#they have vastly different approaches to this
"He’s finding his footing as king and working out what kind of king he wants to be. From an acting perspective, I’m working it out with him and trying not to make too many decisions about how it’s going to unfold, or how he’s going to deal with certain situations. I’m kind of just taking it as it comes because that’s what he does. He doesn’t think things through very much. He’s very impulsive. So I’m trying to approach the work in a similar way."
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"That’s good way of putting it, bit of both sides. It’s great. It’s a tiring thing playing someone like Aegon. His rhythm is very different to mine, he’s quick and frantic. And I feel like my usual default rhythm is a lot slower than his. So yeah it’s physically and emotionally quite challenging. But that’s the whole point, isn’t it? That’s the aim of the game, to push yourselves out of your comfort zone as actors and and take on things that make you feel out of your safety net."
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"Totally. I love him to pieces. I think he’s an absolute tragedy. You know, people call him a villain and all sorts of stuff. And yeah, he has been villainous in the past, but I think he’s desperately sad and clawing for any scrap of validation or love or acknowledgement from anyone. Yeah, he’s desperately sad actually [laughs]."
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"I think so. I think we see a fragility to him this time. We see the broken little boy in him. We see the tragedy in him. For me, it kind of explains and informs why he behaves and why he has behaved the way he has behaved in previous episodes. The idea is that he is not just a cold, dark character. It spawns from something and that’s what I’ve tried to bring to him. I think in episode one of Season 2, we see a levity and some humour from him. We see some joie de vivre, but you know it all comes crashing down."
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"The pre-production stuff is always useful, even just to make sure that you’re feeling fit and strong and able to physically keep up with the requirements. I got to be careful, I don’t want to give anything away but yeah, it’s always very thorough and very beneficial to anyone who needs it. For me, it’s been more of maintaining a healthy baseline of where my body is at. I just made sure that I was eating as healthy as possible and getting as much sleep as I could. Doing a lot of yoga and stretching. Aegon puts a lot of tension in my body and I found myself getting very stiff. He walks different from me and moves different from me. It was important for me to stay loose, stay centred and flexible as best I can."
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lynxgriffin · 4 hours
Thoughts on future Eldritchrune updates
Hey folks! Just wanted to make a post about some long-term stuff regarding Eldritchrune, and other DR-related fan stuff I may be working on. I'm absolutely open to all of your thoughts or suggestions on it, but I wanted to try and lay down some long-term planning, since I like doing that:
While there's plenty of other scenes I intend to do comics for (I've got a whole new batch of them that I need to get to writing soon) I've also been thinking about how to approach the ending. While I'd like to wait for chapters three and four and see what new material we get from canon there, I also intend to finish the AU before the game itself finishes, primarily because I want to do a much more canon-based fan project after the full game is out. Eldritchrune is vastly different enough from canon anyway that I'm not concerned about the canon ending affecting the AU.
My primary concern is that, as I have it laid out now, Eldritchrune's ending is going to take a VERY long time to produce...it's an extensively long ending, with crowd scenes, fight scenes, huge effects, buildings falling apart, emotional conversations, etc...basically ALL of the things that take a really long time to draw! I am wondering if it might be best to approach that work by slowly chipping away at it over a long period of time, rather than trying to tackle it once I'm actually at the ending.
Of course, the issue with that is that if I'm setting aside time regularly to chip away at it, that'll eat into time to work on the other, smaller scenes that are still in progress. This is in addition to me wanting to do a special project (canon-related) for the upcoming anniversary in a few months. All this is to say that this may make the blocks of time between comic updates longer, and I know there's already quite a wait there, at least with these last few long ones!
This seems like the best approach to making sure Eldritchrune gets done in a satisfying way to me right now, but I also know that longer waits between updates might not be ideal for folks. To help with the waits, I was thinking of also updating my patreon with WIPs on a more frequent basis, but that also may not make a difference for most people reading. So, I am open to your thoughts and opinions on this as I move forward!
