#they'll ask us which of us is the man in our relationship and we'll say
ihavenoideahowtodream · 7 months
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Who wants to move to the Scandinavian Peninsula with me so we can fall in love while writing our dissertations and spend November firing flaming arrows into straw goats?
WLW need only apply, serious inquiries only.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Romantic Yan! Mauga One-shot
This is an idea which suddenly came to my mind. Mauga with Fem! Talon member! Darling, who disappeared during one of the missions.
While the she is listed as a Talon's escaped traitor, she is imprisoned by Mauga on an island in Samoa, because Mauga considered her too fragile for such work, even if she can stand up for herself.
He won't let his Teuila get hurt.
I saw this request and immediately had an idea for it so this is the first one I'm doing 😎 Since Mauga came out yesterday I gotta give the Mauga content, yeah? (indulging in my birthday gift).
Not really edited, may have spelling mistakes, I appreciate feedback!
Yandere! Mauga Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Restraints, Kissing, Babying implied, Threats, Forced relationship.
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"Status on the traitor issue?" The leader of Talon, Doomfist, asks some of his most lethal members in a call.
"Surprisingly, nothing yet." Sombra answers the call of her "boss". "Are we so sure she's a traitor and didn't just... die in combat?"
"Is that not what we thought about Baptiste?" Doomfist brings up, making Sombra look disgruntled for just a moment.
"I guess you're right. A shame, really, she was really good at what she did." Sombra sighs.
"We'll find her and bring her to you." Reaper answers the call from behind Sombra.
"You better, I want answers." Doomfist threats before regaining composure. "Now, where's Mauga?"
"With us, although we're dropping him back off in Samoa for business." Sombra answers. "Then we're taking the jet back to base."
"Understood. Let me know what you find." Doomfist confirms before ending the call.
As Sombra and Reaper discussed what to do next, Mauga had his back turned to them. The smirk on his face was large once the call was over. Oh, they always seem to think he's just a dumb brute.
He's more capable than they think.
He wouldn't tell them what he did. Sure, this is eerily similar to the Baptiste incident, but he'd never admit to it. All the mountain of a man cared about was going back to Samoa now.
They could look all they want...
But Mauga would be sure they never found what they were looking for.
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The sound of waves is what greets your ears when you awaken. You feel nervousness pool in your stomach as sit up. You sigh when you still see the same chain around you ankle and wrists, along with the door still locked.
You've been here for awhile. You're aware this is a home of a fellow Talon member and that this is Samoa. You've been here... for months you assume?
Unfortunately you were never alone for long.
You barely want to acknowledge the originally locked door sliding open before Mauga steps inside. You already know it's him. Even before his orange shirt catches your eyes. You instead opt to look away and stay in the hammock.
"They think you're a traitor, y'know." Mauga tells you, locking the door again. "That's good, means they don't know I took you."
"They'll find me eventually." You find yourself answering, the Samoan man looking over to you.
"Do you really think I'd let them take you? They wouldn't last against me." Mauga growls. You hear him walk over to you and tower over you.
"You know when they find us they may just kill us both. I was fine when we just did our damn job." You say bitterly. You stop yourself when Mauga pulls you to a sitting position from the chains on your wrists.
"Teuila, you're weak." Mauga hums. "I took you from the job because of such a flaw. You needed to be partnered with someone much stronger, permanently... like me."
Mauga then pulls you out of the hammock. You feel yourself picked up by his large form and pressed against his chest. You then hear him laugh, no doubt due to the size difference between you.
"Face it, Talon was never for you. You don't have the bloodlust or the strength. Aren't you aware of how easy it is to hurt you?" Mauga explains before laying in the hammock with you. You hear him sigh in a relaxed tone as he cages you to his chest.
"I was a great spy...." You hiss.
"All it would take is one skilled shot and you'd be gone, Teuila." Mauga counters. "Do you know what would happen after?"
"What?" You ask just to humor him, only for him to push your face closer to his.
"I'd kill them all~" Mauga grins. "Talon, Overwatch, doesn't matter. I'd make them all bleed if I lost you. I'd even enjoy every second of it."
Mauga then laughs at the shock on your face. You feel him pet your your head before leaning in to kiss your lips. The taste makes your stomach flip before he pulls away.
"So I guess, with that thought, I wouldn't mind if we were both traitors on the run." Mauga smiles, licking his lips. "As long as I get to keep you and do what I want."
You feel him caress your cheek before settling with you. You notice he undoes his shirt, presumably to tease you. Instead you try not to pay any mind.
"Hear those waves?" Mauga asks, you nod. "Someday I plan to take you outside to them. Maybe at night. You know better than to run, right?"
You can see the predatory glare in Mauga's gaze when he asks you. Hesitantly you nod, still unnerved from the threat he said before. For now, you'll continue to play along with Mauga. Not like you have anywhere else to go.
Without Mauga... Talon will find you.
Perhaps that means Mauga is all you have now... it may be better to have him on your side after all.
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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“You spent the night in his bed??” Nique screams into the phone, making Zora sigh heavily.
“I was on his couch, Nique.”
“Mmhm, you ain't gotta lie to me, girl!”
“I'm not! I'll hang up on you. You know I'll do it.” She idly threatens.
“Okay, okay. Put the guns down, chile. So tell me, did he sleep on this comfy sofa with you?” She asks, twirling her hair like Zora can see her.
Zora gives another sigh, this time dreamy. “We mighta cuddled until I fell asleep.”
“Ew, how cute! Girl, if you don't make that man your boyfriend already!”
“I just might have to, Nique. He's so so.”
“I know. You better climb his long ass before somebody else do!”
“Yeah, and they'll end up like Cory. Jerked the fuck up.”
Nique let's out the ugliest cackle, ultimately making Zora join in and offer a snicker of her own, since she was at work.
“You stupid, man.”
“I woulda loved to have seen that, man! I just know his stupid ass was tryna save face, still.”
“It's like you were here, cause he really tried to keep that cracked ass face together. He knew better than to tell Linda, too.”
“He better stay hidden or boyfriend gon kick that ass! He's such a lame ass wigga.” Nique says without missing a beat, making Zora choke on air.
“What did you just call him?!”
“A wigga! He's like B-rad without the game— ya know, the little bit he had, that is. I mean, it got him Shondra!”
“It did. She loved his goofy ass.”
“Put his hands all in that good hair of hers! I woulda broke them knuckles!”
“So, what do the lovebirds got goin’ on this evening?”
“Well, he's meeting me here again, even though he desperately wanted to pick me up, but I had to run home and shower and stuff. Uh, we'll probably grab some food on the way back to his place, I'm not sure yet.”
“All this hanging out! I'm jealous! Where's my boo at??”
“He only got a sister, babe. Not sure if she swings that way.”
“Zora, if I swing through this phone.”
“I'm playing! Gosh, put the guns down.” She mocks, knowing Nique’s far from amused.
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“How was your day?” Zora asks Leon, picking the pepperoni off her slice of pizza.
“It was better. We squashed our shit, so work ran smoothly like it needed to.”
“Good! I know that's weight off your shoulders.”
“Absolutely. I hate being at odds with my people. But how was your day?”
“It was good. The restaurant was pretty dead today, so I took an hour for lunch and chopped it up with Nique. She said “hey”, like always.”
He smiles. “She's a good friend to you, I can tell.”
“The bestest ever.” She smiles back, biting into her slice.
“So, where's your best friend at?”
“We haven't talked in years. Stopped seeing eye to eye once I stopped runnin’ with him and taking the fall for both of us.”
“Oh, that's not fair.”
“Yeah, we had that conversation too, but it is what it is. I had to grow up and I always pray that he's done the same.”
“That's sweet of you. I know how tough friendship breakups can be.”
“Sounds so funny, when you say it out loud. Like we were in a relationship.” He snorts, making her do the same.
“Well, it is a relationship! A platonic one. I mean, unless y'all had it like that, too.” She raises a brow, to which he waves her off.
“Zora, please.”
“I'm just kidding,” she laughs, finishing off her slice.
“So, is there a romantic relationship in the cards for you and me?” Leon asks, staring at her smiling face.
“I think you already know the answer to that.”
“Yeah, but I wanna be correct. Leave no room for what I think.”
“Yeah, it's in the cards. A couple cards away, but it's there.”
“Good to know.” He says, sitting back against the cushions and patting the space beside him.
She obliges, dusting her hands off on her sweats and crawls into his side, smiling to herself as he wraps his arm around her.
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A little more prepared for their sleepover this go round, she'd packed her toothbrush, along with every other hygiene product she'd need once she'd woken up.
The first time, she woke up alone cause she didn't wanna change his routine, just cause she was sleeping over. But, this morning, she was definitely still wrapped up in his arms.
Not having to work another eight hour shift, she was also able to indulge in the breakfast he'd promised her.
And man, was it delicious.
“Mm! I might just keep you around.” She jokes, making him chuckle and pour another line of syrup on her waffles.
“Would you like some coffee, beautiful?” He asks.
“Yes, please. Light on the sugar.”
“You're sweet enough, huh?” He quips, making her nose wrinkle up.
“That was so corny, but so cute.” She giggles as he shakes his head, beginning to move around his kitchen.
“Just a splash.” She answers, digging back into her fluffy eggs. Also eyeing the way his back muscles were flexing underneath his dark t-shirt.
Her gaze raises up to his handsome face once he turns back around with a mug in his hand to sit in front of her. She graciously thanks him.
“I haven't brushed my teeth yet, stop trying to kiss me.” She snorts, watching him slyly lean onto the counter for the third time.
“I don't care about your morning breath, girl. Gimme them syrupy lips.” He says, leaning a little further in than he had.
Rolling her eyes, she meets the rest of the way for a couple sweet kisses, pulling away once she feels herself starting to slip.
“See? Trouble.”
“I'm the good kind, though.”
“Yeah, I'll be the judge of that.”
“Alright.” He leans up from the counter. “Spend the day with me.”
“I thought you had to work.”
“I just took off.” He shrugs.
“You can't just do that.”
“You let me worry about that.”
“Leon…” she eyes him, still eating her food.
“Come on, you know you love my company just as much as I love yours. We can go on another picnic or something.”
She sighs, as if she's really trying to put up a fight.
“Come on…” he pleads again with puppy eyes, reeling her all the way in.
“Okay, okay. I'll spend the day with you.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
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Finding a perfect patch of grass behind a big oak tree, the pair spread the green blanket out and placed the wooden picnic basket in the center, before sitting down.
“Do you like picnics because I like them?”
“Yes and no,” he smiles. “My mama used to take me and Eryn on ‘em all the time. We'd feed the ducks the food we'd have left over. We'd play til the sun fell from the sky. For a single mama, it was a great way to tire us out.”
She laughs at the last part, relating heavily. “Okay, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't dragging you out here and you secretly hated it or something.”
“Nah, no worries. I'm a nature boy, sometimes.” He says, handing her the strawberry soda she'd asked him to pick up, when he ran into the convenience store on the way here.
“Sometimes,” she repeats, popping open the container that holds a double decker with bacon that he'd also taken the time to make for them to indulge in.
“Mm, this looks so good!”
“My world famous sandwich, girl. It is good.” He firms, making her raise a brow and take a bite, immediately agreeing with him.
Handing her a napkin, he smiles and bites into his own sandwich, mumbling that he told her so.
Letting him have his moment, she looks out at the scenery before them, falling in tune with the sounds of the birds chirping high up in the trees above their heads.
All the while, Leon took the time to marvel at the beauty that Zora is, again.
As always, if someone gave him the chance, he'd convince them that she was otherworldly.
Even dressed down in another one of his t-shirts and her own shorts, with her hair tied up, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
As soon as she turned to look at him, he dropped his gaze back to his food, but she'd already caught him.
“Usually, I'd tell you that staring isn't polite, but…”
“But, what?”
She sighs, chewing on her lip. “I like the way you look at me.”
Another raised brow from him makes her drop her gaze too, as they both laugh.
“You're a goddess, Zora. One can't help but look at you.” He says, making her heart skip a beat.
A goddess?!
The smile that creeps across her face is one he'd never seen before.
“You are so sweet, Leon.”
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Zora talked him into coming back to her place after a sudden downpour cut their picnic short.
“You wanna smoke?” She asks.
His animated gasp makes her squint in his direction.
“You're a hoodlum, too! I'm ashamed.” He taunts.
She scoffs. “I am not a hoodlum!”
“Yes you are!” He says with a laugh, even reaching out to push her a little.
She swats him away, laughing, herself. “Okay, fine. I'll keep my mary jane to myself.”
“Now, now… I didn't decline your offer.” He says, earning an eye roll.
“I told you, ima kick you out.” She faux warns, getting up from the couch to retrieve her stash.
“I was just playin’, Zora-Jean!” He calls after her, reveling in the giggle she tried her damndest to hide.
Returning with a bright orange box, she plops back down beside him and pops it open.
“Ooh, official!” He teases some more, making her playfully shake her head.
Rolling a blunt in record timing and earning another whistle from Leon, she sparks it, takes a puff or two and passes it to him.
“Your landlord cool with you smoking?” He asks, taking a puff anyway.
“Yeah, he might be in love with me too,” she shrugs, catching the scrunch in his brows.
“Damn, girl. What you be doin’ to these men??”
She laughs, shrugging again. “Nothing. My mama said my aura is red and it draws people near. Whether I want them to be near or not, apparently.”
“Red is sensuality, right?”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” He nods, puffing again before passing it back to her.
“Do tell.” She says, pulling a little harder.
“Sensuality is like your middle name. You're fiery as hell, fine as hell. I'm sure these men are out their minds over you. Hell you drive me outta my mind, too.”
She cheeses, before she can stop herself.
“Do I, now?”
“We've spent the last three days together on a whim, Zora. Yes, you have been driving me crazy and I like it. I like you. A lot.”
“I like you too, Leon. A lot.”
The haze in their smiles grows as they continue to pass the blunt back and forth, til it turns to ashes in her equally bright ashtray.
“So, I know you're not as innocent as you say you are.”
“Wha– why you say that?”
“Cause, every man has their secrets. What else did you and Candy get into, way back when?”
He chuckles, rubbing a hand down his face. “You sure?”
“Is it that bad??”
“I'll let you be the judge of that.” He mocks her earlier words.
“Lord have mercy. Go ahead.”
“Well, Candy was what you call an exhibitionist. So we'd find ourselves in places we shouldn't have been, doing things we shouldn't have been doing. If you catch my drift.”
Zora was actually shocked, note the way her jaw partially dropped. Leon just smiles and shakes his head.
“Y'all had sex in public places? What a slut!” She cracks, making him laugh.
“Wow, I've never been called that before. But, yes we did. We got caught a couple times too. I'm still banned from the autozone down the block.”
That makes her fully crack up.
“Poor man was just tryna change the oil and Candy decided it was a good idea to give me head near the side of the building. That man's eyes ‘bout popped out of his head.”
“That is ridiculous!”
“Yeah, that was us. Ridiculous!”
“What else??”
“Let's see… amusement parks, clean public bathrooms, we did in an elevator once… hotel balconies with a small audience. A stairwell, you name it.”
“I knew you were a freak.”
“Hey, I just tried to keep her happy.”
“Sounds like it! Did she make you happy too, or did you just go along with everything?”
“Uh, a mixture of both maybe?” He shrugs. “I don't know, it got tiring after a while, and exploring other things about our relationship wasn't as fun for her. I'm guessing that's why she left me.”
“I'll refrain from calling her what I want to… but you deserved better, anyway. Sex isn't the only fun aspect of a relationship.”
“Yeah, but we were also in college and nobody cared about building foundations and shit. It was all party this and party that. Fuck here, fuck there.” He shrugs, letting his long arm rest along the back of the couch.
“Well, at least it was fun while it lasted right?”
“Yeah, while it lasted.”
“I can relate.”
“You was butt naked in a stairwell, too??”
“No, that was just y'all.” She laughs. “But, before my ex decided to start his “I hate Zora” campaign, we had fun too.”
“Sucks when people turn, huh?”
“Boy, does it. But, maybe they weren't the right people.”
“You becomin’ a believer over there, huh?”
“Shut up,” she drags out, allowing him to pull her closer to his warm body.
The rain is still coming down.
“Was I too far away?”
“Yeah, it's like you be runnin’ from me or sumn.”
“No running,” she shakes her head, falling right back into those lethal kisses of his.
“I make you nervous?” He asks, still pecking her lips.
“The good kind,” she answers, rubbing the scruff of his beard.
