#they texted me about the whereabouts of the package
sugaroto · 2 years
Me and the all for the game books exist in the same land right now
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
hi babeeee!!! idk if this is how requests work bc i never request fics but i was wondering if u could do something super duper angsty, like really angsty, and then hurt comfort with a fluffy end? it can be anything you want, but like that sort of timeline would be so so so good, if u could and if requests r open,, xoxoxox
it may have taken me 12 years but i did it bestie.
Peter Parker wasn’t the type of boyfriend to have rules. 
You were your own person, and should live as one. However, there were some things he was a bit more passionate about. 
Like: texting him when you get home (and he wasn’t around), calling him if you feel unsafe or nervous, keep him informed of your whereabouts so he could try and track you down if he needed to, and always, always, call him back. 
Peter had one rule, let him know you're safe. Always. Even when you’re mad at eachother, even at your most ugly, you’d let him know you’re okay. It was Peter’s one true rule, the other things he liked and he preferred you’d do, but this was his number one thing. 
And you’re not following it. 
The third time you ignored his call he felt frustration brew so deeply he almost slammed his phone to the ground, it would’ve done nothing to fix anything, and would’ve made a bigger problem, but the satisfaction of watching something break apart into a million pieces would’ve made him feel better. Even if just for a moment. 
It’s almost like you knew it’s pissing him off, you’ve never dug this deeply into a wound. You knew it would get under his skin in the right places, it was something that either of you didn’t play with. It was too serious for Peter, and knowing you were most likely safe and just doing this to try and get even with him made him furious. Because he can’t prove it. And because he can’t all he could think about how not okay you might be. 
Peter hates leaving angry voicemails but he can’t stop himself this time. 
‘This is the fourth fucking call you’ve ignored, I think you proved your point. I know you’re mad at me but this is just childish, you made this night go from a small hiccup to a massive fight because you won’t answer your phone. Just call me back, goddamn it.’ 
Peter’s never once gotten loud with you, he’s never once felt enough rage towards you he could ever buck up enough energy to yell at you. But all he wanted to do was scream about how inconsiderate you were. He understands he may have started it, he even tried to apologize but you must’ve had this in your heart for a minute because you couldn’t wait to bulldoze him. 
‘I’m so sorry, baby. I got caught up in the low-’ 
‘Whatever, I don’t care. I’m going home.’ 
‘Hey, no, no, no! We can still hang out! I haven’t ate-’ 
‘I did. I waited over an hour, Peter. I’m going home.’ 
‘I’m sorry, I really am, baby. I know tonight was important to you.’ 
And that’s when the night switched. 
‘No, Peter, this wasn’t important to me. This was important for us, this was about you trying to prove you still care about us.’ 
‘Woah, hold on, don’t you dare stand there and tell me I don’t care about you or us, that’s unfair and you know it.’ 
‘You know what, Peter? I didn’t sign up to date two guys. I was willing to accept the other because it was a package deal, but I’m tired of being picked last. You know I’ll always be waiting around and it’s so fucking tiresome just waiting around.’ 
‘Bullshit. You knew exactly what you were signing up for, you don’t get to act like this is new news.’ 
‘I’m always picked last! I understand who you are, Peter, who you share a life with, trust me, if anyone here knows best about understanding, it’s fucking me, but that doesn’t mean I’m always the last priority. I know sometimes I have to be on the backburner, and guess what, Peter? I fucking understand. But, tonight? What stopped you? Because it’s not like there’s a domestic attack on the city, so tell me, what was so fucking important tonight I was shot to the bottom of the list for it?’ 
‘Okay, I get it. I know you’re mad, but I think we both need to take a breath and talk about this at home.’ 
‘No! I want you to look at me and tell me what was so important NYPD’s finest couldn’t handle it for an evening.’ 
‘Baby, I really don’t-’ 
‘Fucking tell me! I want you to admit right now it was nothing important. Look me in the eye and admit you didn’t care about my feelings.’ 
‘It was a robbery. I have a responsibility to keep the city safe, a city you very much live in, by the way.’ 
‘Ah, the classic, ‘if you really think about it, I’m doing this for you’ line. Real original.’ 
‘Can we please just go home? If you’re going to be pissed at me anyways I’d rather it be in the comfort of our home.’
‘You can go wherever you want, but I’m not going anywhere with you.’ 
‘I’m gonna get a cab, hold on.’ 
‘No, I’m not going anywhere with you and I mean it.’ 
‘You can hate me at home, let’s go.’ 
‘No! I’m leaving, you can sit around waiting on me for once.’ 
‘Why are you doing this now? You’ve never been this persistent before, I moved in with you and you still don’t think it’s enough. What else do you want from me? I’m giving you all I can, fuck.’ 
‘You know what? I hope someone fucking kidnaps me, maybe then I’d be your first choice.’ 
‘Don’t, don’t you even dare go there. You know that’s a low blow.’
‘I do. I hope I’m fucking tortured with you on the line, too.’ 
Peter tried calling out for you, screamed your name even, but you walked across the street and were swallowed into the crowd. He tugged at his hair a few times before looking around, he wasn’t sure what to do. Get a cab, bus, train? Does he walk in the direction you went? It’s a start. 
Pulling out his phone he tried calling, you sent him to voicemail on the second ring. You’re pissed, that’s fine, he just needs you mad and safe. Peter dodged bodies on his left and right, checking each alleyway for you, assuming you’d stop to collect yourself and call him when you had a breather. 
No sight of you. He doesn’t know where you went from here, it splits two ways. He tries using his boyfriend intuition and attempts to channel you, he’s left hopeless. Like a hail mary he remembers you share locations, Peter’s hands shake when he reaches for the app, your name loading until a small circle appears in his. 
You’re close. He follows the road forward, he knows you took this way and his heart squeezes. You deliberately took the sketchy route, the one you told Peter you wouldn’t dare walk without him. It looks like he’s getting closer, but it’s impossible to tell when he has to wait for it to constantly reload. 
Peter swears he can see your jacket ahead, he calls your phone, picking up the pace and trying his best to catch up. You blocked his call again, but he saw you do it.
He knows you heard your name get called, because you started to walk faster, it’s useless, Peter’s quicker. The only option you had was to hide in the crowd, squeezing yourself in the middle and out through the front. Sighing heavy at your escape, and a bit unamused by the childish behavior. Peter looked down at his phone refreshing your name ‘find friends.’ 
His face crumbled into a thousand pieces when the notification appeared, ‘- stopped sharing their location with you.’ His response was to call you, this time you let it ring out, and he left a nasty voicemail. It was like he snapped, he pulled at his curls and exhaled a loud ‘fuck!’ before gripping his phone so tight he thought it’d snap, and that's why he put it away. 
If you wanted to play dirty so could he, you’re hard to find from the street but when he’s swinging from building to building you’d be out of luck. He was tired and hungry, he wanted this to be over. Fight about it like grown adults, at home, while he’s making a grilled cheese or something. 
Peter ran down a back alleyway, ripping his clothes from his body and pulling his mask from his pocket. The suit came in handy tonight after all. Taking a sharp inhale, he took a leap, screaming out when he took flight. 
‘Not you, not you, not you, not…. You? No, not you.’ 
‘Where the fuck did you go?’ 
You were nowhere to be found, still no answer on his calls or texts. He knows it’s irrational, but he’s terrified you’ve jinxed yourself and really are in trouble. He’s taken the route on a spin three times and he still hasn’t seen you, there’s three options, you either went into a gay nightclub, were kidnapped, or somehow snuck your way across the road and into… central park. 
Of course you did, Peter should’ve known that. He told you one time it was a weak vantage point, he couldn’t see through the treelines all that well, and didn’t have much to swing from. At least he has a general idea of where you are, he just has to do it on foot. 
Maybe you were right, maybe he just sucked at prioritizing you now. He doesn’t know when he became this way. He just feels so responsible, he got a great gift and it’s only right he shares it. He just hasn’t figured out how to share Peter with you and Spider-Man with the world yet. Both people need him at the same time. 
At last, sitting on the edge of the fountain, is the love of his life. Just looking terribly sad, he hates to know he caused it. He may have started the fight, but you said some terrible things, things that were only said to jab at the most vulnerable spots. 
Taking a seat next to you he sighs, his entire body deflating in one breath. You mimic the sigh. 
“Rough night?” 
You hum, “my boyfriend and I got in a fight. Maybe we still are, I don’t know. What about you?” 
Peter stretches his legs, red feet scrape the brick. “My girlfriend went nuclear, kinda deserved. But, she also really hurt my feelings.” 
“Did you hurt her feelings too?” 
“Does that make it deserved?” 
Silence. It didn’t. 
Peter watches you twiddle your thumbs, chewing on your bottom lip and sniffing. 
“I’m sure she’s really sorry, and she knows whatever she said hit a soft spot. It seems like your job comes with some downsides, and maybe she kept it all bottled up until she couldn’t anymore, because how do you tell a superhero you want their attention more than a city needs protection?” 
He knows what you mean, he knows how selfish it could sound, but it’s not. You’re allowed to want him around every second, because he does too. 
“You don’t.” 
Peter can feel your eyes, “you don’t tell the superhero, you tell your boyfriend.” 
Your throat clears, “what if he’s both? What if he’s already spread too thin and his whining girlfriend is his last straw?” 
“No. He’s not spread too thin. He was unaware of how you felt, he didn’t know how much it bothered you. He didn’t know how far he pushed you away.” 
“So what changes now he knows?” 
Peter breaks character, this is about real solutions. 
“We figure it out. We’ll go home and look at our schedules and work around it, and have a set day where it’s only us. Twice a month we’ll have a standing date, attendance mandatory. The police scanner gets turned off unless it’s a slow night, and from now on, unless it’s a domestic attack, nothing comes before you.” 
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
[15:38] hongjoong × reader (fr. xikers minjae)
⇀ hongjoong loves the fact that his juniors are getting the recognition they deserve. just not like this.
⇁ it's fine. really. so fine. abso-tively fine. fucking fantastic even
"Ah, shit,"
Hongjoong scrambled up as he hastily saved the file of work he was doing for the past... four hours. He remembered you coming to take him for a walk or coffee around three hours ago, saying that he needed to see something other than the blue light emitted from his computer's screen. Of course, in a true Kim Hongjoong fashion, he said "yes" which was followed by "but let me finish this tiny part first" and of course, in a true (y/n) fashion, being impossibly in love with the man, you agreed and sat down on the couch behind him, waiting.
Now, three hours later, Hongjoong realized that you were no longer even in the room and that was when he decided to panic. Hands moving in the speed of light whilst still trying to be careful so he wouldn't knock anything off of his desk or worse, onto his computer. Whilst his file was saving into his computer (in a speed that was oddly longer than usual), Hongjoong tried calling you to know your whereabouts and to prepare the length of apology he might need to do in case you were pissed at him. But unfortunately for him, you weren't answering your phone nor seeing his texts which made him think the worst case scenario. You had gone home because he was being inconsiderate.
Praying that his files would complete its saving progress, Hongjoong took his keys, AirPods, and wallet off the desk and shoved them down his pocket and immediately exit his office to go find you.
Much to his surprise, however, he was met with the sight of you in the communal area of the production office with Joy, Maddox's dog, in your lap. You were cooing at the puppy as you rubbed her furry belly, tummy up on your lap, panting happily and even making eye contact with Hongjoong as if she was taunting him over the attention you were giving her.
"Lucky bitch," Hongjoong grumbled under his breath. Despite the remark, he wasn't really pissed whatsoever, not at anything and especially not at the dog, as he was honestly just glad to see that you hadn't left the building. Which means that there was a chance that you weren't mad whatsoever especially with Joy in your lap. Hongjoong was in the safe zone this time it seems. So knowing that your mood will be all happy and positive since you had the adorable canine in your lap, Hongjoong figured that he can be just as cute and butter you up, saying all the right things and within no time you'd be feeding him pasta.
However, just as Hongjoong was about to join you, he heard footsteps coming closer in a jogging pace, and soon a figure emerged, grinning brightly in his oversized hoodie with something in his hands. "Noona, I found her snacks!" Minjae grinned widely, plopping down on the floor in front of you as he opened the packaging of the dog biscuit happily. Maybe it was Hongjoong's jealousy creeping, but he could almost see puppy ears and tail on Minjae, wagging happily next to you as if basking in your attention. But it was probably nothing and he was just overanalyzing because he had been feeling bad for working when he was supposed to be doing something with you. What made the vein in Hongjoong's forehead almost pop, however, was when you cooed and patted Minjae on top of his head like he was a puppy himself. "Good job, Minjae! You're such a good boy!" And you even complimented him like a puppy, what even is that!?
"Noona," Minjae whined, face blushing as his arms half-heartedly tried to brush your hands away from him, "Don't pet me like a dog!" He pouted, averting his eyes shyly to focus on Joy who he had began feeding. "Aw boo, how can I not, Minjae? You're the most adorable leader I've ever known,"
And that was it.
"Hey!" Hongjoong plopped right next to you, his left arm draping over your shoulder with a huge (creepy) grin on his face (that seemed vaguely threatening towards Minjae). "What are you guys doing?" He asked, purposefully planting a big smooch to your cheek (and regretting it as seen from his VERY red face) and then looking straight at Minjae, "Hey, aren't you supposed to be in lessons?" Hongjoong hoped that Minjae would take the hint and scooch away. Far far away and for a long long time. "Oh, I was. But the vocal coach wanted to spend more time with Junmin and Jinsik so I was let out early and I met noona with Joy and I just couldn't help myself!" He grinned. "Of course you couldn't help yourself," Hongjoong muttered under his breath lowly which Minjae didn't caught but you sure did though you pretended like you didn't.
So you decided to have your own little fun.
"Yeah, Minjae was taking care of his members and also me for some reason. Heck, he even helped take care of Joy! Isn't he such a good leader?" You smiled in faux innocence at Hongjoong, clearly wanting to emphasize how good of a leader you think Minjae is. The words made Hongjoong's eye twitch in annoyance and jealousy, not liking that his spot of "favourite leader" in your heart was seemingly threatened by a boy whom he helped mentored. "Yeah... Minjae's an awesome dude, isn't he?" By that point, Hongjoong's smile was strained so hard it seemed like his cheek bones were cramping.
