#they need another livestream asap
dogwittaablog · 2 months
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Nolan’s comment on one of Dale Weise recent Instagram post about him doing the 75 hard.
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justabirdy · 7 days
From the Feeder 5/24 to 5/30
​This week is a lighter week for the photos, I only took umm... 357. That sounds like a lot, but it means there were only about 26 photos worth processing and sharing in this post. But hey! That's less editing time for me at least!
We did get some new visitors this week. Notably I finally got a semi-decent photo of our House wren, and our newest first time visitor, a European starling!
European starling
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Frustratingly, the starling had no interest in giving me a good full frame shot, but maybe it will come back someday to give me another chance. 
House wren
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And of course we had some of our regulars! I'll add those to the bottom of this post. 
Stream Updates
Livestream Link
Stream updates mostly involved quality of life details. Here's a rough breakdown of the improvements: 
changed the visual overlay of the chat controls to be less intrusive in the screen all together. 
Made the switch to 1080p with low latency time between chat commands and visual response. We averaging about a 3-5 second delay now which is awesome! I will miss the crispness of 4k though. Still I think y'all made the right choice in decreasing delay. 
Began investigating new angles for the camera. Considering angle like a base-of-feeder view and a zoomed in view of the tree behind the right feeders. 
Considered a way for main suet feeder to be moved closer to the camera, may toy with this is, I can get enough money for the hanger. 
Changes will probably be smaller and slower for a little while as I still try to figure our life. There is a chance I will need to move, possibly across country. If this happens, I'll keep this stream going as long as I can and I promise to try to set it up at the new location ASAP.
- Birdy
American Crow
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American Goldfinch
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Blue Jay
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Brown-headed cowbird
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Common Grackle
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Indigo Bunting
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Mourning Dove
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Northern Cardinal
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Pileated Woodpecker
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Red-bellied Woodpecker
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Rose-breasted grosbeak
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Ruby-throated hummingbird
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Red-winged Blackbird
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Non-birdy visitors
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lgcmanager · 5 months
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 2 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
early morning, on JANUAR 18, the members of NOVA are met by their manager, GEUM SHINHYE, straight in their living room. as always, the caring manager comes in with the girls' morning drinks order. in addition to this, today is also a tray of pastries for the group to enjoy. "good morning girls! did you have a nice break?" she begins, spending the next several minutes asking each girl what they did and chatting casually with them. once the conversation dies down, he finally returns to the day's matters "alright, as always, let's begin with the basics first.” she calls out each of the girl’s name and hands them a folder containing all of the necessary information that they needed to know.
"we are aware that you've spent the last 6 months working nonstop and a week break cannot be enough for you to recharge. so i'm here to deliver the good news that until FEBRUARY 25, you'll be on a REST schedule. this means that, your work commitment will be kept pretty low, and outside of those we only expect you to clock in TWENTY HOURS at the agency. TEN of these will be spent training on your own or with the assistance of coaches and the TEN others will be spent practicing together to keep your performances polished.
training aside, on JANUARY 22 you'll have a photoshoot and cf shoot for LEVI'S spring and summer campains. congratulations on the contract extension!"
"on FEBRUARY 15, our ROMIROLL (kim nayoung and watanabe miyu) will have a joint on hour LIVESTREAM to celebrate their birthdays. since the other girls will NOT appear during the live, they will be in charge of decorating the unnies' cake. i count on you four to make it extra pretty!"
"last month, we begun filming your newest youtube series, however, we didn't have time to do a proper introducting for it. this shall be done on JANUARY 29. to the viewers, you will film what will the first episode of this series. for the occasion, you'll be dressed in HANBOK to welcome the LUNAR NEW YEAR and share warm wishes to the viewers. the show will begin airing on FEBRUARY 9.
as i've explained previously, the goal of the show is for you to take on various challenges and spread happiness. so, during the next several weeks you will each film TWO episodes INDIVIDUALLY. the FIRST will be to demonstrate a HOBBY or SKILL THAT YOU EXCEL AT. there are almost no limits to what skill you may demonstrate; we only ask you for it to not be performance related (i.e; dancing, singing, lyric writing...). the second episode will have you challenge a NEW HOBBY or SKILL that you have never tried before. once again, sky is the limit here, though once again, nothing performance related. it would also be ideal if you could show results within the episode of what you've learned within an episode (ooc note: about 4 hours of practicing the skill)."
"the new season of NOVASCOPE has begun since DECEMBER 4. the fans have expressed their happiness at surviving this 'content drough'" shinhye notes with amusement.
EPISODE 1 (DECEMBER 4): "floral sense" recording behind the scenes [MITZI]
EPISODE 2 (DECEMBER 11): second mini-album recording
EPISODE 3 (DECEMBER 18): first week of promotions behind the scenes
EPISODE 4 (DECEMBER 25): second mini-album dance rehearsals
EPISODE 5 (JANUARY 1): year end activities behind the scenes part 1
EPISODE 6 (JANUARY 8): year end activities behind the scenes part 2
EPISODE 7 (JANUARY 15): 'ASAP' filming of the 6 versions behind the scenes
EPISODE 9 (JANUARY 29): 'GENERATION' and 'MY TIME (DRAW)' filming behind the scenes
EPISODE 10 (FEBRUARY 5): 'DITTO' filming behind the scenes
EPISODE 11 (FEBRUARY 12): HOLLY'S COFFEE behind the scenes [MINSEO]
EPISODE 12 (FEBRUARY 19): HEALING BIRD behind the scenes [SKYE]
as always, SHINHYE will be filming content for the show throughout during the schedules, including following NAYOUNG and MILAN during their solo schedules. 
SUPER✰NOVA: write a 300+ word solo about your muse EITHER demonstrating their MASTERED HOBBY or trying a NEW HOBBY for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:novamission  for everything pertaining to this mission. you have until MARCH 30 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ NOVA MISSION 004 - SUPER✰NOVA: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] - MASTERED/NEW HOBBY: please specify the hobby/skill that you have NOT written about (i.e, if your solo is about the mastered hobby, specify which new hobby they have tried. this is for the episodes listing).
the writing challenge has made an appearance once again! here's a reminder of the rules: any thread replies ( with a minimum of 8 lines ) written between TODAY until MARCH 30, 2024 11:59PM EDT will be counted. text threads will not count for this challenge unless the post includes a paragraph of at least 8 lines. as for starters, you can only write a maximum of TWO for this to count. 
in addition to that, instead of the posts counting for points like we typically do, this will help with your group’s comeback ( when it happens ) and music chart rankings! if you are interested in doing this, please tag all of the posts as lgc:wc003 and you have until MARCH 30, 2024 11:59PM EDT to participate and submit your posts for this event. when you’re done, please submit the form below to the lgcpoints blog:
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ WRITING CHALLENGE 003 - POSTS COMPLETED: [ # of posts; do include how many starters were written in case you wrote one ] - POSTS: [ link all of the posts ]
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daisycatgraph · 11 months
hosted a seventeen tour follow to seoul livestream this morning and honestly that set list made the $55 spent so worth it. and it was nice to give that to other fans :D but omfg I need to see svt live asap… like I’m debating on whether I should buy another stream ticket for night 2
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mcheang · 3 years
Lila gets exposed because she doesn't know what the Kwamis.
Once Pollen knew Chloé could not longer be Queen Bee, she asked that she give her a kwagatama, to remind Chloe that she can still be a hero even without powers.
Chloé treasures this charm very much and even hires Marinette to make it into a haircomb.
Seeing Chloé cherish this momento, Lila decides to brag that Ladybug has given her tons of such charms. It helps that she knows Ladybug personally.
Chloé retorts that Ladybug didn’t give her this, Pollen did.
Lila: you made this charm out of bee pollen...? I know you like bees now, but isn’t that a bit much?
Chloé: oh my kwami, don’t you know who Pollen is?
Did Ladybugs eat pollen? Lila didn’t know. So she changed topics, “kwami? I’ve never heard of that word before. Is it a French term?”
Alya and Nino exchanged looks. They knew what kwamis were. But if Lila didn’t...and to claim she received kwagatamas when you needed to actually wield a miraculous for the kwamis to collect your hair....
Alya: Lila, you’re not actually best friends with Ladybug, are you?
Lila: what? Of course I am.
Alya: sorry to say this, but while Ladybug is a genius with lucky charms, she isn’t much of a designer, at least not up to Marinette’s level.
Marinette did not know how to feel about that statement.
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Alya: take it from a girl who was given cardboard boxes as a costume, Ladybug cannot design.
Lila: she can’t design costumes, but she can make good jewellery.
Chloé: I repeat myself to your dense head, Ladybug did not give me this. And there’s no way you’re Ladybug’s best friend if you don’t know what a kwami is. All heroes do.
Alya: it’s true. I’ve heard them.
Lila: well, she only says kwami when she’s in hero mode. So no one can identify her. That’s why I’ve never heard about kwamis. I’ve only hung out with Ladybug in her civilian form.
Chloé: please, if you really knew Ladybug, you would know about kwamis, whether she was in costume or otherwise.
The class was swinging back and forth.
Alya: I’m afraid I’m with Chloé on this one.
Nino: me too.
Monkey see, monkey do.
Kim: I’m with Chloé.
Lila: how could you believe her instead of me?
Nino: Chloé may be a bully but she doesn’t lie. She likes to hurt us with blunt speech.
Alya: besides, while both of you like to brag, Chloé has actual proof. But you...come to think of it, do you have any proof you are friends with celebrities?
Lila: I told you I was in Achu!
Rose: there were no pictures of him with you though.
Lila: I have them!
Class: show them to us then.
Lila: I don’t have it with me now. I’ll bring them to you tomorrow.
Marinette: you mean photoshop them and print it out?
Alya: good point. If you’re really friends with any celebrity, videocall them.
Lila: but the time difference!
Marinette: Jagged is in Paris now.
Lila: I don’t have his number. I was only given a song as thanks.
Chloé: ah yes, the song no one has heard of but you.
Lila: well it would look bad if he wrote songs for a minor.
Sabrina: then why tell us he did that for you?
Lila: I...I...
Adrien muttered, “Caught in your own web of lies.”
Lila heard that and ran crying from the room.
Marinette sighed. “Great. Now I have to comfort her before an akuma comes. Alya, come with me?”
Alya: sure.
But while Marinette went ahead, Alya decided to livestream from the shadows.
Marinette found Lila soon enough.
Marinette: Lila?
Lila: go away! I bet you’re happy they found out about me, didn’t they.
Marinette: you did this to yourself.
Lila: oh shut up! How was I supposed to know about kwames?
Marinette: kwami
Lila: whatever! After all the holes in my lies, that’s what unravelled my stories? A thing no one has ever seen? Well, no one except that pesky bug and her menagerie.
Marinette: Lila, come back to class. If you apologize and stop lying, the class will forgive you. Ok, Chloé will definitely bring it up to make things hard for you, but she does that to everyone.
Lila: forget it, i am out of this hole.
Marinette: how? No one will believe you are on charity trips anymore.
