#they’re too much to resist 😔
lovestruckbimbo · 1 year
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daydreamingyuta · 8 months
jeno fluff please..😔 knowing how he is a big homebody, i’m sure he’s the kind that would love to just chill around the house or find random things to do to keep himself entertained 🥹
Homebody | Jeno
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summary: fluff, bf!Jeno spending a relaxing day at home with you instead of going out. wc: 1,066 a/n: I've been wanting to write for Jeno for a while now so thank you for requesting! Jeno's such a cutie so I had sm fun writing this. I hope you like it! <3
The two of you had every intention of going out today, but like always, staying home just sounded so much better. Jeno definitely wasn’t complaining, he had always been a homebody and getting to spend time with his favorite person in sweatpants was all he could ask for. 
You’re sitting in Jeno’s bed on your phone, when you hear him walk through the door with a pile of snacks in his arms.You crane your neck a bit so you can get a better view of everything he was holding.
“Are you smiling that big because of me or the snacks?” Jeno asks, stopping at the doorway.
“... the snacks obviously.”
He fake pouts and refuses to move any closer toward you. You two have a mini staring contest before you finally give up. Getting out of the bed, you walk over to Jeno who instinctively moves the snacks further away from you. “I’m not going to grab them.” You say, taking Jeno’s face into your hands and pressing your lips onto his. “Obviously I was smiling because of you.”
“Here.” He says happily, handing over your favorite chips. You gladly take them and hop back into his bed, moving the blanket back and patting the bed to invite Jeno to sit. All the snacks flop onto the bed while he gets situated. You feel his arms wrap around you as he moves you in between his legs with your back resting against his chest. You always loved to sit like this because Jeno was the absolute best pillow.
You get comfortable and you feel Jeno’s hand rest on your thigh, which was something that always made you melt. “What are we watching?” You ask, turning your head so you can look up at him. 
“Hm, I don’t know, let's just go through netflix and see what we find.” He says, grabbing the remote. As always, It took you two far too long to settle on a movie, but you finally pick one you’re both interested in. 
Throughout the movie, you both share all the snacks but once they’re gone, you find yourselves more cuddled into each other. By the time the movie was over, you had moved to Jeno’s side so you could watch videos on his phone while you ran your fingers through his soft hair. 
This went on for a while until one video replayed three times and Jeno still hadn’t moved onto the next one. You look over at him and see that he had closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of you playing with his hair. You stop and give a gentle tug which causes his eyes to open. 
“You’re so cute Jeno.” You say, as he looks up at you.  
“Please don’t stop, baby.” He says, giving you those eyes that you could never resist so of course, you oblige. Before you know it, he starts to fall asleep. He had been pretty busy lately so you could hardly blame him for needing to take a nap. You were always so easily influenced by him so you also decided to close your eyes. Your body moves closer to him as you feel his arms wrap tightly around you, which always makes you feel so safe and comforted. 
You really don’t know why you don’t take naps with Jeno more often. Waking up in his arms always reminded you of how much you adored moments like this with him. His slightly messy hair, his warm body being pressed against yours, and how relaxed you felt like this. It made you want to appreciate more of these types of moments with him, the moments he only shares with you.
You’re both on your phones trying to fully wake up again, when you hear Jeno’s phone ding. You didn’t mean to look over and read his text, but you saw that Haechan had asked him if he could go online and play a game. You assumed he would say yes, but he didn’t move. 
“You can play with Haechan, I don’t mind.” You say, surprising him that you had seen what Haechan had said. 
“No, I don't wanna ignore you.” He says, grabbing your hand in his and squeezing it. 
“No, really I brought my book over and I know you’ve been wanting to play all week.” Before you could fully get your sentence out, Jeno gives you no less than ten kisses all over your face. “Tell me if you get bored and I’ll get off, ok?.”
You nod your head, assuring him that you’re more than fine with it. You’re at a really good part in your book right now anyways so you get comfy while Jeno starts up his game.
Almost an hour goes by and you’re so into your book. You just got to the reveal of the plot twist and your eyes are glued to the story, which is why you didn’t notice Jeno staring at you. The sounds of his game were still going on in the background so there was nothing to signify to you that he had stopped playing. 
“You’re so pretty baby.” He says, taking you away from the different world on the pages. You look up at him and use your book to cover up your smile. Jeno always found a way to make you shy. “You’re supposed to be playing your game.”
“I know, but I looked over at you and got distracted.” You watch as he turns back to his computer and shuts the game off. He walks over to you and flops down right next to you. “Don’t let me stop you from reading your book.” He says, as he gestures for you to keep reading.
“Are you going to stare at me the whole time?” 
Jeno nods his head and then finds a comfortable spot so he can do exactly that. You read your book for about two minutes before you get shy again from his gaze. “Jennoo” You say, holding your book down, unable to hold in your smile
“Ok, ok I’ll stop but it’s not my fault you’re so addicting to look at.” You watch as he takes his eyes off of you and takes his phone out. You try to get back to your book but his sweet words were the only thing that filled your mind.
“I’m glad we stayed home today.”
“Hm, me too.”
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bakubunny · 7 months
um- if no one asked i would like you to hear those hc’s on izuku and shinso 🙄 (tenya and tokoyami too if that’s not asking for too much😔)
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not too much for sure, i’m having a lot of fun with this. ask away. 🖤 tried to chill a little bit on some of the sizes bc i’m tryna have mercy on some of y’all.
eat up @cheffuckboyrdee @neon-gothicc.
repeating the disclaimer that i know it’s not realistic for every guy ever to be above average but it’s my (dick) party and i’ll drool over them if i want to.
size is 6.5” long and 6.25” girth, he’s longer than average, shorter than the others i’ve mentioned so far and it’s thickkkk. BUT
i’m a little undecided on him bc my brain says “i want to throat pro!deku’s dick while he uses me until head empty,” but my heart says, “canonically he’s got the fattest dick hands down, *maybe* after kiri.” and we’ve already discussed kiri, we know no one is taking his dick down their throat. so my hcs on izuku’s (and sometimes kiri’s) size fluctuate a bit. 😅
curved upward, very veiny, bit of a mushroom head. fairly even girth but widest at the base. heavy balls.
clean shaven for the most part except maybe a soft green patch and a cute lil happy trail…. def not bc he’s into rimming and has his own dildos he wants to get pegged with.
goes crazy over teasing head and long hand jobs with edging but also has the desire to ruthlessly fuck your throat ngl. loves fucking your thighs.
also a fan of foreplay out of necessity. hence another reason why he’s such a big lover of giving head.
size is 7” long and just shy of 6” girth. he’s at that sweet spot imo where he’s big enough to feel huge inside and heavy when it hits your face but you’re not in a cold sweat just trying to take the whole thing.
even girth, mostly straight with a little bit of a curve to the left. some prominent veins but not a ton. he’s another one with pretty balls. 🫢
he’s got a cute purple happy trail at his belly button. 🥺 likes to stay trimmed but will clean up if you ask.
loves when you deep throat him and gets even harder if you struggle or gag. loves sloppy head & when you massage his balls.
many of the guys mentioned so far have nice softies, but his is particularly cute.
i am going to resist the urge to hc his size as 8-9”/6”ish and uncut even tho that’s what i feel deep in my soul abt this man. 😭 pro!fumi just has that vibe. i’m not trying to make them all the same, i promise.
