#they have potential sorry i like toxic yuri
non4ry · 9 months
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capcom please hire me to write the haunting ground remake
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p1x1x · 2 months
i’m posting the wips here too. because yeah i just want to show things. arcaea fans how do you feel about. tempest with clawed hands hahaha (slight suggestive and tiny blood) (i have to make.. toxic yuri for my self..)
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vigilskeep · 14 days
omg thank you for the support... feeling emboldened to return and be gay in your inbox but i was just thinking about how neve might actually feel a bit put off by a more uncaring/cold assassin rook. she has that conversation with harding in the ign gameplay where she says that authorities being corrupt is how she is employed essentially, but given her character descriptions, i feel like she very much does care a lot and corruption is something she Really Wants To Fix, Actually. but authorities being corrupt is actually great for business for an assassin. i mean lucanis was literally introduced to us as "the magekiller" and one thing we know about him is he specifically targets corrupt magisters. like taking down corrupt officials is definitely great for neve, but i feel very interested in the toxic yuri potential of her butting heads with someone who doesn't care about saving the world beyond putting down an obvious threat because their background relies very much on the world being broken. if this makes sense? femme fatale rook also adds an extra level of distrust which is fun! but there's also so much yuri development potential here... learning to care through neve or rook always secretly caring and neve bringing that out in them. cynic4cynic and all that. this doesn't have to be about a romantic relationship either, it's interesting to me even for a platonic neve/rook relationship!
and this also could be a potential point of contention for neve and lucanis, depending on his own world views. this group being referred to as a found family makes the idea of them not getting along (at first at least) pretty interesting to me LMAO anyway yeah if lucanis shares this kind of view then it really is as you said: (crow rook voice) no lucanis you're not insane. and neither am i.
SORRY FOR THIS. but also thank you for supporting the lesbianism.
the thing that i certainly believe about neve is what’s been emphasised over and over in marketing: she’s a cynic, but a cynic with a heart of gold. she may be our hard-boiled detective who’s seen the worst of people and the worst of her city, but that’s never made her love her city any less or fight for it any less. she’s intensely idealistic in her ambitions and her commitment to the job, putting her own comfort aside to doggedly pursue any mystery she’s taken on.
i think that conflicts delightfully with an assassin who is more self-preserving in what they are willing to take on and has no such high ideals or sense of community, but has it in common with neve that they’ve come face to face in the same way with the worst of people. they could make each other better—neve could definitely stand to take better care of herself and perhaps even take more direct action, and this type of crow rook could probably do with a moral or two beyond World Destruction Is Bad—or worse! i really like your read on crow rook being dependent on the world being broken, and corruption being good for business. i also think the kind of worldview that the crows teach is that nothing ever really can change. it doesn’t matter what you do or who you kill, because someone just as corrupt will always take their place. there are no moral obligations because there is no fixing the world even if you did try. i’d be so curious to see neve’s impact on that... whether she could get them to believe in something, or their jaded outlook would rub off on her
neve definitely has trust issues and high walls up for whatever reason (i still believe in venatori ex-husband theory) so i love the idea here of really playing into that and making a rook she actually shouldn’t trust. i love that for you. yeah why put this all on her. why make anything easy
i’m definitely interested in lucanis and neve’s dynamic. they have a lot of similar worldviews when it comes to, say, the venatori, but i wonder if neve necessarily approves of lucanis’, uh... impulsive and destructive approach, to dealing with that kind of problem. or if lucanis’ sympathies necessarily mean he takes the shadow dragons’ chances of achieving anything seriously. super excited to see them interact
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Yeah yeah tdi writers when it comes to female characters could be better but can we please focus on the fandom? Y’all have no excuse as to how you treat these characters!!!
Hello some of the best written and intriguing characters are female, some of the best dynamics include females but y’all are too busy with your male characters and male ships and your internalised misogyny I mean what who said that???
But fr to go onto some of my most hated things in the fandom because I’m in a whingey mood and want to complain and this blog is great if it’s okay I’m gonna dump these here;
Courtney haters need to SHUT UPPPPPPP!!!! I don’t care if you think she’s badly written she’s not and especially not for tdi standards y’all just want to complain about an interesting female character there’s sooo much to her you can just dig into it’s delicious I love her!! And yet she’s still antagonised by the fandom??? I’m not gonna act like she did no wrong and wasn’t the villain because hello did we see action but it’s more nuanced that her being annoying and evil! Y’all just need to look at her more!!!
Svetlana is ALWAYS neglected by the tdi fandom hello she’s one of the alters we see the most yet everyone hates her!! Why!! She’s not my favourite sure I prefer Vito, Manitoba and maybe Mal maybe but come on! She’s a part of the gang too stop ignoring her!!!
People who hc male characters as misogynistic are icky stop itttttt!!! It’s not fun!!!! I have more to talk about this later but I hateee when people say that male characters are misogynistic when either they’re clearly not or they make such a deal of it cough Ezekiel. I’m fine with it being a joke once again I will make fun of Ezekiel till the day I die but when people low-key make the male characters misogynistic it’s like why! Especially when it’s male fans sorry had to be said.