Lila: you’re such an idiot. How do you think I got my mother to let me stay at home. I’ve fooled her into thinking Dupont was under an akuma plague. A few tears this time around, and she’ll send me to some boarding school outside Paris.
Marinette: and the whole cycle will start again. You lie and get exposed.
Lila: oh please. They deserve to be manipulated if they are that gullible.
Marinette: aren’t you afraid that celebrities will sue you?
Lila: please, celebrities are used to gossip. Even that dummy Ladybug didn’t bother to clear things up with Alya.
Marinette paused guiltily. That was true.
Lila: now shut up and leave me alone!
Marinette: i can’t risk you luring an akuma.
Lila: so what if it did? Who cares? I am not going to suppress my emotions!
While Alya was broadcasting this, upset herself for not checking her facts with Ladybug (what a fool she must seem to her hero), a Ladybug fanatic was very upset and it was she Hawkmoth akumatized into Pest Control.
She was going to kill Lila, and spray the heroes with some sleepy gas.
Ladybug and Chat defeated her but also wanted to confront Lila, but she had already run away.
Alya apologizes for assuming Lila was Ladybug’s best friend. Ladybug also apologizes for not correcting her. Chat suggests it would have been better for Lila to expose herself than have Ladybug do it.
Alya: within a time limit, yeah. But the truth should be set free asap.
Lila is now an outcast in Paris. And yes, news has reached the embassy until it reached Mrs Rossi herself.
Lila is sent to a correctional facility in Paris, specially adjusted with akuma-walls so the butterflies can’t corrupt their troubled inhabitants.
Lila is now infamous and trapped.
Marinette throws Chloé another party over this.
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sepublic · 3 years
TOH deserves better
           Y’know what?
           Now that I’ve… Had time to really focus and think and process about the news for The Owl House and its shortened Season 3, now that I’ve really dealt with other things in my life, I’m…
           I’m angry. I’m genuinely MAD…
           The Owl House has always been a comfort show for me! It’s a show I’ve loved, its characters and worldbuilding and mystery is fascinating to me and it’s inspired me! When Season 1 ended... I was excited. I was prepared. I braced myself for the story that Dana Terrace and the writers intended to tell us. I knew we had at LEAST two more full seasons to go, based on Dana’s comment about a third season.
           Season 2 would’ve been a safe season in a sense. A season where we’re in the middle of the action, where we can get onto things that have been planned and set up; But at the same time, it’s not the final season! It’s not the end. There would’ve been an entire, full season, twenty or something episodes after that. I could’ve sat back and enjoyed Season 2 in all its entirety, as another phase of the story set in the middle, and when it was all said and done, I could speculate and hope and wish and think about this final third season; Assuming we wouldn’t even get a fourth!
           But no… NO, Season 3 is literally just. THREE episodes, each twice the normal length, so like six episodes; But still, it’s obvious with how it’s formatted into a trio that Season 3 will be less a season, and more the final battle and climax of the show, the culmination of everything else! Which means for all intents and purposes… Season 2 IS the final season of the show. That everything we want to see, we hope to see; It can only happen in Season 2, because Season 3 is the final battle in a sense.
           Warning: A LOT of text and upset ramblings below!!!
           And that deeply angers me. I’ve done the calculations and there are fourteen episodes we’re missing out on, due to Season 3 being cut down. Fourteen episodes to do any wide variety of things; To focus on side characters, to flesh out lore and plot. To extend and focus on character arcs, to introduce and establish things; Fourteen episodes to introduce, develop, and finish various arcs and smaller plots! There’s SO much to do in fourteen episodes, especially in regards to relationships, and even representation as we talk about Luz and Amity and everyone else!
           And out of NOWHERE, out of the blue- We don’t get that! Dana Terrace herself admitted on Twitter that she left in December to focus on the news. I’m not entirely sure on how production works, but I imagine she and the crew were working on Season 2A when they got this news… Which means they’re going to have to COMPLETELY rehaul and rehash their plans for Season 2B as a result. They’re going to have to hastily pull together and rush the arcs they had planned out, so it can lead up to Season 3.
           They expected fourteen episodes of development; And now they have to resolve that within the remaining ten or so episodes of Season 2, which is already jam-packed with the original plans. At this point, any criticisms for the show’s writing or pacing that might come later down the line… I can’t take it seriously in good faith. Not when I know how Disney just screwed over Dana and the crew so suddenly, so abruptly, so HUGELY. Season 2 was supposed to be the mid-point, and you KNOW there are a bunch of arcs and little plot points that will never see the light of day, or be rushed, to accommodate the change!
           And it really angers me. Season 3 would’ve been made after a lot of fandom response- So all you fans of the Detention Kids, who would’ve liked to see more of them? Season 3 would’ve been the time for Dana and the crew to throw the fandom a bone… EXCEPT, because it’s only three/six episodes, there’s no way the Detention Kids will get focus now. Not when there’s the actual climax of the show left. There’s no room to have fun, to focus on side characters or expand even more on pre-established ones. Fourteen episodes’ worth of kind, small little moments that stand out- Gone, down the drain, never to see the light of day to begin with!
           I just… Feel so BAD for Dana and the crew; Dana fought so hard for this story! Her roommate said that nobody wanted to see a story about an old witch and her young apprentice, and you know what, Dana FOUGHT for that story and got it for us! She had to deal with censors for Lumity, but she fought for that! Dana and the crew were EXCITED to tell us, they no doubt had so much planned and in store, you can tell from the tone of the Reddit AMA and the Charity Livestream, all of which were done months before Disney told Dana and the crew about Season 3 being downsized.
           And like… Dana herself said that she’s still down to do future Owl House content. If Disney asks her to –with pushback from fans- then yeah, she could do more! We might get an epilogue or sequel series… But that doesn’t change how the pacing of the show will be disrupted. How a lot of arcs will have to be prematurely rushed through and finished, instead of having the loving time taken to develop and appreciate them.
          Characters will be rushed through, we had FOURTEEN episodes taken from us! Characters like Belos or Kikimora, or Odalia and Alador, the antagonists- They’re not guaranteed to survive or make it past the end of Season 3, so even if we got more content post-S3, it wouldn’t really be able to remedy for their drastically-shortened screen time, unless through flashbacks or resurrection or whatever. Characters, arcs, development, all are being shafted here.
           And this ANGERS me! Like I said, The Owl House is my comfort show. I finished Season 1 with the full understanding that we weren’t even halfway through yet; We still had SO much more to do, so much more to see, amidst all of the wonders that Season 1 had provided! But now I feel cheated. I feel cheated, because sike! Actually you WERE halfway through, and that changes everything about the tone, the pacing, the setting of the show. Suddenly I’m already looking forward to and anticipating the end, because the end is DIRECTLY after Season 2; And I can’t enjoy it as much, because now I have that anxiety and dread as Season 2 ends that… THIS is the final, full, regular season.
           It was just supposed to be another season for me to enjoy, to further flesh out the show- And out of nowhere, I have to approach this with a sudden sense of finality, I’m forced to really appreciate it even further, because this is it! This is all we have left, when until then, I thought we had so much more! And it’s angering. It’s abrupt. Season 2 was in many ways supposed to be carefree and hands-off…
           But now, I have to approach it in an existential sense. With the full understanding that the show is essentially ENDING by this point, with each new episode, we’re on a timer now. We’ve lost the luxury of Season 1, that Season 2 would’ve had, if it was the midpoint in the series. And now I can’t enjoy things as much because just as quickly as I got these new arcs and characters and developments, I have to watch them be quickly wrapped up. 
          I barely even got them, I was looking forward to more of it, there should’ve been more, and then bam! It’s already done, just kidding! Like it was handed to me, and then abruptly torn out of my hands barely a few seconds later, after I’d anticipated an entire day alone with it.
           I hate this. I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m disappointed. I had so much wonder and joy that this was only the beginning, but now it’s actually the ending! I had so much to look forward to, so much promised- And this show was doing well! It was SUCCESSFUL, Lumity brought a HUGE influx of popularity, and you know what? The show deserves that! 
          Not just for being good in general, but also- This is SUCH a huge step forward in representation, especially given how this is DISNEY of all channels… With Luz being a bisexual, ADHD, character of color! Amity fully being a lesbian ON-SCREEN, no censors, nothing held back, her crush treated and fully indulged the way a straight person’s would’ve been!
           The Owl House deserves so much for just that alone. So much attention, and it got attention, it was arguably at a peak because now so much fans are tuning in… And Disney, those paradoxical cowards, they decide to end it early!? I’m angry. I’m frustrated, I’m sad, I was told to expect more, to just enjoy myself in the moment, but now I have to readjust my sense and perception of everything in anticipation of a sudden end.
          And I’m sure that’s what Dana and the crew have to do as well, they were so excited, no doubt planting things in Season 2A to be resolved later in Season 3… But nope, now they have to rush it through and finish it in Season 2B, along with everything else they had planned! And they might have to cut out stuff from Season 2B, to make room for the ending of those pre-established arcs!
           It’s frustrating and clumsy and sudden, and it just… ANGERS ME! It makes me genuinely mad and frustrated, like I want to punch a wall… And I hate it! And a part of me hopes and wishes that if the fans really DO give enough of a backlash and demand, maybe Disney will change its mind. 
          If we say enough, ASAP, then maybe Disney will delay Season 2B so that Season 3 can be extended back to its proper length, allowing Dana and the crew to redo Season 2B as they originally intended. I’d be fine with waiting additional time, as much as the crew needs, to redo Season 2B with the understanding that they have that full third season back!
           I’d GLADLY, happily, let the crew take their time to redo Season 2B to its original glory and plans, to better set up a full Season 3! I’d let them take their time, I wouldn’t complain at all, I’d still watch! So Disney, go ahead, change your plans abruptly AGAIN, it’s not like you have no qualms screwing over this show or other content creators with this kind of back-and-forth, look at Matt Braly having to contend with True Colors being delayed and almost censored, only for the whole thing to be useless because the original episode was leaked anyway! He had to rush out the Season 3 intro, I’m betting this RIGHT now!
           But even if it was delayed, even if it was released early… It doesn’t change the actual show itself. It doesn’t change the actual story, just how it was presented- But the story itself, it remains intact. The Owl House doesn’t even get that. Brevity can be the soul of wit, but if you’re suddenly told out of nowhere to chop it down, it’s not gonna be the soul of anything. 
          It’s just… SO UNFAIR, and it makes me genuinely pissed off. Like, I could handle True Colors being delayed by the end of the day, because the show is otherwise the exact same- But TOH being so drastically reduced, abruptly shortened, I think that’s honestly objectively worse… So I braced myself for and adapted to one bad thing, and then got another thing even MORE terrible! Much more terrible, in fact- Amazing.
           I’m just… Tired and frustrated. Like it feels like I had this happy thing in my life and it was taken away from me, I can’t even have that, I can’t have the hope and anticipation for more, that’s it! It’s already done and gone! I knew I’d have to prepare for that eventually, but in a manner that felt fleshed-out and well-rounded, like I’d really had my time to enjoy and appreciate… But just kidding! It’s like a punch in the face, and it makes me honestly depressed and sad, and I kind of don’t know what to do besides… Ask for more, and hope?