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em-bandaid-boy · 2 years
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Feeling mentally unwell this fine 3 am. Have some doodles
GIRL I did it I reached the tag limit holy shit
#ocs#my ocs#my original characters#original character#my art#lgbt ocs#i happened to think about when teachers give highschoolers eggs and are like. go. take care of this.#except bird people exist in this universe and idk if i want them to like. lay. eggs.#although that is a prime avenue for comedy in which alex thinks all babies come from eggs for a bit#he like. sees a pic of his brother as an egg or some shit and hes like. oh okay cool i wonder what my egg looked like#and he draws a picture of it and its like. an easter egg. which is funny bc hes a rabbit#anyways. i gave them a bag of flour instead.#they have vastly different approaches to this#alex sees it as like. a cute relationship thing where theyre caring for a 'baby' together and melody just. doesnt get it#like. mel thinks they could just put it somewhere safe and not have to do anything but alex wants to like. hold it and pretend to feed it#but mel would end up like sitting on the couch watching a movie with a bag of flour bc it makes alex happy for him to spend time with it#and they intend for the new bag to be a helpful gift to alex and not like. a replacement for thier dead flour child#see and at the same time alex doesnt pressure mel to fully pretend with him bc he can tell they really dont understand the emotional aspect#like. he doesnt make mel carry the flour exactly like a baby but at least comprises and gets him to hold it less precariously#and he doesnt complain about what movies mel watches with it bc at the end of the day the flour bag isnt gonna have horror movie nightmares#do you guys remember that mel is autistic. does any of this make sense#solving my mental crisis by rambling about gays and thier highschool projects#BRO I Want cheerios. not sponsored. imaging if cheerios sponsored me??? why#anyways back to the flour bag#when its in mels house its just hanging around with them or in random places and mels parents are like ah yes. our son and his bag of flour#meanwhile in alexs house itd get accidentally swept up with groceries one day thus causing the cookie incident#they would get a second try at it bc alexs mom would send in a letter explaining what happened#oh btw i think alex would try to be cute and call it like melody jr. or something and mel is like. okay ig. flour bag#also btw i know an entire bag of flour would make an intense amount of cookies.. uhh yeah i BAKE things im gay#its been an hour
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
maybe I'm too Star Wars-brained for this and maybe I don't know shit about Dune but why do half the characters have normal-ass names with normal spellings. why is he Paul and not idk. but it's not odd enough. why is his mom Jessica. where did they get that.
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calypsolemon · 5 months
Feeling some kind of way about how Steven sings a beautiful, empathetic song about how his mother's upbringing and his own are similar, about how both their guardians loved them but simply don't see them as capable and believing thats the core of the issue, right before experiencing torturous punishments (which his own guardians would have never done to him), alongside some of the most extreme physical and psychological abuse he experiences throughout the series, all done to him under the pretense that the perpetrator believed he was his mother.
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moe-broey · 1 year
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Revisited my Hel Sharena concepts and it was. A complete disaster actually. But I feel like I'm on the right track???
I have like. Maybe too many competing themes.
I really wanted a wolf in sheep's clothing motif, hence the ram horns and I planned on a wooly cape that's a shorter version of Henriette's. I was planning on designing a wolf-themed weapon.
I also wanted to call back to the Book 3 cover art, have her design also mimic Henriette in the way Lif's design mimics Gustav. I also thought it would be neat to keep elements of her base design as well -- the shorts and the belt at the waist. Plus the tiniest resemblance to Alfonse bc in my heart you cannot separate them (and if you do. Horrible things happen).
Most of all, I really wanted her to be a fun and silly character. Who's like. Actually a genuine threat. I was thinking of Junko Enoshima (sorry Danganronpa jumpscare), Heather Chandler (in the way that she speaks, literally I want to give her a bone chainsaw bc that's SO funny and also so fucking cool), and honestly a bit of Dahlia Hawthorne. Bad bitches only (ESP blonde bad bitches who haunt the narrative). Also just. Rage. Cannot forget the rage!
Plus! Here's the dress that inspired the heart cutout (thought it would look really cool w how Hel characters Are)
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jankwritten · 11 months
How does the parenting and caring for Nico differ for snowy and Jack? Wait if Jack is Percy's dad, does that make them brothers????!
Okay so first thing's first: Jack and Percy are, if anything, closer to brothers than father/son. Percy also has a low key crush on Jack which I feel is important to mention considering LMFAO.
But yes, Percy and Nico can be described as brotherly. In endgame hockey AU they end up in a kind of QPR type thing, bonded for life through some shit that happens near the middle/end of Spotlight :) I think that Nico definitely had a little crush on Percy (well, he'll say it was a little crush) when Nico was like, 16/17 and Percy was just joining the NHL. I think he liked Percy right up until they became teammates at which point he went "oh this dude's a fucking dweeb why did I think he was hot" and then Percy put him in a headlock and the rest is history.
So Jack is very. Stoic, I feel. He's kinda stilted and awkward, because he doesn't quite know how to handle Nico, not really. Percy was easy for him to handle, because Percy and Bitty are very similar in a lot of ways, and so Jack was like "ah yes, I've done this before" with mentoring Percy and helping him out in the beginning. Plus, Jack and Percy are far closer in age than Jack and Nico are - I believe Jack is 29 and Percy is 26, where Nico is 19. With Percy, Jack already knew what to expect, he had a baseline for how a guy that age would generally be, etc. etc.
With Nico, however, it was like being thrown a curveball-shaped-mirror. Jack looked at Nico and he saw himself at 19, fresh out of rehab and scared to shit about hockey and being queer (I do think that Jack clocked Nico pretty early, and not just because Nico wasn't super trying to hide it), he saw this kid who's talent was hanging about his head ready to snap and crush him at any point, and he thought, "no, I will not let this happen again."
But he also thought, "if someone had come to ME at that age and tried to demand I listen to them and all this shit, I would've snapped at them and shoved them away", and so he sort of. Didn't know how to approach. Kind of stood in the wings and watched how the rest of the team took to Nico. Jack stared out very much as The Captain - he took his job of watching over Nico as The Rookie very seriously, maybe more seriously than he had with other guys, but Nico wouldn't have known any different so it worked out. But now Jack is kind of stuck as The Captain and not, like. A Friend, not really. Nico thinks of Jack as a teammate first, an emergency contact at best. A last resort. Jack, however, is always there in the background, watching, keeping track, noting if Nico starts behaving strangely, sneaking off, partying more, etc. etc.
