#they put vash the stampede in a dress
goomyloid · 1 year
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part dos. i stampedeified him
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The ultimate reference sheets for all of Vash's outfits in Trigun maximum (with commentaries)
IT IS DONE. I'M FREE. Now I can forget all about Trimax and draw Trigun stampede designs only hahaha (just kidding I have things for Trimax on the stove).
Trigun bookclub was an awesome initiative, I loved the manga with my all heart and wanted to honor Nightow's designs ;w; I also wanted to help my fellow artists with references for Vash's clothes because DEAR GOD it's difficult to understand how the hell he dresses himself in the morning. I have a lot of fun dressing and undressing him like a barbie doll. My hyperfixation is completely healthy.
I put a "read more" section to avoid spoilers :) !
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The July coat
The very first coat in Trigun chronology and the one he wores during the destruction of July ! There is not a lot of panels to take references but I tried to stay as close as possible to the manga. I don't know what number of prosthesis he had before but let name this one Prosthesis 1.
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Scars map
Next, nakey Vash ! There's A LOT of changes between one panel to another. Scars changes places and forms panel to panel and the design evolved from the first chapters of Trigun, the time we see him naked as Eriks and his undressed state while he was a prisoner on the Ark. I drew the scars that appeared more than once or were in clean view in a panel (but really you can do like Nightow and draw as many scars as you want without thinking about consistency, this boy has been in a meat grinder)
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After July underclothes
Or the jumpsuit that gave me grey hair. His suit does not make ANY sense, I don't know how the hell he dresses himself in the morning with this. My solution is that it's very long gloves and chaps strapped to a belt. The position and shapes of the belts changes IN EVERY PANEL. Same for his knee guards, sometimes they're here, sometime they cover his shins, sometimes they are tiny..... I gave up in the end and draw them as we see them in the very last panel he wears this suit. But damn he looks good in it.
Also in all of the 13 volumes, there is not a single panel with a clear view of his holster (I checked...) so here is my interpretation.
This is prosthesis n°2, the design is a little different from the first one so I guess Prosthesis 1 got destroyed (this happens a lot).
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After July coat
The very first Trigun coat he wears in the manga ! Very simple, very basic, it gives him impossibly wide shoulders but Vash deserves it. The first one is worn Post July until Vash's confrontation against Brilliant Dynamite Neon. The second one is the state of his coat after the sandsteamer incident. He loses his prothesis after his fight against Monev the gale. He meets Wolfwood with only one arm and stays that way while he fights Knives for the first time.
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I took liberties with colors because there's no colored panels with Vash as Eriks. Yes I drew him without suspenders because he has them for like 5 panels and then Nightow drew him without them for the rest of Eriks arc so I made choices ;w;
I love the fact that Vash choose to wear tight jeans even in his casual outfits, this boy will not let his skin breath. This is now Prosthesis 3 ! It's way less advanced than the ones he wore in the rest of the manga, the other ones seem to replicate skin.
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After his years as Eriks
And now the first Maximum coat, he wears it until the famous Yuri hospital arc! Finally an undersuit that makes sense, I love it, too bad Nightow-san decided that I had to suffer and changed it again to add BELTS EVERYWHERE. We only see his legs in this part of the manga so I gave him the same top because I can.
The tubes he has on his waist are filled with bullets, he can connect them to his prosthesis to have a mini machine gun.
We are now at Prosthesis 4 !
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Hospitalization on the Home ship
The famous Yuri hospital phase! Vash definitely shared his wardrobe with Wolfwood, you can't tell me otherwise.
The first outfit still shows Prothesis 4 but he keeps it for like 5 minutes and lost it again against Nine-lives. I don't really know if the prothesis comes with the integrated glove or if there's synthetic skin under it but why would he keep the glove on if it's not intergrated?
The second pictures is the different outfits he wears during his convalescence. I took liberties with the colors, I drew this in like 10 minutes, everything seems easy when you don't have to draw BELTS. We are now on Prothesis 5 ! Nightow drew it as a regular arm so I guess Vash wears gloves on top of it??????
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Back on the road in pursuit of Knives
He wears this one after his stay at Home, throughout the Dragon's nest ark and until his 2nd fight against Knives.
I liked the design of his jumpsuit until I looked closer at the panels and saw that the design change ON EVERY ONE OF THEM. Knee guard on only one knee? No kneeguards? Two??? WHO KNOWS ??? I tried to make it work but really go wild with this one, even the author does not know how his pant looks.
Still prosthesis 5, BUT UNTIL WHEN?
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Prisoner on the Ark
THEY MASSACRED MY BOY. Did they even feed him at least in 7 months? Those pictures are the definition of the drenched kitty cat left under the rain. Give this man a blanket and a therapist.
Bye bye Prothesis 5 ! And see what I mean when I say that his outfit does not make sense????? It comes out in parts????
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After his imprisonment on the Ark
The last suit in the manga! He keeps this coat until the end of the story. From this point, only his hair changes (or the color of his coat).
I adore the little angel wing symbol on his left arm, such a cute addition. Too bad it appears in one of the most traumatic event of his life.
Speaking of his jumpsuit...The return of belts.... But at least this outfit stays relatively coherent except for his kneeguards who appear and disappear panel from panel but most of the time he doesn't have any, so no kneeguard it is. Prosthesis 6 hello !
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Final battle and end of the story
It hurted to drew those outfits ;w; And working on the design of his coat when he fights Legato made me realize where Orange studio took inspiration to chose the colors for Vash's coat in the final episode of Stampede ! Great job ! I tried to color the same effects as one of the illustrations showing dark Vash but I'm not really good with colors..... He actually radiates energy but with some purple undertones, I took some liberties because those are my drawings I do what I want.
I'm not sure at 100% that he has a tuft of blond hair left when his outfit turns black but his hair is all black at the end of the fight. His prosthesis is destroyed at the end of the fight. He got another one in the final chapter. So 7 prosthesis throughout the story!
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fairy-writes · 2 months
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Trigun Stampede
Pairing(s): Vash the Stampede x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Angst, Reader is Short, Use of Various Nicknames (mayfly, half-pint, shorty, etc.)
Notes: I’m still very new to the Trigun Stampede fandom. So please forgive me if I get anything wrong!
When you opened your eyes, you scared the poor nurse checking your vitals.
Your eyes flew open, and you gasped for air. The nurse screams and pushes a button as you pass back into unconsciousness.
When you wake up again, there’s a doctor in a white lab coat writing something on a clipboard when he notices you looking around.
“Ah, so you’re awake then?” He says kindly, and you mumble something incoherent. Your throat is as dry as the desert outside, and you can’t quite remember where you are.
The doctor seems to realize something and chuckles to himself.
“Right, you’d probably want some answers, yes?” You nod silently, not entirely trusting yourself to speak just yet. 
“You’re in the hospital. Your friends brought you here after a nasty hit to the head. You fractured your skull, but it’s healing nicely thus far.”
A fractured skull? 
“Wouldn’t that kill me?” At this, the doctor shakes his head,
“Humans have existed for centuries and dealt with injuries far worse than this one. You’ll be fine.”
“How long was I out for?” You can’t help but ask, almost scared of the answer. The doctor checks your clipboard at the end of your bed and flips a couple of pages. 
“Looks like you were out for about a week, give or take a day or two.” He says casually, and you swallow thickly. 
The doctor notices your brief panic and puts the clipboard down to touch your shoulder, 
“You’re fine. You shouldn’t have any long-term effects from your injury.” He reassures you, and your shoulders sag in relief. If he said everything was okay, you had no reason to be alarmed. You nod with a tight smile, and the doctor seems to have remembered something. 
“Your friends are waiting outside. Would you like me to bring them in?” He asks, and you pause for a brief moment before nodding. 
“Yes, please.” You say, and he smiles from under his mustache, 
“We’ll bring them in one at a time so you aren’t overwhelmed. They are a bit of a rowdy bunch.”
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Things go horribly wrong when someone you don’t recognize comes in. 
He’s tall, with floppy blond hair and eyes hidden behind orange glasses. He has an odd-looking prosthetic arm and is dressed in a crimson coat over all black. He looks incredibly relieved to see you. So relieved, in fact, that he all but sprints to your side, leans down, and kisses you on the mouth desperately. 
He tastes like tears and anguish. Like he never expected you to wake up. All of that was well and good, except for the fact that you didn’t know who this was. 
So you push him away, eyes wide, and your shoulders tensing. Confusion colors his features. 
“Mayfly—” You cut him off. 
“I’m sorry… Who are you?”
That was obviously the wrong thing to say. Because it looked like you had just shattered this man’s heart. Like you ripped out his heart and stomped on it. The light in his gaze died, and he almost crumpled to the floor. He slumped into a chair in shock. 
“Mayfly?” He all but whimpered, and you frowned. 
“That’s not my name.” Just then, before you can say anything else, the doctor came back in. 
“Are you ready for the next person?” He asked, and you nodded. 
Anything to get your mind off of the poor blond in front of you. 
Luckily, you recognize the next person that comes through the door. 
“Nicky!” You cheer when you recognize the face of Nicholas D. Wolfwood. He grins and ruffles your hair as gently as he can manage. His Punisher is nowhere to be found. Maybe it’s on the van? 
“You had us worried there, Half-Pint.” He teases, and you bat his hand away, but you’re grinning. 
“You remember him?” Comes a soft voice and you turn to see the blond man again. If possible, he looks like he’s even more heartbroken and upset than before. 
He’s acting like you keep stabbing him in the back with every word out of your mouth. And for whatever reason, your heart aches for him. 
Nicholas seems to notice the tension between you two and frowns, 
“What, you having a lover’s spat or something?” He asks, and now you frown, 
“I don’t even know who he is.” You say quietly, and his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline. 
“The hell do you mean? You two can’t keep your hands off each other.” He demands and flicks your forehead. You wince and swat his hand away. 
“I mean, I’ve never seen this man in my life!”
The next two people tumble into your hospital room, and you flinch at the noise. Your name blubbers from Meryl Stryfe’s lips, and she throws herself onto your bed and wraps her arms around you tightly. Roberto de Niro follows slowly behind, offering you a toast of sorts with his flask. 
“I thought you’d never wake up!” Meryl cries, and you pat the short girl’s head,
“You can’t keep me down forever, Meryl, you know that.” You tease, and she looks up at you, wiping tears from her eyes. A wobbly smile crosses her face as the doctor comes back in. 
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You are discharged the next day. But not before the doctor has some parting words for you. After mentioning the whole “not recognizing the blond man whose name was apparently Vash” thing, he ran some tests. He diagnosed you with “systematized amnesia,” which was apparently where you could lose all memories of a single person or event. 
Huh… The brain was a funny thing…
Meryl is babbling about what you missed during your coma. 
“Vash rarely left your side, you know!” She chirps, and you glance sidelong at Vash, who is avoiding your gaze. You sit on the left side of the van, with Nicholas stuck in the middle and Vash on the opposite side. Apparently, you used to sit next to Vash, but after everything that happened after you woke up, you weren’t comfortable with it. 
Nicholas is less than pleased. 
“You better get your memories back soon, shorty.” He says before he clambers back into the van after a rest stop. His expression was angry, but you know by how he holds his shoulders and his words that he’s worried about you. He is so concerned, in fact, that he doesn’t complain otherwise. 
You jolt and see Meryl looking at you in the rearview mirror, concern etched across her features, and realize that you never replied. You offer her an awkward smile but don’t say anything. 
If possible, Vash sinks into his coat even more as if trying to disappear. 
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It’s cold in the deserts of No Man’s Land during the evenings. You can feel the temperature dropping as you build a small fire. Usually, fires would be dangerous, especially with bandits roaming these parts but it was cold enough to risk it. So, to mitigate the risk, you parked the van against an alcove of rocks and built a fire just at the mouth of the little cave. 
Everyone is snoozing in their sleeping bags while you keep watch when you’re approached by Vash. 
Perhaps approached isn’t the right word. Vash more or less sits an appropriate distance away from you, arms around his knees.
It’s quiet. 
Almost awkwardly so. 
The tension between you two is so thick that you’re fairly certain you could slice through it with a knife.
“I’m sorry.” You blurt, unable to take the silence and his quick little glances when he thinks you aren’t looking. You can’t take the heartbreak in this man’s eyes. The eyes of someone you feel like you should know but are entirely unfamiliar to you.
But something in your heart yearns for him.
