#they send someone from celestia to take the role
The more I look at Kusanali's design the more I think it looks like she's just someone from Celestia
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scaredpigeons · 5 months
excerpt from my upcoming neuvi fic, bc I'm excited. (Ft. Ningguang cuz she’s so hoootttttt)
(please read this with the knowledge that reader found out that neuvi was a dragon all on her own, resulting in supreme fluff and the deepening of their relationship. This excerpt takes place at a ball for neuvi’s birthday.)
She came to a stop in front of you, nodding at Neuvillette. 
“May I steal your lovely little assistant for this next dance?” Her voice even sounded rich, like she was someone incredibly important, incredibly powerful. 
Neuvillette tensed a bit, his hand still holding yours, bit he breathed, guiding you towards the golden woman. “By all means, enjoy yourselves.” 
“Good.” She took your hand, nodding to her companion. “Beidou, please entertain the Iudex, talk of trade or whatever strikes your fancy.” 
She pulled you along, guiding you into a new section of the dancefloor and immediately took up the position of the guiding role, pulling you this way and that, though very elegantly, and with practiced ease. 
“It’s lovely to finally meet the infamous little assistant.” She said, her ruby eyes glittering. 
You felt like you had a frog in your throat. “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’m not sure who you are, miss.” 
“Ah,” she smiled. “You can call me Ningguang. I run some… business in liyue, and I'm hoping to better my connections with our neighbors by the sea, so to speak.” 
Ningguang… where had you heard that name before? 
“Ah, then I suppose I’m your gal,” you smiled, feeling a little more at ease. “Most trade negotiations come through me before they reach the Iudex.” 
“As I expected. I just wished to meet the person I would be sending my offers to, I would like to know who I’m in business with, you understand.” 
You nodded. “Of course, that’s completely understandable.”
”You're such a sweet little thing.” She smiled at you, and you still couldn't shake the feeling you knew her from somewhere. A woman with this aura of importance surely couldn't just be a merchant from liyue. 
You let your eyes roam past her shoulder, catching glimpses of her companion speaking with Neuvillette, laughing loudly at something he said and smacking the man on the shoulder in her amusement. 
He looked shocked, but was unmoving, a polite smile on his face. 
“So,” Ningguang said. “How long have you two been in love?”
You did trip this time, but she caught you, the sharps of her hand jewelry digging into your skin ever so slightly. 
“I beg your pardon?” You squeaked. 
She laughed, it was a rich and lucious melody you’d never heard in a laugh before. 
“Oh please, anyone with eyes can see the way he postures over you like a dog guarding a bone,” her gaze turned mischievous, then. “Or a dragon hoarding its treasure.” 
She must’ve felt the way you tensed, the slight quirk of your brow as she said it, because her eyes thinned with amusement, though you weren’t sure if it was on your behalf or at your expense. 
After finishing the dance in relative silence, the song ended, and she pulled you by your hand back towards Neuvillette and her companion, Beidou. 
She gave a dramatic bow at the waist, bringing your hand to her lips. “Thank you for indulging me, little one.” She pressed a kiss onto the white satin of your glove, her red lipstick only leaving the faintest of marks. “The information you gave me was most insightful.” 
You blushed intensely, not having the words to respond, so you just nodded, giving a light curtsy. 
“Congratulations, Monsieur, and Happy Birthday.” she said to Neuvillette. 
He bowed, very respectful. “Thank you, Lady Ningguang.” 
She dragged her companion away towards the drink table, and it suddenly hit you. 
“That was…” holy celestia. 
“Lady Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, yes.” Neuvillette sighed. 
“And you let me dance with her without a warning?!” You whisper-yelled. 
Neuvillette seemed to shake some unwanted emotions off, steadying himself with a heavy grip on his ornamental cane. “Lady Ningguang is not one to be denied such simple requests, and besides,” he looked down at you. “I thought you knew.” 
“Pardon me for not expecting to be asked to dance by the leader of a nation.” You grumbled slightly. 
Neuvillette laughed, short and quick before he covered it with a cough— clearing his throat. 
“And what is so amusing?” You looked up at him expectantly, a little taken aback at how open and soft his expression was. 
“She’s only the second leader of a nation to ask you for a dance, my dear. I had the privilege of being the first.” 
Your stomach did somersaults at his words, the tone of his voice, his eyes fluttering all across your exposed skin. You felt hot, so very hot. 
“What information did you give her?” Neuvillette asked, though it lacked an accusatory tone. 
“I didn’t really say anything to her,” you mumbled. “Though I think she suspects you to be a dragon.” 
He scoffed a little, voice low and teasing. “And I wonder what kind of woman would ever come to that conclusion, hmm?” 
Your stomach decided it was some sort of acrobat, and your thighs quivered. 
“Excuse me a moment, I’m going to get a drink.” You managed to squeak out. “Would you like one?” 
“Water, if you would.” 
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attiredpan · 5 months
Okay so I added You’ll Play Your Part to my Nog Playlist and I’m gonna ramble about the lyrics and stuff cause holy fuck that’s a Nog Song™️ if I’ve ever heard one.
Content Warnings for discussion of depression and suicidal ideation in relation to It’s Only A Paper Moon.
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Okay so starting with Twilight's verse in application to Nog’s storyline, I have two or three spots where I feel it’s most relevant; directly after Heart Of Stone/Facets and directly after It’s Only A Paper Moon.
Both leave him resolute to move forward but undoubtedly uncertain, whether for one reason or another. On one hand, you have him breaking away from something he had been raised with his whole life, that he’s watched his family try to fit themselves into and fail, miserably. And even after getting that confirmation from Sisko that yeah, he’s been recommended to the Academy, there’s still so much uncertainty in whether or not he’ll make it.
Not even mentioning how much Quark is being an absolute ass about it, going as far as to attempting sabotage on Nog’s entrance exams to keep him from getting in. But thanks to Rom being one of the best dads on the station, he does get in. He’s found that purpose, he is making those contributions, and he is part of the plan.
And with post-Paper Moon the ‘future that I can’t see’ line has a lot more weight to it, as for a majority of the episode we see him coming to terms with his disability and the trauma that comes with it, going through what I see as a major depressive episode and passively suicidal ideation.
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And as someone who’s been through a similar situation(ie. a major depressive episode with all the suicidal ideation that comes with it) in moving forward from it, the future feels nonexistent because you never thought you’d make it this far. And then you do and you’re stuck the thought of ‘Now What?’ and you’re not entirely sure of what to do.
In Nog’s case though, he had something to return to, and goals to move forward towards, which I feel might’ve made the adjustment post-Paper Moon a little easier. Still difficult as all hell, but a little easier.
Now moving on to the other princesses and who I feel takes those roles in both spots.
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With the Heart of Stone/Facets portion, I feel like Sisko, Rom, and Jadzia take up these spots. Sisko as Celestia, Jadzia as Luna, and Rom as Cadence.
In MLP, Celestia is the one who sends Twilight off to Ponyville, just as Sisko is equivalently sending Nog off to the Academy via that recommendation letter. And in watching Facets we get a sense of how hard Jadzia worked to earn the right of being a joined Trill and I feel like she’d recognize that sort of stubborn endurance in Nog and understand why it’s so important to him.
And while Cadence is Twilight’s older-sister-figure-turned-sister-in-law, the way she reassures Twilight in this song very much reminds me of how Rom acts as a father towards Nog and stands up to Quark and allows Nog to both apply and go to Starfleet despite Quarks saying otherwise.
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Moving on to the Paper Moon part of this; Vic takes up Sisko’s place as Celestia, Rom takes up Jadzia’s place as Luna, and Jake takes up Rom’s place as Cadence.
“Your destiny is uncertain, and sometimes that’s hard to take’, is quite literally the synopsis of Vic’s little speech to Nog before he finally leaves the holosuite. There’s no telling what’s gonna happen to him if he leaves and as hard as that is, he has to face that.
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And I will stand by this for as long as I live but Rom and Nog had some of the best character development out of any of the secondary cast of characters, development that can rival even the main cast. (heh, mane cast(plz laugh))
Rom has gone from being the antsy not even second hand under Quark to being a major player not just on the station but in the war effort against the Dominion. In reflection, I can see him recognizing that same want for something more than what Ferengi society expects of him that Nog has, that Nog inspires in him.
And oh my fucking god I’m gonna lose it about Jake/Jake and Nog’s friendship for a hot minute because watching your best friend go from the local troublemaker aside from yourself to not only a respected officer in one of the major military forces in the quadrant, the same one that your own father is a part of, but also a victim of war that you also are is going to be fucking rough.
That the two of you have come so far from when you first met, ending up so far from where expectations put the two of you. That while both of you have witnessed the horrors of war, you got out with only a few scrapes, being able to move on from it because someone was there and experienced it with you and told you that your feelings were warranted and that you didn’t have to be ashamed of being scared, your best friend, on the other hand, lost a fucking limb, has felt like his problems with phantom pain were chalked up to just something in his head. That he’s just crazy. Your friend is now isolating (in one of the CMO’s holosuite programs no less) from everything and everyone and no one knows how to help him.
And the one time you try to visit him you end up getting socked in the jaw. Every attempt made just seems to push him further away. And then like a month or so later, on top of the three he’s already spent in intensive physical and mental therapy, he comes back out and moves back in with you.
I see it as initially being very tense. Both of them just trying to go about their days in the aftermath and move forward, not knowing how to acknowledge or begin to talk about what happened. And when they do finally sit down and talk about it, it’s probably just as gut-wrenching as when the news of Nog’s injury first reached Jake.
In cliche archetypes/dynamics, I’ve always thought of Jake and Nog as Sun/Moon, the position of who’s which switching. Prior to Nog going into Starfleet, I had Jake pegged as the Moon and Nog as the Sun, but afterward, it switched; Jake is now the Sun and Nog is now the Moon.
Either way, one can’t fully shine without the other.
They’re a packaged deal and to separate them just feels wrong. They love each other. They’ve stuck by each other through so much, I can’t see them just not trying to fix things after Paper Moon. It’s hard, but damnit if they’re not gonna try.
Rewatching The Emissary, you know it’s gonna be a while coming but his time will come soon.
As the Sun rises, so does the Moon
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As love finds a place in every heart
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He’ll be a captain, he’ll play his part
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
OK OK ive been thinking a lot about what you said about the fandoms portrayal of the relationship between kaeya and venti and how its very odd considering kaeya being khaenrian and venti being an archon. i think it’d be very interesting to write smth about the two and them kind of running circles around each other because they both think the other is going to do something.
on the same page, since you like khaenriah alot i wonder how you view the archons role in the cataclysm ? im personally inclined to believe they were .. controlled in a way ? not in the “oh theyre so innocent 🥺🥺🥺” because i dont think they were like. MIND CONTROLLED fully but i do think it was partially against their wills ? something to do with the gnosises and their true uses ? im sort of undecided on it still because i havent fully thought it out..
HEHEHE SPINS AROUND Also quick disclaimer I have not played Nahida's story quest yet (I. don't like her very much and haven't worked up the energy to play another like hour-long quest with her) so this is all based on information learned from the game up to the final Sumeru Archon Quest!!!
I think the Archons, initially, were summoned to quell the threat of the Abyss, and the Abyss alone. I think that despite Celestia's track record for suppressing nations that reach something comparable to their level of power (Vindagnyer), that Khaenri'ah legitimately wasn't majorly interfering with Teyvat to the point that Celestia would have grounds to step in and demolish it (like, again, they did with Vindagnyer).
(WHICH ISN'T to say that I think that Khaenri'ah was entirely cut off from the rest of Teyvat, I wholeheartedly believe that they had established trade and relations with other nations, especially because Khaenri'ah was founded on a mix of nations, so it would make sense for them to have established relations with those nations to accommodate for the variety of people. I just think that Khaenri'ah had no interest in Teyvat in terms of like, rising to power over it, which is why it persisted for give or take 2500+ years (it's definitely around the same time as Venti's lifespan, but I don't have an exact number yet). Which tracks with it being founded on people literally just trying to live without the Archons)
I think the Cataclysm was triggered by a select few (Gold likely one of them) digging too deep into Forbidden Knowlege, as Nahida said it was of the deepest depths of the Abyss, and if there's anything the Cataclysm is known for it's 1) The Destruction of Khaenri'ah and 2) The Emergence of the Abyss.
This initial surge of the Abyss, as in the Sages of Khaenri'ah/Gold discovering it and tugging at it, could have led to a lot of reactions in Celestia. If Celestia had been looking for a reason to sic the Archons on Khaenri'ah, this was definitely it. If Celestia had just been. Hangin out there and went like "OH SHIT LOL the fucking ABYSS is putting the IRMUNSIL in DANGER right now someone send the Archons" then that's. Different.
In the end, I think the Archons didn't know exactly what they were doing or the full effects of what would happen. They were summoned by Celestia, possibly by the Heavenly Principles themselves, and told to stop an Abyssal threat in Khaenri'ah.
Gold's outburst (which I still believe was originally a defensive move and not a move intended to destroy) caused the Abyss to come FLOODING through, sending the Archons into a panicked or more desperate state, leading to them using tactics and moves that focuses more on total annihilation than just getting the Abyss out, ESPECIALLY as the Curse began to manifest and people started succumbing to it, taking on more "monstrous" forms.
AND ITS ACTUALLY!!!! SO INTERESTING because from the Ruin Golem in the desert we know that the Curse may have (actually with what we know of Dainsleif and such it DEFINITELY) manifested in different ways with different people. And Khaenri'ahns fought AGAINST it. They used the machines of their nation to fend off the Abyss because it was destroying THEIR HOME. THEIR HOME WAS SUCCUMBING TO THIS FORCE BROUGHT UP FROM THE DEPTHS THAT THEY HAD NO SAY IN.
HOWEVER. I think the Archons SHOULD have made more of an effort to care for the survivors. I think Venti could have done better when handling the Durin situation (especially considering that Durin was a CHILD put in the body of a dragon and had minimal if not NO idea what was happening when he was fighting Dvalin). I think Zhongli and Liyue were in an optimal place to save and help people. I think that Ei, in her grief, should have gone to the other Archons with her questions. And I think that King Deshret and the Greater Lord should have made the proper preparations and/or proper documentation of the event.
Were they misinformed in their attack and destruction of Khaenri'ah? Yes.
Was the destruction of Khaenri'ah their INTENTION? No.
Do they understand in this day that what they did, in the end, caused a whole nation to lose itself and hundreds (if not thousands) of people to be stranded with a curse they didn't know about manifesting in them, and that the way that their nations now see Hilichurls may very Harmful? Yes.
I highly doubt that any of them believe what they did was wholly right, but I think some of them may be under the impression that, though, harsh, the ends justified the means. (Zhongli, mainly, I think. Love the guy but he WWAS the Warrior God, and the preservation of Liyue was his number one obligation).
BUT I think that Khaenri'ahns, those who's family lines survived (Kaeya ESPECIALLY, being of the Alberich Clan), do hold a (pretty rightful) hatred towards the Archons, because at the end of they day they don't know the full story (neither do the Archons, but they probably know a little more). From a normal Khaenri'ahn POV, the Archons descend on your nation, then the Abyss surges forward, and now everything is irreversibly fucked up and you've lost pretty much everything.
(Also I do wholey believe that Kaeya would like. Humor Venti as in he would be his usual cheery jokester self but at the end of the day, he doesn't like him. He's not a fan. Actually I could probably write a whole other post about Kaeya and how Mondstadtian religion probably had a hugely negative effect on him but that's like. Legitimately a whole other thing DKJFHSDJF)
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gold-rhine · 1 year
I haven’t seen this nsfw ask game so I don’t quite know what you guys are talking about but I have opinions on my favorite boy Venti when it comes to kinks.
