#they scrapped it at 9am
twinkinspector · 2 years
work rant in the tags
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kirnet · 7 months
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did an acrylic painting for the first time in forever, so now i can test my wip texture pack on it :3
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royalsunshinehotel · 2 months
The Kid (SFW Alphabet)
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SFW alphabet template
A/N: two days until we meet the Kid 🐒🐒🐒🐒
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He's not the most affectionate boy, he's got a vendetta he hasn't got the time. if he did feel comfortable enough to show affection, I think it would be minor, like leaving notes for you if he wakes up before you do.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The Kid is a solid best friend, if not a bit weird. You actually have a reputation for feeding stray cats in the neighborhood, and one day, you catch him taking some of the cat food for himself.
Unacceptable. You take him in and share some scraps you brought home from your job at a kitchen in the hotel. It's undying loyalty after that.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I fear the Kid loves cuddling. He's erring on the side of 'touch-starved', so when the two of you get more physically intimate, he'll have to have skin-to-skin contact as much as possible. I can see the two of you in bed, and he'd rather pick you up and take you with him than have to go do a random chore by himself.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He's a survivor, first and foremost. He's never let himself think more than 2 days ahead of what he's doing at that present moment. If he had the luxury of daydreaming, he'd be married to you already. But he doesn't, so he won't.
I think he's alright with cooking, and okay with cleaning. He's hardly ever home to do it, though.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would ghost. Not before staring sadly at you, and making sure you 'know' what he's doing [leaving for good]. He's not a big talker, but he won't leave you in the dark.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Getting married is for rich people, he's just gonna stay with you forever and be yours.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's more rigid and businesslike when you start going together, but you've got to show him about being gentle- lead by example.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
The Kid is a stranger to hugs, but once you introduce him to the delights of physical contact, he's all about it. He hugs you hello/goodbye, and if you guys are ever out with friends, he'll be hanging off you too. His hugs can range from intense, to comfortable- like he's trying to be a favorite sweater or hoodie.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The Kid doesn't say it until the two of you are in a situation where he thinks he might not get the chance to say it to you again. 🥺
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets pretty jealous, but he doesn't do much about it unless you give him a signal that you want out of the situation. He loves you, and he trusts your mind.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I worry that his kisses are either soft and chaste, or absolutely firey and all-consuming. It depends on the day he's had - you're somehow always surprised. He likes to kiss your lovely mouth and your forehead. He's a fan of when you go after the area by his ear, he's absolutely weak for it (and you).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I think he is pretty comfortable. He's kind of the type that can observe even the smallest details, but kids are perceptive - and can tell he's not a threat. 👁️👁️
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
I think he likes to sleep in. 'Early' for him is like 9am-10, but this is only because he's out until 2-3am. Things are slow, comfortable, and the two of you like your long mornings together.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)\
I think he's usually at work, depending on what you do, whether you're working with him, or nearby. It's pretty bright and busy in the city at night, and he likes to be at least one block away from you at all times, in case you need him (or he needs you).
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I truly think he's never gonna do that. You know him by his actions, and by how he treats you and makes you feel. Maybe you'll get a first name one day, but that's not the main goal for the two of you right now.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I feel like he's not the type to fly off the handle unless he's been sitting on it for fifteen years, and he's planning to assassinate his mother's murderer, it's okay. Like anger really isn't in his daily range of emotion.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I suppose it depends on how chatty you are with him. I think if it's words you say- he might as well get it tattooed on his chest. We know that Kid has a sharp memory, and this applies to you, the same as everything else.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship
I think it's gotta be the time you formally asked him on a date. Once again, I think he maybe forgot he didn't say yes verbally. He just kind of stared at you, until you said "yes?" It was the first time in the long time he hadn't been stuck in his head in a long time.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Oh you guys are young and poor in a big bad city, he's so protective it's almost embarrassing if it wasn't warranted. He's very much the type who would want you to have a gun or weapon with you (and he'd show you how to use it), as well as possibly putting a tracking app on your phone (and you his, ofc). He doesn't want protection!!! He wants to protect you !!! Ahhh!!!