Oblivious to what you two were doing, Minjae looked up with his big innocent eyes and spoke up for himself, "Well, I took a lot of Hongjoong hyung's advice and he took great care of me, so obviously I wanted to return the favour to (y/n) noona!" Though his words were sincere and seemed to praise Hongjoong, the coo and head pats you gave the younger guy only caused Hongjoong's nose to flare as he huffed out a breath.
Luckily, someone (that sounded like Hunter) called for Minjae from the end of the hall and Minjae immediately excused himself. While Hongjoong appreciated the speed, he almost pulled you onto his lap when Minjae gave you a side hug before running off. In Hongjoong's eyes, it felt like Minjae was running off in pure happiness with giddy steps that he got from you and call it the possessive boyfriend and captain in him, but he didn't like that at all. Not one bit.
When Minjae was out of sight, you turned to look at Hongjoong with a grin that was far too smug to his liking. In contrast, Hongjoong was frowning hard that the bottom sides of his lips and the spot between his eyebrows creased in clear annoyance. The both of you stared at each other like that for a while, clearly communicating, saying things without using actual words just by looking at each other. Most of your public communication happened that way as to save yourselves from using words or even having to think about what words to use. It effectively eliminates prolonged argument and you both believed that it was because you just loved each other so much. And you truly do. How else would you both been able to do this?
Finally, giving up, Hongjoong let out a huff before he broke the silence. "Well, you could've said something! And you know, not hang with Minjae? Because I'm the best leader you know, period. I don't care about anything else, I'm the only leader in your heart, okay? You should not be looking at other leaders, heck, you shouldn't even be thinking about other leaders! Because do they have to deal with Wooyoung?? Do they have to deal with Yeosang??? Do they have to deal with literally all five members of 99z along with Seonghwa and Jongho? Because I did and I damn know I did a fantastic job with them! An-" before he could ramble more you had pressed your lips onto his with a giggle, effectively shutting him up as Joy jumped up onto Hongjoong's chest with her tail wagging happily. When you pulled away, Hongjoong's frown has melted and he looked slightly shocked which to you was absolutely adorable. "I'm just hanging with Minjae, Joongie and I said Minjae was the most adorable leader ever, you're my captain, okay? You are my ONLY captain and you're the handsomest, most adorable, and best of the best captain and I love you, okay?" You then stood up with a hand outstretched to him as you hold Joy in your other hand, nodding towards the front door, "Come on, we're taking you out to get you some coffee and Joy some fresh air."
Now happy, Hongjoong gladly took your hand in his, all jealousy melting away as he was finally able to have your attention to himself. Sure, he loves his juniors, but hell will freeze over before he share you with anyone else.
"You can't blame me for liking Minjae though, he's as cute as a button and as determined as a puppy. He reminds me of you slightly."
And there his eye goes, twitching again.
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svtminji · 1 year
11:00 PM - yjh
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pairing. mizuki & jeonghan ❪ jeonghan x oc ❫ word count. 0.7k warnings. jeonghan’s short hair </3, just pure fluff tbh an. meant to write this as soon as i saw the photos he posted, but i was going thru major editing crisis on this account. after finally writing all of the relationships for svt, i think it’s fair to write at least ONE fic. taglist. @seokiys
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it was always a quiet environment in the doi-yoon household. the slight sound of the tv could be heard from the outside but no one bothered to complain since the owner wasn’t home most of the time. if anything, the noise gave the neighbors some comfort that she was doing fine.
“damn, he must be in some sort of traffic.. there’s no way he would purposely delay our movie night?” mizuki muttered to herself, trying to put the horrendous thoughts about his whereabouts away. she laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, he wouldn’t do anything weird right? on que of thinking about the devil, he sent a text message.
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11:00 hannie 🙄: i’m omw back home 11:00 mizu 💁: alright, can you bring in the package outside the door? i’m already in bed :P 11:01 hannie 🙄: fine, but you better have the show we were watching earlier ready 11:01 mizu 💁: okk _(:3 」∠)_
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what was so busy he had to get home around eleven? mizuki didn’t want to read into it too much and instead headed towards the living room. she looked at the mess and decided to do some late minute cleaning. when the living room decent for once, the kitchen was begging to be cleaned as well. though as soon as mizuki went into the kitchen, she heard the familiar locks being unlocked. she looked at her phone and saw 11:05 staring right at her. he’s finally home and that’s what currently mattered.
“i’m home! and i have your package right here,” jeonghan announced to the busy mizuki, “sorry for coming home so late. i had a talk with the stylist about something.”
jeonghan saw her current state and smiled, always the busy person. he removed his shoes and made his way to the kitchen, not forgetting to place the package on the table. he leaned in and gave her a kiss. mizuki returned it and when focusing her sight on the dishes, she found herself shocked. she quickly turned off the tap water and dried her hands.
“what is this,” mizuki told him while reaching to touch his hair, “since when did you-”
“today. that’s why i came home so late,” he responded and took her hands from his hair and put them close to his chest, “to be fair, i thought you would’ve been in bed right now and wanted to surprise you in the morning. though you’re clearly standing in-front of me and not in bed.”
mizuki scoffed, “either way i would’ve had the same reaction. why didn’t you at least tell me where you were? i was worried, like so worried to the point of calling the guys.”
“but i’m home now. and i bet that’s more important for you right now.” he couldn’t help but slip a sly grin at her reaction.
“i mean- yeah. you’re right. sometimes i hate how you know me so well.”
“come on, let’s go to bed. i’m sure you have no energy while waiting for me.” jeonghan started to convince her while pulling her towards the bedroom.
“noooo! i’m not tired. i am very much awak-” she was eventually cut off by a yawn, to which jeonghan gave her a look of ‘i told you so’, “fine. but can we at least watch the show in the bedroom? i didn’t know if you wanted to watch it in the living room or the bedroom.” mizuki removed herself from his grasp to speed-walk towards the light switch. once it was turned off, she ran towards him.
“do you think i beat the ghost?”
“i’m sure you did. let’s get to bed now. bet you wasted your energy on all that running.”
“um, no? i am very pumped up right now.”
jeonghan closed the door behind them as they settled into their bed watching some random english show.
after a few hours passed and jeonghan’s weverse posts, mizuki turned off the tv. she settled herself into the embrace of jeonghan. being in each other’s hold was always peaceful for them.
“i still prefer your long hair.”
jeonghan couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. “i’m sure you do. goodnight, love you.”
“love you too, and your short hair too.”
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i don’t know how to properly write jeonghan atm, but i will learn to do so someday 🫡. svtminji est. 2023
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satoshi-mochida · 26 days
Stella of The End for Switch launches December 5 - Gematsu
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The Switch version of Key-developed visual novel Stella of The End will launch on December 5, publisher PROTOTYPE announced. It will support English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese text language options.
In Japan, the game will be available both physically and digitally. The digital edition will cost 3,300 yen, while the physical edition will cost 3,740 yen for the standard edition and 10,780 yen for the limited edition. The limited edition includes a B2-size tapestry featuring artwork by SWAV, an A5-size acrylic panel, a paperback version of the after story “Diary of a Faint Hope,” and a copy of the game, all packaged in a special box.
Stella of The End first launched for PC on October 28 in Japan, followed by iOS and Android on April 21, 2023, and an English-localized PC release via Steam on September 26, 2023.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
■ Story
The world no longer belongs to humanity. Giant machines now roam the earth, pushing mankind to the brink of extinction. Jude Gray, a wandering Courier, receives a request to deliver some very special cargo. This cargo turns out to be Philia, an android girl who is unaffected by the enigmatic Singularity Machines. Jude is left with no choice but to escort Philia to her destination, doing his best to protect her from harm and teach her how to survive in this harsh world. Together, they must traverse the hostile wilderness, avoiding threats both mechanical and human. The whole time, Philia insists she’s going to become human someday. What awaits Jude and Philia at the end of the road? Can humanity really be saved, or is it already too late…?
■ Characters
An Android Who Dreams of Being Human “If I become human… I can save everyone. I think.” An android girl discovered inside an ancient replicator capsule. Ever since she opened her eyes, she’s been fixated on finding a way to become human. Philia has a bright, innocent personality and zero real life experience. It’s up to Jude to teach her how the world works. She’s curious about everything around her and occasionally charges in without thinking about the consequences. She also has a natural affinity with AI, being able to understand them on an almost instinctual level.
Jude Gray
A Wandering Courier Just Trying to Get By “I have to protect you somehow, and shooting down threats is the only way I know how.” A man who makes his living as a traveling jack of all trades. His knowledge of technology and engineering means he gravitates toward more specialized jobs, for better or worse. Jude’s mind is always on survival first and foremost. He doesn’t allow himself to be influenced by emotions or any abstract sense of duty. An avid gun enthusiast, he often gets so wrapped up preparing his gear that he loses track of time.
Willem Grosvenor
A Nobleman Working to Revive Humanity “I have a dream. One I’ve harbored all my life.” This mysterious old man claims to be working on a project to take the world back from the Machines. He has access to highly advanced technology that has kept him alive for over 100 years. After contacting Jude via a drone delivery, Willem offers him a king’s ransom to retrieve and deliver Philia. He’s only ever seen on video calls, making his actual whereabouts a mystery.
An Android Seeking Her Father “He’s the one who taught me everything I know.” An android rescued from a gang of bandits, who appears to be the same model as Philia. She’s been treated badly, and now has a cracked-open head, a missing leg, and a multitude of other injuries. She was separated from the man she calls her father, and is desperate to find him again.
Visit the Switch version’s official website here.
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donttalkaboutmemes · 1 year
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 180+ sentences from Atlantis: The Lost Empire to use for your enjoyment!    
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1.      “You fool! You’ve destroyed us all!”
2.      “The wave is gaining! We have to warn Atlantis!”
3.      “Good afternoon, gentlemen. First off, I’d like to thank this board for taking the time to hear my proposal.”
4.      “We’ve all heard of the legend of Atlantis, a continent somewhere in the mid-Atlantic that was home to an advance civilization possessing technology far beyond our own.”
5.      “Some of you may ask, why Atlantis? It’s just a myth, isn’t it? Pure fantasy?” Well, that is where you’d be wrong.”
6.      “Numerous ancient cultures all over the globe agree that Atlantis possessed a power source of some kind, more powerful than steam. Than coal.”
7.      “I propose that we find Atlantis, find that power source, and bring it back to the surface.”
8.      “This is a page from an illuminated text that describes a book called the Shepher’s Journal, said to have been a first-hand account of Atlantis and its exact whereabouts.”
9.      “Uh, would you gentlemen please excuse me for a moment?”
10.   “Showtime. Well, this is it. I am finally getting out of this dungeons.”
11.   “If I ever heard the word Atlantis again, I’ll step in front of a bus!”
12.   “This museum funds scientific expeditions based on facts, not legends and folklore.”
13.   “I really hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but this is a letter of resignation! If you reject my proposal, I’ll quit.”
14.   “You have a lot of potential. Don’t throw it all away chasing fairy tales.”
15.   “I can prove Atlantis exists!”
16.   “You want to go on an expedition? Here. Take a trolley to the Potomac and jump in! Maybe the cold water will clear your head.”
17.   “Who are you? How did you get in here?”
18.   “I’m acting on behalf of my employer, who has a most intriguing proposition for you. Are you interested?”
19.   “You will stand unless asked to be seated. Keep your sentences short and to the point. Are we clear?”
20.   “Relax. He doesn’t bite. Often.”
21.   “He brought that package to me years ago. He said if anything were to happen to him, I should give it to you when you were ready. Whatever that means.”
22.   “This journal is the key to finding the lost continent of Atlantis!”
23.   “Atlantis? Ha! I wasn’t born yesterday.”
24.   “I’ve spent my whole life studying dead languages. It’s not gibberish to me.”
25.   “My grandfather would have known if this were a fake. I would know. I will stake everything I own, everything that I believe in, that this is genuine.”
26.   “I’ll show them! I will make them believe!”
27.   “Forget the rowboat, son. We’ll travel in style.”
28.   “For years your granddad bent my ear with stories about that old book. I didn’t buy it for a minute.”
29.   “Your grandpa was a great man. You probably don’t realize how great.”
30.   “He died a broken man. If I could bring back just one shred of proof, that’d be enough for me.”
31.   “You know, in order to do what you’re proposing, you’re gonna need a crew.”
32.   “All we need now is an expert in gibberish.”
33.   “You can build on the foundation your grandfather left you, or you can go back to your boiler room.”
34.   “Our lives are remembered by the gifts we leave our children.”
35.   “Carrots. Why is there always carrots? I didn’t even eat carrots.”
36.   “Excuse me? I need to…uh…report in?”
37.   “Blondie, I got a bone to pick with you.”
38.   “You done stuffed my wagon full to bustin’ with nonessentials. Look at all this! Cinnamon, oregano, cilantro. What in the cockadoodle is cilantro?”
39.   “I got your four basic food groups! Beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard!”
40.   “All right, cowboy. Pack it up and move it out.”
41.   “Hey, junior. If you’re looking for the pony rides, they’re back there.”
42.   “Boy, when you settle a bet, you settle a bet.”
43.   “Your granddad always believed you couldn’t put a price on the pursuit of knowledge.”
44.   “Make us proud, boy!”
45.   “You ask too many questions. Who are you? Who sent you? Speak up!”
46.   “Do not be such a crybaby. Hold still.”
47.   “This is an outrage! You must leave at once!”
48.   “Now what have I told you about playing nice with the other kids?”
49.   “Get back! I got soap and I’m not afraid to use it!”
50.   “Back, foul creature! Back to the pit from which you came!”
51.   “Nice, isn’t it? The catalogue says that this little beauty can saw through a femur in 28 seconds. I’m bettin’ I can cut that time in half.”
