#they will probably forever be my favorite OTP tbh
elialys · 1 year
Thoughts on having Olivia say I love you first and Peter not saying it back?
I'm going to be honest here and admit that I never really liked that scene. Well, not the scene in itself, but the fact that they used THAT ONE to have their first "I love you" being on screen. It very much felt like the writers went "Waaaait, we need to have at least one of them say 'I love you' before Peter steps into the Machine because people expect stuff like this to happen in scenes like these!!"
Now I am very biased because I wrote hundreds of thousands of words about Peter and Olivia through the years, so I have my own very personal headcanons when it comes to their relationship. Part of why I never really liked that scene in 3x21 is because it didn't really...fit them and their dynamic, I don't know how else to put it. To me, at this point of the show, after going through everything they went through, they know they're in love with each other.
Love is Olivia crossing over to get Peter back. Love is Peter choosing to go back to the blue verse with Olivia when she asks him to, even if she doesn't make it back herself. Love is Peter being honest with her and telling her about his failures and being deceived, when he could have lied, when he knew it would break them. Love is Olivia forgiving him and giving them a chance.
Love is them cuddling in bed at sunrise, not caring about Walter being butt-naked on the other side of the door.
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I could go on and on, but hopefully you get my point.
To me, Peter and Olivia are more about acts of love than about the spoken words themselves. I'm sure they say it to each other, and that they mean it when they do. To me, it doesn't really matter much how it happens the first time, or who says it first, or even if the other says it back right away.
So basically, I don't really like the way it happens on the show because it felt a bit contrived, but I forgive the writers because those two idiots are beautiful and in love anyway.
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akarisandraws · 7 months
What are your top 10 most favorite Sonic ships and why don't skip out any detail
Its about time i give my two cents on this tbh.
I can't honestly say something that hasn't been said before, because this ship is massive. And for a good reason. Its just the epitome of all the things I like. Rivals to friends to lovers, red and blue, opposing yet complementary personalities, good chemistry, the list goes on and on.
Its just that mutual respect yet banter that always gets me. I've TRIED abandoning ship, trust me. But this ship was just tailored to my tastes, and i cant get rid of the brainrot so much that it has become a problem :)
MMMMM THE PAIN. I love this ship because its so innocent and cutsey while being absolutely depressing!
Cosmo deserved SO MUCH MORE than what she got, and to this day it makes me so sad we never got Sonic X season 4 in where Cosmo comes back as a robot or something. The seed she left at the end too! They Absolutely wanted to bring her back and i will forever be sad about it.
I say it all in this post, but in a nutshell, Surge needs someone as positive as Amy to heal.
And they were roomates
Ever since they got introduced i just KNEW the artists were gonna ship these two. This ship is almost as good as canon tbh. Love me some sapphic girlies.
Another rare pair that is just SO GOOD.
I started shipping it after that one Sonic IDW issue, and it just stuck. Silver being overwhelmed and Espio just calming him is so domestic fluff that i cant even-
They were adorable in Sonic X. Also Vector would be a cool ass dad to Cream AND Charmy.
I know ppl are gonna burn me at the stake for ranking it so low, and it probably should go a bit more up, but yeah, i like Knuxouge. Its not like my OTP, but as a bg ship, its great!
Just the duality of the same concept but diferent attitude about it.
They're both guardians on their own way, but while Blaze thinks its a burden Sonic Thinks its a blessing. The parallels are just YUMMY. And also Blaze deserves a golden retriever bf.
They were canon, okay? When i was little i remember loving them together while reading the archie comics. They were so sappy and Sonic was OOC but like, they made me happy. And that hasn't faded yet.
Again, same case as Knuxouge. I like it a lot, but its not like i'll lose my sleep over them. They are a cute canon couple!
Here we go!
Super sorry for the late reply!
Thanks for the ask!
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chipistrate · 11 months
do that with Cassie
Sure! :D
favorite thing about them I adore how sassy she can be- like yeah she'll go down and save Gregory from the ruined Pizzaplex, that's her bestie she'd do anything for him, but that won't stop her from complaining about it. i.e. "Under Roxy Racers? *huff* that's all the way on the other side, I'm not even close." Also I believe her VA said something about her not being scared when going into the Pizzaplex iirc cause she "didn't know she was supposed to be scared" and I think that's interesting,,, "yeah that old, decaying, falling apart, creepy Pizzaplex? I don't see why I'd be scared. Gregory wants me to go there so I'm sure it's safe. Plus, what could possibly be hiding inside anyways? Bugs?" <---clueless
least favorite thing about them I'm not good at picking out least favorite things about characters I love LMAO They're just precious and beloved and I see no wrong in them<333
favorite line "that was too close. I was almost a Cassie sandwich" the DELIVERY. I love her so much even in the worst situations she's still making little shithead remarks/aff
brOTP Her and Gregory are the siblings ever<333
OTP Again- if these can be purely platonic and have no familial or romantic meaning, then her and Ellis should be and would be best friends and I stand by this forever and ever
nOTP x
random headcanon When she met up with Gregory again after SB she started helping him tear down his missing posters. She didn't know why he wanted them gone or why he was so hesitant in public, but she didn't want to pry too much and just wanted to help out. She tried, couldn't get a lot of answers out of him, and realized it was just too out of his comfort zone to talk about whatever happened while he was missing, so she just resorted to helping him however she can!
