#they market it like a day trip to an amusement park but I get to like. microdose an entire new country?????
idsb · 1 year
my flight to Australia includes a 17 hour layover in Shanghai and I'm literally so excited about it my heart starts racing every time I think about it likeeeee I'm kinda scared but what a fucking ADVENTURE it's gonna be
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rockrosethistle · 8 months
A list of Nightmare Time episode ideas that I thought of and I think would be cool:
1.) Mr. Chasity has been trying to sell the old Waylon Place for far too long. After trying and failing over and over, he decides to take matters into his own hands by going in himself to see what all the fuss is about. But nothing could have prepared him to meet the real ghosts of Waylon Hall. And boy oh boy do they have shenanigans in store. (The episode would be called 'Unholy Ghost') .
2.) It's been a few months since Hatchetfield was destroyed in that awful 'accident'. Emma and Paul have been living under the aliases Kelly and Ben Bridges. (there can be a joke where Emma doesn't even pretend to care about her alias and Paul cares too much.) They live in Colorado now. Emma's finally started her pot farm, and Paul is working in marketing. For the most part, they have a good life. Only Paul's acting a bit different lately. Emma caught him humming company jingles, tapping his foot to a beat she can't hear. Maybe those spores he inhaled had some effect on him. It's probably nothing, but he's never sung in the shower before...(I don't have a name for this one yet.) .
3.) Max Jägerman is failing remedial algebra. In fact, he's doing so poorly that his dad shells out and hires him a tutor, PJ. (Bryce's nerd from 'Literal Monster.) He reluctantly lets her help him. At first it seems to work and his grades are rising steadily, but as PJ lets her guard down, Max starts to notice some things. Strange symbols scribbled in the margins of her notebook, almost like...jagged smiles? Weird stains on her hands, when she gets too close she smells like roadkill. And there's this white spider that keeps showing up in his room. Sometimes he feels like it's trying to tell him something. Or warn him. Without knowing what he's gotten himself into, Max has to evade getting his soul swallowed by a hungry god of darkness. (The episode is called 'Dirty Dude Soup') .
4.) Charlotte Sweetly is jealous. Her church friend, Carol Davidson, has exactly the kind of life she wants. Charlotte's seen the way her boss talks about his wife, and would give anything for Sam to feel that way about her. One day, Charlotte finally gathers her courage and asks her how she does it. Carol takes pity on her, and decides to reveal an important secret: it's all the product of a ritual, an ancient spell she stumbled upon on a trip to an amusement park. She claims that ever since she did it, her husband can't get enough of her. "I am all he sees. He calls me the apple of his eye." Charlotte doesn't believe her at first, but Carol gave her the instructions, and why the hell not? She tries it. Unfortunately, Charlotte messes up the wording. The spell still works, but not quite as intended. And an all-seeing police officer could be a good thing, but Sam is not a good police officer. (maybe let's call this one 'Omnipocop'. But that's awful to spell so suggestions are welcome) .
5.) While trying to be an assistant, Steph accidentally botches one of Pete's science projects. He forgives her, but she still feels bad even as he assures her it's no big deal, throwing the mix of chemicals out his window just to prove it. What he doesn't know is that the last family that lived in the Spankoffski house buried their dog in the backyard, and Pete's chemical slurry just brought it back to life. On a probably unrelated note, Paul has been trying to ignore the damage he's finding in his apartment. He's been chalking most of the tipped over garbage cans and torn apart cushion up to rats--giant rats?--or maybe a squirrel. But when a decades-old "missing dog" poster shows up on his doorstep, he can't ignore the truth for any longer. (the episode would be called "Patches' Revenge" and I thing it would work because it's just the right amount of weird. It would end with Paul teaming up with the nerds to defeat undead Patches with science.) .
6.) To his utter delight, Miss Holloway finally agreed to go out with Duke on a proper date. Nothing huge, just some ice cream and a walk on the beach. They're both enjoying themselves when Miss Holloway hears something. Duke can't hear it, but he still follows her down the shore to some kind of cave grotto, where she claims the noise is coming from. She tosses a pebble into the water, testing how it might react. A few moments later, the pebble come flying out again. Duke is stunned, but Miss Holloway tosses her ice cream cone. Sure enough, a few moments later is comes flying back, perfectly dry. They've clearly discovered something, and over the next few days, Duke and Miss Holloway experiment and try to learn about the grotto and the water in it. It's too deep to see the bottom, so their tests mostly involve tossing different things to see how they'll react. Little do they know, there was a reason Miss Holloway could hear a noise coming from the cave. There's a reason it drew her in, too. There's something singing to her, something that lives at the bottom of the grotto. And with each thing they feed it, it becomes a little bit stronger...(and then it's called something unassuming like "Wavecrest Cave")
So that's Nightmare Time season four all lined up. Please tell me if you have a good name idea for episodes 2 and 4. Also if anyone wants to use these as writing prompts, be my guest (just tag me so I can read them)
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403tarot · 1 year
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seonghwa + san + wooyoung edition
seonghwa's ideal date to take his crush is not just a simple date but a day trip. a warm place with a sea breeze and the scent of the ocean. open and sophisticated locations, natural landscapes, and people who are not easily distracted from the company of those they enjoy, just like him. seeing the cards i got i thought of jeju island, of course.
right at the beginning of the afternoon he would like to take you for a walk by the seaside, holding hands, just the two of you, listening to the sound of the waves breaking on the sand, and then dip your feet in the sea. a quick stop at a souvenir shop before the sun goes down would be great, just so you could take home a special memento from the day you spent together. to wrap it up, a restaurant with delicious regional cuisine would be part of his plans, preferably open for a fresh breeze and near the beach.
on the other hand, san has a somewhat simpler type of date in mind. as night falls, he would like to take you to a place with many people so that you could blend into the crowd and go unnoticed. something outdoors, like a small but nice amusement park.
he's the type who would like to walk hand in hand with you as you stroll and look for something fun. i can see that he might avoid intense rides or those that generate a lot of adrenaline (like roller coasters, for example) and would prefer to go on gentler rides, like the carousel or the Ferris wheel - especially the latter one because san is such a romantic guy, and there's nothing more romantic than being at the top of the ferris wheel, holding hands with his love while looking at the tiny people and lights down below. to wrap it up, street food for you to share, like popcorn, bungeoppang, corn dog or hotteoks (real ones, not people)
wooyoung is the king of great ideas for romantic dates, but here he seems to have something more homey to do with his crush in the ideal date, like simply cooking together and spending the night enjoying each other's company. he's the type who offers the complete experience: you go to the market together and pick out the ingredients (after changing your minds 5 times about the main dish and finally deciding to make simple pasta or dumplings) to get in the mood.
he puts on some background music and wear aprons just for the aesthetic while cooking with you, "chef wooyoung and his assistant". he kisses your neck and hugs you from behind while you cut the vegetables he asked you to and when you're all done, the amount of dishes to wash is freaking big but it doesn't really matter.
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deck used: white numen tarot
you can also know how would be a date of woosanhwa (or any other trio) specifically with you ! book an energy tracing with me <3
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
OMG UR RECENT ZACK LEE WORK IS SO GOOD I NEED MORE PLS AND YES WE LOVE ZACK !!!!! i love the other boys as well but zack hits diff esp bcz he’s one of the first characters introduced 🥹
Ty!! i'm glad you liked the last Zack piece! AGREED he def hits different, part of the OG group, just makes me feel a bit nostalgic for the simpler times. How about some Lookism boys first date HC? Including my faves as well of course
Lookism First Date HC
(Zack, Goo, Gun, Samuel, Jake, Johan - a lengthier Vasco gen + romantic hc here)
Zack Lee
Classic movie and coffee/meal guy (as seen with Mira)
Honestly probably the only guy that would opt for the typical teenage stuff (which isn't a criticism!!)
Will absolutely dress up and style his hair (also as seen with Mira)
But give him absolute and complete free rein? Would LOVE cheesy and domestic shit
Matching outfits, tandem bikes, couples cooking lessons, tour of Seoul so he gets to experience everything with you, farmers market, reenacting home life in IKEA (like 500 days of summer if you've seen it)
Builds up a lot of it in his head but tbh doesn't even care. Just spending time with you? On your own? <3
Would literally want to do anything and everything with you
Goo Kim
Theme/amusement park
Thrill seeking and high-energy to suit this blonde
Tbh a bit too much for a first date as it's an ALL DAY EVENT, but Goo's a bit much anyway
Face paint, character ears, character costumes - he would happily do the whole thing. Think Vasco at Notte World.
