#they've known each other for a loooong time
nagweon · 2 years
i've decided that in modern verse, byan & si-u share a room in the group home they both live in. they definitely have some issues but, because si-u doesn't snitch when byan comes home late, drinks, smokes, etc., it's still the most agreeable byan has ever been with a roommate.
the main reason si-u doesn't snitch is that he's afraid of what byan will do if he does. however, they do also share some of the snacks they steal with him, which is pretty decent encouragement to keep his mouth shut.
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anemolimne · 2 years
After watching the new episode of the anime and comparing it to how Twiyor's relationship evolved in the manga after that park moment, I honestly don't think Loid and Yor are in love with each other yet, but they're definitely on their way to it.
Yor truly admired Loid since the very beginning, because of the way he treats her and Anya, and because of how reliable he is. She thinks he's a handsome man, who also has a cute side of himself, and is obviously attracted by his appearance and personality, yet I wouldn't call it love, but something like a crush. Yor never felt this way for another person before (yeah, she loves Yuri and Anya, but this is a completely different case), she has zero experience in this "field" and they've known each other for a very short time, so I don't think such a strong emotion as romantic love would grow in the span of a few months, but a crush is entirely plausible.
Loid, on the other hand, has plenty of experience on honey traps and physical demonstrations of "love", but never had the chance to truly open up to another person, to just be himself instead of this persona that Twilight is, and he's starting to feel that he can do it with Yor. Even though his spy senses sometimes tell him that he should be suspicious of her, he feels guilty when he does so and, at the end of the day, he keeps trusting her and being thrown out of balance whenever he's in her presence. Yor does "things" to him that his spy trained mind still can't comprehend, because he's used to calculate and plan for everything and, for a change, she's the most unpredictable person he has ever met.
In the beginning of the story, both of them were known for being cold and distant, completely detached from the people around them, but now they have each other (and Anya) and it all feels so new, that it's probably very overwhelming. So they're slowly getting closer, relying on one another, and their relationship is starting to bloom, even though it's still very incipient.
In my opinion, the first one to actually fall in love with the other, will be Yor. Like I said before, it already looks like she has a crush on him (and that's one of the reasons why she was so desperate about losing him – and, consequently, their family – to Fiona), so I think this will naturally develop into a stronger feeling as the time passes, but she'll probably keep brushing it off, thinking that it's just her growing admiration for him messing with her heart, and she won't realize it until some major event happens in the story (like Loid getting very injured, for example).
But if Yor will fall first, Loid will fall harder and he'll realize it faster, being the overthinker that he is. He already showed in many instances that he's letting his true feelings seep out from beneath his calculated actions (as Fiona herself noticed, when she went to their house), that he misses Yor when she's absent, that he worries about her well-being (all for the mission! *coughs*), and that he's growing attached to his family, but since Yor has already rejected his "romantic advances", he'll probably think that she doesn't want anything with him and will try to supress his feelings for her as best as he can (with no success, because he'll eventually cave in and admit that he's irremediably in love with her).
I think Twiyor still has a loooong way to go, but this ship will sail, no matter what. I honestly can't picture another ending for them besides the one in wich they fall in love with each other and their fake family becomes a real one (unless Endo decides to take a sad route at the end of this journey, but I don't even want to think about it... ☠️).
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artanticaa · 4 months
in my head it was just that they never dare ask the name of who's in the photo and marc is solely known as "the small bastard" by everyone in the shop. and when they finally do meet him, bez is like "if you're a tattoo artist, why don't you have any tattoos?" and marc just shrugs and goes "i'm afraid of needles". although bonus for him having a 46 tattoo somewhere hidden (upper thigh?) that drives vale insane whenever he thinks of it and has him stabbing the photo with the dart very aggressively while everyone else is sat there like ... okay then. oh and pecco and bez doing their first proper tattoos once they've qualified or whatever on each other bc cute. there's more like plot and drama in my head lol, but it's all v self indulgent lol.
