#they were kinda embarrassing back then but things are genuinely bad now
hello could you write a fic for miles42 having an airhead gf like shes his opposite (kind, always smiling, extroverted but shes a bit blunt) !! for the fic u can do wtv u want tbh !! but if u dont have any inspiration u could do something about her meeting miles42’s mom nd uncle or, him taking his gf on a date or wtv u want bc idk if my ideas are good lmaoo
(Hello! Sure I can and here ya go! Enjoy!)
Earth 42!Miles Morales x Opposite!Reader
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It's so funny how you guys even ended up getting together
You both obviously clash but oddly work out well together
Even Miles was surprised he ended up with you
"Blink twice if he kidnapped you, kid."
Words of Uncle Aaron the first time he met you
When Uncle Aaron and his mother met you, they probably thought he was gonna be with someone who matched him, probably Emo or at least similar to him
And to their surprise, and his mother's joy
You walked into the door!
His mother thinks your good for Miles, she sees you're able to get him to smile more, he's happier and she sometimes sees specks of Miles before his dad died come back
Even if Miles is surprised at himself he really does love you
He needs someone like you in his life
Walking down the street hand in hand people would never think that you guys were together
Even in photos, you're smiling, it always seems like he has a permanent frown on his face until out come along
It always looks like two completely different photos, but no
He warns you about being kind to everyone though, as he noticed is a habit of yours
Brooklyn isn't safe, everyone knows that and you could get hurt because you're too kind
You're kinda an airhead also
You once followed a man into his house because he said he had cats and she had kittens
Don't worry, the man was a kind and older man but the principle still stands
Miles noticed you're sorta an airhead, not a bad thing but something he looks out for you for
But he truly does love how much you care for him, his mom and even Uncle Aaron
When you guys first met he was a little suspicious
Just because he wasn't used to that in Brooklyn anymore
You were also incredibly blunt
He found it funny at first when it was at other people
He gets kinda frozen and can't help but sigh when it's directed at him
He thought Uncle Aaron would not like you when he brought you home
Not him mom
But you did great!
He didn't even need to warn you about calling his mom by her first name
He's gotta get used to you being so extroverted
Especially because now he is more closed off and likes to keep to himself more
Especially being the Prowler
But when you want to do anything and everything, social and make friends
He's the one looking over your shoulder and directing you away from assholes
He loves you, but he doesn't want you being hurt
You got them scary boyfriend privileges
I think you guys make a great pair
Miles was initially hesitant to introduce you to his mom and Uncle Aaron, but you wore him down.
So that's how he stood in the hallway of his own apartment like the guest, as his mother already liked you.
Plus, you didn't call her by her first name.
"Aye, you're so pretty, Mija." Miles' mother smiled at you, getting a genuine one back as she stood next to you, glancing at Miles.
"Oh, ¿cómo te las arreglaste?" Mrs. Morales started, her son blushed as he stood behind you, watching his mom practically flaunt around you.
"Mom!" Miles complained, Mrs. Morales waving him off with an eye roll.
"How did you meet my son of all people, hon?" Mrs. Morales asked, guiding you to the kitchen as you followed behind her, laughing under your breath.
"Well, I was walking to Mr. Gonzalez's bakery, and I was in line but I looked outside," you started, Miles freezing in embarrassment at the upcoming story as Uncle Aaron laughed.
"I saw Miles standing there in the window, but he was just staring at me?" You said, a confused tone in your voice as Miles could hear his mom chuckle.
"Anyway, I smiled at him and he sorta jumped. He…sorta smiled back? It was a little loopy but then he turned away real quick, but he tripped."
"Oh, man…" Uncle Aaron laughed, wrapping an arm around his nephew's shoulder as Miles looked down, blushing thankfully hidden as he hid his face in his shirt.
"He fell sorta hard so I went outside to help him, and yeah!" You smiled, Miles shaking his head as Uncle Aaron elbowed him.
"Stop…" Miles muttered, turning around to head to the kitchen as Uncle Aaron couldn't keep in his laugh any more.
Hey, you said it how it was.
Miles may complain about it, but seeing how you were sitting on the counter talking to his mom with a smile on his face, he couldn't complain about it much.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
moot said sm abt art letting out a moan when he pisses in the morning and now im thinking of having that be your fantasy - wanting art to piss on you - but he's so embarrassed about it, the act so degrading he doesn't know if he can bring himself to do it - but he wants to please you so bad and you look genuinely discouraged when he makes a face when you bring it up, he's quick to reassure you its just something he has to think about more. honestly, he'd be more into you pissing on him - that feels more right, in his eyes. it also kinda brings the curtain down around this shiny image he held of you, this sweet girl who liked missionary sex and holding hands - you were secretly touching yourself to the sound of him pissing into the toilet every morning? he doesn't know what to do with that.
arts done alot to keep patrick out of his relationship with you - hes stingy about it. protective of you - for what, he doesn't know now - some deep rooted worry that you'd want patrick more, like every girl does. but he can't stop thinking about it. and patrick notices him brooding. and art knows - knows patrick is, well. more liberated when it comes to sex than art is. has more experience. is less romantic about the whole thing. so he caves.
"have you ever...... um. has a girl ever wanted you to - you know -" he makes a gesture with his hands, flushing.
"cum on her tits? yeah, loads of tim-"
"no not cum - the other. the other thing. that, uh. comes out."
"piss? you mean piss?"
patrick stares at art long enough for art to squirm. "fuck off. it was a question, alright? forget it."
but patrick is grinning now - "holy shit."
"stop it."
"your girlfriend wants a golden shower?"
"that's disgusting - "
"give me your phone."
"what? no. why?"
"i need to see this chick."
"i introduced you months ago, patrick."
"yeah, and i fucking forgot. hand it over -"
art pretends hes annoyed but he surrenders his phone regardless into patricks outstretched hand. thumbs flying over the keypads to find his gallery. art scratches behind his ear, still blushing, wondering if it was a mistake to bring it up. he feels guilty he basically outted this kink of yours to his friends when its private. he wonders if you tell your friends he likes it when you spit in his mouth. flushes more at the thought. god, is he a shit boyfriend?
patrick lets out a low whistle. "shit - how'd i forget those tits -"
"alright -" art snatches his phone back, pocketing it. "lets just drop it, yeah?"
patrick doesn't drop it though. in fact he has a long conversation with art that evening.
and the next time you're in the college cafě, getting a blueberry scone, you jolt when you feel an arm brush yours. are startled to look up and see patrick zweig already looking down at you. he nudges your shoulder with his. nods to your scone, and then his plate. "I got it."
you're not one to argue with free stuff. patricks loaded anyway, so you nod. you look around him. "is art with you?" he was supposed to meet you for lunch.
"we're going to meet him." patrick pays for your stuff and turns to you, walking backwards into the cafeteria. he jerks his head, "come with me."
you do, hesitantly. as you walk beside him, you catalog him. of course, you know him. but you dont really know him, know him. he's arts best friend, and a bit of a tennis prodigy, if one that might burn out too quickly if he doesn't regulate himself soon.
still. you aren't around him much, you think because arts worried you'll cheat on him if left alone with patrick for too long. and you get patricks appeal - hes tall and athletic - more filled out than art is yet, he has that whole devil may care kind of look to him, mussed up hair. a smirking pink mouth. something about the way he carries himself, too. confident and assured. its..... hot. you can admit that.
but you love are. you're in love with art. and its for the ways that hes opposite to patrick, that you do. hes a golden aura. a beam of sunlight where patrick screams night - he's soft and kind and he cares about you. he thinks about you. he considers you. he's not shy, but he's soft spoken. he listens. he's like a lazy river - or a fluffy cloud.
patrick leads you up the bleachers to one of the outside tennis cours, and you look out - spot art practicing with someone on the other side of the net. he doesn't see either of you yet, and you dont call out to him. you like watching him play. his precision and grace.
you sit near the top row of metal slats and patrick sits one row below you, so he can prop his legs out and spread his arms behind him on the one you're sitting on. "you sit like a third grader." you tell him, which is true. all sprawled out with his big long limbs.
patrick tips his head back to look at you. green eyes spark - he has a water bottle that he tips back and pulls a long swallow from. you dont watch his adams apple bob.
"i need alot of space to air my shit out." he parts his thighs wider as if to cement that statement and you try not to notice the way his shorts slide down his thick tan legs. they bunch all the way nearly down to his crotch.
"classy." you tell him. picking at your muffin as you stare out at art again. when he hits the ball, he jumps. his shirt rides up, revealing a sliver of pale skin and you rub your bottom lip. mouth filling with saliva because you know what that skin tastes like, feels like, under your tongue. like faint salt, and soft toned muscle.
"you'd know all about being classy wouldn't you?"
something about the way he says it - like there's a hidden meaning, makes you glance back down at him. hes still looking at you.
he's rolling his water bottle sideways up and down his thigh, and he looks like he wants to say something else, but it'll make him laugh, so he doesn't.
you squint. "huh?"
one side of his mouth quirks up. he takes another swig from his bottle - looks out over the courts and shrugs.
well, no.
you swat at his shoulder, irritated, he's pulled you in somehow. "what does that mean?"
he shrugs again - holding a mouthful of water. he swishes it from side to side as he looks up at you. swallows it slowly. holds his mostly empty bottle up and taps your knee with the open lid - "just means you're not as innocent as we all thought."
your eyebrows draw together. your stomach does a little flip. you have the distinct feeling he's making fun of you. like hes in on something you're not apart of.
you settle on, "whose we?"
green eyes flit back to the court - you follow and you find art again. he's turned from his opponent, using the end of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow. he fishes a sports drink from his bag and downs nearly all of it in one go. as hes wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he turns slightly, casually taking in his surroundings. you can tell the moment he spots you and patrick because he freezes. his wrist still at his lips. he doesn't wave. you dont either.
you look back at patrick. hes still looking out at art.
"you and art...." you start. "you talk about me? together?"
patrick takes his time turning back to look at you. he seems to be communicating something across the distance to art. he says, without looking "uh huh." and when you shove his shoulder with your knee, he finally gives you his full attention. bad idea. something about him - you feel - like prey or something. you dont know. pinned under his gaze. "art tells me everything."
he puts emphasis on everything, and lets that sink in for you, which it does. slowly.
because there's really only one thing you've brought up with art recently that would be anything worth the dramatics of this. you feel your cheeks fill with blood. your gut pitch with shame.
"i -" you look down at your shoes. pink sneakers. with a frog sticker art had given you, because you like frogs and you told him that and so he got you a sticker of one. "um."
"hey, its cool." a warm hand pats your knee. "its why i wanted to talk to you."
your head jerks up. you shy away from his touch. you want to look out for art and signal him over but you dont know what to feel about him talking about that..... with patrick.
"really." patrick says your name, softly this time so you'll look at him. "im not making fun of you." he tongues the inside of his cheek, half smiling. "i think its hot, actually."
you do glance out for art now. he's back in position, but he keeps shooting glances over where you sit. you swallow. "you do?"
"fuck yeah -" he says it with such conviction that you believe him. "the way you look like you read five verses of the bible before bed and sign the cross over your chest before you give head just makes the fact that you want some depraved shit like that fucking sexy."
you shift around on the bench. you feel at once, buoyant with the praise and wrong for liking it so much.
"i dont know if art sees me that way." you fiddle with your fingers. "i think he thinks its gross - that im. weird."
"art is very repressed sexually." patrick states this like he knows this very well. and well, yeah, you cant exactly dispute it, can you. "but he's a fucking freak, trust me. I've seen his porn history."
you want to see his porn history. god. you want to know every depraved undignified thought arts ever had.
"i think that's why i want him to-" you flush. "to do that. because he's so.... good. and i want. i dunno - i guess i want him to act more shameless with me - maybe that weird - like i want to corrupt him or something -"
"it's hot." patrick interrupts. and you look at eachother. and you see a kind of kinship in him, thats in you. a kind of.... love for the depravity. of wanting to introduce people like art to it. "give me your phone."
he takes it from you before you even hand it to him. he fiddles with it, and you take the time to admire all the freckles on his sunkissed cheeks. he slips it back to you. grins.
"what did you do?"
"gave you my number." he stands. shoulders his own bag - caps his waterbottle. "art's gonna chew your ass out in a minute, sorry about that. I'll be in touch, though." and he's bounding down the bleachers before you can say anything, giving art one of those aggressive, half hug, half wrestle moves as he passes.
you blink - startled to realize art has finished up. his bag is over his shoulder and he's making his way up to you. he's worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.
"did you give patrick your number?"
"he wanted it for notes he forgot to take, i think." you lie. stand up. greet your boyfriend who you want to piss in your mouth and on your tits, with a kiss. "hes a nice guy."
