#they have the most tender moments
epickiya722 · 1 year
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mipexch · 11 months
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scratch its back and make it feel loved. or something
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panncakes · 29 days
ming is such a fucking loser, absolute pathetic piece of specimen; i want ten more of him
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mrooops · 1 month
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bellamysgriffin · 4 months
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ULTIMATE SHIPS CHALLENGE - Face-Touching Scenes  [5/5]
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taikanyohou · 9 months
them: a moment can't ruin you.
me: actually ...
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... it can.
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werewolfsmile · 1 month
Just watched The Librarians S2E8 And the Point of Salvation and...
I loved it, for the most part. Cleverly written and a fantastic Ezekiel-centric episode! He had beautiful moments with each of the others and learnt so much from them. He had substantial character growth and was given the space to bear the weight of serious circumstances and respond appropriately. This episode had the potential to be incredibly pivotal for Ezekiel's character!
And yet....
That ending. What the hell?? What do you mean his memory is lost and he forgets all of those poignant moments???? All those conversations, all that learning to rely on others - are freaking serious??
I'm never a fan of time loop episodes, but I thought they were handling this one pretty well. Right up until they erased all of Ezekiel's character growth at the drop of a hat. This was literally the equivalent of "and then she woke up" being used in a novel. It's weak and strips all purpose of what the characters have just been through.
Ugh! Tell me I'm not the only one. How dare they give me such a good episode of growth and discovering potential for Ezekiel Jones, then take it all back with a just kidding!
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sinksanksockie · 1 year
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“Stay put, love. I’ll be back before you know it.”
- - -
Ever the early riser, Hassel stalks quietly around the kitchen to make coffee for himself and Brassius only to find their supply completely gone. He gets dressed swiftly, eyes raking over Brassius’ sleeping form. With a fond sigh, he heads for the door and his shoes.
“Where are you off to?” Comes a sleepy murmur in the hall. A half-naked man rubs at an eye, blearily looking at Hassel through squinted eyes. The taller man can hardly contain himself at the sight, affection spilling out and over as he takes Brassius in his arms and peppers gentle kisses to his temple and cheekbones. “We’re out of coffee. I’m just going to the store.” He says between smiles and amused chuckles from the other man.
“Stay put, love. I’ll be back before you know it. Head on back to bed.”
Brassius hums in acknowledgement, looking up through unruly green curls up at his lover, his best friend. What he did to deserve such a man in his life was often beyond him, but he wasn’t about to complain even a bit.
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have you ever thought about yandere geto more specifically yandere CULT geto. cus i do. quite often.
HI ANON hmmm hm hm………… okay so honestly. i’m not super into yanderes at all so i don’t know if i’ll have much to contribute with when it comes to this kinda thing :’3 bUT i do love cult leader!geto to the moon and back + i’ve been thinking of him incessantly lately + i think he’s only a couple steps away from being a yan lol.
geto’s whole Thing is his contrast; he can kill a man swiftly, cruelly, only to go meet his beloved family right after with a genuine smile on his face. (we see that almost instantly in jjk 0!!) he really does have that cruel / soft contrast that i assume a bunch of yan content is built on…. he would treasure his beloved soooo dearly and i absolutely don’t think he’d shy away from killing any non-sorcerers that were giving them trouble… but again!! this isn’t even yan!geto, this is literally just Geto. that’s just how he is in canon 😭😭 he’s willing to go to any lenghts to protect his loved ones, and his own morals are aligned towards his view of non-sorcerers as non-human. he doesn’t see them as human, so why would he feel guilty for killing them?
but ok so to kinda go back to the idea of yan!geto… i think the biggest difference between him and yan!gojo (imo!!) is that gojo is willing to look past his morals to keep you safe, knowing that it’s Wrong but choosing not to care, while geto doesn’t let go of his morals — instead, he twists them until they align with what he’s doing. if that makes sense. to him, doing what he does for you is morally just. so he doesn’t feel shame or guilt for it.