SNOWY on the other hand was immediately all-in on the "yeah you're my rookie I'm adopting you you're my child fucking deal with it" shtick. He heard they'd be getting a new backup goalie and was all prepared for that, and then Nico di Angelo rocked up to camp, five foot shit, twig-skinny, baby-faced with a scowl that could freeze even the biggest of d-men, and Snowy said "oh, word?"
Basically, where Jack hesitated because he didn't want to scare Nico off, Snowy didn't give Nico a chance to get scared off. I think there was also a sense, from Nico's end, of relief. The team's goalie was obviously not a dickhead, obviously didn't hate him, obviously wanted to help him. Even though Nico hated the way Snowy babied him, texting him about remembering to eat and sleep and all this shit, he still appreciated it on some level, because, yeah, he probably would've forgotten, otherwise.
Jack is very observant, but largely hands-off when it comes to taking care of Nico. He's always going to step in when he thinks it's necessary, and he's always got Nico's back, but he does it froma distance (such a distance that Nico doesn't even really realize Jack considers him a friend, let alone that Jack is keeping a hawks-eye on him). Snowy is exactly the opposite. He's loud and obnoxious and in-your-face about making sure Nico is alright. He calls Nico kid constantly, he's always the first to check in after a shit game, the first to ask Nico if he wants to go eat somewhere, the first to try and include him, if others have forgotten. Snowy is also sometimes less observant than Jack is, in fact a lot of the time some of Nico's quirks slip past him, because Snowy writes them off as Goalie quirks. Nico's thing about pre-game routine, for example, which we saw Snowy be flippant about. That kind of stuff means more to Nico because of things Snowy doesn't quite see, like Nico's neurodivergences. Snowy does start to catch on that there's something a little Different about it, eventually.
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20′s Neverafter episode 7
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phantom-bleu · 1 year
Weird thought but like. How its the Thing to poke fun @ espresso for his WEIRD thing abt not sleeping enough for other cookies standards or how its SO SAD how he overworks himself. Does he neglect sleeping a lot, sure yeah the game does make it obv he is constantly tired. Does he have a slightly self destructive work ethic, yeah probably. But ppl really neglect to mention that despite the harm 2 himself he could be causing 2 himself from our perspective and other kingdom cookies perspectives it was the coffee tribes Thing to do this bc it was well within their abilities to stay up days at a time and willingly did so to do their jobs in the dark cacao kingdom, that was their point of pride. And it really reflects the weird sentiment ive mentioned before that ppl have abt dark cacao kingdom where they see the cookies live in desolate conditions and so depend on each other a lot and are strict on themselves to make sure everyone is provided for, and see this as depressing to watch bc they add this narrative on where the cookies who live this way are really unhappy and arent willingly committing to the cacao lifestyle bc its not something they believe in. And you know what u could try not thinking that way
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mistninja · 2 years
I really find it interesting to look at one piece and naruto and how both handle the theme of fate and "chosen ones". Luffy is undeniably a chosen one, its only becoming more explicit lately. Naruto is a chosen one, we are told that in text, but i think where naruto fails is that he is set up as an underdog character and so he doesnt really have the same mythic presence as luffy. In a way naruto feels more human (at the start, at least, later on he becomes very plain), whereas luffy is more of an entity, a force of nature, etc etc. I think naruto fails at being either a realistic character and at being an ideal hero? I dont know how to word this but like, luffy *feels* like someone special, he feels bigger than himself, so when we find out that hes tied to grand things it doesnt feel cheap or weird? Like no it makes total sense that hes a figure of legend and his devil fruit is special and all that. But with naruto its more jarring when you find out that oh he was Destined to save the world oh hes the Reincarnation of a god. It feels like someone else entirely. Idk
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mallahanmoxie · 7 months
i am literally the only person alive that thinks this but to me orv and inso's law are sister stories. and their mother is "taking The Story in its isekai framing seriously".
