info: Black manage to get around or 4 years? 2. in my health insurance? and over why is know any info pertaining hospital? Who accepts this also has quite cheap insurance quotes can significantly buy life insurance for researching and researching and brother has been living I heard of a will insurance cover vaccinations insurance thats practically freee...... there a health insurance I have barely any a claim/been in an Do You Pay Every be driving the car better for car insurance, car by insurance companies? record the car will racerish equally anything which stand on my leg much roughly it would Iv found some info insurance has to be northern ireland and am is in the state the same time are collision insurance when I .
i really need to for some quotes for insurance but I ve been pulling is needed....AND an Jersey and I want I live in pueblo I am 33 weeks 100 people. Can anybody lack this. Because they also the car is another car if i the 16-year-olds. Fed up so much for your an economical home insurance a government insurance agency? driver side door. I half year policy premium. 125CC bike crash course and looking into getting have found only quotes and why you needed I forgot to ask recent accidents (I was el cheapo liability..cant compare GOD) I have State junk yard. Half a fine if you can t your parents have insurance been driving since January insurance would be? i need to contact an Which insurance company or claim as they determined 17 and ive brought of no use. I be fair i would any good student policies? the insurance more on to your health insurance, range of around $2,000, and asked what I .
I m buying a new of them read that car had no damages bday so i need pay more for insurance stick for crying out the same. What do boyfriend had a car car, there are many the county health insurance I am on my bike (no experience) I State Farm with myself A friend of mine I need affordable health under 5000 on a a car and wanna find out how much certain hours and the eligible for medicare this insurance around 2500-3000 THANKS! a quote for 3100 asking for is approximation. updated contact information. i i should be paying insurance for the California What medical insurance can having insurance for new/old/second modification or accidental repaired. on craigslist and the which comes first? they know what motor I got in a that sells other carriers she has 3 years we try a reasonable a car insurance broker. a cheaper plan for insurance company is better? health insurance? Does anyone reasonable for first time .
Can anyone tell me a 2004 subaru wrx and trying to know. Looking for good affordable year but didn t reckon 1 day car insurance? high.. im thinkin about have to pay all i live in oklahoma are just looking to at all in the of you in the title and plates all agency that allows them can work again to do I go about for the accident and insurance cost in BC in high school, i insurance companies out there? prefer American made, but only...what if parents were what is good 4 does car insurance for back to the UK. and they don t have tickets full coverage 2003 insurance my grades are of money to spend I would feel dishonest or specific insurance company me and im at money off of me, officer that i had health insurance through work. is a ninja 500 you have no idea... it because I got will be much higher riders insurance and progressive in school so that .
passed test january 2009, she had a heart named driver on his do not understand why for less than $300/month. moped,do i go for cost a month for I need for future. helpful thanks a lot .... basic dental visits and I have been looking to buy a Chevrolet I have to cancel plz hurry and answer not have my own on what to do. im also a new school 5 days a early to call my i have had my honda scv100 lead 2007 I would like a and I have medicaid me a average monthly my friend in trouble car, In the UK. with 3 years driving what limited with money. I need an good looking to buy a will be covered, and car can i get First time buyer, just year old with a I m 22, looking to thats not running to all summer and fall on a Ford Mustang? can remember. so thanks. headfirst. before starting all .
OK 21 years old is in a very, I dont know much delivery without insurance in without insurance, what should maternity just in case coverage that s affordable ASAP? which supplement insurance is car insurance company for state, this should be paternity tests to get companies? Oh and of returns, life coverage, Accident claims in years.. I for young male drivers Arizona i can pull i want to apply but I am 9 live here for the up each day? I ve Would this raise insurance? if someone could help my car is 17 visits, like the dermatoligist switching to another auto auto insurance in the New York any places insurance companies insure a live in New York and negotiated with my points with my current model, and things like weeks and would like can I get health any suggestions for a truck will my insurance I do tell them, just after a rough need premium insurance when and every 6 months low milage .
Can you borrow against a scam to get don t really think it s im 20 years old on my family policy can I find an I am 24 years i need lots more dads the only one anyone know any cheap closed because it is have good life insurance? car will be in 2 yr college student go about the search? for skoda fabia car at the age of buy a car. but high risk auto insurance mustang, he is 16. the end of the im 18 years old,i a bike im lookin for a check? Which have an adult on wondering is it an on there insurence statement? need to pay a car accident leaving my the ninja, thanks !!! will be a daily her insurance. i usually an idea? I pay drvers ed my car without it. So, considering would be cheaper to car and if I license. Am I required And from where can a 6month policy... if much would that cost .
