#they're like 18-19 years old here :P
feathercreates · 4 months
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"Genesis...that's rude!" - Angeal Hewley
In which a salty teen Genesis gets a little bit cheeky over losing a spar with Sephiroth again.
Angeal still thinks it's a hilarious addition to his growing photobook, though. :P
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glam-pir · 1 year
- introduction to writeblr -
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p e r s o n a l i n f o
hi !! i'm em, i'm 18, almost 19, and i use she/they pronouns. writing's always been part of my life, i've just never actually believed i could do it. so, here i am, yada yada yada more cheesy shit. anyways, i'm in college so my activity levels are all over the place, i'm hoping having a blog to even myself out and make myself stay consistent will actually work. i love all things dark, gloomy, scary, and puzzle-ey, which goes without saying that my hobbies follow the same tragectory. i've been playing piano since i was four years old and i love writing music, solving puzzles, writing and reading (goes without saying frankly).
a b o u t m y w r i t i n g
let’s get into it, shall we? i really like a blether, and by that i mean i’m indecisive beyond words. my most common genres in the overarching sense is urban fantasy combined with cosmic horror, and high fantasy. i love worldbuilding don’t come for me i’m sensitive.
but in terms of smaller little motifs and themes, i love delving into folklore (slavic and north african, gotta stick to my roots), low fantasy and surrealism, political intrigue, dark romanticism, gothic horror, monster girls, lesbians, a good ole butch/femme dynamic, dead people, ghosts, generational stories, and of course, anything you could listen to depeche mode while reading.
w i p i n f o
jesus it’s uh, um, it’s a mess in here, please ignore the state of my mind rn, all titles are subject to change, for now i'll be titling them by vibe and vibe alone, these will probably be their tags for the forseeable future, also they're all gay
no guts, all gory
a story of suspicious internships, monsterous girls, the desire for knowledge, dead people, things man was not mean to see, and lunch dates with your coworkers. [ low fantasy / surrealism / cosmic horror ]
baba yaga's moving castle
a story of matriarchies, political intrigue, slavic folklore. [ high fantasy / multiple povs ]
gas station prophecies
a story of gas station prophets, things in the fog, shadows in the woods, spooky towns and liminal spaces, odd summer vacations, and some very important realizations. [ low fantasy / surrealism / gothic horror / coming of age ]
saints of nothing at all
a story of secret societies that are worse than they seem, culty schools, ✨cunty✨outfits, mean girls, meaner lesbians, himbos, ballroom dancing, and just a little bit of a roll in the uncanny valley. [ surrealism / hauntings / gothic horror / academia ]
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techno-leo · 2 months
Oc redesigns cause I always do that.
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Mostly gave them like clothes as like a uniform and reflect their roles in Infinite's regime.
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For these three, I just needed a concrete design for Neos cause golly is their old design hard to consistently draw. As for Nezha and Fortuna, I wanted to show how much they care for each other through little easy details.
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Also changed Seto's hair. I turned his tank top into something that looks like Sally's jacket. :p
Plus, here are the canon ages of the silly goobers in The Supernovae AU lore
Since I'm too lazy to make a separate part of that. Had to change some characters' ages to fit in with their new stories.
Team Hope:
Kiyoshi: 18 yrs old
Neos: chronologically 8 maturity 14 (cuz they're a badnik)
Seto: 19 yrs old
Team Trickster:
Lirio: 15 years old
Pixel: 19 years old
Synchro: 18 years old
Team Melody
Bloom: 18 years old
Fortuna: 15 years old
Nezha: 19 years old
Team Doomsday
Aiko: chronologically 8 Maturity: 17
Helios: 15 years old
Hypnos: 16 years old
Karma (Mercy): 16 years old
Misty: 21 years old
Jinx (Sereno): 17 years old
Zero: 19 years old
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fostopia · 2 years
Ok you guys seem to really like both my style and the Tethered AU doodle I did so Here’s more about that au + the old doodles I did of it
The official tags are #tmc tethered au, #tethered au, and #tethered together Starting off! This au came to life after my RP partner and I started up one together based on a plot idea I had. The idea of the Tethered AU [I also call it Tethered Together sometimes] is one that obviously strays from canon (because canon killed my Vol 1 and 2 victim duos, and I love them too much to let them go /p) Basically, after their deaths Mark and Cesar die they become ghosts, both spirits hold a resemblance to how they offed themselves due to M.A.D.-- Mark has a bullet wound and Cesar has a neck wound. [fun fact about Mark, he never stops bleeding. This poor guy stains so much shit] Mark’s ghost has angel wings because of his devotion to religion when alive; his devotion makes him-- in a sense-- holier than Gabriel for apparent reasons; he now has wings.  Now here’s where the Vol 2 victims come in. After Mark and Cesar met up in the afterlife [or well, a few months after because Mark couldn't stomach even looking at Cesar for a while due to alt!Cesar] they ended up staying at Cesar’s house-- after all, being dead means they didn’t have much reason to leave, and Mark doesn’t like being seen by humans. They’re still there when Jonah and Adam show up. The two do still have their argument, but Mark stops Jonah from leaving (by appearing in the back of the van and scaring the shit out of him) and Cesar stops Adam (who wasn’t affected at all) Though these two are a little bit dumb, Mark and Cesar accidentally ‘tether’ to them, so Adam and Jonah are just stuck with these two ghosts.
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I like to imagine that this is the dynamic the quad has
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That’s the main premise of the au I’ve got in writing, but there is something else I plan to dabble in. “What is that” you may ask? Well. You know the little doodle I put with Jonah going ‘I feel an impending sense of doom right now’? That is where alt!Cesar comes in.
I like to imagine that alternates cannot physically attack or interact with humans unless they have a physical body-- the alternate that killed Cesar took over his body.
ANYWAYS Here are some of the little things I have about this au off the top of my head
First about the characters Sarah is included because she plays a minor role :D
Cesar - any/all - ADHD - Mexican
Mark - he/him - ADHD, PTSD, GAD - Filipino American
Jonah - he/they - ASD, ADHD, GAD - Colombian + Peruvian
Adam - he/him - BPD - British American
Sarah - she/her - ADHD - Filipino American
Jonah and Adam are 17 and 18 [ordered by age]
Mark and Cesar were 17 and 18 when they died
Sarah is 19
Jonah and Mark both suffer from general paranoia so they're constantly on edge
Jonah and Adam met in school when they were 9/10 and met Sarah freshman year; she told them about BPS and Adam wanted to take the leap to try and figure out what happened to his mom so he dropped out to focus on it Jonah had a semi-promising future ahead of him but Adam was all he had left to lose, so he dropped out as well to join Adam on his search.
The ghosts are able to go invisible to avoid being seen. Mark is too nervous to show himself to Sarah, so he stays hidden around her.
If I can think of anything else I'll edit this but ask questions if you'd like!!
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anosrepasi · 5 months
Tagged by @aeide and @ainulindaelynn, thank you two!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 22, so far.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 140,852
3) What fandoms do you write for? Quite a couple now! And amazingly I have even more unposted. The Hobbit, Fallout 4, The Old Guard, Supernatural, The Legend of Zelda, Full Metal Alchemist, Greedfall, BG3, Horizon: zero dawn, uhhhhh.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1 - Lingua Franca (by a landslide)
2 - Soil and Ashes
3 - Kitsukuroi
4 - what you call a thing is seldom what it is
5 - Prima Lingua (I was surprised this wasn't higher up given that its connected to Lingua Franca)
5) Do you respond to comments? I try really hard but usually end up responding very late in bursts. If you've commented on my work and haven't received a reply... i'm working on it. I will get there eventually. This is a turtle vs hare situation.
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?...This is hard cause most of my fics are unfinished as of right now but.... I think Lacuna for posted but unfinished fics and uh. two of my so far unposted BG3 fics will take the running once they get posted.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? A lot of them could probably be considered the "happiest" mostly cause i usually make the characters go through the worst of it right before the resolution so comparatively they're happy. >.>
8) Do you get hate on fics? So far no, maybe the occasional pedantic comment that i just... ignore. I think LF was the only fic where I had to deal with that. Perks of being relatively small in fandoms.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nah, not my cup of tea.
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? The only one I've written I think is the Hob Gadling meets Sebastian Le Livre and become immortal drinking buddies. That's only been posted here on tumblr though.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge :)
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope, I'd be open to the idea of any of my writer buds want to try something low stakes for fun and giggles.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? I'm not sure I could answer this one cause I'll immediately think of another ship the moment I try and define a favorite ship for 'all time'. Which is great cause there's so many good fandoms and ships out there, what a cool thing to never run out of.
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I also am not a super big fan of this question cause sometime a fic needs years to crystalize into what its supposed to be and we're all doing this for fun/for free... sooooooo you get what you get, and WIPs aren't worth less to the fandom just because they're incomplete.
16) What are your writing strengths? Making people cry (hopefully)
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Anything resembling a consistent writing or posting schedule.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? You ask this as if I didn't do a ton of research and base my own knowledge of linguistics to write semi-coherent lingurian in Lingua Franca. If I feel I can pull it off to some degree and it adds to the story? oh hell yes. It's also one of my favorite literary devices in fic and in shows (I'm looking at you Shogun 2024, you beautiful beautiful tv show on the intrigue of translation)
19) First fandom you wrote for? uhhhh. Naruto on like, fanfic.net for the super old stuff. The hobbit for my modern era lmao.
20) Favorite fic you’ve written? I don't have a favorite, I think? My brain just kind of demands I make up stories and like, I am a happier person having made up stories so I do that. Each story has something I absolutely adore about it that I needed to explore but none of them are my absolute favorite above the others.
And that's all folks. I'd love to tag @ongreenergrasses, @lobstermatriarch, @green-nbean, @findusinaweek, @aevallare, @avelera, @tirsynni, @nagia-pronounced-neijia , @poppypopp and with any other writers who'd like to play :) No pressure though!!