Everyone loves to say that Venti’s a sub, but they hardly ever go into the specifics. Personally, I think he’s into the hardcore stuff. I just really like the irony of the god of freedom being desperate to be controlled, restrained, and owned by someone. So a master/slave dynamic. He’d be nothing but eager to surrender himself.
Branching off from irony, he’d like to have a god/servant dynamic, except he’s the one doing the worshiping. I think this would actually tie into gaining freedom for him. The role of a god is a lot. It’s very restrictive, and even in such a high position celestia still pulls your strings. Being able to give that burden up, even for a little while and be on the opposite side of things would feel so good. Plus I think he’d be really good at worship.
In a twisted sort of way, giving up your free will to another is a form a freedom. It’s freedom from the burden of conscientiousness. From having to make difficult decisions. From the harsh realities of life.
Also a pet play kink. You were so right about that collar thing earlier. It’d be like a physical symbol of him giving away his freedom. He’d make such a good puppy. Wants to be called good boy. Wants to be pulled around on a leash. Again, I think he’d like the dynamic of being owned. This one (and all of them honestly) is about taking on a new identity. Being able to forget who he is and just be something else. A slave, a worshipper, a puppy, a toy. And being useful to someone. Making them happy, making them feel good. That’s part of the reason why he’s a bard in the first place.
I honestly didn’t mean to psychoanalyze him. He’s just pathetic and tortured and doomed by the narrative and thus fun to psychoanalyze. You don’t have to agree with all this btw, you can add whatever you want, these are just my thoughts.
asdfghj ask game is just fmk alternative with kink prompts and not "send rhine your kink opinions", but okay
i agree with you on venti wanting to be able to forget who he is and just be something else and making other ppl feel good, but i see it more in him wanting to get his brains fucked out, like, this is why he's drinking until he blacks out, and yeah, i too think he's into hardcore stuff, but more in a way of like, gangbang with 5 strangers on video
and yeah, he's into roleplay for sure, but the dynamics you describe require long term commitment and i think venti cannot commit consistently, thats one of his many unhealthy results of trauma of being pathetic and tortured and doomed by the narrative (and knowing it), like the entire Mond archon quest happened bc he befriended and then abandoned dvalin.
so i personally think that venti's pattern is being super intense and hardcore while he's with you, like yeah he'll let you do anything and will play whatever role, pet, worshipper, slave, but he'll leave in the middle of the night without saying goodbye, ghost for like forever and then one night he'd drunk texting you while sitting on your doorstep and he's apologetic and pathetic and ready to do anything for you again. i feel like thats the venti experience tbh
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reginrokkr · 2 years
𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐗. Dain’s canon divergencies I: Inazuma.
Disclaimer: My main reasoning for addressing these canon divergencies for Dain is due to HYV’s choice of making the Traveler a self-insert and as a result of this, it’s clear that plot wise they’ll have to be everywhere and even do god’s work despite the many reservations this may have behind, such as the fact that in some instances it feels forced for the Traveler to be there instead of having another character capable of doing the job to give them the spotlight instead. I feel that with Dain it happens the same in very few instances so far that can or can’t increase in the future as the story advances, but for now I’ll focus on three of them:
→ Sacred Sakura cleansing ritual: It is said that 500 years ago during the grunt that Inazuma was taking due to the Dark Cataclysm, this tree —just as Irminsul, which seems to have a connection to it— almost withered but someone was able to perform the cleansing rite necessary to rid it from all the impurities that the tree is working hard on purifying. It is also said that minor cleansing leading to a major one are required to be done every 60 years in order to keep the Sacred Sakura in good health, but at the same time it’s strange that the methods for performing this rite are lost and not preserved despite how relatively often the ritual is done. Which could be due to the fact that someone who doesn’t need these instructions knows how to perform the cleansing and thus, there is no need for them to preserve anything. Furthermore, as the Bough Keeper which most likely references to his role towards Irminsul, I believe that it’s appropriate for Dain to be the one performing this task in the past from 500 years ago up to the present days without the need to seek someone else.
→ Tsurumi Island Ley Line disorder fix: Following the premise that Dain is the Bough Keeper and as such, it makes sense for him to take care of affairs related to Irminsul, plus the ancient civilization that most likely he learned about and visited to witness with his own eyes during his 500 years of life, it is plausible for him to be the one to fix this issue that has been present for at least 1,500 years, if not more. Timeline wise, this will happen post his journey with the Abyss Twin and 40 years later (100 hears in abyssal time), which will coincide with the conclusion of Dain’s pursuit for answers related to Khaenri’ah and his the end of his learning process about the truth of Teyvat. 
This will lead him to another restless journey to visit places where he knows that ancient civilizations that have been destroyed existed and it’ll also punctuate the beginning of his pursuit of the Abyss Order to deter their plans the more he learns as he goes. This event will be about putting to rest Kapatcir’s wrath which is what is causing the Ley Line disorder in Tsurumi Island and sending the souls off with the boatman who will ultimately lead them to the moon-mansion where they can find rest.
→ Enkanomiya Watatsumi Goryou Matsuri: Every several centuries, this ritual must be performed in order to prevent the soil of Watatsumi Island to become infertile partly due to the salinization of the soil and partly to impede the influence of Enkanomiya to spring forth on the surface. According to Enkanomiyan ancestors, a “hero” is needed for this process who is said to be blond. This is mostly because the civilization of Enkanomiya was obligated to hide all historical records of their past from before their fall into the pit of the Abyss as a result of a war between The Saints and The Second Who Came. Only when they’d fulfil this obligation they’d be allowed to return to the surface —whose path has been sealed presumably by The Second Who Came— and at the behest of Celestia, Orobashi was made to guide them on the surface on the newly made Watatsumi Island. 
The purpose behind sending just one person is because all the secrets that lay in Enkanomiya must be kept secret, thus it’s counterproductive to send different people and run the risk of spreading the information about what they’ve seen in the depths —Orobashi was sentenced to death and made to fight the Raiden Shogun as per the Heavenly Principles because he found out about certain truths in Enkanomiya—. So for this matter, the fact that it involves an ancient civilization that Dain would visit and the Abyss Order involvement twice so far, he will be the responsible one of performing this ceremony. Before the current events, Dain has already performed this rite once and he’s known by Enkanomiya’s shades of Tokoyo. Likewise, this would require him to be in touch with the line of priests / priestesses in order to get the necessary permits to descend to Enkanomiya.
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onenettvchannel · 3 years
EMERGENCY FLASH REPORT: A Future Murder Suspect in the Forest kills a Teen Victim to Mabel Pines in Season 2?
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PORTLAND, OREGON -- It's not about a regular Dipper Pines for now, when a murder suspect happens at a prison bubble but... He is from the future, during a last new episode FINALE in Season 2 at the Weirdmageddon, known as the Gravity Falls.
A YouTuber named Vailskibum94 was first reported and the relay follows with our Disney XD's Stringer Reporter (Marco Diaz) founds out on a deleted scene in Mabeland. Current Writer and a former Creative Director of Gravity Falls named Michael Rianda was first obtained an exclusive report off-camera to the media.
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One suspect was named by Dippy Fresh, known for his future of Dipper Pines is reportedly committed a Murder and Battery for a 16 y/o victim named Mabel Pines. Not only for Dippy, he is classified as an illegal sibling and he does not have a deadly weapon like a knife or a sword for example. He is considered to kill her by a personal suckerpunch hand.
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These days during an off-camera unboxing on his former writing office of Gravity Falls in 2015, an altered episode was discovered right before the animation censorship of Disney XD from this said episode writing.
Rianda reveals for the uncensored thought (under a slight referenced paragraph to our Research Team to OneNETnews): Dipper opens for a walk to the forest. A butterfly flies on a toadstool in a pool of Golden Sunlight. Someone runs by and leaves behind a footprint and some drops of red blood. There is a figure running through the forest right now. He is pacing to run but, a Point-of-View shot of the figure emerging out of the forest to reach the Mystery Shack where the regular siblings like Dipper & Mabel are playing outside at once. Mabel looks freaked out at the figure off camera.
Regular Mabel sees the future, in time for a murder and battery... "Dipper, look!". He looks a suspect to Dippy with a single gasps, a future Dipper like Dippy Fresh was suckerpunched to death for nearly both of the victims upon looking to Dippy and a temporal unconscious for a bleeding points.
Dipper has a cough with some red blood, while he was started to asks questions but... Dippy Fresh declines for the answer, after he was committed on the double. "There is no time. Listen to me. In the future, Mabel's dead. And it's because I made a mistake. Take this (it's a page of code), and never tell Mabel what it says. This is how she dies. Do whatever you can to prevent it, and NEVER show it to her". One suspect was added told exclusively to OneNETnews (in our protective media, under a permission with Bill Cipher), "There's so many other things to tell you: The most important thing is- NO! I need more time!".
It was a total shock on screen for what does her future look like, if Dippy Fresh murders a victim to Mabel Pines, or maybe both to present day with Dipper Pines. He was disappeared much shortly after, before the title sequence music opening. Leaving for Mabel on a murder incident, was confirmed dead on the scene from a suspect. And Dipper is unconscious for a casual body injuries.
Her hometown victim of Mabel is originally located at the Alameda County in Piedmont, California; which is a current vacation of Gravity Falls was made in Oregon region for 2 Seasons. A local prayer vigil will be implemented in both regions of Oregon & California, after he was murdered and a battery from a suspect (Dippy Fresh). After the full-hour church mass, the priest will be immediately commenced an Oratio Imperata or Obligatory Prayer, as recommended by the Catholic Media Network (CMN) and Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). A heaviest condolences to the Pines family, including her former friends with Wendy Corduroy, Candy Chui, Grenda Grendinator & Pacifica Northwest.
As for Dippy Fresh in Mabeland (from a future of Dipper Pines), for committing a Murder and a Battery... A violation was made under the Article #248: Section 5 & 6 or the Revised Penal Code and Republic Act #9262: Section 3-Db or Anti-Violence against Women & Their Children Act of 2004. He will be charged altogether in a local court to 14-17 years in prison as a Reclusión Temporal at the Portland Police Bureau (PPB).
Additionally since he was a confirmed murder and a battery teenager suspect; which is not on a legal age, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) will handle a Community Service, Maximum Punishment or both. Once he was turned 18 in 2017 or 21 in 2020 for Dippy Fresh, he'll go straight to prison an hour after his birthday celebration in August 1999. Still, his last name of Fresh will be turned into a spoiled person like a preservative food in a jail role.
Vacation in justice of Gravity Falls will become sadly a full-time murder city of Oregon, except if you're in most provinces of Portland.
Special Thanks to Vailskibum94 (YouTuber) for sending us a news tip.
SOURCE: *https://www.deviantart.com/luxojr888/art/Dippy-Fresh-PNG-801437190 [Vectored Photo] *https://gravityfalls.fandom.com/wiki/Mabel_Pines *https://gravityfalls.fandom.com/wiki/Prison_Bubble *https://gravityfalls.fandom.com/wiki/Weirdmageddon_Part_1 *https://twitter.com/michaelrianda/status/1379611081077747716 [Contributed Photo] and *https://twitter.com/michaelrianda/status/1379796585035390977 [Uncensored Referenced Paragraph in a Deleted Scene of Gravity Falls]
SEVERELY HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this news article are not those from the Disney Television Animation. This murder suspect like Dippy Fresh will not be imitated in any matter. Furthermore, the assumptions of this news article will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our affiliated reporters. The show, the station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading, stay safe and may the Celestia blesses you. Later!
-- OneNETnews Team
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authordgaster · 3 years
So I’ve always been more of an UnderTale centric blog, but I’m also in the Danganronpa fandom.
(Yes yes, Danganronpa, UnderTale, Kayne West, Fingers, MOVING ON!)
So I was looking at V3’s cast, and I thought to myself “hey! Shuichi is kinda like a Makoto/Kirigiri fusion.” And more than once I’ve seen AUs where Shuichi is there kid.
Then I thought of something. “Oh my god... are ALL the V3 members fusions?!”
And if you do the math, it adds up. 32 students from the first two games, 16 in V3.
So I went to work trying to determine if this theory bore any real fruit and started pairing characters (in a non romantic sense, this isn’t some big shipping post). When it came to determining these fusions, I focused on a few different traits for each character. For some it was their talent, others it was their personality traits, and sometimes it was both.
Some fusions admittedly make more sense than others, but I’m going to send each fusion and my reasoning for them.
Starting with Shuichi, who is a fusion of Makoto and Kyoko. (Side note, I’ll be sticking to everyone’s first names.) So the parts he got from Kyoko are pretty obvious, they’re both detectives and emo. From Makoto though, he gets the role of protagonist as well as a good amount of Makoto’s “good boy energy” or G.B.E. for short.
Next we’ve got Kaede, a Sayaka and Aoi fusion. Kaede and Sayaka have a few things in common. Their personalities are both cheerful, they’ve both got musical talents, they both wanted everyone to be friends, and they both jumped the gun and got themselves killed. Yeah... as for Aoi... uh... yeah this was one of those “I don’t really know where to put you so I’ll put you here” scenarios. I mean, Aoi ALSO kind of jumped the gun and almost got everyone killed, which is why I chose to put her in the Kaede fusion pair.
After our protagonists, who better than the rival? Kokichi’s fusion is easily one of if not the least surprising. He’s a fusion of Nagito and Byakuya. Like Nagito, he’s completely insane, obsesses over something (in his case lies) and he sacrifices himself in chapter 5, though for a relatively more selfless cause then Nagito. Keyword being relatively.
On the other end of the spectrum is Kaito, a fusion between Nekomaru and Yasuhiro. Hiro’s inspiration is pretty obvious once you think about it. There’s the jacket and it’s abnormal way of being worn, the airheadedness, and they both have space relations. (Didn’t aliens steal Hiro’s burger or something?) As for Nekomaru, well, it’s obvious right? He was a constant pillar of support for his friends and did exercises with Shuichi and Makinto help them both physically and mentally.
Speaking of Maki, she’s a Mukuro and Hiyoko fusion. Yeah, that’s a weird one right? Well here me out. The Mukuro part is obvious enough, she’s a solider and Maki is an assassin, each having a murder related talent, plus they both fell for lovable dorks. Hiyoko is another situation like Aoi unfortunately. The only common ground I could find was that Maki is kinda short and pretty mean at times. (Her talent could’ve been the Ultimate Tsundere tbh)
On the topic of short girls, Himiko is a Chihiro and Ibuki fusion. Yeah... definitely a weird one there. Chihiro has two main things that lead me to one conclusion. One is they’re both pretty meek except for when it comes to their talent. The other thing was that Chihiro was a tech wiz. Eh... get it, wiz? Right, moving on...
K1-B0 is a Hajime/Chiaki fusion. Like Chiaki, Kiibo is an artificial being, and then there’s the connections to Hajime. Both were evil versions of the Ultimate Hope, albeit unintentionally, and while Kiibo also has loads of G.B.E. he can also tap into his inner Hajime and be sassy as heck. Plus there was their problems revolving around their talents. Hajime wanting to prove he had a talent and K1-B0 wanting to prove his talent was useful, despite his numerous physical setbacks like being weaker and having worse eyesight than the average human.
Next is Tsumugi. Ah Tsumugi, at first I wanted to fuse Junko with Hifumi to make her, combining the Mastermind aspect of Junko with the weebiness of Hifumi. Then I realized that there was a more obvious fit. Twogami and his imposter talent practically mirror’s Tsumugi’s Cosplay talent. End result: Tsumugi is a Junko/Twogami fusion!
Rantaro is...uh... a Kiyotaka/Leon fusion...? Yeah I honestly didn’t know who to put with this guy and these two were just kinda there. I mean, Leon is a “ladies man” and I think Rantaro gave that vibe off? As for Taka, I would just look at him, and then Rantaro, and day to myself “yeah, that fits” for no real reason. Like, there were no grounds for my argument and even so! *sigh* moving on...