A little bit of cash flashing with fast passes and whatever bribery required to get to the front of the queue
Takes a LOT of pictures. More of the mascots and place than you two though
Buying and feeding you all the fun character foods + snacks
Gun Park
Spa. He is so high-end, exclusive, full spa experience
The downtimes we've see him with Goo are surprisingly chill and matches Gun's vibe more than Goo's
Jacuzzis, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, massages, manis, pedis - literally anything and everything so you're a puddle at the end of it
Uses it as an opportunity to relax as much as to get to know you
He appreciates a good body, but doesn't check you out as much as you expect and NOWHERE NEAR as much as you eye him up
Keeps his sunglasses on the whole time
Samuel Seo
Tell me this guy wouldn't be out to impress
Completely dressed up, flowers, chauffeur
And there's no way you would be paying for anything at all. He'll even pay for your shopping trip for the date outfit.
Books the most exclusive restaurant in town. Not just that, either opts for a private room or just books the whole place out just for you two
Definitely will involve a helicopter - either to get you A to B, or a night time tour of the city
Will definitely put out on a first date (no judgement). This man exudes sex, let's be honest
Jake Kim
Night time drive and stargazing
Look this might sound sketchy as hell for a first date but it's Jake, he's not a stranger
You already know him but this is your first official date. You both can talk to each other without the chaos of Big Deal and revel in the peace
Super intimate and surprisingly romantic. It's soft and comfortable, he'll be making you laugh a lot
Will take you to a non-sleazy lookout point to look at the stars and maybe share a beer
It's easier for him to be vulnerable with you especially under the cloak of night
Johan Seong
Hiking or picnic or just walking around a park
If this is a first date there is no way that Eden and Miro aren't coming along
The pups might know you already, but this is a big milestone and it needs to involve his babies
Awkward but so endearing. Very skittish. He's not familiar with this sort of situation and blushes a LOT
Absolutely rubbish at small talk or making the first move - you can tell he obviously wants to and likes you though
You best make the first moves unless you want to tiptoe around forever
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usamamoweek · 1 year
UsaMamo Week 2023 - Master Post
Thank you to everyone who participated, reblogged, commented, liked and gave kudos. Thank you to everyone who was a beta / cheerleader behind the scenes. This event turned out amazingly well and we are so happy to see both new faces and some old friends participate this year. (And don't forget about our "Meet the Creators" series, to learn a little more about people in this fandom)
To make sure none of the amazing works that have been created for this UsaMamo Week have been missed, we have compiled them all into this master post (in alphabetical order by the creator):
@caelenath - UsaMamo Week 2023 - Day 4: Beach
The whole situation was any red-blooded man's dream—nine gorgeous women in swimwear, a dreamy sunset, and a legitimate excuse to ogle them from every angle.
But he had eyes for only one...
@daikon1 :
Moon Sake Bottle Action!
Somehow at a houseparty with Usagi, Mamoru feels totally out of his depth - until Minako suggests they liven things up a bit. But can an unusual talent for carnival games be leveraged into a kiss with his crush??
A Royal Audience
Once upon a time, there was an extremely self-centered mentor...
Ten Ways to Say 'I Love You'
A portrait of Usagi and Mamoru’s relationship over the years, told in letters, poems, and journal entries.
There Was Only One... Stowaway on the School Beach Trip
It was the perfect summer scheme... and then Mamoru had walked into the train compartment.
Mamoru's Anxiety: A Love Letter for Usagi!
Filling in a 'missing scene' from Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter From Tuxedo Mask - What does Mamoru think about Usagi receiving a love letter from his alter-ego?
Keyrings, and Chaos, and Gender Expectations, Oh My!
Galaxia may have been defeated, but the patriarchy is still alive and well. With some help from Sailor Moon, Mamoru has a few things to say about that!!
As Tsukino Usagi awoke one morning from pleasant dreams, she found herself transformed in her bed into an adorable kitty.
@goddessalthena :
Dear Mamo-chan
"I'll write. And I'll call," he promised. "So...I expect you to write me all the time."
"...I will," she vowed.
But only one of them kept their word.
Picture Perfect
It was a perfect day. Almost too good to be true.
Usagi & Mamoru share a few firsts as they bask in the first blush of young love.
@kaitoscarlett - The words I couldn't say
After their first night together, Usagi finds herself waking up alone in Mamoru's apartment. While waiting for him, she explores his book shelf and finds something, she probably shouldn't read.
@lilliebellfanfics :
Day 1: Kiss Game
Summary: Usagi and Mamoru are chosen as the next contestants in Minako's pop-up competitions. They expect something weird and zany like the previous ones... not a kissing game. Well, kissing or not, Usagi says bring it on.
Day 4: There was only one...
Usagi's investigating a series of energy bursts at Tokyo Dome City amusement park. With so many unknowns--what was the source of the energy? Was it Zoisite or a new enemy?--the last thing she wants to do is share a ride on the Ferris wheel with Mamoru.
Day 7: Midnight / Fireworks
"One thing I love about prompts is they get me writing for my WIPs! I bring you another scene from DFD, but this is much much later than the current arc. For reasons, Usagi ends up staying at Mamoru's place. Things get hot & steamy, and here's a scene from somewhere in the middle."
Day 5: Free Day
The Tsukino clan are about to hit the slopes as the next part of their winter competition. Usagi is a clear winner and she's excited to beat Shingo on the double black diamond and win points for her team... only Mamoru's never skied before. Shit.
(Also Christmas Markets and kissing)
@master-ray5 - Lips Of An Angel
Mamoru gets a call on his lunch break from his Ex in Japan.
@random-mailbox - Love Letter (Poem)
Poem inspired by the Stars arc in the Anime
@riverlethe - Game Night
Minako organizes (by throwing together at the very last minute) Game Night to help the senshi blow off some steam on a rare night off.
Rei picked a small red box up off the table. “‘Love Letter’?” she grimaced. “This is going to be a long night, isn’t it?”
@sailormoonandme - Year of the Rabbit. UsaMamo Week 2023
Unbeknownst to anyone else, Serenity and Endymion arrange a secret rendezvous on the beach. Manga Canon.
@speak-mnemosyne1 :
In a dark, cramped space with stifling air, something in the chemistry between two people transformed. The universe fell away and, in those seven minutes, actions had no consequences.
But this.. this felt more like Seven Minutes in Hell.
For the prince of Earth, there was only one girl in the entire Solar System with whom falling in love was forbidden..
“Just for a year… but I may end up staying longer than that.” Mamoru tried to swallow back the words as they left his mouth. He hated lying to Usagi, hated the way her blue eyes looked up at him with oceans of love.
@spei-sidus :
Lucky Bunny
Day 1: Year of the Rabbit / Kiss Game
Sailor Moon is forgiven by Tuxedo Kamen for Serenity's final actions
An Ode to the Rose
Valentine's Day is coming up and the girls decide, since they weren't giving chocolates to anyone, to write love letters to give to their future boyfriends.
The Binoculars
A day at the beach leads Mamoru to ask Usagi out.
Free Day
Neo Queen Serenity goes back in time to go on a date with First Season Mamoru.
Like a Fairy
An injured Usagi leads the nijizuishou to not only replenish her energy, but also form the Ginzuishou.
Moonlight Musings
Some midnight musings for our roaming heroine.
@wishwars - Confessions Left Unsaid
At the end of Season 1, Episode 3 of the 90s anime, Usagi decides to write a love letter to Tuxedo Mask. What if Mamoru reads it?
@iiyasbssmdoodles - Day 6 - wings
@iamcharlotte88 - Three Levels of Kisses for Mamoru Chiba (artwork for @daikon1 Moon Sake Bottle Action! story)
@lilliebellfanfics - Day 2: Royalty, Day 3: Love Letters / Poetry
@mhanevision - Day 2 Royalty , Day 5 - Free Day "Barbenheimer" , Day 7 - Midnight (Happy Birthday Mamo-Chan , Day 1 - Year of the Rabbit (Happy Birthday Usako)
@mochibuni - Art for Epilogue (story Rocks in Space by @vchanny-og )
Images / Mood boards:
@random-mailbox - Day 1 - Year of the Rabbit , Day 1 - Kiss Game, Week Day 2 - Royalty, Day 2 - Sword, Day 3 - Love Letters / Poetry, Day 4 - Beach, Day 4 - There was only one..., Day 5 - Free Day , Day 6 - Wings , Day 6 - Crystal, Day 7 - Midnight, Day 7 - Fireworks
@oshiokiyopod - UsaMamo Week 2023 Special Episode!
