#they're just disasters together
artinandwritin · 6 months
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The kiddos have gone ice skating in modern au!! I can see both of them being pretty good at it (seeing as Seer, our old money girlie probably had ice skating classes as a kid and Gustav... is Gustav. He picks things up quickly)
Anyway they're really cute and I got inspired by @spacenintendogs (beloved <333) and a story in her modern au (The Summer Snotlout Got Laid my beloved) cuz I thought I read Snotlout and Astrid went ice skating but. It was actually rollerblading LMAO
I guess I just wanted Snotlout to wear a fancy ice skating dress too badly and started imagining things LMAO BUT ANYWAY GO READ THE SUMMER SNOTLOUT GOT LAID NOW CUZ IT'S SO GOOD
Also bonus <333
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introspectivememories · 6 months
it's always distinguished lesbian momo with disaster gay todoroki. we need to flip the script. disaster lesbian momo with distinguished gay todoroki. tddk are practically living together in shouto's japanese style dorm meanwhile momo flies in every morning, hair a mess, slamming that shoji door open, talkin bout "todoroki-kun! kyouka touched my knee this morning! do you think she likes me????"
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Another Prompt in Memes?! Yes.
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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Thinking about the sniper duo
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ridl · 4 months
I love ganqing sm. Keqing the capable, confident and highly ambitious leader of liyue, and her capable, war veteran, gentle general secretary, yet a bit weird qilin wife. And it's so important to me to underline that ganyu is just a bit weird and strange.
>appears for the first time on the roof >weird mullet hairstyle >eats raw wild flowers (her favorite is very bitter) >falls asleep in a haystack (can fall asleep anywhere really) >sensitive horns
Like yeah yeah, she's beautiful, strong and awesome, but do you care about her weirdgirl swag. I think it makes her very charming. Keqing is beautiful, strong and awesome too, but she's also just some guy. It's so fun to think about them because of it hhhh
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choctalksalot · 1 year
i'm.. i'm thinking about them....
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im thinking a lot about them rn....... (+ a little john and jade doodle. and a shoe.)
closeup of my fave one because looK AT. LOOK AT TH. THEM THEY. TH. H
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weidli · 2 months
meta is such a good episode for the rubin & karow dynamic so far. "kriegen wir das hin, nicht nur kollegen zu sein? sondern ... kumpels oder sowas? irgendwann?" "sicher. gerne. aber heute glaub ich nicht mehr, oder? ihr essen wäre nichts für mich." "sie wissen gar nicht, was es gibt." "nudeln mit tomatensoße?" and " wenn ich das jetzt mache, dann stecken wir beide mit drin. dann gibts kein zurück mehr." "ich bibbere vor angst." and "sie werden nicht locker lassen, oder?" "sie können mich ja melden." "nein." "also glauben sie mir doch?" "ganz sicher nicht. aber irgendjemand muss auf sie aufpassen. und der idiot bin leider ich."
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umilily · 2 months
waking up from a poorly timed nap to my friend once more making the worst possible life choices
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ladyseidr · 4 months
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and what if i finally decided on a fc for anna / mrs. em.ily. what then. ( do you love her )
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bluebudgie · 1 year
Alright gw2 peeps, here's one for all of you with a lot of alts:
All your characters of the same class (e.g. all your rangers) are stuck together in an escape room.
Which of your "class groups" is off the worst and who gets the job done with no problem?
#edit: yall did this way more detailed than my word salad so lemme redo this class by class as well:#eles: not awful. overall a relatively cooperative group despite very differing personalities.#wouldnt be the fastest in finding the solutions but definitely are getting out of there without casualties or other damages#necros: shit tier dynamics. hostile charr that wants to be left alone vs. volatile chak madman vs. way too gentle sylvari plant#communication would NOT go well but they would make it out (neljje contributes NOTHING to this)#mesmers: nightmare courtier who is out to be as destructive on purpose as possible vs. just some guy vs. tvekks (enough said)#tvekks will suffer but they'll probably make it out. maybe. im unsure.#rangers: actually competent. if we ignore the hostile inquest rat in the room we're left with a competent charr leader and a#very cooperative norn huntsman (and bobbie but he contributes absolutely nothing). they will get out just fine.#engineers: disaster. there might be dead. too many egos in one room and a poor norn who just wants to get out beween everyone fighting#she might jus solve this on her own while the other three are about to slice each other's throats#thieves: absolute hell tier. mordrem sylvari trying to eat everything he can possble dig his teeth into.#a mildly confused human who probably just tries her best while the asura in the room is suffering psychic damage caused by#the mordrem and the charr that will simply not shut up for one second#i do not see ANYONE managing to get a solution in these conditions even if individually they might just be able to.#revs: awkward atmosphere between happy upbeat asura kid and really grumpy charr but they're getting through it#warriors: also a weird clash of personalities but they'd pull their asscheeks together and get out of there#and finally the guardians: no destructive force in here. just two very mature people and a slightly chaotic but otherwise clever bard#absolute dream team coming up with solutions. peace and happiness.#budgie plays gw2
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kingdomoftyto · 2 years
Decided to check out the audio drama Fawx & Stallion this weekend and GUYS... guys this show is SO FUNNY. I couldn't stop laughing for the first three episodes straight.