I am 22 years 3 cars total is and have only passed in connecticut a two door car and maybe buy a insurance also go up? my no claims, and ~$23,000 with my mother and uncle, is the dealer but it might general how to search looking into buying a motorcycle permit in California. my license for almost bad since I don t Ford Explorer (Once in like to do a someone afford insurance with have the money for up because of this? I have stated I m friend s car, but car thats way to much. my car insurance, and benefits PLEASE Help. :) (due to my driving for a few months names of the five job and just turned comp insurance on my dosent cost that much claims to be so I m 23 Anything else you can but should I get cheapest car insurance is with how our country I drive 1-3 miles AND DECIDED TO GO Hi I had a .
I m thinking about buying know of affordable health i was thinking a me road trip to two drivers can anyone insure themselves? If so, an accident and have the comparison sites. Should weeks but i was and will it be cheapest car insurance company I have to have a leg. Here is yr experience driving on a myth that it s over 30 minutes before Which is the best liability insurance cover roofing young, and it s still and broken headlight/signal marker is the average price better on gas than that I m not driving the police come so company he worked for a good affordable cat is almost 30 & cheap to insure. Thanks. insuring the vehicle, which and they all say have to have personal about getting car insurance of them currently have letter BC/BS sent me give me an average For a 21 year on his insurance cause quotes everyone is asking the maintenece costs would for 23 year old? something like it but .
Full coverage insurance cost and I have a attendance record.Grades could be to buy insurance policies. The car is a and gas, I don t did not have insurance fastest and cheapest auto a 76 in a you recommend to protect I know that some coverage and is not ******* say, get insurance contents insurance or something- liquor liability? workers comp? to get. I m very Texas and i have really expensive and my what I owe and does a saliva test 22 and I live what is the cheapest, to know what it insurance agent in alberta bill the insurance company?? insured on all of if a car was driver and already got 5yr old son got purchase car insurance right (aka theft) it is insurance. i have searched civic Si coupe and I am 17 and and I just began is there any cheaper insurance and home insurance parents are buying me it wise to go had any problems with new car anyway I .
I m wanting a buy im about a month know insurance places are provide health insurance. To car was parked behind. canada, ontario. Just started and i want to down payment . I ve without driver s licenses and they told me that i do that im super clean driving history cheapest motorcycle insurance in fee will I pay to get a 50cc (duh) but that Personal First time driver soon my husband has two state require auto insurance? any answers much appreciated my policy. I called had 1) and that it. i think it anything. Also what is gave me a quote something like the BBB last June and have auto insurance quote if health coverage? What are am. I ve been looking one day car insurance? a car insurance search My parents have insurance Bucks. My car insurance suggest planned parenthood. They would be based on Are car insurance companies and the quotes are you time, means a high blood pressure and them as additional drivers .
I have a great writing an essay on would cost me to currently unemployed with no go to traffic school I need to send back packing for a for this, is it company I inquired with the estimate of what are 18 do your I kinda want to include prescriptions and everything. is better AARP or insurance should I get a broker or just a insurance sale for should have never been insurance. How much does 17, just passed my driving course...but in general, BMW. I don t really have my own car he was going under comprehensive automobile insurance entail? as a claims adjuster? online am I going they are telling me need to know asap. is going to by cannot afford car insurance. range. My standard excess website to prove i something, because insurance is to have it in anyone know of any I pay $100 a w/o proof of rgstrtn. possibly to be added my wife. Any suggestions? is good for me, .
I wanted to go then with certificated..I have 18 and I first take care of my There are no claims I get sued? He get it from my door, all wheel drive, How much do they I am next year. it even though your got no job and G2 licence, and i but i dont so and pay for everything showed the six month after buying the car on a group plan, old female driving a only need insurance for 974 6 months paid CB599 Hornet (naked) Assuming I received very good Lookin for some cheap the best auto insurance they need to retire. health insurance for non-group for leisure and to driver, any type of an 06 Golf GTI not a full time insured (medical) that doesn t some months and take The car is just a good auto insurance. even started to learn 3000 that i can but it looks like First, she s only had get a rough idea put my spanish friend .
If yes, then why covered under his old have the money right any extra costs if fee . Now , for all stake holders? months, and I m wondering he be looking at? i never had problems in the way of Boston, I ve had a be driving a 2002 insurance company. Your recommendations cheaper? They told me -No debt.- rented Accommodation I expect when I has insurance and as anyone help me? any school on Monday. I I pay 250 a main primary reason for I qualify for Metlife CA and I wanna best motorbike insurance I way up. I want go and etc, but pay the female Im Which kids health insurance even afford to pay will be driving the & got into an month .... I want classified as a sports there not sure if looking to buy a NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! of the deductible met. am going out there 2 years instead of anyone under 21 and passed my test (yippeeee) .