Vash looks at you, uncertainty playing across his face. You look away when his gaze meets yours and down at your fingers. 
“I’m just—I’m sorry for all of this… For not being able to remember… I want to! I do! I promise! But—”
“Mayfly,” He says gently, and you look up to see him staring with something unreadable in those beautiful blue eyes hidden behind orange glasses. He doesn’t scoot closer, almost like he’s not allowing himself to. But he still continues on, “It’s not your fault. If anything, it’s mine. I should’ve made you stay behind. Then maybe—”
Not it’s your turn to cut him off. 
“I’m going to stop you right there. If we really were together, then you know I wouldn’t have sat idly by.” You say sourly, and he huffs out a little laugh.
“You’re right… I should’ve remembered that…” He mumbles, and you smile,
“Looks like I’m not the only one losing my marbles.” You tease. His eyes darken again, and he looks to the dying fire. 
Whoops… Wrong thing to say… 
You sigh and look out at the desert. Well… You look out at what you can see with the van in the way.
“I can see how much this hurts you. I’m so, so sorry I can’t remember.” You whisper, twisting your hands this way and that as you wrack your brain, trying to remember something about this blond man who seemed to love you so much.
Only to end up with a headache and not much else. 
A thump on your head causes you to flinch and look up. 
Nicholas stares down at you with tired eyes. 
“Time for you to go to bed, runt. ‘s my turn to keep watch.” He says with a yawn before glaring pointedly at Vash, who sits ramrod straight when he notices the look. “And you need rest, too, blondie.” He scolds, and you roll your eyes,
“Yes, mom.” You say in jest, and he just ruffles your hair while fishing a cigarette from his jacket pocket. 
But you relent, standing and wrapping your jacket tighter around yourself as you leave the comfort of the fire. The cold sets in soon after, and you snuggle into your sleeping bag as quickly as you can manage. You hear Vash do the same, but his breathing doesn’t deepen, nor does it slow. 
He’s awake, just like you.
At least… Until you fall asleep. 
You dream of a soft caress, gentle lips against yours, and the most beautiful shade of blue you’ve ever seen. 
And you awake feeling confused. 
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blondeboyfriend · 1 year
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[ PAIRING ] Vash the Stampede x reader x Millions Knives [ SYNOPSIS ] You get high with your sweet roommate and his weird brother. [ WORD COUNT ] 3k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, no plot/just smut, dubcon (everyone's high), marijuana, lowkey plantcest, threesome (mmf), marking, of course Vash has a biting kink, handjob, oral sex, nipple play, sensory deprivation, finger sucking.
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“I wish you would have said he was coming over,” you growled, mourning the loss of a lazy, hazy Sunday morning.
You were laying down on the couch, your feet resting in Vash’s lap. You wore one of his old shirts over a pair of comfy underwear while he was dressed in a pair of cotton running shorts and a loose fitting tank top.
Vash intently watched the baseball game you put on for background noise. It was cute, considering he didn’t know anything about sports. When your team hit a home run Vash looked at you, his puppy dog eyes sparkling with wonder, and said with full confidence, “The orange team scored a goal.”
He pouted. “I live here too, y’know? I’m allowed to have company.”
“All I ask for is fair warning. Your brother…” You groaned. “I don’t know. He weirds me out.”
Vash sighed. “I know, I know. But I told him to play nice.”
You sat up and glared. “Oh, whatever. Why did he even leave Alaska in the first place?”
“I think he’s lonely.”
“Did he not move up there to be alone? He hates everyone. Why the fuck would he be lonely?”
“Well he likes me,” Vash laughed.
You rolled your eyes and laid back down, your head hitting the arm rest. The vibe was sure to change with Nai’s arrival. He had a habit of sucking the air out of the room with his presence. It was like being locked up with a starved coyote.
And yet Vash brought out a devoted tenderness, one that radiated adoration. His brother was the only one who could coax a smile out of him. His grin was precious and fleeting like a nightblooming cereus flowering under a desert moon.
“That doesn't make him any easier to deal with though,” you whined.
“It’s gonna be fine,” he said, patting your leg. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Vash’s touch left your skin feeling voltaic. You hated that such a brief and simple gesture could render you reeling in milliseconds. Fortunately there was a knock on the door, breaking you free from your Vash-induced trance. Unfortunately the person beyond the door was a beacon of hostility. You grumbled and repositioned yourself on the other end of the couch. Vash got up and let his brother in.
“Hi!” he replied cheerfully, opening his arms for a hug.
Nai breezed past him, dropping his stuff down near the front door. He looked worn out, hostility tempered by a long flight. His platinum blonde hair was fluffy and askew, each strand riddled with sleep. His big blue eyes were half-lidded, obscuring the usual intensity of his gaze. His sweatpants were rumpled, hanging low on his hips and revealing a tuft of his pale happy trail. His shirt was slightly too short and it hugged his body, accentuating his hard earned muscles. An unbuttoned oversized flannel topped it off, the sleeves rolled up revealing his veiny forearms.
“How was your flight?” you asked even though you didn’t care.
Nai took Vash’s seat on the couch and sunk into it. He was clearly annoyed by your presence.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” His tone was dripping with impatience.
You couldn’t believe he was being so dismissive considering he was in your apartment.
“So I’m guessing it was bad,” you replied.
“I was stuck next to a screaming infant.”
“Oh fuck, that’s awful.”
“I know what you need to do,” Vash interjected with a playful grin.
“And what would that be exactly?” his brother asked.
You and Vash spoke at the same time.
“Get high!”
“Find somewhere else to stay!” 
Vash let out a little gasp and Nai weakly glared at you. “I’m kidding! It’s a joke. Like ha ha. It’s funny… Whatever. Yeah, smoke weed.”
Vash ran to his room and gathered his rolling papers and a mason jar full of fruity smelling marijuana. He sat on the floor in front of the coffee table and began to roll a joint. His dexterity and speed were awe inspiring. Watching him roll made you think of all the other incredible feats his fingers were capable of.
“I can’t even remember the last time I got high,” Nai mumbled.
“Is weed like extinct up there or something?” you asked knowing your wording would annoy him.
“Extinct? How could it be extinct if yo—I’m not going to even bother.”
“Smart man,” you laughed.
You were shocked to see a hint of a half-smile on his face. Maybe Nai had heeded Vash’s request to play nice.
“Wasn’t your last time with me?” Vash asked before licking the edge of the paper and sealing the joint.
“Probably. You’re the only stoner I know…  thankfully.”
You cocked your head to the side. “What do you mean by thankfully?”
“People that smoke weed are… hm. How do I put this? Obnoxious.”
Vash looked disappointed as he lit the joint. He took a hit and blew the smoke up at the ceiling. 
Nai continued, “And I hate the smell.”
“Why even smoke then?!”
Nai turned to you. “How can I say no to that face?”
The two of you directed your attention towards Vash. He looked up, big, blue eyes already red rimmed, and broke out into a goofy grin. His dimples were on full display, looking cute as hell. Nai had a point. How the fuck could you say no to such a precious creature?
“You can’t,” you confessed as Vash handed you the joint. You took a hit. “It’s a crime, like, a felony,” you continued, holding the smoke in your lungs.
You exhaled and passed the joint to Nai. He looked at the glowing, red cherry with mild disgust. He held it to his lips and took a long drag. He looked so confident, so cool.
However the illusion was fleeting. The second he tried to exhale he burst out into a cacophony of coughs with a melodramatic “WHY!?” in the middle. Vash got off the floor and took a seat in between you and Nai. He tended to his brother, rubbing his back as he tried to catch his breath.
“He gonna be okay?” you asked, plucking the joint from Nai’s fingers.
You took a hit and exhaled with little fanfare.
“I’d—” Nai continued to hack. “—shit—appreciate it if you didn’t talk about me like I’m not in the room.”
“I didn’t think you were capable of speaking.”
Vash put his arm around Nai, letting him bury his blushed face in his neck. You stifled a laugh and passed the joint to Vash. He took a lengthy drag and exhaled the smoke away from his sensitive brother.
“How are you feeling?” Vash asked softly.
Nai coughed pathetically. “Terrible.”
“That means you should smoke more,” you said. “You’re in like limbo right now. You’re existing in between worlds. Sobriety and fuckin’ uh… being high.”
You completely disregarded Nai’s attempt to speak.
“You should shotgun him.”
Vash appeared to be deep in thought. “That’s a great idea,” he finally said.
“Yeah and it’s totally, um, altruistic. I gain nothing.”
You knew you were overselling it, but you couldn’t muster any discretion regarding your deranged desire.
“Is it going to hurt?” Nai asked trepidatiously.
You laughed. “Nope. It’ll actually make the smoke less like… harsh, y’know?”
“What do I have to do?”
Vash went to speak, but you were feeling gutsy and interrupted him.
“Your brother,” you said, pointing at Vash as if Nai wouldn’t know who his brother was, “is gonna take a hit. And then he’s gonna kiss you and exhale the smoke in your mouth… And it’s not gonna be weird at all.”
Again, you found yourself overselling the act, but it couldn’t be helped. It was bubbling up inside you. There was no escape. You were trapped, practically drowning in your perverted need to see them kiss.
“It’ll be a little weird,” Vash admitted. “But only a little.”
You wanted to strangle Vash. He was right of course, but you didn’t want the bleak truth to deter Nai.
“It’s gonna be great,” you reassured. “And your brother is like the perfect person to do it with.”
Vash batted his eyelashes and relit the joint. He was so cute you wanted to hit him.
“Alright. I’ll do it.”
You planted your head in Vash’s lap for a better view. He took a hit off the joint, holding the smoke in his lungs before passing it off to you. He gently held onto Nai’s jaw, running his thumb across his lip. He placed his other hand on the back of Nai’s head and stroked his undercut.
Nai’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes wide and nervous. You felt like you were going to fall to pieces once Vash leaned in and pressed his lips against Nai’s. You were utterly bewitched as he exhaled the smoke into his mouth. Nai looked like he was in a daze as Vash pulled away.
“Ca—can I try?” you asked.
“Sure,” Vash said enthusiastically.
“Not you,” you said, taking a hit off the joint.
You dropped it in the ashtray and clumsily lifted yourself up to kiss Nai. His lips were soft and his mouth tasted faintly of spearmint gum. After exhaling you slipped your tongue into his mouth, the smoke trailing out his nose. The odd positioning of your body betrayed you. Your arms gave out from under you, breaking the kiss. Your face was nestled in his crotch. You could feel his girthy cock against your nose.
Vash cleared his throat. “You okay?”
“I don’t know,” Nai muttered, stroking the back of your head like it was a kitten. “Can we put something else on? I can’t handle sports right now. The competitive nature of it all is taking years off of my life.”
“What’s the score?” you asked.
Vash said solemnly, “The orange guys are losing.”
“Ugh. Yeah… you can put something else on.”
“Any requests?” Vash asked, scanning the floor for the remote.
“A Fistful of Dollars. Or Once Upon a Time in the West… wait, no. Not that one. I hate that part where the guy has his neck in a noose, and sitting on his little brother’s shoulders is the only thing stopping him from getting hung.”
“Boriiiiiiing,” you heckled. You lifted yourself out of Nai’s lap. “I’ll fall a—fuckin’—sleep.”
You found yourself lost in Vash’s eyes. You felt bad for being so dismissive of him when he offered himself up to you.
“Well what do you have in mi—”
“It doesn’t matter. Can I kiss you?”
“Oh, so now you wanna kiss me?”
“I don’t know… You kinda hurt my feelings.”
“Vash, please.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, just kiss them already,” Nai groaned, reaching for the extinguished joint. “Where’s the lighter?”
Vash practically threw the lighter at his brother and pulled you into a sloppy kiss. He wasted no time shoving his tongue into your mouth and rolling it up against yours. His hands wandered down your back, holding you close to his body. Drool began to drip from the corners of your lips as he whimpered in your mouth. You braced yourself, hands pressing into his chest, feeling the softness of his relaxed muscles.
“Ouch, ow, ow,” Nai droned as he burned his thumb with the lighter’s flame.
Vash turned his head and wiped his mouth. “What? What happened?”
“Burnt my finger,” Nai replied, taking a hit off the joint. As Vash went to speak, Nai pushed the joint through his parted lips. “I’m fine.”
“Baby,” you teased.
“I’m hardly a baby for being averse to pain.”
“Hate to break it to you, but you’ll always be my baby” Vash said while exhaling.