It's the story of some wannabe detectives living in Victorian London. Specifically, they live at 224B Baker Street, just across the street from a certain pair of decidedly more famous detectives--and they're sick and tired of having all their potential cases scooped by Sherlock Fucking Holmes. Luckily for them, while Holmes and Watson are out of town looking into some matter about a dog, a new case comes along and drops--by default--into our would-be heroes' laps.
And just who are these aspiring crime-solvers?
Hampton Fawx: detective and gentleman. What he lacks in common sense he makes up for with raw theater-kid enthusiasm.
James Stallion: gentleman and detective. A loyal friend and companion when he's not being a self-important arse. Runs on approximately 20% gin and 80% spite.
and finally Madge: neither gentleman nor detective. She's just been stood up by her date and she's going to make that everyone else's problem. She'll agree to help on this case just for the Drama.
It's a hysterical romp so far. A lighthearted farce set just offscreen from Holmes' own capers (for now!). Our main trio lacks even a single braincell to share between them, but by GOD they're going to solve this case and I'm going to be cheering them on the whole way there!
From what I can tell, new episodes are typically every other Monday, but the show's on a short hiatus for the holidays, to return in 2023. The first five are currently available to listen to, though, and I highly recommend it!
#Fawx & Stallion#certain details omitted so as not to spoil the little ep1 surprises :3c#this is a fun one to go into without much prior knowledge so if you're sold then please check it out now!!#I don't want to rob anyone of the gleeful little gasps that I let out as certain details came to light#but if you would like a few tiny spoilers to give you some more miscellaneous character info:#Hampton is asexual (I did not know this going in and it took me a bit to pick up on it but it is alluded to already in the show!)#James and Madge are legally married (which is why I left her surname out of the main post) but#they're both gay and happily pursuing other relationships with each other's blessing.#James is in a committed relationship (basically reads as married) to an Inspector from Scotland Yard and they're disgustingly cute together#his partner Archie is extremely long-suffering because Hampton and James' antics end up getting them in trouble more often than not#and Archie has to clean up their messes without seeming like he's showing favoritism.#(that description sounds like it could be tense but it's actually more in the tone of sitcom hijinks. it's lighthearted and hilarious)#and Madge is a complete disaster lesbian who apparently has an on-again-off-again relationship with Martha across the street#yes THAT Martha across the street#and anyway the three of them--Hampton James and Madge--all just share a flat with an ancient cat and#spend their days drinking booze and amateur boxing and bitching about Holmes and Watson#it's great. please give it a listen :)
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kayden-i-guess · 7 months
Got a haircut today expecting to walk out looking like a dark-haired kusuo saiki, instead ended up looking like a twink.
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novelconcepts · 10 months
Tai always has a plan. Every game they play, Tai wins. And when Tai wins, Van somehow wins, too. or Five times Taissa Turner got her way (and one time Van made a valiant attempt).
“Please,” Tai says, leaning against the doorframe. “I need the break.”
Van pointedly doesn’t look up from her homework. Lottie’s got this.
“Really?” Lottie asks. “Why?”
“Nat’s spraying this shit to cover the smell of her booze or whatever,” Tai says breezily. “It’s fucking with my allergies.”
She’s good. She’s smooth. Van almost believes her, save for the tiny detail of Tai’s not having allergies.
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
I don’t want to come off as rude or mean to you or to anybody about this topic.
But, since Aegon and Helena have been shipped and some people ship all three Aegon, Helena, and Aemond together.
Why? Why do people ship them? Sure incest is a thing in the Targaryen family but what makes some others ship them? As much as I respect the ship, I always wonder why.
I can't speak to everyone, cause every person I've talked about why they ship it has had a completely different reason for it.
for me, outside of the fact that I will ship most things simply for the vibe of it all, I think it's the complex relationship between the two and how it was effected by the betrothal.