You can listen to the episode on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Cast, and Podchaser (links to show pages in the platform names).
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jujumin-translates · 10 months
Event | Xmas PARK CARNIVAL | Chapter 4
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Sakuya: Haah, that was really good. Thank you for the meal!
Banri: Thanks for the meal.
Masumi: Thanks for the meal.
Banri: Aight, let’s start lookin’ at the books Sakuya got.
Sakuya: Yeah! I picked out a bunch of picture books, and just some with pictures in them too.
*Page turns*
Masumi: Hmm… there really are a lot of pictures of towns during Christmas.
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Sakuya: The Christmas market and lights are really cute! I’m getting kinda excited just looking at it.
Masumi: …I can’t wait to see this with her.
Banri: And there’s the Masumi we all know and love.
Masumi: So what? …It’s not like I won’t help out and do the show properly because of it.
Banri: Oh, right, I remembered somethin’ while looking at the documents we got about the amusement park the other day.
Banri: When I was a kid, I went on a trip overseas to a place like that for Christmas.
Sakuya: Eeh!? That’s incredible!
Banri: I only remembered when I saw the documents, so my memory’s a little fuzzy.
Masumi: If you went overseas, you probably at least have some pictures.
Banri: True. Next time I go to my parents’ house, I’ll ask about it.
Sakuya: …Fufu, this kinda feels like back when we were in high school.
Banri: You too, Sakuya? I was kinda feelin’ the same way since it’s us three.
Sakuya: Same! What about you, Masumi-kun?
Masumi: Not really.
Banri: I guess that means he’s thinkin’ the same way we are.
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Masumi: You can’t just decide to interpret it however you want.
Sakuya: Ahahah.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Mizuno-san had delivered the script from the amusement park! So let’s all go over it today.
Banri: Before we do that, I’ve got somethin’ I wanna show everyone.
Banri: This is a pic of me from when I went on a vacation as a kid. The vibes of the place were similar to the ones of the new area in the amusement park, so I thought I’d bring it as a reference.
Izumi: Wah, thank you! I can’t believe you really went somewhere like that when you were little, Banri-kun.
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Muku: Waah, Banri-san is really cute in this!
Tasuku: A real-life photo like this really makes it easier to visualize the place compared to just the ones in the document.
Tenma: Yeah. Thanks to this picture, we’ll all be able to visualize the stuff in the script more concretely.
Guy: Yes. Now then, let’s all read through the script.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Muku: It’s a really lovely story filled with Christmas spirit!
Tenma: The story’s set in a town and is about a boy who loves Christmas and a boy who hates Christmas.
Tenma: Alright, should we start thinking about the casting?
Izumi: The owner of the amusement park said that they’d really like the two boys to be Banri-kun and Sakuya-kun.
Izumi: After all, you are the two they said they really wanted to see perform.
Banri: You should’ve led with that.
Izumi: It looks like they didn't specify any further than that.
Masumi: From reading the script, I think Rudolph, the boy who loves Christmas, would be a good fit for Sakuya, and Snowray, the boy who hates Christmas, would be a good fit for Banri.
Tenma: Yeah, that’s the impression I was getting too.
Banri: That’s good by me, but what about you, Sakuya?
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Sakuya: …Ah, umm…
Tasuku: There’s no need to rush it, okay?
Guy: Yes. We still have time, so you two can take your time deciding.
Sakuya: T-Thank you so much.
Izumi: Alright then, we’ll put the casting on hold for those two and cast everyone but Banri-kun and Sakuya-kun.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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thatndginger · 5 months
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I'm still exhausted all the time (yay 50 hour workweeks) but I've finally had a bit of my creative spark return this week. So have a few page spreads from the Idiot's Guide to Moressau that I polished up over the last few days.
Two more sections to go (this whole thing would go a lot quicker if I wasn't making up 90% of it as I go :P)
Transcript under the cut.
First image:
The Idiot's Guide to Moressau
Provided Courtesy of Portia Beckham and The Pack
Second Image:
Shopping That Won’t Bankrupt You If you want to find some shopping that’s reasonably priced and not forced to keep up a bright and happy facade for the city’s ‘image’, then you’re going to want to check out the street markets. All local, usually handmade, and you’re far less likely to run into a stuck-up asshole. The really good ones don’t advertise their existence, you just have to know. Best practice: check the Arts or Lonewood districts on a weekend evening. You’ll find something that makes the entire trip worth it. Guaranteed.
Not in the mood for a stall crawl? There are a ton of unique stores around Moressau worth your time. But like most things, you’ll have to put in a little footwork for them. My personal suggestions are The Salt Well - a secondhand store covering three stories in the Arts - and Thistle & Rue - a local artist co-op that never fails to lighten my wallet with every visit.
Local Food Worth Your Time Moressau is far from an haute cuisine destination, but since you’re here you’re better off checking out some of the local offerings than settling for fast food. Trust me. Check out Jax’s Diner down in the industrial side of town. Open twenty-four-seven and the best breakfast plate you’ll ever eat in your life. Or if you want something fishy The Queen’s Catch on the Old Wharf is by far the best place to sample some of the sea’s bounty. Finally, if you’re looking for somewhere with both good booze and good food, you can’t go wrong with Island Goat or the Salt Beard Tavern. Just don’t ask to try the chef’s special at the tavern. Trust me.
The Historical and Creepy Look. All of Moressau is creepy. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told. It’s dark and gloomy and you’re just as likely to get mauled by a creep as you are to get scared by a dumpster rat. If you don’t know what you’re doing, stick to the shit all the brochures tout. You’re less likely to die that way. There’s museums and tour guides for all of you nerds, too. That tour of Augustus Laroche’s mansion is actually pretty fun. They have paid actors and everything, but frown on self-guided tours outside of the usual routes. Just FYI.
I’ve heard of some walking tours that have popped up recently that seem safe, if you’re into that kind of thing. Word to the wise, though: avoid anything that mentions the Montrose Syndicate. They aren’t dead, and they don’t like being talked about. Whoever started that tour is going to end up at the bottom of the bay sooner or later.
Seaside Attractions (And Then Some) This is another one the brochures can handle for you. The boardwalk and lighthouse are safe enough, and there are parts of the preserved old wharves that aren’t too bad either. They were made with old shipwreck lumber. The founders were thrifty and morbid like that. Stick to the North Docks and Downtown if you want to explore more of Moressau’s seaside attractions. The Old Docks aren’t the safest place anymore, day or night. If you’re up for a bit of a hike, check out the original lighthouse just north of the city. It was abandoned in favor of the new lighthouse in the early 1900's, but whatever they made it with keeps it standing, even if the rocks around it have eroded away. It’s not as fun since the city took out the bridge connecting the lighthouse to land, but you’re brave (and stupid) you can still make it across the gap. Ask me how I know.
For some modern entertainment - or modern-ish - it’s worth it to check out Saltshock, the amusement park right off Harbor Boardwalk. It’s got some of those old wooden rollercoasters that are actually terrifying. The modern steel coasters have nothing on those rickety old things. The prices aren’t too bad, but definitely don’t bother buying any souvenirs there. That’s where they get you.
Oh, and since you’ll be in the area, keep an eye on the street art. I know a guy who paints some really cool murals around the Docks and Southside neighborhoods. Some of them disappear pretty quickly, since he never asks permission to decorate someone’s wall. He says there’s an internet group or something dedicated to finding his latest work. He’s usually full of shit, though, so I’ll believe it when I see it. Maybe he’s right. His art is good. So keep an eye out for anything signed “W S”.
Third Image:
If your entire reason for coming to Moressau is to meet a vampire then I have two questions for you: What the hell is wrong with you, and why bother coming here at all? Statistically, there is at least one vampire in or near where you live now. Chances are that if you’re only here to be a bloodbag, you won’t listen to my advice, so I’m going to write this for those of you who want to avoid some unpleasant new scars around the neck region.
How to Spot a Vampire Let’s get something straight right now. Vampires don’t sparkle. They aren’t incredibly pale. They aren’t indestructible. A freshly-fed vampire isn’t much different from a human actually. Warm to the touch - never hot - and no paler than the average person, just without the heartbeat that makes a human…. human.