size is 6.5” long and 5.5” girth. enough to leave you more than satisfied and bonus: finally someone who’s not too big for quickies whenever you want. (say you’re bratting a lil too much and next thing you know you’re bent over in a public bathroom. 🫢 or he just can’t wait to get you home. 🫢🫢)
uncut, straight, not v. veiny, even girth or widest at the base (i can’t decide), breeder balls. they’re heavy and pretty. typically clean shaven, little bit of a happy trail when he does let it grow.
if any of you lovelies remember this hc series, you might remember that i firmly believe fumi loves getting head.
likes any position that involves being really close physically or going as deep as possible.
size is a bit over 6” long and 5” girth. he’s not the biggest of boys but he knows how to use it… with a little guidance. probably for the better that he’s not massive bc he likes to go hard and fast, but you can break him of that habit if you want.
cut, a little veiny, downward curve, and narrower at the base and wider at head. his balls are big in comparison to his dick.
likes having his perineum played with but was absolute shocked at how quickly he came from it the first time.
he can be dominant but he’s weak for pretty eyes, pretty lips, and tit jobs. let your tongue hang out and hold up your bare tits and he’s a goner.
size is 6.5” long and a little under 5.5” girth. shower rather than a grower. he’s got a softie that hangs and it’s adorable.
hard upward curve, veiny, head that’s not too prominent but cut, slightly narrower at base and head. his balls match his size but they’re very sensitive. doesn’t always like them played with but sometimes it’s nice.
his body hair is half & half just like the hair on his head. 😭 generally very clean shaven but it’s so pretty when he lets that happy trail grow.
i can’t decide if he prefers handjobs or oral sex more but he whines like a damn baby when you edge him and he loves it.
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 16 days
(in case tumblr ate it) jance, 17 🥰
yes it seems it did😔 here's what i was going to reply to you haha
tysm for your request jo 💜💜💜 i really enjoyed writing it!
also posted to ao3 here
He may not have known him for very long, but Jan has never seen Nace this nervous before. Yes, he had been shy when they first met (though Jan was shyer), yes he had been on edge before his first gig with them, yes he’d been quiet in the studio while they were recording Carpe Diem. Now, though, he isn’t tense and reticent, as he usually is when he’s anxious. No; he’s pacing up and down in the heavy silence of the RTV’s dressing room wringing his hands, jumping every time any of the others say or do anything, fiddling with the hem of his jacket, smoothing down his hair obsessively. These are nervous tics Jan has never seen from him before and it’s making him restless too. Watching Nace, he is filled with the urge to go over and wrap him in a crushing hug, as though he can leech away all his stress and anticipation with one touch.
Jan is used to taking comfort in Nace’s presence. He knows too that Nace takes comfort in him. They’ve been slowly exploring the something between them for the past few months, unable to hold back despite the knowledge that entering a relationship with a bandmate can get messy. He doesn’t want to rush things, doesn’t want to rock the boat, to overstep a boundary and cause an explosion. But he can’t sit here and watch Nace get more and more wound up with nerves just as they’re meant to go on stage.
Before he’s quite decided what the plan is, Jan suddenly finds himself standing. The other four all turn to face him and he almost shrinks under the combined weight of their attention, but he’s desperate for a moment alone with Nace, so he steels himself and gestures vaguely at Bojan, Kris, and Jure.
“You three, out,” he says abruptly, not quite able to make eye contact with any of them. He expects some kind of resistance, perhaps from Bojan, but they all obey him without a word, and he watches them leave in his peripheral vision from where he’s looking at the floor. There are a few brief moments after the door swings closed behind Kris in which neither Jan nor Nace say anything, and then Jan turns around. 
Nace looks somehow even more nervous now it’s just the two of them; he’s holding onto the back of the chair next to him as though he might fall over without its support. At the sight of him, Jan no longer has any qualms about what is needed and he crosses the floor without a word to gather Nace into his arms. Nace relaxes into him immediately, holding him tightly back, tipping his head down so his forehead is resting on Jan’s shoulder. They stand like this for several minutes, impossibly close and yet not close enough. Jan hopes that Nace is as calmed and reassured by the contact, by Jan’s warmth and familiar smell, as Jan is by him. He only loosens his grip when Nace stops shaking and steps back far enough that they can see each other’s faces, though he keeps his arms slung around Nace’s neck so he can’t pull too far away.
“Want to talk about it?”
Nace opens his mouth to answer but can’t find the words. Jan doesn’t interrupt, just gives Nace time to formulate what he’s trying to say. It takes a few long minutes, but eventually Nace is able to articulate himself. “It’s the first project I’ve worked on with you guys,” he says slowly, eyes downcast. “What if the fans don’t like my influence on your sound? What if they don’t think I fit your image?”
Jan leans in and bumps his forehead reassuringly against Nace’s. “Fuck the fans,” he says lowly, and it startles a laugh out of Nace. The sound makes something twist in Jan’s stomach. He loves hearing Nace laugh, loves the way he has so much joy to share and isn’t afraid of expressing it. “I mean it,” he repeats. “We like the way you create with us, we love this song. If our current fans don’t like it or don’t like you, then fuck them; we’ll make plenty of new fans through Eurovision.” 
Neither of them are as ambitious as Bojan and Kris are regarding fame or global exposure, but they all decided to go on this journey knowing that was the plan. Jan’s always been in it for the music; the unparalleled joy of creating music, those magical moments on stage when he becomes the music. But he can’t let Nace be afraid of their Eurovision journey before it’s even started.
Nace is still anxious and Jan can tell. He wants to address the other question Nace had posed, to reassure him, but now it’s his turn to be tongue tied and nervous. He wants to tell Nace how attractive he is, how his smile makes Jan’s heart skip a beat, that he wants to map Nace’s skin with his tongue and teeth, that he’s desperate to learn how to take him apart with just a few touches. But they’re taking it slow, trying not to rush into things, even though Jan knows his traitorous heart isn’t listening to reason.
So he does the only thing he can to ensure his tongue won’t betray his feelings; he steps back into Nace’s personal space and kisses him fiercely.
No matter how many times they kiss, Jan knows he will never tire of it. His entire universe at this moment is the heat of Nace’s mouth, the taste of him, the way he’s threading his fingers through Jan’s hair and sliding a hand down his back to pull him closer. Nace is pliant under Jan’s hands and tongue, willing to cede all control and let Jan do what he wants to him, and what Jan wants is to take him apart, to make him forget all traces of his nervousness for their upcoming performance. But they’re in their shared dressing room, where their bandmates or frankly anyone else could walk in, and as desperately as he wants to let go of all his inhibitions, he knows that would be far too reckless, and so, reluctantly, he pulls away. They’re both panting and a little unsteady on their feet, and Jan opens his eyes to take in Nace’s flushed cheeks and kiss-bruised lips. Willpower alone stops him from leaning back in to finish what they’ve started, and he can see clearly in Nace’s face the same desire.
“Was that a good enough distraction?” Jan asks, his voice unexpectedly husky.
“It wasn’t bad,” Nace admits breathlessly, and Jan can hear the smile in his voice. After a few long moments, Nace releases his tight grip on Jan’s shirt and steps back far enough that they can see themselves in the mirror. All Jan can think is that they’re lucky they haven’t gone to hair and make-up yet; they’re both so dishevelled that it’s obvious what they’ve been up to even without any telltale traces of smudged foundation. Nace reaches up to smooth down Jan’s hair again, and Jan leans instinctively into his touch. “I think we’ve got a different problem now,” Nace says wryly, and Jan is inclined to agree. Bojan, Kris, and Jure will surely be back any moment now and they’ll be sent off to hair and make-up; they can only hope their racing hearts will have time to slow before they’re called on stage.
