#they taste like synthetic motor oil
matthew-patel · 1 year
the banana blueberry toxic waste candies are fucking gross
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anechomirrored · 2 years
Fandom: Fallout 4
Rating: T
Prompt(s): "Sounds like a you problem."
Warnings: Drinking, minor swears, takes place in a bar.
"Hey Valentine, haven't seen you in here for awhile." Maccready took a sip from the beer Whitechapel had just brought over.
The synthetic detective took a seat on the stool beside him and called for a drink.
The Third Rail was busy this time of night and the din of idle chatter and drunken laughter filled air like cigarette smoke along with the sultry backtrack of Magnolia's evening show.
The detective tisked.
"You drink that swill?" Nick asked.
The judgment was to be expected. Even Maccready, having been in the Commonwealth for as short a time as he had, was well aware of Nick's disapproval of the stuff the wasteland called beer. The tin man preferred whiskey.
" Nah, thought I'd leave the motor oil for you. This one's freshly brewed thanks to the bucket of bolts The Rex dug up. With a bit of help from yours truly, of course."
Nick smirked.
"How thoughtful, I suspect The Rex had to offer you more than a cold beer."
"Gotta keep up my reputation, now what brings you back to Goodneighbor?"
"I'm looking for someone, maybe you can help."
"Ya got caps?" Maccready asked.
"Typical merc." Nick grumbled.
Why did men like Maccready have to put a price on everything?
Well, almost everything.
"Last I checked you delt in bullets not information, kid. Now hear me out, will ya. Got someone real worried about him. "
He watched Maccready's expression carefully.
The young gun for hire had yet to turn away from the bar or his drink.
"Sounds like a you problem." Maccready shrugged as he turned the bottle in his hand this way and that.
Nick tried not to click the metal digits of his left hand too loudly. Folks didn't tend to like that and losing his patience wouldn't get him any closer to finding this Jasper character.
Whitechapel chose this moment to hover over. Reaching across the bar with a tumbler he proceeded to pour the detective a familiar amber spirit.
"Not another crazed sweetheart runnin' off wi' the mob, eh?" The Mr. Handy jibed.
Nick picked up the glass and tasted its contents. He didn't need to eat or drink but damn did a whiskey make this whole ordeal a little easier.
"Thanks, Charlie and no." He swirled the contents of the glass and took another sip.
"I'm here looking for a kid, little younger than our merc here. A real tech genius too when it comes to old computers and gun mods. Picked up a lead and followed it to the Commons."
"No luck, then?" The bartender asked.
Nick shook his head.
"Found a bunker in the subway but it was abandoned. It was his though."
Whitechapel hummed in response and then drifted back up the bar to attend to another patron wanting a drink.
Nick let the silence stretch between him and Maccready.
On Stage, Magnolia finished up her set and soaked up the crowd's affection.
Nick sighed.
"Should have expected this song and dance. Maybe Hancock will be more interested in conversation." Nick downed the rest of his drink and nodding to his host, set a few caps on the counter.
Whitechaple returned to their end of the bar to retrieve the payment as Nick turned to leave.
"Oi, Valentine! What this bloke do anyways?"
Nick paused before answering over the blare of the crowd.
"Nothing, Charlie... he just went missing and his sister's worried about him." Nick continued to make his way towards the stairs and back up to the dirty streets above.
He didn't miss the way the merc had paused in his drinking to watch him leave.
Maccready liked to put a price on most things, but family wasn't one of them.
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gb-diesellok · 1 year
Did you drink/need hydraulic oil too? If so how did it taste?
Yes! I do need to drink a variety of things.. such as...
Water! for my cooling system, it's a 'water jacket' in the walls of my motors to keep them running at optimum temperatures, the water circulates through radiators or through my whole frame to keep my joints, and the lubrication in them, warm and fluid. I don't drink it often but as soon as it starts to get acidic, I drain it all out and refill it with fresh water at the same tower the steam engines do. sometimes I drain some out just to drink if my fuel tank is full...I love drinking it is really...self soothing...
I need to drink motor/lubricating oil to lube my motors. It gets changed around every 4 or 5 months..so every season? It is usually a nice honey color but with the soot from my motors, it darkens to the 'black oil' people think of. Obviously... oily taste or texture. Tastes hmm... soapy? soapy oil..mmm....
I don't usually have to take hydraulic fluids but if I do its because I was leaking somewhere from damage. The one I take is synthetic... and it is dyed a nice purple color because it is actually red.. the color change is to help repair crews notice which of my systems might be damaged. Since my diesel is red. Again, an oily taste heheh...i love oil...this one is a little spicy though instead of sweet like diesel.
one thing I don't 'drink' is greases...those get applied where they need to go by repair and maintenance crew.
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robobirdie · 2 years
Another fun Fanstory Bonus
While working on my story I came up with this explaining how using references from the show about how Zanes internal workings would likely logically work. This work helped play into parts of the story and is actually referanced in the story in the Chapter The Fabricant and the Mage. This is the talk Robin had with Jay about Zane. Their talk takes place in the Scholars Center in Balmora. This is what I wrote about the chat in the story:
‘ Zane had heard a bit of Robin and Jay talking about him. They had been in the main room of the scholars center talking. Zane had been in the room trying to read a book when Robin had come in to ask Jay questions. Zane had tried to ignore them feeling uncomfortable with their talking. He didn’t think they intended to make him uncomfortable but they had been a little loud, Zane felt Robins enthusiasm on the topic helped with their chats volume, which their talking about him in a close to public setting just steadily made him more and more uncomfortable as they went on so he had soon left the room to find somewhere more quiet and secluded to read his book and relax.’
Jay explaining Zanes internal anatomy to others/Robin:
We always knew something was different about him but we didn’t find out how special he was till we found out he was a nindroid. Zane didn’t even realise the oddities to himself weren’t normal. He was aware of them but just thought they were normal. Finding out what he really was really helped explain some things like why he never seemed to get bruises and things that made the rest of us sick didn’t seem to make him sick along with some of his strange behaviours and quirks. Despite being a nindroid he’s built to be as human like as possible. He has synthetic replicas of several important organs even though he doesn’t consider them true organs as they are synthetic replicas and not made of flesh like a normal persons but the rest of us consider them true organs. Most of them like those that make up his digestive tract work much like the real thing with only slight differences. Systems like his digestive tract serve functions in his body while others like his lungs only help make him look and behave human and don’t really serve much of a function as he doesn’t need oxygen. Others like his digestive system do more. It functions much like a normal persons but has some differences, it is much more resilient and is more dangerous as the fluids, enzymes and bacteria in it are more corrosive and break apart harder materials again probably because of the whole fact he’s a nindroid and not a soft flesh and blood person instead having jaws and teeth made with metal and synthetic organs made from a material that can not only repair themselves but are tougher than most plastics or metals plus not knowing instinctively what is safe as food and what isn’t like a person. In case they need repairs or maintenance all his synthetic organs can be removed so they can be worked on if something’s wrong with those of his digestive system split into four major sections his throat, stomach, small intestine then large intestines that way parts can be worked on separately without having to remove the whole system in case he needs repairs in it. As a safety precaution to prevent internal damages the acid in his stomach and his stomachs nature can break down even some of the toughest organic matter like bones with only teeth, things made of keratin and most inorganic matter like plastics and metals being too tough for him to process in order to prevent cuts or blockages to his system. Like normal living things he has bacteria in his digestive system that help break things down but those in his system are strong enough they are capable of breaking down motor oils. Those facts helped explain something’s we always found odd when we thought he was just human like why he was never hurt or made sick from eating bits of bones or the pits of peaches plus his strange attraction to tasting motor oils and never getting sick from it. He has a bad habit of just eating bits of bone or even the whole bone if there still in his food and not taking them out like a person normally would and eating everything of a peach including the pit sometimes swallowing the pit or even the whole peach whole. Not even Cole does that or can handle that but it never hurts Zane. He also has a strange habit of tasting and occasionally drinking oils; I think some of his internal sensors can tell him how useful they’ll be for him that’s why he does it. He also likes the taste of a lot of them too and sometimes can have too much of it which causes imbalances to the organisms and chemicals in his systems. Pixal gets mad at him when he does that but he often can’t help himself; like Cole with cake. Anyway he has a metabolism to determine how fast things are processed and how quickly he can acquire energy and he can change its rate if he needs to or even shut it down if he has to; in order to shut it down for long periods though like more than a day or two he has to empty everything in his digestive system to prevent things from rotting causing damages to parts. His metabolisms normal base level is set to low high so it only takes a few hours for his stomach to break down most items and things usually finish passing through his system within a day or two. Once broken down things are moved into his intestines where after the acid is quickly neutralized and after the chemicals that make it and the enzymes in it are reabsorbed to be use again the synthetic organ absorbs a lot of the broken down matter pushing what’s absorbed into these special devices that line the outside of his small intestines and some of his large intestines. These devices are like half machine half synthetic organ things that convert the absorbed matter into electrical energy; I call them intestinal electrical power converters. These little devices can convert up to 80% of what he eats and drinks into electrical energy, that’s more than a person can process and much more efficient than his old body. Of course what doesn’t get absorbed continues on like in us; you probably aren’t interested that part. I can say he is capable of reabsorbing most of the chemicals and components his system uses so he can reuse them and he can make use of up to 80% of the material he consumes into energy so that’s probably why he doesn’t need to use the bathroom as frequently as a person; usually he can go a few days to a week before having to use the bathroom. He doesn’t need to drink water like humans do but he does need to drink water based fluids a few times a week to maintain the balances and supplies of certain chemicals and moisture levels in his body. It also helps maintain the health of the symbiotic organisms in his synthetic systems. He does have to eat at least once a day though twice is better to help keep the energy output levels from his heart stable but he can go a while without food, it really starts to mess with the power outputs from his heart though causing problems. As a rule we don’t let him go more than four days without eating; he gets moody when his energy outputs are low and he can be quite scary and short tempered when he’s moody. Anyway the energy produced by those intestinal electrical power converters is sent to his power source to be stored for later use or put into use instantly. It’s a very useful system as his power source does have a limited output and it can really hurt him if it’s pushed past this limit even proving fatal if he pushes it too far. When that happens as long as it doesn’t kill him it can take a while for his power source to recover to its normal output levels; sometimes days if he pushes it too far. His digestive process can help him recover faster by providing him new and easily replenished energy to take the stress off his power source so it can recover faster. It also helps prolong the health of his power source as it means his body doesn’t have to take all its powers for its functioning from his heart taking stress off it. We still don’t know what his power source is exactly. Me and Nya have looked into it but can only determine it’s really special and doesn’t work much like a battery. The only thing it shares with a battery is it powers his body, uses electricity as its energy output and can store a great deal of electrical energy for later use that’s it. We also know if he pushes it too far or it gets seriously overloaded it will explode and kill him so we have to be careful to keep his heart from exploding especially me. I have to be careful not to accidently hit him with my powers while we’re fighting especially if I have a serious charge. It’s also not good for him to get struck by lightning; he really risks overloading not just his heart but many of his circuits and it can prove fatal not to mention it really hurts him. He also has to take it easy and not push himself if he’s experiencing problems with energy output or stressed out his power source while engaging in activities. It’s easy for him to over work his heart especially now that he has only half of his original heart. He never regrets giving up half his heart though as he gave it up for his Yang, a female droid named Pixal. She stayed behind to help protect our realm while we’re away. He deeply cares for her and she does the same. I think because we’re so focussed on our tasks here plus all the problems here it keeps him from fully thinking of her so he doesn’t show it much but I think he’s really missing her.