IM CRYING- no no “the small bastard” is literally perfect and i love that so much…
What i’ve come up with so far is basically marc has his own studio and vale hates it because marc is very into like his own one style and like “new” tattoo trends, so like UV tattoos and all that fun stuff… i’m thinking maybe marc apprenticed with Vale like a loooong time ago and then they had a big falling out
marc seems like he doesn’t have any tattoos but i like the idea that he has UV ones and they don’t show up until he goes like fucking black light mini golfing or something and then he’s glowing everywhere 😭
AND WITH PECCO AND BEZZ UR SO SPOT ON BRO- they DEFINITELY have atrocious stick and poke tattoos from when they were like 15 and once they get licensed they give a tattoo to each other ASAP HAHAHA
Somewhere between all of this i picture Bezz wandering into Marc’s shop one day not knowing it’s “the small bastard’s” and marc comes out of the back wearing like a mask and goggles because he’s laser removing someone’s tattoo (he offers that service) and has a whole conversation with Bezz without showing his face and Bezz LOVES him and comes back to get a tattoo and Marc’s face is showing and Bezz is like “oh my god it’s YOU🫵”
But again thank you so much for enjoying this💕
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red-rover-au · 2 years
So what is Tigerclaw's history? He's a yokai from Japan right? And not a mutant? Since the oozesquitos were released at the start of the story. And how did he get involved with the Foot Clan?
Tigerclaw actually is a mutant! In their earliest interactions, Draxum naturally assumed Tigerclaw was a yokai and they became friends. They also had a similar hatred towards humanity.
When Draxum found out Tigerclaw was a mutant, that's when his mutagen research began. They've known each other for a loooong time, I wish I had more opportunities to show their familiarity/give hints at their history in the fic itself, but at this point in the story they're rarely in the same room. I hoped the fact that Draxum trusts Tigerclaw to train his three sons inside a human dojo and chose Leo as leader based on his recommendation would at least give that impression.
As for how Tigerclaw got involved with the Foot Clan-
Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't think the 2012 series ever went into detail why the "greatest warrior in ALL of Asia" (all of it???? Fucking ALL of it??) dropped everything and came to the USA cuz Shredder wanted him to fight four turtles and a rat dude. Would love to hear that story. And he's not completely loyal or subordinate to Shredder either, since we see him disagree with Shredder's world threatening violence, so why is he following him??
The only thing I've decided is that Tigerclaw's willingness to work with the Foot Clan (for whatever reason he joined in the first place) despite hating humanity like Draxum does, comes from the fact that he used to be human himself. Draxum detests the Foot Clan and 100% plans to betray them at first opportunity, but through his friendship with Tigerclaw he's able to work with them for now
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nyaitsu-writes · 3 years
I HEARD FANTASY AU AND I CAME RUNNING. it's meee.. ♪ the one named after the ball of flames in the sky except im on main again. (・v・;) hi avid fantasy enjoyer. i also have like 30 (dark) fantasy au's. it's crazy it's like a job isnt it?!?
i have a proposal for rei's garderobe if you are accepting offers 🙏 ALSO CAN YOU. can
can you tell us about natsume and switch please if you thought about them. i beg of you ple
hi hiiii if it isn't my favourite star in the whole universe ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ i’m very much ready to read about those 30 dark fantasy aus,, i like dark fantasy <3 i just,, you can’t expect me not to turn every series i get into to a fantasy au with magic, royals and swords. i can’t. especially when there are so many unit concepts around knights and princes and monsters and... see it’s them, not me (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
i’m totally accepting offers for anything and everything here,, especially if it’s rei related. plus your taste in outfits is just so so good!! feel free to show <33
anyways welcome welcome please sit down and grab something to drink because i have MANY thoughts about natsume in this au.... many many thoughts
natsume is of course a full time magician! i mean. yeah. original aren't you nya ╰(*°▽°*)╯he lives in a little cottage in the middle of this dark and edgy forest people just avoid because bad vibes (tm). which is perfect for him! because he gets this cute little place aaaaall for himself and his research... no, not really sora lives with him but shhhh <3
anyways natsume,, talented as usual, socialization still isn’t his forte but who needs people when you have cats and magic? he’s happy as long as he gets to try new spells and learn all the secret magic he wants. he keeps mumbling over how he could actually overthrow eichi if he wanted to, that he should be grateful natsume has other things to work on or he’d be king already,, see, eichi doesn’t have a good relationship with the oddballs in this universe either~ so yeah natsume is our local extremely powerful (and grumpy) magician
aaaaand sora is a magician in training! he's seen what natsume's real magic looks like and he wants to do something like that, because he wants to make the world a better and happier place (❁´◡`❁) also, someone has to look after natsume or he'll forget to eat and sleep for a week straight when he's too absorbed by his work. sora is there to cheer him up and be the little voice of reason that takes the big alchemy books from his desk when it's waaaay past bed time. and natsume,, thinks a bit of sora like his little brother because i know natsume does this even in usual enstars and this is my au and switch is a family <3
together they run some sort of,, spells on demand place? as long as you have the money and don't ask for anything that contradicts natsume's morals (which are,, kind of interesting on its own) you might get the perfect magical solution for all your troubles! sora is the delivery boy in all of this, he runs from natsume's place to town all day long and also does a huge variety of odd jobs because natsume is as picky as ever when it comes to taking jobs and there are two people in this house. sora the little lifesaver that keeps them well fed ♪(´▽`)
now mugi! tsumugi is the royal librarian ehehe most people are surprised at how close he is to prince eichi but they've known each other for a loooong time so there's this kind of weird friendship/trust/strange relationship between them. anyways tsumugi is just,, so knowleadgeable about books. and about everything that's going on inside and outside the castle. he keeps tabs on everyone? how? i don't even know but he's friends with literally everyone you can think of. 