Ryoma is Fuyuhiko and Akane. This one kinda makes sense. Ryoma and Fuyuhiko are both smol men with baby faces that can be scary when they want to, and Ryoma and Akane both had it rough prior to school. Yeah I’m not too good with this one either.
Back to more realistic fusions, Kirumi is a Celestia/Peko fusion. Celeste’s goth aesthetic plus Peko’s unwavering sense of duty merge and that’s basically Kirumi in a nutshell.
Angie is Sonia and Hifumi. Angie and Hifumi are both artists, simple as that, and just as Sonia was the ruler of her country, Angie was basically the one running hers, not to mention they were both really weird.
I don’t like Tenko so I’ll make this fast. Mondo and Mahiru. I heard Mondo is supposed to represent toxic masculinity (but he’s portrayed in a way that makes his character GOOD!) and then there’s Mahiru with her constantly getting on guys’ case telling them that they should be doing all these things for no reason other than their gender. Put the two together and you get Tenko and her screaming about “Degenerate males” every five minutes. For someone who hates guys so much, she sure seems to talk about them a lot...
Korekiyo was one that was so obvious I kicked myself for not figuring it out sooner. Mikan and Touko. Touko’s split personality is the same as Kiyo being “possessed” by his sister, and his relationship with his sister mirrors Mikan’s relationship with Junko. Yeah, some dark basis for fusion reasoning, but it works.
Miu. Teruteru’s perverted personality meets Kazuichi’s technological prowess. Nuff said.
And last, but far from least is Gonta. He stronk and noble like Sakura, both sacrificing themselves doing what they believed was right, and he’s good with animals like Gundam.
WOW this took forever to write. Please comment or reblog with your opinions on this theory. How reliable is it? Should I switch some fusions around? Why? I take constructive criticism in stride.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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RICHARD ELLINGTON is THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and the MANAGER of FAIR FARIBAULT’S in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. He looks remarkably like JAMIE DORNAN and considers himself alligned with the DEATH EATERS. He is currently OPEN.
A heartbreaker with the taste for the finer things in life Richard Ellington is used to being the centre of attention and is only truly happy when all eyes are firmly on him. Raised in the beautiful county of Buckinghamshire, Richard has been sought after for as long as he can remember. The son of a half-veela Muggle and a Pure-Blood wizard, from the day he was born comments were made about his beauty. His fleeting time at Primary School was a blur of love notes and doodles from giggling little girls sending his tray overflowing with their innocent displays of childlike affection. His mother received similar more adult attention as teachers blushed when they made eye contact with LOUISA ELLINGTON, much to the amusement of her husband JAMES. Working in international relations before he had retired, Richard’s father had made a decidedly unpopular choice in his family through his marriage to Louisa. Though no one could deny she was the most beautiful woman they had ever laid eyes on, his family were not accepting of Muggles and even less so of “half-breeds”. A fairly self-entitled child, he was raised by his mother and father to believe the attention he received he did not need to earn. Receiving his letter to Hogwarts when he was eleven years old, his parents were overjoyed and he was whisked away to Diagon Alley to be bought the finest robes, colognes and equipment money could buy.
Arriving at school, Richard was sorted into Slytherin and quickly made waves amongst the students due to his beauty. From the Quidditch pitch where he would later play for the Slytherin team to his classes students stared at him. Richard didn’t mind, he liked the attention. The only other person who gained a fraction of love letters and had their drink spiked with love potion was fellow Slytherin students ADAIRIA LINWOOD and GARWAIN ROBARDS. Although Richard hated to admit it, Adairia and Gawain were the only people who could even potentially be seen as more beautiful than he was. Adairia was a rarity in Slytherin, a Muggle-Born which made her special and the target for a lot of hate she didn’t deserve was more likely due to jealousy. Something about her didn’t quite sit with Richard, she seemed more than just a witch and had a presence similar to his own which was beyond the realms of simple beauty and moved more into supernatural good looks only vampires and veelas had. Garwain on the other hand was simply a Welsh wizard from a Half-Blood family whose father had grown wealthy due to running a private detective agency. Garwain similarly admired Richard, flattering and flirting with him while Adairia rolled her eyes and scoffed. Richard did nothing to deter the attention however and the two became best friends, though at times it drifted into the realm of becoming slightly more. The three of them became insuperable, three dark and beautiful soul mates in a strange place but Richard always craved more. 
Although Richard was very fond of Garwain and couldn’t deny his beauty, he too worshipped him. Richard loved attention, but what he loved more was a challenge and one day he found her. CLARICE FARIBAULT was a few years his junior and a quiet yet beautiful Slytherin witch he had often seen sitting alone. Though she was quiet she was not meek. Despite her youth Clarice held herself like someone twice her age. When she spoke it was with conviction and she rarely shied away from confrontation, which made his pulse quicken when he watched her. Clarice Faribault was one of the most exciting people had ever met and once he had noticed her Richard could not stop pursuing her. Unlike anyone else in the castle Clarice seemed unphased by him. By the time Richard had graduated he had finally worn Clarice down, buying an apartment for them to live in together in London with his inheritance and beginning his life on the London social scene. Out every night drinking champagne and laughing with Gawain and other influential people in the city he was living his life to the max and hoping Clarice would come to join him. Though people still continued to throw themselves at him, he remained loyal to her. Richard hadn’t ever thought himself capable of falling in love but for a long while he believed Clarice was the one to change all that. When she finally graduated and came to London their life together was not what he imagined. His girlfriend seemed more preoccupied with her work than she did their relationship and without her at home or in bars each evening to tell her how much she meant to him he began to look elsewhere. 
In a last ditch effort on his part he proposed to her and for a while things where as he imagined they’d be. It couldn’t go on forever as more people kept disappearing and keeping her at work for longer, but for her he thought he could try his best to make it work. When Richard met Clarice’s younger sister GEORGINE FARIBAULT all of the plans he’d made to spend the rest of his life went out the window in a flash of her smile and a flick of her blonde curls. A fellow ¼ veela, Georgine understood him in a way Clarice couldn’t and he found himself unable to fight the urge to kiss her and take her for his own. Dating both sisters behind the back of his fiancée was surprisingly easy on his conscience. Everything was exciting, trying not to get caught by Clarice who sunk deeper into her work. Everything finally came to a head two years later when she caught Richard and Georgine in bed together, returning home early to surprise Richard for his birthday. It pained him somewhat to see a woman he’d once loved slam her engagement ring on their dining room table and walk out of his life, but the reality of it was Richard and Clarice were over the minute she took her job at the Ministry, Georgine was just the final nail in their coffin. Unlike Richard, Georgine seemed fairly upset by Clarice cutting them off. It only hurt him when he looked in Clarice’s eyes and saw the pain, but while he and Georgine were out drinking Clarice was working meaning the two rarely crossed paths. Richard loved his new life with Georgine, he was addicted to her the same way she was addicted to him, preying on unsuspecting members of society to entertain them before falling back into bed each evening.
When Georgine became a vampire he didn’t lose his attraction to her, though her soft skin was deathly pale and her eyes a ghostly blue she was still Georgine yet deadlier, sexier. Everyone around them noticed the change in his girlfriend as well, with people queuing up to dance with her and be in her presence. It was one evening after they’d been out dancing that Georgine had come with the idea for her escort business. The wizarding community hadn’t been kind to people like him and Georgine, who despite their beauty had been snubbed due to the way they had gotten it. Richard was hesitant at first to be bought out by people but quickly found it had been something he was built for. Dining for free and being paid to sit, speak and occasionally sleep with people if he liked them enough for a hefty fee was exactly up his alley. As word got out about their business Richard and Georgine found they no longer had to offer their own services, with Richard moving into a managerial role at Fair Faribault’s, finding clients, recruiting staff and dealing with the finances for the business. His life had been fun and carefree until Georgine had upped the stakes. Never satisfied and hungry for power, Georgine had signed a deal with the devil for a better place in the new world promised by the underground organisation. 
Though she loved the life they had forged for themselves Georgine longed for her rightful place in society as a member one one of the twelve original vampire families and the most beautiful of her kind. Despite his apprehension over joining the group, Richard wanted the same things. He knew he was better than everyone else and the fact he had to hide who he was to be taken seriously had bothered him ever since he’d learned of the prejudice on his father’s side of the family. Richard has little to do with Death Eaters if he can help it, preferring to spend time At The Grave Affair and managing the business. A sarcastic and rude man, Richard has little time for people he deems unworthy of his time and is incredibly short on occasion not allowing people to see the deeper parts of his personality which do lurk somewhere beyond the beauty of it’s surface. Someone who does see that side of him is a new recruit he’s currently trying to figure out. CELESTIA CLARKE is one of the news of their team with a beautiful face and a mysterious backstory. Celestia has little time for his wit and charm though he has noticed she isn’t afraid to flirt back with him despite hearing the horror stories about Georgine.  Her strong nature and odd personality are slowly taking a hold in him and although he hates to admit it, he’s beginning to grow intrigued by the beautiful Celestia. 
Blood Status → Half-Blood (¼ Veela)
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male
Sexual Orientation → Bisexual
Relationship Status → In a Relationship with Georgine Faribault 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin) 
Societies → N/A
Family → N/A
Connections  → Georgine Faribault (girlfriend/boss), Garwain Robards (best friend/potential love interest), Adairia Linwood (best friend), John Matthews (close friend), Laurent Dane (close friend/employee), Laurel Linwood (friend/employee), Dahlia Blackwood (friend/employee), Celestia Clarke (friend/employee/potential love interest), Clarice Faribault (ex-fiancée/adversary) 
Future Information → N/A
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRH Book 1, Chapter 3
• I'm hoping that if I have this chapter out early enough (doubtful, because compiling and organizing my screenshots takes time, and my drafts often don't save which means there are times I will have to replicate whole paragraphs from scratch. But fingers crossed!), I might try and do revisits of the first book. I did four of those chapters last year, and I think now - when we're looking at some of the stories told to us in Book 1 from a new lens - is a good time to explore that first book again.
• I hope the read more issue is resolved by now. It made posting quite hard the last time. In the meantime these are the tags you can block: #long post, #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs.
• Thanks a lot to @pixieferry for her Hana playthrough, @thefirstcourtesan for her Drake playthrough screenshots and the Abhirio YouTube channel for the Maxwell playthrough screenshots. Not much of those are up, because of lack of space to put up the pictures and the fact that this particular chapter wasn't specifically LI centric.
• Title: Your Kingdom Awaits.
Alternative Title: Tell Me What's Gestating in My Womb Today, Cordonia! A Cordonian Ruby? An Autumn Glory? A Granny Smith?
• Three chapters in and I'm getting more and more baffled by this story by the day. There's stuff I like. Some of the characters I still love. I have fun looking at the little hints, the bits of symbolism, the callbacks. I love theorizing what we'll be doing next! But all of this needs to be glued together by a coherent storyline and this just isn't it.
• Even if we push aside the gross inequalities in balance (re: character development), there's still so much that just doesn't make sense. Why is there so much rush. Why is everyone in this country (and outside) so invasive and entitled over this one noble's child? Why are we doing such insane scales of prep over a process that is in itself is so unpredictable? Why am I learning about Cordonia's allies/potential enemies in such a vague and shoddy fashion? And most of all what kind of bullshit Royal Council is this???
• But I'll elaborate on all those questions later. For now let's move on to the chapter!
• If you didn't buy the corgi in Book 2, they ask you if you'd like to buy it now at the beginning of the chapter. Possibly that may affect the entry of the second corgi in some way? Idk. 
• Esther, the Queen of Cordonia is also still the queen of winging it. You'd think they'd have planned a look for her (esp given the amount of time they could spend on the train) and gotten her ready by the time they reached there, not scrambled around for an outfit the minute they reached Valtoria.
• The LI tells the MC that they're fixed an appointment with the best obstetrician they could find, and we will be going there to ask our preliminary questions plus get a check up. I was wondering if in Hana's case they would be going to a fertility specialist instead.
• In any case, Bertrand volunteers to help us with an outfit for the last time in a short while, because he's traveling to Texas to prepare for their wedding. (we're going there too, but later. I'm not looking forward to another round of Savannah-worship - possibly with an added side of Bianca-worship - no thank you).
• Bianca's ranch is called the Walker Ranch, after Jackson's last name. Why Jackson's?
• Our OOTD!
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Electric blue with a gold belt and a black and white border on the neckline, accessorized with a necklace (I think it's pearls set in gold?) and a brooch pin in the shape of a crown.
I kinda like this one and knowing the way this team operates when it comes to outfits most of the time, I'm pretty sure the colour scheme was chosen on purpose. With this outfit, the MC is presenting herself in the national colours, with a tiny signifier of what her future role might be. Either as Queen or as mother of the future heir to the Crown. This is an outfit that would send a message during Liam's announcement, whether she is (symbolically) wearing that crown or not.
• I'm obviously not very comfortable with the implications that would go with that outfit (esp if she is not the Queen), but I can't deny it does its job.
• The MC can opt to go for either being poised, acting like a diva or being very casual in her approach. Whatever she does the crowd pretty much worships her.
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So everyone except Liam has someone (media, a fan, common people) approaching them as a way of showing how famous and revered the entire group has become in Cordonia. Liam doesn't need one coz he's anyway getting his moment with his big speech in front of the Valtoria manor.
Drake - Donnie Brine from the CBC speaks to Drake, positioning him as a man of the masses, the person that the Cordonian people see as their representative. Drake is woefully unprepared and freezes, blurting out that "things are great" which probably might end up becoming a meme on Cordonian internet later. Random Cordonian Woman from Applewood saves him by confirming this statement even though her trees have yet to grow and the tax problems are pretty much making her life "not great".
Maxwell - Where are Jiro and Camellia from Applewood? I like little Marco and Valerie but I hope they're not the only kids PB is going to be showing every time they need to show children. Marco approaches Maxwell and the MC both to sign his copy of Maxwell's book, and Maxwell takes care to do a dramatic signature that will not "obscure the picture of his face". I'm giggling at that image.
Hana - Valerie approaches Hana with a handmade flower necklace, presumably with a pattern made from "the Lee family crest". Now either Lorelai's family in Cordonia have the same surname as Xinghai, or Xinghai got himself a house crest for some reason. Either way, to toss out a detail like that so casually (a family crest is something that passes down through generations, esp in noble families) without even thinking of the logistics of it...(when an entire book of yours has been dedicated to sigils and crests) is pretty lazy.
BUT. In good news this means that my longtime speculation that Hana's mother's house had flowers as part of their court of arms is correct! (I was also right about a couple other things, like Maxwell's ancestors and Liam's mother being alive when Olivia was brought to the palace. YAY! 😁)
• We now move on to Liam's public announcement. Which sounds kinda weird whichever way you look at it. A married Liam announces that he and his wife are on a mission to enjoy babymaking and a single Liam announces this:
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(Screenshots from a Hana playthrough by @pixieferry)
I will translate what both Liams are saying into Cordonian:
Married Liam: We don't have an apple cinnamon bun in the oven yet, but we're definitely having fun kneading that dough nudge nudge wink wink.
Single Liam: I'm neither making apple buns nor kneading dough. I'll leave that to my friends the bun-making experts here. I'm just gonna park my butt outside the oven door along with the rest of Cordonia.
Sounds weird? You're welcome. It was meant to sound weird.
• Esther finally reunites with her corgi Joy! I wonder if at some point she'll meet up with her horse Celestia and red pandas Hansel and Gretel too xD
• Mara tells me safety checks have been done, but...it's Mara saying that, so I'm not sure I'm quite convinced. The alternative is Bastien, so...we're kinda screwed I guess.