52.   “How about some slides? The first slide is a depiction of a creature. A creature so frightening that sailors were said to be driven mad by the mere sight of it.”
53.   “Geez, I used to take lunch money from guys like this.”
54.   “This is an illustration of the Leviathan, the creature guarding the entrance to Atlantis.”
55.   “With something like that, I would have white wine.”
56.   “It’s a mythical sea serpent. He’s described in the book of Job. The Bible says out of his mouth go burning lights, sparks of fire shoot out.”
57.   “Do you want to do my job? Be my guest.”
58.   “We took a big hit down here, and we’re taking on water fast! I don’t wanna be around when it hits the boilers!”
59.   “You heard the lady! Let’s move!”
60.   “He took his suitcase? Honey, I don’t think he’s coming back.”
61.   “Seven hours ago we started this expedition with two hundred of the finest men and women I’ve ever known. We’re all that’s left.”
62.   “I won’t sugar-coat it, gentlemen. We have a crisis on our hands.”
63.   “We’ve been up this particular creek before and we’ve always come through, paddle or no paddle. I see no reason to change that policy now.”
64.   “Looks like all our chances for survival rest with you. You and that little book.”
65.   “Will you look at the size of this? It’s gotta be half a mile high, at least. It must have taken hundred, no, thousands of years to carve this thing.”
66.   “Two for flinching.”
67.   “That thing is going to keep me up all night. I know it.”
68.   “There you go. Put some meat on them bones.”
69.   “You’re so skinny if you turned sideways and stuck out your tongue, you’d look like a zipper.”
70.   “You know, we’ve been pretty tough on the kid. What do you say we cut him some slack?”
71.   “Don’t you ever close that book?”
72.   “In this passage here, the shepherd seems to be leading up to something. He calls it the Heart of Atlantis. It could be the power source legends refer to.”
73.   “Sometimes I get a little carried away, but hey you know, that’s what this is all about. I mean, discovery, teamwork, adventure. Unless, maybe you’re just in it for the money.”
74.   “I guess I’m still a little rusty at this. I haven’t gone camping since…well…the last time my grandpa took me.”
75.   “I never got to meet your grandfather. What was he like?”
76.   “No offense, but how does a teenager become the chief mechanic of a multi-million dollar expedition?”
77.   “I took this job when my dad retired, but the funny thing was he always wanted sons, right? One to run his machine shop and the other to be middleweight boxing champion. He got my sister and me instead.”
78.   “It was like a sign from God. I found myself in that boom.”
79.   “Trust me on this, you don’t wanna know. Don’t tell him. You shouldn’t have told me, but you did, and now I’m telling you, you don’t wanna know.”
80.   “All right, who’s not dead? Sound off.”
81.   “Who are you strangers and where did you come from?”
82.   “Your manner of speech is strange to me.”
83.   “Bout time someone hit him. I’m just sorry it wasn’t me.”
84.   “How do they know all these languages?”
85.   “Maybe English is in there somewhere.”
86.   “We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace.”
87.   “Welcome to the city of Atlantis.”
88.   “There were not supposed to be people down here. This changes everything.”
89.   “You know the law. No outsiders may see the city and live.”
90.   “Your majesty? On behalf of my crew, may I say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city.”
91.   “You presume much to think you are welcome here.”
92.   “I know what you seek and you will not find it here. Your journey has been in vain.”
93.   “Some obstacles cannot be removed with a mere show of force.”
94.   “Return to your people. You must leave Atlantis at once.”
95.   “May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir? That would give us time to rest, resupply, and be ready to travel by morning.”
96.   “Your heart has softened. 1,000 years ago you would have slain them on sight.”
97.   “1,000 years ago the streets were lit and our people did not have to scavenge for food at the edge of a crumbling city!”
98.   “We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins. The kings of our past would week if they could see how far we have fallen.”
99.   “If these outsiders can unlock the secrets of our past, perhaps we can save our future.”
100. “What they have to teach us we have already learned.”
101.   “Our way of life is dying.”
102.   “Our way of life is preserved. When you take the throne, you will understand.”
103.    “The king and his daughter don’t exactly see eye to eye. She seems to like us okay, but the king…I don’t know. I think he’s hiding something.”
104.     “If he’s hiding something, I want to know what it is.”
105.     “Someone needs to talk to that girl.”
106.     “I have some questions for you and I’m not leaving this city until they’re answered.”
107.      “I have some questions for you and you are not leaving this city until they are answered.”
108.      “There is so much to ask about your world.”
109.      “You are a scholar, are you not? Judging from your diminished physique and large forehead, you are clearly suited for nothing else.”
110.       “How did you get here? Well, I mean, not you personally but your culture. How did all of this end up down here?”
111.        “It is said that the gods became jealous of Atlantis. They sent a great cataclysm and banished up here.”
112.        “All I can remember is the sky going dark and people shouting and running. Then a bright light, like a star, floating about the city. My father said it called my mother to it.”
113.        “Are you telling me that you remember because you were there. No that’s…that’s impossible.”
114.        “How is it you found your way to this place?”
115.        “If it weren’t for this book, we never would have made it.”
116.       “Legend has it that your people possessed a power source of some kind that enable them.”
117.      “You mean you can understand this? This right here, you can read this?”
118.       “Such knowledge has been lost to us since the time of the flood.”
119.       “Follow the narrow passage for another league. There you will find the fifth marker.”
120.     “It looks like some sort of vehicle, but no matter what I try, it will not respond.”
121.     “That’s an easy thing to miss. You know, you deserve credit for even getting this far.”
122.      “This is great! With this thing I could see the whole city in no time at all!”
123.      “My grandpa used to tell me stories about this place as far back as I can remember. I just wish he could be standing here with me.”
124.    “Don’t forget to eat the head. That’s where all the nutrients are.”
125.    “The most we ever hoped to find was some crumbling buildings, maybe some broken pottery. Instead we find a living, thriving society.”
126.    “We are not thriving. True, our people live, but our culture is dying.”
127.     “We are like a stone the ocean beats against. With each passing year, a little more of us is worn away.”
128.      “I have brought you to this place to ask you for your help. There is a mural here with writing all around the pictures.”
129.      “You do swim, do you not?”
130.      “This is amazing! A complete history of Atlantis!”
131.      “It’s the heart of Atlantis!”
132.     “Don’t you get it? The power source I’ve been looking for, the bright light you remember. They’re the same thing!”
133.      “What’s going on? What’s with all the guns?”
134.      “I am such an idiot. This is just another treasure hunt for you.”
135.      “I would’ve told you sooner, but it was strictly on a need-to-know basis. And, well, now you know.”
136.      “I had to be sure you were one of us. Welcome to the club, son.”
137.      “I’m no mercenary.”
138.      “I prefer the term adventure capitalist.”
139.       “You’re the one who got us here. You led us right to the treasure chest.”
140.       “What’s to know? It’s big. It’s shiny. It’s going to make us all rich.”
141.        “You think it’s some kind of a diamond. I thought it was some kind of battery. But we’re both wrong.”
142.        “That crystal is the only thing keeping these people alive. You take that away and they’ll die.”
143.       “Academics. You never want to get your hands dirty.”
144.      “Think about it. If you gave back every stolen artifact from a museum, you’d be left with an empty building. We’re just providing a necessary service to the archeological community.”
145.     “Do yourself a favor. Don’t be like him. For once, do the smart thing.”
146.      “You will destroy yourselves.”
147.      “I suggest you put a bandage on that bleeding heart of yours. It doesn’t suit a mercenary.”
148.     “The heart of Atlantis lies in the eyes of her king.”
149.     “You don’t have the slightest idea what this power is capable of.”
150.     “I can think of a few countries who’d pay anything to find out.”
151.     “All it says here is that the crystal is alive somehow.”
152.     “Why don’t you translate and I’ll wave the gun around.”
153.     “Hold your horses, lover boy.”
154.     “So this is how it ends, huh? Fine. You win. You’re wiping out an entire civilization but, hey, you’ll be rich.”
155.      “That’s what it’s all about, right? Money.”
156.      “Get off your soapbox. You’ve read Darwin. It’s called natural selection. We’re just helping it along.”
157.     “Look at it this way, son. You were the man who discovered Atlantis, and now you’re part of the exhibit.”
158.     “Be serious. This is wrong and you know it.”
159.    “We’re this close to our biggest payday ever and you pick now of all times to grow a conscience.”
160.    “We’ve done a lot of things we’re not proud of. Robbing graves, plundering tombs, double parking. But nobody got hurt. Well, maybe somebody we got hurt, but nobody we knew.”
161.     “She has been chosen. Like her mother before her.”
162.     “In times of danger the crystal will choose a host. One of royal blood to protect itself and its people. It will accept no other.”
163.     “The crystal thrives on the collective emotions of all who came before us. In return, it provides power, longevity, protection.”
164.     “In my arrogance I sought to use it as a weapon of war, but it’s power proved too great to control. It overwhelmed us and led to our destruction.”
165.     “That’s why you hid it beneath the city, to keep history from repeating itself.”
166.     “If she remains bonded to the crystal, she could be lost to it forever.”
167.    “The love of my daughter is all I have left.”
168.    “My burden would have become hers when the time was right, but now it falls to you.”
169.    “Return the crystal. Save Atlantis. Save my daughter.”
170.    “I followed you in and I’ll follow you out. It’s your decision.”
171.    “I think we’ve seen how effective my decisions have been.”
172.    “Let’s recap. I lead a band of plundering vandals to the greatest archeological find in recorded history thus enabling the kidnap and or murder of the royal family, not to mention personally delivering the most powerful force known to man into the hands of a mercenary nutcase who’s probably going to sell it to the Kaiser! Have I left anything out?”
173.  “It’s been my experience when you hit bottom, the only place left to go is up.”
174.  “I didn’t say it was the smart thing, but it is the right thing.”
175.  “We better make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”
176.  “This is it! We’re going to rescue the princess! We’re going to save Atlantis! Or we’re going to die trying!”
177.   “I love it when I win.”
178.  “We were in this together! You promised me a percentage!”
179.  “I have to hand it to you. You’re a bigger pain in the neck than I would have ever thought possible.”
180. “I consider myself an even-tempered man. It takes a lot to get under my skin, but congratulations! You just won the solid-gold kewpie doll!”
181.  “That’s a darn shame, because I’m just getting warmed up!”
182.   “Atlantis will honor your names forever. I only wish there was more we could do for you.”
183.  “You sure you want to stay? There’s a heroes welcome waiting for the man who discovered Atlantis.”
184.  “I don’t think the world needs another hero.”
185.   “Let’s go over it again, just so we got it straight. You didn’t find anything?”
186.  “I hope this piece of proof is enough for you.”
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mysticalibra1994 · 10 months
South Park: SU
Since there are people who grew up with South Park and people who grew up with Steven Universe, I've figured "Why not combine the two?"
Now, in this universe, the Creators of South Park are in the positions of the Diamonds. Brian Graden is practically the "most important piece" of South Park. How? Simple. It all started in 1995, Graden hired Matt Stone and Trey Parker to create a video Christmas card thanks to their animated short "The Spirit of Christmas". Now, I'm not calling the creators "evil" because they're supposed to represent the Diamonds.
With that set in mind (pun intended), I hope you all enjoy...
[Setting: interior; Culver, Los Angeles, CA. Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Butters, and Dovahkiin are at the entrance of the front gate. Kyle notices how nervous Dovahkiin appears to be.]
Kyle: Are you sure you wanna go through this? Dovahkiin: I'm sure, Kyle. Besides, there has to be a reason why my Powers only work on Facebook and Instagram. I just... want to know. Kyle: Okay, dude. Remember, it's never too late to back out if you're not feeling well. Cartman: Kahl, what about you? Kyle: What about me, fatass? Cartman: Well, you seem a bit flushed. Maybe it's a side effect of having sand in your va- Kyle: CARTMAN, SHUT THE [bleep] UP!!
[Almost as if on cue, the gate opens. The South Park preteens hesitate to enter, but they eventually do. As they walked inside the building, they were a little bit weirded out that there were multiple drawings of them on the walls.]
Stan: The hell? Dovahkiin: Are these more Yaoi fanarts? Kyle: Well, some of them are, but they look professionally drawn. Kenny: What the [bleep] is this place?
[Suddenly, a couple of voices from one room.]
Mr. Parker: Holy shit, dude. Mr. Stone: I know, right? It's as if Walt Disney heard Mickey's voice for the first time. Stan: Who the hell are you guys?! Mr. Parker: Duh, we're you're creators! Mr. Stone: And your voice actors. Kyle: So, you're both God? Cartman: Oh-ho-ho, Kahl. You're going straight to hell for being Jewish! Mr. Stone: Nah, he's safe. Mr. Parker: Besides, Cartman. The seat we saved for you would be too big for him. Cartman: AYE! Mr. Stone and Mr. Parker: *laughs* Mr. Parker: Now, which one of you guys asked about "Yaoi fanarts"? Dovahkiin: *slowly raises his hand* Uh... I did, sir. Mr. Parker: Oh my god... There he is, our pride and joy wrapped in a shy and thoughtful package! Dovahkiin Jarvis-Affini! Dovahkiin: Y-you knew my parents? Mr. Stone: Actually, that's a funny story. You see- Mr. Parker: We actually have a "Chris" and "Kelly" who works with us! They tried really hard to have kids, but they couldn't. So, we made it up for them by making a South Park version of them and you! Dovahkiin: *astonished* Wow... So, I really am that important? Mr. Parker: Of course, kiddo! So, what brings you hear? Kyle: Wait, didn't you text us this location? Mr. Stone: We used to do that for our True Fans, but we stopped when middle schoolers became our fans.
[When Kyle shows the Creators the text, their eyes widen in shock...]