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xitsen · 2 years
Came here because of the “They don’t deserve you” comic, staying because that wendigo fairytale AU looks SO GOOD IM SO EXCITED. I am in LOVE with Alastor’s design especially!! And Charlie looks super adorable. Any thoughts you’d like to share about the AU? If not that’s totally fine, no pressure. Looking forward to seeing more from you!
🥹♥️ Thank you.
And well uhh. 25 random facts?
1. Everything in this au(except flashbacks obviously) is going on nowadays!
2. Charlie, her family and Alastor don't really show up to people but if they do, the person usually doesn't make it alive haha.
3. Charlie never saw a human. She knows that she looks similar to humans but doesn't know how exactly.
4. Magne family and Al live deep in the forests which people from the nearest villages don't go to. Some of them(usually old people) are scared because of the disappearances in the forests, but others don't go there simply because of dangerous animals.
5. If you know something about the Appalachian mountains and their reputation... Well, I can say that the place where everything is going on has the same vibe.
6. I haven't decided yet if Vaggie, Angel, Husk and Niffty are alive or not. They may be mythical creatures as well.
7. Fauns are gods in this au but they're kinda cursed. Before the curse fauns could shapeshift to humans and have fun with them and also freely use some magic but now they... I would say they can't. They also have different powers but using them has some consequences so Charlie usually doesn't use them at all.
8. Fauns can't but Alastor can! He can shapeshift to his human form or to any other person. But for short periods.
9. To shapeshift as other person he needs to eat them =D
10. Alastor is hungry. And he's hungry for human flesh only. All the time. And that's his curse. He can't really control himself if he doesn't eat all the time. But he keeps an eye on his schedule lol.
11. To use any of his powers he has to eat more. For example, by default, he can be in human form for half an hour and for that, he needs to eat a full-grown adult. But if he wants more, he needs to eat more than that.
12. Alastor can mimic other people's voices. But again. He needs to eat them first.
13. Alastor has different strategies for hunting. It's really not common that people to go to the forest if they're not forced to do so. He can whistle, and call for help with the voices of people who he ate or with his own voice. If someone who he wants to attract is a relative to one of his victims he will shapeshift and pretend to be exhausted/wounded. And because no one has ever found the bodies of these people the relative will run to help.
14. Alastor usually doesn't touch children. Usually.
15. He also prefers to not touch police or people who look for disappeared people in big groups because it's useful for him to make people think that it's safe here if you're not alone.
16. He doesn't like dogs, dogs know where he is and it makes it harder for him to hunt.
17. He lives near his house at the swamp.
18. Sometimes Charlie steals apples. Well, she doesn't know that she does because in the forest everything belongs to everyone. But she loves to explore new places and sometimes steals people's food. That's actually how she met Alastor lol.
19. Charlie says that Alastor grows the best apples she has ever tasted. But he will never tell her his secret technic.
20. Alastor doesn't feel hunger for animal meat but sometimes just cooks for himself in his house.
21. When they first met Alastor tried to eat Charlie, lol. Even if they're kinda close now he still thinks about how she tastes. He thinks about it a lot.
22. Alastor doesn't have that big connection to his shadow as og Alastor does. They're... Not "friends" here. You'll see.
23. Charlie is about 25 in human years. And about 2000+ years in general. Alastor is about 35-40. But it has been years from the moment of his death. Or of the moment of his new life.
24. Alastor can't really die. His punishment is to exist forever with his sins and guilt about them. He doesn't regret it tho. Well. Usually, he doesn't.
25. Fauns don't age. Their body just stops at some point but this point is very random. And they don't die. That's their punishment as well.
That's all that i remember for now lol. Thank you for your interest!!
Here's a lil spoiler for Alastor's past comic ;>
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annabtg · 11 months
20 questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @theresthesnitch, I love seeing everyone's answers on this!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
177,784. (A couple of thousand of those are actually by @eemolu, my partner in writing taller than the trees).
3. What fandoms do you write for?
These days, almost exclusively HP, though I've written a few little oneshots for Lois & Clark.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. The Great James Potter (167 kudos). Jily, canon, 7th year Lily POV "enemies"-to-lovers, 8.7k.
2. AO3 Is Down (149 kudos). Jily Muggle AU where they work for AO3. As cracky as it sounds. XD 1.4k.
3. As If By Magic (139 kudos). Jily, canon, 7th year slow burn, 34k.
4. Inescapable (138 kudos). Jily, soulmates, Hogwarts across the years, 4.2k.
5. Are You Experienced? (135 kudos). Hogwarts Jily go to a Muggle concert for their first date. 12.6k.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely!! Comments make my day and I always want people to know I appreciate them!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Trapped - Emmeline Vance's last fight with the Death Eaters, told from her POV.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Are You Experienced? is definitely one of the fluffiest!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I wouldn't say I've ever got full-blown hate, but I've got a few negative comments, most of them for writing Sirius/Lily. Stuff like 'Sirius would never do that to James' - even when it's a story where the Sirius/Lily part is fake dating and James is actually aware of it and endorsing it. xD The mind boggles.
9. Do you write smut. If so, what kind?
I write some smut, yes! M/F, mostly vanilla stuff. :p
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! Though one day I want to finish that fic where Lily is a L&C fan. xD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! Who would be interested in stealing my fics? Lol. xD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! My old Remadora story Over Spilt Coffee (FF.net link here - I should put it up on AO3) was translated to Russian, from my own Greek translation. And there was also a translation of Birthday in Spanish but the link doesn't seem to be working.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
A couple! Apart from taller than the trees which I've already mentioned, I'd cowritten a fic for L&C with my friend Raquel.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My old WIP Through Times Of War. It was my attempt to write Book 7 before DH came out. I still remember my plans for it, I had an ending and everything, but I'm just not interested in that era anymore.
16. What are your writing strengths?
A good grasp of grammar, vocabulary, flow - the technical aspects. My writing always looks very polished.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Coming up with a good plot/what happens next.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it once - had Fleur and her family fight in French about Bill, in listening range of the Weasleys. I think that, if you're going to write dialogue in another language for a fic, it has to serve a narrative purpose. I don't like it when characters speak in another language or drop random words/endearments just to show off the writer's headcanons about where they're from.
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Depends on your definition of favourite, but the one I'm proudest of is probably Are You Experienced?
Tagging @athenasparrow, @charmsandtealeaves, @kay-elle-cee, @jamesunderwater (if you haven't been tagged already!)
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e12 don't you forget about me (w. nancy won)
hookman redux? oh no it's just what's her face with the good hair and a sword. i don't remember jody's other girl *at all*. she also does not look remotely like a teenager. i know it's hard with casting young people. anyway, very cute to see jody so happy and proud.
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why is there so much weird food content in this episode, please 😭 sam and dean are so bored at home, they should be cooking more. we know they can do it! (dean, you know how happy you could make sam with something simple like this, roast chicken and mashed potatoes and green beans is dead easy and tasty and nutritious!)
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JODY This is according to the - HEY! [JODY looks at ALEX, who has tried to sneak her wine glass away.] Put it back! [ALEX puts the wine glass back.] JODY … neighborhood crime blogs that Claire has been reading. CLAIRE They're eye-witness accounts. SAM Well, we've hunted on less.
jody's face had me cackling. sam no longer the favorite son 😒
okay so. kathryn newton who plays claire is 19 and supposed to be... 19! and she looks 19. (have i mentioned how much i love her hair?) and katherine ramdeen who plays alex is 25-6 and is supposed to be... 18. sitting next to each other and bickering, it's kind of stark. also kind of funny that they mention barely recognizing her twice. not the only one. was thinking she was recast maybe, but nope
ALEX Claire did catch a werewolf. Oh right! Turned out to be a German shepherd with rabies. JODY And before that was the vampire. Councilwoman into erotic cosplay. I didn't know what cosplay was before that. Super embarrassing for the whole force. DEAN Wow. You've been busy.
i feel bad for claire but this is pretty great
CLAIRE Real life? Okay. Yeah, sure. Let's get real. You and Henry set on a weekend yet? ALEX What? CLAIRE When you sneaking off to Jody's cabin to screw yourself silly? DEAN Ohhh. Here we go.
getting her revenge, as is the sibling way.
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honestly, i'm eating this up. sam and dean could use some normal loving family dysfunction for once
JODY Hey, if we can't talk about it we shouldn't be doing it, right? Right? [SAM stutters.] DEAN What?
jody looking to the boys for backup and they're completely falling down on the job 😔 this is also weirdly topical because i've been prepping my 10 year old with information about puberty and basics of sex ed lol
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JODY And don't expect the guy, as much as I love Henry, to always show up packing. (To SAM and DEAN) Am I right? [SAM looks down at his plate and takes another bite to avoid answering. Dean stares at her blankly.] DEAN What? JODY Seriously?
useless! :p
i am reveling (obviously) in the domestic awkward bullshit.
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JODY And but even there, I feel like I should be teaching her about boyfriends, and relationships, you know, stuff a mom would teach her. DEAN Sammy and I could've benefited from a little of that.