unpopular opinion Tbh I don't think she'd be angry after the elevator fall or even believe it was Gregory- at least not immediately!! Like- I could see her becoming angry over time, but I honestly think that at first she'd 100% think it was the Mimic- I mean- she literally just met a giant endo that was trying to kill her that mimicked her friends voice and communicated through speakers, I don't think she'd assume her best friend would try and kill her after meeting a dude like that. Maybe she'd end up thinking it was Gregory later and becoming way more bitter about it afterwards if we're going the Vannie route, but I think at first she'd just be really tired and sad and upset at the Mimic, but not at Gregory. She probably just thinks "he's my best friend, he would never do that. I'm sure he's on his way to get me right now, so I just need to survive a few more hours and I'll be fine." or something like that
song i associate with them Hmmm if we're talking Vannie arc then I'd say "I'm Irritated" by Fishy Bishie. If we're talking normal Cassie, then I don't listen to a lot of songs that I would consider "Cassiecore" that aren't specifically made to be Cassie songs if you know what I mean? But maybe that one really good part of "One Normal Night"
favorite picture of them
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She's so confident and happy how could you possibly hate her<333
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Eheh Dazai
Favorite thing about them: I really like how as a character he was able to deeply touch so many people!! Seeing so many people finding relief in being able to relate to and emphasize with the character makes me happy.
Least favorite thing about them: I mean, his personality? I don't like how his many flaws are written to be interpreted as strong points / good traits for his character to the point no flaw is actually a flaw, it makes the reading experience very frustrating for me.
Favorite line:
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brOTP: Mmmmhh, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about Dazai. Soukoku, probably. The Buraiha trio makes me emotional a little. Souheki, but in a very passive-aggressive, over-competitive, one-sided rivality, can't-stand-each-other way. Dazai and Kyouka. Dazai and Atsushi too I suppose, though I prefer them romantically. I think he makes for a lot of interesting dynamics with virtually all the characters, but none compells me in particular tbh.
OTP: Odazai is plain canon to me, idk what to tell you. I think they make for a beautiful, tragic love story. Get you a man who is willing to change the path of his whole life for another man just like that, nobody does it like them (actually, wait, I can think of another man... ). Although I always distantly liked them, dazatsu has grown on me like, an INSANE amount in the last few months. I'm not sure what happened. I think it was an unfortunate (lol) coincidence of growing a little fonder of Dazai and just wanting to give more space and agenda to Atsushi. Like to me a lot of what dazatsu is really is about giving Atsushi more agency and autonomy and independence and overall just respecting him as a complex, full fleshed out character. I don't see ANY kind of power imbalance in it I keep finding people talk about. Dazai pushes Atsushi to be better every day, and Atsushi does exactly the same for Dazai. Atsushi admires and respects Dazai, and Dazai admires and respects Atsushi equally. I really don't know why the ship isn't more popular and instead just gets discarded most of the time tbh. I feel like everyone should sit down a second and actually give Atsushi the dignity to choose for himself. And fyozai!!! The investment in this ship mostly goes on waves for me but despite that I firmly believe that they really make for an engaging and interesting dynamic to be interpreted romantically. The epitome of “You're both just enabling each other's mental illnesses. You're both perfect for each other. Never change. Just never involve anybody else in what you've got going on.”
nOTP: Nothing comes to my mind.
Random headcanon: Not canon related, but in modern aus I feel like he'd be one to always end up working at ceo roles and he would HATE it. He fires himself and starts working at some cheap frozen yogurt place and one month later he'll find himself as the ceo of the most important oil company of the country AGAIN without him even realizing it / despite his active efforts to avoid that. And he HATES IT. He fires himself again but the loop only repeats forever. He's just that kind of person for whom all doors open automatically.
Unpopular opinion: ............ I could be here forever. I regretfully fail to relate to a lot of characterization / readings of the character I've seen the fandom give him. I really don't want to dwell on this so I'll just mention something mostly unrelated to his characterization: I wholly can't share the take of him being physically built like??? At all??? Which got REALLY popular a few months ago. Dude feels like he never lifted a finger his whole life, I really don't know where the idea comes from???? And I personally don't take his manga visual portrayal as a telling factor for this; pretty much all the characters have the same body type, it's impossible for me to base the buff Dazai assumption on how he's drawn in the manga. Just one thing about his chracter though stop making him matchmaker for ss/kk he really isn't stop don't do it please
Song i associate with them: HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE associating him with my favourite vocaloid song ever but. Meltdown by iroha is a very Dazai song. So many other songs though... Parade of Liars by ryo. Abstract Nonsense by Neru. God-ish by Pinocchio-P. So on and so forth.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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nonasemporium · 5 months
g1deon for the ask game <3 or if you've been asked abt him already then pash
send me a character [G1deon] and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: He is the love of my life, he is my princess in a tower, he is my lost lenore. My favorite thing about him is probably that he is so quietly resistant--there are parts of himself he keeps for himself, that he holds close, and also that he may choose to share nearly silently. That moment of solidarity with Harrow will always eat me up inside. He has been suffering with these white folks [+ John] for thousands of year. Free him.
least favorite thing about them: Light of my life that he is, he needs to stop doing John's dirty work, he needs to reject the empire. He was also chasing that little girl around on John's orders. Unfortunate.
favorite line: Imma cry forever over how he experiences the loss of time when Pyrrha is present, or as already stated when he kind of tried to share a moment of solidarity with Harrow. Fucks me up.
brOTP: Him and Pyrrha. I always see her as in love with him, but I don't always see him in love with her, heheh. I do think he loves her, I just don't always view his feelings for her as matching hers exactly.