"mm" is all art says.
and maybe you should have been more mad that art went behind your back to talk about something you shared in confidence. maybe you would have been, if you hadn't shared something secret with patrick too - a plan of sorts. you'd feel more guilty about it if you weren't so turned on by the thought.
and can you really be mad, when it works out so beautifully. after one of arts matches - where you'd so sweetly been on the sidelines to give art water between his sets. when patrick had rushed him out the door in the morning with no time for a bathroom break.
its almost too perfect the way you both corner him in the locker room after. when hes desperate and about to burst. bladder full and heavy from all the water he'd consumed.
when patrick blocks him and corners him in the shower, twists his arms behind his naked back, you're there in a flash. a look of betrayal flashes in arts eyes, but its quickly replaced by desperation when patrick reaches around him and grips his cock.
the whine he lets out is long and pained. "no - dont -" he gasps.
you cant really be mad at art for going behind your back at all because you aren't sure if he could ever bring himself to do this on his own. you tell him that, with coaxing hands up his trembling thighs. looking up at him in utter adoration as you tongue the pink slit of his cock. "its okay, baby." you tell him. naked and kneeling before him, licking licking licking at his tip, until you coax out a bead of piss, just a drop. and you moan as you close your lips around his head and suck it into your mouth like honey.
art sobs. he knees wobbling with the force to keep his urine from flooding out into your mouth. "stop -" he pants. "i cant hold it it - if you - if you keep - oh god -"
"she said its okay, man." patrick coos. licks the shell of arts ear. his hand comes down to press against arts pelvis. "look at her." art forces himself to. "thats your girlfriend, dude. she's fucking hot - and shes naked on her knees for you in a lockeroom shower after you fucking dominated that match. and all she wants." the heel of patricks hand digs in. "is to soak up all that piss you've been holding onto for her."
another little drop of piss slides down your throat and art gasps. his hands weakly come to press on your head, fingers curling in your hair. hes giving in. looking down at you with near awe in his expression instead of his earlier fear and panic. pink lips parted.
"dont you wanna see her swallow it?" patrick breathes. "fuckin rub it into her tits - you can do anything to her. she's fucking yours man - so why dont you be a man and fucking stake your claim, huh?"
that's what does it.
art groans, eyes nearly rolling back in ecstacy. right before he releases, he knock away patricks hand from his dick, grips himself by the base, and uses his other hand to keep a grip on your hair.
the tip of his cock, flushed and throbbing, rests on your fat bottom lip, "its coming - " he chokes, tightens his grip on your hair, "fucking take it -"
and then it explodes out of him all at once. a thick pulsing stream of hot piss pours into your mouth, half of it going right down your throat, while the other half splashes down your chin, flooding down your chest, between the valley of your breasts.
the moan art lets out if pornographic. his legs weak as jelly as his bladder unloads in a yellow stream that soaks you nearly from head to foot.
it seems to go on forever. both art and patrick seem entranced by the sight. the way you moan and swallow what initially went down your throat. gasp when it hits your chest like it actually feels good.
art feels another part of his brain click on. whir to life.
"s-stick your fucking tits out." he grunts, still whiney. but you listen anyway. pushing your chest out towards them, your nipples hard and on display.
art bites his lip. angles his cock so the rest of his stream splashes wetly over your hard nipples. he trails the rest of it down your stomach and - most blodly - the last of it hits your pussy - you whine when it does.
"of fuck." patrick grunts when he sees it.
when the flow peeders out, you pant like you ran a marathon. buzzing with electricity.
art looks down at you like you're the most beautiful thing hes ever seen in his life. on your knees soaked in his filth.
patrick has to reach down and grip himself.
"c'mere" art calls to you, holding out his arms. you fumble and stumble into them. wet chest smashing into his. he doesn't seem to care. his hands are feverish as they run down your back. cup and squeeze the globes of your ass. he licks into your mouth and you're both moaning into eachother. tongues smacking wetly.
patrick rolls his eyes. turns on the shower to its hottest setting. which is just warm for a lockeroom shower.
"you two freaks come over here," he calls out, stepping into the warm spray. "you both smell like fucking piss."
you giggle against arts mouth.
yeah. maybe you're glad he told your secret after all.
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
Oooo Vox! How about Vox with a unnaturally unlucky SO? And it's always been like that and how they died as well!
(Also calling Vox their lucky charm and how he's the most luck they ever had and needed)
Man Y/N really is unlucky landing Vox as a S/O-
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Vox X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Second hand embarrassment for Y/N, Valentino being harmed
Description: ☝️⬆️
Not Y/N accidentally getting placed in Hell because of some unlucky mix up-
When you first told Vox you were unlucky, he didn't really believe you and just thought you were being dramatic
And sure you've had a few bad luck incidents that he's seen but nothing that really stands out to him
It's not until he's in a relationship with you that he realizes you weren't fucking joking around when you said it
You really are unlucky
In just a day you've somehow managed to trip and ruin one of Velvette's outfits and completely disfigure her model
You caught Valentino's wings on fire while trying to make a sandwich and when you went to put it out you made it worse by throwing oil on him
You broke four of Vox's cameras, five of his stage lights and broke his chair all while he was live
And all that doesn't even begin to cover the mayhem you caused just last week
Somehow you keep running into Alastor and that's a whole headache in itself
You stress him out so much that if he had hair it would be white and falling out of his head
But Vox will be damned if you aren't just the most precious thing in his life, you're too adorable to get rid of
No matter how much trouble you are to keep
You're so fucking adorable Vox isn't letting you go
Whenever he starts to feel himself getting irritated with you, he just looks at your apologetic face and melts
"Sorry Vox...I guess I just need to stick closer to my lucky charm next time, huh?"
Fuck he loves you
"Just-get over here and hold still!"
Keeps you in his lap because it's the only way to keep you from causing trouble with your horrible bad luck
Not at all because he loves having you close and because his heart skips a few beats when you lean into him or because you smell so perfect-
"Vox? Your screen is all hot and glitchy...are you alright?"
He's fine, babe
Honestly can't get enough of you and genuinely believes he can keep your unlucky nature at bay if he keeps you with him at all times
You managed to trip and toss a dozen fragile, expensive things into the air???
Don't worry, Vox is scrambling to catch them all in a hilariously cartoonish manner
You got lost and now Alastor is contacting him and telling Vox to come get his curse out of Alastor's hotel??
Vox will be there and won't even start a fight, the hotel has been beaten up enough by you and your bad luck as it is
He's kinda proud of you for that one tho
He can't even be mad, it's so obvious that some supernatural force is out to get you
There's no way you're just naturally this unlucky
And he can't just dump you, no matter what Valentino says, fuck him
If he dumps you then you'll be at the mercy of your unluck and nobody will be around to save you
And Vox wants to be the one who saves you, he wants you to depend on him more than anything else
Whenever he sees the grateful look on your face after he bails you out of trouble he's reminded of how much he loves you all over again
Can't resist the urge to take you into his arms and rub his face screen on you, no he won't put you down
With him around to clean up your messes, maybe he really is your good luck charm
Vox really starts to believe it
But then your bad luck strikes again and his migraine is back
Good luck charm his ass
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froggibus · 3 months
Catching You Reading a Smutty Story - Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Choso & Toji
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Pairings: Satoru Gojo x gn! reader, Suguru Geto x gn! reader, Kento Nanami x gn! reader, Choso Kamo x gn! reader, Toji Fushiguro x gn! reader
Genre: suggestive, fluff, kinda crack?
Summary: your bf reacting to you reading smut
CW: suggestive content, NSFW content (Toji's), established relationships, gn! reader, book bf! Nanami, teasing, slightly mortifying ngl
this is part of my Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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Satoru Gojo:
absolute fucking tease when he finds out
takes whatever you were using to read away and runs around the house reading it out loud
good luck getting it back cause this mf definitely uses his technique to keep you away
“baby if you wanted sex so bad, you coulda just asked.”
gives it back when you start to get upset but he’ll never forget
quotes lines of it at you at inopportune moments
you’ll be hanging out with your friends at the beach, or at dinner, and he’ll just lean over and whisper it to you
smack him. please. 
keeps in mind whatever you’re reading so he can ask you later if it’s something you genuinely want to try
Suguru Geto:
so casual about it that it’s almost annoying
reads over your shoulder just to embarrass you—but also commits the scene to memory
you’ll think he forgot about it but then he quotes something from the scene just to watch you squirm
at least he’s better than Gojo and doesn’t do it in public
or he won’t do it unless he gets jealous or bored
looks it up on his own later so he can read the whole thing (secretly enjoys it)
things get hot and heavy and all of a sudden he does a move or something that you know could only be from the smut
denies it.
Kento Nanami:
casual about it but not in the same way as Geto
asks you to send it to him so he can read it too
reads the whole thing & wants to have a discussion about it after
asks what about it appealed so much/what you didn’t like
“Was there anything from it that you’d like to try, love?”
the things this man does…
honestly fits the whole book boyfriend trope 
asks that from now on you share whatever you read so that he can read it too
Choso Kamo:
doesn’t even notice at first
he just assumes you’re reading like a normal book or a biology textbook or something
it’s not until you leave it out and he snoops reads it that he notices 
tries to deny reading it but this poor man’s face is a fucking inferno 
doesn’t really understand why you’re reading this & asks if you’re still satisfied with him
PLEASE reassure him PLEASE
this experience probably leads to him reading smut of his own so he can learn & please you better
Toji Fushiguro:
“whaddya need that for? you already got me.”
curious about it & reads it when you walk away/when you sleep
assuming this man probably can even read
absolutely wants to make you read it out loud while he fucks you until you can’t even form words anymore
enjoys watching you squirm so much that he’ll actually go out and buy you smutty books to read to him
however he WILL force you to replace the main man’s name with his cause there’s no way he’s letting you moan another man’s name
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | JJK Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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billieeilishmommy · 1 month
just so you know,, i know
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in which you have been more sad recently, causing you to not want to do anything, not even hang out with your girlfriend. and she knows somethings wrong
a/n please yall this is my first angst fanfic with billie,, and i kinda used my own personal life for this guys sorry if it's specific,, use of y/n
tw depression, mentions of not eating, crying, cussing, mentions of sh, loss of family
(if you are not comfortable reading things with those topics do not be afraid to stop reading! and know im here for you. your not alone, i love you all and your here for a reason babies)
ever since you lost your dad, you haven't been acting the same. yeah, your dad wasn't around, but that doesn't change the fact that its your dad. apart of you is missing now and you wont be able to get it back.
obviously billie has been with you the whole time, but eventually she had to go because of her music and you understood that, honestly you would rather be alone, of course you loves billie being there though.
you were currently laying in your bed, surrounded by plates and cups, most of them having food in them since you couldn't bring yourself to finish them, but it made you feel overwhelmed, but you just couldn't get yourself up to clean it.
all you wanted to do is lay there and think about this, everything bad was happening to you and you don't know why.
the last time billie was at your house was around 2 days ago, and you haven't talked to her since then. you wanted to, but you didn't want to look on your phone because you knew that you would feel guilty for not responding so you didn't. you laid on your bed watching your comfort shows and youtubers over and over again until you found some sort of relaxation.
all you were thinking about is how this grief will never go away. its stuck with you forever no matter what.
eventually you'll start to live with it and continue on with how you used to be, but not right now. all you wanted was comfort but you also just didn't want to be around anyone.
a few days later, the last time you've ate was around 3 days ago and the last time you've talked to billie was 7 days ago. you missed her, and who knows what she thinks about you. hell, she probably thought you blocked her. that was why she came into your room with no notice, just showed up.
"y/n? are you okay? you haven't talked to me?-" she says, cutting herself off as she steps in your room
"hi billie" you say quietly, your voice hoarse since the last time you've talked was ages ago.
"are you okay baby?" she says to you, not worried about all the trash and plates on the floor, she immediately sits beside you, "sit up for me princess. tell me whats wrong"
your eyes immediately start to fill with tears, and before you can get a word out the tears start falling and you can't get them to stop
"its okay hun" billie says to you softly and wraps her arms around you and gently kisses your forehead.
"billie i can't-" you cut yourself off with heavy breathing.
"yes you can my love, you can breathe okay, you can talk okay, your okay." she reassures you and it helps you calm down a lot.
"are you okay now baby?" she says quietly to you.
"i think so.." you sniffle, wiping the tears from your face.
"whens the last time you've gotten up love?" she asks you, worried. all you do is just shrug in embarrassment.
"its okay baby, have you ate any today or do you want me to make you something?" she asks you in a comforting tone, she knows just how to talk to you.
"im not hungry." you protest and put your head on your knees.
she gives you a look, knowing that your lying. "what do you want me to make you baby?" she asks, cuping your cheek.
"nothing, im not hungry" you say, in a colder tone this time and she nods, not wanting to make you uncomfortable in any way.
"are you okay my love?" she asks softly
"no bils.. i can't do this anymore." you sniffle into her shoulder, genuinely so tired.