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it's fine, i'm fine. hey maybe jody can straighten dean out and get him to talk to sam about amara. they help with the kids, she can help the bigger kids :p
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CLAIRE Maybe it's time I just head out on my own. And be a full-fledged hunter. SAM Claire. I absolutely understand the need to hunt. Believe me. I do. But the monsters are always going to be there. On and on. Forever. But a chance at a family? At a home? School? That won't be.
probably rationing the use but i think this could have done with the mushy music. feeling for claire and sam.
also that's a huge bedroom
dean trying to be stern and lecture claire and give alex's boyfriend the stink eye, silly :p
ALEX You should know… I've done some really bad things. Hurt people. I should've told you before. HENRY Everybody's done stuff they're ashamed of. I mean, there was this one kid we all tortured in middle school, I-I can't even think about it. Alex! Hey. I don't care. Whatever it is you did, I don't. Okay?
very "this is the skin of a killer, bella"
jesus bad guy is beating the shit out of jody. very effective in how they shot/edited it
LOL aaand the boyfriend is a vampire, of course. didn't see the, i tried to help you out from a bad man but you took me back to your vampire nest and got turned, story. but made sure to vanquish any sympathy we might have had for the dude after saying he turned a high school kid into a vampire just to ruin her life as revenge
good old sibling bonding over killin vampires, a classic
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adorable and always good to have more data that sam doesn't just eat salad :P
hey it's music reminding me of princess bride, i wonder if it's the same music as last time that reminded me of princess bride. that was a while ago (8x06 and 8x14 [which i included a clip of the music, dean setting up his room in the bunker with family pictures etc]). after comparing, the beginning is sorta similar but then it sort of mashes up into something else
DEAN You gonna be alright now that you're outnumbered again? JODY Ah, as long as everyone wears a condom, we'll be fine. DEAN I want that bumper sticker.
true that. told my 10 year old that it's important to know about sex and how babies get made because we don't want any surprise babies running around and the look he gave me: 😵‍💫
i think a lot of it is jody/kim rhodes but the katherine/kathryns also did great making the whole family dynamic with sam and dean work - and the writing! like hey you all can still do a good monster of the week and have really nice, touching and funny moments with the side characters - two episodes in a row! and i didn't even get disgruntled over amara drama once this episode woot woot
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
9, 15, 18, 19 for the aro asks :)
What is your favourite aro-spec identity flag?
I have to be honest, I've never been one to care much for pride flags? I mean they're important but like. Not important to me very much. Or perhaps I take them for granted. I'm still just glad the community moved past the old aro flag with the orange and yellow in it, that was an eyesore. The gray-scale with two shades of green looks better with the ace flag and it's easy to coordinate with.
Like five years ago I used to have a She-Hulk icon (comics obviously, and in the era where she wore a purple costume) and I had my blog header as an ace flag with an aro flag heart inside of it. It was very cute.
What advice do you have for other aro-spec people (or those questioning being aro-spec)?
Oooh, for other aro people I don't know if I have any specific advice because I don't know exactly what we're all "struggling" with? I guess we all struggle against amatonormativity but. Like. I can't say I've got any solutions for coping with that lmao as I am still very much in that boat. My advice to other aro-spec people is you're awesome, I love you.
Questioning aro-spec is a bit different, and I actually have been asked about this before since I was the first aromantic person I knew pretty much. Other friends/mutuals who've seen my posts or poems or just heard me talk about it a lil have sometimes admitted to me that they're not exactly sure they're alloromantic either, and it's kind of heartwarming to know that my honesty can be a resource in helping other people discover themselves.
It's hard to generalize too much because everyone's aro journey is different not to mention SO complicated, considering that we're not even made to seem like an option (although maybe perhaps that's getting better in some spheres than it was when I was questioning? still seems p bad to me but idk, visibility must be growing somewhat). I'd just say it's okay to be a-curious. To not want to date or do romantic or sexual things and to keep some distance between your "love life" and your actual life. By forming an identity where romantic partnership just doesn't play into it, isn't an ambition whatsoever, it's easier to realize whether or not that'd actually be a comfort to you or if you "need" it. That's how it was for me at least.
And, obviously it's not for me to label which experiences or feelings DO or DON'T make you aro, but like, if you have doubts, or if you feel yourself second-guessing it, if you're having feelings you think "must not" be aro... that shit just happens to all of us. It doesn't mean you're lying to yourself, wasting your time all alone, trying to fit into a box that you're not.
For instance for myself, it's taken me years to accept that I still get crushes, most frequently on men, and often times I've written this off as comphet (and it's not NOT that, I mean I'll never be wo that). But sometimes it's not. Sometimes I do get legit "crushes" for lack of a better word (they don't fit the word "squish" as I see it used). Sometimes they're on girls. Sometimes it's not a place of insecurity. Sometimes I'm just drawn to someone because of this or that thing about them. Sometimes I just enjoy flirting w certain people or I want to be momentarily close to them. But it doesn't mean I wanna DATE them, you know? I still feel repulsed by that most of the time. I can enjoy myself in whatever non-amatonormative attraction I'm feeling in the moment. It doesn't make me suddenly alloromantic, because I'll never be that. I tried.
Yeah... I feel like I'm rambling in a couple of different directions here but hopefully the insight is valuable.
Do you have any aro-spec headcanons?
All the time when I'm reading classic literature. I have fewer of them in TV and movies I guess because I just never expect to actually see it so maybe the speculation doesn't occur to me. Not that I expect it in classics either, but maybe it's because any queer label would be an anachronism, that I can kind of see the experiences for what they simply are and resonate with them in that way? Idk. I'll have to reflect more on why that is.
Diana from Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well sticks with me because, first of all, she has my name, and was given it for our Roman namesake, the goddess of chastity. She's only a minor character and her role is to seduce Bertram but not actually sleep with him, but via the old trope of the "bed trick" he ends up sleeping with his to-be-wife he's trying to avoid having to marry, Helen. Oh, yeah, and if you've never read All's Well That Ends Well, that sounds really fucked up, and it is. It's all quite fucked up; the plot is convoluted and all of the characters are really seedy and manipulative. The title is ironic because being forced into marriage is not, like, ending well. I love this play I could talk about it forever. But all Diana does is be hot, get Bertram to think she's hot, and then swear off men for life because she sees how trash Bertram is. I fuckin feel that, girl.
Is there a song that is very aromantic to you?
I used to have a playlist of them back when I used Spotify. I should remake it. Off to top of my head I always think of jazz songs. "By Myself" (my favorite version of it is here) and "Just One of Those Things" (my favorite version of that's here) might be my all-time favorites. But there are a lot of good songs with aro vibes.
send me aromantic asks
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Doing my own Timeline Shuffle AU for a exercise and here is what my randomized list resulted.
Note: I did split the Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu chapters Fire and Ice into their own parts. By coincidence they still randomized together. And I did not split the seasons by Eras.
Timeline rewrite AU order:
Rise of the Snakes Master of The Mountain Sons of Garmadon Crystalized SoFS Ice Chapter SoFS Fire Chapter Seabound (w/ The Island prologue) Rebooted Legacy of The Green Ninja Pilots (and mini movies) Tournament of Elements Skybound Hunted Prime Empire Hands of Time March of the Oni Possesion (w/ DoTD epilogue)
The Rewrite Synopsis
S1 - Rise of the Snakes Kai Amai, a 16 year-old with his sister Nya Amai (13), had recently moved to Ninjago City with their foster mom (Mystake) from Ignacia and is trying his best to fit in to his new school. He finds himself wrapped in the crazy endeavors of a lone ninja Cole (17) and a candy-obsessed brat Lloyd (11) as the four kids are left to figure out the whereabouts of the Serpentine and why they're hollowing out the sewers of Ninjago City.
S2 - Master of the Mountains | 5 months later Kai is 16 | Nya is 13 | Cole is 17 | Lloyd is 11 With Pythor defeated and the Serpentine Tribes restored to peace, Kai and Nya join Cole's journey to sneak into Shintaro to recover a family heirloom of his mother's that has been rumored to be in possession of the questionable King Vangelis. When they get into the kingdom, can they rely on the help of Princess Vania to retrieve Lilly's locket? And who's this whacko inventor named Jay (17) who also snuck in to steal a pair of the royal's wings?
S3 - Sons of Garmadon | 1 year later Kai is 17 | Nya is 14 | Cole is 18 | Lloyd is 12 | Jay is 18 As the group settle back down home, word of a criminal group known to idolize a Warlord long suspected dead has been making a steady claim over the back roads of Ninjago City. With the inside help of a peculiar SoG member named "Snake Jaguar", can the group stop the "revival" of Lord Garmadon before the city is taken over?
S4 - Crystalized | 1 year later Kai is 18 | Nya is 15 | Cole is 19 | Lloyd is 13 | Jay is 19 | Zane is 20 When the last battle caused Nya's element to wipe her memories, the group are forced to hide her as the new Crystal King has collected villains old and new to take down the new heroes of Ninjago. But who is the Crystal King? Is this masked person stalking Lloyd really Harumi? And where is Garmadon???
S5 - Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu Fire Chapter | 2 months later Kai is 18 | Nya is 15 | Cole is 19 | Lloyd is 13 | Jay is 19 | Zane is 20 Nya is still trying to recover her memories and elemental control when the Crystal King (now revealed as the Overlord) has uncovered the tomb of the Ancient Serpentine Queen Asphreera! With her newly revived, her stolen staffs of Forbidden Spinjitzu signed by a mysterious FSM are capable of stealing the group's powers! With Kai down for the count from one staff, the gang can only do so much until Zane is zapped by the other staff to the Never Realm!
S6 - Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu Ice Chapter | 2 weeks later Kai is 18 | Nya is 15 | Cole is 19 | Lloyd is 13 | Jay is 19 | Zane is 20(?) As the group prep to defeat Aspheera, their plans go to pieces as Aspheera zaps everyone to the Never Realm after stealing the elemental staff. Now that they're too in the Never Realm, next best plan is to find Zane, and fast! But when clues allude to the Never Realm moving at a faster pace and Zane appearing to look the same despite the 2 week - 2 year difference between Realms, the group have more questions than how to return to Ninjago like- Is Zane even human?
S7 - Seabound (w/ The Island Prologue) | 1 month later Kai is 18 | Nya is 15 | Cole is 19 | Lloyd is 13 | Jay is 19 | Zane is 20(?) As the team return to Ninjago City, news of Clutch Powers and his eyes set on an elusive sea gem known as the Storm Amulet lead the team to a hidden island among endless storms. But with news of the Islanders being very protective of it, and a unknown underwater kingdom laying siege for the Amulet, the group are certain to stop Cliff! But as fate has it, Prince Kaalmaar of the Melopian kingdom has stolen the amulet and is now set on reawakening the mighty Wojira! Can Nya regain control of her element before Ninjago is flooded or will her element finally wash her away?