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hello ari i am gently bonking your head with mine hehehe this is how we exchange ideas ok..... now that i've heard abt arisugu n arigojo first meetings.... i do need to know abt arikenny's first interaction now!!!!! and and and.... is.... is arishoko also a thing.... bc i think she would absolutely love you too like holy fuck you guys would work so well i feel like!!!!!!!!!!! why'd i immediately think of a first meeting that's like a little clumsy and cute?? like smth along the lines of you just bumping into her in like a coffee shop???? and you'd apologize over the shoulder and then she's just staring at you with that little devious smile of hers???? hehehe idk i feel like this could be canon ok anyway ily don't stay up too late my love!!!! mwah<3 - @teddybeartoji
HELLO MICKEY :33 this is us rn
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okay so !!! i thought a Lot abt this one….. arishoko n arikenny are definitely the ones that r the least. Clear. in my mind. bUT i love them very dearly so!!!! we’ll see if i can make this cohesive 😭
FIRST OF ALLLL arishoko :33 it’s very very much a Thing honestly i think that. realistically. out of all four options shoko is the one i’d get together w irl… she’s just very much my type n i think i could charm her w my silly ways !!!!! but yes …..
OKAY SO I THINK. that. you’re absolutely right….. it’s a lot more soft n sweet than some of the other ones 😭 THE CAFE IDEA IS SOOOO CUTE cafe dates would be our standard for sure…… BUT I FEEL LIKE. we would meet. at a Bar. i don’t drink so i’d probably just be there accompanying a friend and i’m hating every second of it bc :// there r ppl around :/// the music is kinda loud and the lighting hurts my eyes :////// i’m just suffering and trying to read my lil book while my friends are dancing in the corner and ohhhh would you look at that…… a pretty girl is sitting rlly close to me…………. and i’m trying to subtly stare at her bc i’m enamored and. i think. she catches me in the act and i get flusteredPBDKDBDJD you get the vibes. i’m normal abt her.
so she strikes up a conversation …….. for SURE teases me abt coming to a bar just to read my gay little book and order sweet non-alcoholic drinks smh (may or may not make a throwaway comment abt how she has a friend who’s just like that… i’m forever thinking abt her calling gojo a big kid in one of the light novels bc she had to find a bar that sells non-alcoholic drinks for him LMAOO)…. and i am just. a little smitten. this is 100% an ari falls first kind of scenario i can’t resist the allure of a super pretty mysterious woman !!! :((((( and then i think she recommends a bar . that’s a lot more chill. that she likes. and she kinda just coaxes me into dating her i think 😭😭 i doooo see it as a slowburn but not nearly as much as the others shoko has me wrapped around her finger 💔💔
OH ANDDDD i should mention that i thought more abt the Lore both for arishoko and arigojo and!!!! i think that i’d probably be a non-sorcerer in both…. bc i think satoshoko in particular would rlly benefit from that ?? likeee shoko just meets someone outside of the school / jujutsu society and it’s just. a kind of normalcy that she doesn’t usually have!!! one that she finds rlly precious!!!! :((( and it’s the same w gojo but even worse bc i think he Craves normalcy. shoko already has canonical ties to non-sorcerers but gojo is kinda stuck in the jujutsu world so :’3 i feel like he’d meet a rando and just. fall for them very hard. they don’t know who he is, they don’t know he’s the strongest. to them he’s just. a Guy. and i think he loves that a lot. i’m just their Just Some Guy <333333 i think they’d both be reallyyyy adamant on Not getting me involved in their world at all. gojo introduces me to the students and shoko (begrudingly) introduces me to gojo when he crashes our date (😔) but it’s like. they’re protective … yk ……
…… this is already rlly long T—T BUT THE TRAIN NEVER STOPS i need to let it run its course…….
with that being said !!!! arikenny. the Forbidden selfship. the deranged version of arisugu. where do i even begin w this man….
honestly . this one is… yeah . i imagine it as an established relationship (<- very vaguely) bc it’s hard to picture Anyone capturing kenny’s attention w/o being reallyyyyy special 😭😭 which is why i have less thoughts on the Lore and more on the dynamic itself!!! but ummmm . i can picture us meeting in a coffee shop…. there’s this old wip i have where reader spots him sitting in a corner and eventually they start talking. abt the books they’re reading. nothing much just kenny picking their brain a little and yapping just to yap….. so i could picture it being kinda like that!! maybe i capture his attention somehow? 😭 it only really makes sense if i happen to be beneficial to his plan or something…? BUUT again i’m not super interested in the lore for this one!!!! so i’ll just talk a lil abt the dynamic hehe.
i just think. kenny is a freak. i’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure him out when it comes to x reader stuff bc i think his love is very unorthodox 😭 he’s just so detached yk?? buuut i think he can be very silly and affectionate in his own way :3 i fear he’s a Mother and a Father in one. in the worst of ways…. i could only picture him being in an Actual relationship w someone he views as his equal, but i don’t know if . that could ever apply to me LMAO. so if anything i think it’s similar to moji in that….. he just. finds a puppy in the pouring rain and brings it home. bc it’s kinda silly and good company. so maybe he does see me a little like. a Pet. kind of . I DOOO WANT TO SAY HE CARES FOR ME BUT. yk… he really wasn’t built for selfshipping. he’s a weirdo!! but i think it’s love at first sight for me…. i’m weak for milfs i fear 💔💔 and i think he does develop some kind of soft spot eventually :3 we’re. roommates. roommates who play board games and sleep in each others’ lap. roommates who kiss. i’d like to kiss his brain. WHO SAID THAT…
ok that was a big big ramble but !!!!! standard arimickey interaction let’s be real. it’s funny bc arishoko is so grounded somehow and arikenny is 💀💀 the way it is. i guess it’s sort of like a god/devout believer pairing … but without. the religious aspect. i think there’s very much a power dynamic involved this bitch is ANCIENT….. anyway that’s all tysm for reading my lovely sunflower baby <33333 i hope !! you’re having a nice day!!! ilyvm!!!!
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zoros-bandana · 2 years
hello!! ₍₍ ◝( ゚∀ ゚ )◟ ⁾⁾
How are you writer-sama?? (or do you prefer chan?)
I have a request for u! (ノ0)ノ💌
How do you think this introverts: Zoro, Law and Ace (kinda introv?) Would act with their s/o once they're "comfortable enough" with them? cuz I feel like their s/o would have some kind of "privileges" (?) and a somehow "different treatment"?? if you know what I mean (◕દ◕)
bc i think that at a certain point of the relationship they will already know and have already seen all of their different sides and aspects and so they accept them wholely (is that a word?) 😔 so they naturally feel more at ease and kind of lower more their defensive side with them.. 🥺
I hope it's clear 😭 and of course if you want to do it love! It can be a headcanon maybe?and preferably a fem!reader?