“Angry bees,” she corrects, making them both laugh.
“Be my girlfriend, Zora-Jean.”
“Really?” He asks, the smile on his face making those angry bees swarm mad in her belly.
“Yeah,” she leans back in to kiss him. “Really.”
A triumphant laugh leaves him as he hugs her closer, their hazy kisses resume.
Wait, wait,” she pulls away to meet his confused expression.
“I'm the girlfriend that keeps clothes.” She pulls on the collar of her shirt.
“Aw, this is my favorite shirt, though!”
“Ohh, that's too bad!”
Ch 8
@blowmymbackout @soufcakmistress @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @thegifstories @blackerthings @twistedcharismaaa @nayaxwrites @abeautifulmindexposed @cecereads209 @harmshake
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darkcanid19 · 4 months
ok i'll bite. what is the hi fi normal au
So glad you asked (deranged)! To make a very long story short - paraphrased from @artdragon122 , the basic gist of it is that it follows a timeline where Kale survives and the "bad guys" play nice with the "good guys". A redemption arc if you will, and that was what the original plan was.
Full rundown under cut; General TWs for child abuse and neglect (Kale is not a happy camper).
Dragon and I came up with the AU following just that - everyone is happy and coexists with one another, and it gave us a chance to insert our OCs as well. No one died (well. kind of) and there was really nothing wrong. But I think the general trend with anything I, and by extension Dragon, touch never ends up being pure and happy and blissful.
We mostly use this AU for roleplay scenarios, so the both of us have different characters assigned to one another. The most important thing you should know about this is that Dragon had the ability to handle Kale, and miraculously, turned him into the saddest most tragic wet cat of a man ever. And by that I mean we both noticed that his poor relationship with the rest of his family is. Not that great. We took the fact that neither Peppermint nor Roxanne even batted an eye at his death in the game and ran with it.
Without going too deep into it just yet, Kale was heavily neglected and abused by his mother for not being the favorite child. Peppermint was raised to think he was the scum of the earth and thus treated him as such. Spectra ended up being the result of that, and was originally filled with the intent to brainwash his mother into giving him the love and care he was never able to have. Over time it evolved into something more sinister, thus bringing the events of the game to fruition.
While the other bosses survived Chai's escapades, Kale was not so lucky. He, quite literally, exploded to bits and was very lucky to even be able to be repaired. Chai had to and continues to live with the guilt that he did wind up killing someone. As Kale recovers, Chai and his gang handle the events at the secret Spectra lab below the island. Dragon had the brilliant idea of changing the memos you usually find down there to be a log of Kale's descent into insanity. It's very eye-opening for them and changes their entire perspective on why Kale did anything at all (except for Peppermint, we'll get to that later).
A few months later, a groupchat is made (where we stsrted this whole thing) in order to help everyone get along with each other better. It does go well save for a few incidents, one involving Chai stupidly throwing himself into a "rematch" with Roquefort and barely surviving, and some unlikely friendships are made. It slowly becomes obvious that Kale has a lot more going on than originally thought, even after everything, and surprisingly Chai is able to help him and Peppermint restore their relationship as siblings who deserve to care for one another.
Although, there is a more fucked up timeline to all this where Peppermint practically undergoes a villain arc which Dragon and I have dubbed the "Cocomelon AU". That's not important right now though.
That's basically all we have in terms of canon events for now, but here's some extra info that is just a bunch of things we decided to say "fuck it" and make canon:
• Roquefort and Drake (Dragon's OC) are married but like to pretend that they aren't. They're the pinnacle of ""toxic"" yaoi (they care about each other a lot).
• Chai is hopelessly head over heels for Kale. Kale is in that mixed stage of "why do I care about him so much" and no further moves have been made despite Chai's desperate attempts to get together. They'll figure it out eventually.
• Zanzo and Mimosa kiss each other apparently and they make it everyone's problem once people find out. It's horrid (awesome).
• We can make any franchise we want canon. This includes Monster Hunter and Ultrakill. Chai and Peppermint, who are completely "normal" about UK, were able to convince Zanzo to design IRL replicas of V1 and V2.
• Chai is a streamer and a very surprisingly wealthy furry artist. His top paying commissioner is Roquefort. It makes for very funny blackmail material.
• CNMN apparently works retail.
• Chai, Kale, and Peppermint are trans.
• Kale suffers from chronic migraines and is unfortunately subjected to the effects of getting high off of high doses of ibuprofen (may or may not have caused some emotional phone calls with his sister).
Holy fucking shit this is long. We will end up making this a sideblog at some point so if any of you are interested in this AU there will be that! If Dragon sees this feel free to add on LMAO
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Verboten Passion
A very loose interpretation of Hero & Leander, a Greek myth, but make it Cult. Original character Quin x Chris Evans. Surprise! This is my 2nd Chris Evans fic.
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Chapter 4: Dissent in the Council
"I could talk to you forever, you're easy to talk to," Chris shared from Quin’s side as she stared up at the ceiling. "To be honest, I could go for some of that bbq they were handing out downstairs. You didn't eat. What're you gonna do? Shit, it's already late."
"Time flies when you're having fun," Quin sighed sitting up from the bed and gathering Chris' clothes from the bathroom. "Don't make too much noise when you go down, the doors are unlocked. Go straight out."
"Quin," she corrected watching his eyes widen with wonder.
"Quin," he repeated. "Quin.."
"Yes?" She asked once more as he'd been struck silent. "What is it?"
"I can't. I can't go."
"Of course you can. Why do you mean?" 
"No, I can’t. Not without making sure you know exactly how I feel about you. I don't want you to wonder. Quin," he grabbed her hand placing it over his quick-beating heart. "I want to be with you. This isn't a fly by night thing for me, I'll do anything you need me to."
"I need you to go," Quin pressed, but she didn't mean it and he pushed until she wavered. 
"..Why can't you just go," she sighed exhausted 
"I can't do that," he repeated catching her in another embrace. "If there was a way to show you how serious I am.."
"I know you're serious," her heart cried because it didn't matter. Her feelings didn't matter. She had too much to lose, even in her relationship with the goddess which came first and foremost. She couldn't turn her back.
He kneeled on both knees in prayer with his head and arms raised.
"Goddess Raysha, please," he begged, "Take pity on my desire for your priestess. I am at her feet gunned down by love. She is my goddess. She can take anything she likes. Please..," he looked up to Quin who was stricken with uncertainty in her decision. "Have mercy on a man in love.."
"Dammit Chris, get up." She pulled him up and leaned against his chest unsure of what to do next. "The Council wouldn't approve, I'd be stripped on my position and then I'd be a temple servant. I can't let that happen."
"I won't let it happen, I'll coke when it's dark and everyone's asleep.. I'll be out before daybreak. No one will ever know.
"They'll know. I get the feeling you suck at hiding your feelings."
"Quin, I swear." He held her eyes until again, she caved.
"It's those blues," she touched his cheek with a sigh. "Those beautiful ocean eyes.. Okay. I'll leave one door open, but you better not get caught or I'll say you broke in. He kissed her without a word and opened the door to disappear quickly. She shut it, leaning against it in a high level of stress, praying he didn't get caught. 
The new day came with the usual responsibilities. Leading regular prayer in increments throughout the day, educating newer Celestial Order members from the holy text, guiding them in their enlightenment.
To her surprise, the council arrived at the church once more as items were being returned and placed where they should've stayed. 
"Anything could've happened to the sacred journals," she whispered in irritation as she passed her mother in the concourse. "They're old, they need special care not to be mismanaged in a-" she had to hold her head she was getting so angry.
"Agreed," her mother sneered raising her nose at the newer membership who meekly walked by with their heads lowered in respect. "It's an abomination what passes for a member these days."
"They're actually very dedicated," Quin said to her own surprise. It was true. They showed promise. Angela scoffed in disgust.
"They're not us, my dear, they'll never be. The sooner they realize it, the sooner we'll have our next batch of willing sacrifices. Their lives for the greater good, I think it's a good trade don't you think?"
The arrival of Quin’s father, Gregory, kept her from a reply. He was calling her to a meeting.
"Wait. The festival. Please bring up the disrespect, I don't think they'll ever see it so long as they're focused on new members, and mom?"
"Yes, dear.."
"The orgies weren't honorable. Even previous priestesses would be appalled, and the council required I mingle? Say a past priestess had relations with someone outside of the Celestial Order, they'd riot."
"It's unthinkable, an instant disgrace and let me tell you," she pointed, "That priestess would be out on her ass quicker than she could spell fired."
"Especially if he were white, there were so many of them."
"God no! Raysha no!"
"White," Gregory spoke in disbelief. Be couldn't fathom a priestess with an uncultured white. He pulled Angela away quickly, the mere thought too much. 
"Enough of this bullshit, I'm setting them straight," Angela muttered. "Talk later hun."
Quin watched them disappear into the meeting room. It was as she thought, She and Chris could never exist together openly. Still, she waited subtly for the meeting to end approaching a different masked council member, inquiring about their thoughts on the festival. 
"Quin, try to understand. Mixing is not a taboo, we could use the numbers a d opposed to your parents' outdated beliefs," she could hear his eyeroll through the mask. "Initiated members do have value.. More members mean more worshippers, more money, more sacrifices, more babies."
"And this order for me, the priestess, to mingle with filth. What if they'd landed a hand on me and I wound up pregnant?"
"Then PRAISE RAYSHA," his arms raised in irritation. Quin was holding him up.
It surprised her, the difference in responses depended on who she asked. On the one hand there was hope and on the other..
"Priestess," her name was called.
During her duties and her prayers, she was distracted, still attempting to figure out a route to happiness. It felt selfish and sinful, but she couldn't gelp herself.  She was in love. Hiding wasn't enough. She needed to find a way to have the cake and eat it too.
Chris came into her room that night as silent as a gentle wind, joining her in bed and for a while they laid their wondering together, what they would do. How would they make this work?
"As long as it takes, I'll scale this building to get to you if I have to," he ensured. He wasn't backing down, scaring easily, or going away. He was committed for the long haul. 
"I might have to cut you up in little pieces and store you in my lockbox," she joked hearing his breathing stall. It made her laugh. He wanted to know more about the sacrifices and offerings she made to Raysha.
"Something you love," she told him as he already knew. "Something you love, something you want, something she lives, and the life of something precious.. "
"What does that do?"
"It protects the order. It gives us long life and beauty and energy. Fertility."
Quin wanted children. She didn't want the men in her ministry, but she'd wanted children. She'd pray especially hard for the women who wished to conceive.
Chris's kisses across her back and fingers tracing her spine gave her more images of a life that eluded her. 
"Tell me again what it's like outside of here.. for people like us.."
His kisses dropped to her asscheeks and her hips. "No one cares who you're with or how much they're worth.. if they're black or white. Love is love. You can go anywhere, do anything."
"Sounds like a dream," she admitted thankful that he didn't pounce with a suggestion to leave the Celestial Order. It was her home and where she felt she belonged. She couldn't just leave. 
She laid on her back as he gave being on top a shot, loving her gently with her smiling up with her eyes, her hands wandering his chest and abs. He looked at her like she was the other other person who existed. His attention to detail made her feel like she was the only one whose body he cared to study. 
The sex only got better. It lasted longer with stronger orgasms. Night after night he'd come by to show her true love, making love and talking all night. They'd laugh and lie awake then get serious wondering about their future together. At times he'd watch her drift off and she'd awake to his gaze and smile of admiration. He was always gone before daybreak. 
"Priestess," Fayth whispered coming to Quin’s side in the corridor one afternoon. "You haven't been getting enough sleep, it's starting to show."
Quin wanted to be outraged, but instead she was fearful. Looking tired was nothing she could afford. Besides, the look in Fayth’s expression said she knew something but would not say. Quin began to wear her ceremonial mask more, but while the order noticed tiny flaws.. Chris did not. It comforted her to know that in his eyes she was still flawless. Still. She feared losing her title. She couldn't handle the way things seemed to be panning out. Days passed and she was 99% positive that Fayth knew what was going on though she didn't say a word about it.
She didn't say it, but Quin felt the judgment radiating from her when they were in private. As much as she hated it, Quin was judging herself just as harshly. 
She decided to seek an opinion that mattered.
Gathering ingredients for the next offering, she went into the temple alone and clothed in her mask and black robe to bless the elements. Again, she tarried on her own until tears came and everything she suppressed came to the surface in woeful, sorrowful bursts. She poured her heart out and what she heard from her goddess brought on another sweat. 
According to the goddess herself, the festival orgies were not to her honor nor were they to her satisfaction as Quin had feared. The goddess had hated the way it occurred. The motive wasn't pure and therefore it was a disrespect to her church. The worst part was Quin. Quin nearly fainted when she received the revelation. She heard the rebuke in her heart clearly. 
"Married at night but your husband runs off before the sun making you single by day. An abomination."
It was Quin’s worst nightmare come to life. She rocked and cried and pleaded and tarried uncaring of her nose dripping and her eyes reddening. 
"I beg you please," she sobbed with her face to the sky, arms raised and sore. "Please have mercy Goddess. Forgive me! Forgive us all!"
The items on the altar suddenly seemed lacking. There were rose petals, fresh berries, cinnamon and clove, black cohosh, a gold coin, and a dove split in half with its blood in a golden chalice. She took a blade and sliced a chunk of her hair arranging it with tear-blurred eyes. She pricked her index with the blade and dripped her own blood onto the altar.
"I give you my blood, sweat, and tears. I give you my life, everything I hold dear. See my transpheart heart, goddess," she pleaded going into chants that repeated until they no longer sounded like words. She danced and continue to chant and plead to the goddess to take mercy with incense waving. She dipped her fingered in the Dave's blood and rubbed it all over herself, praying to be seen as pure once more until she finally heard an answer.
She knew what she had to do. 
Redressing, she pulled herself together and pushed the double doors open to find two temple servants waiting quietly to clean. They'd come early. 
"Don't touch it," she ordered heading to the bell that, once rang, would draw all members of the Celestial Order of Raysha to the church. She waited with resolute stillness as they all arrived. Husbands and wives with their children. "Take the children to the nursery," she ordered waiting until only men and women were left, all dressed in their ceremonial black robes as required by the ringing of the bell.
"Raysba has spoken and she is displeased with us all," she announced listening to the horror.  "You a should know, by your despicable acts you deserve death today! But our goddess has taken mercy. She has given us instructions to right what has been twisted. Our goddess requires.. our coming together in binding rites. An orgy in her honor that will punish and renew us all. 
Before the shrine of Raysha, Quin disrobed keeping on only her mask. As they could all see, her naked body was covered in blood. Never had she atoned for the order with her own body. They all felt the fear that this was something serious and they fell on their knees to cry out in mighty wails to the goddess for forgiveness.
"Each of you husbands, arise," she ordered watching them climb to their feet. "One at a time, come forward."
The first husband looked to his wife as she looked away and he stepped forward looking to Quin as if he could see through her mask. He didn't want to do this. Still, he laid on the tile before Raysba for his punishment. Quin straddled him and before everyone, rode him as ceremonial drums pounded rhythmically matching her motions. She rode him into his orgasm with his seed spilling inside of her as the wives all chanted. She held her emotions inside and called for the next husband.
Averting eyes with his wife as she rode his dick until he too had an orgasm, she remained silent. The drums and chanting went on. 
Down the congregation she went, having sex with each husband. Some were thrilled and willing, crying out their pleasure and thrusting back. Some were in pain having disappointed the goddess. They couldn't bear it. Some were hurt to do this in front of their wives. Some were indifferent. Quin did not comment, she merely did as Raysha had instructed with the nut of approximately 40 men dripping from her pussy. 
"Step forward," she continued until there were no more. She had fused with them all. 
"Now the wives," she demanded gaining the shock of the room. "Men. Turn away and pray to Gamba for you've disappointed him in ways that could surely spell your destruction. Make amends."
The men all faced away as Quin tribbed and fingered the wives of the Celestial Order one by one leaking their squirts and juices on the tile as men cut their faces in deep repentance. 
Quin was covered in fluids and full of them too. She had attoned for the sins of the bunch, omitting that it was mostly her punishment for her wrongs. Order had been restored and the members were free to go except for the temple servants who were to clean up the mess at the shrine and in the upper temple. 
When the church emptied, Quin returned to her quarters and cried hysterically, with no clear thoughts coming through. She was deeply sorry to Raysha from the depth of her heart. She fasted to punish herself further, falling asleep and waking to the gentle touch of a hand.