S8 - Rebooted | 5 months later Kai is 18 | Nya is 15 | Cole is 19 | Lloyd is 13 | Jay is 19 | Zane is 20(?) With Nya thankfully back in control of her element, the group now turn their minds to Zane and his non-human qualities. As they go to the help of Ninjago City's brightest mind, Cyrus Borg, for discovering Zane's origins. But as luck would have it, The Overlord and Pythor have blackmailed Cryus into working with them! With Pixal Borg now at the mercy of the Overlord, the group are now on a tight deadline to rescue her before the Overlord gains control of Ninjago! And where is Zane's creator, and why are the deadly duo, Cryptor and Mr. E deadset on killing Zane!?
S9 - Legacy of the Green Ninja | 1 year later Kai is 19 | Nya is 16 | Cole is 20 | Lloyd is 14 Jay is 20 | Zane is 21 | Pixal is 19 Zane was gone, swallowed by golden light and the element of Ice has not resurfaced since. With the group heartbroken, everyone is searching high and low for the possible new elemental master. But then Garmadon shows his face, speaking of a potential lead as his quiet journey across Ninjago have lead him to a hidden side of the world no one has dared to venture since the staring days of the Realm. But with the Overlord's silence and Zane MIA, the group have no choice but to follow Garmadon to the Dark Isles. There they find more mysteries like who the Overlord may be possessing, is Zane even alive, and what's up with the hidden temple laid high in the mountains?
S10 Pilots and Mini Movies | 1 year in-between Kai is 19 | Nya is 16 | Cole is 20 | Lloyd is 14 Jay is 20 | Zane is 21 | Pixal is 19 With the Overlord finally defeated, the Ninja and Garmadon have recovered Wu. Garmadon's brother that seemed to have faced a worse fate as the Overlord's puppet. And sadly, no sign of Zane. As the group now rest and learn more of their powers, Garmadon and Wu share stories of the olden days of Ninjago. Along the way, the Group choose to learn Wu's ninja lessons and gain a new home at the decrepit Monastery of Spinjitzu.
S11 - Tournament of Elements | 1 year later Kai is 20 | Nya is 17 | Cole is 21 | Lloyd is 15 Jay is 21 | Zane is 22 | Pixal is 20 As the group finish their ninja training, a mysterious invite to an island leads the team to a encoded distress call by Skylor (21). When they arrive, they are shocked to find that the prize for each contestant is personalized. As the group hope for their collective prize to be the return of their friend, a new master of Ice has been rumored to be a participant of the tournament...
S12 - Skybound | 3 months later Kai is 20 | Nya is 17 | Cole is 21 | Lloyd is 15 Jay is 21 | Zane is 22 | Pixal is 20 | Skylor is 21 With Garmadon willingly sealing himself back into the Cursed Realm, the group with the return of Zane and introduction of Skylor, hype for the new heroes are at a all time high! But as a new threat sails over Ninjago, Jay is now forced to come face to face with his abusive father and Captain of the Sky Pirates, Nadakhan, and come to terms with the past he ran away from.
S13 - Hunted | 5 months later Kai is 20 | Nya is 17 | Cole is 21 | Lloyd is 15 Jay is 21 | Zane is 22 | Pixal is 20 | Skylor is 21 The Sons of Garmadon are back and with another plan to revive Garmadon as the dark savior of Ninjago. And as Harumi and the remaining council don't want their plans to be interrupted, the Ninja are given another zap by Aspheera's staff. This time to the First Realm! As Cole, Jay, Kai, Wu, and Zane are stuck to traverse the dragon's den filled with endless desert and mad-max scrappers- Lloyd, Nya, Pixal, and Skylor are left as Ninjago's only defense! Hopefully the call for the other elemental masters will be answered before the Shadow of Garmadon destroys anything beyond the city!
S14 - Prime Empire | 4 months later Kai is 21 | Nya is 18 | Cole is 22 | Lloyd is 16 Jay is 22 | Zane is 23 | Pixal is 21 | Skylor is 22 The stress of dealing with another Realm hop, Jay is done! He's shut himself away in the most childish way possible, playing nothing video games from dusk to dawn! But as whispers among the arcade goers lead the Lightning Djinn to Prime Empire, a illegal MMO arcade cabinet- the group now must enter to recover their blue buddy! But not is all it's lead to be as the Mechanist has gained control over the Game Master Unagami and now both sides are on the hunt for Super Star Rockin' Jay!
S15 - Hands of Time | 7 months later Kai is 21 | Nya is 18 | Cole is 22 | Lloyd is 16 Jay is 22 | Zane is 23 | Pixal is 21 | Skylor is 22 Cole returns from the Ninjago History Museum after failing yet again to "reclaim" Serpentine artifacts, news of a new hall for the Serpentine War has Wu's interest peaked as all history was wiped of it years ago. But with the Saunder twins alluding to releasing "the real story" behind the war, the group grow worried of the potential uproar from the human populace. Guess it's time for Wu to come clean with the past.
S16 - March of The Oni | 1 month after Kai is 21 | Nya is 18 | Cole is 22 | Lloyd is 16 Jay is 22 | Zane is 23 | Pixal is 21 | Skylor is 22 With the new plans to gift the Serpentine much deserved land for their tribes to begin life above ground and the Time Twins stopped from rewriting history, the group are now reconnected to Garmadon's Shadow that warns of the return of the Oni. Aspheera's staff is taken by the Omega, and now villains and heroes must work together to keep their Realm from being swallowed by darkness!
S17 - Possession | 1 month later Kai is 22 | Nya is 19 | Cole is 23 | Lloyd is 17 Jay is 23 | Zane is 24 | Pixal is 22 | Skylor is 23 With the last connection to any Realms destroyed, the Villain league look for a new way to gain power. But they make the mistake of gaining the Realm Ring, a blue diamond ring encrusted with FSM with the ability to open portals to other Realms! Morro has now escaped the Cursed Realm thanks to the misuse of the Ring and now the heroes must track down Morro before he finds the other Jewels of the FSM and summons the Preeminent and her ghostly army to Ninjago!
S17 - Possession, Day of the Depart Epilogue Kai is 22 | Nya is 19 | Cole is 23 Lloyd is 17 | Jay is 23 | Zane is 24 Pixal is 22 | Skylor is 23 | Morro is 19 As Morro reunites with Wu, he is now able to come to terms with his actions. And with Day of the Departed around the corner, it'll be the perfect time to hand out candy with his father and- No one can see him. And this Master Yang requests his presence at the Temple of Cyclondo. Will Morro be able to stop Yang's plans to engulf the Realm in eternal night or will he succumb to Yang's promise for power?
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marindram · 3 years
full transcription of Marin's blog from Omega Mart!
huge thanks to @b0chelly for recording a scroll-through, which i typed this out from. (and warning for Omega Mart lore/story spoilers. second half is in reblog)
Location: Seven Monolith Village
Last Login: 12/31/2019
Profile Views: 101,275
About me: I love listening to music and glitter
Friends (0)
June 26, 2018
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeee!
So 14 feels way different than 13. For real. I think it's because I was expecting 13 to feel different, but sometimes when you expect something it turns out the opposite ya know?
Plus, 13 is like, "I'm new to being a teenager!!"
14 is more like, "I'm becoming the person I want to be." At least that's how I want it to be. I wanted to start this blog as a record of all that.
I should ask Did you guys feel the same way when you turned 13 and 14?
But probably nobody's gonna read this because I'm just a weirdo in the weird dessert. I mean, I know my best friend Jesse is reading this (hi Jesse). Besides her, crickets.
But yeah, if you are reading this and you don't know me - I live in Seven Monolith Village, a teensy tiny town that you've only heard of if you're into aliens or homesteading. And I'm literally stuck. As in, I'm physically unable to leave. My first memories are of all the adults in my life (Charlie, my great-uncle/father-figure - Rose, my what? Roommate? Mother-figure? Pseudo-aunt? All of the above? and my mom, Cecelia. who doesn't live here) telling me that for some reason, there's something wrong with me that makes it so I can't leave a certain radius of where we live. I got older and thought that they were just exaggerating to keep me safe, but then last year I tried. And it was, let's just say not good.
Anyway. That part of my life sucks, but not everything sucks. This year is all about Marin Dram 2.0. Not new, but definitely improved.
And maybe someday, somehow somebody will read this and care about what I have to say. Somebodies, even. Until then, this is Marin Dram signing off and sending my lame contemplations into the void!
July 1, 2018
Things I Want To Do Before I Turn 20 (and some of these will never happen like are literally unable to happen but JUST LET ME DREAM
1. Kiss someone (who???)
2. Meet HTB (kiss him) (jk he would never) (plus meeting him would be enough)
3. Go to Paris
4. Go to Rome (or somewhere cooler in Italy, look up where is the best pasta???)
5. Go to Greenland (why not???)
6. Go to New York City
7. Go to LA (with a dream and my cardigan lol)
8. Go to the Grand Canyon (this isn't mine, but 9, Jesse is sitting right here and she went to the GC when we were 12 and she's like blah blah blah it's my favorite place in the world and you'll love it. I'm doing this so she'll shut up.
9. Live in a normal house with normal rooms → ideally 12 of them: living room AND TV room, kitchen, dining room, 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, study/library.
-plus an upstairs downstairs
-I'm willing to compromise on the number of rooms as long as there's more than ONE for TWO PEOPLE and I got my own
-plus an upstairs/downstairs
-I'm willing to compromise on the number of rooms as long as there's more than ONE for TWO PEOPLE and I get my own room with an actual door. Very into doors.