aaaaand this is also why i don’t really feel Equipped to talk abt him….. because yan!geto would probably be a lot Worse than yan!gojo …….. and i’m embarrassingly sensitive to dark content :’3 i can see the appeal and the yan undertones are absolutely There but i think i see cult leader!geto in a very moe light PHJEHSJD he’s… my meowmeow. he can do no wrong. he hasn’t had a single evil thought in his Life <33
SOO to change the subject rq!!!!! kind of!!!! (i’m sorry anon i’ve just been thinking abt more fluffy scenarios w him lately and i need an outlet </3) i genuinely think cult leader geto!would be such a great lover :(( it’s easy to see him as a yan (AND THERE’S ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG W THAT TO BE CLEAR) but i just . genuinely think he would be sooo gentle and loving and silly? protective and possessive and imposing, sure, but he would honestly rather die than hurt you in any way. i don’t think his soul could take it.
like. it’s just so telling that geto canonically lets his family believe what they want, and do what they want; he doesn’t force them to see non-sorcerers the same way he does, he doesn’t keep nanako & mimiko from exploring the world and interacting w non-sorcerers, and so on!! his own beliefs are steadfast, but he doesn’t use them as an excuse to confine the people he cares for. he trusts them and loves them and even though i’m sure he’s paranoid he lets them run free.
so!! i think he would be very patient and accepting no matter what his s/o believed or did. i can see him being a bit a Lot of a helicopter parent but it’s never malicious, it’s just for safety purposes!! he just couldn’t bear to have anything happen to you </3 cult leader!geto is cynical and cautious and he isn’t taking any chances when it comes to your safety. but!! he’s still so silly and doting and i think he’s just so sweet…. 🥺🥺 i’m writing the outline for a fic rn where his s/o works at a regular preschool and he hates interacting with your coworkers in any capacity but he still does it to make u happy … yk??? like how he went with his girls to eat crepes in jjk 0. he just wants to give and give. our acts of service king <333
overall i see cult leader!geto as someone who hides his inherent softness behind a dark exterior, and while he’s far more willing to be cruel than hs suguru was, he never really changed at his core!! he’s just overflowing with softness and care. we see this so clearly in the scene where he’s alone with nanamimi, his girls, and everything is soft and quiet and geto is completely unguarded. and he’s so, so soft. his softness doesn’t even have a twisted hint to it, he just loves you. and he wants the best for you. i think the horror would only come from seeing how quickly he goes from cooing into your ear to disposing of a non-sorcerer with a freezing look in his eyes; the whiplash is scary. but if it scared his s/o i think he’d be hell-bent on not letting you see him like that unless absolutely necessary.
it’s difficult because so much of his character in this stage of his life has to do with cruelty, but all he truly wants at his core is to create a world where his loved ones will be happy :(( where he can protect them properly. idk i just can’t really see cult leader!geto as toxic at the end of the day….. he’s a puppydog to me. a foxcoded, silly little guy. despite his cult leader / genocide loving tendencies i think he would be a very soft, selfless lover <333 overwhelmingly devoted. the weight of his devotion could honestly be frightening and i feel like he could be sweet in a kind of twisted way (something like this) but at the end of the day he’s very particular about only showing you his soft side.
THOSE ARE MY SPONTANEOUS THOUGHTS i’m sorry they weren’t too focused on yan!geto anon :’3 but i hope u got some enjoyment out of them anyway!!! if u have any thoughts of ur own then i’d absolutely love to hear em <33
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Don't go. I'll get help, you're bleeding.