          A part of me feels like the investment, the enjoyment, was lowkey all for nothing, meaningless and worthless, now that so much was cut down- And obviously it IS worth it, it always is! But in the moment of despair, I’m asking… Is that it? It was all for nothing, then… All that effort. All of that speculation and enjoyment and anticipation. 
          All you had look forward to, all of that emotion you put in- So much of it is going to be left unresolved because how the show was so enormously cut down. And now it makes me hesitant to invest in other shows, I’m afraid, in case they get cut down like this, in case my attention is punished and deprived for engaging with the material like that to begin with.
           As a viewer and someone who loves and enjoys media, I feel like there’s a trust that’s being breached, I can’t really rely or depend on things I enjoy to last or stay there, so why bother getting invested? Why put in the effort for fandom and content if it’s going to be gone like THAT, if all plans are thrown out the window, and all attention and feedback is meaningless! 
          What’s the point of showing that you love this, of expressing yourself, if you’re going to get even LESS than what you’d cautiously hoped for? Why hope at all? There’s this bitterness left inside of me, that you shouldn’t have bothered enjoying or getting invested, or pouring yourself into this, because in the end you weren’t going to get anything close to that.
           Which, fan content is ALWAYS valid! But it’s usually done to expand on stuff that’s already there… But if there was nothing there because it got pulled last second, then why bother? Why enjoy if it’s so brief? Why invest if the conclusion is so sudden and out of nowhere? Why care at all? And I know that shouldn’t change how I feel… 
          But with Infinity Train and Amphibia, I guess I really can’t count on anything, not even the mutual solidarity of numbers, to change a thing. So why hope for and ask for more and better? Why even enjoy what I have, knowing it’ll be cut off by itself in the future because the planned arcs were forcibly dropped? I can’t enjoy an episode as part of a larger story now, just a shorter one, and now there’s this pressure.
           Pressure, that’s it- A pressure on the show. A pressure on the writers and audience. To suddenly cram in and make the most of this time. Pressure on every Season 2 episode to go above and beyond to make up for the almost complete and utter lack of Season 3; Season 2 will practically have to carry the weight of TWO seasons on its back, two condensed into one! And it just… There’s so much pressure. No time to breathe or enjoy myself or relax, because now it’s all suddenly ending and fleeting in front of my eyes when I hadn’t done that, and now I go back and yell “Come back!” 
          I wish I’d enjoyed it more knowing it was already ending, but it’s too late. I wish I could’ve done something, but what could I have done? And I really did try to appreciate and cherish this to my ability, but I did so expecting more, as I should’ve- And now it feels I didn’t do enough. I feel cheated. Like the rug was pulled under me, that my effort was rendered naught and never enough no matter how hard I tried, the game is rigged.
           I’m frantic. I’m paranoid. I’m already having to say goodbye and brace myself for the end, when I expected at least another full year to unapologetically not have to worry about that, to just be in my zone and be myself and ENJOY… To not have to worry existentially like that. I can’t have that peace, I can’t have that longing, lasting fun. 
          I knew it’d come to an end, but now I can’t have the time to properly enjoy and relax and appreciate it, to truly live it out meaningfully and deliberately… I’m going to have to laser-focus now and put aside other things, because this thing is NOW and won’t last, unlike the rest; And in a way, that kind of rush and pressure, it just ends up paradoxically making the whole thing LESS fun, even!
          So in my attempts to appreciate and enjoy it more, I enjoy it less. It’s like a punch in the face in direct retaliation for getting invested and attached, for actually being connected to the story. I’m being punished for enjoying, for letting myself feel, so why ever bother with that, ever again? Why should I get attached? I’m just punished for that, so I won’t bother. I won’t put myself out there so even if it DOES see itself through, I won’t have been there for it from justified paranoia, and then I’ll miss out when it IS there. Like I can’t win, no matter what- So why participate?
          It doesn’t matter, it’s all useless. “It makes me happy”, well, maybe that’s no longer even a reason to do and make and enjoy things anymore, huh! And now I’m just… Bitterly putting it aside. Feeling like I should’ve known better, that at least I’m being more ‘mature’. I feel like Luz in the first episode, throwing her book away, her prized hyperfixation that invigorated and brought so much meaning to her… I feel like Luz, just almost apathetically, in resignation, throwing it into the trash while someone smiles and tells me it’s okay and good and I SHOULD have done that, actually!
           It’s making me tired and exhausted. I didn’t want to have to suddenly feel and deliberate over all of this, all at once, right now- But I feel I’d regret it even more if I DIDN’T do that, and then it ended, and the time and moment, the opportunity, it passed! It’s a frantic dread and paranoia that means I can’t appreciate and enjoy properly, because every little thing I so desperately claw at and prize and treasure, but also I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up, and…
          It lowkey makes me want to curl up and cry? And sob, because now that insecurity, that voice in the back of my head, it was RIGHT, I really should’ve listened to it to begin with, and not ever bothered! Don’t risk the trust in connecting with someone else’s story that’s still in process, only ever engage with stuff fully finished. 
          I can never enjoy that anticipation and hope now, of being along the ride for the journey, of just getting to look out the window and wonder; Not knowing the ending, but looking forward to it! And I can’t do that anymore, not when I’m afraid of the trip suddenly grinding to a screeching halt out of nowhere!
           But yeah, I’m just… I…
           …I’m sad. I’m angry, and now I’m sad. Depressed, outright, directly because of this, when otherwise I wouldn’t have been- And that’s painful and frustrating and makes me feel like I’m being tossed around a whirlwind, with no hope. No say or agency, just a constant bad hand I have to brace myself for. So all I can do is curl up and lie down and hope for the worst to be over, and never dare to be so ungrateful or greedy to ask or hope for more, for good things, just for the bad things to lessen or stop.
          In the end, it didn’t even matter, so I should just throw it all away, never try again; And everything I did beforehand, up until then, I’ll look back at it all, those fond and innocent memories, and I’ll look back with an eternal bitterness that will forever corrupt and scar those recollections. So even the past, which allegedly can never change, is ruined for me! The past never gets better, it only gets worse, so WHY… Why believe and hope, and love and live???
          I’m just a stupid fool for being so invested in this cartoon, in fiction, why don’t I just GROW UP and focus on REAL things that matter, huh?!? I really do feel like Luz genuinely thinking and resigning herself to the Reality Check camp, having that childlike passion and joy just whittled down and strangled, feeling it die out; Knowing it will, so just getting it over with and killing it now, before I have to mourn later.
          I shouldn’t ever put forth the trust in engaging with others’ stories, just my own because I at least have control there, I should just be alone and by myself with only my stories, and never get to connect with or experience companionship with others’ stories, ever again. Just build up my walls and hide and be alone and isolated as I’ve always been- It seems even with fiction or media, I’m STILL by myself! There’s an intimacy in reading and emotionally engaging with others’ stories, where other writers put a piece of themselves into that… Hoping others will read and respond and reciprocate, and feel the same!
           Well, maybe I shouldn’t put myself out there, either, in fears of being punished and cut off and whittled down like that! Why express myself, why be, why live? Why be invested into the soul of others, manifested in their own content, if it’ll never come to fruition, if my own soul will only hurt for connecting?! This is worse than a fave or a comfort character dying, because at least the integrity of the story itself remains and is worth it.
          There’s always the chance of a return or a revival or a flashback to appreciate, but THIS… This is real life. And it’s THE ending in the most abrupt and literal and tangible sense, of the media itself; An ending more powerful and harsh than any resolution to an arc. Because now NOTHING will ever be expected to come out from this, ever again- No new content, nothing else to enjoy. Media is like a fantasy, an escapism from real life, but even when I fully expected and accepted and saw the boundary and end between fantasy and reality… I still get punished with reality regardless! I can’t escape that real life because it WILL go out of its way to directly cut in and interfere, and ruin, what I love.
           So why escape? Why invested? Why love? Why should I ever feel comfort??? It’s all stupid. I’m stupid. Life is finite and it’s merely what’s directly in front of you, don’t dare to dream or imagine, or think or hope, just focus on what’s in front and get by and try to live… Or at least ‘survive’. Or ‘not die’, I guess.
          And now I resent real life even more for ruining this for me, when beforehand I could still like and appreciate it, even if I still needed some time away every now and then. So paradoxically, trying to get me to focus on real life, has made me detest it moreso! It’s that whole thing of don’t bother trying because you’ll just get punished for it, just passively wait and receive, don’t LIVE. Don’t stake initiative or agency.
          At least if a character dies, the universe and immersion is still intact, if not moreso because then you feel and become even MORE connected and get that emotional catharsis, everything up until then and after takes on a whole new meaning and appreciation; But if it ends in real life, the immersion is gone. The fantasy is permanently shattered, and now it’s all worthless in hindsight because you’re reminded that it was never real to begin with.
          And what little you DID get, is now ruined; And you’re not going to get anything else new, either! You can’t even KEEP things anymore… You’re just a bitter fool who’s going to get old and wither, look back, and become even MORE bitter and miserable. All of the emotion you felt, it’s been rendered worthless and meaningless, that connection once made… And I hate to see things ruined like that, so maybe don’t have things to begin with!
          I’m bitterly, enviously jealous of others who still manage to enjoy, because why are you still invested?! Why still keep trying, don’t you realize how pointless it is!? And now I’m just ruining that for them, I’m ruining THEM, in my own mind and heart and place in life. How can you still keep going!? So even that stuff they make, that fandom content that exists on its own more or less in a sense, even THAT is marred and ruined for me… And I feel like I’m internally ruining that for others, that makes me feel guilty as I loathe myself for being so awful, so why believe that I can be better? Why try to be better then?!
           I’m envious, because you guys still manage to cope and handle this in a realistic way, in a safe and mature manner. And anything others make, it’s just a cruel, cold reminder, a mockery even, of what I’ve lost, of my dashed and ruined hopes. And then I can’t bear to look at or even enjoy THAT, especially stuff made post-announcement, because you guys managed to keep making it anyway. And me, I didn’t, so what does that say about miserable old me? But then don’t make this about MYSELF…
          Seriously though, if you’re going to still enjoy and create, please do so! Don’t let this bitter fool stop you. Don’t let me hurt you. Just keep going out there and be yourself, me, I’ll… I’ll figure something out I guess? But yeah, that’s MY problem, not yours, those of you who keep creating anyway, you’re everything I admire and more! You’re all heroes in a sense, and I encourage and fully support you- If my ramblings make you hesitate or discourage you, then just throw them aside and disregard that! I’d never want to intrude or interrupt someone’s own expression, not when I mourn my own, that’s for sure!