OTP: G1deon/Wake/Pyrrha, but especially him with Wake. That she's what he can't be, the way Pyrrha is an important aspect of the relationship between him and Wake, the tragedy in his affection for her not being enough to get in the way of his orders.
nOTP: G1deon/John. Can't stand it. That man is so colorist at him, and lets those white people talk at and treat him so horribly.
random headcanon: I see him having a preference away from white people (if he liked Pyrrha, to me, she was an exception). I also like to view him as being transfemme, tbh.
unpopular opinion: Apparently that he has a personality or that Pyrrha and Wake loved him/were attracted to him. Please, he's his own person and they each displayed their interests in him. Where's the tragedy in his loss if we the readers never saw him? No, we did see him. We should be haunted by the fact he's died and very few people even know, and even less who could remember him are even alive enough to respond if it comes out. Someone perform funeral rites for him, please.
song i associate with them: 'Beautiful Crime' by Tamer. Is it about him, is it about his feelings towards Wake, is it about his feelings for Pyrrha? Yes.
favorite picture of them: one day I'll answer this probably
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dark-side-laegrinna · 5 months
OC Songs (well, not really, but close enough)
@furbyq tagged me (thank you!) and since I don't really have OCs other than my sims that aren't based on characters, she suggested I do it for my Deception IV character playlists! I'll be doing ship songs as well.
Much of my vision of the game's characters are my own, as the plots (there are two, Laegrinna's and Velguirie's stories) are secondary and considered forgettable, which is a shame because I found them as enjoyable as the gameplay. The way I've developed their personalities probably makes no sense to the few other fans and would be considered wildly out-of-character, but tbh I don't give a shit because it brings me joy, and with no fandom, there's no drama. (Hopefully).
Ice Queen by Within Temptation: this has always been my favorite song by them but I came to associate it with Laegrinna. She is ruthless and cold for the most part canonically, however I think there's more to her than that and I'll get to that later.
Queen of the Night by Whitney Houston: This is, without a doubt, Velguirie's theme song. "I've got more than enough to make you drop to your knees," "They say I'm trouble and I don't give a damn," the lyrics pretty much speak for themselves. They don't call her the Nightmare Princess for nothing.
Shine On Me by Chris Dane Owens: This sounds like a hero's theme song and Zeno Shin is a self-proclaimed hero and big dumb idiot. Also, if you know me you're likely aware Laegrinna/Zeno is my OTP and it evokes the way I imagine him being awestruck by her. She is the Dark Side Princess but she is his light.
Who's That Girl by Madonna - Okay, so hear me out. Whereas Velguirie is entirely fire and I love her for that, Laegrinna is ice AND fire. You don't see that often because while she uses it to her advantage, she won't admit it. Kind of related to the last song it's about falling under the inescapable spell of a captivating woman. Which again is how I envision her effect on Zeno but may or may not also be something more personal.
Latch by Disclosure ft Sam Smith: This has been one of my favorite songs since it came out well before I played Deception IV, but now in my mind it's about how Laegrinna and Zeno are drawn to each other and the metaphors are right on for a game where the main goal is using traps on enemies. (Zeno is a major enemy, by the way. You defeat him, which means yes, Laegrinna canonically kills him. But that's what AUs are for, and I'm a sucker for enemies-to-lovers).
Sleeping Dogs by Merril Bainbridge: A song I've known since high school, holy shit that was 25+ years ago now?? 💀 Another one full of metaphors - Laegrinna and Zeno drive each other crazy, but they DRIVE EACH OTHER CRAZY. Somehow, even though I always thought I hated the tsundere trope, it suits Laegrinna in my head. She doesn't want to be attracted to him but she can't resist him.
Shadows of the Night by Pat Benatar: Although I don't think they meet in canon because Evelyn is from Laegrinna's story and I didn't get very far in quest mode (I watched my husband finish it but that was forever ago) I think Velguirie and Evelyn are perfect for each other. "Surrender all your dreams to me tonight" is the line that hit me, like I said Velguirie is the Nightmare Princess, and I'm not going into detail but let's just say Evelyn is quite keen on surrendering 😂 I haven't thought of any other songs for them yet but I hope to, they're a really fun pairing and I love them.
Okay, I've seen a lot of people tagged or participated already but I'll tag @kaylynn-langerak, @celestialspritz, @h0nkytonkangels, and @esotheria-sims.
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its-hai-time · 11 months
wait i also want your reigen opinions if you’re down 👀👀
YES PLEASE I am so unwell for Reigen specifically he's my favorite character.