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
I think once he gets a grip on what a 'date' and 'relationship' is, he's all about it. He'll be writing, making lists, and making sure he has things organized how he wants it, because he loves you ! And this is what you do for people you love!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He needs to stop leaving piles all over the apartment. Piles of towels, piles of clothes, piles of groceries. This man needs to learn to put things away!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I think he probably hasn't seen himself in like a year. He's seen himself in reflections in the kitchen, but other than minding his hair and making sure there aren't any knots, he's not really concerned with his looks or general well-being at all.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh, you're a part of his soul. He didn't realize it, but you were always there.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
We see a little of this in the trailer, but i do think that Kid has a gang of street cats that he feeds. They love him and they tend to group up when he's around. They follow him home, they watch in the dark whenever he's out. The cats love kid.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think he's perceptive and he won't enjoy someone extroverted. Careless or malicious with your actions is a big no as well.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
I don’t know how else to say it, but I think majority of the nights, he’s the little spoon. In some form, you’ve got to have your arms around him.
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anachilles · 2 months
🌜⭐️/🌞 headcanons:
contrary to what many may initially have assumed, bucky is the morning person out of the two of them.
he can be out drinking til 2/3 in the morning and still wake up at dead on 6:30, ready and rearing to go from the jump; meetings with the brass, breakfast with the men, driving the jeep across the base in a way that frightens the birds out of the trees.
like, yes, he may still be a bit drunk and therefore be party to the ushering in of his hangover in real time, but at least then it’s gradual and he can deal with rather than just wake up miserable. at least there’s that.
buck, on the other hand, takes longer to come around in the mornings.
like, he’ll never ever be late, but he will take every last minute he possibly can to get out of bed and get himself ready (the latter being a meticulous but hallowed process). if he misses the start of breakfast and is left batting clean up on the scraps as a result, he’s fine with that.
truly isn’t himself before he’s had a cup of coffee.
because, hey, he’s generally good on the vices front. but everyone’s gotta have one, right?
basically: the boys know that if they have a frivolous issue needing the attention of a major between the hours of when they’re woken up and 9am at the earliest, to go to bucky rather than buck.
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lesbianpuppygirl · 1 month
your werewolf girlfriend comforts you during your period
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As a werewolf, your girlfriend doesn't experience menstruation, instead going through a heat cycle at the beginning of each year lasting around 7 days; though the breeding season itself is short, she has a pseudo PMS time about a month before her heat starts.
Although you two have been together through many of your menstrual cycles, she still becomes panicked whenever she smells a hint of your blood. She becomes clingy, insistent on inspecting every inch of you each month to ensure that this time, there aren't any external injuries. She'll grumble anxiously as she tilts your chin and panics at every bump or bruise. Once she's satisfied with your safety, her strong, furry arms gently hold you, treating you as if the most minute movement would shatter you. She'll pull you to her lap, setting you up with a heating pad while rocking you slowly and cooing.
No matter how hard she tries- how often she goes through this with you- she can't get it out of her head that her poor mate is hurt and needs her help.
Your girlfriend's instincts tell her that she needs to help her mate with their heat. She urges you to take medication for even the slightest cramps and pains, offering a million natural remedies if you refuse. She builds nests made of blankets and clothing, tucking you in with a heating pad and a warm meal as she cuddles you.
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You groan, curling in on yourself in bed as the cramps intensify. Peeking through your blankets, you see the Saturday morning light stream into your bedroom, warming your face and providing a scrap of comfort. By the magnitude of the sunlight, you guess it's around 9am. The pain in your lower stomach indicates that you've started your period, and you thank your past self for having the foresight to have put on a pad the night prior.
Whining dramatically to yourself, you push yourself out of bed and to the bathroom. Changing the pad and showering before making your way to the kitchen to prepare a nice hot drink.
Hands and stomach thoroughly warm, you glance out your front window, shoulders drooping as you notice your girlfriend's car still missing. She works as a carpenter- strong, beautiful, with large calloused hands that not only felt wonderful when around your waist, but were perfect for woodworking. She'd left home early in the morning today to meet with a client regarding plans for the construction of a family treehouse. You propped your chin on the heel of your hand, staring out the window akin to, ironically, a puppy with separation anxiety. As you waited for your puppy to come home, you held your arm firm against your stomach and sipped languidly from your mug.
You were removed from your daze by the rumble of your girlfriend's truck pulling into the driveway, causing your ears to metaphorically perk up. Setting down your mug and rushing to the door, you unlocked and opened it a bit, poking your body out see your girlfriend sooner. As soon as she had locked her car and retrieved her equipment, she turned her head towards you. Her fuzzy ears literally perking up, tail wagging rapidly; her usually hidden werewolf traits easily revealed her excitement.