           And y’know what? Other people who keep creating… You remind me that there IS hope. That there maybe is a point in going on and being invested, especially indie creators, because y’all have control and agency and take over what you make, and don’t have to depend or rely on, or fear, some gross corporation butting in and pulling the strings, threatening to revoke and take it all away! Thank you, I’m grateful, truly I am, I’m eternally indebted in a way I can never fully repay. Maybe I can try to make up for this by continuing to make my own things… So now this depressed, cynical rant, suddenly it takes a more hopeful turn as I write it, because of others!
           And now I’m thinking to myself… It IS worth it to connect. For those little moments of inspiration and joy and hope that others can instill. Thanks, you guys. Out of nowhere, you suddenly made it better for me, and kind of helped me overcome this depressive slump; And here I was, just thinking and resigning myself to the end! I guess it never really IS the end… And what I said about feeling like Luz, throwing away her beloved book and joy of her life? Well, she DID go back to grab that book, and in doing so, found love, found family, and happiness she couldn’t have anticipated beyond her wildest dreams!
           …Even so, wishful thinking aside, this has all been a whirlwind to me;
           I’m tired.
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princesskokichi · 4 years
Kiibo, Makoto, Hajime, and Shuichi who think they can hide their crush but their ahoge betrays them.
AAAAAAAAAA this is so cute!!! Hope you enjoy!! I’m sorry it took so long. - mod maki
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KIIBO: Well... this was different.
Perhaps the professor made a mistake in his code, a glitch or a small error.
Either way, he had NO idea why he felt the way he did when you were around.
At first, he was lost. He felt like he couldn’t move in his own body when he was with you, but as time went on, he gained control back and felt like he could mask these feelings around you.
Or so he thought.
Because there was one thing that everyone could see that he couldn’t. The small piece of metal atop his head. The cursed piece that would curl up into a heart when he saw you.
And you thought it was the cutest thing.
You knew you liked Kiibo for about a week now, but you knew he liked you for a much longer amount of time. You simply thought it was just a little crush he would move on from, and you two would just stay friends. But as you thought about that, you thought of Kiibo’s adorable, curious personality. His captivating robot eyes. His calming laugh. 
You liked him too.
Well, you got lucky, cause you knew he liked you back. So, you went into a confession right away.
He was sitting in the library, focused on a book, when you walked up to him. He looked up and saw you, his eyes instantly lit up, and his ahoge curled.
“Hey S/O! How’s your day been today?” he chirped.
“Pretty good! I have something important to ask you though.” 
He marked his page and shut the book, “Oh, what is it? Is everything okay?” he questioned, a nervous expression on his face.
“Well, I couldn’t help overhear Rantaro talking to Kokichi earlier, and he said that a little fair is opening up tonight. I wanna go, but I don’t wanna thrid wheel on their date, do you wanna go on our own date?”
Kiibo.jpeg has stopped working! Please return in 15 minutes.
You didn’t know that his pale face could turn that red, but he responded after a bit.
“A-ah sure! That sounds like fun! A date! Wow!” He stuttered out.
“See you at around fiveish?” 
“Sure! See you then S/O!”
He brought you a flower when you met up, and if you thought he was red before, that’s in second place now.
You two casually walked around the fair, playing a few games, winning some prizes, riding some rides. You won him one of those big bears, he was so happy.
Then you spotted the Ferris Wheel, and literally nearly took his arm off grabbing it and running over.
You two got on and starting going ‘round. The wheel slowly started to stop and, oh my god, it stopped with you at the top!
You admired the beautiful view of the city around you, not knowing Kiibo was admiring you. 
“S/O!” he called
You look at him and saw his face beet red a third time.
“I love you.” he said, immediately hiding behind his bear.
With a smile, you took his hand and said, “I know.”
He was shocked. Not knowing what to do he simply started apologizing.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, please I don’t want this to ruin our friendship! You’re an amazing person, I’m sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable! I don’t know what I was thinking!” He yelped.
You needed to calm him down ASAP. “Kiibo. Kiibo! KIIBO.” you shouted. That last one got him quiet.
“You didn’t let me finish Kiibs! I love you too!”
Once again, he was shocked.
“Yo-you do??!” he exclaimed. “How’d you know I liked you?”
“Your little ahoge! It curls into a little heart when I’m around.”
His hands went to his hair and felt the small heart shape.
“O-oh... I din’t even notice. I thought I was doing a good job hiding it too...”
You laughed. “Well, you don’t have to hide it anymore Kiibs.”
Blushing from the nickname, he finally did what he wanted to do for the past 2 months.
He kissed you.
Honestly, out of the three of them, he’d probably be the worst at hiding it.
Because he’s always with you! He loves spending time with you. Hi hair just... betrays him. Nobody knows why it happens, but they all know it only happens around you.
You actually didn’t figure it out yourself, Celeste caved in and told you.
“s/o... there is something I just HAVE to tell you.” She said after lunch one day.
“Oh? What’s up Celeste?”
“I apologize if I ruin the surprise for you, I already have to deal with Mondo and Kiyotaka, but Makoto has taken a certain liking to you.” she said.
You weren’t expecting that. “Huh?? How do you know?”
“Whenever you’re around, that little piece of hair curls up into a little heart. It’s quite adorable actually.”
The more you thought back on it, the more it made sense. Makoto was always smiling so sweetly and blushing profusely whenever you hung out. But you never really thought that he’d like you back. Time to have a talk with him. You texted him to meet him later.
You waited at the designated spot anxiously. What if Celeste was wrong? What if Makoto was just a little shy or something? You quickly knocked that thought out of your head. Celeste’s whole career was based off of reading people’s facial expressions, she can’t be wrong. But isn’t she also called the Queen of Liars? Oh dear...
Makoto arrived shortly afterwards. 
“Hey s/o! Sorry I’m late! What’s up?” He said, pointing two finger guns at you.
You couldn’t help but notice the curly heart on top of his head.
“Hey, Celeste told me something, and I wanted to know if it was true or not.”
His face contorted into one of worry. “What’s up?”
“Do you like me?”
It’s almost like you pressed the stutter button.
“Wh-wh-what? No! Th-that’s just crazy I mean wh- h- uhh no way! You’re just my friend!” He sputtered out.
“I like you, Makoto.”
Aaaaaand the off button.
“Really?” He whispered.
“Really. Now do you like me back?” You said with a foreign amount of confidence.
“...Maybe.” He said, twiddling with his thumbs.
You smiled at him. “Then how about we make this hangout our first date?”
Smiling just a bright, he said “That would be awesome, s/o.”
Gundham and Sonia were going on vacation, and they needed you and your roommate Hajime to watch after the Devas.
“We shall leave for only two nights, but the Dark Devas of Destruction need the highest amount of care to maintain their Earthly form...” Gundham spoke.
“So... in other words, feed them every once and a while?” Hajime asked.
He then got quite the reprimanding from Gundham, at least until Sonia dragged him away, leaving the two of you as the caretakers of the mighty Devas.
“So the sheet they made said that we should feed them once a day, in the evenings, and keep a livestream of classical music playing for them at all times.” You read out.
“Hamsters just like classical music I guess, don’t be a hater bro.” You joke, punching his shoulder playfully.
“Hey!” he says, turning away, but you already saw his blush. The little piece of hair on his head curled into a small heart.
“Aww Hajime!! Your ahoge is in the shape of a heart right now! Don’t move, let me get a picture of it!” You shout
“Hey, no!” He protested, straightening it out.
“Come ooooon! You looked so cute!” 
“Sh-shut up! I’m going to get the food.” He said with a huff, then left.You decided to set up the livestream. Who knew hamsters liked Mozart?
It was later in the day, and you were still thinking about how cute Hajime looked with his hair curled in a heart. That probably wouldn’t happen again though, you wished you got a picture. You knew Hajime could be a little defensive at times, but you hoped you didn’t hurt his feelings. You always kinda had a crush on him, but you knew you never stood a chance compared to his other friends Nagito and Chiaki. It was only a matter of time before he started dating one of them. Great, now you were sad. Time to go to the kitchen for a quick snack. That’s when you heard talking. It was coming from the living room where the hamsters were. You slowly made your way over there to see Hajime standing by the cage.
“I know you can’t understand me or anything, but it just feels nice to tell someone. I feel like I do a good job hiding it but...” he said. Was he talking to the hamsters? What is he hiding so well?
God, you nearly killed the poor guy.
“SHIT- s/o don’t scare me like that.” He shouted.
“Were you talking to the hamsters?”
“No!” he said a little too stubbornly. You noticed his hair curled back into a heart.
“Hajime, what are you hiding? I’m kinda worried about you...”
“I’m not hiding anything! You can go back upstairs. I was just telling the hamsters a little story.” He said. The atmosphere was so tense. You needed to lighten the mood up a little.
“...The little heart’s back!” You said softly.
“Enough about the heart!” he yelled, straightening it out again. Yikes, that didn’t help at all.
“I...I’m sorry s/o I just...” he waved his hand up, “I don’t know. Goodnight.”
And with that he was gone. You wish you hadn’t come down for a snack.
Then you heard a squeak. Then another, and another. The Devas were standing and waving their small paws. You bent down to see them better.
“What’s all this about, you goobers?” You asked in a sing-song voice.
The Devas then made themselves into an arrow shape pointing towards the hallway.
“Huh?” you asked. More squeaking ensued. “Hallway?” No not that. Maga-Z took a stick chew toy and laid it horizontally, then two hamsters got on each side to make a H shape.
“Hajime?” Cheerful squeaks now. The hamsters then moved into a fluffy heart shape.
“Love?” More happy squeaks. Never would you have thought that you’d be trying to communicate with hamsters one day. They then all got up and furiously waved their paws at you.
“Me?” A choir of squeaks. Your mind spun as you put the pieces together.
Hajime loved you.
Is that what he was talking to the Devas about? And the thing he was so good at hiding? Was that why his hair curled up? You thanked the Devas with some treats and headed to Hajime’s room to talk.
You knocked softly on the door and waited for the “Come in.” and opened the door to find Hajime sitting on his bed.
“Hey...” you said after a beat of silence.
“Hey.” he responded. “Look, I’m really really sorry for shouting down there. It was out of line and you were just being playful. I just-”  His hair curled up into that perfect heart. “I just really like you, and I don’t know how to act around people I have a crush on.”
So the hamsters were being truthful after all. “I know Hajime.”
“Huh? How? Did you over hear me talking to the hamsters? Oh god that sounded so stupid.” He said, putting his head in his hands.
You laughed at his pain. “The hamsters actually told me, if that makes you feel any better.”
“Really?!” He exclaimed. “That does actually make me feel better.” He got serious again, “So... do you like me back?” he asked nervously.
“I always thought I was out of you league, Hajime. I’ve liked you for a while now.”
He looked at you with big eyes, “Are you serious?”
You giggled, “Yes! And I was very happy when some hamsters told me you did too.”
Both of you sat happily there for a while, until you piped up with a question.
“Can I take that picture of your hair now?”
“Only if I’m kissing you in it.”
You were minding your own business when you felt a tiny tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you came face to face with your best friend, Kokichi Ouma.
“Good morning s/o chan!!” he chirped
“Morning Kokichi.”
