#they should’ve just switched the names of the sisters if they didn’t want two Mary Tudors
duckpatrolsquad · 10 months
so I’m watching The Tudors for the first time after reading about them for a while, and I just find it so funny that they combined Henry VIII’s sisters into one character. Does Mary, Queen of Scots even exist in The Tudors world? Does the entire Stuart line after James V just not exist?
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terry-perry · 5 years
Preyed Upon pt. 2
A/N: This chapter will include a small flashback. Once again, OCs were created by @ladyfluff​​, and the flashback setting is based off her Fire Beneath His Skin. series. Give her a follow if you haven’t already, especially since her current work is full of amazing Arthur Fleck/Joker fanfiction.
Also, TRIGGER WARNING for torture, kidnap, and other dark themes!
And as always, enjoy the read!
Some centuries ago...
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Peter glanced up at the entrance to the tavern when hearing it be opened so abruptly. He gave the small hooded figure that came in some mild interest before he went back to wiping down the bar. With a book clutched in their hands, the figure took in their surroundings for a few moments until taking light, quick strides to where Peter was and sat down.
“Ale, please,” they requested in a low tone.
Peter almost didn’t hear them since their head was bowed as well. He poured out a glass of the drink they asked for, slid it over, and then returned to his previous actions.
“Did father bring home another suitor for you?” he asked, not even bothering to glance up.
“This one is, at least, closer to my age,” the figure said, opening up their book. “By ten years.”
Chuckling, Peter looked up in time to catch his baby sister twist her lips with contempt.
“You know, you and Adam have the same disgusted scowl,” he chuckled once more when she sent a serious stare his direction. He raised his hands up in mock surrender. “Looks better on you, though.”
Y/N gave a small laugh of her own in spite of herself; Peter always had the ability to make her smile. She missed his presence at home. He was protective of her the way Adam was, sure, but he showed more leniency with the decisions she made and just cared more about her happiness. He was supportive with everything she did, and always by her side when she wanted to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow, ride a horse, or anything else that wasn’t considered “lady-like.” And while Adam was the one she enjoyed spending the quiet with, Peter was the one she loved going to to share witty banter and gossip.
“Speaking of Adam,” Peter continued. “Is he doing all he can to keep them busy?”
“As we speak,” Y/N answered, taking a swig of her drink afterwards. “He should be arriving before sunset to take me home, if things go according to plan.” She took another generous sip of her ale and sighed. “But I don’t know...I feel this is all becoming too much. Perhaps I should consider meeting with one of-”
“Y/N,” Peter interrupted, now watching her with a solemn look. “You can’t be serious.”
She swirled the last of her drink around the glass and shrugged. “It’s just a thought I’ve been having lately.” She peered up at him. “You’ve seemed to have made the most out of your marriage. Perhaps I can do the same.”
“It’s different with me, you know that. The second you’re married off, it’ll be the end of any remaining freedom you can have.”
She knew he was right. Although Peter couldn’t openly be with who he truly loved, he still had a good say in where he went and what he did while his wife Mary stayed at home and patiently waited for him. That could easily be Y/N’s fate as well: a dutiful life of slaving away and waiting for her husband that was off doing God knows what, along with tending to their children. Some of the girls she knew from town had been wed by their late teens, then had their second or third child on the way by the time they were in their twenties. Her father was growing more insistent in having her be married off since she was already reaching her mid-twenties.
She managed to distance herself from the girls she knew, and did her best to evade the path that was made for her since she first bled. Though as much as she craved for excitement and change in lieu of the infinite security a woman was promised in exchange for their hand, that idea constantly fell on deaf ears. It was all becoming too much of an effort to find a way to explore any other possibilities the same way her brothers tried to. Surely there had to be more people who shared similar viewpoints.
Y/N drained the last of her ale and had Peter fill up her glass again. “I just wish you and Adam didn’t have to go through so much trouble for me, as well. This is my issue alone. I must learn to make peace with what I have.”
Peter gave a long, weary sigh of his own. He reached over to place his hand over hers and give her a soft, sincere smile.
“We do it because we love you,” he told her honestly, giving her hand a squeeze. “You know that. You are a good person with a good heart. No man should take advantage of your kind and clever nature if he isn’t worthy of you. You deserve much more than what you can settle for.”
Once again, he had no trouble getting her to perk up. 
“Have you...also thought more about my offer?” 
Peter now spoke of the job offer he gave her last week to help him tend the tavern. He told her that Herman was always in need for an extra set of hands to help run the place, especially lately since he was still recovering from a bad illness.
“Are you sure Herman wouldn’t mind my working here?”
“Absolutely! That bum is always asking for some help around here. There’s even an extra room upstairs you can stay in. It may not be the most exciting job, but it pays well enough for you to get by. And there’s always plenty of interesting folk that stop by, though there might be some that will grab at you. You remember some of the tricks I’ve taught you, correct?”
“Avoid aiming for the chest and knees - go for the nose, underneath the chin, or the jugular instead,” she remembered. “Strike with the heel of my palm or elbow with a full and quick force since a strong recoil of my attack will keep them staggering long enough for me to escape.”
His smile morphed into a proud little smirk as he raised a small glass of wine that he poured for himself to her. “I’ve taught you well,”
The siblings clinked their drinks together and switched the conversation to lighter topics. The afternoon soon grew to early evening, and Y/N’s inhibitions began to slowly drop once she was halfway done with her third ale. Her giggles were a little more random and audible; Peter having the need to shush her every time she got too loud and might bring unwanted attention. It was when he leaned over to help her stay steady as she swayed a bit in her seat that her book slipped and fell to the floor instead.
“Oops,” she squeaked.
She reached down to pick it up when her head met with someone else’s in a harsh THUD! She winced from the pain and did her best to massage it away (Peter snorted behind his hand from watching the scene). Once she properly stood up again and opened her eyes, she froze from seeing who stood before her. 
Standing in front of her was a young man that looked to be around her age and rubbing his own head. He was pale with bright, blue eyes and dark, brown curls. When looking at him, the first word that came to her mind was “cherub.” Especially when a light blush rose to his cheeks after they locked eyes.
“F-Forgive me, miss,” he stammered out. “I was just trying to pick up that book of yours for you. Didn’t mean to bump into you.”
Y/N shook herself out of her daze and gave him a sweet smile.
“That’s quite all right darling,” she giggled. “I should’ve been smarter with where I put it.”
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“I-I’m sure you’re very bright. Judging by how large the book is, anyway. Looks as though it contains words I don’t even know.”
In an instant, she knew he was different from all the other men who’d talk to her. From his not seeming to care about her being a woman alone in the tavern, to his praising her assumed intelligence instead of her looks. Peter, sensing the connection forming, made his way down to talk to another patron with a cheeky smile on his lips.
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“Do you enjoy reading?” Y/N asked the boy.
“Um, I’m not very good at it, I’m afraid,”
“Well, perhaps I can teach yo-”
At the sound of her name, Y/N turned towards the entrance and had her grin quickly vanish from her face. Adam had sheepishly came in as he trailed behind their fuming father. The place went silent when the two men came in, with even Peter feeling like a cowering child despite his height and built. Their father’s rage always seemed to have that kind of effect on them.
