#they r like bickering twins to me
ultsnailfan · 1 year
i don’t like it when people characterize hal as just being a younger version of dirk who’s forever trapped at the point when he cloned himself to be AI. he’s not stuck in a perpetual void where growing isn’t possible for him b/c he’s not human anymore, as he does mature and change (while still making it his mission to be an immature jackass of course, don’t get me wrong) due to their varying circumstances, over time he becomes someone different than what dirk does starting at the point where they split @ 13; he becomes someone who isn’t dirk anymore. after the point of AR accepting himself as being hal, watering him down to being another version of dirk that hasn’t grown since becoming AI kinda destroys the entire point of him becoming and being hal. it completely ignores the progress he’s made as his own person. as hard as it is for him, hal is able to live with himself as someone new and attempts to seek out a way to live that life nearing the end of his arc (i.e. dirk and hal’s emotional rollercoaster of a final pesterlog). i understand the comic drives home the fact that they are the “same dude” in different forms, but that’s from dirk and hal’s perspective and they are both a little silly and need therapy. to summarize, he’s not stuck being 13 y/o dirk forever, b/c he’s hal
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Unravelling the Pact
After back-to-back missions, you and the boys finally get some downtime. Enjoying the nightlife on Coruscant, a stranger is all too willing to dance with you, leading to the boys making a decision that will change everything. Pre-Echo.
Pairing: All Batch x f!reader
Word count: 3.6K.
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!!
Warnings: dancing with a stranger in a club, grinding, possessive Batch (but in a non-toxic way), bickering brothers, small insult from a stranger, flirting, pet names, communication and consent are sexy, discussion of poly, first kiss, roaming hands, I guess this counts as friends to lovers?
A/N: I'll die on the hill that Tech and Cross are tube twins, and that Wrecker is a smart/emotionally intelligent man.
This can be read as a stand-alone or as a prequel to Painted Pretty.
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The loud music drowned out the sounds of the city outside, the dancefloor vibrating under your feet from the heavy bass as you moved to the beat.
Nearby, tucked in a booth, the boys kept an eye on you. Dancing wasn’t really their thing, especially after the string of back-to-back missions you’d all been running, but that hadn’t stopped you from wanting to let loose a little more. You’d dragged them out of the hotel, having splurged a little on some rooms with comfortable beds during this period of shore leave, knowing you all needed some R&R.
You’d found an okay-looking club where the boys didn’t draw too much attention – they didn’t look like Regs, which opened up a world of new possibilities, especially once they donned their civilian clothes. Drinks were decently priced, and the floor wasn’t sticky, both of which were a win in your books. You could feel the weight of their gazes on you occasionally, but you paid them little mind. That was their prerogative if they wanted to be sourpusses and stay in the booth.
A year you’d been with them, traversing the galaxy, trying desperately to keep them safe. As their civilian handler, you fed them missions and made sure they came back in one piece – the Kaminoans couldn’t have anything happen to their prized experimental unit, after all – and surprisingly, it hadn’t taken long for them to warm up to you, for you to become one of them. The black Aurebesh ‘99’ Crosshair had inked on your wrist six months ago, while the others crowded around and watched, was a constant reminder of that.
“Uh oh, incoming,” Wrecker grumbled, eyes watching as someone made a beeline through the bar towards you. 
All eyes at the table snapped in your direction. Hunter’s jaw clenched, Tech’s fingers tightened around his datapad, Wrecker sat up straighter, and Crosshair’s eyes narrowed at the man approaching you.
Clammy hands on your waist spooked you a little, and you turned to find the culprit. “You look a little lonely out here.” The man who’d approached you spoke. He was a little taller than you and couldn’t be more than a few years older, with tousled blonde hair and green eyes. His smile was warm, as was his body as he pressed closer. “Dance with me.” He insisted, shifting behind you, sliding an arm around your waist to pull your back to his chest and your ass to his crotch, the pair of you now moving to the beat.
At the booth, the boys bristled. Downing the last of the Corellian whiskey he’d been nursing, Crosshair stood. He could only make it one step in your direction before Hunter stopped him. “Vod.” His older brother's voice made him groan, turning back to face the table. 
Hunter shook his head. “We agreed not to interfere.” He points out.
Crosshair grits his teeth. “He’s got his hands on her.” He hisses out, sparing a glance over his shoulder in your direction.
“And she doesn’t seem to mind,” Hunter states, even though it kills him inside to admit it. He was trying not to listen to your fluttering heartbeat or the flirtatious words being whispered in your ear by the stranger, but you were like a damn honing beacon, and he couldn’t tune it out. 
“I mind,” Crosshair answers sharply, narrowed brown eyes focused on his oldest brother.
Hunter sighs quietly. Crosshair’s distrust of outsiders and his jealous streak had always been an issue. It was a miracle he’d taken to you so quickly a year ago - Hunter had been sure they’d go through countless handlers as the war progressed.
Frustration flashed in Crosshair’s eyes. “She’s ours.” He states.
“We agreed.” Hunter leans forward in his seat, silently imploring his brother to sit back down and shut up. Ever since they’d been old enough to talk, they’d formed pacts. And when you’d joined them, a new pact had been added to the list. 
Pact 52. None of them would make a move on you, regardless of the fact they wanted you. 
Your comfort was paramount, and they didn’t want to put you in an awkward position.
“You’d be fine if she went home with him?” Crosshair spits the word like it's poison, shooting a glare over his shoulder at the stranger you’re dancing with, whose hands are grasping at your body as if he’s known you his entire life. 
Hunter doesn’t have a comeback for that. He wouldn’t be okay with it. Not at all, in fact. But you’re a grown woman and he has no say in what, or who you do. If you want to spend the night in a stranger's bed, all he can hope is that you’ll leave your tracker on, insist he wraps it, and comm them if there’s a problem. 
“I would not be fine with it,” Tech interjects, his eyes shifting between his brothers, datapad long forgotten on the table. 
Hunter huffs. “We made a pact. When she joined, we agre-“
“Kriff the pact.” Crosshair spits, cutting Hunter off. “She’s not going home with him. He doesn’t know shit about her.” He presses his palms to the table as he leans down, the booth tucked away enough that no one can hear their conversation. 
The boys fall silent, each remembering the first and only time you'd gone home with a stranger. Shore leave was hard to come by, and you spent most of it with them, but you’d been up at the bar, chatting away with the barman, when you’d been approached. Hunter could still remember hearing the guy flirt with you; Wrecker could remember how he’d reached out to touch your arm. He’d bought you a cocktail you hated but had politely drank, Crosshair had noted, and you’d chatted for a little while. Then you’d disappeared with him, Tech’s datapad pinging a few minutes after you’d left with a message not to wait up for you. 
And in the morning, you’d come back to the Marauder smelling of that stranger, with a small hickey on your throat that you’d tried desperately to conceal. It had nearly killed them.  
“And what happens if she doesn’t want us, or only wants one of us? Could you handle that if it’s not you?” Hunter sighs as he leans back in his seat. This wasn’t a new debate – they often bickered about it – but it had never been this charged. 
Fear and jealousy rage inside of Crosshair. He didn’t want to think about that. You were theirs, and you wanted them just as much they wanted you. It was a fact.
“I-I don’t want her to go home with anyone else either.” Wrecker finally pipes up, looking awkwardly between his brothers and you. You’re still dancing with the stranger, laughing at something he’d said, eyes closed as you grind back against him. Wrecker feels an odd coil of anger in his gut that someone else has their hands on you. It’s a new feeling for him, and he doesn’t like it.
“All in favour of dissolving Pact 52.” Crosshair throws down the mantle, glancing between his brothers. He was tired of holding back. 
Tech lifts his hand a little in agreement, Wrecker following suit. But for it to be dissolved, there had to be complete consensus.
All eyes turn to Hunter, who’s staring at Crosshair like he’s gone crazy. His youngest brother could sometimes be stubborn and hard-headed, but he’d never called for a pact dissolution before. Tearing his eyes away, Hunter watches for a second as you dance with the stranger, taking in the way his hands are starting to creep down your body, how close his lips are to your neck. Fire rushes through his veins. “Go and get our girl.” He growls out his agreement, eyes swinging back to his brothers. 
Crosshair smirks in satisfaction, standing back up to full height. Dropping his toothpick onto the table, he’s on the move again, slinking through the crowd in your direction. Tech follows hot on his twins' heels, tucking his datapad back into its pouch on his belt.
Hunter sighs, watching them go, not entirely sure whether he’s just agreed to the self-destruction of his squad or the best thing to ever happen to them. All he knows is that he and his brothers are selfish and don’t want to share you with anyone else. He turns his focus to Wrecker, raising an eyebrow in silent question. 
“They can break the ice. If it don’t work and she don’t want us, we can blame them.” Wrecker explains with a grin. He wants so desperately to go to you, to put himself between you and the stranger, to feel your body pressed against his. But he also doesn’t want to overwhelm you, so he’ll sit back for now and let his younger brothers do all the leg work. 
Hunter chuckles. Taking a sip of his drink, his dark eyes watch as Crosshair and Tech reach you. 
Lost in the music, you don’t realise the boys have approached until the man behind you – Trent, you think he’d said his name was – stiffens. “Hey buddy, do you mind?” You hear him bark over the song, your eyes flying open as your hips stop moving, finding Crosshair and Tech next to you. Your brows furrow in confusion. 
“No,” Crosshair answers, his fingers tightly wrapped around the man's wrist, prying it from your body. “Scram.” He demands.
The warmth of Trent’s hand disappears from your waist, and your confusion only increases as Tech reaches for you, gently drawing you closer to them and away from Trent. 
“Hey, take your hands off her.” Trent has no idea what’s happening but tries to break free from Crosshair’s grip, worried for your safety as you’re pulled away.
“I know them, it’s okay.” You find your voice, raising a hand in a placating gesture. Trent stares at you for a beat, before his green eyes flick to Tech and Crosshair. 
“Scram,” Crosshair repeats, low and deadly, as Trent meets his gaze. 
Trent swallows. “Eh not worth it anyway.” He frowned toward the three of you, shaking his wrist free before stumbling back into the crowd and turning tail. 
Trent’s words sting a little, but before that sting can settle, deft fingers hook under your chin and tilt your head, and your focus is pulled to Tech. “You look so lovely, darling.” He coos over the music, those soft brown eyes of his skating across your face and then down your body, chasing away Trent’s insult.
You blink a few times, brain pausing. Have you died on some remote planet somewhere and been teleported to a different dimension? Pet names weren’t uncommon – the boys had them for you, and you had them for them, but they were never affectionate. They were shortened forms of names and occasionally just a descriptor. And Tech was…flirting? 
“This is new.” Crosshair’s voice slinks against your ear as one of his arms slides around your waist, and he presses against your back, right where Trent had been moments before. His free hand smoothes down the curve of your side, across the dress you’d treated yourself to and had delivered to the hotel. Life in armour had made you appreciate the rare chance to dress up.
Your confusion only doubles. “If you two don’t tell me the hell is going on, I will purposefully snap every toothpick between here and Kamino and put viruses on all our datapads.” You threaten.
Crosshair glances up, catching Tech’s gaze. They communicate silently, the strange phenomenon you’d witnessed a handful of times over the last year. 
“Will you join us back at the table, please, darling? There is something we wish to talk to you about.” Tech finally answers your question.
Curious, you nod, letting them lead you back across the dance floor to the booth. Crosshair slides in first, Tech’s hand on your back guiding you in next, and then he sits, keeping you safe between them. “Is something wrong?” You ask, now more worried than confused as you look between all four brothers. 
“No, cyar’ika,” Hunter answers, the smokiness of his voice making the new pet name sound sinful, and you blink a little quickly at it, unable to control the strange thud of your heart. 
Silence sits with the five of you for a moment, the four men communicating with glances before Hunter leans in a little. “Were you planning on going home with him?” He asks, genuinely curious.
The question stuns you, and a small flare of annoyance erupts in your chest. “That’s none of your business.” You answer calmly.
Hunter gives a slight nod of his head, conceding the point. Taking a deep breath, he leans back in his seat and rethinks his approach. “It suits you.” He comments, unable to stop his gaze from dropping, from taking in how breathtaking you look in that little dress. 
Heat rises in your cheeks. Another compliment on your appearance. You weren’t used to this – usually, you only received them for your work, for a mission well done. “T-Thank you.” You stammer out. 
Satisfaction crosses Hunter’s face. “You’re important to us, you know that, right?” He asks, wanting to ensure that as this conversation progresses, you know they’re not just after frivolous fun.
Brows drawing downward, you nod. Under the table, you feel Crosshair’s slender fingers turn your hand over, the pads of his fingers gliding over the ink he’d etched into your skin. On your other side, you feel Tech lifting a hand, reaching out to tuck an errant strand of your hair – fallen loose while dancing – behind your ear. 
If Crosshair’s touch had given you a rough idea of where this was going, Tech’s actions took it to a new level. It was as subtle as a Rancor in a den of antiquities. A strange sensation settles in your stomach, growing as you glance at Hunter again. The look in his eyes confirms your suspicions, and you swallow thickly.
They want you. 
After a year of pining for them, resigning yourself to the friend zone, they want you. A million thoughts and questions rush through your mind, none of them sticking or answered. But if they want you, then there's something you need to say.
“No.” You state, catching the way Crosshair’s fingers pause, all four sets of brown eyes staring at you as you glance around the booth. For a moment, you can’t believe you have these incredible men wrapped around your little finger, hanging on your every word. “I wasn’t going to go home with him.” You clarify, eyes swinging back to Hunter, though you don’t miss the way all four brothers quietly let out the breaths they’d been holding. “Wasn’t my type anyway.” You tack on as your eyes betray you and dip for a nanosecond down to Hunter’s lips. 
What would it be like to kiss him? Or Wrecker? Tech? Crosshair? 
The fingers around your wrist tighten, and you glance down to watch the action, missing the look that Crosshair and Tech share across you. The air seems to vibrate with unspoken words. 
Tech broke the silence, leaning in, his voice a soft caress. “That is excellent news, darling.”
Tilting your head, you glanced his way, taking in all the details you adored – the sharp angles of his jawline and nose, expressive brown eyes, and lips that looked oh-so-soft.
A light bump against your foot pulls your attention away from the genius, eyes darting to where a large boot is pressed against the side of your heels. Eyes drifting up, Wrecker offers you a fond smile as you meet his gaze. Heart hammering, you know you can’t keep them waiting.
Crosshair’s fingers are now skirting around your wrist, drawing lazy patterns as Tech rests a hand under the table against your thigh, fingers splayed and curling around you – steady and comforting. 
“It’s your choice, cyar’ika.” Hunter captures your attention, understanding this is a pivotal moment for you all and could change everything. He decides to lay their cards on the table. “We’d like you to be ours. But we understand that’s a lot to ask. We’ve shared everything in life except a woman. You’re the first we want, so there might be bumps along the way – nothing we can’t work through.” He notes. “The feelings aren’t new, either. It’s…well…we’ve wanted you since you joined us.” 
All this time, they’ve wanted you, and you’ve wanted them. All this time, you could’ve been... “Then why now?” You question.
“It hurt, thinkin’ you’d be going home with that guy,” Wrecker answers before the others could, a large hand rubbing at the nape of his neck. “And it’s gettin’ real hard to keep pretending.” He shrugs, hand falling from his neck. “But we’ll keep doin’ it if this ain’t what you want. You’re our priority.” Wrecker is hasty to add. 