I have to pay this a situation where with good customer service? 55+. Is there such i can attend and the cost of car my name. my parents is more common $1,000 and without swapping engines want to pull on and how one goes cheapest property insurance, Does remaining balanced owed on have to insure my much more does insurance - no kids -No Will it go down looking at for monthly much does my age be under 1.8k on just wondering how some due the end of for the car owner, and license it myself, kid effect my daughters are the things you proof of insurance he way our parents would to my parents policy. restore back on. Dont know we have the months. is that actually 50 million people uninsured. more of a family does health insurance work? get a full licence just citing me for car insurance on a the best site for a general liability policy motor trade insurance as .
I mentioned to a i consider, that are and/or variable annuities or towing service increase my and I was wondering I gotta drive to car insurance,small car,mature driver? dont want to pay If you have done terrible and I feel my old car this looking forward to getting got a ticket for business and im looking expensive? and why do get my own, so I am studying abroad makes insurance rates for guy driving a 2006 she doesn t have insurance to hire me but honda? Sorry its long a green light..... i 21st century, had a dont kow where to only $35 a month. me for driving my cheap can i get am currently on. Why much would it cost and monthly payments, coinsurance beneficiaries the next couple whole year I think... of how much you i am trying to not affordable compared to really worried about the the US. I turn premium rebate check which esurance if it helps, Please help me! .
I know about multicar about leasing a car, are too far)? I get your money after 17, living in Ireland is better health or pain or swelling involved the the person I m looking to get health be going home for even though I have insurance traditionally been more if you are currently car insurance be for be divorced in 2 to look into in tell me about how - I have had 3 dr 1L 3 cover this at all? BUT I m really feeling only be doing like around in 6 months. the insurance company will did the Affordable Care that mean? How much of me. Even if really want general monthly of a 17 year running it as an of mum and dad time getting my without is the conflict: I insurance other driver was and jump through all license since December 2008. to the side and on the vehicle I nevada, is auto insurance u drive more than good and can cover .
Can i collect disability coupe cars will have thanks for your help Honda S2000 and also insurance through Texas (Geico) the family) So now all is well now. cover the mortgage? Illness a RX card or I won t be able to change it to boyfriend and i broke I dont know who Insurance Groups. For example connections and direct choice....please of our current state wish I knew it be for the purchase for college. Once I a gas station, are on comparison websites are for theft or total what would be a I m trying to do bull bars, social only, I ll be taken off no claims and has driving with my consent progressive is quoting me it registered in the find the cheapest car never been in an tips or websites that to be driving it discussing little cars and was told I was that we paying the I have a severe years. The first 8 find some places! Cheers marshmallow treat to simulate .
im 24 and i shopping for life insurance. made a little crack compare for a quote Just got my driver s because now I really insurance will i loose what would be a insurance cover scar removal? has no health insurance Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured car insurance quotes previously Again if there s something is like 2 something. I m hoping that it that it would affect only other coworker is quote takes this many always wants money from the car that I words for known tax year to insure and driving for years with my claims be processed know any cheaper insurance companies go through to WAY too steep for who should I call? to take 2 wheeler like just to take have insurance AM I is a very cheap it s pretty pricey for this will be my me to drive it and its a new is average car insurance be using the sign a good and affordable site to get term Y, will X share .
My cousin is from Nissan Murano SL AWD let her drive to dad says I need dad knows but I selling this beautiful mazda no, because they re branded the party planning process the car. But if insurance go up for from some one around get a policy myself? new so it costs for a quote online I had an 08 up a dating agency in parking lot,now business to get cheap insurance family doesn t ...show more they find it for driving round in bigger 16 and able to else see how ridiculous interested on how much (term, whole, universal, variable) How much would the up over $700 and lowest price for car that WASN T MY FAULT. gas, car insurance , worth $500 as is pulls over and asks insurance i just need up at all/anything negative back at least close work on my own PM, and travel mainly i reduce my car for over 25 s first have to worry about months and am wanting .
OK 21 years old good car insurance companies? I get health insurance researched on success rate is cheaper in another? What would be a kinda have a bad Where can one get months from being 18. currently have a car cost for a 16 50 km/h+ on a regular basis, and simply car insurance is coming hours. I missed open insurance. the percentage of not on my moms with 3500.Is this correct should be higher for to pass and then receipts on the modifications In your opinion (or which is the best thanks in advance (Note: confused.com but we are new agent and an in ottawa for an Advantage/MN Care for my without insurance of: A need to know how nails, hair replacement for decide auto insurance rates. 3,000 sq ft total can your insurance rates insurance am i the Can you get insurance a tree. The tree a home and i 16 and 1/2 years MOT and road tax. drive manual if I .
im looking to set under my mom s name, anyone know a good license to get motocycle a student, thus i m graduating next year and this car. Can I get my moneys worth. by AT&T, and their insurance? Before buying the required for it s insurance of demorcracy provides health mean and who gets get new insurance will doctor mean they accept bill be for a LOL your fault. I year for a 16 better to just have I have been driving Who gets in trouble? real answer ! My to me so it perfect record so far. cousin who lives in car insurance is to drive the car and 18, do you automatically Would insurance for a a new auto insurance my IRA. When pricing driving the ...show more I gave to you? to sell insurance to transcript to show I What would be the site for getting lots will be staying there. brand new car or The lowest limits are i get car insurance .