so that includes sora too! because he's such a cute boy of course tsumugi is friends with him! which means he is friends with natsume by default, the whole “friends of my friends are my friends”. natsume (as usual) doesn't quite agree with the whole friends part and won't hesitate to close the door on mugi's face every time he comes to visit, saying that if he even tries to push that door open he's going to curse him for the rest of his life and his next 6 lifes. it never works out though. mugi is,, very curse resistant, it seems ehehe
but yeah! sora takes tsumugi to have dinner with them at least once a week and it’s just,, switch being a little (fantasy) family together? in a tiny little cottage in the middle of nowhere? natsume keeps swearing tsumugi won’t come into their house ever again because his curse will definitely work this time but it just. never does. maaaaaybe because he isn’t putting his whole heart into it. so we just turn to the classics and get some little natsume violence. as a treat dfgdfg
i've just realized but. don't they give some howl moving castle vibes? i have a bit of a,, very strong passion for that movie.... the romance is so good... anyways do please imagine “dating natsume the magician” because i’ve already thought about it and (〃 ω 〃) i’m going to stop here before i turn this into a full length book ehehe
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seadolph · 3 years
Could you tell us more about each house, and which characters are in them ?
yes! so, some relevant au premise exposition: in this 'verse, some people, like Pokémon, have 'types' called affinities that allow them to manipulate the life-energy of the world. These affinities are usually passed down genetically, so certain families may be known for certain affinities. This means that families with similar affinities often group up together to form factions of aligned interests.
more under the cut, because this is loooong. using Ancient Sinnoh here, because idk if/how Legends Arceus & Hisui is going to fit.
The significance of Houses is that they used to be factions of power during Sinnoh's Golden Age - a period of time where most of the information passed down is half story, half myth, and like, an eighth of maybe actual artifacts and evidence, with another eighth of ancient historians adding their own versions of history. Of course, their power is greatly reduced in the modern day - and getting over run by other regions and various in-region strife multiple times in various bits of history doesn't really help either, but they often control key areas of industry that allow them to retain some sort of influence over the region.
also, these come with pictures! because I drew shields/crests for them last year. They’re not quite accurate anymore, but they work fine for now, so here goes.
the Imperial House of Ariste
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Credited with the unification of Sinnoh, the Imperial House of Ariste were said to be blessed by Arceus. The founders of House Ariste are (tentatively named) Calanthe and Albion, and their reign ushered in an era of innovation, prosperity, and peace (inwardly, at least) known as the Golden Age. House Ariste is First of the Circle, the governing body created by Albion to oversee the lands that were in their care. After their passing, their children tore Sinnoh apart in a bloody civil war (that became the topic of many adaptations, epics, plays, etc.) that continued after their deaths.
The original four three houses swore blood oaths of fealty to House Ariste. Highly influential, old money and steeped in tradition, with parts to play in the old stories. Legends say that in return for their oaths, they were granted weapons in defense of the empire.
House Prometheus
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Currently based in Hearthome City, House Prometheus is primarily made up of psychic affinities. Affiliated with the Lake Trio. Traditionally, they were Calanthe's left hand in stories, and the House said to be closest to House Ariste. Having won the hand of the crown prince, and then losing both the prince and the daughter promised to him to civil war, they've never forgotten that they almost had an empress on the throne. In stories, they're Keepers of the Red Chain - however, if that ever meant anything, there are no records of anything called or having the capabilities of the Red Chain in their archives. Most historians and members of the House are of the opinion that this may have been an ability lost to time, or just an elaborate title.
Known for their weaving, House Prometheus produces high-quality cloth and thread, and has a definitive stake in Sinnoh's textile industry.
Characters: Regulus, Andromeda, Orion, Sophia, Tiberius.
It's Complicated: Lucian, Will (Johto E4), Argenta (of the Battle Frontier), Caitlin (Unova E4), Altair, Tanith.