You’d never been someone’s priority before, and it comforted you knowing they’d immediately back off if you said the word. You reach across the table with your free hand, sliding it into Wrecker’s to link your fingers with his. Holding the big man's gaze, you give a small nod. “I want this.” You decide. “All of you.” You clarify, glancing around at the four brothers, watching as delight and surprise crosses their faces. “The feeling isn’t new, either.” You mimic Hunter’s words as a year’s worth of weight lifts off your chest. You know there’s a lot more to discuss and many things to work out to keep things fair, but making your intentions clear is a good start.
Crosshair’s grip around your wrist tightens, and you turn your head towards him. Longing and desire swirl in his hawkish gaze.
You only have a moment to commit his expression to memory before you feel the soft brush of his lips against your own, like the fragile wings of a butterfly alighting on a delicate flower. It was barely there, an exploration of the unknown, but it ignited a spark that threatened to consume you both. Eyes closing, you surrendered to the moment, and your lips met again, this time with more urgency and hunger as the bar's sounds faded.   
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Wrecker protested, scowling at his youngest brother. 
Hunter held out a hand, silencing him. Dark eyes focused on your face, and then on the way your shoulders dropped as you relaxed into the kiss, how your chest rose and fell a little quicker with each breath, and the gorgeous curve of your throat as Crosshair used his free hand to tilt your chin for a better angle to deepen the kiss. Senses tuning in on you, Hunter picked up on your rapid heartbeat. His nostrils flared, your sweet scent coming into focus even under the layers of other smells from the bar. With every second the kiss continued, your scent became sharper. 
Catching Tech and Wrecker’s eyes, Hunter tipped his head toward the rest of the bar. The three brothers pushed out of the booth in sync, leaving you in Crosshair’s capable hands while they grabbed your jacket from the coatroom, flagged down a taxi, and settled the tab at the bar. 
Lips still pressed to Crosshair’s, you gasp at the feeling of a warm hand on your back, reluctantly pulling away and opening your eyes, turning to see who’s touching you. Your gaze lands on Tech just as Crosshair’s lips find purchase on your jaw, trailing down your throat. A whine of pleasure slides out before you can stop it, and you watch as Tech swallows thickly at the noise, offering out a hand to you. 
Shakily, you take it, enjoying the contact as your heart races, every nerve alight as you’re guided out of the booth, and you hear Crosshair grumble as he slides out after you. 
“You only got away with that because you are the youngest.” Tech chides him, though the bite to his words is lacking. If anything, he’s jealous his brother took the opportunity before he could. In return, Crosshair offers him a trademark smirk, placing a fresh toothpick between his lips, not at all remorseful. 
The two of them escort you through the club – Tech leading you by the hand with Crosshair bringing up the rear, the warmth of the sniper's hand pressed against your lower back.  
As you step out into the city, your jacket is placed across your shoulders before you can feel a pinch of chill, strong hands guiding you towards a taxi Wrecker had flagged down, the gentle giant holding the door open for you. 
The five of you cram in. Hunter is pressed to your right, Wrecker to your left, while Crosshair and Tech take opposite seats. A tanned, tattooed hand lands on your right thigh as the taxi pulls away and into the night sky, deceptively soft fingers drawing slowly up to the hem of your dress, the red fabric pushed aside oh so gently as those same fingers curl around your body and hold on to you. 
You’re so caught up watching Hunter’s hand roam across your body that you’re startled ever so slightly as Wrecker’s large paw starts doing the same to your left thigh. A low chuckle from Tech has your eyes flicking across the dimly lit cabin, catching the wisps of amusement and desire on his face.
“That little heart of yours is racing, mesh’la.” The smoky rasp of Hunter’s voice ghosts against your ear as he leans closer, making you feel like you’re about to combust. You have no idea how this will work or how the night will end. What you know is that you trust them implicitly and can’t wait to have your hands on them.
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cartoonrival · 8 months
HEY YOU Hit me with some Julie Su propoganda cuz I'm mostly lukewarm on her character and don't know all that much about her.
OK OK ... well baseline info she's the daughter of dark legion general luger, and half sister of lien-da and kragok, who are twins and both high ranking legion soldiers. when their mother (merin-da) died and luger remarried, ld and kragok hated his new wife (julie-su's mother) (mari-su) so bad they orchestrated her death, info which was they kept on the DL for a long time until js eventually found out about it. memory situation, js is raised by other folks who actually love her and doesn't learn who her blood family is until later. she joins knuckles because she feels inexplicably drawn to him (soul touch) (echidna soulmates) so she defects from the legion to join the chaotix. the soul touch thing sucks and i hate it but this is how it goes. ill talk about my au version of her at the end lol bc things ive built on top of canon are part of the reason why shes one of my fave charas in the series lul
ANYWHO i honestly find it pretty frustrating when people talk about js as just being pink knuckles, shoehorned into the story to give knuckles an obligatory girlfriend, because it really demonstrates that they like. weren't paying a lick of attention to anything because she genuinely has a LOT of personality but since people just go in anticipating anything penders touched to suck they don't even bother to think about her for longer than half a second.
js fills a niche that, imo, could always use filling, especially with regards to girl characters, which is to say shes a well meaning asshole. shes incredibly blunt, she's pessimistic (immediately assumes knuckles must be dead when enerjak returns and they cant find him, tells knuckles not to search a fallen ship that his mother was on because shes probably dead and she doesnt think he'd want to see that). shes terrible at handling interpersonal conflict (knuckles confesses to her that he feels guilty and stressed over all the pressure put on him as guardian and she scolds him and says "this isn't just about you", which results in a minor shouting match when she really had zero intention of starting an argument), she's almost constantly beefing with vector (tbf its because hes sexist he refuses to see past her history as a member of the dark legion). these might suond like cons but i love characters like this LOL and they fit especially well in archie where people love to get mad at each other and make dumb mistakes and it just feels very genuine and interesting and endearing to me. shes rough and difficult but she's also DEEPLY loyal. she'd die for knuckles and the chaotix and the way she interacts with them always makes me soooo ........ im just gonna give some examples i can find.
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(knuckles is on the phone with her)
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^ this was the genuine conclusion of an argument they had and im obsessed with it because both of them suck with emotions so they both give the worlds strangest apology and know that the other means it and they move on. plus putting her arm in front of SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG while theyre confronting eggman even after watching him CHAOS BLAST, primarily because she feels like this is more her fight than his (its about knuckles).
theres def more and i could find them if i was more on top of archie but unfortunately im #narutopilled rn. BUT ANYWAYS. shes just a very fun character with a messy personality and fun interactions and she loves her buddies sm even tho she bickers with them. shes just very special. she fits well with knuckles in a way that makes their relationship actually feel plausible instead of just forcing him to have a girlfriend (tho ofc the writing is fumbled sometimes like. ITS ARCHIE. bffr. but thats the case with literally everything ever in archie so you take what you can and its amazing). also see below. BASED AS FUCKKKKKKK
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and ill discuss my au briefly bc u r asking me my opinion on js and that does play a large role in how i feel abt her, but rly im just expanding on elements of her story that werent discussed as fully as i wouldve liked. her relationship with lien-da is obviously BAD in canon, but theres not a lot of time spent lingering on precisely how lien-da and kragok feel about julie-su as the product of their fathers second marriage to a woman they KILLED because they hated her so much. ive also given her much more internal strife over turning away from the legion, originally joining the chaotix planning to betray them from the inside then being slowly convinced to join them for real after realizing how much she'd been brainwashed by the legion and what its like to have people who truly love and care about you. her story as someone who is trying to find herself outside of her history as a child soldier is something that TOTALLY deserves to be expanded on and its a bit sad that it wasnt explored. but i mean really im not changing her actual PERSONALITY at all because as i discussed shes oozing with it.... im honestly never going to make the full comic i wanted to so at some point im just going to compile all the lore and concept art and stuff into one big post to share. but thats like a spoiler free taste.
she also has a gun. which is fucking awesome because not enough sonic characters have guns. people make shadow the guy with a gun but he hasnt been seen with one since shth. hello....
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
sou !! hello !! this is also random and specific but i saw the datekou headcanon post and i was wondering. might you have any inarizaki road trip hcs?
i didn't until you asked me so LET'S GO
oh god you thought dateko was bad??? they were only stuck in the car for thirty minutes at MOST
(or something idk i haven't quite mapped out their geography yet but miyagi is a coastal prefecture and sendai isn't like SUPER far inland, so i'm just making assumptions out here)
but anyways. kurosu is driving obviously as much as he moans and groans about it
shoutout to the coaches btw they are CARRYING these headcanons
realistically i guess they'd road trip to another school for a training camp or like idk. maybe hot springs for some r&r bc inarizaki def has the budget for it but in my heart they road trip to suna's hometown during one of the breaks so suna can see his family <333
i guess it also kind of depends on WHERE in hyogo and aichi they are but we could get a solid 4-5 hours of driving if it was from, say, asago to tahara
kita makes a list of all the snacks everyone wants and rounds up aran, oomimi, and akagi to help him raid the market/convenience store like the old hunter-gatherer days
they end up with two massive tote bags of drinks, chips, cookies, and other miscellaneous snacks and one cooler for things like puddings and cakes and whatnot
oomimi sits shotgun because kurosu needed someone to help with directions and everyone else was on "make sure the miyas don't kill each other before we get there" duty
they all thought that kita was brilliant for making atsumu sit in the back and osamu up front because even tho they're separated the twins will NOT stop bickering and trying to throw random pieces of trash at each other. poor riseki gets caught in the crossfire the most often
they all converged to make one giant road trip playlist so you've got the weirdest mix of pop rock/bubblegum/k-pop/city pop, lofi, indie soft rock, show tunes and soundtracks, and more
(i named those genres with certain charas in mind so like. have fun figuring that out!)
nobody's willing to take a nap in fear of what the twins might do to each other when they're not looking
they play really stupid games like the alphabet-chain game and i spy and even try for a few rounds of truth or dare because, hey, there's nothing like being stuck in a car with your fellow teenagers for four hours to set the mood for emotionally vulnerable bonding time, right?
anyways. everyone learns that gin is afraid of heights and all sorts of horror movies, akagi would like to get his ears pierced some day, kosaku got rejected in middle school in front of his entire class and has refused to fall in love since, and suna takes pictures to capture the memory of a place he does not want to forget
(sorry i'm being emo about suna missing home again i'll stop)
kurosu is sweating BUCKETS in the front seat btw. "oh my god what do i do with this information am i supposed to talk to them i'm their TEACHER i'm supposed to guide them i do NOT get paid enough for this - "
a shame, really, considering inarizaki could definitely afford to give that man a raise
it's okay they get some really funny dares like daring gin to text his crush a totally random and weird question
(and thank god atsumu has his phone tucked away in his bag)
there's not a whole lot of dares they can do in the car tbh so they get really creative like daring osamu to eat this absolutely evil concoction of mixing tiramisu pudding into a bag of spicy chips and eating the whole thing
he does. nobody knows how he survived it
and then riseki dared both osamu AND atsumu to shut up and sit down and not even so much as GLANCE each other for the rest of the trip
this was at, like, the 1.5 hour mark btw
and okay he didn't say it EXACTLY like that because riseki is a sweet respectful underclassman but that WAS the closest to snapping he's ever gotten
they do stop occasionally here and there to get out and stretch their legs, but this makes their trip even longer bc it takes like thirty minutes each time to wrangle everyone and get them back in the van
also akagi is trying out his most terrible pickup lines. or antipickup lines. either one works
akagi: "are you lactose? because i can't tolerate you ;)" aran: "PLEASE, MAKE HIM STOP"
the only reason aran feels like he isn't completely suffering is because gin is sitting next to him and gin is kind of soothing like a cute pet would be. not that aran is thinking of gin as a pet nooooo ahahaha that would be weird
meanwhile gin is wondering why aran keeps trying to feed him crackers
they finally get to suna's hometown after being on the road for SIX AND A HALF HOURS
and while everyone is happy to be outside soaking up the sun and fresh air, they're all going to miss the bonding of being stuck in a van perhaps just a little bit
it's all right, they've got the return trip to look forward to
(made 100x worse when akagi busts out a drinking game and proclaims they should play with juice boxes, but that's a story for another time)
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fathermarty · 2 years
The Better Potter ✰ James Potter
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Pairing: Marauders Era x Fem!Reader -- James Potter's Twin sister
Request: @bloominghelianthus "Heyyy! So I just got this marauders era idea. Can you write a fic or headcanons where the reader is Jame's twin sister, but she is lesbian and a slytherin? She doesn't get involved with the blacks (except regulus) and doesn't end up a death eater. She is super sarcastic and sassy, but also really kind and caring. She would also have a gift that comes from her mother's line where she can see and communicate with the dead. What would her relationship be with her twin? Would the marauders get along with her? Thank you so much!"
Warning(s): swearing? i swear all the time sorry y'all, mentions of kissing, mentions of wrestling? (Let me know if I missed any)
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"Y/n Potter, the beloved daughter of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, and arguably James Potter's better half," Y/n announces when entering the room of requirement, a place where you hang out with your brother and his friends daily.
"Oh c'mon y/n/n, we all know I am the better half in this twin dynamic." James says interrupting you mid stride.
"James if you EVER interrupt my bloody catwalk again I swear to Merlin I will kick your arse so hard you won't be able to sit down for a week!" You yell at him with gritted teeth.
"Kinky." Sirius chimes in from sitting at the table.
"EW!" Both you and James gag illustrating your disgust.
"I don't see how you guys even argue this, you're literally the same person," Remus states not looking up from his book.
"Are not!" You both yell in unison crossing your arms.
"Stop you are proving their point!" You yell as you push your brother to the ground.
"Why couldn't of I been the only child?" James says in defeat looking up at the ceiling from the spot where you pushed him down.
"Because Merlin knew he needed to combat your ugly mutt with something as beautiful as me. Plus one of us has to marry Lilly Evans, and I think I have a better shot than you, Jamie."
James tackles y/n to the ground and the twins are wrestling, a common occurrence between you and your brother. You are laughing while James yells; "LILLY IS GOING TO MARRY THIS POTTER, NOT YOU POTTER!"
"I GUESS WE WILL SEE ABOUT THAT JAMIE!" You broke free from your twin heading towards the Slytherin common room to get ready for the Quidditch match later this afternoon. You smile at the memory of your first real interaction with the red head.
Lilly had actually been your first kiss, it was something that happened one night at a Gryffindor party. You were talking to her about how you were scared to tell people you were a lesbian in case they reacted poorly. She kissed you in front of everyone to show you that there was nothing to worry about.
You both were met with claps and whistling, but when you make eye contact with your twin he has conflicted emotions flashing over his face. "I am confused whether to give you a hug and say I am proud of you, or pummel you for kissing my Lilly Flower."
Lilly barked back at your brother, bickering like they usually do which allowed you to slip away.
You didn't get too far away before being stopped, "About bloody time, we've only known you liked women since forever." Sirius said to you.
"Yea, well I've known you liked Remus since, well, forever and you still haven't acted on that. Have you?"
"AND THE POTTER'S ARE HEAD TO HEAD AGAIN, DODGING BLUDGERS AND GOING FOR THE QUAFFLE." The commentary made you laugh, everytime Slytherin played Gryffindor whoever was commentating made sure to bring up the sibling rivalry. Hell, might as well call this y/n Potter versus James Potter, that was how everyone else saw it anyway.
"SUCH AN INTENSE MATCH, THE POTTER TWINS ARE HEAD TO HEAD. THROWING ELBOWS AND NASTY SHOTS AT ONE ANOTHER." You laugh at this, every movement that is made between you two is taken as an act of hostility.