Can we please not ignore platonic male and female friendships pretty please!!!!! We saw how many of the male and male friendships were fake and caved in on themselves we saw the downfall of the guys alliance why do we act like it’s only the females?? I swear the male and female friendships are the only normal ones in the show bar like Gwen and Duncan because they had to do that but hello we all love a bit of DJ and Heather why do we act like we don’t???
The way tdi fans treat the male x male relationships compared to the female x female relationships is soo gross leave them alone please! They can be just as good!!! You don’t believe me well gwourtney has just as much potential as any male x male relationship but y’all don’t want to hear that! And they’re all so fun hello?? Mkulia did more for the homosexuals than anything pride ever did (jokes). Also you can have your toxic yuri like you have your toxic yaoi y’all just can’t understand that there isn’t as critical of a difference between females and men as you like to act there is oops sorry
The way y’all treat Dawn… sighs. She’s not some cute little garden fairy especially not after tdi she definitely doxxes people on Reddit if they’ve wronged her she definitely leaked Scott’s ip address after tdi. Like yeah she’s nice and a good person and likes animals but let her have fun too please
The way roti fans treat zoey is despicable. They treat her either likes she’s the devil and evil and poor little Mike zoey is so hypocritical and evil and mean, or they treat her like she’s a two dimensional piece of cardboard. Didn’t want to say this but she had some of if not the funniest lines in roti. Yeah she sucked in AS but everyone did and im predicting people treated her like this before AS even came out.
Uh TL;DR treat the female characters like how you treat the males please they’re not that different you just hate women.
Uh take this all with a pinch of salt if you do any of this you don’t hate women im just being hyperbolic but there is clearly some issues with the way you view women if you do any of this. Sorry it’s true I’m sending anonymously because I fear this will strike a nerve.
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mr-nauseam · 5 days
re: juno x livia
oooo what about juno and livia makes you ship them? 👀👀
I've been thinking a lot about how to talk about this because I NEVER imagined someone would ask about the best toxic yuri my delusional head could come up with but I guess I'll do what I do best: ramble 🙏
So this began because for a wip (that I'm still working on) were I needed to pair Livia with someone so I went and looked up all the names of the mentors and look I rarely use the movie for references but I needed a visual image so I was looking at pictures of the mentors and I need you to see this:
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Because WHY THEY KINDA SLAY? So the a e s t h e t i c was the first thing that make me say "Oh THEY COULD BE A SHIP," then because I'm a book girlie I go to read every line were they appear which lead me to the next point on why I end up shipping Livia and Juno
They give mean girlies in love vibes 🥰
Here we enter the fun realm of speculation so these are simply my headcanons but I think Livia has a similar personality to a classic mean girl like Regina George. So she can be terribly capricious, demanding special treatment and complaining at what she perceives as unfair treatment (I should note that she seems to have a strong patriotism and a clear defense of her values) but I don't think Livia is as nasty as Coriolanus paints her or at least not to other people. One key thing about being a triumphant queen bee is having some charisma, and actually being able to be incredibly hypocritical
Livia is but in a rather subtle way so she will claim to be a brutally honest person and will be a pain to deal with at times. She can be especially nasty to people she can't stand like Coriolanus or Sejanus but I think she can be quite civil to people she in theory calls friends but in reality won't allow them to get to know her intimately because she's afraid of intimacy. Also sorry but she has the perfect potential to have mommy issues, so there is a marked difference between Livia in front of her mother vs Livia on her own, that has made her aggressively misogynistic in a way so she will talk to her female classmates but probably believes most are pretty dumb and naive
Let's summarize a little. Livia presents herself as confident and charming but with a strong and honest character. She is pretty, can be sociable and likes to stand up for what she considers class (good manners, fair play but only when it suits her). Deep down she doesn't think well of many of her classmates, she not trust them but she knows how to hide it however she has no scruples about being cruel to people she doesn't tolerate and is incredibly capricious.
Now let's go to Juno Phipps. Juno for me is a mean girl yes but in the sense of spoiled princess, I think her mother died during the war due to an illness, and she only has her father, a man with a very important surname, who has given his daughter everything she wants, now she is totally unbearable and too delicate.
She doesn't know how to lose, she feels confused when people don't give her what she wants, and she complains easily. She is much more pleasant and social than Livia however, although few can stand her for more than 5 hours at a time. Juno also knows she is very pretty and will constantly take advantage of that, in fact, that is why she can be a princess, because boys are always willing to give her what she wants as long as she winks at them, but similar to Livia she is lonely at heart, this business of getting involved in gossip, being aware of the bad things others say about her and the bad things she knows she has said about others make she also shies away from trusting others with her most intimate feelings.