"baby don't say that. how about you come over to my house for a few days? you can shower at my house and ill make you food and ill get you a drink at canes, i know you like their lemonade." she says and rubs your thigh.
you nod in response, you stand up for the first time in a while with the intentions to actually go out. "are you hot?" she asks you, you have on a sweatshirt and pajama pants, obviously you were sweating like a mother fucker, but you had to hide your scars.
billie knew that you struggled with this before, but she didn't know that you started again, so you had to lie and say "no im not, im cold actually"
"okay baby, do you want me to turn the heat on in the car?" she asks you
great you think, eventually your gonna have to tell her.
"noo its fine baby" you say to her quietly and she nods at you, taking you to her car.
did this eat yall
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llamagoddessofficial · 7 months
Thank you @radpunch for giving me an excuse for more Farmtale Sans... he's the love of my life
I don't usually do this, but I thought I'd add some recommended music for reading this piece. I listened to this the whole time I was writing, and I think it really adds to the vibe.
To anyone else, the sight of a body in a field neighbouring yours probably would’ve caused no small amount of alarm. Instead, you just sighed, finally laying down your shovel for the day and hopping the fence you had only just finished repairing.
The grass brushed against your hips as you walked, moving your feet as if wading through water. The evening sun caught the long, glimmering single stray cobwebs that trailed from the grass flower heads, and illuminated the tiny fluttering bodies of disturbed insects that fluttered up and away when you walked by. Though it was a pain to move through, you always liked when the field looked like this. It was your own romantic summer sea.
Eventually, you came across the ‘body’. Sans was lounging with his head propped up on a pile of empty seed bags, straw hat placed on his chest, sockets shut. The sun didn’t reach him now, the tall grass on all sides of him left a perfect little shady spot where he had nestled in. He looked very comfy... very peaceful. This wasn’t unusual at all, for him. He had a knack for finding hidden places to nap.
You crouched down. You could hear him faintly snoring. There was a tiny iridescent beetle sitting proudly on his bent knee, using the vantage point to observe its surroundings. It didn’t seem bothered by your presence in the slightest.
Sans was nice to look at. You had always considered him kinda good-looking, but he had grown more and more on you over time. Despite his brother being more classically ‘handsome’, with his high cheekbones, strong jawline and impressive physique, Sans was the one you found yourself getting caught staring at. He was... so easygoing. Not softspoken, too confident for that. Just never needing to raise his voice. Quick witted, strong, smart. Casual. Despite his silly straw hat, constantly muddy pants and crappy jokes, something about him was effortlessly cool. Effortlessly pretty.
And you were...
He had dirt on his cheekbone. Without thinking, you reached out, wiping it off. 
Before you could even blink, his hand snapped up, catching yours by the wrist. You let out a little inelegant shriek then slapped your free hand over your mouth in embarrassment - he snorted, sockets opening up, pretty fuzzy green eyelights landing on you. 
“well hello there,” he said, voice only mildly sleepy, with a gentle purr to it. He turned his face, and kissed your palm.
You shrieked a second time. Well... this one was more like a yelp, yanking your hand out of his grip as both of you descended into laughter. “Gross!”
You weren’t going to admit the move had given you butterflies. Nor that the way he was looking at you was making you feel things you didn’t have words for yet. You made a point of wiping your hand on your work pants.
“am i still asleep, or d’you just look like a dream to me?” he asked, leaning back, knitting his fingers together over his chest. 
“Charming.” Your tone just made him snicker. “The sun is setting. You getting up soon, or are you planning on sleeping under the stars tonight?”
Sans’ gaze was very soft. “hey, that actually don’t sound too bad. ‘specially if i had the right company.”
“True. Stargazing with someone is always nicer.”
“could always join me. room for two, in this patch.”
“Unlike you, I have to worry about ticks.” You flicked his shoulder. “I’ll think about it when the grass is cut.”
He grinned. “dang. never felt so motivated to do a chore before. s’that a promise, then? when i cut the grass you’ll come stargaze with me?”
You rolled your eyes. But there they were again; the butterflies. The thing with Sans was you never had any idea whether or not he was serious. He said entirely joking and entirely genuine things with the same tone of voice, the same smile, the same twinkling eyelights. Maybe in a few years you’d know him well enough to tell. Right now, though, you were much too afraid of embarrassing both of you by assuming his 'flirting' was anything but banter.
He finally sat up, and the beetle on his knee took off into the sky. It felt so cosy, somehow; the two of you were almost entirely below the top of the grass, hiding in a tiny den. It smelled like... well, grass, duh. But a specific kind of grassy smell - sweet and dry, more like hay, summery and clear. It reminded you of playing outside as a child until the sun had long gone down. 
“you been exertin’ yerself? all red.”
“Yeah, I’ve just been fixing the fence.” A lie and a truth. You had been fixing the fence, but it was a menial chore that hadn’t required huge amounts of strain. The blushing was from something else.
“ah, jeez." A break in his easy mood. "we’re still really sorry about that. pap is absolutely mortified, think he's set aside a whole load of crop for you.”
The brothers’ goat had managed to break through several fences, including yours, to take a 'visit' to your garden. You’d found her in your flowerbed, happily eating the tops off the marigolds you were going to cut and take to market. 
You’d never seen someone more apologetic than when Papyrus showed up to bring her home. The animal still had bright yellow petals in her beard as he led her away.
“It’s alright,” you said, warmly. “it wasn't like it was malicious or anything. Animals get out. I don’t think I’ve ever met a more sweet-natured goat anyway.”
“should’ve told me you were fixing that fence. i would’ve helped out.”
“Oh would you have?” Your tone was mock-suspicious. “How convenient that you waited until I was finished to tell me that.”
His sockets raised at the corners. “i’m serious! you doubtin’ my honesty? dang. thought we were close.”
Uh oh. Butterflies again. You swerved, doing your best to avoid it.
“So does your brother know you’re out here?”
“course not,” he snickered. “he still thinks i’m working.”
“Maybe I should go tell him that you’re flunking. I’m certain he already knows, he just needs to catch you in the act.”
He put his hat back on his head. “well. guess now i have to kill you.”
You laughed - and in the shade, entirely missed the little green shimmer across his cheekbones.
“How’s the day been then, sleepyhead?”
He shrugged, picking at some of the flattened grass. “busy. exactly how you think late summer on a farm would be. harvestin’, packin’ stuff up. lotsa ploughing. even with magic, it’s hard work. i’m just stealing whatever breaks i can find. you?”
You gave him a look. “You came over yesterday. You know how I'm doing.”
He leant over, lightly elbowing you. “c’mon. i’m doin’ the small talk thing. can’t leave me hangin’ here.”
“So now you’re guilt tripping me? You’re a real piece of work.”
That got another snicker out of him. He was so handsome when he laughed. 
Sans always liked knowing what was going on in your life. It was weird, you never saw him do that with anyone else; it had taken you a while to notice it but even with his closest friends he didn’t talk half as much as he did with you. The first time you’d seen him talking to Toriel you had thought he was in a bad mood, with how little he engaged, how simple his questions were, how sparingly he spoke.
“Sans just didn’t seem very chatty tonight. Did something happen?”
“But he...”
You liked to think he felt safe around you. You definitely felt safer around him, that was for sure. 
You pulled your knees up to your chest, relenting under his gaze. “Okay okay, fine. I’m doing alright, I guess. The old trees came right back to life as soon as the thickets were cleared away. There’s already fruit, they just need another year or so to get market ready.”
“and yer flowers? they sellin’ well?”
“It’s a good way to plug the money gaps in the meantime. Living in the age of the internet definitely helps, there’s lots of information floating around that has made it so much easier for me to get started. I dunno. It’s alright.”
You wanted to stop talking. You looked away, staring off into the ‘forest’ surrounding you, the waning sunset catching certain blades and turning them into a warm burning orange. In the distance you could hear the rolling and bubbling singing of a particularly loud bird somewhere overhead.
Despite your desire to shut up, Sans wasn’t about to let you. His lovely eyelights just continued to bore into you. 
“i can hear a ‘but’ in there.”
You sighed. Oh well. Who else were you going to be able to talk to?
“I thought the impostor syndrome would be gone by now.”
He cocked his head. You had no choice but to continue. 
“I’m just... I still feel like I’m not part of this. My mind hasn’t settled in. Every day is a confusing fight where I feel like I barely make it out the other side. Most of my flower boxes are stuck together with tape and hope.” You settled your chin onto your knees, sulking. “Every time things start to make sense, and I feel like I’m finally starting to get some solid ground, another problem shows up. Another thing breaks. Another bug I didn’t know existed is eating the fruit, another tree disease I have to prep against otherwise it might wipe out the orchard, another colony of aphids eating the flowers. I can’t win.”
“sounds pretty normal to me.”
You looked up from your knees. “Does it?” 
“that’s just life, ain’t it?” He had somehow shuffled closer to you, entirely without you noticing. “there’s always some new problem. if ya ask me, sounds exactly like a day on our farm. one of the ducks is injured, a coop is leaking, chicken got eaten in the night, goat escaped and ate the neighbour’s flowers. nothing goes how you expect. if you ask me, you’re doing great.”
You hummed. “Doesn’t feel like it.”
“doin’ good on paper, too. human from the suburbs moves to the countryside and buys an abandoned orchard. most of the time that ends in disaster. but yer trees are fruiting, could be ready in a single year, the flowers are already bloomin’ and sellin’ at the market. not sure how you could do any better.”
... You couldn’t help but feel warm. Especially on your face again. Partially because of his kind words, yes... but mostly because he seemed so intent on making you feel less bad. It made your chest all fluttery.
“... Thank you,” you mumbled. "that does make me feel better."
“course. anytime. just wish you’d ask for help, more.”
The bird from earlier started singing again. You glanced up, but could see nothing from within the little 'den'.
“Any idea what that bird is?”
He leant back. One hand, conspicuously, resting on the ground just behind your back. “s’a skylark.”
“... Skylark.” 
You stared up into the clear evening sky. You weren’t great with bird names, but you’d definitely remember that. 
Feeling like he was looking at you, you turned to the side. Sans was looking at you - and his face was only really a few inches from yours. Close enough that if he tilted his head down a bit, the top of his straw hat would bump against your hair. His expression was calm... a lot calmer than you felt. The two of you quietly held eye contact, and the skylark continued to sing.
... Suddenly, and with no apparent trigger, you felt immensely flustered by the proximity. You pulled back, shuffling, unceremoniously dragging yourself to your feet and brushing off your pants. Your head popped up above the grass; immediately, some tiny birds scattered up and away, sun shining into your eyes.
“I should head home.” You were messing needlessly with your hair. “Dinner isn’t going to make itself.”
Sans looked up at you, for a few silent moments. You couldn’t read his face at all, the only thing you knew was that his smile was very soft.
“agh, i should head out too,” he eventually said, not standing, but folding his arms behind his head and stretching. “need to get home. pap probably thinks i fell into a ditch.”
You put your hands on your hips. “Then you can finally rest, after a long hard day of skipping your chores?”
He chuckled. “why of course.”
“Pft. Say hi to Papyrus for me.”
“sure thing. later, doll.”
With that, you headed back across the field, leaving Sans to pretend to wake up. Knowing him he had probably laid down and gone straight back to sleep.
... You put your hand over your chest, now that you were out of sight, trying to still your fluttering heart. It wasn’t really any use.
The more time you spent with Sans, the more you realised you were falling for him.
Sans watched you walk away, the golden light catching in your hair.
... He sighed, stretching again, before finally actually dragging himself to his feet. The green flush became more prominent on his face as he stopped to watch a skylark hovering just over the grass before tilting its wings and dancing away.
He’d been completely serious about the stargazing. Once again, you thought he was joking, his own persona had bitten him in the ass. He’d wanted to tell you as you were leaving - he’d wanted to finally put his foot down and make a date out of it, ask you when you were free and do what he’d been dreaming of doing for weeks. 
But just like always, when you’d looked at him, he’d completely fallen to pieces. The words had gotten stuck in his nonexistent throat. And by the time he’d shaken himself out of his stupor, you were already leaving.
Sans just sighed, adjusting his hat. 
“... next time,” he hummed. "there's always next time."
With that, he shortcutted home.