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“P-Papa,” Y/N muttered.
“So it’s true then!” The older man barked, marching across the tavern to yank his daughter towards him. “Here you are!”
“Father, it was my fault,” Peter defended. “She was in the village picking out ingredients to take home for supper, and I had invited her in for a small visi-”
“You hold your tongue!” Their father snapped at him with an accusatory finger. “I know exactly what she’s been up to!” He then pointed back to Y/N while the daggers in his glare sharpened. “You are coming home this instant!”
His voice was beginning to rise a bit. She knew that he was more upset than he wanted to let on, but he’d rather save the verbal lashing for when they got home. She let out a pained squeak from the tightening grip he placed on her wrist...
Y/N drew out a sharp intake of breath as though she was being brought back to life. Her chest heaved, and she looked around the room with eyes rapidly opening and shutting. Though it had little to no effect on the darkness of where she was.  
It had been several days since she was brought here. Weeks even. The only time she was able to place a date to a day was when she had talked to her family on the dying, disposable phone that Raymond gave her. Before it had died on her shortly after; before she could even think about reaching out for help once more on it. Though what was she exactly going to say to 911, especially since she didn’t even know where she was?
With a miserable amount of effort, she made another attempt to pull at the chain around her ankle before pulling at the collar around her neck. Needless to say, it was no use; the combined rage and fear that had bubbled up inside her previously had been washed away and replaced with hunger and hopelessness. She was at that dangerous level of starvation, feeling as though her mind was slipping away from her. The dreams had become a regular occurrence and grew more vivid with each moment she rested her eyes. She supposed it must’ve tied into that old saying of your life flashing before your eyes when you’re nearing death since she’d see bits and pieces of it  all:
She saw the meadow her and her brothers played in when they were children, smell the flowers she’d pick, almost taste a stew she had helped her mother make for dinner, hear the constant commotion that went on in that little cabin she used to live in with her family. She would hear the music she’d listen to from each era she lived in, revisit the places she had collected her antique pieces from. She’d see the people she once knew die before her eyes, and experience once again the moments she’d been glad to share with the ones who’d been there for her for over 500 years.
When her thoughts and dreams would come across Ian, she would feel a great amount of pain as she wondered where he was, what he was doing, and if she would ever see him again. But the interspersed visions of her old life seemed to have now mixed with the current life she shared with her human love. She could recall that time at the tavern Peter used to work at, and the lashing she received from her father after she’d been caught. And she also remembered meeting the boy that was there, but surely it couldn’t have been-
Y/N flinched hearing thumps above her head that stopped and was soon replaced by the sound of the basement door opening. The footsteps were now more clear as they made their way down to her. She still felt exhausted and dizzy, but she did what she could to sit up and shake some of the hair from her eyes. 
“Aw, baby doll, you look so cute when you’ve just woken up,” she heard Raymond coo. Through the darkness, she saw him reach out to her, squatting down to her level and tap her nose while beaming. “If you were human, I would eat you right up.”
Y/N only gave him a silent glare in return. His playfulness was put on pause when he presented her with a small cup that was filled up with blood. She eyed it hungrily, but then set her sights back on him with suspicion joining her weary and hateful stare. 
He tsked at this. “Now don’t you think if I wanted you dead, I would have done it the moment I walked into your apartment?”
He wishes for me to suffer. She deduced in her head. If he wished for my death, it’d be a slow and painful one. Tainted blood can do just that.
Though as she ran her tongue over dried, cracked lips, her hunger decided to choose this hypothetical way to go and took hold of the cup with both hands. She gulped down the blood eagerly, it going down her throat with a pleasant burn to it like a warm bowl of soup. She became more at ease, soon no longer feeling any pain. It almost felt like she was in her own little world, like she was floating away from it all. 
The rush had her heal up, with her throat slowly becoming less sore from the aches she gained from shocks and tortured screams. Her voice only being somewhat raspy from not talking for quite some time. 
“My family...” she croaked. “Where are they?”
“Still in New York, from what I gathered,” he told her, letting out an irked huff. “Your brothers are still as meddlesome as ever.”
“Shouldn’t have kidnapped their little sister then if you didn’t wish for them to interfere,”
He smiled once more. “Oh, don’t worry. I want them to be involved in this as you are. They have reasons of their own on why they should suffer. From the first day we met, they always thought themselves better than me. Even when I was turned, they always found something about me to look down on.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have made it so easy for them to do so,” she heard herself say. 
The sudden scowl on his face made her realize that was a stupid thing to say and had him remind her of the situation she was trapped in. The agonizing jolts of electricity she had grown familiar with took hold of her and had her writhing on the floor while gritting her teeth to keep her from releasing a pained shriek. When it all eventually subsided, she was left with feeling as though her bones would break and her head would explode. She hoped that if that happened, it would be quick.
He grabbed a hold of her; taking her from beneath her jaw and holding her head still. Looking at him up close - staring at those hardened eyes that were also so vain and cruel - she wondered how she could have ever thought she could love him.
“Your pain and humiliation will have them suffering just as much as you,” he hissed with his face uncomfortably close to hers. “With all of you begging me, the one person you all thought so little of, to put an end to it all.”
He didn’t force a kiss on her like she almost expected him to do, only letting her go of her face with such disdain and disgust like she was some contagious thing he needed to stay away from. It might’ve been the haziness she felt after the shocks, but when she glanced up at him, she saw no true expression on him. She knew that despite his cruel ways, he did not truly hate her. And he clearly didn’t love her. He felt nothing for her but a need to control her, it was only now that realized how much control he wanted over her.
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After he was gone, she sank back into the concrete floor and stared blankly at the boarded up windows until she bowed her head and succumbed to the tears she had been fighting. She wanted so much to rage out and hurt him the way he’d been hurting her. But overall, she just wished to be home. So she decided to do her best in keeping the promise Ian wanted her to make and stayed brave and fierce, even if she felt the urge to crumble and whimper like a little girl. 
And if you get a chance to escape, you take it! She remembered him telling her. Those words replayed in her head after her crying stopped and she looked down to the shards of glass on the ground from the cup Raymond offered her. The one that fell out of her hands after she dropped down from the shocks. The searched until she found one that was long and sharp like a knife.
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“The Dark Legacy” Chapter 3: The Naming Ceremony
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           People packed into Granny’s until every inch of tile was covered and there was not a seat to be found. Granny set out a buffet, bringing out tray after tray of food as everyone helped themselves and enjoyed the meal. She had also brought in her best bartenders, who were constantly pouring and handing out drinks. Music filled the diner though it was barely audible over the conversations and laughter filling the space as well.
           Regina smiled at the sight, taking in the pink decorations that covered the diner as well. Banners and streamers hung from the ceiling as some balloons that had come loose floated up there as well. Most were tied to chairs and other surfaces, all celebrating the newest member of the Mills-Locksley family.