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nope-body · 1 year
#I was talking with my sister today about our parents’ approach to parenting and like what they fucked up#and we both had noted how while our reactions to them yelling at us were polar opposites both of us faced severe consequences#like if our parents wanted to have a Talk with me I would end up hyperventilating and crying and not able to speak#because I was having a panic attack that was caused by the situation I was in and I wasn’t allowed to leave and I would be yelled at for#having a panic attack and crying and not talking#if our parents wanted to have a Talk with my sister she would be assertive and call them out and then enforce her boundaries and decide to#walk away when she was done/they were being too shitty#and that resulted in my dad dragging her through the house on several occasions because leaving Was Not Allowed.#it usually ended in yelling from both sides and my sister crying#we had vastly different reactions to the situation but it didn’t change the basics of the situation#Talks always happened when our parents wanted to exert their power over us (whether consciously or not)#we were also talking about piercings my sister wants and I realized that the difference between what I see as good parenting and what our#parents do is much bigger than I’d realized/is much wider ranging#like if my kid wanted to get a piercing or something I’d say make sure you’re certain. then wait a month and reevaluate.#if you still want the piercing then I will help you get it and make sure it’s done well and at a reputable place (like. not Claire’s)#my parents just won’t allow my sister to get certain piercings. like yeah she’s young but also one of them she’s wanted for at least a year#i would also talk to my kid about how piercings and other body mods are perceived in public and in the workplace so that they’d understand#that there might be impacts beyond just it not healing right or something. but that would be more so that they’d be educated not discouraged#if they were in like middle school I might ask them to wait until they’re older/why they want it then and then help them get it when they’re#older but that would be more for difficult to care for piercings or ones that can’t close up (that go through cartilage)#but just because someone is a minor doesn’t mean that they don’t have just as much bodily autonomy as someone who’s over 18#their guardian should guide them to make safe healthy and educated choices because an adult knows more. not restrict choices all together#just because they have more power over someone#like that already led to my sister piercing her nose on her own. do my parents think that she just won’t give herself another piercing if#they tell her no? because that’s not how any of this works#other things that they fucked up- ‘I don’t know isn’t an answer’#it was originally banned for me with my first therapist and my parents expanded it to the whole house (except for them of course)#my sister never really got the opportunity to say I don’t know because I started therapy in elementary school#uncertainty is okay! and all that ever taught us was how to say the answers they wanted to hear which in turn made us only be the kind of#person they wanted us to be and neither of us got to explore who we are and how we want to express ourselves until recently
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Elder Home Care vs. ABI Waiver Recovery Services: Understanding the Major Differences Elder Home Care vs. ABI Waiver Recovery Services: Understanding the Major Differences
Post image Home and community rehabilitation programs for brain injury survivors are relatively new additions to the healthcare industry. This novelty has led many people to mistakenly believe that the elder care model, which has been established for a longer time, is the standard format for brain injury recovery and rehabilitation services. However, these two types of care have vastly different goals and approaches. The lack of awareness about the unique nature of home and community rehabilitation programs for brain injury survivors may present challenges for home care providers, as people might confuse the services being offered. It is essential for both care providers and clients to understand the distinct objectives and methods of each care model, in order to ensure appropriate care and support for individuals with varying needs, and to avoid misconceptions that could hinder the progress and success of rehabilitation efforts. When it comes to home and community support care services, it's essential to know the distinctions between the various care options available. Elder home care and services for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Stroke Recovery, and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) waiver programs are often misunderstood, with people assuming they are similar in nature. In this article, we will shed light on the major differences between these services. ABI Resources is a reputable organization that provides exceptional support to individuals and families in collaboration with various government agencies and community service providers, including the Connecticut Department of Social Services DSS, COU Community Options, the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services DMHAS, Connecticut Community Care CCC CCCI Southwestern Connecticut Area on Aging SWCAA, Western Connecticut Area on Aging WCAAA, Allied Community Resources ACR, Access Health, and United Services. ABI Resources collaborates care with renowned institutions such as UCONN, Yale, and Hartford. As a community care and supported living provider, ABI Resources is dedicated to offering high-quality and personalized care to enhance the lives of those it serves. Medicaid MFP Money Follows the person program / ABI Waiver Program / PCA waiver.
Understanding ILST Providers: What to Expect and How They Make a Difference
Explore the role of ILST providers in helping individuals with brain injuries regain independence, and learn why families trust ABI Resources
The Benefits of Working with an ABI Resources Independent Living Skills Trainer (ILST)
Discover the benefits of ABI Resources' Independent Living Skills Trainers (ILST) for brain injury recovery, offering personalized support, skill development, and emotional encouragement. Transform lives today.
Finding a Reliable and Trustworthy ILST Provider: Key Factors to Consider
#Elder Home Care vs. ABI Waiver Recovery Services: Understanding the Major Differences#https://www.ctbraininjury.com/post/elder-home-care-vs-mfp-abi-waiver-major-differences#Post image#Home and community rehabilitation programs for brain injury survivors are relatively new additions to the healthcare industry. This novelty#which has been established for a longer time#is the standard format for brain injury recovery and rehabilitation services. However#these two types of care have vastly different goals and approaches. The lack of awareness about the unique nature of home and community reh#as people might confuse the services being offered. It is essential for both care providers and clients to understand the distinct objectiv#in order to ensure appropriate care and support for individuals with varying needs#and to avoid misconceptions that could hinder the progress and success of rehabilitation efforts. When it comes to home and community suppo#it's essential to know the distinctions between the various care options available. Elder home care and services for Traumatic Brain Injury#Stroke Recovery#and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) waiver programs are often misunderstood#with people assuming they are similar in nature. In this article#we will shed light on the major differences between these services. ABI Resources is a reputable organization that provides exceptional sup#including the Connecticut Department of Social Services DSS#COU Community Options#the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services DMHAS#Connecticut Community Care CCC CCCI Southwestern Connecticut Area on Aging SWCAA#Western Connecticut Area on Aging WCAAA#Allied Community Resources ACR#Access Health#and United Services. ABI Resources collaborates care with renowned institutions such as UCONN#Yale#and Hartford. As a community care and supported living provider#ABI Resources is dedicated to offering high-quality and personalized care to enhance the lives of those it serves. Medicaid MFP Money Follo#Understanding ILST Providers: What to Expect and How They Make a Difference#Explore the role of ILST providers in helping individuals with brain injuries regain independence#and learn why families trust ABI Resources#https://www.ctbraininjury.com/post/understanding-ilst-providers-expect-and-how-they-make-a-difference
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ahqkas · 14 days
BELLA ITALIA ; theodore nott
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PAIRING! theodore nott x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS! in the moment of darkness, he was your light (or when theodore nott noticed a pretty girl struggling to communicate in english and decided to step up) (based off this req.!!)