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binniebakery · 8 months
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lights off
College AU Bestfriend!Beomgyu x Gn!Reader .. not exactly fluff! kinda suggestive? ♡ Warnings: thunder? rain? ig being in the dark? my first time writing kissing .. my first time actually writing ANYTHING so it might be bad im so sorry guys ♡ A/N: this is my first little fic (if you could call it that)! i literally hate it but i think i got the point across LOLL regardless i hope someone will enjoy please lmk what you think <3 lowercase intended + not proofread ~
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7:32 pm. sighing softly, you placed your phone that was softly playing your favorite tunes back down on the small table over your lap. you tapped your pencil on the table in frustration as you once again for the fifth time readjusted your legs on the bed of your best friend's bedroom. time was going by excruciatingly slow and it didnt help that this math problem was taking you a million years to solve. the sun had already set outside and heading back to your dorm seemed less favorable by the minute. hearing a soft shuffle from the other side of the room you looked up at your best friend. rain began to patter outside. looks like you'll be staying for longer than you intended. beomgyu, who had his deep-colored headphones on was moving his head to the music as he wrote down notes from his study guide. his hair softly wrapped around his features most attractively. you began to mentally trace the lines of his nose, his eyes… his lips.. the dim lighting of the room adding more charm to his aura. "y/n..? are you okay? i could feel you burning holes into my head." beomgyu said as he shook off his headphones to fully put his attention was on you. snapped out of your daze, you mentally kicked yourself as you felt embarrassment creep onto your cheeks. how long had you been staring at him for..? "sorry gyu. if i was staring i didnt mean to" you softly laughed, trying to seem nonchalant and cool about the situation. beomgyu, seeing your embarrassment, chuckled at your reaction. "youre okay, i know you look at me because im cute" he grinned and you rolled your eyes. "oh shut up! you know i was daydreaming. i cant focus on this assignment anyways, its too hard. i think im gonna just finish it tomorrow." you smiled as you threw a pillow at him. he was always cheeky when he had the opportunity. anything to see you react. "daydreaming? so you do think im cute?" he grinned wider after recovering from your pillow attack. you huffed and placed the table that was on your lap onto the ground. "you know youre so-.. ugh and what if i do think you're cute?! what would you even do about it, huh?" you retaliated as you sat on the edge of his bed, now fully facing him. you faked a pout as you were feeling a bit bolder than usual today. your homework giving you enough pent-up rage to have the energy to give in to his bickering.
"okay well i dont know how much truth there is to that but if you really meant that id probably kiss you." your eyes widened at his response. you see beomgyu's face turn into an unreadable expression. he hadnt realized you were only half joking and fully meant the compliment, but it was too late and by the time he caught wind that you were actually flustered he felt his stomach flip. even he was shocked by his own words. he slipped. had he said too much? after a few seconds of silence that felt like minutes. the rain outside seemed to get louder. his eyes finally met yours and you looked away. you felt your heart pounding at the thought of you saying too much. both of you overthinking the situation and awkwardness that you both never have had before taking place. you and beomgyu have never had an awkward moment like this. normally you both laugh things off but this time felt different. "you trust me right?" his voice sounded sincere. this tone was rare for you to hear from him but you knew immediately he was being genuine with his question. "h- huh? yeah of course.. why?" you responded. "okay well.." you noticed beomgyu was now fiddling with his headphones, it seemed like he was turning all the gears in his head to get out what he wanted to say. "y/n.. theres a chance you may have not been telling the truth but if you were- look regardless if you meant it, i meant what i said." you could feel your stomach turning. he hardly flirted with you but when he did it always felt different from his usual teasing. you never said anything though, in fear of ruining your friendship. yet you always thought about what it would be like if he also returned the feelings you felt.
the room's atmosphere seemed to change. suddenly you were both hyper-aware of his neon led light being the only source of light aside from his computer. your playlist had stopped and the silence felt unbearable. in one swift move, he stood up, and turned off the led light on his wall.
the room was a lot darker now, his computer screen's light being the only way of telling you what he was going to do next. you watched as he plopped down next to you. he was so close that you could see the slight tinge of pink on his ears. your senses began to be filled with the light scent of his cologne. "i.. look- the only way i can say or do this is if the lights are off- im not trying to be weird its just you make me so nervous.. i cant look at you." he mumbled as he looked at your hands resting on your lap. it was so dark and both your hearts were racing. "gyu.. " was all you could muster with his hands now softly on yours.
"can i…" beomgyu began as he leaned in closer, only centimeters away from your face. his eyes staring intently into yours. he had this look of pure admiration, nervousness and love. it was all too surreal. realizing what he was asking, you silently nodded as you stared at his lips. he pressed his forehead on yours, the thick tension in the air causing your body to tingle in anticipation. as you felt his hair softly tickle your features from him leaning in, your lips connected. he kissed you oh so softly as he held your cheek gently. your hands, as if moving on their own, were softly placed on his arms. his lips softly moving along your own. he was patient. it felt as if he was waiting for you to respond, unsure if what he was doing was okay with you. you moved your head to the side slightly to deepen the kiss, causing him to sigh. it was all he needed to know you felt the same. his hands moved to your waist as you settled your fingers into his long hair. softly pushing him towards you to intensify the kiss. all that could be heard was the rain outside aside from the soft exchange of sighs and hands roaming. "ive liked you for so long.. you have no idea.." he began between kisses. it was all passionate, slow, and tender as if he was handling you like glass. his hands pulled your waist impossibly closer to his. he separated first, leaving you craving for more. "trust me, i liked you so much i was so scared you didnt feel the same way despite you teasing me the way you did." you chuckled as you pecked his cheek. "you drive me insane.." he softly spoke. "y/n, every time i tried to say something.. my brain just went to mush.. its so bad i swear. i could only be this confident with the lights off.." beomgyu laughed as his eyes began to trail your facial features. he was admiring every curve and feature, and at that point, both your faces were impossibly red. "gyu.. can you just.. kiss me again..?" your voice came out hardly a whisper. "i like you so much i feel like im going insane from the way you just confessed." he smiled fondly at your words and nodded, leaning in once again. as soon as your lips touched you could both practically feel the electricity pouring through your bodies. as if on cue, thunder struck the moment you connected again. your arms wrapped impossibly tight around him, slightly tugging and playing with his hair. his arms remained at your waist, slightly circling over the shirt you wore. you could feel the warmth of his fingers through the fabric.
his tongue slightly swiped along your lips for permission, and you parted your lips in response. having his tongue explore your mouth had your brain going numb. time felt like it had stopped, with just the rain as your only witness to the quiet whispers and confessions that only you two could hear. when you both finally were running out of breath, you separated with beomgyu looking into your eyes. you stared back, lips equally as glossy as his. "are you.. going back to your dorm yet?" thunder struck once again, as if responding to his question. you smiled. "its raining a little too hard dont you think?" beomgyu chuckled, realizing how silly his question was. "yeah. youre right, i think you should stay." you bit your lip as you pulled off each other, both of you immediately missing the warmth. beomgyu shook his head fixing his now fluffed hair thanks to you as he ran his fingers through. he then stood up to turn the led light he had turned off previously back on. "so.. how about we watch a movie?" he spoke as the light clicked. you could almost burst into laughter from the question given the events that just happened a minute prior. give it to choi beomgyu, your best friend, to turn a situation less awkward by simply being his charismatic self. the personality you fell for since day one of knowing him.
"sure gyu, but.." you trailed off, shy about what you were about to say next. honestly, could this get any more awkward? "yeah?" he turned to you and tilted his head in that attractive way he does. "leave the lights off." you looked at him with a shy smile. he flushed at your words. and for the last time again, lightning struck. "yeah.. lights off" he replied, led light clicking once again.
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hannieehaee · 10 months
Good morning!! (It's not morning I just don't know how to start this<3)
I was wondering if I could request a scenario or reactions to the members teasing you about your crush on them but you feel like they're making fun of you so you start distancing yourself.
(Doesn't have to be all members since 13 is a lot 🥲, I'd be perfectly happy with just HH unit or seungcheol or wonwoo) thank you and hope you have a lovely day!!🫶🫶
teasing you over your crush on them - hhu
hhu, vu, pu
content: gender neutral, angst (barelyyyy), fluff, the crush is implied to be reciprocated a lil bit
wc: 819
a/n: shdjsk hehe its okay it was morning for me when u sent this 😭😭 thank u so much for requesting this was so fun to write <33 i did hhu but if u or anyone else wants to request vocal or perf unit lmk <3
seungcheol -
he'd get so cocky the moment he realized you liked him. he wouldn't be mean about it or anything like that, but he'd start acting overly confident around you ever since he found out about your crush. he'd 100% be the type to outwardly tease you about it. he'd start calling you pet names just to get you to react or even at some point bringing it up in conversation in front of other people and embarrassing you in the process. he wouldn't do it to actually hurt or embarrass you, but he'd just feel such a huge ego boost over it he just wouldn't be able to help himself.
the moment he felt you start to pull away and maybe avoid him a lil bit, he'd instantly feel deflated at your absence. the same way your crush gave him a daily boost, your distance would make him feel down. and he'd only blame himself over it, slapping himself over how cocky he could get sometimes without realizing. he'd try to work backwards and now be the one to approach you, this time with a much more chill attitude and try to subtly let you know that your affections were appreciated (and maybe even reciprocated).
wonwoo -
he's a little more reserved, so i don't think he would straight up tease you to your face. he'd be kinda subtle about it, maybe testing the waters by acting a lil bolder around you. if he felt like he received a reaction from you, he'd maybe flirt a little bit to get you to react and maybe also sometimes hint at being aware of your crush. at some point he'd probably feel comfortable enough in your friendship to tease you about it, still doing it in a subtle way but also relishing in the way you'd blush and avoid his eyes. he'd find it very endearing, so it'd make him wanna provoke it out of you more and more.
if at some point he felt you begin to pull away from him due to feeling put on the spot or embarrassed by his teasing, he'd feel instant regret. he's such a sweet and sensitive guy, he never would've wanted to make you feel genuinely embarrassed or ashamed because of him. he'd be the type to apologize to you directly, letting you know that he appreciated you and that he'd put your feelings more into consideration from now on. this would, of course, just make your crush on him even worse.
mingyu -
he'd straight up flirt with you and fluster you 24/7 the moment he realized you liked him. he loooved the ego boost. he knew he was an attractive and charismatic guy, so he was used to people crushing on him, but for some reason he just felt like teasing you in specific. he'd directly bring it up in conversation, not caring if there were other people around to hear. he wouldn't realize you were beginning to pull away until a little while later.
the moment he realized you were beginning to distance yourself from him, he'd just be kicking himself about it, knowing he could sometimes be a little too much for some people to handle. he wouldn't have meant to make you feel bad in any way, so he'd be super apologetic about it, basically begging you to please bring back things to how they were. he did like you, so he'd miss your attention and promise to shut the fuck up from now on and just bask in any attention you gave him.
vernon -
he's very much in his own world most of the time so you'd have to be super obvious for him to know you had a crush on him. he also doesn't seem like the type to tease you unless you were like established friends at that point. in this case, he would probably just occasionally laugh at the way you acted around him. if you blushed around him, he'd just chuckle, not even trying to hide his reaction to your flustered state. he'd also be a little more physically affectionate with you, enjoying how shy you would get.
his reaction to you pulling away would be a little confusion at first. he was kind of reciprocating to you, so he'd feel a a bit odd at first, maybe a little dejected. but then he'd reason with himself that he mightve made you feel like he was making fun of you. he'd feel awkward, not knowing how to make things right. he seems like the type to think actions speak louder than words, so i think he would try to show you through his actions that he'd just wanted to reciprocate and bask in your crush on him, never having had the intention to make fun of you. he'd step out of his comfort zone to make you feel his own affections towards you.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
hiii want to say that i just met your blog and i obsessed with it!! i really love your writing. anddd i want to make a abby request, abby and reader are in college and abby is like super popular and when they start to date reader is called “abbys girl” all the time and get super flustered? i dont know if i express myself good, english is not my first language, sorry! hope u have a amazing day, xoxo <3
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- Abby’s girl -
Pairings - modern au! Abby Anderson x Fem! Reader
An - this is kinda bad I’m sorry 😭😭 I wasn’t really sure what plot to write but I still appreciate the request.
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Everybody was cheering. With only a minute left on the clock the Seattle wolves vrs the Jackson mustangs— one of the oldest lasting rivals on and off the court, were pushing one another around trying to keep Abby from making her shot.
The blonde dodged around trying to avoid the other team. Making it to the 3 point line she threw the ball. Going through the hoop the clock blared at the same time, the referees announced the wolves win making the home side scream with excitement.
Abby shouted happily, making eye contact with you she grinned. Making your way out of the stands was easier said then done.
Eventually getting to the locker room you walked towards Abby’s spot. One of her teammates walked past you taking a moment to say hi. “Shit It’s Abby’s girl, hey she’s just over there the girls are cheering for her”
You felt your face turn red, “oh thanks” with a smile you watched as she walked away before going towards the shouting. Being the girlfriend of the basketball team captain tended to help boost your own reputation. Most of them didn’t know your name only addressing you as ‘Abby’s girl’.
Was it your preferred way of being addressed… well no. But it wasn’t the end of the world, all it did really was embarrass you.
Setting your purse down by Abby’s duffel bag on the bench you watched as the girls other girls crowded around her, chanting Abby’s name while they all celebrated their big win which would now take them to state. You were and always will be Abby’s biggest supporter, no matter what you would never miss any of her games.
She instantly noticed your presence, breaking free abby quickly made her way to you. Grabbing you by the waist she pulled you into a messy kiss. It was full of adrenaline and not coordinated. Pulling back Abby kept her face close to yours. A few of the other girls on the team chuckled at the display making you blush. “Hey” abby flirted against your lips.
“Hi” You giggled “You did amazing out there.. I mean really I genuinely believe Your Gonna win this thing”
“And im Gonna do even better tonight” she continued her cocky streak, pressing your hips against hers.