Sending love~💚
BYE BYE !! ⋋✿ ⁰ 0 ⁰ ✿⋌
Hello my darling-sama!!! I have been okay; I hope you are doing well and are staying safe. Sending my love to you 
I love this request sm I fricken love my boys <3
Introvert Relationship Headcanons
(Ft. Zoro, Law, and Ace)
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When he is first dating his S/o he is very blushy and nervous to be around them especially when it’s official and everyone knows about them. Isn’t quite used to showing or receiving affection so is a bit of a mess
Takes a while to be open with his S/o and not be so on guard all the time 
After becoming more comfortable with the idea that his s/o is actually his own, he will warm up and actually open up to them
Pre time skip he is happy to openly show small moments of affection such as letting his S/o have their hand on him while guiding him around or leaning in close and chatting to them with a big goofy smile on his face 
After the time skip he is much more stoic and serious than he used to be but when he is alone with his S/o he reverts back to his old goofy and funny self 
When he is alone with them it feels like a massive weight is off his shoulders and is able to relax 
He is very smiley and laughs/jokes with them - lets a really loud and body shaking laugh out like he used to
Secretly thrives on a mutual connection and communication - opens up a lot with his partner and wishes them to always discuss how they’re feeling so he can improve himself (his version of training his relationship)
Isn’t too affectionate but does like when his partner lies on his shoulder/lap or cuddles up to him
His love language is quality time
Drags his S/o everywhere with him like a little ragdoll that he can toss over his shoulder if they’re resisting
Will always make sure his partner is fast asleep before he is able to relax and sleep himself - this is the only time he is affectionate and allows his partner to sleep in his arms and snuggle into him
Is a lot more vulnerable and isn’t afraid to be “soft” (much like the simpy chef)
Always looking for his S/o and notices when something is wrong or they’re missing - which is huge for this airhead
In saying this, he will listen to them with direction and always knows where he is going if it includes his s/o (if he is with them or needs to get to them)
His S/o is the only person who he trusts to hold or handle his swords when he needs help or assistance in cleaning
His S/o is the only person who can make him smile easy. He just melts away the stubbornness around his S/o which baffles the rest of the crew as they’ve never seen him so happy before
Will give up training or napping to make his s/o happy - will stop everything to give them all his attention
Will only bathe if his s/o tells him to due to his bad stench (protests only if they join him)
His S/o will have to say “I love you” first unless Zoro is very drunk or very sleepy 
Won’t initiate the idea of dating unless either drunk or in a very cocky mood 
Once in the dating period though he will be more willing to be more involved in conversing that would otherwise be very unlike him with someone he didn’t know well
Looks like he isn’t listening to them but is always taking in what they say and remembers every little detail
Much like Zoro he will take a while to warm up to the idea of being a couple 
Once he is comfortable with it though he opens up to more of the affectionate side firstly 
Since he is always studying he enjoys having his S/o draped in his lap mindlessly chatting or napping 
Will always have one hand on his book and another on his partner either stroking their hair or showing some form of physical affection 
Even when comfortable he isn’t as talkative as Zoro or Ace are; is more of the silent type no matter who he is with
Although when he does talk with his S/o he is less resentful of over sharing or coming across as weak as talking to anyone else
His love language is quality time and acts of service
Since he is always busy sometimes he forgets to look after himself so the idea of his S/o bringing him onigiri or a blanket during the night melts him deep down
Will always return the favour - give his s/o his jacket when they’re cold, shares food with them, prioritises their health even if it is something minor
Is more smiley with his S/o but only does this privately behind closed doors - doesn’t want any else to see him “vulnerable”
Smiles at them when they laugh or talk about something they like or make some comment or joke
When his s/o is asleep he is very much into giving them a lot of affection - lots of nose and forehead kisses/back rubs/hair petting
Is a lot more cocky and makes smart ass comments around them to fluster or annoy them (a lot of dirty comments or jokes whispered to them in public)
Is probably into saying mean things jokingly (like “you’re such a pain”) but if anyone else said it about his S/o he won’t hesitate to cut into them (literally)
Acts tough but if his S/o asks him of anything it doesn’t take a lot of persuasion for him to say yes
Will be a lot more hesitant to say “I love you” so his S/o will probably be the first to say it - he will only really reciprocate with blushing or mumbling it back or if they’re asleep
Builds his relationship on trust with his S/o and will never hover over them 
Always encouraged them to speak up about their issues so he can guide them both to fix them
He acts so cocky around everyone else and maybe even still when he’s out with his S/o but once they’re alone he is all mush around them
He won’t need as much time as Zoro or Law to be open with his S/o as even before they’re a thing he will chat away to them almost as if he’s known them his whole life
Lots and lots of pet names that will range from very sweet and cheesy, inside jokes to even the most bizarre words he can string together
“Babe”/“baby”/“my love”/“princess”/“bubba”/“angel”/“my little soggy cereal“/“my lump of wet dirt”
Cannot physically keep his hands to himself - will always have his hands somewhere on his S/o’s body - hand around their shoulder/cuddling them close/hands under their shirt/having them sit in his lap/playing with their hair/holding their hand
Is very soft and “sub” a lot of the time with his words and actions - will literally do anything to please his partner and treat them with every inch of love in his body 
Always ALWAYS affectionate both in pubic and private
His love langue is physical touch, quality time and giving gifts 
His S/o will always be gifted with sweet items like flowers or little objects that remind him of them
Is the biggest weakling for kisses - every time they kiss this poor boy his legs will literally give out under him 
Hates to sleep alone and can only sleep with his partner curled up with him - either big or little spoon he doesn’t mind as long as they’re there 
Can and will chat about everything for hours if left to his own accord. And not just little small talk I mean like deep meaningful chats about his life and things he is passionate about and believes in
Will also open up a lot about the grey terminals and his past - even the touchy side with Roger 
Is the first person to say “I love you” in a relationship - will just sort of look over at his partner and admire whatever they’re doing no matter what it is and just smile to himself and say it casually 
From the beginning he will be open with “gross” behaviour as he would only be with someone he truely trusts not to judge - e. g., he doesn’t care if he burps/farts or anything in front of his S/o
Is very defensive of his S/o and will always standup for them even when they’re not around - the crew knows not to mess with them as Ace can get quiet snappy and aggressive when provoked 
A relationship with him is always fun but he can turn serious when it comes to respect and trust - expects his S/o to hold him to the same level as he holds his S/o
Feels very betrayed by people in his past so he will give his all with a relationship and expect it to last and reciprocate his overwhelming feelings
Always try to act happy and cocky in public but is relieved to settle down with his S/o when he is sad and just rest with them - his own safe space
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
allow me to paint a picture for you
titty obsessed tyun comes home to his pretty gf (chubby!reader) in a frilly little apron, making cookies. the whole apartment smells sweet and he’s eyeing you up like you’re a dessert yourself because god damn do you look good in that apron. cute little sundress underneath, plush thighs wide open for his eyes to roam. cute tummy squeezed into the confines of the tight little apron (that he totally didn’t purposefully buy a size too small so he could come home to a sight exactly like this one day) boobs barely fitting in the apron, falling out the sides cus they’re just so big and beautiful, and all for him <3
i feel like tyun would nearly pass out and then contemplate between bending you over right against the kitchen counter or teasing you for the rest of the night before he gets to the main course…
the txt x chubby!reader brain rot is real today 😔
anon!! omg so sorry it took me a while to reply but this was such a good ask on its own that i was struggling to add anything?? LIKE ITS SO GOOD 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷
i agree the txt x chubby!reader brainrot is real, always, i think having more of these can only be a great thing plus omg taehyun with his pretty princess <333 that he keeps dressing up with clothes too small for her aaaah ;////; what a little perv… 🥺🩷
please the description alone makes my own brain short circuit so idk how taehyun would react like he’d literally evaporate he’d be thinking of all the other naughty outfits you could be wearing that would be a size too small and imagining the way your soft skin almost bursts out of the clothes…
i’m assuming you’re baking cookies for him in an apron + your clothes but i can only figure taehyun has already wanted you to just wear the apron, especially if it’s a size too small… like your cute bottom and the back of your thighs and legs being on full display just for him <33 aaaah he wants to touch you everywhere 😳🩷
he’d come behind you and whisper into your ear “my, my, baby… what are you doing in such little clothing?” before tracing a line with his fingers down from the back of your knee to your buttcheek so he can cup it or give it a slight little slap.