That said, there are some tell-tale aspects of a vampire that are impossible to hide. You’ll know a vampire as soon as they open their mouth. Their fangs don’t do that stupid retraction thing like some movies claim. Vampires also have reflective eyes, like most supernaturals. A vampire’s eyes don’t glow, they aren’t blood red, they’re just eyes. But they’ll shine in the passing light of a car or a camera flash, that’s for certain. Lastly, vampires lack both a shadow and a reflection.
A vampire who hasn’t fed in a few days will have a chill to them like any other dead body. But a hungry vampire is faster, stronger, and much easier to piss off. A hungry vampire is more likely to drink you down to the last drop, too.
Where to Find a Vampire Typically, vampires can only come out at night. They tend to burn to a crisp within an hour if they’re exposed to full sunlight. It’s not a pretty sight. Luckily for the vampires of Moressau, the sun only comes out about 30 days of the year, so they can be out at nearly any time. Most of them keep to the night hours though. They’re nocturnal creatures by nature. They also tend to hang out in the Midnight Quarter. There are some vampires who’ve lived there since the city was founded, and if you’re looking for ‘night life’ then the Midnight Quarter is exactly where you want to be. Don’t let your guard down for a second there. The only places where regulations on vampire feeding are enforced are donation centers, and even those are iffy. Sure, the city says they oversee vampire parlors to ‘ensure safe conditions for both mundanes and supernaturals’ but they’re lying through their teeth.
Not all vampire parlors and clubs are terrible. Just most of them. Club Nomad caters primarily to vampires, but they’ll welcome anyone looking for a night out. The bouncers there are better than most about keeping an eye on the crowds. If you want exclusivity, then L’Sourire en Sang run by the Société de Keres is as old and exclusive as you can get. They’re pretty strict about who they let in - mundane and vampire both - but I’ve heard that almost every human visitor has left alive.
Last but not least, there’s Cameo. It hasn’t been around very long, but it’s already pissed off all the old, mouldy vampires in the city so it has my vote of confidence. I heard it’s run by a new coalition in town called the Strix Assembly, and they’re very concerned about keeping their bloodbags alive and well. Pampered, even. They don’t mind the occasional shifter or supernatural drifting through, either.
Finding Good Mosquito Repellent Vampires might be some of the deadliest supernaturals out there, but lucky for us mortals there are some tried and true ways to keep them off your neck. Or kill one, if you need to.
First, sunlight. We’ve covered this. Keep up.
Second, rowan wood. I don’t know what it is about rowan specifically, but it’ll burn any vampire who touches it. They hate the smell of it too, if you’re in the market for new cologne.
Vampires have an aversion to garlic, but it’s not going to stop a determined one. Pepper spray is useful if you can make a quick getaway. Don’t bother with religious iconography or silver unless you want to be laughed at before you die.
And finally… I talk a lot of shit, but most vampires are just like everyone else. Common sense and a nice attitude will go a long way. This guide is so you know how to handle the dangerous ones.
Shapeshifter taglist: @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
Hiiii--can you do a extra where bee girl and Steve go to an amusement park in November or something? Absolutely loved the fic
now that it's november i can do this one! hope you enjoy :) thank you for reading! this takes place immediately post-au. bee girl, steve, and their friends go to an amusement park 0.8k, fluff, a no good at waiting one-shot | au masterlist ___
The news that you'd be staying in Hawkins is met with sheer elation from everyone. Jonathan calls Nancy as soon as he hears and she plans a trip back almost immediately. Eddie and Robin make a list of about 50 things for you to do together before the end of the year from sledding to ice skating to skinny dipping. And the gaggle of teens who you've become so fond of is quick to claim you for some hangouts of your own.
And Steve? Well, Steve is just glad you're still here. And shows your -- with kisses and jokes and promises of dates to come. Though he's a little put out that the first actual plan you get to make since your big love confession at the last market is...taking the kids to an amusement park halfway across the state. He grumbles and moans at how you're going to have to take two cars, half of the group in Eddie's clunky van and half the BMW Steve never drives anymore.
But you know him well enough to know that he's excited. Steve Harrington, former popular boy-turned-farmhand is excited about an amusement park. he makes you love him more every day.
As soon as you pull into the parking lot, Eddie's van not far behind, your trio of Max, Lucas, and Dustin jump out and stretch their legs. El, Will, Mike, Robin, and Eddie haul themselves to the pavement. Everyone is practically bouncing with anticipation.
"Listen up," Steve says, hands on his hips. "If you're not back at the gates by 5 we're leaving you here. It's an hour and a half back to Hawkins, don't forget!"
"Whatever, mom," one of them says, you can't even tell who. It might be Robin. Without further ceremony they all dash for the gates, pocket money in hand for tickets.
You gently grab Steve's wrist to check his watch. 12 pm. "Plenty of time for them to tire themselves out," you tell him. He snorts.
"I don't think that's possible, actually." He interlaces your fingers. It's a cold day, almost too cold for this outing, but you made sure to bring gloves and a hat and convinced the kids to do the same. You hope that they sell hot drinks in the park.
"Come on guys," Robin calls. "I want to see Steve throw up after that rollercoaster."
Steve does not throw up after the inverted coaster but Eddie does. You spy Max and Lucas laughing in line for the bumper cars and El and Dustin tugging Mike for another ride on something that seems like it goes very fast. Robin buys the biggest bag of popcorn she can find and refuses to go on anything that twists more than once.
It's a wonderful day. Steve laughs more than you've heard him laugh since Halloween -- which is your fault, of course, but you don't linger on that -- and his hand stays in yours the whole time. Especially on the rides.
You ditch Eddie and Robin after a few hours as they go on the Ferris Wheel like children in favor of getting some of the hot cider you were hoping for.
"Are you having fun?" Steve asks you. His cheeks are pink and his eyes are bright from the adrenaline of the ride you just got off.
"Yes," you tell him. "Loads of fun." He wrinkles his nose and takes a sip of the cider you're sharing. It makes you think of your first kiss. He looks so happy, so content, that you have to kiss him again, right now. Just a quick peck on the cheek, suitable for a public place full of children and your own shyness at this growing love between you.
He pouts. "C'mon," he says. "That wasn't a real kiss."
"Oh, I think it was real enough, Steve," you scoff. You sling a leg over his knee where you're sitting on a bench and knock your shoulders together.
"Come here," he says, taking the cardboard cup from you gently. "Please? Honey?" He drags out the y of your nickname. You roll your eyes but lean in. His warm hand cups your cheek gently and he presses his lips to yours just like that night by the bonfire. Except this time it feels like a promise of more kisses to come, of the happiness and love he feels, of all the good days ahead of you.
"If we go on the Ferris wheel will you let me french you at the top?" he says once he pulls away. You burst out laughing and flick his ear before standing.
"Only one way to find out," you say as you fight a cheek-splitting grin. Steve grins back.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Even More Summer Prompts
Guys I’m really itching for some writing prompts/scenarios/blurbs or anything really. I’m dying to write alot but I feel like I’m stuck in a rut, writing the same thing over and over again. Send in requests, come talk, literally anything!!! (lol). Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Salem’s Lot, Catch 22 (Hulu) and Press Play. 
1. “It’s too hot to sleep, you wanna go to Wal Mart instead?” 
2. “Shit, the air conditioner broke again” 
3. “Wanna go skinny dipping?” 
4. Watching a thunderstorm roll in on the front porch
5. Inspecting for ticks
6. “You look like you need a cool bath” 
7. Lemonade or iced tea on the front porch
8. Laying in the hammock and feeling the warm sun on theirs and their s.o’s faces
9. Helping their s.o to recover from a sunburn
10. “I’ve got sand in places I’ve never even heard of” 
11. Collecting seashells and driftwood at the beach
12. Fourth of July fireworks
13. Swimming at the lake or the beach
14. “I ate so much at the cookout, I think I’m gonna explode” 
15. Summer at the rodeo
16. Hawaiian shirts
17. Who’s the grill-master? 
18. Summer garden
19. Waking up on a summer morning
20. “You wanna hang out? It’s nice and cool in here” 
21. Summer bonfires
22. Drive-in movie night 
23. Summer fishing trip
24. Ice cream for dinner (sorry I’m craving this really bad)
25. What’s on their summer playlist
26. “We don’t have enough beer.....wanna run?” 
27. Canoe trip
28. Hanging the freshly washed clothes on the clothesline 
29. Their s.o being all sweaty and getting a bath outside
30. What’s on their summer playlist?
31. Sex in the field of wildflowers (Smut)
32. Summer picnic by the lake
33. Making a flower or shell crown for their s.o
34. Pick your own corn from the cornfield
35. Summer farmers’ market
36. Heat wave
37. “Oh God, this rope swing is so old” 
38. “This is the biggest slip n slide I’ve ever seen” 
39. Baseball games
40. Day at the amusement park
41. “How do these smores come out so perfect?” 