He frowned. “Hey, at least show some sort of excitement at the sight of me!”
“Why? I hate you.” You responded, smirking.
“Wh-wh... WAAAA!!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU HATE ME!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEEEEEEEND!” he cried, crocodile tears running down his face.
You chuckled to yourself. You knew it was a joke and that his feelings weren’t actually hurt, but this is what comedy was to you two.
“If I buy you a little treat, would our friendship be salvaged?” You ask.
The crying ceased, “Well... maybe...” He said with a sly smile. “When we got out for lunch today, I have something I need to tell you.” He then skipped, yes, literally skipped away. 
“Hey! Just tell me now!!” You shout to no avail, for he shows no signs of stopping, the bastard man.
At twelve, you met him at a local pizza place to chat. You were eager to hear what he had to tell you.
“Soooo... Kokichi...”
“s/o chaaaaaan...” he said
“Tell me!! I’ve been dying to know since this morning!!”
“Ah, the daily drama. I thought you were better than to dive into gossip...”
“I can leave right now and you pay.” You said, crossing your arms in a “I got you.” kinda way.
“Sheesh! Fine I’ll tell you................but are you sure you can believe a liar like me?”
“Kokichi if you don’t tell me I’ll... send Rantaro that video of you falling down the stairs!”
He gasped. “You would NEVER.”
“Oh but I would! At least, if you don’t tell me.”
“Fine! Shuichi has a crush on you.”
Well that was not what you were expecting. At all. You got serious.
“Kokichi if this is a joke, it’s not a funny one.” you said.
“I’m being serious! Do you think I would lie about something like this?” He said just as seriously.
He was right. Kokichi was the only person you trusted with the secret that you liked Shuichi. Although Kokichi loved pranking you, you knew he wouldn’t break your heart as a joke.
“How’d you know?” You ask.
“Oh it’s SO cute, listen to this.” He said “His ahoge curls up into a heart whenever you’re around! I noticed it watching you guys.” 
“Wait... you watch us?” you exclaim.
“Well I gotta make sure my bestie has the best!” He says.
“Whatever. So if I tell him I like him...”
“He’ll say he likes you back!”
Looks like you gotta talk to him about this
After lunch, you got a text from Shuichi
dumb bitch named shu: Hey s/o!! Are you free at 3:30 today?
You: yeah, sumthin up??
dumb bitch named shu: I wanted to go to that new froyo place with you!! I heard they have blackberry froyo!! You know that’s my favorite!!!
You smiled to yourself, he’s so adorable. And then would be the perfect time to confess.
You: sounds dope!!!! see ya then dude.
You quickly texted Kokichi
stupid grape lookin ass mfer: WHAT
stupid grape lookin ass mfer: BRO
You: IKR
stupid grape lookin ass mfer: this is the perfect time!!! i’ll be there with rantaro! what time?
You: wait what?? why rantaro?
stupid grape lookin ass mfer: well he’s like shuichi’s best friend and i’m sure he’d be curious to shuichi’s well being! just like me for you!
You: I thought kaito was shuichi’s best friend... is this just an excuse to ask rantaro out?
stupid grape lookin ass mfer:....
You: 3:30, don’t be weird.
stupid grape lookin ass mfer: good luck s/o chan!!!!!!
It was 3:28. You were nervously standing outside of the froyo place when Shuichi gently tapped your shoulder.
“Hey s/o! Sorry if I kept you waiting for too long...” he said. You noticed that his ahoge was curled curled up.
“You didn’t, don’t worry! Let’s go in before the blackberry is all gone!”
As you sat with your cookies n’ creme and Shuichi with his blackberry, you looked around and spotted Kokichi and Rantaro. You would’ve waved, but Kokichi was too busy oogling over Rantaro. So much for looking out.
“Uhh... s/o?” Shuichi timidly asked. “There’s something I wanted to tell you...”
Here it is...
“I really like you...” 
So Kokichi was telling the truth. You sat there in silence for a few beats, still somewhat in shock. Shuichi tensed up.
“I-I-I um, knew that I liked you for a while, I just...” he trailed off. Then he started talking. Talking and talking but you didn’t hear a word. You were transfixed on his ahoge. The small heart, how had you not noticed it before? Were you too busy staring at Shuichi’s face? His deep eyes with impeccable eyeliner? His pale skin? His soft lips? He truly was beautiful.
“S/o?” He said, snapping you out of your mind. “Will you go out with me?”
You smiled back at him, “I thought you’d never ask, Shu!”
“What? ReallY? He said, a huge smile appearing on his face.
“Yeah! I knew you liked me, dummy! I was waiting for you to ask me!” You lied, deciding not to tell him Kokichi told on him.
“I- that’s-okay! When can we go on our next date?” He said.
“How about this Saturday at noon? We can go for coffee and pastries!”
“That sounds awesome s/o.”
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dourpeep · 3 years
Thank you thank you!! I’ve been able to rest… some, at least LOL. I hope you’ve been well!!
Of course this isn’t officially confirmed yet (only leaked, so take it with as much salt as you wish) but Albedo should be the next banner and I’m honestly so excited, I’ve already started farming his books, gotten most of the materials for the sword I’m going to use on him and famed geo cube enough for fifth ascension! I was originally planning to skip him if his rerun was before Xiao’s bc I really need Xiao definitely not for KazuXiaoAether ehe but since it’s been so long without either, I’ve saved up enough that I should be able to get both!!
(also gib Dragonspine event sequel, I need it and I need it NOW)
- insomniac anon
Ahh that's good! Gotta counter at least some of the insomnia when you're able to after all nodnodnod I've been well! :DD
Mannn it feels like forever waiting for Hoyo to announce when 2.3 livestream is going to be >> usually we would've found out by now so hopefully this doesn't mean it's been pushed back or anything-
And I've been good!! I haven't looked at leaks and haven't stepped on the Mains reddits in the case that there'd be some crossposted leaks OTL OTL though I've had anons telling me about the possibility of Albedo rerun for 2.3 so I'm huffing the hopium hard gimme gimme-
And ahhhh yes :DDD prefarming party is a go! I have pretty much everything, just working on mora and also character exp books since Thoma's used a small chunk of both odifhiefh I need to level Thoma asap so I can fully focus on using everything else on Bedo in the case that his rerun is next nodnodnod
Albedo my beloved please come home-
I have your workshop ready-
SPEAKING OF XIAO RERUN I hope it's 2.4 >>
If they do a second part for the Dragonspine event (or at least another Bedo event yknow) and a second Lantern Rite w/ Xiao??? Please please please that'd be so nice ueueue
Maybe this time we can actually see Xiao participating or something! I think that he'd be much more open to it, especially after the Moonchase Festival and his willingness to try Xiangling's food and stuff! He's definitely come quite a long ways since we met!
also omg KazuXiaoAether methinks yes
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What internet browser do you use?  Chrome. It’s what I’m used to, but I also think it looks the cleanest among the other available browsers.
What brand water do you drink? (Smart Water, Dasani, etc) I never reach for imported water brands like Evian because what is the point?? The local bottled water brands we have like Summit and Absolute work fine and already do a great job of quenching my thirst.
Do you have a job? Yes and I go back tomorrow and I’m cringing thinking about it. I love my job, but I wish it wasn’t so mercilessly hectic for 9 straight hours, 5 days a week. I like to think that I was hired right at the start of all the simultaneous Christmas campaigns of our clients which is why everything seemed busy; so I’m hoping the workload will start to die down a little bit now that all the holidays are over.
Are you full-time or part-time? Full-time.
Are you watching TV right now?  Nope. I was watching on YouTube earlier, but I decided to focus on this.
Or are you listening to music? No. It’s silent here in the living room, just the way I want it to currently be.
Would you go to jail for 3 years for $1,000,000? I don’t think that’s enough money for a dare that big.
When's your birthday?  April 21st.
Thoughts on kids?  I’m a lot less idealistic about them now. I used to want kids with my only formula being “I’ll do the exact opposite of what my mom did with me.” but I realized it’s so much more complicated than that. Raising a kid/kids is a whole damn job in itself and I see that with how my cousins of the same age, but from different families, have been acting. My cousins from one family are really spoiled and entitled, and I can’t last in a room with them for more than a minute; but my cousins in another family are so ridiculously well-behaved I can’t even start to fathom how respectful and kind they are. That observation has scared me away from kids in the meantime, because I still have to figure out how to not fuck such a responsibility up.
Worst punishment you've ever received by your parents?  The worst thing they ever did was take away my laptop privileges for an indefinite period when I was 11, when they caught me being a dumbass on social media and cursing all over the place. It’s a reasonable punishment per se, but that was also a time when the internet was starting to become a resource and requirement for homework and school projects; so my parents didn’t know how many things I failed to submit because they didn’t allow me on the internet.
Are you the type who is completely against abortion? I am pro-choice and pro-pregnant people should be allowed to make decisions about their own bodies. I don’t like the idea of abortion, but I’ve always believed people should have access to resources to learn more about it, to a healthy culture that embraces it as an option, and to actual facilities that will enable them to receive one if the need be.
Have you ever read a book that actually changed your outlook on life? No, I don’t think so. Not yet at least.
Does your favorite flower hold any meaning to you? Peonies don’t mean anything in particular. I just think they look pretty.
What would you do if your favorite animal became endangered?  I can’t imagine dogs ever getting endangered, but hypothetically I’d be crushed. I’d do the same thing I would do with other endangered animals, which is to spread the word about their situation and what can be done to save them from getting even fewer in number.
Have you ever owned an expensive eyeshadow palette?  No. I never cared for makeup. I’m turning 23 and still don’t feel the need to invest in it...should I be worried?
Do you own a tripod for your camera? We used to, but I have not seen it in a long time.
Are your nails always painted?  They never are.
What's one thing you've had a toxic reaction to? A breakup. < This was true for me too, at least for a time. Another one would be the barbecue that my uncle bought for a family gathering once that was definitely contaminated with something...shit gave me food poisoning at 3 AM and made me think my half-naked self was going to die right then and there in the bathroom.
Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for?  We only ever decorate for Christmas, so I guess it wins by default.
Were you popular in school? By the second half of high school I was hanging out with the popular groups and getting invited to popular kid things, but I never wanted to claim to be popular myself. I still liked letting my friends take the spotlight.
Are there any foods that often give you heartburn or indigestion?  Is there something you intend to buy in the near future?  Is anyone in your family artistically talented? What about musically? What cute behaviors or characteristics does/do your pet(s) have?  What's the screensaver on your computer?  Crossing these out as I believe this survey is a shuffle of questions from many different surveys...? and I have already answered these five in a past survey I recently finished.
What’s the sexiest thing about a guy? I don’t really care for guys, I think... I still haven’t made up my mind about them yet, but all I know is I definitely have not felt seriously attracted to any irl man my whole life.