Anyway back to the topic he has some special features to his digestive tract, lungs and senses that simpler bots don’t have that helps him be more human like. He has special sensors in them that pick up various things like chemicals that can put one to sleep and make him react accordingly unless of course he feels threatened or those around him are in danger then he can override the effects if he wants. Though he has to be aware of what’s affecting him. Before he found out what he was he really didn’t have control over this ability because he didn’t know he could do that so he always fell to their effects and was unable to fight them. Even now though we have found he can’t resist the effects to everything. Some things he can’t over ride and others not only can he not over ride but affect him in odd ways compared to the rest of us causing things like disrupting his systems, messing with his ability to move and or navigate, preventing him from being able to properly control his body and even paralyse him or knock him offline for several hours. Some of these too have no effect on other beings like us but affect droids like him. This feature can prove helpful making him like a canary in a coal mine for dangers like toxic gasses or if we think something’s poisonous. If something is toxic it won’t kill him but can irritate and disrupt his systems. It’ll hurt him but he’ll recover without major harm. This trait can prove real useful especially with some of Cole or Kais cooking; if it makes Zane sick or causes problems for him then you shouldn’t eat it. Of course all the workings in his body produce quite a bit of heat which can be quite dangerous; if he gets too hot it can fry his systems which could be lethal. He usually keeps his body temperature around that of a persons. To keep his temperature stable he has a cooling system that pumps a fluid through his body that can help cool it and pull excess heat in his head and core out and put it into his limbs to be more easily lost and keep it away from vital systems. If he’s having troubles keeping cool he will shut down non vital functioning’s to help prevent the build up of extra heat and will even start using his powers to help keep cool. I’ve even caught him eating ice to try and cool his internal temperatures down when he’s having trouble keeping cool. When he’s doing that then you know the heat is bad. If the temperature gets too much despite his attempts to control it he will pass out till he’s cooled off. To keep his brain and heart healthy and functioning properly not to mention conserve energy he has to sleep regularly like everyone else, at least once a day for a few hours is best, that way they can rest so they don’t get bogged down or overworked and trust me when he’s tired you don’t want to make him mad. He can get rather moody like Cole when he’s hangry. I guess in ways since his energy output has ties to if he eats or not you could also consider this Zanes equivalent to getting hangry. While he sleeps he sometimes runs things like defrags, system updates, restores and reboots and memory backups. He doesn’t like to admit it and sometimes pretends it doesn’t happen but he does dream. I think they greatly unsettle, confuse and even sometimes scare him that’s why he doesn’t like to admit sometimes that he dreams.
Despite how resilient his systems are they’re not invincible. He knows that and so do me and Nya but the others sometimes don’t realise this and have caused some problems. On one of their missions together while undercover Kai created a firestorm to cut off some criminals escape and forgot to warn Zane who got caught off guard by the edges of the blast and accidently breathed in some of the fire in surprise. It did some damage to his lungs. Luckily since he doesn’t need oxygen it wasn’t serious and we were able to get parts to replace what was damaged but it took a few days to get them and in the meantime Zane was stuck breathing funny and coughing from irritation and pain from the damages to the sensors in his lungs. Kai felt so bad for what happened he helped me repair the damages even though he really didn’t know much about what he was doing and seeing Zanes internal makings both grosses and disturbs him quite a bit. Another time Cole made this meal I forget what it was called but it was real bad. It was shortly before we lost master Wu for a year in this time related incident. Pixal had warned him not to try it as it seemed dangerous but he didn’t listen not wanting to hurt Coles feelings and had it with the rest of us. Most of us spent the night throwing up but Zane had a bigger problem it made him more than just feel sick and disrupt his system. His body processed it in a weird way. His digestive fluids along with the internal heat of his body turned most of it into this thick stringy sticky stuff that clogged up like the first twenty centimetres of his intestines with what looked like really thick, tough and gross cobwebs. He didn’t want Cole to know not wanting him to feel bad as he was already feeling bad for making everyone sick plus some of Coles cooking in the past had caused him problems or hurt him making Cole really upset for what he did to Zane but since we put Zane offline while we worked on him Nya told Cole and got him involved in removing the stuff. I think it was as a sort of punishment for making us all sick. It was not easy to remove the stuff thanks to it being thick, a bit elastic and sticky like a real nasty bread dough. It took us over four hours to get all the stuff out and clear out any still in his stomach to prevent further problems. Along with our normal tools we use when working on him we had to use some non conventional tools like a bottle cleaner from the kitchen, if you’re wondering yha we got a new one after that as no one wanted to use it for the dishes afterwards plus Zanes digestive fluids did some serious damage to it. Nya also made Cole use his bare hands to reach in there to remove some of it. I think she did it as a sort of punishment to him. Yha it grossed him out quite a bit and nearly made him sick a few times. I think that incident helped push him into taking cooking classes. He’d been contemplating it before but not long after that did he actually start taking them. He also never made whatever that was again, we’re all grateful for that.
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Bonus, came up with this little concept while working this out:
An episode where the Mechanic uses robotic worms to try and remove Zane; he wants to destroy him slowly and painfully for all the annoyance he has been to the Mechanics plans in the past. They find a way inside him while he’s sleeping and start causing damages. Worried cause she couldn’t wake him Pixal brought him into the hanger bay to do some diagnostics and finds something’s causing serious internal damages to him but she can’t find what’s causing it. To save him the ninja are shrunk and sent inside him to find the culprits who are scattered throughout his insides and stop them before they cause to much harm while Pixal fixes the damages they’ve done and removes any they take out. While they are still inside him the Mechanic comes to try and stop them noticing his worms being taken offline. He doesn’t know what they’ve been doing so kidnaps Zane who is starting to wake up and takes him back to his lair to figure out what is knocking the worms offline wanting to reboot them so they’ll continue their work. Zane wakes up weak, rather dazed and confused while in the Mechanics lair. He has no clue what has been going on or where the others are till they connect their communicators to him and contact him to explain everything to him and that they are still inside him. They find out they can temporarily let Zane use their powers by touching his heart while activating or thinking of using theirs. By working together with Zane they find a way to escape being imprisoned by the Mechanic, stop what he’s doing and get him arrested. Finishes by them returning to the monastery where Pixal gets the others out of him and returns them to normal before finishing the repairs and removing the worms from Zane.
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To find previous and later chapters look here: https://robobirdie.tumblr.com/archive
You can also find a copy of the story written here https://archiveofourown.org/works/34894561/chapters/86888878 and here https://www.wattpad.com/1087355671-ninjago-the-oni-scrolls-foreword-important-info You can also find images pertaining to the story here: https://www.deviantart.com/nerdy-hyena/gallery/72478681/story-project
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Marlboro Ice Blast Cigarettes
Marlboro has a long history of sponsorship in motor racing. It backed factory World Rally Championship teams in the 1972 and 1974 seasons, and has appeared on the suits of drivers including Markku Alen and Timo Salonen.
In South Korea, marlboro ice blast cigarettes packages display intrafamily codes inferring a hierarchy of relative harm on the basis of the size of the Marlboro rooftop symbol. A larger rooftop is used for variants reporting a high machine-measured tar yield, and a smaller roof is used for variants reporting a low nominal tar yield.
Menthol is a minty flavoring that can be found in many food products, tobacco products, and medicines. It has a cooling and anesthetic effect, suppressing the cough reflex and soothing a dry throat. It is also known to cause vasoconstriction, which can increase blood pressure and lead to heart attack and stroke. Menthol is especially dangerous for those with health conditions like cancer, heart disease, or high blood pressure.
Menthol can be derived from natural sources such as peppermint oil or extracted from its leaves and buds. It can also be produced synthetically. The natural chemical has mirror-image versions called L-menthol and D-menthol. L-menthol has low acute toxicity when administered orally, but the D-form can be toxic in high doses.
In a recent study, Roswell Park researchers used a randomized controlled design to compare the effects of different delivery methods of menthol in cigarettes on sensory attributes, perceived risk and appeal, and short-term smoking urges. The study was conducted in participants ages 18 to 24.
The ice blast inside a cigarette was an innovation. It changed the way of thinking about a cigarette, as it challenged the notion that it’s a commodity product. The ice burst was a huge delta over regular marlboro gold cigarettes products. This was an important differentiation in the market and it solved for adoption behaviour.
Ice Blast is a capsule cigarette with an ice core that can be crushed by the smoker to unleash the intensely cool taste of menthol. It is available in a range of pack sizes, including the iconic flip-top box. The cigarettes are manufactured by Philip Morris UK and sold across Europe.
Cigarette packages depict numbers and sequentially different rooftop sizes to communicate relative machine-measured tar yields. In South Korea, for instance, a larger blue-coloured rooftop is seen on a variant with a claimed tar yield of 6.0 mg while a smaller rooftop is used for another offering reporting a tar yield of 1.0 mg.
Ice burst is a cigarette from Philip Morris that features an iceball inside the filter which can be crushed to supercharge the icy cold taste sensation. The Iceball is a new innovation in the premium cigarette category and is designed to deliver a more refreshing experience than conventional cigarettes.
Ice burst is available in different countries and is intended to appeal to smokers seeking a more refreshing smoking experience. In addition, it is expected to comply with local tobacco regulations, including age-restricted marketing and sale. It is also likely to include health warnings and information about the risks of smoking. The ice flavour is a novel feature in the market and is intended to be complementary to the existing Marlboro portfolio. It is part of PMI’s strategy to leverage the ice brand to grow share in the global menthol cigarette market.
Marlboro Ice Blast is a new variant of the popular marlboro red cigarettes Menthol cigarettes. It features an extra menthol capsule in the filters which can be cracked open by pressing down hard on the pack. This new feature adds to the menthol flavor and taste of the cigarette. The packaging for Marlboro Ice Blast has been changed from the previous one to include a new logo. The logo is similar to the other Marlboro cigarette packs, but features a green ball that can be broken by pressing down on the pack.
The cigarette packages for both the Marlboro and Ice Blast brand variants portray blue-coloured rooftops, with the different rooftop sizes communicating a hierarchy of relative machine-measured tar yields. The package for the 6.0 mg tar-yield variant depicts a larger rooftop, while the 1.0 mg variant depicts a comparatively smaller rooftop.
In order to ensure that the ice cubes are safe to smoke, it is important to wrap them in a paper or plastic bag before smoking them. This will prevent them from melting or becoming soggy, and will also help reduce the risk of fires or burns.
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beboslatkice · 2 months
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delsitfamily · 8 months
Exploring the World of Organic Play Dough
Organic play dough, in contrast to traditional play dough, is made from organic, plant-based, and non-toxic ingredients. The primary components typically include organic flour, salt, water, vegetable-based dyes, and essential oils. The absence of harmful chemicals, artificial fragrances, and synthetic dyes in organic play dough makes it a safer option for children of all ages.