• The group then discusses the future foetus, and Liam takes this opportunity to hint at their childhood history. You know what that means? DIAMOND SCENE!!
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(Screenshots for Asian Liam from my playthrough, Black Liam from @pixieferry and White Liam from @thefirstcourtesan)
As far as I can tell, among the kids the sprites for all three Liams and Drake are very much new, and the rest come from variations and changes to different faces. Maxwell's face is a copy of Simon from THoBM (only the mouth is slightly different), Hana's has a lot of similarities to young Kenna in TCaTF, but with pigtails instead of tiny buns. Olivia's is a little harder to place but I think there are plenty similarities between hers and RoE Camellia's face. For Queen Eleanor they used Young Mary's (MC's mother) sprite from D&D in accordance to whichever Liam you chose. Perhaps the only Mary sprite not used here would be the brown/Indian one, because Liam's ethnicities mainly feature White, Black and Asian. She even wears Mary's opera outfit (that incidentally Mary also ended up wearing to her wedding lol).
• Somehow they forgot that Maxwell was supposed to be a cute chubby little hippo who was loved by his mother.
• I'd like for Black Liam to grow more hair on his head because the curls on his younger self are lovely 😍
• Since most of the childhood tales revolve around the experience of growing up in the palace, this build up to the diamond scene begins with the MC asking questions about each of the boys (Liam, Drake, Maxwell).
- Little Liam and His Crown: Liam claims he only wore those during state occasions, but Maxwell (who admittedly didn't see Liam as much as Drake did but saw him often nonetheless) saw him practically sleep in the thing, and Drake has pictures to prove it lol.
- Grumpy Drake: Maxwell and Liam agree on Drake becoming grumpier as he grew older, but disagree on what metaphors to use to describe it. Maxwell favours "scratchy bark on a secretly loveable tree", and Liam claims he is "whiskey maturing in its barrell". ("oh", I want to ask Drake, "so that's what they call 'old grain mash' these days?" 🤣 This is my revenge for him referring to wine as old grape juice back in Book 2). No prizes for guessing which metaphor Drake liked better.
- Banning Maxwell from Palace Rooms: Maxwell's lucky he has a king for a friend because apparently before Liam jokingly and unwisely decided to give the man a royal pardon Maxwell was banned from all the good rooms 😅
• Hana clearly hasn't lost her touch when it comes to epic savagery. "I imagined you guys like the Three Musketeers, only...less French". 😅😅
• This diamond scene is split into three parts. You have the fun 'adventures' of the little boys (and later Olivia) at the palace, split in between by a slightly more sombre tale of little Hana's loneliness. The narrative voice in all three is very much that of a child, and focuses on Liam's and Hana's imaginations, so as to make their childhood stories more real to us while still providing us background information about the country's recent history (the "recent history" bit doesn't apply to Hana, though, since she is in China at the time).
- Pirate Adventures at The Palace Courtyard: Liam, Drake and Maxwell pretend to be pirate kings, battling rivals on the palace courtyard. After rescuing Maxwell from being stuck on the branches of a tree, the trio decide to continue their adventures on the gardens that are his mother's brainchild, but are stopped by a palace guard. Liam is briefly saddened by this, but is comforted by Drake and Maxwell. The boys then decide to continue playing in the palace kitchens. This scene begins by focusing on the antics of the little ones, but is really about the changed atmosphere in the palace that the boys themselves were too young to notice at the time.
(We also find out which place in TCaTF the Beaumonts originated from, since young Maxwell refers to himself as a pirate from Panrion in both scenes that he is in *cue Lizzy looking very very smug because I've been saying the Beaumonts were from Panrion/someplace in Ebrimel since way back in Book 2*)
The MC has options to respond to this tale (either about whether they were always this naughty, or about the increased security in the palace). In response to her question about the three of them, the boys tell us that Liam was known for being a free spirit and would skip many diplomacy meetings before he even met the other two (again, Constantine, Liam was A CHILD). If you ask the question they want you to be asking, however, about the increased security in the palace, Drake and Maxwell will tell you the security wasn't as strict earlier, and Liam will explain that the royal family had recently received threats at the time, and his parents were a lot more tense and on-edge than usual. Either way, you either get to know a bit about the political atmosphere at the time, or realize that little Liam wasn't the heavily burdened one we met on that first night in New York.
- Pretend-Teatime with a Young Hana: Hana continues on this thread of conversation by focusing on the bond between the boys, commenting on how she never grew up with that kind of experience. To which Drake and Maxwell have these reactions:
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@Drake, pls fall on a cactus.
@Maxwell. Honey. She said this to you yesterday. She's probably said this more than once. You've seen her parents!! Wtf kind of friend are you if you can't even take what she said seriously the first time?
@Hana pls get yourself better friends 😭
Like @callmetippytumbles said in her response to this scene, I have no patience for this kind of selective stupidity.
So Hana's scene is technically a call-back to something she once told the MC back in Book 1 Chapter 6, when they were on their way to the post-Derby tea party with Queen Regina. At the time, Hana spoke of her parents not allowing her toys because they thought them frivolous, and how she had to make do with whatever was lying around instead. We actually see this happen in reality here. We see her PoV of what her inanimate objects do, we see her practicing court etiquette on these objects with her tea set, and we see her leave space for her asshole mother even though Lorelai doesn't deserve that much respect or consideration. There is a lot to unpack in this scene and I want to do that in my General Thoughts section later on...but for now I'll just say that it broke my heart, and not just in an "oh poor Hana" way.
- The Attack from Lythikos: I love this sequence too, not only because it shows us Olivia, a younger Constantine and Liam's mother Eleanor, but because the narrative framing in itself alludes to what happened between Lythikos and the Capitol earlier through the pirate story. Liam and Olivia still speak in the language of their story, but the sequence actually plays out what happens in their real lives. Olivia attacks the pirates, but is left desolate, sword broken, at the end of it (just like her parents tried to, and died in the process - leaving an innocent Olivia alone without support). Liam offers her terms that would give her safety and protection, and in return, she asks to be Pirate Queen and for Drake's sword - which he reluctantly gives.
Constantine mistrusts Olivia and attempts to limit her natural abilities and instincts, but it is Liam's empathy, support and validation of her pain, that eventually makes her the steadfast ally that she becomes as an adult - not Constantine's paranoia. Had Liam followed Constantine's lead, the chances of Olivia falling into the trap of subscribing to her aunt's beliefs would have been much much higher, and Constantine would have found himself at the receiving end of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The narrative may also be implying how deep Eleanor's own impact on her son must be, long after her death, since the narrative frames him as adopting her way of dealing with situations often.
In any case the narrative allows us to see the children as they were before their individual tragedies changed them (except in Olivia's and Hana's cases - where they were still struggling to survive the situations they were in), and allows us to see what shaped them into the adults they are today.
The MC then gets to ask one of two questions: either why Constantine treated Olivia so badly, or about the arguments his parents were having. We learn from these that this incident was shortly after Liam became friends with her and his parents brought her to the palace (this references both Liam's conversation about Olivia to the MC in Book 1 Chapter 7, and Lucretia's complaints about Constantine "keeping Olivia hostage" in her diamond scene in Book 3).
• Possibly this may not be the only scene of its kind we will see. Possibly the next few may be Drake-centric, since we may actually meet Bianca in a few chapters. But these scenes may definitely have an impact on dialogue later, just like how learning of the assassination attempt in Drake's Italian Restaurant Scene and Eleanor's death in Liam's Fydelia Balcony Scene in Book 2 are referred to later (if bought) in the hospital scene with Constantine.
• In any case, we leave the past in the past (for now), and move towards Valtoria's throne room. Where we meet Penelope, just back from her first canine fashion show, Kiara who tells us she has everything kept under control (you always do boo 😍) and Madeleine who is all up our uterus.
• She mentions King Bradshaw from Auvernal and his "impossible to control" wife, then mentions a Queen Amalas immediately after without bothering to tell us where this person is from. WTF? At least tell me the name of her goddamn country if she's another person!! You'd just have to say Queen Amalas of ChickenFeetonia and I would understand.
• ...you're telling me the Queen of this country (in my playthrough) has barely looked at a map of the place she's ruling or checked out who rules what?? You're telling me that the Royal Communications Director is STILL going to give her a gazillion flash cards to read something that she could sum up in five minutes, at the very last minute? Bitch what have you been doing this entire time? Touching up your manicure??
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@Penelope: No you're not.
@Madeleine: Pls fall on a cactus.
• Madeleine hasn't been here for even five minutes and already I've had enough of her entitled ass. "Little apple gestating in your womb"...just...I can't. Ugh. Get your nosy nose out of my oven!!
• Remember how I told you guys about how apple analogies may be used to denote fertility? (mostly because RoE spoke of this apple cutting ceremony and it was a very obvious indicator towards apple metaphors being used to describe pregnancy and childbirth).
• I facepalmed when Kiara agreed with her but she's also probably thinking "well see this is why they call me the smart courtier. I don't have to deal with this shit anymore and now you do" (she isn't wrong).
• She informs us that we're expected at the solarium. I have a solarium?
• Apparently it was Mara's honeymoon gift to us. More like her "sorry Bastien and I screwed up last book" gift, I'd say.
• So wait where was this roster Liam was speaking about in the last book's epilogue? I see one Cordonian noble and one Englishman who until my wedding wanted to have nothing to do with Cordonia, and who's now bleating "our country, our kingdom, we're under attack" like a panicking patriotic nanny goat.
• Why can I not see Emmeline here, who is clearly the expert on her duchy? (I mean like. Landon is nice, but I'd really like to see more women in this Council too). Also does Kiara's inclusion into the Council cancel out the presence of her father Hakim, who is a seasoned diplomat and might possibly have some really good suggestions for dealing with these foreign powers (and seriously he'd be a better option than Godfrey anyway).
• Now Esther has a suggestion! Let's see what it is...
• A royal ball, apparently. Which...given the company, I'm sure it probably would be appropriate but I'm pretty sure we'll need to have more than that in place. I'm pretty sure the people in this council should either be finding out whether the person making these suggestions knows anything about these issues or whether she is simply talking out of her ass. This was a problem last book as well. The MC rarely feels the need on her own to explore these situations more, is okay with just learning things last minute and rolling with it and has the same solution to everything. It's either tours or balls but very little actual exploration of the situation. (I mean there is even a point where she barely shows any empathy at Portavira - even though they're still reeling from a bunch of natural calamities - and thinks it's appropriate to tell them to come for her wedding anyway. No wonder Liam panicked and started giving her diplomacy lessons, stat!) I'd actually take the MC seriously if she were doing her research and her suggestions weren't so shallow and one-note.
• Hana is grinning and giving justifications like this suggestion makes sense. STOP. ENABLING. HER. HANA.
• I especially want to know what Liam's experiences with these dignitaries have been. Both last chapter and this one, I'm seeing him in a position where he is defiant and digging his heels into whatever ideas he is having, but I don't know the context yet and would like to make sense of that. From whatever I've read so far...Liam took the year following Leo's abdication to familiarize himself with taking the front seat in negotiations, and probably may have been familiar with this kind of situation and the kind of people involved even before he became Crown Prince. It makes me wonder how difficult negotiating with them has been, and I want to see why Liam is so done with these people, so fed up. We're missing some context here and I think learning at least a little more than these scraps would have been better for everyone.
• I like that they remember Kiara as the only one outside of the charmed six to get a seat in this council (Kiki deserves the best). I also liked how succintly she summed up Drake and Hana's points about what the heightened taxes are doing to the people as "a reminder that we're not just here for ourselves".
• I find the entire idea of Drake Walker being the sole commoner representative in the Council laughable, especially in a narrative where every other commoner barely has a face, hardly has a name, and almost never has a voice. A man who has spent a huge chunk of his life in a palace, and who I've hardly seen even interacting with a commoner in the story...I'm expected to believe he will have great insights on commoner issues?? Even in this meeting, it's Hana who does a better job explaining this situation (she's the one highlighting the tax issues) than he does. Then again this Council also somehow gave a seat to Duke Karlington - a man who literally never had Cordonia's best interests in mind last book, and who only ended up attending our wedding because we had to be brought in as family counselors to settle HIS family disputes (I mean lol Godfrey how can you call this wedding a disaster when it caused you to magically become so "patriotic"!)
For God's sake, I want to see other commoners on this council. I want people who are actually living these experiences highlighting their issues. This is an issue I have with the MC too. She started out a commoner herself a waitress who wouldn't even flinch at the sight of rats in a dumpster. For someone of that background and who has possibly lived under the worse circumstances than some Cordinians themselves, you'd think that she'd have questions and show interest in how the people who aren't owning lands and are regular individuals on the street live their lives, and whether things are okay for them. But she's so immersed in the world of nobility that she rarely ever even tries to come out.
• Before Liam takes into account everyone's points and comes to a conclusion, the MC has the opportunity to give them her opinion. She can either say that we can't trust anyone, which Godfrey agrees with, or that an alliance would be good for Cordonia, which Godfrey views as naive, OR (and I didn't expect to like this response but I actually do) that she's a waitress from the States, and wouldn't know all that much about this situation. To which there isn't much of a reaction as such, but that's kind of what seems different about this book compared to the others.
• Once the meeting is wrapped up, our LI and Maxwell/Hana whisper in a corner about a surprise they have in store, and take us upstairs to show us what it is. If you're marrying any of the other three, Maxwell is the one who has arranged and picked out themes and colour schemes for the nursery. If you're married to Maxwell, Hana takes over this role.
• Ooooh. New (I think!) baby music! Nice. Very lullaby-like.
• Every design has these basic components:
a crib with a pillow (which I think will be updated later)
a couch nearby, likely for comfort when the mother wants to breastfeed (the updated versions seem to have a footrest)
a table with a lamp
three empty frames (also to be updated. I'm guessing for one of those "my first hand/foot impression" kind of thing and maybe even photoshoots etc)
a ceiling lamp/chandelier
a hook, also on the ceiling.
The two updated versions have footrests, updated lamps and ceiling decorations, additional carpet and customized designs (except for the crib and the pictures and the hook, which I think will be updated later). The Royal Glam theme is all reds and golds, very luxurious and very Valtoria. The Fairytale Forest theme has more whimsy, with bears, foxes, leaves, flowers and apples on the wallpaper, wood paneling, a beautiful golden lamp. Very pretty. Both seem to reference the MC's journey in TRR: her being either a Royal and the closest thing to one, and her journey being very fairytale-like (remember, the same logic was used for Hana's "something blue" gift for the MC's - where she views her as Cinderella).
• Only problem is...who exactly buys a nursery before they have a baby! Especially considering how unpredictable pregnancy and childbirth can be.
• We now meet Dr Ramirez for an appointment. I'm not sure about her suggestion that prenatal vitamins etc they will deal with after she has conceived. I know a number of people who did pre-pregnancy appointments and vitamins and folic acid were on the top of the list of things they'd start a routine with.
• As expected, all the appointments go roughly the same, with the usual answers to the usual questions (one about sushi, another about morning sickness and a last one about potential complications). The MC and LI are in the clear, and can start preparing - but apparently shouldn't stress. LMAO. Thank you doctor, I'm sure that will be easy to do in this country 😂
• Hana's goes differently, and it's clear this doctor's visit was primarily written to address her situation with the MC. The tests go differently, the suggestions given to them are different, the questions the MC asks (one about choosing donors, when they should start, and who should carry the child). The bombshell that immediately follows this is:
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Wow. Seriously. Wow. You couldn't find a more temporary reason for why the MC has to be the one conceiving? It has to be something that would make her overall ability to conceive almost impossible?? (and this we find after one test? No follow ups?) I recall someone putting up/reblogging these screenshots with a caption about how the narrative pretty much took Hana's entire ability to conceive from her, and it's so true - and so disturbing when you place it in the context of how they've dealt with her issues so far (more on this later).