"Chris," she turned seeing him watch her, his hand on her in concern. She hadn't the heart to explain the blood, the tears, or what had happened. "Please go," she begged fully serious this time. He brought over a soapy cloth instead, cleansing the dried blood from her skin until it was all gone. 
With no words he laid behind her and wrapped her in strong heavy arms, letting her cry as she was only upset with herself and what she was still willing to do despite the ordeal she had just been through. 
She placed a finger over his lips and gave way to forbidden passion, falling under his body's love spell and succumbing to the love she could only receive after midnight. She rode him as if she could overwrite the night, the very thought a sin against her most honored goddess.
She rode herself further and further into physical exhaustion and Chris took over, touching her soul through her cervix to distract her from whatever pain she was feeling in her soul. He watched her fall into a deep sleep and when she awoke the next morning, he was gone.
She waited up the next night on edge for for her fix of him and to her disappointment, he didn't come. Instantly she knew something was wrong. Through the day, no one acknowledged having seen anyone or anything strange. Fayth still said nothing. Quin began to wonder if Chris was turned around due to nearly being caught. Maybe he couldn't get in without being seen. 
Napping during the day, she laid awake at night, exhausted from her prayers and her duties. Her eyelids continuef to droop as she jolted awake every so often, fighting sleep. For the second night, Chris had not shown. She felt a strong sense of panic, like she'd fucked up more than previously imagined. She couldn't sleep. She had to know where he was and what he was doing. She needed to know he was okay and still coming to her. 
The next day, she swallowed all pride and fear to flat out ask Fayth if she had seen a white man, 6 foot, strong, brunette.. creeping around the church. 
"Priestess," Fayth spoke with an odd tone.
Quin was ready for the judgment and the vitriol. She would take it all for an answer. 
"Priestess," Fayth said again, this time with regret. 
"No," Quin whispered, feeling as though she'd been punched in the chest. Fayth’s tone spoke what had been creeping in the back of Quin’s mind since Chris' first absence. 
"I'm sorry.. He's dead," Fayth whispered as if she hated to say it as much as Quin hated to hear it. "He died two nights ago. I heard about it through some of the temple servants."
Quin backed away, running outside for air to breathe. Goddess Raysha had her revenge and she blamed herself for being such a disgraceful priestess. If only she had sent him home that last night, he'd still be alive but she couldn't let him go. Crying, she began to hiccup with the tears. She had multiple chances and chose her own happiness every time. She chose her title over true love and she chose her selfish, lustful desires over true repentance and obedience to Raysha. 
She deserved whatever she got.
Running in her heels, she clacked up the spiral staircase and ran straight into the upper sacred temple of Raysha, clacking to the clean altar. 
"I know you hear me," she cried to the ceiling. "I know you're there.. and I deserve everything you've dished. I deserve it!" 
Owning up to her sins, she confessed it all soberly, wiping her face clean. She'd reached a state of accepting it all. 
"He's dead," she stated putting it behind her. She wouldn't do any rituals to bring him back, she'd done enough. 
"I can't ask you anymore," she shrugged smiling up though her heart was broken. 
"I can't be mad at you Raysha.. I-," she laughed dryly. 
"Well… Just one more thing. Please," she begged, having never wanted anything more than to live her truth without restraint or barriers in this exact moment. "Please. If I've ever pleased you with anything in my 10 years as your priestess, grant me this last wish. Allow my sound to rest with his wherever it may be for eternity."
She grabbed the ornate ceremonial blade jabbing herself in the stomach before she could chicken out of the pain. Embracing it, she climbed on the altar and drove the blade into herself once more, feeling Raysha's sweet release, her life an acceptable sacrifice.  
"Please," she pleaded once more as life left her quickly. "Give me.. the chance.. to apologize.. to.. him." 
The ceing of the temple was the last thing she saw before the transition came and carried her so into the afterlife.
Quin died on the altar that day, her sacrifice atoning for her own transgressions as well as the Celestial Order's. Unfortunately, the Celestial Order of Raysha did not tighten up. The new priestess had to pay the price, in a ritual orgy with all the husbands and wives, this time the men were pegged and the council themselves were forced to join in to secure Raysha's message. 
As for Quin and Chris.. 
Well no one ever found out, with the exception of Fayth and a couple of temple servants and they never told a soul. 
If you were to ask them, they'd say Quin and Chris still stay together, as one soul in the sky. You can see it if you look up at night shining brighter than the others.
The End.
@ogbritbrat @dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @localtrapgod @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @miyuhpapayuh
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 10 months
Frayed Ties - Chapter 9 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"So, how were things looking?" Simon asked.
"The state of that room sure did add some illustration to the story you told us about what happened," Tris said. "I mean, damn, Danya."
Danya looked away.
The more people knew about that, the more they talked about it, the greater the chance that somebody would stumble upon the simple truth that should have been obvious to all of them, Danya should not have been able to do what he had done.
"Sorry, kid," Tris said, his voice softening. "That must've been traumatic as hell for you, huh? Not a great first step into your new life."
"The room where they found what remained of the mayor was worse," Roope added. "I don't think they'll ever get the stench out of the floorboards. Even without the security concerns, that'd be reason enough not to want to stay there."
Simon reached over and picked up the armoured jacket Danya had been repairing and examined his progress.
"Did you convince whoever's taken charge to find us somewhere else, then?" Roope inclined his head. "The local council and yes, we did. There's a hotel they just got done renovating. Enough rooms for all of us and it locks up securely from the inside."
"Not as fancy but I'm not gonna complain about any place that gives me a bed big enough to share and plenty of privacy," Tris added.
Hamish made a sound of blissful agreement.
"Simon, are we almost done wrapping things up here at camp? I need these boys to show me their new bed. Then maybe we'll go fight some vampires or some shit as well. We'll see."
Simon looked up but his thumb was still feeling out what remained of the gash in his jacket.
"Should just be a couple more days. Now that I'm settled on Liam for the final member of our unit, it's just a matter of getting everything in order."
"Oh, Liam?" Tris asked.
"Awesome. He's a stuffy bastard but I like him. Doesn't put up with anyone's shit."
"Not even mine, which probably shouldn't be a good reason to recruit him as my subordinate, yet somehow is," Simon said.
"Anyway, I'd better get back to my paperwork if we want to leave as soon as possible. You're dismissed."
Tris gave a mock salute and Hamish took the opportunity to grab his ass and give Roope a kiss on the cheek before they moved away from one another and left the tent.
Are they..." Danya gestured vaguely in an attempt to convey his meaning to Simon, "together? The three of them, I mean."
"Roope and Tris are a couple and Hamish is... well, Hamish. He doesn't do relationships but he does do Roope and Tris, if you get my meaning."
"Ah. Yes, I understand."
Simon watched Danya curiously for a moment.
"Does it really not bother you? I know you said you're far from sheltered. I understand that. But... the contexts in which you've learnt about sexuality haven't exactly been, ah... ideal? I mean, I realise you were raised with the expectation that you might one day be intimate with a man but I doubt what you wanted ever factored into that."
Danya could feel his heart hammering in his chest but he did his best to present an image of outward calm.
Simon wanted to understand, wanted to protect Danya from anything that might be making him uncomfortable and that was good but Danya knew Simon found these topics upsetting.
If Danya said the wrong thing, Simon might get angry.
"It's not such a simple matter, I suppose, of thinking that I would one day surely be forced into something against my will," Danya said carefully.
"I could have ended up in a situation that was not objectionable or one where there was something I did wan, but could not have. And..."
He wasn't sure if he should say this next part.
His throat was already trying to close around his words, making his voice come out choked.
"That wasn't what I really feared, growing up. What really scared me was the possibility that nobody would ever want me."
Danya rubbed away his tears.
He didn't want to cry about this old would again.
He just wanted Simon to understand.
To his surprise, though, Simon held his arms out and let Danya sink into them.
Danya pressed his face against Simon's shirt and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to settle his breathing as Simon rubbed his back.
"That's not your life anymore. You get that, right?" Simon asked. "I'm going to keep you safe no matter what and I'd never, ever expect anything like that from you in return. I am so sorry for making you feel unwanted and afraid."
Danya swallowed thickly and let out a shuddery exhale.
If he had described this situation to himself at some other point in his life, he never could have imagined he could be unhappy with it.
What Simon offered was far more than he could have hoped for.
Yet here he was and he couldn't stop himself from yearning.
What was he?
What place did he have?
He wasn't a pet or a servant.
He merely existed without a single purpose in this world.
If only Simon wanted him just a bit, just sometimes...
Danya squeezed his eyes shut against the tears that refused to stop welling.
He would never have what he wanted.
If he expressed these thoughts to Simon, at best he would acquiesce for Danya's sake.
What would be the point of that?
He still wouldn't be wanted.
He would just have found a new way to be burdensome.
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phantom-ellie · 2 years
dome-estic bliss
Click here for CWs/Full Chapter List
OFMD Kinktober 2022 Prompt 9: Hair Pulling
Black Pete and Fang are lonely. Lucius is in hiding. Their only option is to do each other, really.
Part of Series Our Flag Means Stupid Bad Sex: For Kinktober 2022, my attempt to portray each kink prompt in the most unsexy manner possible. If anything in here manages to turn you on, you are a special snowflake and I salute you on your unique life path.
Once again, Black Pete meets Fang in the ball room for a dicking-down.
Once again, Black Pete is too busy complaining for said dicking-down to occur.
"I have needs, man. He can't keep hiding in the pantry. I thought that being in an open relationship would get me more sex, not less." Pete sighs, talking to the balls just as much as to Fang.
"Pete, mate, I like you a lot, but can we skip this part and get down to the sex? Lucius isn't doing me either." Even Fang's eternal patience can run out after a while.
Pete ignores him.
"I mean, being in a throuple is great, really! I like bringing in more people to have sex with, but let's face it, they're only interested in Lucius, not us."
"Speak for yourself," says Fang, even though Pete is right.
"And we're just here getting his table scraps! Like dogs!"
"Aw, come on, Pete! There's nothing wrong with dogs! Besides, at least you get attention from others. Everyone talks about Lucius and Pete, Pete and Lucius. Nobody is interested inFangie'ssex life, are they? Sure, Fangie is cute, Fangie is a gentle giant, but does anyone want to her about how I dicked you down so hard last week you saw planets for three days? No, they don't." He crosses his arms grumpily.
"They're just using us, man," Pete agrees. "They only want me for my sexy hot body, and you for your amazing and loving personality."
Fang nods. "What about my body? What about your personality?"
Pete looks back at Fang. "You know, we don't need them! Together, we have everything! With my looks and your personality we can become a sexual god!"
Fang giggles. "I guess. So, how do you want me to do this?" He runs a finger down his own bare chest, as sexily as possible.
Black Pete takes a minute to think. "You know, there's something I've always wanted to try..."
"Yes?" Fang asks eagerly.
"I mean, it's kind of silly..."
"Go on..."
"Hair pulling. I want to to pull my hair."
The smile drops off Fang's face.
"Uh, Pete? You don't... you don't have any hair. I don't either, really... unless you mean..." He shily points down.
"No! God, no. That would hurt, like, so much! Not that I feel pain, I'm sure I could take it, but still." Pete thinks for a full minute, which if you stop and count is actually a really long and awkward amount of time to think in silence.
He snaps his fingers. "I've got it! We'll use our imagination! You pretend to pull my hair and I'll pretend to pull ours!"
"And what will we be doing with..." Fang gestures down below again.
"Oh, this is gonna be so hot, I'm sure they'll take care of themselves! Let's go"
So Fang and Pete eagerly sit among the balls in the ball room not actually touching balls or penises or hair or anything.
Pete reaches out his hands and hovers over Fang's head. "Oh Fang, give it to me, yes, I'm pulling so hard!"
"Ow, that hurts so bad Pete! So, so bad! I'm pulling even harder!"
"Wow, I can almost feel it with how hard you're pulling, this is hot! I'm going to do it! I'm going to come!"
They both sit back in silence and imagine some really good orgasms.
Fang is the first to speak. "Wow, I like, saw stars with that one, it was good."
Pete shrugs. "Yeah, you were okay I guess. I mean, I have that affect on people with my rockin' bod."
Fang sighs and scratches the back of his head.
"I miss Lucius, Pete."
"Yeah, me too."
0 notes
chit-a-to · 2 years
❗❗ TW ❗❗ sexual assault
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Her statement scared me... Like... Okay I got it, when I was still a kid I used to like (much) older guys, too, maybe like 10 yrs older or something. But then as I grew up I realized that even though it was a harmless crush, it's still dangerous and morally wrong to build a relationship between a minor and an adult. Still, it is understandable because as a kid we're still learning and cannot really differentiate yet as to what is morally wrong or not.
Now if this Lina person said that when they (sauceribs) were kids they thought Rin was going to ended up with Sesshomaru, shouldn't they be growing out of that mindset? Because they're adults now and they should've learned that romanticizing a minor and adult can be constituted as supporting grooming which is part of pedophilic behavior. Even if she they said that "it's just a drawing! it's not a big deal!", then again every time there's an animation that features POC or people from non-christian religions (e.g. buddhists muslims, &c.) as the main characters, we called them "representation". So, what makes it so different when it's a child or a teenager on screen? Won't it represents children/teenagers/young adults, too?
What I'm afraid of is not her mere statement, but what it might implies. If sauceribs' ways of thinking are like that, and they all now are adult, I'm afraid that they might let that mindset seeped into their every day's life. For example, they see a 20 yrs old something man hitting on a teenage girl and they'll be thinking "Oh yeah, that's totally fine. The girl definitely wants to be with him."
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And that's on a very basic and very common example of what grooming looks like in our modern society. But there are also child predators who is unheard of with appearance like a good, law-abiding citizen. Who knows that one of them are a mangaka? 👀 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not saying that if you support sessrin then you'll become a pedophile. What I mean is that if you couldn't realize the disturbing nature of their relationship, it could potentially blind your judgement towards similar cases, real life or not.
Oh and one more thing. It seems that raisins and proshippers always deflect antis' statement with "So if you think that liking sessrin making me a lolicon/groomer supporter, then by that logic I wanna be a murderer too if I watch anime that has murder scenes huh?"
That's a good analogy and I've been thinking about it, too. But after some pondering, I don't think those are the same thing. Because, in the case of murder, we have been thought ever since we're little kids that it's bad to hurt other living creatures. So, even if we watch anime/movies with the MC being a killer, we'll realized - albeit unconsciously - that that's a wrong thing and we shouldn't do that. Only in some unfortunate (and extreme) cases where people are actually get inspired to murder other people or kill animals after watching anime/movies with that theme.... [1] [2].
Meanwhile, as for the case of grooming &/ other sexual abuse, we learned about all of that only recently, and just bit by bit too, thanks to the increased interest in law protection for women and especially for survivors who are brave enough to share their stories. Most of the time we can't sniffed it out immediately, particularly if we haven't known the couple for a long time or their background stories, because we've been told that "it's not our business" to know what's happening between a couple. That's why seeing a seemingly innocent couple in an anime/movie and being told "that man/woman sexually abuses his/her partner!" feels like a foreign thing to us, and of course for the die hard fans of the couple it feels like an insult hence the denial and deflection.
Again, if you wanna ask "wtf does the anime/movies couples hv to do with rl cases? 👿👿". Then I wanna ask you too, can you look at a teenager or a young adult who has been a real victim of sexual abuse and think "poor little thing..." but then proceed to watch an anime/movie that portrays a character with similar backstory? Will you be irked by the similarity or will you keep gushing over it?
In conclusion, justifying/normalizing sexual abuse in a mainstream media can leads you to justifying/normalizing sexual abuse in real life, too.
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
The dinner
Final part
First part The librarian
Second part Not a so secret relationship
Azriel x reader
Words: about 900 words
Warnings: mention of sex, bad writing (I'm sorry for eventual errors), fluff Az
Author's note: This is the final part, hope you like it. If you have requests please send me, and I will be more than happy to write them down :)
My masterlist
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Gif not mine, credit to the owner. It has nothing to do with the story, but I imagine a scene like this at the family dinner, with Azriel.
This is now the fifth time I've looked in the mirror, unsure of how I look. I'm wearing my favorite dress, which I also wore to my first dinner date with Az. 
I keep looking at myself, not noticing that the songbird had come out of the bathroom, after taking a quick shower. He stopped behind me, and seeing my thoughtful face, asks: 
Azriel: "Stop making that face honey. You look great. I love this dress to death, though I prefer you without it." - she says in a sultry voice as she whispers the words over my shoulder. 