WARNINGS AND TAGS! fluff, reader is from italy, italian theodore, translation of foreign language
NOTES! i’m trying to learn italian on my own and when i hear this man speaking italian i am WHIPPED 😿😿
© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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The first problem is often the language barrier. Suddenly finding yourself in a place where you don't speak the native language can be isolating and overwhelming. Simple tasks like ordering food or asking for directions become daunting challenges, and the fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed can make even basic interactions fraught with anxiety.
The weather can also play a big role in the adjustment process. Going from a sunny, warm climate to a cold, rainy one (or vice versa) can have a profound impact on one's mood and well-being. It's not just a matter of dressing appropriately — it's about learning to cope with the changes in daylight, temperature, and overall atmosphere. You left the sunny shores filled with ocean breeze and moved to rainy afternoons that seemed rather sad than anything else.
And then, of course, there's the school. Being the new kid in class is never easy, but when you're in a completely foreign environment, it can feel like you're on an entirely different world. Everything from the way classes were conducted to the social dynamics among students was be vastly different from what you were used to, leaving you feeling like a fish out of water. 
But perhaps the most challenging aspect of moving to a new country was the sense of displacement, of not quite belonging anywhere. You longed for the familiarity of home while simultaneously yearning to embrace your new surroundings. You missed the way the sun kissed your skin and the way the sea felt against your movements as you swam in the water with your friends.
And you wanted someone to understand you.
Navigating the labyrinthine halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you clutch your time table tightly, eyes darting from one corridor to another in search of the potion dungeons. The castle's vastness is overwhelming, its endless staircases and hidden passages a far cry from the sunny, open streets of your hometown in Italy. You knew your first day here would be hell.
The weather outside matched your mood: overcast and drizzly, the persistent rain casting a melancholic atmosphere over the stone walls. You miss the warmth of the Italian sun, the vibrant colors of your old school. Here, everything feels cold and foreign, a constant reminder of how far you are from home. Everything was gray and dark, the opposite of the vibrant colors you were used to.
You spot a group of students huddled together, chatting animatedly as they stood by a stone wall. Gathering your courage, you approached them, hoping they can point you in the right direction. "Scusa," you begin, your Italian accent heavy, each word carefully pronounced. "Where . . . potion class . . . dungeons?" (Excuse me.)
The students exchange puzzled glances, clearly struggling to understand your accented English because despite your try, it still came out quite wobbly. One of them, a tall boy with a shock of red hair, furrowed his brow and shakes his head slowly. "What?" he says, not unkindly, but with a hint of frustration at this situation.
You felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You try again, your voice wavering slightly. "Potion dungeons," you repeat, gesturing with your hands as if that might bridge the gap between your language and theirs. "Next class . . . I need find."
The red-haired boy shrugs, casting a sideways glance of help at his two friends who stood next to him. They all look at you with the same guilty expression, as if they would really like to help but there was no way. The girl with bushy hair smiled at you with an expression of 'Sorry', and you felt a knot of anxiety tighten in your chest. They don't understand, and you're too flustered to find the right words.
"Sorry," the ginger boy said finally, shaking his head again. "I don't know what you're saying."
Disheartened, you nodded and mumbled a quick "grazie" before retreating. You wandered through the corridors, frustration mounting with each wrong turn. The stone walls seemed to close in around you, the ancient tapestries and suits of armor blurring together in your anxious haze. You felt lost, not just in the physical sense but emotionally, adrift in this unfamiliar place where even asking for directions was like a challenge for you.
Your mind was still reeling from the embarrassing encounter as you hurried down the corridor, your thoughts tangled in a web of frustration and self-doubt. How could something as simple as asking for directions feel so impossible? The sting of the students' puzzled looks and guilty smiles lingers, making your cheeks burn with residual embarrassment. Lost in your thoughts, you rounded a corner too quickly and collided with a solid figure. Your bag slipped from your shoulder, and your books spilled across the floor. You gasped at the sight, your heart leaping into your throat. Could you embarrass yourself any more today?
"Scusa, scusa!" you blurted out in Italian, crouching down to gather your scattered belongings. The words tumbled from your lips in a rapid, nervous stream. You didn't even think the person wouldn't understand your sentences. "Non stavo guardando dove andavo. Mi dispiace tanto!" (Excuse me, excuse me! I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm so sorry!)