• In Hana's playthrough, she struggles with implications of this news, but constantly tries to veer the focus back to "well at least one of us can is able to have this baby". Twice, she is shown moving away from her pain to ask about the other possibilities for the MC.
• Anyway...we now move to the next morning, when the couple wake up to bad news - and it's concerning the pictures taken during their honeymoon. Given that Maxwell/Hana is holding a magazine when they tell the MC they found out who was responsible...I wonder if it's one of our news outlets. Or whether it's a foreign media rep.
• So I guess this complicates things at our Ball, since we're already on thin ice and this news would have spread to those other dignitaries as well. So we're going to have to deal with whatever implications come with those pictures (perhaps a spin on the royal gang having fun while Cordonia is in a national crisis? Who knows. It would be hypocritical of Cordonians and people from other neighbouring countries to judge the couple over the babymaking that they themselves were enforcing on these two!)
• In any case...royal ball this week. And in the universe of PB's stories that usually means some shit will go down.
General Thoughts and Observations:
• The funny thing about the MC's responses now is that her heightened position now seems to allow her to get away with a lot more than she used to. Now if she gives a joke response, the media and people laugh with her rather than at her. If she is a diva, the crowd will lap it up. I'm guessing what the book is trying to imply is that these are the people she has won over and doesn't exactly need to worry about, and now the ones she will have to convince are from other, more powerful countries - ready to back Cordonia into a corner anytime.
• As you can tell by now, I absolutely loved the childhood sequences. They sounded like children, most of the narrative lines up with what was already said in the previous series, and there were some interesting narrative devices used here.
• I think the third sequence especially drives home the point about what Liam did right, even as a young boy, and what Constantine refusing to look past Olivia's lineage to see her as an individual could have cost him. Constantine's ruthlessness and lack of genuine care for his bonds/friendships (eg. Hakim) had him in a position where he was unable to relate to anyone beyond his own tiny bubble (even his own wife Regina was taking countermeasures to make the best of his horrid plan), and had him make decisions that did more harm than good. For instance, take what he did to the MC, for no fault of her own other than that he didn't think she'd be a good Queen. Not only was what he did utterly disgusting, but it also would have made his own family a subject of shame in the country (which is why Constantine practically begs her never to expose him, because then Liam would be paying the price). Imagine what would have happened if Constantine didn't agree with Liam and perhaps Eleanor, never brought Olivia to the palace, and Liam had never shown her his constant support. Liam's genuine empathy in this case pretty much ensured the safety of his own line.
• I also love the implications of that sequence. Constantine is so wrapped up in his fear that he tries to break what Olivia considers most precious (Zenobia the sword in this case, but this could allude to her parents' deaths and later, her possible marriage to Liam at his Coronation). Liam attempts to fill that gap by taking her in, caring for her, and giving her the tools to continue being the Lythikos fighter she has always been.
• There are a few TCaTF references in the palace scenes: Maxwell mentions Panrion twice, and Olivia calls her sword "Zenobia" in honour of her historical hero (she still speaks of Zenobia with something akin to worship during the Winter Festival in Lythikos).
• Olivia's dress is also modelled on Zenobia's, with the same colour and bodice embroidery. In fact most of the clothes are very similar to their adult garments: Drake still wears denim, Maxwell favours dark colours (still should have been chubby though), Liam's clothes are similar to his casual wear minus the ascot, and Hana wears pink, with flower designs on the skirt.
• What I like most are the narrative voices for both Liam and Hana, who are the ones narrating these stories, and how rooted in their imaginations the scenes themselves sound. But there are significant, heartbreaking differences in how we see their imaginations play out:
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Here are a few samples of narration I've managed to save from Liam's PoV. Notice how Liam and his friends are so into their little game that they find adventure in everything? Notice the language they use to describe themselves and what they are doing? Once-defiant topiaries shaking in fear at their antics. "Liberating" chocolate tarts. "Conquering" the upper floors. These boys are playing out their dreams and showing us the kind of men they would want to be. The heroes. The victors. The ones everyone looks at with awe and reverence.
This is also not a story Liam is creating alone. Drake and Maxwell happily join in, sink into their characters and display their heroics alongside him. Olivia also joins in and holds her own, and when Liam's father tries to break her spirit, Olivia shows Liam her trust and faith in him by using the language of the game.
On the other hand, here is what the narration technique in Hana's tea scene looks like:
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There is a lot to unpack here. A lot. There is perhaps more in this one scene of Hana's than there is in all of Book 3, where she was pretty much pushed to the sidelines.
We were told in Book 1 that Hana had to get creative because she wasn't allowed toys. This was told to us in a rather matter-of-fact way, by a person who was normalized in this way of life and who hadn't yet realized just wrong her upbringing was or how damaged her self of self was. It's perhaps easy to forget this bit of dialogue if you were reading it for the first time because at the end of the day it's spoken of without much gravity.
It's when you see it play out in front of you, in little Hana's voice, from an adult Hana who will now view this entire sequence very, very differently, that the tragedy of it all really hits you. At such a young age she is forced to make do with the little she has: the little she has in terms of things to play with, the little she has in terms of relationships. What the MC says after that sequence is half-right, it's sweet how Hana used her imagination in spite of her parents' rules and strict lifestyle. But what that misses is the burden experiences like that would place on a child in her earliest, more formative years. What stand out to me the most in this sequence are these:
- The most obvious: the use of a 'tea party' to teach herself etiquette and diplomacy. In the present, Hana tells the group that "a lot of what I learned about courtly negotiations, I learned from the tea table". This is the level Hana chooses to focus on after telling her tale, to soften the blow of the story itself.
- The fact that despite her mother's treatment of her, Hana still leaves space for Lorelai. Still wants to believe the best of her, still wants her involved in her life. Lorelai denies her her support and comfort, which is the initial layer to her injustices against Hana. In a lot of ways, even now - Hana is still leaving space for Lorelai, giving her chances to improve, trying to educate her on respecting her boundaries better. It's a long, exhausting process, and Lorelai doesn't deserve the many chances Hana keeps giving her, but Hana is also a person who struggles to completely cut off from the people in her life, controlling and emotionally abusive though they may be.
- At the end of the day, the objects she is giving a life and a personality to, are inanimate objects used for other purposes. Not toys, not real friends. Every last one of them. Miss Doily is kind and caring, Princess Sinckerdoodle is jealous and gives a damn about etiquette (I like how you can see allusions there to Olivia and the MC in the Bakery Ball dialogue!). But they're essentially all objects that cannot move the way her narration describes them as moving. Even dolls and toys, inanimate though they are, are made for the express purpose of allowing a child to participate in pretend play. They can be given a voice, their limbs can be moved, the child can easily turn such a space into an active space with the use of her toys. The doily, the napkin, the sock...these are things Hana will have very little actual control over. They will not be able to move the way she wants them to, do the things she wants them to. Everything has to be happening in her head and there is very little outlet for her other than the few things she has at hand (a similar example of of Hana using scraps we will also find in Book 2, where she draws whiskers on a rock to replicate a toy mouse).
Look again, at the differences in the way Liam narrates his tale and how Hana narrates hers. Liam's is also a fantasy, also uses inanimate objects. But supporting him in building this imaginary universe are his friends, and the parents who both don't stop him from immersing himself in this imaginary world, and have a safe normal (for now) life to return to when those "adventures" are over. On the other hand, Hana has to do the heavy work...in every way. She has to imagine not only the background of what is happening, but also what the objects in front of her are like, what they will do, how they will interact with her, how they will interact with each other.
If I had to replicate such a scene into film, the loneliness of this sequence would perhaps hit harder. A large, empty room. A tiny girl. A tea set and several strange items - and none of them actually move. She is sitting alone, in the dim light, in the silence, talking to these objects that will never respond so she pretends they do, just to chase away that yawning, aching feeling of not having a single friend. All she gets in return is silence. All she finds in front of her is space, and more space. The kind of space that could swallow a child in its emptiness.
And in the center, is a seat left empty. For a mother who doesn't believe her daughter is worth the time.
I think there will be very few who will appreciate the strength it takes to survive a lifetime of that, and that's sad.
• The little Hana sequence reminds me of the animated film Cinderella, particularly in how the main character uses dreams and imagination as an escape from her life of drudgery and the abuse she faces daily. Particularly the song "Sing Sweet Nightingale", where Cinderella's dull world bursts into vivid colour through the soap bubbles that emerge from the washing bucket.
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It's a beautiful, soft, almost surreal little sequence...but when you strip it all down to its basics, what you're essentially seeing is a woman so abused by her family and so trapped in this life she does not deserve, that she has to grasp at straws to find joy. Or in this case, soap bubbles.
What Hana faces in her home is perhaps a little more similar to Rapunzel's situation in Tangled than Cinderella's, but there are definite similarities in the way both characters use their imaginations to soothe and comfort themselves. She is forced into a situation where her imagination - and these things that can't respond to her - are all she has, and the only ways she can keep herself safe and happy. That's way too big a burden for a child so young to bear.
• I wonder if there will be more than the memories. Perhaps documents, news clippings, research material that the MC can use to dig further into what's going on in this country. It's possible, but it's also possible that memories will entirely be how we unravel this mess. I was speaking to @thefirstcourtesan the other day and she mentioned that Bianca and Bastien would both be pretty good sources for finding out more - Bastien, after all, had a lot of respect for the second queen and was close to Jackson, and Bianca would have heard certain things from her husband or witnessed something at the very least (and if they were friends, that angle too). I probably would add Lucretia and maybe Anton (if we see them and if they cooperate), Bertrand or someone new who knew Bartamely (if we can find out more about the Beaumont house that would be lovely!), the Lees, and...Francesco? (I still haven't forgotten that Bertrand mentioned him as being a friend of Liam's mother). I also want to see what new information Olivia got from the last time she did her research on any hidden deals or laws that could endanger the kingdom. There are quite a few possibilities in terms of what we could find and how it can be presented, so I'm looking forward to that. This scene was a good start.
• Having said that, this was something they should have been addressing the previous book. If they hadn't spent so much of their focus on all the wrong things, we wouldn't have as much ground to cover as we do now. And I'm not sure they've learned their lesson enough that we will not see the same mistakes repeated this time.
• Why is the system in place to inform and update the MC on what's happening so poor this time. At least earlier, we'd have a fairly good idea of what would be happening next, even if some important stuff was done last minute. Now the explanations themselves are poorly formed and done without proper thought on whether the MC/readers might understand what's going on or not. It doesn't look good on the story, nor does it look good on those characters esp the MC. This is stuff she could have maybe gotten away with as a suitor. But now she is Duchess/Queen, and an influential figure. What looked good in her days as a suitor won't look so good on her now.
• The Royal Council could be a way forward - for the nobility and royalty-heavy narrative to something that shows us more perspectives from the people who really form the backbone of this country - the commoners who actually populate Cordonia's lands and duchies, whose hard work likely keeps the economy running. Just one Drake isn't adequate for that kind of representation - not when he very rarely addresses their issues in the first place. Please tell me there will be more in that Council because the Council as it stands is in no way an improvement on the status quo.
• I've said more than enough about how bizarre and downright OOC Liam sounds, but I do think we should not ignore the context - the fact that every single individual involved is making these demands of the MC and expecting her to save their country through her child without really checking if she has basic knowledge or other resources in place (such as information about the rulers she is meeting). That includes the LIs. It's very easy to make just a character or two a convenient scapegoat, but let's not forget that there isn't a single person in this entire narrative that is bothering to examine the implications. Not a single.
• What really got me angry...was the Hana doctor sequence. Maybe two books ago it would have just hurt - but more on the level of "it hurts to see Hana like this but I have hope for her". Hope that she would have the space to grieve something she had lost before she could ever even have it, hope that the narrative would validate her pain and encourage her healing. But I can't even hope for that anymore.
This is a very very painful, complicated situation to put a person in. And yes, sometimes those are things you want to talk about and finding out you can't have children when you've always wanted to have them is a very real, very difficult situation - and there is a lot you can explore in terms of how a person with these conditions would feel. But the thing is...Hana has already been on the receiving end of multiple tragic storylines. I have already seen enough and more of her in pain. What I'm not seeing is a good - or even adequate - payoff that validates her painful journey and allows for a release of those emotions. I'm constantly seeing more tragedy, less triumph. I'm not seeing enough satisfactory resolution to those many many issues, and I've spent three books just watching her hurt be brushed aside both by the people who bully her AND the people who are supposed to be her friends (let's be real, they're doing it even now). And now is supposed to be a good time to pile up another difficult situation on her???
• Whenever Hana has been forced into situations that hurt her, her emotions and thoughts have always been pushed to the sidelines - unless and until it was to elevate the MC to a pedestal in Hana's eyes. Hana has rarely - if ever - been given the space to speak out against injustices done to her, has rarely been allowed to have an opinion on people who have harmed her.
When the narrative should have been validating what Madeleine put Hana through, they opted to create sympathy for Madeleine instead...and had her completely minimize what she did to Hana ("I'm sure Hana will be willing to let bygones be bygones").
When the narrative should have been allowing her to discover what her sexuality was, they opted not to talk about it at all. They opted to make her MC-sexual instead. Even with the "alternative LI" they planned for her (*pukes*), they focused more on Madeleine's feelings than Hana's.
When the narrative should have allowed her the space to explore what her parents did wrong and arm her against their faulty arguments about her being the "delicate flower" who cannot survive without them, the writers opted to push her into a 'solution' that was still centered around her usefulness, not her emotional state. Her 'happy ending' with her parents involves constantly educating them on how to treat her with respect, a suffocating, draining process for a child with her background.
When the narrative should have - at least - given her a good wedding, after showing us what dreams she had for it, a wedding where she was treated like a bride, not a bridesmaid, her writers did exactly the opposite. She is more skilled than the MC yet it is the MC that gets the duchy. She is the creative one who comes up with the polo moves yet it is the MC that gets the credit. She is the one that didn't have a chance to fully plan her own wedding the way she wanted earlier, yet the same MC still treats her like her wedding planner rather than a bride. In not one of these situations is she ever allowed to vent about or even speak of what this is doing to her.
Maybe they will give her a chance to explore this difficult journey, maybe they won't. But how dare they push another tragic, difficult (to her) truth such as this, when they have barely allowed her to voice discontent or pain on a host of other issues!
Piling more pain on top of the pain a character already has, isn't going to make your character better developed. Allowing them the space to feel and show those feelings to others will. Thinking of worthy resolutions to those issues, will. If you want to be fair to Hana, center her in her story. Expand on her origins. Focus on story not skills. And validate her pain goddammit!!
• Sigh. Until next time, folks.
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mlpdestinyverse · 5 years
Destinyverse Q&A
I asked my watchers on Deviantart to send me questions, related to me or Destinyverse, for me to compile and answer for a Q&A! Below the cut is the full Q&A and I hope it’ll be informative about me, my characters, or the Destinyverse universe! c:
1. Do any of your characters have any disabilities (I haven’t read all the bios so I might have missed something) if so, who and what do they have?
When it comes to physical, no! Though Destinyverse!Daring Do does have a permanent wing injury that gets in the way of taking off and flying normally (her wing can lock up and impair movement in the air). When it comes to mental (which I think mental illnesses count?); There's Eventide Twister with her general and social anxiety, and Skychaser has his bouts of depression. Then there's one other character who has dealt with clinical depression, and may still have its effects, but well...this isn't the right time to out them. ______________________________________________
2. Does the pony world in your universe have more relation with the human world? Like do more humans come over to the pony world and vice versa? With all video game stuff that involve Nova Spark, it made me wonder, do the humans share their technology with the ponies?