You rolled your eyes finding her attempts at seduction funny. “Uh huh, I’m gonna wait for you outside ok” kissing her one more time you gasped as she grabbed your ass. You rolled your eyes as you pulled back, giving her a warning look as Abby remained on her high.
You sat down on a bench near by the exit. Pulling out your phone you started to scroll on Instagram, trying to decided what to make a post about. That and finding a new restaurant near by to take Abby to, just to celebrate her big win before she actually tried to get you pregnant.
“So your Abby’s girl huh?” A woman spoke. Looking up you were taken back by seeing Ellie Williams the Jackson mustangs team captain.
Confused you nodded “uh yeah..”
She just scoffed. “How the hell did she manage to pull you” standing up you grabbed your purse, Ellie knew you had been offended by what she said.
“First of all she didn’t pull anyone, how we got into a relationship was because she’s a good person and secondly” you looked her up and down “why are you even over here, your bus is on the other side of campus”
“Damn, I was just asking” she laughed crossing her arms “but seriously though Abby? Her being a good person, that’s total bullshit she’s anything but good, besides I can do anything she does”
“Except win a Game”
You could tell Ellie was starting to loose her patience. Why was she over by you, to hell if you knew. There was a tense silence between you both, before she could speak the back door opened.
Abby stood tall and strong as always only her former grin was replaced with a look of disgust. Getting up you walked over to her, kissing her cheek. “Williams”
Both girls staring at each-other with a Look of hate, You had heard Time and time again the rivalry between the two schools and between their families. “Why are You over here, and better question why are you talking to my girl”
“Fuck dude nobody’s trying to fight Dina just forgot her bag inside I offered to come get it.” Ellie looked at one once again before gesturing her head to Abby. “Your Girl seems like a real catch, guess you got lucky”
“Guess i did” her response was harsh. At this point you were fed up with the conversation and dealing with Ellie. Grabbing Abby’s hand you pulled her away.
Sitting on Abby’s bed you laughed softly at watching her go on a rant. “And don’t get me started on Joel the sheer fucking audacity of that man! He punched my dad because he couldn’t help Ellie. I repeat he punched MY DAD— why are you laughing”
“Nothing Nothing its Just.. your really cute when you get mad” Abby flipped you off making you laugh once again. After a moment she sat down on the bed beside you, taking a calming breath she leaned over kissing you softly, slowly, sensually.. pulling back she gently squeezed your hand.
“What did I do to deserve you” she muttered.
“Not much but working out and getting buff and being blonde helped, you know the important shit” you gave her a charismatic smile
“Your not Funny”
“I’m hilarious”
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astermath · 1 year
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pairing: robin buckley x fem!reader
summary: robin falls head over heels for the cool girl renting horror movies at family video. steve can’t believe her awkward shyness is actually landing her a date, but he’s happy for her nonetheless.
word count: idk kinda short lol under 1K
notes: just wanted to write a little blurb, then it turned into something else, so enjoy this short little meet cute with robin ♡
normal sized font below!
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Robin really is that love at first sight kinda girl.
She’s the type of girl to be busy sorting tapes at family video, when you walk in, all pretty femininity and mysterious aura around you. And suddenly she doesn’t know what to do with herself. She doesn’t know where she is, why she’s there, hell, she probably wouldn’t be able to tell you her name if she asked.
She doesn’t stop staring at you, not when you enter and not when you walk over to the horror section to pick something out. Only when Steve nudges her in her side, she snaps out of it, looking more flustered than ever.
“Dude, can you not?”
“Sorry man, it just— looked like you were falling asleep with your eyes open! What’s with you anyways?”
Robin doesn’t respond, simply averting her eyes to the cash register and hoping Steve doesn’t pry any further.
Which would have worked, if you weren’t talking to her right now.
“I’m sorry, can I—“
“Yes! Yes, absolutely, you can…” Robin trails off, realising she hasn’t even let you finish your request. Her own eagerness embarrasses her to no end, her face heating up and her cheeks now closely resembling the colour of a tomato.
To her surprise, you giggle. You’re not awkward about it at all, which somehow makes her fall for you even harder.
“I was gonna ask what the latest time would be when I’d be able to return this.” you smile, and the blonde girl is certain it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen.
“Oh! Yeah, totally, no problem! It’s uh— a great choice, by the way. I love friday the 13th, sooo good, all that horror stuff, a huge fan—“
“A week.” Steve interrupts her rambling.
“Huh?” Robin turns to her friend.
“To answer her question, since you’re too busy being head over heels over here.”
You chuckle again, and Robin genuinely thinks her head is going to explode. Not only is her best friend making fun of her in front of you, but you’re not even making her feel bad about it. It’s like you find it cute or something. How crazy is that?
“Cool, I’ll just uh,” you hold up the tape, “rent this one then.”
Robin rings you up, her hands moving faster than her mind, and she hopes you don’t notice the slight shakiness in them. It’s not every day the prettiest girl in the whole world shows up at her job, so she’s not exactly prepared.
“Thanks,” you take the tape from her along with the receipt, your fingers touching slightly when she slides them over. Now you’re the one who’s getting the butterflies.
“So, you said you were a fan of horror movies?”
Robin nods enthusiastically, while Steve has to bite his tongue to hold back from saying that that’s the biggest lie ever. Robin isn’t a coward, not at all, but she’s the worst at scary movies. She’s just saying all this to impress you. She doubts it’s working though.
“Well, I was gonna watch this alone, but…” you grab a pen off the counter and scribble down your number on the receipt. “If you feel like watching it together, give me a call…” you pause to read her name tag. “Robin.” You smile again. “Nice name.”
“T-Thanks! You uh, you too!”
“Thanks, even though I… Haven’t told you yet.” You write your name down next to the number. “Now you know.”
“Huh…” She reads it over, not being able to keep herself from smiling like she’s sunshine incarnate. “That is a really nice name though.”
You grin, grabbing the tape off the counter and stuffing it in your bag. “Well, Robin, I’m free this Friday, if you wanna take me up on the offer.” You start walking backwards and give her a quick wave. “See y’around.”
She waves back, although more hesitant. Frankly, she’s still processing the entire encounter, and the fact that you’re real. Someone as beautiful as you exists, talked to her, even gave her your number. She didn’t know a reality like that was possible.
“I can’t believe that worked.” Steve scoffs in disbelief, though he’s pretty stoked for Robin all in all. He wants his friend to find her special person as much as he does for himself.
“Yeah,” she stares as you walk off, “me too.”
The freckled girl groans loudly and drops her head into her hands. “Why the fuck did I say any of that? Why do I always just keep talking?”
“I don’t see the big deal Buckley,” her coworker leans against the counter, “you got your date, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but then what? Then what do I do? I might have been able to charm her with my awkward idiocy this time, but what if we watch the movie and she finds out I’m a huge wuss!” She gestures around wildly with her hands, earning a confused stare from one of the older customers.
“This is going to sound so stupid, and I can’t believe I’m saying this,” he runs his hand through his brown locks, “but just like, be yourself? She seems nice enough, I’m sure she won’t judge you for being a total scaredy cat.”
“Not helping, Harrington.” She gives him a defeated look.
“Sorry, you know what I mean.”
“But what if she does?”
“What if she does judge me? I mean jesus Steve, I wouldn’t blame her! She’s like— way out of my coolness league! She’s practically doing charity work watching a movie with me.”
Steve scoffs. “Don’t sell yourself short, Buckley, you’re plenty cool. Besides, if she does judge you, then clearly she’s not worth it. But again, I think you’ll be fine.”
“Yeah,” she sighs, already picturing her holding onto you in fear of a completely fictional serial killer. “I guess you’re right.” She goes quiet for a moment, before she’s back to daydreaming about the whole scenario. The two of you on your couch, shoulders touching, maybe an arm around her, hands brushing when you reach for the popcorn, all that sappy stuff…
Maybe you’d find it cute that she gets scared. Maybe you’d wanna protect her. She gets that vibe from you, that you’d keep her safe from all the Freddy Kruegers and Jason Voorhees of the world.
Steve snaps her out of her daydreaming, gesturing towards Keith who’s about to enter the store.
“You two organise those tapes like I asked you to?” Their manager isn’t even looking at them, struggling with putting away his car keys.
Robin swipes the tapes off the counter and stuffs them randomly into the two boxes. That’s a problem for later.
“Yup! All sorted! Good thing I love organising stuff!” She laughs awkwardly, and Steve is fighting for his life trying not to laugh.
She’s got bigger things to worry about right now. Like what to wear for her date with you. And what kind of snacks you like to eat with your movies. And how she’s going to explain that the scariest thing she can handle is Frankenweenie.
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comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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adoregojo · 11 months
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summary: once you stepped in, he knew you were his world. notes: i <3 isagi sm
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isagi was an average person.
he've been told brutally by what was supposed to be his friends that he he didn't neither look that attractive nor that bad. at least an acceptable looking guy.
his grads were normal, nothing above the usual B nor anything less than it. he didn't get a top of student once because there will always be that one subject that'll manage to put him in his place every time remaining him he wasn't that special.
he had a ordinary house. nothing much of big or fancy house, nor something too poor to live in. and his parents were the usual housewife and the hard working man who keeps his family well fed.
there was nothing special about isagi yoichi.
yet you still see him as he was the brightest star in the sky.
it's kinda of embarrassing to admit it, but he always had a thing for you. ever since the first year. that day you helped him before his head was a few inches from the ground, holding him by his back. you particularly saved him from being embarrassed that day.
he was sure you stole his heart as well that day.
because ever since than he had never been so in love with someone. no it wasn't a misunderstanding of liking, he loved you. sure call him cheesy but he could sower that he never had a those feelings for anyone in his life.
he knew he was in love with you when he couldn't sleep thinking of you.
he knew he was in love with you when he would start writing your name randomly on his notebook.
he knew he was in love with you when the teacher asked him to answer a question when his eyes and mind were busy admiring you instead.
but he never toke a step.
he never talked to you.
he never approached you.
he loved you in silence. and he was planning to stay there. in the middle, where someone like him belonged.
needless to say that isagi genuinely thought it was a prank when you confessed your feelings to him. him? the same guy that received a total 0 chocolate on valentine?, with you? the girl that had half of the school head over heels for you?
if anything he was caught off guard that you even noticed his existence. him out of all the people that were on your feet.
and how could he ever dream about saying no to you.
life was different since then.
instead of usual cold hands, yours was there to warm it for him, to remind him he was there, that you were there. you two were a thing. his untouched lips were always met with yours, he'd take any chance to feel them against his over and over, he remembered how shy he is when you two first kissed but now he shamelessly asks for them every day. like they were his oxygen that brought his heart to it own beat.
instead of one bare of school shoes on his front door it was two, it's you when you came to visit his home. regardless that his parents adored you. specially his mom, she taught you how to cook kintsuba for him. you told him that you were willing to learn new things if that made him smile. and he just fell more in love with you.
instead of going back home alone, it was you warping your arms around him while the wind smothered the both you. it was illegal for two people to ride the same bike, yet for him you were worth it. your warmth on his back making him all giddy and fussy on the inside.
instead of going with his friends out, he went out with you more. name it; karaoke? multiple times. a cafe?; at least once in two weeks. the park?; twice a week. practice?; you're always there, it's a daily thing.
is it possible that he just keeps on falling in love with you each day?
he loved you on your good days and made sure to add more love the bad ones. you'd never look 'ugly' to him, you could wear the most hideous thing ever and he'd still think your breathtaking as ever.
and the cherry on top all of that, that you loved him the same.
you loved him when he failed miserably at making you chocolate on valentines day and you still ate it with a generous smile, he's the clumsiest person to ever witness yet you'd still look at him like he dose no wrong.
you loved him when he blew his chance to the nationals. you held him gently while he buried himself in your welcoming embrace. he cried and cried wetting your shoulder with tears. yet you still run your fingers through his hair lovingly, your smothering voice mumbles comforting words. you let him know that you were there for him even at his worst times.
even when he hesitated to approve the 'blue lock' project thing.
"I don't know, babe." he said hesitated while his grip still around the paper taking a look at it from time to time.
"come on, yo! it's your chance." you told in pure excitement like you were the one who got the letter. it made him intense in joy how happy you looked for him.
"i just don't want to be away from you." he admitted. the words leaving his mouth uncontrollably.
"oh- don't be clingy now. I'll get mad at you if you wasted this." you huffed trying to look anywhere near angry despite the red that spread across your face at his honest words.
isagi sighed, he was doomed the second you knew about this project. he could never resist you.
"only if you company me there."