           The guest of honor started to fuss in her arms, flailing her arms as she kicked her legs under the voluminous white dress Regina had put her in that morning. Her face started to turn red as she screwed her eyes shut, letting out a cry that her mother recognized as hunger. Feeling the first drops of milk, Regina withdrew from the main room and headed to one of Granny’s rooms in the bed and breakfast, which the older woman had said Regina could use if she needed to nurse or change a diaper or two during the party.
           Slipping into the room, Regina laid her daughter on the bed as she cried. “One moment, sweetheart,” she cooed as she opened up her dress. “Then you can suckle to your heart’s content.”
           Once her breast was freed, she sat down on the bed and picked her daughter up. The girl latched to her breast eagerly, swallowing gulps of milk as she curled against Regina. Her little hand splayed out over the breast and Regina held her close, relishing the connection between the two.
           The door opened as Robin entered, carrying Haven into the room. He had the arrow-pattern diaper bag slung over one shoulder as he bounced her a bit. Robin smiled at Regina, pointing at Haven. “Diaper change.”
           “Look at us—the Evil Queen and the legendary Robin Hood, covered in spit up and up to their elbows in dirty diapers,” she said though her tone lacked any bitterness or malice. She loved it.
           Robin chuckled, laying Haven down as he prepared to take off her dirty diaper. “They tend to leave these bits out of the stories, love,” he told her.
“Sadly,” she replied, running her finger along her daughter’s cheek. “These are the best parts.”
           “Agreed,” he said, wiping Haven up before placing a clean diaper on her. Once he was done, he threw out the dirty one and picked her up, kissing her cheek. “Right, sweetheart?”
           Haven giggled, cuddling against him as she babbled happily. He kissed the top of her head. “Yeah, you understand.”
          The baby finished nursing and Regina wiped her mouth before burping her. She looked up at Robin. “Do you think you can juggle two while I fix my dress?”
           “I think so,’ he said, shifting Haven into one arm to hold the other out for their youngest. “I’ll take her.”
            Regina slid the back into his arms and he cradled her close. As she adjusted her dress, Regina watched Haven. She still didn’t seem to know what to make of the newest member of the family and hadn’t been too happy that her parents were now focused on the baby. Haven studied her with a frown, a little line appearing between her brows as she stared at her sister.
            “Do you want to say hi?” Robin asked Haven, holding the baby up a bit more. “Can you say hi to your sister?”
            Haven reached out, cooing as she patted her sister’s stomach. She smiled as Robin kissed her cheek. “Good girl.”
            With her dress in place, Regina smiled and held out her arms. “I’ll take one of them from you now. Doesn’t matter which.”
           He looked between the two girls before handing the baby back to her. Robin wrapped his other arm around Haven. “I’ll keep this little one with me for now. We can switch later.”
            “I don’t know if I want to let her go,” Regina said, smiling down at her baby daughter as she drifted off to sleep in her mother’s arms.
           “I remember when you said that about Haven,” he told her, bouncing their older daughter again.
           She smiled, remembering days spent cuddling Haven. “And how long did it take me to let go of her?”
           Robin’s smile dropped away and he looked at the girl in his arms. “Papa loves you...but he probably should’ve given you to Mama.”
           Haven let out another peal of laughter, pressing her hands against his mouth. Robin pretended to eat her fingers, smacking his lips on them as she laughed even more. It was a beautiful scene Regina considered herself blessed to witness.
           The door opened and Zelena popped her head in. She smiled at them, setting Regina on edge. “Oh good, this is where you are.”
          “What are you doing here?” Robin asked, stepping in front of Regina. He used his magic to send Haven to sit on the bed and she wrapped her arm around the girl to keep her safe.
           She glanced around Robin, noticing that Zelena remained in the doorway. Zelena kept her head high as she answered: “I just want to talk to my sister.”
           “Really?” he asked, sounding incredulous. “Or do you just want to try to get Haven, just like at the hospital?”
           “This isn’t like the hospital. And I did want to see my sister then too. Did you even tell her about that?” Zelena asked, almost snapping at him.
           Regina didn’t like her sister’s tone and scowled as she peeked around Robin. “He did. I was not pleased.”
           Zelena frowned. “You hate me that much that you wouldn’t want me there when you gave birth? You were there when I did. I could’ve supported you.”
           “I had plenty of support,” Regina replied, doubting those were really her sister’s intentions. “I had Robin and Mary Margaret.”
           “But I’m family,” Zelena protested.
           Regina rolled her eyes. “You only wanted to play the family card to get access to Haven. Robin told me that too.”
           She scowled as she tried to glimpse at the older infant, who was trying to crawl around Regina on the bed. “Haven is my daughter. You can’t keep her from me.”
           “We don’t want to keep her from you either,” Regina replied, rubbing the girl’s back. “But we don’t trust you not to steal her away.”
           “And how would I do that? There’s another curse on the town line and I can’t use magic because I have to wear this!” She held up her arm to reveal the black cuff on her wrist. “As you can see, I’m wearing it. I’m complying and yet you still won’t let me see her!”
           The baby in Regina’s arms began to fuss, curling closer to Regina as if trying to get away from the loud noise Zelena was making. Even Haven grew quiet, drawing closer to Regina for protection. “Zelena, you’re scaring the girls,” Regina scolded as best as she could while keeping her voice soft and soothing.
           Zelena’s scowl grew worse. “So now you’re saying I’m scary?”
           “I’m saying you need to lower your voice,” Regina clarified, trying to comfort her mewling daughter while Haven covered her ears. “It’s even louder to their developing ears.”
           Robin approached her. “I think you should leave. This is neither the time nor the place to discuss this.”
           “And when will that be, Robin? The twelfth of never?” Zelena asked, stepping closer to him. Her eyes blazed with her anger.
           Enough was enough. Regina let down her mental walls to allow Robin to read her mind. Let me handle her. You comfort the girls.
           No, he replied. His voice echoed throughout her mind. I don’t care if she has the cuff on. You’re still recovering from birth and your magic is unstable from the changes going on inside you. Right now, I’m stronger.
           Your points are valid but I’m not planning on fighting her. Please, trust me, she pleaded with him.
           He sighed, stepping back toward her. Robin took the baby from her arms and then picked up Haven as well. Leaning closer, he warned her: “Be careful.”
           She nodded, standing to approach her sister. “Zelena, Robin is right. This is neither the time nor the place. We are welcoming our daughter and sharing her name with our loved ones. This is a day for celebration, not for fighting and negotiation.”
           “You think I’m going to take a dismissal better from you than from your forest-smelling lover?” Zelena asked, sneering. “You think I will cower before you? Just go away?”
           Regina shook her head. “I’m not trying to dismiss you.”
           “Really? Then what are you trying to do?”
           “I am trying to tell you that while this is not the right time or place, we do need to talk about this. So I want to set a time and place to show you that we are acting in good faith,” Regina said, trying not to let her anger get the best of her.
           Zelena stared at her, stunned. “You what?”
           Regina sighed as she conjured up her datebook with a flick of her wrist. “You heard me, Zelena. So, let’s set a date and time.”