(Note that my answer is based off of Destinyverse headcanons!) There have been fun, silly stories passed around Canterlot City about magic and monsters and highschool students transforming into magical girl human-pony hybrids. But nowadays, people have waved off such stories as one huge school-wide prank or just exaggerated rumors to give Canterlot High and the city an interesting reputation. After graduating Canterlot High, and after magic disappeared (for the most part) from the human world, both Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle agreed it'd be best to keep the existence of the magic portal on the down low. Not that normal humans who have never come in contact with equestrian magic or have never been pulled in at least once can cross it, but...better safe than sorry. A lot of back and forth communication and monitoring of the area around the portal is needed for Sunset or Astral to pass through unseen. Only those with Princess Twilight's permission are permitted to use the portal to cross back and forth.
As for technology! With all Sunset Shimmer has seen and gathered from the human world, the mare has used that knowledge over the years as inspiration to help advance Equestrian technology! Twilight puts her at the head of planning such projects, though they naturally need blueprints and research notes to be approved by Princess Celestia herself before they can start a project and have it produced for Equestria! ___________________________________________________
3. What kind of technology is available to the ponies from the human world?
Similar to question 2, all advancements to technology in Equestria are human-inspired, but Equestrian-made! And I think it's safe to say magic has been added to the equation to create a unique magi-technology only Equestria would possess (think of how the helicopter blades on Tank's flight gear are run via an enchantment!)
One of the first things Sunset helped introduce were computers and monitors. Naturally an evolution in the gaming industry followed with the creation of consoles and computer games. We also have the creation of CDs and the development of portable music players, which improved the music industry.
There are some ideas still in the works for the topic of technology. For one, what about a development in animation and even TV shows? For some reason I feel like live TV wouldn't be a thing in present-day Equestria (whether because it's still being worked on or...Sunset wants to settle on live radio news broadcasts). Secondly, it'd be nice for there to be a communication device similar to a telephone, but not the complex cellphones/smartphones that humans have. That's an idea being smoothed out!
But one thing's for certain. The human's expansive "world wide web" does not exist in Equestria. Sure, computers - including desktop computers - exist. They're helpful with creating and storing documents and files, digital art, reading discs for computer games, etc. Buuut...Sunset has a new mantra, thanks to her past regrets. ”Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”
4. I'm sorry if this came up before, but if Dream's parents were both Earth ponies, where did her unicorn traits come from?
It hasn't! I believe one of Dreamaria's grandparents on her father's side is a unicorn! I have a feeling her father grew apart from his own parents for one reason or another, hence why the thought of going to them for unicorn-advice wasn't an option he considered. Dream has no connections to them.
5. Your characters are beautifully made, but I wonder: Are your characters’ personality and background based on your life, people around you, or both? Or is it just to discover topics through fictional characters?
Thank you so much! And ah geez, this is going to be a long one, I apologize ahead of time. <xD There are a good chunk of characters in Destinyverse that I've handed aspects of my own experiences to. These characters would be Eventide Twister, Monochrome, Dreamaria Flow, Skychaser, and Summer Rush.
Dream, Sky, and Summer have the most subtle connections, don't worry! It ties into the aggressive behavior they've faced in their lives, but to keep it from getting too personal, I'll end that thought there. <:3
Monochrome only has one aspect in particular that I gave them because it's something I struggle with and needed to give form. The chapter "Gallery of Infamy" alone embodies it: a desire to share the things that are important to you with others, especially those that matter most. But when you can't, you're often left with a sense of loneliness. Being able to explore that feeling through Monochrome was pretty freeing. ;w;/
Then there's Eventide Twister, who in all honesty embodies the most aspects in her own way. Specifically, her struggle with anxiety and her plotline with Heather. That's something I don't mind sharing: My ex-friend wasn't Heather. In fact, I've shaped Heather in a way that's made her completely different from the friend I knew. But she was my best friend for many years, whose toxic behavior shaped my anxiety into what it still is today. The chapter "Honesty", while the event that forever damaged me and my friendship didn't play out quite like that, holds heavy references to that event and embodies the emotions I was left with that day. Emotions I had to struggle with for years. But I've gotten better with my anxiety and can function better than I could years ago. I continue to handle my anxiety the best that I can! And everything I've ever learned from my experience, I'm handing over to Eventide. Because even when you're left damaged, without a single bit of closure in sight, you can still heal. You can still overcome your hurdles and build yourself up again. That's what Eventide's character arc is about. And I look forward to sharing what I have planned for her. <X3
There's something almost therapeutic about expressing these internalized experiences and feelings through a medium like this. It gives those things form and provides a way of reaching out and communicating them to others! It's incredible how much reception Eventide's arc received, and seeing others be able to connect and relate to her and share their own personal stories is something I find so, so meaningful. I can only ever hope that being able to see these characters have similar experiences or struggles helps people feel heard or a little less alone...! _______________________________________________________
6. What ships in your NG are endgame?  Like, which ones are gonna be official?  Like Skychaser and Evergreen
While I can't give a direct answer to that, this question allows me to provide a bit of insight, since I'm sure others have wondered this too!
The reason EverSky is so openly canon is because 1. Skychaser, before he was fully developed, was originally created specifically to be Evergreen's boyfriend. xDD Not that he wasn't going to have more to him, but! That's what motivated me to make him! Now he's developed a solid story role! And 2. I drew tons of EverSky before I even started working on Destinyverse, sO, it's out there in the open. xD
For the other endgame ships? I want to avoid outright confirming certain ships for reasons, and then there are others who I'm just not 100% certain with yet (like the idea of Summer Rush and Jonagold!). Just know that while certain things may be perceived as either romantic or platonic (platonic physical affection after all!!), I'm also...not the most subtle when it comes to hinting or enjoying my own ships. <xDD That's your clue! But I have at least established that ChromeTwister isn't endgame, and I confirmed that because hellevenIenjoyit but I don't want people getting upset thinking that's being set up when it's actually not and Monochrome's crush is a thing of the past. ;w; Feel free to ship what you want though!! As long as it's harmless and everyone's respectful of one another's ships (as well as the canon ships), it's all good. <xD _______________________________________________________
7. When we will see Evergreen past arc?
AH, surprised someone's asking for Evergreen! He indeed has his own past arc, and well...I want to say he'll most likely be the last character to get his revealed, BUT it also completely depends on which arcs I feel like working on as time passes. <xD I already feel like I'm jumping around and unable to settle on one character. But admittedly some things still need to be sorted out for Ever's, so! We'll see! _______________________________________________________
8. I've got a question/story idea for you. Are enchanted comics that pull you into the story an established form of entertainment in your world or was that one spike got one of a kind?
I had to look back at the episode in question, but it turns out Spike got that comic from a shop called "The House of Enchanted Comics", so apparently there are multiple! I'm sure that it's somepony's unique talent, since I imagine that kind of spell would be a rather complex one for just any unicorn to perform (and it's a rather specific creative approach)! And because it's unique, I don't think it's a form of entertainment everywhere! Since Spike's comic disappeared at the very end of the episode, I almost think these enchanted comics only have a single copy that can be borrowed before they teleport back to its creator! So there's just one very specific shop in Canterlot that provides such magical comics. c: Hope that creator has their form of comic-enchantment trademarked. u m u
9. On a related note, do you think Nova would ever invent a game console that magically sucks it's players in, either intentionally or accidentally? Given that he's Twilight's son I wouldn't be surprised if he could.
HAH, the thought never occurred to me, but hey! He probably could. uwu As a whole new generation of gaming~ Though it'd have to be intentional and consensual. xD And it'd be way down the line! His present goal is to just create immersive story-driven games. _______________________________________________________
10. This may be considered a spoiler but I still gotta ask- Are Pinkie and Sugarsocks gonna have any kids in ur storyline or are they just a little side idea?
For some reason my mind tells me that those two don't feel a need to have any kiddos! >:0 They're just livin the best life with their business and parties~ Caramello from the Cake family is kind of the closest thing they have to a kiddo they can love and spoil. uwu
11. Also are we gonna get more Everchaser/Skygreen (Evergreen and Skychaser) panic gay horse content in the future or no? Cuz lemme tell ya I do love my chaotic gay flirt horses lol
YOU HECKIN BET YOU WILL, THERE'S S O MUCH I STILL GOTTA DRAW xD I haven't even introduced their future daughter yet. I'll end up drawing stuff about her eventually. ;w; And I personally call their ship EverSky! Makes me think of a beautiful endless expanse of sky.
12. Also, what was the first nextgen you came up with an idea for, or what triggered you to start developing a nextgen story on Deviantart? I'm curious owo
I was inspired by Lopoddity's next gen artwork!! I was particularly enamored by her royal next gens and basically went "I...want to design...a kiddo for Luna", AND BOOM, WE GOT PRINCE AMADEUS, my first next gen! Princess Lumina followed after. c: From there I already had Dream Flow and Eventide Twister as characters (Eve was an undeveloped OC at the time), my friend had her character Star Chime, and the existence of my royal next gens started forming a story! A cover (now taken down unfortunately) of the song "Ballad of the Crystal Empire" kick-started ideas for an arc of the present-day story. And as more characters joined the cast, my brain exploded with ideas from there. <xD The realization that I could present this story via illustrated stories and art dumps was the final push I needed to start working on it!
13. I know abt PTX, but are any other characters inspired by celebs or media figures you like?
Nope! In reality I don't actually keep up with a lot of celebs and media figures. <xD Aside from youtubers maybe, but still.
14. What do you, Mia, personally like music-wise? What are a few of your favorite bands?
I always have a hard time naming genres because I kind of just like whatever songs sound good to me. <xDD But I think a common pattern is that I really enjoy emotionally-charged songs. Probably why I tend to enjoy songs from musicals (Dear Evan Hansen is perfection, fight me)! I also like things with a good beat, piano, strings, and a combination of all those things is mMMMMgoodshit.
For some bands! And singers! I enjoy Halsey, Panic! At The Disco, PVRIS, Rachel Platten, Paramore, and Marianas Trench!
15. Were you nervous about sharing you Pony next gen stuff?
Nah! I was already posting art and stories for other fandoms in the past, so posting for a new fandom wasn't bad! But most of all, I had a powerful desire to get out of my own way and get my stories out there. I have a hard time communicating my thoughts and ideas with people - or finding a place where I can do that - and it was wearing me down, internalizing my own ideas and passions. SO, sharing my stories became my way of communicating these thoughts and feelings and connecting with others!
16. Out of all your ships, which is your favorite? Parents of next gen/next gen or otherwise!
For canon characters; TwiTempest is my absolute jam. They're so freaking cute; perfectionistic and panicky princess and her cool-headed and secretly soft guard captain. HM. Runner up would be DaringDash. I never actually shipped them until after I paired them together to create Monochrome. Only then did I realize how cute of a couple they could make. Stubborn, blushy fools.
For my next gens: EverSky was my everything for the longest time, but then came another ship. I won't name the ship, partially because of my whole "no confirming" thing, but also because it's a ship that I don't think anyone will be able to fully appreciate or understand until you see it unfold for yourselves. ;w; It'll become obvious with time~
17. What advice you'd give someone who wants to share their own fun pony stories/ideas themselves?
WELL! SCREW CRINGE CULTURE FOR ONE. As long as you're not copying or using harmful ideas, HAVE FUN AND BE INSPIRED!! Your ideas deserve to be out there! Not receiving much attention at first can admittedly be disheartening, but please don't give up! Keep believing in your passion, keep expressing it and having fun, and people in time will be able to see and appreciate those things! Also remember that it's okay to retcon if you end up finding ideas that work better. c: And one of the best things is that there's no pressure in posting stories 100% in order. You could jump around from character to character, from present day to the past to an event in the future, etc. In the end, just make sure you're having fun. ;w;/
Also, always have something with you to record new ideas! Your phone, a google doc, a notepad, whatever you need to jot ideas down new ideas as they come! From experience, you might think "oh this is an interesting idea, I can remember it for later". NO. DON'T TRUST THAT MY DUDE. YOU WILL LIKELY FORGET AND THEN HAVE REGRETS AS YOU TRY TO CALL FORTH THAT ONE SCENE CONCEPT OR THAT PERFECT LINE OF DIALOGUE but can't. So just be safe and jot down every idea you like, even if you end up tossing it out in the end. ;w;
ANYWAY! It all starts with you, so please, make that move and share your work~ Who knows who you'll end up reaching with your stories!
18. Are you aware of how wonderfully talented and adorable you are?
*SQUINTS* I'm only including this cause you legit submitted it, but how dare Myansweristhanksbuthush _______________________________________________________
19. Regarding Dream, has she ever met any other unicorn with the same kind of magic as her? Would she like to? And if so, would she be happy to meet them? 
She hasn't! Then again, other than the few times Uncle Serein would take her out of town for an outing or for visits to her grandparents, Dream didn't get out of her town much. Not until she moved to Ponyville! Whether she'd like to meet a similar unicorn is a little MMM complicated. I think meeting another pony with her abilities would at least be a good opportunity to see if she understands the full extent and workings of her magic. >:0 _______________________________________________________
ANONS! 20. Since the last ask reminded me of your mystery dungeon kids: if Eventide, Skychaser, and Dream were a mystery dungeon team, which Pokemon would each of them be and what kind of roles would they take? (tank, ranged, etc)
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Dream Flow would be a shiny Ralts (emotion-abilities and psychic-type after all!) She'd be a ranged battler and healer!
Skychaser would be a Dartrix (no reason other than flying type + the hairstyle, and the hood for Decidueye. Besides, grass type boi would work well with grass type - possibly Roserade - Evergreen Glade~) And Sky would be a mixed fighter! Also have...have you guys looked up birds in hoodies. Please do.
Evie would be an Eevee~ Not only cause name play, but! Eventide's a char of possibilities. Darling's gotta find herself. ;w; While a reluctant fighter, if it means aiding her friends, Eve will do her best to fulfil her role as a close-ranged fighter (with Skychaser staying close to help out when needed). She'd also carry a wing-shaped backpack for the team's items! Evolution-wise? Even with no flying type Eeveelution, I think the most perfect evolution for her would have to be Sylveon~ You can piece together why. <X3 _______________________________________________________
21. Which characters were fun to develop and had the toughest backstory to plan?
Fun to develop? Oh Nova Spark all the way. A character who was originally created for fun and to serve the role of Prince Amadeus's best friend has developed into such a major character and I love him. It's probably why he has the longest past arc out of anyone, and also why I'm really excited to work on it BUT WELL I'm worried about leaving everyone else on the backburner. <xD
Hardest backstory to plan? Dream Flow. I've been developing her for over four years now and I'm still trying to sort her out. Heck I was figuring certain things out for her AS I was writing "Impasse". BUT HEY, I think I've settled on a good amount of Dream's story now! I'm sure I'll be editing some things as I go, but I've got a basic idea for what I want! _______________________________________________________
22. You've shown off kids for a lot of the MLP main cast, and they're all great! But one I've never seen mentioned and it has me curious. Does Starlight Glimmer have any kids? Will they be showing up even as a cameo/background pony?
Thanks! So this answer applies to all next gens, but for me to make a next gen, I need either 1. A ship I'm genuinely interested in! or 2. A character concept I want to design, thus I'll figure out parents that could fit the concept best. Examples would be Nova Spark (TwiTempest) and Beat Mania (VinylOctavia) for #1, and Monochrome and Skychaser for #2.
While a Starlight kid sounds nice, I just don't have a Starlight ship that's won me over. <xD Nor do I have any interesting char concepts I could use for a Starlight kid idea; BUT, the thing about that is that I'm not actively trying to create new character concepts. You see, I seem to have a hard time creating background next gen ponies because my mind likes to go off with ideas for almost every character I create. And with the amount of characters I already have, I really don't think I can balance any more characters in the cast without feeling a need to have them play a role in a main plot or another character's plot. And things are complicated as they are. <xDD SO you won't be seeing any new next gen designs unless I find a new MLP ship I REALLY like, or I think up an idea I really want to pursue! ;w;/ _______________________________________________________
23. Do any of the Destinyverse characters have friends that aren't ponies? Some of them did go to the school of friendship after all. Will we ever see them or have them mentioned?