Mr. Parker: That is not our text. Dovahkiin: Who's is it? Mr. Stone: There's only one person that texts that perfectly. Butters: Who? Mr. Parker: Exec. Graden. [Beat.] Stan: Who? Mr. Stone: He's our Media Executor. He's one of the two reasons why we have paychecks. Dovahkiin: What's the other reason? Mr. Parker: Our fans. No, our true fans. You see, the reason why we created you guys was because you reminded us of our childhood. Example? Kenny, you reminded us of our childhood friend who always wore an orange hoodie due to being poor and would mostly skip school. Mr. Stone: *laughs* Yeah, whenever the teachers would ask about his whereabouts, we would go "Kenny died"! *laughs some more*
[As the group laughs about it, an average-looking man makes his way to them, sporting what looks like the Joker from Batman smiles normally.]
Exec. Graden: What is going on, Parker? Stone? Mr. Stone: N-nothing, sir. Exec. Graden: Nothing "what"? Mr. Stone: Uh, sorry! Nothing, "sir". Exec. Graden: That's better. *notices Dovahkiin* Who let this background character into this building? Dovahkiin: "Background character"...? Kyle: Uh, you did? You sent us the coordinates! Exec. Graden: Oh, right. The social medias... Dovahkiin: Um, excuse me. What did you mean when you called me a "background character"? Mr. Parker: Kid, no! Exec. Graden: I mean, you weren't supposed to have a life like the rest of the main and supporting cast. You were supposed to blend into the background. Dovahkiin: *taken aback* B-but, my parents... They- Exec. Graden: Background characters, too. *looks at the Creators* I suppose this was your doing, correct? Dovahkiin: *to Mr. Parker* You knew about this? Mr. Parker: *feels guilt* We didn't know... Mr. Stone: *looks away in shame* ...how to tell you.
[This type of news broke Dovahkiin. He thought that he was almost like the chosen one (but without the "getting nailed" part). Cartman noticed Dovahkiin's broken state and did something that nobody would've guessed...]
Cartman: Okay, that's enough. Dovah has been through a lot, give him a break. Exec. Graden: Eric Theodore Cartman being respectful? Oh no, we can't have that. *snaps his fingers, Cartman falls limp* Kyle: *stunned* Eric...? Exec. Graden: Kyle Broflovski being concerned for Archie Bunker Jr.? Oh no, we can't have that. *snaps his fingers, Kyle falls limp* Butters: Leave them alone! Exec. Graden: Leopold Stoch being supportive of his bullies? Oh no, we can't have that. *snaps his fingers, Butters falls limp* Stan: *looks at Dovahkiin, who's still broken* Come on, Dovah! Do something! Exec. Graden: Stanley Marsh forgetting that he's a main character? Oh no, we can't have that. *snaps his fingers, Stan falls limp* Now, we- Wait... Where's the running gag in the orange hoodie? Mr. Stone: By the time you got here, Kenny got bored, took a bottle of my dad's glaucoma medicine, got [bleep]ed up, placed his tongue in an electric pencil sharpener, bled out, and died. Mr. Parker: Holy shit, you saw that? Mr. Stone: Didn't need to. Mr. Stough texted a photo with a description of it. *shows it to them* Dovahkiin: *snaps out of it, looks around, then at them* Why...? Why are you guys doing this to us? Exec. Graden: Why? To get back to the drawing board, of course. During the first season of South Park, it was just a TV show about kids being neglected by their parents until something bad happened. Now, every episode has gone so political, that one would think that it airs on the same channel as FOX News! *sighs as he collects himself* But now, that'll all change. Parker, Stone, bring the background character to me.
[They hesitate, but...]
Dovahkiin: *looks up at them* Mr. Parker: Sorry, kid. Mr. Stone: But, he's the reason why our kids have stuff and food.
[After snapping his fingers ambidextrously, he aims both of his index fingers at Dovahkiin, and pulls him apart via "the Force". Instead of forcing his existence to disappear, something else happens... Instagram!Dovahkiin, Facebook!Dovahkiin, and husk!Dovahkiin floats for a bit. Then, husk!Dovahkiin falls limp; barely alive. Instagram!Dovahkiin and Facebook!Dovahkiin both look at each other in wondered awe and at husk!Dovahkiin with a perplexed expression then shares the same worrisome expression with the Creators.]
And that's only the first part of "South Park Meets the Creators".
I'm aware that it does contain OOC with Cartman and Kyle, but this does happen when the South Park kids are now preteens; despite them being fictional, people can change as they get older.
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Holiday Home Security Tips
You never stop worrying about security. It’s second nature. The holidays, however, sometimes compromise your usual protection measures.
Here are some tips to make sure you and your home remain secure during the upcoming holidays:
• Gifts and Shopping: shopping contents (i.e. anticipated valuables) draw criminal attention. Store bags in your vehicle’s trunk, away from potential thieves. When you arrive home, back into your driveway so others do not see what you bring inside. Be cautious with deliveries – try to limit how long packages linger outside. And, be careful how empty boxes appear in your trash – don’t let others know what treasures you have inside. Fold/invert packaging.
• Traveling: if you leave home, don’t make it obvious. Keep curtains closed, use an automatic timer to put on lights or the television for a few hours, and don’t let unattended mail pile up. Avoid text and voice mail messages that reveal your whereabouts.
• Social Media Posts: use discretion while posting about travel and gifts on social media. Such can attract thieves and let them know your home is unattended.
• Holiday Décor: avoid stringing decorative lights through windows or doors. Burglars can easily make their way through even a tiny opening.
• Personal Effects: shopping districts and festive areas draw happy crowds, as well as crooks. Keep bags and wallets close to you and continually in your sight.
As always, as should be your standard routine, continue checking your doors and windows and make sure they are in proper working order. Keep garage and doors locked and all outdoor valuables, such as bicycles and lawn equipment, inside.
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loverhymeswith · 3 years
A Lucky Hit | Stephen Holder x F!Reader
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Summary: Holder is late for work.
Word Count: 943 words
A/N: Another Enough Universe drabble, because I will never get enough of these two! I ended up combining two prompts for this. Thank you to @a-reader-and-a-writer for the prompt "You look so cute when you're all disheveled". and @skvatnavle for the prompt "Never seen you look at me like that before."
Joel Taglist: @weallhaveadestiny @a-reader-and-a-writer @skvatnavle @11thstreetvigilante
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Despite the staggering pile of overdue reports begging for your attention, your gaze darts to the wall clock for the tenth time in as many minutes. Where the hell is he? While punctuality doesn’t seem to be one of Holder’s strong points, it’s unlike him to be this late.
Reminding yourself that you are not responsible for the detective’s whereabouts, and you are most certainly not worried about him, you return your focus to the computer screen. After typing up a whole two sentences you pause again to check your cell phone and sigh. Nothing. Not so much as a text to say he’s on his way.
You bring Holder’s number up on the screen, your finger hovering over the call button. It’s not concern that has you on edge but rather annoyance, or at least that’s what you tell yourself. And you have every right to check up on him. If he thinks for one second that he can avoid these reports by not showing up…
Before you can press dial, the office door swings open and a familiar figure lopes inside.
“You’re late,” you snap. But as you glance up from your screen you notice the state of his face and instantly regret your tone. “Shit, Stephen. What happened?” Jumping from your seat, you round the desk and approach him.
Your partner grimaces as your eyes travel over the dried blood below his nose, at the bruise blossoming across his jaw and down to his swollen split lip. “Was shakin’ down this kid for info on the Weston case, when his moms turns up and clocks me.”
“His mom?” You fight off the mental image of Holder being battered by an old woman, whilst allowing yourself a moment of relief that it was nothing more serious. “She didn’t know you were SPD?” Then again, as far as initial impressions go, your street talking, hoodie wearing partner doesn’t exactly scream police detective. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d been mistaken for a CI - or worse.
“She does now I arrested her ass, but not before she got another few rounds in. That’s why I was late. Was gettin’ her booked in.”
Taking him by the arm, you steer him towards his chair. “Sit down. I think I have some first aid supplies.”
Rooting around in the cupboards, you soon find a box of bandages and antiseptic wipes. It’s mostly likely left over from the detective who used this office before you - far from perfect, but it’ll have to do.
“Yo, how old are these things?” Holder frowns, plucking a wipe from the kit as you place it on the desk before him.
“They’re fine.” You snatch it back and tear open the package. “Now hold still while I clean you up. You can’t go wandering around like you’ve just been through five rounds with Mike Tyson.”
“Ay, it’s not that bad,” he grumbles as you position yourself between his long spread legs.
“I dunno.” You shrug, taking his head and gently tilting it to the side so you can inspect the bruise below his eye. “Looks to me like she got in a few good hits.”
“Lucky hits,” he corrects you with a scowl.
Ignoring Holder’s constant need to have the last word, you run your fingers along the bruise and gently press down. “I don’t think it’s broken.” You are by no means a qualified first aider, but you’ve seen your fair share of fist fights.
Turning his head back to face you, you find those bright hazel eyes now watching you intently. Confused as to why your pulse seems to be racing when you can see with your own eyes that he’s ok, you start to softly wipe away the blood from around his nose.
When you reach his bottom lip, he winces slightly. “Sorry,” you mutter, trying to dab away the blood with extra care. “Does it hurt badly?”
Despite you holding him steady, he shakes his head. The movement causes the fingers of your other hand to drift towards his mouth. Startled by the feeling of his warm breath against your skin, you quickly move your hand back to his jaw, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
As much as it might pain you to admit - because he’s a pain in your ass ninety-nine percent of the time - there’s something very endearing about Stephen Holder. Especially when he’s been brought down a peg or two by an angry mother. You’ve started to relish the moments like this, when it’s just the two of you, and you’re afforded a glimpse of the man behind the bravado.
Dropping your hands, you notice that your partner's grimace of pain has been replaced by a searching gaze as his eyes narrow, trailing across your own face. "Never seen you look at me like that before.” He murmurs, more softly than necessary for the otherwise empty room.
“Like what?” you stutter, wondering why you suddenly feel as if you’ve been caught red-handed.
“Like-” He stops himself abruptly and shakes his head. “Never mind.”
You’re equally intrigued by what he was going to say and relieved that you’ll never know. Fighting for a way to break the slowly mounting tension in the room, you poke his good cheek affectionately. "You know, you look so cute when you're all dishevelled."
“You think I’m cute?” He screws up his face in distaste. “Yo, that ain’t the look I’m goin’ for mamacita. You could’a said rugged, handsome, hot. But no. You went with ‘cute’?”
You shake your head, holding back a smile. “Why don’t you shut up moaning and get on with some work?”
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queenshelby · 3 years
Roommates – Part Ten
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 3,600
Warning: Angst, Pregnancy, Smut
Note: This plays in 2020.
It was still rainy and stormy outside, but you didn’t care. You needed the fresh air on your face more than anything else right now as you felt as though you couldn’t breathe.
You walked besides the shore until, eventually, you found a sheltered area besides one of the old seaside castles where you sat down to think.
There was certainly a lot of thinking to be done and, eventually, you reached the conclusion that, what you should do now, is support your friend just as he had supported you following your breakup with James. Your friendship lasted for 12 years so far and now wasn’t the time to end it, nor was there any reason to do so.
But where did it leave you and the fact that you did what you swore to yourself you would never do. You had been intimate with Cillian and that, in your mind, was wrong now that you knew what you knew about Laura.
But why was it wrong, you then went to ponder on? What made it wrong, you wondered? Cillian and Laura were no longer together and, as far as you knew, Cillian never mislead her into thinking that he wanted a serious relationship with her. You knew it was a common theme and argument between them and, at least from his point of view, there were no feelings involved. So why shouldn’t you be with him now?
Of course, you realised fairly quickly that the reason that you should stay away from Cillian was Laura. She is your friend too and she is still hurt and wants him back, no matter how futile her desires and attempts to be with him might be. But does this mean you should deny yourself? After all, it’s been 12 years which it took you to get this far. It’s not that you had ever contemplated to sleep with Cillian, but you certainly were drawn to him now and, therefore, would you be a bad friend if you continued to be intimate with him?
Eventually, you reached the conclusion that the answer to your question was probably yes. Both, you and Cillian, found yourselves in a moral dilemma and, whilst you both slipped once and let your desires for each other get the better of you, it couldn’t happen again. That, of course, was unless the moral compass of the situation changed which made you wonder how it got so far in the first place.
When you arrived back home, you saw Cillian in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee and, whilst he acknowledged you, he was silent and waited for you to ask what you wanted to ask.
‘Why didn’t you tell me that Laura is pregnant?’ you eventually blurted out, causing Cillian to sigh heavily.
‘Because I promised her that I would not tell anyone until she had her first scan’ Cillian explained almost frustrated.
‘She hasn’t had a scan yet? Cillian, uhm, this is a lot to take in’ you observed and he nodded.
‘Not as far as I know’ Cillian then huffed out, causing you to walk over towards him and grab hold of both of his shoulders.
‘Listen Cillian, I don’t care what happened between you and I know said I would stay out of it, but she does need your support with this. You can’t just ignore the fact that you have a child on the way with her’ you said rather harshly, causing Cillian to break down in emotions.
‘What do you think I’ve been doing Y/N, eh?’ Cillian huffed out before one curse after another left his mouth.
‘She doesn’t fucking let me. I want to be part of the pregnancy and support her, not just financially but also emotionally. I want to be a father to this child but she just cuts me out. According to her, unless I get back together with her, I won’t be having any partake in this’ Cillian explained with a heavy heart as his eyes began to tear up.
‘Oh my god Cillian, I am sorry, I didn’t know’ you said surprised by Laura’s action before comforting him.
‘It’s alright. I didn’t tell you because I knew you wanted to stay out of it. I didn’t want to put you into this difficult position you are now in and I also knew that you had your own shit to deal with’ Cillian said, referring to your breakup with James.
‘Have you at least been able to communicate with her doctor? Or her? Anything at all?’ you then asked and Cillian shook his head.
‘No, nothing. I’ve been talking to her but she isn’t telling me much. She changes the topic and then goes on about all this shit that happened between us instead. I don’t even know how far along she is. I tried to get her in with a good obstetrician at Rotunda Hospital, but she hasn’t even made contact with the doctor nor is she registered at the maternity ward. I don’t fucking know what else to do and when I spoke to my lawyer about it, he told me that I can’t do anything until the child is born’ Cillian explained almost shattered.
