#they won't stop attacking them
cinnamon-flame · 4 months
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Hello I am back with more Viva Piñata doodles! Turns out if you think enough about fluffy piñatas you can force your way through art block (at least for a while)
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The typical Viva Piñata experience, I love you Pretztail but why are you like this I drew so many Pretztail as a "do over" of my first Viva Piñata drawing from 2018
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that's when it all started
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katyspersonal · 3 months
me: I do not really understand the hardcore insistence of some Mohg fans/simps that he could not or must not have done any sexual-incestous crime! Not only it is a reasonable version, but also extremely interesting and intriguing to explore how not all victims of oppressive system are good people! Soulsborne is super fitting for fucked up themes and characters, any Mohg is valid and fun including the darkest you can get, right? Extremely messed-up interpretations of Mohg don't THREATEN other fans in any way shape or form!
fandom clowns: *passively-aggressively shun Mohg fans from the circles, attack Fromsoft for """homophobia""" (wtf), confuse acknowledging the event with enjoying the event, will label Mohg fans as insensitive or danger to real SO/incest victims, fear Mohg as an awful scary taboo to bring up in memes compilations or fanart that could obliterate all fun despite him being part of the canon, demand blacklisting anything about him in their clown Discord servers thus making lore chats weird, shame or block people with flattering interpretations for MeDiA iLiTeRaCy uwu, treat hating Mohg as a moral act rather than personal stance and generally cause a lot of hostility in the fandom, ALL because whereas seeing Mohg's SO as canon they then got mad at this canon instead of either swallowing it or move onto another videogame free of this theme*
me: Nevermind, this fandom is chronically incapable of handling the dark themes and think the fandom owes them sanitised experience.
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the-casbah-way · 3 months
i’m assuming jamie was written out for real-world logistical reasons but i don’t think he could or should have come back anyway. when the attack dog goes rabid and gnaws through his own fucking leash there's nothing much anyone can do but stand there and watch. you can train a dog to bite for you but once they've got enough of a taste for blood they're going to stop giving a shit about who they've got between their teeth so long as there's something to tear into. maybe malcolm never had jamie on a leash in the first place. maybe jamie didn't bite because malcolm asked him to. maybe he just liked the taste of blood. malcolm hired a loyal dog and got what he paid for because at the end of the day jamie stayed so loyal that it became the death of him. loyal to the party. not malcolm
#does this make sense ???? grabs you and shakes you DOES THIS MAKE SENSE#it's like. is jamie on a leash really ??? because the closer you look the less it seems that way#he doesn't back down when malcolm tries to step in and de-escalate. he doesn't listen when malcolm asks him to stop#e.g. infamous beloved life-changing julius nicholson EAT THE FUCKING CHEESE scene.#the second it gets physically violent malcolm tries to step in and jamie just fucking bolts out the door after the fucker#not to turn such a deeply unserious scene serious but it is literally like an actual dog attack#like when a dog goes rabid. the owner can stand there and try and talk sense into it but it won't work#even in that one deleted scene from s+l where malcolm's telling jamie to behave and stop fucking everything up#and it DOES seem to work a wee bit. it feels more like jamie's just trying to get malc off his back rather than actually listening#he's only backing down because what he'd been trying clearly wasn't working anymore. not because malcolm asked#and it's like it's more of a betrayal from jamie's point of view right ??#malcolm's the one who ditched the party and backed whoever he needed to in order to maintain his position#but to malcolm it's like. if he's safe then jamie is too. he'll always look out for the both of them#but HE needs to be secure in order for him to do that. jamie's supposed to bite who malcolm asks him to. not just fucking anyone#so they both feel the knife in their back but jamie was trying to do what's right. malcolm was trying to save them both#(this is just my interpretation / opinion. i don't know shit. and i'm not articulate enough to explain it)#ttoi#the thick of it#malcolm tucker#jamie macdonald
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galacticlamps · 3 months
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(or 1993 & 1973, depending how you look at it)
one day I'll look at charles' coat and not see lockwood's jacket. not today tho.
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vmures · 1 month
If you've done something horrific and want to apologize, you might want to avoid stating you are now a martyr. Kind of negates the apology by showing you aren't actually sorry for harming people, you're just sorry that others in your in group are mad at you for it.
It's also important to realize that no one owes you forgiveness for your actions. You have to do the work--understand why what you did was wrong, get help to deal why you behaved the way you did, and work to be a better person in the future.