House Themis
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House Themis is based in Canalave City, and aligns themselves with Dialga. Compared to their fellow Houses, they retain the most influential power in modern day Sinnoh. A lot of their members sit in important places of Sinnoh's justice system, as well as in areas of education and knowledge. Metalwork (forging, smiths) and metal manufacturing also falls within their scope of investments. While primarily steel affinities, Aura users are a branching subsection of this House. House Themis also has significant connections and overlap with Clan Chthon (ground and rock), which is said to be an offshoot of the House.
Traditionally, House Themis was said to have been founded by a pair of twins that were Albion's right and left hands, helping him write legislation and uphold the laws. It's reasonable to assume that they were also behind much of Ancient Sinnoh's armour and weaponry. Recent research has also suggested that fighting affinities were also part of House Themis at founding, but at some point started detaching themselves from the House.
Characters: Riley, the librarian who runs the Canalave Library, the previous gym leader of Canalave, and a whole bunch of OCs I haven't gotten around to yet. Maybe Thorton, from the Battle Frontier.
It's Complicated: Byron, for reasons of honorary membership. Perhaps Professor Rowan.
House Gracidea
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House Gracidea holds Eterna City and Floaroma Town. Shaymin is their patron. Primarily grass and some flying affinities. As expected, House Gracidea makes up much of the agricultural industry in Sinnoh, although lately they've been threatened by the advent of mechanical farming. To offset that, they've expanded into the medical field and tourism, tending to gorgeous fields of flowers. Highly sensitive to Sinnoh's environmental issues. Traditionally known as Sinnoh's Breadbasket.
Characters: Gardenia, Cheryl, Mona, OCs I've yet to get around to.
the Fourth House
Sinnoh's Fourth House is lost to time. As far as historians and archaeologists can tell, their patron was Palkia, and the house was primarily made up of dragon affinities. Traditionally Calanthe's right hand, which suggests they made up quite a lot of Ancient Sinnoh's military might. This is backed up by records that their heir was promised to House Ariste's second-born. Whether or not they were the aggressors in the civil war that tore the Golden Age apart, it was clear that they sided with the second-born child, and were summarily either slaughtered or driven out of Sinnoh, their records destroyed and erased. Geneological records suggest that the majority of survivors ended up in Unova, near modern day Opelucid City.
Sinnoh has never really been enthused about dragon affinities since.
(You might be wondering: what about Giratina? Giratina was a universal spirit that everyone made offerings to, regardless of House or status. Giratina was associated with doorways and the next life - a psychopomp, there to guide souls back into the flow of the world's energy. The subject of a number of mystery cults, the most prominent being the one situated near Sendoff Spring, which exists to this day.)
Factions that came together during the Golden Age, they had important roles to play in Ancient Sinnoh, and were rewarded accordingly.
Clan Khione
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Primarily ice affinities, situated in Snowpoint City. Isolationist and proud, they're also highly spiritual and religious. Lake Acuity is in their keeping, as is the Snowpoint Temple. Historically, they were Ancient Sinnoh's consultants on all things spiritual and travelled all over, but pulled back to the safety of the mountains when discord arose.
Characters: Candice, Hale, Wren, Robin, Hayley, one OC that's likely to be the 3rd E4 under Eltan.
Clan Chthon
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Based in Oreburgh, Chthon is the richest of the factions due to their trade in precious gems and metals. They make up most of the mining (and coal) industry in Sinnoh. Ground and rock affinities. An offshoot of the clan is interested in applying their affinities to archaeology.
Characters: Roark, Byron, maybe Bertha.
Clan Triton
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Originally two separate factions of sailing merchants, Clan Triton is primarily water affinities. No particular base or city, but they have little pockets here and there, especially at major port towns. They continue to make up much of marine transport - everyone knows that Clan Triton is who you want running the boats.
Characters: OCs I've yet to get to. (Crasher Wake is not part of this faction.)
Epione Guild
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Formed in more modern times, the Epione Guild was founded by poison affinities, but has grown to much more. Dedicated to practicing medicine and healthcare, most of those in the healthcare field or have some amount of healing ability are members of the Guild. Lots of grass affinities in here as well - House Gracidea has lots of overlap, and funds some of their endeavors.
Characters: the Nurse Joys, the OCs I've get to get around to from House Gracidea.
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anditwentlikethis · 3 years
who do you think mason is closer to currently? rice or chilly
I mean just by looking at my blog you can see that I am 100% biased so I'm just gonna say Chilly because it fits my interests 😄
But looking at it neutrally I think probably Rice. They've been friends since they were children, they've known each other a long loooong time. So yeah I think Mason's probably closer to Rice.