‘Jesus Cillian…oh my god’ you said before asking him whether he knew about the pregnancy when he broke up with her and, as you had expected, he confirmed that he didn’t. But, little did you know that you just then and there opened up another can of worms.
‘She planned this Y/N, which makes it even more fucked up than it already is’ Cillian chuckled, unsure whether he should laugh or cry about the entire situation.
‘What do you mean she planned this?’ you asked curiously.
‘She had her implant removed without telling me, which is the real reason I ended it. I know she is your friend, but she’s fucking insane’ Cillian huffed out.
You were unsure what to make of Cillian’s comment and asked him to elaborate which is when he finally told you everything that you never wanted to know about their breakup.
According to Cillian, after the night him and Laura shared with Lindsay, which was something Laura organised, Laura became rather jealous and possessive.
Whilst there was no truth to it, Laura believed that Cillian was seeing Lindsay behind her back and that Lindsay was the reason he wouldn’t commit to her. The truth was that, according to Cillian, he never intended to commit to Laura because he simply didn’t think that this was what he wanted. At the time, his divorce with Danielle was going through settlement proceedings and committing to Laura was something that couldn’t do.
You recalled the arguments in the past and Laura pressuring Cillian to make a commitment which he outright told her he wasn’t willing to make.
‘Things had gone too far and she contacted my mother, introducing herself to her. She texted my sister and brother continuously, asking for my whereabouts when I was visiting Cork. She went through my phone checking for messages from other women. Things like that. It became relentless and she knew I was close to ending it. Little did I know that she had a plan in mind to make me stick around’ Cillian chuckled.
‘So, what made you think that she went off birth control behind your back? Did she actually admit to it?’ you then asked, causing Cillian to nod.
‘The bruise on her arm and the fact that the bulge from it under her skin was gone, gave it away. First, I didn’t think anything of it but when she did all this crazy stuff, I asked her about it and she admitted that she had, in fact, removed it. She wanted to make me stay by falling pregnant. How fucked up is that?’ Cillian then huffed out and you were shocked.
You didn’t expect that your friend Laura would ever do such a thing, going behind Cillian’s back to fall pregnant and make him commit.
Of course, after he’s been your friend for 12 years you believed him and he was quite obviously emotionally shattered by the situation.
‘So, when did you find out that she was pregnant?’ you wondered.
‘Two weeks later she texted me’ Cillian huffed out before continuing on. ‘She also texted Lindsay who then contacted me. After Laura had harassed her for weeks, she was obviously quite aware of the situation’ Cillian explained.
‘So, you decided to fuck her again? Not a smart move Murphy’ you laughed, causing Cillian to laugh as well.
‘Yeah, I think that was a mistake but I was in a pretty fucked up place at the time and Lindsay just stuck around and listened. I couldn’t really tell anyone else. Firstly, it’s fucking embarrassing and I still don’t know how I am going to explain this to any of my family. Secondly, I promised Laura and, despite of what happened between us, you know why I kept this promise right?’ Cillian said.
‘Yes, I do’ you responded, remembering the suffering Cillian’s ex-wife Danielle had to endure throughout 12 unsuccessful cycles of IVF and miscarriages, being the reason that her and Cillian never had any children together even after having been married for ten years.
With that in mind, you felt awful for your friend. You knew how much he wanted to have children for so many years and you realised that, despite his problems with Laura, he would probably be quite excited going through the pregnancy with her and be a father to his child if she would let him. He wanted to be involved and he wanted to be there for her, but he didn’t want to be with her.
‘Listen, I will talk to Laura, alright? I will try and convince her to let you be involved without forcing you to commit to her’ you suggested, holding onto Cillian’s hands.
‘You said that you won’t get involved in anything between Laura and me and I promised you to keep you out of it’ Cillian then said.
‘I know, but you’ve been my friend for 12 years and, after all the shit we have been through together, we will get through this too, right?’ you said with a warm smile.
‘Thank you. You are amazing you know that?’ Cillian said, finally smiling again.
‘I know’ you winked. ‘Despite, that’s just what friends do right? They help each other out’ you said with a warm smile before, without giving it another thought, giving Cillian a kiss.  
Surprised, he gave into the kiss which was gentle and warm.
‘Is that what friends do too?’ he then chuckled when your lips drifted apart.
‘Only under the added benefit scheme introduced into solid friendships as part of this lockdown relief package’ you smirked before pressing your lips back onto his.
Your reservations had gone completely after talking to Cillian about what happened and, whilst you knew you that you were betraying your friend Laura, you found it difficult to sympathise with her at this very moment.
‘So, is this what you want then, despite everything that has happened?’ Cillian asked after you each caught a breath.
‘Yes, I think so. We both have needs and we trust each other, it just makes sense, right?’ you said in order to justify your decision and Cillian couldn’t help but chuckle.
‘Makes total sense’ Cillian laughed before continuing on. ‘I learned from my mistakes Y/N and I was very careful with Lindsay, but not so careful with you last night because, apart from my family, you are probably the person I trust the most in this world. You are most defiantly on the pill though, right?’ Cillian asked somewhat concerned.
‘Oh please, Cillian. Don’t flatter yourself. I don’t want to use you as a breeding bull’ you laughed, causing him to raise one of his eyebrows. ‘Yes, I am on the pill and never forgot a single one in over ten bloody years’ you then reassured him and, without any sort of warning, he crashed his lips back onto yours.
Your tongues met as he tangled one hand in the back of your hair, kissing you furiously.
‘I felt as though you held back last night’ you huffed out as your lips drifted apart. ‘Don’t hold back! Just fuck me!’ you then said, pulling him close again after he pulled his own t-shirt over his head while you removed yours.
‘I was just testing the waters Y/N’ he smirked before he pulled down your jeans eagerly while, at the same time, your hands went to his jeans and blessedly released his throbbing cock.
‘And I am not sure if I want you to see this side of me yet’ he then smirked, causing you to raise your eyebrows in return.
‘And what side is that Cillian?’ you giggled before whispering into his ear ‘show me your real kinky and filthy side.’
‘Soon, very soon’ Cillian then said before he kissed you again, hard and fast before both of you lost your jeans completely somewhere on the kitchen floor and Cillian lifted you up to sit on the kitchen table. He was much more forceful this time around and you quite enjoyed it.
Within one swift move, he unclasped your bra and thew it to the side before his hands rested on your breasts. You gasped as he shuffled down sufficiently to kiss each of them and close his mouth around a rigid pierced nipple. He pulled on it with his teeth and bit onto slightly, making you cry out.
At the same time, Cillian’s moved to in between your legs which were spread apart by his thighs as he was standing in front of you.
‘Fucking hell Y/N. What have you been thinking about, huh? You are fucking soaking’ he groaned as he observed that you were extremely wet already.
‘About you fucking me of course’ you giggled as Cillian brought his soaking wet fingers to your mouth.
‘Show me how fucking good you taste’ he instructed, making you taste yourself and you, of course, complied with his request and licked his fingers clean. But, when he watched you do this and felt your tongue piercing press against his fingers, he couldn't take it anymore.
‘Spread your legs wider’ he instructed as he pulled his hand away from your mouth and took hold of his rigid member, aiming it towards the dripping nirvana in front of him.
He knew he was rushing things, and as much as he wanted to take you, he couldn't if you weren’t ready. Your intense gaze held a mixture of the smirk and the desire.
‘Cillian, please shove your cock inside me already’ you then whined and, without a word, he plunged into you.
‘Jesus fucking Christ, you are so tight’ Cillian groaned while his eyes screwed shut as soon as your tight pussy had engulfed him, and he couldn't tell your groans apart from his own.
Good god, he felt amazing, so fucking amazing you couldn't move, completely paralysed with pleasure.
‘Oh god Cillian’ you moaned eventually as he hovered over you, propped up against the table, his cock buried in your pussy and his face buried in the crook of your neck.
You could vaguely hear voices from the TV in the other room over the sound of your shuttering breath, but it had no more meaning than anything else in the world that wasn't currently inside of you. And that was Cillian.
‘Who would have thought that we would ever fuck, eh’ Cillian observed as he thrusted in and out of you, slow at first and then with increased speed and force, Cillian began to slightly pinch your nipples. That broke your paralysis and you wiggled and moaned in pleasure, making him fuck you harder and deeper. Cillian’s mouth eventually found your neck and ear as he began to pivot in and out of you, relishing just how tight and wet you were.
‘Crazy I know…but also so damn good’ you moaned his name and he picked up his pace again. You swore under your breath and Cillian slid a hand in between your legs to rub your clit and play with your clitoral piercing the way he had watched you do it before.
‘Fuck, that’s it, Cillian’ you moaned and then, you came, whimpering and shuddering, as Cillian watched the ecstasy pass through the delicate features of your face. He continued stroking you gently as you rode out your climax and only stopped when you gripped his wrist with your hand.
‘Too sensitive’ you huffed out, causing Cillian to smirk and, only when you pressed your hands against Cillian’s chest, he reluctantly pulled out of you.
But he wasn’t done with you yet and, before you knew it, he pulled you off the table and spun you around.
Willingly, you leaned forward, your face pressing against the hard wood of the kitchen table while you spread your legs widely, allowing him better access to your wet mound.  
It didn’t take him long to line himself up with your entrance and, as the lips of your wet pussy parted to receive the head of his cock, he could hear you moan over the drumming rain outside. You immediately pushed back against him, forcing him inside of you a little deeper.
‘That’s it, push back against my cock’ Cillian instructed as he loved seeing your figure arched with pleasure before him and his cock buried inside you. What on earth was he missing out on for twelve years, he wondered?
The first loud rumbles of the thunder outside drowned out the first fleshy slaps of his thighs against your ass as he started to pump himself in and out of the wet grip of your pussy. The feeling of pleasure on his cock was so exquisite that for a moment he could not contain the urge to pound you harder.
‘Oh god yes, Cillian fuck me’ you moaned as he thrust deeper and faster into you, enjoying the feel of you hungrily pressing against him.
‘You like being taken like this don’t you? Pinned down and fucked hard?’ Cillian groaned as your moans had become loud enough now to be heard over the storm raging outside.
‘Yes, oh god yes, Cillian, please don’t stop’ you screamed out as you could feel another orgasm building as he pumped away.
By this point, Cillian’s cock was also screaming for release and you crying out beneath him didn’t help his urge to cum.
‘Harder’ you cried out and Cillian began to piston into you with rapid sharp strokes. You dug your nails into the table to brace against the pounding as Cillian drilled you as hard as he could.
Just as he continued to thrust in and out of you, he reached one of his hands between your legs to massage your clit again. The hard slap of his body against your tight ass was loud and he felt the sweat prickling on his body. The scent of your sex was filling the kitchen and, before long, your moans turned to gasps and little sharp cries of pleasure and Cillian felt your body shudder against his as you came.
‘Oh god Cillian, yes fuck, yes’ you shouted out as your second orgasm washed over you and you indulged in the pleasure he gave you by calling out his name.
‘Jesus Y/N, fuck’ Cillian groaned as his balls tingled with his own building climax. Cillian pulled you back into him by the hips and thrust as deeply into your pussy as he could as the first waves of his orgasm broke.
The eruption was intense. The spasms of pleasure were joined with the satisfying feeling of spurts of his semen flooding deep into your body. He kept pumping, though now slowly, even after the pulsing in his crotch subsided.
You sighed your contentment. The feel of your pussy milking the last drops from his now hyper-sensitive cock was delightful torture and Cillian groaned almost in agony.
You giggled and lifted your body up and, as you did so, Cillian’s cock slipped free of the embrace of your pussy.
‘So fucking sexy, leaking all my cum from your pussy’ Cillian then observed as he ran one of his fingers through your mound again, collecting some of his semen before guiding it up to your mouth.
‘Hmm, I like the way you taste. Took me only 12 years to find out’ you grinned as you suggestively licked his cum from his fingers.
‘I didn’t ever think that this would actually happen, seeing my cock inside you’ Cillian chuckled.
‘Tell me about it’ you said before giving Cillian a quick kiss. ‘By the way, nice dirty talk, I like it’ you then smirked, being rather surprised by your friend’s dirty vocabulary.
‘You’ve heard nothing yet’ Cillian said as he was getting dressed again.
‘Coffee?’ you then asked before walking over towards the coffee machine completely naked, wiggling your butt on full display.
‘Uhm sure, thanks’ Cillian laughed before putting his briefs back on and sitting down at the table while he watched you still somewhat in disbelieve.
After you got on with your chores and tasks for the day, you decided to finally call Laura to have this difficult conversation with her.
But, she didn’t pick up any of your calls and, instead, sent you a text message.
‘Can’t talk right now’ was all it said.
 Tag List:
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alltimefanfiction · 2 years
Foursome fanfic? They’re all in a room chatting about the tour, I think Alex texts rian about his big package and then they go to the kitchen and bang. Jack and Zack join them soon after. I can’t find it in the foursome tag, please help!
I totally remeber reading this but i just searched every possible keyword into evey fanfic site and i can't find it so i have reason to believe its been deleted unless a follower knows its whereabouts.
~ Molli
Thank-you @jackinalex for replying to let us know this was Talk Dirty To Me and that it's been deleted! I remember that one, a lot of people liked it. Sorry, anon. :(
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andromedasstarship · 4 years
in the stars - chapter 4
Tumblr media
photo credit - @ssa-emilyhotchner​
pairing - aaron hotchner x reader 
warnings - canon typical criminal minds, stalking, angst. pretty tame chapter 
summary - “I’m on a date.” You responded flatly. The other end of the line went silent.
a/n - hi besties. so this chapter is p short compared to the last one, i had like  7k something chapter 4 and it just didnt feel right, BUT that means chapter 5 is basically done i just need to edit it soooooooooooo hopefully wont take a long time lol! enjoy, heart yall forever 
masterlist // series masterlist // read it on ao3 
chapter 3 / chapter 5 
The rest of the team was left in various levels of shock. Everyone was struggling to process the bomb of information that had just been revealed. With hindsight, it was easy to connect the strange levels of tension and intimacy that radiated between you and Hotch. What was more difficult to swallow, was the new understanding that Hotch had been keeping this secret for nearly five years. Random ‘trips’ that Hotch would take out of state or the subtle sprinkles of wealth showing up in the form of gifts suddenly made sense. 