           “I want it to be as soon as possible,” Zelena replied. “I am off Tuesdays…”
           “Off? From what?” Regina asked, confused by what her sister meant.
           Zelena scowled. “My job. I got one. It’s not much. I work in a shop but it was the only place willing to hire me though they watch me like a hawk. We sell children’s clothes and accessories.”
           That surprised Regina but she also felt proud of her sister. She smiled. “That’s great, Zelena. We can meet on Tuesday to accommodate you.”
           “I can do around noon,” Zelena replied. “We can have lunch, if you don’t mind.”
           “We can meet at Granny’s then,” Regina said, pulling out a pen and writing the appointment into her calendar.
           Zelena’s eyes widened even more and hope filled her voice as she asked: “So this is really happening?”
           Regina nodded before adding: “But this is just to talk. Don’t think we’re going to hand Haven over to you because we’re not. Understand?”
           “I do,” Zelena replied, her eyes dimming in disappointment. She then glanced at Haven. “Could I hold her now? Just for a few minutes? Please?”
           Regina turned to Robin, knowing this was something they had to decide together. She had her reservations about letting her sister hold the little girl, not before they talked, but she also was still caught in the rush of post-pregnancy hormones. It made her a bit softer than usual and she was tempted to let her sister hold the girl. However, she knew Robin didn’t feel the same and didn’t want to make a decision he wasn’t comfortable with. They were a team and had to present a unified front to Zelena or else she would try to play one against the other to get what she wanted.
           I don’t feel comfortable letting her hold our girl. He met Regina’s eyes, holding Haven close. She snuggled against him happily.
           I know, she replied in her mind, but maybe we need to compromise as a sign of good faith. She will only hold her here, in our presence. We’ll be able to intervene before she tries anything.
           “Are you two talking telepathically?” Zelena asked. She gasped. “Can Robin read minds?”
           Regina gritted her teeth but Robin replied: “Only Regina’s. Soulmate connection and all that.”
           She narrowed her eyes at him. Why are you lying to her?
           I don’t want her to have another reason to be suspicious of us…but I also don’t want her to block me in case I do have to snoop around her mind.
           Regina knew he had a point so she nodded. Fair enough. So, what do you say to her holding Haven?
           Only for a few minutes and we watch her like a hawk.
           Deal. She reached out and picked up Haven, turning to Zelena. “Try anything and you can forget about that meeting on Tuesday.”
           “Understood,” Zelena replied, her eyes lighting up as she held out her arms for Haven. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”
           Regina placed the girl in her arms and then pulled back. She reached behind her and felt Robin slid his hand into hers. They held onto each other, both no doubt feeling the same sick feeling as they watched Zelena hold Haven. She held her breath, counting down the seconds until she could take her daughter back.
           Robin squeezed her hand and she nodded, letting go of his to reach out for their daughter. “Okay, Zelena. I’ll take Haven now.”
           “Must you always be so literal?” Zelena asked, annoyed. She glanced down at Haven before looking back at Regina, pleading: “Can’t I have a bit longer with her? Please?”
           “We have a party to get back to,” Regina reminded her.
           Zelena gave one last longing look to Haven before handing her back to Regina. Her stomach started to settle once her daughter was back in her arms and Regina nuzzled Haven as she said: “Thank you.”
           “Hey, you two, everyone is wondering where you and the guest of honor went. Is everything okay?” Emma stepped into the room as she opened the door further, frowning when she noticed Zelena in the room. Her eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?”
           “It’s okay, Emma,” Regina assured her.
           Zelena started to inch toward the door. “I’m guessing this is the part where I’m asked to leave, huh? You do have a party to go back to. One I’m not invited to.”
           Regina knew her sister was being manipulative and trying to guilt her for not inviting her to the party. Ordinarily, she would’ve just ignored it and let Zelena leave without getting her way. But there was an underlying sadness to Zelena’s tones that gave her pause, making her decide just this once to relent.
           “You can stay to hear our daughter’s name,” Regina replied, “but you stay with Emma. You try anything, she has to the right to throw you out. Got it?”
           Zelena nodded. “Thank you, Regina.”
           Regina turned to Robin, taking a deep breath. “Kid swap?” she asked him.
           “Sounds good,” he replied, easily passing their daughter to her as he took Haven from her. He held their older daughter close, kissing her head. “Hello there, sweetheart. You’re back with Daddy now.”
           He kissed her forehead as Regina turned around, finding Zelena scowling again. She took a deep breath, knowing she had no more time to try to manage her sister’s emotions. It was now all about the newest Mills-Locksley family member, even if she was asleep.
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
40. Shattered Illusions, Pt.1
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The Land Without Magic. Boston. 1982 (The Snow Queen is walking along Boston's streets when she sees a psychic’s parlor. She enters.) Madame Faustina: “You have travelled a great distance, but I can help you. (Entering the main room from behind a curtain:) Madame Faustina is here.” Snow Queen: “Sorceress, can you use your powers of crystal gazing to show me a girl not yet born?” Madame Faustina: “This girl is special to you?” Snow Queen: “Very much so. At the age of 28, she will arrive in a town called Storybrooke.” Madame Faustina: “Madame Faustina knows all. Come. (Motions for Ingrid to take a seat:) The crystal ball awaits. (Sitting opposite her:) How will you express your gratitude?” Snow Queen: “Thank you.” Madame Faustina: “Payment. How... How will you pay me?” Snow Queen: (Removes her necklace and hands it over:) “Will this do?” Madame Faustina: (Seemingly satisfied:) “Spirits of the ball, hear me and obey. I see... A child.” Snow Queen: “Yes.” Madame Faustina: “A girl... Who is... Special.” Snow Queen: “Yes. She has many gifts. Tell me more.” Madame Faustina: “The child's name is... Susan.” (The Snow Queen abruptly leaves the parlor.) Snow Queen: “Liar! Her name will be Emma Swan! The Apprentice's scroll promises this!” Madame Faustina: “I don't know nothin' about a scroll. Now get outta here or you're gonna get a wicked beating.” Snow Queen: “Where I'm from, charlatans such as yourself are severely punished.” (Attempts to use her powers.) Madame Faustina: (Holds up her baseball bat:) “Last warning, fruitcake. Hit the bricks.” Snow Queen: “Your trickery changes nothing. (Turns and walks away, to herself:) I will find Emma. She is coming, and I will find her. And I will wait for her as long as I must. And then I will have what I deserve.” Storybrooke. Present. (The Snow Queen walks through the streets watching as Storybrooke’s residents attempt to tear each other apart. Happy shoots at Leroy with a crossbow.) Leroy: (Running for his life:) “He's coming! He's coming!” Happy: “And I ain't happy!” At The Sheriff’s Station. (Mary Margaret sit in their respective jail cells staring coldly at one another.) Mary Margaret: “Prince Charming. Finally I'm seeing you clearly.” David: “And what do you see?” Mary Margaret: “A fraud. A shepherd who has no business being royalty.” David: “Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles, who always runs away!” Mary Margaret: “I can't believe I had a child with you.” David: “Two children! Why is it so easy for you to forget about our firstborn? Is it because you banished her to another land rather than raise her yourself?” Mary Margaret: “We both agreed on that!” David: “No, you decided, like you always do.” Mary Margaret: “And you went along with it.” David: “Yeah, because God knows we couldn’t let the Evil Queen defeat Snow White.” Mary Margaret: “Regina wouldn’t have let us be together anyway.” David: “You don’t know that!” Mary Margaret: “What the hell do you think her curse was about you idiot?!” Kristoff: (Handcuffed to a desk:) “You know, if this is what marriage is like, I'm glad you keep postponing ours.” Anna: (Sighs:) “You don't mean that, Kristoff. It's the spell.” Kristoff: “No. I'm seeing clearly now, too. I'm beginning to think that this haircut wasn't my only bad idea.” Anna: “I know this isn't really you. I know it. But it's still upsetting, so I'm just... I'm gonna go see my sister. And you just stay here handcuffed where you can't hurt anybody... But me... With your words.”