The advantages of organic play dough go beyond its safety. Let's delve into the world of this eco-friendly play material:
Safe for Children: Organic play dough is free from chemicals and allergens that can irritate sensitive skin or trigger allergies. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that their children are playing with a product that is safe to touch, even if they decide to explore the world of taste through their tiny fingers.
Creativity and Sensory Development: Play dough encourages imaginative play and enhances sensory development. The soft texture, malleability, and vibrant colors of organic play dough engage a child's sense of touch, sight, and smell. These sensory experiences are essential for a child's cognitive and motor skill development.
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Environmentally Friendly: One of the most significant advantages of organic play dough is its minimal impact on the environment. With its biodegradable and non-toxic ingredients, it decomposes naturally, unlike traditional play dough made from synthetic compounds. This eco-friendliness extends to the packaging as well, often coming in recyclable containers.
Aromatherapy for Kids: Organic play dough can be infused with essential oils, offering aromatherapeutic benefits. Certain scents like lavender, citrus, or mint can promote relaxation, concentration, or energy. This adds an extra layer of sensory delight to playtime and can help calm restless kids.
Customizability: Many companies that produce organic play dough offer a range of colors and scents, allowing parents and children to choose their favorites. Some brands even offer DIY kits, encouraging a creative bonding experience between parents and children as they make their own organic play dough.
Educational Opportunities: Beyond imaginative play, organic play dough can be used as an educational tool. Children can learn about shapes, colors, and textures while playing. Additionally, using tools like cookie cutters, rolling pins, and plastic knives can promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Long-Lasting: Organic play dough can stay soft and pliable for a long time when stored properly in airtight containers. This longevity means that children can enjoy hours of creative play without the need for frequent replacements.
Non-Staining: Unlike some traditional play doughs, organic options are less likely to leave stains on hands or surfaces. This feature makes cleanup much easier for parents, which is always a plus.
Versatility: Organic play dough can be incorporated into various play and learning activities. It can be used for sculpting, making miniatures, building structures, and even as a stress-relief tool for adults. Its versatility makes it an ideal addition to any playroom.
Supporting Sustainable Practices: By choosing organic play dough, toddler doll stroller you're not only investing in your child's well-being but also supporting sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Many organic play dough manufacturers are committed to ethical and environmentally responsible production methods.
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years
The Celtic Tiger - A Kaiserreich Ireland AAR Chapter 3: A More Perfect Union
16 January 1938 - Áras an Uachtaráin, Dublin, Ireland
The East Coast Enclave had been months of ferocious fighting, but with the fall of New York City, the center of combat had shifted halfway across the country; it was now time for the west under General Eisenhower to show what they were capable of. Militia forces had been brought up to supplement the professionals, and training camps on the West Coast from MCRD San Diego to Fort Lewis in Washington State were training enlistees that had signed on to protect the country. The Federals were pushing on the western front from the Dakotas and Kansas, looking to threaten the rebel capital of Chicago. The Great Plains were difficult to defend as long as the Federals maintained control of the air. Close air support had orders to target Syndicate armor, vehicles, and artillery, depriving them of their heavy firepower, and allied fighters had swept the skies clean.
That had not meant that the East Coast was idle. Dan McKenna and the 1st Thunderbolts did not follow as the other volunteers pivoted to the southern front. The Irish were to stay in the north and eliminate pockets of Syndicalist resistance and clear the pathway to the new Syndicalist eastern command nexus in Cleveland. Irish volunteers often clashed with Union of Britain volunteers under General Paget in that theater, and McKenna knew that the more experience and knowledge he could gain about the Union’s fighting capability, the better informed Ireland would be about the Union. With the loss of Pittsburgh and New York, Cleveland was now the major stronghold for Syndicalists in the east, and if Cleveland was threatened, Detroit and Chicago would both be left vulnerable from MacArthur’s infantry in the east as well as the armored units driving in from the west. 
The Syndicalist position was dire. Mass outcry and demonstrations had taken place when news of Welfare Island had begun to circulate, calling for increased support for the embattled Federal government and more shipments of vital war materiel and volunteers. Canada closed the border to refugees in Syndicalist New York, citing the need to prevent war criminals from escaping their crimes, and had King Edward had strong-armed Parliament into raising the possibility of full military intervention, though the Liberal majority under MacKenzie King vowed that such an action would never pass the Canadian Parliament. Savinkov, the Vozhd of Russia, had given a fiery speech in Moscow, that the forces of the left “were monsters in human skin, and must be eliminated before they establish their visions of extermination in other countries,” in a rebuke to those who had protested his purging of the Left SR. Almost with equal fervor, the Internationale had defended the CSA’s actions, with Marcel Deat stating that “those who have kept the workers in captivity have tasted but a fraction of a fraction of what they wrought upon the working class.” Smedley Butler had agreed, quoting “What is a nation supposed to do with gangsters?” Jack Reed was uncharacteristically quiet, only citing incidents of financial workers sympathizing with Federals and committing crimes against the Combined Syndicates of America and that such actions were no different than the Federal arrest of syndicalist comrades in their own territory. Reed had focused on attempting to win more support for the CSA on the world stage, looking for recognition from social democrat regimes across the world. 
At home, Collins had reiterated his support for the American government in their civil war, and continued to push his economic initiatives at home, focusing on improving Ireland’s scientific and research prowess by improving the Éireann Scientific Innovation Council that had been founded in 1937. After the rapid industrialization that had turned Dublin into a manufacturing hub for civilian and military industry alike, Collins believed that a well-funded research program was necessary to transform Ireland into a truly modernized country with a knowledge economy. Research grants to universities, government contracts for private industry, and public research initiatives in strategic sectors. Oil and rubber were going to be critical, Ireland had no naturally existing quantities of either, and although there was trade between the German and Dutch colonial holdings in East Asia, that could not last forever. Collins had seen great strides with synthetically derived Buna rubber, and synthetic derivations of oil. Any plans to improve the An tAerchór weren’t going to go anywhere if Ireland couldn’t produce the AVGAS needed to get the planes to take off. There was also a need to develop better machining tools and expand the use of mechanical calculation machines with advanced differential analysis. Early in 1936, Collins had ensured that Ireland focused on developing such electronic machines to assist in the small research programs that Ireland did have, and time was proving him to have been prudent. Irish researchers were exceptionally productive, but they lacked the funding and manpower of the Great Powers. 
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The ESIC had succeeded in its early endeavors, helping to develop radar technology that Collins had hoped to install in each of the four provinces as a warning against any Union aerial incursion. Industrial investment has also boomed in the ESIC, with the new factories in Dublin taking advantage of the development of industrial turret lathes to help improve factory productivity. The foreign financial press had delighted in previous Irish endeavors, and Collins knew that if he could continue to charm the reporters, foreign investments would continue to roll in. Long gone were the days where performance on the battlefield could earn him concessions from his enemy. This new kind of war was measured in industrial tonnages, wastage percentages, and research publications, and much like the soldiers of 1916, Irish industry had significant disadvantages in organization, technology, and training. They had responded effectively to the crisis of Black Monday, but how Ireland would modernize its economy had been an open question. It was easy to fix a crisis, but maintaining a high level of prosperity in peacetime was an entirely new sort of war. Some critical articles dismissed the Irish recovery as a fluke, and predicted that Ireland would continue as it already had, a largely agrarian economy, a quaint backwater.
Collins hoped to change that. If Ireland was going to maintain its independence, it was going to need to make up for any shortage in men with the quality of their labors, from warfare to labor productivity and now, with research. The ESIC would get more funding, allowing for multiple projects that could benefit the industrial and military spheres. Perhaps in the near future, competing with the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and the Imperial Scientific and Academic Council in prestige and accomplishment. It would be a great green leap forward into the modern era, a synthesis of knowledge, industry, and agriculture - the benefits of all three, and the drawbacks of none. Ireland would shake off the old plantation ways of the British colonial times, and take its place among the modern world.
Or at least, that had always been the vision.
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16 March 1938 - Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
It was over. The Combined Syndicates had capitulated.
Surrounded on all sides, the Syndicates had quickly lost control of Ohio. The Federal army threatened Cleveland from the land and rail routes toward Pittsburgh, but had pushed along Lake Erie and the Canal to create a stranglehold, cutting off the Combined Syndicates from international support and re-supply and starving the CSA army of vital fuel. Butler’s orders were to hold the city and prevent the eastern front from collapsing, but after ferocious attack from Federal bombers and artillery, the Syndicates were forced to withdraw. Holdout forces persisted, but McKenna’s Irish Thunderbolts had been able to eliminate the remaining guerrillas with minimal casualties.
The fall of Cleveland was a deathblow to Syndicalist morale, as the Federal could threaten Detroit from the east. Reinforcing the eastern theater was a daunting proposition, as the motorized and armored forces were primarily situated in the west to push toward Chicago. The militia forces that had been raised from Michigan and Illinois were not up to the task of facing the dogged professionals that had made up the volunteer corps or the crack Federal professionals. The French armor division had opted to fight to the last in Cleveland, and they had, but this had left the Combined Syndicates without a strong maneuver unit in theater. Desertions began to plague the Syndicalist army, with militia forces melting away in an attempt to return to their homes. Butler had increasingly ordered blocking divisions and rear pickets being established to prevent desertion, and rhetoric intensified against “cowards who betrayed the revolution,” but on the front lines, the order was rarely implemented, since every professional was needed to halt the tide of the Federal advance. 
Butler’s solution was to withdraw from the large Minnesota line, shortening the defensive line and allowing mutual support from quiet portions of the front to reinforce trouble spots. This had allowed even foot infantry to relieve areas under fire. By employing a mobile reserve, Butler was able to stabilize the line and prevent a complete collapse in the east. Reed had continued to lobby the Internationale for more funding, perhaps to even officially declare war on the Federal government, but the Communards disallowed it. Deat worried that if the Internationale declared war on the Federals, the Canadians would declare war on the Combined Syndicates, and the war would be over before the Union of Britain or the Commune of France could land their troops on the East Coast. With the seas and skies closed, supply shipments were irregular at best, to the benefit of the Federals who happily seized Communard supply shipments of food and weapons for their own. No relief would be coming.
After a week, Dan McKenna and the 1st Thunderbolts received their orders to join the Federal effort to take Detroit from the Syndicalists. The Federal plan was deceptively simple, a push from the east to threaten Detroit, and when Butler would pull forces to reinforce the eastern line, the west would launch an assault on Chicago, using infantry units and airpower to disrupt the line and after collapse, the motorized units would penetrate into the territory, causing as much damage to the strategic depth and attacking fleeing units with the hope that the units themselves will rout. Ideally, they would disband completely, but even if they were isolated and out of contact, that would mean success as the slower infantry moved in to occupy territory in Iowa and southern Illinois. 
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Butler did not take the bait, electing instead on a fighting withdrawal, hoping to overextend the Federal lines and encircle them. Yet with the Federals using their professional as the spearhead, with militia following behind, few openings presented themselves. Federal control of the sky made ambush and counter-attack difficult to conceal, in some cases Federal bombers would simply bomb the ambush before they could even reach their target. Butler had even attempted a marine raid across Lake Erie, to cause chaos in the Federal rear and cause the advance to pause, but deserters had tipped off field commanders to the plan in exchange for parole, allowing MacArthur to order air patrols of the lake, to sink the enemy when they appeared. With losses mounting, eventually the Detroit defenders elected to initiate a scorched earth policy, burning their fuel reserves and destroying the Edsel Ford memorial building, before retreating to the West End, hoping to reinforce their capital in Chicago.