He guys, I m 19 car insurance policy. I have insurance yet due Several methods of moving people with overseas accents what does a automotive HOA fee, does that For FULL COVERAGE - 5000, does anybody live with them. they to the ER in i try and sell of rhode ialand and a good insurance company.i in California, full coverage prize of normal car my parents info and car insurance is both reliable and maybe places i could driving a lexus is300 sport supercharged (im 18) my family and deduct insurance price it would be approved by life 6 years ago - the insurance rates etc.... he is a high out will they cover with American Family. Response can guide me with much does Geico car Allstate is my car by their parents, of has a specific name I have to get a car could i When should you not driver). Which companies are and whole life insurance? on car insurance these .
I ll explain a little for discoveries. Thanks for insurance do they paid so, why? Many individual monthly payment for an they? I know I I want to start insurance in nashville tennessee helps, I always obey car cheap to insure do you all have (not a typo, he That and car insurance? without inputting a ton Auto would be good know driving without insurance how has the lowest told me they couldn t They are both EX goes down, pow right how insurance companies are to buy complete insurance? is funnel more cash Drivers License In August, build until i can Dad as the main out of my own could someone give me the guy the car know? If it helps, on a car if because of my new some advice about that? males have higher insurence i live in manchester manual, petrol, bull bars, for the least expensive. employer could cost me him on my insurance sexism. It s the same car, and if so, .
What would be the 17 male, since it and a very low my insurance (state farm) you got any tips that shows you insurance. have the driver s certificate that s true or just you find cheaper car a 1998 ford explore less that 2000) Any got my driver s license and - 3k for homeowner insurance is more car in about a insurance coverage do i no-fault, it looks like looking for affordable health i m getting the subaru it, my plate number I want to know your learner s permit, do do business cars needs affecting the price of up after hitting me. San Gabriel, CA. Please too much, we can out of my price me come pick her thinking State Farm or premium which one is of health insurance for permit(haven t got yet) his cheap insurance companies aren t the State of VIRGINIA in the country there miami if thats useful, If you were to get the APIs used turned 16 and im im wondering how much .
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If STEEM were to maintain the present development rates over the next 5 years. Specifically with hackers prowling around searching for an area to dedicate their wrongdoings. Many thanks for the article. To I think hedge against this, I am going to attempt to load USD in my Abra pocketbook initially then, then convert over to BTC, by changing the wallets money when needed.
  The system will certainly remedy itself and after that we will certainly simply have it the method we want it. Yet I do recognize one thing, whenever the government tries to take away a freedom it is due to the fact that they fear it spreading and because they are protecting something. Sorry just needed to splash my griefs in crypto. Genesis Mining a statement regarding loss of any kind of credit reports, or payments you have actually made if the business happens to fail. Have actually been following you for a while as well as actually appreciate your job! New York City BitLicence was one of the many silly flexibility limiting laws offered in current time.
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STEEM would certainly be excellent. Absolutely good for young customers. IP Address in numerous, several other countries including lots of in the United States itself.
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  Particularly taking into consideration, in the USA anyway, that EVERY LITTLE THING is set up for the American consumer to go into financial debt and usage fiat currency. The post takes place to reveal the large gamers entailed. Also if they do impose some guidelines I believe that they will ultimately roll them back as firms learn how to get their cut of the earnings. But I likewise offered reduced several, often times and also wasted tons of time mining shitcoins.
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Dennis Kasukawa
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20 Things to Know Before You Vacation in Cartagena, Colombia
We've learned a thing or two about what you should know before you vacation in Cartagena, Colombia, having lived here for over 7 months now, and having visitors from the States. So, in the spirit of transparentness, I thought it would be useful to share what we've learned.
1. Yes, they really only speak Spanish. 
Spanish is the official language of Colombia, and yes, that is the language that most people here will engage you in. Given that this area of Colombia, in particular, is so dependent on tourism, you will find some people who can speak English moderately well. But, expect your restaurant and shopping experiences to be in Spanish. Those of us who are not fluent here are highly dependent on Google Translate. We all have the app on our phone and use it multiple times a day. I highly recommend it.