However I will keep pushing my "Mason and Chilly are besties" agenda because they are currently my favorite bromance 😊
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
SwiftlyMoniquesBlog Holiday Masterlist - NOW OPEN! (Updated 11/28/22)
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Hello! This is my official Holiday themed Masterlist! Below, you will find all Holiday inspired fanfiction as we grow closer to each holiday! Just like my main masterlist, you will find a brief description of each story and their parings. Requests and the blog who sent them in will be listed as well accordingly. All fandoms are welcome as follows: 
Supernatural, Harry Potter, Marvel, Grey’s Anatomy
Again, NO SMUT will be written in ANY of my works so please, enjoy and send in requests!
Main Masterlist 
You Hate Halloween- Sam Winchester x Reader
Sam surprises the reader with pumpkin-themed date
Old Man- Dean Winchester x Reader
Hey M! It’s been a while so I’m asking anonymously for some dean fluff. I usually request Sammy boy but I’m feeling dean today. I haven’t been on for a LOOOONG time. Can it be fall or Halloween?
Safe House- Tom Felton x Reader (Holiday Series)
The holidays were the busiest time of the year at the Harrington Ski Resort. Hundreds of people from all over the world would come to your tiny town and stay at the resort, bringing families and sometimes even celebrities. Running the show on the front lines of the resort, employees were the face of their experience; hospitality was key. It was hectic and stressful and not for the faint of heart, but one guest manages to take the day-to-day routine and flip it on its rear end, taking down hearts along the way.
Tonight I’m Going to Unwrap You- Donnie Wahlberg
So, this is a little imagine I wrote up for a dear friend of mine, Jaelynn! She’s probably the biggest fan of New Kids on the Block I’ve ever met and because she loves Donnie the most and has met him on a few occasions, I thought I’d dedicate this to her!
A Christmas Like No Other - Sam Winchester x Reader (Requested)
Can we get a cutesy sam x reader like they've known each other a while and are very flirtatious with each other but she insists it's platonic even though they both like each other? I think it's cute and I'd write one but nursing school doesn't give me time thanks love your account!
You and Me at Christmas Time- Tom Holland x Reader (Requested)
Heya friend! I hope your week is treating you well! I was in class and thinking about your Tom Holland story and I was wondering if I could request a Tom Holland one? If so, I would love to see a Tom x Reader where they are in a secret relationship because shes average (lol I’m original… not) but he doesn’t want to be any more or honestly anything fluffy.
What Christmas Means to Me- Dean Winchester x Reader
The holiday season 2020 was abnormal than usual and no one knew how to go about celebrating safely. But for some, that meant that the holidays should not be celebrated at all. However, when one Winchester decides that is not acceptable, how will he change the way of celebrating the holidays and reminding everyone that even during uncertainty, you can still enjoy lives most precious moments. 
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hereisisa · 4 years
(1/2) I just finished reading FoS and came up with a random thought. Considering the bad characterization of the whole trio (both in the movie and in the book - it's been 3 years they've known each other, c'mon!), it would make SO MUCH sense for F2 to take place right after the first movie. A's abandonment issues and craving for E's attention, not comletely trusting K's feelings towards her... E doing her stuff regardless of A's feelings, as she's so unused to have someone by her side...
(2/2) And we wouldn't get KA engagement because it would be too soon! AND the fact E 'just' begins to hear that voice and 'just' creates the permafrost for Olaf - now that she's not hiding anymore and has time for such things, and can focus on them - after The Great Thaw (because what was happening in the span of 3 years then?). But maybe F2 was set 3 years after the first movie just for the sake of having A come of age and make an excuse for making her the queen? E was crowned at 21, too...
You’re making a lot of sense!
Yes, considering how they’re written...yeah. The only thing that made me say more time has passed is how close Elsa and Anna are, how Anna seems to know a lot about Elsa (details), but they could have spent a week or 2 together and achieve that kind of closeness, considering they’ve been apart for so long.
But the Elsa we saw in F2? Definitely. Yes.
I think the 3 years happened because they had to make Anna a little bit older to be engaged and because they wanted to give the illusion they lived their happy life for a “loooong” time and now it’s time to end it.
Fuck it.
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exposingsmgask · 7 years
to the person asking if jenna joseph and Tyler joseph (from twenty one pilots) are PR. NO. they have known each other for a loooong time and they've been a couple for almost as long. and they started getting recognition in the mainstream only around 2015 when blurryface came out. so that would make no sense. plus the point of pr is to bring the other one more recognition and relevancy that means ty should've been very famous when they started dating.
Very true. I don't think they're PR at all
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