Favorite Thing About Him: HIS CHARISMA. I love that he's this awful dude that just fucking knows people and psychology well enough to just fucking talk circles around people. It's a trait I've never ever seen implemented this way, his character is absolutely refreshing because of it. Yes he has an interesting moral compass but it's the fact that he talks well enough to resolve almost any situation.
Least Favorite Thing: I think him shitting on Mob at the beginning of season 2 was pretty unwarranted for his character. Also the fact that he does keep lying to Mob and everyone about psychic powers for the entire series but it's played for laughs and practically Mob is the only one believing it.
Favorite Line: the one where he tells Mob that psychic powers are just a character trait and a talent and not anything special. That there's special things about everybody so he just has to focus on being a good person. The way that he just explains the entire thesis for the show in such a perfectly understandable way, to a kid no less.
brOTP: Reigen and Mob should be friends forever. Mob gets fucking incredible resume advice from him. When Mob gets older they get drinks together and catch up.
OTP: while I do enjoy and take in Serirei content I actually don't really ship it myself? I just don't think Reigen's character necessarily needs a pairing. Same with Serizawa tbh. Reigen seems pretty uninterested in dating and I think he should probably work on loving the people around him rather than getting a partner.
nOTP: the obvious Mob/Reigen. Get that shit out of here.
Random Headcanon: Reigen keeps pretty much everyone at arms length, he's never one to talk about himself. I headcanon that Mob was probably the only one he ever let himself really care about and it was mostly by accident.
Unpopular opinion: I see a lot of content for Reigen adopting Teru and it just confuses me. Like I get it, Teru's parents are absent, but Reigen never really has anything to do with Teru. Teru's on his own journey and Reigen doesn't really need to be part of it?
Favorite Image of Him: dude Studio Bones went fucking ham on this guy.
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megkuna · 8 months
shiv! for the ask game
favorite thing about them
ugh so much but genuinely i just love that she's allowed to be ambitious and make terrible decisions. good emotional complexity, loves her family but resents them, especially her brothers, etc. it's all interesting to me. also epitome of girlboss, and i don't mean that as a compliment.
least favorite thing about them
seriously? nothing at all. i love everything about her she can do what she wants
favorite line
"i love you but i cannot fucking stomach you" will live in my mind forever. tbh. think about it a lot
roman & shiv!!!! literally siblings ... but i just love their idiot siblings dynamic :l
tomshiv ...... duh
shiv/stewy exists but i don't care for it. i just can't see it honestly
random headcanon
honestly i think there was a period of her life, probably around the time when she met tom, where she enjoyed trash reality tv. just to make fun of the women of course. something about that to me
unpopular opinion
i actually liked her ending ...? i don't know how unpopular that is, but i've talked to a lot of people who were upset about it. saying she deserved better (or worse) lol but frankly i think it fits her character arc perfectly to choose to stay with tom and perpetuate the cycles :)
song i associate with them
are you satisfied by marina quintessential shiv song ...
favorite picture of them
this is really hard because i'm gay and thirsting over her during any given scene. honestly. but i have to say this shot will always be iconic in my heart
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tweltchy · 8 months
Well, hello. I haven't been tagged in one of these things for literal years! Was tagged by @c-n-i-d-a-r-i-a-n to fill out a sort of "get to know me" meme. Thanks so much!! To keep this going, I'll tag some beloved mutuals.
@rye-satchel, @kaykayfranco, @lottafuckingshit
3 ships:
Not much of a shipper and the ones I do like are kinda strange, but I got a few that hold a place in my heart. It's not three, tho. Ye get two.
Rarity x Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
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The MLP Resurgence on this website is a gift from above. I get it now........... they are so cute and we stan gay horses. Iconic butch/femme couple....... I don't think I need to say more than that.
Sam Winchester x Castiel (Supernatural)
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Feel like i need to justify myself here.
Listen........... i know the show is dumb and stupid and it's over now, but I still think about it. Tbh, I shipped it out of spite at first, but then I kinda started to see potential in it, and now it's one of my OTPs. They are both queer in some way and i will die on that hill. Big sucker for the Friends to Lovers trope, and and and...... idk I just think they're sweet, especially given their growth together in the show. plus Sam doesn't abuse Cass like Dean does so that's a plus lolololololol
IDK. I just think if Cass confessed to Sam, Sam would have at least shown strong emotion. Probably would have tried to sacrifice everything to try and get him back.
first ship:
Zack Fair x Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
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Again, not really much of a shipper, but I remember the first ship that I reeeeeaaally got into was this one. They are just...so perfect for each other.... it's hard not to love them.
last song:
The most underrated as well as the darkest song the band ever made. I think about it constantly and adore it.
last film:
Ginger Snaps (2000)
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It's one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. I saw it was free to watch on YouTube and watched it twice in a row. It's so good and a unique take on werewolf stories. I recommend it if you have an interest in werewolves. It is free to watch in English on YouTube, but it's only available to watch in the USA for some reason. It's blocked everywhere else, INCLUDING Canada. ??? That's dumb as hell. Snag a VPN and watch it.
Regardless!! Good movie.
currently reading:
-Lots of TTRPG corebooks/rulebooks.
I love tabletop RPGs!!!!
-Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica.