you hiss, never knowing what to expect from your boyfriend… some days he wants to take it slow and tease you like crazy… other days it’s too hard for him to resist you and all he wants is to fuck you against the kitchen counter…
the cookies can wait…
honestly you all never stop giving me these like i love these so much ;////; thank you so much anonie 🩷
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pansyfemme · 6 months
i unfortunately don’t have any questions i just want to hear you talk about art supplies 😔
oh well. thats not particuarly hard to do.
im real hyped because in the ‘my child is autistic and i have zero idea how to shop for him’ manner my mother let me pick my own gifts this year for xmas so i will be in possession of some sennelier oil pastels shortly. ive used them several times before, but theres really no competition. i say this about almost no media because i believe theres something for everyone- but there is one oil pastel brand and its sennelier. working with them will make you feel like you are working with a completly unfamillar medium even if you’ve only ever drawn in oil pastel before. They’re just incredible. incredibly pricy too.. oh well. I’m also planning on picking up a box of Carandache neocolor I. they’re wax pastels, basically crayons but actually good. my mother lives by the Neocolor II, their watersoluable cousin, but i enjoy water resistance as much as i do soluablity. and as someone who works in so much wet media, its nice to work with a sketching media that provides resist as i do not lose or smudge the sketch as heavily. Plus, i love sketching with crayons and other chunky media. Also on my mind is a new lightboard -_- only had my old one for a year and a half before it died.. sigh. I want a bigger, heavy duty one sometime but i do not have the studio space for that.. one day.
In terms of pens, my special interest within a special interest, my kaweco sport is still my baby in terms of writing pens. Used to think i was more of a lamy guy.. but whew! im a convert. Kaweco pens are so well designed it makes my jaw drop sometimes. I just adore them. Love their lead holders too! And no, my brush pen rotation has not changed. I use my kuretake no.40 and kuretake no.13 interchangably.. i do not know better brush pens on the market, they’re just perfect in every way possible. made the switch fully to platimum carbon cartridges about a year ago and i do not regret it one bit, they’re the only ones i’ll use from this point forward. The ink darkness, permenance and waterproofing is just perfect, and it’s given me much less feathering than i had with kuretake, Akashiya (as much as i love akashiya in every other regard) and pentel cartridges. I tell people this all the time, but the ink you put in your pen is as crucial as the pen itself. Akashiya Sai Thinline, of course, is my preferred colored disposable brush pen. just wish the color range was wider! They’re truly special tho, the muted pallete, the fact they’re waterproof, the long thin shape of the bristles.. gorgeous. because of the recent trend of ‘watercolor brush markers’ (big fan, dont get me wrong) its pretty difficult to find colored brush pens that aren’t waterbased. I’ve had a scheme to make my own brush pens someday using my personal ink collection, but that depends on my ability to find a bristle tip body that is leakproof, cheap enough to get several of, and actually retains a point. People rave about just filling aquash style brushes with ink, but those leak.. a LOT. and keeping their tips consistantly wet has a habit of making their sharpness go away, which is fine if you’re painting, not so much for lineart. So. while i do get real autistic trying to find the best brush pens for lineart.. at the end of the day, i always end up just hand lining with a paintbrush and ink lol. it’s still the best way. (if you’re curious i normally do my colored lineart in liqutex acrylic ink, specifically the muted colors series because they’re perfect in every way shape and form.)
like i said. not hard to do. it’s like asking me to talk about music. i will, just can’t promise it will be understandable to anyone but me.
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 13 - Favorite ship(s)? Any Torchwood OTPs? Go ahead, gush about them!
dude i multiship so hard in this fandom i dont think there’s a single combination i havent thought of + found a way to enjoy, and that extends to trios. AND i like tw poly. i am mashing them together like barbie dolls. i am having sm fun here in my room
even the ones i don’t exactly “like” still make me Feel Things (more on that later), and even the ones i tend to prefer as friends (more on that later, too), i can still see it if i want to yknow. that’s what’s fun about the slutty bisexy show! woo! they all compel me. 
nonetheless, here are the pairings i like the most, ranked by how often i think of them + how insane they make me. im not gonna gush a ton, actually, bc i get annoyed w how much i talk, so ill keep every explanation under 15 words
owen x ianto: I Want Them Covered in Blood Together (Gnashing My Teeth) (by fall out boy)
owen x andy: golden retriever boyfriend for owen bc sometimes it’s nice to not be angsty (gooseberry who?)
owen x jack: i dont know how they make me feel but they make me feel Something :/
ianto x tosh: THEY’D BE SO CUTE they’d be precious that’s all
tosh x andy: see above. tosh deserves a sweet bf (there are no girls to ship her with 😔)
owen x suzie: they’re mirrors, they’re the same… they intrigue me. also Hawt xD (im bi)
owen x gwen: better as besties imho but im still a bi moron who’s not immune
jack x ianto: overrated imho BUT i do still like them. sigh. dead line speech wahhh
gwen x rhys: i love their relationship troubles n the way it grounds the show. theyre cute
jack x the doctor: sending jack off to harass the doctor so the team can Rest (+ Im Compelled)
jack x gwen: they compel me a little. a teeny bit. not too much but a little
(can u tell i like owen ships. he just has such fascinating relationships w everyone)
ok i lied ill say a couple things. firstly my otp being owento… i’ve talked a bit about it but in brief it started out because i can't resist having at least one enemies/rivals to lovers ship per fandom and ep12 blew my mind a little - and then something just Clicked and they somehow achieved top ten ships of all time status in my brain?? idk what happened there. i usually go for canon-based ships, so having one that kind of lacks substance in the source media (allegedly; i think they’re fruity in canon. but u know what i mean like theyre not ‘canon’ in a show where there is in fact gay TEXT rather than just the subtextual shit theyre doing yanno) and is largely a beast of my own creation (+ the influence of the wonderful handful of fic writers we’ve had over the years) has been rlly fun. 
im largely preoccupied with those two, but i’ve found jack + his relationship with ianto kind of inherently haunts owen x ianto… if you’ve read my fic you know what i mean by that. i can’t see owento existing on its own, like janto fundamentally co-exists next to it so i have to take it into account, and then jack and owen also have a fascinating relationship so i’ve kind of just ended up spending a lot of time thinking about and figuring out owen x ianto x jack in all combinations, because there’s a lot of fascinating stuff going on there from every end. introducing owen to the equation also kind of… ig redeems janto for me, bc i found them offensively underwhelming in s1 and s2. they should be dark and fucked up, and they’re not. owen kind of… brings smth dark and fucked up to the table, and a lot of why i like shipping him with ianto is bc they bring shit out of each other - and owen, for his part, is capable of bringing out ianto’s repressed rage and forcing him to deal with things he’d rather try to compartmentalize and ignore… i find that super compelling, and i also find it useful for breaking down my issues with how jack & ianto’s relationship is initially presented. like, he’s a handy narrative tool for that hfsdjkf. point is, whether i like it or not, jack and his relationships with my girlies (owen n ianto are the girlies <3) is kind of also an intrinsic part of what most of my fixation-oriented brain power goes into thinking about. i’ve been developing this huge fic ‘verse fdhfjk.... Im Very Tired
sometimes i like fun, though, which is what’s behind a lot of those other ships. i’m generally into very dark + angsty + psychological themes, but sometimes fluff and domesticity and occasional silliness is nice, and that’s what’s behind owandy (i have an au where they meet before owen dies) and iantosh (+ gwen x rhys) as my sort of… alternative endgame. my comfort ‘au’. not an au, exactly, but an alternative fluffier world to the darker owento-based one i’ve crafted and spend most of my time thinking about fdshkfj. i also like sending jack off to go bother the doctor, in this ‘au’, because unfortunately i don’t think he’s conductive to the team’s happiness. i think he needs to find his own way to heal and that should probs include the doctor, considering how obsessed jack is with them + how much he needs to unpack All That Shit he has going on before he can be any sort of truly positive force in the lives of the tw team. so for now he’s banned from the polycule for jack crimes. listen, i love that torchwood’s inherently sad and dark and lonely, it’s what compels me, and i’m ultimately glad that’s the core of the show - but it doesn’t have to be. sometimes i enjoy a nicer alternative. i think they could fix it. and that’s what fandom + fanfic is for. 