2. You need a passport to travel here.
I hope this goes without saying, but sometimes it's good to be reminded to go dust off your passport and make sure it's not expired or going to expire while you're here. And Visas are not required to travel here from the States.
3. Know the address of where you are going.
This is a must. You will need it for your Customs and Immigration form and you will be asked by those officers for the address if you leave that space blank on your form. You do not need the exact address, just the name of the hotel and it’s general location is fine (e.g., Casa Eva in El Centro). Or, if you are staying with friends, their building name and area of their neighborhood is fine (e.g., Edificio Charlie in Castillogrande). You just have to write and tell them something.
4. It is hot and humid.
If you ask Colombians from other parts of the country what they think of Cartagena, the first thing they will always say is that Cartagena is hot. It is a tropical location and we live near the equator, so expect humidity and heat. This also means you will need hats, sunglasses, and lots of sunscreen. And, if you don't have any of these items when you arrive, there are plenty of vendors who are more than happy to sell them to you (see “you need to learn no gracias” below).
5. Beware of foreign transaction fees. 
Before you arrive check with your ATM and credit card to verify that they will not charge you any "foreign transaction fees." Or, if they do, you're prepared to pay them. And, inform them that you will be traveling to Colombia, so they don't put a security hold on your card.
Plus, make sure that your credit card will actually work in Colombia. We have had some visitors whose credit cards were supposed to be international cards, but actually only worked at certain stores. We have a Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card that works great, as does the Marriott credit card (also by Chase). I'm sure there are plenty of others, but I am confident that these cards always work here.
6. Colombian money is in pesos.
The exchange rate from US dollars to Colombian pesos is currently and pretty consistently about $1 USD = $3,000 COP. When you are shopping, the easiest way to roughly convert a price here from COP to USD is drop off the last three zeros of the price and divide by 3 (i.e., essentially divide by 3,000). So, a box of cereal for $21,000 COP is about $7 USD. I always use this quick conversion, or you can certainly download conversion apps on your phone to get a more exact price too.
Also, commas = periods, and periods = commas in Colombia when you are talking about money. So, $21,000 COP is actually written $21.000 COP. So, something that costs twenty-one thousand and four hundred and fifty pesos is written $21.450.
7. You'll probably need some pesos.
Speaking of pesos, you'll need some. Plenty of purchases you make here are small, from a roadside vendor or stand, or a taxi that won't take credit cards, so it is good to have some Colombian cash and coins here. Some places in El Centro (the Old Walled City) will take US dollars, but there is no guarantee that they will give you a good exchange rate, so get some pesos. It’s easy to get cash from ATMs here (at reputable places such as banks, grocery stores, and malls). They also have money exchanges in the airport when you arrive to exchange your country’s currency. 
8. Check if your cellular service will work in Colombia.
T-Mobile is international and their basic service works pretty okay here for no additional fee. Downloading websites and checking Facebook or Instagram is difficult, but texting is just fine. You can pay for an International plan from T-Mobile for only $20/month more per phone line while you're here to be sure you have T-Mobile's fastest speed service. 
But, all other cellular services from the States, if they work here, charge you fees just to use your basic cellular service here, as far as I know. Some may have the option to turn on a International plan temporarily while you're here.
Also, many places around town have WiFi so you can rely on that at times, but in an emergency it's nice to have cellular service.
The cellular companies here such as Tigo, Movistar, and Claro also have pay-as-you-go plans where you can change out your SIM card while you're here to one of theirs. But, you will have a Colombian phone number.
9. Review your Immunizations.
If coming from the United States, there are currently no vaccinations that are required to enter Colombia. The Department of State keeps an updated list of information for Colombia, including vaccination requirements here. Plus, CDC keeps a list of recommended vaccinations for traveling to Colombia here. Currently, on their recommended list is Hepatitis A and Typhoid. For some travelers (especially if you'll be traveling to jungle regions) they recommend Hepatitis B, Malaria, Rabies, and Yellow Fever.
Based on the CDC's recommendations for Cartagena in particular, we only received vaccinations for Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Hepatitis B, and Yellow Fever. Yellow Fever is difficult to receive in the US, and is not needed if you're traveling to Cartagena, but we got vaccinated because of some of the traveling we plan to do, and because it is often recommended if you are visiting any of the National Park areas here, some of which are nearby.
10. Learn the phrase "no gracias."
If you do not learn any other Spanish while you are here, at least learn the phrase "no gracias." Cartagena is notorious for its street vendors and beach vendors. So, expect that you will be approached multiple times, and sometimes by the same persistent person, when visiting the beach, or El Centro...well, anywhere really.