Such a feat was perhaps too much to hope for; Chicago fell shortly thereafter. General Doolittle, the commander of the newly-minted United States Army Air Force, had ordered bombing raids to occur daily in Chicago to destroy Syndicate factories and depots, hoping to force their workforce to refuse to work in such dangerous conditions. Reed had ordered that workers who had missed their shifts would be prosecuted, turning over power of enforcement to political commissars, but a destroyed factory produced nothing, workforce or not. Families huddled within basements, churches, and schools, hoping to avoid becoming collateral damage. On 13 March 1938, Jack Reed and several important militia figures were nowhere to be found, having fled the city during the night. Smedley Butler, seeing all was lost, gave the order for a ceasefire and truce. Butler and MacArthur signed the Treaty of Chicago on 16 March, and Butler publicly urged the Syndicate army to turn over arms and surrender to the nearest Federal officer. The news was accepted to mixed response, made worse by the fact that Reed was not the one who had signed the surrender documents. News of attacks against civilian targets came in almost immediately, and National Guard divisions that were not on the front lines found themselves tasked with occupying hostile territory and subject to a nasty guerrilla war.
Reed was caught a few days later, attempting to flee along the Erie Canal to the Commune of France, and turned over to Federal courts. Reed was defiant, citing the never-ending struggle of the American worker for their liberation, and he and Butler were both taken to Washington to await trial. President Garner, jubilant at the news, demanded Long’s immediate surrender to spare “the country any more damage and work to establish the United States as one nation indivisible.” Long never responded to Garner’s request, and continued to push against Federal positions in the Midwest and the Carolinas, hoping to secure a decisive advantage before northern front troops could reinforce their southern brethren. 
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08 May 1938 - Kentucky/Tennessee Border, United States of America
“Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the United States of America and Volunteer Forces of Allied Nations
We are to embark upon the Great Crusade toward which we have striven these many months, and seek an end to this civil war that has plagued our country. We have accomplished much in this past year of warfare. Our forces have inflicted upon the Combined Syndicates and the Union State great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. We have taken New York, Detroit, and Chicago. We have forced the surrender of Smedley Butler and the forces which have opposed us in the north. Much more remains in front of us. George Patton and the military of the Union State are ahead, and they will fight tenaciously. They are well-equipped, well-trained, and battle-hardened. Yet our Home Fronts are behind us, producing an advantage in our reserves of Fighting Men, in our weapons and munitions of war. I have nothing short of the utmost confidence in your skill as fighting men and your devotion to duty. We will accept nothing less than full Victory, and that America will again be one nation indivisible. Good Luck! And let us all beseech blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.” -Dwight Eisenhower, Speech to the Troops following the invasion of the American Union State
The push into Union State territory was going to have to start somewhere. A sense of quiet unease had fallen over the front lines of the American Civil War. Eisenhower and MacArthur had been recruiting militia and bringing them to the front lines in an attempt to bolster their push with raw numbers; the manpower advantage had favored the Federals over the Longists. The militia, however, were more of a paper tiger than anything else, they quickly folded in the face of a determined struggle by professional troops. MacArthur had suggested attaching militia to their professionals to supplement an attack, while Eisenhower wanted them to take over less combat-heavy roles like transporting supplies. Ultimately, Garner elected on both strategies, letting the professionals take the lead while militia primarily acted as support, but not forbidding them from the front lines. The militia hadn’t been too happy about that order, but more than one eager volunteer went to pieces when it came to shelling. No one wanted the effort to stall out when the militia abandoned it, and the professionals were happy to have one less headache to deal with.
The volunteers had spread across the massive border of the American Union State, with Dan McKenna and the 1st Thunderbolts stationed on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee. There was a salient in the Union line, as Longist forces had opted to secure an advance bridge to prevent armor and motorized units from pouring into Tennessee, and McKenna had opted to fight with the Americans in taking it back. McKenna’s friends in the 12th Hohei Shidan had been stationed near the three way intersection of Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee, too far to fight with them on the bridge as they had in Pittsburgh. Adna Chaffee Jr. had been appointed theater commander with divisions of motorized infantry and tanks fighting in the Great Plains, but the bridge needed to be taken before any wheeled or tracked units could get into enemy territory. If they couldn’t take the bridge, the push would be slow as bridging operations would need to be conducted, potentially leaving them vulnerable to enemy bombardment. Chaffee had sent an Irish militia brigade, the First Dublin Volunteers, to fight with the Thunderbolts, in hopes that it would form greater unit cohesion between the militia units and McKenna’s professional volunteers. 
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McKenna, after seizing the bridge, opted to strike toward western Tennessee, as his recon teams had seen that the Union State was only defended by poorly-equipped militia forces. McKenna crossed the border and struck north, surprising the 2nd Minutemen with a night crossing of the river and attack in the dawn hours. The militia had fled, and McKenna boasted that his volunteers “were the first in Tennessee.” During the war itself, he had said he was the first division to achieve its objective, but this claim was hard to verify, as multiple divisions had achieved successful ingress during the first day of operations.
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Claire Lee Chennault was ordered to counterattack, sending members of the Minutemen and the Silver Legion to attack the Irish volunteers before they could consolidate their position and establish good defensive fighting ground. McKenna elected to fight, aided by locals sympathetic to the Federal cause. Long’s acceptance of the Silver Legion had starkly divided the American Union State, and much like the Federal militia, the Silver Legion were unready for warfare, forcing Long to lean heavily on the professional forces that had sided with him over the Garner government. Chennault also received no aircraft and little in the way of towed anti-aircraft guns for his theater, which he had fiercely protested. Industrial shortages had plagued the American Union State and Chennault was not well-liked by the high command of the Union State, many of whom carried their grudges from the US military. The German volunteers in Tennessee opted not to support his push against the Irish volunteers. Without air support and with little in the way of trained troops, Chennault’s move was difficult. To counter, Chaffee ordered the 4th Ohio loyalist militia to support McKenna while professional Federal forces flanked the Silver Legion from the north. Chaffee’s move was successful, threatening Nashville and relieving the pressure on the Irish volunteers, and McKenna ambushed the 2nd Minutemen after luring them into the open. After ten days of fierce fighting, the Union State withdrew to Nashville, ceding the area to the north to the Federals. McKenna would earn immortality for his ability to fend off multiple angles of attack using localized strongpoints and artillery fire throughout the Second American Civil War.
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29 June 1938 - Mississippi Lowlands near Greenville, United States of America
McKenna marveled at just how ridiculously large the United States was. It was one thing to see a map, to look at numbers printed in a book, and know that it was a massive country; it was another to experience the chill of New York in winter and the sweltering humidity of Mississippi in summer. 
Alas, he was not here to write a weather guide, he was here to fight. The Federals had enough manpower and foreign support that the American Union State had been falling back on almost every front. Patton’s regulars were well-led, some of his tactical maneuvers were downright brilliant, but he lacked the manpower to secure strategic gains. With the victory over the Combined Syndicates, Federal morale was at an all time high. Even those who couldn’t fight helped in their own way, even if it was just buying war bonds to help further the effort. Local intelligence was particularly prized, but even just a warm meal or good directions had supported the war effort.
The Federal High Command sought to split the American Union State. The Deep South States of Alabama and Mississippi could cut Florida off from AUS command, that would make it vulnerable. If Florida could fall, that would give the US Navy a local base to contest the Gulf of Mexico, hopefully robbing the AUS of supplies. The Texas oil fields meant that they were unlikely to run out of fuel, but taking Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas would cripple Long’s supply of bauxite that he needed for his support companies, as well as threaten his capital in New Orleans. Biloxi and Mobile were just a short boat ride away, and if the Federal could control those areas, they may even be able to start shelling the capital and force a surrender.
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More than the heat, McKenna was in awe of the fighting prowess of his men. The Thunderbolts had to have been one of the finest units in this war. They were true veterans, who had gone through the crucible and come out the other side to become a spear in the hearts of any foe. They moved without wasted movement, everything from the artillery to the ambulance corps had been honed to a razor’s precision. The way the infantry effortlessly went from defense to attack as if it were no more a burden than shifting from one foot to the other. Casualties for the Thunderbolts had been among the lowest across the entire Federal forces, a far cry from the grievous losses they had taken in West Virginia and New York City. If they could bring back this level of exceptional ability to Ireland, the sky was truly the limit for the Irish Republican Army.
Hopefully, that would have to act as a deterrent to Mosley across the Irish Sea. The failure of the Combined Syndicates had also acted as a slap in the face for the Internationale, as they had poured men, money, and materiel into Jack Reed’s insurrection. Collins had feared the Internationale acting emboldened if they had won the American Civil War, but McKenna had wondered if they would be chastened if they had failed. Neither Mosley’s Totalists nor the Jacobins in France were likely to simply accept their failure, lest King Edward and Marechal Petain become more emboldened in their efforts to retake their homelands. Even so, a hostile American government would have only made it worse. McKenna and the Thunderbolts had their fates written in stone, and that meant marinating in the heat of Mississippi, attacking the American Union State, and hoping to force a surrender before even more lives were lost. 
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The Federals had opted to place a large number of regulars to push west, due to the width of the Mississippi. The Union State had blown the bridges leading to the Mississippi Lowlands, and MacArthur had been forced ordered the militia to take the long route north to secure better bridges, but McKenna had learned a few techniques to create makeshift bridges quickly under fire. The 10th Mountain Division, supplemented by Pennsylvania volunteers, had finished their pacification campaign in the Appalachians, and had opted to fight with the Thunderbolts. The goal after taking the Mississippi would be to force a split between Texas and Lousiana, driving the traitors into the Gulf of Mexico or forcing them to surrender at the Mexican border, if necessary.
More and more reports had come in, particularly among black communities in Alabama and Mississippi, about the mass evictions, supply and money confiscations, and other expropriations of “donations to the war effort,” and as the war turned, the Silver Legion found no shortage of ‘traitors’ and ‘Federal sympathizers.’ Their punishment was as brutal as it was calculating, with homes burned first, sometimes with families still inside them, or an entire family forced to watch their members executed one right after the other. As the warfronts collapsed, Pelley continued to focus on ‘domestic unity,’ as he called it. One captured Silver Legion member, before his execution by firing squad, summed up the matter with the coldness of a lobster: “We have to create the impression of mastery eliminating without scruples or hesitation all those who do not think as we do. There can be no cowardice. If we hesitate one moment and fail to proceed with the greatest determination, we will not win.”
The war needed to end, and end soon. The longer it went on, the more people were brutalized, and the longer the United States would need to focus on rebuilding. 
“We will push forward, and push hard. We will fight hard, and we will fight forever, if that’s what it takes.” McKenna quoted to one reporter. “This war will only end when those who perpetrated it acknowledge their error, wrought in their pride, and end their fight. Then and only then will peace be achieved. Make sure you write that word for word. Peace will come, and it is only upon the American Union State to decide how quickly it shall come. They will come to the bargaining table or reap the fate of Carthage.”