Considering this scenario I just thought it would be great to have them meet, because of course they do, they can't go unnoticed, they are not part of the same social circle constantly, their meetings are brief, almost by accident, but when they talk it's always easy because they have a lot in common, more than anyone would believe, and they feel connected.
I always joke that there are two types of lesbians before they come out, one is the type that aggressively hates men, and the other is the type that loves men but can never take them seriously, and I think Livia is the first type and Juno is the second, and I think that's also kind of striking because they've both seen each other in dresses and well groomed and have been each other's gay awakening (they think each other its MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN ALL ACADEMY AFTER THEMSELVES but no tell this to any!) but it takes them quite a while to get there, and in what they get there, both will have radically different opinions of how to relate to men.
Livia likes Juno but thinks she's an empty head for wasting up her time dating so many idiot boys, Juno will never understand why if Livia is so controlled every time she talks to a guy her patience is lost, all while they enjoy spending time together too much and are secretly obsessed with each other. There is also drama because of my opinion of the Capitol and homosexual relationships (I don't think it's seen as something positive within the upper class) and other issues I've made up about Juno being the mistress of the first lady Livia but I think this is a summary of how I did in my head all this toxic yuri…
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I'm sorry if this forces you to re-type a bunch of deleted stuff but once you mentioned you had a whole list of what your version of fire and blood volume 1 looked like, I wanted to read it immediately. only if you want to, of course!
Absolutely dude! Let’s see if I can remember it off the top of my head
5. Give every woman mentionned a personality. And actual character. Tbh I think this might just be my base need for any book-
4. A lot more dragons. And a lot more descriptions for all the dragons. I’m still not over how there were FIVE dragons ridden by actual royalty and there wasn’t a single description for any of them!!
3. Spend a lot less of the book simping over Jaehaerys’ reign. We don’t need to know every minute detail of this guy’s life, spend more of that page time on Aegon iii’s reign so we can close it off with his death and the cliffhanger of Daeron’s reign
2. More toxic yuri. I’ve said it last time and Rhaena/Elissa are doing great with their bitter divorce but I need more of that!! I don’t fuck with the dragon show but maybe they were onto something there with Rhaenyra and Alicent!!
1. Have Jaehaerys croak it right before the heir is announced at the council of 101. Just think of the comedy potential: old dude dies before he can announce his heir, and through some looney tunes ass stunt his paper gets destroyed, dance maybe starts a lot sooner cause each party assumes they’re the rightful heir and that the other killed that old man not knowing he just keeled over from old man disease. It’s silly. It’s some kinda justice for me after having to slog through ten thousand pages of that fuckass Jae’s reign <3
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jeromefart · 2 months
Hi, I want to hear about your ships, because I'm no longer interested in the fandoms I was in and I want interesting shit to get into in very healthy ways of course.
Thank you very much for spending this fraction of your life on expending my ship knowledge 🙇🏼
Sorry for the late response! I’ve been traveling all day :(
Well obviously I love dirkdave from homestuck. And I don’t even like Homestuck but they have a grip on me. They have alternate versions of themselves from different realities, ie splinters, it makes for a lot of interesting dynamics between them. Dave grows up with an invasive and distant older brother. Dirk grows up with a fully absent one. The section in the comic where they meet the teen versions of themselves is really amazing to me because even though Dave is so conflicted and hurt, he still seeks comfort and even barely knowing him, he still goes and gives him a hug. It’s really really cute. And if we like old man yaoi we can focus on the older brother versions of them, isn’t that fun. Hollywood director and insane fuck is such a good pairing. Obviously theyre brothers so that makes it more interesting (or revolting) if you even care about that. Who cares.
Umm one of my fave ships of all time that I never talk about is midosara from yttd. Midori is a super creepy but eccentric robot dude, and he recognizes the potential in sara to become this unfeeling and bloodlusting killing machine and he’s desperate to break her. Also they have the age gap too, so that’s fun.
I’ve been thinking a lot about gaara/sasori recently, I read a fic where they’re uncle and nephew and have the whole “i dont want to become him” deal, but since he’s already halfway there, he’s able to find comfort in getting to know him. Gaara has this positive character development which I’d love to see absolutely ruined. Imagine if after the ichibi is extracted from him, sasori survives and takes his ass away.
As you can tell all my fave ships and characters have some sort of doll/puppet/robot aspect to them. They’ve achieved a form of immortality that makes them kinda jaded to everything around them. But then they take interest in someone that kinda brings light back into their life and it’s cute.
Fun fact but I used to be huge into enstars and my favorite ship was tsukasa/kohaku. I was fucking obsessed with them. They have the prince and knight dynamic! Kohaku is part of a branch family that does the head family’s dirty work, ie he’s an assassin. He enrolls in the same school as Tsukasa to keep an eye and protect him since he’s the heir to the family. And kohaku is tsundere about it and tsukasa dotes on him
I’ve yet to find a lesbian ship that’s as complicated as my other favorites. I usually just genderbend the ones I like when I’m tired of hearing about twitching cocks and tight asses 😭 Toxic yuri is an unaffordable luxury unfortunately
So I like dark ships, but I’m not completely inhumane about it yet, I still like fluff aspects. I typically go for rarepairs because most popular ships are just boring. And if they aren’t healthy, they’re very simply rivalries that just don’t do anything for me. My ao3 is kwu9 if you want to look at some of the dynamics I like explained in more detail. It’s all very self indulgent on there, you’ll notice a theme with the saw references.