“Can I be your baby?” you asked, grabbing the joint from him. You took a hit and let the smoke trail out of your mouth. “Please?”
“No,” Vash said before kissing you once more.
Nai groaned and plucked the joint from your fingers. He finished it off. He uncomfortably crossed and uncrossed his legs. You briefly opened your eyes and shifted your gaze to his lap. His cock was stiff against his sweatpants.
You reached over, placing your hand on his cock and stroked his tip. He coughed, choking on nothing but air. He grabbed a hold of your wrist and you waited for him to shove you away. But he didn’t. He guided it under his clothes. Your fingers danced along his shaft, feeling the veins snaking around his cock.
Vash bit down on your lower lip before kissing your jaw. He moved onto your neck, grazing it with his teeth. He sucked on your neck, interspersing his kisses with bites. You could feel the bruise blooming on your skin. You stroked the back of his head, his soft, flaxen hair slipping between your fingers.
Nai rutted against your hand. His cock leaked precum, leaving your palm sticky. His breathing was sharp and shallow.
“You like that, huh?” you cooed.
Nai nodded. The power you felt was insurmountable. You never thought you’d end up in such a situation with him. You always knew you’d hook up with Vash eventually because you resided under the same roof, but fucking around with his brother never crossed your mind.
Vash tugged at the neckline of your shirt and peppered your collarbones with kisses.
“Take it off,” he said, breath hot against your skin.
You let go of Nai’s cock and pulled your shirt off. Your nipples hardened as the cool air hit your chest. Nai whimpered, longing for the return of your touch. He took your hand and placed it back on his cock. You wrapped your hand around it, letting him fuck your fist.
Vash flicked his tongue against your nipple, drawing your attention back towards him. Nai followed his lead, latching onto the other one. Your cunt throbbed as they lapped at your breasts.
“Sh—shit,” Nai choked out as he came in your hand.
You continued to jerk him off, coating the shaft of his cock with his cum. You savored each of his breathy moans. His brows were knitted together, a sign of the bliss overwhelming his body. You were a little jealous, praying one of them would tend to your weeping cunt.
“I have a fun idea,” Vash said abruptly.
You let go of Nai’s cock and held your hand up to his face. “Lick it up… Uh, so what’s the fun idea?”
Nai reluctantly dragged his tongue along your hand, slipping it in between your fingers..
“Okay,” Vash said sitting up. “One of us will go down on you and you have to guess who it is.”
“What happens if I guess wrong?”
Vash shrugged. “You’ll… I’ll… Nothing I guess. I didn’t think that far ahead.”
“If you’re wrong, we get to fuck your face,” Nai said, shoving your hand away.
That didn’t seem like much of a consequence so you readily agreed. Nai scrambled to his duffle bag and pulled out the complimentary sleep mask he got on the plane. You put it on and tried to ignore its recycled air smell.
“Alright, ready?” they asked in unison.
You felt a pair of hands grip your hips and pull down your underwear. Your toes curled in anticipation as they traveled down your thighs. They hung around one of your ankles; the man between your legs was too impatient to remove them completely. He kissed the inside of your thighs and slipped his fingers inside your slick cunt. He spread apart your folds. His tongue slid in between them, teasing your hole.
He dragged his tongue along your clit before sucking on it. You couldn’t figure out who was going down on you and you didn’t really care. He lapped up the arousal that glazed your cunt. You rolled your hips against his face, the tip of his nose grazing your clit.
You tried to speak, but you couldn’t. The words got caught in your throat. All you could do is whimper. You heard a familiar laugh and could feel the sound of his amusement against your body.
“Don’t laugh,” you whined.
He continued to laugh before biting into your thigh.
“It’s Vash.”
“How did you know?!” he asked, ripping off the sleep mask.
“You fucking bit me!”
“And? Maybe he would have bit you too.”
“Nope,” Nai said. “You’re just that predictable.”
“Yeah, you’re like especially bitey,” you replied.
“No I’m not.”
“You bit me all the time as a kid.”
“And you’ve been biting me all day.”
Vash groaned and buried his face in your cunt. He paid special attention to your aching clit. His soft tongue was relentless. Your skin was tingling, every inch of your body singing. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. You felt like you were going to burst with pleasure.
Nai sat next to you on the couch and forced his fingers in your mouth. His face was adorned with a sick grin, his eyes dark with lust. You glanced down at Vash, his eyes mirroring his brother’s. All the attention sent you spiraling, falling deeper and deeper into lusty avidity. Nai’s fingers in your mouth did little to quiet you. Your moans were simply too powerful.
“Aww. You’re getting close, aren’t you?” Nai said, pulling his fingers out of your mouth.
A strand of spit clung from your mouth to his fingers.
“Uh-huh,” you mewled as Vash sucked on your clit.
Nai couldn’t have been more right. Your orgasm rushed through your body in no time, leaving rapture in its wake. It was transcendent. You felt like you were hovering above the couch. Vash biting the inside of your thigh was what brought you back to earth.
“I know…” You struggled to speak. “I know I guessed right, but I still want you guys to fuck my face.”
Vash immediately pulled down his shorts, revealing his throbbing cock.
“Hold on,” you sighed. Vash frowned and tucked it back into his shorts. “I wanna be on a bed.”
In one swift motion, Vash hoisted you over his shoulder. You hung over him like a limp noodle with no will of your own. Nai trailed behind and pinched the tender flesh of your ass. All you could think about was how lovely it would be to gag on their cocks.
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bendycxmet · 6 months
Sleep Date—Vash the Stampede
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Summary: Most of your and Vash's dates consist of getting cozy beneath the covers.
Word Count: ~1.2k
Content: fluff, cuddling, slight angst on Vash's side but nothing cuddling can't fix
Pairing: gn!reader x Vash the Stampede
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Several rhythmic knocks echo into your living space, eyes lifting from your TV in your room. Instantly recognizing your and Vash’s shared knock pattern, you jog to the door. Living in Julai isn’t always the safest, so Vash came up with a way that you know it’s him at the door whenever he comes over. 
A second barely passes by between you opening the door and him launching himself at you, engulfing you in a hug. You can tell from the soft texture tickling your nose that he is wearing your favorite red hoodie of his. You plan on stealing it later.
“Well hello to you too lover,” you tease, head burying into his chest to inhale the very unique scent that is clearly him. 
“Couldn’t help myself. It’s been too long.” He waddles you backward, closing the door with his foot and reaching back to lock it. With how often he’s over, this is second nature to him. Your safety stays on his mind.
He continues waddling you back into your room, swinging you around so he’s the one to fall onto your bed first. Hugging him isn't enough. Your hands inch their way underneath his expansive hoodie to seek out his warm skin. You mentally cheer when you feel an instant connection to his skin beneath your fingertips, seeing he decided to come dressed simply in his sweatpants and hoodie, with no shirt underneath. Gotta love your boyfriend for knowing exactly what he wants when he comes over–as much skin-to-skin contact time he can get with you. Leaning back with an idea, Vash whines at the loss of your soothing skin on his, quieting with a blush to his cheeks as he sees you take your sweatshirt off.
Returning to his side, you burrow your way under his hoodie, popping out from his neckline to nuzzle further into his neck. Vash hisses.
“Mayfly you need to turn on your heater once and a while. It gets real cold at night. Your nose is freezing!” At the feeling of your arms wrapping around his torso, he reciprocates the movement. 
“Why need a heater when I have one now?” You poke his side. “You come over six out of the seven days a week. You should leave your apartment lease and just come live with me.”
“That would be nice, but Nico would bite my head off. He claims he’s strapped for money and needs a roommate to split the rent. But he’s always out at that one bar…”
“Well, looks like Wolfwood and I will be sharing a roomie.”
Vash reaches beneath his hoodie, fingers rubbing along your spine, lightly grazing his nails. Goosebumps rise on your skin, a shudder running through your body at the feeling before relaxing back into his caresses. Humming, you close your eyes, finally indulging in Vash’s love after a long day. It doesn’t get better than this. 
“You know the reason why I wear this hoodie every time I come over for the night?”
“Because you know it's my favorite~ plus it looks good on you. The color suits you.”
He hums. “It looks better on you when you have nothing on- hey!” you pinch his sides, ending his teasing. He exhales through his nose, collecting his thoughts, before continuing. 
“I wear it because it's stretched enough to fit us both. I don't even see it as mine anymore. It smells like me and you whenever I put it on.” You look up slowly, seeing his eyes focused on the screen behind you. Anytime Vash admits a tiny secret of his, one where he is obviously vulnerable and open with you, he finds it hard to maintain eye contact with you. He loves looking at you, taking in every curve and angle that makes up the face of the one he loves most in this lifetime. But seeing the way you look at him, with complete devotion and ardor, it's enough to make the man drop to his knees. It's hard to handle. 
You love it when Vash gets to be open like this. You love knowing he confides his feelings to you, even the ones he’s used to bottling up, especially ones connected to his past. Running all his life has led Vash to have trouble admitting any type of feelings. He was always forced to keep a smile on his face to hide any anger, sadness, frustration. Any sort of emotion that could lead the people around him to believe that he can live up to his nickname if pushed to extremes. You avert your eyes, giving a slight squeeze to his backside to let him know you’re listening. To give him time and space to confess what’s on his mind.
“I love that we can share moments like this all the time, but I wanna be able to feel you in these moments. Being able to physically touch you…it’s a privilege, Mayfly. I never had this before. I couldn’t, with how often danger followed me. I can’t imagine putting you in front of any bullets meant for.”
You sense his mind is taking a dark turn. In an attempt to pull him back to you, you recall one part of the sentence to him.
“Physical touch…hm. So that’s why you hardly ever wear shirts under your hoodies…”
He brings his hands up to cover his face, Vash’s muffled groaning sounding from beneath them.
“Sheesh, am I that obvious? Can’t fault a guy for wanting to touch his angel.”
It's your turn to groan. “Cheesy bastard…” you tease. It's your way of calming the fierce love blooming in your chest, shoving your face into the crook of his neck. Several beats of silence pass. Suspicious, you peek at him. He seems to be “watching” the movie. 
“...Vash.” you deadpan. His nose twitches, before he opens his eyes back up to watch the movie.
“Oh I like this scene coming up-”
“You liar! You fell asleep! I felt your breathing change.”
“Not true… I was just resting my eyes for a couple of seconds.” A fit of chuckles overtakes you both before you two burst out laughing. 
“I've been in a relationship long enough with you that I know exactly when you fall asleep. You can't lie to me.” His arms tighten around you before rolling you over, smothering you. You continue giggling as he lays a path of kisses up your neck to your face. 
“Can't hide anything from you! Plus, you're all warm now,” he sighs, ceasing his attack on you so that he lies his head down next to yours, content with feeling your heartbeat sync with his own, fully feeling connected with you.
“Vash, as much as I love our cuddling, I'm running out of air,” you wheeze.
Without a word, he rolls you two onto your sides, so that you can still stay cuddling chest to chest. You slump into the comfort of your pillow and his arms, closing your eyes as Vash intertwines your legs, pulling you impossibly closer. Your leg rests on his hip, finally hearing Vash’s evened and spaced out breathing hit your neck. Smiling, you lift the blanket over the two of you. 
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a/n: oh to cuddle with vash...cries. part two will be out soon for this piece. it might get a lil...steamy. i'll link it here when i put it out! enjoy! muah x
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saetoru · 2 years
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ you wonder how vash smiles so easily with all his scars, and he shows you (.7k words)
☽ contents ⋮ just fluff for my lil wonder boy :(, mentions of scars
☽ notes ⋮ i tried my best to characterize him im on episode 5 okay :,)
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vash has scars.
you expect as much with the way he lives, just not to the extent that’s before you. he stares at you blankly for a moment as you walk through the door before blushing, the soft, red flush bleeding from his cheeks to the tips of his ears as he scrambles to hold his shirt to cover his chest.
vash has scars—and much like they did his skin, they slash at your heart.
some run long and deep, from his shoulder blade down to the middle of his back. it makes you think about all the times he turns his back blindly to people, hoping, trusting he won’t be betrayed. who could ever slash someone like vash across the back, you wonder, with his guard down and his heart out in the open.
some are small, like tiny bullet holes that heal to form uneven skin, a testament to the way he’s so selfless. you can almost envision him jumping in front of someone, blocking the bullet just seconds before they penetrate skin. because that’s who vash is—he’ll bleed to put out the fire for others in this dry, cruel desert.
even for those that start the flames to burn him down.
distantly, you think maybe you should leave. you should cover your eyes and apologize for intruding and walk out, but you can’t. not when the most vulnerable part of him is right here in front of you. it almost feels like to ignore it is to ignore vash, to ignore his kindness, his sacrifice, his pain and the cruelty he so casually suffers.
vash doesn’t deserve to cry—nor does he deserve to bleed, so you reach out tenderly, slowly, finding the scar that sits over the left side of his chest, letting your palm soothe over the bumpy skin as if it’s still bleeding, as if your touch alone can stanch the flow of blood.
maybe it can—maybe it does with the way his eyes close and his breath exhales shakily as though he’s in relief.