Y/N: "I know I wore it our first dinner." 
Azriel: " We better get moving, or I'll be forced to take it off." 
Y/N: "When does dinner start?" - I ask Azriel as he gets dressed. 
Azriel: "It starts...or rather it started ten minutes ago."- he says calmly, while I turn around and start yelling at him: 
Y/N: "WHAT?! WE HAVE TO MOVE! DAMN IT'S THE FIRST FAMILY DINNER WHERE I'M INVITED AND WE ARRIVE LATE. THEY WILL HATE ME! YOUR FAMILY WILL HATE ME-" - I say walking around the house moving objects and running here and there. 
Azriel stops me, taking me by the shoulders and looking me straight in the eyes. 
Azriel: "Love relax, no one ever gets to family dinners on time. And they'll all love you, I'm more than sure; in fact I think I'll have to fight to keep you for myself. Know that I can be very possessive of what I love." - he says in a soothing voice. 
Y/N: "Believe me I know, I still remember the scene you made because I used your coffee cup."- I laughingly reply. "Now move we have to go." 
After a few minutes we are flying over the city of Velaris. The view from here is beautiful: you can see people wandering around the streets happy and carefree, the stores and lights dancing in the streets, the music echoing in the streets and the river flowing in the center of the city as if it were the origin of everything around it. 
Eventually we land on the terrace of the famous Wind House. The windows are closed, but you can see through the panes of glass people moving around and hear their laughter. 
Azriel:" So are you ready? If you don't want to don't worry about it, I'll make up an excuse and we'll be right back-" 
Y/N: "Az, relax, I'm ready. My guess is they're not as terrible as you describe." 
Azriel: "So innocent and naive, you don't know them, wait until you're there with them for ten minutes and you'll see how right I was."
I open the window , which was just pulled up, and enter in the room,  immediately everyone's gaze shifts to us. 
A tall man, with long hair, bronze skin and big wings, like Az's (Az has bigger wings though ;) ) has a shocked expression while some like Mor have a huge smile on their face. 
One by one they come to introduce themselves, all congratulating us and especially me for making Mr. Ice Heart fall in love. Once the introductions are over, the dinner proper begins. Laughter, jokes and joking insults are the only thing you can hear as everyone happily eats the plentiful dinner on the table. 
Immediately they manage to make me feel a part of them l, like I've known them forever. Cassian keeps making silly jokes about how he's in bed Az, on the contrary his partner, Nesta, who I found out was the one to whom the books were going, thanked me for my advice to the shadowsinger. Feyre and Mor were thrilled to know who had captured Az's heart, as they had long suspected there was someone in his life. 
Rhysand, is also happy that his brother has found someone and you can see it in his face, but he is much more placid and we get to talking about Velaris and our shared love for the Rainbow. 
Amren, on the other hand, squared me from head to toe and then simply told me that I have a nice necklace, which to hear Az tell it is the best compliment he could give me. 
We spend the evening laughing, chatting and drinking, when my gaze fixes on Azriel and in that moment I feel something snap in me, and I realize it's the bond. 
Azriel is my mate. 
Feeling my gaze on him, the songbird turns to me, and stares at me. I see something snap in his eyes, and immediately realize that he too has felt the bond snap. 
Azriel quickly gets up towards me, hurriedly greets the others, making excuses like "it's late, I'm sorry", "we're busy tomorrow", "he had a hard day, he needs to rest". 
He takes me by the hand and leads me to the window, but just before taking off I hear Rhysand yelling that he has the week off and to take care of his partner. 
The last thing I remember that night was the cold night wind flowing over us, contrasting with Azriel's warm lips on my neck. 
The rest is history.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: Fred's and Y/n's silly rivalry may have more to do with love than with hate; after a fatal incident, some confessions are made.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa
Warnings: brief mention of violence, blood, language (this seems a lot darker than it is lmao)
A/N: idk man I just love this idiot so here it comes another oneshot. The reader's house is not specified btw. Enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Fred spotted me and walked to stand near me before asking jokingly "On your way to kill a man, Y/n?" Oh, little did he know.
"what is that?!" I exclaimed at the sight of my friend's bruised arm.
"uhm... Nothing."
"who did that to you?" I knew the answer before I even got it. My friend had gone to break up with that Cormac McLaggen the previous night; she had finally listened to us and ended that toxic relationship they had, but apparently she got a souvenir from it.
"It's fine- he didn't mean to- Y/n don't do anything stupid." Too late, I saw red.
"I don't have time for your bullshit, Weasley." I curtly replied bumping his shoulder while I walked past him, making his smile drop in confusion. I never missed the opportunity to start a playful argument with him, but, as I had said, I didn't have time for that.
With the corner of my eye, I saw him joining my friends in the task of trailing after me.
I spotted the bastard chatting with his friends in the middle of the hallway that led to the Great Hall. "Oi, McLaggen!"
"Evening, Y/l/n." That filthy grin vanished from his face when I kicked him in the balls, triggering some gasps from our peers and a grunt of pain from him.
"Listen carefully, you loathsome pig." I leaned over to be eye to eye with him. "If you dare to lay a finger on my friend again— if you even think about it— I'll become your personal nightmare." I stood upright again, his eyes full of hate and rage following my movements. "You don't deserve a bloody warning, but I'm a generous woman." Poison dripped off my tongue, my eyes throwing daggers at him as I stepped back and turned around.
My eyes met Fred's worried ones while I made my way to my friends; they surely had told him enough for the ginger to know this was no time for joking and teasing.
His gaze then flickered behind me with panic and I realized a tad too late I shouldn't have turned my back to McLaggen; at the end of the day, pride overpowered honour in a lot of Gryffindors.
I spun around, grabbing my wand from my pocket, but I wasn't fast enough; before I knew what was happening, Fred was in front of me, serving as a human shield from the jinx.
The unknown spell hit his back and propelled us in my friends' direction. I was quickly on my knees, sitting Fred up and earning a grunt in the process, which I initially thought was caused by the fall. "Are you mental?!" My friend casted an Expelliarmus at the younger Gryffindor, long forgotten due to Fred's actions.
"My back— AH!" He yelped when I tried to pull him up.
"OI!" A first year who had made his way to the first row of students frantically gestured at Fred's back. "He's bleeding!!"
"What?!" I made him lean on me to take a look at his white shirt, now stained with blood. What I thought to be a harmless jinx turned out to be fatal.
"He's not supposed to be bleeding!" Cormac shouted, as panicked as I was.
One of my friends said something about going to look for George while the others shoot off to look for Madam Pomfrey.
"I'm gonna kill him..." Fred mumbled through gritted teeth, his voice shaky and weak. He felt so fragile in my arms, and I couldn't help the tears stinging my eyes.
"Fred—" his hands, which had been gripping my forearms, lost strength as the boy's body relaxed. "For fuck's sake don't fall asleep."
"... 'm trying..."
"FREDDIE!" His twin brother rushed to us, falling on his knees by his brother's side.
"I'm sorry." McLaggen had walked to us, keeping a safe distance.
"YOU'RE DEAD MCLAGGEN!" George stood up before I could stop him. Luckily for everyone, Madam Pomfrey showed up.
"Oh Lord! Mister Weasley, quick! Help me with your brother!" The Healer commanded, and soon they were pulling Fred off my grasp and rushing to the infirmary.
I was left in the middle of the hallway with my friends showering me with worried questions and reassurance.
What the fuck had just happened?
During dinner, several girls and a couple of boys came to congratulate me for kicking McLaggen's balls, and it would have been a lot more satisfactory if Fred Weasley hadn't stepped in the middle.
As soon as I finished my meal, I headed to the infirmary through the now quiet halls, only to find there were too many people visiting.
Of course, George was there, along with their younger siblings and Lee Jordan, but in front of them stood Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall and none other than Cormac McLaggen himself.
"—already told you it wasn't for you!"
"How is that an apology, Mister McLaggen?" McGonagall scolded him, refraining herself from hitting the boy herself.
"You better fucking run, McLaggen, because the moment I can step out of this bed I swear on Godric I will—"
"Enough, Mister Weasley!" I almost pitied the poor woman. Her House was probably the most problematic. "All of you must go to your dormitories, Mister Weasley needs to rest." I stood on the entrance of the room, unsure of whether I should leave or enter, until Flitwick's eyes landed on my form. He redirected McGonagall's attention to me, and I felt the need of shying away. "Miss Y/l/n," I didn't miss the failed attempt of Fred to move; luckily, he was stopped by his sister. "I suppose you wanted to pay a visit?"
"Uhm... I did, Professor." I confessed, fidgeting with the sleeves of my robe. "I know it's late—"
"Don't take too long." She spoke, motioning everyone to follow her. "Curfew is still at 10." She reminded me in a warning tone, passing by.
As soon as they were out, I made my way to Fred, who lay on his stomach in one of the beds, the sheets only covering his legs an hips in order to avoid the clothing chaffing his damaged skin.
"You have a heart after all, huh?" He teased once I stood in front of him.
"How are you?" He frowned at my genuine question; the ginger surely expected me to make a witty comeback, but again, it didn't seem the time.
"A tad better." He gave me a reassuring half smile, deciding to drop our banter for a night. "Flitwick said he used a stinging jinx but casted it wrong." Fred huffed. "A bloody tosser."
He motioned at the chair behind me and I sat down, scooting closer to the bed. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he had jumped in front of me. It had hit his back, but I knew it was meant to hit my face —what a mess that would have been—, and I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.
"Stop that."
"Stop what?"
"It's not on you." I felt my face flaring up at the ease with which he saw through me. I wasn't the first time he did that, but it was the first time he didn't use it to tease me.
"I know, I just—" I sighed. "I don't know." Though my sight was casted down, I still felt his worried gaze on me. "I'm gonna murder him."
"I reckon George will overtake us both on that." He tried to laugh but ended up in a since instead. "Or Gin. Maybe they'll team up with Ron and we'll find a corpse in the Gryffindor common room tomorrow." This time it was me who laughed. "How's your friend?"
"She'll be alright." I informed, distracting myself with a loose string at the hem of my skirt.
"And you?" I met his eyes with a hum leaving my mouth. "How are you?"
"Been better." I confessed.
"Can you pass me the water?" I nodded, holding the glass in front of him and putting the straw in his mouth so he could take a couple of sips. "Thanks."
"No worries."
Silence again.
"Did you eat something?"
He scrunched his nose. "Not really."
"I'll go grab something from the kitchens." I didn't get far before his long fingers wrapped around my wrist.
"I'd rather have you here keeping my company." I then sat down again, his fingers only leaving my wrist to intertwin with mines. "I'm not hungry anyway."
More silence.
"Your hand is really soft." I reckon those words involuntarily escaped his lips by the way his eyes widened. "I don't know why I said that."
"Yours is too, surprisingly."
"Surprisingly?" He quirked an eyebrow at me, and I didn't quite realise what his grin was about until I spoke again.
"I imagined they'd be more rough." Oh no. "That came out wrong— I meant—"
"That you've imagined what my hands would feel like?" He was trying to bite back a laugh at the way my face turned red.
"You sure?"
There we went again; the white flag was out.
"Fuck you."
"Please." My cheeks turned even redder, and I wanted to think it was because of the anger. "You look really cute when you blush."
"You look really cute when you keep your mouth shut."
"Then shut me, love." He wiggled his brows at me.
"I would, but I don't wanna punch you in this state."
"You're very agressive." He pointed out, shocked that I didn't get what he was implying. "I meant with a kiss."
"Ew-" I pretended to gag. "no!"
He tugged on my hand and pulled me to my knees falling right in front of his eyes with our faces inches away. "C'mon Y/l/n, we're dragging this on now." His eyes kept falling on my mouth after I had unconsciously chewed on my lower lip.
"We're... We're not dragging on anything." I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.
"Do you want me to start? Alright, you drive me mad." He forced his gaze to be fixed on mine. "You're annoying, rude and a pain in the arse." I huffed. "But you're also quick-witted and caring and brave." Gosh I hated how easily he made me blush. "Sometimes I want to punch you in that pretty face of yours but other times— most of the times— all I wanna do is kiss you." His thumb caressed the back of my hand. "Hell, I threw myself between you and that blonker without thinking twice!"
He raised his eyebrows, silently prompting me to say something, but I just didn't know what to say.
"Miss Y/l/n," Madam Pomfrey called, making me let go of Fred's hand an stood up. "It's almost ten o'clock! Let Mister Weasley rest." I nodded, not even looking in Fred's direction as I exited the infirmary.
The morning after the incident, Dean and Neville dragged in an unrecognisable McLaggen; they were probably the only ones who cared about that bloke enough to take him to Madam Pomfrey, though they did it half-heartedly.
I was discharged after three days in, right before lunch, and obviously, I was received as a hero; several people came to praise my bravery or ask how I was feeling, but I just wanted to see one person.
That night in the infirmary I was sure she felt the same way —hell, I had been sure for a couple of months— but after seeing her reaction, I didn't really know anymore.
I could always tell her it was a prank, and we would go back to our usual bickering. "Weasley!" Shit. "Fred!" She specified when the four of us turned at the call of our surname, almost jogging in my direction. "Can we talk?"
"Go ahead, darling." I prompted her without moving from my seat.
"In private?"
"Nah," I begged Godric for her not to see behind my grin the panic that produced me the mere thought of being left alone with her.
"Are you joking?" She huffed and, after taking a deep breath, she spoke. I wasn't expecting her to speak. "So you see, you're cheeky and stupid and not nearly as funny as you think." Ginny spit her pumpkin juice due to Y/n's harsh words. "but I... ugh! Okay— I want to kiss you too."
This time it was Ron who choked on his drink. "What's going on?"
"I feel like we missed an important part of this conversation." George commented.
This time it was Y/n who awaited for an answer. "This is literally the most embarrassing thing ever, so at least say something." She commanded in a rather rude tone, tapping her shoe against the floor.
I winced ever so slightly at the effort of getting up, but it was worth it when I saw her expression as I towered her; I reckon I had never seen her that sheepish before.
"That's a really mean way of saying you're attracted to me." I observed, quirking a brow at her. "Dunno why I fancy you so much."
"Well that makes the two of us." I couldn't help but chuckle at her attitude before cupping her cheeks and bring her lips to mine.
Despite being a short, innocent kiss, was enough to make us both blush and grin like idiots.
"Awww" I rolled my eyes at my twin's mockery, knowing damn well I wouldn't hear the end of it.
"Why do I feel like I'm gonna miss you two being at each other's throat?" I couldn't care less about Ron's question as Y/n pulled me down for another kiss.
Almost bleeding to death seemed worth it in that moment.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Holy crap. Look at Kate Herron's shirt. When the Loki director pops up on Zoom, she's donning the most glorious image anyone will see since we laid eyes on Alligator Loki: A Teletubby wearing the Loki horns. Are the Teletubbies Loki variants? Sure, why not!
"I got it on Instagram," Herron says. "There's an amazing comic book artist and he designed it. He made it into a T-shirt for me because I saw it and was like, 'That's incredible. Can I get it for the press junket?'"
Herron, no big deal, just pulled off an MCU miracle. Entering a mammoth franchise with, notably, some of Sex Education's best episodes under her belt, the director deftly brought a plot involving multiverses and Richard E. Grant in a cape and superhero mumbo-jumbo to brilliant, beautiful life. Following Loki's tear-jerking, mind-bending finale, the series has been dubbed by critics and fan's alike as one of Marvel's best efforts—which is no small feat. Of course, we needed to ask Herron how she stuck the landing. Following the most epic finale you, me, or any Teletubby can remember, Herron talked to Esquire about the Miss Minutes jump scare, filming the finale's introduction of He Who Remains, and why she won't return for Season Two of Loki.
ESQ: How are you doing?
KH: I'm good. I think I feel very relieved that I don't have to sit on the secret of He Who Remains anymore, It was a very big secret to hold, but for an important reason, right? Because it's such a good character to be launching. So yeah, I feel good.
ESQ: Loking back at your old interviews, you have such a good poker face when you're avoiding spoilers, but you're also incredible at giving aggregator crumbs.
KH: I play a lot of board games, so you need to be quite good at strategy and poker faces so people can't always read your hand. So I think weirdly board games have prepared me more for working with Marvel than anything else.
ESQ: I have to start with the Miss Minutes jump scare. What went into the decision to make her a memeable, creepy apparition in that moment?