The Reckless Moment (1949) dir. Max Ophuls
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
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songbird's season of general sadness/first real grief/sorrow is coming to an end: (in chronological/journeying order) songs and poetry that helped my heart a lot these past few months :)
Always Good, Andrew Peterson / Marjorie, Andrew Osenga / Ask Polly article I read on a whim: 'My Boyfriend Refuses to Change' / You're On Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift / One Foot in Front of the Other, Griff / Heavy, Mary Oliver / Monday by @madamescarlette / The Letter, Linda Gregg / Summer's Retrospective by @madamescarlette / Ode to Some Lyric Poets, Gregory Orr
(bonus--from the scraps of writing that came out of this chapter of life, which are slowly being assembled into a more coherent story:)
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#yknow i felt so alone at so many points but i really really wasn't#i had such good friends (here and in my church community) who held my hand so gently#and God used the things i understood best to show me His incredible love at just the right moments#still an ongoing journey but i am so so grateful for the secondhand heart-strength given to me and the tenderness that was extended when i#when i was really at my lowest and saddest and most oversensitive and easily provoked to impatience or anger or depressive spirals#anyway i can't remember who sent me marjorie but thank you so much for that it was such a comfort. it continues to be#and thank you eden for sharing your beautiful poetry!!!! it continues to refresh and encourage my soul#mmmm it's hard to put into words what everything (and by everything i mean: the songs here and on my playlists#and the poetry here and the books i've read during the summer and into the autumn#from cyrano de bergerac to tolstoy to rilke's poems and dorothy sayers and dostoevsky and st therese & st teresa and madeleine l'engle#not to mention the night walks and morning prayers and the wonderful times i've had with the other dorm girls!#suddenly quite overwhelmed by the abundance of love and blessing#immensely immensely grateful for everything. i can be such a little wretch sometimes and wallow awfully for days#or act like a little human machine and try to Rid Myself of all emotional surges. or just focus on all the negative things with astonishing#tunnel vision (you wouldn't BELIEVE). but God has been so gracious despite songbird being a silly goose#and every once in a while having mental breakdowns and having to learn the same lesson (surrender and humility) a bajillion times#anyway!! my heart doesn't hurt anymore!!#and i am learning to take it one day at a time and to Rejoice in all circumstances#slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in year 21#which really is so much harder than i thought at times!!!! but that makes it even more important to do so i think
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bbqhooligan · 4 months
special kind of hell for "i can fix him" girls who only want the soft core of the "him" exposed to themselves and him to stay the jaded, cold, distrusting person they met to the rest of the world idek like she wanted me to push away all my other friends and tell her "i love you" and send her "good morning" texts girl youre actively against my emotional healing
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
more slash hurt/comfort fics where they dont confess and kiss immediately after the comforting part
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dunsbar · 2 years
the season 5 sciles angst was bad tv to YOU. to me it was incredible and ardently romantic.
#genuinely one of the most romantic (painful) moments in the show imo like it’s TRUE stiles in love with scott implications#and vice versa imo. like scott is SO devastated that he thinks stiles has killed someone in cold blood like that is so devastating and#shocking to him that he can’t even compute it like he can’t absorb it. and meanwhile stiles thinks scott. aka the man he loves. is putting#him down for not being good enough for him not being perfect enough. because for like the first time in their lives there’s been a#miscommunication. theres an interloper making stiles jealous and scott unsure. theo literally homewrecks them.#so theyre in the rain literally homewrecked having this tender and heartwrenching messy breakup conversation IN THE RAIN#and posey and dob are both ACTINGGG and once again it is a RAIN SCENE the best kind of scene#and people can hate on this moment all they want and say it’s ooc or that it makes scott a bad friend (fundamentally misunderstanding#scott’s knowledge of the situation) but the fact remains that 1) it’s refreshing to have serious character conflict between the two BECAUSE#they’re so close. and it’s also like prime prime prime angst. chefs kiss. and theyre also ignoring that neither characters have the full#knowledge of the situation (scott has basically been told by theo that stiles killed in cold blood#and stiles thinks scott has full knowledge of what happened) ON PURPOSE. and that is why they fight. and it’s GOOD. and i actually think it#proves how close scott and stiles are and how good they are for each other. because this miscommunication is such an outlier in their#relationship that people call it OOC. anyway i love that scene its for the sciles girlies#sciles#teen wolf#talk tag#scott mccall#stiles stilinski
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catboyrightsdefender · 9 months
mitski really was doing something evil when she was opening her 2022 tour concerts with love me more
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quinnick · 2 years
Joyce interacting with her kids again and not just partnered up with Hopper exclusively like she has been for the past 2 seasons
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