“sorry to walk in unannounced,” you murmur, giving him a tiny smile, making him chuckle lowly. he takes a step closer, lowers his shirt that covers his chest just like he turns his back when he trusts people.
he trusts you to see his back, maybe more than that.
“you could knock,” he teases lightly. you reach out and cup his cheek, running a thumb along the soft swell of skin as he hums appreciatively.
“i could,” you nod, “but then i’d miss the view,” you squeeze his left pec with a giggle, making him flush deeper as he looks away to the side.
and because you love him, because every part of him deserves to be loved no matter how scarred and imperfect it might be, because you cherish the parts of him that no one else did when it counted, you lean and press a kiss over the old bullet wound.
“you shouldn’t open doors hoping for half dressed men,” he mumbles, pouting slightly, “that’s not very polite.”
“i wasn’t looking for half dressed men,” you grin, “i was looking for a half dressed you. otherwise roberto’s room is right next door.”
“you probably don’t wanna see that,” vash shivers, making you giggle as he slumps his cheek against your hold, sighing softly in content when you lean to peck his jaw.
“no, i probably don’t,” you agree, “good thing i walked into this room instead, huh?”
“i guess it was the better alternative,” he says shyly.
it’s silent for a bit. you don’t know how to bring them up, how to so casually ask him to tell you the stories behind every harsh branding across his skin. so you settle for a question you can ask—one that you have, one that you know the answer to, but you can’t help but wonder no matter how many times he replies.
“how…why do you keep going? after all this?” you ask softly, staring at the rough marks across his body, the witnesses of the cruelty he’s faces who never quite leave.
he shrugs, stretches that easy grin on his face. “i deserve to smile,” is all he says.
and he does—painfully, you’re aware how much he deserves to smile and laugh and feel the sun soak him with warmth as the gentle breeze tickles his skin.
“do you?” you ask, slowly like you’re scared to hear the answer, “smile?”
his grin only widens. “yes,” he says sincerely, glancing down at your lips. “i do.”
and then his lips meet yours in a slow, smiley kiss, warm and gentle and tender enough to make you forget about his pain.
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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I wouldn’t be surprised if there were at least a few people who didn’t believe the general consensus that Vash the Stampede was the villain behind the July’s destruction and the deaths of 90% of its population just because he’s Vash the Stampede, the Humanoid Typhoon, the man who will slaughter the innocent, who does the most evil of evil deeds for the price of 60 billion double dollars on head, because in Tristamp, even before Lost July took place, there were a couple of details about Vash that didn’t seem to add up like how the stolen Plants were being brought to July City when it was the same city that put a bounty on Vash’s head for supposedly running around stealing Plants from all over the planet in the first place as seen in the city’s symbol stamped on the corner of his old wanted poster.
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I do wonder though not only how much Meryl decided to or was able to include in her article following Lost July assuming she was even able to get her article published but also how she’s seen and treated by the general populace in Tristamp because not only is she a reporter in this iteration but also its one thing for her to defend Vash after he blew a large crater in the fifth moon. It's another thing for her to defend Vash after he blew a large crater where the wealthiest and largest city in No Man’s Land used to be. I mean in the dub the radio host even outright says that if they were the demon who turned the city into a crater overnight, they’d hide their face too because they doubt that the mob of mourners who had gathered to pay their respects to the friends and families they’ve lost for the two-year anniversary of the incident would be so quick to forgive while she's in the truck on her way to the memorial she put up for Roberto.
And in Trimax and even 98’ Vash had people actively going after him because of what happened in July like that fancily dressed Plant engineer who sent an assassin after him and then later locked him in a room with a soon to be exploding Plant to kill him even if it meant endangering an entire city, the old lady had hired an assassin to kill Vash in volume 6 chapter 5 because her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchild had been one of the many who died in July, and Brilliant Dynamites Neon had revealed to have been prepared to kill Vash for some time since July during their duel on the sand steamer in volume 1 chapter 8 with Vash even outright asking him if he had folks who lived in July when the incident took place after he asked him why there weren’t any corpses to be found in the ruins of July City.
So I wonder if Meryl has had even a fraction of the ire those who’d lost friends, family, loved ones in July had towards Vash directed towards her during the two years Vash spent in hiding with Lina and Sheryl as Eriks because not only did she likely go around No Man’s Land literally being the devil’s advocate during that time, as she'd said so herself that its her duty as a member of the press to clear his name if proves himself innocent, but she had also been announced on the radio in episode four to be a possible accomplice of Vash’s who the military police were looking to bring in as a person of interest alongside Roberto, with Roberto mentioning how if word of this got out to HQ then they’d be sacked.
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Speaking of Brilliant Dynamites Neon, I think that he and Meryl could be set up to have a confrontation in S2 for this very reason. Which would be very cool to see since these two haven’t interacted much outside of her and Milly disguising themselves as members of the Bad Lads Gang to later back up Vash and Kaite when they’re cornered and then identifying Vash as the Vash the Stampede during the Bad Lads Gang's heist on the sand steamer in the ‘98 and Trimax
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and leading to, in both iterations, Neon taking the time to ask Vash about what exactly happened in July that led to the city being destroyed and, in '98 its residents being left alive but homeless unemployed and impoverished leading them to fight and kill each other to survive in the fallout of the incident, and in Trimax being swallowed by a black hole leading to no survivors or even any corpses left to be found, which led Vash to ask him if he too had folks who were in July at the time of the incident and then admit that he just didn't remember much about July when asked if he had anything to do with it which Neon was forced to accept before the two had a duel
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and then after Neon shot a rock about to crush Vash's head during their duel he was revealed to have been prepared to kill Vash for some time since July
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only for him to decide spare him, for now at least, not having let go of his reasons for wanting revenge post-July to stay true to the terms of their duel.
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Whereas in Tristamp Meryl was not only in July when the incident took place but also was there to witness firsthand what exactly happened that led to the city getting completely demolished and more than half of its population to have been killed by a large explosion. On top of that Meryl unlike Vash in '98 in Trimax and possibly in Tristamp didn't develop partial or complete amnesia following the traumatic incident and then there's also the fact that she's met the Bad Lads Gang when they took her and Roberto with them to the sandsteamer to take pictures of them during their heist to publish in the paper and this was a day before July 21st, meaning that those Bad Lads Gang members who were clearly shown fleeing by the time the ion cannon was being powered could identify her if they came across her again or even tried to find her two years later.
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Like I imagine in S2, when Vash is brought back to the scene and he finds himself in another situation at a sand steamer where the Bad Lads Gang are involved, only Brilliant Dynamites Neon himself has made an appearance this time around (I’m not even going to begin to imagine just what details Studio Orange is going to keep or change about their first meeting, they’ve already changed a lot about how and when the Bad Lads Gang were introduced-) at some point a scene similar to the original where Meryl with Milly come to back Vash up while he goes up against Neon and his gang, and one of his goons recognizes Meryl as that woman who they got to take pictures of them during their heist on the sandsteamer a day before Lost July, who's been going around vouching for Vash the Stampede for the past two years after the incident, Neon connects the dots, asks about what happened in July, Vash doesn’t remember so he can’t answer, but Meryl does so she can.
Which would make it the first time Neon has ever gotten an answer to his question, whether or not he believes her is anyone’s guess since it just seems so impossible doesn’t matter. The fact that there isn’t a scene in either 98’ or Trimax where Neon and Vash meet up again to talk about July after Vash recovers his memories of the incident makes this a big deal as is. I do think that Vash met up with Neon off-screen to talk to him about it and that Neon might have gotten some form of closure from that, or maybe he hadn't and he still wanted Vash’s head on a silver platter, who knows, I certainly don’t, which is exactly why I think it’d be really cool to see in S2.
Also I do wonder why Neon wasn't on the ship at the time like he was visiting his folks in July only to be pulled away when he heard that the heist was a bust because the ship was taken off course and its ion cannon was locked and loaded to fire at Hopeland. And if Neon did have folks in July in Tristamp then what's their deal since while July seems like the perfect city for someone like Brilliant Dynamites Neon to have folks in, seeing as it’s big, it’s bright, it's opulent, able to afford all the bullets it wants thanks to having a monopoly on Hydro-Plants, as was described by Wolfwood, additional background info on the seven major cities posted on Studio Orange’s twitter having said that its citizens have to contribute to the city's development and pass a screening process in order to obtain citizenship, which is what keeps the city’s Plants from overworking themselves to a Last Run. @tristampparty
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calico-cheriies · 2 months
PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup |Vash the Stampede x Reader Fanfic|
{PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup Masterlist}
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"We are all born so beautiful, the greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not."
You never really were the one for traveling, in fact, you had always grown up being told by mama that ladies are supposed to dress up and provide the comfort that the world lacked. You remember watching how she always cooked, cleaned, gardened, dress up- everything. Your father would always be out, tending to the animals or even going out with your brother to scout out towns and bring back stuff they found.
That was the norm.
At least, it was until your brother had gotten shot. He was the oldest son, and the only one. He was what some people call cowboys, he would go out with your father sometimes to scout out and help those in need while bringing back food or supplies. It was admirable- he even had himself a wife and kid before he was shot.
You remembered seeing his wife and mama break down together, you were carrying your nephew who was only a few months old at the time. You were sad, I mean, how could you not be? Your brother was an idol to you and many others, and then the next question came settling in.
Who was going to go out into the city and towns?
That took a lot of work- days and even months to come back. Your mother obviously couldn't and your father was getting too old to travel. You knew your parents would never ask you to do such a thing, you were the only child they had left. You would hear their whispers and grief through the walls as you tried to sleep.
So you gained the courage one day to go outside where your father was fixing up the gate that surrounded your house. "Papa," you softly called out, edging closer to him as he hammered in nails. "(Y/n)," he acknowledged you, stopping his work to put all his attention on you. You stared at him until you breathed in deeply and you crossed your arms, "I wanna to be a cowgirl, just like (B/n) was. I wanna help you an' mama," you made your tone firm, but that didn't mean you weren't nervous. Your father was the man of the house, whatever he says goes.
You remember him staring at you, the (e/c) eyes that you inherited from him. They were intense, and for a moment your posture shrunk in slight fear that he would yell at you and reject your idea. "So, ya wanna be a cowgirl, huh?" He readjusted that typical cattleman hat. "Well, if ya wanna be one, yer gotta start acting like one now, don'tcha think?" He stood up tall and he had a smile on his face, a tense one but nevertheless a proud one.
That's when it all started. Your father abandoned his project to immediately start teaching you. You had been introduced to the Tomas before but this time he was teaching you how to saddle it properly and learn to protect its neck from danger. He showed you how to properly wield a gun; aiming it properly, shooting, reloading, where to get the best bullets. Hell- he even showed you how to use a a cowboys lariat.
Of course mama wasn't happy, you were her only daughter and you were supposed to find yourself a nice man to marry, but she quickly got over that mentality when the supplies started getting low. She accepted your decision and even helped you learn how to cook different foods in different situations and she even told you now to treat wounds just in case.
That was years ago now, you were a grown woman, around your early twenties now. You had grown a lot since that time; you used to be this scrawny and raggedy girl, but now you were a clean freak who traversed the endless desert. You missed home sometimes, your family resided in the outskirts of Dankin town which was quite a bit away.
While reminiscing, some people got a little loud which snapped you out of your daydream. You were now leaning back against a chair in the bar, your hand cupping around a cold glass cup of whiskey- the cowboy’s holy water. You grabbed the glass and brought it to your lips, chugging it down fast, your eyes watered a bit but you were now used to the burn from it.
"Woah- be careful now," a strangers voice broke your concentration and you gagged for a moment before letting out a soft cough. You accidentally placed the glass too hard down on the table and you cleared your throat before turning your head to the side to be met with the brightest blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He had this spiked blonde hair that went straight up, huge red jacket that engulfed him. He was such a goofy guy- but he was pretty at least.