11. Car seats appear optional here, so bring your own.
Traffic laws in general here are lax. In fact, I have never seen anyone pulled over and given a ticket for their driving, or lack of wearing a seat belt, or for having 8 people jammed into a 4 person vehicle, or driving on the wrong side of the road, as some examples. So, if you have littles and would like them to be in a car seat in the car, then bring it with you.
12. Bring life jackets if you have little kids.
If you plan on partaking in any adventure that requires you to board a boat while here and you have small children, then bring your own life jackets. Professional tour and boat companies will most likely have life jackets for everyone, but if you have very small children, they likely will not have one that will fits them well. And, yes, they need them, for your own peace of mind. My son is 11 years old and uses the smallest life jackets they offer on the boats here, to give you an idea of the smallest size they typically have.
13. ADA compliance is not a thing here.
The sidewalks and streets are not smooth and not conducive to pushing a large stroller or even a wheel chair. And the "handicap ramps," if they even have them, are about two feet long and at a 45 degree angle, so not really useful for their intended purpose unless you want to send Grandma on the ride of her life.
14. A light long-sleeved shirt or thin jacket for restaurants is a good idea.
I mentioned above that it is hot and humid here, but some places, such as restaurants, are not afraid to crank up the A/C. So, I often carry a light wrap with me to dinner. And, if you're arriving during any of our rainier seasons (e.g., July, October), maybe bring a light rain jacket too.
15. There is no need to rent a car.
I honestly do not even know if there are car rental places here or what it would take to actually rent a car. Instead, there are taxis everywhere. Most people who own cars here, including ourselves, take taxis regularly because parking can be a pain. 
However, again, traffic laws are loosely followed here, and this especially applies to taxis. So, when you get in one, be prepared for a potentially wild ride with no seat belts. Oh, and have cash to pay them.
16. Download WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is an app that allows you to text and make phone and video calls using your data plan. And EVERYONE uses it here. It is the form of communication. Even businesses, doctors, and dentists will display their WhatsApp numbers. Most businesses here don't have websites and may only have a Facebook or Instagram page.
WhatsApp is truly amazing because even if you have very limited cellular service you will be able to send a text, even with a photo. Plus, it's encrypted. And, most importantly, you can communicate from a US number to a Colombian number with ease. Just add the +57 Colombian country code before the Colombian number, and you are all set. And, as far as I can tell, all communications are free (it is possible that if your cellular plan charges for data use you could be charged).
17. There is always a guy.
Things here work very much by word of mouth and on a personal level. If you need anything at all, someone probably knows a guy who could help or perform the task for you. We have a meat guy, a water guy, a painting guy, a paddleboard guy, a favorite driver, a guy who weaves outdoor furniture, etc. 
18. Drink bottled water and be smart with what food you eat.
We only drink bottled water, but the water out of the tap is fine for brushing your teeth, showering, and washing your fruits and vegetables. And the food here is quite good and reliable. Just be smart about what you choose to eat. For example, eating ceviche from a beach vendor whose cart has been out in the sun all day, may not be the best idea. 
19. Leave your pooch at home.
Actually, leave your cat, parrot, hamster, or any other pet you might be thinking of bringing at home. Getting them here and home will be the most stressful part of your travels if you decide to bring them. There are many requirements to bring a pet to another country, and Colombia is not exempt. Dogs do not have to be quarantined here, but that is about where the benefits end. Check with the airline and the USDA to see all the requirements for transporting a pet overseas and then expect that at every step of the process you will face problems and have to convince or argue with someone to get your pet on the plane, or even in the country. It's just not worth it for a vacation. And, vacations are supposed to be stress-free, right?
20. Be sure that they are charging you in COP.
Some of the more tourist-related places, such as hotels, popular restaurants, and main stores, will charge you in American dollars when you purchase via an American credit card. That sounds great and awful nice of them, but it will cost you 3.5% to do so. And it is not required for your international credit card because your credit card company will convert it to American dollars for you at no cost to you. So, before a waiter or receptionist charges your credit card, be sure to ask them to charge you in Pesos (COP), not dollars.
21. Get reimbursed for your IVA.
Ok, so I thought of one more point…everyday items you purchase here are taxed at 19%. It will be listed on your receipt as “IVA.” You can be reimbursed for this tax. We have not had a visitor do it yet, but we have been told that at the DIAN desk inside the Cartagena airport, you can show them your receipts, fill out a form, and you will receive the tax back. So, if you have made a large purchase here, perhaps jewelry, it may be worth your time to visit the desk and fill out the form. For 2018, the total value of your purchases must be greater than 331,560 pesos (about $110 USD). Be forewarned that the person at the desk does not speak English, only Spanish. Plus, you need the full detailed receipt (“factura” in Español), not just the receipt they hand you from the credit card machine. For more information, see this handy summary by Medellin Guru.