The truth is you both promised your mum, Euphemia, that you would not cause bodily harm to others during a Quidditch match. Euphemia definitely ate her words when Dumbledore sent her an owl saying you two got into a physical altercation.
"I told you guys to caught no bodily harm to one another!"
"Actually mum, you said not to cause harm to the other during a Quidditch match. This was just us fighting over the last piece of bacon." James and you both high-five the other with wide grins.
You and James may wrestle, but neither of you hit the other. When wrestling neither of you is out to hurt the other, and you both know that. Even though it isn't always said, the bond between you two is special and one will do whatever needs to be done to protect the other.
The comments are cut off as Madam Hootch blows her whistle, you know you are going to be thrown out of the game, but Knott targeted no one except your brother. Even when he didn't have the Quaffle. You had enough of his shenanigans, hence why you broke his bloody nose with his own bat.
The party that night was in the Gryffindor common room, obviously down their best chaser Slytherin lost. When you walked into the common room, still wearing your Quidditch robes the Gryffindor's threw you on their shoulders.
"ALL HAIL THE POTTER PRINCESS!" James and Sirius yell in unison.
"Put be down before I hex the whole lot of you."
Once returned to your feet your brother throws his arm over your shoulder. "You had some bloody brilliant flying out there sis, and that back hand with that bat was amazing. Wish dad would have been able to see it."
You chuckle at your brother. Plenty of people assume that having James as your twin is the worse thing, but they couldn't be more wrong. It didn't matter you were in Slytherin, nor did it matter you were a lesbian. He loves you, and you will always be his younger sister. (Even if it is only by three minutes max.)
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
HELLO MY LOVES, two posts in one day! (Technically three but the other wasn't Harry Potter related, whoops. If you would like some insight and understanding of what BPD is like, you can click here to read my experiences.) I had a rough day at work and I knew this was sitting in my inbox waiting for me to write it. I am beyond happy with how this turned out.
@bloominghelianthus I do apologize for not working on every detail you gave me! I felt like adding more would take away from the detail I already added. If you would like to submit another request with something based on seeing and communicating with the dead you are more than welcome to. I already kinda have an idea. hehe
Anywho, I hope you lovely humans have had a good day!!!
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shojislady · 1 year
Discounts Give Hope
"Y/N! Let's go into this store!!"
"No! Let's go here!" the twins and Tamaki bickering while YANKING y/n in different directions.
For context: today was y/n's last day at Ouran Academy and Tokyo as a whole. In order to expand their business, the l/n family decided to move to the Miyagi prefecture, taking their beloved y/n with them and away from the host club.
And for this reason, the host club decided that they would spend their last day with her by taking her shopping, which brings us to where we are now.
"GUYS! it's her day! we need to let HER decide where she wants to go and what she wants to do!" haruhi scolded. She knew how y/n felt at the moment, seeing as she's always being dragged around by the host club against her own will.
"THANK YOU HARUHI! you a real one fr" y/n thanked haruhi as the twins and tamaki let go of her. "this why me and haruhi 4liferrsss 🤞🏾🙄"
"YEAH, WE KNEW YOU FIRST" the twins whined as tamaki backed them up. "YEAH! AND WE'VE KNOW YOU LONGER!"
"look, you guys are wasting time arguing like little children" kyoya scolded. "by the time you guys are done, it'll be time to take y/n home and we will have gotten nothing done. not to mention that you're very loud, and causing unwanted attention."
It was true, they only had about 3 hours left to hang out with y/n. They could've had more time, but tamaki insisted that 'he must throw a going-away party for his dear daughter' after school for everyone to attend. said party was 5 hours long which took away most of the time they had left to spend together as a group.
"as much as i hate to agree .." haruhi began, "kyoya is right. we need to get going."
"fine. let's go then." the gingers said in unison.
"well y/n, where would you like to go. we  a r e here for you after all!" exclaimed honey senpai.
"yuh"- mori
"awww, i feel so honored🥹" y/n sniffled as she wiped away her fake tears. "well, since i get to choose..." she started with a mysterious tone
'here we go...' the hosts thought and sweatdropped
"let's go to... HOT TOPIC! :D" y/n exclaimed as if it wasn't the most obvious answer she could say🙄.
"well, c'mon then. we only have a couple of hours left, and we all know that y/n is gonna want everything in there. " SLANDERED kyoya.
"i will not stand for this y/n slander. i will not tolerate it. this is unacceptable. i sh-"
"Y/N! HURRY UP AND GET UR ASS IN HERE!" hikaru called out, interrupting her little monologue.
"well gauh dayum👴🏾 im coming im coming"
it had been 4 hours, being gifted an extra from y/n's mother. they were now taking y/n home, walking instead of driving to savor the moment and stretch their time.
"uhm, n/n... what was the point of you bringing the hot cash?" honey wondered. "not only are you rich, like literally loaded, but we all agreed on paying for you!"
"well honey, there's just something about getting things at a discount that makes you feel happy inside." y/n explained with a dreamy voice.
"i agree. i absolutely agree." haruhi.. agreed
"well, thats because you're a commoner haruhi of course you'll understand you live on coupons and discounts" tamaki stated, oblivious to how rude he sounded.
"..well it's true but you didn't have to say it out loud." haruhi said a bit sadly.
"look what you did tamaki!! my bae is upset now! apologize!!" y/n stated a with a strict tone. they knew tamaki didn't mean it in a bad way, but the statement was a bit more outta pocket compared to what he says on the daily.
"oh no.. HARUHI IM SO SORRY!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!" he pleaded and whined. "it's fine tamaki senpai, i didn't even care, y/n's just being protective again."
"so are we just gonna skip over the fact that n/n called haru-" honey started before y/n covered his mouth, stopping him from continuing. "shhh, it's better that we don't bring it to their attention" y/n warned, not wanting a repeat of what happened at the mall.
"well, this is me." y/n said quietly as silence overtook the group. "you guys ready to say ur goodbye's yet..?"
".. i guess i'll go first" haruhi said as she stepped forward. "y/n, i've only known you for a couple of months, but you were like the older sister i never had. you've been nothing but nice to me since we met.. unlike some people." haruhi whispered that last part. "the surprise presents and the random sleepovers at your huge colossal gigantic ass house were some the best moments of my life. i'll miss you a lot." haruhi finished and hugged y/n. at this point, there were already sniffles coming from everyone.
" guess i'll go next" honey said s l o w l y walking up to y/n.
(i don't have time for all that so im just gonna put the other four)
honey: " y/n, we weren't that close but you're one of the funniest people i've ever met. also you make really good sweets! especially that chocolate lava cake(*'▽'*). anyhow, i'll really miss taste-testing your new recipes and listening to Gorillaz while watching you bake. have fun y/n!!"
mori: "... i'll miss hearing you try and rap to me every day. you sounded really bad btw. love you"
kyoya: "as much as i hate to admit it, i'll miss seeing your beautiful face every day. i won't miss you randomly popping up to my house to flirt with my sister thought."
everyone had said their goodbyes to y/n... except for the twins. it was emotional for the three of them, and they knew that.
"well.." kaoru started " since the day we met you, we never separated. we've been to your house more than we've been to our own, and you know ours like the back of your hand. " the three chuckled as hikaru continued. " then in high school, we got even closer. staying at each other's houses for multiple weeks, stealing each other's clothes, hell, we even showered together once." "YOU WHA-" "shut up tamaki, they're having a moment"
"look n/n, we know you're tired, so we're gonna make this quick" kaoru started " basically, we love you. like a lot. you mean the world to us. you're the best thing that's happened to us since the maid." "we love you, and we wish you the best without us because we know you're gonna need it."
y/n sat in bed, thinking about today's memories and goodbyes. she's gonna miss them, a lot. especially the twins. "they were right, i don't know what im gonna do without them.." y/n said softly lying down getting ready for bed. "hopefully, karasuno will treat me well." she sighed. and with that she fell asleep, dreaming about what she was gonna eat for dinner tomorrow night.
- hikaru sugarcoated it, they've showered together on multiple occasions (nothing sexual tho bc they're all minors 🌚) - the first time they did it was because they were rlly tired and it was late at night + they had school in the morning so they had to shower. - they all got in at once so that no one would fall asleep before showering - so then it became a normal thing
hi!! this is the first chapter of my first story that i ever wrote on wattpad !! i hope it's good! tell me ur opinions about it! i am open to constructive criticism :)
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mgarmagedon · 1 year
I feel that Sideswipe and Strongarm bicker a lot lot but rather make up quickly but were there times when they didn't talk to each other for days because they where so hurt by the other ?
You know... there wasn't big amount of such a situations, because they're usually making up quickly.
But the only time when there didn't talk to each other for more than a week was kinda Strongarm's fault.
It happend few weeks after they arrived on Earth, even before they met Drift!
Strongarm wanted to know more about Sides, because in police data base hadn't much information about him... so she asked Bee if he knew few information about this red tampon. Obviously he told her that he knew his parents, because they are his ex besti and boyfriend - KO and Smoke.
Ofc after she found out about this from him, she immediately started fangirling, because his parents was fighting on Earth, on both sides of battlefield.
She ran at Sides and start screaming at him, something like:
"OH MY PRIMUS! Sideswipe!!! Why didn't you ever told me about your dads?! They both helped in rebuilding Cybertron in a fully peaceful society!!! One is genius doctor, who left Megatron side and became autobot and second could or still can become Prime!!! A P-R-I-M-E!!! I'm so jealous! Your parents must be so cool! Now tell me everything about them!"
And he was like:
"No...? I mean if you want bother somobody with your war vets obsession, go to Bee and talk to him. He was there, he's like old as hell and probably will say something you wanna hear about them, unlikely me."
Then she said:
"Sides, how could you say something like this about your parents?! They are like heroes for our nation! They can't be THAT bad, I mean my father was Ultra Magnus. He was extremely strict and demanding, but he still helped me to became what I wanted to be! What have your parents did that you don't even wanna talk about? Ground you for a week, because you were twerking publicly??? Just say something about them Sides, pls, pls, pls!!!"
Of course Sideswipe, after she has said to him, he was a BIT angry on Strongarm. So he screamed at her:
"GROUND FOR A WEEK?! I FUCKING WISH!!! I would be so good damn happy, if they ever did that! But they didn't care about me to even punish me for anything. They only cared about the golden child, smarter, stronger and better behaved Sunstreaker. After all "why couldn't you be like your twin brother? You are just doing nothing evey single day!", that was the last thing my father Smokescreen said to me, before I ran from my home after the incident... Now, I'll better go... Russell is probably waiting for me to take him from school"
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Sides got in his car and drove off. Strongarm was so shocked after what she heard, but she thought: "He ran from his only, because his fathers doesn't cared about him and always wanted more from him??? That's the most ridiculous explanation I ever heard! My parents was the same and I would never say a bad word about them!"
So because od this little situation, they didn't talk for a week. Ofc Strongarm said sorry to Sides, after Bee made her aware, that Sideswipe is very sensitive young man and not everyone is like Strongarm. Bee mainly did that, because he was so tired of that how they were behaving at this time and how hard it was to go with some of them on a mission.
So she apologized to him, so it made them a little closer and even Strongarm kissed red tampon 7w7
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
800 followers event !
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Thanks for the likes and reblogs 🐨✨💖
Haikyuu x reader
Oh no, you didn't...
Feat. Atsumu, Oikawa, Kurooo drama kings
Things your friend will start a childish fight!
Miya Atsumu
Of course he asked you, one of his friends, the most controversial thing on the world
"Who's the hottest twin?"
He's smug about his looks and knows he's popular and hot
Unfortunately for him, you're his friend and you will tease him whenever you have the chance as he does to you
"Samu" you mutter scrolling through your phone
"What do you want" said Osamu in the same position as you on the couch
You chuckle "you're the hottest twin" you say smirking at Osamu
You can see his cheeks change colour while Atsumu gasps undignified
"Hell naaaa! We have the same face! What's wrong with you?"
Pretending to think about it your smirk grew wider "it's not just his face, he's nicer than you"
Next thing you know, you're shoved outside by a very pissed Atsumu
"W-what? Hey! I live here!"
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Oikawa Tōru
He's popular, hot, charming, and a very skilled player
Pretty setter is a bit insecure sometimes, he knows he can't beat Ushijima alone, he has his team and all but....
He is a sensitive boy when is about Ushijima
Wasn't unusual for you to hang out with him at his dorm with Iwaizumi
So Oikawa is ranting about how he should be in the magazine and not Ushijima....
"Not this again" mumbled a slightly irritated Iwa
"He wouldn't do anything without a setter Iwa-chan, you know it!"
Giving a glance at the magazine and humming a bit you smirk
"He's hot, he looks way better than you in this angle"
Get ready to hear whines and complaints for H O U R S
Iwa has to physically shut him up putting milk bread on his mouth
Oikawa got salty and banned you from the upcoming game against Shiratorizawa
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Kuroo Tetsurō
Okay, we have seen how he argued with Yaku when he was younger
Of course he saves most of your bickering by being sarcastic or tries to flirt his way out
But you know? Sometimes when you caught this tall boy on a bad day...
"Is that the Karasuno captain? He's very handsome"
This boy it's H U R T you have never praised him by his looks
He's in total disbelief, crossed his arms on his chest and refuses to look at you
"Hump! Well maybe you should go to Karasuno instead!"
It's childish he knows, but can't let the feeling of burning jealousy on his chest go
So when Daichi came to greet him Kuroo smirked at you totally ready to tease you in front of the Karasuno player
"Thanks for playing with us" Daichi forced a smile
"You're welcome, but hey, at least you got a fan, y/n was telling me how handsome you are"
He didn't expect for you to smile shyly at Daichi waving a hand making the Karasuno captain blush hard, didn't go as planned
You'll have to tell Kuroo to talk to you later because petty bastard will look up every time you talk
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
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chazzadotcom · 2 years
HII!! I heard you’re requests are open at the moment? I hope you wouldn’t care to take mine lolol, you might have to do some research if you don’t know the characters im gonna request but here I go (and can this be platonic including with the hellfire club?)
Can you do Eddie Munson & The hellfire Club with Twins who have a Rin/Len Personality from Vocaloid??
Thanks a ton…!
A/n i don’t know a lot so i’ve tried to do it the best i can !! I also wasn’t really sure if you wanted them to be x r or the actual twins so i’ve done it as the twins, let me know if you want it changed :)
Not proofread.
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Rin and Len were the newest additions to the hellfire club, and Eddie was very quickly regretting the decision to let them join. They were constantly arguing and bickering over pointless things.
One day for example, Rin walked in wearing their hair slightly differently, and Len very quickly threw a comment towards them, and it started an argument that lasted for the entire school lunch period.
Eddie and the other members of the hellfire club were getting annoyed by it, but they also found it endearing, and knew that Lucas and Erica were similar, so they usually let their petty arguments slide.
It got even more heated when they were playing dungeons and dragons, as it seemed to always come down to the both of them with one roll each, and it created the biggest sibling rivalry the hellfire club had ever seen.
Everyone was at the sidelines cheering them on, Fukase trying to start a chant for Len, but a few of the other members wishing that Rin would win, just so they could rub it in Len and Fukase’s faces.
One of them had to roll a 20 otherwise they would get defeated by Vecna. Len went first, with most of the members cheering them on, Fukase, being the loudest just to try and make Rin nervous for their turn.
Len shook the dice and let it out of their hand, it rolled along the table for what felt like an eternity, before it came to a stop, everyone leaned over the table, including Eddie, before they saw the number on the dice and drew back.
That meant this entire campaign was on Rin, no one really had any hope in them apart from Dustin, who was their best friend, they felt the nerves piling up as everyone was watching them, expecting them to fail, but it made them more determined, maybe if they rolled a 20 people would finally see them only the same level as Len, just because they were born first doesn’t make them any different or any better.