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23 September 1938 - New Orleans, United States of America
The 23rd of September, 1938 was to be known as Victory Day.
It was the autumn equinox, when the year took the transition from long days to long nights. For the Americans, however, it had a new meaning, the day of the signing of the Treaty of New Orleans. The United States stepped from a difficult war to a difficult peace. 
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New Orleans had fallen, with Russian and Austrian volunteers eagerly attempting to be the first into the city. The Americans had made a successful push into Texas, dividing the command center of San Antonio from Long’s capital in New Orleans. Longists occupied several scattered parts of Arkansas, but were quickly collapsing in the face of dogged Federal assault. Much of the Texan contingent had likewise surrendered or faded into the Texas badlands to continue a guerrilla campaign against the victorious Federals. The writing had been on the wall since the summer; the failure of the Longist attack after the Treaty of Chicago and the success of the Tennessee campaign had shown that the Longists lacked the capability to achieve their strategic objectives. Only Germany and Paraguay supported Long, though their volunteers, depleted, helped little and even encouraged surrender with themselves as intermediaries. Long had been captured outside of New Orleans, and had formally announced a truce and an end to the civil war. Eisenhower took the instrument of surrender in a formal ceremony at the St. Louis Cathedral, and gave a somber speech in the ruined French quarter, urging “Americans everywhere to be reconciled, and to come again to each other as fellow Americans as one nation, under one flag.” Privately, Eisenhower feared guerrilla actions from fanatics who would refuse the surrender, but kept his misgivings to himself to not dampen the triumph of Victory Day. President Garner had flown to Washington D.C., to re-christen the capital as the seat of the Federal Government in a solemn ceremony. He announced an end to hostilities, and a new beginning for the country. “It will be a long rebuilding, and a hard one. But as I said before, we do not flee our problems, we solve them. We survived Black Monday, and we shall survive this.”
He hadn’t been wrong that it would be a hard rebuilding. Disease ran rampant through the country, people lived huddled in the husks of buildings gutted by bombs and artillery fire, exposed to the elements. Fields had been burned, water had been poisoned by bodies and poisonous runoff, exposing many to starvation. Only the West Coast and the Rocky Mountain States had been largely spared from the war, and they could not feed an entire nation. It had lost hundreds of thousands of people, and countless more had been crippled by their injuries or rendered completely mad. The German Kaiserreich had already promised a generous aid package and purchases of American goods to provide a steady influx of money, and perhaps to try and paper over their support of Huey Long during the war. The Japanese Empire, having fended off an army coup and proclaiming itself a friend to all democratic nations, had sent medical personnel and equipment to help stem the loss of people to injuries and disease. Canada and Mexico had already sent large relief caravans across their borders to assist, and established refugee camps on their borders to assist their beleaguered neighbor to treat those who had fled, with the hopes of repatriation in the near future. Even the Union of Britain and the Commune of France, while mourning their lost revolution, had offered aid to the United States worker in the form of grain shipments. For one brief moment, the world almost seemed united in a single purpose - to come to the aid of their fellow man for no other reason than because he was in pain.
The end hadn’t come soon enough for Daniel McKenna, who had spent the last 19 months far from home fighting fanatics eager to spill an ocean’s worth of blood for the cause. The defense of Americans against radicalism was a worthy goal, it was true, but what he had seen had far outstripped the battlefield. It was not a war for liberation, or for freedom. It wasn’t even a war borne out of something petty like resource gain or national honor. It was a war borne out of hate’s sake, and nothing else. The Irish Republican Army had done plenty of dishonorable things in their struggle for freedom, but what he saw was truly disturbing. What was worse though, was how many rationalized it as necessary. Their victims weren’t human, they were humanoid, something similarly shaped to man but without its inherent dignity. It would be a relief to McKenna, then, to finally head home with the 1st Thunderbolts. To sleep in his own bed, to breathe the air of home, and to eat lamb stew - the American love of beef had made him long for home.
He’d be back soon, he knew. He was the officer in charge when they had liberated Welfare Island. There would have to be a tribunal, and he would undoubtedly have to be a witness. He had hoped instead that the reporter lass could take the bullet for him, but that was improper. It was a soldier’s duty to see everything through, no matter how unpleasant, and duty did not end where the battlefield did.
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26 September 1938 - Home of Michael Collins, Cork, Ireland
Michael Collins greeted the news of the American victory with cold cheer. All of the news was good, certainly. The United States had staved off the threat of radicalism, and the Irish volunteers had returned to Ireland well-experienced and ready to take on the challenges of the world. The Internationale had received a large black eye to their goal of world revolution, and Ireland had demonstrated its resolve and skill for the world to see. There had been losses, several families had fathers, brothers, or sons that wouldn’t be returning. Collins had made sure to meet with each one of them, to express his condolences. The Irish Volunteers had been an all-volunteer brigade, but that hadn’t meant that everyone had supported Collins’s choice to support what they saw was a distant war for a country that had maintained cool relations with the country at best. He had hoped to make them see their commitment, but it was impossible not to see a grieving widow and think, in some small way, that the cost was paid by some more than others. 
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Yet there were stormclouds on the horizon. Plenty of American laborers felt cheated by Irish businessmen eager to hire at the lowest pound, that their plight was being exploited by greedy landlords and capital-holders; perfect fodder to sign on to Jim Larkin’s ideas and open the door to the syndicalists across the Irish Sea. Other laborers felt that the Americans were stealing their jobs, that they had gone out of the depression of Black Monday only to find that Michael Collins had given away their work to Americans for half the price. Ulster was a bigger problem, they had violently protested American migrants settling in Belfast despite their shared Protestantism. Carson had spread fear-mongering rhetoric about the American emigrants sent as the first wave of a larger colonization effort, to abandon northern Irish identity at the ballot box by vote stuffing in their constituencies. He had spoken long about ideas of culture war, that the Northern Irish had no place in an Irish Republic. Demonstrations against Collins and flying the banner of the Ulster Red Hand had been mostly peaceful, so far. Even then, assaults had started to rise, the perpetrators being gangs of young men prowling for drunk southerners walking home by themselves after a night at the pub. The next night would see several young Unionist men beaten by gangs of Republicans as retaliation, whether or not the victim was an active Unionist or even in the same area. Blood for blood, it seemed, and it would only continue.
And beyond that was Mosley. He was a proud man, and he was unlikely to take the Internationale’s defeat and the looming war crimes tribunal for Jack Reed and the Combined Syndicates meekly. He would need to validate his own leadership or face the same backlash that had propelled Totalism to success in the Trade Union Congress to begin with. He had purged the Union of naysayers, but if he could only offer failure, soon the naysayers might think that what held back the world revolution was him.
Even in a moment of success, Collins couldn’t help but look to the future with dread, robbing him of the taste of victory before he could ever taste it. And the only thing he feared more than what was looming on the horizon was the thought of it coming anyway without him there to fight against it. Ireland would be free, no matter the cost, and he was worried that there were some who were paying the cost more than others. 
Alright, that’s the third chapter. I opted for the American War Crimes tribunal to come to the next chapter, for accuracy’s sake, the tribunals probably wouldn’t happen until 1939 if we use the timing of the Nuremberg Trials as our guide. Decided to mix the historical violence in the Deep South with the Spanish White Terror when dealing with the Silver Legion, trying to illustrate the horror without being lurid and gross. 
Next chapter we have Mosley’s Response and the Invasion of Fortress Ireland. 
Images in Order
ESIC Rises to Advanced Level
Fall of Chicago
Fall of Detroit
Bridge Battle on the Tennessee Border
The Nashville Salient - AUS attack
The Nashville Salient - USA counterattack
Pushing into Lousiana
Thunderbolts Earn Veteran Status
Last Legs of the AUS
End of the Second Civil War
Fall of New Orleans
Return of the IRA Volunteers
Problems with Integration
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oliviachows · 2 years
The Benefits of Car Detailing.
Assuming you have as of late bought another car, you're likely acquainted with the advantages of car specifying. Your car looks new and smells perfect, yet after some time, it will begin to lose its radiance and all-around great characteristics. The car support can be tedious and assuming you have premium highlights like leather seats, a sunroof, and a leather interior, it might require additional consideration regarding keeping up with its radiance. Car detailing is an extraordinary method for ensuring your car looks new and safeguards its superior highlights.
The course of car specification incorporates a few phases, each with its arrangement of benefits and inconveniences. The initial step of car detailing is an intensive cleaning. The subsequent stage is applying a defensive wax covering to the outside. This safeguards the painted surfaces. At last, the interaction is significantly more required than a standard carwash. You should put resources into the right items to get everything done. Some carwashes don't offer this help.
One more well-known kind of car itemizing is the outside. This includes a careful cleaning of the outside of the car, limiting surface scratches, and applying a protecting paint sealant. Specifying should be possible manually or by utilizing a programmed machine. The outside cycle is performed utilizing a powerful splash, trailed by hand washing. The last advance includes utilizing a dirt bar to eliminate any excess buildup or debasements from the paint. The dirt bar additionally eliminates any overspray or buildup.
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Before beginning your car enumerating project, you'll have to wash your wheels. Since wheels are a conspicuous area of concern while washing a car, cleaning them appropriately is fundamental to eliminating street grime and brake dust. Begin by washing the haggles and continue toward the remainder of the car. When the wheels are perfect, you can apply itemizing synthetic compounds to them with a microfiber fabric. For difficult stains, lamp oil is a decent decision.
An intensive help will clean the rugs and seating surfaces inside the car, as well as spotless plastics and vinyl. They'll likewise clean safety belts, doorjambs, and other inside parts. On the off chance that you're hoping to sell your car, a definite inside will build its allure. Notwithstanding these advantages, car specifying can assist you with safeguarding the worth of your car. On the off chance that your car doesn't have window coloring, you'll risk losing cash on the deal.
While selling an old car, it's imperative to detail your motor sound and keep it in the most ideal condition. At the point when individuals take a gander at a car that looks very much kept up with, they're bound to think it is worth very much more than its ongoing worth. Also, attractive cars rouse trust in buyers and are more challenging to degrade, so they're probably going to order the full asking cost. The advantages of car detailing are tasteful, yet additionally monetary.