i also have several ot3s i enjoy, mostly owen ones. i think he deserves a bf + a gf, i think it’d fix him. put that bitch in a bisexual sandwich and maybe he'd behave. in particular, i love owen x tosh x ianto, it’s the only place i ship owen/tosh bc i think ianto would keep owen in check and they’d all better each other. i love owen x tosh x andy for similar reasons. can you tell the four characters im biased towards fhdskj. (i love gwen just as much but she’s kind of doing her own thing with just rhys and jack imo fdkfjsd. perhaps torchwood is composed of two polycules and jack is the link between both of them)
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insomniac-shado · 5 months
Nurse Ann and Zero are best friends, like inseparable best friends. You almost ALWAYS see them together its so rare to see them apart
Theyre constantly bickering and arguing and teasing each other and though it looks like they’re genuinely fighting the two of them couldnt be any less serious with their insults they care so much ab each other
Nurse ann is T A L L and Zero is S H O R T and that’s where a lot of their teasing comes from
Theyre also very protective over each other and while most of the time theyre practically at each others throats theyd give their lives for each other
Theyre just 2 aroace crackheads who dont need anyone but each other in the most wholesome silly way possible
im trying so hard to be spooky with the creeps i swear but the wholesomeness is just too hard to resist 😔😔😔
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lowcallyfruity · 6 months
no, z, i completely get you,
you may disagree with me and that’s okay, but for the fact that we have all the same race (black, white, asian, latino, we are all humans) people have to get sorted out into all other boxes so we can have a reason to fight each other.
For example people complaining about so much letters in LGBTQ+, why we can’t just resume all in one thing and you like what you like? Because people don’t want you to fit in with them. So, others creates small boxes so they can fit in with other people who have the same ideals as them, this is a vicious cycle, where we ALWAYS need to belong somewhere and have the EXACT same thoughts of that group
Sorry for the ramble, and once again you are free to disagree with :)) Hope everything made sense
Barbsie pooksie-kins I could ramble and talk about about this so much like trust me 😭😭😭 I could write paragraphs. But I will resist the temptation to write five paragraphs☝️
But I think with stuff like this… I think it really depends on the situation idk? Like sometimes we need places to belong, and it’s okay if they’re very wide and vague places and it’s also okay if they’re a very specific place. I think labels are something that is different for everyone. Some people like big and broad labels, others are more comfortable with much more specific labels, and there are people that don’t like labels at all and I think that’s super cool…idk… But sometimes it can get hostile and cause isolation too.. like it can go from feeling welcome and at home to feeling alone…
Idk 😍
I think the human brain is amazing… like….humans are crazy… how we think this way…like wow…
Anyways this might be super far from your original point or the opposite of it idk 😔😔 I just talk- sorry bestie ✌️
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I'm so sorry to hear that you're not having a great thanksgiving 😔 sometimes writing about similar feelings can help though so what about reader has to spend a holiday alone because Matty had agreed to spend time with his family and she couldn't get the time off work to travel. I'm imagining she doesn't want to tell him how she's feeling because she doesn't want him to feel bad so she encourages him to go, talks about how much he must be looking forward to seeing them all after so long but deep down she's really feeling the loneliness, until the day comes and she finds it hard to even bring herself to answer his texts. Idk how this would end without being too depressing
Or instead of that you could write about how reader never really got to celebrate holidays growing up but now she's with Matty and spending it with him for the first time and making new traditions etc
Really like the second idea and tempted to turn into into a whole plot but I’m gonna resist that urge.
I was thinking something along the lines of like maybe it comes up in casual conversation. They wake up one morning and they’re in bed chatting and the fact that it’s the holiday season comes up. Matty eventually getting dressed to go get them some coffee and he just asks “got any traditions I should know about?”
She’s baffled and is like what do you mean?
“I don’t know. Special things you did growing up. Or signature treats to bake or buy around this time of year? A comfort film you’d watch as a family? Places you’d visit annually? Anything i should know?”
And she just casually says “oh. No, we never really did that to be honest.”
He’s a bit saddened by it but he makes a mental note of it and moves on. So then throughout the season he makes a huge deal of everything they do together. Going gift shopping for various friends and family members and stuff. Buying decorations. Everything is like “babe, babe, this could be OUR thing now. We could make THIS a tradition.”
And she’s like “having coffee and watching the rain is a year round activity” but he’s just excited to establish some kind of connection to this time of year. One that implies he sees a long future with her where they do this every year.
Finally, he settles on the best option. An early Christmas celebration with the boys and their partners where each person introduces a ritual or tradition of their own. It’s very lowkey and cute. They all come round to Matty’s house. Maybe Hann and Carly bake some cookie or shortbread or little ginger men for their kid to decorate and it’s a thing hann’s parents did with him when he was a kid. Ross brings the Christmas themed romcoms. George and Charli have made an epic Christmas playlist. They all make dinner and just hang out. She and Matty and the hosts. That’s their tradition. Every year from there on out…..
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butmakeitgayblog · 9 months
Hello there, older and wiser Andi.
So, I was going through fics this weekend and realized one of my favorite au dynamics is Abby (and Jake) being a parental support to Lexa, accepting from the moment Clarke brought her into their lives that they’d already gained another daughter. Even if they’re not together anymore.
The thing is, I haven’t read many of those, your MBFW au being one of them.
Does any of your other Abbys feels this way toward Lexa? How’s the relationship between CoA Lexa and Abby? What about midwestern ‘fengers’lady and Clarke’s mom? do I even wanna ask about AWTR Abby and Lexa’s relationship? 🫣
Do they have to sit down Lexa when gets insecure about her place in their family and go “kid, you’re my daughter too, nothing is gonna change that”?
Can’t imagine a mom meeting this very polite sometimes shy lil’lesbean and not wanting to adopt her.
Well I get why it's not the norm really, considering canon. And normally I swing that way too because Abby was distrustful of Lexa and condescending semi-often. But for MBFW Lexa was such not a threat. She was shy and seemed well put together, if not obviously decked out in her adorable but snappy secondhand clothes. She was soft spoken but opinionated and seemed excited to be there (whereas Clarke was fresh off a gap year and somewhat resistant to the idea of college entirely.) And honestly the way Lexa spoke so animatedly about Clarke when she wasn't there - that little spark she got in her eyes - it was like, yeah. Ok. She's a good egg. She seems good for Clarke. And she's so damn sweet and deceptively funny. And then when Clarke gives her the details of Lexa's childhood? Well. It's not hard to just kinda wanna scoop the girl up and make her a Griffin from then on.