Rin shook the dice, and took a deep breath, praying to some god somewhere up there that this worked out for them, they let the dice roll and it stopped quite quickly.
They felt like the breath had been taken out of them as everyone crowded round the table once again.
They did it, they beat Vecna and Len didn’t, this was the moment they’d been waiting for, they looked over and saw Len with a scowl on their face, and smiled the biggest smile, it felt like their face was going to split in two.
Maybe they were different but Len definitely wasn’t better, Rin had just proved that by themselves.
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ghostfaey · 5 months
La sparizione - chapter eleven
Summary: Plagued by the ghosts of her past, Riona has hidden away for centuries. That is until the call for help of a certain seer finds her and begs her to save her brother. Not knowing how her life will change, she finds her way to Volterra, directly in front of the leaders of the Volturi.
Trigger Warning: Violence, SA, blood, Death of Children, Murder, just some nasty things
<<< chapter ten chapter twelve >>>
Weeks have passed since that last incident. It is strange. These memories that suddenly overcome me are from times many centuries ago but still whenever they take over my mind, it feels like it has been mere seconds. One would think being immortal would help getting rid of the fear, the panic. Not for me.
Neither Aro nor any of his brothers have brought it up again, which I am glad for. I do not know what would happen if they demand me speaking about it.
It feels strange to say but the castle walls that once felt so cold have slowly started to become a symbol of warmth to me. That might aswell also be because I slowly understand the maze that the Volturi call castle. I have to admitt, the guards are a great help when it came to helping me find my way around. Especially Demetri and Felix. Those two are slowly growing onto me with their constand bickering and their charming way of speaking. Jane and Alec however are still a bit wary. I do not blame them for it. The Volturi have many enemies and as far as I know they are both utmost loyal towards Aro. Them being suspicious of me only proves of that loyality.
It seems like Aro is aware of the twins reservation against me, because he made it very clear that today it is their time to spend the day with me. Until now it was almost always either the three brothers themself or either Felix or Demetri. I had the chance to meet Renata, Aros personal guard. She was kind, a bit shy I must say and overly polite. Probably because of who I am to her masters. It does feel strange being treated like royalty and I cannot say I like it.
Being in the presence of the twins is not a purely pleasurable experience. I do not necessarly fear them. Afterall it is their duty to protect me. However being around them is strange, in some way. They are old souls trapped within the body of children. They do not talk, laught or even smile. All I've heard from them today was Jane imforming me that it was them who would chaperone me until their masters would be done with their duties for this day. I'm not sure I have ever even heard Alec talk until now. I am not bothered by silence, not at all. But having two sets of eyes on you without a break and unbroken silence is not something I favour. 
In those weeks I have spend in the castle I came to realization that, if you do not have someone to talk to, the life here is actually terriebly boring. There is absolutely nothing for me to do. Truly that would might be different if either one of the brothers would be fine with me getting involved in some work. But they did not like that idea when I first mentioned it. I do not know if they simply do not want me to work, if they don't trust me or if they deem me incapable. I would have never though I'd like the idea of me working for the Volturi. The thought still does not fill me with joy. But I am bored. The gardens I have come to know like the back of my hand, the books in the library do not hold anymore hidden meaning, the pictures on the walls do not change the way they looks and exploring the castle is nearly impossible if there is always someone on your heels, watching every step you take. I thought about just using my gift to simply have some time on my own so I could finally figure out what hides behind the locked doors. But I have done that once and I had seen the impact it had. I'm not sure I want to do this to the brothers again. 
I did grow closer to them, even if I do not want to admitt it. They do not feel like anything close to lovers but maybe I could call our relationship a intimate freindship. Or something like that. It is not easy to differentiate between the bond and actual feelings. But I do appreciate them. And I slowly start to understand their behaviour, their likes and dislikes. Marcus still feels most like home to me. I still want to curl up in his arms and let him tell me stories about his past. Caius still annoys me to no extent. But I also know he is trying to be better for me. I love watching him paint, it has become one of my favourite pasttimes. It calms us both down. And Aro, oh Aro. I am still afraid to touch him. Or maybe, not afraid but reluctant. I do not want him to see inside my mind. I do not want him to see what I have seen and bring it up. I do not want to remember. But I feel his sadness when I pull my hand away, when I shake off his touch. I know he wants to know more. What he saw is not enough for him because he knows there is more. I do not want to upset him. I very much want to treat him like his brothers, but I cannot be as light around him as I am around his brothers simply because of his gift. It makes my heart burn to just think about what he might could uncover. 
I sight as I sit on a windowsill, overlooking parts of the plaza right in front of the clocktower. Thinking back to when I sneaked between the redhooded people, into the tower to help Alice and her oh so stupid brother. I have not heard of them since, but I am not bothered by it. Alice knows that I do not wish to be contacted except for emergencies. And I am sure she's not worried for me, for all I know she probably had more than one vision telling her that I was doing fine. 
I turn my head around to look at Jane and her brother Alec. They both are already watching me, their face stripped of any emotion. I start wondering if they are really truly happy. I know that they have been alive for many many years, being much older than they look. But are they not somewhat still children? Creating immortal children is a crime, punished by death, because their thirst and temper cannot be restrained. They will alway stay children and therefor are a liabilty for not only humans but vampires as well. The twins are at the very brink of being considered children. I do know why Aro decided to turn a blind eye on them. They're gifts are obviously far to powerful for him to simply ignore and destroy them. In his eyes it would be a waste. 
"Did Aro or any of this brothers mention how long they would be occupied today?", I ask them. To be fully honest, I do not really care how long it will take the three brothers to return to me. Of course I do want to spend time with them but I also have all eternity for that. But somehow I have to try to get them to  talk to me or else I will turn insane by their silent starring.
"We do not know, my lady.", Jane answers. Of course they don't. It is never easy to estimate how many hours they will spend in trial. 
"Anything special today? Or just the same old as always?" I turn my head again, looking back down unto the mortals spending their day on the plaza, meeting friends, buying groceries, living.
"My lady, the masters have not shared anything wiht us today. They only let us know that we are your personal guard for the day, until they are out of trials." This time it is Alec who speaks.
I chuckle. "Personal guard sounds so much better than babysitter, does it not?", I say more to myself than them. "I am sorry, there must be much more interesting tasks than looking after me. I wish for those three to finally realize that I am not running away but I think it will take a while longer until they trust me enough"
"It is an honour for us given by the masters. They do trust us with not only your life but within that also with theirs.", Jane explains but I can tell that she does not fully mean it. She seems annoyed that her time has to be jwasted like this. I am not angry at her for it. I huff and look at her, my lips pulled into a soft smile.
"Jane you can be honest with me, there is no reason to hide your discontent. I do side with you afterall. Your talents are truly wasted on me.", I let her know.
For a moment she stays silent. Her lips which she has pulled into a fake smile quiver softly and I can see the tension in her shoulders. Have I just summoned her wrath? I hope not, that would be the opposite of what I wanted. 
Alec puts a hand on her shoulder, seemingly trying to calm her. He seems to be her safe haven. Grounding her. No wonder. They have been together since they took their first breath. I do not know what it is like to have siblings but I imagine it to be something wonderful.
"The masters have their reason. They want you protected at all times, even when they cannot be here with you.", Alec speaks for his sister. His face hold a gentleness that I would not have expected from one of the twins. 
"Of course."  I don't say anything else. I know that they both are fed up with my try at a conversation. I will have to talk to the three brothers again because I really do not understand why they would have guards protecting me? When I first came here it was nice to have someone show me around but now it is simply a waste of time. 
I ignore the twins again, there is no point on trying to involve them into a conversation. Alec might be a bit curious when it comes to me but I can tell his sister does not care for me at all.
I think back to my home and I get overflowed with homesickness. Even when getting more familiar with the castle and the immortals here, it does not take the heartache away whenever I think of home. I wonder how my garden looks, if the medicin filled jars in my house are still there or if someone has gotten the bravery to steal them like that time a few years ago when I went out for some time. I wonder if the little bird is still visiting even if there are probably no seeds left in his little house.
I wonder if the flowers I carefully picked and layed across the rough grey stones with gentle hands are still there. Or if the wind has already blown them away. 
The sound of an immortal body getting struck by another immortal is a fascinating sound that cannot easily be described. It's like marble hitting marble but then again it is not. There still is a certain softness to it. I watch the guards training as I sit on a bench next to Felix. He is watching them strictly, silently correcting them in almost a whisper, which makes it all the more scary. 
"What is it that the oh so great Volturi fear so that they feel they have to train their guards every single day? It must be an enemy of tremendous power, no?" I state, not taking my eyes of the vampires fighting eachother right in front of me. Felix chuckles before answering me. 
"The Volturi fear nothing. But it is good to be prepared, is it not?" His smile falters as his glance falls upon a newly recruited guard. "Idiota! How many times must I tell you, if you fight against newborns and let your guard down you will end up dead. Truly dead!" I lift my right eyebrow at him, being once again reminded that the gentle giant is not so gentle afterall.
"And why the new recruits? Do you not have enough guards already? One would think with the twins in your coven you wouldn't need anyone else.", I ask, feeling oddly curious of the way the Volturi work. There is only so much you can read in books about a coven that does not want to give their ways away. Felix turns to me, a smirk on his lips. His long legs carry him towards me in only a step and he towars over me. Truly a giant. I can only imagine what it must feel like to fight against him, slowly realizing that there is no chance to win against him. Even when he was mortal he must have been incredible strong.
"My lady, you do know curiosity is what killed the cat?", he asks and I cannot help myself but smile. He sits next to me and I am surprised he feels comfortable enough to do so. Although he still keeps as much distance between us as possible. "A coven as big and powerful as the Volturi does have many enemies. Roughs, newborn armies, immortals that feel we have wronged them-"
"The romanian coven.", I interrupt him. He laughts.
"Last time I've seen any of the romanian scum they were down to less than half a dozen heads. I don't think we have to worry about them in quiet a while.", he muses but then his smile fades and he looks at me in an earnest way. "You see there are more than enough who want to see us gone. Every misson is a risk. We lose brothers and sisters more frequently than we would like to."
I huff at this. "Brothers and sisters?", I ask. "Is that how you feel about them or is it simply an act? Coven brothers and sisters protecting eachother but once it comes down to it you would rip eachother apart. Or am I wrong?"
His eyes darken. "You are deeply mistaken, my lady.", he whispers and I can feel the tension rise. The sounds of fighting drowns out as I stare into his eyes. "I train them, morning, noon, evening and night. I teach them how to fight their thirst. I am the one trying to keep them alive out there. They give their life for the masters, for their brothers and sisters, for me. For the coven. The respect I have for them is deep. The pain I feel when they are gone is real."
I look at him, surprised by his words. He seems sincere, so much so that I feel touched by what he said. A Volturi guard that cares for his fellow guard members. I did not think that this was a possiblity but here I am being proven wrong. Warmth spreads to my body and without realizing I reach out towards him, my hand laying itself on his tense knuckles. The darkness in his eyes clears instandly as he feels my skin against his and he tries to pull back but I keep hold of him.
"My lady you shouldn-"
"The humanity you still posses after all those years is astonishing. Do not let go of it, no matter what happens." He looks at me, then down unto our hands.
"I will not, my lady. But you should really let go now. This could cost me my head." I takes a moment for me to register his words before I hastily let go of his hand. I look around to catch some of the guards looking at us but not daring to whisper a single word. They do not have to, once Aro touches them he will know. I glance back at Felix.
"I will talk to Aro.", I say quietly and Felix nods.
"Do that."
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undergrounddrag · 2 years
RPFR Season 1, Premiere 2 in Review
Bitches, butches, bears and baddies!
It’s my turn at the reins for this week’s fag race, where we meet the second half of our mega cast. Are we sitting comfortably? Good, then I’ll begin.
First through the doors was high fem queen Amber Sweet, rocking what we in the business call “not a lot” – Leather mummy via Halloween pop-up store. She’s blonde, she’s skinny, she’s rich, and she’s a little bit of a bitch. Before we could get a good look at her pleather and pearls slut dropping serve, she’s interrupted by our next contestant, Ronnie Radke – who tends to go by RR. R-R you sure this is the show for you, is all I have to say. He pushes through, announcing himself as a rock god,  and there’s almost instant bickering as he goes for what looks like a slap on Amber’s ass. Before the Pit Crew can intervene, RR finds himself full bodily bowled over by contestant number 3, and brother to Amber Sweet, Luigi Largo. Something tells me he’ll be the rabid dog of the season, as he has to get dragged away by 2 members of the pit crew to stop him pummelling RR into the ground, yelling about holding up the line to get in.  Instead of strapping an electric collar on that beast which, dear reader, I would like to see, the Pit Crew opts for a cigar sized blunt popped into his mouth and deftly lit. Where DO they get these guys from, and where can we hire them? Breaking the thick awkward silence as each of the contestants glares at the others for ruining their entrance, we have a surprise two-fer contestant, Jedward. John ‘Jedward’ Grimes and Edward ‘Jedward’ Grimes are Irish identical twins, and claim to be inseparable. Since they appear to only have one persons worth of brains between them at a push, I think it’s fair enough to let them compete together, though I’m sure some of our other dense queens could have done with the brain power boost too. Hard luck hennys! Jedward, dressed in matching Camp Rock style tween bad boy looks, have an infectious energy that is in equal part charming and annoying. They are either deft social salves or blindingly ignorant to the sour vibes in the Werk Room, and start trying to make friends with everyone, and tried to encourage a rousing chorus of We’re All In This Together, which though unsuccessful did get some laughs – mostly out of the usually stoic Pit Crew.  Though they don’t seem super polished, their high energy could be great fun. Next up, dubiously claiming to “put the ‘sue’ in suited and booted” is Saul Goodman. He had the good grace to cringe as he said he’s entry piece, flagging him as more self aware than anyone else in the workroom so far. He’s in athleisure wear that looks like the 70s-music-loving DILF from your kids football club would put on after his early morning family church service, but before his pre-lunch wank. The only skin he’s showing is where his hairline isn’t, but he’s oozing charisma – and that ooze is ever so slightly slimy. Next through the door we have Cheryl Blossom and Archie Andrews. Both gingers from the small town of Riverdale, these two have been friends for years before the show, though Cheryl leaves us under no illusion she is willing to take the crown over Archie’s dead body. Cheryl is the season’s answer to Buffy Summers, in equal parts classic gothic heroine and head cheerleader. She strikes me as one to watch in what seems so far to be an uninspiring group. Archie for his part seems so earnest that it’s easy to forget his entrance was uninspiring. I hope we don’t see a good kid get chewed up and spat out. Next in is Laurence Gordon – or Lozza G. Dressed in doctors’ whites and wielding a cane, he loudly announced “did someone call a dr?!” which I suspect sounded cooler in his head. In any case, the usual screaming of delight at a new arrival ensued. If he doesn’t reveal something slutty under that coat, I’m complaining to OFCOM. Or I would, if this wasn’t entirely illegal already. Our penultimate queen through the door is The Pavi – Pavi Largo, joining Amber and Luigi as the third and final Largo sibling. Pavi has a fascinating energy, somewhere between camp and glam, horror and horniness. I can’t wait to see whether he uses the changeable faces he has to their full potential, and how he takes on challenges. Despite the slightly unnerving creepy magician type energy he arrived with, he seems to be quite effortlessly charming the room so far, with the exception of his siblings and RR, who is sat in the corner with Lozza G examining the revelry of faggotry before him with a dirty look. Genuinely wondering whether he knows what show he’s on, or if this is some kind of new criminal punishment for him. Last in is Beef – who has a fairly small but fervent following as a live performer, and probably shows the most upfront raw potential of this group thus far. He is glittery and mesmerising, his painted on beauty spot and careful coif contrasting perfectly with the machismo of his hip-forward-drool-making strut. Luigi clocks him at once as someone working in his wheelhouse, and Pavi wants him in plenty more than just that, if the gasp and giggle is anything to go by. Pavi darling, I’m with you, twirling my hair and batting my eyelashes. Unlike Pavi, I can’t get my hands all over that chest – but fair play to him. Beef seems to be enjoying it, and Archie seems a little relieved that Pavi has a new pull on his focus. Soon enough, it’s time for the group to perform Ru’s new original song: Monster Mash. It was a great number to kick off the group with, though I do wish we’d been able to see how some of the other half of the cast would do – I think Fred would have been incredible. Alas, we are slaves to the format. Archie thoroughly impressed tonight, and though his tailoring was fairly uninspired, he was in full black and white, down to his beat. He really sold the judges on the performance. Jedward also pulled out a high energy performance, each dressed as a zombie, and pulling half the moves directly from Thriller but with such high energy, twists and tricks, that it was impossible to look away. The judges seemed to agree – the Boulet’s reminded Archie that they would want to see him break this clean cut look in future – a little pre-emptive, perhaps, but time will tell. Cheryl was highly praised too by most of the panel for her choreography. No real stand outs from the rest of the group, and no huge failures either.