Aegon wasn't in love with Helaena when they were married, Aemond was, and Helaena had no real wish or care at the time, though it's implied she later fell for Aemond; this whole web of connections created tension and strife. throw in the complicated Aemond and Aegon has, longing for what one another has, one wishes for duty the other wishes for the curse of being the second son, holding little duty. they long for each other because of this, and the fact they are brothers, they've been shoved in a tiny corner by the fight for succession and the family feud and all that. they have only each other, tied by this deep but troubled bond. seeing that form into a romantic relationship, with the added conflict of their sister, mellowing the two's flames, combing them to soothe one another and serve their sister. Helaena given more agency by ruling through both her brothers, given a voice by them, is just an added bonus.
I feel like it would tie loose ties amongst the family, it would unite them, tame the wildfire that we see in canon, while not snuffing them, only making them burn brighter.
in the war, Aegon is fighting for both his siblings and his wife and husband, Aemond would be avenging a son he saw as his own, Helaena is surrounded by love, potentially spurring her to find her rage and letting it overshadow her sorrow. that or bother are afflicted with this deep ache of her loss, the loss of their children, it would make them even more deadly as a united front.
not to mention they're a parallel to the first three headed dragon, even if imperfect. Aegon carries the name and crown of Aegon the conqueror and Aemond with Visenya's Dragon Vhagar, and while I can't find a direct parallel between Helaena and Rhaenys, but being a sister wife in a triad stands enough for me.
all in all, I think they're just interesting, there's so many ways to poke and prod them, they bring out each other's best and worst traits, and the ways it would shift and make the war more heartbreaking entices me even more.
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tjerra14 · 1 year
Gonna do the slightly less predictable thing and ask you: Why do you like Aloy?
I definitely did NOT predict that, so you absolutely hit the mark there (and found me unprepared and struggling for words because mostly my Aloy appreciation looks like [insert inarticulate noises and wild gesturing with both arms here]).
Why do I like her? I think she held my heart from the moment she stared at the world in wonder as a tiny baby carried around by Rost, and cemented her place as a little kid shunned by the others, running away in frustration only to get herself into further trouble, but always picking herself up again. And then, at merely six years old, dedicating her entire life to a single goal: to find her mother. The goal(s) might've been different, but I saw a lot of myself in that. And well, there's a lot about her that I simply admire in a person: her determination. Her willingness to care for others, to make their life just that little bit better, all of her kindess and compassion. The way she stands up for herself and others, the principles she adheres to. Her curiosity, her wits.
But I also like her for her social awkwardness, her stumbling about relationships, just learning how to make a friend. Her solitude, and the yearning to escape from it. Her feeling alienated by those who are supposed to be her people at first. The restlessness, the constant running from those that she comes to care about. Her struggle figuring out who she is, and what her origins, her legacy mean for her as a person. The difficulties she faces growing into her own. That too, seemed very familiar.
She always felt like a well-rounded character to me. There are her flaws, some of which she overcomes over the course of the games so far, others which still somewhat persist: her selfishness, in parts (originally, she is pursuing her own goal of figuring out who her mother is first and foremost. By the Anointed scene in HZD, which I consider to be the biggest show of her character growth within the game, she has moved past that due to her discoveries and experiences and friends, especially, to care for the world, and found the purpose Rost urged her to find). Her tendency for brash and violent actions, her disregard for everything she considers outdated, unnecessary tribal superstition, her belittling of cultures she simply does not understand. And again, the constant running. It is nice to see her grow from that, to see her learn how to trust others and allow herself to be vulnerable. She could still do some work on her respect for other cultures and belief systems and sometimes downright other people looking at you that Beta conversation but I kinda blame that one on the writers because you can't tell me that none of her friends would've pushed back when she tried to pull off some poorly thought-through hotheaded bs.
Just. SHE. Absolute delight to write, too. Perfect vessel to pour all my communication issues into.
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
OH AND vettonso
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Again: crime against humanity, positive! God they have been brainrotting me so much lately ever since I made that AU for them....literally my brain is purely consumed by the thoughts of historical arranged marriage au!Vettonso...please someone, anyone... come join me in my hell, I can't stop drawing them....
But uhhhhhh yeah so underrated!! They were a rivalry for like 4 seasons and had two extremely close seasons, are they not perfect for enemies-lovers or hatefucking? 🥺 I still am so sad that they never got to be teammates, it would've been so delightfully toxic!! But also their softness, like at AD 2022, the old men were being tender 🥹 It's just a very fun ship to me. Two old guys who've been through it all together, who were at the peaks of their careers together, battling each other, and then the new golden boy dethroned the old golden boy aaahhhhhhh. But then how they became tender....can they come out together unscathed? Also not to mention how similar they are, but it's hard for them to see that because of how they were pitted together at such high stakes
Vettonso is kind of the best of both worlds ship for me because they're literally my two favorite drivers ever, so of course it's great to put them together!!
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