KH: I love horror, and my executive, Kevin Wright, knew that. Me and him were talking about Episode Six and I remember that he was like, "Oh, maybe you could do something creepy of Miss Minutes." And I immediately was like, "We have to do a jump scare!" Because I haven't got to do a good jump scare in anything yet and I really wanted to, because a lot of my friends are horror directors. I was like, "I can't let them down." So I was really excited to have a shot at doing a jump scare. And Miss Minutes, it was really fun testing it because we'd kind of bring different people into the edit, me and Emma McCleave, the editor, and we'd just play it for them, watch them, and check that they were jumping when we cut it.
ESQ: One thing that I think is getting missed in all the craziness is that we see a peak moment of the love story between Loki and Sylvie. Where does the finale leave the companionship that they found in each other?
KH: When I started the show, that was always in the DNA of it—that Loki was going to meet a version of himself and they were going to fall in love. And that's honestly what drew me into the story, because I directed Sex Education. I love stories about self-love and finding your identity and your people. Loki is such a broken character when we join him, and seeing him go on this amazing journey with all this growth and finding the good points of himself in seeing her—I think that was very beautiful. It's also paying respect to the fact that Sylvie's in a very different place to him. She hasn't had the Mobius therapy session. She even says, in Episode Five, "I don't know how to do this. I don't have friends." You really feel for her because she has been on the run and her whole life has been this mission.
It's almost funny because these characters are thousands of years old, but it's almost teenage the way they both talk about their feelings for each other. I think everyone can relate to that, right? In any new relationship, there's always that kind of awkwardness and like, "Oh God, am I too keen? The important thing was the hope—like when Sylvie and him kiss, I think it is genuine and it is coming from a place of these feelings they have for each other. Obviously she does push them through that door, but for me it was a goodbye and it was with heart. But it's kind of a goodbye in the sense of like, I care about you, but I'm going to do my mission because that's where I'm at.
ESQ: I would pay for you to direct the Sex Education episode where Otis falls through a portal into the multiverse, into the main MCU.
KH: He really looks like a Loki as well, which is so funny. I always thought that. I was like Asa does look like a Loki. It didn't come to pass or anything, but it would be interesting to do a Sex Ed-Marvel crossover. I wonder who all the different characters would be within the MCU, but it would be quite funny.
ESQ: You're right, he could pull off a teenage Loki.
KH: Yeah, like a teen or a very young ’20s, maybe. But it was just funny because I was like, "Oh yeah, he looks a bit like Tom." I wonder how they could do it. I'm sure they'll find a way to do a crossover anyway.
ESQ: Can you just take me back to filming with Jonathan Majors? And you capturing him in such a compelling, quirky, scary way—I'm sure your direction was such a big part of that.
KH: I was just so excited because Jonathan is an actor that everyone was so excited about. He's like a chameleon in everything he does and he's so talented. I just feel as a director so lucky to have worked on this because I feel like I've got to work with some of the best actors out there. And when you're with Jonathan, you know you're in the presence of just someone really magnificent. For me as a director, it's giving him the space to play and feel safe. Because we filmed it all in a week, but it was a lot to film in a week. So I think it was really about creating a space where he could have fun and find this character because he's going to be playing him for a long time.
ESQ: What went into the decision to introduce us to the good guy first?
KH: I remember in the script, he comes up the elevator and it was so casual. I was like, "Oh man, that's so fun." And then Jonathan, when he plays it, he's relaxed. And I the thing he used to talk about a lot was that this is a character who's been on his own for a long time. Because at the beginning, we introduced him in a space in the universe that feels like this very busy, loud place, but actually, when we see the Citadel, he's surrounded by the Timeline and he's very isolated. Even in his costume with [designer] Christine Wada, for the idea of his outfit, he's a character who's existed for multiple millennia. So it's like, OK, let's pull from lots of different places so you can't necessarily pin down which time or which place he might be from. Also the fact that his clothes look comfy. They were like pajamas because he's living at home. He loved the idea of the office [being] the only finished part of the citadel and that the rest of the citadel was like this Sunset Boulevard kind of dusty, dilapidated space. And just again showed that he probably just keeps himself to his office. All those elements definitely fed into Jonathan's performance in terms of balancing the extrovert, but also the introvert of someone that would be living by themselves and only talking to a cartoon clock.
ESQ: It really is incredible how you pull a nail-biting finale with this battle of wits and dialogue.
KH: It was really exciting because I feel like Episode Five was a lot of fun because we got to play into all the joy of the different versions of Loki, but also just the fact that it was our big usual Marvel third act, right? Like it was where our big spectacle was as they were fighting this big monster. But I love that our finale bookends, right? We began with a conversation and we ended with one.
ESQ: I also loved that there was no end-credits scene—I think it makes the ending that much more impactful. Was there ever an end credit scene on the table, or any kind of a stinger?
KH: I think no, because weirdly, we never went after the kind of mid-credit sequences. I think we always just were thinking just of the story and where we knew we wanted it to end. For example, Episode Four, originally Loki was deleted and then we went straight to him waking up. And it was only in the edit I was like, “I think it'd be really cool actually. We should move that scene to mid-credits because then we'll really feel like Loki has died." Because if I watched that moment and then it went to the credits, I'd be like, "What?!" And then when we were talking about the best way to talk about Season Two, we were like, "Okay, well, let's do that like a little mid-credits at the end because that is exciting to confirm it in that way." I'd say we found both of those in the edit just because we wanted to kind of do it right and have a fun nod to something that Marvel does so well.
ESQ: Is there anything you can tell about the future of the story you've told here—or even where you personally would like to go with the studio or otherwise going forward?
KH: Yeah, so I'm just on for Season One. So I'm so proud of the story we told. I mean, it was amazing getting to set up the TVA and take Loki on this whole new journey. And I mean, I think we've left so much groundwork for his character, and as people see in the comics, there's so much more to be delved into. And I just am excited honestly to just see where all the characters go. Like, who is B-15? What did she see in those memories and where did Ravonna go and where is Loki? I think for me, we've set up these questions and I look forward to seeing them being answered as a fan in the next season.
ESQ: Absolutely. Well, can we please work on the Asa Butterfield Loki?
KH: I will call him and I'll be like, "You want to do some crazy Marvel crossover?"
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B2:S - Chapter 5
Much of this series will be about the differences and additions in the novel version, and how they contribute to my understanding of story canon. But there will be character appreciation, the odd theory and headcanon, and suchlike as well.
Here be lots of Viren deets, Best Boy Soren deets, some writing/continuity stuff, worldbuilding appreciation and half of a theory, Detective Rayla, Moon Temple geeking, Claudium and dark magic, and more!
Spoilers for Book Two: Sky below.
(I know for darn sure that I wrote up a post for chapter 4, but I can't find it anywhere so I guess Tumblr ate it and I'll have to redo it at some point, but today is not that day)
Viren, my evil dude, my bad guy, coming in clutch with the worldbuilding and backstory again! If you want to know decades of information, you gotta talk to Viren. Or read his scenes, at least. Here, he seems to not sleep much when he has a big problem to analyze his way through. Solutions trump pretty much everything else in this guy's life, and he's had a really hard week with a lot of new and complicated problems. Of course he's getting sleep-deprived trying to find his way through them all.
Harrow put so much trust in Viren when he made him High Mage! He just threw himself extra hard at that Lady Justice blindfold, didn't he? Didn't really want to see what Viren was doing in his magic study, so he left Viren to his devices. And Viren has a lot of devices.
Also, this is fascinating: Viren made the secret passage to his "less official study" in Katolis Castle! And he was inspired to do so by the way his own mentor kept the Puzzle House. What else could a Puzzle House be, except a place with secret passages? Yay! secret headcanon that "the Puzzle House" is just "Katolis Castle" from Kid Viren's perspective tho
So either Viren built all of those passageways, or at least the ones to his dungeon. Which means he has to have, or know where to get, a stash of those glowing blue Moonshadow crystals. Hmmm.
I can't wait to learn more about Kpp'Ar and young Viren, btw. From this description of Viren and all his literal secret ways, it feels like another parallel between Viren and Runaan, with the whole "secretive paths, members only, insider knowledge" type stuff. Only the really cool members of this cult club get to know the secrets, and guess what, kid, you're cool now but you can never tell anyone, okay? Our secret.
Yeahhh, that'll never backfire in any way for either of them.
Kpp'Ar calling puzzles and secrets "man-made magic," though. Yes sir, knowledge is indeed power.
This chapter mentions Runaan by name, from Viren's perspective. Generally that would imply that Viren knows his name, even though assassins do not share their names, and Runaan didn't seem to give his to Viren in the first book. However, there was a scene in book one where the last paragraph switched perspective from Viren to Runaan - a technique that's very common in visual media like movies and shows and gives you that "ohoho they left the room and didn't notice this, but you do!" vibe. Using Runaan's name there in book one, where Viren couldn't see it but readers could, helps them keep track of the assassin's story arc while maintaining Viren's racism.
So in book two, in which Runaan has no onscreen scenes (alas), using his name in a scene that calls back to the events in book one helps us remember what happened in that dungeon cell. It would be a bit muddier to recall the specifics if Viren kept thinking about Runaan as "Elf." So I'm cool with the perspective nudge because it serves a narrative purpose: clarity. But I'm also enjoying the angst of considering that, somehow, Viren learned Runaan's name either during or after the coining spell. Mwa ha ha haaa. (Obligatory "Keep my pretty name outta your mouth" goes here)
Okay, back to Viren's scheming! He took the mirror because it was human-sized in a dragon lair. He knew it didn't really fit there, and that made it interesting, so he stole it. But he realized it was really powerful when Runaan wouldn't tell him squat about it - the assassin's instinct to protect Xadian secrets from human hands meant that Viren was holding a very powerful Xadian secret. And that just made him want it all the more. Ah, Runaan, if only your relationship with lying was, like, the exact opposite of what it is. Nyx could've spun Viren a believable tale in 2 minutes flat.
Also of interest: Viren considers his cursed coins to be a final fate. He expects Runaan to remain in his coin forever. With the Chekhov's coins still extant in the storyline, we can assume that they'll come up again eventually, but Viren has no current plans to do anything with his elf money except carry it around.
It's worth noting that Viren admits that he got impatient when he trapped Runaan in the coin. Runaan's first fate in Katolis was supposed to be death at Soren's hands, but Claudia "saved" him from that. His next fate was to become spell components, but Viren's frustration with his stubbornness "saved" him from that fate, too. So now he's in a coin, where no one can chop him up at all. Yay? No, boo!
We get one last line about Runaan before Viren shifts gears: he makes a point of noting for us that Runaan's shackles are still locked shut. However much of Runaan made it into that coin - body, soul, hair care products - he was magicked there, pulled right out of his restraints.
The creepy black liquid that Viren pours right into his eyes is the last of a powerful potion he got from Kpp'Ar, and its recipe is ancient! Humans used it back in the age of Elarion to see through the illusions of the world. And we get a delightfully creepy bit of description about the preparation of this serum, which makes it abundantly clear that it's a Moon magic-based concoction, harvested from eyeless vipers on a moonless night, with the threat of irrevocable madness ("madness" by whose definition, though) if it's done wrong-
Hang on. Hold up. This is a Plato's Cave reference. OH MY GOD.
No no I'm fine, this is brilliant. Sorry, sorry, I couldn't figure why there was so much description for a potion prep that Viren didn't even have to perform himself. But now I get it. I see the light. HA. I should make a separate post for this, it's amazing.
Anyway, for reference, the humans who used this serum were called the Oracles of Ophidia, and Ophidia is a taxonomy group that includes all modern snakes. Can you say "creepy ancient snake rites"? I can! Woo!
Viren activates the serum with a spell, but apparently he's never done it before. He's not sure if it's supposed to be hot and bubbly, and he worries that it's been tainted by moonlight.
Oh, I do hope so.
The magic potion hurts, a lot. Viren will do just about anything, to himself or anyone, to do what he believes is necessary. He just risked madness and blindness to find out what this mirror does! Viren. Can you just. Take a nap or something. Have a Snickers.
This chapter gives us a fun clue that I don't remember from the show: when Viren's vision clears and he can see, his reflection has white pupils and the room reflected in the mirror has inverted colors. You know where else has inverted colors?
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You know who else got white pupils for a hot second?
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Okay, now it makes sense! Viren and Lujanne were both seeing into the realm beyond life and death. Him with his moon magic potion, and her with her moon powers on a full moon night at the Moon Nexus. Which is Very Interesting! Is it a direct hint about Aaravos's location, or just a separate cool detail? Orrr, does it look like a direct hint because Aaravos is actually trapped in the world beyond life and death, but it's actually separate and we'll see something about white pupils again later on?
Viren really does have self-esteem issues, we all picked up on it with his rant at his reflection. He throws a fit when he catches himself wondering if he's actually worthless. In the book version of his tantrum, he shoves the mirror and hurls a candelabra instead of flipping a table. He didn't need to shove the mirror to set the fire, but it's in here. Foreshadowing that perhaps, if push comes to shove, Viren will choose himself over Aaravos? Giving Aaravos time to peek through and see that the coast is clear?
Soren, my boyyyyy. He has a rough night at the Moon Nexus because two sides of him are fighting with each other. He struggles to understand Callum's friendship with Rayla, and he also fantasizes about chopping off Rayla's head. One of these is a pretty ordinary thing to do. The other is Soren's internalization of what he needs to do to gain his father's approval. If he brought his dad a chopped off elf head every week, he'd probably feel a lot more confident because Viren would praise him a lot more.
Okay, okay, omg, is it just me, or does the "Moonshadow Madness" story, as it's told in the book, seem like Soren just doesn't know what a monsterfucker is? He thinks an elf bite puts humans under a spell. But vampires are sexy, and some people want them to do more to them than just bite them. A passionate kiss under the moonlight could look very bitey, especially if one of the participants has horns and you're already culturally trained to hate them. No yeah, I'm already headcanoning an actual human-elf kiss that got misunderstood by an observer long ago.
it's Lujanne isn't it, we all know, because what is a love spell but a sweet soft illusion, I mean how else does she get supplies for her Caldera, I ask you, and also Corvus was totally sent to investigate once and he told Soren at camp what he saw
And then back to magefam angst: Soren pretending that his sister's nose-tapping is stupid, even though he actually thinks it's cool, just because their dad thinks it's stupid. Viren, istg. Let your kids like harmless things. It's so cute that Soren taps his nose back at her, though! Like they have their own sibling code. I hope we get to see the nose tap again, especially now that they've chosen different sides. It could mean so much, that they're not too far apart yet.
Rayla knows what buttery pancakes smell like. I love this. Do Moonshadow elves have butter and pancakes, does Rayla eat a stack of eight giant pancakes in the morning? Orrrr it is just illusion food? I don't care, let Rayla have pancakes! Everyone loves pancakes. Pancakes will save the world. this message brought to you by the fact that I can't eat pancakes rn, send help
I love that Rayla is both sus of the pancakes and hungry, and that combines into a very motivated "I will get to the bottom of this" attitude. She kind of goes into Poirot Mode when she inserts herself into Soren and Ellis's conversation about Ava, explaining about the wolf's illusion leg and segueing into her claim that the pancakes taste sus. Claudia confirms she used dark magic, and Rayla is furious. It's different than the show's version in that it puts Rayla in detective mode, as the only Moonshadow elf in the scene, and boy does she take that role seriously. Also, she doesn't actually swallow the dark magic pancake bite. It ends up on the ground just like Lujanne's grubs from that earlier meal. These poor kids are so nutrient-starved. You guys gotta eat!!
Rayla's determination and prejudices and the fact that she super knows Harrow is dead all dovetail to make her try repeatedly to persuade Callum that Soren and Claudia are Not To Be Trusted. It's nice that the book keeps taking the time to point out that Rayla is Well Intentioned But Flawed, just like Callum and pretty much every other character in the show. No one is Right All The Time, no one Knows More Than Everyone Else.
Callum loving the sound of Claudia's unique voice is so wholesome. When you like someone, it only makes sense that you like all the things about them that they can't change - like the sound of Claudia's voice. Her choices with dark magic, not so much!
Claudia seems to have the same concerns Soren does about Callum's relationship with Rayla, but she comes out and asks him. The inherent possession implied in "your elf" is interesting, though. Elves are not people to Claudia. They're enemies who can be disassembled for the magic inside them. So maybe more like robots than living beings, if she knew what a robot was. Maybe she heard Soren's "Moonshadow Madness" story and realized he totally missed the kissing implications - but she didn't, and now she's genuinely worried that Rayla could kiss Callum under a full moon and enchant him to do her will. Good thing it's only a half moon, then!