This was completely uncharted territory for the entire team. Given Hotch’s history, it wasn’t too difficult to understand how protective he may be of any relationships post-Haley; but the magnitude of your relationship- both in terms of your status as well as length-, and the withholding of information even on the case was a different form of betrayal that couldn’t be kicked under the rug. 
Hotch had always been one of the fiercest advocates for unity, truth and an equal playing field when it came to information concerning a case,- Morgan was still feeling second hand embarrassment for Jordan- for him to be the one to hold back such influential info was difficult to fully wrap their heads around. Anger, of course, was felt and there would certainly be time for that anger- not even getting started on the amount of questions everyone was bound to have-, but as the team was silently processing, they all reached similar conclusions. Hotch was displaying a softness and side of him they hadn’t seen in a very long time and they wouldn’t let their valid frustrations get in the way of solving this case. 
Morgan was the first to speak, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “I need to text Garcia about this.” He said, shaking the phone a bit. Everyone managed to laugh at that, all certain that Garcia would have the most interesting reaction to the news.  
“You know…, the other day when she was giving me a tour of her house, I pointed out a bottle of Dalmore 25 she had on the wall. She got really weird about it and I thought she was trying to play modest, but this, this makes a lot more sense.” JJ remarked lightheartedly. 
“So now we know Hotch has some game then, huh?” Morgan quipped, a large grin on his face. When everyone just stared blankly back at him, even more confused than they already were he continued. “Do you all not remember when he ‘magically’ got a bottle of Dalmore 45, those start at twelve grand” 
Reid was about to open his mouth and add to the conversation, but just as the words were leaving his mouth Hotch stormed back into the conference room. One hand was tightly balled in a fist while the other was gripping his phone. 
“She’s not answering her phone. Three times, it went straight to voicemail.” 
“She isn’t on set today, when she left this morning she told me she had work related errands to run.” Emily recounted, racking her brain for any more info about your whereabouts. 
Hotch strode over to an open laptop at the edge of the table, quickly hitting a series of buttons until a very flustered Garcia appeared on screen; her mouth dropping open when she saw Hotch. 
“Questions later Garcia,” Hotch opened, already anticipating that someone Derek would have informed her of the latest news, “I need you to track Y/N. I want her current and last location.” 
“Yes sir! I uh, I will do that right now for you.” Garcia responded, clearly doing her best to hold back the hoard of questions and comments she had. The sound of her vigorously typing filled the room. “Alright sir, so the bad news is that it looks like her phone is currently turned off, but! The last place it pinged at was outside of Chateau Marmont about three hours ago. Which for those of you who don’t know this place is notorious for being the A-lister hideaway-” 
“Garcia, do a wide search for her name and location for today’s date. Check to see if there’s been any media sightings on her whereabouts.” Hotch ordered. He hadn’t forgotten how uneasy it had made him once he found out how easy it was to locate you. Paparazzi were a different form of ruthless and he’d never realized how difficult it actually was for people in the spotlight until he met you. 
“Let me see…, yes sir you are right! I’m getting a bunch of hits of her entering the-” Garcia’s sentence falling off with an ‘oh’. 
“Garcia, what’d you find?” 
A headline popped up on the screen. 
“Emma Co-Stars Pictured Together Out At Lunch: Has The Love Moved Past The Screen?” 
Underneath, multiple photos of you quickly loaded. There you were, cheerily standing next to your co-star, looking up at him with a big grin on your face. The photos showed the two of you in different positions as you made your way inside. A few of him as he opened the car door for you. One of you with your arm wrapped loosely around his while you walked up the door. One of you ducking under his arm as you entered the restaurant. 
The tension in the room was palpable as everyone did their own mini attempt at profiling the photo. It was difficult, you’d clearly proven to be a great actress and they knew you were capable of manipulating your outward emotions. It was even more difficult considering it was just a handful of mediocre quality photos. 
Hotch was tightly gripping the edge of the table, forcing himself to keep a level head. He knew it was unreasonable to get angry over the idea of you with another man, but it didn’t help the pang in his heart as he recognized the genuine signs of happiness you were emitting. 
“JJ,” Hotch said, voice dangerously calm, “call the restaurant and have them discreetly tell Y/N that ‘Andi’ is calling her.” Discretion was the highest priority for him, the envelope being even further confirmation that the unsub was closely trailing you. The last thing he wanted to do was either trigger a violent reaction or cause him to go underground.
Back when the two of you had been together, out of an abundance of caution, you used to refer to Aaron as ‘Andi’ in public. You hated not being able to thank him in speeches or mention him in any capacity, so this had been your best way around it. 
“Yes sir.” JJ responded, quickly moving out of the room to make the phone call. 
“Garcia, do you have any leads on the kid that dropped off the envelope?” Hotch asked. 
“No sir. The car he left in was reported stolen a few days ago with no leads as to where it went. Camera feeds loose the car about three blocks away and his face was too obstructed to get any hits that way.” 
“Alright, once JJ comes back with confirmation Y/N’s gotten the message, I’m going to pick her up. I want the rest of you to work with Garcia and categorize these photos. Cross reference whatever you can to get a timeline.” Hotch ordered, the rest of the team not being to be told twice. 
“Where the hell are you?” Aaron demanded. 
Even through the phone, you could tell he was absolutely seething. It was bad, by the time you had picked up the phone you’d amassed a total of twenty texts and nearly ten missed calls from Aaron; not even mentioning the individual missed calls you had from each member of the team. It was bad, but in your defense it had been less than an hour from the first missed call to your current response. 
What could you say? You were big on not being on your phone when you were spending time with friends. 
“What do you mean, where the hell am I,” you answered, rolling your eyes as you leaned up against one of the private bathroom countertops. “How did you describe it before Agent? I’m very in ‘demand’.”
You could hear him groan through the phone and wondered if he was running his hands over his face; something he used to always do when you were being difficult; he absolutely was. 
“I’m on a date.” You responded flatly. The other end of the line went silent. As you were debating whether or not you should add the part about it being a publicity date, Aaron’s voice came through. 
“End it. I’m picking you up. The drive there from the station shouldn’t be more than 30 minutes.” Aaron said, his voice dangerously even. 
“I’m perfectly capable of getting back to the station on my own Agent. I don’t need you stirring up an absolute scene-”
“Y/N,” he started, voice commanding in a way that told you he was serious, “a package was delivered to the station today. Filled with hundreds of photos of you over the years,” he paused again and you could hear him take a deep breath before continuing, “there’s photos of us in there. The unsub knows.” 
You went silent, mouth opening over and over, unable to find anything to say. You had always envisioned a world where you and Aaron were some sort of ‘public’ knowledge, but never like this, obviously never like this. 
“Y/N, I need to come get you,” Hotch said, his voice much softer now, “I can’t-, I need to see that you’re safe.” 
“I’ll make something up,” You said quickly, before adding, “there’s a private valet area, I’ll send you the instructions to get past the gates and I’ll let the security know you’re coming to pick me up.” 
“I’ll be there in ten minutes, don’t draw any attention to yourself.” And with that he hung up, leaving you stunned in the bathroom. You gripped the edges of the counter, staring at yourself in the mirror. You wished you could stay in the bathroom for hours, desperately needing some time to privately process what Aaron had told you. 
That wasn’t in the cards for you though, so you quickly did some pointless attempts at ‘straightening’ your appearance- more for your benefit than anything else- before you turned the lock and left back for your table 
You slipped back into your seat across from your friend and co-star Johnny. 
“Your friend alright?” Johnny asked. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you said with a small smile, “she’s fine. But my Agent called me when I was in there, she apparently managed to set up some last minute FBI consult to help me prep for an audition I have coming up. According to her, she ‘pulled a lot of strings for this’.” You said, rolling your eyes. The lie sliding out of your mouth with ease. “Whoever this FBI dude is, is supposed to come pick me up right about,” you looked down at your phone, “now apparently. So I guess our little date has to end early.” You said, giving him an exaggerated sad pout. 
Johnny rolled his eyes at that, giving you a small laugh. The two of you were both equally uninterested, romantically, in each other. But you did get along quite well, so being ‘forced’ into hanging out with each other outside of filming wasn’t bad; you’d probably hang out outside of filming anyway 
“No worries, we still on for running lines later tonight?” He asked. 
You thought for a moment, before nodding. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Now, help me flag down the waiter, I want to get one last drink in before I go.” 
About twenty minutes later you found yourself waiting out in the private courtyard of the restaurant. You were doing your best to calm your nerves, this being the first opportunity you had to try and process what Aaron had told you. You should’ve seen it coming, if the stalker was so obsessed with you, he must’ve noticed Aaron in your life at some point. But you had been so careful. 
Then the other obvious thing hit you. His team knew. You were wondering how the team had taken the news when you saw the black SUV come into view. Aaron quickly stopped the car in front of you and before you could move to open the passenger door yourself, he was out of his seat in a flash, coming over to where you were standing. 
For a moment you were both silent. You felt tiny under his unrelenting gaze, his eyes scanning your entire being as he ensured himself you were okay. 
Without thinking, you launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist, ensnaring his arms tight to his side. As soon you realized what you did, you were internally kicking yourself, moving to loosen your arms nearly as fast as you had put them there.
“Aaron I-” 
Before you could finish your attempted apology, Aaron had pulled his arms from under yours and repositioned them around you, pulling you tightly against him. Your head naturally fit perfectly under his and you took in a deep breath, letting his scent surround you. It was cliche, but you both were thinking about how perfectly your bodies melded against each other.  
You felt his hand rest gently on the back of your head, gently stroking down your hair in a steady rhythm. “I got you.” He whispered, so quiet you nearly didn’t hear it. 
You pulled your head back so you could look up at him. “I’m scared.” You said, admitting it aloud for the first time.  
Aaron was staring hard down at you, his face soft. “I know,” he started, moving a piece of hair away from your face, “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, okay?” 
You nodded at that, missing his warmth when he started to pull away from you. He kept a protective hand on your lower back, guiding you towards the passenger seat. He opened the door and helped you in, gently shutting the door behind you. As soon as your door was shut he wasted no time in getting in the driver's seat, starting the car up again. With a quick check to make sure your seatbelt clicked was in, Aaron peeled out of the parking lot. 
A few floors above the courtyard, in one of the private hotel rooms, a curtain was angrily thrown shut. 
taglist - @mac99martin @iwaizumiee @kylorendrip @hqtchner @lieswithoutfairytales @ssahoodrathotchner @midsummernightdream @weasleylovers @evans-dejong @itsmytimetoodream @yoshigguk @28cnn @cuddlyklaus @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @yallgotkik @sunflowersandotherthings @averyhotchner @kimmy-k-k @uwu-sebastianstan
a/n- if youve asked to be on the taglist and dont see urself, please send another message! im really bad about putting people on my tag document lol, even if ive like responded in tumblr!!
no permission is given to copy or republish my writing on any other platform or account. if you see this story outside of my blog or my ao3 it is stolen work. i do not own nor claim to own criminal minds or any of the character involved in it.
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writting-thingz · 3 years
'Scuse me took me a moment to find the prompt I used for this one. This was the email draft I found btw
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I look down at a scrap of paper I wrote the address on once more, I just had to be sure that I didn't imagine anything. I lifted my head and stared at this abandoned-aesthetic apartment off a dirt road.
'It's five years since I have seen him... I didn't make any calls or send any texts... I wonder how his life has been.'  I bit my lip to stop its pathetic quivering as my shaking hand hovers over the doorknob. 'Stop hesitating! It's going to be fine.. just go.' The thought pressured me, and with a quick spin on my heels, I was ready to leave 'nope, can't do this. I can't face him'. Before either of my feet could leave the ground, the door behind me creaked open briskly.
"Aye, Rick! I thought you said that package wasn't supposed to be here till later tonight." A male's voice questioned from behind. I slowly turned around to face the man as another one appeared by his side.
"What the hell are you talking about Rookie. Of course, they aren't supposed to be here till later!" The second Male answers, he turns his head and quickly scans over me. "Rookie, you idgit!" He smacks the back of the first Male's head, "that's her!" He holds up a picture in the Rookie's (the first Male's) face.
"I am so sorry. We'll bring you to our boss right away." The Rooky was practically shaking in front of me.
"Just like he said Miss Kingsleigh, he will take you to our boss. Please excuse the trading grounds, I know it is unsightly. We want this place to not look suspicious in any way." Rick (the second male) informs me as his college opens up a door in the wall.
'That was a door!?' I questioned before being signaled by the rooky,
"Please, Miss Kingliegh, this way." As if pushed forward by an invisible force in my body, I make my way in the hall. Soon enough, as one foot moves in front of the other, seemingly on its own, the rooky and I are moving down a long hallway.
"I really am sorry for not recognizing you sooner, Miss Kingsleigh." The rooky repeats to break the awkward and stiff silence in the room.
"Oh. It... it's fine." My mind was spinning in circles as each step brought me closer and closer to an old high school sweetheart. It was almost surprised with the amount of shaking my knees were doing that I didn't sound like a rattling skeleton shuffling its way across a room.
"Hey, listen. If it makes you feel any better, I'm nervous too. I'm new, that's why they call me Rooky. I heard the scolding those bank robbers got after bumping into you. The boss talks about you sometimes; he's a tough guy most of the time, but when he talks about you, it's some of the sweetest things I've heard come out. So, don't be scared of him." He smiles at me, and I feel the shaking almost disappear.
"So.. he doesn't hate me?" I inquired
"The boss? No, no. I don't think he could ever find it in his heart to hate you, Miss Kingsleigh" He chuckles.
We reach a door. The rooky opens it and leads me in awe of what surrounded me. It wasn't like a lavish mansion, but it wasn't a dirty old cottage either. It was like my dream home come to life. It was warm and smelt of burning wood and apple/cinnamon. A rustic log home, just as I had always fantasized about.