What’s the sexiest thing about a girl?  THIGHS
Who were you with at midnight on January 1, 2021?  Who was the last person to send you a message on social media?  ^ What qualities does this person have, that you appreciate? What was the last thing that caused you to scowl, or frown?  Have you smiled at any point during the last hour?  What was the last thing you consulted Google for? So, did anyone send you a "Happy New Year" message when midnight hit? When was the last time you were on a carousel?  What is the closest you have ever been to an elephant? Have you ever played Halo?  Have you ever read a National Geographic magazine?  When was the last time you had a pillow fight?  Name somebody who you think deserves more respect: In your own words, define what the word sexy means.  What is the most popular tourist attraction where you live?  Without looking - do you know what brand your underwear is? Are you any good at volleyball?  Have you ever had a water balloon fight?  Same situation as above. What an interesting order of questions, hehe. Still having fun with this though!
Do you think some babies are ugly?  Newborns are super wrinkly and make the strangest facial expressions from time to time. That won’t stop me from cooing at them, though.
Don’t you miss Chuck E. Cheese? I’ve never been there. Is it like a standard birthday party events place for kids?
Do you think Fall Out Boy is gonna be a classic band, like Queen or AC/DC? In time, maybe. 
Do you love stuff-crusted pizza?  Yessssss.
Do you apply lotion after you bathe? I don’t, but I should probably pick it up as a habit seeing how dry my skin can get.
What’s your favorite color? Pastel pink. < Same!
Who did you have your most amazing kiss with? Gabie.
Has a YouTube video of yours ever gotten over 10,000 views? I’ve never even posted a video on YouTube.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? Not my spot of choice, so maybe not.
Do you like Robert Frost poems?  I’m only familiar with one and I’m having a little trouble remembering it rn haha.
Do you go to church every Sunday?  We used to go to church, yeah; back when it was okay to. Our local church has allowed face-to-face masses again (but with very limited attendees) but my mom has preferred for us to stay home, so for the last few months we’ve been watching livestreams of Sunday mass every week.
Have you ever been in a relationship on-and-off for more than a year?  I would say Gab and I were on-and-off, but it went on a lot longer than a year. The total time would amount to six years.
If you had to get famous for one of the following, which would you choose: music, acting, writing, modeling? Writing. Or modeling, if I could only pull it off.
What do you think of girls with huge boobs that don’t wear bras in public? I seriously don’t care. I skip out on bras all the time because I honestly personally don’t need them, and everyone should be allowed to feel and act the same way.
What is the last thing you tried on in a store? I never do this. Even before Covid, I’ve felt iffy about trying clothes that many others have already put on and were probably not washed 100% well. I’d rather get something, try it on at home, decide if it’s a good fit or not, and then return it ASAP if it ends up being the latter.
Is sleeping naked more comfortable than in clothes?  My mom doesn’t knock so I’ve always been scared to try sleeping naked (and she also throws a fit if she catches me locking my door, which is like - then why did you even buy a doorknob with a lock??), but I definitely see the appeal.
Have you ever had a dream in which you were making out, or more, with someone?  Yes for the more part lmao, but I don’t know if I’ve ever made out in a dream.
Do you feel as though you have a good memory, or are you forgetful at times? Do you feel that your short-term memory or long-term memory is better? Have you ever had a concussion or some other sort of brain injury before?  Do you have any sort of mental illnesses or disorders? What do they involve?  What’s the longest that your hair has ever been? How about the shortest? When is the last time that you got it cut? What are some ways that you style your hair? Do you use any sorts of products in it?  Who was the last person to truly get on your nerves? What do you think caused you to feel that way? 
Do you recycle? Is this through choice or do you live somewhere where it’s compulsory? Through choice. Waste management is sadly not much of a priority here, if at all.
Do you prefer plain, carbonated, or flavored water? Do you think you drink enough water throughout the day?  I have never tried the latter two. Water has always been tasteless and plain to me, and I never understood the point of customizing something that’s meant to be tasteless and uncarbonated. There are days where I’m able to have several glasses and other days where I unconsciously skip out on water until dinner.
Have you ever needed to call the police, ambulance, or fire department? Fortunately I’ve never had to call any of these.
When was the last time you visited the library? What was the purpose of your visit? I wasssssss maybe having something printed? If it wasn’t that, I was probably returning a book.
Do you see a lot of wild animals where you live? Are any of them dangerous? None of that here, especially since I live in the city. A sighting of a wild animal outside of a zoo or eco-park would definitely make national news, like that time an ostrich was seen running around a private village many months ago.
Aside from when you were born, have you ever had to stay the night in the hospital? Yep, from a dengue scare that turned out to be just a simple low platelet count.
Have you ever experienced a panic attack?  Yes, but they are extremely rare. The last time I had one was maybe two or three years ago. Unfortunately I think all my panic attacks were caused by and involved my mom.
Would you ever want to go into the medical profession? Was your answer different pre-COVID?  For a time, when I was hating journalism in college, I was daydreaming about the idea of shifting to biology and making the drastic swerve to med school. But I knew a love of memorizing and biology topics won’t be enough for me to be successful in the medical field, so I quickly shot the idea down.
Where you live, are people paying attention to whatever restrictions are in place to help control COVID? Many? People are definitely following and have been obedient with protocol in different places. Some cities are also still strict with maintaining their checkpoints and banning tourists from entering their area just yet. It’s the government that hasn’t really been making the effort to put measures to contain the virus.
Do you get a real or artificial Christmas tree?  Artificial. I don’t know if getting real trees for Christmas trees is a thing here.
What’s your favourite type/flavor of popcorn?  Cheddar cheese.
Do you drink oat milk? Nopes. I’d like to try it just to say that I have (and I might end up loving it too), but I have yet to look up what foods or drinks it works best with.
Do you love thrifting?  Sure, sometimes I get good finds from it.
Do you consider using only lowercase letters your aesthetic?  Sometimes I’ll use it in a Powerpoint or a tweet, but I wouldn’t say it’s an aesthetic that defines me as a person.
Do you say “mood?”  Too much.
Do you own fairy lights?  No. I wanted those before, but I’m not so sure if I still do now.
Do you own glass straws because the metal ones kind of gross you out because you can’t tell if they are clean or not? I don’t own glass straws. Most places have changed their cups into a design that you can sip directly from, anyway.
Have you made a TikTok? No, don’t care.
Do you own airpods?  No, but would like a pair.
Are you afraid of Mercury in retrograde? I really don’t care.
Do you make life choices based on astrology?  No, I don’t believe in it. It scares me how much some people rely on it and use it as an actual moral compass or judgment system. It doesn’t harm anyone so I never actively speak out against astrology, but it scares me nonetheless.
How many pairs of converse shoes do you own?  One pair. I used to own another one, but my mom threw it out several years ago.
Number of jeans in your closet:  I would say like 10-12.
What accent do you have?  Philippine English/Americanized Filipino, I guess.
Do you have a big butt? I’d say it’s decently-sized.
Do you count how long you and your gf/bf have been together? Yeah, before.
Have you graduated?  Both high school and college, yup.
Rihanna or Lady GaGa?  I like Rihanna’s music more, but I love Gaga’s outfits, concepts, and stage presence more. Do you use fake eyelashes?  No. I had to use them twice, but I’d never seek them out on my own.
Which was the last book that really captivated you? It’s been a while since I encountered a book like this.
What makeup brands do you use?  I don’t use makeup.
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This wait is ridiculous, even if they start LB4 the day this event ends it'll be a 183 day gap. The previous biggest gap was between Camelot and Babylonia at 135 days. And we're right around the usual time for a three week summer rerun when this ends so it's quite possibly only starting in July.
I’m so sorry…. I just felt the need to apologize after your ask here once and reblogged with another person’s comment…. I regretted so much in wanting delay for LB4 that it came true, now I really want LB4 ASAP!! OTL
I’m kinda fearing at this point if right after this is either Gudaguda4 or Summer rerun is first… DW might as well pulled off a consecutive story release until the end of year/next year early
Still not surprised if they are either fixing technical issue for the next LB4 gimmick or waiting for artist to finish up their work for the new Servants. And then again, while Nasu DID say Arc 2 is roughly finished for his part of the work….. There wasn’t/was a really stated plan of when it’ll end?
JP’s twitter comments has been flooding with complaints for the delay too….. Here’s really hoping next week or just goddamn somewhere early they better give a release date for the livestream on LB4
But if delay to July or the worst is August…. A not-so-much-of-a-bright-side is that one of the Servant release in LB4 will be on an anniversary gacha hence for the delay?
Either way, I’m definitely not looking forward to grind again right after this event unless that’s a fucking lottery event to grind my ass for gems/QP
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luciferschoice-art · 5 years
Tumblr media
Another work from the livestream: @sahvamoonshadow 's OC Tarabas (back) and my OC Lucifer (front)~ A bit Utena inspired again! \ o / Need to finish this up asap!
-- ▌ Tools used: Clip Studio Paint ▌ Adjustments: PS CS6 ▌ Character / Design / belongs to myself & Sahva ▌ NO USE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION / NO REPOST
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lachlantrash · 5 years
“Quit smiling at me...”
"I think Lachlan would look good in these." Mitch teases, holding up a lacy pink thong he found near a display. You are at the mall with Lachlan, Vikk, Jess and Mitch, currently in a Victoria Secret.
"I don't know, I think he looks better in blue." You say, laughing as you hold up a blue pair.
"I mean, if you wear the pants in the relationship I don't see why he can't wear the panties." Mitch says, putting down the underwear.
"Oh, shots fired." Vikk chimes in, laughing.
"She does not wear the pants in our relationship, her and I share responsibilities. How the fuck did we wind up in Victoria's Secret, anyways?" Lachlan asks, replacing the blue lace with his hand in yours.
"Well, Jess and I were talking about lingerie, and we wound up in here. I'm sure her and I could help each other choose some if you three would like to do something else." You shrug, looking at a set of matching purple lingerie.
"I think I remember why we chose to come with them, Lachy.  Changing room modelling." Mitch hums out, motioning to the few items in Jess's hands.
"Oh, why the hell am I here then?" Vikk sighs, causing you to laugh.
"Sorry Vikk, I'd totally be down to hear your opinions on my lingerie but I feel like Lachlan's going to shut that idea down asap." You say sympathetically, grabbing a blue lingerie set as well.
"Yeah no, Vikk can wait out here." Lachlan says, making Vikk sigh. "Get a girlfriend to join the party, buddy." Lachlan says, patting Vikk's shoulder as you lead him to the changing rooms.
"Hi, can I help you?" An employee asks, stopping you before you can walk into a room.
"Yeah, I just wanted to try these two sets on." You say, motioning to the sets in your hand.
"Oh that's completely fine, but um, we actually can't allow you two to share a changing room... Too much has been going on back there, I'm sorry." She says apologetically.
"It's fine, you can just wait out here, right babe?" You ask Lachlan, dropping his hand. You almost want to laugh at the pained look on his face, as if missing the sight of you in new lingerie is the end of him.
"Yeah, I'll be waiting here." He says, planting a kiss on your cheek as you make your way to the stall. You quickly try both sets on, deciding to buy both of them after liking the way they both look on you.
"Did you like either of them?" Lachlan asks, sitting up from the wall he was leaning against.