Yep~! But see, those who have attended Friendship Elementary/the School of Friendship (Nova Spark, Eventide Twister, Astral Dusk and Monochrome) ironically are also the characters who have problems with friendship. <xD So none of them have non-pony friends presently.
As for those who do! Evergreen Glade actually has a Kirin friend who is very important to him. You'll meet him in Evergreen's past arc!
Summer Rush is very personable and probably has made friends with both ponies and non-ponies. ;w; None of them have been planned past being minor background characters, though. Maybe they'll have brief mentions! We'll see!
Princess Lumina has made friends with tons of royals/chiefs from other species! Comes with visiting or receiving visits from representatives/leaders/heirs of the other kingdoms within or outside of Equestria!
And finally Terra Rosa....may or may not have a friend who's not 100% human. Without realizing it. _______________________________________________________
24. They all seem to be around the same age, but who's the oldest/youngest of the Destinyverse crew?/How old is everyone supposed to be in Destinyverse?
Keep in mind these are approximate ages, from oldest to youngest! Princess Lumina is the oldest at 27. Then comes (big bro) Skychaser at 26. Summer Rush, Astral Dusk, and Prince Amadeus are around 23. Monochrome (and maybe Evergreen Glade) is 22. Eventide Twister, Nova Spark, and Dream Flow are around 20. And finally, Venture Gale is the youngest at about 14! _______________________________________________________
25. Will we ever be seeing more of Lumina or Amadeus? Will they have a part in this story?
Certainly! The only reason we haven't seen much of them is because we haven't explored the right characters that are connected to them! c: Which would be Prince Nova Spark and Star Chime (again, a friend's character!)! _______________________________________________________
26. Does Venture Gale read his mom's books? How does he react to them if so? Excited, embarrassed, or something else?
Absolutely~! He's a HUGE fan of his own mom's books! He gets so engrossed reading them, getting to re-experience his adventures in such an awesome light. It's exciting seeing himself as a character! Though he does get embarrassed when his mom adds extra narrative commentary, such as writing that Valor Wind is a fast-thinker, intelligent mind, a brave and honest soul, etc. His embarrassment is also fed by people who are die-hard fans of his character (Not that anyone knows he's Valor Wind or that the stories are real. But anyway, he's also incredibly flattered~)). Surprisingly, unlike Rainbow Dash who gets a HUGE ego boost out of their fans, Ven is a rather humble kiddo. But that's to be expected from the boy who becomes a red-faced bean over the slightest compliment. _______________________________________________________
27. Without spoilers, which Destinyverse character would you say has the biggest regrets about their past? Either in a single event or a long time thing?
Astral Dusk. It never occured to me until I read this question, but regret is a leading theme in present-day Astral's character conflict. _______________________________________________________
28. Who is your least to most fav character to draw in Destinyverse? Why?
Favorite character to draw? Nova Spark I think! I love coloring his gradient hair. Much simpler than hair streaks, and it's very pretty <xDD From there, everyone else so far has been on pretty neutral ground.
Now when I say "least favorite", in this case I mean the char that gives me the hardest time. And that'd be Skychaser, only because of his dang hair. <xD Getting the right curls and shape is WEIRDLY hard, but hey that's the price to pay for luscious hair. _______________________________________________________
29. What's Nova and Monochrome's relationship like?
Hehe~ It's a healthy one, built on trust and a sense of understanding they don't really share with anyone else in their lives. They often find themselves on the same wavelength and constantly have one another's back. If I can choose one word that embodies their relationship, I would choose...loyalty.
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glapplebloom · 5 years
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The Beginning of the End for a lot of things...
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It begins with everyone running towards Canterlot Castle. They all got an emergency summons to see the Princess and being an emergency, they think its the worst case scenario. When they arrived, nothing is wrong but the urgent summons is a legit urgency...
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They have decided to retire from being a Princess. And who’ll take over being the ruler of Equestria? A certain Purple Alicorn we all know. And the exchange in power will take place in a few days. Twilight takes it well...
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Twilight is so predictable on how she would react, everyone decides to call this Twilighting. Also a meta joke about Twilight wondering what they would do without Princess help and them realizing they really haven’t been.
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Meanwhile, someone has been gathering the greatest villains of Equestria (as well as Chrysalis) together. This also includes the VERY TALKATIVE King Sombra. Earlier I was wondering how Sombra was going to be like and technically my 3 and 4 were correct...
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This Generation’s Grogar was the one who gathered them all together. And with him being able to get Tirek and Cozy out of Tartarus and Sombra from out of the Ether (gonna assume the shard explosion was that), he united them for one goal: to destroy Twilight and Her Friends.
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Now if you have been reading my Twilight and the Ministry, I have a currently ongoing story that has a similar premise. I joke about them stealing my idea, but a team of Super Villains uniting is a trope that pretty much anyone has done, and people have done with MLP. So let’s instead focus on improving problems I had with the villains.
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On Grogar’s side: the one thing that bothered me from his original was the frikkin bell weakness. Either remove the one around his neck or ring a giant unguarded bell and boom, you beat him. They removed the Bell and also made him not only the first ruler of Equestria, but also the father of monsters. In a sense, everyone here is his kids.
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On the flipside: Sombra has become a completely different character. He’s shown more personality (and said things) within this one scene compared to the two parter. In fact, he wants to go at it alone to take over the Crystal Empire himself. So Grogar allows it: if Sombra succeeds, he can keep the Empire. If he fails, either he’ll return to serve Grogar or return to the darkness he once came.
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At the School of Friendship, Twilighting has gone Code Red. Starlight tries to do reverse psychology by Twilighting herself when she heard the news that she’ll be taking over the castle and the school when Twilight takes over Equestria. Didn’t work.
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After being sent there by Grogar, Sombra takes over the Crystal Empire pretty easily. Those helmets mind control ponies, which he can do without them. And once he captured Flurry Heart, Cadance and Shining fell. Luckily she sent a note to Twilight before that happened. Of course, this wouldn’t happen if the Crystal Guards were good at their jobs.
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Back with Twilight, since Discord refuses to help (you’ll see why later), Twilight gathers her friends to stop Sombra by bringing with them the Elements of Harmony because they fear he will have the Crystal Heart. While Discord says it doesn’t count on handling things on her own, when family is threatened she has to take no chances.
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And they seemingly defeated Sombra pretty easily. But it turns out this was all a ploy by Sombra to follow them to the Tree of Harmony and destroy it alongside the Elements. At this point I figured: oh, they’re still in the Sombra Nightmare and they’ll bust out when they realize the elements are within them. But nope, this is all real.
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So let’s summarize the next few parts: Sombra captures them, decides to not give them the Sombra Nightmare Stare because he’s going to use Ponyville as his army against Canterlot. He succeeds in taking over Canterlot because the Princesses weren’t there. And because the Tree of Harmony was keeping the Everfree Forest in check, vines are taking over Ponyville.
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So remember when people were complaining that Sunset Shimmer’s plan wasn’t going to work? Sombra pretty much showed that yeah, it totally would have worked.
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Back to summarizing, the Girls dig their way out (including Rarity), Luna, Celestia, and Starswirl kept the Everfree Forest at bay and the girls got passed all of Canterlot and Ponyville (including against the Wonderbolts) to try to face Sombra on their own.
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With the exception of Discord because he probably could have solved this instantly. But after saying Fluttershy is his favorite, Sombra attacks her. Discord jumps in front of it to save her, and seems hurt serverely. But one last pep talk from him gives Twilight and the others the confidence to defeat Sombra.
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Because they are the Elements of Harmony. They don’t need no stinking Jewelry to defeat him. Sombra is defeated once more. Everyone is back. Discord reveals he was pretending to be hurt to give them confidence, and the Princess delaying their retirement because, while Twilight has proven she would be a great leader, it was unfair of them to rush her into the role.
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But with Sombra’s defeat Grogar warns them that unless they work together, they will succeed where Sombra fails. Overall, a great beginning to the end of the series. I bet this will lead to a great finale.
Rewriting it is going to be tricky. For starters, spoilers, Tempest is going to be working the Crystal Empire beat. So off the bat they’ll be major changes with the story going forward. Plus, I reformed Sombra taking into consideration the Siege of the Crystal Empire as canon. So I would have to figure out how Sombra became bad.
Decided to go the clone route because, face it, this Sombra and the Sombra we saw previously are like two completely different people. One is so questionable if he was a threat and the other definitely showing a lot more creativity, personality, and ability. And with how powerful Grogar is, I can totally see him making a Sombra from the Evil that left him (maybe throw in the Mirror Sombra as being a base, maybe not).
So the difference will be the following: Grogar united the villains to defeat Apple Bloom once and for all. He created the Copy Sombra to fill in the ranks, but because of how different he is refuses to go along and try to take over himself. Grogar allows it, knowing he could always make another. When Cadance sends a letter to Ponyville, its to Apple Bloom.
Tempest, realizing how the Storm King took over the Crystal Empire, went to protect Flurry Heart before Sombra could get to her. So Tempest and Cadance takes on Sombra while Shining Armor does his best to deal with those under mind control. Sombra is doing well since Tempest is doing double duty on protecting Flurry and Cadance, who she doesn’t want to see get hurt.
Apple Bloom eventually arrives and tackles Sombra away from the two. This gives Tempest time to give Flurry Heart to Cadance and join the fight proper. Sombra isn’t doing as well against two Green Lanterns, but every time Apple Bloom tries to capture him he slips by. That’s when Tempest got an idea. 
Using the Ring, Tempest creates a Green Energy Ball that looks similar to her time working with the Storm King. While Apple Bloom continues to distract, the Tempest comes out of nowhere and hits Sombra head first with it, turning him into stone. Apple Bloom catches him before he smashes to the ground, because she wants answers as to why Sombra turned bad again.
So while Grogar warns the others about failure, the real Sombra and Hope make their way back to the Crystal Empire, finally finding a way for Sombra to be next to the Crystal Heart without being hurt. This will lead to next week’s story... Also, I’ll be needing to resprite Sombra as well as make a new Tirek sprite. I get the feeling I’ll be needing them soon enough.
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digikate813 · 5 years
My Little Pony Re-Watch: Episode 12 Call of the Cutie
*The first of what would become quite a few episodes that don’t focus on our core cast. Which is already rare in a lot of shows, but considering that our Mane cast is so large, it doesn’t come off as a desperate need for ideas or something like that. But a way to flesh out the world, even in just this small provincial town beyond our main characters
*And even then, we have seen Applebloom before, so we already have a connection to her. But this episode is entirely hers. And talks about a part of growing up in the land of Eqeustria that can’t really be explored with the Mane Six. Trying to get a cutie mark.
*There is quite a bit of discussion on the nature of cutie marks, how they work, and what it means for a pony’s life to be represented by a single tattoo. But I’m just, not gonna go there. For now this is the first of many episodes with Applebloom trying to earn her cutie mark, while not quite getting that you can’t force something like that, and it’s something you won’t be able to identify until the moment is right. Which could be applied to a lot of milestones for kids and young adults.
*This episode also introduces us to many other fillies. Like Twist who used to be the fandom’s punching bag to the point that she evaporated from the show after a while, but honestly i always thought she was kind of cute.
*And Applebloom’s schoolyard bullies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Who for now anyway, are, the worst! And i never felt these two were too unbelievable in their bullying. At least not in this episode. There are kids out there who act like this, and it can easily hurt even if, from an adult perspective, you know how little their words should mean. Maybe it just hits a little too close to home idk.
*I did like seeing Applebloom trying to figure out what exactly it means to get a cutie mark. Talking to both Applejack and Rainbow Dash and how they got their marks under different circumstances. Plus I always like learning about the Mane Six’s pasts.
*And the first few of what would become many random attempts Applebloom tries at just trying to stumble upon her special talent by trying as much stuff as possible.(Buy some apples! Buy some apples! Buy some apples!)
*First speaking role from Doctor Whooves! Not sure if the fandom had adopted that name for him by this point, but as my favorite background pony, this is very significant for me
*I also really love the Cupcake Song. I don’t know why but it’s the catchiest song form Pinkie in Season 1 to me. Let’s just, not talk about Pinkie’s other connection to cupcakes...
*Oh my Celestia! Applejack is such a parent sometimes! Unknowingly pushing Applebloom back into a party she doesn’t want to be at out of fear of embarrassment, oblivious to all of this thinking her little sister has gotten over it. Think we’ve all been there.
*But the most significant thing about this episode is the debut of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Defending Applebloom and becoming quick friends who decide to help each other find their special talents, as the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Which is really, really adorable, and sends a great message as far as I’m concerned. That sometimes the things that make you an outcast will help you relate to someone else in the same position, which will help you form more genuine bonds that can help all involved grow. A message that only gets stronger with each future CMC episode. But that’s for another time.
*For now, this episode once again delivers a relatable message through a new perspective, in a way that could only be told in this world. Cutie marks have been around since the original My Little Ponies, and I have to wonder if they’ve ever carried this much weight in a pony’s life as they do here. The concept id the kind of thing a reboot can do best. Take an aspect unique to that franchise, and expand on it to tell interesting and fun stories. Next Time: Fall Weather Friends!
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heloflor · 6 years
Any thoughts on how Discord is a legit abuse survivor at the hands of Tirek and how that plays into his development/occasional relapses?
(Sorry if the answer is so late, I didn’t have internet for all week and I probably won’t have it again until next week-end >_
To be honest…I actually don’t really know how to answer about Discord being an abuse survivor. Thing is, I can’t say I really know stuff about social abuse aside from bullying; so as much as I can understand why people see their relationship as abusive, I tend to consider it as more of a false friendship in the sense that Tirek shows respect towards Discord (flattering him at the beggining, letting him cause chaos) but only because Discord is more powerful than him; and when he gets enough power Tirek can betray him, showing his true intentions. I mean, I don’t remember all the scenes but from what I remember, the only moment Tirek “hurts” Discord during their conquering is when Tirek learns about Twilight and grabs his neck; and in that moment Discord isn’t afraid to tell Tirek he had doubts about Tirek considering what they do as teamwork, which make me feel like, if Discord was the “villain’s sidekick who do the hard work”, he still had some control over the “friendship”.
But for how it plays in Discord’s development, it does plays a lot for his reformation. (here comes the long rambling…)
Thing is, “Twilight’s Kingdom” seems to have two “plots” in it : in one hand, Twilight learns what her role as a princess is; and on the other Discord learns what friendship really means. Off-topic but this is kinda visible during the “bubble” scene. This scene, aside from being the moment Twilight gets her key, also feels like the moment Discord makes amends for what he did while realizing what ponykind has to offer to him. So it could be a “double” point of view. And, when Tirek makes the bubbles appear, you have three shots showing the mane 5 + Spike and one of the shots only shows Fluttershy, at the center of the screen; and later on, when the bubbles pop, Fluttershy is also shown alone in the middle, considering that Fluttershy is the one who reformed Discord in the first place.
But getting back to Discord, the events with Tirek are important because he realize what he can really have by being reformed. Indeed, in “Princess Twilight Sparkle”, it’s shown that Discord reformed for two reasons : having one friend, not Fluttershy but at least one friend (and, if it can count as proof, in this episode, not only Discord doesn’t care, misspelling her name while grabbing Rainbow Dash; but Fluttershy barely gives him the benefit of the doubt and when he’s next to her at one point, she looks rather uncomfortable and even ashamed when Discord hurts Rainbow; which actually makes the reformation more realistic than the ending of “Keep Calm and Flutter On” who was adorable but maybe too bittersweet considering the character) and the other reason, which seems to be the most important to him is to be free from his stone prison(which is pretty understandable honestly).