A short bark followed by pitter-patter made it's way to me.
"M-Miss! Look out!!" The rooky shouts as a beautiful wolfy malamute pounded his way towards me. He tries to stand in front of me. However, I sprint towards the dog and slide on my knees into a hug with nothing but fluff and kisses.
"Zero! Hello Z-Z, how are you, you handsome boy." I giggle and ruffle up Zero's fur. "Are you a good boy? Huh? Yes, you are, you beautiful malamute wolf. Are you a mix? Are you a mix!? Yes, you are." He barked, "what- hey, where's your toy? Where you toy big boy? Go get it, yeah go get it" Zero spins in a circle as I questioned the whereabouts of his toy. "Go on! Go get it  Zero," just like that he zoomed out of the room.
"I- How..?" The rooky asked, his jaw practically hitting the floor.
"Hehe, Zero isn't so bad. You just gotta gain his trust, and he's just a huge fluffy puppy. Who also happens to be part wolf and part malamute." I pat the young man's shoulder.
"You know, I've been pretty good at keeping that a secret" a familiar voice comes from a doorway across the room.
"Z-Zimmerman!" My head shifted towards the doorway. It was like a day hadn't passed since I had last seen him. Maybe he had gotten taller.
"Awe, why so formal my little flower?" For a moment, his sweet smile was a frown.
"Sorry, Killian.. long time no see, huh?" A nervous chuckle leaves as I hold my left arm.
'I can't even look him in the eye..' my gaze stayed fixated on his smile.
"So Azalea, I suppose you have some questions. That's why you're here, right?" I nod, "How about this? I'll make dinner after I give you a tour, and then we'll talk."
"That sounds.. delightful." I agree hesitantly. He sends the rooky back to the trading ground, and we walk around on tour.
*About an hour later*
"That was a lot more land than I thought you had. What do you plan on doing with it?" Curiosity lined every word fumbling out. I cursed my hands for shaking this whole time, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Oh, well, some of my men don't have homes or means to pay for a home without suspicion, so I planned on using what I have to build them places to sleep. This house is big enough that we can have everyone gather here for meals," he answered matter-of-factly. "I'm going to make dinner, in the meantime, make yourself comfortable. Alright?"
"Good, dinner shouldn't take long." With that, he leaves me from where we started the tour. Zero comes bounding over to my side with rope in his mouth. Zero nuzzles my arm repeatedly.
"Okay, okay, I'll play." I smile and toss the rope for him a few times before getting into a tug of war.
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A Mere Mortal - Chapter One
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A/N: This story is based on the prompt : Vampires cannot enter a house without your permission, but what if your landlord’s a vampire? It’s his house, he’s just letting you live there. Part of the Landlord Vampire Fic Frenzy hosted by @just-the-hiddles​. This will be a mini series. I’m super nervous about this one, so feedback’s most welcome!
Tags : @buckybarnesplumwhore​ 
Taglists open! Let me know if you would like to be tagged in the future chapters.
Pairing: Vampire! Bucky Barnes x Vampire! Loki x Human! Reader
Check out the Prologue here 
Word count: 1295
Warnings: Foul language. Blood (Vampires! Kind of a package deal). Smut in future chapters. 18+ content!
Chapter 1 
A cold mid-morning breeze welcomed you as you stepped out of the car that dropped you off at Dewsbury town square.
I like the weather already, you thought with a smile.
You had a backpack and a small duffel bag with your essentials, the rest of your luggage would be reaching the new house in the evening. Which meant you could walk around town, get some food, and maybe talk to a few locals.
Welcome to Dewsbury (Y/N). Hope you had a safe journey. – James Barnes.
That is weirdly prompt, you thought as you read the text message on your phone. you thought nothing much of it as you texted back a polite reply and made your way further into the town, looking around for a place to eat and hang out for a few hours.
You reached a place called Ivy Grill and decided to walk in for some lunch. The interiors looked too dark for this time of the day. Polished wooden tables with plush chairs covered in a dark blue velvet fabric, the place was almost empty, you observed. The table in front of the bar looked relatively well lit so you opted to sit there.
Since no one was around you put your bags on the chair beside you and slumped back looking around for someone to bring you a menu.
You texted Sam in the meantime, informing him about your whereabouts.
A short plump woman appeared from your right, poured you a glass of water and asked, “What can I get you dear?”
“Umm what do you recommend? Any dish of the day?”
“Clam chowder sound good? We’re known for it.” she asked with a smile.
“Great I’ll have that. Is it always this windy here?” you asked, looking out the far window at the back where you could see hemlock trees swaying in the breeze.
“Today of all days it is, it looks like it’s only gonna get colder. You know what let me bring you some mulled wine, it’ll keep you warm.” the woman said turning around and walking back to what you assumed was the kitchen.
Before you could say it was too early to be drinking, she was gone. You figured you could needed some warmth in your body since your clothes wouldn’t provide for much. You wore a light cardigan over a thin white T shirt and your favorite pair of faded blue denims.
The middle-aged woman, Jenny you’d learnt, returned with your order and placed it in front of you. It smelled delicious. You couldn’t wait to dig in.
Now that you were fed and wined, you felt better. You could hang out here, but you figured you would ask Jenny for a local library to go visit.
The library, you’d found out, was situated right at the beginning of The Old Chapel Street, your house was located at the end of the same street. How convenient.
The rusty old bell rang as you pushed through the door and stepped into the library. The smell of old and new books filled your nostrils as soon as you did. Your favorite scent.
As you made your way to the front desk, you noticed a man, the librarian, sitting in his armchair almost asleep with his head on the table.
You cleared your throat to announce your arrival, which made the man sit up instantly. He looked up at you through his crooked glasses and smiled.
“I wasn’t expecting anyone at this hour, apologies. What can I help you with, my dear?”
“I was wondering if I could look around in here. Perhaps read up a little about the town history?”
“Most certainly. You’ll find Dewsbury history books in aisle three. You can keep your bags over there on the table while you look for them. They’ll be safe don’t worry, we have cameras installed.” The man gestured towards the leather armchairs and tables near the corner of the library.
“Thank you sir.”
“Please call me Frank. And if you need any help at all do not hesitate to ask.”
“Thank you Frank, I will.” You said, giving him a smile.
Balding slightly, a paunch, in his mid-sixties you presumed. He seemed nice.
You walked over to the aisle, picked out Dewsbury: A Brief History and went to settle down in the chair beside the large windows.
You must’ve been reading for an hour or two, engrossed in the book, when the door swung open. You heard footsteps walking across the floor and a velvety smooth baritone fell on your ears.
“I smell something new in here Frank.”
The voice made you look up towards Frank’s desk. Your eyes fell upon a tall man dressed in all black, with raven black hair reaching his shoulders, his back towards you.
“Good to see you too Loki. Did you bring my books back? You were supposed to return them two days ago.”
“I have them right here. You didn’t answer my question Frank, is there someone-” the man named Loki stopped mid-sentence as he turned around and saw you.
You felt the hairs of your neck stand up as you locked eyes. His eyes were piercing blue with hints of green? A sharp jawline that could probably cut glass, and a smile that made you very uncomfortable. Wow those eyes though.
“That’s (Y/N). She’s new to town. Let’s not scare her away on her very first day.” Frank interrupted your staring match. You smiled warily and nodded a bit before returning your attention to the book.
They continued talking for a while and you went back to reading, very aware of the occasional glances you were getting from Loki from the corner of your eye.
Your phone buzzed suddenly startling you, it was the shipping guy. You checked your watch, it was five thirty already. Had it really been that long? Well time flew when you got into reading as always.
The guy informed you that they’d reach your house in ten minutes. You figured you’d take your leave and started walking towards the front with your bags and the book. Loki was still leaning on the desk in conversation with Frank.
“Well I better take off, the shipping guys are here. Thank you for the book Frank. I’ll come back for it.” you gave him a genuine smile and placed the book on the table.
“Loki Laufeyson. Pleasure to meet you (Y/N).” Loki extended his hand towards you. You took it and it felt very cold. Loki noticed your surprise and smiled wider.
“Hello Loki.” you replied shakily as you looked into those eyes again.
“I guess I’ll see you around.” With that you walked out of the library glancing back one last time at Loki who was looking at you this whole time.
Sure, not creepy at all, you thought.
You walked down the street towards your house, the air was definitely colder now. You made a mental note of buying some warm scarves later.
As your new house came into view, you couldn’t help feel the excitement again. It looked better than the pictures for sure. You waited outside for the truck to arrive and noticed that the house overlooked the forest. It wasn’t too dense, but it wasn’t very pleasant either. You were sure there were wolves in that forest, among other things.
The truck arrived shortly and unloaded all your luggage on the front porch.
Phew! This is gonna take a while. You better get to it before it starts getting dark.
Just as you were about to pick up the first box your phone buzzed again. You fished it out of your pocket and opened the text message.
Looks like a lot of luggage. You’ll be exhausted after all that moving. Why don’t I come over with a welcome drink. It’s about time we met (Y/N) – James B.
Find Chapter 2 here
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Ideas for a Criminal Minds movie
I’m just floating ideas around on what if a Criminal Minds movie is made. CSI, Breaking Bad and Psych all had movies made long after the show has ended, so who knows, maybe CM might get a movie as well
A timeskip between the series finale and the movie. I’m assuming that the movie could take place either a few months since the finale or even a year or two, depending on the story
We currently see what the team has been up to since the finale. Rossi is helping Matt with his first novel, Reid is currently in a relationship with Max, some updates on Emily and her relationship with Mendoza, JJ having some family moments with Will, etc
We are introduced to the BAU’s new technical analyst. Of course, no one could replace Garcia but they need someone to help them track down unsubs and clues for them. The character’s role is not too big to the point that they overshadow the original characters, but not too small where they’re nothing more than a mere extra
Garcia is shown adjusting to her new job since her departure from the BAU. It’s possible that she gets a couple of texts from Morgan congratulating her on her new job
Who’s the big bad? Alexei Stanovich. Why? In 15x04, Garcia tells Luke about a stalker she has on the internet, which happens to be Stanovich,  and that it’s hard for her to stop him cause he lives in St. Petersburg, Russia. The episode ends with Luke urging Garcia to notify him should she ever get a lead on Stanovich
Maybe at this point, things get serious for Luke and Garcia, and the two are shown on a date. All goes well, till they reach her apartment and find a mysterious package. Turns out, it’s from Stanovich and he’s here in the states
Luke notifies the rest of the team and they try to investigate the whereabouts of Garcia’s stalker. She visits the BAU, seeing how much has changed since she left and even sees the new technical analyst for the very first time. Garcia is thrilled to see the newest member and offers advice on how to handle the job
Possible flashbacks of Garcia’s time in the BAU
The team realizes that Alexei is far more clever mastermind than before and learns that it’s gonna take more to stop him from targeting Garcia
Cameo/minor appearances of former cast members like Seaver, Kate and Blake, who have offer some help stopping Stanovich and or just a semi update on what they’ve been doing since they left the series
This being a movie, Tara, Luke and Matt get decent screentime and relevant roles
The love interests (Will, Kristy, Max, Mendoza, Krystall), also make appearances in the movie
Anderson is there, cause he’s “more than just a pretty face”
In the climax, it appears that Stanovich successfully abducted Garcia. Before he could do anything to her, it turns out to be a setup and the team stops him. It is reveal that the whole plan was setup by Garcia with careful planning
Garcia thanks her friends for helping her stop her stalker, there’s a callback to the “You do whatever is takes to protect you family” or “We are family” lines on the show
At some point, Luke and Garcia are alone. It’s revealed that they’ve been together for a few months er year? idk. Garcia asks Luke what’s up, only to see him get down on one knee, revealing a ring 
If any of the kids are shown, depending on the time difference, there’s a good chance that they’ll be aged up, especially Rose or David and Henry
Luke and Garcia are engaged and the two celebrate. Everyone is there, from the team and their significant others, Anderson, maybe Cruz also makes an appearance and even former members of the BAU(Seaver, Blake, Kate, Todd). 
Garcia gets an unknown call. She gets nervous and answers it, only to hear a familiar voice
“When were you gonna tell me you and Luke Alvez hooked up, huh baby girl?” Camera pans to Derek Morgan as Garcia runs up and hugs him, glad that he could make it to the party
The team all congratulate Luke and Garcia on their engagement and it ends with them celebrating
Bonus: Paget and AJ sporting their natural haircuts as Emily and JJ in the movie rather than wearing bad wigs. And a subtle reference to the Criminal Minds theme song(ex. ringtone)
Feel free to add anything to this
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soranihimawari · 4 years
rooftop castles
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<<|master list| >>
You opted to contact your friend the go ahead message you normally do when you over sleep right when you both heard her phone’s ringtone go off for the fourth time that evening. She was right outside your closed bedroom door in the flat you share.
The high rise which you called home was sandwiched between the historic art district and the atheletic training center for professional teams. Lately the word on the street was the MSBY Black Jackals were the latest team to sign on to use the facilities. Their publicisit thought it would be a grandoise idea to invite some representatives of the local businesses and much to the players’ surprise, even someone who prefers time away from large crows, their management had agreed on all fronts. Upon learning both of the companies you worked for, ROYGBIV, was on the MSBY guest list contact. (ROYGBIV was an up & coming online magazine you founded with her)
The week prior to sending out the RSVP, your design department received a tall order with a bulleted list of the colors, values, and although it was an arduous week, you burned the midnight oil setting aside the designated handkerchiefs for the players of the team. Your specialty was hand embroidery and once your friend from the calligraphy art team turned in the final cohesive (and approved) font. It was nearly three in the morning when you finished washing your hands, remembering that one of the members of the team was very thorough in his personal upkeep, you closed your eyes for a moment just to readjust to the dim atmosphere surrounding your work space at home. Your desklamp had it’s night mode on and as you sanitize your hand again, your eyes wandered over to the freshly washed black gloves and wearing them prior to threading the needle. Meticulous as your work called for, once the last stitch was sewn, you wrapped the kerchief in a separate package altogether before you let sleep take over you.