Sorry this is so long, you gave me the chance to ramble and I’ve had a long day of being quiet at the airport lmao. Plus most of my online friends kinda have sticks up their asses when it comes to this shit, so I’m left just screaming on my dead blog
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insanitynikoru · 27 days
just love the ppnkgxppg art sm !! ! <33 if by chance can you explain your dynamic between them?
yhh >:) tbh my dynamics can shift depending on the context (for ex if i'm entertaining aus or scenarios). +it's kinda hard to explain their dynamic w/o also talking abt my hcs for each character bUT ANYWAy dsjgk
bratubbles: starting w this one cus they're kinda the more « normal » pair (aka i don't ever think abt them so i don't have much to say, rip). they are,,, black cat/white bunny (barfs); brat being kitty, bubbles being bunny. not exactly "opposites attract" but also not entirely compatible. brat values her independence and borders avoidant tendencies (but also not really?) making her more passive in the relationship. kinda has a habit of making bubbles cry. bubbles is like her little pet. she loves her, but also has to resist the intrusive urge to grab her by the ears and swing her around. and bubbles is just,,, "i can fix her :pleading:" kind of gross bs
i don't have much on this one sorry chat 💀 i'd have to rly sit down and think about them at some point
brutercup: my hcs for brutercup closely align with my friends @/saschy123 and @/gkt-tummyaches !! if u ever see their hcs, just know that i nod in agreement. brute is the epitome of toxic/abusive, dominating and anti-social, and bc eats it up cus she's a little guy and loves brute sm. sadist x masochist vibes both in kink and in general that's pretty much it asjkf
soft/bottom brute does not exist in brutercup pls- brute is just not a good person. 'soft' tendencies exhibited by brute are more for her own personal gain or power trip rather than for the sake of the relationship. bc is 100% aware of it but simply doesn't give a fuck because she knows what she signed up for.
blosserk: this one [grins evilly] my fave <3 (if that wasn't obvious jksdg) i like making this one suffer !!! esp berserk !! doomed yuri, complicated, yummy. they are terribleee at communication. berserk sucks at trying to convey what she feels correctly and blossom takes it as criticism, and will resort to stonewalling techniques in the right circumstances. both of them expect a lot of change from one another but both of them are too stubborn to put in the effort to change themselves, making them constantly in and out of the arguing phase. they always have problems !! on a more wholesome note, they have cute dates; picnics and shit *rolls eyes*
a different dynamic i have with blosserk is more unrequited. berserk crushes on blossom but the latter doesn't feel the same. i have/had a whole au surrounding this as a kid that's just a whole failed enemies-to-lovers arc where berserk tries to reconnect with blossom on more neutral terms but blossom is too arrogant and cannot look past her former reputation of being a villain. role-reversal; ends up being the one that gives berserk a hard time than the other way around. ex-lovers kind of feel. berserk is very self-destructive when i think abt this dynamic. i like this one better cus i play with it more + there's more angst potential 🥰
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teleportzz · 8 months
2, 8, and 11 for fandom asks!
2: a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
for rottmnt: nonbinary lesbian donnie! at first i did not see it at all but now i struggle to imagine him any other way.
for ducktales: sorry it's another queer headcanon but genderfluid scrooge! somebody in the group chat proposed it and gave their propaganda (I DON'T REMEMBER WHO RIP) and at first i was like 😕😕 but i couldn't stop thinking about it and now i really like it. scroldie toxic yuri is real in my head
8: you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
for rottmnt: the fact that donnie is really bad at sports. i think it's an interesting detail and i don't see it explored super often in fan content. in particular i find it interesting that he always participates anyway and seems to have fun and genuinely give it his all, and his brothers seem to like playing with him even if he sucks. there's some good fluff fic potential in there. also the shorts/mini episodes on youtube are so neglected by the fandom
11: if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Fold, my first uploaded fic! It's one of the best examples of my writing that exists and I still struggle to believe I wrote it in just four days. People also seem to really like it and the validation and feedback from readers is really inspiring. 💜
Thank you for the ask! 💜
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blackbird-brewster · 1 month
Seeing your post about sending in asks, it's a fucking crime that Tara and Rebecca's reconciliation happened offscreen while we had to deal with Rossi having another love interest. Like the wasted and lost potential of showing the growth and reconciliation regarding Tara and Rebecca. I hate how there was no follow up of their moment in the elevator to Rebecca being absent in the next two episodes and she shows up being happy seeing Tara. Why did their moments have to happen offscreen? The disrespect. Sorry for the long rant about Tebecca
Friend, you know to NEVER apologise for ranting about Tebecca with me!!! I am FURIOUS that their entire relationship has existed in the wings. To have that beautiful, soft, moment in the elevator in 17x05 only to not see Rebecca again until 17x08 was a CRIME.