She speed-walked to the front door of your shared home, pausing at the doormat and giving you a sharp, giddy smile.
"Hello, my love,"
She pulls you into her arms, burying her nose in your hair and rubbing her hands along your sides, "Mm, I missed you. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left my poor baby home alone, especially when you're like this." Your girlfriend trails off.
Before you can reply, telling her that a period is not a life-threatening ailment, she sweeps you up into her arms, causing you to squeak in surprise.
"Gah-! W-what's wrong, puppy? I'm fine! You don't need to be so doting..." You pout, despite nuzzling close to her chest.
She responds by kissing your forehead as she locks the door.
You're carried through the house and tenderly sat down on the bed, her immediately following. She settles a heating pad to your lower stomach and settles her nose to your pulse point, inhaling your scent and reassuring herself that her mate is alright.
As you drift off again, lazily enjoying the weekend while the love of your life comforts you, she whispers gently,
"I could always, stop these for you, ya know." She teases, smiling into the crook of your neck.
You scoff gently, relaxing into your werewolf's arms.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
This is my first time writing something like this, i hope it's okay^^
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copperbadge · 1 year
So far this morning I have washed, folded, and put away three loads of laundry, sliced, marinated, and sous-vided a pound and a half of flank steak and put it in the dehydrator to make jerky, made beef stock with the scraps, run a full dishwasher then unloaded and reloaded it, wrapped all Christmas presents that needed wrapping, and packaged up the ones that need mailing for mailing. 
I do have to do a little bit of shopping and buy some more giftwrapping, plus a load of giftcards, but given that I’ve been dreading the Christmas Wrapping And Packaging project for a month now, it’s a huge relief to have it out of the way.
And all before 9am, so I get to watch the World Cup with a clean conscience. Much as I’m cheering for my boy Leo Messi, #freedybala is the hashtag of the day, but as long as the team gets the cup I’ll be satisfied.  
I love packing for travel, like genuinely and sincerely enjoy it, so my other reward is that later today I get to pack my suitcase for Texas. It’s especially exciting because these days I almost never check a bag, I just fly with a large carryon backpack, but I’m bringing my big checked-baggage-only suitcase to Texas in order to be able to carry some stuff back. And so I get to fill it with all the nonsense that I usually have to carry on my back. 
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moonjxsung · 2 months
sTAR PLS 🤭🤭🤭 your little 👀 had my jaw dropping cos i'm so excited for it, im literally gonna block off time in my day to just sit down and read whatever you publish. when you posted the hanji fic i was like omg i need to finish my homework NOW, so i can read stars masterpiece when im done–uninterrupted.
i can't imagine how tiring it must be to chase down the people that steal your work to post them on other sites, trying to get the stolen work taken down or at least the credit that you rightfully deserve. i'll miss the drabbles of course, but i'd much rather have a star who isn't drained and tired chasing after these thieves <3 the stuff i write are drabble length i think? 1k-3k words, and even though i'm a smaller writer on this app, the possibility that my work could be stolen is always in the back of my mind.
right now its exam season. i had a midterm earlier (saturday at 9am 🤢 a crime) and then i have 3 more coming up in the next couple of weeks. at this point i just want to pass and get the credit so 🤞🤞 im coming off anon just to show you some pics i took while waiting for the eclipse and then when it happened
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i'm not very knowledgeable about astronomy but god, i love it so much. the stars, the moon, space and everything, it's so breathtakingly beautiful it relaxes me.
i'm happy to hear you're going out and eating some good food, ugh i love some good food. stay safe always 🫶 ilysm pookie 🌸
I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHWJWKKALKSDJ I blocked off the entire day today to just stay in and WRITE I’m trying to get it finished before April’s over but we shall see 👀 IM SO EXCITED THAT YOU’RE EXCITED THOUGH SJSKXLXLSKSLSKDK
God the wattpad thieves are just rampant on here. I never thought it would be this bad considering I feel like tumblr isn’t as popular as it used to be? But boyyyyy was I wrong 😀 I’m doing the best I can coping and I have no intention of scrapping my longer stuff so it’s all good 🫶
GOOOOD LUCK WITH EXAMS MY LOOOOVE AHHHH you got this my love!!!!!! I believe in you!!!!!!! 🫶 this is the final stretch and then you’ll have some time to breathe and relax RAHHH manifesting good grades all around and some fun plans to celebrate when it’s over 🫶
ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ECLIPSE PICS OH MY GODDDDDD I missed it because I had a 3 hour conference with a client I couldn’t miss and I’m still so sad about it but I love seeing it through your eyes and I’m so glad you got to witness it !! I love the moon she’s so beautiful I hope you always get to see the moon look so pretty and I hope you never miss astronomical phenomena when they occur 🌙⭐️✨💫 I do have some cutie pics of the moon from the past month I’ll add even though I didn’t catch the eclipse she’s SOOOO cutie 👼
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I love you sweet angel I’m glad you’re doing well!!!! Go crush your exams and tell me all about it, I’ll be rooting for you from over here 👼💫⭐️🌙✨🫶💞💖💝💕
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13. to do list (for steph!)