The runway this week had the theme of Purple. Jedward surprised the judges and viewers with a Violet Beauregarde inspired runway – they came out dressed in purple, blowing purple gum, and then at the top of the runway inflated something in their costumes to give the blueberry effect. It wasn’t seamless to look at, but the effort and fun was highly applauded. Cheryl also absolutely served in a simple but effective look, reminiscient of Daphne – for those familiar with Fred’s work outside this show- or perhaps Totally Spies. Go-go boots for the GAWDS. Pavi also opted for a pop culture reference, though more a self reference than one on theme. He walked the runway in a gorgeous purple cloak and suit, a phantom of the opera in plum, put the rose from his lapel between his teeth and lent in to the judges panel flirtatiously before strutting back down the runway. Jasper, Ezra and the Boulet enjoyed this immensely, and he was highly praised.
Alas, he was pit to the post of top two by Jedward and Cheryl, who dutifully lipsync for the crown, to Burning Down the House. I have little so say about Jedward’s performance except ENERGY . They were bouncing around all over the place to the funky beats, urging the judges and us at home to get off our feet and dance along. Cheryl on the other hand went full melodrama. Her set was, we’re told, designed to look like her own mansion back in Riverdale. She herself was delivering pure pop queen with just the faintest hint of insanity, which she contrasted perfectly against the backdrop, which she set aflame and had slowly collapsing around her. Though Ru seemed a little unsure of why you’d put the two together, she was quickly talked around by the other judges who were all in Cheryl’s pocket after her gagging performance. A thoroughly deserved and pretty uncontested win for Cheryl sees her crowned for the week, going into next week with the lead alongside Chop Top. How’s THAT for Beauty and the Beast?? At this stage in the contest, it’s hard to know who’s capable of what, and who will start to shine as the queens jostle to find their place. Let us know who you think are the ones to watch, and who are the ones who should be put to sleep: [email protected]
Talk soon, my pretties.  Gene NB: Prompted by a letter from an anonymous Riverdale resident,  we did some digging and found that not only did Cheryl definitely base her set design on her own mansion, Thornhill, but that there was a fire there, with some claiming it was Cheryl who razed it, to bring hell down on her mother. Juicy!
Xoxo Gene
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faintingnurses · 2 years
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introducing sam (left) and emi (right)
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aquagustd · 2 years
hell is empty - JJK, KTH
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03. BABY CAME HOME ༄moodboard
life has a tendency to throw things your way when you least expect it, when you’re content, and the ominous presence knows exactly how to steer your existence back into the darkness.
prev | series masterlist | next [chapter summaries under masterlist]
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pairing — drug lord!jungkook x reader, hotel owner!taehyung x reader
genre/rating — R | angst, fluff, smut, love triangle au
word count — 6.8K
play — baby came home 2/valentines by the neighbourhood
warnings/tags — single parent!reader, dad!jk, CEO!taehyung, ex-bf!jungkook, strong language, parental conflict, bickering, mentions of sobriety, mentions of stalking, lots of crying, mean jungkook, possessive tae 🔓, a new *important* character is introduced, explicit smut — hickeys, dirty talk, biting/scratching, fingering, clit pinching, body worship, praise kink, spanking, protected sex, fucking in front of a mirror, choking, overstimulation, exhibitionism sorta?
a/n — finally !!! you can read the flashback drabble for more background info before you read this !! see y/n’s aesthetic ✨
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Despite how you keep your fists rooted into your coat pockets, you still sway in your seat with ruthless trembles.
God. They’re identical.
Junho sits in his father’s lap, spooning at his ice-cream while Jungkook watches with a fond smile. It seems like you might have missed a few episodes because this man had become a stranger to both you and the product of your shared ignorance. But here he sits, as if he hadn’t been absent for a day in your son’s life. Junho whispers in Jungkook’s ear, a brief smile appears before his gaze returns to you and Taehyung sitting across them at the table.
He’s sitting next to you, just as motionless. You know that by now, he must’ve gathered that’s your infamous ex-boyfriend, smiling down at his little twin.
Perhaps it was a bad idea, to have him come along while you take Junho out for ice-cream, knowing that there’s so much you need to ask Jungkook, if you’d just find your voice. There’s a boulder lodged in your throat, sinking down to the pit of your stomach then climbing back up as you watch the two interact. And repeat.
But you needed his support, you assume, a comforting hand curled over your knuckles under the table. Your own ice-cream cone now melted in your free hand.
Clearing your throat, you set down the soggy cone on a tissue, halting when Jungkook’s head lifts and his eyes meet with yours. No matter how many piercings or tattoos he has gotten over the years, nothing could conceal the familiar look in his eyes, but despite that, they’re blank. Not a single emotion on his face.
“W-What are you doing here?”
You know you should be angry, there’s so many reasons why your voice should be filled with venom rather than fear, but it still comes out soft, as if you’re talking to your son and not his useless father.
“Dad said that if I win he’ll take me for ice-cream!”
The corner of your mouth quirks up, “mhm?”
You want to reach over to wipe the corner of his mouth, but Jungkook beats you to it, tattooed hand a lot gentler than the crease between his brows as he dabs the mess away. You ignore the small flip in your stomach.
“I wanted to visit for a long time,” he begins, taking his time with his words. But you can’t tell whether he’s being cautious with what he says, or if he doesn’t care enough to give you an explanation. “I only got the chance now.”
“Visit?” You question with a frown, but you’re confused as to why you’re asking him that.
“Yeah,” he shrugs, bouncing his knee lightly as if he’s trying to keep Junho entertained.
No apologies? No proper explanation? No reason as to why he’s showing up out of the blue for a visit? Does he not know that by just visiting, he’s going to disappoint Junho when he must leave again? He’s just a kid, children his age get attached easily. How can he assume that you’ll be okay with it? When you told him, years ago, that he’s unwelcome in your son’s life?
Your heart is racing, mind working equally as fast, and before you know it, anger bubbles over.
“What makes you think that you can just show up like this? And I’m assuming that you’re the guy who has been visiting, no,” you correct, pulling your fingers out of Taehyung’s hold to have them track your words, “taking Junho out during recess? Did you know that because of you I have to find a new school for him? Or do you just not care?”
Even as you take deep mouthfuls of air, your lungs still burn, tears sitting on your lower lash line. Taehyung smooths a hand up and down your back, his eyes burning into the side of your face while Jungkook keeps his gaze on Junho, engrossed in his ice-cream.
“Can I have more?!”
“No!” You say, a little harsher than you expected. Junho visibly shrinks, looking between you and his father.
Jungkook turns around, signalling for the waitress, “of course you can have more.”
“No, he cannot.”
“Yes, he can,” Jungkook counters, dark eyes frigid, “he can have whatever he wants. He’s my son.”
You chuckle bitterly, “so now he’s your son?”
“He’s always been my son.”
“You’re such a fuckin—”
“Mamma said a bad word!”
“Watch your language around him.”
You rise from your chair, an accusing finger pointed at him.
“You need to watch what you say around him.”
Taehyung grabs your shoulders, ready to steer you out of the store with low hushes.
“Yeah,” Jungkook chuckles, raking a hand through Junho’s hair, “that’s what you’re good for. Running away from your problems.”
That sets you off. Storming back in his direction to tower over his seated figure.
“You should be the last one talking.”
“Hey, hey,” Taehyung shushes, clearly aware of the onlookers seated around you, “let’s talk about this somewhere else, yeah?”
Jungkook sets Junho down on the chair next to him, standing a foot away from you with his chin lifted, blazing eyes fixed on Taehyung.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook laughs mirthlessly, the sound sends a shiver down your spine, “who the fuck are you?”
The words come barrelling out, “my boyfriend.”
Taehyung plays off his mild confusion by thrusting a hand in Jungkook’s direction, “y-yeah. I’m her boyfriend. You must be Junho’s dad?”
Jungkook stares at his awaiting palm for a second then turns around to look at Junho, hands slotted in his pockets, “let’s go for a swim?”
Taehyung is about to drop his hand, but you take it instead, intertwining your fingers before shooting him a pained look. He seems unfazed, amused even.
“I think not.”
You grab Junho’s wrist, a warning glare sent in Jungkook’s direction.
Junho’s smile falls before he yanks his wrist out of your hold and returns to his father’s side instead, taking your heart with him when he looks at you with all the anger a five-year-old can manage.
“I wanna go swimming with dad,” he whispers, swinging their hands back and forth.
Jungkook sports a shit-eating grin, one that makes your blood boil to the point where you can feel your ears turn hot. Now he’s trying to turn your own son against you. Knowing how fickle children can be.
“Smiley,” you try again, crouching in front of him, “you can’t go swimming again. Remember what I said? You need to go home and bath and have a good rest. I know you’re tired.”
His eyes droop at the corners, still swinging their connected hands. Jungkook has always been competitive, so you wouldn’t put it past him to try and outdo your affections for your son.
“He can rest at my place after we’re done, right Junho?”
“Yeah!” He bounces off the floor, small hand turning your face in his direction, “you should see dad’s house! It’s huge! It has a big pool and a pool inside the house and a water slide and a skittles machine!”
You jolt up straight, “he’s been to your house? You know what—“ you grab Junho’s shoulder, pulling him behind you “—you do all this behind my back. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Junho whines, sniffles getting louder and louder and once you break out of Jungkook’s indifferent stare, you spin around to see tears streaming down his plump cheeks. Taehyung is quick to comfort him, a tentative hand cupping the back of his head.
“Hey smiley, don’t cry.”
“Mamma doesn’t wan’ me to go with dad,” he sobs, his quivering voice piercing straight through your heart.
“She’s just worried,” Taehyung soothes, his gentle, baritone voice turning your insides to mush, “she loves you a lot.”
“No,” he hiccups, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands.
Your head snaps in Jungkook’s direction, sharp nails nearly digging out his eye, “you caused this.”
“Hey,” Taehyung grins, still patting Junho’s head, “why don’t we all go to my house? I have a pool too. And remember you wanted to see the rest of my cars?”
Junho’s cries stop, his face lifting ever-so-slightly with interest.
“Can dad come too? He also likes cars.”
“Of course, he can,” Taehyung says without hesitation, missing Jungkook’s overdramatic scoff behind you.
Junho fiddles with the hem of his hoodie, staring at the tiles in contemplation.
“I thought you were just visiting,” you enquire, tracking Jungkook’s movement as he walks around you, “but you got a house here?”
He stops by Junho’s head, ruffling his hair a bit, “I have to go now. But if you want to come with me, you can. Last chance.”
“I want to!”
“It’s not safe for you to be with him alone,” you grit, braving a few steps in Jungkook’s direction.
He spins around, dipping his head to look into your eyes as if searching for something.
“How long have you been sober?”
The question catches you off guard, heart stalling in your chest. You don’t miss the way Taehyung looks at you for a brief moment, then redirects his attention to Junho. Jungkook refuses to back away until you give him an answer, piercings glinting in the harsh light.
“Hm? If you wanna talk about what’s safe and what’s not for our son,” he says nonchalantly, head cocked with disdain.
“Our son?”
He nods, looking at you as if you’re the dirt under his shoe. It makes your throat constrict a bit.
“Just after Yoongi’s wedding.”
“That wasn’t too long ago,” he dismisses, an arrogant wave of his hand whooshing past your face before he’s backing away, “plus, I know for a fact that Yoongi must be giving you something. Working in a place like that.”
“That was four fucking years ago, you asshole. When you grew a pair and decided to take accountability. When it was too late.”
There’s a slight tick in his jaw, nostrils flaring menacingly before he dashes past you and makes his way through the double doors. Junho begins to howl, waddling after him with loud cries.
“Don’t go! Please, don’t leave me again.”
Your heart crumples in your chest, tears dripping from your chin as you watch Junho crouch down by his father’s foot, tugging on his pants.
“Smiley,” you call with a brittle voice, reaching for Taehyung’s hand that rests on your shoulder, “come here.”
Jungkook’s back faces you, fading sunlight illuminating his figure as he reaches down to pick Junho up off the floor, cuddling him to his chest. He speaks lowly into his ear, walking the short space back to you. You wipe your tears away hurriedly, not wanting him to know that you’re affected by his presence.
“I’m taking him home,” he says, voice ringing and orotund, “he’ll be back by 7 tonight.”
Before you can mumble a small ‘okay,’ having given up, he’s marching toward the end of the parking lot, strapping Junho in the front seat of a black Mercedes before he makes his way around to the driver’s side, pausing for a moment, then jumping in to speed off.
Leaving you to deal with a foray of emotions prickling at your heart with his arrival. Emotions you’re not willing to name just yet.
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Taehyung had insisted that you go out for dinner with him tonight while Junho is with his father. You agreed, and you’re hoping that you can enjoy your evening out with him because your thoughts refuse to give you a single second of peace. With the knowledge that Junho is with his father, the idea still foreign to you, you don’t think you’d be at ease until he’s back home in your arms. Safe and sound.
Perhaps you shouldn’t have given in. You don’t know what kind of a man Jungkook is anymore and from what you knew, leaving a child under his care would be a terrible idea. A mix of regret and guilt stabs at your chest, heart refusing to slow down.
But if Jungkook had been seeing Junho often, to the point where Junho would prefer his company over yours, then you have nothing to worry about, right?
Now you’re just jumping to conclusions. Junho doesn’t prefer his father over you, he barely knows the man. Met him a few weeks ago. Talked to him at least seven, eight times? Probably.
Yet there he was, begging and pleading at his father’s feet, crying because he didn’t want him to leave.
The memory alone has tears springing to your eyes, frustration projected on your stupid earring that wouldn’t fit.
You sigh, hands on either side of the bathroom sink as your head hangs between your shoulders, scrunching your eyes shut to keep the tears at bay.
What are you doing?
“Hey,” Taehyung pokes his head through the small crack you left, “you okay?”
You chuckle, holding up the single pearl, “this earring.”
He smiles, closing the short space between you to reach for the piece of jewellery, “let me help.”