42. Stargazing with their s.o
43. Swimming near and under a waterfall
44. Chasing down the ice cream truck
45. Summer camping trip
46. Seeing a rainbow after a thunderstorm
47. Summer road trip
48. Homemade bug repellent
49. Cooking outside during a heatwave
50. Making sure that their s.o is drinking enough water on a hot day
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faithintaiwan · 2 months
august 5 - kaohsiung to tainan
Today we left Kaohsiung and went to Tainan. It used to be the capital city of Taiwan so I was really excited to see it!!
We first learned and practiced calligraphy at the National University of Tainan. It is one of the best universities in the country like the last one we went to. I made this fan and despite Yeh laoshi (a different one) saying it should be relaxing I was extremely stressed the entire time. But they provided bento lunch so I was able to relax then.
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After, we went to a sugar factory that had been converted into an amusement park and museum. Peter explained that Taiwan used to produce sugar but as labor grew more expensive, Taiwan switched to exclusively importing it from places like the Philippines as they couldn’t compete with the cheap labor coming out of those countries. Some people and I walked around and looked at the different thrills we couldn’t do because Yeh laoshi told us no… It was so sad. They even had a zip line and a “free fall” drop that was just a jump down like three stories attached to a rope. Then we watched a drum performance by a band called Cross Metal. They mixed traditional instruments with modern rock music to create a special sound!!
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After the performance, they gave us an hour to walk around so Fanny and I got drinks (apple juice and rose guava) before walking around the gift shop. We finally made it to the hotel and it’s been one of the nicer ones on this trip yay! Under it we even had a cosmed and a 9x9 so of course Fanny and I went and shopped a bit. I even found my favorite pen that recently ran out of ink and is getting super difficult to find on the internet.
Finally, a group of us went out for dinner at the Dadong Night Market and Jack even won a giant capybara!
Academic Reflection
For my independent excursion I went to the Dadong Night Market. It is the second largest night market in Tainan and is known for its roasted corns, quids, chicken butt, and fresh papaya milk according to the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. It is open Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 5 pm to 1 am according to the Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government. Because it is open at differing times from the most popular and largest night market, Garden Night Market, Dadong is a good alternative. We were also only here on the days Dadong is open which is why I chose it as my independent excursion!
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Walking around the Dadong Night Market we were hit with the smell of roasting chicken, stinky tofu, and more as each stall sold a variety of foods. One stall even served small pieces of fruit inside large balls made of this jelly. Compared to the United States, I felt like the atmosphere was completely unique with tons of foods we don’t have and people bustling about. It reminded me of carnivals with all the games but mixed with a farmers market selling food.
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Unlike in other more official stores and restaurants, night market stalls often don’t provide receipts. Before we came to Taiwan, Yeh laoshi told us to keep our receipts because each is an entry into a lottery for up to 300,000 US dollars! This lottery was created to combat places that don’t pay taxes or attempt to tax evade which can be common in night markets. By pressuring consumers to collect reciepts, the Taiwanese government was hoping to pressure stores and stall owners into paying taxes and providing receipts.
Furthermore, Taiwan has had a rocky history with its night markets. As recent as 2010, articles like From the Margins to the Center by Taiwan Panorama have detailed the illegality of the markets. They would often get shut down by police, provide unhygienic conditions for food, and operate mainly in Mandarin. As tourists increasingly enjoyed night markets, the Taiwanese government began to embrace them and strive to legalize them. They passed laws and incentives to shape them into a tourist activity. According to the Department of Health in Taipei, the Taiwanese government has been making efforts to ensure food safety and hygiene in night markets since 2018 and provides official passes for stalls to be in the markets. They have also required signs in English and mandarin at the front to identify the market.
The food here and especially in night markets is also wildly less expensive than in the states. I spent about 30 US dollars for three large pastries, scallion pancakes, fried pork, fruit jelly balls, stickers, dumplings, and boba!! Walking around at night and randomly stumbling on a bustling market with delicious smelling food is also such a treat compared to the darkness of the US. As a finance major, night markets in particular interested me because of their entrepreneurial spirit, pricing, and tax regulations.
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blorbologist · 1 year
maggie! my sister and I are planning a road trip to canada this summer so as a canadian, anything you recommend doing, any absolute must sees?
!!! Oooh, have fun!
I can only really give concrete recommendations for Quebec and southern Ontario, and the later with less than a year of experience - so if you're headed to the prairies or BC I'm not much help.
For Québec:
If you stick to Montreal and the touristy areas, you lively won't need all that much French! Usually people clock that you're a tourist and will switch to English if they can. Less likely the farther you get from Montreal and the Townships.
Goes without saying, try a good poutine (There’s an invisible S in there, we pronounce it more like.. poutsine lmao)! Don't get it from a big chain except maybe Belle Province or Poutineville, the very best I've had have usually been from lil cantines. If they’re not using fresh cheese curds don't trust em.
Also Beaver Tails (a fried pastry brand). Usually have lil kiosks near events and sinfully good. My brother and I go bonkers for them.
In Montreal proper, I'd recommend a walk on Mt.Royal! I forget if the inside skating rink at Atwater is still available this time of year, but might be worth looking into. Vieux Montréal is a nice place to romp around, especially around the canals and the Atwater market. Avoid driving in and around MTL it's a living hell, move around by bus or metro(subway) if you can, you can get day passes easy enough. St.Catherine and Mt.Royal streets usually have fun stores and restaurants to poke around in, and the gay village is great! I'm pretty sure most amusement parks in the USA are bigger than La Ronde, so don't waste your time with it.
Zoo de Granby is one I went to a lot as a child and they do great conservation work and have beautiful exhibits + a fun water park! Bromont is great for winter fun, but wrong time of year, and their water park can be hit or miss.
Both Bromont and Sutton are great for hiking (I have good memories of getting up to a lake on Mt.Sutton just as the mist revealed it, so cool). Apparently so is Owl's Head, but I've only skii'd there. Bromont is expensive and the cops are real sticklers, Sutton is a lot smaller and personally I think more cute and chill.
Lac Brome/Lake Brome is just about the most anglophone place in the province outside of Montreal! You can do a lot of kayaking, boating and even just driving around the lake is nice. It is a tourist town with its businesses catered towards Montrealers weekending there, so everything is closed Mon/Tues but open over weekends. Just a very cute and anglophone town.
Memphremagog / Magog is both an okay town and a really great lake, bigger than Lac Brome if you'd rather get on the water there. Also fun local myths of a lake monster >:3c
If you like murder mysteries, Louise Penny based many locations in her series off of areas in the Townships - such as Brome Lake Books('s old location) and Abbey St.Benoit (which has great cheese). There are maps to help her fans run around and see the locations irl!
Due to the dairy industry there's a lot of great cheese and icecream in general. Coaticook has great icecream and a cool gorge (my ex lived there), but it’s very French so you might have trouble.
A personal highlight: drive up the St.Lawrence. it's gorgeous, sometimes there are whales, and just. Amazingly beautiful. Fuckoff cold water tho.
There are a ton if beautiful national parks in Quebec; Bic is a highlight personally.
For southern Ontario:
Niagara Falls is a mixed bag: the falls themselves are incredible, absolutely awe inspiring (I remember getting to my hotel room after and writing in a frenzy - the MIST from them hits you SEVERAL HUNDRED METERS AWAY). BUT the area around them are a tourist trap, overpriced and iffy.
I haven't run around Toronto much beyond getting lost going to n from the airport, but I've heard decent enough things?
Iirc there might be more Freedom Convoy bullshit going on in Ottawa, so keep an eye on the news if it's on your bucket list.
Also have heard p good things about the national parks, almost went camping with the other grads before schedule conflicts popped up.
Haven't done much due to gradschool unfortunately :c
I also know that Alberta has an incredible dinosaur museum with some amazing specimens, and Dinosaur Provincial Park is teaming with big fossils (almost went on a dig there but Covid happened).
Hope some of this helped!
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sunmarketing · 1 month
Bucket List Travel #1 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Welcome to the Special Bucket List Travel Series of Dr. Mary Travelbest Guide.