A swift rapt at your door caused you to stir from your desk chair when your colleague’s voice was muffled when she paused to answer her phone in the kitchen.
“Shiro?” you poke your head out of your door once you washed the remnants of sleep off your brow; your ears twitched when you heard the other person sharing your kitchen space continue her end of the phone call. “Yeah, she’s going to be arriving a little late, but no worries ma’am! The gifts for the players are completed and ready to go with me.” 
You gave her a curt nod, noticing her cocktail dress shimmering under the lo-light when she returned her attention to you.
“Girl, you look like hell,” she quips. 
“Trust me, I feel it,” you retort. “I heard you cover for me, thanks.”
“Of course. Anything for the ‘best needlepoint embroiderer’ in the company,” she says handing you a large gift bag which held your attire for the evening. “I’m going to head out now since there’s an hour before the guests of honor arrive. Don’t worry, I already have the team members welcome gifts.”
You made your way to the side of the kitchen, where you picked up a glass from the drying rack to pour yourself some water. After you took a few sips, you cleared your throat.
“Thanks girl, I owe you one.” 
“No problem, Shiro. See you there,” you nod when you place your glass in the sink. “I’ll see myself out.”
The party was in full swing as soon as your calligraphy partner made a few minor adjustments to the floral arrangements which complemented her team’s lettering. Executives and their seconds had several tables to use at their disposal while the photographers started to arrive. Invitees were starting to arrive at the foyer of the formal auditorium floor of the adjoining office building of the training arena. 
You received several messages from a few coworkers aside from your roommate asking for your whereabouts since the players had already checked into the neighborhood. Your patience was wearing thin the moment you received one last call, fastening the last strap of your kitten heel. You were thankful to have such a strong support system, but you realize you prefer being alone on evenings much like this prior to any sort of party. You decide to pick up her call once you reach the foyer after a fifteen minute ride in the company car provided for you.
“Shiro!” your friend’s voice was muffled by the music playing in the background. She had recently excused herself from chatting with other executives when she answered your call. Unbeknownst to her, one of the members of the team, Inuoka to be precise, was within earshot of the call. ”Where are you?”
“The elevator,” you said. Your voice sounded more strained than your friend’s. A piece of fabric rubs against the geometric patterned halo mask you cleaned before exiting your complex’s building.
“You wore the hygienic mask, didn’t you?” your friend exhaled a sigh of relief. “I’ll see you soon.” With that, relief washed over your friend’s features long enough to have Inuoka tap her shoulder and offer her a glass of champagne.
“Your friend,” he says, taking a sip after she happily accepted the flute. “Sounds like our outside hitter over there. Say, can you keep a secret?”
She nods and he motions toward the members of his team scattering about entertaining and thanking the attendees in hopes of increasing their network power. 
“Which leads me to you,” he says, quirking his eyebrow. “So, miss…”
“Nebula,” she introduces herself, raising her glass in his direction. 
“Inouka,” he casually drops his name as soon as the elevator dings. 
Things seem to be going swell at this soiree, thank the gods, you thought. Your eyes scanned the room. The tables were immaculately clad in the schematic the publicity team sent your company and it was worth seeing your collaborative efforts come into fruition. You wandered off to the nearest wait staff to direct you to the furthest table that was closest to the fire escape, breathing your own personal sigh of relief that none of the fellow interns noticed. Then, Nebula was the first one to spot you after the name exchange happened with the member of the team, allegedly. Her eyes lit up once they saw your silhouette. Inouka watched your friend’s eyes lock on to the late arrival. Inouka whispered something into Nebula’s ear, to which she nodded eagerly; he texted his teammates’ personal numbers with a quick snapshot of his new acquaintance’s friend.
“Shall we? My friend is going to bring some more flutes,” Inoula extended his arm toward her just as Nebula elevated her voice. 
“SHIRO!” one of the interns from your team exclaimed. Across the way, more like three tables diagonally across from where you were leaning forward in your casual steel hued suit. Nebula picked up her still-walking pace to a light brisk walk before you were about to knock some sense into a kid who probably thought they were actually six degrees away from knowing either of you.
“Calm down,” Nebula says gently, Inouka was right behind her. “It’s all right Shiro.”
“Thank you,” you said. Your voice was pricked with a slight rage subsided as she reached out to grip your shoulder. “Who’s he?”
“Oh! I’m Inouka,” he introduces himself for the second time that night. You let him list his accolades including which position on the team he played. Using this time wisely, Nebula started to see the plan coming together from her new friend’s side. A few seconds pass when she sees someone dressed sharply (and in similar fashion to her embroidery counterpart) even down to the medical mask. You absolute madman, Nebula thought amusedly when she saw the man excuse himself from the party a few minutes after the incident with the intern, pick up two glasses off the nearest waiter whom he had observed pour fresh glasses of mimosas (“Quick, what’s your friend’s favorite cocktail. I have someone I’d like her to meet.” Inouka suggests. 
“Mimosas. With enough alcohol to tranquilize a demon,” Nebula says).  “And there is someone I’d like you to meet from the MSBY team.”
Nebula gave you an encouraging smile, although you were sure she was pleading with you to play nice please. You return her question with a bold we’ll see this teammate of his is just as--oh, hello.
A flute was presented toward your masked features as an olive branch had its stem held by a silm fingered hand attached to the most immaculately kept wrists that had one of the most aesthetically pleasing wristwatches you’ve ever seen. 
“Nebula, Shiro, this is one of our starting outside hitters,” Inouka states with a wide grin. You accepted the olive branch of a mimosa while elevating your gaze higher, you were stunned to find someone who emulated the same vibe as you.
“Sakusa Kiyoomi,” you state. Inouka glanced at Nebula who placed her glass down on the closet table available to her left, your right.
“Shiro?” Nebula inquired. “I’m sorry, have you two met before?”
“I would have remembered her if we did,” Sakusa was quick to read the situation in which his teammate was hoping to mull over smoothly with more hushed bravado. He eyed you curiously the moment you stepped off the lift’s platform. You, who kept you head down out of respect for your friend’s networking with one of his own, walked the perimeter of the tables choosing a table close to the fire escape. A few chimes and buzzes went off around the room where the other members of the MSBY team were checking their messages. Intuitively, Sakusa received several compliments from the boys, especially the loudest ones, implying her arrival and distance play reminded them of himself.  
“The textile design department at work received a short detailed profile for the members of the MSBY Black Jackals,” you explain in a nonchalant manner. “It’s not like I racked up double over time trying to complete twenty-seven hand embroidery orders for the last several days leading up to this event, Nebula.”
You place the flute down on a coaster, but before you do, you choose to remove your mask to indulge your company with a sip. The alcohol tingled against your nude lips stained in a sheen of brazen bronze. Inuoka kept an eye on Sakusa’s typically aloof and expressionless stoic demeanor change in the subtlest of ways: the outside hitter mumbled a faint “she’s pretty” under his mask. 
“Shiro,” Nebula begins by first placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “What time did you finish those orders anyway?”
“Three thirty seven this morning,” you reply right before you shotgun the rest of the drink. It was going to be a long night after all and you were going to need a lot more than one mimosa to survive this party. You immediately placed your mask loops back over your ears. 
“You’re kidding,” Inouka said in a moment of disbelief. He nudged Sakusa who took a moment to glance down at your hands. There were microabrasions where you pricked yourself in between changing hands every so often and calluses where the thimble protected your fingers and cuticles from fraying. Inouka excused himself briefly when their captain called him over to meet other potential sponsors. 
“Thank you,” Nebula whispers before he walked away. Returning her attention toward you and Sakusa who still had a full glass in his hand, clutching it for show.
“If you two are ok, I have to make my rounds again, making sure those interns of ours are faring ok.”
“Mm,” you nod with your eyes meeting your best friend’s azure fluorescent irises. “I think I’ll be fine as long as none of the interns are going to be too loud when we leave.”  
Five minutes go by between Inuoka and Nebula working their way around the room before they found each other again this time holding down a delightful conversation with a rather lively mix of both players and young designers chatting about current events. Thus leaving you and Sakusa to fend for yourselves in the best way you knew how.
“And no, by the way,” you say after you clear your throat. “We never met before. Your order was the last one I completed. I am meticulous when it comes to maintaining my work space.”
“I noticed,” Sakusa replies. He placed down the flute next to your empty one. “But if you ask me, I would not forget the smile you have underneath.”
Elsewhere, Inuoka tapped Nebula’s shoulder, both of them stealthily took a candid photo of you and Sakusa talking like old friends. 
“You were right,” Nebula said. She glanced down at the phone. “Sakusa definitely would like her.”
Inuoka chuckled. 
“He’s really good with those things,” one of his teammates with a crown of white hair spiked upwards says. “Seeing the good in people. I mean, man! Inuoka how did you know Sakusa would get along well with the ice king over there?”
“They’re the same person,” one of the interns sharing the table with her senior designer says. “Everyone on our side saw it immediately as your entourage entered the party.”
Nebula was amused by her junior’s bold take, yet it was refreshing to hear it from a third party. Eventually witnessing her friend stand on par with a rather interesting date the rest of the evening.
Several hours later, with the party finally dwindling down to a close, you found yourself heading toward the original table where your evening had begun. Nebula was busy exchanging contact info with the final member of her new friends’ team along with the two interns who took pleasure in becoming more well acquainted with the professional athletes overall taking selfies for their personal albums. There were only five glasses overall at your new location, the ledge by the opposite fire escape parallel to where you had stood originally at the beginning of the soiree. You remove your mask briefly to say something only the wind could hear besides the company you kept. You were quick to pull your mask back up a few seconds later. 
“Oi! Kiyoomi! Hurry up and get her number our ride is almost here!” 
“Shut up Bokuto!” Sakusa says in a stern tone over your shoulder. You could have seen a vein pop out of his neck, but instead, you lock eyes with the teammate Sakusa addressed with an amused expression. 
“What makes you think he already doesn’t have it hmm?” you chuckle, shaking your head. “Care to escort a tired designer down the next available elevator? Seems like that one is filled with the after-party group.” 
Sakusa says nothing, opting to make a gesture with an open palm for you to lead the way. 
Down in the foyer, you were the last to arrive with Sakusa in tow. Nebula was giving each member of the team their small gift bags when she paused for a moment before speaking once each of the players had a bag in their hands, including Sakusa.
“Of course none of the events tonight would have been made possible without my talented and cofounder of our design firm, Shiro,” Nebula said, her eyes never straying past Inuoka’s amusing coy smile. “She’s the one whose team pulled back to back all nighters, hand-dying the fabrics she used to create your gifts in the bags. Shiro, care to say a few words?”
Inuoka and Bokuto, along with the small tight-knit group of interns, and with Nebula and Sakusa standing by their peers, you took a deep breath, reaching for the ear loops of your mask; you choose to take it off for the rest of the night. 
“Sakusa, you beautiful gentleman of a bastard,” other members of the MSBY team hive-mind for a split second to bear witness to their outside hitter falling for the statuesque woman’s charming smile.  
“Thank you for believing in our company, which I’m sure you all have heard a thousand times tonight,” you began and the athletes chuckle at your wit. “So I will make this brief. Welcome to the neighborhood and if you ever need our services, you have our contact info. If you all will excuse me, I have a date with my California king bed.”  
Your jacket chimed with several notifications from both the interns and the athletes who through Nebula and the rest, sent messages with their names. Well, all but one person; with marks above his brow, tall, stoic, and kind eyes …
Watching your interns quickly wrap up their remaining farewells along with Nebula who, much to the surprise of everyone else except Bokuto, you, & Sakusa, had a date lined up with Inuoka for coffee on their next day off. The MSBY Black Jackals captain, Meian, made sure to thank Nebula seeing as Sakusa stepped off to the side mentioning he had to make a call. 
“Of course,” Bokuto says rather in a boisterous manner.
“Shh!” the intern hushes the owl by covering his mouth with her own. “Leave your teammate alone, hah.”
Then, your silent ringer went off (unknown callers on your network are preprogrammed to ring silently) prompting you to answer. Unbeknownst to you, Sakusa’s curiosity got the better of him when Inuoka slipped one of the other business cards from earlier with a series of numbers on the blank side. A little meddling never went so horribly right like tonight. 
“Sakusa Kiyoomi, right?” you speak into the receiver. 
“I’ll be sure to remember you this time,” Sakusa replies.
“ALRIGHT! Our ride is already here boys, let’s go,” Meian announces. It was only a matter of where with Sakusa, never he minded with the who, the what, or the why; she’s going to drive him mad with desire. You are one of a kind miss designer, the captain thinks watching over his partner in crime on the court.
“You better,” you glance up after you end the call. You held up your arm and bent it at the elbow moving your wrist side to side in a curt wave. “Bye for now.”
The interns took turns leaving together in rideshares soon thereafter. Nebula and you decided it is best to walk off the rest of the alcohol and horderves. Whispering to each other about the two young men from the team who took a liking to your individual ethical behavior:
“Inuoka seems kind,” you muse. “He reminds me a lot of your first boyfriend in third year design workshops.” A chortle escapes your throat.
“You attract more bees with honey,” Nebula playfully shoves you. “Not everyone can get the princely type. How tall is he again?”
“I’ll send you their interview stats,” you tease. 
“Bless you, Shiro.”
“No prob-bob.”
You two walk side by side silent again until you are a block away from your housing complex. Although you two work together, Nebula and you decided one shared space was enough between you both. Nebula’s apartment was on the eastern side while yours faced the closest shinto temple you frequented with her (or sometimes on your own for meditation purposes). You hug each other after you use your gate key to enter your respective buildings. After a thorough deconstructively thorough make-up removal routine, you draw yourself a bath where you replay the events of the soiree on the roof in your mind. You pull your knees to your chest as you begin to scrub yourself clean removing any traces of imperfections nature had given you and you finally, finally feel yourself relax as your subconscious pushes Sakusa’s voice to the forefront of your mind: “I’ll be sure to remember you this time.”
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[rooftop castles end]
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