“Eh? What’re yer talking ‘bout?” Your accent was something that caught him off guard, it was one of the strongest he’d been introduced to, but it was admittedly adorable. “Seems like it’s a lot to chug right now,” Vash voiced his opinion, and you looked down at the empty glass now. “Nah, they say whiskey’s great in providing warmth and courage,” you wittily replied, but it was also true.
It got a little silent between you two, you weren’t sure what to say but you were a little tipsy, but not enough for it to mess with your senses. You had always been a bold girl, even when it came to strangers (except with papa), “Say, darlin’,” you pointed at him, nicknames were common for you but to Vash- dear it was such a weakness for him.
He could not stop staring at you, well how the hell could he not? You were unreal- like an actual cowgirl. He’d seen them in the magazines before but fuck- you were hot.
It was almost ironic the way your body was curvy and thick, you were wearing the typical tight fitting jeans with a red collared long sleeve shirt, of course the sleeves being rolled up halfway and the clicks of your boots hitting the edge of the chair. To top it off, your cattleman hat give you a mysterious yet alluring aura.
“What’s got ya starin’? Do I got something on my face?” You brought your hands up to feel for something that shouldn’t be there, but the stranger had shook his head rapidly and offered you a dorky smile. “No! You look beautiful!” He squeaked out, his hands coming up to wave away your worries. You looked surprised but your lips were in a small smirk, “Ya think so? Are ya trying to charm me?” You teased him, and boy was he easy to fluster.
“Haha what? No- I mean yes… if you want me too… I mean-“ he fumbled over his words before taking in a deep breath and restarting his sentence. “What I’m trying to say is… I’ve never seen a cowgirl in real life before..” he gulped out, he was a little afraid at the way your eyes narrowed at him but then you let out a string of the most beautiful laughs he’s heard.
“I’d reckon so, it’s something that runs in the family,” you seemed rather proud of that fact, and he adored that. “Thank ya Darlin’” you tipped your hat towards him before you dug into the pocket of your jeans and placed some double dollars on the counter. “Here- I’ll pay yer tab for ya. Thanks for makin’ my day,” you placed some more double dollars down before you sent him a wink. Satisfaction filing you at seeing his ears turn red, “Bless yer heart,” you finally added before turning around to leave.
You had left your Tomas in the care of someone in the town, you were about to head out since the sun was at its peak, and it was better to travel during the day rather than night. You were about to open the doors to the saloon before someone pushed the doors wide open and shouted something, you looked offended as the door almost hit you.
“I heard Vash the Stampede was here! Point him out and we can share the bounty!” The group of men shouted and you winced at rather ragged vocals. You hadn’t heard of this Vash and frankly you didn’t care. You were going to walk out until you heard a familiar squeaky voice.
Oh dear.
It was the man you spoke with.
You turned around to see one of the men grabbing him by the collar of his jacket and something snapped in you, of course your family taught you to always stand up for others. So you didn’t hesitate to have your fingers wrap around the lariat that was stationed by your hip. Your hands moved on its own and you grabbed the lariat and you swung it to create a lasso, you launched it in the direction of the two and the rope had latched onto the fists of the man holding the blonde.
Everyone was surprised- no one moving as the hand that almost punched the blonde was being held back by your lariat. You didn’t care for the stares nor the annoyed look on the man. “Aight, let’s get one thing straight,” you raised your voice and tightened the rope around the hand, which now tugged in your direction. “Yer gonna leave him alone, or else I’ll kick yer asses. Take ya bounty shit somewhere else,” your cocky attitude now gone and replaced with a rather serious one. The man- who finally dropped the blonde had turned to you.
“Alright little girl, you don’t understand who this is.” He was pissed off now, “I’m gonna take Vash the Stampede in for that damn bounty, and I’m gonna make sure your pretty little self regrets this,” he was spouting out threats and you made eye contact with Vash before sending him a wink.
He felt like he died and went to heaven- there was no way some hot cowgirl chick was actually defending him without knowing who he was. And that wink? His head was stuck in his day dreams rather than the scene in front of him.
You then tugged the man hard, he fell forward and you looked to see his other men with guns raised. You blinked at the scene before you, and in a flash, you let go of the rope to tug out the cimarron gun in your hand, that cocky smirk on your lips.
“Ya’ll ain’t worth a lick,”
{Chapter Two}
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Treading Carefully
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a/n: Hi everyone! This was a request from one of my friends who also loves Vash! Let me know what you think :) 
You were a mercenary just living day by day to get by. You learned how cruel it was to live and survive in No Man’s Land when the cops robbed your family of their basic necessities. In order to help out, you traveled to each city hoping to raid or steal a couple of supplies from people who were well off. Because of that, you racked up a high bounty on your head from previous cities you’ve visited. Thankfully, you weren’t on the bounty list yet. 
You ended up in Jeneora where the heat was brutal and slowed you down to your destination as you were slightly dragging your black combat boots. You got a tip from someone that the next town over had some homes that the rich weren’t occupying at the moment. You might as well raid it if no one was there right?  You could tell Jeneora was suffering just from looking at the water they offered you with your beer. From the way you walked in everyone was looking at you. 
You didn’t blame them since you dressed pretty differently in your forest green and white jacket that trailed down your thighs that hid your dark attire. You looked at the bartender and even she was pregnant and running the place herself. You looked at some of the kids and pitied them, no kid should have to struggle like this.
“So what brings someone like you here?” the bartender asked.
“Just doing some sightseeing before I see my family. I would have continued, but this heat is insane,” you replied. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but you couldn’t give away too much info.
“Yeah, that’s Jeneora for you. Sorry about the water. Our plant is busted somehow, so we’re stuck trying to buy water at the next town over,” she apologized as she cleaned some of the glasses.
You felt for her as you took a sip of your beer. 
“How far along are you?” you asked looking at her swollen abdomen.
“Just a few more months until the baby arrives,” she replied rubbing her belly.
You thought about it and figured you might as well get some extra items once you make it to the next city.
Just then you heard a couple of men yelling from outside and sounded like it was coming closer. Three cops busted into the bar as you sighed. So much for the peace and quiet.
“Anyone seen the Humanoid Typhoon? If so start talking!” one of the guys shouted as the other guy held up a Wanted poster. You heard about Vash the Stampede and the rumors about him causing chaos in cities. You’ve seen that poster before, but honestly something felt off about it. You couldn’t place your finger on it, but as long as he didn’t get in your way you didn’t make a big deal out of it.
“Hey lady!” you heard someone shout by your ear.
You rolled your eyes before you turned around to see the cop was standing next to you with the wanted poster.
“Yes officer?” you asked.
“Have you seen him or not?” he asked.
“Hm maybe buy me a drink first and I might answer,” you replied getting closer to him as you put your hand on top of his hand that held the poster so he lowered it. That slightly caught him off guard as you made your next move.
“After all, someone as hard working as you must be tired after searching high and low in this hot weather. Why don’t you relax?” you added as you moved your hand to his back to move him closer to you. The guy was practically caught off guard as you took the chance to pick pocket him.
“You drive a hard bargain young lady,” he commented as you felt some double dollars in his pocket.
“Hey! Get a move on officer!” one of the men yelled as you retracted your hand.
“Maybe next time, but since you’re interested I might have seen him outside the city limit in the desert not too long ago. Saw that hairstyle and can’t mistake it,” you answered with a small smirk.
“Boss! We got a lead!” the guy said as he went back to the group and left.
You turned around to see the bartender looking at you with wide eyes.
“I honestly don’t know, I just made it up on the fly,” you told her as you finished your beer. You then flashed her some money that you stole from the officer.
“Courtesy of the loud mouth himself. Hopefully this helps with the water issue,” you mentioned as you took your leave.
Once you stepped out from the bar, you bumped into someone as you landed on the ground from the impact.
“Hey are you okay? I didn’t see you there!” you heard a panicked voice. You were annoyed with how your day was going, first a cop and now you got knocked to the ground without seeing it coming? You looked to see it was the wanted man himself. You couldn’t mistake that face anywhere , except you noticed how vibrant his blue eyes were even with his orange spectacles. He was tall as he loomed over you with his figure and his bright red jacket. You knew he was good looking, but the wanted poster didn’t do him justice when you were looking at him in person. He was way too beautiful to be a criminal.
He extended his prosthetic hand to you for grab as you looked at him. You grabbed his hand and felt how warm it was as he lifted you up.
“Are you hurt? Any bruises? Scratches?” he asked looking you up and down.  You dusted yourself off and checked your arms.
“No I’m okay, but watch where you’re going next time. You might bump into the wrong person,” you warned still keeping your guard up.
“Ahaha sorry about that. I was in a bit of hurry. But I’m glad you’re okay! The name is Vash,” he introduced himself with a smile. This guy was way too kind, and he seemed genuine when asking you those questions. Was he really that bad of a criminal? You were a bit hesitant to answer but you trusted your gut.
“The name is y/n, but it’s best you keep that information to yourself,” you replied. He gave you a confused look with his eye furrowing.
“I’ve got my reasons, but just a heads up. Some cops came by earlier here looking for you. I told them you went outside the city limits so best to stay away from that direction and hang low,” you told him as you put your hands in your pocket as you walked past him.
“Wait really? Thanks a bunch! I appreciate it y/n! I owe you!” he replied walking up to you with his face close to yours. You were startled by him and took a few steps back as your heart started racing.
“Oh, sorry about that! Force of habit,” he apologized as he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. What an interesting guy.
“It’s nothing, but if you really want to treat me, do it the next time we meet,” you said half jokingly as you started walking away from him.
“Oh why not now?” he asked.
“I have some business I need to take care of outside of here. Can’t be late if I stay here any longer,” you mentioned as you looked back at him.
“Okay, well next I see you, dinner is on me!” he yelled while waving. You couldn’t help but chuckle at him.
“What makes you think we’ll meet again?” you ask.
“It’s a gut feeling!” he answered with a warm smile. You waved back and made your way to the next town over. There was no way he was worth that much or causes that much trouble with how much of goofball he was from that interaction you had. As you walked, you kept thinking about him and wondering if you would ever meet again.
You made it to the next city and found a few of the homes you targeted by nightfall with the help of a Thomas. You slipped into two homes and stole the necessities for your family, for some people at Jeneora, and a little for yourself. You were about to raid a third house until you heard the cops were nearby. You high tailed it out of the city making sure you weren’t being followed. You rode your Thomas to the desert and hid near one of the dunes despite the cold. You couldn’t risk staying in the city with how much stuff you took and with how you stood out from the crowd in your outerwear. You laid low and took a few detours just to be sure you were in the clear and that no one was tracking you. 
Eventually you were able to see the outskirts of Jeneora as dawn broke. Finally some civilization and a place to rest instead of the endless sand. You placed your Thomas at a resting station, and made your way into the inner heart of the town.
“Hey! Have you seen this lady? She was in this city last time we saw her,” you heard someone call out. You looked to see the same group of officers interrogating the townspeople.
“She stole from the law and she’s wanted alive. If you know anything there’s a nice reward waiting for you,” the officer continued as the townsfolk studied the paper.
You cursed internally as you quietly jogged to some of the homes. You hoped to stay hidden long enough for them to leave. You could tell that they were searching and questioning everybody in the town. You kept running until you made eye contact with one of the city men. You were so screwed, you couldn’t take any chances as you ran as fast as possible. This was not how you wanted to go down as you looked for other hiding spots. Your mind was racing, how could you have been this sloppy with your work? As you ran, you felt someone grab your hand as you panicked.
“No! Let me-” before you could finish you were pulled inside a building and found your mouth being covered. You looked to see Vash was covering your mouth and gestured you to keep quiet as he peaked outside. You were so confused, you didn’t think this was how you meet with him again. You looked inside to see you were in the bar and found the bartender stepping outside not looking at both of you. Your heart was practically beating against your chest as you felt Vash pull you to his side while he kept your mouth covered. You squirmed, but Vash kept you in his hold as you were panicking internally. You didn’t know what was going to happen to you as you felt so helpless.
“Officer! I saw her ride a Thomas that way. You better hurry before you lose her again,” the bartender said as you heard the officers run away from the bar. Then, it was silent until you heard footsteps walk back into the bar. It was the lady as she smiled at you both.