"I liked both, I think I'll buy them." You say, letting Lachlan wrap his arm over your shoulder.
"I'll buy them, but you're definitely modelling them for me when we get back to the hotel. I feel like that blue one is going to cause me lots of trouble, I'm trying not to picture you in it right now." He says lowly for your ears only, taking the sets from you once you reach the register. He pays and you two leave the store, seeing Vikk standing outside the store entrance alone.
"That was hilarious, they wouldn't let you go in with Lachlan but Mitch snuck in with Jess." Vikk laughs, making Lachlan scoff.
"He snuck in? Fucking bastard..." Lachlan mumbles, making you roll your eyes. Once Mitch and Jess walk out, you and her begin talking about your purchases as you all head towards the food court.
"Did you enjoy your show Lachy?" Mitch asks, elbowing Lachlan.
"No, I didn't get to." He sighs. "The goddamn worker wouldn't let me go back there with (Y/N)." He explains to Mitch's questioning glance.
"Are you kidding?" Mitch asks, immediately laughing after. "You know what, lunch is on me. That's too funny, I can't believe she wouldn't let you in."
"Well, at least something good comes from today." Lachlan says, smiling to you. "Fuck, I put my camera in your purse as soon as we got into Victoria's Secret because obviously I wasn't gonna record in there, can I have it back now?" Lachlan asks, remembering the content he has to create.
"As soon as we're at a table I'll get it out for you." You promise him. Once seated you live up to that promise, taking the camera out of your purse for Lachlan.
"Hey guys, I'm at the food court now with the gang, I'm kind of upset about something... Not gonna lie." Lachlan says, making you laugh. "That's (Y/N), she's sitting across from me. Why don't you explain to everyone what ever so rudely happened." He says, turning the camera to you.
"Are you sure you want this online?" You question, waiting for his nod before continuing. "Well, Lachlan tried to come into the changing room of Victoria's Secret because I wanted his opinion on a few things I was trying on, but the lady stopped him from walking into the room." You laugh, a blush on your face from the admission of trying to bring your boyfriend with you into the changing room. You've been with Lachlan awhile though, long enough to know nothing you two do is really private anyways.
"Can you guys believe it? What's a man gotta do to be able to help his girl pick some nice lingerie nowadays?" He sighs to the camera.
"Maybe a man should just let his girl pick her own lingerie and mind his own business about it." You tease, reaching across the table to grab his free hand with a smile on your face.
"Well Jess got to go in with Mitch! Wait, other way around. It's just completely unfair. That's it, I'm suing Victoria's Secret. I can see the trials now, man not allowed to see wife in her linger-" Lachlan says, cutting himself off.
"Did you just call me your wife?" You laugh, Lachlan's camera pointed at you catching the heat rise back to your cheeks.
"I did, but it's completely your fault!  Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that." Lachlan says, defending himself.
"Hey, do not blame this on me. I can't be to blame for you wanting to be married to me." You say, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand.
"I guess not, I mean you've known I want to marry you one day, I guess the internet can know too." He decides, shooting you a smile over the camera. "But that does mean one day, meaning in the future. Please don't go planning a wedding for us guys." Lachlan laughs, turning the camera back to face him.
"Oh it's too late for that, we both know so many shippers have just begun their fanfic on our wedding, already picking the flavor of the cake, the amount of tiers, who your best man is..." You trail off, getting lost in Lachlan's eyes.
"The wedding better be soon. And I better be the best man." Vikk says, coming into frame with his hand on Lachlan's shoulder, making him break eye contact from you.
"Yeah yeah, maybe we'll never get married. I don't know if I can choose just one member of the pack to be my best man." Lachlan says, making you roll your eyes.
"It seems to be a little too late, mate. Your girl seems too set on marrying you to let you out of it this easily." Vikk says, catching your eye.
"Oh, I'm way too set on it now. He's been telling me for months we'll be married one day. He could break up with me tomorrow and I'll still be expecting to see him at the alter, he can't get out of it unless I die first." You laugh, locking eyes with Lachlan. "You're stuck with me." You hum.
"Luckily you're what I want, and for the record I'm not planning on breaking up with you." He says, smiling back at you.
"God, aren't they the cutest lovebirds ever." Vikk says dreamily, making Mitch laugh.
"We can pretend they are, everyone knows the real answer is totally Jess and I." Mitch says, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Oh sure, (Y/N) and I are the longeststanding Pack couple, the fans definitely love us more because we're far cuter. She moved to another continent for me, that's pure adorableness." Lachlan says, defending the worth of your relationship.
"Yeah, well Jess and I leave our house and interact with the fans way more than you two." Mitch fires back.
"That's so not true, once (Y/N) was at the vet with her cat and took photos in the waiting room with some fans, plus her and I do livestreams more than you could ever dream of doing them." Lachlan says, belief behind his words.
"You two need to calm down, it's like you have a vendetta against each other." You say, locking eyes with Jess and laughing.
"Yeah, it honestly doesn't matter who the cutest couple is, okay? We're all friends anyways." She says.
"The cutest pack couple is Vikk and Lachlan, no argument needed." You say, making Lachlan sigh.
"We're literally dating, you and I live together and share a bed, explain to me when I see Vikk." Lachlan says, no amusement in his voice.
"In your dreams." You say, biting back your own laugh as everyone, including Lachlan, laughs at your joke.
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Ladynoir July #5
July 5 Prompt - Alya "Alya?" "Present." Madame Bustier was taking attendence when my phone lit up. I quickly took it out and clicked on the new article, trying to hide my phone under the table. Marinette gave me a death glare as she saw what I was doing, but I shrugged it off. Like, I'm a reporter. I need to know what's going on. The notification came from my new app, 'Akuma Alert'. Max created it to automatically scan something, I wasn't listening. I gasped as I read the headline that there was an akuma at the Eiffel Tower. "Alya! Put your phone away!" Madame Bustier scolded me as I snapped back into reality. "But Madame Bustier, there's an akuma!" Everyone gasped and took out their phones to look at the new headline. Max looked proud of his work, and fist bumped Markov. The flying robot came out of his bag as soon as people started praising him. It was the first time we got to try out the new app. "As long as it's not her-" Everyone suddenly bursted out of the classroom to find the akuma. I ran with them, logging into the ladyblog and starting a livestream. As my camera was loading, I saw Marinette and Adrien run into the washrooms. "Hey ladybloggers! It's Alya!" I quickly gave my intro and told my followers what was going on. I ran as fast as I could, trying to commentate my every move while running to the Eiffel Tower. My eyes darted up to the villian on the ledge. A red blur suddenly flashed ahead, and I made sure to get my camera on it. "Ladybug has arrived!" Another flash came up the Eiffel tower, but this time it was black. "And so has Chat Noir!" I zoomed in my camera, trying to get the action so I could upload it later. People were hoarding around the Eiffel tower, maybe the app wasn't such a great idea. Suddenly, I was thrusted to the side, something grabbing onto my waist. "You need to get to safety!" Ladybug looked me dead in the eyes as she protected me with her spinning yo-yo. "Can you promise me that you'll stop the live stream and get home?" I nodded. Ladybug sighed. "Go, Alya." I raised an eyebrow. "How do you know my name?" I pointed at her. Ladybug's face turned red and she frantically shook. "I- U-um, l-look, at the ladyblog!" She looked happy that she had found a reason to know my name. "Whatever, Ladybug." She shook my hand and jumped off. "I'm never washing this hand again." I looked at my hand, astonished that the superheroine of Paris shook my hand. I had to get an interview ASAP. "She knows my name!" --- Bug Out!
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chey-doodles · 5 years
✨ Here’s To A New Year ✨
2018 was a odd ball year for me. Nothing major really happened to me in the first half of the year. Nothing much happens until August actually. One thing that I am happy to say that happened was 2018 I got my confidence and happiness back. For many year I struggled with my body image but this year I decided fuck that I will be happy with my body this year. And you know what? It definitely was the year for me. I went from a size 3 in jeans to a 7. Sure I ripped some of my previous pants because of my thighs but I didn’t care. I wore more crop tops (something I never thought of doing before) and also shorts. I never wore shorts because it showed of self harm scars that I don’t care to see every day. Which is why in 2019 I’m getting a floral PMA tattoo to cover them up. For most of the year I was in a good mental state but when Autumn season came around I felt something that I didn’t feel in roughly 5 or 6 years. You see have a health condition where my nerves can flare up at any point. This causes me to go into a panic and think my heart is going to stop. I think this because it gets very hard to breathe and it does make it seem like my heartbeat gets faster and faster. I’ve had tests done and I am perfectly healthy in the sense that my lungs or heart won’t fail me any time soon. But that still doesn’t stop me from panicking every time it does happen. Well one night it got bad to a point where I was crying and had the urge of wanting to take many pills just so the pain would stop. But instead of letting that suicidal thought get the best of me I tried slowing my breathing and went and got some water. I tried to meditate a bit to help me get under control again and once I was not exactly calm or relaxed but in the state where I wasn’t going to do harm to myself I laid back down in bed and just kept up the slow breathing. In September I traveled to California to see my family who I haven’t seen in years and while there that’s when I had the thought “I am beautiful both inside and out” I celebrated my 21st birthday while I was out there and it made me so happy because this was the first I had ever celebrated my birthday. 2018 gave me the chance to celebrate a lot that I haven’t before like Halloween and Christmas. During September through October I joined tumblr all the way and found the amazing and loving community that is the JSE community 💚💚 and boy it was the greatest thing I had ever done. Everybody is so sweet and loving and encouraging and the list goes on and on!! I made some pretty great friends I would like to take the time to thank all of them that have helped me even if you didn’t know you helped me 💚
@angie-artness : you were the first person I talked to within the JSE community. You have been so sweet towards me ever since! I love the conversations we have every once and awhile. But I remember the few things that you did that made me smile and still do whenever I recall them. The first is that I asked you to reblog my Marvin makeup look and you did!! That put a smile on my face to no end. I felt odd asking you but since I was fairly new to this all I knew I needed help and you definitely did! Then one day in particular it was rough for me to do anything but you messaged me “Did you see Markiplier’s new video” it was the Red Dead video where he lost his bear hat 😂 and you told me it was absolutely hilarious and I needed to watch it ASAP and I did. I thanked you because even though you had no idea I was having a very rough day and that helped me to no end 💚💚 You are very talented in all that you do and I hope you keep up the amazing work in 2019!