CoA Abby does warm up to Lexa, but it takes awhile. She's kinder after their talk, but still a bit standoffish. Though that's generally just her disposition, so there's not much either Clarke or Lexa can do about that. Or want to. CoA Abby is more of the type to want to control things, so naturally Clarke puts up a lot of boundaries around herself and her life that Abby can't intrude on, and Lexa is part of those boundaries unfortunately.
AWTR Abby is kind and friendly, but she herself puts up boundaries. She's known Lexa for Lexa's entire life so there's this deeply embedded sense of doctor/patient feelings there despite the fact that she's also eventually Clarke's wife. Add on the fact that she knows Lexa is going to die, and she knows how tenderhearted her daughter is despite her cool and aloof exterior? It just all reads as disaster in her eyes. She knows this is going to fuck Clarke up for the rest of her life and honestly? She's not wrong 😔 So she keeps an emotional distance there.
Midwestern Abby is... an enigma. She's nice enough, but not particularly friendly. She seems genuinely pleased that Clarke is happy with Lexa, but disappointed that they chose to live in such a small town rather than moving to a bigger city where Clarke's career can flourish. She's happy that they have children, but laments that she's not a biological grandmother, but still treats her grandchild with love and affection, and still sends birthday gifts and Christmas gifts and visits a couple times a year mostly just to see them more than anything. See what I mean? She's just kind of all over the map, yet somehow still a pretty decent sized presence in their lives. And treats Lexa more like a friend that she's very fond of rather than like daughter, if that makes sense. Like she likes Lexa and enjoys her company, but it's not overly familiar.
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menacetomany · 1 year
Tumblr media
Some sketchy designs for the apprentice crew of the Mapleshade’s Vengeance rewrite that in all likelihood i will literally never finish.
Some design notes and headcanons:
Birchpaw is based on a fawn for reasons i cannot explain but I promise make sense in my head
Ravenpaw’s just a lil emo boy. The cloud on his chest represents how he has fully devoted his heart to the heavens.
Frecklepaw’s based on an adder >:D
Maplepaw’s got proportionally the largest eyes of any of the crew, and they stay big even as she becomes an adult. This at first gives her a naive look, but then it just kinda becomes unsettling.
Birchpaw got the pelt of his dad, but the build, fur type, and disposition of his mama Shinecloud; Frecklepaw has the opposite. It’s not easy to tell they’re related at all, but the giveaway is the tabby marks and the Big Ol Ears.
The four (+ Applepaw and Reedpaw, who are also a major part of this rewrite) grow up in a time of upheaval in the clans--not long after the No Murder rule was introduced-and not long after SkyClan was driven out. (This might break some things timeline wise, but the warriors timeline is one of the most hellish things to ever drag its way free of satan’s asshole so I don’t care.) The adults are all rumbling about what it truly means to be a Clan cat, the role violence has in their society, and what duty they have to cats outside their clan. The apprentices all form their own beliefs on this:
*Maplepaw is the kit of a dead rogue the clans found on the border. She doesn’t really consider herself an outsider, considering the Clan is all she remembers, but she hears the whispers of the elders and senior warriors about how bringing in an outsider at a time like this makes ThunderClan look weak. [This influences her decision to lie to Frecklewish later.] She works hard to prove herself, but she’s impulsive, hot-tempered, and can act malicious. Isolating herself further is the fact that her ideals do not match those of the traditionalist ThunderClan, which is only further compounded when she saves Reedpaw and befriends her and Applepaw. The three of them sneak out and form a club they jokingly dub the ‘Secret Resistance’. Maplepaw wants to change the clans for the better, and make them see they’re all just cats on the inside. As she grows older, she does more and more dubious things in the aim of this goal, till it all comes crashing down after the exile and the river. [Fun fact: this is influenced by canon Mapleshade’s desire to stop RiverClan and ThunderClan’s wars with her kits, which is both an admirable goal and...very naive, to say the least. This is an interesting part of her character, which I think isn’t touched upon much in canon or fanon.]
*Maplepaw is bi and crushes on both Reedpaw and Applepaw; warriors society has terms for gay people but not bi people [bi erasure real 😔] which leaves her very confused.
*Frecklepaw is very similar to Mapleshade in temperament, but there’s one key difference between the two--Frecklepaw is raised by Oakstar. He’s a staunch traditionalist to try and mask his SkyClan roots through his father, Gorseclaw. The two quickly become rivals, though Birchpaw is always there to soothe arguments when they get too vicious (until he isn’t.) Frecklepaw initially wasn’t the best fighter, but she trains hard so she’s able to match Maplepaw in spars. As they grow older, this rivalry only intensifies as Frecklepaw develops a onesided crush on Maplepaw [which is part of why she’s so eager to raise kits with Mapleshade later]. Mapleshade doesn’t find out about this till they’re both in the dark forest [because rewrite starclan aren’t any less pieces of shit than canon starclan].
*Ravenpaw has an unusually strong connection to StarClan, almost like Jayfeather. He spends a great deal of time ruminating on the words of his ancestors and ancient discourses, believing that only they could know what the right path is to take at any given moment (and he becomes the kittycat version of terminally online). He strikes up a relationship with Birchpaw after receiving advice from Acorn Fur (the cat that Moth Flight denied having a mate to because she, a single teenage mother in a brand new role with adhd and no reliable babysitters and Four Goddamn Kittens, couldn’t manage her work/life balance nobody could. Adhder here and just one baby is hell got damn). This is part of why he’s so furious at Mapleshade and reveals the secret even though he knows the kits will suffer for it--he was hurt and betrayed when it was announced Birchface had sired Mapleshade’s kits, and is now angry she made him ever doubt his partner.
*Birchpaw is the heart of the group, the glue holding them together. When he dies, it all falls apart. Another reason Mapleshade lies to Frecklewish is that her frenemy drew away after his death, and she selfishly wants the fierce closeness they once had back. He’s kind of a Greypaw figure--jovial, cheerful, charming, not the smartest, flouts the rules. He doesn’t have strong feelings on the code one way or another, but he does have strong feelings for Ravenpaw. He sent the omen because he sensed that Mapleshade’s kits would be found out and wanted to tell Ravenwing to keep them in *ThunderClan; this tragically backfires.
god, I love these pathetic flawed losers so much but only the version of them that exists in my brain ya feel me
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OH MY GODDD okokok so first off. That gojo post. fucking DELICIOUS !! Ughhhh gojo comforting u with cuddles n him being all soft and sweet and ohhh I’m weak <333 that was so good I’m literally twirling around in circles giggling kicking my feet screaming BUT ALSO !! The post u reblogged about lipstick kisses jesus what are you DOING TO MEEEEE !! You’ve put domestic poly!stsg thoughts in my brain. Sitting on suguru’s lap with his arms wrapped around ur waist and his head buried into ur neck from behind + satorus head on your lap while u do ur makeup… Satoru being cheeky n leaning up to kiss u all over ur face even if you’re busy putting on ur makeup because he just thinks ur so gorgeous :)) or suguru being the housewife he is and washing dishes/cooking while u latch onto him from behind <333 going grocery shopping with them and satoru whining about wanting sweets the whole time (n sugu pretends to be annoyed but folds and lets the both of you get as many snacks or diff ice cream flavours to try as u want) or doing ur nighttime routines together. One of u in the shower one of u brushing ur teeth/doing skincare and one of u just sitting on the bathroom floor talking away about ur day…. going clothes shopping together while u put on a fashion show for both of them except you don’t get any real help with what looks good and what doesn’t because they think you look amazing in anything and everything. Sitting outside together in your backgarden with a picnic blanket and homemade snacks looking at the stars just holding eachother n talking about whatever comes to mind AUGHHHHHH 😭😭😭 I LOVE THEMMM SO BAD IT HURTSSSS. Alsoalso I almost forgot to say this but if u r busy with writing or don’t have time to answer pls don’t feel bad about responding later !! There’s no rush at all dw shdjsjdj <33 — stsg anon !!!