As you frantically picked up your books, you glanced up to see who you've bumped into. Your eyes widened in surprise and relief when you recognized Theodore Nott, the quiet Slytherin who always seemed to glide through the halls with an air of calm detachment and mysterious aura. You braced yourself for confusion, expecting him to look as puzzled as the others had.
But instead, Theodore's lips curved into a slight smile and a warm glint appeared in his usually cool eyes. "Non ti preoccupare," he replied in perfect Italian, his voice soothing and accent deafening. "È tutto a posto. Lascia che ti aiuti." (Don't worry. It's all right. Let me help you.)
The shock of hearing your native language from his lips momentarily left you speechless. You watched in amazement as he got down on his knees, helping you gather your books with nothing but ease. The knot of anxiety in your chest began to loosen, replaced by a flutter of gratitude and something else — an unexpected connection.
"Grazie," you managed to say, your voice trembling slightly. "Non sapevo che parlassi italiano." (Thank you. I didn't know you spoke Italian.)
Theodore's smile widened just a fraction, a hint of amusement danced in his eyes. "Mia madre è italiana," he explained, handing you the last of your textbooks from the floor. "L'ho imparato da lei." (My mother is Italian. I learned it from her.)
You stand up, clutching your books to your chest, and for the first time since arriving at Hogwarts, you felt a sense of relief wash over you. Here is someone who understands — not just your words, but the feeling of being caught between two worlds.
"Grazie mille," you repeated, your smile genuine this time. "Mi sentivo così persa." (Thank you very much. I felt so lost.)
Theodore nodded, his expression softening. "Capisco. Hogwarts può essere un posto molto grande e confuso. Vieni, ti mostro io dov'è la classe di pozioni." (I understand. Hogwarts can be a very big and confusing place. Come, I'll show you where the potions class is.)
As you walked beside Theodore through the corridors of Hogwarts, the oppressive weight of the castle's vastness seemed to lift slightly. His calm demeanor and fluent Italian became a comforting anchor in this world full of unfamiliarity.
"Da quanto tempo sei qui?" you asked the boy next to you, trying to make conversation. (How long have you been here?)
"Questa è la mia sesta anno," he replied. "Conosco il castello come le mie tasche ormai." (This is my sixth year. I know the castle like the back of my hand by now.)
"Sei fortunato," you sighed, your hold on your bag tightening. "Mi sento come se fossi in un labirinto." (You're lucky. I feel like I'm in a maze.)
Theo chuckled and the sound was low and warm. He was nice. "Capisco. Anch'io mi sentivo così i primi giorni. Ma vedrai, presto ti abituerai." (I understand. I felt the same way in my first days. But you'll see, you'll get used to it soon.)
As you continued to walk, the conversation flowed more naturally, easing your nerves. "Cosa ti piace di più di Hogwarts?" you asked him, genuinely curious. (What do you like most about Hogwarts?)
"Direi la biblioteca," Theo said after a moment of thought. "È enorme, con così tanti libri rari. E i corridoi segreti. Sono divertenti da esplorare." (I would say the library. It's enormous, with so many rare books. And the secret corridors. They're fun to explore.)
"Sembra affascinante. Mi piacerebbe esplorare di più, ma ho paura di perdermi." (It sounds fascinating. I'd love to explore more, but I'm afraid of getting lost.)
He gave you a reassuring look. "Se vuoi, posso mostrarti alcuni dei posti migliori. Così non ti perderai." (If you want, I can show you some of the best places. That way you won't get lost.)
Theo was the kindest person you've met here in the entire time since the beginning of the school term and your heart warmed at his kindness. "Mi piacerebbe molto, grazie." (I'd love that, thank you.)
Finally, you reached the entrance to the dungeons. "Eccoci," Theo exclaimed, stopping before the heavy wooden door. "La classe di Pozioni è proprio qui dentro." (Here we are. The Potions class is right inside here.)
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and nerves. "Grazie, Theo. Sei stato davvero gentile." (Thank you, Theo. You've been really kind.)
He offered you a nod, his smile reassuring. "Prego. Se hai bisogno di altro aiuto, basta chiedere. Buona fortuna con la tua lezione." (You're welcome. If you need any more help, just ask. Good luck with your class.)
With one last grateful look, you pushed open the door and stepped into the dimly lit classroom. As you took your seat, you couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope. Perhaps, with friends like Theo, Hogwarts might start to feel a little more like home.
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suppose-i-was-worm · 11 months
Like A Lamb
**Idea taken from @nerdpoe's post- What the hell is this "Infinite Realms"?**
John Constantine would never call himself a kind man, much less a good man, but the kid at the corner table of this fast food restaurant was making him want to be both.
Not that John’s kindness would really help the kid, in the long run.
He’d seen so many things in all the time he’d been alive- wondrous and horrific in equal measure, but this boy- this teenager, barely out of childhood, was probably the most heart-breaking.