A torn scrap of yellow, lined note paper lays on her work desk, stained with rings of coffee. It reads:
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rrfmkc · 8 months
October Really Really Free Market
The Kansas City Really Really Free Market is tomorrow, October 1st. We will be set up at Brookside park at the intersection of 57th street and Brookside blvd. from 9AM until noon. I've been cleaning and sorting the collection. We've got many great items in the collections...
- Tea Cups - Plates - Clothes - Shoes - A disk sled - A baby stroller - Fabric Scraps - Christmas Ornaments - Music Boxes - Coat Hangers - Books - Basket - Picture Frame - Toys - Handbags - and more!
As usual there is sure to be more items as people come and go. We never know what people will be donating. Hope to see you there!
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broken-academia · 1 year
sometimes you just
>fall on your face in front of the Science building at 9am
>cry during your Calculus exam
>realize no one else in the class finished the exam either
>scrapped knee during Ash Wednesday service
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
been inhaling consuming a normal amount of sagau and corrupted!venti content and I have a couple thoughts I wanna yell about and maybe get a second opinion on them, and I know you like brainrot asks. Are you alright with me sending these or do you want me to wait until you have a bit less on your plate? (I have them written down so I can’t forget)
I do like brainrot posts this is true
I'm afraid if you choose to wait you'd have to do so for quite a long time tho—
It's so funny cause the days I'm not active it's like a desert, like no asks and very little interaction, and then I post one coherent thing—
Between when I posted the protective reader expansion last at at around 10 pm, to when I wrote this at 11am, so about 13-14 hours, 8 of which I was asleep for, I've gotten 13 separate asks not including this one
That's like 1 for every hour
It's like y'all collectively see me post even a scrap of something and immediately go 😃😃
I— I have 171 things in my inbox and 12 things in my drafts, I closed my ask box for requests at 60
I will say generally the best time to actually send something in to better secure you'll get a response and not get buried is around 2am-9am CST cause that's when I'm sleeping and I always check my notes as soon as I wake up
I've got afternoon classes so I usually have a few hours in the morning that I can spend at least starting on response in order to move things to my drafts, which makes them way more likely to get finished and posted, so a general psa there
But yeah maybe just go ahead, things aren't clearing up anytime soon, maybe when the semester ends but you'd have to wait about a month for that, and even then it's not guaranteed
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munsonsduchess · 1 year
So I work for a contact centre. I work for Mondelez which if you’re in the uk or Ireland mdlz is the American company that own cadburys and a whole bunch of other stuff.
My job basically boils down to listening to people complain from 9am to 5pm about their chocolate. They didn’t get enough of a certain type of chocolate in a pack, they got too much of another type of chocolate. They read something online about this box of chocolates and they want it replaced.
True there is some stuff that you don’t mind dealing with. There not being any or enough nuts in a chocolate bar that’s supposed to have nuts (or any other kind of added something) or maybe it’s got caramel in it and the caramel leaked out of the bar and now it’s a sticky mess and you can’t eat it.
99 times out of 100 though. It’s dumb shit. I’d also like to add that I start at 8am and spend my first hour doing catch up with people who couldn’t be bothered to give me all the information I needed there and then so I have to wait for them to email me back.
On top of all that I also have emails that people send in about the same stuff that I have to do during the day as well.
There was this idea to rotate people off the phones and just do emails but that has been scrapped for silly stupid reasons.
So yeah. Sometimes I envy other people who work from home who don’t have to answer the phone hundred times a day.
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pudgy-planets · 2 years
I need food in my system lol.