  Patti Christensen from San Diego talks about one of her favorite travel destinations, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Copenhagen, like much of Denmark is a city on the water. One of the first things you want to do when you go to Copenhagen is go on one of the sightseeing Canal boat tours with a live guide. You hop on this great open-air boat and slowly experience various city views. Copenhagen combines brand new shiny buildings and historic buildings going back centuries. The boat trip past the multicolored buildings is fantastic, with photo-worthy sites all along the route.  And as long as you’re in that area, you might join the locals in a dip in the swimming beaches in the harbor. I found the water extremely cold, but the docks and the beaches were full of sun-worshiping people enjoying themselves.
  There are also so many wonderful and free museums and historic sites to see. Among my favorites is Rosenborg Castle, where you can see the Danish Crown jewels. There are also several other palaces and historic sites. At Amalienborg Palace in downtown Copenhagen, you can watch the changing of the guards every day at noon. It's very similar to that in London but with fewer crowds.
  Another must-see in Copenhagen is Tivoli Gardens. This was the world’s original amusement park; they say that Walt Disney got some inspiration from Tivoli Gardens. It combines beautiful flowers and landscaping, kids see buildings and children shows, and wonderful restaurants. Throughout the summer, great concerts are going on. One must make a trip to Tivoli Garden and eat some beautiful food.
  One of the things you’ll notice in Denmark is everybody rides bikes. if you get a chance, rent a bike and tool around. The city is very flat and very breakable. You’ll see whole families riding bikes, kids riding bikes to school, and adults using bikes to commute. You have to ride a bike in Copenhagen.
  There are many places that have great street food, especially at the Reffen Copenhagen Street  Food market.  This is the largest street food market in all of the Nordic regions.  It includes reasonably priced food from around the world. Copenhagen is definitely a melting pot. The most famous sausage eaten in Denmark is a medisterpolse, spicy and delicious.
    One more thing that you could really enjoy if you happen to be in Copenhagen in July is the Copenhagen jazz festival. The Danes love their jazz, which goes back to the 1930s and 40s when American jazz artists traveled extensively in Europe. The jazz festival, started in 1979, is a month-long festival at small venues, large concert halls and churches, and really big outdoor stages. Many of the events are free and the music is fantastic.
  And of course you have to go and at least have a glimpse of the little mermaids statue. This comes from Hans Christian Anderson’s fairytale about a mermaid. When you see the little mermaid, you might be surprised at its size. My local cousin said, “Nobody ever called the big mermaid”. But getting your picture taken by the statue is one of the experiences you should have at least once.
 Thank you, Patti Christensen for that great episode.
If you like this, listen to three more episodes from the Bucket List Series Podcast of Dr. Mary Travelbest's Guide. This is a Step 5 trip (5 Steps to Solo Travel).
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jjr1971 · 2 months
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Very rough regional divisions in the United States. I've been doing a lot of Domestic Travel since the COVID-19 pandemic has largely abated....it's still out there, to be sure, but I'm fully vaccinated & boosted and wear a mask in large gatherings. I didn't used to care about Domestic Travel and always pined for European travel like I did in my 20s but the airfare was just so godawful expensive. Vienna, Austria remains a pipe dream. But Domestic Airfare, I found, was a lot more reasonable. When Biden first took office, it felt like Happy Days Were Here Again and I celebrated by attending Otakon 2021 in Washington DC, then later Anime NYC in November of 2021. Washington DC is one of my favorite vacation destinations and I've been multiple times now. But I'd NEVER been to New York City in my life and finally decided to just freaking GO already. People in the South complain that New Yorkers (NYC residents they mean, mostly) are "rude"; I did not find that to be the case. New Yorkers are stressed and busy and get annoyed if you waste their time, but they're generally alright people and can be quite funny. I fell in love with the 20-something girl who ran the pizza joint I stopped at for lunch a few blocks north of the Ferry Terminal on Staten Island. I loved her genuine New York accent & sass. She was a brunette with piercings, probably a college student. I had my first New York pizza at her establishment and it was incredible. I learned the secret to New York pizza is in the expertise put into making the crust. It was SO flavorful and made you take notice of it! No pizza I've had since has ever measured up. In 2022 I went to Seattle, Washington for the first time, for SakuraCon. I loved the PNW! Got to visit with some old friends from Houston who moved to Seattle and the con was great too. I enjoyed exploring Pike Place Market and riding the Monorail to the Seattle Space Needle park. A few months later in 2022 I went to Anime Boston...my first ever trip to Boston, MA ever. The convention was a blast but I also took in a lot of sight seeing in and around Boston. The highlight of my trip was visiting the USS Constitution, the oldest ship still in active service with the US Navy. It felt so amazing riding the water shuttle back across Massachusetts Bay...cooling breeze, beautiful sunny Spring Day...SO relaxing...Glad to finally see this great American city, having already visited New York (2021) and Chicago back in 2006. At the tail end of 2022, I ventured out to Portland, Oregon for Kumoricon for the first time. I loved it so much I came back in 2023, the very next year. And like in 2022, I had lunch at PDX before hopping on the Red Line MAX train downtown....at the same place with the same bartender. I told her there's no way she would remember me, but that she had been my bartender exactly one year ago for this same convention. She was amused by this and said "welcome back!". I loved Portland at this time of year in late fall....the leaves are so beautiful. The weather is cool but not cold. And Kumoricon is like the Platonic Ideal of an anime convention for me....not too small but not too big either.....just right in terms of size. In 2023 I got really adventurous and decided it had been far too long since I last visited Canada (for my honeymoon in 2003--in Montreal, Quebec). So I flew myself up to Calgary, Canada for Otafest. I had known Calgary as the site of the Winter Olympics in my youth. I really enjoyed Calgary very much and was delighted how diverse it actually is, much more than I was expecting. It's a beautiful city and I would love to go back someday. Or live there, if I could ever get used to Canadian winters, hehe.
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nickgerlich · 3 months
By The Gallon
It is one of the most contentious subjects in the US. It becomes a political hot potato when assessing an incumbent President’s performance. It can be deal breaker or deal maker when it comes to family travel plans, and it can influence the type of vehicle we purchase for our daily driver.
Of course, I am talking about the price of gas. And if there’s one thing certain, from the depths of COVID to the present, we have just about seen it all in only four years. The worst was in the summer of 2022, when the average national price was $5.12 a gallon.
The latest data shows that the US average is $3.46 a gallon, down from $3.59 this time last year. Gas prices have thus far peaked at $3.68 in April this year.
Naturally, there is great variability in prices across the nation, depending on state taxes, proximity to refineries, and the nuances of market demand. It explains why I was paying $3.59 in Orlando last month, but only paid $2.67 in Canyon earlier this week. And on my trip west to Arizona, I noted $3.15 to $3.35 in Albuquerque, followed by $3.35 in eastern Arizona, and $3.55 to $3.75 in Flagstaff. Just for sticker shock value alone, I saw $5.49 outside Grand Canyon National Park.But since this is not my first rodeo, I knew to fill up in Winslow for $3.35, and still have plenty to get back there today.
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I find it interesting just how important gas prices are for Americans. In many regards, we really do see cheap gas as an entitlement. We bought into car culture after WWII. We moved to the suburbs farther away from our places of employment. We had love affairs with our cars, and enjoyed driving them up and down city streets as if on parade, then went to the drive-in to hang out with our pals. Cars are a big part of our lives, and unless you’re driving an EV, you will be pumping gas regularly.
And then there’s the Great American Road Trip, another artifact of the mid-century that became part of the zeitgeist. It’s what families did for summer vacations, driving to amusement parks, national parks, and distant relatives. We haven’t let go of that.
Further complicating matters, and perhaps influencing our adamance for cheap gas, is the fact that the US is so spread out. This affects individuals and commerce equally, because people and products often have to travel long distances just because. While our older large cities have long-established mass transit systems in place, newer cities have very little, like Dallas and Houston. There is also some resistance to mass transit or even carpooling, because we have come to think of our cars as one of the few places we can have quiet, or at least control the sound system.
Thus, we find ourselves very gasoline-dependent. We blame the President when prices rise, as if he can control them. Aside from reducing the federal gas tax, or releasing millions of barrels of petroleum from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, there’s nothing he can do to affect the day to day prices we face. Foreign policy and conservation initiatives can have long-run impacts, but what you pay today is just good old supply and demand.
In the short run when there are price hikes, about the only thing we can do is simply to try to drive less. But that is not always possible, given our commutes. Thus, we may nix long road trip plans, or combine errand trips so that we’re not running out for just one thing. The long-run, though, gives us the necessary time to replace gas guzzlers with fuel-efficient models, even EVs. It also allows us time to find housing closer to our jobs. It is also possible that we will have opened ourselves to lifestyle changes, which could include ditching our vehicles whenever possible to take the bus or train to work.