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(Anna walks over to the sheriff’s office where Emma and Elsa have taken refuge.) Emma: (Rocking baby Neal in her arms:) “My parents... That's not who they are.” Elsa: “They're their worst selves. It's like when Anna put me in that urn. She didn't mean what she said either... I hope.” Anna: (Enters the office:) “I didn't. That doesn't make any of this less horrible.” Elsa: (They hug:) “It's okay. You're immune. We all are. And we're together.” Emma: “It's gonna be all right. Remember, I'm the Savior.” Anna: “Is that like, a real job here?” Emma: “Apparently, it is. I promised all these people I'd get them their happy endings. And I will. I'm just not sure how at this moment.” Anna: “I think I might have an idea. Do you know how the Snow Queen got the idea for the curse? It's from a legend called the Trolden Glass.” Emma: “Never heard of it.” Anna: “Its origin isn't important. What matters is how they broke the curse.” Elsa: “What was done?” Anna: “Uh, to break the spell... Oh. They had to kill the King. So in this case, that would mean Ingrid.” Elsa: “I don't believe killing is ever the answer. Are you sure we can't reason with her?” Emma: “She's beyond that. We all want another way, but if it comes down to her or the town, I'm gonna do what has to be done.” Elsa: “But...” Emma: “We're out of options. Anna, how are you with kids?” Anna: “I love kids. (Emma gives Anna her brother:) Wait.” Emma: “Elsa, we should get going.” Anna: “Wait. I'm the babysitter? The Snow Queen is my aunt, too. If this is what has to happen, I wanna be by your side.” Emma: “Anna, sorry, but someone has to stay here with everyone else.” Elsa: “Emma's right. Stay with Kristoff.” (Emma kisses her baby brother on the head then leaves the office.) Anna: “But this was my plan.” Elsa: “I know it was. You're the smartest person I know, and you're my sister, which means you need to stay safe. Ingrid is a problem that Emma and I have to solve.” Anna: “Do you trust Emma?” Elsa: “I do. She's my friend.” Anna: “Then go.” (Elsa leaves to follow Emma as Mary Margaret and David continue fighting.) Kristoff: “Keep it down! God!” Regina’s Vault. (Meanwhile, Regina is trying to escape from her vault.) Regina: “Ugh! Ugh! Sealed in my own vault?! Ugh! This is... This is... This is the Snow bitch's doing. And that damn niece of hers. I should've incinerated her the moment she arrived. This is what I get for being subtle! (Passes her mirror:) What the hell am I wearing? (Regina uses her magic to dress as the Evil Queen. Smiling at her reflection:) I've missed you.”
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Mr. Gold’s Shop. (Hook enters.) Hook: “Where's the missus? She turned homicidal on you yet?” Mr. Gold: “None of your business. What kept you?” Hook: “Well, it's like swimming with sharks out there. The minute one of them tastes blood, they'll tear each other apart.” Mr. Gold: “Well, count your blessings you're not one of them.” Hook: “Why was I spared the cloud's curse?” Mr. Gold: “Because your heart wasn't in your chest, dearie. It was here in my shop with me. In protective custody, so to speak.” Hook: “What is it you need, Crocodile?” Mr. Gold: “Once I finish packing, I'm gonna take Belle to the town line. I need you to find Henry and do the same thing.” Hook: “So you still think you're leaving?” Mr. Gold: “Oh, ye of little faith. Tomorrow night, when the stars in the sky align with the stars in the hat, I shall finally cleave myself from this dagger and be on the other side of that ice wall before dawn.” Hook: “Are you saying there's a bloody way out of here?” Mr. Gold: “Dark One always finds a way.” Hook: “Well, if the Dark One is so powerful, why doesn't he magic his grandson to his side?” Mr. Gold: “Because that would require me knowing where his mothers have locked him away for safekeeping. Now unless you really, really have no need for that tongue, I suggest you slither back outside into the hostile current and find Henry. (Holds up a vial of red powder:) You'll be needing this.” Hook: (Takes it:) “You won't win. Villains never do.” Mr. Gold: “Don't be ridiculous, dearie. When Belle and Henry wake up tomorrow morning in New York City, they won't remember a thing about tonight. I'll tell them the Snow Queen destroyed Storybrooke, whilst I saved everyone I could. I won't be a villain. I'll be a hero.” (Hook leaves.) Any Given Sundae. (The Snow Queen is in her ice cream shop. She makes some ice cream marked ‘Carrot Sherbet’ disappear from a pot, revealing two hidden rocks, much like the Rock Trolls of Arendelle use. The Snow Queen leaves her shop to find Emma and Elsa waiting for her.) Emma: “Stop.” Elsa: “This must end, Ingrid.” Emma: “Our magic is a part of us now. We control it, and we control it really well.” Snow Queen: “I'm so proud of you both. You've finally embraced who you truly are.” (Elsa and Emma try to use their powers on the Snow Queen but they fail.) Elsa: “Emma.” Emma: “Again.” (Nothing happens apart from the ribbons around their wrists begin to glow.) Snow Queen: “The love that flows through our ribbons is without equal. Its strength protects the life-force that we all now share.” Elsa: “She's made it impossible for us to hurt her.” Emma: “We gotta get these things off.” Snow Queen: “There's no need. Soon, you won't want to hurt me. Soon, you will love me. For real.” 