Jules Dapper on YouTube sold me on this book, and it's one of my new favorites. Very dark and depressing, but also very compelling!
currently craving:
A BIG sandwich with every vegetable ever.
fav color:
All shades of purple!
relationship status:
Not single.
last google search:
"halifax glove guy"
The fact that this dude is actually real and not some weird urban legend fascinates me more than it should. Stay safe out there, guys.
current obsessions:
-Kingdom Hearts (my forever fandom and favorite game series ever)
-Final Fantasy series
-Animation and art
Thanks for tagging me!! :D
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quiveringdeer · 7 months
Give me a character and I will answer: Dazzler!
Thanks for giving me a chance to rant about my fave Badass Diva, babe! Others feel free to send in a name and choose particular things
Why I like them: I really loved how tenacious and driven she was to reach her personal goals and doesnt like to compromise on that but she's still such a caring person that she cant help but jump in to help or save people as a hero, even tho she continually said she didnt wanna be a hero. Just her compassion for people in general, even who I wouldnt think deserve her compassion: 
Her first thought in both instances with her stalker, Karl Fredricks (Dazzler #26 & Uncanny X-Men ‘63 #260), is to reason with him and try to keep him from getting hurt. Also when battling him one of her main concerns is him hurting anyone else before she thinks of him hurting her.
Why I don't: There arent really points about her I don't like. I guess my biggest gripes are that writers tend to relegate her to a gimmick cameo character more often than not and miss opportunities to showcase her immense powerset range and the deep connections she has with a large portion of the not just other X-Men characters but the other marvel heroes as well. 
Also just the original fact the editors didnt allow her to be based on Grace Jones, like John Romita Jr. intended. It would've been noce to have another dark skinned Black woman hero, with star power outside of Ororo Munroe. And gosh the way they probably couldve bonded and had eachother to lean on. There's just so many "what ifs" that woulda probs changed not only Ali's trajectory but the Xmen/Marvel universe at large. But I still love Ali as she is now too. 
Favorite scene (imma do arc): The "What If" arc of Ali as Galactus' long time herald. The way she found away to discover new planets for him to devour but made sure that they didnt have sentient life that'd be destoryed in that consumption! Ugh says so much about her character!! Also that in her time as his herald he grew compassionate to the plights of other beings, seemingly. Because of her leading by example and what not. It's just soooo good and what I want more of in stories starring her. 🥹
Favorite season/movie (portrayal): My rp days version 😏 --But for real, she's only been in a couple adaptations and I dont know if any do her justice. I havent fully watched the episodes of them in the Outback but yeah
Favorite line (too many):
“Sometimes you have to stop running from who you were and find out who you are truly meant to be.” (Dazzler 2010)
“...It doesn’t matter how everyone sees me. I’m not just a mutant or a singer or any one thing, all of this is me.”
“No way Prophet! We’re not leaving! We’re X-Men, not cowards. We SAVE the world. We don’t abandon it because the going gets rough!” (X-Termination #2 2013)
“You know Barb, a lot of people will see you only for what makes you different--and not for all the good things about you--things that make you a human being just like them! And if you let them, those people will make you into what they think you are! They’ll force you to be a toy...a clown...or a monster...or worse.” (Dazzler #35)
“Hey Doomy, misplace the family jewels again?” (Dazzler 2010)
Favorite outfit:
Basically ANY of Daniel Mcnea's designs 
In general: Ali and "The Loves" polymonogomous rp ship of Ali with Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes (and not just saying that cause Koi wrote them and also sent this ask! Truly got to explore so much of Ali's character through those interactions and forever grateful 🥹 -also key piece of opening my mind to poly relationship dynamics tbh)
In canon: Ali x music -Her first and most consistent love and relationship 
In general-- Ali and Julio "Rictor" Richter, another rp exploration with the lovely @myvalentina Ric's technically Ali's, son-in-law but through lots of interdimensional travel hyjinks and stuff. I never know what canon ages truly are but I feel like Ali is less than 10 years his senior and so she's like a big sister and friend to him and it's just really wholesome
In canon-- Ali and Longshot, they've been through so much and if im not mistaken, literally share pieces of eachothers' souls and while things never work out romantically with them in all the times they get back together, I just love the idea of them still being besties regardless
Gives amazing hugs, doesn't let go till the other person starts to pull away. Read somewhere once about being this way with kids cause you never know how little someone gets of contact and how they might need that physical reassurance.
Unpopular opinion:
Prefacing that to each their own and no hate to other people's preferences 🙏🏽 
Personally I don't wanna see Queen B or Taylor S. portray Dazzler in any future media
While Dazzler had global reach and star power in her prime within the Marvel universe, I just would love others to portray her. My top pick was and always will be Kylie Minogue, but that ship has probs sailed, so more contemporary picks are Janelle Monáe, JoJo, Kesha or Zara Larsson
A wish: She gets to be in some arcs where the writers truly understand her and let her shine fully--iving on top that it happens with an artists that stays true to her strawberry blonde haircolor
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
Writers continuing to use her as a gag character or portraying her as a washed up singer 
5 Words to best describe them: Compassionate, Stubborn, Driven, Optimistic, Dazzling (😉)
My nickname for them: Ali (super generic), Light of my life and Queen of my heart 😌
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tatchling · 8 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by @lunanoc (heathen <3)
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
I wasn't much of a shipper when I was younger? and while I forget about ships, bringing them back to my attention is usually enough for me to go <3<3<3
Which ship would you consider your first one?