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he hated this.
he didn't like the people here. he didn't like the food. he didn't like the smell, and he definitely didn't like the frustration feeling after losing.
he wished he hugged you tighter when you two were saying goodbye. he wished he had hidden your picture on the aquarium date more unseen before it was taken. now he gotta rely on his brain that was a ball instead. now thinking about it that long-10-minutes (breathless) of his lips against yours was definitely not enough, he wished he kissed you more.
he knew this is his dream, his passion. yet he still missed you terribly. he bet that anyone here was willing to hear his rambling about his theories and noel noa as much as you, god. you didn't even like soccer that much yet you still put up with him managing to ask questiond there and here to prove your interest. he missed you so bad he could cry.
even nagi and barou complain about him repeating a girl's name in his sleep, at least nagi was complaining while barou threatened to cut his tongue if he kept that up.
he already got here, he proved himself. he got rivals, he spoked some unnecessary words that you'll definitely get mad over him for it. he got stronger and somehow wiser, built his own character and slef-worth from the start.
that definitely did not mean that'll leave you in his shadow, if anything he wanted you by his side when he becomes the best striker. the world cup in his hand and you in his mind.
he'll make it happen. he'll make that dream come true.
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gotta do part 2 for the return (✿ ◕‿◕). (have a nice day everyone)
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lottiies · 2 months
re2r! Leon asking reader out for the first time n he plans out a whole date but reader actually hates the place he picks out LOL but powers through anyways just to get to know this cute boy but then he kinda catches on and feels bad oops obsessed with rookie leon can u tell
um…i wrote a quick snippet on this for funsies ⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝ fingers crossed for no typos
his plan was to first head to get some lunch. something casual, dinner would be too…stress inducing. he already sucked at talking with women, he needed everything to go smoothly. plus, food is the key to one’s heart, right? after that, you guys could walk around the nearby blocks, the place is surrounded with small stores full of all sorts of things like thrift and records stores, it was a great way to get to know each other’s interests and spare you from his natural awkwardness. it was a safe area, he would know, no calls from there ever reached the police department.
anyways!! the date was at stage one, and he thought everything was going really well! he had you laughing at his god awful jokes and your eyes never really strayed from his for too long. not once did you pick your phone up either. okay, he’s not boring you.
but after a while of chatting he glances down and realizes that you’ve only taken a bite of your food! maybe even a small second pity bite. at least you seemed to like your drink it was kind of hard to mess that up.
he gets all nervous immediately </3 if he fucked up the literal first part of the date, then maybe that would follow through onto the next portion. he’s cursed. well great, weren’t first impressions the most important? what if he came off as inconsiderate because he hadn’t noticed until half an hour in? geez, he wouldn’t be surprised if you pulled the whole ‘i need to go to the restroom’ bit and then ghosted his ass.
of course you didn’t, though! leon was such a sweetheart and his crooked smiles and awkward mannerisms brought warmth to your chest.
normally, this would have irked you just a bit. you were really fucking hungry. you hadn’t eaten breakfast since you had been too busy getting ready and gushing to all your friends about your upcoming date. like, you were sure if the music in the background was playing any lower, your stomach grumbling noises would be on blast…which would be really embarrassing. and who the hell was happy when they were hungry?
well…at the moment, you were. you liked him, genuinely. oh yeah, a crummy lunch order won’t deter you from being involved in his life!! your gut is telling you he’s the one, you can take the hunger.
“not a fan of the food?” he masked his nervousness with a smile as he gestured to your plate with his hand.
“oh, um…” after a shy moment of silence, you shook your head. “not really, but it’s totally okay! the place has some pastries that i was eyeing earlier…so maybe i’ll just grab one when we leave to walk around.”
maybe your kindness should reassure him but it made his palms all sweaty instead. you were so his type, he couldn’t mess this up.
“you…you sure? i could order something else for you right now.”
“no no no.” you reached for his hand, clasping it in yours. “don’t leave! i just wanna keep talking to you.”
he melted, his cheeks a subtle rosy shade. he looked down at your hands before glancing back up at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “yeah? thought this would make me lose points or something.”
if anything, he gained some in the cuteness department.
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yngtort · 9 months
— toothache ❄️
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♫ All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth ♫
kinkmas day 1
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Fem!reader. mdni. 2.9kw. in which doctor bangchan fills your cavities and the entirety of your mouth.
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It hurt like hell.
Exposed to the cold early morning air of the winter, your teeth ache in your mouth. The pain was so aggravating that it had you zooming through the icy roads, trying to get to the dentist as soon as possible.
You had a cavity.
It was obvious, but it still caught you off guard. You genuinely always took good care of your teeth. You brushed, flossed, washed, and even went the extra mile to buy that expensive LED teeth whitening thing from TikTok.
Your hygiene was top tier.
but you’re still pulling into the parking lot of diamond dental with your hand glued to the side of your face.
“Seungmin, I’m freaking the fuck out.” You mumbled into the phone as you hop out of your Nissan, locking it multiple times because you're that kind of person.
The type to worry over little things like a stolen car and dying in a dentist chair.
“It’s not that bad, y/n. You won’t even feel anything.” Your coworker, most importantly your best friend, tells you from the other end.
“You’re acting like you’ve never been to the dentist before.”
He’s right, you have been there— but just to get your teeth brushed a couple times and handed a sticker right after. Not, to be stabbed in the mouth with a needle.
“It’s just been a while and you know how I feel about people’s hands in my mouth.”
“I don’t like the way you worded that.” He faked gagged, “anyways, call me when you’re done, Kay?”
“Kay.” you replied, slightly disappointed as he hung up the phone. Leaving you to walk the path of shame into the dentist office alone.
After filling out an extensive amount of paperwork, anxiously shaking your leg for an hour, and losing a mean game of virtual uno— your name was finally called.
You were led to the back by a small lady whose steps were short but impactful. She was so fast, you couldn’t tell if you were a patient or a Maury cameraman.
“Go on in,” she gestured towards the basic oral operation room. You take a seat, awkwardly deciding to put your hands on your stomach.
fuck you’re scared shitless, and the woman seems to notice your discomfort as she tries to distract you with a small conversation. But your eyes are still trained on whatever the fuck she’s putting together.
You inadvertently move away as she holds a silicone piece to your lips, “open as wide as you can,” she instructed.
Gosh, this was embarrassing. You were almost considering letting your teeth rot. But no, that’s gross.
Once the what-ever-it’s-called is placed in your mouth, she brings over another contraption. You assume it’s just a glorified camera, which was correct.
after a few pictures of your teeth, which kinda hurt btw, the woman inspected the photo. “Looks like you have a cavity on one of your molars. Other than that, you take pretty good care of your teeth.”
Pretty good? You felt like your efforts deserved higher praise but whatever. She goes on to tell you what needs to be done and how long it will take.
You grimace at the details.
“The doctor will be with you shortly.” She told before promptly leaving.
And now you’re left in complete silence. Well, not exactly silence. There was some music playing in the back, falling in melody with the constant sound of mechanical wiring from people in the rooms over— probably getting the same procedure. It sounded like someone was dying in there, seriously.
Anxiety filled you to the brim as you considered darting out that room right that second.
But just as you’re about to swing yourself out of your seat, there’s a voice that enters the room.
“Hello, ms.y/n . I’m dr.bang, I’ll be taking care of you for the day.” The doctor says as he steps in-front of you and suddenly you don’t want to move from that seat anytime soon.
He’s an undeniable hottie, even in those generic dentist scrubs that everyone in the faculty sported. For some reason, he just sparkled in them. Maybe it was because of the bulging muscles and his tan skin— whatever it was, your mouth was watering.
“Hello,” you said rather dryly, still locked on the vain that ran down his toned arm.
The doctor gives you a smile, a bright one too, and pulls a seat next to yours. “I hear you have a cavity. Mind if i have a look?” He asks as if you really have a choice. like he’s not already lowering the back of your chair so he can get a good look at your pearly whites.
He goes in with a tiny mirror, holding your chin with his free hand as he inspects the cavity. “You’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth, hmm?” he asked, thumb gliding over your bottom lip.“suckers, perhaps?”
Damn, he called you out.
Now this may sound a little weird, but you’ve always had quite the addiction to lollipops — suckers, the tootsie pop ones specifically. it’s even gotten to the point where you have a jar of them waiting at home on your nightstand.
And it’s not even the flavor of candy itself, you just…like putting things in your mouth?
Moving on !
Dr.bang finally moves back, releasing your jaw that was just starting to hurt. “It's only a small cavity. just need to fill it in for ya and I’ll be out of your hair.”
Honestly, with a face like his, he could play in your hair for as long as he wanted to. Give it a few tugs while he’s at it.
“Okay, but um..” you gulp a bit, toying with the end of your jacket. “Are you gonna give me a shot? My mouth is a bit sensitive, and I was wondering if there were any other alternatives.”
The doctor chuckled softly hearing your concerns. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s heard something like this.
“Unfortunately, the numbing gel that we use wouldn’t be as effective for this procedure.” He said before placing his hand on your shoulder in a reassuring manner. “But I promise it’ll only hurt for a second. I’m sure you can take it, yeah?”
take what? him ? Or the damn needle?
You have no clue, but if he’s gonna talk to you like that, you feel like you could break through a wall if you put your mind to it.
The dirty thoughts don’t get any better throughout the rest of your time in that damn chair either. Dr.bang had quite the mouth on him.
“Open up for me” “atta girl.” “That’s it, just a bit more”, he would say this while fingers were damn there down your throat.
A bit of an overstatement, he’s drilling your teeth, but you wish was drilling his dick—
“All done.”
The back of your chair is lifted up and you try not to let your body slump over. You’ve been lying in that spot for about an hour and a half, teeth being tickled, and eyes being blinded by the dingy light above your head.
And yet, you don’t want to go home.
“Does everything feel okay, ms.y/n? Nothing bothering you?” he asks, removing his glasses and placing them in his —soft— hair.
You shake your head, “nope, just can’t feel my tongue.” You say, poking the side of your face, testing how much force it will take for you to actually start feeling it.
The doctor laughs at your comment, dimples on full display. “The numbness should wear off in a hour or so. Just try not to eat, don’t want you biting your tongue off.”
“Has that actually happened?” You asked, wide eyed and Mr.bang only laughed again.
“On occasion.” He told, “But you’re a smart girl, so I know you won’t disobey doctors orders.”
Does he get paid to talk like that? Or is he just written by a woman with daddy issues?
Both probably.
“Speaking of doctor orders, try to lay off the sugar, yeah? I’m sure you don’t want to see too much of me after today.”
“That was obviously an opening for you to flirt with him.” Seungmin scoffs as he closes the register.
You’re at your job, a small candy parlor called sweethearts, talking to your dear coworker about what transpired earlier that day. You didn’t spare him from the dirty laundry that harvested in your mind while you were getting the fill in. Seungmin doesn’t care tho, he’s not judgmental.
That, and you’re his only source of entertainment as the slow part of your shift comes around.
“Flirt? With the dentist? Isn’t there like a rule against that?” You asked, shifting the cherry flavored sucker in your mouth over to the other side of your cheek.
“For him, yeah” Seungmin shrugged, “but I doubt that anyone actually cares nowadays.”
“He’s probably in a relationship.” You popped the candy out your mouth, lips stained in a pretty red. “He’s too fine not to be.”
“And? ” he crossed his arms.
You blink at him a couple times, “I’m not fucking a taken man.”
“You’re so-“ you sigh. “Whatever, just go restock something.” You push him from behind the counter.
The next few hours seemed to fade into each other as you stood absentmindedly behind the register. Seungmin had already clocked out since he got lucky and was offered a short shift for today. now you’re slouching at the register— phone in hand, while sucking on another tootsie pop.
“Just can’t stay away from those things, huh?” The voice grabs your attention with a force of seven suns.
you know that thick accent too well.
It had replayed in your head for the entirety of the day after your first encounter.
“D-Dr. bang?” you stutter, eyes round as you take in the man in front of you as he sets down a heart shaped box of chocolates.
“Chris.” he corrects, “I don’t like being called doctor outside the clinic. Makes me sound old.”
It makes him sound hot, in your opinion.
You nod a few times before clearing your throat, reminding yourself that you are on the clock.
”Christmas shopping?” you asked, still mentally going feral as gaze over his stature.
He’s dressed like a chase Atlantic song, how could you not ?
“Yes actually. I was looking for some small sweets to fill up a gift basket.”
“Oh” you perk, scanning the chocolates and placing them in a bag. “for your girlfriend?”
“No, don’t have one.” He says with a shrug, “it’s for my mom.”
A mamas boy ! Woo !
a spark of relief shoots through your body as you hear his words. You won’t have to be a homewrecker after all. Not saying that you were planning to but,, it’s just good to know.
“$6.58.” You tell and Chris follows through with the transaction. his hands brushes against yours as you pass the bag to him and you can’t help but blush like a schoolgirl.
“What about you?”
You blink, “what about me?”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
Is he showing interest too? Is that what this was?
“No, but I dont think these are the kind of questions doctors are supposed to ask.” you say teasingly.
“I’m just trying to get to know my patient better.”
“Uh huh, sure.” you raise an eyebrow, “got anything else you wanna ask?”
Chris crossed his arms, eyes flickering down to the stick that laid between your plump lips. The Candy was completely gone, leaving behind a blue hue on your mouth.