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The Land Without Magic. Richfield. Minnesota. 1999. (At Ingrid's house, Emma is being bullied by one of the other foster kids.) Kevin: “Hey, look what the new girl brought with her.” Emma: “Give it to me!” Ingrid: “Give it back, Kevin. The camera is Emma's, not yours. We respect property in this household, don't we, Kevin?” Kevin: “Yes, ma'am.” (Hands the camera to Ingrid then leaves the room.) Ingrid: (Returning the camera:) “Here you go, Emma. It's okay, sweetie. I know you're new here, but you're gonna be just fine. (She leaves, to the others:) Okay, lights out in 15! Don't forget to brush your teeth!” Kevin: (Returning:) “It's your choice, sweetie. You can either give me that camera tomorrow or I can make your life a living hell.” Later That Evening. (Emma sneaks downstairs, about to run away.) Ingrid: (Switches on a light, surprising Emma:) “I made us some cocoa. Wanna join me?” Emma: “No.” Ingrid: “Suit yourself. You know, by my count, there are 15 separate subconscious signs or ‘tells’ that a new foster child displays when they're going to run away on his or her first night. In the brief time we were together, you showed seven. Not that I blame you. When I was younger, I did the same thing.” Emma: “You ran away?” Ingrid: “I tried to. People in my life, they, uh, they intervened. Do you wanna know why?” Emma: “Does it matter?” Ingrid: “It did to me. They stopped me because they cared about me.” Emma: “Lucky you.” Ingrid: “No. Lucky you. Because now that you're living under my roof, I'm gonna care for you the way they cared for me.” Emma: “Yeah, well, don't waste your time. I'm not interested.” Ingrid: “Hmm. Suit yourself. Go. I won't stop you.” Emma: “You won't?” Ingrid: “No. Go on. More cocoa for me. (As Emma heads for the door:) I understand how difficult it must be to live under the same roof as someone like Kevin, who's deathly afraid of spiders. Any spiders, really. Small spiders. Big spiders. Even the rubber ones I keep in my desk. In the drawer on the right. Behind the box of staples. Poor Kevin. It's a shame you can't stay, Emma.” Emma: “Maybe... Maybe I could hang around for one more day.” Ingrid: “Works for me.” (They share a smile.) Storybrooke. Present. Mr. Gold’s Shop. (Emma and Elsa enter Mr. Gold's shop.) Emma: “Gold? Belle? You in here? They're gone.” Elsa: “Then what do we do?” Emma: “We do it ourselves.” (Emma tries to cut her ribbon with a dagger from a display case.) Storybrooke. Main Street. (In the street the citizens are fighting. Hook manages to walk by unmolested.)
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Storybrooke Sheriff’s Station. (Anna peers through the blinds, observing what’s happening outside as the Charming’s continue to bicker.) David: “That's ridiculous.” Mary Margaret: “At least I know how to swaddle our child correctly.” David: “I swaddle him perfectly.” Mary Margaret: “He's a baby, not a breakfast burrito.” Anna: “Stop it. (Walking to stand in front of them:) I mean, I have to say I expected more from the two of you. Use your heads. Think back to what it was like before the spell changed you. Sure, you had issues with each other, but they were minor.” David: “Minor? Minor? When I first met her, she hit me in the face. If that wasn't a sign, I don't know what is.” Mary Margaret: “Yes, you responded by hanging me in a net from a tree. You're a real prince charming.” Anna: “Yes, he is Prince Charming, and you're Snow White. And those things sound terrible but they also sound romantic. Can't you see that? 'Cause if you can see that, then maybe you can defeat this dark spell.” Mary Margaret: “Someone slip me a poison apple and put me out of my misery.” Kristoff: “Oh! Me! Pick me!” David: “Oh, shut it, Ice Man.” Kristoff: “Ice Man? Who you calling Ice Man, stable boy?” David: “I'm calling you Ice Man. And you're from Arendelle. What are you doing selling ice? The whole place is frozen!” Kristoff: “Ice is a very important commodity.” Mary Margaret: “You know what, Swiss Miss? You do know me. I pick flowers. I talk to birds. I do all kinds of warm, fuzzy things. And you know what else? I kill. Yeah, that's right. Snow White's a murderer. I killed the Evil Queen's mommy. And I said I was sorry... And I didn't mean it.” Anna: “That's horrible.” Mary Margaret: “Still wanna hold hands, sing ‘Zip-a-dee-doo-dah’?” (Anna rolls her eyes and walks away.) At Mr. Gold's Shop. (Having used most of the sharp, pointy items in the store to cut their ribbons, Emma finally quits in frustration.) Emma: “I give up. It's useless. The magic protecting this ribbon is just too powerful.” Elsa: “I guess the Snow Queen meant what she said about her love.” Emma: “I'm sorry. I was too busy thinking of ways to punch her to retain that.” Elsa: “She said the love flowing through our ribbons was without equal.” Emma: “Maybe without equal, but not without an opposite that's equally strong.” Elsa: “What?” Emma: “If her amplified love put these ribbons on our wrists, then maybe what we need is someone's equally amplified hatred to get them off.” Elsa: “Emma you're a bit prickly, but you're certainly not hate-able.” Emma: “I'm prickly?” Elsa: (Quickly:) “Uh who did you have in mind?” Emma: “Who knows more about hatred than Regina?” Elsa: (Unsure:) “If you let Regina out while she's under the influence of the Snow Queen's curse, she'll kill everyone in Storybrooke.” Emma: “Yeah, she'll try. But right now, it's...” Elsa: “A theory.” Emma: “The best chance we have. If Storybrooke wants to survive, Regina needs to hate like she's never hated before.” Elsa: “And how’re you going to achieve that?” Emma: (Smiles:) “Not me, you.” Approaching The Vault. (As Elsa and Emma are walking to the vault, Regina, from inside, senses their presence.) 
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bloodshedfalls · 7 years
Hey, is that JAKE GYLLENHAAL? Oh no, it’s GRAHAM HARPER. I hear he is THIRTY and he can be DECISIVE and DEPENDABLE but can also be BITTER and ISOLATED. Not to mention they are a WITCH. (mandaaaaaa)
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(tw: death, violence)
Before the fire.
After the fire.
This is how Graham Harper has come to think of his life. Two chapters. Two parts. The old him and the new, irrevocably changed him.
Born to members of the Mercier coven, Graham grew up being taught their ways and the ancient, dark magic they practiced. His father and Joel Mercier were as close as brothers and the coven was his extended family. A determined and curious boy, Graham was as confident and decisive as he was loyal. He knew what he wanted just like he knew what company he would keep and it’s why himself, Marie Leblanc and Lenore Mercier became inseparable early on.
Maybe it was because they were born on the same day, years apart, or maybe it was simply a choice the three had made. Whatever it was drew them together and forged a connection between the three that everyone could see. That was the thing about family in the Mercier cove: you could choose your own along with the one you’d been given and that’s exactly what Graham did.
He spent mornings with his father, being mentored by the one person he looked up to most, afternoons being taught by his mother and every other moment with the other two. When his sister, Evelyn, came along, it was like he’d gained another part of himself he didn’t know he was missing. Evelyn was his shadow, a small, bird like girl, seemingly delicate but as powerful as any of the young witches in their coven and Graham saw her as another extension of who he was, someone to pour into and teach alongside their parents.
Life was good and his skills grew year to year, his decisive nature making him more determined than most, willing to go further than some, just like Marie and Lenny. The three of them continuously pushed the boundaries of their skills and, eventually, linked their magic together in a bond meant to strengthen them and avail their magic to each other. It didn’t feel like being weighed down or drained, far from it. It felt right. To have the most important part of themselves connected by the very thing that made them what they were.