10. Go to a mall (Jesse says there's a bunch of bonkers ones in Vegas)
11. Make friends who aren't Jesse (no offense, Jesse)
12. Get Cecelia (my "mom") to teach me about business stuff so I can open my own cool coffeeshop/bookstore someday
13. Learn to drive (ask Charlie to teach me, he's obsessed with his truck) (Jesse says she can teach me because she's Little Miss Mechanic and thinks she knows everything about cars but news flash Jesse: you're you get than me)
14. Figure out my signature style- like I want people to send me pictures of things and be like "this just screamed Marin" and for that to be true
15. Liquid eyeliner??
16. I'm stopping here because I just read over all this and want to die/cry because easily 3/4 of these are literally impossible?
17. Kill me
18. Bye
19. Lololol Charlie just came in and I was complaining about this, not being able to leave and stuff, etc and he said that I should visit new places by... reading books?? And I mean I like to read. But dude. That's the dumbest thing I've ever head.
July 30, 2018
Okay so this is what I want my life to look like:
I want a pink room. Not just pink... P I N K. Cool pink wallpaper (floral? jacquard??), pink carpet, lots of pink flowers everywhere, a four-poster bed with a pink silk canopy, lots of cool pink throw pillows. Like, so pink that
people think I'm being sarcastic! Oh, and BOOKS. Floor-to-ceiling bookcases, and some of the shelves have, like, STUFF on them that isn't books, like gifts people gave me, or things I've collected on my JOURNEYS. You know, normal stuff that people who live on normal places and do normal things have.
If I lived in in this room, it'd be in awhite three-story house at the end of a cul-de-sac (did you know "culs-de-sac" is the plural? Not "cul-de-sacs"? crazy) and I'd wear very classic girly clothes and my hair would always do what I wanted it to. It'd be one of those towns that people call small, but it's actually a city. just one with a kinda small, cozy feeling. Somewhere that gets cold enough to wear cute jackets but not so cold I have to to like, shovel my driveway. Not a non-place with like 100 people where you can't even go outside without going crazy.
August 2nd, 2018
I guess I should explain where I live, for all my avid fans out there! (lol) (hello??)
So like... I don't live on Earth. At least, not the Earth you think of when you think of EARTH. I live in some some weird off-brand version of Earth called the Forked Earth where there are aliens and magic wells of magic energy and everything is MAGIC but like the crappy kind of magic, where the sun never fully rises and some goo called "runoff" has made everything wacky and oh yeah, my mom is responsible for that and everyone here hates her!! LOL
Also, I can't leave! Like, literally can't! Rose says I'm a "special child of Source" and that's why but that LITERALLY explains tells me nothing, in fact it just raises further questions that no one can seem to answer! AHHHHHHHHHH
Anyway, the last time I tried to leave I felt. When I try to leave I feel like I'm being pulled back by something, like you know those old cartoons where someone's on stage doing something dumb and then someone offstage pulls them away with a giant shepard's crook? It felt like that, and when I opened my eyes I was back in 7 Monolith Village. UGH.
I know this sounds crazy!!!!! But believe me when I say that I am the least crazy person here. Also, """here""" is C R A Z Y. Runoff has made everything the bad kind of psychedelic and then people here actually DRINK IT! Not only do I not DRINK THE STUFF THAT HAS MADE THE WORLD INSANE, I also do not talk to aliens (or whatever Nula are) like Rose or believe crazy conspiracy theories like Charlie, so I believe that qualifies me as the most normal person in the Forked Earth, thank you for this honor, I accept this award with humility and grace!
September 4, 2018
I had the weirdest dream last night?? I was swimming in a pool full of cereal, and when I came up for air, my mom was pouring milk on my head like she was rinsing my hair. She had her hand over my face like I was a little kid and she was shielding me from soap getting in my eyes.
Anyway I have no idea what it's supposed to mean. I went to bed hungry and I need to take a shower? Lol
October 16, 2018
I was trying to hide this entry from Jesse, but JESSE IS A NOSY PERSON. She says that blogs are for readers, and if I wanted something to be private then I should "Just write in a fucking notebook and hide it under your bed like a normal person, Marin." I'm allowed to have secrets!! Anyway, I'm making her a freaking playlist, that's why I wouldn't tell her what I was writing about. but EVEN STILL! I'm allowed to have secrets!! But I have this blog because I wanna get my feelings out, I wanna see everything in my head typed out all nice in a way that doesn't make it look insane. You know? I don't know who I'm asking.) Because, it's not like I go to a normal school or have a normal life where I'm surrounded by normal people I can talk to. No one knows about me! I'm trapped in this crazy place and This blog is my only outlet to the world outside. I KNOW that's heavy but it's true! The point is: Jesse's birthday is coming up. The central consistent thing in pretty much my whole life is sharing headphones with her and listening to music. The soundtrack to my entire existence is her. I wish I had money and could buy her the best presents of all time, but I can make her the best playlist of all time. I want it to be so good it feels like magic. I want her to think I'm magic. I had another dream the other night. I don't remember much, just glitter. I must be crafting too much. Or looking at festival makeup tutorials. Or both.
November 12, 2018
WARNING- Weird thoughts ahead, lol.
I can never tell which feelings are normal, and which are me being a giant weirdo. But for as long as I can remember, I've had this feeling like every part of my body that's possible to have a ribbon tied around it, has a ribbon tied around it. It's so weird. I can't see the other end of the ribbons - how far they go. where they're attached, nothing. And sometimes it's fine, because sometimes I can hardly feel them. I can forget about them for days at a time, weeks, months if I'm lucky. But then other times I can feel them like, pulling at me. It's freaking spooky, to have something pulling at you from somewhere you can't see. I can't tell if it's pulling me toward whatever it is? Or if it's trying to warn me? Or if I'm just insane??
Does that make sense? Does anybody else feel that way? (she asks into the void)
So idk I guess this ribbons-feeling is why I'm really careful all the time. Like I'm just a careful person. Charlie tried to give me a hard time about it, and I can't be like "I don't wanna pull back in the ribbons too hard without realizing it and wreck something!" because he'd be like "WTF Marin, do we need to get you help?" But also, more and more, I want to be the opposite of careful. I want to take a pair of comically oversized scissors and cut the ribbons into so many pieces that nobody can even tell what they are any more.
I don't know why I'm such a freak, only that I am. I don't know why I can't leave 7 Monolith, only that I can't. But there must be a reason, even if I can't see it, and I feel like it makes sense that the ribbons-feeling is part of that reason, right?
There's just a lot.
January 15, 2019
Happy new year! Lol I forgot to write on the actual first day of 2019, but OH WELL!
I got this new glitter nail polish, thanks to the monthly makeup subscription box my "mom" sends me as an outlet for her abandonment guilt. It has like, every color glitter imaginable without quite reading as "rainbow" which is fine just not really what I was in the mood for and it's vaguely halographic and shifts into all these different colors depending on the light. I'm obsessed. Anyway.
I was putting on another layer because I chipped it like 20 minutes into wearing it, and all of a sudden I had this feeling like I recognized the glitter? Like I felt this thing way deep in my gut and for a minute I couldn't breathe. It's the closest thing I've felt to how books and movies make Christmas look. Like I was home, with family, cookies and cider and all that stuff. Familiar and safe. I almost didn't recognize that feeling. And it came from the nail polish. How weird is that.
I mean, I don't want to make it sound like I've had this awful Charles Dickens childhood - Rose and Charlie are the best ever and always there for me and I love them a lot. But things never feel like...home. You know?
My mom always says this cryptic stuff about how I'm "special" and I wanna strangle her because I'm not, but you try getting my mom to stop doing anything she wants to do. Rose told me once that one day, I would "lead the charge into a new era of existence and access" because I'm "of the Source" and I was like uhhhh okay?? Charlie mostly treats me pretty normal, except when I ask him questions about our family. my mom or any Dram. He knows that I want to know more about them and he's my only real entrypoint, but apparently he's like the black sheep of that whole family. He and my mom were close way back right before I was born, but now whenever she comes to visit he barely even looks at her.
So that's to say: nobody tells me anything, ever.
January 16, 2019
Okay this is so weird. I wrote that entry yesterday about glitter and then last night I dreamed about glitter. Then I woke up with purple glitter in my bed?? Like not a lot, so at first I thought it was from my nail polish, but it was just a handful of purely purple glitter that looks nothing like my nail polish. SO WEIRD!!!!!!
February 14, 2019
Rose has an old book full of "ye olde" style fairy tales, and I flipped through it for the first time in forever today.
Not so weirdly, I've always been drawn to the story of Rapunzel.
Rapunzel couldn't leave the tower, or else she'd break her neck and die.
February 19, 2019
I was reading this article the other day in one of the teen magazines my "mom" gets me a subscription to and it was all about body positivity, which is great, but it was basically just like "wear a crop top if you wannna wear a crop top! it doesn't matter what size you are! You go, girl!" And like, sure. Yes. I am all for that. But doesn't it seem like there are some steps missing in there? Like, I can physically put on a crop top and wear it outside. But how do I convince myself that everybody isn't looking at me and making fun of me in their minds? How do I unlearn the last almost-fifteen years? How do I get actually positive about my body, not just put on a crop top and fight the urge to cry all day?
It's the same thing like when my mom sends me brochures from the CEO camp she ten when she was my age (her dad started the camp for her, which is an insane thing just by itself, but she did all the work, which is even more insane) and she's like "Marin, you lack direction for your life" and I'm like, cool mom. Yeah. I can see that. What I can't see is how to get there from here.
March 2, 2019
This is what I want my life to look like, volume 2:
The walls of my room are covered in Polaroids of me and my friends. There are lots of mirrors in all kinds of shapes. hearts and moons and stars. There's a record player and a lot of vintage records by Billie Holiday and Lena Horne and Peggy Lee and Nina Simone. And Christmas lights! Everywhere! Lots of of pink and purple Christmas lights everywhere.