“Your obsession with suckers might’ve peaked my interest.” He told, “do they taste that good that you have to go against my orders?”
That's a really good question. it’s not the first time you’ve heard it, but it stumps you every time. You’re actually a savory kind of girl, like if you had to choose between pie or chips— you’re grabbing the saltiest bag you can find.
But it’s like all your life, you were always sucking on something. Your thumb, jawbreakers, ring pops— anything really.
“I don’t exactly know.” You start, thinking about how to word this. “It’s not exactly the taste…I just kind of like putting things in my mouth?”
Every part of you was expecting to be laughed at, but when not a chuckle left the man’s lips you were just confused.
“So you have an oral fixation?” He asks
“There’s a name for it?” “There’s a name for everything, love.”
“And how do you know all of this?” You push and Chris clicks his tongue.
“I’m a dentist, remember?” Chris takes a step closer, leaning against the counter. “I also know how to satisfy that urge you’ve been feeling.”
you don’t remember how you ended up like this. pressed against the break room door, tongue tangled with a man you just met.
It’s a crazy situation, but honestly it’s not the wildest thing you’ve done.
your melting into his hold, kiss making you dizzy as if his saliva was laced with some kind of drug. it was absolutely intoxicating, the way his tongue explored every part of your mouth with no restraint.
“Taste so fuckin’ sweet.” He mumbled against your lips.
Chris’s hands roam under your shirt. his cold palms against your warm skin sends a shiver down your spine. Goosebumps follow behind him with every contact as he massages and squeezes your curves.
He pulls back from the kiss and you couldn’t help but whine at the sudden detachment. You try to get him back, but his hand grabs your jaw.
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I got something to fill that dirty mouth of yours.” He coaxes, thumb brushing your swollen lips. “On your knees.”
You take to the floor with no questions asked, eyes coming in direct contact with his bulge and you can’t help but wonder that would even fit in your mouth.
But you won’t back down from the challenge. Your hands almost beggingly climb up his thighs as you look up at him, silently asking for permission.
“If there’s something you want, say it.” Chris tells, head tilted to the side in such an attractive way.
You lean your face up against his leg, “can I put it in my mouth?”
The older grins, “Of course, baby.” He says before unzipping his pants and letting them drop to the floor.
You gulp at how thick his thighs are. Just imagine riding them, wetness dripping all over his skin.
And that’s not even the main event.
his boxers were wrapped so tightly around his dick, each inch was on display and it had your mouth watering. you wasted no time pulling them down, watching it pop up as it’s freed.
“ So big.” You whispered in awe before taking the base into your hands and guiding it to your lips.
“open up for me, love” Chris instructed and you do as told, parting your lips and taking him into your mouth.
the man above lets out a low groan as he's stuffed down your throat. He’s a little surprised at how easily you're handling his girth, lips wrapped around him so snuggly without a single gag.
“Just like that, good girl,” he praises as you suck him like a lollipop. “taking it so well.”
Your head bobbed at a generous rate, hands gripped onto his thighs while you slobbered over his dick. It was such a lewd scene to witness. only worsening when Chris grabs you by your hair, stopping your movements before he takes full control.
his hips reel away before slamming back into your face, fucking your mouth roughly. you whimpered as the head of his dick jabbed the back of your throat repeatedly.
Tears started to well up in your eyes from the harshness of his thrusts. Your throat was rubbed raw and there was an extreme ache in your jaw, but you can’t help being more aroused by the pain. The feeling of being tortured orally had your panties soaked.
So it’s only natural that one of your hands was tucked between your thighs, kneading your clothed clit between your fingers.
“Pretty lil mouth must feel so good finally being used, yea? been practicing on those stupid suckers just for this?” Chris asks cockily, knowing he’d never receive an answer.
He fucks you until his dick is twichting uncontrollably on your tounge, ready to release his thick seed down your throat. But before he even gives you the satisfaction, he yanks back, dick leaving your mouth with a pop.
He decided he’d rather see his cum painting your face than having it disappear without a trace. So he pumps himself in sync with your fingers that were still buried in your pants.
It’s only a matter of seconds before his white ropes drench your face— tongue, lips, lashes— all covered in his mess.
“Fuck” he curses and says something else, but you can comprehend. You're too deep in a daze.
“Y/n.” He calls and calls and calls and calls—
until suddenly his voice loses that thick Aussie accent and instead starts sounding more like your coworker.
“Yo, y/n? I'm gonna clock out soon.” Seungmin says waving his hands in front of your face, “your break was over 30 minutes ago.”
“W-what the fuck???” You blink, still confused and the male just sighs.
“You and your daydreams, man.”
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Kinkmas has finally started ! hope you guys enjoyed day 1. I had to quickly cut it short because I type too much and I definitely wouldn’t make the deadline if I continued. That being said, if you would like me to continue toothache as a series just let me know !
— sincerely nni
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Tinytag list (open) : @sydnerss @sunnyyangie @foxinnie8 @panjakes
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bugs1nmybrain · 1 year
Mommy's Boy: Shigaraki x Fem!Reader~Mommy Kink~☆•°♡☆°●♡
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As always, Minors do NOT interact!
I remember saying how I thought writing Shigaraki fucking you in front of Dabi was out of pocket, but I've pretty much thrown all humility out the window at this point. Upsidaisy.
Updated: Nov 26th, 2023
Traits about the reader: Medium to big boobs, curvy, thick thighs, implied to be either shigaraki's age (20 in this) or older, implied to be on birth control, bad at playing video games
Notes: NSFW/smut, mommy kink, sub/switch Shigaraki, fem reader, shy and moody Shigaraki???????, Shigaraki loves boobs, awkward reader and Shigaraki interactions, spanking (reader receiving), tit sucking, vulgar language, mutual masturbation, slight degrading, a sprinkle of praise, hair pulling (Tomura receiving), no condom, reader and Shigaraki play GTA 5 in the beginning, kinda cringe tbh, season 4 era Shigaraki
I know each of my fics always end right after sex I'm so sorry. I'm going to have to get better at some plot after sex because I feel like it's so cliché.
"You suck!"
Unfortunately for you and Shigaraki, there was only one controller for the PlayStation. He had wanted a gaming date but there wasn't much you two could do together, so you had compromised by taking turns on GTA (story mode by your request).
Tomura watched as you continued to knock into every car in your line of view. You'd back out of a car you had hit only to knock into another. When you finally made it to a mission that required shooting, you were doing halfway ok, but only because of the auto-aim mechanics to be completely honest. However, the cops just showed up, and now it was you (Trevor), Franklin, and Lamar against a shit load of police. Shigaraki hoped and prayed you'd start catching on, but you just kept on dying.
"GTA 5 is easy! How are you fucking up this bad?" Shigaraki ponders in a near-genuine tone.
"It's been a while! I haven't played for maybe over 6 months."
"It's not even hard whatsoever, I don't get this. Give me a turn."
"You played like 4 minutes ago."
"Yes, but you're bad at this and it's making my head hurt. Give me that stupid controller," Tomura, without your input, snatches the controller out of your hand and plows through the mission for you with ease. You slouch on his shoulder and mope, your feelings hurt by your own pathetic gaming abilities.
"Maybe we should do something that we could both do. Why do I want to just sit here and watch you play GTA all night?" You whine. Shiggy responds with an annoyed groan.
"Take it then! It's not my fault you're shit at this. Maybe try a strangers and freaks mission," Shigaraki drops the controller on your lap. You breathe in and set your waypoint to Vinewood Boulevard. Tomura observes you drive so cautiously that it's almost worse to watch you drive so slow than to smash into cars.
Tomura sighs in agitation and slumps his chest against your back, wrapping his arms around your soft tummy and burying his face in the crook of your neck. He hugs you tight as he watches you fuck up your game and turns his attention away from your awful playthrough to something that he'd consider you to take more pride in.
Tomura glances at the v-neck of your black shirt that looked like his, only short-sleeved. He allows himself to look at your tits while you're distracted. He's had some pretty good self-restraint today, he'd say, as the push-up you were wearing was driving him fucking crazy. They looked so hot and the complexion of your skin gave them a lovely glow. He felt like a pathetic little bitchboy, wanting nothing more than to touch them and bury his face in your tits. It was a good thing you were so distracted by GTA because he was scoping the terrain out to plot his next move.
He felt embarrassed. The two of you have had sex many times, but he still felt annoying to want to appreciate your tits. Would he seem like a little bitch with mommy issues or something? Oh well, you were his girlfriend, right? If you didn't like it then you'd need to find a better toy to play with, though the thought fueled his blood because Shigaraki hadn't ever found anyone that took interest in him like you did.
There was no helping it. He was already growing a boner and you were already feeling it press against your ass as you sat in his lap.
He felt a shock surge through him, knowing full well why you were calling his name. So he didn't answer.
"Tomura, are you okay?" You giggle teasingly.
Don't do this to him, he thought. This was supposed to be a simple gaming night. But who was he kidding? 9 times out of 10 your dates ended in kind of sex.
"What gives you the impression that I'm not?" He says in an embarrassed tone. Was he feeling flustered? Cutie.
"Because something's poking me."
You laugh, a little surprised that he's not trying to come back with some cocky monologue like he always does. You turn around to face him to see the cutest scowl on his face. He's clearly frustrated and the boner in his pants only makes it cuter. You take it upon yourself to straddle his lap, resting on his thin frame with your thick thighs. The outline of your crotch presses against his bulge and he grunts in response.
"What's wrong, Tomura?" You coo at him and begin stroking his hair tenderly. You're going to kill him, he swears. His gaze stays stuck on the TV screen as your player stands outside of the Los Santos hospital, but you turn his face to look at you instead. "Why are you being so moody?"
"Your tits have been distracting me all day," he pouts with a flustered face, his eyes now making their way toward your cleavage.
The immediate cackle you respond with almost softens Shiggy's cock all the way, feeling insulted.
"I'm serious," he says with a grumpy voice.
"Really? Is that all, baby?" You smirk with a nurturing voice.
"Pretty much."
Taking Tomura's neck, you kiss his nape gently. He cups your hips with his hands, leaving some fingers up so as to not harm the only person who has both shown him love as well as not piss him off to no end (well, for the most part). You begin grinding on his cock which creates heavy, frustrated sighs from him.
You continue to play with Tomura's hair, messaging his scalp in between your fingers. He tilts his head backwards with a drawn-out whine as if he hasn't been touched in his whole life. That notion wasn't entirely false, before you Tomura hadn't received physical affection like this from anyone and assumed he never would because of his quirk. You were such a lucky catch for him. Maybe it was why he was hesitant to say his needs, he was scared he'd weird you out and that you'd ditch him.
Damn, when did he start caring about how somebody else would feel about his actions?
"What's wrong?" You ask caringly.
"I told you what's wrong."
"Oh, right. What can I do to make it better?"
"Mm.." Shigaraki stares at your chest and back up to you, hoping that you would pick up on his desires without him having to say it. He felt so cringy right now, like a little subby boy begging for access to your tits.
He gives up on trying to be nice when you continue to play dumb. You were doing it on purpose, for sure. A part of you loved seeing Tomura shy and polite like this, as he was usually so abrasive. He tugs on the V of your shirt and whispers in your ear, "are you too numb to get the idea?"
"And what's that?" You banter.
"Bitch. What am I supposed to tell you? That I want to suck on your tits?"
"Is that what you want?"
"Shut up!!"
"It's okay," You laugh. "You don't have to be embarrassed. I know you've got mommy issues."
"What of it? Is that a problem for you?"
"No," you giggle. "Do you need me to spoil you, baby?"
"I'm trying."
Tomura cackles, his broody demeanor. He squeezes your love handles and buries his face in your neck again.
"It's not my fault that you've got the body of a MILF. How am I supposed to react?"
"Wow, what a compliment."
"It is a compliment," Shigaraki snickers as he begins kissing your neck and down your chest. His hands travel from your love handles up to your waist, gripping like his life depended on it. "So, are you going to let me indulge or what?"
You giggle are stroke his long hair as he hums in question, embarrassed by his request, but somehow honored.
"Knock yourself out."
"Mmm, thank you mommy.."
"Oh my god you didn't just say that."
"Just roll with it."
Shigaraki takes a finger and tugs at your V-neck, but is disappointed at your bra. He reaches underneath to unclasp the back and yanks it out from your shirt. His attention focuses back on your tits. Tomura pulls your collar down to reveal one. He wastes no time and begins sucking tenderly. You can feel his cock growing more inside his pants, so you start grinding on the fabric, causing him to grunt while your tit is in his mouth.
Tomura pulls the other breast out from your shirt, taking a moment to gawk at them before going for the other. He teases your other nipple with his fingers. You hadn't realized how sensitive your tits really were as his tongue was flickering against your nipple causing a dripping arousal to seep through your underwear. You whine at the pleasure.
"Is this making you feel good baby?" You ask sultrily to Tomura. He responds with an eager "Mhm" and continues sucking. After what seemed like forever he lifts his head up and pulls your face down to kiss him, his saliva-coated mouth being a lovely adhesive between your lips.