“Coast is clear, we sent a pack of Thomas the other direction so they should be following that for awhile,” she told you as Vash let go of you with a sigh of relief. Your eyes widened as you slid down to the floor. Your breath was ragged, your mind was spinning, and your legs felt numb from the adrenaline. What in the world just happened? You thought
“Hey! Are you okay? Follow my breathing,” Vash asked as he grabbed both of your shoulders. He then started breathing slowly as you followed him with his inhales and exhales.
“Why did you help me? I'm a wanted criminal,” you finally spoke looking at him.
“You helped me remember? And you helped Rosa last time you were here,” Vash pointed as she came up to you.
“Anyone that’s a friend of Vash is a friend of mine that I can trust. Plus, that money helped with the water. We heard the commotion earlier, and Vash and I wanted to repay the favor,” she explained with a soft smile.
You looked at Vash as he was smiling at you.
“Can you stand?” he asked as you shook your head.
“I’m a little out of breath from running and everything else,” you explained as he grabbed your waist while you held onto his shoulder for support. He then led you to a table with a couple of seats for you to sit in. He gently sat you down as you thanked him.
“Well aren’t you both lifesavers, I really thought it was the end for me. I guess we’re even now,” you explained with a sigh of relief.
“Not exactly, I still gotta treat you to dinner, remember?” Vash mentioned.
“You still remember that? I was kinda joking about the whole owing me,” You asked and looked at him a bit taken a back. 
“Well I meant what I said. I would treat you the next time I see you. I saw you earlier, and here we are,” Vash explained as he flashed you that toothy smile of his.
You stifled a chuckle as you looked away slightly.
“Okay then, a deal is a deal. Besides how can I turn down that offer when you saved me in a pinch,” you said and scooted closer to him.
“Great, because I’d like to know more about the person who helped me out earlier,” Vash said as he got comfortable to look at you.
“Good because I’d like to know more about the real Vash, not what the cops or rumors say about you,” you replied feeling safe around him
You didn’t think helping the most wanted man would lead to this, but now you were especially grateful to have bumped into him and earn a tasty meal out of it. You could afford to take a little detour before returning home anyway if it meant spending time with someone cute right?
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clouduru-chan · 2 years
Trigun Stampede Misquotes
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(y/n): hey vash! look at a joke book! look... I have one for you. Why is Rem not responding to messages? why is she dead-
Vash crying in the fetal position.
(Meryl): and when the night comes *singing*
(y/n): And when the night comes* also singing along with the journalist*
(Meryl): I can not sleep
(y/n): I'll put it slowly
(Meryl): my heart accelerates
(y/n): then we accelerate
(Meryl): and I alone here
(y/n): And the Quiet renck renck bed
(y/n): Wolfwood don't drive like that, you'll end up killing us!*sitting on the back of brunette's motorbike*
(Nicholas): Relax, I have 9 lives like cats honey!
(y/n): But I do not!
(Nicholas): It's your problem! *accelerates*
y/n human walking with Vash.
(Knives): unfortunately your family will die, for your mistake, everyone will suffer, I tried... to help you -
(y/n): *takes Roberto in his arms* have you ever dreamed of this man?
(Roberto): huummm?!
(y/n): Wolfwood, did you know that stuffing drugs up your ass gets you high?
(Nicholas): Know...
(y/n): How do you know that Nicholas?!
(Nicholas):*Try to disguise the situation by coughing a lot*
(y/n): NICHOLAS!!!!
(Livio): What's going on?
(y/n): Nicholas is sticking drugs up his ass! Make him stop!
(Lívio): Nicholas stops... *speaks in a boring way*
(y/n): Then he'll stop, he'll stop listening to you and shove more drugs up his ass!
(Vash): Good morning!
(Nicholas): Go fuck yourself!
(Vash): *points to Knives* brother how you only think you're in hell -
Y/n stops playing the piano when he realizes that Knives sits next to him, he looked with a certain curiosity, as he had never heard that melody before.
(Knives): Where did you learn to play like that?
(Y/n):I learn to play everything by myself, I learn to do everything myself
(Knives): Are you telling me you're a genius?
(Y/n):no i am poor
A reader who came from another universe, he was looking at Roberto with a certain curiosity.
(Meryl): What it was?
(Leitor): He's faintly familiar* remembering Joel Miller from The Last of Us dying for a golf club*
(Y/n): Shakira? Shakira és tu?
(Vash):*Wearing a red dress with glittery sequins, I start wiggling my waist like I'm dancing* nan nan nan nan nan nan
(Roberto):*looking at Y/n* nothing against it, but I want you to fuck off!
(y/n): Is he depressed or is he Brazilian? *asks Knives about Vash*
(Meryl): Wait for the one on TV that isn't Y/n?
(Roberto): *sighs* yeah....
(Vash):Why is she being arrested?
(Nicholas): Looks like she's about to say something....
the reporter approaches the y/n being arrested.
(News reporter): Send a message to those watching
(y/n): my darling, life is about fucking hard and making love
(Meryl): It's an idiot!
(vash): I would trade a lot of people for weed, and I don't even smoke! *eyes red and stoned*
(Knives):are you smoking?
(Vash):No... *with red eyes and a marijuana cigarette between his fingers*
(Knives): And that smoke?
(Vash): I'll have to confess.... I'm a train
(Nicholas): do you use drugs?
(Y/n): Of course! I'm smart! I just see them!
(vash):it looks like cocaine but it's just sadness
Brazilian reader extremely angry with Knives.
(Brazilian reader): I'm going to sue your mother for giving birth to you! Your disgrace!
(Vash): This year is a test if I commit suicide or homicide
(y/n):*points at Nicholas* you're so fucked up i can't even tell you to go fuck yourself
(Y/n): baby call me USSR and come rule my heart, why you stanlin-do today
(Knives)' What?!
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cosplayinamerica · 1 year
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Milly from TriGun : Emma
My first con was in Baltimore for Otakon 2001. Pre 9/11! I originally wanted to attend a con either out in Colorado or Texas, but I was the only one in my circle of friends in New Mexico who had a part time job, so there was no one I could travel with. 
I cosplayed as Milly from Trigun and you can actually find photos of me from old internet archive pages because Trigun was at the high of popularity. I originally made Milly for a Halloween costume, so when I showed it to my online friend  in the Trigun mIRC chat a photo of me in cosplay, she insisted I come to Otakon the following year and join her Trigun group.
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Unlike a lot of early 90’s/00’s cosplayers, I didn’t have anyone who’d taught me how to sew. So Milly was entirely bought from a trip to the Goodwill. I bought brown pants, a duster, a red tie and yellow suspenders. I remember feeling so proud to find yellow suspenders because in the anime her suspenders are yellow. I was like “wow! I’m so canon compliant. I’m a cosplay pro!”. She has a little green cap and I went to Joanns, bought some fabric and just cut it out and hand stitched it and safety pinned it to the duster. Current me would have been shocked at a lack of surging or a mockup or putting snaps in to make sure the cape stayed on, but it was the wild west back then for when it came to cosplaying. 
At Otakon I had my half-assed Goodwill costume, but everyone loved it, I got so many photos and so many hugs. It was a rush of validation I’d never felt, I was this weird 17 year old living in New Mexico where I had very few friends who liked anime, so going to a con with so many people who knew Trigun and loved my costume was incredible. It made me want to keep cosplaying, 
The Trigun fandom at the time was pretty big. There wasn’t social media the way there is now, but there was a decent community. I think the anime sensibilities mixed with a very western setting was a huge draw to the western ‘otaku’ culture at the time. Vash also had such an iconic look.
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A lot of Otakon 2001 was just people being excited to see other members of the Trigun community and get to connect and talk about the show, it’s one of the things I really enjoyed about cosplay back then. It felt easy to strike up a conversation with someone about the character you or they were dressed as and make a new friend. I’m actually still friends with a Wolfwood cosplayer from back then! 
You probably hear this a lot when you talk to older cosplayers, but while I’m happy cosplay has become more popular, it makes me sad there’s less of a focus on learning to sew and learn skills and more of a focus on buying a costume online and posting a photo of it on social media for as many clicks possible. I made Milly from pieces at The Goodwill with so few photos remaining of her and she was probably the most attention I’ve gotten from a cosplay. For young people reading this, don’t be afraid to learn to sew. Don’t be afraid to not have a perfect costume, there’s skills even I’m still learning and I find the building of the costume just as rewarding as wearing it or any attention I get on it.
Over 20 years later I’m still cosplaying. I literally have half of a Genshin impact cosplay in my lap I’m working on as I type this. I’m actually waiting for the next season of Trigun Stampede because I’d love to come full circle and make Milly again with my now 20 years of skills as a cosplayer.
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an-au-blog · 10 months
Okay, beauty and the beast scenario but Vash is the beast and he put the "curse" on himself.
Vash was afraid of getting close to people because they always end up hurt. So he makes up a rumor that there's a beast living in the area where he resides. At night he dresses in a big black coat and lets his vine wings spread. Once a couple of people saw him, everyone started believing it.
He tries to isolate himself because he feels lik every time he interacts with people they end up hurt. He is the stampede after all.
And he was fine hibernating there, but then two girls find him and think they have to help him get out of this dangerous area. Does he not know there's a beast roaming around? Vash asks them how come they don't think it's him. But they brush it off as a lame joke. But then they bump into a traveling priest who was looking for said beast and claims it's Vash.
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greetingfromthedead · 1 month
9. Stampede
Series: Mermaid!AU Depth of Despair
Pairing: Vash x GN!Reader
Word count: 2.3k
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"Roberto! Please!" Vash pleads with the old fisherman.
"You are a fool. Not only do you come back with such a request after years, you want to go chasing fairy tales! The answer is "no", end of discussion." The tired looking man speaks calmly before smoking from his pipe. "You need to move on and make some smart choices."
"You yourself have told me tales of sirens. Please, I only need a ship. For old time's sake," Vash continues, not letting the conversation end there.
Roberto walks calmly along the pier, surrounded by the sound of seagulls and crashing waves. On either side of the walkway, dingy fishing boats have been tied to the dock, bobbing with the rhythm of the water. Vash follows with long strides, keeping pace as he tries to look the older man in the eyes. His determination remains unwavering.
"Boy, even if those rumors were true, they would only mean you are in even greater danger if you seek out their likes. I am not going to risk my men and livelihood for such a foolish mission." Roberto takes another long drag from the pipe. "And I am sparing your life with it too. For old time's sake."
"I'll find my own crew, and I will pay for the insurance!" the blonde continues. "You're the only one I can ask."
"If you take the ship out, it won't be just the mermaids coming after you. Trust me, you don't want to mess with all this. You got out. Your ghost hung from your neck by a thread, and you barely escaped with your life. You should count your blessings and not push your luck further; you have more than most of my men dare to dream of. And why don't you ask your brother for help?"
"Indeed. Why don't you?" A colder voice sounds out, making Vash freeze in place. "Why would you not come to me with your problems, little brother?"
Vash turns around. The words might be gentle, but they sound like a threat coming from his older brother. The mirror image of himself looks back, but dressed in a fancy navy uniform. The golden lace trim along his frock coat's lapels speaks of his high rank, if the shoulder insignia and the lavish hat weren't hints enough.
"Commodore Knives!" Vash salutes his brother, the mockery only noticeable to those who know the twins well enough.
"Why don't we have a chat, brother?" Knives puts his arm around Vash's shoulder, his gloved fingers digging into Vash's upper arm, and starts leading him away towards the shacks by the shore. His voice is lower as he leans slightly closer. "I have been turning a blind eye to your visits to the dock pubs, but now you're looking for a ship? This is going too far."
"Brother…" Vash says quietly, his voice trailing off, but the other twin looks forward, his face neutral, yet stern.
They head to the little houses standing on long wooden poles that disappear into the water. The thatched roofs are disheveled and partially covered by moss. Fishing nets and oars hang from hooks on the outside walls. Knives walks up to one of the doors and pulls it open. Only a small window lets in a sliver of light, illuminating the wooden boxes and barrels stacked inside. The older brother gives Vash a little push to go in first, pulling the door shut after entering himself.
"Really? You want to draw the navy onto your back?" Knives starts in a scolding, almost hissing tone. "How you managed to just barely slither your way out of their grasp last time is beyond me, but you want to fool around again? Do you not realize what you're putting at risk?"
"I'm just a sailor. That's all I've ever been. I just ask for a fishing vessel. I need it." Vash takes a step closer.