It’s 9AM, and I’ve been up since 2AM. Haven’t eaten a scrap.
Brain cannot focus currently.
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skybluesteel · 1 month
Crafting Excellence: The Role of Steel Fabricators in Melbourne's Construction Landscape.
Introduction: Steel fabricators play a crucial role in shaping Melbourne's skyline, contributing to the city's architectural diversity and structural integrity. As key players in the construction industry, steel fabricators in Melbourne are responsible for transforming raw steel materials into functional and aesthetically pleasing structures that withstand the test of time. Let's explore the significance of steel fabricators in Melbourne and their impact on the city's built environment.
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Precision Engineering for Structural Strength: Steel fabricators in Melbourne employ advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to fabricate steel components with precision and accuracy. From structural beams and columns to intricate frameworks and architectural elements, precision engineering ensures that steel structures meet stringent standards for strength, durability, and safety.
Customized Solutions for Diverse Projects: With expertise in both traditional and contemporary construction methods, steel fabricators in Melbourne offer customized solutions tailored to the unique requirements of each project. Whether it's a high-rise office tower, a residential development, or an industrial facility, steel fabricators collaborate with architects, engineers, and contractors to deliver innovative and cost-effective steel solutions that meet project objectives and exceed client expectations.
Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: Steel fabrication processes in Melbourne prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility, minimizing waste and emissions while maximizing energy efficiency and resource utilization. By employing eco-friendly practices such as recycling scrap steel and optimizing production workflows, steel fabricators contribute to Melbourne's commitment to sustainability and green building practices.
Collaboration and Innovation: Successful steel fabrication projects in Melbourne are built on a foundation of collaboration and innovation. Steel fabricators work closely with architects, engineers, and project stakeholders to explore creative solutions, optimize designs, and overcome technical challenges. This collaborative approach fosters innovation and drives continuous improvement in steel fabrication techniques and technologies.
Quality Assurance and Compliance: Steel fabricators in Melbourne adhere to strict quality assurance standards and regulatory requirements to ensure that fabricated steel components meet or exceed industry specifications and comply with building codes and regulations. Through rigorous testing, inspection, and certification processes, steel fabricators uphold the highest standards of quality and integrity in every project they undertake.
Conclusion: In conclusion, steel fabricators play a vital role in shaping Melbourne's built environment, providing precision-engineered steel solutions that contribute to the city's structural integrity, architectural diversity, and sustainability goals. Through their expertise, innovation, and commitment to quality, steel fabricators in Melbourne continue to drive excellence and innovation in the construction industry, leaving a lasting legacy of craftsmanship and ingenuity across the cityscape.
For More information Visit - https://skybluesteel.com/
Contact US - Phone - 0418777345 Mail Id [email protected] Timings -9AM-5PM (monday-Friday)
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oldsalempost-blog · 3 months
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays            Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                            Volume 7 Issue 12   Week of March 4, 2024                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR:  Remember the 1970 Keep America Beautiful commercial with a polluted river filled with debris amongst a background of buildings and billowing smoke from industry along the shore? The commercial ends with a Native American standing with a tear rolling down his face.  We have been fighting pollution for years, yet no one thinks they are polluting when they sell off family property to be developed into industry.  No one thinks pollution is a cigarette butt, bottles, cans, or fast food left-overs tossed carelessly out the car window or at the entrance to a building. No one thinks of the foul words that fly out of the mouth in public as pollution.  No one considers pollution when they mount glaring lights around their house in a rural area where once held a view of the celestial night skies.   The commercial  ends with “ People start pollution.  People can stop it.”  LRM
 TOWN of SALEM:  * Visit the Downtown Market every Sat, Winter hours 9am-1pm. *  Easter is coming.   Community Egg Hunt March 30th at 10am at the Town Park.  We need candy!!  Candy donations are welcomed!
SALEM LIBRARY:  Hours Monday 10am-6pm. Tues-Friday 9am-5pm. Closed 12-1 each day for lunch
Jottings from Miz Jeannie  by Jeannie Barnwell...Jeannie says hello and is taking a holiday this week!