I do not care about Rossi and I especially don't care about him having yet another love interest plot. Like? Please?!?!?!? This season gave Rossi/Tyler/Voit SO much screen time we barely even saw Tara.
I was happy Tebecca are back together, but it's bullshit we didn't get to see ANY of that. Especially when last season showed JJ/Will fighting & reconciling about multiple things. Is it too much to ask to see Tebecca have ONE adult conversation together???????
Their break up wasn't even a conversation. It was "I'm not going home." They have NEVER been granted patience or room to talk about their relationship and it's so annoying. What's the point in givin us a queer relationship if you're not actually going to explore that on screen???????
Anyway, as per usual when canon let's me down (lol always), I fixed it. 'Do What I Want (Over What's Right)' is my S17 fic focusing heavily on Tara/Rebecca's reconciliation (with a side of what has lovingly been dubbed 'toxic yuri')
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yourthirdparent · 1 month
Do u have any MK rarepairs?
hello llewayinghorses. yeah i have ummmm a lot lmao. for the purposes of this i'll be stretching the definition of rare pair a Little because while sure some of these have like over a hundred fics it still feels p small To Me. anywayd
biliang is one of them, as well as kuaitomas. both of these are mk1 btw. sorry beloved followers i am a scorpsmoke lover blame Do you feel it travel in and out your heart? on ao3 (i was shipping them way before i read that fic it's just my favourite). and a biliang lover but i've already mentioned that one before on here.
haven't been Incredibly into those lately though cuz the liu kang hyperfixation hit like a train and now all i can do is set him up with other people he can fuck nasty (or not fuck at all i do love an ace liu kang. more like liu king. sorry.) but they are still on the backburner.
for liu pairings aka my only pairings ever........... holdon let me just bust out the chart
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ignore the fact that the colour doesn't mean anything Anyways liutana and liulao aren't rare, shangliu is actually surprisingly popular considering it has so few fics (like 50 total i think split between the liu vs fire god liu tags?), liuhan probably is considered rare but idk maybe it's just because i'm in my part of the fandom but i see it p often so probably not very rare. kuailiu and liutomas are both rarer than that. railiu is p rare, i don't really see it often (but i'd love to because it's actually such a good pairing it's so cool oh my god) uhhhh liugeras is pretty rare considering how much sense it makes but i get it w/e yk. uhhhh kenliu and liucage are both p rare. especially cuz i ship liucage the hardest in the 1995 mortal kombat movie (so sad that i can't write for that movie. cries) which already doesn't get much fandom activity. oh baraka and liu is like super rare lmao but they're so cool !! i think there's lots of potential there idk maybe i'm just a freak. i do mostly ship them in mk11 though (mostly just cuz i don't want to deal with contagion lmao). sindel and liu are rare i suppose (also i forgot to mark liu and jerrod but i do ship them as well they're a throuple) as are liu and syzoth but i don't really care for them Much they're just fun sometimes but they aren't on the brainrot list. quan chi and liu are also rare but yk same principle as syliu i don't care all that much. i just like them both and i think they could have Something. evil. also liu and mileena is mk11 specific and it's also complicated but the sad thing is there's no fic for them and i'm too scared to write it (that's a lie i'm just not creative enough)
uhhhhh i also ship kenleena which according to twitter is actually popular but i've not seen it a damn time which SUCKS !!!! guys please i love taleena but why should i care for Them in mk1 when i could be shipping mileena and the guy whose eyes she gouged out. i think that slays. taleena is also a slay ofc but in mk1........ i need something with a little more Spice like they had in mkx. give me toxic yuri or give me death. they need to be treacherous and then have a kid or i'm out.
let me pull out the mk11 chart too fuck it
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again shangliu is p popular shockingly however mk11 shangliu is a lot less popular. sonya/liu is actually so rare that i made the ao3 tag and i'm one of like. four shippers lmao. but i mostly ship them in conjunction with liucage in mk11 and only really ship them on their own in mk21. liu/jax is similar in the sense that i like them more in the 2021 movie lmao. and again i'm the only one in the tag. mk11 liuhan is less common than mk1 which is sad because they're iconic. again baraka and liu are always rare, railiu is p rare (though it does have some absolute masterpieces in the ao3 tag. ty melochromatic can we please be friends you're so cool). fujin/liu is also uncommon but i love them so sosososis99ssjowehhrishwkshrkebf much (i just like both of the characters and decided to slam them together for my amusement) blahblah again with mileena and geras and liulao and liutana are both popular.