You watch your reflection, he stands behind you with his tongue sticking out, concentration screwing up his features. He meets your eyes for a second in the mirror, gold pin nudging at the small hole in your ear before he pushes it in. Your eyes scrunch shut in mild pain before you lean forward, admiring them for a second.
“Thank you,” you whisper, tidying up the place when you notice he’s still standing behind you, hands fitted in his dark blue slacks.
For a minute, you want to ask him what’s wrong, why is he looking at you like that, then the events from earlier today come rushing back. A few things nagging at the back of your head doesn’t allow you to look at him again, busying yourself with fitting on your rings.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, “I didn’t know wha—”
“It’s alright,” he responds, hands coming up to rest on your hips, “we’re working on it, yeah?”
A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips, finding him already grinning at you cheekily, “yeah.”
“Although,” he breathes, mouth lowering to latch on the junction between your neck and shoulder, “we have some things to discuss over dinner.”
Reflexively, your head tilts when his kisses travel up the side of your neck, soft, glossy lips sliding up your skin to have you hum blissfully, hips jerking back against his crotch. His fingers press into the silk of your dress, bringing you further back to feel his bulge. You can’t bring yourself to close your eyes, drinking in the sight of his bent frame caging you into his embrace, his own eyes shut as he begins to suckle into your flushed skin, teeth drawing a small bloom just below your ear.
He nips on your earlobe, ensuing a soft moan from your parted lips, “okay?”
“Hmm,” you sigh, unable to stop yourself from grinding into his growing erection, “okay.”
With a wanton moan, you slide your fingers into his hair and bring his mouth in line with yours, snatching his parted lips in a sloppy, slow kiss. His tongue clashes with yours just as a groan tumbles out of his lips, guiding your hips to roll faster.
The pressure between your thighs becomes incessant, wetness leaking into your panties and you spread you legs a bit, wanting to feel more of him.
His nails drag up your thighs when he scrunches up your dress in his hand, pulling it up and over the globes of your ass. Your eyes fly open, wanting to see his reaction when he’s met with the sight of your lacy thong, breaths strained.
He doesn’t disappoint, a low ‘fuck’ muttered under his breath before his fingers are splaying across your lower back and you’re being pushed into the cold granite, but you can’t bring yourself to care with the way his fingers caress your ass, ringed fingers creeping closer and closer to your dripping center.
“Our reservation is at six,” he says breathlessly, the sound of his zipper dragging down excites you, “we’re gonna have to be quick.”
Despite his words, his fingers tease at your entrance, thumbs spreading your folds apart when he pushes the flimsy material to the side, a needy whimper falling from your lips when he starts to spread your wetness around, glazing the globes of your ass before his hand comes down on your cheek, causing you to jolt forward with surprise.
“So fucking sexy,” he growls, the familiar sound of him fucking into his wet fist reaches your ears as he finally presses down on your clit.
Your back arches when he sinks in two fingers at once, finding your sweet spot easily and you wait for his particular rhythm, the one that has your thighs quivering in under a minute.
“Yes,” you sigh, grinding into his hand, “wore this just for you.”
“Yeah?” He grunts, curling his fingers just right to have you vibrating in pure desire, wanting to feel his cock against you but also jerking forward to feel more of his long, skilled fingers drag down your walls. “Got it nice and messy for me.”
Your head lolls back, puckering your lips for him to catch in a searing kiss, fingers splitting you open. He pants into your mouth, drawing his fingers out of your cunt to part your swollen folds. A whine tumbles from your lips when he pinches your clit, flicking the swollen bud as more of your slick drips down his hand.
“Gonna fuck this pussy good, I wanna hear you baby,” his voice drips with lust, pants down to his ankles as he rolls on the condom. You keen when he props your left knee onto the counter, splitting your cunt wide open for him as he lines the tip with your honeyed hole. “Wanna hear your pretty moans when I fuck your pussy.”
Clenching with anticipation.
“Please,” you mewl, jerking into him as you brace your hands on the granite, taking a peek in the mirror for his gaze to latch onto yours.
Something flashes behind his eyes, tanned, large palm wrapping around your neck before he’s pushing into you, hot mouth pressed to your ear. Your head falls back onto his shoulder, a strained moan settling on your tongue once he’s buried to the hilt, giving you some time to adjust to his thick length.
His fingers fit on either side of your neck, thumb threatening to press down on the spot that’d cut off your air supply, heightening your pleasure.
“You’re so fucking pretty,” he sighs, hips pressed to your ass as you roll back, trembling when his cock grazes your sweet spot. You do it again and again, challenging him to press down on your throat. “Your pussy was made for my cock. My pussy.”
“Tae,” you whimper, begging him to move.
“Look at how pretty you are with my fat cock in your cunt, fuck, you’re so tight.”
Your jaw unhinges when he draws his hips back, the tip of his cock kept in your walls before he’s plunging back in. The sight of his hips snapping into you alone is enough to have you crying out his name, clenching uncontrollably when he reaches around you to rub at your clit. Fingers slick with your arousal, he brings them up to your parted lips, thumb skating across your lower lip.
His hips don’t stop for a single second, stealing the breath from your lungs when he doubles his efforts, nudging your thigh up so your other knee rests on the counter, stretching you open even further. With the new angle, your moans are high-pitched shrills of his name, thighs going numb yet still feeling each ridge and vein of his twitching cock. How the heat from his body mixes with yours, sweat beading across his forehead.
“Wish I could—” his thumb presses down on your tongue, voice laced with something carnal “—fuck this pretty mouth. Fuck your throat raw.”
Abdomen tightening, you moan around his digit, bobbing your head as you suck on it, showing him exactly how you would do it, drool slipping down his wrist.
“Such a good girl,” he husks, thumb sliding down to onto your chin, lips a breath away from yours, “but I can’t hear you scream my name with my cock down your throat.”
Obediently, you shake your head no, clit pulsing beneath his palm once it returns to your pussy, working you up with even harsher thrusts into your wet heat. Lewd squelches of his cock slipping into your pussy resounds in the bathroom, body locking up when he finally squeezes around your throat, thrusts growing animalistic.
“Let me hear you,” he grunts, bottom lip caught between his teeth, “let everyone know who’s fucking you this good. Who this cunt belongs to.”
He punctuates his words by rubbing your clit furiously, breath stolen from your lungs as you scream out his name, high rolling over your body in shockwaves. A drawn-out groan is heard before both his hands grip the backs of your thighs, keeping you splayed open for him as he chases his high with loud groans of your name.
“Taehyung,” you mutter, eyes screwed shut when it becomes too much, walls convulsing around him. He whines into your shoulder in response, blunt nails digging into the meat of your thighs as he spills into the condom with stuttered thrusts, pretty face contorted in pleasure.
You’re both coming down from your high when he reaches around to grab your face, kissing you languidly as he sets down your legs. The kiss is so sweet that the pain in your legs is hardly noticeable, twisting around to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him down to your height, his heady, rich scent surrounding you just as his hold on your heart tightens.
“That was amazing,” he chuckles, lips stretching into a boxy grin, “but we’re probably going to be late.”
“Yeah,” you giggle, forehead pressed to his, “but I didn’t mind.”
His hands fly to your waist, and you’re being hoisted onto the counter, yelping when he stands between your legs.
“Let’s clean you up.”
“Tae,” you chide playfully, watching him wet the beige towel you keep at the sink, “I can do it myself.”
Ignoring your words, he bends down between your legs, staring at the apex of your thighs intently as he reaches between them. Just as he brushes your thigh, holding your panties to the side, you grab his wrist, a seductive eyebrow cocked.
His brows raise in question, damp towel in mid-air.
Wordlessly, you peel off your panties, holding eye contact as you let it fall into his lap. You lean back on your palms, gesturing for him to continue with a smirk.
His Adam’s apple bobs, towel pressing to your center before he shakes his head, knowing that you’re satisfied with his reaction. He tucks the flimsy material into his pocket with a lopsided smile. Once he’s done, he tosses the towel into the sink and comes up to attack your neck with his mouth, giggling and laughing with you when you try to push him away.
You yank him away with a hand in his hair, twisting at the brown strands as you meet his gaze, “you’re so—”
He smirks, hands on either side of your body, “I’m so…?”
“Nothing,” you smile, not wanting to get sappy right now, “we’re gonna be late, c’mon.”
You try to jump off, but he refuses to give you any space, pinning you in place with his big, brown eyes.
“Tae,” you snort, fists beating at his chest, “c’mon. Let’s go.”
He nails you with a ‘we’ll talk about it later’ look before he’s walking away, pants still around his ankles.
“I’ll clean up here,” he informs, waddling to the toilet.
As you’re making your way to the lounge, adjusting the straps of your dress. Your smile falls, the sight of a man with his ankle propped on his knee has your steps faltering, but the way he’s seated gives him away.
“What the fuck are you doing here? How did you get in?”
Jungkook’s head swivels in your direction, arms stretched over the backrest. The menacing glint in his eyes has your cheeks heating in embarrassment.
“H-how long have you been here?”
He yawns, arms reaching up over his head before he rises from the couch, taking in the small space of your lounge before he stands by the window, “long enough.”
Before you can respond, you hear Taehyung approach the end of the hall, a questioning look on his face before he follows your gaze to the ignorant man now making his way to the kitchen, hands tucked in his pockets.
“Nice little place you got here.”
Ready to spew curses at him, you tilt your head in Taehyung’s direction when you feel his hand wind around your waist, his calm demeanour tames your anger. Just a bit.
“Where’s Junho?”
“In his room,” he informs, lifting the jar of nuts and raisins you keep near the toaster, “packing a bag.”
“Packing a bag?”
He takes his time with unscrewing the lid on the jar, tossing his head back as he chews noisily, “yeah. He’s staying with me for the weekend.”
“Uh, I think the fuck—”
Taehyung’s hand squeezes around your waist, pointed gaze fixed on the way Jungkook flops back down on the couch as if he owns the place.
As if he owns the place.
You shut your eyes, taking a deep breath through your nose.
“He can’t stay with you.”
“Why not?” He enquires with that same, shit-eating grin, tongue nudging at his piercing, “you can come with if you like. Unless—” he looks between you and Taehyung, gaze zeroing in on your neck “—you’re busy.”
“We’re actually going out for dinner tonight.”
“That’s nice,” he sighs, tilting the jar in his direction. “We’ll miss you.”
Rolling your eyes, you sashay over to him, snatching the jar out of his hands before setting it on the coffee table, arms folded in front of you. He’s unbothered, gaze raking up and down your figure.
“You haven’t changed much.”
You shift on the spot, taking a few steps back.
“He’s five, how do you expect him to pack a bag for himself?”
He opens his mouth to answer, but you hold up a manicured finger, indicating that you’re not done just yet.
“He’s also never been without me overnight. How do you think he’ll manage?”
He shrugs, wiping his hands on his thighs, “I think he’ll manage just fine.”
Eyes narrowed in his direction, your fists clench at your sides, ready to provide a list of reasons as to why you won’t let Junho go when Taehyung’s phone rings, breaking your silent staring contest.
“Yeah?” He fixes his cufflinks, phone tucked between his ear and shoulder as he grabs his coat, “yeah. Yeah. Tell hyung to sort it out. No? Hmm.”
He ends the call, flashing you a dejected smile, “I have to go.”
You fix his collar, dismissing his apologies, “it’s alright.”
“Tomorrow night, yeah?”
Standing on your tippy toes, you lean up to peck his cheek when he tugs you flush to his torso, hands just above the curve of your ass when he covers your mouth with his, all tongue and teeth. Clanking together lewdly before you pull away with a dreamy sigh. He stares down at you, a silent promise on his lips.
“I’ll miss you.”
You gulp, heart swelling in your chest, “I’ll miss you too.”
Knocking his forehead against yours lightly, he pulls away, pausing with his fingers on the door handle to throw an unreadable look at Jungkook, lips in a terse line.
“Cute,” Jungkook disrupts your daze, “can we leave now?”
Turning on your heel, you strut through the hall to Junho’s room, seeing him struggle to close the zipper on his red backpack.
“Need some help?”
“Mamma! Yes please.”
You smile, a little relieved when he throws his short arms around you in a warm hug. Relieved? Because you thought that Jungkook stole your place.
How could you? When you know that nothing can come close to a mother’s love.
“Let’s see.” You take the bag from him, eyes bugging out at the number of toy cars stuffed in the tiny space.
He pinches his bottom lip, eyes wide with worry, “I can take some out. But I need my Hot Wheels.”
Turning to face him hesitantly, you take both his hands in your own, thumbs rubbing over his knuckles, “Smiley…you can’t stay with dad.”
He rips his hands out of your hold, chest heaving as he shouts, “why? But I want to! Why don’t you like dad?!”
“Listen, listen,” you hush, pulling him into your lap despite his protests, “dad hasn’t been around for a while, he doesn’t know you like mamma does.”
“Yes, he does,” he quips, chubby fingers out as he lists the things his dad knows about him.
You shake your head, trying to keep him still but he breaks out of your hold, voice wobbly and broken.
“Dad said he’s going away soon. I have to stay with him before that.”
Thinking carefully before you say your next words, you rise to your feet, bending down to place a kiss on the crown of his head.
“Let me talk to dad.”
Wagging a finger in his direction, you gesture to his backpack, “you can use that bag for toys. I’ll need to pack another bag with clothes.”
His gaze skates around the room, “my spiderman bag?”
“We’ll see.”
When you return to the lounge, a little defeatedly, you catch Jungkook interfering with the TV. The sound of your dress sliding over your legs as you walk announces your presence. He smooths the mint tips of his hair back, adjusting the hem of his black turtleneck.
“So, you’re coming?”
Your eyebrows shoot up, stunned by his question.
“No,” you scoff, hands tucked into each other, “how did you get in?”
“Your son gave me the code,” he grins, “I got a smart kid.”
Too smart for his own good.
“And what makes you think I’ll let him go with you?”
“Nice TV, I need one of these. I just hope Junho isn’t deprived of anything.”
Forehead creasing at his question, you fold your arms, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know,” he reminds, gaze somewhere behind you, “seeing that I helped you get this place, and I pay the bills every month. Whatever little money you earn should be enough to afford whatever he needs.”
So your suspicions were correct.
Exhaling a bitter laugh, you level him with a disgusted glare, voice a lot firmer than you anticipated, “all the money you send every month is untouched. Whatever you’re seeing here, is what I bought with my hard-earned money.”
He kisses his teeth, “I don’t believe that. All that money?”
Chin raised, you nod, having all your answers prepared for this day.
“I don’t care if you believe it or not, I have a well-paying job and—”
He snaps his thumb, voice loud and boisterous, “and a sugar daddy! That explains everything.”
“You’re a real asshole, you know that,” you seethe, wanting nothing more than to have this detestable man out of your home and your son’s life.
“You know,” he continues, taking a few steps forward until he’s standing right in front of you, a new scent surging through your nostrils. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”
He takes a lock of hair between his fingers and you freeze, eyes locked with his.
“And I know you’re doing a good job with our son, you know, leaving him with Yoongi hyung for the weekends while you’re out, strangers when you’re at work. I get it.”
“Can you believe that?” He chuckles dryly, “you leave him for hours with your neighbour, a stranger, but won’t let him spend one night at his father’s house? Man, and I actually trusted you.”
Your hands are like sticks at your sides, throat working wildly when his hot palm rests on your bare shoulder, eyeing the bruises on your neck.
“I trusted you,” you whisper.
For a fleeting moment, you think you find a bit of the old Jungkook in those onyx eyes, but he’s snapping away from you, fixing his veneer.
“Sora and I will take good care of him.”
“Sora? Who’s that? Your­­—"
“Dad’s financi!”