None of it is easy, and you will likely have to deal with a whole lot of returned ugliness because of your actions. Are those people in the right to be just as ugly and awful as you, probably not. But they're just as human as you and reacting from a place of pain and trauma. Hopefully, they too will learn that lashing out is not the best action and that it creates a vicious cycle of ugliness. But painting yourself as the victim when you were the initial bad actor...looks really awful and strongly invalidates your apology.
Grace is one of the hardest things to offer when one is hurt and upset. Asking for it when your apology comes across as insincere and self serving...is not the greatest idea.
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priestbit · 27 days
i really need to write about donnie's whole relationship to god and religion sometime, huh?
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my brother in christ, you need to stop hating what people are posting about mark hoffman and start posting all the deep character analysis your heart desires or something because being pissy at the fandom won't achieve shit, i'm being sincere
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thethingything · 2 months
also shoutout to the hospital for sending us a bunch of PDFs with information about preparing for surgery and what to expect, except the information was all generic stuff where most of it does't actually apply to wisdom tooth removal, so I had a huge panic attack where I nearly threw up because a bunch of the stuff mentioned in there is extremely triggering for us, only to then find out that stuff literally doesn't apply anyway, but now I feel like I have even less of an idea of what to actually expect because it's so hard to figure out which information does apply
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#posts made on pain meds#emetophobia tw#the thing is one of the PDFs is actually specifically for us and has our name in the file name and has been edited to be the right info#but it's only for one specific thing while all the other information about what to expect is just generic stuff#which makes it even more confusing because it gives the impression that it's all specific to this surgery when it isn't#also it's 13 fucking PDFs and we're supposed to read through all of them#but I managed to skim over like 2 paragraphs from one of the generic ones before I started panicking so hard I nearly threw up#(I tried to read the others while already panicking and you can imagine how this went)#it would be nice if people could fucking communicate with us clearly about what's going on#instead of whatever the fuck this is because now we've had multiple instances of being confused as fuck because nobody explained shit#and also if medical professionals could actually fucking understand how medical trauma works and maybe work with us#to figure out how to make this less distressing so we don't have to keep dealing with panic attacks like this#we're not freaked out by the procedure itself. it's a bunch of the other stuff around it that probably doesn't seem like a huge deal#a lot of it feels very dehumanising and like we don't get a say in what people do to us#and there are lots of little things you can do to make us feel less like we're in control and less like we're being dehumanised#but nobody does that and they don't seem to get why certain stuff would be distressing#also the kind of panic attacks we have with this are ones where we don't seem to be able to calm ourselves down#we literally have to use the ''shove an ice cube/something really spicy in your mouth'' trick when we have them#because our brain will not fucking stop and then we spend the next couple of hours really dazed and struggling to process anything#and obviously I don't fucking want that to happen in a hospital because nobody is gonna handle that well#I'm concerned the nurses won't understand how dissociation works and will keep refusing to let us go home#because of us being really spaced out and woozy from the dissociation because they'll assume it's from the sedation instead#when going home would be the thing that would help us stop being so spaced out because we'd be leaving the triggering environment
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crystalkleure · 1 year
What they do not tell you about harassment is that if the people trying to get a rise out of you are not succeeding by prodding you directly, they will change tactics and try to get a rise out of you by harassing your friends
Even somebody who isn't particularly affected by verbal abuse being directed towards themself is likely to be very upset by their friends getting dragged into it and getting hurt
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didderd · 1 year
idk if you do know about or not, but things like anxiety can cause also cause tics. my s/o has pretty bad anxiety tics that result in a lot of jolted movements mixed with squeaks or chirps. He says that they can even be quite painful but there isn't much he can do to fix it other than try and relax since it's literally stress induced. I don't know how it would realistically interact with tourettes but I don't imagine it would make it any better. I just thought I might share my experience with things since you were talking about the bad sans and i personally thought that one or more of them having that retrospect of things slowly getting worse in that department would be interesting.
From what I've heard, anxiety won't be the root cause of tics (this is just what I've heard from ppl, it could be false, so take it with a grain of salt), but I do know from experience that anxiety can trigger tics pretty bad! So your s/o could have a Tic Disorder on top of his anxiety, but I'm just some person on the internet with Tourette's that has limited knowledge of this stuff, so if he wants to see for sure, he should talk to a professional. ^^) (No pressure to do so ofc.)
And yeah! :D Most of them I'm sure have some pretty bad anxiety and PTSD, so their Tourette's is probably triggered by this a lot. :>
Like if one of them is having an anxiety/PTSD attack, they might have a tic attack on top of that.