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madamlaydebug · 6 years
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WE ALL HAVE PARASITES – HELP! One in three Americans is infected with parasites. Continue reading to learn more about what parasites are, how to know if you are infected, and finally how to get rid of them. Parasites can rob you of energy, steal your oxygen, and leach off the food you eat, weakening your immune system and putting you at greater risk to get cancer. Parasites are worms living in your body, literally just hanging there in your digestive tract. They are tiny organisms that live in your body and feed at your expense. Parasites survive off our vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. They are alive and must also release bowel movements. Yup you guessed it, that happens inside of us. Parasites are often found in the colon but they are not limited to just that area. Parasites may also infest are like your: lungs, esophagus, muscles, joints, blood, brain, skin, and even your eyes. Symptoms of parasites: • Abdominal pain • Diarrhea • Nausea or vomiting • Gas or bloating • Dysentery (loose stools containing blood and mucus) • Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva • Stomach pain or tenderness • Feeling tired • Weight loss • Passing a worm in your stool • Gas/bloating • Cravings • Runny nose • Sleep disorders • Headaches • Loss of appetite • Dark areas under the eyes • Yeast/candida infection • Fever • Acne • Allergies • Cravings • Hyperactivity/anxiety • Nervousness • Skin conditions – hives, itching or irritation on the face • Bad taste in the mouth ** some woman have parasites in their uterus, and they are unaware – causing intense PMS symptoms. ALMOST EVERYONE HAS PARASITES. It is a part of life, just as bacteria is on everything we touch. The amount of people affected in their lifetime is astonishing and unfortunately most of do not know we are affected. We are unaware of the symptoms; we have trouble connecting the dots. We believe because we are in the western world we cannot be subject to such infections. This is just not true, and it’s not our fault either. We were never taught about parasites and natural health. We need to make people aware and we need to keep talking about the unspoken and what people are afraid of. How do you get parasites? Parasites are a part of life! • Poor sanitation of food and water • Contaminated food and water You can get parasites from literally anything, fruits, vegetables, meats, coming in contact with others person’s body fluid, and if you live around with pets… yup you have them. . Water pollution has brought these critical immune system depressants: PCBs (Monsanto), benzene, asbestos, azo dyes(synthetic colors in food and clothing), heavy metals, motor oil and radioactive elements. Food has brought the same depressants, through food processing that uses the same polluted water to accomplish it all. – So if you are eating processed food you are ingesting parasites.They are nearly unavoidable but with the correct information, cleansing your body, and eating the right food you will be on the path to wellness, naturally. Parasites thrive in unhealthy bodies. How long they survive depends on our health and how one chooses to take care of themselves. Poor eating choices and unhealthy habits will only make your immune system more susceptible to parasites. In addition even if you are making the correct eating choices, if you have an unhealthy gut you will be unable to absorb the nutrients you need. Does that piss you off? Well it should. But have no fear there are ways to restore your health. I hope this information will cause you to think about the wisdom of detoxing your body to create a more alkaline internal environment that is needed in order to kill parasites. You can complete various parasite cleanses using all natural herbal medicine. You can also increase your sulfur intake to kill off the parasites. I have also read research regarding seaweed and how the iodine and various plant compounds acted as a natural anti-parasitic. To prevent parasites we must eat – anti-parasitic food. The natural way. The way our ancestors did it, the only way before Fast Food and an Era of Misinformation and alternative facts. What did our ancestors eat? Garlic, herbs, fermented foods, ginger Native Americans knew we were supposed to cleanse our bodies to get rid of parasites. They would often induce diarrhea and vomiting to rid of these creatures. Similarity to animals in which we remove worms from every 6 months. This tells us we must look within and think about doing the same. We have lost touch with our ancestral knowledge through generations of miscommunicating information in order to manipulate us into living a certain life. Learn. Unlearn. And Relearn. Herbs used to cleanse parasites: Wormwood: (from the Artemisia shrub – artemisia absinthum) Known for its vermicidal properties and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. It increases the acidity of the stomach and the production of bile. The wormwood capsules kill the larval stages of the parasites . COMMON CLOVES (from the clove tree – eugenia caryophyllata) Anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It also removes pain. The clove capsules remove the parasite eggs. Others ways you can prevent parasites and live worm free: 1. EAT HEALTHY – Veggies, salads, leafy greens and cleansing foods. Avoid high sugar foods, and avoid all refined sugar/wheat/processed food. 2. EAT PARASITE KILLING FOOD – Raw garlic, pumpkin pineapples, papaya seeds, oregano essential oil in tea, dried figs, ginger, garlic 3. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER – Keep your system flushing out toxins. Water is so important for flushing and our health. Constantly be drinking water and hydrating your body. There is more to this story, parasites live in other parasites. They contain their own bacteria and viruses too. One round worm named Ascaris is extremely common in humans and bring on illness and diseases such as: herpes, chicken pox, mumps, and coxsackie viruses. We need to be cleansing our bodies and ensuring we put in the right foods in order to prevent parasites from taking over and destroying our health. Instead of vaccines we should begin parasite cleanses from birth. There are many cultures that practice this; it is just unheard of in western societies. Sometimes things that seem uncomfortable at first are actually what we need.
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
January 16: 2021: 4:51 pm:
Half-past a Bradbury.
Raytheon Thirty.
Witch Hunt ~ Rush Moving Pictures Album
Pagans (Pay-Guns)
War of the Worlds: A radio broadcast transmission.
Power Slide can be Automatic Transmission Fluid. ATF. (at Walmart, the sales associates always specify that the Transmission Fluid is Synthetic. There are dozens of brands of motor oil, and other “Oil”, in dozens of application configurations, and only few brands of Transmission Fluid. Truth is, it’s ALL synthetic, so, why does Walmart sales representative specify that the Automatic Transmission Fluid is Synthetic, when all of the oil is synthetic?)
On the internet, there are people who are able to walk you through a computer demonstration, with software that records the activity on the screen. Many people have such software, it seems as a perfectly good idea, a socially redeeming and life enhancing technology, one that is not readily available to everyone though. There is illusion that such software is available, because we can see that there are some people who have and use such screen recording software, the kind of thing that can easily demonstrate what kinds of mysterious problems a person is experiencing on their computers, if such software were really available to people who need it. But, that is not available in stores, and common sense would seem to suggest that such screen recorders should be standard operating system Trouble Shoot Component included from the factory. But it is not included. Only select people have such screen recorder software. It’s a Tesla, they made some, but you can‘t get one, because it’s an illusion.
Why are Screen Recorder Software not made available as part of the operating system for Trouble Shoot Diagnosis Tool? Why are Screen Recorder Software not available in stores? Why do only select people have and use Screen Recorder Software publicly online for demonstration of Screen Activity?
Once the all of the books, printed knowledge, of all kinds, the whole Dewey Decimal System, all categories, is all collected and burned, there will only be digital Gnosis false knowledge available that can change on the fly.
The Christian terror pirates have been collecting all of the old books and destroying them.
The Fahrenheit 451 story is an instruction from the Vatican to collect and destroy the knowledge.
Think of the practicality of such an endeavor.
In the event that people needed to know how to turn iron ore, into a cast tool of some kind, or into a piece of steel, there is no way that will be available to learn to do that.
Consider the same with Aluminum. Instructions about how to collect the raw material, and cast a useful tool will be gone.
Therein lies the secret of why gold (AU; Hey You ~Pink Floyd; Hey Zeus... “Jesus! We have to start over, from the beginning! The books are all gone”; “Look... they have books on sail at the Walmart. Jesus!, look at the price, Vince.”) is so valuable, and is the reason only few, select people can afford to get some of it. When the shit goes sideways, Gold, is the only mineral that can be easily, and readily transformed into a tool that can be used for cutting, digging, can conduct electricity, and is recyclable such that the tool can change seasonally as needed at a given time, then change back to the tool it was before.
Take the books away. Make sure no one can afford Gold. The Pirates collect and hoard the books and the Gold. In event that something goes wrong with the global terror pirate plan, then, the Pirates have ensured that only Christian terror pirates will survive the meltdown, to start over. Gold is a fail-safe plan for terror pirates of the Vatican.
Practicality and common sense is out the window when seeing the truth about Gold. It’s super useful stuff, but we only use it in vein. Decorative Blood Gold, makes for a shiny target to shoot at, for pirating more gold. Pirate Mining is a Jewelry Store at the Fred Meyer, and a customer with a chipped debit card.
♣ “Jesus! It’s on Sail at the Fred Meyer Jewelry Store too!”
♥ “Yeah, but look at the price, Vincent.”
The list:
Starts with:
Bill Gates/Eddie Van Halen, a team, one comes with the other, in 1971. Heathkit Company is Hijacked, Microsoft is born.
Elizabeth Windsor & Philip Mountbaten coin the phrase: “With assistance from two-squirrels and an owl, we shall rule the world”, while talking about a plan to eliminate all but 500,000 people on the planet, to start over, with use of nitrous oxide as a primary weapon. Invisible in every way, has no color, no odor, can’t taste it, it’s invisible, the victims will “Die Laughing”. The band Genisis is born, Phil Collins, both War Drum, and Singer/Messenger is out front, but behind cover of symbolic weapons on stage, as the voice of Philip Mountbaten calling the shots at the battlefields in USA.
All of that occurred on a basis made possible by a much other ground work that already had taken place, including that at the time, thousands or paratrooper Canadian terror soldiers had already landed in Southern California, and established themselves at residences of murdered victims, and most of the police stations in So Cal had already been taken, and manned with those Canadians, some of whom were Royal Canadian Mounted Police, specially trained as police, who could seamlessly infiltrate and blend in with US police at the stations, at neighboring police stations, on calls, in the battlefield that was the greater Los Angeles area at the time, late 1960′s early 1970′s. Many of the police stations nearer to Hollywood Studios areas had already been taken over by SAG actors, so that the Entertainment Industry could do as they please with sex trafficking and drug trafficking without interference from police. The Actors became the police, result of installation of Winchell’s Doughnuts all around the greater Los Angeles area.
The List, continued:
(Out of order here. Timing is not part of the list)
Steve Wozniak shows up. “The Wizard of Woz”. A skinny, very thin young man. He promotes the Cal Jam Concerts. Hundreds of thousands of victims are drawn to the enormous “Stadium Events”, Colossal Roman style terror is born. Cal Jam is among the first attacking done by the “Green Jello” terror cell, hence the name, “Cal Jam”. The “Three Percent Taking” became a model with Cal Jam for other such events, where 3% percent of the audience is killed, wallets and purses of three percent of the audience murdered there, are processed for Identifying the victims so that SAG can “Cast” replacement impostors, with help from CHP and California DMV data base information cross-referencing. The impostor replacement Cast begins to Vote for the shills that SAG arranges for them to vote for, on voting ballots.
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Every once in while, at Alouette HQ, Leon Russel comes by, and all of the women go completely berserk when he does. Later, Leon performs a song called Tight Rope, a song about more than the cover story, and the cover story is all true on that one. The song was written by a ten year old boy who was held captive at Alouette HQ at the time.
Tony Iommi comes by Alouette HQ, stays there, for far too long, has a powder preference, loses two finger tips from angry ten year old boy, who is tired of Tony Iommi being at Allouette HQ. BFK was invented at that time, by the ten year old boy who was tired of Tony Iommi and his powder.
Mama Cass dies on the front porch at Alouette HQ, choked on the ham sandwich made with lettuce, she specified there would be no lettuce on the ham sandwich, was a colossal bitch, always pointing fingers and blaming the ten year old boy for everything that was going wrong, so, he put lettuce in the ham sandwich, and Miracle Whip instead of mayonnaise. Mama died on the porch, the Green Sheet newspaper and LA Times were in conflict about where and how she died.
Ann & Nancy Wilson looked on, changed the name of their band from White Sail to Heart.
Ten year old boy is angry about Allouette HQ activities, writes the song “If looks could kill”. Heart records the song, makes tons of money, ten year old boy gets jack.
Ten year old boy has two best friends, Howard Wilson is one of them for many years. Howard became a LA area police officer ten years after.