Jungkook catches Junho as he charges in his direction, holding him up on his hip expertly.
“Fiancée,” Jungkook corrects with a smile, unhooking the straps of Junho’s backpack.
Why does it feel like a bit of your heart has just chipped away?
“Mamma, can I stay with dad tonight?”
Nodding weakly, you lift the other bag from the ground, inspecting its contents to check that he has everything he needs.
He squeals, kissing the side of his father’s face.
“Can I have one before you go?” You try with a solemn smile, emotions burning up your throat.
He reaches for you, still in his father’s arms when you prop your head on his small shoulder, Jungkook’s stolid stare on your face.
“I’ll miss you.”
“I’m coming back tomorrow!” Junho giggles, “but I’ll still miss you.”
His lisp is a lot more noticeable now. You reach forward to pinch his cheek, biting back tears.
“I know.”
As they’re making their way downstairs, you call Jungkook’s name, uncaring if the neighbors should complain.
“He doesn’t like his Cheerios soggy, so put the milk after. Cold milk!”
“Got it!”
“And he doesn’t like to sleep with socks but sometimes he falls asleep with them on, so you have to take them out!”
“And he—” The words die on your tongue, tears falling freely.
He can’t fall asleep without saying goodnight to that polaroid of you.
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“Listen, I’ve only met the guy once, so I can’t say much. But from what Yoongi told me, I’m not sure if you made the right decision.”
You collapse on her lap, sobbing into her legs, “don’t say that.”
“What?” She shrieks, mouth stuffed with pretzels, “I’m just saying.”
“Yuri,” you whine, banging your fists on her legs.
She pulls away with a scowl, grabbing one of the throw cushions to shield herself from your attacks.
“I hate him, I fucking hate him so much.”
Reaching for her glass, she tips her head back to finish the last bit of wine, topping both of your glasses up after.
“Hey, I know. But he’s your dad’s son, wait,” she giggles, waving a hand over her flushed face, “he’s your son’s dad. You have to like him.”
“No, I don’t.”
She gives a one-shoulder shrug, lips in a theatrical frown, “you kind of do.”
“Ugh,” you groan, wanting to take another sip but deciding against it.
“Hey, have some more,” she coaxes, raising a suggestive brow, “you can stay over.”
“No, no,” you burp, wrenching your hand out of her hold, “remember what happened the last time we got drunk and I spent the night here.”
“So what?” She grins, brown eyes glazed over, “Yoongi said it was kind of hot.”
“Shut up!”
“I’m serious,” she waggles her brows, socked foot gliding up your thigh.
You massage her foot absent-mindedly, one man occupying the forefront of your mind.
“I’m just wondering,” you begin, squinting at nothing in particular, “why would he appear now of all times? Like, he could’ve showed up sooner.”
She hums, “Yoongi knows.”
Sensing her mistake, she downs the rest of her wine, “let’s have more.”
“No,” you warn, clutching her wrists in your hand as you pin her to the couch, “Yuri, you have to tell me!”
She fights back weakly, flowy gown coming loose on her small frame, “I can’t.”
“You have to.”
“No,” she pushes you back lightly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears, “Yoongi will tell you himself.”
“Well, where is he?”
She gives you an exasperated look, “you know he’s unavailable right now. Busy in his office.”
You spring up from the chair, ready to walk up the stairs and barge into his office but she pulls you back down, a little worked up.
“That’s a bad idea. Chill, okay? You can ask him at work on Monday.”
Dragging a hand down your face, you relent with a sigh. “I should probably get going, it’s late.”
Tucking the sides of her satin gown into each other, she waves you off, a mellow smile on her dainty features. You laugh to yourself as you drive through the gates, knowing that she’s going to give Yoongi a hard time tonight.
From what she said, you surmise that Yoongi knew. Yoongi knew that he was coming, and he didn’t tell you for some odd reason. But why would he do that? When he witnessed what happened the last time and because of your weak heart, you gave in to Jungkook again. But this time, it’s different. Junho is now fully aware of who his father is, and he wants to spend time with him. If you were to disagree, you’d turn out to be the bad guy and that’s the last thing you want.
Plus, after everything Jungkook said to you, you know that he’d love that idea. To have you be the villain in this story when he’s been seen in a bad light all these years. As he should be. But that still doesn’t stop your heart from aching at the way he looks at you, like you’re just this random woman who’s been taking care of his son and now that he’s willing to step up, now that he feels like being apart of Junho’s life after missing out on some of the most important years, you’re kicked to the curb.
You chew on the corner of your lip, blinking away tears as you speed down through the streets. How would you get any sleep tonight, knowing that your son isn’t safe with you in your home? Staying with Jungkook, and his fiancée. Banging a fist on the steering wheel, you decide to make a U-turn, ready to get your son back because it seems like you lack common sense.
The boulder returns, now lodged right in the centre of your throat. You don’t even know where he lives.
As you’re slowing down, your gaze flits to the rear-view mirror, the bone-chilling sight of the black SUV staring back at you. Through all this drama, you had forgotten, and there’s not one, but two this time, tailing you. Tightening your grip on the wheel, you decide to take a few turns around the block, heart hammering against your ribcage as they match your every move. And it isn’t long before you find yourself reaching for your phone out of fear.
The device slips out of your hand, clattering to the passenger side.
“Fuck.” Reaching over with trembling hands, you keep your eyes on the road while trying to locate your phone, jerking up straight when you spot a few unfamiliar turns and trees. Another frightening shiver runs down the length of your spine, every inch of your skin goosing at the realization that you’re lost.
Stepping on the brakes with a harsh foot, you’re forced to stay put in front of the black SUV, bright lights switching on to blind you momentarily before you spin around. You’re surrounded.
Chest undulating with heavy, laboured breaths, your blood runs cold as you finally find your phone, cursing when you enter the wrong password. Your relief is short-lived when you hear a knock on the passenger side window, body pressed to your seat. A man wearing a black leather jacket gestures for you to roll down the window.
Swallowing thickly, you shake your head, gasping when a second knock comes from your side, another man standing at your window. The bottom half of his face is illuminated, muffled voice asking you to roll down the window before two unnerving knocks come from the other side again.
All you can think about is Junho, fearing for his safety when yours is in jeopardy.
Pressing down the button, you let it roll down a crack, hearing the man laugh, low and grating.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you hear yourself say, clutching the phone to your chest, “take whatever you want.”
This time, the two of them chuckle. He leans down to set his hands on your door, blond hair falling into his sharp eyes as he speaks with a flat, husky voice.
“We won’t hurt you,” he begins, tongue dragging over his plump lips, “step out of the car for us, please.”
You hit call.
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a/n — please send in feedback, I would love to chat to you & hear what you think.
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© aquagustd 2021-2022 do not copy/repost/translate
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spidernerdsblog · 2 years
Hey honey! A blurb request for MMIH can you write abt the kids fighting with eachother and it got a little serious that they stopped talking with eachother for a while and eventually made up....I mean wt r siblings if they don't fight😂.... love ur writing 💖💕
That's so true lol. Hope you like this. Let me know what you think. Also here football implies to soccer.
Match made in Hell (series)
Twin trouble
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings : none
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After working for an hour in the office you are finally done with scrutinizing all the documents Tom required for tomorrow's meeting. You stand up from the chair and stretch out a little bit before going to check on your twins. It's been quiet for some time in the house which only happens when they're upto some mischief.
You look around the house but they were nowhere to be found and then you remember Nathan carrying his football out to play in the lawn. So you step outside and your eyes widen with shock at the sight in front of you. A serious squabble has broken out between the two precious little terrors of yours. Nathan had a fistful of Nailah's hair in his hand while she clawed at his face. 
“Jesus! What is going on?!” you run towards them warily. None of them budged at all snarling at each other angrily. “Nathan! Nailah! Stop it, both of you.” you somehow separate them holding each of them on either side of you. 
“Nate pulled my hair.” Nailah says and tries to scratch him again.
“Leah scratched me.” Nathan retorts scowling at her. 
“Timeout you two. Go inside now.” you say sternly as they stomp their way into the house. 
You remember how they used to fight when they were little and as per your parenting books and your mother-in-law it was normal with twins as they adjusted to each other. You really thought they were past that phase but now it seems that isn't the case at all. 
You take some calming breaths and make your way back to the house to find them in the living room sitting far away from each other at the opposite ends of the couch. 
“Now may I know what on earth happened out there?” you ask with your hands on your hips.
“Nate will not let me play with the ball.” Nailah says with a sad pout.
“Nathan, why would you do that?” you look at him with disappointment.
“She never lets me play in the playhouse!” he complains.
“Because it's mine! Daddy made it for me.” Nailah bellows.  
“Leah, what did I tell about sharing?” you remind her and sit between them gently stroking their hair with your hands. “C’mon now say sorry to each other and then you can go back to playing football together.”
“NO!” both of them shout together.
“No? What do you mean no?” you frown as they slide off the couch and sprint up the stairs.
“Guys, wait! Come back!” you call out and then hear the doors of their rooms slam shut.
You pinch the bridge of your nose letting out an exasperated sigh. You thought of going to their rooms but then decided otherwise. It's better to give them some time to cool down as you hope they are soon back to being friends like all the other times they fought before. 
You were proved wrong when they didn’t talk to each other at lunch. On any other day there would be so much laughing and constant bickering at the table that you had to force them to eat but today they just ate silently and then went back to their rooms.
Tom returns in the evening and is taken aback at the very peaceful environment in the house which is very rare. He hangs his coat on the rack and goes around the house to find the three of you in the library. You were sitting on the armchair reading a book while Nathan and Nailah sat on either side of the centre table busy finishing their homework. 
He gives a gentle knock on the door and you look up from the book a smile instantly finding your face.
You set your book aside and walk up to him. “When did you return? Sorry I didn’t hear you.”
“Just a few minutes ago.” he dips his head to place a chaste kiss on your lips. “What's the matter? Why is it so quiet in here today?” 
“Don't ask.” you sigh and glance back at your kids. “They got into a huge fight today and now they won't talk to each other.” 
“That looks like a serious problem.” He raises brows amused. 
“It is. I tried everything but they’re been stubborn.”
“Wait, let me try.” he places a reassuring hand on your shoulder and walks inside the room. “Well what are my lovebugs upto?” he says with a cheery tone.
“Homework daddy.” Nailah replies glumly. It is indeed some serious fight Tom thought and gives another try. “So who wants to go out for pizza and ice cream?” 
That gets their attention as they both perk up leaving their homework and come walking around the table excitedly. You shake your head smiling.
“I’ll have chocolate ice cream daddy.” Nailah says, looking up at him with sparkling eyes.
“I know my little princess.” He smiles and sits down. “But before we go I have a condition,” he says. “Whatever fight you two got into, I want you to call it a truce.” all the excitement they had drains away as they look at each other pointedly.
“C’mon guys it's enough now.” you too sit down beside Tom. “You’re twins. You're best friends for life.”
“I don’t want to be a twin.” Nailah crosses her little hands pouting.
“Yes mommy me too.” Nathan frowns deeply.
“Because we have to share everything.” Nailah says with a serious look on her face which makes you stifle a smile.  
“Ok I see that’s a very big problem but you share your toys with your cousins when they come over right?” you try to make them understand. “And do you know how special it is to be twins? I wish I was a twin. Tom, don't you wish to be a twin?”
“Absolutely not, have you seen my brothers? They are a menace.” Tom laughs.
“Tom! Not helping.” you smack his arm lightly.
"But you two are the cutest and sweetest twins in the world," he adds. 
“We don’t want to be twins.” Nathan grimaces.
“You don’t have a choice sweetie, you were born on the same day.” you say cupping his face. “You know we were so happy when we found out we are having the two of you. But when you two fight like this it makes mommy really sad. Do you want me to stay sad?”
“No mommy.” they mumble, shaking their heads.
“Then can you please give each other a big hug and say sorry?”
They slowly turn to each other and put their hands around each other in a hug smiling.
“Sorry Leah.” 
“Sorry Nate.”
“Well now that everything is settled let’s go out for ice cream and pizzas." Tom announces.
"Yayy!!" Both of them squealed excitedly. 
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What pets would the cast of TR and FMA have?
What pets would the TR cast have?
This seems like a fun asf one! Also ima expand just a lil more on a few :) i think i also might do demon slayer bc theres no requests for it :( link to FMA ver || link to demon slayer ver
Please note i havent read the manga so ill take a shot at a few characters who i think I understand their personalities but if im wrong dont @ me
This bitch totally has a ferret named sherlock stinky. Fight me. He makes sure to take extra special care of him, because he was a surprise from shinichiro before, yk- :(
He owns a snake, 100% and a fucking HUGE one at that. (Its a hefty burmie) It freaks emma and takemichi the fuck out. lowkey mikey too. (Takemichi cried ofc)
While working on his bike he just lets it chill out on the bike/around his neck. He also probably has a beardie and has looked into crocodiles (hes a sucker for reptiles and honestly me too man) draken be like
He has a hamster and a few zebra tetras. He cant handle much more the that. Also this poor sucker cannot keep a hamster alive, he will treat it with the utmost care and love and its still gonna die in abt a month or two
Hes also probably a snake dude. Actually was the one who recommended the dude draken got his snake from. He prefers a smaller snake though. He has two, a green tree python and a lavender coloured corn snake. In winter he makes them lil sweaters, he will make one for drakens snake too, even if its a bit of work, yk? He also probably has one of those really pretty fish tanks that him and his sisters set up 🥺🥺 (maybe sum like this? 👇)
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He would have a cat 100% he probably brings all sorts of animals home, not just cats. The list so far is 2 birds, a squirrel, a dog, 2 cats, a salamander, a rabbit, ALMOST a chicken from a petting zoo, a decent amount of toads, and tadpoles i have brought all of these home and more he also is the one his mom calls when she sees a mouse, she never lets him keep it :(
Cats, cats, cats. He also helps baji catch random animals. Idk what else to say abt him 😭😭
Once again, cats. He has considered some sort of rodent but decided against it, later on he got a cockatiel. He also has a few catfish :)
Kawata twins
They probably have to share a pet and fought over what to get. Smiley wanted a ferret and Angry wanted a mouse
In the end they ended up with a turtle.
They love him to death but still bicker over what rodent they should’ve gotten instead
Im sure they also own a few little fish, they seem like they’d go for something a lil more basic
Souya wanted a betta, nahoya wanted a goldfish therefore staring up the sibling rivalry again
Souya drew the short straw so they ended up with an oranda goldfish nahoya named “nerd”
Haitani brothers
These fuckers have pet tarantulas. These assholes love scaring people with them
ran got sanzu by surprise once and made him scream like a little girl
Ran has a mexican red knee and will sometimes take her with him to do shit, she normally poses no issues (mex red knees r VERY docile and calm)
Rindou opted for a cobalt blue tarantula for his first one, he later on realized his mistake. (Ran totally knew they’re NOT for newbies to arachnid care but said nothing lol)
Rin will sometimes get jealous of his brother for having a pet he can actually handle. Ran just chuckles at him and refuses to share his
He has one of those REALLY fucking annoying and aggressive chihuahuas. He brings it EVERYWHERE and carries it in a dumb little bag
Shall i say more?
Somehow, SOMEHOW AND SOMEWHERE this fucker got his hands on a horse, nobody knows where it came from, why he got a horse, and where tf he keeps it 💀 but he has been spotted with it on multiple occasions. He got himself a black forest horse.
After about 6 months it dissapeared and he got something normal
It was a german sheppard
Ok so i can see sanzu having a nice collection of tropical fish
His prized fish is a platinum arowana, considering the cost and rarity of the mutation.