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zehecatl · 2 years
some people will literally look at THE most gay shit imaginable, and go ‘oh what a lovely father and son :)’
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ragnarssons · 11 months
people who pretend to be neutral and are like "hamas totally bombed that hospital, there are proofs" and are citing IDF as a source (even tho they don't say said proofs come from IDF, google works fast yknow), and expose these proofs without even pointing out that some of them have already been debunked... y'all are just clear as day.
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shinehyuk · 2 years
sad(upset) and mad
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bugpov · 2 years
why is anyone going to a grocery store like we should all be farming and cooking soup over fires outside and sipping hot soup under the stars to keep warm and bathing in cool streams to replenish our energy during the day and traveling and migrating from place to place, exploring the world and discovering new things to help us heal and advance our species towards godliness
#snail sounds#one day animals won't be so afraid of us anymore i think#and we will stop living so unnaturally#the invention of cars and even riding horses to me is honestly a tragedy#like i understand the appeal but still no#anything that uproots you from the earth in a way that makes you feel more powerful than it is to be kept away from#cars cause so much kidnapping and sex trafficking and i understand this stuff happens regardless#but we've made it easier for these sickos#cars are so dumb and they make us detached from what is real#people are so impatient when im crossing the street too sometimes like can u chill the fuck out . just relax fucking calm down#beep beep honk honk go to work go to work go to work go to work#this is madness#the world is dominated by men dominated by their madness#im so disgusted#we need to go back to living in little villages and weaving baskets#anybody who's still doing that rn is doing something right and we should all be like them#cuz fuck america fuck this made up imaginary nation that weirdos worship#honestly the average cishet white american will make a hot take so hot that it's like they're basically saying 'ya im facist so what ?'#very concerning#like stop getting so defensive for no reason . ur not the one under attack here esp if u are not part of a marginalized group of people#just be fucking uncomfortable cuz life isn't about being in constant coddling comfort and care#it's always just like 'oh my perspective matters toooo' n then they share whatever bs they were about to say#only to prove at the end of it that they weren't listening to the other person talk at all . like their ears just start ringing#while a marginalized person is explaining how they've experienced oppression#and then the oppressor is like 'well what about how you've hurt my fragile uwu feelings by calling me out on my bullshit how dare u'#it's like talking to a brick wall they are insistent upon living in darkness#n like it's sad but you can't force anything upon something like that . u can't force anyone to change or even do anything it's not right#u just gotta be kind and hope for the best i suppose#just keep talking about ur experiences cuz everyone needs to speak up against the oppression they face#not just a select few influencers with a few general statements on their political stance and nothing else very groundbreaking or memorable
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i stg i'm gonna FIND the guy who wrote wig's hamlet quotes.
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cosmogyros · 21 days
#okay you know what's depressing af#i just watched chappell roan's statement video about how people are treating her#and i had previously assumed the fans' behavior must be REALLY over the top if she made a whole video about it#but listening to her describe what happens to her on a regular basis made me go UMMMMM#because... almost all that shit happened to me on a practically daily basis when i lived in atlanta#like i'm not even exaggerating here. and i'm no one. not famous at ALL#this is just the way you get treated if you're a woman who spends her days walking in that city#the stuff she describes in her statement is genuinely so mild#except that it's NOT. it's totally valid for anyone to feel upset about it!#which just makes me realize once again how deeply extremely fucked up it was#that i was subjected to that shit every single fucking day for multiple years of my life#literally would not ever leave the house without noise-cancelling headphones and big reflective sunglasses#and i still had total strangers talking to me; calling to me across the street;#yelling 'compliments' at me; yelling insults at me; yelling really disgusting stuff at me#following me for blocks and blocks while cussing me out#grabbing my arm to stop me when i tried to walk away from them; or otherwise touching me without my consent#getting right up in my face all of a sudden so i legit thought i was being attacked for a moment#total strangers telling me that they'd noticed me around and apparently figured out where i lived#...i could go on for a while. but i won't. bc even just remembering it brings me down#anyway i'm not even particularly a chappell roan fan but i am feeling a lot of sad solidarity with her right now#while also thinking 'oh honey... you would not survive a month in the ATL :')'#this is one of those moments where i'm like 'oh. yeah. i guess it actually really is valid that i have legit trauma from those years. huh'#oof#street harassment cw#cosmo gyres#personal#tag rant
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