MKUltra program was a thing, top secret special training organization of federal government, a Mr. Gottleib was in charge of that. He may have lived in Las Vegas. Details are sketchy. It seems as Mr. Gotlieb was killed, or taken as a captive prisoner, his son, Jack Gottleb was the other best friend  of the ten year old bot (boy), and also wound up at Alouette HQ. Jack vanished at some point, when he and his mother Pete (Petie) were said to have moved to Las Vegas. Pete used to make the most awesome spaghetti made with tube shaped noodles, she called it Goulosh. Then, they both vanished.
Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys was kept in a closet in Jack Gottlieb’s house after the Jack moved away.
“Skeeter” moved in the house next to where The Wilson Sisters lived. He was difficult to get along with, was also a ten year old boy.
Leon Russel did not like it when people called him by his name, so, all of the Allouette HQ members (Green Jello Central Command) decided that “Leopold, Leopold. Leopold” would be the proffered method of addressing General Russell. Most Allouette HQ members adopted a three word repetition to say as their name, sex passion style.
Ted Nugent shows up, wants to know where is Mama Cass?
Dean Zelinsky takes over as leader at Allouette HQ. Ten year old boy begins to design and work on guitars for famous rock stars and not so famous ones. Requests from Eddie Van Halen to paint something special came in. and the ten year old boy began to design the Union Jack he was looking for on the guitar, scrambled egg version. The thing was not finished when he came to pick it up, so, he peeled off the masking tape of what had been painted, and that was the finished product after that.
Ten year old boy winds up in Century City on the top of a very tall building by helicopter for Astronaut training at a real astronaut training facility of MKUltra, and also at Los Angeles Harbor in a abandon US navy boat, one of many, that had been converted to a sound recording booth inside of a diving decompression chamber. Very scary. There were many ten year old boys and girls brought there, not all of them survived reaching the recording studio on the boat. The boys and girls had to dive beneath the boat from one dive port in the bottom of the boat, to a different dive port at the other end of the boat. “You need a bag to survive” were the instructions, and “Swim that way” as someone pointed out in which direction that other dive port was at in the abandon US navy boat at Los Angeles Harbor.
The members of Pink Floyd come to Allouette HQ. There is much talk, lots of musicians, Elton John was there, Jim Morison was there, lots of musicians. Ten year old boy winds up in a stone castle in Europe in a dungeon, for three months, escapes, stays in some Dutch style windmills in a field waiting to see if someone will drive by to hop in a truck to get out of there. Gets a ride to an airport, no one speaks English, points at a map to airport police. Tickets to California are provided, boy goes home, no one knows who he is, everything is different there around Allouette HQ.
Ian Anderson comes by, likes the songs that were written in the navy boat, gives the ten year old boy a satellite telephone, to write songs, and call them in.
Ten year old boy winds up on stage at Hollywood Palladium at a Doors concert singing “Ben“ from Micheal Jackson. Is carried offstage, put into a trash truck where there were four police officers also inside, one was still alive, gave his wallet to the boy, encouraged the boy to find a way out of the trash truck. Boy gets out, only wearing underwear, goes to the Brown Derby, to get help for the officers and some clothes. Gets a ride home.
After return from the castle dungeon, at school, fifth grade, after summer break, the assignment was to write an essay about what you did over the summer. The ten year old boy made up a story about someone else’s summer vacation. got a A+ on the assignment.
Someone gives the ten year old boy two Moog Synthesis and a VOX amplifier. Some asshole steals the tubes from the amplifier and puts them into the television. That is when the Pink Floyd came and off to the castle dungeon in Europe, this is out of order.
Boy stands on the edge of a volcano at Pompeii to hold the “Powdered Water” for the people inside of the volcano making the film Live at Pompeii.
Ten year old boy while at Allouette HQ is told to study the Bugs Bunny episode of the singing frog in the shoe box. Jim Morison and some others take the boy to Capital Records in Hollywood, after he builds a model of a “Flea Circus” inside of a shoe box, as he is told to do. The group goes to the reception area, and the boy is told to explain how the Flea Circus model works inside of the shoe box he made. The group of people is told to go up to the top floor.
Jim Morison jumps out of the window of the Capitol Records building.
The boy jumps out of the window after Jim Morison does, clings onto some drapes, lands on the next floor down in the window, runs away, sees Jim roll into a storm drain in the street, can‘t help, drives the black convertible with push button transmission, back home.
Ten year old boy goes to school, tells all of the adults what is happening, no one believes the ten year old boy.
Every once in awhile, some black limousines show up at school, to take the ten year old boy to many field trips, then return to school before the end of the school day. To a place in Palm Springs at Hwy 111 where the road takes a sharp 90 degree direction change at the center of Palm Springs, is a house with a pool that has glass walls around one side, and a fish aquarium is there, so you swim and the fish are right there on the other side of the glass in the pool. The boy was taken there, where there were other MKUltra ten year old boys and girls from other schools, at that place. The boy never went into the house, always stayed in the pool. Refused to go into the house. The house was round.
The ten year old boy had learned of the nitrous gas, that it was rocket fuel, was volatile, and started to carry around a giant size Zippo lighter all of the time. At the school, the teacher could smell the Ronson fluid, but did not take the Zippo away. There were “Cloak Rooms” at the school between the class rooms, where the supplies, books, students put their lunch pails and rain coats into the “Cloak Rooms”. Every once in awhile, the girls were told to go into the cloak room. When that happened, the teacher would point at the ten year old boy, and then to the Cloak Room. “Zippo” to the Cloak Room”. So, the boy opens the door, the girls are in their underwear, and the boy lights the Zippo, collects the girls, and their clothes, to go back to the classroom, where the girls get dressed after that.
There was a mean German nurse that worked at the school health department, where the boy was often sent after opening the cloak room door.
The boy became the Audio/Video Monitor at the school, was in charge of bringing the movie projector and the overhead projectors from the AV Department to the classrooms on movie days in each class. Sometimes, the boy was also window monitor, to open and close the big tall, double hung windows in the classroom.
That’s all for now.
1-17-2021: 11:10 am:
Allouette HQ is a period of time at a particular place. The place has symbolically magnetic qualities such that they are capable of drawing in terror leadership like the shine of gold nugget in a creek bed draws a prospector to it.
“Gone Postal” was born there. “The Stork” birthed itself, at Allouette HQ.
It began in 1968, reached a peak in around 1974, and petered out by 1978, mission accomplished.
That’s all for now.
9:36 pm:
Important local conditions information:
Use of the phrase “Check-In“ while trying to make contact with someone on a text message by cellular phone, will result in a Confusion Service at Monroe’s terror cell, where someone will portray “Deb Monroe”, at a chicken coup, where chickens are kept, the confusion is used to frighten someone who will be shown that a loved one is held captive, in distress, or, as a “Booty Call”, where the phrase Check-In is used to fool federal fools who are far away, refuse to do their own research, rely on the local terrorists to do their research for the federal fools who insist on being fooled all of time because they continue to trust the local authorities, who are Christian Terror Pirates, and are also Screen Actor Guild Actor terror pirate captains who command the Christian terror pirates to do terror activities.
There is absence of helpful people anywhere around here.
There are no possible ways to get in contact with helpful national security caliber of people.
The absence of helpful people extends to the south to Mexico, and to the north to British Columbia.
There are no helpful people of the caliber necessary to stop the further murders of more millions of citizens in any direction for more than one thousand miles.
The west coast of USA is no longer part of USA. It only appears to still be a part of USA. The entire population of the west coast of USA was killed over the past twenty years or so. In California the mass murdering began sooner, in the 1970′s. So, fifty years of mass murdering, replacing with impostors, and voting for the SAG shills on the voting ballots has already happened.
There is no US national Guard any more, on the entire west coast.
Wake the fuck up.
10:09 pm:
I am not able to send important text messaging with my phone. The whole cellular network of towers is hijacked by the terror army, This account is made difficult to use also, takes much effort to write, the keyboard is controlled by people who make the keyboard not work as it should, and many ways to make writing a cry for help such that it is very discouraging to continue to try to get help. All of that happens as I am being poisoned with nitrous gas and other poisons, right now, at this time while I explain this at 10:13 pm on 1-16-2021 I am subject to poison gasses. Everyday by terror soldier at the window, or airplane fly over, or by railroad car pressure gas tank cars on a train driveby and by trucks and cars that release gas in the neighborhood, almost all of the forest animals are all dead, gone, except the ones that are collected from the nearby mountains and brought here to fool the federal fools who insist on being fooled all of the time, by refusing to do their own research, and rely on terrorists to do that for them.
1-17-2021: 11:31 am:
“Zippo to the Cloak Room”
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anothermatrix · 5 years
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The first 2 weeks in China were different. Different than in Europe and different than expected. The weather here is tropical. In September still over 30°C with frequent strong but short thunderstorms. The humidity is permanently high. That means my skin is super soft, without any oils, creams or peels. But I am also permanently transpirating! Little note: I brought my Deo´s from Europe because the Chinese don't use it. But would need them partly! Nights without air conditioning were not possible yet. But I was warned that it should be quite cool in winter and showering on the balcony (my shower is outside) will be rather unpleasant (a Spanish but also a Russian told me so). That the Chinese love white skin is true. In the cosmetic studios offer  treatments to bleach the ladies. How the men look like doesn't matter at all. The complete contrary: On these wonderfully warm days and nights, the Beijing men's bikini is the order of the day. Simply roll up the T-shirt up to your armpits and hang out the tummy. In restaurants often even topless. The Chinese are all naturally thin - wrong. The ladies are probably crazy about diets and men simply don't care if the bamboo sticks soak up oil while eating. Meat is a firm and area-wide component on every plate here. I was already expelled from the restaurant when I asked for the veggi plate. There's a lot of everything, but I'm still looking for quality. Giant fruit drink cups with gelatine bubbles and mangoes that taste like nothing except synthetic sugar. Fortunately at the beginning of 1900 the german emperor Wilhelm commanded a fleet of soldiers to China, who first teached the Chinese fear and then how to brew beer. In TsingDao there is even an Oktoberfest. There people don't drink from a big 1 Liter glass, but from plastic bags. In supermarkets you can find fresh crabs and dried sea weed, mushrooms, meat and fish, all kinds of food and so on...but no cheese. Although already a Chinese confirmed to me that he, except of Gorgonzola, likes cheese quite much. Surprisingly, there is a lot of cow's milk. The Asians are supposed to be intolerant of this. But it is also considered as a LiveStyle product and the little Chinese dream of becoming as big and strong as European athletes. Two points about that: 1. basketball is totally popular here, and even some (lactose-tolerant) Chinese take part. 2. In order to meet the European breed dream, fertility clinics offer egg donations of western, tall and white university students. They will be mixed with the husband's sperm to preserve the bloodline and the good wife is allowed to carry it. Thus the new generation has the best chances for jobs and marriage market right from the beginning. all in one everyone is quite superficially. People with a dark skin are shunned and blonde, blue-eyed teachers are the showpieces at international schools. Even a strong Russian accent is acceptable as english teacher. On the street the buddy is made attentive with a firm push to the fact that two, very rarely to be found, foreigners pass by. Then they stare extensively and obviously take pictures. To be able to show it to other buddies. Back to nature. The air pollution here in the south is lower than in some European cities. It is also surprisingly quiet on the road. Two-wheeled vehicles with burn engine are forbidden in the city centre (unless you are an officer, then you may also privately quite a lot privileges). It feels like there are more electric wheels and scooters on the road than cars. And even these usually have an electric motor. And so I already had a few collisions, because I simply didn't hear ann noise. Everywhere it is green and the gardeners are non-stop keeping the exuberant flora short. There are gigantic lakes and nature parks in the city. Only the fauna is conspicuously reserved. In the huge parks I haven't seen any hedgehogs, rabbits etc. and there are only a few birds. A Chinese couchsurfer has confirmed that the critters are caught and eaten... What I miss so far? Swimming! Just like in Switzerland jumping into a lake, river or pool, no way. A woman would risk her pallor and almost noone like to swim or is just not able to... To be continued
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paxtonwzzu422-blog · 5 years
5 Secrets: How To Use Rent To Own To Create A Successful Business(Product)
Is your business boring? It doesn't have to be!