Okay, Callum nervously making a puppet hand and then not knowing what to do with his hands and freaking out about itching and moving and pointy elbows is such a ND mood. The sudden stress of knowing that someone else is noticing your existence and maybe you're Not Existing Right, amirite? Ugh, poor Callum.
The Moon Temple! Omg it's so pretty in the description! Made to be beautiful and useful, full of knowledge but also allowing light and life inside (butterflies and vines). Lujanne, when can I move in, please? Also, it's all the more angsty because Lujanne is the only one who gets to see this beautiful place, but it has lots of chairs and shelves and tables, and it was meant to be used by lots of people. :(((
Claudia knows some of the runes on the walls. She isn't in a hurry to copy the rest of them down or anything, either. Her spellwriting is very precise, and she's a skilled mage. Her father would have made sure she was aware of the dangers of drawing sloppy runes, as much as he made her aware of the dangers of doing dark magic wrong. And the whole point of dark magic is that it's easier to learn than primal magic. Claudia supports her dad and their shared knowledge and life path. She's not gonna go nuts over an elf library she can't translate.
Side note: Between Claudia knowing some Moon runes and Viren building a secret passageway and a dungeon and lighting it with the same blue crystals that Lujanne and Ethari use for light--and Claudia exclaiming that she loves ruins--I wonder once more if there are really Moonshadow ruins somewhere in Katolis, which Viren has found and looted. Father-daughter relic hunting trip, maybe while Soren is away at camp? Omgsh that would be so wild!
Callum out here having a Viren moment with his "I feel powerless unless I've got magic that lets me help" vibes. God. I love their complicated mirroring. One of the hard differences between them is that Callum is very sure dark magic is bad because you have to kill stuff and take its power to cast spells, and he doesn't want to be a person who kills and takes like that. The line he walks to be nice to Claudia on their tour of the Cursed Caldera because he likes her, while telling her that he doesn't want to do her magic, like, ever, is so fine that it might as well be a shifting shadow on the ground. It's a very fitting conversation to be having during the half moon, with its tricks and little white lies.
Callum being out of the castle and his comfort zone, having to deal with the fact that the Claudia he loves is not quite the Claudia who's chasing him down across the kingdom, but of the two of them, he's the only one with a problem with this.
They say that if you really want to get to know someone, you should spend time with them outside their comfort zone - in heavy traffic, with a small baby, taking care of a new pet, trying a new skill, following unfamiliar directions, etc. While the castle is familiar territory for them both, Callum's never really found his comfort zone yet, while Claudia is pretty comfortable with her growing skill set. The creepy part starts to kick in when Callum begins to realize that Claudia's comfort zone encompasses a whole bunch of stuff that seems like it should make her uncomfortable... but it doesn't. But that'll be for a future chapter!
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wastelandcth · 3 years
ghost of you - cth
summary: dovey’s been dancing around with the memories of calum and what their relationship used to be. 
author’s notes: here’s the part two of best years! inspired by this tik tok. 
warnings: angst, more sad feelings. 
masterlist || request || more doves
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Here I am waking up, dreamt you were by my side.
The weeks seemed to blend together. Days passed much like the seasons and Dovey found herself back in LA with the small dog sleeping in the backseat of her car as she drove through the crowded streets she'd become so used to. It was dark by the time the city lights had come into view, but that never stopped people from being out and celebrating life. Dovey's first few days back in the city were spent in a haze, trying to distract herself from the fact that she'd be seeing Calum again in a matter of days. The first morning back in LA, Dovey woke up to the sunshine on her face, her brain still trying to process the dream that had played through her mind while she slept. 
"Do you think we'll always be like this?" Calum had whispered, his hair a mess from Dovey's fingers that had been tugging and running through it just minutes before. "Do you think it will always feel like we're on our honeymoon?"
He looked ethereal, the way the sunlight hit his skin and made him glow in that hotel room. Dovey could feel his touch on her skin, could feel the way his fingertips traced shapes onto her shoulder, and Dovey could most definitely feel the kisses her pressed onto her skin. 
"I hope so." she whispered back, looking up into the brown eyes she'd fallen in love with all those years ago, "Don't know what I would do if we lost this." 
Left my coffee cup at your place, almost cried. 
Dropping Duke off had seemed like a good idea when she had texted Calum and told him she needed to run some errands before their big meeting. She was almost positive that the old dog missed his house and the dog bed Dovey had forgotten to take with her months ago. The drive, one she had done a thousand times before, felt strange. The streets all looked the same and the neighborhood had changed since the last time she had been there. The lawns were littered with leaves that had fallen and the usual holiday decorations were gone. 
Calum had promised that he'd be out in the studio during the day, that he wasn't going to show up at home while Dovey dropped Duke off. If there was one thing she still believed about Calum, it was his ability to keep a promise, and so she found herself grabbing the hidden key near the front door and walking into the house she'd once called home. 
It was strange, being in the one place she had felt safe and comfortable in and now feeling empty. The AC was on and the windows were shut, making the once lively house silent and cold. Duke would have cared less about the way Dovey's hand shook as she looked around the kitchen and living room, he was on a mission to find the most comfortable spot in the house again. Once she knew that the dog would be comfortable on his own, until Calum came back and he was finally reunited with his owner after months apart, she made her way back to the entrance, her body tensing as she saw the mug on the counter. 
It had been a stupid idea. But Dovey had just been excited to spend some time outside of arenas and radio stations to explore whatever city the tour had brought them to. It had been their first tour together, Calum had practically begged Dovey to join him for at least a few weeks so that he could show her the world. They had snuck out early in the morning, hand in hand through the chilly weather in search of adventure. Calum had made a list of places he'd been wanting to check out and Dovey was not going to say no to spending all the time she could with Cal before they were shoved onto a cramped tour bus again. 
"Do you think they'll let me keep the mug? I'm pretty sure I could convince the waiter to let me take the mug." Calum had mumbled quietly as they sat in a cafe somewhere in the middle of the city, watching the crowds of people walk past them. "I'm pretty good at talking people into things."
"Oh yeah?" Dovey had asked with a chuckle, taking a sip of her own warm drink and examining the matching mug in her hands, "Think you could convince him to let us take both?" 
The mug, evidently, had made its way from a café in Europe all the way back to sunny California without a scratch and now it was staring Dovey in the face. The memories of the tour and just how happy she had been to see Calum in his element on stage and then taking city tours the next day brought a pang to her heart. But the mug had meant just as much to Calum as it did to her and she wasn't going to be the one to steal it from another shelf just for her to be sad again. 
'cause I dreamed long enough, without you I'll never be fine. I won't be just fine. 
Her dreams came in waves most nights. Some were like watching a montage of her life. Sometimes it would be memories of growing up and going to school and other times, it would be of Calum. If she was being honest, most nights ever since she'd gotten to LA, she'd dreamt of Calum. She'd dream of moments she had forgotten about, like their third date when she had made Calum laugh so hard that soda spilled out from his nose or when they pranked Luke while on tour by hiding his passport. 
Some nights, Dovey found herself tossing and turning as she tried to clear her mind of whatever dreams Calum had managed to infiltrate himself into. But the harder she tried the more he showed up and even after their talk, Dovey realized she couldn't ever get him out of her mind. 
I can't drown this out like I always do. 
She found herself walking out of the hotel room in the middle of the night, wrapped up in a hoodie and fuzzy socks. In her mind, the plan was to call him an idiot and tell him he was never allowed to stop talking to her again, which seemed fair considering he hadn't stopped talking the day before when they had been face to face for the first time in months. Then she was going to take the ring back, making sure he knew that if he ever fucked up like this again and she took it off, there was no way in hell she'd ever put it back on. The third step of her plan, the part she was blaming mostly on the dream she'd been having before she shuffled out of bed at two in the morning, was to grab his stupid face and kiss him. 
Dovey had ran over her brilliant plan a few times in her head as the elevator travelled down to the lobby, her mind racing as she began to doubt the genius of it all. Because what if Calum hadn't meant what he said the day before? What if he hadn't wanted to get back together and he was just asking for closure? Surely he would've made it clear, right? Was Dovey just going to drive to their- to his- house and make demands? She had surely lost her mind due to the lack of sleep and now she was going to embarrass her-
"Dovey?" Calum's voice brought her back to the elevator, whose doors were wide open and a very disheveled looking Calum stared back at her in confusion. 
When I close my eyes, I see the ghost of you.
The sun was coming up by the time Calum and Dovey found themselves tangled up in each other's arms, chest rising and falling in unison. The soft light of the sun was peeking in through the blinds of the hotel room and Dovey found herself looking up at the man who she had thought she'd lost. The man who she had given her best years to. But as he laid next to her, with flushed cheeks and curls stuck to his forehead, Dovey realized that he'd given his best years to her. From the ring he'd never taken off since the day she had slid it onto his finger to the way his body fit against hers so perfectly, Calum had been there for all of her best years and they were both going to be there for the rest of them too. 
They might've missed out on a few months, both of them too stubborn to be the first one to cave in and admit the truth, but as Dovey's dreams melded with her reality and Calum's fingertips found their way across her skin, there was no one else she would rather have next to her than Calum. The ghost of pain and loneliness had been next to her for too long and she wasn't going to let them stay any longer. Calum was real and he was holding her like no one else could. For the first time in what seemed like months, both of them found themselves drifting off to sleep with promises made of love and more of their best years to come. 
taglist:  @hoodhoran​ @finelliine​ @moonlightcriess​ @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver​ @calpops​ @karajaynetoday​ @notlukehemmo​ @calumrose​ @devilatmydoor​ @lyss-xo​ @lowkeyflop​
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hwauas · 3 years
🕊️: "the lost prince" (7)
park seonghwa (박성화) - 2,949 words
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“are you sure this is what you want?”
you asked Seonghwa with a little bit of worries in your eyes.
“i am. please.. i'm asking you one more time.. can you do this for me?”
“if that's what you want, i will.”
you took a deep breath. you were looking at your reflection in the mirror in the modest bathroom of Seonghwa's room. you were so nervous that you were a little bit pale, and shaking.
earlier today, you both got a mysterious letter. the bottom was signed by only a first name: Park. and as you both read the whole letter, you discovered it was someone who wanted to meet Seonghwa. your boyfriend was sure it was all about this family thing, that’s why he asked you to go and meet this person instead of him, in his name.
You couldn’t let him in this situation. you accepted. you had to meet this person for him.
“you’ll be alright, honey?”
you asked with the softest tone ever. you were feeling a little bit bad for letting him alone here, when you promised you would stay by his side as much as possible.
“i will, y/n. don’t worry about me, okay?”
your boyfriend gently pulled a strand of hair behind your ear, and kissed your forehead.
“you promise to stay safe..?”
“i promise, Hwa.”
Seonghwa told you he would meet this person only if you found out he had something to do with his family. it was a way for him to protect himself, a way for him to select who would approach him.
you were understanding of course his decision, and you respected it. you agreed to meet them first to judge whether it was interesting for Seonghwa to meet the stranger, or not.
you left the hospital a little bit earlier to have time to do a quick step to your place to change your clothes. you wanted to be a little more presentable for this person if you ever find out he or she is a relative to Seonghwa.
even though Seonghwa tried to reassure you, you still felt a little bit guilty for leaving him now, when you promised you would stay by his side, just as he wanted and needed.
when you felt like it was the right moment for you, you left your place. you walked up to the address which was mentioned in the letter. it was a beautiful park in the middle of the city. a huge space, with various plants and a multitude of trees around. the park was like a free time, a little break, in the middle of the euphoria of the city, in the middle of the tumult of the city.
alongside a path in the middle of the park, on a bench, a man was standing there, looking afar. the only indication you’ve got on the letter was that the person would wear a red scarf. and the man caught your attention because of this red scarf.
you approached the man, a little bit shy. you bowed in front of him, and showed him the letter.
“are you the one who sent this to Seonghwa?”
“i am. did you come here instead of him?”
“yes. i’m his girlfriend/boyfriend. he’s trying to protect himself in this tough step his going through. i’m here to meet you and maybe in the future, you will both meet.”
you sat next to the man, on the bench. you weren’t looking at him too much, but you did enough to know what the man was looking like. looking at both your shoulders, you could say he was taller than you. he had beautiful brown hair, pushed back with some gel. the few wrinkles were showing he was quite old already, and experienced a lot in his life already. you had the impression you’ve seen these eyes already in the past, but you didn’t know where, or when.
“how is he?”
the man was looking straight in front of him. you couldn’t say of it was because he felt awkward, was disappointed because you came instead of your boyfriend, or because of something else.
“he’s good, i guess. a little bit lost since he lost the only family he had. he was thankful when i recognise the woman he grew up with at the police station. he felt truly betrayed, and it was a way for him to move on. but now, he is quiet… anxious. i helped him by searching a few trails to find his family. his real parents. and i think, and the policemen too, he may be the lost prince. he’s very anxious about this.”
“he is? why? is there a reason?”
“he and i are very close to each other since the day we met. and we’re both madly in love with each other, even though things are official since days only. we’re not ready to leave each other if our worlds are indeed tgis different, and we don’t want to be ready to do that. a woman came yesterday and told us that even though our worlds may be different, we can stay together. it was as if she knew what she was talking about. but i’ve never seen a prince dating a random person, not even at a high level, with any title.”
“and you? what do you think about that?”
“i don’t know. i do want him to find his family, to find his relatives and to be happy with them. but am i ready to let him go for this? i have no idea… i honestly don’t think so…”
“i’m sure his parents, whoever they are, will understand your situation, will respect and so tolerate your relationship. i can already feel how much you love him, and how much you’re doing your best for him to be happy. you’re even looking after his family when you’re not ready to let him go. this is a beautiful proof of your love for him.”
“thank you.”
you weakly smiled, looking down at your feet.
“may i ask… for your name?”
“oh yes, sorry, i didn’t introduce myself. i’m y/n.’
“nice to meet you, y/n. i’m Chulmoo. Park Chulmoo.”
you both stayed quiet for a moment. it was a moment for you to think about what you talked about. they both said the same, and asked you both to stay positive. as if they knew his parents would no matter what accept you, your relationship with him.
maybe because it was clear for them both. but it wasn't for you. why would it be that clear for you they won't break you both apart? maybe because they both may have the sense of family and they wouldn't do this to their child, but so far, nothing was showing whether they were his parents or not.
“and now.. where is Seonghwa?”
the man broke the silence. for the first time, he was looking at you. his eyes were showing off worries.
“he's in the hospital. this is why we learnt her so-called mother was an impostor. because her papers weren't valid.”
“this will make things easier then”
“easier? what do you mean?”
“take this. and ask them to use their labs to do a DNA test with what's in this envelope.”
the man gave you a big brown envelope, and a little white envelope.
“and if they don’t agree, or say anything, give them the white one too. but do not open the white envelope if they don’t need it. just throw it away.”
you took both envelopes, a little bit confused. you even looked multiple times at the envelopes and the man’s eyes.
“aaand.. is there anything i needa say when i give them the envelope?”
“just tell them it’s for a DNA test, for Seonghwa.”
you looked down to the brown envelope, the one that should have the DNA samples in it. the answer was maybe be here. the answer was maybe between your hands. the answer you were looking for since days now. the answer that could give your boyfriend back his family.
your eyes landed on the man while he was looking afar, at nothing precisely.
“and.. for the answer..?”
“they'll know where to send it. don't worry about this. all you have to do, is to give this envelope to someone in the hospital to do the DNA test.”
“i will. you can count on me sir.”
your eyes were almost shining. all you fears left your body and mind, and the only thing that mattered was the answer you could have, and the family waiting for Seonghwa, somewhere in the country.
“can i.. go now? to give them now? or do you have anything else you'd like to talk about?”
“i don't know what you're still doing here. ah.. youth..”
the man giggled. this is exactly what you needed to know he was joking.
“fly. we'll meet again soon. i'm sure.”
you bowed respectfully to thank the man, and to say goodbye. but as you were enthusiastically leaving, the man called you one last time.
“y/n. one last thing.”
the man removed his red scarf, and gave it to you.
“give it to Seonghwa. and please… take care of him.”
“i will. thank you for everything. this may be very helpful.”
you bowed once again, and left.
on your way to the hospital, you texted Seonghwa just to tell him you were coming back with a lot of things to say to him. and also to reassure him: you were fine, everything was alright, he didn't have to worry more about you.
you also texted your mom. this meeting went so good, you were forgetting about your worries because all you could think about was Seonghwa and the happiness he would feel to know all this, that you were feeling surprisingly good.
once you reached the hospital, you went straight up to Seonghwa's room. he was sitting on a chair next to the window slightly opened to have some fresh air. you could tell the breeze was fanning over his face because a few strands of hair were slightly moving.