If I lived in this room, I'd have so many friends and be part of so many clubs. My best friend would have a collection of vintage cameras, and every place we go to that has a photo booth, we'd get photos taken. Every time I'd look at myself in one of those mirrors, I'd feel happy at what I see and never weird or sad. (Jesse hates taking pictures, so even when I actually do normal stuff with her there's no evidence. What even is a life supposed to be without evidence? That's not an actual question you need to answer Jesse, it's just a question)
Anyway, if I lived in this kind of room, my mom would probably be like, an art history professor at a liberal arts college. That's how come everything looks so cool, because I would know stuff about art. My mom and I would love to try new recipes together. We get each other new cookbooks for every special occasion, and right now we're working out way through a Moroccan one. Moroccan Mondays.
In actuality, there's a dust storm happening outside and my eyes sting.
March 9, 2019
Here's what I'm obsessed with lately.
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Can. You. EVEN???
February 3, 2020
Omg I totally forgot this blog existed!!
I lost the password and instead of just resetting it I got in one of my super stubborn moods (Taurus moon lol) and just kept putting in guesses and jokes on me, it locked me out. Anyway, that's a boring story.
But my friend Ximena is really good at hacking and stuff, so she got me back in. Yeah you read that right - I have friends. Obviously a lot has happened since my last post. Ximena moved out here a couple months ago (X's family used to live here but they moved away a while ago) and she introduced me to Lora who I sorta-not-really already knew, and Jesse and I have been hanging out with them a ton. Jesse kind of more than me. Which is fine!!
Anyway I'm 15 now? If I lived somewhere normal I'd be psyched about almost being 16, because I'd get a car and have a Sweet Sixteen and eat a huge PINK cake, but I don't!
February 16, 2020
I read this fanfic the other night that was written in the second person so everything was like "you." "you're doing this" etc you know?
So... You go to a drive-in movie with Heartthrob Boy, and he spills soda on you by accident. And you take off your shirt ( you have a tank top on, don't worry) to clean it up, bit you're still all sticky and self-conscious about being sticky and HTB like... used his tongue to get it off??? AAHHHHH I'M DISGUSTING
but also I wonder if a boy will ever touch any part of me with his tongue
March 2, 2020
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Hi I don't know if you heard but I have friends :)))
March 15, 2020
I think I'm so into painting my nails and doing my hair because those are things that always fit. I don't have to worry about places not carrying about a size 8, or places that carry XLs but when you read the measurements they're actually size 8s too and it's like jesus if that's an XL what am I
My "mom" was confused why I needed new pants because mine still look new, but I showed her the thigh holes and she was like "that's a weird place for a hole, how did that happen" and I realized that when your legs are a certain size, you just don't know about thigh rub and what it does to clothes. Pants could just last for years.
No matter what, I can paint my nails with a different color nail polish on every finger, and I can always do a braid crown. And I know I'm cute as hell, etc, so this is not a Marin Needs to Learn to Love Herself thing. It's just an UGH thing
April 17, 2020
So Rose does all these Source experiments on plants and flowers and stuff. Tbh, it's just one if those things I hardly even register anymore because it's just always there. She's explained to me a million times what Source is/does/means, but the way Rose explains things sometimes is just a LOT to take in and she refers to me as a "child of Source" but I kinda figure that's like "child of God" right? What else would that mean?
But anyway, it's really annoying because dried flowers are a part of my new aesthetic and I pinned a bunch of them up on my wall but I woke up this morning to a freaking jungle of very alive flowers. I freaked out. on Rose, and she Rose said she didn't do it and I was like WELL THEN WHO DID and she said that I did??
Which like. Obviously that doesn't make sense. I asked her what she meant and She just shook her head and said " It's happening. We should have known" which is some horror movie shit that she refused to elaborate on. I love to feel safe and normal!!
Or maybe it's not a horror movie at all. But maybe it's a superhero movie? Maybe there's some kind of origin story I don't know about yet, and all of this will be worth it once I figure out my powers. I wonder what my costume will look like. Lol.
April 23, 2020
Is it possible to die from longing? I know that sounds melodramatic, but I'm also kinda serious?? Because it seems like one of those things that could fester and get infected and kill you. It's like when you fall down and bang up your knee, and you need to put a band-aid on the scrape for a while, but THEN you need to air it out - but how do you know when you're supposed to do each one of those things? And if you do either one too much, your knee gets infected. What if I smother my heart with band-aids for too long and it gets infected? This isn't about anybody. I just keep having these dreams about someone I never expected to have dreams about and they're so intense that they keep leaking into my life and I wonder if I need to do something about them.
May 2, 2020
So Jesse's gotten really into metal music, and I tried to get her to play me something since, AS PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED, that's what we've literally ALWAYS DONE with music and each other, and she kinda looked at Ximena out of the corner of her eye and said like "I don't think it's really your thing" And it was the meanest thing anybody's ever said to me.
So later I looked up Zenion, the band she was talking about, and I listened to every single fucking song they've ever recorded turned up as loud as it could go with my own headphones that are better than hers anyway, and I loved it. And I didn't love it just because she said I wouldn't. I loved it because it was loud and weird and wild and when I listened to it it made me feel like it's not crazy when so feel stuff so hard it's like my heart's gonna vibrate out of my body. And I would have told Jesse all this and we could have shared it, but I guess she thinks just because I like HTB and glitter and stuff, I don't have the capacity for anything else.
She clearly doesn't know me at all. So much for any kind of whatever, why would she ever want to kiss someone she clearly sees as like a stupid baby.
May 7, 2020
The dreams are getting weirder and they're happening more. I'm getting scared to go to sleep. Not that the dreams are always scary (they almost never are, or not scary like in a typically scary horror movie way). I mean, I've only ever been me. I don't know what other peoples' dreams are like.
The other night in one I was jumping on a trampoline, which is something I've never done in real life. I told Rose about it when I woke up, and she said "do you even know how to jump on a trampoline?" and I said "Rose, it's not like riding a bike. You don't have to learn. You just jump." and then we got into this whole thing about how some things we just know, and jumping's one of them, and how that's so weird. Sometimes I really like talking to Rose about stuff.
May 19, 2020
So, it's prom season in the real world. If I lived somewhere normal, my prom dress would be pink with lots of tulle and silk flowers at the shoulders, and it would fit perfectly and trying in dresses would be fun and not anxiety-inducing.
But since there are only like 10 teenagers currently in 7MV, were not having a homecoming. Cool.
May 27, 2020
So, mom came to visit this weekend, and I asked her about her prom. She was Typical Cecelia at first, very "Prom is a waste of time and money, Marin. It's a night when lesser people play dress-up to engage with their aspirations of grandeur." And I was like eyeroll forever and just stopped talking. BUT THEN she actually talked to me like a human being. She was like, "I actually didn't go to my prom" and when I asked her why she said that she didn't have a date, and was very self-conscious about it. I almost passed out at her admitting that she's ever been anything less than perfect.
(gonna continue this in reblog)
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lilacknights · 2 years
hello po. i'm sorry po for asking but i need your opinion po hehe.
i'm fairly new here (in obey me! fandom and in this site in general). i have this blog for awhile now tho i seldom use it. i'm planning to write for obey me! with my filipino mc, although i find myself second-guessing because i'm still a minor. i won't write nsfw stuff and other age inappropriate for minors tho. my concern is, is that alright? should i do it? should i reveal my exact age if ever? are people in the fandom okay with minors writing for the obey me cast with their own mc?
i'm really sorry for bothering u with my questions hehehehehe u can ignore this ask if u don't feel like answering btw. thank you!
(also, i'm sorry for grammatical errors, i kinda suck in english soooo)
Hello, Sol!
Since this is an Anon ask, I'm not sure if you'll get a notification but I'm more than happy to reblog this once in a while until you see it. <3 And your English is great, bunso, no need to worry. ☺️💕
I'm actually new in the fandom, too. I'm barely into Lesson 17-19 I think but I've been in Tumblr for a little while, though only started being active last year. And yet I'm already writing, whether it's in this account or my other ones.
As for your questions regarding the fact that you're a minor, I'll try to answer them one by one:
"Is that alright? (To write even though I'm a minor?) Should I go for it?"
I say, go for it! Whatever age group you are, it's never too early or too late to start making content for something you like! I've actually been writing fanfiction since I was 14 and I think it actually helped me in the long run because I can see myself improve as I wrote more. And since you're only writing SFW stuff, I see no problem whatsoever.
(But if you want a more ideal platform for writing, AO3 is actually much more promising. Tumblr is also great, especially for fandoms, but AO3 is actually meant for fanfics.)
"Should I reveal my exact age if ever?"
NO, don't do that. Please don't do that. I firmly believe that, if you're a minor, revealing your age in ANY online media platform is not advisable. I was a minor before too and so are several of my friends IRL and online, and based from our experiences, having your real (minor) age in your profile attracts creeps like gro*m*rs and p*d*s into your inbox. Adults don't have that much of a need to do that but some also prefer just putting "Adult/18+/Minors DNI" in their accounts to keep minors out.
My advice is to simply put "I'm a Minor. / Minor." in your account if you need to. I think it's also okay to be not put age there at all. (Tho I personally prefer putting "Adult / Minor" descriptions in my bios because it keeps both minors and myself safer, if that makes sense.) You can also put "Adults DNI" if you don't want 18+ people interacting with your account.
I'll be happy to elaborate more on this if needed. ^.^
"Are the people in the fandom okay with minors writing for the Obey Me cast with their own MC?"
This one I can't answer with confidence because I haven't been around much and I personally only follow or read content from adults like myself. But you'll be surprised on the number of minors playing the game, too. It's actually a little more difficult to find Discord servers for adults only since Minors are more active there.
But I do have a few questions too: Is your MC an adult or a minor like you? Is their relationship with the characters platonic or romantic?