This was the very bond that prompted them to perform magic together, doing complex, dark spells of every kind. This was the bond that prompted them to perform magic in the cemetery that fateful night that both spared their lives and simultaneously ripped everything from them. It was that bond that caused the three to try and put out a fire that was never meant to go out, to watched the bodies of dead family members, dead coven members before homes collapsed and they were consumed entirely, rendered to ash and memory. And it was this bond that seemed to break– to snap in the face of such loss.
Were they survivors? Or victims?
Whatever they were– one thing was true. The three remaining members of the Mercier coven were lost. They were broken. And that’s ultimately what pulled them away from each other. Marie was falling apart and Graham was doing his best to keep her from breaking, same with Lenore but it seemed as though Lenny had other ideas. When the three split ways, Graham and Marie together and Lenny on her own, Graham knew it was a bad decision, knew they should’ve stayed together but two days later when he went back to where they’d split, to where he thought Lenny would be but she was gone. It felt like betrayal but not one he could dwell on.
He and Marie had a mission in mind– they needed to find those who’d taken everything from them, with or without Lenny, before the trail went cold and so they did the first thing angry, hurting, lost individuals often did; went headfirst into a fight they couldn’t hope to win. It took only three weeks before Graham was on his own. He and Marie weren’t a match for the members of the other coven and it cost her her life.
The moment she died, Graham felt as something snap inside of him– literally, something tear away from him and sever in the most painful way, leaving him gasping as their bond was cut, ripped from him. And days after, he felt the same exact pain when, wherever she was, Lenny severed the last link between them as well with a cloaking spell. It didn’t stop Graham from trying to find her, though, carrying Marie’s ashes with him in hopes they could honor her together before realizing it wasn’t going to happen. She was gone and so he had to do this on his own. Spreading his best friend’s ashes before starting on a journey that would take him years. He was determined to face the witches who’d taken everything from him and would do whatever he could to take them down.
His leads led him all over– mostly the states but parts of Canada as well and one particular lead around two years ago led him to a small pack of wolves outside Montreal. He was able to kill most of them but was viciously bitten by another, leaving the warlock to suffer the bite’s side effects– the sickness, the hallucinations, the pain of the change without the actual change, his magic protecting him. It was in this state that he was found by a one Shelby Fontaine, a witch who, as fate would have it, happened to be studying medicine. And she was the one who was with Graham in the worst of the sickness, through the agonizing pain of his body and magic rejecting the curse trying to overwhelm him, the hallucinations of his family, of Marie and Lenny and his sister. She used medicine and what magic she could to nurse him back to health.
Perhaps Graham might’ve felt differently about her help had he known her family name but for what it was worth, she was the person who helped him and when they parted ways after he was back to full health, he knew he was in her debt. From there, he kept searching, finding anyone with answers or who knew anyone with answers, prying it out of them by whatever means. He managed to tick off a small number of the coven members who’d strayed too far from the pack but it was never enough; they’d taken it all from him, every single person and even those who’d survived were gone as he’d long since been prepared to find Lenny’s body whenever he caught wind of a deceased or killed lone witch.
For the past year he’d returned to the states, growing increasingly aimless in the way only a man who’d been lost for years could be. Who’d never admit to being lost and isolated and on a path that would only lead to death. It was this that prompted him to reignite his search for Lenore, even just to get closure that she was dead– that he wasn’t thinking of a ghost that wasn’t there anymore. Still, there was nothing, like all the other hundreds of times he’d tried. He spent the latter part of 2016 finally returning to a home that had become a graveyard of unconsecrated witches and lost souls never to be found again.
He was tired. His determination and resolve increasingly wavered and he wondered what it was all for? Marie was dead, Lenore probably was, his parents were, his sister, everyone he cared about was. Graham was isolated. He was a wanderer. His home was gone. He was in a place darker than he’d been and for someone born into blackness, it was a foreign feeling. It might have ended there, he might have given up but decided to try the spell once more. The locator spell that availed nothing for years, a last ditch attempt to find someone who was probably long gone by now.  But then it was like someone had finally flipped a switch that had been off for half a decade and he could sense the last remaining member of his coven. Whether her being alive was false hope, a twisted trick or the truth, it didn’t matter because Graham left Louisiana that day and headed for Red Creek.
Graham couldn’t consecrate Marie when she died since they were so far from home. Instead he carried her ashes with him for weeks, hoping that he’d find Lenore in that time and they could honor their best friend together. But he never found Lenny. After too many weeks he finally scattered Marie’s ashes in an area he knew lone witches traversed through, knowing that’s what she’d have wanted– to avail her magic and spirit to the disillusioned and disenfranchised, to the lost and the isolated– to the outcasts. To people like them.
He has little to nothing left of his family or coven but one of his most precious possessions is his father’s signet ring. The ring has magic imbued in it, passed down for generations with magic from his ancestors.
His second most important possession is the pendant Marie wore with the Leblanc family crest. Much like his father’s ring, it too is imbued with generational magic from her bloodline that he’s not dared to even think of using.
Both objects are spelled so only he can remove them.
A few years back Graham encountered an imp with a penchant for bargaining for rare objects. The witch needed a favor and he had enough to pay Callum Rook to get the job done. However, after their initial deal, he became aware of the ring and pendant Graham carried and attempted to take the powerful objects for himself. Needless to say it didn’t go over well and the two’s temporary deal was no more.
He has a black bird tattooed over his heart for his sister, Evelyn.
Fire makes him flinch for but a moment before he’ll get as close to the source as possible, almost as if twistedly daring it to touch him– to do what it did to his family and coven and consume him. But then it’s as though the bird on his chest flutters– his conscience forcing him away from self destruction and toward the one goal he’s had since his life burned to the ground: revenge.
At one point he was attempting a sacrificial spell about to kill a young werewolf when  Vaughn Wilde and his partner stopped him and while Graham got away, if he were to ever cross paths with that hunter again, it most likely wouldn’t be pleasant.
Graham has significant scarring on his left shoulder from the werewolf attack, from the socket to right before his neck.
CHARACTER OCCUPATION:  unemployed for now.
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sydrave · 6 years
Charlie asked me to do all of them...
Alisons: Sexuality? Queer? Like panro ace ish
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender? Non-binary/male, they/he
Amaryllis: Birthday? 11.24.99
Anemone: Favorite flower? I love receiving daisies and sunflowers and roses. Yellow daffodils are my absolute favorite though. 
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show? I don't watch a ton but I enjoy dystopias and YA series
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger? As far as they'd like me to without putting myself in too much of a risky situation. Pet peeve is when people assume I need help, so I'd ask first. 
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Absolutely not.
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love? Yes
Baneberries: Favorite song? Right now I'm digging Tyler Glenn Midnight
Basket of Gold: Describe your family. Pretty average divorced family. I don't wanna get into too much detail publicly. I have a mom and a dad and a sister and a stepmom.
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it? Ren! Danny boy! Charlie! Alex! Al-Pal!
Begonia: Favorite color? Yellow -- all shades of it, including gold.Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person? Night, but slow mornings to reset are so lovely.