Sometimes we have accused of looking to entertain people into buying. But nobody could be bored into buying anything. - Charles Kushell IV
Mr. Kushell was the executive VP of Cliff Freeman & Partners, the advertising agency that created "Where's the beef?" for Wendy's and "Pizza! Pizza!" for Little Caesars. Even today, years after those ads first aired we still remember them. This is because they grabbed our attention, along with a world with a large number of images that bombard us each day, any tool that may grab one's attention, even to get a minute, is a worthwhile tool.
Getting a possible customer's attention is 90 percent with the battle. Especially in today's ever changing economy the location where the customer has more choices than ever before! How does humor in advertising help sales?
Humans associate laughing with being among people they understand and like. We get a cushty feeling of a product because our subconscious can't differentiate between laughter if we are offered and laughter with our closest friends. Our brain processes only the laughter; the purpose of the laughter comes much later within the thought processes. The reasons for the purpose makes different people laugh are as diverse as our tastes in food. The mind won't differentiate between your origins of laughter.
In non-technical terms, a laugh is really a laugh. It is the same goes with natural or synthetic motor oil. Your car engine doesn't know one from another. Both increase the risk for car run. Your mind doesn't know a commercially induced laugh coming from a natural occurring laugh. The benefits of laughter remain the same, and your body and mind enjoy it a great deal.
What we realize is always that if you associate your products or services with laughter or fun, you develop a lasting laughter association with your products or services. The warm fuzzy feelings and properties with the laugh become intertwined with the image of your product. Humor becomes the celebrity endorsement, with the celebrity being laughter. Just as Charles Koshell IV associated Wendy's and Little Caesars with fun which you remember years later inside their ad campaigns, this can be achieved using your company or product through associating it with humor.
The way an organization acts, who they do business with, the delimas they support, even fonts of the advertisements and also the tone of these copywriting creates a base of clients or followers-or pushes potential customers away. Competition is really tough today that slight differences get a new marketplace.
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The way an organization acts is currently a determining element in whether or not to sell to them. That is why humor in advertising and positioning is really powerful. But the company should also backup that created image with the same positive feelings through the company in the way they handle their potential customers, business, products, and more. Adopting an exciting advertising slogan is simply the beginning. It must be reinforced with fun and humorous techniques around the front lines to be real in your advertising.
Ask yourself the Number 1 question in all you do:
How will we humorize this or process? Not all ideas works and not all steps will be easy. Some will take the time to humorize. But just by thinking you are going to turned into a hero in your organization since your employees will believe you care. And with humor, you truly will!
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rafaeltvuu503-blog · 5 years
The Rent To Own That Wins Customers
Is your organization boring? It doesn't need to be!
Sometimes we accused of wanting to entertain people into buying. But nobody may be bored into buying anything. - Charles Kushell IV
Mr. Kushell was the executive VP of Cliff Freeman & Partners, the advertising agency that created "Where's the beef?" for Wendy's and "Pizza! Pizza!" for Little Caesars. Even today, years after those ads first aired we still remember them. This is because they grabbed our attention, as well as a world with a huge number of images that bombard us on a daily basis, any tool that will grab one's attention, even for the split second, is often a worthwhile tool.
Getting a potential customer's attention is 90 percent with the battle. Especially in today's ever changing economy in which the customer has more choices than in the past! How does humor in advertising help sales?
Humans associate laughing with being among people they are fully aware and like. We get a comfortable feeling in regards to a product because our subconscious can't differentiate between laughter when we are for sale and laughter with your closest friends. Our brain processes exactly the laughter; the purpose in the laughter comes much later inside thought process. The reasons for which makes each person laugh are as diverse as our tastes in food. The mind doesn't differentiate between your origins of laughter.
In non-technical terms, amusing is a laugh. It is the same with natural or synthetic motor oil. Your car engine doesn't know one from another. Both make car run. Your mind doesn't know a commercially induced laugh from your natural occurring laugh. The benefits of laughter stay the same, plus your body-mind like it a great deal.
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What we realize is always that if you associate your product or service with laughter or fun, you produce a lasting laughter association with your products or services. The warm fuzzy feelings and properties in the laugh become intertwined using the image of one's product. Humor becomes the celebrity endorsement, while using celebrity being laughter. Just as Charles Koshell IV associated Wendy's and Little Caesars with fun which you remember years later within their ad campaigns, this can be done with your company or product through associating it with humor.
The way a company acts, who they are doing business with, the causes they support, perhaps the fonts with their advertisements along with the tone of the copywriting results in a base of shoppers or followers-or pushes potential customers away. Competition is so tough right this moment that slight differences get a new marketplace.
The way a business acts is a determining take into account if they should sell to them. That is why humor in advertising and positioning is so powerful. But the company must support that created image with the same positive feelings throughout the company inside way they handle the clientele, business, products, and much more. Adopting an exciting advertising slogan is only the beginning. It must be reinforced with fun and humorous techniques for the front lines actually was for a advertising.
Ask yourself the Number 1 question in whatever you do:
How are we able to humorize this step or process? Not all ideas works rather than all steps will be easy. Some will take the time to humorize. But just by asking you may turned into a hero in your organization since your employees will believe you care. And with humor, you really will!
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griffintqxn449-blog · 5 years
4 Ways You Can Grow Your Creativity Using Rent To Own
Is your organization boring? It doesn't need to be!
Sometimes we obtain accused of trying to entertain people into buying. But nobody can be bored into buying anything. - Charles Kushell IV
Mr. Kushell was the executive VP of Cliff Freeman & Partners, the advertising agency that created "Where's the beef?" for Wendy's and "Pizza! Pizza!" for Little Caesars. Even today, years after those ads first aired we still remember them. This is because they grabbed our attention, along with a world with a large number of images that bombard us every day, any tool that can grab one's attention, even to get a split second, is often a worthwhile tool.
Getting a potential customer's attention is 90 percent in the battle. Especially in today's ever changing economy where the customer has more choices than in the past! How does humor in advertising help sales?
Humans associate laughing with being among people they are fully aware and like. We get a cushty feeling of a product because our subconscious can't differentiate between laughter when we're being sold and laughter with the closest friends. Our brain processes just the laughter; the purpose in the laughter comes much later in the thought processes. The reasons for the purpose makes differing people laugh are as diverse as our tastes in food. The mind won't differentiate relating to the origins of laughter.
In non-technical terms, a laugh is a laugh. It is the do i think the natural or synthetic motor oil. Your car engine doesn't know one from another. Both increase the risk for car run. Your mind doesn't know a commercially induced laugh from your natural occurring laugh. The benefits of laughter remain the same, and your body-mind enjoy it a good deal.
What we realize is if you associate your merchandise with laughter or fun, you create a lasting laughter association with your products or services. The warm fuzzy feelings and properties from the laugh become intertwined with the image of your respective product. Humor becomes the celebrity endorsement, while using celebrity being laughter. Just as Charles Koshell IV associated Wendy's and Little Caesars with fun that you simply remember years later in their ad campaigns, this can be done together with your company or product by just associating it with humor.
The way a business acts, who they actually do business with, the complexities they support, even fonts of the advertisements along with the tone of the copywriting generates a base of shoppers or followers-or pushes potential customers away. Competition is really tough right this moment that slight differences customize the marketplace.
The way a business acts is now a determining take into account if they should sell to them. That is why humor in advertising and positioning is really powerful. But the company also needs to back up that created image with the same positive feelings during the entire company inside the way they handle their potential customers, business, products, plus much more. Adopting a great advertising slogan is simply the beginning. It must be reinforced with fun and humorous techniques for the front lines really was in your advertising.
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Ask yourself the Number 1 question in anything you do:
How are we able to humorize this task or process? Not all ideas work instead of all steps will be easy. Some will remember to humorize. But just by asking you will be a hero as part of your organization since your employees will believe you care. And with humor, you really will!
0 notes
gunneraydq114-blog · 5 years
3 Mistakes In Rent To Own That Make You Look Dumb
Is your company boring? It doesn't must be!
Sometimes we have accused of looking to entertain people into buying. But nobody could be bored into buying anything. - Charles Kushell IV
Mr. Kushell was the executive VP of Cliff Freeman & Partners, the advertising agency that created "Where's the beef?" for Wendy's and "Pizza! Pizza!" for Little Caesars. Even today, years after those ads first aired we still remember them. This is because they grabbed our attention, along with a world with a huge number of images that bombard us on a regular basis, any tool that will grab one's attention, even to get a minute, is often a worthwhile tool.
Getting any customer's attention is 90 percent with the battle. Especially in today's ever changing economy the place that the customer has more choices than previously! How does humor in advertising help sales?
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Humans associate laughing with being among people they understand and like. We get a snug feeling of a product because our subconscious can't differentiate between laughter when we're being sold and laughter with our closest friends. Our brain processes exactly the laughter; the purpose in the laughter comes much later inside thought processes. The reasons for what makes folks laugh are as diverse as our tastes in food. The mind won't differentiate relating to the origins of laughter.
In non-technical terms, fun can be a laugh. It is the same goes with natural or synthetic motor oil. Your car engine doesn't know one from another. Both make car run. Your mind doesn't know a commercially induced laugh from your natural occurring laugh. The benefits of laughter stay, and your body and mind as it a good deal.
What we realize is always that if you associate your merchandise with laughter or fun, you create a lasting laughter association with your product. The warm fuzzy feelings and properties from the laugh become intertwined using the image of your respective product. Humor becomes the celebrity endorsement, while using celebrity being laughter. Just as Charles Koshell IV associated Wendy's and Little Caesars with fun that you remember years later inside their ad campaigns, this can be done using your company or product by simply associating it with humor.
The way a company acts, who they actually do business with, the causes they support, perhaps the fonts of these advertisements and the tone of these copy writing generates a base of shoppers or followers-or pushes prospective customers away. Competition is so tough right now that slight differences modify the marketplace.
The way a firm acts is now a determining take into account getting in touch with sell to them. That is why humor in advertising and positioning is indeed powerful. But the company must back up that created image with the same positive feelings throughout the company inside way they handle their clients, business, products, and much more. Adopting a great advertising slogan is only the beginning. It must be reinforced with fun and humorous techniques for the front lines to be real in your advertising.
Ask yourself the Number 1 question in all you do:
How will we humorize this task or process? Not all ideas will work and never all steps is going to be easy. Some will make time to humorize. But just by asking you will turned into a hero as part of your organization because your employees will believe you care. And with humor, you truly will!
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