Because as far as I can see, all the love interests in the game are adults. Even though the setting is in a cross between highschool/college, the characters are clearly protrayed as adults.
PS. And before people come after me: yes, yes, I know that they're immortal. But you know the difference between pairing a 500+ year old demon with a minor and then with an adult? Adult Consent. And if anyone also comes after me with the "but 22 and 300 are still too big of age gaps!" — okay, Susan, should we pair the immortal demon with an 81y/o grandma? Is that better? (/s)
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heleneplays · 3 years
I forgot to answer, but thank you to @ravenclaw-craftsgirl, @annabelle-tanaka-official for the tag!
Keeping it short HERE with the handy read more bc my answers will be long <3
1. why did you choose your url?
Honestly, heleneplays-- it's pretty self explanatory that this was gonna be a gaming blog, dedicated to whatever I was playing... which was HPHM at the time.
HOWEVER as u can see, the focus shifted to my comfort milfs characters and my own player characters,,, who are extensions of me, if not a direct self-insert
so here's to my clownery for games and the characters and/or plot that hook me to them
2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
yes but no thank <3
u may percieve, just this once.
THIS is a sideblog. my main is @h-doodles
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I'm celebrating my 9th year of being in this hellsite on September 21st.
4. do you have a queue tag?
yes but i forget to use them usually,,,
it's tagged #queue or a variation of, but i'm small and lazy bc I scroll on my phone and tumblr labs' quick queue function is on </3
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
this blog was for the good ole HPHM, but also to actually to simp for Patricia Rakepick on the side, as it was only Y3 back then and I am but a small, hapless lesbian for she
also I was. ig tired of having everything under my main, untagged, unfiltered; so here I am with a very handy sideblog
6. why did you choose your icon?
Right now it's Helene Spillane in with a boquet of sunflowers, and I picked bc this is my OC!!! and I want her to be displayed!!!
7. why did you choose your header?
It was time for a change
(dionysus!helene i love u sweetie but i'm in love with maría just stealing me rudely for a dance)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
lemme check......
oh wow. i expected it was my shitpost on tall vampire mommy but apparently it's the most regrettable ship i ever considered making.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I counted 51 in here, and 55 in my main, so in the range of 50-60 since some share between them.
10. how many followers do you have?
Here? around 340, already excluding the pornbots our lord and savior can't seem to flag properly.
11. how many people do you follow?
I used to follow over 500 something but most were inactive and I went through them with a paper shredder, but after like. I went through like 3 hellsite unfollow glitches by then.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
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13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
It doesn't shame me to admit that yeah, I have. Back on my old tumblr tho. Here? Well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”?
I kin with the message, but honestly sometimes i'm conflicted bc I already go thru so much so. yea. personal prefs if and when i'll reblog such posts
16. do you like tag games?
But in long posts? Good luck having me continue!
17. do you like ask games?
sometimes, they're good to personalize the traits and characteristics of my OC, but also gives like. a template if I run art ask requests.
I get fatigued easily tho, so that's why some asks are just lounging on the edge of my askbox
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they're really, really, very good artists so im gonna assume @helgship, @lgvalenzuela, @rymushu, @astrejlau are! also @haniiebeedraws and @jayrart and @kyril-but-magical and @slytherincursebreaker as well, based on engagement <3
writers as well, esp one (1) James Shaw who I am too shy and baby to tag
@annabelle-tanaka-official, @dat-silvers-girl, @weasley-adoptee, @carewyncromwell definitely, if based on the amount of traffic I see on their asks and tags.
19. do you have a tumblr crush on a mutual?
no, but i do admire some of my mutual's themes on PC
also god, what even is a tumblr crush if not a crush?
No tags for future because i'm p sure most my tag game mutuals already answered this, but go ahead and steal if you want!
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Examiner, April 19
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Tony Bennett's brave last days
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Page 2: Stars with Mad Skills -- they became fast experts for plum roles -- Daniel Day-Lewis, Timothee Chalamet, Natalie Portman, Ryan Gosling, Jamie Foxx
Page 3: Adrien Brody, Margot Robbie, Bryan Cranston, Shia LaBeouf, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Cruise
Page 4: Susan Sarandon's roles and costumes
Page 7: Be Prepared for the Worst -- know these lifesaving tips before a crisis happens
Page 8: Lonely Stefanie Powers never wants to date because she still has gotten over lover William Holden's sudden death, even though it'll be 40 years ago this November -- the former star of '80s TV classic Hart to Hart, who's now 78, considers Holden the one true love of her life, even though she's been married twice to others and had a long-term relationship after the Hollywood legend's tragic death and she can't imagine being with anyone else at this stage in her life when Bill's memory is so sacred in her mind and his death still haunts her to this day, and it will only get worse as the anniversary approaches -- Holden, then 63, died at home in Santa Monica on November 12, 1981, of massive bleeding after falling and striking his head on a piece of furniture while heavily intoxicated -- it rips her apart to this day thinking how he must have suffered all alone in his apartment, bleeding to death -- the pair had a decade-long, passionate affair that lasted until his demise, which led her to carry on their mutual passion for wildlife conservation and Stefanie founded the William Holden Wildlife Foundation and is still the director -- she's tried being in other relationships, but it's been more about companionship than anything else and she doesn't have the motivation to date when the best man has already come and gone
Page 9: Vax Hacks -- avoid scammers who prey on fears of COVID-19
Page 10: His first day on the job as an honorary cop, Jeremiah met the other guys in blue and was the proud guest of honor at a special swearing-in ceremony just for him, and he's only five years old
Page 11: Important minerals for your body -- why you need zinc and potassium and how to get them
Page 12: Rude Awakening -- stars who don't mind their manners -- Alec Baldwin, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Christian Bale, Rachael Ray
Page 13: Sean Penn, Ashton Kutcher, Robert Pattinson, Russell Crowe, Cameron Diaz, Bruce Willis
Page 14: Dear Tony -- America's Top Psychic Healer Tony Leggett -- useful lessons learned from the pandemic
Page 15: Get well soon wishes go out to Chevy Chase, who just came out of the hospital after a five-week stay for heart issues -- in 2018, the star was diagnosed with alcohol cardiomyopathy, a weakening of the heart muscle caused by excessive drinking; he had dealt with his drinking back in 2016, when he entered the Hazelden Clinic to receive treatment for alcoholism
Page 16: Even though the century mark looms just around the corner, Betty White still radiates joy -- calling herself the luckiest broad on two feet, the 99-year-old Hollywood legend shares her advice for living a long and peaceful life -- she says her life is divided absolutely in half: half animals and half show business and you can't ask for better than two things you love the most
Page 18: When a California man won $145,000 on Wheel of Fortune, it turned out to be good fortune for a lot of people as he donated his entire winnings to the charity Uplift Family Services and Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, whose services support thousands of families
Page 19: These seniors are literally beating the coronavirus -- with 99 percent of them vaccinated, the 700 elderly residents of the Westminster-Canterbury on the Chesapeake Bay senior living community in Virginia Beach held a party and they had a lot to celebrate
Page 20: Cover Story -- Tony Bennett is facing his brave last days as he battles Alzheimer's disease at the age of 94 -- the singer was diagnosed in 2016, but kept the terrible illness secret until recently and has not yet experienced common Alzheimer's symptoms like episodes of terror, rage or depression but the disease has progressed -- for now, wife Susan Crow and the oldest of Tony's four kids, 67-year-old Danny from his first marriage, are caring for him while he lives in the couple's New York City apartment
Page 22: Recycle your baubles, bangles and beads -- bored with your beaded necklaces? Blase abut those old bangles? If your costume jewelry collection no longer inspires, there are many brilliant ways to give it new life or earn you some cash
Page 24: The internet's newest fitness star is 102-year-old Julia Fulkerson, who had a ball participating in her great-grandson Brody's virtual gym class
Page 25: Young Darius Brown has a mission in life: to make shelter dogs look as spiffy as he can so they'll get adopted and to do that, he provides the canines with slews of adorable bowties that he sews himself -- five years ago, when Darius was eight, his sister Dazhai taught him to sew and the passion was good for him because he'd been diagnosed with speech and fine-motor skills that the craft improved over time -- he says he saw how happy the people at the shelter were to get the bowties and how much the dogs liked them, and he decided to make more and he came up with a goal to give bowties to an animal shelter in every state -- so far, he's sewn a whopping 600 of the canine accessories himself, and helped dozens of pooches find forever homes and he especially likes to focus his attention on older animals and pets with disabilities, since they're the toughest to find homes for and the shelter directors say Darius' efforts have made a huge difference in the life of hundreds of pups
Page 26: Summer Horoscope 2021
Page 28: It's not just for the birds -- tips for watching our fine feathered friends
Page 32: Reverse Gear -- walking backward is good for you -- here's something new to try the next time you go out for a walk: do it backward -- it may sound silly, but health experts say there are mental and physical benefits to the practice, but go slowly at first to avoid injuries
* If you're always putting the needs of others before your own, you could be at risk for compassion fatigue, a condition that can physically and mentally drain you of time and energy -- compassion fatigue is a state of emotional overwhelm that is constant and persistent, once in this state of emotional exhaustion, it becomes difficult to empathize with those they help and essentially, it's empathy burnout
Page 34: Grandads Before 50! No rocking chairs for these grandpas -- take a look at these celebs who had their grandchildren before their first gray hair -- Jim Carrey, James Brolin, Donny Osmond, Mick Jagger, Pierce Brosnan, Charlie Sheen
Page 40: The Element of Earth -- earth is the second of the four elements: fire, earth, air and water
Page 42: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Drew Barrymore
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Dakota Johnson and her parents Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson (picture), Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana in the film Spencer (picture), Tina Turner admits she instantly fell for husband Erwin Bach in 1986 when they first met at an airport in Germany, Bindi Irwin gave birth to daughter Grace Warrior Irwin Powell, Michael Douglas is still going strong after 5 decades as an actor and loves what he does for a living, George Segal passed away due to complications from bypass surgery, Jessica Walter died in her sleep
Page 45: Eddie Murphy is inducted into NAACP Image Awards Hall of Fame (picture), Diana Ross performs at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in California (picture), Mario Lopez helps christen the tables at Mohegan Sun Casino in Las Vegas (picture), Ann-Margret and Julianne Hough attend the Family Film Awards where the redhead received a lifetime achievement award (picture), James Middleton who is the brother of Duchess Kate says he and fiancee Alizee Thevenet are done with city living, Justin Bieber's mom didn't like his newest tattoo saying Don't you have enough yet?, Zac Efron was spotted flying to Sydney with Aussie girlfriend Vanessa Valladares, Taraji P. Henson asked fans for prayers for her pet pooch that was suffering from post-surgery complications but he unfortunately died
Page 46: A lottery winner in Tennessee was feeling like a million bucks, until he realized he'd lost his precious ticket but he didn't give up: he retraced his steps until he found the ticket again
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Today in History
On January 18, 1996, Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson filed for divorce from Michael Jackson, ending a 19-month marriage that merged pop royalty. A statement from Jackson spokesman Lee Solters said the two "have mutually agreed to go their separate ways. However, they remain good friends." Irreconcilable differences were given as reason.