Steve/Bucky (mcu version) - I wouldn't say it was my first ship but the one I was really aware I was shipping - before then I really did like uh I think it's Fey/Kurogane (not sure on the names) from the dimension hopping CLAMP thing (where they look for Sakura's wings bits)
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
I had to check XD - An unfinished Steve/Bucky, written in 2015 - tbh I though my first fanfic was a brotherly relationship (no shipping) one, bc that's the oldest I do remember and that is complete
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
Probably Castiel/Dean? Supernatural was inescapable pre-2011
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Not so much discourse as I got on some anti list for reaper76 for not shipping pure innocent white bread and macho aggressive man versions of the characters lolol
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
only one through all the fandoms I've been in - Tony/Steve (mcu version only) - I think the comics version is fine, this is a movies only dislike
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr probably heihua? OH WAIT NO, it was Er Jing/Wu Erbai & Pan Zi/Wu Sanxing
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
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Considering that I rarely ever (if ever) fall out of a ship, and that I both multi ship and rarepair ship (on top of sometimes liking the obvious main ship) there's a trove of ships in my pocket (it would need its own post probably)
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Nah. Canon is canon, shipping is shipping. I sometimes wish they had but it never goes beyond.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Uh not really? Maybe Pan Zi/Wu Sanxing, but mainly because the whole thing is nothing but pain and lies and broken promises on Pan Zi so...
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
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What is your favorite crack ship?
I don't do crack pairs lmao. Now ask me about my rarepairs and we'll be there forever.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Overall, either reaper76 or Steve/Bucky - mainly based on the size of these fandoms - more recently it's probably heihua
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
Complex relationships? No easy top/bottom, no simple who leads and who follows. I like them to be difficult but entangled in each other in a way that feels organic and layered and not just smashing random things together
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
If I can't make sense of it. I can make sense of a lot of ships, and I live and have lived in rarepair hell for years, so not being able to make heads or tails of how two characters would fit together means I can't ship them (and that there'll be no point telling me about them)
tagging @shaish, @tiesanjiaoshenanigans, @kelly42fox, @thatlittlemouse @mejomonster aaaaaaaaaand whoever else wants in
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
For the ask game A, C, F, H, U
ooh good ones! this one got a little long lmao whoops 😂
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
i'm obsessed with a mcshep queer platonic relationship (aroace!john and bisexual!rodney for the win tbh) and a ship i've been thinking about a LOT lately is ronon and woolsey idk why i just. idk that scene in the prodigal at the end where ronon is like 'i know it's not a mission but i made a report' and woolsey laughs at 'michael tried to invade the city. we stopped him. end report' BABES THEYRE SO CUTE
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
john/teyla. i just. i can't. the ONLY time i like it is ot4
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
19 years and counting babey!!!! i've been watching stargate since it came out (i was 6 years old!) and i've been a fan of it since i saw the first episode. fun fact i had a little "club house" in a small storage room in our basement when i was a kid and i PLASTERED the walls with art and posters that said "I LOVE _______" with all of the sga characters when i was like 7? 8? something like that?
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
i've been in fandoms for lots of different things but i think my favourite is probably tv shows/movies. i just love me some good cinema
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
absolute all time fav blorbo of forever is Doctor Rodney McKay PhD PhD he always has been he always will be forever and always he owns my heart. i love everything about him- he's smart, he's canadian, he's arrogant, he's hot, he's funny, he's competent, he's an asshole, he's selfless and heroic, he's literally everything. i'm actually genuinely in love with him i would give up my entire life if he asked me to zero hesitation no questions asked
i know it says three different fandoms but i'm also going with john sheppard even tho it's the same fandom bc those two are just so far above the rest in terms of being my fav characters that i can't not include him. john is a disaster human and i love him. i'm like, 95% sure my obsession with putting my friends first and making sure they're happy and comfortable (even at the detriment to my own happiness and comfort) above all else is because of john sheppard. he's selfless, he's reckless, he's charming, he's funny, he's smart, he's hot, he's perfect he's everything i'm obsessed.
and then last i'm gonna go with nick miller from new girl bc (no surprise) i have a Thing for grabage broken men. i fell in LOVE with nick when i was watching new girl for the first time he's such a fucking disaster he's a middle aged drunk who doesn't know what he's doing with his life for half the show and he's so FUCKING HOT IM OBSESSED god i just hnnnnng ugh he's everything honestly i love me a scruffy middle aged garbage man so good always
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black-bentley · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
First, thank you ❤️
Second, I'M SO SORRY. It has taken me ABSOLUTELY FOREVER to answer this, and now I am far too guilty and mortified about the delay to actually send it on to anyone else 🙈 but here, in no particular order are (probably) my five favourite fics that I've written. They're all Biggles, except for the last one.
1. Break Point (M, m/m, 12k+)
This was one of those fics that was written to fill a hole in canon, and I just desperately wanted to do it before anyone else did! It was months in the writing, and despite several battles with the canon/real-world timeline, I like how it turned out.