SIGH. in addition to all of these i have some bonuses like sindel/sheeva and jadetana which might not be Rare but it is lovely and frossie which definitely Is rare (heartbreakingly) and probably more that i don't want to list. GASP FOR AIR.
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sneakydraws · 10 months
Sorry for coming into your askbox with random wap ships but have you ever thought about Helene and Vera,,,, their respective deprivation of motherly love,,, their role of impeccable daughters,,, there's so much potential for toxic yuri 👁️👄👁️
Never considered it before but i admit there's something there!! With regard to being perfect daughters, they've both got this malicious compliance thing going on, like... Both their mothers are unhappy with them for seemingly no real reason, they both act their societal roles perfectly but seem aware that it's not enough... I feel like their personalities don't immediately strike me as jiving together but who knows...
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fireworkss-exe · 2 months
Evelyn (for the character breakdown thing)
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evelyn you awful woman I adore you
how I feel about this character - I don't talk about her much but she's one of my favs honestly. she's a shallow vain pretentious selfish bitch and I love that for her. she is SO much more than just "the nagging fiancee," I can definitely see that she's more cunning than she lets on. she's a social climber, she knows how to get up the ranks. she's most definitely backstabbed many people to get where she is. and I love that for her.
all the people I ship romantically with this character- not a ship, but I like how toxic she is with patrick. they remind me of clay and bloberta puppington, just two selfish, shallow assholes who aren't in love and are only together because that's what's expected of them in their society. also, I like the idea of her and courtney together although I haven't really delved into that before. toxic yuri for the win
my non-romantic otp for this character- her and courtney. backstabbing backhanded besties for life
my unpopular opinion about this character- the fandom needs to show her more attention honestly, there's so much potential to explore her character and I just don't see it.
one thing I wish would happen to her in canon- give her a movie. give her a movie or a book or something ! even a short story. I think it'd be interesting to see her perspective. she's very similar to patrick in that they both want more, they both want to be at the top, and they fill the void with material things and status symbols. their perceived place in society, as an important part of the white american elite, versus their actual place, as an unimportant, insignificant, practically faceless and nameless member of a group that is just like them, that will never be distinguishable from their peer group. I can see evelyn, like patrick, having a breakdown over that realization, and I'd want to see what would happen
I am not good at articulating my thoughts, so sorry about that😭 thank you for the ask!!
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magiefish · 3 months
OH GOD OH NO OH FUCK ME OH SHIT OH NO <- Just finished listening to Neverland
Further, more coherent, thoughts (and spoilers) beneath:
*Through gritted teeth* There is no alternative. There is no alternative. There is no alternative.
Anyway I really enjoyed that episode. I had forgotten what an enjoyable and satisfying conclusion to a story arc felt like. NuWho really sent that one through the Oubliette of Eternity.
I've never watched classic who romana but I *love* her dynamic with the doctor. The bit where they're under the console alternating between yelling technobabble and whispering plans? Effervescent.
The bit where Charley is like "Oh no! The Doctor!" and the co-ordinator says "Who?" mockingly. Brilliant.
The sound-effects were also really good. Charley's screams as she got "transfigured" were genuinely harrowing. And the moment of silence before the casket explodes? Gorgeous
The Never-People are really cool. Sentris' backstory was messed up and I like her character in general (also the doctor told her 'don't get your halo in a twist' or something? Much to consider design and symbolism wise)
The whole 'oh we're sorry the government did those terrible things to you, but don't worry, it's all a thing of the past now bit!' immediately followed by the reveal that no actually the horrors are ongoing you just didn't notice. Was certainly. Interesting. In the contemporary political climate.
TARDIS THAT HIDES AS A PLANET!! NuWho should really do more tardises disguised as unlikely objects. Work that chameleon circuit. Let's have a TARDIS necklace or something.
Rassilon seems a lot chiller here than he is generally depicted as in new who? Maybe that's just what the time war does to a motherfucker. Also he's dead? Didn't know that was a part of the canon.
Charley is honestly so delightful. She has so much wonder and curiosity but she's not afraid to assert herself, and she's frankly far more willing to put her own personal hang-ups aside for the greater good than the Doctor is.
Speaking of which, I find that a lot of New Who stories that try to do 'the darkness of the doctor' lean really hard into the potential ruthlessness and egotism and anger of the character (see Ten) but honestly I've never seen those as the Doctor's primary flaws? They're definitely angry with certain people and species (see Nine and the Daleks post-Time War) but their self-centeredness is not just being kind of controlling and ignoring the wishes of the people around them occasionally, it's also tossing their own health and safety aside at a moments notice. Sometimes being self-centered isn't just about being selfish or self-involved, it's also thinking of yourself as an isolated individual who's death or self-destruction won't affect the people around you who care about you, and that is definitely one of the Doctors major character flaws.
They also suffer from what I affectionately term "Best friend related object impermanence" in which they become incredibly attached to singular people and even when it's a them vs the universe situation if they're right in front of them they just kind of forget the universe exists and always put the companion first, usually at a detriment to themself. Like, if they can't see it it may as well not be there, laws of time be damned.