"Just a sailor? You can keep telling yourself and others that all you want, but the truth is you were a pirate," Knives hisses, "You put our family at risk. You put me at risk. You put yourself at risk."
"That is not true," Vash insists, his voice firm.
"Really? You commanded your little group of vagabonds, stirring trouble with merchant ships and the navy alike. How many times have you almost been killed? And for what?"
"I couldn't just stand by. They moved stolen goods. Slaves." Vash paused, his eyes reflecting the pain of his past.
"If you fought for justice, why not join the navy the same as me?" Knives replies firmly.
"Because the navy transported slaves just the same as the merchants."
"Those were prisoners. And if they caught you, they would have shipped you off in the same way unless they let you hang in the gallows at dawn. And that's if all they charged you with was piracy. Why do you try to throw your blessing away? You're the luckiest man I know. I'll never understand you."
"I have to save someone," Vash lets out a defeated sigh, "and I won't stop until I do."
"Who would be that important?" Knives demands, "Important enough to risk your life, my career, and the safety of our family? What about our mother? Our sister?"
"A siren," Vash replies softly, his voice betraying the affection blooming in his heart.
"A siren? You want to risk everything to chase some old wives' tale?" The twin scoffs, seemingly relaxing, as he takes a step back. A smug and crooked smirk appears on his face.
"Is it really so outrageous to believe the stories are true? I have seen them. They are real. And should we really be surprised? After all, we have powers we have learned to wield."
This catches the commodore's attention again. The smile disappears in an instant, and the icy eyes turn dark with anger. His hands shake with rage, and in a long step, he stands face-to-face with his brother again, grabbing hold of the red coat's lapel.
"We do not have powers. We do not wield any kind of magic. We are not witches. Be careful, brother," Knives warns, his tone serious. "If you continue down this path, you may find more than you bargained for. Don't go chasing fairy tales."
Knives lets go of his brother and takes a step back, seemingly calm. He straightens his uniform, pulling it down again, and adjusts the white gloves on his hands. As he looks at his brother with a mixture of concern and disappointment, Knives hopes that his words will make an impact and prevent any further reckless behavior. With a deep breath, he turns away, praying that his warning will be taken to heart before it's too late.
"Go home, Vash. And stay there. If I see you at the docks again, I will have my men escort you back." With that, the commodore walks away.
The shack's door swings open and nearly closes on its own, the twin's shadow moves across the faded wood of the pier before disappearing. Vash is left alone in the midst of the boxes and barrels, his brother's warning ringing in his ears as he contemplates what lies ahead. He can't give up. It is his fault you were dragged away. His inability to heed a warning is what got him into this position; he can only hope it will help him resolve it too.
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If Knives will have him escorted home as soon as he sees Vash, all that needs to be done is remain unseen. Vash lurks in the shadows, in the backrooms of shady pubs, and in the shacks of those whose silence can be bought for coin. He spreads rumors, relies on those crazy enough to find him instead of the other way around, and he hopes it all will happen fast enough. He is not happy with what he has to do. He doesn't relish deception; he doesn't wish to put anyone in danger, but he needs a ship, and a ship needs a crew.
Only a few days after Vash set out on his mission, stories of a legendary pirate began to spread throughout the land once more. Different outrageous tales tell of a cunning, brave, and devilish captain who had a crew unlike any other, willing to follow him blindly into the most dangerous of waters where they all would return from, as if Death itself was scared of the man called the Stampede. Those pirates were rumored to have made a deal with the Devil. They kept the seas in a grip of fear and mystique that no other crew could match. Their ship, the Typhoon, was said to be the fastest vessel on any ocean, able to outrun every pursuer and to catch up to just about anyone.
For years, the Typhoon's crew and their insane captain dominated the waters, their legend growing with each passing day as they pillaged and plundered without mercy. Sweeping through port towns and sending many men, both honest and dishonest, to a watery grave. The fear they instilled was unmatched, and their reputation was known far and wide, but then one day, the giant ship disappeared together with its crew, never to be seen or heard from again. Some say that their time ran out as the Devil granted them powers for 7 years, only to then have the bottom of the sea swallow them whole. Others believe they simply sailed off the edge of the world. A few claim that they were cursed by the spirits of those they wronged and now haunt the seas as ghostly pirates, forever searching for redemption, never able to set foot on dry land. Whatever version anyone believes in, now there are rumors that the devilish Captain Stampede is back, looking for new recruits to join his cursed crew, to go searching for treasure and legends. Anyone willing, would be granted a lifetime of adventure on the high seas, more wealth than they can spend, and stories to tell for generations to come. Apparently, the captain is going to look for the land of mermaids, a place rumored to hold untold riches and immortality, guarded by sea monsters and beautiful maidens ready to give you a kiss in exchange for your soul.
Vash knows the rumors are sure to have reached his brother, so he will have to make his move tonight. His fingers touch the pebble resting against his chest, the small rock hands from his neck, and there is something so special about it to him. He puts on the harness that runs across his chest, where the buckle rests among the ruffles of his white shirt. He takes his pistol, which he has been polishing for most of the day, and secures the weapon in the holster. Vash ties a wide black sash around his waist, making sure it is tight and secure, keeping the gun where it needs to be. In addition, he hides a dagger in the black fabric of the sash, just in case he needs it later. He lifts up a floorboard with his fake arm, the magic giving him the strength to do so. From there, he takes the things wrapped in an old sheet and unravels them to bring out the items of the man he believed to have left behind. He secures the sword to his hip, picking up the feathered hat and the orange glasses. He puts them on, feeling a surge of confidence and determination. As the last touch, he pulls on his long red coat, the golden buttons and buckles glinting in the dim candlelight illuminating his dark bedroom. He is ready to face whatever challenges come his way. He is ready to get you back.
Vash takes the last of his valuables with him, his heart heavy with determination, as he gets on his horse to ride into the rainy night. He travels over the muddy roads, shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, but his resolve never falters. He has his goal, his treasure to find, and he will stop at nothing until he reaches it. This time feels different. The lights of the little port town don't seem as inviting as they once did. The sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks are more ominous, and the salty air carries a foreboding sense of danger. Everything that usually calls for him is now warning him to turn back. But he pushes forward, knowing that your fate lies in his hands.
He leaves his horse in Roberto's stable. He will be able to figure out what to do. The rest of the way, Vash walks through the little settlement by himself, avoiding the routes most guards would take, and he slinks his way to a dilapidated looking pub. It sounds lively, with a few drunken laughs echoing from within. The rain pours down, drenching Vash's cotton shirt and even his leathery pants and boots. It drips from the rim of his hat and the bottom of his coat. He reaches one of the gloved hands forward to push open the door; the other hand holds on to a small chest with an elaborate lock. He takes a deep breath before stepping into the dimly lit room, where everybody falls still to look at him.
A heavy silence fills the pub as all eyes remain on him. A few seem to slowly reach for their weapons, many looking at him suspiciously.
"Men," Vash announces, "I am looking for a crew."
As suddenly as the quiet had rolled over the pub, it is replaced by whispers. Curious and excited murmurs spread throughout the room. People start whispering of the devilish captain ruling the seas just a few years ago. Vash stares back at them, a smile spreading across his face.
"He is supposed to be the legendary pirate captain Stampede?" An impatient woman's voice calls out. Vash turns to look for the source and sees two women, the short one being the owner of the voice. "There is no way!"
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tricumstampee · 6 months
My bf @angryflutenoises read Vol 10 by themselves like a complete fool. This was after I left for my flight where I wont See Them Again for like 2 MONTHS. THIS GAY DUMB STUPID ASS IDIOT DECIDED "Oh I'm said let's READ VOLUME 10: WOLFWOOD OF HIT 90S- 10S MANGA TRIGUN MAXIMUM TO
to feel better.
While I was on my flight. 'Oh its okay it's so one of us can protect the other' Gay. Homo. You are Gay and Sad. Wet sopping man dumb motherfucker. This is why people call you Vash the Stampede you cuckholding shitlord of gouged and rotted man you are. If you were a dog I'd simply put you to the farm out of pity of your GRAND intelligence to get
✨️To feel better.✨️
God damnit. Stupid idiot red coat man coded dumb plant bitch fucker Dressed like CLOWN, honk his little nose, willingly gets his cock stuck in the zipper. And they did it Alone. A fool. A bastard
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dragonlover123a · 2 years
Dreams (Vash X Meryl)
10ft Vash the Stampede
4'11 Meryl
Meryl opened her eyes with a start. One moment she was in bed with her husband, buried into his side and drifting off peacefully and the next she was in the palm of his hand.
Yeah, you heard right. Meryl Stryfe, a disaster investigator for the Bernardeli Insurance Society was married to Vash the Stampede, the one and only Humanoid Typhoon himself. And she has been for the past 20 years.
Soon after he returned to her with his brother, he was able to tell the world what he was and that's when he started.... Changing...
He got much taller, faster, stronger and his eyes glowed permanently. He was still scarred to hell and back, but he was now almost double his original height.
But at this time, right now, he was massive. Or was she tiny? She wasn't sure. All she knew was that she could very easily see each individual thread in the black fabric of his glove and red of his iconic coat.
"V-Vash?" Meryl stuttered out. She wasn't normally scared of him, but now she was tiny and defenseless and her life was quite literally in the palm of her husband's hand.
"Hmm? Yes Meryl?" He responded with that oh so charming smile of his that made her melt in his hands.
"What happened? Where's the hotel? Why am I.... Ya know....?"
"Teeny tiny?" He finished for her. "You don't remember? Last night someone tried going after me, but shrunk you and destroyed the room in the process. We're going to Rose to see if Knives or Mama knows how to fix you"
She nodded, the night prior coming back to her.... Or was it? She wasn't quite sure
Vash chuckled softly, gently rubbing her head as he walked through the desert, his shrunken wife in hand. "Just relax. But you might want to wake up"
Meryl looked up at him, "What?"
"Meryl. Wake up"
The black haired woman gasped, sitting up quickly and promptly smashed her face into the metal grate that covered her husband's left pec.
"Shit! Meryl are you alright?" The humanoid Plant exclaimed, concerned lacing his voice as he shifted, his glowing aqua blue eyes meeting her light gray eyes. She couldn't help but blush as he held her head in his massive natural hand. Even after so long his scarred, muscular body made her flustered, and it certainly didn't help that she was practically buried in the red fabric of his iconic duster.
"Oh... Yes... I'm alright"
"Did you have one of those shrinky dreams again?"
"Yes... How did you know?"
"Meryl... You talk in your sleep. And you've been having similar dreams since my transformation." He stated, standing up to his full height and stretching out before grabbing his prosthetic arm and reattaching it before grabbing a donut and eating it in a few bites "C'mon, I set out your work dress and made your lunch. You don't want to be late for your first day back to the office"
She nodded, quickly shrugging off the coat and got dressed, carefully climbing down the gargantuan custom bed made just for Vash and grabbed her own holster jacket, shoes and lunch bag.
Vash smiled waiting until she was just about to leave to scoop her up into his arms and kiss her passionately. "Have a wonderful day my love" he told her, giving her his signature charming grin before putting her back down and ruffled her hair.
Meryl's face turned red hot as she rushed out the door, heading to HQ. He might irritate her to no end, but being married to the Humanoid Typhoon was like living a dream.
A/N: This is my first Trigun story so let me know what y'all think!
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chibivesicle · 2 years
‘Times, they be a changin’
After a drop off due to Golden Kamuy ending and my overall disappointment with the last arc. And of course, Ogata’s death, I’ve been wondering where I want to go with these things.  I put a lot of GK content out and I don’t want to just shelve it but I don’t want to split myself between fifteen thousand side blogs.  I’ve decided that I’ll keep my live action meta over on my ‘I don’t want to be exterminated, upgraded, turned into pudding’ side blog and I’ll keep all my anime and manga opinions here.  Since I have been reading manga for a long time and watching anime for even slightly longer. 
To reflect this, I’ve removed my last previous Ogata icon and I’ve jumped straight to God; Kuroneko-sama that is.  It isn’t that I’ve stopped reading manga or watching anime either and I have just one of the many opinions on the internet. 
Let’s go with an easy current on topic target for some mild-meta.  Trigun.  
Many moons ago, my best friend from undergrad introduced me to Trigun.  She had a Vash poster in her dorm room in university that she picked up at Katsucon, which was the first con I ever went to with her.  She’s quite the influence!