2. By Proxy (T, m/m, 13k+)
My first ever exchange assignment, my first ever attempt at writing a casefic plot by myself, my first ever (finished) fic over 10k. This one is very dear to me for a lot of reasons ❤️
3. Fracture Reduction (T, m/m, 2k+)
I'm just so fond of this. It turned out exactly like I hoped it would, and is the epilogue I always wanted for my OTP to follow Biggles in the Terai, which is one of my favourite books in canon. It got stuck for a long, long time, and then a random picture on the wall of a bed & breakfast somehow completely unstuck it. And I got to throw in a reference to one of my favourite poems 🥰
4. Prelude: Maranique, 1918 (T, 2k+)
My first posted Biggles fic! It's quite different to my usual (or, at least, I think it is) but I had the idea and it was one of those itches that demands to be scratched or it'll drive you up the wall, and this was the result. Every time I read it I think I should really do more WW1 fic...
5. Imre: an Addendum (T, m/m, 8k+)
The only non-Biggles on the list! Another exchange fic, this one for Yuletide 2022. I hadn't realised until I was halfway through writing this that there wasn't any fic for this fandom yet (it's still the only one 💔) but by that point I was too far gone to abandon it! I was having an absolutely awful time life-wise when I wrote this and tbh I'm amazed I got it finished, but it was definitely one of the things that kept me going.
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agalnamedlunasea · 2 years
If you're still doing the character ask meme thing
Ibuki and/or Nagito
Hi friend id be happy to talk more lol
Imma do both bc why not
Ibuki first ummm
Fave thing about her is I LOVE her energy. She's so happy and cheerful and honestly emotionally intelligent and confident in herself, and I love that
No least fave thing I think... I like everything about her... I don't have her album that's my least favorite thing
Favorite line
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I really fucking love this line, its so great. I adore. Either this one or the one where she calls hajime a cunt lol
Brotp NAGITO IBUKI BESTIES FOREVER like actually fr. They’d be such powerful besties, I think ibuki would be a good, understanding friend to him, and kind but insistent enough to break through his walls. Also kazuichi, theyd be so powerful, she could help him de-grease his personality, he could totally roll with her music
Otp: im a BIG fan of ibuki x women lol. I don't really have any particular ships for her over any others. I like basically every ship with her and any of the other girls... I also think her and imposter is cute. If I had to pick one probably bandaid? She'd be good w mikan
Notp: I mean again, I like most of her ships, I don't really strongly dislike any ships with her... I guess her and hajime? They'd be funky friends, but I don't think I could see them romantically
Random hc: pretty basic but oh god that girl is adhd as fuck. Also I think it'd be funny if she could handle alcohol really well, like she somehow takes significantly more drinks than any of her friends to get drunk. She'd be a good drunk people babysitter I think
Unpopular opinion... I don't know actually. I feel like ibuki is a pretty well loved character, not much to disagree with
Song I associate with her... am I boring if I say I Squeezed Out the Baby Yet I Have No Idea Who the Father Is by Masuna.
Fave picture is probably the sprite above. She so silly...
Favorite thing is honestly probably how internally consistent his ideology is and how deeply that effects him. He is incredibly straightforward and consistent actually, people just miss it bc his values and the lengths he'll go to for them are SO different from other people's. Its so heavily shaped by his unique life experience due to his luck, and it informs so much of his personality.. he's such a unique character that can really only come from danganronpa and I think thats super cool
Least fave thing... idk, he's really infuriating honestly, but in such an interesting way that I can't really hate it. Idk I guess the self-deprication gets tiring
Favorite line: I have too many favorites.. this one is funny though
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Brotp: obviously ibuki, as already stated, but tbh i think in a post game/non dispair setting i think he should be friends with all the girls in his class actually. Especially ibuki, Sonia, and hiyoko, they'd all be besties w him i think
Otp y'all already know, komahina my beloved
Notp again y'all already know, anything besides komahina. Especially with women, Especially komanami... I do not enjoy
Random hc: I think post game his sleep schedule is completely out of wack. Bouncing between sleeping too much and not enough, nightmares, constantly exhausted. It takes a while to get back to a relatively healthy place with sleep... the nightmares stick around though
Unpopular opinion... um. My brain is broken, the only one I can think of rn I don't really want to share, so skip
Song: zettai kibou birthday ummm besides the obvious one probably first love/late spring by mitski... kind of a basic choice, but fitting i think
Fave picture
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Really I like. Almost every picture of him... so take the first cg of him i could find in my phone
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luthien-under-bough · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
@anamazingangie tagged me - and what better way to procrastinate on actually writing any of my fics??