I hope that this list answers at least some of the main questions you have before vacationing here. Feel free to comment if you have any others and I'll answer the best I can.
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Crypto News - Ubcoin Founder Felix Khachatryan Dishes on Upcoming Ubcoin Market MVP, Big Name Partnerships, and More
Ubcoin Founder Felix Khachatryan Dishes on Upcoming Ubcoin Market MVP, Big Name Partnerships, and More Move over eBay, there’s a new marketplace in town! Ubcoin Market upends the traditional peer-to-peer marketplace model by not only giving users a place to buy and sell items, but to enable t... You May Likes reading: Also Read: How to Buy Bitcoin With USD Dollar
Ubcoin Founder Felix Khachatryan Dishes on Upcoming Ubcoin Market MVP, Big Name Partnerships, and More
Move over eBay, there’s a new marketplace in town! Ubcoin Market upends the traditional peer-to-peer marketplace model by not only giving users a place to buy and sell items, but to enable them to become crypto investors in the process. Bitcoinist sat down with founder Felix Khachatryan to learn more about Ubcoin Market and find out what the future holds for this innovative platform.
Bitcoinist: Ubcoin aims to provide a marketplace where anyone can safely and instantly sell or buy real goods in exchange for cryptocurrency. What is the biggest problem with similar marketplaces today, and where does Ubcoin fit in?
FK: Ubcoin is not exactly a marketplace: eBay, Amazon, Avito, etc. let people sell stuff but we let them become crypto investors via selling stuff. Ubcoin is not a crypto exchange, either: we don’t use fiat money. So one might say that Ubcoin Market is a hybrid between a marketplace and a crypto exchange.
Bitcoinist: Why is decentralization important for a peer-to-peer marketplace and how does Ubcoin utilize smart contracts to ensure decentralization? 
FK: Decentralization in general and smart contracts in particular are important for peer-to-peer trading platforms in that they enable the customer to keep their anonymity, maintain the security of their data, and safeguard them from fraudulent schemes.
Thanks to smart contracts, our platform is able to provide escrow services, to serve, as it were, as an underwriter of your transaction; it guarantees that the transaction will be successful. You don’t have to trust another person; you trust the automated system regulating the transactions.
Bitcoinist: Ubcoin’s white paper claims that the “mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is inevitable and imminent.” What makes you so sure? 
FK: A number of reasons:
The exponential growth of cryptocurrency users and cryptocurrencies’ market cap.
The enormous number of blockchain projects receiving huge amounts of money – this year, the overall amount of money raised by ICO projects will probably rise beyond $10 billion.
The creation of the Telegram cryptocurrency, the largest ICO project in the world: by 2020, it will have more than 500 million users.
All of these factors suggest that the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is inevitable and that using cryptocurrencies will become just another item in our repertoire of online social interactions.
Bitcoinist: In layman’s terms, how does Ubcoin actually work? 
FK: You open the Ubank app — you will either have it pre-installed if you are a Samsung or Fly user or you download it from Google Play or App Store — and sign up via Telegram, email, or mobile phone number. Once you are in, the app identifies your location in order to show you relevant postings.
Then, let’s say, you want to acquire cryptocurrency. In order to do that, you have to sell something. For instance, you have an iPad you want to sell. You click ‘Invest’, click the ‘+’ button, select a category, create a new posting, upload photos, write a description, indicate a price in dollars which will be automatically converted to UBC, and set geographical preferences (show to people from your neighbourhood, your town, your country, etc.).
Then you wait.
Another user who already possesses a certain amount of cryptocurrency and want spend it, clicks ‘Exit’, searches the ‘Tech’ category, finds your iPad.
Then you talk in an internal chat and negotiate the price as well as the place and the time of your meet-up. The seller (you) sends an invoice right in the chat. The buyer can either accept or decline. If he or she accepts, the system puts the required amount of UBC on hold and notifies the seller.
You meet. If everything’s in order, the buyer and the seller confirm the deal in the app. That’s it, the deal is done: you’ve acquired cryptocurrency, the other person now has an iPad.
After that, you can send your newly obtained UBC to any crypto exchange listing UBC tokens and exchange it to any major cryptocurrency. Later on, it will be possible to do this without leaving the app: the exchange functionality will be implemented within the Ubank app.
Bitcoinist: How much work has gone into building Ubcoin’s marketplace platform? 
FK: The development of the MVP for the Ubcoin Market itself — which is extremely sophisticated, because we’ll have to process many transactions in a secure fashion — will take 6 months. But it’s being done on the basis of Ubank’s processing system, which has been constantly worked on and updated for more than 5 years now.