ASHTON RECALLS: SALEM'S BASKETBALL TEAMS BOTH ADVANCED TO DISTRICT FINALS IN 1954 - (The following story was in the February 24, 1954 Keowee Courier). . .Little Betty Lee Towe, peppery captain of Salem High's girls' basketball team, captured plenty of honors over the past week even though her team lost a heart-breaking two-point, 32-30, decision to White Plains after battling through the Class C tournament at Pelzer to reach the finals. . .So great was the impression she made, however, that she was selected most valuable player among Class C girls and was chosen to the all-tournament team in that classification. . .Salem's boys also scrapped their way to the finals only to lose a 47-42 thriller to Dixie after leading most of the way. The Golden Eagles were handicapped greatly by an ankle injury sustained in the semi-finals game by Max Nicholson. .   Despite the injury, Nicholson was named to the Class C boys' all-tournament team, as was his teammate Gerald Townes. . .Howard Abercrombie was the team captain. by Ashton Hester                                                                                                    
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP* 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed–Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 2pm-7pm. Events this week:  Wed:  Blue Grass Jam 6:30pm  Fri: Food:  Kodesh BBQ  Music:  Chris Wayne  at 6:30pm   Sat–Food: RadDads  Music: Cannon & Cohen Trio at 6:30pm  *Featuring Pisgah Coffee Roasters and fresh brewed delicious coffee made to order.  More information call 864-873-0048    
EAGLE ALUMNI GATHERING- On March 2  from 2pm-5pm there was a huge return from all classes from the Salem, Tamassee-Salem, and Eagle Ridge charter school alumni. Two former teachers Robert Griffin and Horace Dyer were welcomed by all.  “Mr. Griffin” as know to all taught from 1969-1973 and said he loves Salem so much he moved back here when he retired.  He lives on Lake Keowee in Salem.    “We are all Eagles,” stated Russ Price, former TS alumnus.  A        T-Shirt was created from his Eagle Spirit inspiration and is for sale to benefit the Eagles Nest Art Center.  The T-Shirt also has an Eagle print from the mural still present in the auditorium by artist Gale McKinney.   Held at the Eagles Nest Art Center and hosted by many alumni volunteers, Susan Hopkins and Judy Hines were pleased with the multi-generational turnout.  Teresa Barker, Carol Queen, Ginger Porter helped serve delicious foods donated by the alumni.  Tours of the working facility warmed the faces of all as they recalled where they stood in line for lunch, sat on the sidewalks for breaks, and walked the halls that held memories of youth.  The graduating class of 1972 had 9 classmates in attendance, many of them celebrating they are turning 70 this year.  The gymnasium is still a revered beauty enjoyed by our youth and adults through the Salem Recreational Department.   Eagles Nest Art Center is a 501c3 nonprofit  and owns the  former 13 acres of Tamassee-Salem school property.  ENAC is governed by a small board of volunteer directors.    “Once an Eagle always an Eagle” is another famous quote on a T-Shirt shared by kindred spirits.   The gathering area also displayed a mural recently repaired by Fred Edgar, retired art teacher with SDOC, funded from the Bill Hines Memorial funds.   All donations from the gathering go directly to ENAC.  ENAC has a mission to provide a venue for education, arts, performances for all ages communities and regional areas.  ENAC welcomes volunteers who share in our mission.
EAGLES NEST ART CENTER 2024 UPCOMING EVENTS       March 23rd, 7pm  Oconee Mountain Opry  Tickets $10 at the door day of the event or online at eaglesnestartcenter.org Ticketleap.  This evening will feature popular Upstate SC singer-songwriter Angela Easterling accompanied by Brandon Turner, the Mountain Bridge Band, comedy, mystery guests and more!  Don’t miss this local unique variety gem. 
April 26th, 7pm  Friday Evening Wellness Event:  Reclaiming Our Inalienable Wellness  Doors open at 6:30pm   Free event hosted by ENAC featuring speaker Meredith Orlowski, AFMC, INHC.  Bring your friends and family along. Gain Energy, Lose Weight, Feel Happy, & Save the World While Doing it!                                                The Eagles Nest Treasure Store is open every Saturday morning 9am-12pm.  We are accepting donations during that time or call 864-557-2462.  Information on sponsorships, events, volunteering, donations, or rentals call 864-280-1258.
PROM DRESSES :  Ladies Prom Day is approaching!!  On March 22nd from 3pm-6:30 pm and March 23rd from 9am-12pm we will displaying and selling prom dresses for the upcoming proms.  We have many beautiful gowns short and long to choose from.  We look forward to seeing you. Please call  Donna at 864-557-2462 for more information.     