Still, we need to look at this problem at the margin. Let’s suppose that gas goes up $1 a gallon. Is that enough alone to warrant scuttling a vacation? My road trip to Arizona is 1500 miles total, and at 25mpg, I will have consumed 60 gallons. At the margin, a $1 increase translates to $60 added expense for the trip. But when compared to the totality of expenses, meaning food, lodging, and souvenirs, it is paltry. As it stands, I got the current round trip for $200 or thereabouts.
The story isn’t all that different if you stay at home. If I drove 1500 miles a month going to work and running errands, I would be paying $160 using the price in Canyon as a gauge. A $1 increase would turn that into $220, but even that is only $15 a week added expense, or two craft beers or Starbucks drinks.
As much as we like to complain, I think we have it pretty good over here. Compared to the $8-10 common in Europe, or even the $5 I saw in Costa Rica last summer, we are driving a bargain in the US. This explains why my European friends love coming here on holiday, because they see the price of fuel as inconsequential. There’s a reason why everyone rides bikes in Amsterdam, and it has nothing to do with health and fitness.
I say all this just to give you food for thought as you and your families ponder your own vacation plans. Cheap gas may not be a birthright, but for the vast majority of the time, we have had it all along. Maybe we just like to have something to argue about.
Dr “Fill ‘Er Up!” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Heyy, I’d like to request a match up from Tokyo revengers. Specifically a boy.
My pronouns are she/her.
I’m a Sagittarius. (Not sure if that helps in any way)
I would say I’m ambiverted. I enjoy my time alone and need time to recharge, but I also love to see people and be social. I usually attempt to initiate conversations with people I meet, but usually if they fall on the more quiet shy side I don’t really put in the effort unless I’m rlly interested in developing a friendship/relationship with them.
I talk about anything under the sun once I get the vibes that we get along and that we are comfortable w each other. I could consider myself a funny person (at least that’s what I hear from most ppl I hang around). I would say I have a dark sense of humour, but only indulge in it if I know that person is comfortable and finds that kinda stuff funny as well.
Likes: I rlly enjoy trying new foods, I’ll pretty much each anything, but I stay away from dairy stuff, rlly strong tasting vegetables, are meats with the gooey fat in it. Sometimes the oils in the fat is way too rich for me and the texture makes me gag.
I rlly rlly like going out to dinners w my girl friends
Love amusement parks and night markets
I enjoy going on trips to wherever, love the idea of travelling with friends or a significant others,
I’ve been trying to stop, but I love drinking with friends. On weekends I’m out with friends at the club or a random persons house or wherever the night takes us. Usually get home at 3-4am.
On weekdays I like to chill out, I’m either working, at the gym, or shopping online for clothes or grocery shopping. I try to do something productive everyday, even if it’s something small.
I rlly rlly enjoy the gym, I feel like it’s the perfect place for my favourite things. I love music and I can do that while lifting on the smith machine or going on the treadmill and just zoning out and day dreaming 😂also a perfect excuse to not text anyone back and to not have anyone bother me. I rlly like to check myself out in the mirror once I’m done. I feel like after u lift heavy weights on ur glutes ur ass gets rlly pumped😭😭
I love shopping online on FaceTime with my friend. Sometimes it can take hours, but whatever. Love to buy new make up and try new things for the weekend. Probably have a bad spending habit, but it’s ok the money will come back.
I enjoy reading. Usually stuff about psychology, philosophical stuff, business or any sort of fiction. It’s hard for me to start, but once I do I can’t stop.
I love deep talks with people, I feel like sometimes it’s hard to come across that. Usually ppl have small talk or surface level conversations, while it’s not a bad thing I don’t particularly enjoy it as much. But, I don’t necessarily hate it.
I love to just drive around aimlessly so I can listen to music. If I could I would just walk around outside for that, but I feel like I would look dumb walking on the same street back and forth. I like any kind of genre as long as it’s pleasant to my ears.
I like cooking as long as I have all the right ingredients.
I like watching those drama reality tv shows when I’m alone or with a girl friend. Like love is blind on Netflix. Idk if you’ve heard of that but it’s messy and entertaining. Not rlly a good thing, but sometimes I like to watch ppl argue😭. I love horror movies, but ONLY if I’m with a significant other or a group of friends. I like actions movies etc all of them. Not rlly a fan of the dark drama movies unless I’m feeling emotional and it fits the face of the day.
Dislikes: not rlly a fan of hypocritical ppl.
I don’t like ppl who get moody easily or if they’re having a bad day they make sure EVERYONE is having a bad day. If ur mad go b mad by yourself.
Don’t particularly enjoy it if smo doesn’t know or like to have fun. Everyone has their dislikes and I can respect that, but for me I’d like to b around smo who can enjoy things.
I don’t like it when ppl r unnecessarily loud. Pipe down. More specifically (shion and sanzu)
Don’t like guys who can’t have fun w their girl’s girly stuff. Like just have fun.
I don’t get along w ppl who can’t take a joke or can’t joke around. Ppl who r dead serious all the time.
I get annoyed w ppl who don’t rlly have common sense. If they ask a question w a very obvious answer. Smth like that. Or create a problem for themselves and I offer a very much different easy solution and they just don’t like it.
I don’t like ppl who r very goody two shoes. It’s not bad to have a good head on ur shoulders, but through my teen years I’ve always been surrounded by a lot of trouble makers. The girls I would b with are much like me, yk normal but quite accustomed to messed up things. A lot of the guy friends that I have/had have been to jail or been involved w not so morally good things. It isn’t a good thing to say or what not, but for a good portion of my teen hood and a little now I’ve been surrounded by a lot of immoral stuff that I didn’t realize it was because it was so normalized. ( this is not me bragging because I rlly don’t think it is smth to brag about). But, I’ve realized that because of all this I’ve noticed I find it very hard to truly get along with ppl who have grown up in a more clean environment. I’ve always felt I had to bite my tongue or not truly b able to say the things I wanna say. At my work I’ve let things slip and I can tell my coworkers r sometimes a little taken back. I myself don’t indulge in those stuff, but when we r talking stories n stuff I don’t realize that the stuff I am talking about r not normal. I always feel like I can’t rlly open up about personal stuff and etc because that other stuff that I have seen or been associated with is going to b a part of it. It’s like telling a story to ur mom and stopping halfway cuz u realize ur about to snitch on yourself😂
I always feel happy when I’m able to find smo who can relate or have similar experiences and I can rlly unveil myself. It feels very freeing and comforting.
I dislike hot n cold ppl.
My type:
I am rlly fond of guys who r cold on the outside, but are the sweetest to their significant other or ppl they love. Makes u feel extra special😂and it’s also cute
I like guys who joke around and can take a mean joke.
I like playful guys
I like guys who will worship the ground u walk on
I like guys who r happy to spend money on u
Very turned on by a guy that would protect u and will fight for u.
Unfortunately, I do like those bad boy types😭BUT not to me. That’s a no no.
And add on is if he has status. Not a must have but it would be nice. Like yes baby pop off 😭🫶🏼
I love men who lead the way for u. Initiates plans, wants to do things w u. Like to go out w u. Brings u home. Basically I don’t have to use my brain around him.
Love a man who wants u to meet his buddies. Brings u to his house etc
I want a man who will go to the gym w me. Let’s build our booties together.
This sounds messed up, but I’d like a guy who has been through smth😭I only say that because a lot of the time ppl who have been through smth traumatic become perceptive to other ppls emotions what not and it would b easy to bond and relate to things. Basically I want a guy who can see through me.
I like tattoos. Not a must, but it’s nice.
I’ve been described as a bitch when I first meet ppl because I have a rbf, unfortunately. But, when they get to know me they say I’m quite kind. Sometimes I am taken back because I do feel over the years I’ve gotten a little cold and I do believe that ppl do feel it sometimes. I’ve very quick to cut ppl off despite knowing them for many years. In the past, I would definitely believe in second chances, but if u did what u did then that’s it. Although, from ppl that I got to know very closely they say that I’m very sweet many many times. I remember one of my coworkers was kinda just staring at me and she was like “ur actually a very sweet girl inside”. I was rlly taken back but it was nice. Same w my mom and best friend. Literally that word “sweet” has been used over and over I’m not sure why. Maybe I rlly do come off as a cold person and I don’t realize it😭
I would say I’m very polite and good at reading ppl.