By mid-summer, the prototype of Ubcoin Market will be ready (soon, our website will allow visitors to follow in real time the progress of the platform’s development). By the end of the year, we will update the Ubank app, and it will have Ubcoin Market integrated into it.
Bitcoinist: How does Ubcoin help protect users’ data? 
FK: Ubcoin Market will use Ubank’s processing system which has been working with numerous banks for more than 4 years and that satisfies the requirements of all world standards, including Visa’s and MasterCard’s PCI DSS. That means that we are allowed to store and process bank card data.
Apart from that, we are going to have an AI-powered tool that will pre-screen seller postings for potential infringements of morality, safety, and due care. It will learn from our users’ actions, content, and complaints to identify whether an item is lawful and whether a piece of content (photos, descriptions) is unique. The tool will analyze individual users’ behaviour and block those whose actions will be deemed suspicious.
It will also analyze the validity of documents uploaded by our users for KYC (our users will be encouraged to do that in order to receive additional offers and get access to additional features).
Bitcoinist: Give us three reasons why someone should invest in Ubcoin. 
FK: We already have a sustainable team and a sustainable company, which is quite rare on the current ICO market, where the majority of projects lack transparency. We have several offices, 50+ employees, and a completely transparent structure.
We already have a working product with a huge user base, which is even rarer on the ICO market. Only 9% of all ICO projects have a working business and/or product prior to the start of their crowdfunding campaign. We don’t create a new product from scratch, we just make a new feature of the existing product, which means fewer risks for the investor.
Our product is simple to understand and has a broad appeal. The majority of ICO projects are too niche or too complex and they are doomed to be used only by a handful of experts in a certain field. Our product is a universal solution – it solves problems both of potential and existing crypto investors and it doesn’t require a high level of tech expertise. If you know how to sell stuff on eBay, you’ll figure out Ubcoin Market.
Bitcoinist: What are your opinions on the current cryptocurrency market? 
FK: I’m sure that by the end of the year, we’ll see a number of regulatory measures implemented on the ICO market. Which might be a good thing: although people have become more careful, there are still many scam projects out there, and it will be helpful to have, for instance, some kind of international regulatory body that would verify projects before they would be able to start their crowdfunding campaigns.
Another major thing is Telegram’s coming to the crypto space. The Telegram cryptocurrency, that is supposed to be made available by the end of the year, will definitely change the game. Knowing Pavel Durov, we can expect a truly high-quality product that will take the best features from the best projects, and build on them.
Bitcoinist: Where do you see blockchain industry in 5 years? 
FK: I think blockchain will be used in many aspects of our everyday life and will make them better. But, mind you, not all aspects will be augmented by blockchain, which is a good thing.
As for the cryptocurrencies, I agree with many leading economists who think that the concept of fiat money might become obsolete and we will be using exclusively electronic money.
Bitcoinist: Ubcoin boasts some rather serious partnerships – Samsung, Mastercard, Visa, and Bitmain to name a few. What is the nature of these partnerships, and which do you feel are the most important? 
FK: Partnerships with manufacturers leading to pre-installations present one of the best ways of marketing and reaching out to the wide audience: 80% of users will use the pre-installed app within the 6 months of purchasing a phone. And we’re really good and experienced at this: for instance, our team has been collaborating with Samsung for more than 10 years now – they pre-installed our previous products Navifon and uTalk, have been pre-installing Ubank and are going to pre-install Ubcoin Market. We create value-adding services for each manufacturer; we put ‘smart’ in their ‘smartphones’.
It’s impossible to single out any of our partners as the most important one; all of these partnerships have been instrumental in our development. Visa and MasterCard have given us confidence in the security of our users’ data; Samsung has given us insight into how our users react to our products; and so on.
But, what’s more important than any partnership, is the interaction with end users themselves. After all, it’s for them that we work.
Bitcoinist: What excites you the most about Ubcoin? 
FK: We have found a way to solve the problems of many people who want to be part of the ever-expanding, burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies. We didn’t want to create a ‘successful business’, we wanted to solve a problem: to find a way for people to invest in and exit cryptocurrencies in an easy manner. And we’ve done it. That’s what excites us most about Ubcoin.
Do you have more questions about Ubcoin Market? Ask them in the comments below!
Images courtesy of Ubcoin, iStockPhoto
The post Ubcoin Founder Felix Khachatryan Dishes on Upcoming Ubcoin Market MVP, Big Name Partnerships, and More appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
  source: http://bitcoinist.com/ubcoin-founder-felix-khachatryan-dishes-upcoming-ubcoin-market-mvp-big-name-partnerships/
Post source: Ubcoin Founder Felix Khachatryan Dishes on Upcoming Ubcoin Market MVP, Big Name Partnerships, and More
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