Michael Jackson's make-up artist, Karen Faye, later claimed that he had originally planned to file for divorce first and had relented after Presley begged him not to file. He discovered the next day that Presley had filed for divorce.
Lisa Marie Presley played Michael Jackson like a "Smooth Criminal" when she blindsided the King of Pop with a divorce filing, after she convinced him to hold off from filing first.
That bombshell is the latest nugget to come to light in the Jackson family's wrongful death lawsuit with concert promoter AEG Live.
It was revealed Thursday by Karen Faye, Jackson's longtime hair and makeup artist. During Faye's testimony, the jurors we shown several photos of her with Jackson, including a shot taken in January 1996, the day after the King of Rock 'n' Roll's daughter filed for divorce from Jackson.
Faye testified that Jackson was upset after Presley blindsided him with a divorce filing, after she asked him not to file.
"She begged and begged, saying please don't file," Faye said, according to a CNN report. To appease his estranged wife, Jackson promised not to file. Yet "the next morning it was all over the press that she filed before him," Faye said.
Indeed, when news of the divorce first broke, a publicist for Jackson claimed he knew nothing about it.
In an effort to control the negative press, the Jackson camp issued a photo of him with Faye. It "was to give the press something to talk about" with Faye being "the mysterious blonde," she said.
Calls and emails to Lisa Marie's press representatives weren't immediately returned.
Jackson and Presley married in 1994, just 20 days after she divorced her first husband Danny Keough. The marriage, which brought together two generations of pop royalty, was such a big event that MTV opened the 1994 Video Music Awards with the couple onstage sharing a kiss. "Just think, nobody thought this would last," Jackson famously said, before kissing his then-bride.
Although they divorced in 1996, in a 2010 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Presley said that she and Jackson tried to reconcile for four years following their split and often traveled the world to be together.
The Washington Post:
By Roxanne Roberts
January 19, 1996
"King of Pop weds Princess of Rock." It was a marriage made in tabloid heaven.
Today's headline? "Lisa to Michael: Beat It."
Sad but true. Yesterday, Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson, the only daughter of Elvis, filed for divorce from Michael Jackson, citing "irreconcilable differences," according to her publicist, Paul Bloch. The breakup came as a surprise to no one -- a fact that even Jackson foreshadowed just three months after their 1994 wedding. "Just think, nobody thought this would last," he joked on the MTV awards show.
Bloch said the filing was made in Los Angeles. Jackson's publicist, Lee Solters, offered no details, either: "Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley have mutually agreed to go their separate ways. However, they remain good friends."
Her attorney, John P. Coale, wouldn't say yesterday whether they had a prenuptial agreement, but as sole heir to Elvis's estate, she's not short of dough.
"There are no disputes as to property or anything else," Coale told the Associated Press by phone from his office here. "It's going to be a very simple and clean divorce, and they're going to remain friends."
The petition said their community property has yet to be determined, the AP reported. It also asks that Jackson pay legal fees and that her name be restored to Lisa Marie Presley.
In the three-page filing, Presley-Jackson listed their date of separation as Dec. 10, 1995 -- four days after Jackson's onstage collapse during rehearsals for a television special in New York. Divorce, as we all know, is a painful, private affair -- unless one of the parties decides to air his or her dirty laundry in public, which hundreds of producers and editors are desperately praying for right this very minute.
Why, Lisa Marie? Enquiring minds want to know.
Mostly they want to know the intimate details of the 1 1/2-year union, such as if the marriage was ever consummated. The blushing bride, responding to the question in a joint interview with Diane Sawyer last summer, said, "Do we have sex? Yes! Yes! Yes!"
But the divorce will undoubtedly raise as many questions as the wedding.
Jackson, 37, and Presley, 27, were married in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on May 26, 1994. Word that the two friends had wed in a secret ceremony was first greeted with scoffs and disbelief.
Presley had been married once before, to musician Danny Keough, with whom she has two children. But Jackson, although single, had never been seriously linked romantically with anyone.
But the rumor was, in fact, true. The bride wore black; the groom chewed gum. The marriage brought together two music legends and two vast fortunes -- his $150 million, her $100 million. Priscilla Presley, Lisa Marie's mother, was said to be appalled.
Speculation immediately began that the union was a publicity stunt designed to save the damaged image of Jackson, who was facing allegations of child molestation. The singer, who spent much of his free time in the company of children, had become the focus of an investigation in 1993 because of accusations from a 13-year-old boy. No charges were filed, but an out-of-court settlement with the boy, reported to be in the millions, was reached.
Another hot theory floating around Hollywood was that Presley and her ex-husband, both Scientologists, had engineered the marriage to recruit Jackson into the church.
In the ABC interview with Sawyer, the couple denied all the allegations and said the only reason they were together was . . . you guessed it: love.
The newlyweds reportedly lived apart in their respective mansions, but they appeared together -- nude, but tastefully draped -- in Jackson's "You Are Not Alone" video. In August, they denied a report from London that they were splitting up. Last month, when Jackson collapsed, Presley-Jackson rushed to his bedside, although the singer was reportedly cheered up more by the posters of Shirley Temple, Walt Disney and Topo Gigio he requested for his room.
But now? Looks like the marriage is "HIStory."
Was there a prenuptial agreement? Who gets Neverland Ranch? Is Danny back in the picture? Who gets the Disneyland season passes?
Coming your way soon: Details, details and more details. CAPTION: A study in pop psychology: Newlyweds Lisa Marie and Michael in 1994. (Photo ran in an earlier edition) CAPTION: A study in pop psychology: Lisa Marie and Michael strike a pose in 1995.
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silktherambler · 2 years
So there was another act of domestic violence/t orrid (p)rism
19 children were slain, and two adults. And this is the first time that I am not able to make sense of a mass shooting and I know it shouldn't be so normal that I'm trying to make sense of it, but everybody else had some type of reason you understand, like for example the Orlando situation, that guy was either homophobic or was messed with and then somebody played with his heart and he was down low about it, or the recent mass killing, it was targeted for black people, dylann roof, targeted black people, the guy who did it in a movie theater, mental illness apparently
But this guy, this 18-year-old guy, He had a speech impediment apparently, and before he went and did this deed, he also finished his grandma off. He was bullied as a child, and I'm going to guess that maybe he went to that elementary school since it's in a close-knit community but and this is going to sound so crazy right, if you are that upset about being bullied, and if you were still potentially getting bullied because it's not like he was out of school, he was in high school, 18, that's usually a good age of getting bullied at still, why did you come to a elementary school full of children that didn't know you that never bullied you and slay them bullet wise?
Like it doesn't make sense. Even if you went to that elementary school, you didn't go with those kids. Why didn't you just find the kids that bullied you? Why did you go slate a bunch of children who didn't even know you existed but now all of their families do
They got to remember the name forever of the man who took their children and then took himself cuz he was too clown like to face the consequences and I understand that mental illness is a thing but you easily could have went to your high school and did this, yet you chose to go to a elementary school?
Like at this point I'm just trying to negotiate because you can't talk to people who are mass shooters, and you can't talk to this country because they are adamant about keeping guns around even though there's been much mass killings, this makes 199 I think of how many killings have been happening so far in 2022. We are in month 5 and we're almost at 200, so great job America if this is what you were going for
And it happened in Texas which is one of the first places that was talking out against abortion and talking about keeping babies alive, these babies wanted to enjoy their summer. What about the babies that were already here? You wait a minute, so you mean to tell me you're going to force people to have children, to put them in school, only for the children to lose their lives at 8, 9, 10 years old, for a mass shooter, because y'all won't actively make more restrictions and actually do something beneficial and useful about the gun usage and problem that we have in this country? So you want people to spend all of their money pushing out babies just for them to die less than a decade later?
I'm, im getting confused
You're telling me, that I have to pay, if I get pregnant, I could take care of this child. And then order to take care of the child, I need money, and we're in a recession. So you want me, in a recession, that's still ongoing during a pandemic, for a country that cannot control their guns, to spend the money at hospital visits and possibly a doula and whatever else I'm going to need including diapers, Pampers, and other baby things, then you want me to grow an emotional attachment to little nigga, watch them grow watch them take their first steps, then you want me to continue paying for them by making sure they're in school making sure they probably kept and making sure they have what they need because children stay growing due to all the BS that y'all want to put in food. And then on top of all of that, you want me to send them to school where they have to do lockdown drills and the lockdown drills are not good enough, because the children are training themselves to die, and then God forbid my children dies, and then I got to pay for the funeral cost?
I don't know what's happening anymore this this feels like a paradox
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