Seonghwa almost immediately turned his face to you, and smiled softly.
“wanna stay here? or going out to walk around the hospital’s garden?”
you approached him. you stayed on your feet, next to him. his head reached your chest, and he softly rested his head against it. his arms also wrapped around your waist to keep you close to him.
“we can go out. but first, i just want a hug.
“my baby is being cuddly..~"
he kept you close to him for the next five minutes. he was listening to your heartbeat, and you could see how calm he felt to hear this. maybe your little kisses on his forehead, and strokes on his cheek helped him too.
“how was it?”
“it went well. it was a man. Park Chulmoo.”
Seonghwa nodded, and eventually let you go. he stood up, and took some things he needed outside - or didn’t want to let here, without anyone to look at, to be sure they didn’t get stolen.
before you both leave the room, you gave the Seonghwa the scarf the man gave you, and even wrapped it around his neck.
“don’t catch a cold. it’s windy outside.”
you smiled at him, and took his hand to go outside. you took again the two envelopes, knowing you would talk about this outside, and left the room. you closed the door behind you, and waked to the garden.
Seonghwa sniffed the scarf, and frowned. it was your scent, but it was something that wasn’t unknown to him.
“whose scarf is it?”
“the man gave it to me, and asked me to give it to you. why? is there a problem with it?”
“no, not really. it’s just that.. i know it’s not your scent. but this smell.. it’s like i’ve smelled it already in the past. it’s not unknown to me.”
“really? where could you have smelled it?”
“i have no idea.”
you both sat on a bench, quite close to each other. your hands were still linked to each other, and you even intertwined your fingers together. your hands were on his thigh, and the envelopes on your. you were holding them firmly, afraid they may fly away because of the wind.
“i guess you wanna talk to me about these two envelopes. you wouldn’t be holding them this way if not.”
Seonghwa giggles. he knew you pretty well already, and you couldn’t deny it.
“yes, i do.”
you looked down to the envelopes on your laps. the enthusiast side of you was no longer fighting with the sad one - at least, for now.
“the man gave me these two letters. and asked me to give the brown one to someone for the doctors, or at least scientists, to do a DNA test. with you. and he told me to give the white one if it even happens they say anything and don’t accept it.”
you rested your head on his shoulder. you were looking at your hands linked together, and tightened your hold around his.
“but i guess that.. before i give it to them, i have to ask you if you’re okay with it. if you’re okay with taking a DNA test. if the results don’t match, you won’t have to do it again. they’ll keep your DNA, and they’ll compare then. but of course, you have to be okay with giving something for them to have your DNA.”
“if i want to find my family, i have no choice, i guess.”
Seonghwa looked down to the envelopes on your thighs. he had a very little smile on.
“maybe you have the answer on your thighs. it almost sounds… unreal.”
“i know right..”
you started to rub his hand softly with your thumb. you wanted this moment to last forever. to never end.
“are you ready to do this step which may lead us to the truth?”
“i’m scared of a lot of things.. but i’m ready. plus, i don’t really want to stay there until i’m major. i’d like to leave the place before.”
“everything will be alright, Hwa. i promise.”
you both stayed on this bench, a little bit longer. you enjoyed each other’s company in this calm atmosphere. it was all you needed. it was like a break in these rowdy days. a break in the tumult.
you stayed there until the sun started to fall, when you knew Seonghwa would soon have his meal. you both stayed silent almost all the time, but your hearts were communicating together through their beats.
once you both reached Seonghwa’s room, it didn't take too much time for him to have his meal. and again, since the nurse you had a special link with was working tonight, she managed to get you a meal trail. you thanked her, with a bright smile, and ate with your boyfriend.
it was again a silent moment you both shared. but this time, your eyes landing on each other were enough to talk, and say to each other what you weren’t saying out loud, with words.
you never needed much words to talk to each other, and to understand each other. a natural alchemy between you was existing, and it was resulting of a strong bond between you both.
when the nurse came, about half an hour later to take your empty trails, you stopped her. you took the brown envelope. after a quick look at your boyfriend, you approached the woman.
“i received this envelope today from a man.. asked me to give this to someone to take a DNA test. i guess there are samples in it, but Seonghwa’s DNA. he’s okay to take the test.”
“things are working well for you, i see. i’m happy to know you’re having a trail.”
the woman took the brown envelope you were handing her.
“i’ll see what i can do. but since he’s a minor, this can be difficult.”
“about that.. the man also gave me this envelope. he told me if anyone is saying something, i have to give them this envelope. so.. maybe, take it and give it to whoever may help us with this.”
the nurse nodded and, took the second envelope.
“i’ll be back with a DNA test kit then. i’ll need some of your saliva, and a hair.”
Seonghwa nodded. a few minutes later, the nurse was back. you both helped Seonghwa with it: she used a cotton bud to have some of his saliva, and you took a hair. you giggled when he jumped because of the pain, and vigorously massaged his scalp.
you giggled, and kissed his forehead.
“it’s done now, baby. and this will help us find out who’s your real family.”
you gently kissed him. he kissed you back, letting you know how much he loved you.
you both pulled away when you heard the nurse gasping outside the room, in front of Seonghwa’s hospital room. you looked over to her shape through the door, and frowned.
“is something wrong..?”
Seonghwa and you approached her. you were showing how worried you both were because of her reaction.
“the… what’s in the white envelope… it says it’s a royal order to take the test. and it’s signed with C.King…”
Seonghwa and you looked at each other, with big eyes. you were both shocked. you had a lot of questions in mind.
who was the man? who was it to Seonghwa? how did he get this from if he wasn’t his own letter?
but most importantly: what did that mean?
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 42
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This chapter was a mess. But it's my mess.
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FOUR weeks of Silence
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Veteran's Village
A peaceful Sunday meant that Roach, Alex and Soap were chilling at the house Samantha and Maxine were in. It had been 4 weeks since that Cuban incident and Francine had gone to therapy for her near death traumatic experience. If it wasn't for Soap, she would've been left out there for good.
France thought that it would be healthy to stay in a more domestic setup rather than the base so she took her time off duty to recover in the veteran's village. And ever since that day in Cuba, Soap and France's relationship was more expressive than ever.
"If we're having a barbecue tonight, we better head off to the meat shop." Alex peeked by the door, giving a heads up to the rest of the people sitting on the couch. Soap turned his head to Alex and tossed his keys as Roach stood up and came with Alex.
"Any other requests?" He looked at the group then to Maxine, who shook her head and laughed. 
"Just be back safe." She replied.
"Got it." Gary nodded and waved goodbye at them. Soap wanted to come along but France had been falling asleep on his lap for quite a while. And Maxine and Samantha noted that she hadn't had decent for days.
"Oh, Roach! Grab me a cigar maybe." He whispered, trying not to wake France up.
"Roger that." He nodded and made his way to Soap's jeep, where Alex was already waiting on him. He sat himself on shotgun and let Alex lead the way to their destination.
He turned on the radio as it played a song about driving. Roach was quick to shazam it and found out it was Automobile by KALEO.
"Now this is going to be on my playlist." Alex said as his head nodded to the music, taking him where the winds take him, far away.
"Agreed. Oh, Soap actually asked for cigarettes so we might have to stop by a convenience store on the way back." Roach informed as the song ended. 
"Okay. That's cool. Maybe add a few sodas for the girls. They probably haven't had those i  ages." He said as he turned the radio off and switched it to AUX.
"Here. Grab my phone and play that song again." Alex instructed as he drove through the streets, and Roach followed him. Playing the song again.
"Ah yes. This song is good." Alex sighed.
"Yeah. It's fire." Roach commented, making Alex raise an eyebrow.
"You know, fire… lit… slaps… Modern terminologies." Roach explained shyly as Alex chuckled.
"I'll never understand the young ones of today." Alex chuckled as he stopped by the parking lot, pulling his phone and leaving the car.
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Dinner was the best part of the Sunday evening as the three couples enjoyed a hearty meal together, sharing experiences and funny stories like an extended family. Roach talked about his raccoon story once again as one topic led to another until such time that the inevitable topic was discussed.
"Speaking of fires, do you have any leads on Nero?" Samantha asked innocently as the men fell quiet, looking at each other. Wondering who would open up the topic.
"Well, uh… After his assault in New York…" Soap trailed off, his eyes went to Alex, signaling him to continue.
"Alex, it's your girl's question! Go answer it!" Soap complained as France laughed, wrapping her arms around Soap.
"He's gone silent." Alex muttered. Samantha was kinda sad she asked about it so she tried to make up by brightening up the mood.
The night continued on as the group played charades, girls vs boys. For an hour or so the soldiers forgot about their worries and acted like they're normal people living their normal lives outside work. It wouldn't hurt to pretend like that, especially when the baggage of guilt was hard to handle.
"So, Gary. I've been meaning to ask you something…" Maxine said as she assisted him in the kitchen.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"How are you… like mentally. You seem… off." She asked, Gary sighed and eased his shoulders.
"It's just… we almost lost a life back there… for nothing. Lannister hasn't said any useful information and as the days go by another assault might occur." he breathed out his worries, earning a back rub from Maxine.
"People have their limits. Lannister could break anytime. Let's just hope we're not too late." She assured him. It was a very negative statement but somehow it's actually helpful. Gary smiled and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Maxine." he said.
"Yeah. Don't ever think you're alone. I'm here for you. Actually, just last night. I had another memory restored. And it felt so important that you have to know it first. Before…" she said, her voice lowering down after every word.
"Before what?" Gary whispered jokingly. Maxine laughed and hit his chest gently.
"Nevermind that word. Back to my memory…
I…" she trailed off, looking like she was too shy and scared to finish the statement.
"You…?" Gary raised an eyebrow. Maxine took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"I had an ex-girlfriend." She blurted and paused right after saying it, bracing at what Gary's reaction.
"I- uh.. That's okay… There's nothing wrong with that, Maxine." He said like he meant it. Maxine was too shocked about his reaction. Maybe she thought about it too much.
"Like… does that change anything?" She asked.
"Nothing at all. Oh wait! Yes! It does." Gary announced and Maxine's smile almost dropped.
"It means that if I want to have you, I'll have to step up my game. I have more competition now." He realized and Maxime sighed in relief. This man was about to get some scolding.
"You worried me, you know!" He continued gently hitting on Gary's chest, giggling away all her fears. He still accepted her. This was great.
"My point's valid!" He laughed, defending himself from her hits,.like children playing house. This may seem like a simple event, but this was the beginning of something new for the two of them.
Task Force 141 Base - Interrogation Room
Price sat in front of Gabriel, they've been silent for about an hour now as Gary and Soap stayed on the viewing area to observe the interrogation. Alex was here thirty minutes ago but he left after he got a phone call.
"What kind of twisted play is this?" Soap asked, crossing his arms and looking at Gabriel.
"The bastard won't talk. Just cut off a finger or something." He scoffed. To Gary, it would make sense, but with all the cameras and the formalities, It wasn't allowed. Especially that Gabriel's alibi was that he got their first to investigate. Which was total bullshit.
"He still has his ace on his sleeve. As long as we don't find proof of involvement, he's going to be free soon." Gary commented, making Soap grumble some Scottish curses.
"It's pretty obvious!" Soap yelled as Alex entered the interrogation room, saying something to Price as they immediately left him alone. Whatever that message was, looked way more important than Gabriel.
"We've got a lead on Nero!" Alex said as he peeked on the door, making the two stand up immediately and head to the briefing room.
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"Operation Eye of the Storm." Price announced.
"In 24 hours, Nero and his newfound friends will meet on a hotel in Prague. This intel was from one of the Resistance Leaders Alex once teamed up with. They reached out for help since Nero started to secure the whole city." Price paced back and forth on the big screen.
"The plan is to eliminate Nero and his allies. As simple as that. We have the element of surprise in our hands. Soap, I want you to position yourself on the clock tower, just by the hotel. A bullet to the head should work. Alex will be watching your six. Jack will be our eyes and ears inside the convention. He'll be signaling when they'll be out on the open. Roach and I will enter the building for cleanup. We only had one shot at this so let's make it count." Price briefed and everyone else murmured their thoughts, some were already thanking for a solid lead. This was it. The final showdown. The end of the war.
Alex and Soap already left the resistance safehouse, they had to be at the clock tower tonight, using the concealment of the night and the noise of the rain for cover. The perfect opportunity to say under the radar. Meanwhile, Roach and Price stayed to defend the place as Nero's men once again ransacked the streets just to ensure his safety. The world may have announced that the war in US was over, but Nero still had some cities under his control. This minor setback was the reason he's planning for something new. And they're here to stop it.
"Alright, Roach. Your replacements here." Price said as he stood up from his spot. 
"Get ready for the big day tomorrow." He added as he nodded and left his gun for the next person to use. Tomorrow's battle is going to be tough, and even though he didn't want to admit it, Roach needed some rest.
Despite the occasional gunfire and screaming, Roach was able to sleep. He didn't mind the battle outside the building as his battle was with Nero. Once Soap shot him dead, he would also want to shoot him again, just to feel satisfied.
Hotel Lustig
Prague, Czech Republic
Roach hid on the west wing of the hotel, while Price was on the other side. They were both clinging on to the walls as their entrance was at the small opening where Soap would shoot Nero. Roach eyed the convoy just below him.
"Convoy's up ahead. Nero should be in one of those cars." Soap muttered.
"Can't see shit through the lens. He could be anywhere." Alex added.
"Easy lads. We'll have a clear shot once they're in the balcony. Right Jack?" Price asked. Jack didn't respond, but maybe the signal inside was too weak.
"Jack? Do you copy?" Price asked.
"Da. I do copy, Captain Price. I'm just here to get my old prisoner back. I've had him in the gulag for quite a while but it seems this is our first time meeting face to face." A russian voice which everyone assumed to be Nero said in the most villainous tone possible.
"You're too predictable, Captain." he said as he clicked something, prompting an explosion on the clock tower.
"Get down! C4!" Price yelled as the two soldiers jump out, falling on to railings. Alex landed on a fruit cart by the tower while Soap landed on the car, crashing it as it alarmed.
"Roach! Go help them out!" Price ordered as Nero's men started to circle around the two while the resistance team helped them defend. 
Roach quickly pulled Soap up who was groaning in pain. Alex looked pained too but the look in their eyes says that they're still willing to end this today.
"Let's catch up with them." Alex said as a resistance member tossed them a rifle and quickly hid for cover, pushing their way into the hotel. At the corner of Roach's eye, he saw Price enter the building, loading his gun and ready to end this as well.
Next Chapter : THREE Bullets
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach @bumblingbee1
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Teen
Prompt: Late Nights, Early Mornings.
Summary: Long distant relationships are difficult, made worse when it's between two men in different colleges. But Freed and Laxus will make it worse, and if secret phone calls late in the night are what's needed then that's what they'll do.
Notes: This was day three for my admissions to Fraxus Week. It's hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus, who you should check out for more Fraxus content.
Links: Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
Four Ways to See the Dawn
Year: 1982
Location: Washington DC, USA
Laxus murmured the word, quietly fiddling with the cord to the phone as he glanced at the sleeping man in the other bed. The stranger seemed to be sleeping soundly, snoring without a care in the world, and so Laxus felt pretty confident that he had privacy. So long as he didn't make too much noise, he could speak without being overheard.
Good, this was going to work.
It wasn't ideal. It was nearing two AM, and Laxus had found himself fighting sleep as he'd waited for his roommate to pass out. The guy was apparently something of a party animal, and he was fully taking advantage of the many frat parties, drinking nights and mixers that filled the first weeks of college. Laxus had avoided them all – they were all too loud and rowdy for him – but he understood the appeal. He couldn't be angry that the man was so unpredictable; Bickslow would hardly know that he was stopping Laxus from his phone call with Freed, after all.
Freed didn't have the same problem. His college, which was half way across the country, didn't have roommates to worry about. He'd promised that he'd be waiting by the phone for him whenever he was ready to call, and he'd answered the moment Laxus had rung.
"You sound tired," Laxus teased. "Didn't wake ya, did I?"
"No, but it was close," Freed chuckled, and the sound was incredible. "I missed hearing your voice."
"Me too."