But thing is, as time went and as seen in “Three’s a Crowd”, while most of the mane 6 decided to “give up” on Discord, being like “Yeah, you reformed so now please go do your life away from ours and everything will be fine”, Fluttershy decided otherwise and started to show more kindness to Discord, sending him letters and all to make him a “true” friend instead of just a guy she had to be nice to to avoid having him destroy everything. And in “Three’s a Crowd”, we can see that Discord started to see her as a real friend and is happy to have her around (also, interesting development from Fluttershy too : in this episode, the way she pets him at the end makes it feel like she doesn’t see him yet as a pony but more as an animal friend; it may be just me but I find it interesting to see her having trouble too when it comes to treat him like a pony at first (and by pony I mean like how they see Spike as one of them). And good thing that in the finale she seems to “finally” see him as a pony).
And then comes “Twilight’s Kingdom”, in which the beggining tells a lot about how the ponies see Discord. I mean, it’s obvious that he doesn’t spend time with characters other than the mane 6 so surely the background ponies must be afraid of him. As for the others : the princesses are all shocked when Celestia suggest him and, when Discord talks to the mane 6, their facial expression show that they want him away, at one point Rainbow “hit” him and Applejack shows happiness when he’s away. Heck, during this dialogue, the only positive feeling Discord recieve from the ponies is when Fluttershy confirm their tea party (and that would actually explain why he looks so happy about it). So how do all of that affect Discord ? When he talks to Tirek for the first time, he tells him about how he’s doing it for Fluttershy and, when he hesitates, he looks at a picture of her. In the end, Discord doesn’t care about ponykind aside from that one pony. (and honestly, who would blame him ? He didn’t know anything about friendship at that time so if others don’t want to give from themselves to befriend him then why would he do so ? BTW unrelated but I don’t think that makes Twilight a true hypocrite when she complains to Celestia about how Discord betrayed them because yes she never tried to reach him but moments ago she realized that he was truly trying to help them with the diary and she may possibly have started to consider trying to befriend him more at that point)
So then comes Tirek who offers him a deal : having one friend but not using magic much or having a new friend while being able to plunge the world into chaos. And, although it’s not just “having one friend” anymore but “having Fluttershy as a friend”, considering he probably still had a lot of his previous ambition and considering the hostility coming from the others, and like he says himself when the mane 5 are trapped (”Surely you saw this coming ?”), he may have though that Fluttershy was faking most of the time to keep him under watch (even though he got attached to her); so Tirek’s choice was a “win-win” (friend + magic). So it’s only during the betrayal scene that he realize not only that Fluttershy does really care about him (with the “I didn’t. I truly didn’t”) but also that Tirek was a toxic “friend” who was playing him to get power, making him also realize that trying to take over the world isn’t worth it when you can have friend instead.
So yeah, all this rambling just to say that Tirek helps making Discord realize what friendship means and to be also wary of others (in a way), helping Discord reaching the point of true reformation by putting him in the worse situation (betrayal, no magic, making Flutters feel terrible).
As for how it plays for his occasionnal relapses (I swear this won’t be as long), personally, I only saw the event playing his first relapse in “Make New Friends But Keep Discord”. After all, in “Dungeons and Discords”, for a while he tries not to get too pissed, teleporting the others two into a jazzy place before relapsing (so it’s mostly linked to his lack of consideration towards Spike and Big Mac and his own patience), in “To Where and Back Again” well…let’s just say Changelings were lucky that this ex-machina throne exist or he would have probably gone on a rampage to save him waifu best buddy and for “A Matter of Principals”…yeah…I talked about that one in another post; he’s acting more like his S4 self so I wouldn’t really count it here tbh (even though it’s rather unfair to exclude an episode just because I feel like Discord was badly written for the most part).
But yeah, getting back to S5, thing is, after the Tirek incident, it may be possible to consider that Discord decided to stop using magic as much as he used to. But thing is, chaos is all he ever had before his reformation. So at that point, if he did try to use less his magic, it’s believable to have him turn to the only other thing he “has” : Fluttershy. When you look at the way he acts in “Make New Friends But Keep Discord”, he’s being very obsessive towards her. Heck, though I barely know anything in this domain, I would even call it a co-dependent relationship, which is something truly toxic (which is also why I consider this episode and “Dungeons and Discords” as very important for Discord because in both of them he learns about having multiple friends, making him less glued to Fluttershy and so having a healthy relationship with her).
So yeah, I believe that, if he gets so mad at the idea of losing her, it’s because, after what hapened with Tirek, she becomes everything he has, making his relapse linked to the Tirek incident. Also, when you think of it, considering he was betrayed by Tirek, he could also fear that Fluttershy ends up turning her back on him to go with someone else.
…Well, that’s one long rambling. I hope it wasn’t too long and boring to read (and thanks if you read it all !).   
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reginrokkr · 2 years
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Kingdom of Light and descent to the Kingdom of Darkness.
It is widely known that a specific collective of humans users of a Vision are capable of ascending to the Kingdom of Light —Celestia— if The Seven deem them worth it. However, what happens to those who ascend to the heavenly kingdom? Contrary to popular belief, those blessed with their ascension don’t become gods. Instead, they become servants of the same while benefiting of living in a paradise devoid of the danger that quanta supposes. So upon being aware of the existence of the Pearl of Genesis that’s in the Kingdom of Darkness —Khaenri’ah—, the gods decided to have the heiress to the current king of humans in Celestia do the bidding and descend to the forgotten nation.
Why send a human when one of the gods could seek the pearl instead? Given their fear for corruption that quanta can bring to anyone including the divine, the safest option for them is to have someone who isn’t one of them do the task instead, a human. Not without taking measures, nonetheless. The reasoning behind acknowledging that even sending a human poses a danger is that Khaenri’ah is very close to the Abyss, and thus whoever will go to seek the pearl is bound to be infected by quanta. Thus as a means to avoid the exposure of quanta should said human return to Celestia and having been touched by abyssal energy, the gods cast secretly a spell upon the chosen to do the bidding: should the human be minimally touched by abyssal energy, all memories of their origins in holy ground such as Celestia will be wiped away so they won’t return to the Kingdom of Light.
As The Seven had foreseen, the chosen heiress to descend to Khaenri’ah —later known as the Unknown God— is indeed touched by the abyssal energy and thus all her memories of her royal origins in Celestia are erased from her mind. This would cause the posterior coronation as the queen of the Abyss before her ascent to godhood.
On the other side, upon taking notice that the heiress doesn’t return and the bubbling concern that she might’ve fallen victim to the abyssal energy, the king sends the second heir in line— Dainsleif to seek himself the Pearl of Genesis and rescue his sister so the two of them may return safely to their home. Nevertheless, despite possessing a strong will and not being victim of any possible corruption, he is exposed to quanta as well and thus his memories of his life in Celestia as well as his sister’s are wiped away completely. With nothing to remain in an empty mind but a strong instinct and wish for protection originally aimed towards his sister, the royal family of the Eclipse dynasty offers him the role of royal guard upon seeing the talent this man has for combat with nothing but a sword and his strong sense for justice, soon to be widely recognized as the Twilight Sword.
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evillovelust666 · 2 years
Fictional World Role Play: “Being Hunted”
I'm in my animal form walking through the fields seeing all the animals even saying hi to all the poke'mon and my little pony Gen 1, 2, and 3 (along with all the akitas from the Ginga series, all the white lions from Jungle Emperor and Janguru Taitei of Kimba, Phineas Fox etc.) then stopping by the forest checking the premise of japanese wind chimes with different colors and japanese syllables 
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you see a while back when my Master Zim gifted me after years of being experiment I use my magic to protect the animals, poke'mon and all that is nature of lakes, deserts, mountains, forest, ocean, fields, etc. Even all the legendary poke'mon and my little pony lend their powers combine with mine along with a part of my soul made the japanese wind chimes stronger I spread them throughout the world as their in place they will never get destroy from the weather as their still standing chiming and glowing keeping everything safe years later Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Celestia lend their powers to the japanese chimes as well (Note: grown up Princess Twilight Sparkle help with the matter too later on) as I'm enjoying the scenery I spotted a dark portal that's near the forest but the japanese wind chimes kept glowing protecting from any threats as I went closer I began to think me: "If I don't do something to get rid of this portal all the animals, poke'mon, my little pony, and everyone of my childhood will be in danger I had to close it if that will stop it" so I went into the portal and just like that the portal disappear no longer standing by the forest as I look to see where I am it turns out that I'm in Pentagram City 
me: "Well at least the portal is gone but who put it there? it prevent any threats from entering all that is nature unless it was put there for me hmm..." me: "Strange well might as well walk around hell since I'm here" so I walked seeing all the inhabitants of Pentagram City walking down the sidewalk until I came to a display window of TV's there is Vox showing his offers and ads until his eyes saw me then it began to share all the tv screens making a large Vox smiling down at me with his evil grin and sinister cackle 
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this looks like a test seeing how will I react luckily the glass of the display window is there so I can think of something without breaking it I growl at Vox in an attack mode then I jump at the window hitting it with my paw without making a crack yelling me: "NYAA!!!!!!!!" then I ran off his eyes kept watching me until I'm out of sight as I ran I stop to take a breather I turn to see a forest Hell's version it looks normal but the aura is ominous so I went into Hell's Forest going further and further I can still see the red sky somehow I'm in the heart of Hell's Forest walking slowly staying cautious suddenly I heard a cock of the gun I look around walking backwards listening to were the noise is coming from then shots fire I dodge and made a run for it dodging the bullets left and right I kept running knowing that someone is pursuing me so I took a a quick turn and began climbing the tree until I'm on a highest branch I'm panting laying low until I heard a familiar voice that sends me chills down my spine Alastor: "Oh Stacy, Where are you?" I peek and there he is with his hunting rifle that's when I realize
me speaking in thought: "It was him that try to shot me he's hunting me down I heard about his hunting skills when he was alive knowing about his life as a serial killer of New Orleans I better stay alert" as I kept looking watching his every move he turn his head in an disturbing way spotting me Alastor: "There you are!" me: "SHIT!!!!" I began to jump tree to tree branch to branch as he began shooting dodging his bullets until it hit the branch with a powerful force causing me to fall hitting my body from each tree until I hit the ground I stagger getting up it hurts but I can still run as I did the bullet hit my side I scream from the impact with another staggering I kept on running then another bullet hit my leg and I tripped rolling down the hill and crash again my breathing is heavy laying there until Alastor saw me and began to come closer his evil smile amuse at my wounded form he chuckles Alastor: "I'm impress you made it this far now for the final act" he pointed his hunting rifle at me and ask in a dark and malice tone Alastor: "What will you do Stacy?"  
I got up panting while staggering from two bullets I stare at his hunting rifle I remember from my training with Zim that I should never back down from a fight
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and began to charge he fire but I dodge it and leap grabbing his hunting riffle with my mouth using my strength to grab it out of his hand and land behind him he turn and stare at me as I'm standing with his hunting rifle in his mouth I put it down and took a few steps backwards he applause and went to put his hunting rifle away Alastor: "My my what an astonishing performance you done there staring death in the eyes and a valiant leap you truly impress me" me: "Yeah I didn't know you were the one hunting me took me by surprise" I look at my wounds from the bullets it still hurts like a bitch me: "I better get these bullets out" just as I was about to summon the briefcase that contains the Veronica, G, and T virus he pinned me to the ground disabling me from moving Alastor: "Perhaps I can be of some assistance my dear" he evilly chuckle first he went to my side looking at were the bullet hit me speaking in thought: "Is he going to rip me apart in order to get the bullet? oh god its just like "Wild Discovery" were the baby gazelle is being eaten alive by the baboon" he read my thoughts and assure me Alastor: "Don't fret I won't tear you apart but you have to trust me" I was able to nod just can't see what he's doing then he summons black tentacles to have me restrain and using his free hands spreading my fur of my side he marvel at were the blood is from the shot and sniff he purrs at the aroma and began using his tongue and went inside my side I flinch feeling his tongue searching until he found the bullet and pull it out with the bullet in his mouth I was panting after that he spit the bullet aside and went to my leg he stop and just stare at it me: "Hey why aren't you getting the second bullet out? what's with all the waiting?" he walk around me humming in his thoughts a sinister plan began to unfolds he was right in front of me in a knell position and answer
Alastor: "Well my dear tastings your inside while getting the bullet out made me hunger your blood entrance me and now..." he grab my face his eyes glow of hunger and ghosting my mouth Alastor: "I want more I crave for your flesh" he went to my leg and pull out his hunting knife the black tentacle lift my leg at his expertise and began cutting away at my leg I face down into the ground while screaming at the excruciating pain me: "MMMNNNNRRRRRFFFFFFFFHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" my claws digging in the ground making scratch marks on it he stop midway from cutting and lean to my ear whispering sweet nothingness Alastor: " Don't stop, try to resist more" he evilly chuckle and resume cutting my leg until it came off blood gushing everywere while the black tentacles let me go I use my copycat jutsu and summon vectors to stop the bleeding panting while tears were streaming down both my cheeks I stare at him as he began devouring my leg hearing the crunching of the bone until there's nothing left but the blood on his mouth chewing at the last piece of flesh until he spit out the second bullet I wipe my tears with my paw and began to summoning the briefcase and open it using my vector to grab the syringe of the Veronica, G, and T virus and inject it above my amputated leg the virus began to take effect I flinch and yell at the catastrophic amount of pain as it began to regenerate it began to take form from the bone to the veins flesh and blood then fur my leg looks good as new I slowly walk around to gain balance of my new leg Alastor watched the whole thing amaze at what he witness Alastor: "So that's how you regenerate your limbs interesting" his signature smile never left his face me: "Yes the virus has help me in case my body and limbs get mutilated in battle but when injecting it its still hurts from the regenerating process" I lay down panting slowly Alastor sit next to me me: "The only thing left is blood after my body regenerate I need to drink blood in order to give me strength"
when he hear this he smile and use his hunting knife and slit his finger I was startle at what he did me: "Why did you do that?" Alastor: "You said you needed blood to replenish your strength so I thought that this should suffice" I blush trying to compose myself me: "You don't have to do this?" Alastor: "Oh but I insist" he began to place his slit finger in front of me he's enjoying my flustering state and laugh leaning up to me and said in an seductive tone
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Alastor: "Go on darling drink" as his finger drip more blood my eyes went wide changing colors the smell of his blood makes it hard to resist
(note: like this vibe)
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I lean to his finger and began to lick it without biting it he hums at this sensation letting me have a small amount of blood but then he move his finger away and healing himself he enjoys teasing me and stare at me my eyes were not back to normal me: " I'm sorry but a small pint is not going to be enough to satisfied this hunger please I need more Alastor" he hums in thought and gave me permission Alastor: "Were do you want it?" me: "Your neck please" he's glad that I ask politely and began to take off his suit then his shirt showing his chest and scars all over him I walk up to his lap and lick the area where I'm about to bite me: "Don't worry I won't make you feel blood loss" I began to bite down drinking his blood he place his hand on my back patting as I continue drinking after that I stop drinking and place a kiss were I bit and stare at him with a bloodied mouth and my eyes began to went back to normal me: "Thank you my Master Alastor this is enough for me" suddenly he lift my chin and began to deepen the kiss making me moan feeling each others tongue until a string of saliva and blood then we took a breather Alastor: "The pleasure is all mine ma cherie"
after he put his clothes back on he pick me up and carry me in his arms making me blush me: "Hey I can walk on my own you don't have to do that" he hums at my reaction and explain Alastor: "Your body still needs to rest its the least I can do" he stare at me as my face went all red and I look away he quietly chuckles as we both left Hell's Forest
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