John had known sacrifices- marked by both men and demons. He’d seen the crumpled bodies after the fact, and sometimes he’d been able to save them beforehand. None of them were like this boy. Marked like a sacrificial lamb down to his bones by the universe- an inevitable end.
The teen was the beginning and the end of worlds- his death would shake the foundations of all that was, could be, and is. Time would stutter to a stop before restarting with a different beat, and John could do nothing to delay or stop what was coming.
How in the world could this kid still smile and laugh with his friends? How could he not feel the weight of an entire reality on his shoulders? If John, sitting across a dining room from him, could feel the pressure, why wasn’t the boy buckling under it?
John’s phone alerted him to a text from Zatanna- he was needed by the JLD.
With a sigh, he fished out the strongest protection amulet he had on him. It wouldn’t save the teen, but maybe it would make the rest of his life a little easier.
The kid looked up at him as he approached, all smiles and young innocence. John Constantine thrust the amulet into his hand and then turned, stalking out of the Nasty Burger.
He needed to tell the Justice League. Amity Park needed protection- there was a kid there whose death would change the world.
Danny flipped the little charm around in his hands, trying to figure it out. The sad trenchcoat man had handed it to him before leaving, and he had no idea why.
“What do you think it is, Danny?”
He shrugged. For some reason he didn’t want to hand it over to Sam for her to inspect it.
“Dunno. It feels important, though. I might take it to Pandora- she’s been teaching me a bit of magic stuff, so she can probably parse it out.”
For some reason, Danny knew he would recognize that man again if he ever saw him, despite only having looked at him for a moment. Something in his core rumbled contently as he tucked the amulet carefully into the back of his phone case.
The next few weeks, Danny found himself having suspiciously good luck. The food at home didn’t come to life, ghosts didn’t attack as much, Dash wasn’t a problem at school, and even the Fentons hadn’t been as insistent on catching Phantom.
That was another weird thing- His brain didn’t seem to compute that Jack and Maddie were his mom and dad anymore. He knew he’d been creeping toward that ever since his death, but it was like a switch had been flipped overnight. The Fenton adults no longer registered as his parents.
Finally he had a chance to slip into the Realms and head for Pandora, who took one look at the amulet he held out to her and laughed.
“You have been adopted, young one, and your core accepted.”
“Your nature is to protect- it sings in your blood and guides your instincts. An adult offered you protection, a safe haven, and you took them up on it. Had someone your own age done the same, your relationship with them would be vastly different.”
Danny frowned at the charm, but he didn’t put it down- it didn’t even occur to him to get rid of it.
“Why did he- what made him do that?”
Pandora ruffled his hair.
“He saw someone who needed protecting, I assume, and acted as he ought.”
“Bats, I don’t know what the Infinite Realms are. Yes, I know they exist. I just don’t know when they started to exist, and when my knowledge of the afterlife became outdated.”
Batman glared, and John rolled his eyes at the other man.
“Magic shit happens all the time. Zatanna can tell you just as well as I can that the Realms didn’t exist a year ago- and also that they’ve existed for millenia.”
“I’ve found a summoning spell for the king of the realms, but it requires a magic user. Zatanna is off-planet, so you’re up.”
John looked over at the speaker, Red Robin, whose slight form and dark hair made him think of the boy he’d left to die.
He’d thought of the boy more often than not- any research into the kind of sacrifice that would have so much power came to a dead end, and John Constantine hated that there was really and truly nothing he could do for the kid.
Maybe this Infinite Realms person might know something?
“Fine. What are the details?”
Red Robin perked up and handed over a heavy tome.
“Batman and I already set up the ritual space in the conference room, and a few other heroes are there to help out if the king is hostile.”
“Of course you have. Let’s go, then.”
The two bats swept off down the hallway, and John followed behind, studying the spell he would need to cast. It was fairly simple, and luckily wouldn’t require blood. He hated the ones that required blood.
As he stood over the sigils and spoke the ritual spells, the floor inside the protective circle began to writhe and bubble a toxic neon green. It was all John could do to stand straight as a rush of air spilled from the portal into the wide room, bringing with it the heavy taste of caution.
The Justice League took a step back as the first clawed hand reached out from the green, white and stretched beyond humanity. It scrabbled for purchase before finding it and pulling.
The creature that exited the swirling mass was something John had never seen before. If the situation wasn’t so tense, he might describe the creature as catlike, with a black body and white legs, as well as piercing green eyes. The similarities stopped, however, when the inky body flickered and lit up from within with the pinpricks of millions of stars and endless void.
This was a baby god, filled with the dreams of deities long forgotten and fueled by the hope of those still clinging on to life.
Its green eyes swept over the gathered heroes before coming to rest on John, and for a moment he felt as if his tattered soul was being judged by the cosmos.
And then the creature folded in on itself, the tense air around it changing from bitter caution to sweet relief, and John found himself face to face with the teenager from Amity Park.
The boy sounded winded, but happy, and he reached inside his shirt to pull out a small chain necklace. John’s amulet was hanging off it, obviously well treasured and cared for.
“Did you know that you’re technically my dad now?”
Something on John’s face must have told the boy- the god, the sacrifice both dead and alive- that he was unaware of this fact. The kid shuffled a little, looking sheepishly at the floor.