They'd promised themselves that, for the first two weeks, they wouldn't talk. College was a big thing, and they couldn't fuck it up, so decided they need to fully submerge themselves in college culture instead of becoming shut-ins who only spoke to one another. It was the right thing to do, they both knew it, but Laxus had been missing Freed's presence every day, and no amount of taster classes, tours around campus, and bottles of tequila would remove that.
Freed had always been there. They'd grown up on the same street, played on the same sports teams, and attended the same house parties. Jokes had been made that they were attached at the hip, and that they might as well be inseparable with how much time they spent together.
Laxus had to smirk at those jokes. If only they knew.
It had happened quite randomly, really. Laxus had broken his leg in the last year of high school, and he'd had to sit out on the final game in their baseball tournament. Freed had ended up hitting the home run that won their team the game, and had been rightly commended. Laxus had stumbled into the locker room on his crutches when everyone was left so he could congratulate the man in private. Freed had clearly noticed that Laxus was more melancholy that joyful, and forced Laxus to admit it felt shitty to miss the final game of his high-school career, even if they did win.
Freed had waited for a moment, thinking of what to say. Then, with his thigh resting against Laxus' non-broken leg, he quietly whispered 'I won it for you, you know. Not for the team.' The words were packed with years' worth of friendship and passion, and they were forever imprinted on Laxus' mind.
He'd kissed the man without thinking. Freed had kissed him back.
What followed was a summer of making out, going to the romantic spots around Magnolia under the pretence they were still just friends, and, on the last night before they left for college, they'd slept together for the first time. It had all been incredible.
But the summer had to end, and they could hardly keep going as they had. Magnolia was small, and their friendship was known well enough there for nobody to question how much time they were spending together. Now they lived in different states, a long and expensive train ride away from each other. The making out and the dates and the sex would have to stop, because it didn't make senses for it to continue. All they had left was quiet phone calls late at night where nobody could overhear them talking.
It wasn't perfect, but it was enough for now.
"You, erm, you done many classes yet?" Laxus asked, cringing at the awful question.
"No, they start on Monday," Freed answered, and shifted slightly. Laxus idly wondered if he were in his bed or not. Freed looked good in bed, curled up in a dressing gown with a book. If Laxus was there, he'd content himself by running his hand through his hair. "You?"
"A few taster things, just tryin' to find out what I wanna major in, y'know," Laxus all but scuffed his feet. He hadn't expected this to be this awkward. "Guess you don't have that problem."
"No," Freed agreed. He was training to by a surgeon, Laxus was at college mainly because he didn't know what else to do with his life. "How's your roommate?"
"He's good. A little weird but seems harmless," Laxus glanced at the sleeping man, who was stretched over his bed and drooling. "Seems to be out at parties most nights, so maybe I'll be able to call ya earlier in the night. Not force ya to stay up so late."
"It's worth it," Freed said without missing a beat. "I've missed you, Laxus."
"I missed you too," Laxus whispered.
Neither man spoke for a moment, and Laxus wished he knew what to say. He wished he had a ridiculous story of his fun, interesting college life that he could use to break that layer of awkwardness and entertain Freed with. But he'd done nothing; college was much less interesting than he had been led to believe. He couldn't think of a thing to say, and the electric humming of the phone was getting on his nerves.
Freed must have felt the same way, as Laxus could hear him fidgeting across the phone. Laxus wished he could just pull the man into his arms, as he often had in their quiet nights alone over the summer. But he couldn't. For months, he couldn't.
"It's gonna get easier, ain't it?" Laxus asked. "Doin' this?"
"It will," Freed said, and he sounded sure. "It'll take some time, but it will."
"Fuckin' better," Laxus mumbled more to himself than to Freed.
"It will," Freed repeated. "And thanksgiving is only a few months away, and we'll be able to see each other then."
"Guess so," Laxus nodded, trying to feel encouraged. "You still doing thanksgiving with me and Gramps?"
"If he'll still have me."
"He will," Laxus replied immediately, and then forced a smile onto his face. "And I promise it'll be more successful than last year."
"More successful? Is that possible?" Freed asked sarcastically, and Laxus chuckled.
"You saying that me and Gramps getting into a screaming match, the turkey ending up in the cat's litter tray, the two of us getting covered in cranberry sauce, and the neighbours making a noise complaint wasn't successful?" Laxus scoffed, smiling as he remembered the night the previous year.
He also remembered how, just before Freed drove back to his own home, he'd confessed that it was one of the most enjoyable thanksgiving's he'd had.
"You seem to not realise that, with long hair, pureed cranberries really have a lot of space to hide in," Freed chuckled. "A problem you don't seem to face."
"I'll aim for your face this year then," Laxus grinned.
"That's all I ask," Freed was grinning too, Laxus could hear it in his voice.
The situation wasn't immediately remedied, but they found themselves talking about the ridiculous shared moments they'd endured in Magnolia, and Laxus felt the awkwardness seeping away minute by minute. It was nowhere near as good as driving to the mountains, lying on his car's roof with Freed curled against him, but damn if it wasn't the best couple of hours he'd spent since arriving in Washington.
He didn't remember falling asleep, but he did remember waking up sometime later in the morning. The phone was clutched against his chest, the line dead, and the sunlight was fluttering under the curtains. He smiled privately, and closed his eyes, phone in hand.
"Freed, you okay? It's four in the mornin'?
"Hey. You're awake. Hi."
Laxus forced his eyes open, groggy and sleep deprived. He blinked a few times, sitting up. The ringing of the phone he'd just answered seemed to still be blaring in his mind, and the overly loud, inelegant words that his boyfriend had just near yelled into his ears made Laxus wince. It was nearly four thirty in the morning. Why the hell was Freed awake?
"Course I'm awake, phone's fucking loud," He complained, sitting up and leaning against the wall. "Why're you awake?"
"Ever and Mirajane," Freed said, as if that answered anything. Laxus waited a moment before he realised that was all Freed felt he needed to say.
"What about them?"
"I told them that it was my birthday tomorrow – or, well, it's today now, isn't it. But it was tomorrow when I told them. Well, technically it was yesterday when I told them, but in the context of me telling them about my birthday, my birthday was tomorrow, which is now today," Freed spewed the mess of words out, and Laxus could hear him frowning. "They said I needed to go out drinking. They wanted to take me out for my first legal drink."
"Yer turning nineteen, not twenty-one," Laxus deadpanned, though smirked.
"Oh yes, so I am," Freed was frowning. "I broke the law many times tonight then."
"Sounds like it," Laxus chuckled. "You only just gettin' in? It's pretty late. Or early, I guess."
"No, we left the club at about one. We've been in the dorms for a few hours, Cana knows someone who can get us beer cheap, so we kept going. Someone made me brownies, but I wasn't allowed to eat them because apparently they had pot in them, so Mirajane slapped the guy and said she'd report him to campus security because we only found out when Jet and Droy started talking about the walls having a face," Freed laughed heartily, and Laxus smiled, imagining the man's expression as he did so. "Why do people always put weed into brownies? It's so overdone. Why do you never hear of a pot carrot cake or banana loaf?"
"Brownies are easy to make, I guess," Laxus grinned.
This was uncharted territory for Laxus. Freed wasn't exactly a total rule follower, but his parents were strict and so alcohol was something he'd never risked. Laxus had always wondered what a drunk Freed would be like. Apparently, he rambled and was happy. It was a nice side of him to hear.
"You think brownies are harder than a banana cake? You know nothing about baking," Freed laughed at him, and Laxus smirked. "Do I have time to bake a pot filled gateau, do you think? It might make mother's book club interesting at last."
"Don't spike your ma with drugs Freed," Laxus instructed, and Freed laughed.
"Yes, it sounds bad put like that," Freed agreed. He was quiet for a moment, and Laxus heard the sound of something hitting the floor. Perhaps one of his boots, given the clunk. Laxus had become something of an expert at figuring out what Freed was doing by the sounds he made. "It'd serve them right. Rather see you than them."
"Come on Freed," Laxus sighed. "They're your parents, they wanna see you."
"Well they didn't on parents' weekend, or at thanksgiving, so why now?" Freed huffed, fabric shifting now. He was probably getting into bed. "They're taking me to dinner, and I saw the place. It's got five stars, Laxus. That means it'll be stifled and pretentious. They won't know what to say to me, so we'll just eat in silence and we'll all want it to end because we know we don't have anything in common and they're only coming because it'll look bad if they don't," Laxus wished he could deny the claim, but he knew Freed's parents and that was probably true. "Would've rather gotten the train to Washington so I could see you."
"Shouldn't I be coming to yours?" Laxus asked, trying to change the subject to something less maudlin. "It's your birthday."
"You saw my campus when you drove us home," Freed dismissed, and Laxus supposed he had. They'd driven back to Magnolia together for some time alone, as Laxus passed Freed's college on the drive back. "It's my turn to see your place. Your classrooms, your student lounge," He paused, and was clearly smirking when he spoke again. "Your bed."
"My bed, huh?" Laxus smirked. "What were you gonna-"
Laxus would have continued, but an airborne pillow slammed into his face. It took his sleep-lagged brain a moment to understand what had happened, and he slowly looked towards his glaring, very much awake roommate. He probably should have realised that the phone would have woken them both up, not just Laxus.
They looked at each other for a moment, Bickslow unblinking. Laxus wanted to speak, but no words came, and Bickslow was the one to fill the silence.
"Look, you know I'm cool with you two being together. Probably been to more of the marches than either of you two, so be as gay as you wanna be," Bickslow's voice was croaky and hoarse. "But don't phone fuck when I'm in the room. It's just bad manners."
"We weren't gonna-" Laxus cut himself off. He couldn't be sure of his words, so instead he said a guilty, "Sorry."
"Don't worry about it," Bickslow shrugged. "Just give me my pillow back and we'll call it even."
Laxus did as he was told, and Bickslow took it, hooked it around his head so it covered his ears, and turned to lie facing the wall. It was as close to privacy they could get in the small room without either of them leaving, and Laxus appreciated the action. When he spoke again, his voice was more of a gentle whisper.
"You should probably get to sleep," He instructed, and grinned when he heard a yawn overpowering his words. "Make sure you drink water before you crash, okay? And don't bother with yer classes, you'll either still be drunk or too hungover to take anything in."
"Yes, I suppose I will be," Freed agreed. "I'll call you once my parents leave."
"Okay," Laxus nodded. "Happy birthday, baby."
"Thank you," Freed said softly. "Goodnight. Love you."
"Love you too."
Laxus hung up the phone, curled himself back under his covers and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to sleep, he heard the grinning words of his roommate as he said, 'you two are so damn cute.' Laxus' retort of 'fuck you' was only slightly less threatening because of the smile he couldn't shake, and the yawn he couldn't hold back.
"Don't talk, I need to say something."
"Laxus? What's wrong?"
Laxus was jittery. He'd been jittery all day. He'd had nervous energy throughout the night, and it kept waking him up and he did whatever he could to get to sleep but nothing had worked, and he'd found himself stressed, awake and jittery. He couldn't stop moving. Couldn't stop bouncing his leg or taping his fingers or flexing his arms because he needed to do something with this energy, but he didn't know what.
At six AM, after a night of awful, interrupted sleep, he'd decided enough was enough. He'd changed into running gear, pulled out his Walkman and stormed from his dorm room. He'd ran for however long, and yet the jitteriness didn't go. If anything, it made things worse.
Calling Freed had been a last resort.
He hadn't returned to campus yet, instead finding a phone booth to climb into. It had started to rain as he'd run, and he was dripping wet as he rang Freed's number. The cold and the wet were the last things on his mind. He just needed to get on the call with Freed, just needed to hear that thing's would be okay and that he was making a big deal out of nothing. Freed was a smart guy, and he wouldn't bullshit Laxus about important things. No; Freed would make things okay.
"Dad's court case was moved forward," Laxus spluttered before he could stop himself.
It was supposed to be in the autumn. It was supposed to be months away. That would give Laxus time to prepare himself, to know what he was going to say. To get out of his own head so that he could focus on taking the bastard to jail. It was not supposed to be next damn week!
Laxus was a character witness. In the trial itself, he wasn't all that important, but he knew that the media would love to know what he thought about his father. Ivan was a well-known businessman, and his scandal had been national news. He'd made many enemies over his years working, and people were relishing in his downfall. Everyone wanted to hear how not only was Ivan a bad businessman, but a bad father too. Laxus wasn't ready for the attention, he wasn't ready for anything.
Freed took a moment to think before he replied.
"Where are you?" He asked. "Are you in your dorm? I can hear the rain."
"Erm, no," Laxus shook his head, looking around. "I'm near a park. Not sure where."
"Right," Freed murmured. "What do you need me to do?"
"I need," Laxus faltered.
He needed to be told that everything was okay. That the court case would just be a single day in his life, and he could get past it and move on. He needed to hear Freed saying that he would get past this, and that his life would return to normal. He needed to see Freed's warm smile, the one he seemed to show only to Laxus. He needed…
"It's nothing. Sorry if I woke you."
"Go back to your dorm, I'll be there as soon as I can."
"The trains start running early. I can probably be at yours by ten," Freed mused aloud. "I want you to go back and try to sleep. You mentioned that Bickslow has hypnosis tapes he uses to sleep, borrow one."
"Freed, you don't need to come here," Laxus tried to argue, though he didn't want to. "You don't have the money."
"I'll find it," Freed dismissed. "The next train leaves at seven, I believe. I'll be on it."
Anyone who thought that Laxus was the more stubborn one out of the two of them clearly didn't know Freed.
"You really don't need to come," Laxus whispered, the rain pounding on the small box he sheltered in. "I'll be fine."
"You deserve to be better than fine, Laxus," Freed whispered back.
Silence hung on the line, and at that moment Laxus' world only persisted of the small phonebooth, the rain clattering down on it, and the man on the other end of the phone. He closed his eyes, clenched them shut, and tried to focus on the soft sound of Freed's breathing. Freed was coming. He was coming to make things better. As much as Laxus wanted to protest more, because Freed couldn't afford it and he was going to miss his classes, he just wanted his boyfriend in his arms. He just wanted him there.
"Are you sure?" He asked in a shaking sob.
"Of course," Freed assured him. "Go back to your room and sleep, I'll be there soon."
Laxus did indeed return to his room. He showered off the rainwater, ignored Bickslow's questions as to what happened, and curled up into bed. The white noise tape that Bickslow gave him cleared his mind, and as he assured himself that the clump of blanket he was clinging to would soon be replaced with Freed, he felt everything become just a little more manageable.
Sun hit Laxus' face, a gentle warmth that woke him up. He smiled as it happened.
A roadside motel was hardly the most comfortable place to wake up, but Laxus couldn't think of anywhere better to be at that time. No amount of bitter coffee, cramped showers, awful breakfasts, and itchy sheets would stop that. Not when he was waking up with Freed in his arms.
It was Freed's graduation day, the final nail in the coffin of their shared college experiences. Once today had finished, there would be no more dorm rooms, no more phone calls, no more long distance. They just needed to get through the ceremony, and they would be free to spend as much time as they wanted together, without the looming dread of being split apart by the oncoming semester that had previously seemed ever present.
It was over. They were done with college and free to love each other fully and wholly.
They'd found an apartment they could afford. They'd gotten an odd look when their realter had seen two men wanting to live in a cramped, one bedroom apartment, but they didn't care. Three years split apart was over, and they felt they deserved their own place no matter what other people thought about it. They'd more than paid their dues in being apart; they were owed time, and a home, together.
It worked out well. Freed's career meant he needed to continue studying, and he'd found placement in a hospital on a partial scholarship in New York. Laxus, over his time in college, had decided sports journalism was where his passion lay, and he'd been shortlisted for multiple internships in the city. It was all perfect.
Speaking of perfect, Freed made a small mewling sound as he woke.
"Mornin'," Laxus smiled.
"Morning," Freed croaked. He leant up and pressed his lips against Laxus', resting against his body. "You're awake early."
"Excited to see you get yer degree," Laxus shrugged.
"Excited to see me leaving the dorms, more like," Freed chuckled, resting his head against Laxus' chest.
"Can you blame me?" Laxus asked as he ran a hand down Freed's side and kissed his crown.
"Not at all," Freed hummed, contentedly.
Laxus hummed, watching as the new morning sun filled the room. Flashes of a future where this would be his every morning, where Freed would always fall asleep in his arms and wake up beside him. Freed would be his, and he would be Freed's, as they were always supposed to be.
Their love story was quiet, made up of fleeting moments and late-night phone calls. Not the stuff of fairy tales, but, for them, perfect.
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