He also really likes longnose hawkfish
He has one pet octopus that has escaped 3 times now. Hes finally got him in a secure tank.
Idk if im forgetting anyone, its like 5am so forgive me 😭
bonus hc: episode 21/chapter 61 spoilers, small manga spoiler (its the future shit)
In the pet shop after Baji’s death, Chifuyu and Kazutora keep a large, black, longhaired cat around the shop named Kei. He’s a bit of a trouble maker and an asshole to anyone but them and they really believe its baji reincarnated 😭🥺
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beautifulblhell · 3 years
Something Better To Do
Mafia! Suna x F! Reader
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A/N: So this is for @nkogneatho​‘s FMFM collab! Thank you for letting me participate and I’m so sorry for the late posting!! My procrastinating ass couldn’t do it in June and when July came life hit me like truck-kun 😭 Typed this with one brain cell as the heat has melted my rest and not proofread, so if there’s any mistakes please let me know!! (Or just pretend you didn’t see it T_T) Not super proud of this, but lately my creativity has been 📉
Tags: smut, fluff, mafia! Suna but nothing dark, all characters are 18+, protection (be responsible) smut is at the bottom part if you are only interested in the smut lol
WC: 3177
The day had started off so well. Your parents had to leave for an abrupt business meeting abroad and left at the crack of dawn. Usually you would meet up with Suna whenever your parents were away, but he has been away for ‘work’ for the past few weeks.
You knew it was for something important for the Inarizaki gang, and Atsumu had been tasked to go on this trip. But he had an argument with Osamu a few days prior, and with the latter refusing to cook for him, Atsumu gave himself food poisoning when he tried to cook for himself.
So Kita had told Suna to attend instead.
Your finger hovered above the messaging app, wondering if you should text him. The last message he had sent was from a week ago. With a sigh, you decided not to disturb him and closed your phone.
Still, this was the longest you had been without seeing Suna.
As if your daydreams blended into reality, you heard the familiar purr of a motorcycle. At first you thought you were dreaming. However, when you looked down from your bedroom window, you saw Suna coming to a stop below your window, the morning sunlight reflecting off his motorcycle. He lifted off his helmet, and those yellow eyes raised up to meet yours, his lips curved up lazily when he caught sight of you.
He was already standing at your doorway when you opened the front door and flew into his arms.
“Rin!” You cried happily.
His name has hardly left your lips when his mouth descended upon yours. He cupped your face and pulled you towards him, your lips repeatedly met together, making up for lost time. It was only when you felt Suna’s lip against yours did you realise how much you missed him. Your head was spinning when you finally pulled apart. The comforting scent of the cologne he wore and a hint of cigarette enveloped you.
It’s been too long, you thought, looking up at his face.
One of his thumb wiped across your glistening lips.
“Somebody missed me,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming back?”
“Thought I would surprise you.”
“Well, you certainly did.” That’s when you realised.
“How did you know my parents weren’t home?” You asked in surprise. Suna never came to your house unless your parents weren’t home, and you usually told him beforehand.
The image of your parents’ initial shock was still fresh in your mind when you broke the news about you and Suna being together, which morphed into disapproval then anger when you said you won’t break it off with him when they told you.
“But he’s part of Inarizaki, the yakuza!” Your mother had said in horror. She would have been less shocked if you told her Suna smuggled pandas for a living.
It would be easier if you moved out of your house, but Suna knew how much your parents meant to you even if they didn’t approve of your relationship, so you would meet up in town whenever both of you were both free or when your parents were away.
“Hmm,” Suna only hummed as his arms encircled your waist and he nuzzled your hair, but you caught a faint glint in those narrow eyes of his.
With a sigh, Suna relaxed his whole body, and you stumbled at the sudden weight you had to bear.
“R-Rin, you are heavy!”
He leaned into your ears and whispered, “You didn’t  say that last time I had you under me.”
He sniggered seeing your red face, and stood back upright.
“Get dressed. I don’t want that nosy neighbour of yours to notice that I’m here and tell your parents once they are back.”
“Where are we going?” You asked, pulling your arms back unwillingly.
Sensing your reluctance to let him go, Suna’s lips brushed against your forehead.
“You’ll see.”
“Are we going to your place?” You asked as you wrapped your arms around his waist behind him on the motorcycle.
“Is that what you want?” Suna flashed you a teasing smirk.
You felt heat build up on your cheeks, and you buried your face behind his back.
“I don’t mean that! Just thought we could watch a movie or do something relaxing since you just came back.”
Suna did look a bit tired. And the smell of cigarettes has been stronger than usual. It was a habit of his, he tended to smoke more when he was irritated or stressed.
“If you continue to be so cute I’ll really take you to my place right now.”
“Nope, take me where you wanted to.”
“Later then,” You could hear the laughter in his words.
Then, with a twist of his wrist, the throttle thrusted the machine forward.
It was always exhilarating sitting on the back of Suna’s motorcycle. He drove fast yet with precision. Instead of driving, the term flying would be more accurate to describe what you were feeling. The familiar scenery of the city blew past as Suna expertly maneuvered between the traffic without slowing down. It was only when he started slowing down did you realize where you were going.
It was a few months ago when you made a passing remark of wanting to go to the aquarium when they finished building the underwater tunnel.
It was one of the things you love about Suna. Sometimes you would make a casual remark about a certain place that you were interested in going to, but Suna would always remember and take you there whenever he had the chance.
As you arrived closer, you noticed the long queue extending from the entrance. It didn’t come as a surprise seeing it was the opening weekend, but you were worried about how long you had to wait.
Instead, Suna simply sped past them and came to a stop at the back staff entrance.
A man in a suit and name badge stood next to a door that said ‘STAFF ONLY’. He had an anxious look on his face, which only deepened when he saw Suna.
“Ah, S-Suna-san, I’ve been waiting for your arrival.” He smiled, sweat running down his face. “I’m the manager, very pleased to make your acquaintance.” He bowed deeply, to which Suna only replied with a curt nod after he got off the motorcycle.
“This way, please.” He gestured towards the back of the entrance.
You turned towards Suna as you walked behind the manager.
“He looks so scared of you. What did you do, hold his whole family ransom?” You whispered, your eyebrows raised.
“No, I told him that I would let Atsumu cook for him for a week if he doesn’t let us into the aquarium.”
You choked back a laugh, trying to hide it since the manager turned around to hold the door open for you.
You had just stepped into the aquarium when Suna’s phone rang.
Suna took out his phone. With one look at the name displayed on the phone screen the decline button silenced the noise. Yet within half a second his phone rang again.
“Just ignore it,” Suna muttered, and turned his phone on silent.
As if knowing the calls will be ignored, your phone chimed.
Sender: Atsumu
“Shouldn’t you pick up the phone, in case it’s something important?”
With a look of resignation on his face, Suna picked up his phone. Even with the phone next to his ears, you could hear Atsumu’s excited voice on the other end.
Suna’s eyes flickered to you, and from the look of his face, you knew your date was going to end before it even started.
“Fine, but I’m bringing her with me.”
After he hung up his phone, Suna turned to you with a look of exasperation.
“Atsumu. He said it was an emergency.”
“Oh,” you could feel your heart sinking.
“I told him that you are coming with me, so afterwards we can head back here.”
“Can I?” Your eyes lit up. Suna had taken you with him to a few informal gatherings before
“Doubt it’s anything of importance, seeing who was calling,” Suna muttered.
He glanced at the manager. “We’ll be back later.”
“Ah, that’s absolutely fine, sir,” the man bowed, and you can’t help but feel he was relieved to see the back of Suna.
By the time both of you arrived at the private VIP room in one of Inarizaki's nightclubs, all of the top members have already assembled on the sofa in the middle of the room.
Atsumu had greeted you both enthusiastically when you first entered.
And unfortunately for both of you, his enthusiasm didn’t abate one bit. An hour and a half later, you were still sitting at the back of the room, with the prospect of listening to Atsumu’s voice for the rest of the day hanging gloomingly in front of you.
You looked up at your boyfriend on the sofa, the only one sitting facing you. Thin wisps of smoke rose from the cigarette dangling between his lips. He made a non-committal ‘mmh’ whenever Atsumu’s words seemed to be directed at him, but from the look on his face you knew he was hardly listening.
By now, even Osamu was heaving a sigh at Atsumu.
“Samu, what are ya sighin’ for?!”
“Just wonderin’ how that single brain cell of yours could work for so long without overheatin’.”
“Hah?! At least I got one unlike yer-”
“Osamu.” Kita’s quiet voice was enough to bring an end to the twins bickering in an instant. He nodded at Atsumu to continue, and no one dared to say anything seeing that Kita wanted Atsumu to speak.
You stared in boredom at the sudoku puzzle on your screen, wondering if you threw your phone at Atsumu’s head it would solve the puzzle. You finally get to see Suna yet the precious time you had together was ticking away, wasted here.
That’s when the idea entered your head.
You raised your arm slightly, trying to catch Suna’s attention. He glanced at you questionly.
With a teasing smile on your face, you placed a finger on your lips. Then, you ran your finger down, until you came to a stop at the button of your blouse.
Slowly, you opened it.
Suna’s eyes widened and he froze. It was rare to catch him off guard, and you suppressed a giggle. Holding his gaze, the next button fell open. His eyes darkened instantly as he realised what you were doing.
In the dim light of the room, a sharp light has entered Suna’s eyes. He leaned back, his eyes narrow, as if daring you to see how far you could go.
Your heart was hammering in your chest. If any of the men turned slightly, they would be able to see you. But seeing the burning lust swirling in Suna’s eyes, the way his sharp gaze raked down your body, as if stripping you even more bare, it was more than enough to heat you up and fuel you on.
Biting onto the collar of your blouse, you lifted your bra up.
If only you knew what you were doing to Suna. It took everything he could not just to take you there and then.
Every muscle in his body was tense. He took his cigarette and mouthed the word ‘bathroom’.
With a small smile on your face, you left the room.
The moment he walked into the bathroom, his mouth crushed against yours. One of his hands held the back of your head, and his other arm slammed on the partition of the toilet stall near your head, trapping you with nowhere to go. His hips were pushed against yours, and you could feel the hard bulge throbbing against you. The kiss was hard, furious. The taste of cigarette entered your mouth when his tongue slipped inside, exploring your mouth, twisting around yours. By the time he let you up, both of you were gasping, the sound echoed in the empty bathroom.
“What do you think you were doing?” His voice was low.
“Just thought I would give you something better to do,” you grinned at him. You looped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you.
With the partition supporting your back, Suna lifted one of your legs until it rested at the crook of his elbow. His other hand reached down between your skirt and slipped inside your wet folds. The feeling of his long finger sinking inside you so suddenly made you gasp and you tightened around them. His eyes thinned as he felt your wetness coating his hand.
“So wet. Did it excite you that much to flash yourself in front of other men? Do you want to see you like this?” His voice took on that dangerous low tone as he hissed out those words.
You shuddered, temporarily lost in the feeling of his finger reaching so deep within you. It was a good thing you already took your panties off before he arrived, because it would have been torn into shreds otherwise.
“Only you,” you whispered once you got your breath back.
Hearing that, Suna added another finger. He was stretching you hard, finger curling inside you, reaching depths where you couldn’t on nights when he wasn’t by your side.
You pushed yourself against his fingers when his movements turned languid. Suna watched you lazily as you fucked yourself on his fingers, but the heavy desires clouding his eyes betrayed his expression.
“Rin,” you whined. Because you wanted him to fill you up.
His only response was easing his fingers out of you. You whimpered, clenching around nothing.
The sound of a belt being unbuckled never sounded so glorious to your ears. You looked down. Suna’s cock stood erect, precum leaking at the tip. Just seeing the sight of it made you yearn for him.
“Hurry,” you begged.
He ripped the small foil packet with his teeth.
“Don’t think your family is gonna be even more pleased with me if you get pregnant, but is that what you want? Maybe I should just fill you up.” The sound of his low voice made the coil in your abdomen tighten. His fingers traced along your stomach. There have been so many times when he imagined just filling you up, stuffing you full of his seeds until it dribbled out, marking you as his.
But not today.
He hooked his arms underneath your knees and lifted you up easily. Your hands grabbed onto his shoulders and your legs settled around his hips. You lifted your hips up. Suna stroked his cock along your slit, teasing your entrance.
Then in a single stroke, his whole length sank into you. A strangled gasp left your lips.
“S-So big,” you choked out those words.
The stretch burned. His fingers earlier did not prepare you enough for the thick girth that forced its way into your walls, and you struggled to accommodate his huge length that was splitting you open.
Suna cursed under his breath. He rested his forehead against the crook of your neck. The feeling of your wrapped so tightly and deliciously around him made him shudder. He gritted his teeth to suppress the overwhelming urge just to fuck you and ruin you right here.
“Been wanting to do this since I saw you this morning,” Suna groaned.
His mouth ran down your neck, his hot tongue leaving a blazing trail in its wake until he reached your breasts. He sucked on your skin, leaving marks all over. Then, his hot mouth captured your nipple. He rolled it with his tongue, his teeth occasionally grazing it, earning a whimper from you.
Once you got accustomed to his length, you rolled your hips a few times, and seeing the pleasure was greater than the pain, you tried to lift up your body and move on your own seeing he wasn’t moving, but Suna grabbed your hips firmly. “Move,” you begged, close to tears. Suna simply rolled his hips, thrusting shallow thrusts that didn’t satisfy you.
A part of him knew you only wanted his attention, yet another part of him was angry that the other men almost got to see you. A sight that belonged to his eyes only.
“What do you want?” His voice was hoarse. Because he wanted you as much as you wanted him. All those nights he spent alone thinking of you, and here you were finally in his arms.
You looked at him straight in his eyes. “Fuck me, Suna Rintaro.”
The words snapped his last restraint.
Suna pulled all the way out, then slammed your hips back down, hitting the deepest part of you.
You would have screamed if it wasn’t for the fact that all the air was knocked out of your lungs by his sudden movement. Every nerve in your body was on fire. Your fingers digging into his biceps, leaving crescent marks.
The question of how you were going to walk briefly flitted through your mind, but by his next trust, your mind was empty because he had just hit that sweet spot of yours.
‘S-slow down!’
Contrary to your words, your hole was eagerly sucking him back in every time he moved, slick dripping down onto the floor.
His hips snapped to yours repeatedly as he fucked you relentlessly.
It took all you had just to hold yourself up. The pace he set was brutal. Lewd squelching sound and your moans reverberated in the enclosed space. The waves of pleasure crashing through your body threatened to drown you as Suna hit that particular spot that sent your nerves ablaze again and again.
Suna watched the way your eyes glaze over from the pleasure he gave you. The way you looked so perfect taking him all in.
You knew you weren’t going to last long.
“I-I’m coming, Rin,” you managed to say those words in between your moans.
“Then come,” his own voice was strained as he was nearing his own edge, his thrusts losing their rhythm.
It was the sight of you coming undone that led Suna over the edge. The way you arch your back, your walls spasmed around him, clenching so perfectly around him. And the way his name tumbled out of your lips as you came. Suna gripped your hips and with a few particular heavy thrusts, he came with a shudder.
For a few moments neither of you said anything. You were trembling from the high that you’ve just descended from, your heart racing in a furious double time.
Suna’s lips gently brushed against your forehead.
“You okay?” He murmured.
You nodded weakly. “Give me a minute.”
Suna nodded, his lips left light kisses across your collarbones.
“Wait, Rin, what are your hands doing?!”
Suna looked up at you with a smirk. “Time for round two.”
Masterlist | Ko-Fi | 2021.07.21
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