I think it's because The Doctor's so old and they already know almost everything about the universe so they need their companions in order to experience the wonder of it again but ultimately that just kind of leaves them in a bit of a co-dependent relationship with them. Which is a Yikes for them from me, but I also love relationships in which two people are entangled with one another in an deeply unhealthy way, so I will be both patting them on the back and pulling out the popcorn to see how it goes this time. (Can you tell I'm a Face the Raven-Heaven Sent-Hell Bent fan)
What Thirteen was really missing was a deeply messed up relationship with Yaz. Where's My Toxic Yuri Chibnall.
What I'm trying to say is: The Doctor is a merciful and compassionate character who tries to do what they think is right, and what they think is right is usually the option that ends with only him getting hurt -- this does not mean that they are good.
And The Doctor and Charley, ohhhh boooooyyyyyyy there's a lot to unpack there that smarter people than me already have but just. Charley accepting death and being grateful to the Doctor for giving her these adventures and actively telling him to shoot her to save the universe. The Doctor refusing to shoot her because he can't accept her dying and choosing to essentially kill himself instead of her. AGhhhhhhhhOuGGGhhhhhhOWwwwwwWWWWWW-
Platonic "I love you"s. Mwah.
The bit where The Doctor tries to send Charley away to a party and hide the truth of the situation from her and she puts her foot down and chooses to go and confront the Time Lords using an old trick he taught her. Queen. Assert your agency. Don't take shit from him.
GOD I LOVE THE ANTI-TIME CONCEPT. I'm just really into ideas about primordial chaos and dream logic and paradoxical identities like "I exist but I never was" or "I am this person but I am also not this person", nom nom nom, I was eating so well this episode.
I also love me an Ancient Horror and Messed Up Rhymes or Chants That Forewarn Their Coming (see Nowhere King from Centaur World) so, again, I was eating SO well this episode.
Love characters who have no identity so they take it from other sources like fiction or the external environment. Delicious.
Moffat, Flux-Chibnall, and RTD-2 wish they were Neverland so bad.
Wait hang on. Could The Frog from "It Takes You Away" be Zagreus? I know the Solitrax is a different thing but it's such a similar concept that I'm just going to make that my personal crack headcannon now. You can't change my mind. There is no alternative. It's just too funny.
Sentris, upon The Doctor running off into the TARDIS and dematerialisting: Agh, just ignore the silly bugger, what could he possibly do now?
The Doctor, rematerialising the TARDIS around the Time Station: WHAT'S UP BIITCHESSSS-
A few minutes later:
Romana: The paradox has been resolved, thank goodness! The Web of Time is fixed, the future continues, and now I shall return to look after Gallifrey! Is there any advice you can give me, Matrix!Rassilon?
Rassilon: No, Romana. You know I cannot speak of the future.
Romana: Yes, of course, that makes perfect sense. And even if there *were* an impending catastrophe, I'm sure you'd warn me of it. Well, goodbye Rassilon! Thank you!
Rassilon: .....Okay boys, she's gone. Drop the Zagreus mixtape.
Charley: Doctor, what's wrong? Have you been injured or something?
Eight: Injured? No. I've not been injured. This TARDIS contained all of the Time Station when it exploded. This ship was filled to bursting with a great mass of the fierciest, fizzing, energy!
Charley: What?! Anti-Time!?
Eight: A crude term for such a matter of life - and death. But now that the breach is resolved, now that the problem of you is resolved, well, all that remains of that stuff in this whole reality is held in here.
Charley: What? In the TARDIS?
Zagreus: *Laughter*, oh, no no no. In here.
Voice of girl whose favourite things include "Strange case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde", "Another Twist", "The Fly" and "Penumbra: Black Plague";
Anyway, girl if your man starts talking in nursery rhymes and his voice becomes distorted that ain't your man that's Zagreus.
In conclusion: They were right. That Doctor sure could Become Zagreus. Wonder what bearing this will have on Hades II. Go listen to the Eighth Doctor's Main Range audios, they're all available on Spotify :gun:
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heatherra · 1 year
Why YOU should vote for Heatherra in the yuri bracket (Part 2)
With every win I get stronger. No screenshots this time because I didn't hrt the time SORRY </3
Right off the bat, EPISODE 1 of World Tour, Heather says her best strategy is to become friends with the new girl.
"I do not heart the new girl."
You know what that means to me? Heather right away say Sierra's strength as a competitor, and she wanted to have Sierra have an alley until whatever! If Total Drama had good writing, IMAGINE the Heather/Sierra alliance! Good they would've been so fucking powerful that's literally the reason why they didn't go anyway where with this storyline.
Episode 1 of World Tour we were introduced to this great plot like where we could've had Total Drama Yuri Tour real but noOoOoO they just had to make Sierra like that.