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?A bird. I'd love to fly. Mobility, I guess? I've also always just wanted to fly
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Paleontologist. Plan B was a pop star.
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children? I love them! I'd like my own but I'm a little afraid and have some stuff to figure out first.
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood. I was bullied pretty bad in elementary school, pre-coming out and everything. I ended up needing to switch schools.
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  I value my own time and happiness a lot, so I don't think much would be different. I'd love to spend time with Charlie and Alex. Bri and Mom, too. I'd like to see Dad and Brittany before heading out. Books and music, soup, nice smelling lotion, the works. Something gentle and full of love.
Buttercup: Relationship Status? Single and less happy about it
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? I'm in love with the Cali beaches. San Diego is lovely. The coast.
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  No, but I'd maybe like some someday.
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  No, don't want any.
California Poppy: Height?  5'3
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  Jeans, yellow converse, Flint pride t-shirt, brown jacket. Red beanie on and off. Kaliope has been out for a bit today but she's away currently.
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight? Still do, but I'm not opposed to the dark.
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged? Charlie last night
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed? Elliot
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font? The typewriter one
Columbine: Are you tired? Right now, yes, emotionally. I'm feeling Big Sad today.
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to? Dinner with my friends tonight. Getting my journals done.
Coneflower: Dream job? Working with queer youth in a queer little bubble. 
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert? Both? Formerly exclusively introvert. Now I'm not sure.
Crocus: Have you ever been in love? Yes
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about? As far as they'd consent.
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it? Yes! Several! Muu was the biggest one. She was a Webkinz Jr Pig. Muitha Marie Hammie was her full name.
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign? Saggitarius
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering? A lot of things but I'm sentimental and value memories
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? I ended up kind. 
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  Cry probably. It depends on what their concern was. I'd probably hear them out but wouldn't base anything solely on that.
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to? Charlie, Alex, and Ren. I read this question last night and realized I didn't know, and I value telling my friends I love them, so I did. 
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at? I'm trying to not use the words good/bad to describe myself, but I'll tell you something I enjoy! I really like reading!
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at? Same as above -- I don't enjoy writing journal entries for school
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? -I went to Chicago and Flint with Charlie and Alex!-She Kills Monsters!-I had a really good AMCULT class
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today? Today was tricky. I had a great, calm start with lots of water and self care and things that smell nice, but my day has gotten more frustrating and difficult as it went. I met Charlie for lunch which was lovely, but then people were saying really mean things about my friends and my show at my lab, and then I went to a class that I guess wasn't meeting today, and at work people were mean and they're kinda exploiting my city and calling it an "aesthetic." Plus I'm just regular sad too I guess. I'm feeling sad right now, and maybe a little anxious. 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life? Absolutely. I've been working really hard to be able to say that.
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two? Tackle this second major.
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life? People, coffee, soup, books, blankets, journals, poems, outside, night time, love.
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  Blankets real tight wrapped around me. Things that smell nice but aren't overwhelming. Tactile things -- nice hugs and touches. 
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of? My sister
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day. Making breakfast with someone I love (romantic or not (preferably romantic) and could be more than one person but not a party y'know). Eat together and have some coffee. Nice sunlight. Snuggling and reading books or watching movies. Staying in comfy clothes all day. Maybe making them lunch or them making it for me. We can bake cookies and play games or build puzzles in the background. Soup is in there somewhere. Just a nice, cozy day in.
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  I don't really have that but I like books
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them? I'm gonna go with Ren. We met my first day of 6th grade, which was scary because I was the new kid (that whole switching schools thing). So, like 7 years now? She was the first person to show me kindness in a while. Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?I don't know if I have this person right now. Maybe Ren or Kota, but we don't talk terribly often. 
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?I'm not sure how to count that. I consider a lot of people to be friends.
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Someone told me once that I'd make his grandmother proud because of my dedication to disability representation. I cried. Still do when I think about it. Recently, someone told me, "Lio, a single word cannot encompass all you've done besides give," which was so kind of him.
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself? I think I'm pretty okay. I try to be a good person.
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself? I'm open to recognizing where I'm wrong and changing. 
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  I'm really sensitive
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child? Play Little House on the Prairie 
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid? I had a few. Paige Albert, Meghan Donnelly, Megan Connelly, Izzy Carlyon, Ariana (idk her last name now she was adopted recently). 
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for? This is a Big Secret I'm never going to talk aboutLily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  Using resources and accommodations I needLupine: What does your name m
ean? Why is that your name? Derived from Helios, the Greek sun god. I thought it was fitting. 
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it. Flushing. White, boring, and sad.
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up? It was light blue with the "Starlight Starbright" rhyme stenciled all around. Yellow glow in the dark stars and my name on the wall with the same material. Glitter constellations on the ceiling. 
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  (TW Mental Health)I struggled a lot. I was a trans kid in small-town midwest with anxiety and depression and an ED and had self-harm issues for a while. It wasn't great. I'm having a much better final teenage year though. 
[Skipping the ones about my family]
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable? I had a scavenger hunt in 7th grade! We had two cars of 4 and drove around Flint taking pictures with different things on the list. I was mad because my dad cheated so I'd lose, even though it was my birthday. It was a lot of fun though.
Peony: What was your first job? I tutored Algebra
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any? I'm not, but I don't have a specific way. I'd like to be their friend first.
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain? Distractions and meds. Kaliope. I just kind of have to, I'm not sure how I do it. 
Pink: Where is home? I'm not sure right now. 
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? I would stay close with my sister and come out to her. I blame myself a lot for not being close to her. I feel like we should've had important conversations. 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them. Alex in Seattle. They care about things like I do, but they're a lot more assertive and less afraid to be mean. 
Primrose: Describe your ideal life. I think I might be living it. Romantic love would be nice, but I'm okay without it.
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child? I had three ghosts in my house. Catherine, a girl my age that looked similar to me, Casper, like the friendly ghost, and Black Licorice, their black cocker spaniel ghost puppy. I used to ask them to stay with me at night and always felt safe with them, because I also had mean ghosts in my house.
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life? Myself and my sister.
Rose: What’s your favorite sound? I love piano. People who sing and give it everything.
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory? Recently, when everyone started calling me Lio without me prompting them to, especially my classmates.
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory? Don't want to think about it.
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  A long hug and some soup. 
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things? Both. I'm okay with talking about my feelings, but I'm learning how to use healthier language and methods which is difficult.
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without? Any aspect of my identity. I love being this weird, trans, queer, crip teenager that I am. 
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night? Never enough.
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job? I want to quit. I like it, but the boss has strong opinions and I'm always in pain. 
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you? Love and affection. I'm not sure -- a coffee date? Soup? I like experiences more than things. If we're talking things, essential oils or blankets or stuffed animals or comfort things.
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now? Lab journals and school social life
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called? Lots and lots. The most important were Eli Clare's "Exile and Pride" and "Brilliant Imperfection."
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year? Right here (or around the corner in my single I guess) with people I love. 
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?I don't think so..?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.I hate random facts. 
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