"Your tits are so cute, mommy.."
"When did I consent to this mommy treatment?" You giggle.
"You're literally the one who told me I have mommy issues! Don't make me feel like shit for this."
"I'm not!" you laugh. "I'm just teasing."
You kiss him and continue to tug at his hair, "Does my baby boy need mommy to take good care of him?"
"Yes please.."
"Please, who?"
"Please mommy.."
"Mm.." You lift off of his lap and take your leggings and shirt off, leaving your full figure out for him. He puts up a finger to signal "wait" and reaches over to his bag on the floor and pulls out his special gloves. Fuck what would he do without them? He needs his hand condoms if he's gonna thoroughly make love with you.
"You're so sexy," he says, trailing his fingers to your wet cunt as he begins stroking your clit. You whimper in excitement and begin to pull down his pants. His cute cock slips out, standing proud with pre-cum already leaking out from the tip. As he continues toying with your pussy, you stroke his sensitive cock which creates lovely scratchy moans from his throat.
"God..that's it...," Shigaraki his horny, pulsing cock out on your clit, rubbing circles on it rapidly. You moan out lightly, grinding your clit against his fingers to create more friction. You rub his dick in fast as he submissively cries out in pleasure. Your clit twitches in familiar waves of pleasure once he begins sucking on your tit again.
"Is mommy gonna cum?" Tomura teases, releasing his mouth from your breast to only go to the other.
The look on his face when you began falling onto him as you came was unlike him. Tomura snickers in pride, pulling you in for a kiss while you kept stroking his cock.
"I think you deserve some privileges," you coo at him, and you sit on his lap yet again.
"I do? Have I been a good boy?"
"Mhm. Very good boy."
You circle your groin around Tomura's leaking cock as he whines out in pleading.
"Please, mommy..."
"Please mommy what?"
"Fuck me. Fuck me mommy, pleaaaase...."
With a pleasant hum in your throat, you reach down to rub Tomura's cock, then inserting it inside of your dripping cunt. Tomura groans loudly at your gooey, wet walls and attempts to push his cock deeper into you, begging for you to fuck him. To his satisfaction, to begin to bounce on his cock in rhythm, and Tomura swears you're going to drive him insane.
"Mm..does my baby boy like this? Does he feel good?"
"Fuck, yes...," Shigaraki moans. He watches intently as your tits bounce while you fuck him. He smacks your ass in frustration, shocking you.
"I guess I'm a bad boy, then. Are you gonna punish me?" He chuckles maniacally.
"Tomura, that wasn't very nice of you," you squeal, pulling at his hair in response.
Without speaking you begin bouncing on him in a quicker pace than before. Shigaraki holds around your waist tight as he thrusts, trying to savor every inch of your pussy. You were so fucking tight, but so wet too. Your cunt always made him leak, but tonight it was driving him mad.
"..fuck me...fuck me harder, mommy!"
"MmmMM! Fuck! God, mommy, you're gonna milk me.."
You oblige, hopping on him while you clench your walls, purposely trying to milk him.
"That's it, baby. Cum for me. Cum inside of mommy's pussy."
You definitely didn't have to tell him twice. Tomura sufficates himself into your neck as he holds you tight, fucking you until he finally cums deep. His orgasm is intense and long, as he continues to pump you full of cum for many seconds.
Panting and sweating, Shigaraki kisses you once more before you lift your pussy off of his cock, cum oozing out onto his lap. He snuggles in your arms and you stroke his hair. He whines from his cock that's still throbbing after his orgasm.
"Did that feel good, baby?" You ask with a nurturing tone, kissing his scrunkly forehead.
"Uh-huh...I don't know if I've ever came that hard."
"Mommy told you she'd take good care of you."
"Okay stop it. That shit is over and done with," he laughs and flicks your forehead. You rest your head down on his chest while he holds you tight, breathing heavily as he pets your skin.
"I love you," Tomura says and kisses your head as he yawns, sleepy from his orgasm.
"I love you too, Tomura."
"Next time Daddy's gonna have to do something special for you."
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bomber-grl · 10 months
Leo Valdez relationship hc♡
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₊˚⊹Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Gn!reader (no pronouns/no specific godly parent)
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₊˚⊹Warning(s): Some cringe things so proceed with caution 😭
If you thought he was annoying he gets 100x worse
Like you know that one friend that gets a lil too comfortable around you?
Yea well that’s him except he’s your boyfriend
Now, I kinda sorta imagine diff sides of him as ur bf
So the most obvious way is him acting annoyingly clingy and such
He’s always cuddling up to you, calling you cringe nicknames/pet names, and just being so clingy and affectionate
Not that you hate it
He’s so sweet too, like he knows he’s annoying and stuff but for the most part it’s just to tease or mess with you
And when it comes to the more emotional part of the relationship, he’s there
You can only guess it’s because of how he always tries to hide his true feelings behind jokes and humor
Due to your relationship you two began getting closer and thus conversations of his true feelings and thoughts were revealed along the way.
So it just makes you sad that not enough people realize how sad and miserable he can be sometimes.
The reality of this slaps you in the face when you accidentally stumbled into him bawling his eyes out and very obviously going through something serious, then starts laughing and throwing out jokes at his own expense
Like why??
All you could think of doing was hugging him. Really settled in stone that y’all are 4lifers
Continuing from that, he really does like you
Like all his life he was literally “the other woman” in the sense that no one ever wanted him back.
So once you return his feelings he’s bamboozled
He genuinely takes a step back and tells you to stop joking around.
That’s how bad it was
Well, because of how taken back he was he not only made jokes but eventually realized there was no reason to use them as a cover anymore and just hugged and thanked you.
Yea, thanked you for liking him
Most times you enjoy each-others company in either your cabin, if not in bunker 9
While you’re just chilling in there practicing or doing whatever and him just working on a project he asks what makes him so attractive to you
Of course he drops jokes like “ofc I’m super sexy” or “how could u resist me?”
But when you ultimately tell him what you liked about him and how cute you found him-
He flusters
How easy it is to fluster him is one thing you absolutely love about him
He’s always getting overly cocky and flirting with you like there’s no tomorrow while dropping the most down right horrendous pet names known to man
(Ex: pookie wookie bear, sugar booger, etc)
Most times when Leo would flirt with girls in the past they’d ignore him and basically look down on him. ( which we all know)
Well when your lovely ass comes around he does the same routine
But unlike before, you actually reciprocate this flirting
And he combusts on the spot
*leo exe has stopped working*
Quite literally
He’s so unused to his affections being returned it’s literally whiplash the second it is
Gets to the point where he’s so embarrassed from your constant harassing teasing and flirting that he covers his face and basically whines out, begging for you to stop.
What a simp
(This statement is quite literally acknowledged by everyone else too LMAOO)
aside from that, he’s super hot
Concerningly so, especially during the summer
And it’s the absolute worse
Not only do you have to worry over him potentially over heating and passing out -
But also worry about yourself passing out CUZ THIS MAN DOES NOT KNOW PERSONAL SPACE!!!😭😭😭
He’s always clinging onto you and it could be 100 degrees outside and he truly does not give a flying fuck
It gets to the point where you have to peel him off of you, or at least beg someone else to do so in your place
And then he pouts and acts upset like??
Would he rather you die of over heating??😭
Like sorry we all ain’t fire resistant 🙄
Your personality takes a whole 180 during winter
Sure, they have the weather controller dome at camp but during missions that’s when you cling to him.
He always just lets you because of how touch starved the poor guy is.
(You probably are too if we’re being real here)
In the case that the weather controller isn’t working and it starts snowing then you most definitely sneak him in your cabin or bunker 9-
(I firmly believe he would build beds or sum shit for y’all to hang there and eat snacks)
And y’all would cuddle. You’d be warmly tucked under the sheets away from the harsh winds and hearing nothing else but each others breath.
Going back to physical affection in your relationship- home dude would be stressingggg
He’s be so nervous and his heartbeat would speed up anytime you’d hug and hold his hand.
Again, he gets way clingier and once y’all kiss there ain’t no going back.
He’s stuck to you forever.
If you ever want to cuddle or sleep in the same bed as him for a “sleepover”-ish thing then best believe dudes gonna be the worst sleepover- partner??
Just imagine this-
Leo, you ,both laying side by side under warm sheets on a dark winter night.
No light besides that of the moon and y’all have been pretty intimate and emotional. Just getting to know each-other on another level
Finally you’re falling asleep, your lids are drooping and you breath calms down after Leo shed a few tears.
Then all you hear is-
“Bro imagine if-“
Literal slap to the face
Like you can’t tell me he doesn’t say the most random shit and stops yall from actually sleeping. Literally has y’all giggling and shit all night.
If you’re in your cabin and you have siblings- they literally tell you to shut the fuck up and be grateful they let ur lil boyfriend sleep there without snitching.
Like goddamn
Never have y’all once slept in Leo’s cabin because how how fucking weird his siblings are-
Anyway 🙃
Bro is always showing you off
He has you on his arm and always saying shit about how he pulled a baddie
Like, sir, you’re the baddie
Best believe home dude spoils you
Like sure, sometimes he’s a lil broke but he’s always making and buying you little things
Which is honestly so sweet 😭😭
Especially when you react by cuddling him and just peppering his face in kisses
He’s glad to have you as his significant other
I mean in his own words
“All da ladies love Leo”
(Ofc replaced w a Gn term cuz I’m sure everyone loves Leo lmao)
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having fontaine as a boyfriend hcs | (this is a long one y'all)
♤ fontaine is a very stoic man. he prefers to be reserved, only speaking a few words at a time when necessary. keep to yourself, you keep yourself alive. that's his motto. that's just life in the glen period.
♤ so everyone in his immediate circle was kinda taken back when you were spotted in the passenger seat of his car, one too many times. no one really hung round taine like except junebug. so no one expected him to actually get a girlfriend. a ting of the side, yes. but a girlfriend....nah.
"yo taine, who's that gurl we see you hangin' 'round? i ain' go hold you she fine asf" one of his 'buddies' straight up ask his boss what everyone's been thinking for weeks.
"my girl" he answered without missing a beat.
"by girl you mean main bitch right? i see you boss. how many more girls you got?"
"just the one. that's all i need" since then everyone in the glen knew you as taine's girl.
♤ if you were wondering how you guys met, it was a simple infatuation turned relationship. he was the regular plug for your brother, and would come by every once in a while. you rarely spoke to each other, just stole glances at each other for a while.
♤ fontaine knew he was only there for business. but he couldn't help actually looking forward to when your brother called, cause that meant he would get to see you again. things slowly progressed to the point he started coming over even when your brother didn't call. now yall are dating.
♤ he is a surprisingly attentive and supportive partner. if you have anything bothering you, you can always lean on him. he's not good on advice, but taine's a great listener and knows how to cheer you up. whether it's a late night drive, or stuffing your face over at his house on the couch, he'll do everything he can to make his girl smile again. and god help anyone makes you upset.
♤ despite his rough exterior and line of work, taine's super gentle with you. he'll open the car door for you, offer you food even if you just ate, and drive you anywhere you need to go, especially at night. he knows the glen ain't safe, he can't risk it especially with his reputation.
♤ he also doesn't mind buying you stuff too. he's not kingpin rich, but he's not broke that's for sure. from a simple drink at the corner store to a pair of gold earrings from the pawn shop. he buys, no debate.
♤ to many, he's an outwardly emotionless man. rarely expresses an emotion besides annoyance and anger. even slick, who's known him since grade school ain't never seen him smile before. but you have. yup you saw fontaine's laugh himself to tears. though the reason wasn't idle, you vividly how he looked when he genuinely smiled.
"t-taine that's not funny, i almost DIED. shut upppp" he snorted as you smacked his arm. you dipped you head on his shoulder in embarrassment cause he was still laughing at you.
"wha' ma- you expect me not to laugh at that shi' you just pulled. calm down you aight" he took back the blunt that nearly choked you out cause you wanted to look bad infront of your boyfriend.
taine knew you weren't that much of a smoker and smoked a blunt every once in a blue moon, or when you really needed one. so it surprised him when you walked over and took the blunt that was resting between his lips and took a drag.
a fast, deep drag, that he knew damn sure your lungs were not prepared for. so when you bursted into a fit of coughs, he couldn't help but laugh his ass off.
don't worry after he cooled down, he rubbed your back and assure you at you were still that baddest bitch on the block. even if you couldn't smoke a blunt.
♤ supppperr touchy. doesn't matter time or place. he has to have his hand resting on you, he just wants to make sure that of he turns his head your still there, and that your real.
♤ he introduced you to junebug once and ever since then he could never shake the thought of making you a mom one day. i know he doesn't look it but he's very family oriented person. he hopes to have one day. but that's a story for another day.
♤ he loves you. he won't out right say it but just by the way he treats you and looks out for you like no other, trust me he simply adores you. that nigga would take a bullet for you cause to him you're absolutely perfect.
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