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 92
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 378,489
3. What fandoms do you write for? House of the Dragon (Daemyra) almost exclusively now; previously mainly Dragon Age: Inquisition and Horizon Zero Dawn, with several different single fic fandoms like Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Skyrim, and probably others I'm forgetting.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I found some hate for you, just for show 
better not touch (i want it too much)
i got a bad desire (baby i'm on fire)
do you feel the hunger?
ain't nobody hurt you like i hurt you
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I respond right away - other times it takes me a while to get to it. Tbh sometimes it's harder to think of a comment reply than it is to write the fic - especially those amazing long, thoughtful comments. I always worry nothing I can possibly respond will properly express how happy I am to receive them. But I truly appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment - nothing makes my day more than seeing that Ao3 comment email.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's got to be i've looked at clouds from both sides now - the ending is just purely hopeless angst. Even my necro fic where Daemon & Rhaenyra both die somehow has a less angsty ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It might surprise people to learn that a lot of my fics actually do end happily, despite my deep, abiding love of angst. peak ends very fluffy and happily; and after some angst in the middle, better not touch (i want it too much) has a very happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not outright hate - sometimes I get comments I don't necessarily appreciate, but I've been pretty lucky so far I guess? Maybe I'm not writing fucked up enough stuff, idk.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Whatever I'm in the mood for - which in the past couple of months has been cannibalism and necrophilia. So. But usually it's some flavor of Daemon being dominant and dirty-talking a lot, featuring my not-so-subtle hand/finger/ring kink and choking kink. I also really enjoy writing Sad Men Jerking Off.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers aren't usually my thing, although I did recently write a ridiculous HotD/Naked Attraction crossover: Naked Attraction: The Lost Episode.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Only once that I know of, but it was quickly taken down. It was literally a copy/paste of do you really feel alive without me mixed with the work of another Daemyra author.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, with my permission.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, although I definitely take a lot of inspiration from conversations I have with other writers in the fandom. I like to think we all mutually enable each other's ideas, with excellent results. And the #ghost 2 au that you might see pop up from my asks has definitely been a collaborative idea with a number of anons! Otherwise, my writing process is too chaotic to make co-writing really viable. I would end up being too stressed over annoying my co-writer with my disorganization.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Daemyra quickly took root in my brain and became my forever OTP. <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have confidence I'll finish all my HotD WIPs. I have an outstanding fic I wrote for The Magicians for a prompt event that is supposed to have a second chapter, but I don't know that I'll ever get around to it since all my fandom energy is spent on Daemyra these days.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I come up with some interesting premises and can push myself creatively pretty regularly. I feel like I'm good at adjusting my prose and narrative voice to suit the setting? Idk, I like my own dialogue and am not ashamed to admit I make myself laugh when writing a lot of it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Uhhh plotting lmao. I mostly write based on vibes. Also planning, outlining, posting with any sort of regular schedule, etc. Like I said earlier about my writing process - it's pure chaos.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I use High Valyrian phrases mixed into dialogue a lot, but otherwise I'm way too lazy to write in a language other than English because I'm nowhere close to fluent in any other language, and I don't want to embarrass myself with shitty online translations.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. Dramione was my original OTP. <3
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
My favorites change constantly depending on what mood I'm in. Here's my current fave from each of my fandoms:
ain't nobody hurt you like i hurt you (House of the Dragon)
Something Wretched About This (Dragon Age)
Closer Than My Hands Have Been (Horizon Zero Dawn)
You Don't Have to Go It Alone or: How to Handle Personnel Issues Aboard the Normandy (Mass Effect - okay this is also my only Mass Effect fic but I really like it so I'm including it)
I’m tagging: @grandlovescheme, @delinquentpurplefox, @rainbowslinkyy, @bluegoldrose
(if they haven’t already done it)
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obitohno · 2 years
Favorite tokyo revengers arc and why?
Comfort character/person/item/food?
Favorite character & scenarios to writes to write about?
First character you felt that you related too?
Favorite mutuals or writers?
And lastly hope you know your lovely and if you were a flower, I'd admire you all day long
hiiiii! thank you so, so much for sending these! they were v fun to answer!
1–i am way behind on the tr manga bc i’m collecting the physical volumes, so i’ll be waiting to read the rest of the story as it’s printed,,, but! my favourite so far definitely has to be the very beginning. the way that the story is set up, takemichi’s first encounter with toman, i just loved it all ♡
2–hmm, i don’t necessarily have one comfort character (bc i love so many), n i’m kinda boring, so i don’t have one specific comfort item, but my comfort person is most definitely my mum. my anxiety levels can get really stressful n even though i’m in my twenties, there are certain tasks that i struggle with doing alone (i.e. talking otp, going to a checkout by myself, driving etcetc), n so she does a lot to help me. i’m not very good at voicing my feelings aloud, so idk if she knows it, but i’m eternally grateful for her, n i truly don’t know where or what i’d be without her
3–i have too many characters that i enjoy writing about, but i am forever weak for the werewolf/omegaverse theme. i’ve only posted a couple of them on here, though, but i definitely plan to write more
4–tbh, i don’t think i relate to one specific character? there have probably been those that i thought that i was similar to, but i am mostly drawn to those who are the complete opposite of me? i.e. hanma, ran, obito, bakugo etc, bc i lack confidence n i’m pretty withdrawn irl (until i get to know someone properly), so being around someone who is more open n loud usually makes me feel more secure/content? does this even make sense?
5–i have a lot of faves, but here are some recs: @maginxlia @httphaitani @vampyrsm @half-baked-biscuit @littleoanh @akicore @kokonoiscoconut @kingkatsuki @sxkunas @okhotel n, of course, you
6–i hope that you know that you’re the loveliest flower of the bunch ♡
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