The next major interaction is in Broadway, Baby! Besides getting my Alesierra on, I'm also getting my Heatherra on! Heather does not want Sierra to fall for Alejandro's tricks. Sierra in return knows she being played by the both of then. Heather wants Sierra to stay on her side. Literally looking out for Sierra to make sure she doesn't lose Chris' trust.
God if the writers were yuri enough we could've had Heather release Sierra and Sierra ONLY in the Am-AH-Zon race.
Can't Help Falling in Louvre. I know the plot is C*dy related but the fact that Heather needed Sjerra to get better is enough for me. Heather knows Sierra's strength, and Heather needs Sierra to be on her a-game for Team Amazon to win.
If you guys do not see the potential that Jamaica Me Sweet has, I'm sorry. Crash landing in Jamaica has potential written all over it, for all the characters.
Sorry this is like where the interactions fall out bc the writers suck. Anyway Sweden Sour had toxic yuri written all over it. The Amazon fight scene? That's literally toxic yuri. Screw you I'm getting my Heathneyerra on or something.
If Niagara Brawls was written today they would've made Heather and Sierra partners.
I'm not talking about Chinese Fake Out.
Anyway African Lying Safari ^_^ The Heather and Sierra team up FINALLY. God I hate this season so much that it gave us Heatherra only for them to barely interact in the middle of the season. But they team up this epsiode, and jwidisufjsjjf. And you know what? This is where Alejandro took Cody to first class. That's right. I'm talking about the Heatherra economy class for 48 hours. WHAT DID THEY DO!!!!
I already talked about Rapa Phooey so here's a short summary: Girlfriends are forever.
Awwwww, Drumheller. I love the first half of the epsiode where Sierra is just always gonna attack Heather. More toxic yuri. Also Heather liking Sierra's dinosaur? And didn't Sierra like Heather's dinosaur too. Anyway, "I really like glitter glue." God. You know that scene when Sierra gets the digging thing and she automatically goes to attack Heather? That was so fucking funny. In my rewatch, I laughed so fucking hard when that happened. And then you know what?
Tumblr media
This is the only picture you're getting for this one bc this is the one that I have.
Anyway can you believe that Sierra got Heather to vote for Alejandro? What a strategist. Come on td give me the conversation.
Anyway. Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles. The beginning of the episode </3. Heather helping Sierra bc Sierra is bald now. That scene was cute.
God I didn't know I just went through Heatherra moments from my memory. I have an issue with tdwt. @totaldramabrackets hi again
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reeama-the-mage · 9 months
MOTH I JUST SAW YOUR SLEEPOVER SATURDAY REBLOG I know it's technically not Saturday anymore (it's almost 2 am) but let's ignore that!
What's your top 3 fandoms rn?
- Vibes anon
*grabs u by the shoulders* look me in my eyes, look me in my eyes rn, it's always sleepover Saturday, sleepover Saturday is a mind set and in this mind set we are all cuddled up so cozy in pajamas and painting eachothers nails and talking about things that don't matter but we care about, in sleepover Saturday all that matters is friendship and fun, just as life should be
top 3 fandoms rn: 1. SCP: Find us Alive, it is my favorite show ever I love it I love it so much everyone needs to watch and everyone needs to love Raddlove as much as I do there is a character named Love (nari Love) and she is short and rough around the edges but she just wants to feel like she's doing something and she makes a tiny potato monster and calls him dumptruck and teaches him tricks and loves him then finds a bigger monster and even tho this one has so much potential to be dangerous still loves him and calls him Hiway Robbery and tries to teach him to help ppl and her hair is shiny and she is in love and she is my favorite character ever u gotta understand I love her omg I love Love also raddagher is a fun character who is pretty relatable and it's really cool to see them upon up more as she interacts with new ppl, Harley funny guy, and Klein and alves toxic Yuri is chefs kiss, Lancaster is there (sorry lancaster, just not my fav character doesn't stand out to me) 2. Candela obscura circle of needle and thread, Sean Finnerty makes me want to wail if I think about him too long he went to war and he committed atrocities and he killed kids at the order of another man and he's so sure he's a monster for that so when the first person to acknowledge that offers to get his mother out of the sanatorium she's been trapped in since his brothers died in the war? Doesn't matter if it's a literal monster, it understands, and if he has to sacrifice the man he has been friends with since they were children and who played with him and his brothers when they were young and helped him survive during the war? Sure, he's already a monster, he needs therapy SO BAD, 3. DSMP I cannot escape it, my boy c!Tommy has a grip on me that I can't escape
Cheesecake is awesome, it's my favorite type of cake, all cakes should be cheesecake (but as decided in unsung falls gc long ago, they shouldn't be baked, if I remember correctly? I think I still have a meme I made about saved to my phone, ill check once I've hit post on this ask)
I'm not the biggest chocolate fan and red velvet is just red chocolate, it's like fine, I don't have it alot and prefer different flavors, they should make more flavors that are just one flavor recolored tho, blue raspberry is another good example, but I need like pink mint
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