OHHHH U R KILLING ME W UR LOVELY THOUGHTS ALWAYS ……. any variation of stsg/lipstick drives me a lil crazy tbh ALL OF THESE ARE SO GOOODDDD i cherish ur takes on them sooo dearly u dont even know!!!
first of all SITTING ON SUGU’S LAP >>>>>>> LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE uve found my weakness stsg anon…. AND GOJO IN UR LAPPPP WAHHH they’re so clingy and precious 😭😭😭 kissing u!! bc he just can’t help himself!!! i love them soo much :<
ANDANDAND HOUSEWIFE SUGU ….. my greatest weakness AGAIN u get me HE’S SOOO……. hugging him from behind while he chuckles and pats ur arm 🥺🥺🥺 he’s a softie a little cutie pie etc etc i need him in my kitchen rn !!!!!
GROCERY SHOPPING & CLOTHES SHOPPING ohhh it’d be sooo chaotic and fun…… ur so right stsg anon it’d literally just be u and gojo whining for sweets while sugu (ur budgeting king <33) tries to be responsible but ofc he could never resist the combined power of u and gojo’s puppydog eyes…. also them not being any help w picking out clothes bc they think u look perfect in Literally Anything is SOO canon to me they’re just swooning while u want actual advice LMAOO
AAA and the quiet moments….. stsg anon u are making me feel soso soft. doing ur nighttime routines + having a midnight picnic im melting wahhhh they’re just sooo…….. so soft and pretty 😔😔😔 i can imagine the comfortable silence so vividly!!! owowowowww theyre perfect
OKOK BUT IMAGINE …. while we’re on the topic of makeup ….. the boys wearing it too 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i think sugu would look so effortlessly good w any kind of beauty products he just has that androgyny abt him yk… maybe u would have to coax him into letting u put makeup on him but he always ends up indulging u <333 he’s just too smitten to say no!!!
meanwhile gojo will put on ridiculous amounts of lipstick JUST to kiss u all over … he looks very good in it tho. like imagine gojo w his plump red lips hhhh he’s just so gorgeous…..
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"Sweet mother, I cannot weave / slender Aphrodite has overcome me / with longing for a girl." -Sappho
Look, I love the idea of Mavid for eternity, I reaaaally do. The way of getting that, however....
Nico: warlock math comes with a price. It is really dangerous, it can kill you or create a lot of damage around you. Some things are better unresolved
Also Nico: anyway, I'm gonna teach you this, it sure as hell won't go south😎
I feel Nico is teaching him warlock math bc he saw something in his future. I just know it!!!!
What the fuck is Max trying to do????
The cane was blue now. Because David’s ability to make things better seemed to have no end. My GOD they are both so in love it's embarrassing!! Jk, jk. I love them <33
Magnus is indeed very cool and we as a society don't recognize this enough!!!
“Good for you,” Max said. “And you know what? Growing up is kinda overrated.” feel this😔
“Keep the Chairman’s name out of your mouth,” bapak hissed. “He has been through enough.” My parents when I scold my dogs:
YESS!!! That's practically harassment!!! We should talk about this more!!! Thank you, Magnus 💙
He knows something and I don't like it.... This is suspicious....👀
I don't feel a hint of sympathy for Mallory, but omg Max is good at this tbh😂
Poor Simon😔 stay strong, soldier...
Lovehollow are here to save the day!!!!
“My girlfriend is here with me. I hope that’s okay.” There is something so sweet in Roman calling Gigi his girlfriend!! Idk what is it!! Maybe I'm just too single for this, but I am soft🥺🥺
The logo had a deep meaning hidden I feel it in my bones!!!
“Never,” she replied. “If you aren’t here, then I don’t want to be here either.”
“No Roman and Gigi?” he chuckled. “Shame indeed.”
Imagine a place without them!! I feel bad about the rest of them 😔
Roman just panicking internally is so funny for some reason 😂😂
Why are these people finding Hunter familiar???? I'm trying to connect some dots but I just can't and at this point I am anxiety 😭 and his eyes!!! They're a clue, RIGHT?!?!
She fought the urge to set the whole damn place on fire. No babe, don't resist it!! Burn the whole thing down!!!
Everytime I remember how smart Roman is, I cry jdhdudj
Finally!!! They found the seashell!! And it was obviously them🥰🥰
Roman took out his katana and Gigi took out her butterfly knives. “Come get it if you want.” they were so sexy for this tbh
I don't know wtf just happened...but ok I guess??
Ahhhh reading about Marcus and Mallory takes another year of my life😭😭
“I don’t even know him, Mallory. But even I could see that he loves David. You mean nothing to him!” Even he sees it!!!
He looked at her and smiled sadly. “Because if you try to take it, it will kill you." I see it as a win-win....
“You want me to mutilate myself to prove my love?” he asked. She nodded. NO THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!!!
“Love shouldn’t hurt, Mallory.”
“What does it feel like then?” she asked him in a whisper.
“Love feels good,” Max told her.
WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING??? WHY DID HE GIVE HER THE RING??? 😭😭😭 That ring belongs to Mavid only!!!
Just talk to him, Lexi!!! Stop dragging this out for fucks sake!!😂
“Gross,” Lexi said. “Can’t we just punch them until they’re nice to people?” I support this plan 100%
I don't even know Achilles' girlfriend, but I am love them💙💙
Fuck nuggets. Why did she keep forgetting about this? omg I'm done with her jshsjdbdk
I really hadn't thought about it the way Achilles said, but he has a great point!! Like, we don't see it much, but the mundane alliance has definitely improved a LOT of lives
“It is. I wish we can just fast forward to the bit where Gigi figures everything out.” same😔
The punch Lexi gave her fixed something in me
Mallory rolled her eyes. “That little bitch has nothing on my brother.” That's it. I'm done with this bitch. Nobody insults Gigi and lives under my watch 🔪🔪🔪
Jace took a bullet for her daughter and now I will never recover from this😭😭
This made me think of "Don't worry little nephilim. Uncle Magnus is here"❤️
She hurt Jace and Magnus. I need Alec going feral, please! Just as a little treat🥰
Anyway, I just read this now bc yesterday I finished reading Crooked kingdom (I took a loot of time for that one and idk why!!! I loved it and it's definitely one of my fave books💙) and also watched Young Royals!! I also loved it!! And the ending jfc😭
Thoughts on the new season??
Omg Crooked Kingdom is the best?? I'm glad you enjoyed it!
The meds that are supposed to put me to sleep actually keep me awake (wtf is this nonsense??) so I binged Young Royals last night and of course I loved it! The angst in this season was immaculate.
Also I love Simon so much please he is a soft bean and needs to be protected 😭
ps - mallory didn't block Magnus' spell. Marcus activated the device and collapsed the ley lines in Cardiff. So, Magnus couldn't use his magic anymore :(
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