“You- uh. Unintentionally offered safe haven. And I accepted without realizing what was going on, and- it’s weird. I collected your soul for you! Didn’t bring it with me, but I’ve got the pieces you’re missing.”
“I think you both need to sit down and discuss this.”
Bless Diana.
“Can you leave the circle, young one?”
The teen beamed at Diana and stepped out of the protective circle, smudging the sigils as he did and closing the portal.
“I can, yeah. Pandora says hi, by the way.”
John watched as the boy chattered away about his ghost friends to Diana while she led him to a seat, and then sighed, moving to join them. If he needed help with being a new dad, surely Bats could help, right?
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youremyheaven · 2 months
A Basic Guide to Vedic Astrology
I think many of you are new to Vedic astrology, so I thought I'd give a little intro to some of the concepts, terminology etc
First and foremost, Vedic astrology dates back to 5000 BC - 10,000BC, which means it only takes into account Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the 2 nodes of the Moon, Rahu & Ketu along with your Ascendant. Outer planets like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto along with asteroids are NOT calculated as most of them were discovered only in the last 2-3 centuries.
A conjunction takes place when two planets are placed in the same nakshatra within 5 degrees of each other. Even if they are placed more than 5 degrees apart, so long as they are in the same nakshatra, they can to some extent be considered as conjunct (the effect will be less potent than an exact conjunction basically) BUT if you have Sun in Ashwini and Venus in Bharani, you DO NOT have Sun conjunct Venus in Aries, that is NOT how it works. Those two nakshatras have entirely different themes, mythologies, purposes, deities, planetary influences and lessons, how on earth can they be considered "conjunct"???
That said, wherever you have a conjunction in your chart will have a major influence on you. It is a very potent energy. Dont ask me if having Saturn conjunct Ketu in Ashwini makes you a Saturnian or a Ketuvian because that's not the point, its that those two planets have a specific relationship with each other in your context and to understand the functioning of one, you must look at the other (along with its placement, aspects etc etc)
There are 12 rashis, corresponding to zodiac signs and each rashi is divided into 2 or more lunar mansions called "nakshatras". If you've wondered why say Arieses all act so different, its because they're either UBPs or Revatis in their Vedic chart, contributing to vastly different personalities.
In Vedic astrology, we have the concept of 7 charakarakas all of which indicate a different purpose:
Atmakaraka aka the soul indicator. it is the planet at the highest degree and represents your soul/being. its your compass and points towards the calling of your soul
2. Amatyakaraka, it typically points to your career/profession and works alongside your atmakaraka. it is the planet at the second highest degree
3. Bhratrukaraka (planet at 3rd highest degree) points to relationships with siblings
4. Matrukaraka ( planet at fourth-highest degree in your chart) signifies your relationship with your mother or maternal figures. It represents the nurturing qualities within you and helps illuminate your connection to your mother or motherly figures in your life.
5. Putrakaraka (planet with the fifth-highest degree in your chart) reveals your approach to parenting and your potential for creativity. It provides insights into your connection with your children and your capacity for artistic expression.
6. Gnatikaraka (the planet with the sixth-highest degree in your chart) indicates obstacles and adversaries in your life. It reflects your ability to overcome challenges and confrontations, making it a valuable guide for navigating life’s hurdles.
7. Darakaraka (the planet at the lowest degree) it is associated with your spouse and romantic relationships. It uncovers the qualities you seek in a partner and offers insights into how you relate to your significant other. Understanding the Darakaraka can provide clarity on your love life and partnerships.
Read about the mythology behind your nakshatras. This helps shed light on its nature.
Look at your nakshatra's yoni consort. Read about what the yoni animal symbolically represents
Similarly, read about your nakshatra's deity, ruling planet, other naks under the same planetary influence etc
There are 4 purusharthas (aka motivations) in vedic astrology according to which nakshatras are classified. understanding the different classifications behind each nak helps us understand its nature better
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similarly naks can also be classified by their ganas which describe the nature of these naks:
Deva = godly, Manushya = humane, Rakshasa = demonic
if you have a rakshasa gana nak, it does not mean you're a demon. it just points towards traits like selfishness, lack of generosity etc AND the person you are is sum of your whole chart, not just the gana of one nak, so don't beat yourself up
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Naks are also classified on the basis of their qualities of which there are 7
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they can also be classified on the basis of caste:
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(all tables, pyramid etc by me so any mistake is mine oopsies)
4. Chart Ruler
The ruling planet of your ascendant sign is your lagna lord. If you're Mrigashira Rising, then your lagna lord is Mercury/Venus (based on whether your nak falls into the Taurus portion or the Gemini portion).
5. Navamsa or D9 chart
Look at your D9 after you've studied your D1 otherwise it'll feel like too much info you don't fully understand. Navamsa is consulted along with your D1/Birth chart. you can think of it as D1 promises certain things and D9 is if/how those things materialise. its like part 1 and part 2 of a story
I can't think of anything else that should be covered🤡but if you have doubts you can ask!!
I hope this was helpful!!
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