YARD SALE:  Rent a spot if you would like to bring a table and set up for our big sale on March 22nd and 23rd.                                                           
                                     CHURCH NEWS Bethel Presbyterian Church (PCUSA),  580 Bethel Church Rd Walhalla, 29691. Worship at 10:30 a.m.  March 10, Message by Mel Davis. March 31 Message by George Harper, Easter Sunday with Communion. 
CONSERVATION and PRESERVATION starts with each of us.  OPUS Trust is a local nonprofit in Oconee County with a mission to educate landowners in preservation of open spaces, farm lands, and other precious places. Check out the Unique Wine Tasting Fundraiser>>
From a Kindred Spirit Reader:   I fully agree with your opposition to the "growth for the sake of growth" philosophy. There should continue to be cities for people who like city life and rural areas for more laid-back people.
                                            11th Annual BELLFEST 2024        FRIENDS OF LAKE JOCASSEE will host BellFest 2024 at Devils Fork State Park on Saturday, March 16 from 10am-3pm.  Celebrate the rare Oconee Bell, Shortia galacifolia, local harbinger of spring.  Learn  its  history and view it blooming in the park.   Interpretive Bell Trail walks* Oconee Bell story presentation* Music each hour* Exhibits* Local vendors* Food Trucks* Kid and Family activities* Silent Auction to benefit FOJ * Park entry fees $8 Adult, $5 SC Senior, $4 Children 6–15, 5 and <free.  Find us www.friendsof jocassee.org  or email [email protected]  
Prayer:  Thank you God for the beautiful world you have entrusted to us. Amen                                Use your blessings to help on another!   LRM    
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jinweizhang · 6 months
Known the world over for its crowded, transient flea market that's held on Sundays and public holidays and offers a diverse range of goods, El Rastro is a bustling shopping area in the city centre that’s open every day of the week and stands out for its jumble of specialist shops, typical bars, historic sites and interesting places like the Museum of Popular Art.
The long, steep street Calle de la Ribera de Curtidores has multiple shops specialising mainly in mountain sports –new and second-hand sportswear by top brands at Makalu, Barrabes, OS20, El Rincón de la Montaña, etc.–, handcrafted furniture, photography –Fotocasión is one of the city's top establishments– and antiques –set around two courtyards with carefully designed architecture, one on either side of the street (Piquer Galleries and Nuevas Galerías), are multiple antiques dealers and restaurants– but you’ll also find bookshops, scraps of fabric, hardware shops and pet supplies for sale.
Scattered amongst the many shops, there’s no shortage of typical bars where you can have a wine, beer or vermouth on tap with some paella tapas or a calamari sandwich, as well as traditional restaurants where you can enjoy a nice cocido (chickpea stew) or some tripe.
The Museum of Popular Art and Traditions, an interesting museum that houses ethnographic pieces from all over Spain, is also worth visiting. In addition, Saturdays at El Rastro, Madrid’s oldest, most traditional and most iconic leisure fair, is held on the first and third Saturday of each month (in Plaza del General Vara del Rey) and features the best antiques, vintage pieces, auction houses, collectors’ items, gastronomy and entertainment.
The popular flea market held on Sundays and public holidays
The image of El Rastro that immediately comes to mind is that of its crowded, transient flea market which is held on Sundays and public holidays. Documents mention the market as early as 1740. Originally a hub for the sale, exchange and general wheeling and dealing of second-hand clothes, it offered an alternative to street peddling. Its curious name (The Trail) may owe itself to the fact that the market was held near a former slaughterhouse and the dead, unskinned livestock transported to it would leave a trail on the ground. In the 16th century, the word “Rastro” was also used as a synonym for butcher's shop or abattoir.
Today, the market hosts over 1000 merchants who start to sell their goods at about 9am and pack up at roughly 3pm. Located in the vicinity of Calle de la Ribera de Curtidores, the market has its hub in Plaza de Cascorro and occupies a large, almost triangular block delimited by the streets Calle de Toledo, Calle de Embajadores and Ronda de Toledo. It also sprawls down other streets, such as Calle de San Cayetano, Calle de Fray Ceferino González, Calle de Carlos Arniches and Calle de Mira el Río, and into squares like Plaza de General Vara del Rey and Plaza de Campillo del Mundo Nuevo.
Depending on which section you pass through, you’ll find different items ranging from artisanal goods, clothing and accessories to kitchenware, trading cards, second-hand albums and magazines, pets and all sorts of objects of varying ages.
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