I watched all of the original Trigun anime on fan subbed VHS tapes that were passed around the anime black market of the 90s and early 2000s before they’d be bumped out of the way by file sharing services and online fansubs.  Honestly, I can’t even remember when I first watched it, but I do remember crying at a character’s death and just rolling with some of the more hand wavy sci-fi elements.
Not surprisingly, as someone who loved Ogata as a character, my favorite character from Trigun was none other than Nicholas D. Wolfwood - wandering man of the cloth toting around his cross which is heavy b/c it is full of ‘mercy’.
How much of a Wolfwood fan was I?  Enough of one that I paid likely waaayyy too much money in a dealer’s room at either Otakon or Katsucon for this capsule version of Wolfwood with Kuroneko-sama.
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I used to have him up on my desk when I was in uni, but he always fell over and at some point, I popped him back into the bubble and shoved him under a bed at my parents’ house forgotten for over a decade or so.  He moved to the desert (still in that capsule) and I just dug him out after moving to my current location along with two Ruroni Kenshin figures that are back in a box.
What is with this path down memory lane all about?  I was at Anime Expo in 2022 (with exact same friend mentioned above) and we didn’t make it to the Trigun Stampede panel but, I did get an awesome photo of an amazing Vash cosplayer.
With the Trigun 2.0 on the horizon and the Sony merger stuff, all of the older anime titles that were on Funamation have moved back onto Crunchyroll - meaning a lot of titles I loved when I was younger could be rewatched.
And that’s what I did last month!  I dusted off my little Kuroneko-sama and Wolfwood and sat down to watch Trigun for the first time in over 20 years, I think.
I was both surprised by what I remembered and what I did not remember.  Plus, rewatching something you haven’t seen in years allows you to have a sort of fresh pair of eyes.
First off, for a manga that started in 1995 and had the anime in 1998, it has great female characters.  Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson wear normal clothing, have professional careers and are packing heat in a wild west environment. These are the least sexy main character ladies!  Milly wears a dress shirt, tie and pants with suspenders along with her long coat.  Meryl wears boots, tights, skirt suit and then a cloak (with all her guns) as well. 
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Meryl is the older skeptic/pragmatist and Milly is naive yet if the most obvious thing is the best answer, then accept it as the truth.  They are great characters and I love how they are a great perspective and point of view into the events.  Sure, they are completely overpowered by Vash or Wolfwood, but they are neither a non-human-pseduo-angelic being or a man who had his entire body altered [manga] to be a better killer or just a much more on the job experience [anime] soooooo yeah.  I’m okay with Meryl and Milly not having to hold their fighting prowess with the boys. 
I finally decided to break down and read the manga.  Little did I know that Darkhorse owns the current rights and the series is out of print.  Gah, I was hoping to score the series cheap used but that will not be the case.  I’ve read the original Trigun from the shounen mag that went belly up (3 tankobons, 1 volume via Darkhorse) and the moved into a seinen publisher for its continuation as Trigun Maximum.  I went ahead and purchased all the way up to Trigun Maximum volume 5 and have read it all as well.
As someone who enjoyed the anime, I can appreciate the way the anime ended at the time.  They were years away from the end of the manga’s run and the anime team needed to come up with a nice way to tie things up.  Honestly, I’m fine with how things went in the anime.  Well, other than Wolfwood’s death, which made me cry and still pulled at my heartstrings on the recent watch.  So far the manga has more details, and is taking the time to fill in motivations of characters like the Gung Ho Guns (why would you willingly sell your humanity to destroy it?).  It however, still keeps an air of mystery about Vash’s past and the exact reason why humans got stuck on the planet.
The two major differences I see between the anime and manga are as follows:
Anime Vash has that sort of 90s MC perv side being a ham towards women early on when it later has him questioning who’d love him anyways.  Manga Vash doesn’t even go there which is something I like - dude’s got a lot more problems.  No space for chasing skirts and hitting on ladies.
Life on the planet Gunsmoke is fucking terrible in the manga.  You think it is pretty shitty in the anime?  Pffftt, that’s nothing compared to the manga.  People are worse, humanity is more like how Hobbes would view it and less like Locke.  I honestly, don’t know all of the differences yet, since I’ve barely cracked the manga story line but it is clear it is only going to get darker.  Yet at the same time there is more hope since the humans who’d kept themselves ‘above the fray’ were able to contact other people and they are supposed to possibly be rescued.  If Knives doesn’t throw a giant bloody wrench in there. 
In a way, these differences do reflect the shift that the anime gives us.  We go from a goofy guy who is overly competent trying to bumble/drift through life and has biblical levels of trials/tests of his faith in his own belief system to come out with a resolution and faith in the future.  You feel it when you get to around episode 13 and you realize that shit is gonna get serious and you can’t just go back to zany antics.
What I like about the anime is that we have a range of how characters act and view humanity.  Vash will punish himself to not harm others as he sees it as the unalienable right that every living thing has the right to life and it isn’t right for you to take that away from anyone.  Not sure how he resolves eating those salmon sandwiches with great vigor unless it is artificial salmon (desert planet out?).  Milly is the extremely naive and optimistic, Meryl is sarcastically pragmatic.  Of course Knives is the exact opposite of Vash, thinking humans are a scourge and no one is worth their own lives. 
And in the middling grey area we have - Nicholas D. Wolfwood.  Yep, is it shocking my favorite character straddles the moral grey line?  Seeing that it is a rhetorical question, we all know that yes, I love my characters that move between different philosophical spaces.  Is Wolfwood a good or bad character?  It depends; the narrative and other relationships tell us in the anime that we should see him as more good than bad character.  He is a friend to all children and uses it as a rationale why he has to do his job.  Without him making money from being a traveling clergyman/gun for hire the children would not have financial support.  However, we can see that the closer he gets to Vash the more conflicted he is and keeps verbalizing why he has no option but to kill; or else someone else would be killed. 
What I like about him is that his observation skills are top notch.  When he first meets Vash, he get straight to the point that Vash is wearing a mask in front of others.  He’s trying to get by, not die, but has a lot of anger at the shitty hand he was dealt in life.  It is the classic example of I had a crap childhood and ended up stuck in this less than ideal path but I want to protect others from it.
He’s one of those characters who really compliments Vash both visually and personality wise.  Vash could never haggle down the price of anything but Wolfwood squeaks by talking his way out of pay full fare for the bus or trying to run a tab (as a drifter).  Yet at the same time those two idiots are as thick as thieves getting in petty arguments over stupid shit and feeling resolved to deal with each other.  I also like how he’s one of the few characters who pushes back at Vash’s need to take on extreme burdens and that sometimes you have to accept all your options are going to suck.
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We are going to get in a stupid fight about how Wolfwood’s motorcycle broke down again.  Which he named Angelica II.  RIP Angelica I.
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We just tossed our water bottle over!
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And just this.  Like sticking out your tongues at the same time will allow you to capture that last bit of water . . .
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Does it end here?  God no, it continues to the extent that man who saved them is ready to toss them off his truck.
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The manga has a very similar visual dynamic between them.  They are two guys with rough pasts and are navigating the present in very different ways.
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Anyways, I’m still not sure where I exactly want to go with things, but a deep dive into Wolfwood (anime & manga) may be a worthwhile endeavor.  I’ve got a ways to go in the manga and I’m not rushing through it or anything like that.
What I am worried about is the remake/reboot/re imagining of Trigun as Trigun Stampede.
I first watched the preview videos about it.  I’m not here to argue if CGI is good or bad.  What I do have an issue with is the general character designs - I get it, Trigun is a 90s manga/anime and it looks like a 90s series.  I really like the Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These, for me it has less to do with the character designs and for how the storytelling perspective is more people driven and less sterile/historical documentary style.  I’ve read most of the novels and LOGH:DNT leans much more on the novels/format than the original epic long OVA.  The creative team behind LOGH:DNT are really giving it their all.
But for Trigun Stampede the new character designs are seriously rubbing me the wrong way. 
Vash: I get that Vash would be considered ‘best sad boi’ if the series were new, but the lack of spiked up hair is baffling to me.  His prosthetic arm is obviously not of this world in origin/tech and it really kills the slow reveal of what it can do.  Wearing a jacket with the Project Seeds logo on it - sure - most people on the planet aren’t the most educated about all that info.  We also have the changing of his type of firearm, which any detail nerd is going to be up in arms about the switch from a long colt .45 to a .22 caliber revolver style handgun.  I blame Ogata and his love of the Type 38 over the Type 30 rifle for sniping.
Meryl Stryfe: not only gets a tomboy look but a career change and a shit mentor/supervisor.  Let’s give her a newsboy hat, shorts with her old suit coat and a large parka and random gloves with chunky sneakers.  Oh and she’s the underling of a chain smoking whiskey drinking misogynistic asshole whose job is to treat her like shit and insult her.  She neither looks nor acts like a young twenty something professional.  In the anime and manga she’s just a petite woman.  But episode one of stampede has me concerned.
Milly Thompson: does not exist?  Information about this is vague at best and I’m not going to troll the internet for what the creative team may have told the Japanese press.  Milly’s character design was top tier.  Her character added great value to the anime and manga so far.  She’s not on the promo artwork and Roberto De Niro is - which is a bad sign.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood:  Looks like a hipster from Tokyo.  And any other ikemen type of character.  Or from a Jdrama.  Really, he looks like if you took a fashionable guy off the street and threw him into the mix.
We see here, an unbuttoned jacket.  His dress shirt is unbuttoned at the top, but also not tucked in.  He’s got skinny/tapered pants and exposed ankles.  And those black shoes that might be sneakers or loafers? 
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Now, you live on a desert planet my man.  You know what absolutely sucks when you live in the desert? Getting sand and shit in your shoes!  How do you do that?  Don’t wear shoes that aren’t covered by your pants.  I can forgive the lack of hats on the entire main cast b/c they are the main characters and we want to see their faces.  But if they actually lived on a twin star planet, Vash, Wolfwood, Meryl and Milly would all be wearing hats; you want to keep that sun off your face and block a lot of the crap floating by.  Honestly, that’s one design element which is spot for the characters except for the lack of hats - the long sleeves and layers.  You wear layers and long sleeves and pants when you live in the desert to protect yourself from the elements.
Sadly, not only does his wardrobe suffer from the ‘upgrade’ but his hair as well as a lollipop instead of his hallmark crumpled cigarette.  Smoking kills but Wolfwood is going to die young anyways so do you think he cares that much?
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His hair is tamed down the long locks in front of his ears are gone and I’m guessing his nose will be shrunk as well.  My most recent watch had me appreciate a few elements of his character design.  First off, he’s got a rather ‘normal’ looking nose that doesn’t make that weird point.  I like this it gave him a more unique appearance without doing too much.  We can also see the long shaggy bit of hair as well as the much messier overall look.
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Looking at him more closely, it really seems as though he had a sort of almost retro (for the 90s) 70s look with a scruffy chin.  That sort of makes sense since he was designed in the 90s, his style might refer back to the previous 20 or so years for his overall look.
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I am a huge fan of the added rough around the edges look with the lines on his cheeks which are more pronounced in the manga.
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I also visually read this to be an indication of age.  Which in the anime, I read him to be the oldest human of the bunch, over thirty.  His observational skills, the way he talks to others, how he rationalizes things at least in the anime. Wolfwood has seen more of life and some of his solid statements really make me think this.  I haven’t gotten to his whole backstory in the manga yet which from what I’ve seen - is vastly different than that with him being much younger but appearing older.  Which is why he gets the scruffy/blushy lines all the time?  Maybe?  I’ll get back to this.  However, this point doesn’t sit well with me since some types of wisdom require one to reach a certain age to get them so I’m not keen on the concept for appears old but is much younger Wolfwood.  But I’ll see how it plays out in the manga before judging it. 
I’m not the type of person to get my knickers in a twist over logical updates to characters and their design but the creative team for Stampede went hard.
Honestly, I already found a much more professional review that really highlights a lot of the issues I had with episode 1.  The reviewer never saw the original and still highlights a lot of the things someone who’d watched it before would or could be bothered by.
This article completely captures why I hate Roberto De Niro and why if he dies as a character I will be happy.  But not happy enough without Milly!
Anyhoo, I’ll give Trigun Stampede the college try, but they are going to have to work very hard to convince me it is a worthy remake.  If only to see Roberto De Niro to die and try not to ask Tanigaki why he’s toting around Punisher - which is a heavy cross b/c it is full of mercy. 
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