@uglynetwork : I know I never had talked to you before but the first time I somewhat interacted with you was when Seán did a livestream of Jackbox and you were in the server. Your prompts and inventions/ideas were absolutely amazing and hilarious!! I soon found your tumblr and have been loving it ever since 💚
@egopocalypse : River.. oh boy you write some great works!! You were the first writer of the JSE community that I started reading and goodness I look forward to each and every post/story you create! No matter what angst you may cause because it is just too good! Keep up the amazing works in the new year!! I’ll be looking forward to them 💚
@hotcocoachia : Chia, you have helped me with numerous posts you have made. Another thing I love is your undying hatred for Anti and his antics 😂 I love seeing any and all your posts regardless if it’s wholesome or fire starting! Can’t wait to see wait fires you may cause I’m 2019 💚🔥
@rorald-spooks : Rory, I don’t even know where to begin. Every single day we talk puts a smile on my face for the rest of the day. I am beyond grateful to have you as a close friend of mine now and that you consider me a friend of yours! You are so incredibly sweet with everything you say. You helped me so much and gave me a push when I needed it. For instance when wanting to draw you would always have the GO FOR IT attitude! I truly can’t thank you enough for doing that. You make incredibly beautiful edits that I love seeing anytime you make them. I love the conversations we have and the theories we make. Just thank you for being there for me 💚💚
@therealjacksepticeye : Lastly thank you Seán. Thank you for the smiles you put on my face this year. Thank you for all the laughs I had. Thank you for the PMA movement. And thank you for this incredibly beautiful and truly loving community! You and the community have helped me through so much within the last few years. It has made me a better and happier person. Your interaction with this community is so heartwarming becaus eyouujust don’t see that often nowadays. You have liked a few of my posts and it still puts a smile on my face anytime I think about it. You are such a wholesome but occasionally a fire starter content creator. You have accomplished so much within the year and sometimes it’s hard to comprehend all that you’ve done. But you made this the best year possible! I’m sure I say this for everyone but we are so incredibly proud of all that you have done. We love and appreciate you, Seán. I’m ready to see what 2019 has in store for you.
Now let’s get this bread gamers!! I personally like sourdough. Remember to have that straight fucking water and keep up that POSITIVE 👏🏻 MENTAL 👏🏻 ATTITUDE 👏🏻 Love and and appreciate all of you 💚💚
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nokai-dotharl-blog · 6 years
LF RP: Nokai Dotharl
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“I am Nokai Dotharl, Second Generation, Head of the Family, Daughter of Zaya and Nekun Dotharl, Proprietress of The Lily Garden and Sworn Knight to her Majesty, Princess Meiko.”
The Basics ––––
Age: 19
Birthday: 13th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Au Ra Xaela
Generation: Second
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Marital Status: Complicated
Server: Balmung
Physical Appearance ––––
Hair: Navy Blue
Eyes: Bright red eyes with golden limbal rings
Height: 5′8″ (177 cm)
Build: Athletic and muscular with wide hips and thick thighs
Distinguishing Marks: An extra set of horns on her head and scars all over body. Big scar on her chest where her heart lies.
Common Accessories: Rainbow brightlily corsage tucked in her hair. Glowing magitek earrings dangling on her horns that works double as linkpearls. A dagger strapped along her thigh and some bright colored potions in small vials inside her tail bag and pockets.
Personal ––––
Profession: Proprietress of The Lily Garden and Head of the Combat
Hobbies: Fighting, Hunting, Alchemy, Beast taming
Languages: Xaelic, Hingan, Common Eorzean
Residence: Shirogane
Birthplace: Shirogane
Patron Deity: Nhaama
Fears: Losing more of her family. Losing her partner to another. Being useless.
Relationships ––––
Spouse: Sen Dotharl (Deceased) Saya Igarashi (Deceased)
Children: Mi Ming (Complicated)
Parents: Zaya Dotharl (Deceased) Nekun Dotharl (Deceased)
Siblings: Sen Dotharl (Deceased) Ujinn Dotharl (Deceased) Momoka Yukuharai
Other Relatives: Astoria Winters (Guardian) Kiki Kokeshi (Guardian)
Pets: Sigmund, Kitty, Kwek, Nugget, Mamesuke and many more.
Traits ––––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––––
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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“Our contract is our Oath. The Lilies of the Lily Garden will complete our contracts with diligence and grace.”
RP Hooks ––––
Need work? - Nokai is one of the proprietress of an elite maid agency called, The Lily Garden; a neutral organization taking jobs from nobility and criminal alike, adhering to their own moral code. The jobs offered ranges from Cooking, Cleaning, Combat, Espionage and Escort services. They are an elite force, disguised behind men of armor in their frilled dresses appearing unassuming until their moment of need and they are hiring maids and butlers alike.
Need to hire help? - Being one of the heads of The Lily Garden, Nokai is excellent with all of the services the agency offers but mostly proficient with combat. She will also happily give contract to her Lilies if they so fit the work required or the client prefers them.
Need drugs? - Nokai has become obsessed with brewing concoctions made for pleasure and each and every one of the consumable ones are very addictive. May it leave the person drinking the potion into an animalistic heat of a mess or small ones that allows one’s flesh to glow when their bodies are heated up for intimacies. These concoctions are sold in the Black Market to many dealers.
Need connections in your underground business? - Great! Because The Lily Garden, or specifically The Garden that Nokai handles are open for such long term connections/contracts. Need illegal supplies? Something or someone killed? Want someone to sell your potions? Need intel on someone that requires illegal means to acquire? The Garden is here for you. The only thing she will say no to is to harming innocents.
Sparring partner - She loves sparring and fighting. She enjoys a friendly exchange of blows or even blows that would end breaking each other’s limbs. The blood of a Dotharl or perhaps just a Xaela is strong within her with these things and she would just end up laughing at the end of it so long as both parties are friendly to one another. Besides, as the head of her family, she needs to stay in top shape.
Do you sell quality weapons? - Nokai is always buying weapons, especially axes, for nearly everyday. With the Dotharl’s inhumane strength, she usually almost always breaks her weapons every time she uses it whether it’s during hunts or on duty missions. So she’s always on the hunt for new quality weapons. Prices do not matter.
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What I’m looking for ––––
I am looking for long term RPs and RP friends!
I want Nokai to meet people to be friends with, associates or perhaps future employees/employers C: I am very much open for Dark RP and even Erotic RP--however, I do not ERP unless my partner is present and vice versa and would prefer heavily if it accompanies plot but that is not my focus. I want to make plots with others and have them involved with our company or personal plots or help others with their own plots whether it’s hiring Nokai and her maids or just simply becoming her friend and asking for help.
Oocly, I am ––––
I am 18+ and have roleplayed for at least 9 years.
I am online from 4PM EST to 7AM EST. The only days I am not available are Mondays and Thursdays 10PM EST and Sundays 8PM EST due to livestreaming work.
I am a shy person and do not usually message others first or find myself becoming too busy at times so please do not take it as me being uninterested if I am unable to reply ASAP.
English is my second language so I apologize if I make a spelling or a grammar error or if my post takes more than 5 minutes. I try to always proofread to make sure that there’s no mistakes in my posts.
I usually do para RPs but I can and will match your length to suit the RP.
I try to stay as close to lore as possible but I’m usually a roleplayer that bends on somethings.
Contact Information  ––––
Feel free to shoot me a tumblr or in-game message or ask for my Discord!
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captainjellyart · 6 years
id like to know the 'full story' if its not a problem....! if u dont wanna post it here or whatever dont worry tho cause it's understandable!! i hope u feel better super soon, no matter what happened...!
wahh i tried re-uploading the livestream onto dailymotion but it exceeded the upload limit oops ;;
i’ll just try and write the explanation under the cut. its gonna be long af, but i dont wanna leave out any details because i dont want people to take this story the wrong way. (sorry mobile users lol)
TW: animal death.
about a month ago, me and my roommate went and got two baby bearded dragons from a pet store. i was planning on adopting/rescuing an adult one, but we were looking on all the adoption sites, and we calculated that just straight up getting one was cheaper at the time. the particular pet store we went to has a reputation of not taking care of their animals, but it was sort of an impulse trip. (the trip to go get them was impulse, but i have lots of experience with bearded dragons and have been planning on getting one of my own for a while now.)
my roommate got the male, “Spam”, and i got the female, “Vienna”.
we kept them in the same tank for a couple weeks, but we kept an eye on them in case they started showing aggression towards each other. they never did, but we eventually separated them anyway. Spam wasnt eating as well as Vienna, so we fed him separately-- but then Vienna was the one who wasnt eating well, so we tried to feed her separately. Spam got better, but... Vienna didnt.
after a couple days of feeding her through one of my un-used t-shot syringes, one day i burst out crying because i thought she was dying. i called multiple vets, and only one was available asap.
we took her to the emergency vet, and the doctor didnt say we were doing anything wrong in particular. she just said she was in critical condition, and she had less than 50% chance in surviving. she gave us the option of putting her down right then and there, or try to nurse her back to health (which could take weeks). me and katie desperately wanted to help her, so we decided to take her back home with the medical supplies provided by the vet.
this was around the time when i opened up the emergency commissions, because the vet bill was super high. i borrowed money from my brother, and he needed to be paid back asap. for the next couple days, we fed her the prescribed medicine every hour on the hour. we did daily treatments and gave her a ton of TLC.
but,,, when we thought she was finally getting better,,, one day, she slowly passed away in my hands.
i havent felt so much of a failure in a long ass time. i beat myself up for being so stupid as to buy a sickly animal from a pet store which i knew had a bad reputation for carelessly breeding their animals, and i hated the fact that i supported such a corporation. but after a day of sobbing, i came to a conclusion.
the more time i spend mourning over her, the less time i spend saving another family member.
the next day, we held a little funeral with my roommates in our yard. i decorated the box i put her in, and we all had a ceremony in her honor. as soon as we buried her; we all went immediately to get another one.
i didnt talk about any of this publically for a while, and i wasnt planning on doing so, because i know this story story so far can rub some people the wrong way. we absolutely loved and adored Vienna, and we did everything we could to keep her healthy and alive. i mourned and had closure on her behalf, and im still mourning. remember that everyone mourns differently, and i dont want anyone to think i didnt care about her or think im simply replacing her.
now with that out of the way: again-- i wanted to adopt/rescue, and i didnt mind getting an adult. but at this point, we already had a setup for a baby beardie and it was going to be a while before we were able to upgrade. but all the adoption sites didnt have any beardies that were under 1 years old, so i did my research and went to a place where they took wonderful care of their animals.
i asked if there were any older beardies, but the only stock they had were these fresh babies that they just got the day before. i was skeptical on getting one, since i didnt wanna fuck up because baby beardies are super super fragile. but i couldnt leave without one, so we picked one we fell on love with and checked out.
again; i dont want anyone to think that im simply replacing Vienna. but since Vienna lived such a short life, and she came from such a terrible birthplace-- in honor of her struggle, we named this baby after her. thus; this new baby is dubbed “Vienna the II”. i know people are going to think its stupid, but i was already attached to the name and i wanted to try really hard to keep her name and memory alive.
so- in case anyone was wondering why “Vienna” is so much smaller now, and why we call her “the second”-- this is why. keep in mind that every animal we take into our lives; we are 1000% dedicated to keeping for the duration of their lives. they arent just pets, they are family to us. please respect the memory of Vienna the I.
oof, sorry for the sad sob story. if youre wondering why im so inactive online nowadays, its because im having some relapses in depression and im giving as much TLC to my animals as i can at the moment. ill be a little more active soon.
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