Im pretty straight forward. I make jokes out of any situation even if it’s bad. But, if ik it’s serious I’ll give heart felt advice and words. I would say I’ve reserved my sympathy and love for ppl that I choose. It kind of goes against about me saying that I’m a sweet person, but that’s what most other ppl were saying so we’ll go w that.
While I do keep my walls up for ppl on the outside, when it comes to ppl I choose to be in my life I would do anything for them.
I have been called a “player” by most of my friends, but idk I’ve never seen it that way. If I know a guy isn’t good news I will mess around w him, as he’s probably doing the same. Although, if I know a guy genuinely has good intentions for me I’ll open my heart up to him and treat him w the same respect and so on. A lot of ppl misunderstand my character a lot and sometimes it does bother me, but it’s whatever.
I can tease ppl quite a bit, and sometimes it annoys them, but I find it quite amusing. I will make sure to apologize after though 😂
Sometimes ppl think I’m mean because I can be a liiiittle too sarcastic and may come off as me being dead serious, but I’m not.
I make out of pocket jokes all the time and say things that ppl want to say, but don’t. And I’ve grown comfortable w doing that because they do laugh since ur saying what everyone is thinking. A little confusing, but yk😭
I would say I’m quite a confident person with new ppl. When it comes to guys I don’t feel shy even if they’re rllyyyy cute. Although, if I genuinely like a guy I do get very flustered and nervous. With guys I don’t have any intentions with, I feel like I usually lead the way, but w a guy im talking to I feel like a little girl😂
I find a lot of things fun and always make smth out of nothing.
I’m pretty in control with my emotions and can be very analytical w my thoughts. But, when it comes to ppl I genuinely care about I’ve noticed all of that goes out the window.
I can feel pretty jealous when it comes to a significant other, but then my thoughts contradict that. For example I’ll FEEL jealous but I’ll be thinking “lol why would he ever have his eyes on another girl when he has me, personality, looks and everything”. Basically saying that it’s impossible for him to do anything grimy.
I am very understanding and smart with other ppls emotions and decisions. (If that makes any sense)
When I get angry I don’t allow myself to take my anger out on whoever. I always calm myself down and then talk to them calmly and rationally.
Sometimesss I can be a little selfish without realizing it. But, I make up for it when it’s pointed out or when I realize it. It’s been a work in progress.
Looks: I got black long hair. Might cut it a bit shorter for change who knows.
I have lash extensions, but not those heavy butterfly lashes.
I get my nails done. Pedicure manicure.
I have a cursive script tattoo on my collarbone. Wanted to get smth a little classy looking. I have a nose stud. Used to have a ring but switched it.
I also have Japanese kanji between my b00bs. It’s hidden so only for a special smo to see. It sounds funky, but I promise it looks good😂
I wear jewelry, not tooooo much though. A good amount.
I have an average amount of b00b. My bum is quite there. Time at the gym has rlly been fruitful😗
During chill days, I would say my style is more laid back, but put together. I usually wear a small purse w whatever I have. Very feminine looking especially during the summer and spring. I like wearing long or short skirts. The long ones I like tight so I can show my curves. Summer and spring varies between clothes like that. Winter time I would say smth more comfy. Usually converse w those tna flare pants. And a nice cute top. Usually smth loose. Maybe a knitted top.
On weekends I go all out. When I go to the club I wear heels and smth tight😭 usually curl my hair or straighten it. Nice winged eyeliner etc
If we’re drinking and we don’t go to the club I’ll wear smth nice but with shoes.
If me n my friends r going to those expensive restaurants, I’ll wear smth classy looking. Have my hair in a blow out if I can accomplish that. It’s very hard, so usually I’ll just curl it. I feel like curling hair softens ur features and makes u look more approachable.
Anyways that was very long. I didn’t mean to make it long, but I got carried away😭I hope u can respond 😋<3 (plz don’t give me draken, kaku or mikey. But, if u do it is what it is🫡OR HANMA N KISASKI)
Hi. As I’ve said before, I take all characters into consideration when I do a matchup. Lucky for you, you didn’t get any of those characters you didn’t want. I did give you a more controversial character though. So, I hope you like it.
You Got…
Taiju Shiba!!
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First off, he has tattoos. And you cannot tell me you get abs like that from not working out!
SPOILER ALERT 🚨: He ends up owning a restaurant so he would only take you to the finest!
I think you would be able to calm him down if he gets really angry since you understand being angry.
I picture rooftop club dates.
I will argue anyone who disagrees with me on this. I think he is secretly a softy. He just had to grow up too fast. He cared enough to leave them because he knew he was always going to be a monster.
Lastly, he’s been through a lot.
This man is literally your ideal type!
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tripcabinet · 7 months
Unveiling the Exquisite Charm of Trifecta Singapore
Forget the Maldives and the Matterhorn — Singapore has a new contender for the ultimate adventure seeker’s destination. Trifecta Singapore This state-of-the-art sports complex isn’t only a conventional place to work out, it includes everything that will keep you on top of your health with different exercise programs. Being a one-stop destination for the adventurous type, athletes and snowboarders can experience the whole throne of winter sports and the shortboard culture, all in one location, right in the middle of the hectic Orchard Road.
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Shred Like a Pro (Even if You’re Not)
Trifecta is, undoubtedly, the greatest feat of the omniverse, which is mainly the snow arena. Don’t be deceived by the alias of snowflakes, this terrain was optimized by Tifecta’s latest technology solutions. Skiing or snowboarding here is just like it would be anywhere else. Here will be the place where you can go over the virtual slopes where you feel the excitement of carving as if through new snow (almost). No experience?No worries! Qualified instructors will show you the ropes to give you a safe and thrilling time, regardless of whether you’re like a champion from the Olympic Games or someone who has just on their first try, making walking first steps.
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Ride the Perfect Wave (Without Leaving the City)
Longing the smell of the salty ocean, but on a day, when beaches are too crowded? Trifecta’s got you covered. The facility is designed to mimic real ocean waves using a high-tech Citywave surf machine. One can develop their expertise in surfing by choosing a specific skill level. Imagine the excitement you get when catching your first wave or performing your perfect cutback while in the comfort of a well-controlled cabin. It is the best way when discover how to surf or to be the perfect technique you must know before that.
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Grind, Ollie, and Carve on a One-of-a-Kind Bowl
Next, for skateboarding lovers, Trixata Universal Amusement Park will not leave anyone disappointed. This skatepark composite sport bow is a special style that is designed to work both with regular skateboards and with surf skates. This radical innovation allows a gentle transition between digging deep snow and simulating water movements on Earth while helping to keep everything within limits. Whether you are a long-year professional skater or somebody curious to know the tricks, our bowl will be available for you to perfect your moving tricks or to learn the slip-like basic know-how.
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More Than Just Sports:
Trifecta knows that neither not everyone enjoys the excitement. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean they cannot get pleasure from the exciting ambiance. The complex is planned to be a center of the community, the vivid audience areas and big windows facing the snowy oval should allow the community to be a part of the spectacle. Far from being just the place to use rock wall, the space has been doing pretty decent events, of which the art markets and live music sessions are the notorious ones, and as a result, people can stop by to find out how the place lives, soak up the energy, and even enjoy some post-shred relaxation.
Planning Your Trifecta Adventure with Trip Cabinet
With flexible opening hours from 8:Our cafeteria at Trifecta works the hours between 12:00 AM to 11:00 PM daily, which enables you to conveniently access it according to your schedule. Classe starts at an affordable S$40 and that is to the noble cause of making art available for everybody. Effortless browsing to their pricing plans, booking your session on the go, and getting ready for the upcoming day would be unique in Singapore.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: Is Trifecta suitable for beginners?
Absolutely! Trifecta caters to all skill levels. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced adventurer, certified instructors are on hand to guide you through each activity, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.
Q2: Do I need to bring my own equipment for snowboarding or surfing?
Trifecta provides all the necessary equipment for your snowboarding and surfing adventures. Just come dressed comfortably, and they’ll take care of the rest.
Thus give up the well-beaten path in the parks of a city and have a thrilling exploration experience. Displaying through action, creativity and community is the main uniqueness that Trifecta Singapore has to offer for all. How about we take on the urban wild of the concrete jungle, catch your first wave, and dominate on the ramps of the bowl? Triple Trifle is the reward, and the private Trip Cabinet Singapore tour package from Bangalore ensures that besides being action-packed for an exceptional getaway, the trip’s details are fully mapped out, leaving you, without a doubt, with joyful memories.
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